Intercession Monthly News January 2014 · We will resume choir rehearsals on January 15, 2014! If...

Merry Christmas Intercession Family: That’s right, since this January newsletter comes out the first week of the month, it is still Christmas, so I greet you with my Christmas letter. This season of Christmas is a wonderful reminder of Christ being born. Not simply in the world. Christ desires to be born in us. God’s promise, after all, is that God will dwell in and among humanity: 10 Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! For lo, I will come and dwell in your midst, says the Lord. 11 Many nations shall join themselves to the Lord on that day, and shall be my people; and I will dwell in your midst. And you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.” Zechariah 2:10-11 This holy season is a yearly reminder that God comes to us. God comes to us so that we might receive the gift of new life. A life of transformation and change which shapes us and molds us into God’s people. This new life empowers us to be a people who live and move from hope and love, not fear or distrust. A people who act with mercy and compassion, not retaliation or self-centeredness. A people who seek to find the lost and restore them to their rightful place in community. A people whose banquet table welcomes all because all are equally deserving. May this Christmas season spark within you a deep longing to become that for which you were born: a beloved child of God, made in the image of God, a participant in God’s Kingdom. From the staff at Intercession Episcopal and from the Johnson family, our prayers and wishes are for a blessed Christmas season that begins a year of living into the way of Jesus faithfully, whole- heartedly, and joyfully. We vow to walk the journey with you and to support you along the way. May God’s peace and blessings fill your heart and your home, Mother Jane+ Intercession Monthly News January 2014 The Church of the Intercession Stevens Point, Wisconsin

Transcript of Intercession Monthly News January 2014 · We will resume choir rehearsals on January 15, 2014! If...

Page 1: Intercession Monthly News January 2014 · We will resume choir rehearsals on January 15, 2014! If you haven’t been in choir, but want to join, we would love to have you join us!

Merry Christmas Intercession Family:

That’s right, since this January newsletter comes out the first week of the month, it is still Christmas, so I greet you with my Christmas letter.

This season of Christmas is a wonderful reminder of Christ being born. Not simply in the world. Christ desires to be born in us. God’s promise, after all, is that God will dwell in and among humanity:

10Sing and rejoice, O daughter Zion! For lo, I will come and dwell in your midst, says the Lord. 11Many nations shall join themselves to the Lord on that day, and shall be my people; and I will dwell in your midst. And you shall know that the Lord of hosts has sent me to you.” Zechariah 2:10-11

This holy season is a yearly reminder that God comes to us. God comes to us so that we might receive the gift of new life. A life of transformation and change which shapes us and molds us into God’s people. This new life empowers us to be a people who live and move from hope and love, not fear or distrust. A people who act with mercy and compassion, not retaliation or self-centeredness. A people who seek to find the lost and restore them to their rightful place in community. A people whose banquet table welcomes all because all are equally deserving.

May this Christmas season spark within you a deep longing to become that for which you were born: a beloved child of God, made in the image of God, a participant in God’s Kingdom.

From the staff at Intercession Episcopal and from the Johnson family, our prayers and wishes are for a blessed Christmas season that begins a year of living into the way of Jesus faithfully, whole-heartedly, and joyfully. We vow to walk the journey with you and to support you along the way.

May God’s peace and blessings fill your heart and your home,

Mother Jane+

Intercession Monthly News January 2014


The Church of the Intercession Stevens Point, Wisconsin

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Holy Name Feast Day

Join us on January 1, 2014 at 12:00 Noon in the Chapel for Holy Eucharist to celebrate this

Principal Feast Day

Twelfth Night Party

Join us on January 5th at 5:30 p.m. for a Twelfth Night Party at the Corcoran’s Farm in Custer. Bring your tree and the rest of your Christmas cookies to the Corcoran Farm. Your tree will be placed on the bonfire while we sing Christmas carols and enjoy hot cocoa and cookies. If you would like to carpool, meet in the Parish Hall at 5:10 p.m. R.S.V.P.: [email protected] or 715-544-4594

Christian Mystics

The study/discussion “Writings of the Christian Mystics” will continue on Monday, January 6th at 6:30 p.m., and continuing every other Monday after.

Intercession Choir

First off, THANK YOU, to all choir members who gave of their time and wonderful talents to make Christmas Eve so beautiful!

We will resume choir rehearsals on January 15, 2014!

If you haven’t been in choir, but want to join, we would love to have you join us! Rehearsals are Wednesdays at 6:30 p.m.

We sing the 4th Sunday of the Month.

Lastly, starting in January the goal is to have a cantor at each 10 a.m. service. If this is something you would be interested in doing, please contact me!


Heidi Corcoran, [email protected]

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Adult Formation Opportunities

Diving into the Bible

This will be a prayerful and thought-provoking view of the Hebrew Scriptures in eight lessons.

The purposes of these sessions are: To learn about the experience of God in the lives of the Hebrew People and how it

challenged and shaped them.

To search their experience as a model to allow the experience of God in your life

To lead you more and more into God’s presence.

Beginning Sunday, January 12 until March 2, 2014 at 9:00am – 9:50am. Session Leaders: Diane Petrovic Willemarck, Patricia Gates, Kathy Goulet

Living Compass

Living Compass is based on the belief that each individual knows what she or he needs to do in order to become more whole. It is also based on the belief that we cannot be whole by ourselves; this journey requires the care and support of others.

The Living Compass program provides both a structure and a process for the individual and communal dimensions of this journey. This program will help you name what you already know (although you may not be aware that you know it!) and with the support of others, help you to risk taking action steps to make the changes you truly desire.

This is a 7 week program beginning on January 14 and ending February 25, 2014

To register for either of these programs, call the office 715 344-3879 or email Kathy Goulet: [email protected]

Lectionary Study

Sundays 9:00 – 9:50 a.m. This study reads the Scripture readings for the day and discusses the meaning and message. A great help to listen with more attention and preparation to hear the message in the Liturgy.

Check out our website: for calendar events, announcements, sermons, and newsletters. (Updated regularly)

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Intercession Youth Calendar—January 2014

This calendar is for all youth (and their friends) in grades 7-12 at Intercession.

What is there for Youth at Intercession?

Worship Come to one of our three services: 8:00 a.m.; 10:00 a.m. or 7:00 p.m. Serve: Youth are encouraged to serve in worship by greeting and ushering, or serving in the altar party, or reading the lessons. If interested, email or call the office. WE WANT YOU!

Study Twice a month there is Sunday evening study (6:00 p.m.) designed with you in mind. Mother Jane will lead this evening study. There are also engaging Sunday morning conversations before the 10:00 a.m. worship service. These are led by Aaron Marx and Diane Bywaters. All youth study is held downstairs.

Youth Group Twice a month there is an activity planned for youth to gather and grow in their faith. They may serve others, play games, pray, watch a movie, or learn about what it means to be an Episcopalian! Dinner is included: 5:30-7:00 pm on Sundays twice a month. Check monthly calendar in newsletter.

January 5th: 12th Night Party at Corcorans’ 5:30 p.m.

January 12th: Youth Group 5:30-7:00 p.m.

January 19: Youth Study in Canterbury room at 6:00 p.m.

January 26th: Youth Group 5:30-7:00 pm

Youth: if you are not confirmed, are currently

at least 13, and are interested in getting

confirmed, let Mother Jane know!

([email protected])

Parents: Please encourage your youth to come to all activities, or as many as possible. We can only have youth group, youth study, and youth events if our youth are here. Without them, these things do not happen. Your commitment and effort are appreciated!

--Youth Staff and Leaders

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January Celebrations

2 Birthday Roseanne Bossenbroek 2 Birthday Bruce Rathe 5 Marriage Bob & Marla Cummings 5 Birthday Ellen Christenson 5 Birthday Wes Halverson 5 Marriage Nina & Pat McVeigh 7 Birthday Aaron Gilbert 9 Birthday Brian Gifford 11 Birthday Suzanne Rathe 12 Birthday Phoenix Lieber-Bemowski 19 Birthday Sue Sachs 19 Birthday Noah Johnson 20 Birthday Marla Cummings 25 Birthday Wynne Robinson 27 Birthday Hayden Hayes 31 Birthday Julie Morrow

Prayer Concerns

Peace Corps: Shannon McVeigh

Military: Rob Curtin, Eric Scherer, Peter Strube (Sommerfeld), Matt Fanning, Leo Lopez, Teo Garcia, Nathan Goddard, Steven Berry, Richard McCarthy, Jacob Probst, Tim Fairchild, Steven Carter, Matthew Fritz, David Stewart, Amy Dreier, Will McVeigh, and Steve Boran

Health: Terry, Rachel, Bob, Renae, Jay, Barb, Chris, Marlys, Ann, Betty, Martha, Shelton, Dawn, Sam, Evan & Violet, Jo, Nancy, Nick, Daryl, Alex, Bethany, Jack, Aaron, Julie, Sue, Karen, Joanne, Lillian, Audrey, Bob & Nan, and Don

For those who have died: Hope Syano (2011), Jeanette Scribner (1993), John Miller (1981), Martha Trenn (1988), Nancy Hutchinson (2001), Leone Hahn (1976), Amy Bassett (1989), Philip Deniston (2001), Isabelle Schwerbel (2004), Jim Woller (2011), Father Edward C. Lewis (1978)

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Home Eucharistic Ministers

Jan. 5 Carol Moore

Jan. 12 Dick Manthe

Jan. 19 Gary Dreier

Jan. 26 Ann Carlson


Jan. 3 S. Sachs, J. Yenter, A. Carlson, A. Sanders Jan. 10 R. Bossenbroek, C. Gawlik Jan. 17 M. Johnson, G. Dreier, Goulets, K. Orlikowski Jan. 24 K. Crubaugh, Kostuhoskis Jan. 31 S. Sachs, J. Yenter, A. Carlson, A. Sanders

Casserole Brigade

Intercession’s Casserole Brigade prepares and delivers meals to parishioners recovering from surgery and illness. If you would like to help prepare food for this ministry, please call or e-mail me, so I can include you in the list of volunteer cooks. If you know of anyone who

needs meals delivered to their home, please contact Mary Werger, Intercession’s secretary at 715-344-3879 or me, Judy Ordens at 715-344-7939, [email protected]

January Altar Guild Schedule

January 4 & 5 Lorrie Barber and Judie Schiferl

January 11 & 12 Heidi Corcoran and Mary Duecker

January 18 & 19 Ellen and Bob Christenson

January 25 &26 Ann Carlson, Kathy Orlikowski, and Sue Sachs

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DATE 01/05/14 01/12/14 01/19/14 01/26/14

Service 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m. 10:00 a.m.

Celebrant Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson

Deacon Cusic Cusic

MC Chad Moertl Chris Smith John Clabots Diane Petrovic-Willemarck

Chalice Bearer Suzanne Moertl Mary Duecker Sue Sachs Abe Johnson

Crucifer Chad Moertl Walker Robinson Julianne Orlikowski

Abe Johnson

Servers Zoe Moertl Walker Robinson Julianne Orlikowski

Mya Dailing

Ella Moertl Wynne Robinson Caroline Blakeman

Hayden Hayes

Old Testament Nan Chase Jack Rhodes Chad Moertl David Curtin

Epistle Nan Chase Jack Rhodes Chad Moertl David Curtin

Intercessor Mary Ann Sandstrom

Sue Sachs Murray Johnson Irene Kurzawa

Please find a substitute if you are not able to fill the day(s) scheduled. Once you have confirmed the substitute, please contact the church office (715-344-3879) or [email protected] so everyone will know whom to expect.

IMPORTANT REMINDER: On the Sundays that you are scheduled, it is very important that you show up no later than 25 minutes before Eucharist is scheduled to begin. Getting there early allows everyone to accomplish their tasks, go over any last minute changes for that morning's service, and be ready to pray with the rest of the altar party just before Eucharist starts. Thank you!

Ushers/Greeters for January 2014 01/05/14 Sig Sandstrom & Nancy Sommerfeld 01/12/14 Bruce Barnes & Deb McCabe 01/19/14 Carol Moore & Kathy Orlikowski 01/26/14 Roseanne Bossenbroek & Harry Rice

Coffee Hour for January 2014 01/05/14 Julianne & Kathy Orlikowski 01/12/14 Jean Banks & Nancy Sommerfeld 01/19/14 Mary Ann & Sig Sandstrom 01/26/14 Judy & Tom Ordens

Let’s Find our own subs.

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Scrip for Sale Sunday, January 5

First Thursday Film Series

Dr. Jack Rhodes will continue the popular First Thursday Film Series at the Waupaca Library throughout the winter and spring months of 2014. All showings will be at 1:30 p.m. in the library's downstairs meeting room and will feature free popcorn, soda, and theater treats.

On Thursday, January 2nd, immediately after the New Year's Day holiday, the library movie will be MURDER, SHE SAID (MGM, 1961) based on Agatha Christie's novel 4:50 FROM PADDINGTON and starring Margaret Rutherford as Miss Jane Marple. Directed by George Pollock, the film also stars Arthur Kennedy, James Robertson Justice, and Joan Hickson (herself later to play Miss Marple for several seasons in the BBC television series).

Please mark your calendar. This one will come by fast, right on the heels of the holidays!

In February, Dr. Rhodes will be hosting Great Romances. The first movie, Thursday, Feb. 6 at 1:30 p.m., is WUTHERING HEIGHTS, Starring Laurence Olivier and Merle OBeron. More information to come in February’s newsletter.

Prayer Corner

Eternal God, in whose perfect kingdom no sword is drawn but the sword of righteousness, no strength known but the strength of love: So mightily spread abroad your Spirit, that all peoples may be gathered under the banner of the Prince of Peace, as children of one Father; to whom be dominion and glory, now and for ever. Amen. BCP pg. 815

Martin Luther King, Jr.


Join us on Monday, January 20 at 7 p.m. in the SPASH Auditorium for the celebration to honor Martin Luther King, Jr.

Speaker: Professor Jennifer Collins, author of Giants for Justice

Music: SPASH Choir and Monteverdi Choir