Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) 1909-12-07 [p...

The Interior Journal Eo c WALTON WE see from an interview given out by Congressman Harvey Helm on hia return to Washington that he will in ¬ troduce bills for the erection of public buildings at the following towns in his district Shelbyvillc Lancaster and Uarrodsburg running from 100000 for Shelbyville to smaller appropriations for the other two named towns As the Lancaster postoflice receipts are not as large as Stanfords by several thousand dollars and Stanfords about the same as Harrodsburg the INTERIOR JOUR ¬ NAL would like to know if Stanford < the home of CongraesmanlHelm is not a part of the Eighth Congressional dis ¬ trict and entitled to fair consideration at that gentlemans hands from a pub lie building standpoint We aro for tho upbuilding of Stanford and for the betterment of Lincoln countY and we- t proposo in the future as well as in the past to continue to preach that doc- trine ¬ to the best people that God ever let the sun shine upon We have plen ¬ ty of beautiful sites especially the old Seminary grounds onMain Street to locate a handsome structure upon which in the days to come we can point to with pardonable pride and which r would put a loyal constituency under lasting obligations to the one who caus ¬ ed it to be erectedin one of the best towns on the map and eplendid officials officials to occupyj It When Senator James B McCreary of Richmond was in Congress among other of bis good traits was the fact that he was ever loyal to his home people first which endeared him to their hearts always He had placed in that beautiful city a public building at a cost of 125000 or more and it willjever be a monument to his memory when he has crossed over the river to restfunder the shade of the trees We would like to know why Stanfordt is not deserving of a beautiful publicbuilding that would in evary way be commensurate with our little city her High School building and the handsome new 35000 courthouse which is now nearing completion We wo lld not pluck from the brows of any of the above towns any laurels they de ¬ serve but we would crown Stanford with that wreath of gold she is so just ¬ ly entitled tojwear How about it Mr Congressman IN his annual report Secretary of Ag ¬ riculture WHsonJshows how the con tuner has been Rouged by the meat sellers but hisjstatement was unneces ¬ sary in face of the fact that Armour Co alone made a gross profit for the year of 10582000 on a capital stock of 2oooOOO and a net dividend of 35 per cent The packers committee recent ¬ ly made the statement that the packer being obliged to pay a higher price for live stock passed on the additional cost to the dealer who nturn shifted it to the consumer Even this falls to ac ¬ count for the increase in two years of 5 a barrel forlmessjbeif The concern that makes 35 percent oil its patrons can only do so by tho rankest extortion Whats the matter withjgiving the beef trust a taste of the Standard Oil medl ¬ doe KENTUCKY is noted forjother things besides blue grassland pretty women and fast horses She leadslall the oth ¬ er States in tobacco growing producing more than one third of the crop of this country and oneninth of the entire crop of the world Some tobacco is pro ¬ duced in almost every US tate but less than one per cent ofthocountrys crop is grown west of the Mississippi river Texas is the only transMississippi Stato in which the industry hasgained much importance Thelargestcrop of to- bacco ever raisedwasthisyear More than 50000000 pounds oflciuar tobacco and tour times that quantity of other kinds of tobacco is the estimate of the ajrriculturalldepartment A WASHINGTON dispatch says that Attorney Lewis L Walker of Lancas ¬ ter has been agreed on for district at ¬ torney of the Easternldietrict of Ken ¬ tucky and that Sawyer Smith of Bar bourville will be his assistant We ob ¬ ject to the I tterproposi lon seriously as we want to seeiHon George M Da vison of thlsplace retain his present position His record in office has been clean andlhe is in every way fitted for the place We hope the Department of Justice will retain the clever assistant district attorney from Lincoln county KENTUCKY ranks third in the list of Internal Revenue payments with Jill nois first and New York second In the total of 24621271922 Kentucky contributed 2813042034 which is only 400000 less than Now York There was a decrease of over five and a half millions in the revenue due in large taeasure to the prohibition mov- ement ¬ Beer production also decreased inf ¬ have stimulants of some kindat least they seem to think so A NEW YORK multimillionaire gave the man whq saved him from drown ¬ ing 5000 In this valuation of him ¬ self the gentleman displays little of the characteristics of Harry K Thaw who was decided by the court to suffer exaggerated ¬ lh sit r TUB family residence at Washington of John G Carlisle ecretary of the Treasury under CleveftBd twas at ¬ tachedbyen United States marshal for a claim of 2335 for diamonds and other jewelry The itemized list in ¬ cludes a threestone diamond ring and a soltaire diamond valued at 1200 another diamond ring 500 a ruby and diamond ring 200 another diamond ring 275 gold and diamond links 150 and a string of gold beads 60 The question naturally arises what did Mr Carlisle want with so much jewel ¬ ry and why with his salary then and large law practice since he doesnt pay for it FEARING trade with Canada some of the leading Congressmen will try to have the tariff on wood pulp and print paper modified as soon as Congress meets If the lawmakers had been as sensible as they seem to have been anxious to put a tariff on knowledge they would have obviated the danger in the first place SENATOR R L HUBBLE will duce a bill in the next Legislature tak- Ing ¬ Casey county out of the 11th dis ¬ trict and putting It in the 8th district thereby giving the gallant and fight ¬ ing democrats of Casey a chance to be factors in Kentucky politics It is a good bill and we hope the Senator will be able to pass it THE farmer is nearly always Inde- pendent ¬ but this year each one of them I is a king Secretary Wilson in his an ¬ nual report says that this years crop is worth 8760000000 a gain over 1908 of 869000000 Everything the farmer has to sell is in demand at higher prices than ever Who wouldnt be a farmer if he could TOE Louisville Herald has reduced to one cent a copy a decided Innovation- In newipaperdom at the Fall City A pa- per ¬ like the Herald can not be produc ¬ ed for a cent and it is foolish to sell i at that price We have heard of no one kicking on the price of newspapers They are certainly cheap enough now IN Missouri a pistol toter was sentenced to two years in the peni ¬ tentiary under the new law making it a felony to carry one That is a pretty stringent law but when it is considered that mbst men who carry pistols have murder in their hearts i is not too severe A ST Louis jury broke the will of millionaire because it was proved tha he took five drinks before making it Unless he was mighty used to It we should say as a matter of fact that he was not capable of proper distributio- of so much money WE have just made a pleasant dis ¬ covery Fiftythree pay days in 1910 says the Louisville Times This is evi- dently from the hired editors stand ¬ point The buss is certainly not going in raptures over it GERTRUDE ATHERTON the novelist says she would rather go tn hell than to Chicago It would doubtless be the same to her if Christ should come and order all to the lower place who belong there ARMOUR Co earned 7126924 net on its 20000000 capital stock during the year closed Nov 1 n profit of 35 per cent No wonder meat stuffs are high and still advancing PRESIDENT TAFTS message to Con- gress which convened yesterday forms perhaps the most vital and interesting source of news in the United States during the present week A SCHOOL for husbands with a course in hooking dresses up the back is pro posed It might be a good idea if the masculine fingers could be made not to act as all thumbsC- RANBERRIES are the cheapest things on the market Those who can not af- ford turkey can make a show at a part of the necessaries at any rate I A NEW YORK man got an injunction against his wife for incessant talking over the telephone Most husbands would do the same thing if they dared to POLE Senator W 0 Coleman of Henry I county has withdrawn from the race for prison commissioner Gov John F Shafrotb of Colorado in a speech at New York before the Equal Franchise League said woman suffrage has proved a success in Colo ¬ rado and predicted that it would be¬ come universal in the United States Representative Ransdell of Louise ¬ ana president of the National Rivers and Harbors Congress which meets at Washington next Wednesday conferred with thePresident about the speech the Chief Executive will make upon the opening of the Congress R L McCormick the richest man in Tacoma Wash wants to succeed Senator Piles as he prides himself on being a selfmade man and on the fact that he never has had on a necktie Those are two points against him The selfmade man is too often proud of the job and the other claim makes him fill the bill of what Sut Loving hood would call a natural born darn fool Auctioneer I to the I ofL1n catncountyaanauctioneerHUefaetlon MorelanI FOR SALE I Dover Hotel at Crab Orchard alto toro ¬ room meetacrosstreetwithpostonce ndi 10lninIC and a or room All necessary outbuilding MIUJOUHTIHC1OVBR Crab Orchard Ky FARM FOR RENT I Iy farm of ISO acres 70 of which It cleared land Is for rent 29 acre are CUIUaUOnicorn Bchool district Ha dwelling of six rooms two stone chimney two tiro stock born and tobacco and other outbuild- ings ¬ W M MOKPHT King MountalnKy IYO Ruy ol end S FethenTaDdrwEssswexCiaseasCobden Witt Ginger eta WIN dealers hsUseeeturyiae seed cr toaauaeo raCTcWu R ftrttK say DuVa LeuiniBc Write roe TtUy price lie tnd tlaptisa Ud- R Sabbl dl Sons 229 E Market St LOUISVILLE Kr Commissioners Sale I Lincoln Circuit Court In obedience to a Judgment of tho IAn ¬ NovomIber will on MONDAYDEO13 1W In front of the new court house In Htan ford my at about I oclock P M otter for sale at public outcry to the highest and best bidder on a credit of six months a house and lot near the depot In Crab Orchard Lin ¬ coin county Ky bounded thugs Begin- ning at a tone In the edge of the pike near where stock scale In of road late ¬ WI thence with her line N to lot of Jos Pleas ¬ antr thence tald line to H with line of said pike to beginning containing oft something over an acre quired to execute bond for the sale price payable to the commissioner bearing cent Interest from date ot sale paid having the force and effect of a Judgment and secured by JnPAXTON3IOL00 lien on the property PI Mcltob rts Atty for Plain- tiffCommissioners Sale I Lincoln Circuit Court In obedience of the Lincoln circuit court rendered at the November EMaydoaesothet undersigned commissioner will on MONDAY DEO 13 IIWI at about 1 p xln front of the courthouse pUblic undivided 3 f Interest of J T Jonecblldnm- In the tract of land near OlllledgevlllllIn Lincoln county K by the Danville A Ilustonvllle turnpike on the North by the county rood the land of oren Hifu des on the Boutli by the lands of- MrsMnryJohnan and H Newell the whole tract containing 7e acres The object of the sale is for reinvestment TKHMrt The sale will bo made on a credit of six months bond with good security for the purchase price will be required of the purchaser payable to the commissioner 0 per cent Interest from date of sale until puld having the force end effect of a Judgment and secured by lien on the Inter ¬ est sold J n PAXTON DL O LCO KH Alcorn Atty for Plaint- iffCOMMISSIONERS SALE Lincoln Circuit Court Pursuant to a Judgment of the Lincoln circuit court rendered nt tho November termluNlnthe action of isles Annie K Dunn Ac against Mrs P M Dunn Heirs Ac the undersigned commissioner will on MONDAY DKO IS 1909 In front of the court house door In titan lord K offer for sale at publlo auction to I the highest and best bidder the house and lot on Danville Street In Htanford Lincoln county Ky described Jleglnnlug at I a stake In tine East edge of the Llanville pike corner to lot of J8 with I that line on Eastward course about JCI feet to the line of MD lmorojtbencoRNonb 1 ward course with his thence with his line a Westward roans aw feet to East edge of Danvlllo pike thence with Last edge of same 75 feet to the begin ¬ ningThe object of the sale la to satisfy tho debts of Miss Annie K Dunu for I1 2Scfj with 0 per cent Interest from March lfflI credited by > paid Jan lltrsN and or Mn Lou W Embry for f L3UL8 with o per centI Interest from larch 8 inns credited by IMO paid Jan115e4 against the estate of Mrs J1lIl Dunn nnd the cost of the said action TKKMB The gale will be made on credits of Ilx nnd IX month In equal installments bond with good security for the purchase pable interest front date of sale until paid having the force and effect of a Judgment and se- cured by lien J n IAXTON M O L OO K 8 Alcorn Atty for Plaintiffs POSTED strictlyforbid passing on our place and will prosecute vi- olators ¬ to the full extent of the law RelchenbachBrosFredilaumana Lllburn Ooocb NII Plummer 0NunnelleyJ JBBruce David Stevens John Oamenlacb WmOordler Dan Traylor M D Klmore OotllbOllck Fred Hondorf JThompion DMAnderson J FMoaer Mr and Mrs 111 Kada A Ktbaaa Mr N1 Horton LoganW Rev Father Leo Dr G GIerr BaughmanUrah Mrs Margare Jacob VUTraylorSam JllofmannE Lplarner Mrs J It Owsloy M J Morgan 11 L F n WRtklnJUHundleY Mrs Nannie It Good C K McOluro Anderson Oarr Anton Itoneckcr WM Dlshon Fred VonGruenlgan T L lluughman Mrs Ador UnrpellterV John HIee D Bovlera JlerrlllW Alex Cooper J Nevin Garter WelchILOAndersou Uus Qelizl T A hire OamenlacbJamol8mlth PAY Carter A L Carter U W Gaines J L Holtxcluw WInrlmell I WhiteJdlu i n NtHM If Applltatrtn f tr P rirti rteI James Hi I was convicted at the Juno term IVuT of the Lincoln circuit court ot the murder of Milton te will ark the governor for wpardon and nil who object wrnIIn Lincoln Circuit Court I Ai directed by a Judgment of the Lincoln circuit court rendered at the term ItM In the action of the NOCllllltrI Trust Co Quardlan aagninit I Hoed Ao the undersigned will on HXWI hottse I I pubI a credit of six months the tract of land about T idles from tUuntord In Lincoln county Ky till Stanford yaynesburg pike bounded thus Beginning at a chest- nut near Hutchisons sch olhoue ithenctt Hiv W 2 poles III ltnkH6tr fW a poles IS K 4rim E N I 44H K T pole li links to where two white oaks and sugar trto stood B 40 S K 48 poles I so link to white oak D llutcuUonn corner N67HKVO neanIIIIIs to stoupY corllerto N 45 I poplar on old corner at 81 lee llIlIokln all- r polfS 10 link to Mono Hills corner N 7II W II pole to white oak Hllcornr on East ildeof pike with sane H US K t1 poles U link to Itnko In front of house H Si W rd pole IT link to the beginning containing to acre and no pole more orless save and except one acre heretofore deeded to School District No 83 The object of sale Is for n division of the proceed purChlorbtlIrlng judgment ayableto tbecolllmiulontrnnd cuml by lien on the land I J II PAXTON HO L Or 0 O n Florence Atty for llnin- tiffCommissioners I Sale 1 Lincoln Circuit Cour- tAsdlrectedbysjudgmentof I the Lincoln circuit court rendered at the November terns 1809 In the case of against Viola Ooocb to the undersigned- comnslssionerwill on- MONDAY DEC1311W county Court day ot about 1 P MM In front of the court house door In Stanford Ky I offer for ale at public outcry to the highest land best bidder on a credit of six mouths countyKy ginning In the center of street corner to I poleIInkl his 4 line N HKT poles II links to corner on same thence H WJJ W M voles to the center of the street t thence with center ot street H 6 W T poles 23 links to the beginning contalu1nll acre J rood and S7 poles byIsnacUlbsonproparty vllloA lluitonvllle turnpike road on the West by W 01 HAndldge and on the Houtb by Knitna Owsley containing tour acres separately The object of the sale is to satisfy tho In- deblcdnllSl ¬ of George hooch deceased The purchasers will bo required tovxeeute bonds with good security for the purchase bearingepercentlnterest I paid having the force and effect of n went and secured by lien on property sold J n PAXTON M O L 00 KH Alcorn Atty for Plain- tiffCommissioners Sale I Lincoln Circuit Court InolKdlence to a Judgment ol the Lln coin circuit court rendered at time Novem ¬ Jlryndmr ¬ dersigned commissioner will on MONDAY DEC IS 1M 9 county court dny at about I p M In front of the now court house In Stanford Ky offer for sale at public outcry to the highest and best bidder on a credit of six months the boue and lot near Htanford In Lincoln county the East side of tho Dan- ville a Slanlord turnpike bounded on the West by said lilke on the North and Kast by tho land of John IlrlRhti on the Houth b the land of W II 1111 containing W voles and known as the old tollgateprop ertyjTh object of the ale U to pay the InI debtedneiof Mrs Mary II Bryan and dl vide thervmalnder among her heir at law The purchaser will be required to execute bond for the purchase commissioner due In six monthbearings per cent Interest from ditto of sale untilI having the force and effect of a meal and Secured bTlien on tho property sold The shares infants Loraine ToUen and Vera ToUen will retrain n lien on the property until they attain the age of 21 Unless guardian I the mean tune execute the bond required by the Civil Code Jll PAXTON MC LOU O B Bauflcy Atty for Ijalnt- lffsCommissioners Sale I Lincoln Circuit Court Itiobeillenco of the Lincoln circuit court rendered at the November XtallngUunrdlnnt lc the unden gned commissioner 111 on MONDAY DEC IJllM at about 1 P 1In front of the court house putIle ¬ n credit of ilx months an undivided 111 In ¬ terest In the following lauds on the waters qf Lick brunch of lunging Fork In Lin ¬ coln county Ky 1 A tract bounded on tho East by tho land of Alfred Him sons imam on the West by the lnndeof II nKolhlrlneAdorall1 Vovl- dKenlltCllon tho North by the land of Al ¬ on the bout by tho county road 2 A tract of land bounded by the land of Mrs Kntherlne Ador and others more par ¬ ticularly described In the petition which la referred to for n description givebonds price payable to time commissioner until Clper cent Interest from date of sale having the forco and effect of a Judg ¬ mend and secured by lien on the property- sold J II IAXTONM0Ltu- K B Alcorn Atty for Plain- tiffCommissioners Sale I Lincoln Circuit Court WpsMoreland In obedience to n Judgment rendered In the above styled court and action at the No ¬ vember tern dub the undersigned commli stoner will at about 1 f x on MONDAY DEC IS 1 OI In front of tbo court house door in Btanford Kyoiderfor sale nt public outcry to the highest and best bidder on a credit of months tho onehalf of an undivided 1 remainder subject to the life estate of Jlr M W Moroland In n tract of 100 acres land on tho water of the Hanging Fork i Lincoln county Ky on tho Nort- by the land of A v Carpenter on the B by the Hnumel helm lands on the Writ by bsYthelnnd Hill land tlnlntilt o percent Interest from Juno IS 1800 until paid and the costs glvObond i hennaqSpercent having the force and effect of a Judg mend and seourtd by lieu FPOBDITTBpeotaOommh ioa4r- IIj1 h ol I 0n J QIVN FR1 I ++++ + + + ++ + + + +++4 +++++++ + + Ullman Co i Ii of Chicago 9 j l One of the best tailoring houses in the coun ¬ try have placed their line with me for next Spring and in order to show you their supe ¬ prior workmanship and material they have forwarded me a large selection of l Suitings and Overcoats I I r 0 for immediate use and with each order for a Suit or Overcoat at 20 or more we areA going to GIVE YOU a beautiful Fancy Vest worth You make your own selection from any of their large line of fancy vests Our usual guarantee goes out with these or ¬ ders A PERFECT FIT or NO SALE This offer is for business to Christmas day i i H J McROBRTS 1 STANFORD I KENTUCKY Mall abl CEeataggEgEaEerEm fao L Penny it II Colby E n Coleman m mm r fam e r it m Strength It is Especially Useful For Persistent Coughs and Colds H Soldunder a Guaran ¬ I Im I ri1BB ei6 if6a0lssldseBfeJB Bt eifsrEIR 11 I I I Oklahoma Land Sale rwf i One million six hundred thousand acres of valuable fauni and grazing laud belonging to the State of will be divided into fauns of one hundred and sixty acres eachand sold to the highest bidder on easy terms continuesfor i at prices ranging from 800 to 3400 per acre average appraised value of the grazing land Is Thej 250 per ac- reReduced Railroad Fares Via THE HENDERSON ROUTE to all points in Oklahoma w eachmonth tllcsetickets section or portion of the State and the return trip thru another For Informationr r I also the terms of purchase pay I went mid full description of the farm lands Write R F PENN T P Aor J P GARDNER G P Ata J The Ht J I IPPISYUIBJCT 1 r c ti

Transcript of Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) 1909-12-07 [p...

Page 1: Interior journal (Stanford, Ky. : 1905). (Stanford, KY) 1909-12-07 [p ] · 2013-06-15 · Commissioners Sale I Lincoln Circuit Court NovomIberIn

The Interior JournalEo c WALTON

WE see from an interview given outby Congressman Harvey Helm on hiareturn to Washington that he will in ¬

troduce bills for the erection of publicbuildings at the following towns in hisdistrict Shelbyvillc Lancaster andUarrodsburg running from 100000 forShelbyville to smaller appropriationsfor the other two named towns As theLancaster postoflice receipts are not aslarge as Stanfords by several thousanddollars and Stanfords about the sameas Harrodsburg the INTERIOR JOUR ¬

NAL would like to know if Stanford<

the home of CongraesmanlHelm is nota part of the Eighth Congressional dis ¬

trict and entitled to fair considerationat that gentlemans hands from a publie building standpoint We aro fortho upbuilding of Stanford and for thebetterment of Lincoln countY and we-

t proposo in the future as well as in thepast to continue to preach that doc-


to the best people that God everlet the sun shine upon We have plen ¬

ty of beautiful sites especially the oldSeminary grounds onMain Street tolocate a handsome structure uponwhich in the days to come we can pointto with pardonable pride and which

r would put a loyal constituency underlasting obligations to the one who caus ¬

ed it to be erectedin one of the besttowns on the map and eplendid officialsofficials to occupyj It When SenatorJames B McCreary of Richmond wasin Congress among other of bis goodtraits was the fact that he was everloyal to his home people first whichendeared him to their hearts alwaysHe had placed in that beautiful city apublic building at a cost of 125000 ormore and it willjever be a monumentto his memory when he has crossedover the river to restfunder the shadeof the trees We would like to knowwhy Stanfordt is not deserving of abeautiful publicbuilding that would inevary way be commensurate with ourlittle city her High School building andthe handsome new 35000 courthousewhich is now nearing completion Wewo lld not pluck from the brows of anyof the above towns any laurels they de¬

serve but we would crown Stanfordwith that wreath of gold she is so just ¬

ly entitled tojwear How about it MrCongressman

IN his annual report Secretary of Ag ¬

riculture WHsonJshows how the con

tuner has been Rouged by the meatsellers but hisjstatement was unneces ¬

sary in face of the fact that ArmourCo alone made a gross profit for theyear of 10582000 on a capital stock of

2oooOOO and a net dividend of 35 percent The packers committee recent ¬

ly made the statement that the packerbeing obliged to pay a higher price forlive stock passed on the additional costto the dealer who nturn shifted it tothe consumer Even this falls to ac ¬

count for the increase in two years of5 a barrel forlmessjbeif The concernthat makes 35 percent oil its patronscan only do so by tho rankest extortionWhats the matter withjgiving the beeftrust a taste of the Standard Oil medl ¬


KENTUCKY is noted forjother thingsbesides blue grassland pretty womenand fast horses She leadslall the oth ¬

er States in tobacco growing producingmore than one third of the crop of thiscountry and oneninth of the entirecrop of the world Some tobacco is pro ¬

duced in almost every US tate but lessthan one per cent ofthocountrys cropis grown west of the Mississippi riverTexas is the only transMississippi Statoin which the industry hasgained muchimportance Thelargestcrop of to-bacco ever raisedwasthisyear Morethan 50000000 pounds oflciuar tobaccoand tour times that quantity of otherkinds of tobacco is the estimate of theajrriculturalldepartment

A WASHINGTON dispatch says thatAttorney Lewis L Walker of Lancas ¬

ter has been agreed on for district at ¬

torney of the Easternldietrict of Ken ¬

tucky and that Sawyer Smith of Barbourville will be his assistant We ob¬

ject to the Itterproposi lon seriouslyas we want to seeiHon George M Davison of thlsplace retain his presentposition His record in office has beenclean andlhe is in every way fitted forthe place We hope the Department ofJustice will retain the clever assistantdistrict attorney from Lincoln county

KENTUCKY ranks third in the list ofInternal Revenue payments with Jillnois first and New York second Inthe total of 24621271922 Kentuckycontributed 2813042034 which isonly 400000 less than Now YorkThere was a decrease of over five anda half millions in the revenue due inlarge taeasure to the prohibition mov-ement


Beer production also decreasedinf ¬

have stimulants of some kindat leastthey seem to think so

A NEW YORK multimillionaire gavethe man whq saved him from drown ¬

ing 5000 In this valuation of him ¬

self the gentleman displays little ofthe characteristics of Harry K Thawwho was decided by the court to sufferexaggerated ¬

lh sit r

TUB family residence at Washingtonof John G Carlisle ecretary of theTreasury under CleveftBd twas at¬

tachedbyen United States marshalfor a claim of 2335 for diamonds andother jewelry The itemized list in ¬

cludes a threestone diamond ring anda soltaire diamond valued at 1200another diamond ring 500 a ruby anddiamond ring 200 another diamondring 275 gold and diamond links

150 and a string of gold beads 60The question naturally arises what didMr Carlisle want with so much jewel ¬

ry and why with his salary then andlarge law practice since he doesnt payfor it

FEARING tradewith Canadasome of the leading Congressmen willtry to have the tariff on wood pulpand print paper modified as soon asCongress meets If the lawmakershad been as sensible as they seem tohave been anxious to put a tariff onknowledge they would have obviatedthe danger in the first place

SENATOR R L HUBBLE willduce a bill in the next Legislature tak-Ing


Casey county out of the 11th dis ¬

trict and putting It in the 8th districtthereby giving the gallant and fight ¬

ing democrats of Casey a chance to befactors in Kentucky politics It is agood bill and we hope the Senator willbe able to pass it

THE farmer is nearly always Inde-


but this year each one of them I

is a king Secretary Wilson in his an ¬

nual report says that this years cropis worth 8760000000 a gain over 1908of 869000000 Everything the farmerhas to sell is in demand at higher pricesthan ever Who wouldnt be a farmerif he could

TOE Louisville Herald has reduced toone cent a copy a decided Innovation-In newipaperdom at the Fall City A pa-


like the Herald can not be produc ¬

ed for a cent and it is foolish to sell i

at that price We have heard of noone kicking on the price of newspapersThey are certainly cheap enough now

IN Missouri a pistol toter wassentenced to two years in the peni ¬

tentiary under the new law makingit a felony to carry one That is apretty stringent law but when it isconsidered that mbst men who carrypistols have murder in their hearts i

is not too severe

A ST Louis jury broke the will ofmillionaire because it was proved thahe took five drinks before making itUnless he was mighty used to It weshould say as a matter of fact that hewas not capable of proper distributio-of so much money

WE have just made a pleasant dis¬

covery Fiftythree pay days in 1910

says the Louisville Times This is evi-dently from the hired editors stand ¬

point The buss is certainly not goingin raptures over it

GERTRUDE ATHERTON the novelistsays she would rather go tn hell thanto Chicago It would doubtless be thesame to her if Christ should come andorder all to the lower place who belongthere

ARMOUR Co earned 7126924 neton its 20000000 capital stock duringthe year closed Nov 1 n profit of 35per cent No wonder meat stuffs arehigh and still advancing

PRESIDENT TAFTS message to Con-

gress which convened yesterday formsperhaps the most vital and interestingsource of news in the United Statesduring the present week

A SCHOOL for husbands with a coursein hooking dresses up the back is proposed It might be a good idea if themasculine fingers could be made not toact as all thumbsC-

RANBERRIES are the cheapest thingson the market Those who can not af-

ford turkey can make a show at a partof the necessaries at any rate


A NEW YORK man got an injunctionagainst his wife for incessant talkingover the telephone Most husbands woulddo the same thing if they dared to

POLESenator W 0 Coleman of Henry I

county has withdrawn from the racefor prison commissioner

Gov John F Shafrotb of Coloradoin a speech at New York before theEqual Franchise League said womansuffrage has proved a success in Colo ¬

rado and predicted that it would be¬

come universal in the United StatesRepresentative Ransdell of Louise ¬

ana president of the National Riversand Harbors Congress which meets atWashington next Wednesday conferredwith thePresident about the speech theChief Executive will make upon theopening of the Congress

R L McCormick the richest manin Tacoma Wash wants to succeedSenator Piles as he prides himself onbeing a selfmade man and on the factthat he never has had on a necktieThose are two points against himThe selfmade man is too often proudof the job and the other claim makeshim fill the bill of what Sut Lovinghood would call a natural born darnfool

Auctioneer I

to the I ofL1ncatncountyaanauctioneerHUefaetlon


Dover Hotel at Crab Orchard alto toro ¬

room meetacrosstreetwithpostonce ndi10lninIC and a orroom All necessary outbuilding



Iy farm of ISO acres 70 of which It clearedland Is for rent 29 acre are

CUIUaUOnicornBchool district Ha dwelling of six roomstwo stone chimney two tiro stockborn and tobacco and other outbuild-ings


W M MOKPHT King MountalnKy





Witt Ginger eta WIN dealershsUseeeturyiaeseed cr toaauaeo raCTcWu R ftrttKsay DuVa LeuiniBc Write roe TtUyprice lie tnd tlaptisa Ud-

R Sabbl dl Sons229 E Market St LOUISVILLE Kr

Commissioners Sale I

Lincoln Circuit Court

In obedience to a Judgment of tho IAn ¬

NovomIberwill on


In front of the new court house In Htanford my at about I oclock P M otter forsale at public outcry to the highest and bestbidder on a credit of six months a houseand lot near the depot In Crab Orchard Lin ¬

coin county Ky bounded thugs Begin-ning at a tone In the edge of the pike nearwhere stock scale In of road late ¬WIthence with her line N to lot of Jos Pleas ¬

antr thence tald line to H withline of said pike to beginning containingoftsomething over an acre

quired to execute bond for the sale pricepayable to the commissioner bearingcent Interest from date ot sale paidhaving the force and effect of a Judgmentand secured by

JnPAXTON3IOL00lien on the property

PI Mcltob rts Atty for Plain-

tiffCommissioners Sale I

Lincoln Circuit Court

In obedience of the Lincolncircuit court rendered at the November

EMaydoaesothetundersigned commissioner will onMONDAY DEO 13 IIWI

at about 1 p xln front of the courthousepUblicundivided 3f Interest of J T Jonecblldnm-In the tract of land near OlllledgevlllllInLincoln county Kby the Danville A Ilustonvllle turnpike onthe North by the county rood the land oforenHifu des on the Boutli by the lands of-MrsMnryJohnan and H Newell thewhole tract containing 7e acres

The object of the sale is for reinvestmentTKHMrt The sale will bo made on a credit

of six months bond with good security forthe purchase price will be required of thepurchaser payable to the commissioner

0 per cent Interest from date of saleuntil puld having the force end effect of aJudgment and secured by lien on the Inter ¬

est soldJ n PAXTON DL O LCO

KH Alcorn Atty for Plaint-

iffCOMMISSIONERS SALELincoln Circuit Court

Pursuant to a Judgment of the Lincolncircuit court rendered nt tho NovembertermluNlnthe action of isles Annie KDunn Ac against Mrs P M Dunn HeirsAc the undersigned commissioner will on


In front of the court house door In titanlord K offer for sale at publlo auction to I

the highest and best bidder the house andlot on Danville Street In Htanford Lincolncounty Ky described Jleglnnlug at I

a stake In tine East edge of the Llanvillepike corner to lot of J8 with I

that line on Eastward course about JCI feetto the line of MD lmorojtbencoRNonb 1

ward course with histhence with his line a Westward roans awfeet to East edge of Danvlllo pike thencewith Last edge of same 75 feet to the begin ¬

ningThe object of the sale la to satisfy thodebts of Miss Annie K Dunu for I1 2Scfjwith 0 per cent Interest from March lfflIcredited by > paid Jan lltrsN and or MnLou W Embry for f L3UL8 with o per centIInterest from larch 8 inns credited by IMOpaid Jan115e4 against the estate of MrsJ1lIl Dunn nnd the cost of the said action

TKKMB The gale will be made on creditsof Ilx nnd IX month In equal installmentsbond with good security for the purchasepableinterest front date of sale until paid havingthe force and effect of a Judgment and se-cured by lien

J n IAXTON M O L OOK 8 Alcorn Atty for Plaintiffs

POSTEDstrictlyforbidpassing on our place and will prosecute vi-olators


to the full extent of the law

RelchenbachBrosFredilaumanaLllburn Ooocb NII Plummer0NunnelleyJJBBruce David StevensJohn Oamenlacb WmOordlerDan Traylor M D KlmoreOotllbOllck Fred HondorfJThompion DMAndersonJ FMoaer Mr and Mrs 111 KadaA Ktbaaa Mr N1 HortonLoganWRev Father Leo Dr G GIerrBaughmanUrahMrs Margare JacobVUTraylorSamJllofmannELplarner Mrs J It OwsloyM J Morgan 11 L Fn

WRtklnJUHundleYMrs Nannie It Good C K McOluroAnderson Oarr Anton ItoneckcrWM Dlshon Fred VonGruenlganT L lluughman Mrs AdorUnrpellterVJohn HIee D BovleraJlerrlllWAlex Cooper J Nevin GarterWelchILOAndersouUus Qelizl T A hireOamenlacbJamol8mlthPAY Carter A L CarterU W GainesJ L Holtxcluw WInrlmell I



NtHM If Applltatrtn ftr P rirtirteI James Hi I

was convicted at the Junoterm IVuT of the Lincoln circuit court otthe murder of Milton te will ark thegovernor for wpardon and nil who object

wrnIInLincoln Circuit Court I

Ai directed by a Judgment of the Lincolncircuit court rendered at theterm ItM In the action of the NOCllllltrITrust Co Quardlan aagninit

I Hoed Ao the undersignedwill onHXWI hottse


IpubIa credit of six months the tract of landabout T idles from tUuntord In Lincolncounty Ky till Stanford yaynesburgpike bounded thus Beginning at a chest-nut near Hutchisons sch olhoue ithencttHiv W 2 poles III ltnkH6tr f W a poles IS

K4rim EN I

44H K T pole li links to where two whiteoaks and sugar trto stood B 40 S K 48 poles I

so link to white oak D llutcuUonn cornerN67HKVO neanIIIIIs to stoupYcorllerto N 45 I

poplar on old corner at 81 lee llIlIokln all-r polfS 10 link to Mono Hills corner N 7II

W II pole to white oak Hllcornr on Eastildeof pike with sane H US K t1 poles Ulink to Itnko In front of house H Si W rdpole IT link to the beginning containingto acre and no pole more orless save andexcept one acre heretofore deeded to SchoolDistrict No 83

The object of sale Is for n division of theproceed

purChlorbtlIrlngjudgment ayableto tbecolllmiulontrnndcuml by lien on the land I

J II PAXTON HO L Or 0O n Florence Atty for llnin-



Sale 1

Lincoln Circuit Cour-tAsdlrectedbysjudgmentof


the Lincolncircuit court rendered at the Novemberterns 1809 In the case ofagainst Viola Ooocb to the undersigned-comnslssionerwill on-

MONDAY DEC1311Wcounty Court day ot about 1 P MM In frontof the court house door In Stanford Ky

I offer for ale at public outcry to the highestland best bidder on a credit of six mouthscountyKyginning In the center of street corner to IpoleIInkl his


line N HKT poles II links to corner on samethence H WJJ W M voles to the center of thestreet t thence with center ot street H 6 W Tpoles 23 links to the beginning contalu1nllacre J rood and S7 poles

byIsnacUlbsonpropartyvllloA lluitonvllle turnpike road on theWest by W 01 HAndldge and on the Houtbby Knitna Owsley containing tour acresseparatelyThe object of the sale is to satisfy tho In-deblcdnllSl


of George hooch deceasedThe purchasers will bo required tovxeeute

bonds with good security for the purchasebearingepercentlnterest I

paid having the force and effect of nwent and secured by lien on property sold

J n PAXTON M O L 00KH Alcorn Atty for Plain-

tiffCommissioners Sale I

Lincoln Circuit Court

InolKdlence to a Judgment ol the Llncoin circuit court rendered at time Novem ¬Jlryndmr ¬

dersigned commissioner will onMONDAY DEC IS 1M 9

county court dny at about I p M In frontof the now court house In Stanford Kyoffer for sale at public outcry to the highestand best bidder on a credit of six monthsthe boue and lot near Htanford In Lincolncounty the East side of tho Dan-ville a Slanlord turnpike bounded on theWest by said lilke on the North and Kastby tho land of John IlrlRhti on the Houthb the land of W II 1111 containing Wvoles and known as the old tollgatepropertyjTh object of the ale U to pay the InIdebtedneiof Mrs Mary II Bryan and dlvide thervmalnder among her heir at law

The purchaser will be required to executebond for the purchasecommissioner due In six monthbearingsper cent Interest from ditto of sale untilIhaving the force and effect of ameal and Secured bTlien on tho propertysold The shares infants LoraineToUen and Vera ToUen will retrain n lienon the property until they attain the age of21 Unless guardian I the mean tuneexecute the bond required by the CivilCode Jll PAXTON MC LOU

O B Bauflcy Atty for Ijalnt-

lffsCommissioners Sale I

Lincoln Circuit Court

Itiobeillenco of the Lincolncircuit court rendered at the NovemberXtallngUunrdlnntlc the unden gned commissioner 111 on

MONDAY DEC IJllMat about 1 P 1In front of the court houseputIle ¬

n credit of ilx months an undivided 111 In ¬

terest In the following lauds on the watersqf Lick brunch of lunging Fork In Lin ¬

coln county Ky1 A tract bounded on tho East by tho land

of Alfred Him sons imam on the West bythe lnndeof II nKolhlrlneAdorall1 Vovl-dKenlltCllon tho North by the land of Al ¬

on the bout by thocounty road

2 A tract of land bounded by the land ofMrs Kntherlne Ador and others more par¬

ticularly described In the petition which lareferred to for n descriptiongivebondsprice payable to time commissioner untilClper cent Interest from date of sale

having the forco and effect of a Judg ¬

mend and secured by lien on the property-sold J II IAXTONM0Ltu-

K B Alcorn Atty for Plain-

tiffCommissioners Sale I

Lincoln Circuit Court

WpsMorelandIn obedience to n Judgment rendered In

the above styled court and action at the No ¬

vember tern dub the undersigned commlistoner will at about 1 f x on

MONDAY DEC IS 1 OIIn front of tbo court house door in BtanfordKyoiderfor sale nt public outcry to thehighest and best bidder on a credit ofmonths tho onehalf of an undivided 1

remainder subject to the life estate of JlrM W Moroland In n tract of 100 acresland on tho water of the Hanging Fork iLincoln county Ky on tho Nort-by the land of A v Carpenter on the Bby the Hnumel helm lands on the Writ bybsYthelnndHill landtlnlntilto percent Interest from Juno IS 1800 untilpaid and the costsglvObond ihennaqSpercent

having the force and effect of a Judgmend and seourtd by lieu

FPOBDITTBpeotaOommh ioa4r-IIj1 hol


0n J


+ + + +++++ +++ + +++4 ++++++++ +

Ullman Co i


of Chicago 9j


One of the best tailoring houses in the coun ¬

try have placed their line with me for nextSpring and in order to show you their supe ¬

prior workmanship and material they haveforwarded me a large selection of l

Suitings and OvercoatsI I r


for immediate use and with each order fora Suit or Overcoat at 20 or more we areAgoing to GIVE YOU a beautiful Fancy Vestworth You make your own selectionfrom any of their large line of fancy vestsOur usual guarantee goes out with these or¬

ders A PERFECT FIT or NO SALE Thisoffer is for business to Christmas day





Mall ablCEeataggEgEaEerEmfao L Penny it II Colby E n Coleman mmm r

fam e r


m Strength It is Especially Useful ForPersistent Coughs and Colds H

Soldunder a Guaran ¬IIm I

ri1BB ei6 if6a0lssldseBfeJB Bt eifsrEIR 11



Oklahoma Land Sale rwf i

One million six hundred thousand acres of valuable fauniand grazing laud belonging to the State ofwill be divided into fauns of one hundred and sixty acreseachand sold to the highest bidder on easy termscontinuesfor iat prices ranging from 800 to 3400 per acreaverage appraised value of the grazing land Is Thej250 per ac-

reReduced Railroad FaresVia THE HENDERSON ROUTE to all points in Oklahoma

w eachmonthtllcseticketssection or portion of the State and the return trip thruanother For

Informationrr I

also the terms of purchase pay Iwent mid full description of the farm lands


