Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer ... · Volume xx (200y), Number z, pp....

Volume xx (200y), Number z, pp. 1–25 Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics Jan Bender 1 , Kenny Erleben 2 and Jeff Trinkle 3 1 Graduate School CE, TU Darmstadt, Germany 2 Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark 3 Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA Abstract Interactive rigid body simulation is an important part of many modern computer tools, which no authoring tool nor game engine can do without. Such high performance computer tools open up new possibilities for changing how designers, engineers, modelers and animators work with their design problems. This paper is a self contained state-of-the-art report on the physics, the models, the numerical methods and the algorithms used in interactive rigid body simulation all of which have evolved and matured over the past 20 years. Furthermore, the paper communicates the mathematical and theoretical details in a pedagogical manner. This paper is not only a stake in the sand on what has been done, it also seeks to give the reader deeper insights to help guide their future research. Keywords: Rigid Body Dynamics, Contact Mechanics, Articulated Bodies, Jointed Mechanisms, Contact Point Generation, Iterative Methods. Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computer Graphics [I.3.5]: Computational Geometry and Object Modeling—Physically-based modeling; Computer Graphics [I.3.7]: Three-Dimensional Graphics and Realism—Animation; Mathematics of Computing [G.1.6]: Numerical Analysis—Nonlinear programming 1. Motivation and Perspective on Interactive Rigid Body Simulation Rigid body dynamics simulation is an integral and important part of many modern computer tools in a wide range of ap- plication areas such as computer games, animation software for digital production, including special effects in film and animation movies, robotics validation, virtual prototyping, and training simulators, just to mention a few. In this paper, we focus on interactive rigid body dynamics simulation (as shown in Figure 1), a subfield that has evolved rapidly over the past 10 years and moved the frontier of run- time simulation to applications in areas where, until recently, only off-line simulation was possible. As a consequence, this changes the computer tools humans use and has great eco- nomical impact on society as a whole. The term “interactive” implies a loop closed around a hu- man and a simulation tool. For applications such as games where the feedback is simply animation on a screen, a rea- sonable goal is that the simulation delivers 60 frames per second (fps). For haptic rendering, the simulation would be part of a feedback loop running at 1000Hz, where this rate is needed to display realistic forces to the user [LO08]. Rigid body dynamics has a long history in computer graphics [AG85,MW88,Hah88,Bar89,BBZ91] and a wealth of work exists on the topic. In this state-of-the-art paper, we will cover the important work over the past 20 years on interactive rigid body simulation since the last state- of-the-art report [Bar93] on the subject. In his STAR pa- per, Baraff discussed penalty- and constraint-based meth- ods which use an acceleration-level nonlinear complemen- tarity problem (NCP) formulation. He did not cover many details on solving the complementarity problem. Not un- til 1994, when Baraff published his version of a direct method based on pivoting, was it feasible to compute so- lutions for Baraff’s complementarity problem formulation. For years this solution was the de-facto standard method of rigid body dynamics and it was used in both Maya and submitted to COMPUTER GRAPHICS Forum (7/2013).

Transcript of Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer ... · Volume xx (200y), Number z, pp....

Page 1: Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer ... · Volume xx (200y), Number z, pp. 1–25 Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in Computer Graphics Jan Bender1,

Volume xx (200y), Number z, pp. 1–25

Interactive Simulation of Rigid Body Dynamics in ComputerGraphics

Jan Bender1, Kenny Erleben2 and Jeff Trinkle3

1Graduate School CE, TU Darmstadt, Germany2Department of Computer Science, University of Copenhagen, Denmark

3Department of Computer Science, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, USA

AbstractInteractive rigid body simulation is an important part of many modern computer tools, which no authoring toolnor game engine can do without. Such high performance computer tools open up new possibilities for changinghow designers, engineers, modelers and animators work with their design problems.This paper is a self contained state-of-the-art report on the physics, the models, the numerical methods and thealgorithms used in interactive rigid body simulation all of which have evolved and matured over the past 20 years.Furthermore, the paper communicates the mathematical and theoretical details in a pedagogical manner.This paper is not only a stake in the sand on what has been done, it also seeks to give the reader deeper insightsto help guide their future research.

Keywords: Rigid Body Dynamics, Contact Mechanics, Articulated Bodies, Jointed Mechanisms, Contact PointGeneration, Iterative Methods.

Categories and Subject Descriptors (according to ACM CCS): Computer Graphics [I.3.5]: Computational Geometryand Object Modeling—Physically-based modeling; Computer Graphics [I.3.7]: Three-Dimensional Graphics andRealism—Animation; Mathematics of Computing [G.1.6]: Numerical Analysis—Nonlinear programming

1. Motivation and Perspective on Interactive RigidBody Simulation

Rigid body dynamics simulation is an integral and importantpart of many modern computer tools in a wide range of ap-plication areas such as computer games, animation softwarefor digital production, including special effects in film andanimation movies, robotics validation, virtual prototyping,and training simulators, just to mention a few.

In this paper, we focus on interactive rigid body dynamicssimulation (as shown in Figure 1), a subfield that has evolvedrapidly over the past 10 years and moved the frontier of run-time simulation to applications in areas where, until recently,only off-line simulation was possible. As a consequence, thischanges the computer tools humans use and has great eco-nomical impact on society as a whole.

The term “interactive” implies a loop closed around a hu-man and a simulation tool. For applications such as gameswhere the feedback is simply animation on a screen, a rea-

sonable goal is that the simulation delivers 60 frames persecond (fps). For haptic rendering, the simulation would bepart of a feedback loop running at 1000Hz, where this rate isneeded to display realistic forces to the user [LO08].

Rigid body dynamics has a long history in computergraphics [AG85,MW88,Hah88,Bar89,BBZ91] and a wealthof work exists on the topic. In this state-of-the-art paper,we will cover the important work over the past 20 yearson interactive rigid body simulation since the last state-of-the-art report [Bar93] on the subject. In his STAR pa-per, Baraff discussed penalty- and constraint-based meth-ods which use an acceleration-level nonlinear complemen-tarity problem (NCP) formulation. He did not cover manydetails on solving the complementarity problem. Not un-til 1994, when Baraff published his version of a directmethod based on pivoting, was it feasible to compute so-lutions for Baraff’s complementarity problem formulation.For years this solution was the de-facto standard methodof rigid body dynamics and it was used in both Maya and

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2 J. Bender et al. / Interactive Rigid Body Simulation

Figure 1: Interactive rigid body simulations require the ef-ficient simulation of joints, motors, collisions and contactswith friction.

Open Dynamics Engine (ODE) [Smi00]. However, the solu-tion only remained interactive for small sized configurations(less than 100 interacting objects). When the number of in-teracting objects increased, the computational cost quicklymade simulations take hours to compute. The acceleration-level formulation also caused problems concerning the ex-istence of solutions and their uniqueness. Besides, solutionsfound by his algorithm did not always satisfy the static fric-tion constraints. In the following years, the impulse basedparadigm was revisited by Mirtich [Mir96] and became astrong competitor when concerning interactive simulation.Soon the interactive simulation community moved onto it-erative methods and velocity level formulations, eventuallyevolving into the technology one finds today in engines suchas Bullet [Cou13, Erl07] and ODE. As of this writing inter-active simulations on single core CPUs with several 1000and up to 10000 interacting objects are feasible. Multi-coreand GPU works even go far beyond these limits. Todaymuch active cross-disciplinary work is ongoing on differ-ent contact formulations and iterative solvers. Looking be-yond contact problems, one finds that simulation methodsfor articulated bodies have also undergone rapid develop-ment. In computer graphics, the reduced coordinate formu-lations have won much recognition as being superior for in-teractive rag-doll simulations.

The recent trend in interactive rigid body simulation hasfocused on delivering larger simulations of rigid bodies orcreating faster simulation methods. The need for bigger andfaster simulations is motivated by rigid body simulators be-ing used (e.g., in digital production). The need in productionfor creating interesting motion requires more complex simu-lation scenarios. The well known trade-off between accuracyand performance is an inherent property of interactive rigidbody simulation. Many applications enforce a performanceconstraint, which leaves insufficient time for computing ac-curate solutions. Thus, it is a balance between accuracy and

stability properties. Robustness is another desirable numeri-cal trait when considering a human (or the real world in caseof robotics) interacting with the simulator. In summary, theholy grail of interactive rigid body simulation is extremelyfast and robust simulation methods that can deal gracefullywith large scale complex simulation scenarios under hardperformance constraints.

The maturing technology makes it possible to use rigidbody simulators as sub-parts in larger systems. For instance,in time critical scenarios like tracking humans or maneuver-ing a robot, a simulator can be used as a prediction tool.From a digital design viewpoint, one may define a spectrumof technology. At one end of the spectrum, one finds off-linesimulators that may take hours or days to compute results,but on the other hand they deliver high quality results. Formovie production, several such computer graphics simula-tion methods have been presented [Bar94, GBF03, KEP05,KSJP08, SKV∗12]. At the other end of the spectrum, onefinds the fast run-time simulators capable of delivering plau-sible results very fast. This kind of simulator often originatesfrom game physics. At the middle of the spectrum, one findsmoderately fast simulators that can deliver high fidelity re-sults. These are suitable for testing design ideas or training.In general, different application areas have different require-ments in regards to performance/quality trade-offs and accu-racy. We refer the interested reader to [BETC12] for a de-tailed discussion on this. [BETC12] contains a detailed tax-onomy of models. We have omitted the taxonomy in thispaper and chosen to focus more on the “key” model and cor-responding numerical methods.

1.1. The Anatomy and Physiology of a Rigid BodySimulator

A rigid body simulator is a complex and large piece of soft-ware, which traditionally implements a simulation loop sim-ilar to the one shown in Figure 2. The loop begins with acollision detection query to find the contact points betweenthe various bodies. These points are needed to write thephysical laws governing the motions of the bodies, whichare then solved to determine contact forces that provideproper contact friction effects and prevent bodies from inter-penetrating. This phase is termed contact handling. Newlyformed contacts imply collisions, which are accompanied byimpulsive forces (i.e., forces with infinite magnitudes overinfinitesimal time periods). Impulsive forces cause instanta-neous changes in the body velocities, so are often handledseparately from pre-existing contacts. This is termed colli-sion resolving. After computing all the contact forces, thepositions and velocities of the bodies are integrated forwardin time before a new iteration of the simulation loop starts.Several iterations of the loop might be performed before aframe is rendered.

In order to derive the correct physical laws for the scene,all contacts between bodies must be found. If there are n

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J. Bender et al. / Interactive Rigid Body Simulation 3

Figure 2: The simulation loop provides a coarse descriptionof data flow and processes in a rigid body simulator.

Figure 3: A modular phase description of the sub tasks of arigid body simulator.

bodies, then there are O(n2) pairs of bodies to test for col-lisions. To avoid collision detection becoming a computa-tional bottleneck, it is broken into phases (see Figure 3). Inthe first phase, called the broad phase, bodies are approx-imated by simple geometric primitives, for which distancecomputations are very fast. For example, each body is re-placed by the smallest sphere that completely contains it. Ifthe spheres of two bodies do not overlap, then neither dothe actual bodies. The broad phase culling happens in globalworld coordinates. If the individual bodies are complex andconsist of many parts, an additional stage called mid phaseis used to cull parts in local body space. The culling is typ-ically performed using bounding volume hierarchies. In thenarrow phase the detailed geometries of remaining bodiesare used to find the precise body features in contact andthe location of the contact points. The narrow phase is of-ten combined with the mid phase for performance reasons.Note that some narrow phase algorithms do not return all thecontact information needed to formulate the dynamic model,in which case a separate contact point generation algorithmmust be applied. This paper will not treat the subject of colli-sion detection instead we refer to [BETC12] for further dis-cussion. For more details in general about collision detectionwe recommend [LG98, Eri04].

1.2. Outline

We first give a short introduction to rigid body dynamics inSection 2. For a better understanding, we separated the ex-planation of fundamental models for systems with joints and

contacts in Section 3 from the discussion of numerical meth-ods to compute solutions in Section 4. The parallelizationand optimization of these methods is covered in Section 5.Finally, we conclude in Section 6 pointing out several av-enues for future work.

2. A Quick Primer

Rigid body simulation requires the numerical solution ofnonlinear ordinary differential equations constrained by al-gebraic inequalities for which closed-form solutions do notexist. Assume time t is the independent variable. Given atime period [t0, tN ], driving inputs, and the initial state ofthe system, the differential equations (the instantaneous-time model) are discretized in time to yield an approx-imate discrete-time model, in the form of a system of(state-dependent) algebraic equations and inequalities. Thediscrete-time model is formulated and solved at each timestep (t0, .., tN ).

In rigid body simulation, one begins with the Newton-Euler (differential) equations, which describe the dynamicmotion of the bodies without contact. These differentialequations are then augmented with three types of conditions:nonpenetration constraints that prevent the bodies from over-lapping, a friction model that requires contact forces to re-main within their friction cones, and complementarity (orvariational inequality) constraints that enforce certain dis-junctive relationships among the variables. These relation-ships enforce critically important physical effects; for exam-ple, a contact force must become zero if two bodies sep-arate and if bodies are sliding on one another, the frictionforce acts in the direction that will most quickly halt thesliding. Putting all these components together yields theinstantaneous-time model, as a system of differential alge-braic equations and inequalities that can be reformulated as adifferential nonlinear complementarity problem (dNCP) thatcannot be solved in closed form. Instead, it is discretizedin time, producing a sequence of NCPs whose solutionsapproximate the state and contact force trajectories of thesystem. In the ideal case, the discrete trajectories producedin this process will converge to trajectories of the originalinstantaneous-time model. Computing a discrete-time solu-tion requires a consideration of possible reformulations ofthe NCPs and the choice of a solution method. Two goodoptions are a reformulation as nonsmooth equation using theFischer-Burmeister function (Section 4.3) or proximal pointmappings [Stu08].

2.1. Classical Mechanics

Simulation of the motion of a system of rigid bodies is basedon a famous system of differential equations, the Newton-Euler equations, which can be derived from Newton’s lawsand other basic concepts from classical mechanics:

• Newton’s 1st law: The velocity of a body remains un-changed unless acted upon by a force.

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Figure 4: Illustration of a spatial rigid body showing thebody frame {B} and inertial frame {N} as well as notationfor positions, velocities and forces.

• Newton’s 2nd law: The time rate of change of momentumof a body is equal to the applied force.• Newton’s 3rd law: For every force there is an equal and

opposite force.

Two important implications of Newton’s laws, when appliedto rigid body dynamics, are: (from the first law) the equa-tions apply only when the bodies are observed from an iner-tial (non-accelerating) coordinate frame and (from the thirdlaw) at a contact point between two touching bodies, theforce applied from one body onto the second is equal in mag-nitude, opposite in direction, and collinear with the force ap-plied by the second onto the first. Applying these two im-plications to Newton’s second law gives rise to differentialequations of motion. While the second law actually appliesonly to particles, Euler extended it to the case of rigid bodiesby viewing them as collections of infinite numbers of parti-cles and applying a bit of calculus [GPS02,ESHD05]. This iswhy the equations of motion are known as the Newton-Eulerequations.

Before presenting the Newton-Euler equations, we needto introduce a number of concepts from classical mechanics.Figure 4 shows a rigid body in space, moving with transla-tional velocity v and rotational velocity ω, while being actedupon by an applied force f and moment τ (also known as atorque).

2.1.1. Rigid Bodies

A rigid body is an idealized solid object for which the dis-tance between every pair of points on the object will neverchange, even if infinitely large forces are applied. A rigidbody has mass m, which is distributed over its volume. Thecentroid of this distribution (marked by the circle with twoblackened quarters) is called the center of mass. To computerotational motions, the mass distribution is important. Thisis captured in a 3-by-3 matrix known as the mass (or iner-tia) matrix I ∈ R(3×3). It is a symmetric and positive defi-nite matrix with elements known as moments of inertia andproducts of inertia, which are integrals of certain functionsover the volume of the body [Mei70]. When the integrals arecomputed in a body-fixed frame, the mass matrix is constant

and will be denoted by Ibody. The most convenient body-fixed frame for simulation is one with its origin at the centerof mass and axes oriented such that Ibody is diagonal. Whencomputed in the inertial frame, the mass matrix is time vary-ing and will be denoted by I.

2.1.2. Rigid Body Kinematics

The body’s position in the inertial (or world) frame is givenby the vector x ∈ R3, from the origin of the inertial frame{N} fixed in the world to the origin of the frame {B} fixedin the body. Note that since three independent numbers areneeded to specify the location of the center of mass, a rigidbody has three translational degrees of freedom.

The orientation of a rigid body is defined as the orien-tation of the body-fixed frame with respect to the inertialframe. While many representations of orientation exist, herewe use rotation matrices R ∈ R3×3 and unit quaternionsQ ∈ H. Rotation matrices are members of the class of or-thogonal matrices. Denoting the columns by R1, R2, andR3, orthogonal matrices must satisfy: ‖ Ri ‖= 1; i = 1,2,3and RT

i R j = 0; ∀i 6= j; i = 1,2,3; j = 1,2,3. Since the ninenumbers in R must satisfy these six equations, only threenumbers can be freely chosen. Thus, a rigid body has threerotational degrees of freedom. A unit quaternion is four num-bers [Qs, Qx, Qy, Qz], constrained so that the sum of theirsquares is one. The fourth element can be computed in termsof the other three, and this redundancy serves as additionalconfirmation that orientation has three degrees of freedom.Considering translation and rotation together, a rigid bodyhas six degrees of freedom.

The rotational velocity ω ∈ R3 (also known as, angularvelocity) of a body can be thought of as vector where the di-rection identifies a line about which all points on the bodyinstantaneously rotate (shown as a red vector with a doublearrowhead in Figure 4). The magnitude determines the rateof rotation. While the rate of rotation may be changing overtime, at each instant, every point on a rigid body has exactlythe same rotational velocity. The three elements of ω corre-spond to the three rotational degrees of freedom.

Translational velocity v ∈ R3 (also inaccurately referredto as linear velocity) is an attribute of a point, not a body,because when a body rotates, not all points have the samevelocity (see the red vector with a single arrowhead in Fig-ure 4). However, the velocity of every point can be deter-mined from the velocity of one reference point and the an-gular velocity of the body. In rigid body dynamics, the centerof mass is typically chosen as the reference point.

Next we need velocity kinematic relationships. Kinemat-ics is the study of motion without concern for forces, mo-ments, or body masses. By contrast, dynamics is the study ofhow forces produce motions. Since dynamic motions mustalso be kinematically feasible, kinematics is an essentialbuilding block of dynamics. The particular kinematic rela-tionships needed here relate the time derivatives of position

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and orientation variables to the translational and rotationalvelocities.

Let us define q = (x, Q) as the tuple containing the po-sition of the center of mass and the orientation parameters.Note that the number of elements of q is seven if Q is aquaternion (which is the most common choice). The gener-alized velocity of the body is defined as: u = [vT

ωT ]T ∈R6.

The velocity kinematic equations for a rigid body relate q tou, which may have different numbers of elements. The rela-tionship between the translational quantities is simple: x= v.The time rate of change of the rotational parameter Q is theproduct of a Jacobian matrix and the rotational velocity ofthe body: Q = G(Q)ω, where the details of G(Q) are deter-mined by the orientation representation. In the specific casewhen Q is a unit quaternion, G(Q) is defined as follows:

G =12

−Qx −Qy −Qz

Qs Qz −Qy−Qz Qs Qx

Qy −Qx Qs

.Putting the two velocity kinematic relationships togetheryields:

q = Hu, (1)

where H =

[1(3×3) 0

0 G

], where 1(3×3) is the 3-by-3 iden-

tity matrix. Note that when the orientation representationuses more than three parameters, G is not square, althoughit has the property that GT G = 1(3×3).

2.1.3. Constraints

Constraints are equations and inequalities that change theway pairs of bodies are allowed to move relative to one an-other. Since they are kinematic restrictions, they also affectthe dynamics. The constraints alone do not provide a directmeans to compute the forces that must exist to enforce them.Generally, constraints are functions of generalized positionvariables, generalized velocities, and their derivatives to anyorder:

C(q1,q2,u1,u2, u1, u2, ..., t) = 0 (2)


C(q1,q2,u1,u2, u1, u2, ..., t)≥ 0, (3)

where the subscripts indicate the body. Equality and inequal-ity constraints are referred to as bilateral and unilateral con-straints, respectively.

As an example, consider two rigid spheres of radii r1 andr2 and with centers located at x1 and x2. Consider the con-straint function:

C(x1,x2) = ||x1−x2||− (r1 + r2), (4)

where || · || is the Euclidean two-norm. If C = 0, then the sur-faces of the spheres touch at a single point. If this bilateral

Figure 5: Constraint classification

constraint is imposed on the Newton-Euler equations, thenregardless of the speeds of the spheres and the sizes of theforces, the surfaces will always remain in single-point con-tact. Intuitively, for this to happen the constraint force nor-mal to the sphere surfaces can be compressive (the spherespush on each other) or tensile (the spheres pull). By con-trast, if C is nonnegative, then the two spheres may moveaway from each other but never overlap. Correspondingly,the constraint force can only be compressive.

The form of a constraint (see Figure 5) impacts the way inwhich the Newton-Euler equations should be solved. Holo-nomic constraints are those which can be expressed as anequality in terms of only generalized position variables andtime. These are further subdivided into those independentof time, known as scleronomic, and those dependent ontime, rheonomic. An example of a scleronomic constraint isthe equality constraint of the spheres discussed above. Rhe-nomic constraints typically arise when one body is kinemat-ically controlled (i.e., it is required to follow a known trajec-tory regardless of the forces that might be required to makethat happen).

Any constraint that is not holonomic is said to be non-holonomic. This class includes all unilateral constraints andequality constraints which are not integrable in the sense thatgeneralized velocity variables and derivatives of the gener-alized position variables (and higher derivatives, if present)cannot be eliminated. The steering constraint for a car on aflat surface whose wheels are not allowed to skid is a non-holonomic equality constraint. If the car is driving, its ro-tational velocity is directly proportional the car’s forwardspeed and the angle of the front wheels. This means thefundamental constraint between two velocities cannot beintegrated to yield an equivalent constraint written solelyin terms of position variables, hence the constraint is non-holonomic.

Holonomic constraints remove degrees of freedom fromthe system, i.e., the dimension of the space of possible gener-alized positions is reduced. For instance two free rigid bodieshave a total of 12 degrees of freedom, but as in the previouscase of the touching spheres, one degree of freedom (DOF)is lost. Assume that one sphere can be moved at will throughspace using all six degrees of freedom. Now view the sec-

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ond sphere from a frame of reference fixed in the first. Fromthis perspective, the second sphere can rotate with all threedegrees of freedom while maintaining contact and also trans-late with the contact point moving across the surface of thefirst sphere. Since this surface is two-dimensional, the sec-ond sphere has only two translational degrees of freedom.Thus a system of two spheres with one contact constrainthas 11 degrees of freedom. If instead, two bodies were con-nected by a hinge joint, the system would have seven degreesof freedom. That is, if you allow one body to move with sixdegrees of freedom, then the other can only rotate about thehinge joint with respect to the first body. This also impliesthat a hinge constraint cannot be represented with fewer thanfive holonomic constraints.

One should note that non-holonomic equality constraintsremove only instantaneous, or local, degrees of freedomfrom the system. In the car example, the car cannot trans-late instantaneously left or right. However, every competentdriver can accomplish a lateral move of his car by executingthe kind of maneuver used to parallel park in a small space.

2.1.4. Forces and Moments and Relative Velocity

A force f is a vector with a line of action. A force produces amoment τ or torque about any point not on the line of actionof the force. Let r and ρ be two distinct points such that r ison the line of action and ρ is not. Then the moment of f withrespect to r is defined as τ = (r−ρ)× f. Moments need notbe byproducts of forces; they exist in their own right, whichis why one is shown applied to the body in Figure 4.

Many sources of forces exist in rigid body dynamics, forexample, forces from wind, gravity, and electro-magnetics.However, the forces that are most difficult to deal with, butalso critically important in interactive simulation, are con-straint and friction forces.

Gravity, as we experience it on Earth, acts equally on ev-ery particle of mass in a rigid body. Nonetheless, the grav-ity force is shown in Figure 4 as a single force of magni-tude mg with line of action through the center of mass of thebody. This is because the affect of gravity acting on an entirebody is equivalent to a single force of magnitude mg actingthrough its center of mass. Friction forces are dissipative.They act in contact interfaces to halt sliding at sliding con-tacts and to prevent sliding at sticking and rolling contacts.The type of friction force focused on here is dry friction,which is assumed to act at contacts between body surfaces,including the inner surfaces of joints. Dry friction, as op-posed to viscous friction, allows bodies to stick together andrequires a non-zero tangential force to initiate sliding.

For point contacts between body surfaces, we considerthe standard isotropic Coulomb friction model. Assume thatcontact occurs at a single point with a uniquely defined tan-gent plane. Then place the origin of the contact coordinateframe at the contact point and let the t- and o-axes lie in the







(a) A Friction Cone






(b) Contact velocities

Figure 6: The friction cone of a contact and the decomposi-tion of the contact force and relative velocity.

tangent plane (see Figure 6(a)). The n-axis is orthogonal tothe t- and o-axes and is referred to as the contact normal.A contact force f is decomposed into a normal componentfn and tangential components, ft and fo. Because bodies areable to push against each other, but not pull, the normal forceis unilateral, i.e., fn ≥ 0. Similarly, the relative velocity be-tween the touching points on the bodies ν is decomposedinto components, νn, νt , and νo (see Figure 6(b)). The con-tact is sliding if νn = 0 and νt or νo is nonzero, and separat-ing if νn is greater than zero. Negative νn is not allowed, asit corresponds to interpenetration of the bodies.

The Coulomb model has two conditions: first, the net con-tact force must lie in a quadratic friction cone (see the graycone in Figure 6(a)) and second, when the bodies are slip-ping, the friction force must be the one on the boundary ofthe cone that directly opposes the sliding motion. The coneis defined as follows:

F(fn,µ) = {µ2f2n− f2

t − f2o ≥ 0, fn ≥ 0} (5)

where µ≥ 0 is the friction coefficient. The friction force thatmaximizes friction dissipation is:

ft =−µfnνt

β, fo =−µfn


β, (6)

where β =√

ν2t +ν2

o is the sliding speed at the contact (seeFigure 6(b)).

Common variations on this model include using two dif-ferent friction coefficients; one for sticking contact and alower one for sliding. When friction forces are larger in onedirection than another, one can replace the circular cone withan elliptical cone. In some simulation schemes the nonlinear-ity of the friction cone causes problems, and so it is elimi-nated by approximating the cone as a polyhedral cone. Fi-nally, to model the fact that contacts between real bodies areactually small patches, the friction cone can be extended, asdone by Contensou, to allow for a friction moment that re-sists rotation about the contact normal [Con62, TTP01].

A similar model for dry friction acting to resist joint mo-tion will be discussed in Section 3.

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2.1.5. The Newton-Euler Equations

The Newton-Euler equations are obtained by applying New-ton’s second law twice; once for translational motion andagain for rotational motion. Specifically, the net force f ap-plied to the body is equal to the time rate of change of trans-lational momentum mv (i.e., d

dt (mv)= f) and the net momentτ is equal to the time rate of change of rotational momentumIω (i.e., d

dt (Iω) = τ). Specializing these equations to the caseof a rigid body (which, by definition, has constant mass andmass distribution) yields:

mv = f (7)

Iω+ω× Iω = τ, (8)

where× represents the vector cross product and recall that Iis the 3-by-3 inertia matrix.

The second term on the left side of the rotational equa-tion is called the “gyroscopic force” which arises from theproper differentiation of the rotational momentum. The ro-tational velocity and mass matrix must both be expressed inthe same frame. This is usually a body-fixed frame (whichis rotating with the body in the inertial frame) or the inertialframe. In a body-fixed frame, Ibody is constant, but ω is avector expressed in a rotating frame, which means that Iω

is also a vector expressed in a rotating frame. The first termrepresents the rate of increase of angular velocity along thevector ω.

One might be tempted to try to eliminate the secondterm by expressing the rotational quantities in the inertialframe and differentiating them there. However, this doesnot work, because the inertia matrix expressed in the iner-tial frame I is time-varying, as seen by the following iden-tity I = RIbodyRT . Differentiating inertial frame quantitiesyields an equivalent expression with equivalent complexity.

The Newton-Euler equations contain the net force f andmoment τ. f is simply the vector sum of all forces acting onthe body. τ is the vector sum of the moments of all the forcesand pure moments. One can see from equation (7), that thenet force causes the center of gravity to accelerate in the di-rection of the net force proportional to its magnitude. This istrue independent of the location of the line of action in space.Equation (8) implies that the net moment directly affects therotational velocity of the body, but in a more complicatedway. The gyroscopic moments tend to cause the rotation axisof a rotating rigid body to “precess” about a circular cone.

Simulation of free body motion is done by integratingthe Newton-Euler equations (7,8) and the velocity kinematicequation (1) simultaneously. If there are contacts and joints,then these equations must be augmented with the constraintequations (2,3). If in addition, dry friction exists in contacts,then equations (5,6) must be included. The complete sys-tem of differential and algebraic equations and inequalities ischallenging to integrate and the development of robust meth-ods has been a research topic for more than 20 years. To push

the boundaries of interactive rigid body dynamics, one mustmaintain the current level of solution robustness and greatlyincrease the solution speed.

2.1.6. Impulse

When two bodies collide, those bodies, and any other bod-ies they are touching, experience very high forces of veryshort duration. In the case of ideal rigid bodies, the forcemagnitudes become infinite and the duration becomes in-finitesimal. These forces are referred to as impulsive forcesor shocks. One can see from equation (7), that shocks causeinfinite accelerations, which makes direct numerical integra-tion of the Newton-Euler equations impossible. One way todeal with this problem during simulation is to use a stan-dard integration method up to the time of impact, then usean impulse-momentum law to determine the jump disconti-nuities in the velocities, and finally restart the integrator.

Let [t, t +∆t] be a time step during which a collision oc-curs. Further, define p =

∫ t+∆tt fdt as the impulse of the

net force and mv as translational momentum. Integratingequation (7) from t to t + ∆t yields m(v(t + ∆t)− v(t)) =∫ t+∆t

t fdt, which states that impulse of the net applied forceequals the change of translational momentum of the body. Inrigid body collisions, ∆t approaches zero. Taking the limit as∆t goes to zero, one obtains an impulse momentum law thatis applied at the instant of impact to compute post collisionvelocities. Since ∆t goes to zero and the velocities remainfinite, the generalized position of the bodies are fixed duringthe impact. After processing the collision, one has the valuesof the generalized positions and velocities, which are the ini-tial conditions to restart the integrator. Note that integrationof the rotational equation (8) yields an impulse-momentumlaw for determining jump discontinuities in the rotational ve-locities.

Based on impulse-momentum laws, several algebraic col-lision rules have been proposed. Newton’s Hypothesis isstated in terms of the normal component of the relative ve-locity of the colliding points just before and just after colli-sion: v+n = −εv−n , where v−n is the relative normal velocityjust before impact, v+n is the relative normal velocity just af-ter impact, and ε ∈ [0,1] is known as the coefficient of resti-tution. Setting ε to zero yields a perfectly plastic impact (i.e.,an impact with no bounce). Setting this value to 1 yields per-fectly elastic impacts (i.e., no energy is lost).

Poisson’s Hypothesis is similar, but is a function of col-lision impulse rather than the rate of approach. The normalimpulse is divided into two parts, pc

n and prn, which are re-

lated as follows prn = εpc

n, where again ε ∈ [0,1]. Immedi-ately prior to the collision, ν

−n of the impact points is neg-

ative. The compression impulse pcn is defined as the amount

of impulse required to cause the relative normal velocity tobecome zero - just enough to prevent body interpenetrationwith no bounce. The restitution impulse is applied after thecompression impulse to generate bounce (i.e., ν

+n > 0).

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The same idea can be applied to frictional collision im-pulses by replacing the normal components of the impulsesand velocities with the tangential components (see for ex-ample [Bra91]). The normal and tangential impact hypothe-ses can be used together to determine the velocity jumpscaused by impacts. While simple and intuitive, this approachcan unfortunately generate energy during oblique collisions.To prevent such unrealistic outcomes, Stronge developedan energy-based collision law that imposes a condition thatprevents energy generation. Chatterjee and Ruina incorpo-rated Stronge’s energy constraint and recast the collisionlaw in terms of two parameters that are physically mean-ingful [CR98].

3. Models for Systems with Frictional Joints andContacts

This section introduces the most important models for sys-tems with joints and contacts. Numerical methods for thecomputation of solutions are presented in Section 4.

The laws of physics must be combined into what weterm an “instantaneous-time” model, which describes thecontinuous-time motions of the rigid bodies. Following this,we discretize this model over time to obtain a “discrete-time” model, which is a sequence of time-stepping sub-problems. The subproblems are formulated and numericallysolved at every time step to simulate the system.

3.1. Model Components

Here we take a strict approach trying to keep the physicsas correct as possible by only introducing errors of lin-earization and discretization. The model consists of fiveparts: the Newton-Euler equation [Lan86], a kinematic map(to relate time derivatives of configuration parameters totranslational and angular velocity variables), equality con-straints (to model permanent joint connections), normal con-tact conditions (to model intermittent contact behavior),and a dry friction law satisfying the principle of maximumpower dissipation, also known as the principle of maximumwork [Goy89]. These five parts will be explained in detailbelow.

Two types of constraints exist: permanent mechanicaljoints, each represented by a system of equations (five scalarequations in the case of a one-DOF joint), and isolated pointcontacts with well-defined contact normals, each representedby one scalar inequality. LetB andU denote the mutually ex-clusive sets of bilateral (equality) and unilateral (inequality)contacts:

B = {i : contact i is a joint} (9)

U = {i : contact i is a point contact}, (10)

where B∪U = {1, ...,nc} and nc is the number of contacts.Note that distributed contacts can be approximated arbitrar-ily well by a number of isolated point contacts.

To formulate the equations of motion properly, one needsprecise definitions of contact maintenance, sliding, andsticking. It is convenient to partition possible relative mo-tions at each contact into normal and frictional subspaces.Let κCin and κCi f , where κ ∈ {b, u}, denote signed distancefunctions (or gap functions) in the normal and friction sub-space directions at contact i. If two bodies touch at contact i,then κCin = 0. This is always enforced for joints (bCin = 0),which are permanent contacts, but not for unilateral contacts,which are broken as bodies separate (uCin > 0). The con-straint function (4) for two rigid spheres is a simple exampleof a gap function that can be written in closed form. Sim-ple gap functions also arise in one-DOF joints with limits;if qi is the displacement of joint i, and qi,min and qi,max arethe minimum and maximum displacements, then joint i hastwo gap functions: qi− qi,min ≥ 0 and qi,max− qi ≥ 0. Gen-erally gap functions are not available in closed form, but for-tunately, they are not needed by most simulation algorithms.In explicit time-stepping methods, such as considered in thispaper, one simply needs gap values at the start of the currenttime step, and these can be obtained from collision detectionalgorithms. In the case of geometrically implicit algorithms,such as the one developed by Chakraborty et al. [CBAT13],one needs closed form expressions of the body geometries,but not closed form gap functions.

The first time derivatives of the distance functions are therelative contact velocities, κ

νiσ = ddt(


; κ∈ {b, u},σ∈{n, f}. Note that κ

νin and κνi f are orthogonal subspaces,

where unallowed motions are prevented by body structuresand sliding motions are resisted by friction forces, respec-tively. If a pair of contact points (one on each body at thepoint of touching) are in sticking contact, instantaneously,the relative velocity of the contact points projected into thefrictional subspace is zero (κ

νi f = 0). If they slip, at least onefriction direction displacement will become nonzero. For ex-ample, the friction direction of a one-DOF joint is in the di-rection of motion of the joint. For a unilateral contact withisotropic Coulomb friction, the friction subspace will con-sist of relative translation in the t,o-plane. The correspond-ing displacement functions will be denoted by uCit and uCio.Relative rotations are not resisted by body structure or fric-tion, so they are not included in either subspace.

We now partition all contacts into sliding and stickingsubsets. At the position level, contact i is sustained if the dis-tance function κCin(q, t); κ ∈ {b,u} is equal to zero for a fi-nite period of time. However, one cannot distinguish slidingfrom sticking with this position-level condition; one needstime derivatives. The velocity-level set definitions are:

S = {i : κCin = 0, κνin = 0, κ

νi f 6= 0} (11)

R = {i : κCin = 0, κνin = 0, κ

νi f = 0}, (12)

where the sets S andR are mutually exclusive.

We are now in a position to develop the system of equa-tions and inequalities defining the instantaneous-time dy-

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namic model of a multi-rigid-body system with bilateral andunilateral contacts.

Newton-Euler Equations: The Newton-Euler equation fora system of rigid bodies can be written as follows:

M(q)u = g(q,u, t), (13)

where M(q) is the generalized mass matrix containing thebody mass properties and g(q,u, t) is the vector of loads,including the gyroscopic moment (the cross-product term inequation (15)). The generalized mass matrix M is a blockdiagonal matrix with the jth block defined as follows:

M j =

[m j13×3 0

0 I j(Q j)

], (14)

where 13×3 is the 3-by-3 identity matrix and I is the 3-by-3inertia matrix, so the dimension of M is (6nb×6nb), wherenb is the number of rigid bodies in the system. Since eachblock is positive definite and symmetric, so too is M. Theload vector g ∈ R6nb is formed by stacking the load vectorsof the individual bodies. For the jth body the load is:

g j =

[f j

τ j−ω j× I j(Q j)ω j

], (15)

where f j ∈R3 and τ j ∈R3 are the external force and momentapplied to body j.

Kinematic Map: The time rate of change of the general-ized coordinates of the bodies q is related to the generalizedvelocities of the bodies u:

q = H(q)u, (16)

where H(q) is the generalized kinematic map, which isblock diagonal, with nonzero blocks H j j given by equa-tion (1). If unit quaternions are used to represent body con-figurations, then the size of H is (7nb×6nb).

Joint Constraints: Since joints are permanent contacts, ifcontact i is a joint (i.e., i ∈ B), then the vector functionbCin(q, t) = 0 for all time. Stacking the bCin functions forall i ∈ B into the vector bCn(q, t), yields the position-levelconstraint for all joints:

bCn(q, t) = 0. (17)

From a physical perspective, these constraints are main-tained by reaction forces bfin that are unconstrained. Thatis, generalized forces normal or anti-normal to the constraintsurface in the system’s configuration space can be generated.When viewing multibody dynamics from a variational per-spective, these forces are Lagrange multipliers [Lan86].

Normal Contact Constraints: For the unilateral contacts,the scalar functions, uCin(q, t) for all i ∈ U must be non-negative. Stacking all the gap functions into the vector

uCn(q, t) yields the following position-level non-penetrationconstraint:

uCn(q, t)≥ 0. (18)

From a physical perspective, this constraint is maintained bythe normal component of the contact force ufin between thebodies. Again, this force can be viewed as a Lagrange multi-plier, but since the constraint is one-sided, so is the multiplier(i.e., ufin ≥ 0). This means that constraint forces at unilateralcontacts must be compressive or zero. Combining all ufin forall i ∈ U into the vector ufn, all normal force constraints canbe written as ufn ≥ 0.

There is one more aspect of unilateral contacts that mustbe modeled. If contact i is supporting a load (i.e., ufin > 0),then the contact must be maintained (i.e., uCin = 0). Con-versely, if the contact breaks (i.e., uCin > 0), then the normalcomponents (and hence the frictional components) of thecontact force must be zero (i.e., ufin = 0). For each contact,at least one of ufin and uCin must be zero, (i.e., uCin

ufin = 0).These conditions are imposed at every contact simultane-ously by an orthogonality constraint:

uCn(q, t) · ufn = 0, (19)

where · denotes the vector dot product.

Friction Law: At contact i, the generalized friction forceκfi f can act only in a subset of the unconstrained directionsand must lie within a closed convex limit setFi(

κfin,µi). Thelimit set must contain the origin, so that a zero friction forceis possible. Also, typically, the limit set scales linearly withthe normal component of the contact force, thus forming acone of possible contact forces.

When contact i is sticking, the friction force may take onany value within the limit set. However, when the contact issliding, the friction force must be the one within Fi(

κfin,µi)that maximizes the power dissipation. Such models are saidto satisfy the principle of maximum dissipation [Goy89]. Atthe velocity level, maximum dissipation can be expressed asfollows:

κfi f ∈ argmaxf′i f


νi f ·f′i f : f′i f ∈ Fi(κfin,µi)

}, (20)

where f′i f is an arbitrary vector in the set Fi(κfin,µi). No-

tice that when this set is strictly convex, then the frictionforce will be unique. For example, under the assumption ofisotropic Coulomb friction at a unilateral contact, the limitset is the disc µ2


in− uf2it − uf2

io ≥ 0 and the unique frictionforce is the one directly opposite the relative sliding velocity,κνi f = [uνit


T .

Finally, our instantaneous-time dynamic model is the sys-tem of differential algebraic inequalities (DAIs) composedof equations (13, 16–20), where the sliding and sticking con-tact sets are defined by equations (11) and (12).

In its current form, the DAI is difficult to solve, partly be-cause its has more unknowns (all of the positions, velocities,

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acceleration, and forces) than equations. However, as will beshown, it is possible to cast the model as a differential com-plementarity problem [CPS92, TPSL97] (a square system)in terms of only accelerations and forces, and then discretizethe result to form time-stepping subproblems in the form ofnonlinear or linear complementarity problems, which allowsone to apply well-studied solution algorithms.

3.2. Complementarity Problems

Several standard complementarity problems that will beused later in this section are the nonlinear, linear, mixed non-linear, and mixed linear complementarity problems.

Definition 1 (NCP:) Nonlinear Complementarity Problem:Given an unknown vector x ∈ Rm and a known vector func-tion y(x) : Rm→ Rm, determine x such that:

0≤ y(x)⊥ x≥ 0, (21)

where ⊥ implies orthogonality (i.e., y(x) · x = 0).

If the function y(x) is linear, then we have:

Definition 2 (LCP:) Linear Complementarity Problem:Given an unknown vector x ∈ Rm, a known fixed matrixA ∈ Rm×m, and a known fixed vector b ∈ Rm, determinex such that:

0≤ Ax+b⊥ x≥ 0. (22)

For LCPs, we adopt the shorthand notation, LCP(A,b).

Mixed complementarity problems include equalities andunrestricted variables:

Definition 3 (mNCP:) Mixed Nonlinear ComplementarityProblem: Given unknown vectors x ∈ Rm and w ∈ Rn, andknown vector functions y(x, w) : Rm+n→ Rm and z(x, w) :Rm+n→ Rn, find x and w such that:

z(x, w) = 0 (23)

0≤ y(x, w) ⊥ x≥ 0. (24)

Definition 4 (mLCP:) Mixed Linear ComplementarityProblem: Given unknown vectors x ∈ Rm and w ∈ Rn,known fixed square matrices F ∈ Rm×m and D ∈ Rn×n,known fixed rectangular matrices B∈Rm×n and C∈Rn×m,and known fixed vectors a ∈ Rm and r ∈ Rn, determine xand w such that:

0≤ Fx+Bw+a ⊥ x≥ 0 (25)

Cx+Dw+ r = 0. (26)

3.3. Complementarity Formulation of theInstantaneous-Time Model

To achieve model formulation as a properly posed com-plementarity problem, we must rewrite all the condi-tions (13,16–20) in terms of a common set of dependentvariables. By taking the appropriate number of time deriva-tives, all equations will be written in terms of accelerations,

thus generating a model in which all unknowns are forcesand accelerations. In addition, this model has the samenumber of equations and unknowns. This transformationwill be carried out below in three steps. First, differentiatethe distance functions twice with respect to time to exposethe acceleration variables, second, express the principle ofmaximum dissipation as a system of equations and inequal-ities in forces and accelerations, and third, reformulate theNewton-Euler equation to expose the forces.

Contact Constraints in Terms of Accelerations Contactconstraints (unilateral and bilateral) can be written in termsof accelerations through Taylor series expansion of con-straint functions, κCiσ(q, t); κ ∈ {b, u}; σ ∈ {n, f}. Letq = q+∆q and t = t +∆t, where ∆q and ∆t are small per-turbations. Then the Taylor expansion truncated after thequadratic terms is:

κCiσ(q, t) = κCiσ(q, t)+∂






((∆q)T ∂


∂q2 ∆q+2∂


∂q∂t∆q∆t +


∂t2 ∆t2


where κCiσ is an approximation of κCiσ. Notice that if con-tact exists at the current values of q and t, then the first termis zero. Dividing the linear terms by ∆t and taking the limitas ∆t (and ∆q) goes to zero, one obtains the relative veloc-ity, κ

νiσ at the contact. Dividing the quadratic terms by (∆t)2

and taking the limit yields the relative acceleration κaiσ:κaiσ = κJiσu+ κkiσ(q,u, t), (27)


κJiσ =∂(κCiσ)


κkiσ(q,u, t) =∂






∂t2 .

Stacking all the quantities above for every unilateral andbilateral contact (as defined in equations (11) and (12)), onearrives at the definitions of κan, κJn, and κkn. Under theassumption that normal distance functions and the normalcomponents of the relative velocity are zero, equations (17-19) can be expressed at the acceleration level as follows:

ban = 0. (29)

0≤ ufn ⊥ uan ≥ 0. (30)

Reformulation of maximum dissipation The principle ofmaximum dissipation (20) can be replaced by an equivalentsystem of equations and inequalities by formulating it as anunconstrained optimization problem, and solving it in closedform. To do this, however, one must choose a specific formofFi. In this paper, we will demonstrate the solution processfor isotropic Coulomb friction at a unilateral contact and ap-ply the result to dry friction of constant maximum magnitude

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in a one-DOF joint. The same procedure can be applied toother friction models, including Contensou [TP97, TTP01].

Closed-form solutions of optimization problems cansometimes be found by obtaining a system of equationscorresponding to necessary and sufficient conditions foran optimal solution, then solving them. The most commonapproach is to augment the objective function with the con-straints multiplied by Lagrange multipliers and then obtainthe equations, known as the Karush-Kuhn-Tucker (KKT)equations, by partial differentiation. To yield a valid solu-tion, the system must satisfy a regularity condition (alsoknown as, “constraint qualification”) on the boundary ofthe feasible set. In the case of isotropic Coulomb friction,the system does not satisfy any of the possible regularityconditions at the point of the cone (where ufin = 0), so themethod fails.

Fortunately, the more general Fritz-John conditions[MF67] do satisfy a regularity condition everywhere onthe cone. In the case of isotropic Coulomb friction, theaugmented objective function (recall equation (20)) is:


ufituνit +




uf2in− uf2

it − uf2io), (31)

where uβi0 and u

βi are Lagrange multipliers. To obtain a sys-tem of equations and inequalities equivalent to the maximumdissipation condition (20), one takes partial derivatives withrespect to the unknown friction force components and La-grange multipliers and then imposes the constraint qualifi-cation conditions of the Fritz-John method: u

βi0 ≥ 0 and(u

βi0,uβi) 6= (0,0). Following the derivation on pages 28-

30 of [Ber09], one arrives at the following system of con-straints:


uνit +

ufituβi = 0


uνio +

ufiouβi = 0

uγi = µ2


in− uf2it − uf2

io ≥ 0

0≤ uγi ⊥

uβi ≥ 0

∀ i ∈ {U ∩S}, (32)

where uγi is a slack variable for the friction limit set. Note

that uβi =‖

uνi f ‖ at the optimal solution, and represents

the magnitude of the slip velocity at contact i (i.e., uβi =

‖ uνi f ‖=


it +uν2

io ). Also note that this condition is notwritten in terms of accelerations, because at a sliding con-tact, the friction force (ufit ,

ufio) can be written in terms ofthe normal force and eliminated. For example, in the case ofCoulomb friction, equations (6) are used.

If contact i is a one-DOF joint, we will assume that themaximum magnitude of the dry friction force is independentof the load in the other five component directions. Thus, thefriction limit set for a bilateral joint Fi(µi) will be:

Fi(bfi fmax) =

{bfi f :

∣∣∣bfi f

∣∣∣≤ bfi fmax

}, ∀ i∈ {B∩S}, (33)

where |·| denotes the absolute value of a scalar and bfi fmax

is the nonnegative maximum magnitude of the generalizedfriction force in joint i.

Notice that this joint friction model is a special case of theresult obtained for Coulomb friction; fix ufinµi to the valueof bfi fmax and remove one of the friction directions, say thet-direction. The result is:

bfiomaxbνio +

bfiobβi = 0

bγi =

bf2iomax −

bf2io ≥ 0

0≤ bγi ⊥

bβi ≥ 0

∀ i ∈ {B∩S}. (34)

As before, bβi =‖

bνi f ‖ at an optimal solution.

The principle of maximum dissipation (20) must be con-sidered further. When contact i is sliding, the solutions ofconditions (32) and (34) produce the correct results (i.e., thefriction force obtains its maximum magnitude and directlyopposes the sliding direction), and we can use these condi-tions to eliminate κfi f . Also as required, when a contact issticking, these conditions allow the friction force to lie any-where within the friction limit set. What these conditions donot provide is a mechanism for determining if a sticking con-tact will change to sliding. However, this problem is easilyremedied by considering equations (32) and (34) the rela-tive velocity is zero. In this case, the relative velocity at theonset of slipping is proportional to the relative acceleration.Therefore, they can be replaced with the analogous acceler-ation variables yielding:


uait +ufit

uβi = 0


uaio +ufio

uβi = 0

uγi = µ2


in− uf2it − uf2

io ≥ 0

0≤ uγi ⊥

uβi ≥ 0

∀ i ∈ {U ∩R}, (35)

where uβi =‖

uai f ‖ at the optimal solution, and

bfi fmaxbai f +

bfi fbβi = 0

bγi =

bf2i fmax −

bf2i f ≥ 0

0≤ bγi ⊥

bβi ≥ 0

∀ i ∈ {B∩R}, (36)

where bβi f =

∣∣∣bai f

∣∣∣ at the optimal solution.

Exposing the Contact Forces in the Newton-Euler Equa-tion Recall that the vector g(q,u, t) represents the resultantgeneralized forces acting on the bodies, and naturally gener-ated gyroscopic forces. In order to complete the formulationas an NCP, g(q,u, t) is expressed as the sum of the normaland friction forces at the unilateral and bilateral contacts andall other generalized forces. The Newton-Euler equation be-comes:

M(q)u = uJn(q)T ufn +uJ f (q)

T uf f (37)

+ bJn(q)T bfn +bJ f (q)

T bf f +gext(q,u, t),

where gext(q,u, t) is the resultant of all non-contact forcesand moments applied to the bodies, uf f and bf f are formed

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by stacking the generalized friction vectors at the unilateraland bilateral contacts respectively, and the matrices κJσ mapcontact forces into a common inertial frame.

Definition 5 (Model-dNCP) Collecting equations (16, 29,30, 32, 34–37) a dynamic model in the form of a differentialNCP (dNCP) is defined.

If one wanted to use this model in an integration scheme,the PATH algorithm by Ferris and Munson is the most robust,general purpose NCP solver available [CPN11]. However,we recommend against this, because a solution does not al-ways exist [PT96], and when one does, it could have infinitevalues. Fortunately, the existence problem can be eliminatedby discretizing Model-dNCP over time.

3.4. A Nonlinear Discrete-Time Model as an mNCP

Now we discretize the five components of the instantaneous-time model derived above. Let t` be the current time forwhich we have estimates of the configuration q(`) = q(t`)and the generalized velocity u(`) = u(t`) of the system.Given a positive time-step ∆t = t`+1 − t`, our goal is tocompute configurations q(`+1) = q(t` + ∆t) and veloci-ties u(`+1) = u(t` + ∆t) that lie as close as possible toa solution of the dNCP. To simplify our presentation, wechoose the simple backward Euler approximation of the statederivatives, i.e., u(t`+1)≈ (u(`+1)−u(`))/∆t and q(t`+1)≈(q(`+1)−q(`))/∆t.

Discrete-Time Newton-Euler Equations Applying thebackward Euler approximation to the Newton-Euler equa-tion (37) yields the equation below in which all quantitiesare evaluated at the end of the time step:


u(`+1)−u(`))= (uJT

n )(`+1)up(`+1)

n (38)

+(uJTf )

(`+1)up(`+1)f +(bJ

Tn )


+(bJTf )

(`+1)bp(`+1)f +(pext)


where the vectors are unknown generalized contact impulsesdefined as p(`+1) = ∆tf(`+1) and pext = ∆tgext is the impulseof the generalized forces applied to the bodies over the timestep. Note that in general, the inertia matrix, Jacobians, andexternal impulse all depend nonlinearly on the state, (q, u).

Discrete-Time Kinematic Map Applying the backwardEuler approximation to the kinematic map (16) gives:

q(`+1)−q(`) = ∆tH(`+1)u(`+1), (39)

which is nonlinear in the unknown system configurationq(`+1) due to the dependence of H on q. An important is-sue arises when solving this equation for q(`+1). The “vec-tor” q(`+1), is not a vector; the orientation part of q lives ina curved space, not a vector space. For example, when ori-entation is represented by a unit quaternion, then quaternion

elements of q(`) and q(`+1) must have unit length, but adding∆tH(`+1)u(`+1) to q(`) slightly increases the length. Thisproblem can be solved simply by normalizing the quaternionelements of q(`+1) after each time step.

Discrete-Time Joint and Normal Contact Constraints Atthe end of each time step, the constraints should be satisfied.Therefore, the discrete-time joint constraints, equation (17),are simply the joint constraints enforced at time t`+1:

bC(`+1)n = 0, (40)

where bC(`+1)n denotes bCn(q`+1, t`+1).

The analogous approach applies to the normal contactconstraints, but with one additional consideration; the con-tact normal forces must be replaced with normal impulses.Thus, equations (18–19) become:

0≤ up(`+1)n ⊥ uC(`+1)

n ≥ 0. (41)

Note that, in general, the right-hand inequality is nonlinearin the unknown u(`+1). However, it can be made linear bya Taylor series expansion. It is also important to note thatthis relationship implies that the normal impulse up(`+1)

n atthe end of the time step can be nonzero only if the distancefunction at the end of the time step is also zero. It says noth-ing about what can happen during the time step.

Discrete-Time Maximum Dissipation Principle To mod-ify the maximum dissipation condition for use in time step-ping, one integrates the force over a short time interval to ob-tain an impulse. If the direction of sliding changes little overthe time step, then the friction law can be well approximatedby simply replacing force variables with impulse variables.Thus, equation (20) becomes:

κp(`+1)i f ∈ argmax

p′i f


κν(`+1)i f

)Tp′i f : p′i f ∈ Fi(

κp(`+1)in ,µi)


where p′i f is an arbitrary vector in the set Fi(κp(`+1)

in , µi). Asit was the case during the formulation of the instantaneousmodel, we cannot complete the formulation of the discrete-time model without assuming a particular form of Fi.

The discrete-time forms of the friction models presentedearlier are formed simply by replacing forces with impulsesand enforcing the conditions at the end of the time step. Thecontact friction model becomes:


inuν`+1it + up`+1

ituβ`+1i = 0


inuν`+1io + up`+1

iouβ`+1i = 0

uγ`+1i = µ2

i (up`+1

in )2− (up`+1it )2− (up`+1

io )2 ≥ 0

0≤ uγ`+1i ⊥ u

β`+1i ≥ 0,


where ∀ i ∈ A(q, u) and A is the set of active constraints,typically defined by A = {i : uCin ≤ ε(u)}, where ε is anestimate of the size of the gap between bodies that could

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close during the next time step. Notice that because the ve-locities in the discrete-time model are unknown, there is noway to distinguish sliding and sticking contacts during prob-lem formulation. The contact interactions are determined asa by-product of solving the time-stepping subproblem. Thediscrete-time form of dry friction in the joints is given simi-larly:

bpiomaxbν`+1io + bp


bβ`+1i = 0

bγ`+1i = bp

2iomax− (bp


`+1 ≥ 0

0≤ bγ`+1i ⊥ b

β`+1i ≥ 0

∀ i ∈ B. (43)

Again, one need not distinguish between sliding and stickingcontacts at the time of formulation.

Definition 6 (Model-mNCP) Equations (38–41, 42, 43) de-fine the model as a sequence of time-stepping subproblems.

3.5. The Discrete-Time Model as an mLCP

Theoretical support and solution algorithms are better de-veloped for LCPs than for NCPs [CPS92]. Therefore, it issometimes preferable to use a linearized version of Model-mNCP. The discrete-time Newton Euler equation (38) is lin-ear in the unknown impulses and velocities, but the inertiaand Jacobian matrices are functions of the unknown config-uration and the external impulse (pext)

(`+1) is generally afunction of both q(`+1) and u(`+1). The standard way to ob-tain a linear equation is to assume that all of these quantitiesare equal to their values at t` and constant over the next step.


u(`+1)−u(`))= (uJT

n )(`)up(`+1)

n (44)

+(uJTf )

(`)up(`+1)f +(bJ

Tn )


+(bJTf )

(`)bp(`+1)f +(pext)


Since the values of these quantities vary over the time step,fixing their values at t` introduces error, which reduces withthe size of the time step and the velocities of the bodies.

Equation (39) is also nonlinear due to the dependence ofH on q(`+1). As above, evaluating it at t` yields a linear ap-proximation:

q(`+1)−q(`) = ∆tH(`)u(`+1). (45)

Linearized Joint and Contact Constraints The contactand joint displacement functions given in equations (17,18)can be linearized by Taylor series expansion about t`:


σ = κC(`)σ +(κJσ)

(`)u(`+1)∆t +



∂t∆t, (46)

where the hat over the displacement function connotes lin-ear approximation. For joints, the approximation of equa-tion (46) becomes:

bC(`)n +(bJn)

(`)u(`+1)∆t +



∂t∆t = 0. (47)




(a) Friction Cone




(b) Limit Set

Figure 7: Example of friction cone linearization using sevenfriction direction vectors. Note the linearization side-effect -the friction force that maximizes dissipation is not exactlyopposite the relative velocity at the contact point.

Similarly, the normal complementarity condition (41) be-comes:

0≤ up(`+1)n ⊥ uC(`)

n +(uJn)(`)u(`+1)

∆t +∂


∂t∆t ≥ 0.


It only remains to linearize the friction model. However,this requires a specific choice of friction limit set. Therefore,at this point, we will choose isotropic Coulomb friction anddemonstrate the process of linearization for it, which is illus-trated in Figure 7. The friction limit set is a circle of radiusµi

up(`+1)in (shown in Figure 7(b)). This circle is approximated

by a convex polygon whose vertices are defined by nd unitvectors di j that positively span the friction plane.

To constrain the friction impulse at contact i, up(`+1)i f , to

lie within the polygonal limit set, we employ nonnegativebarycentric coordinates, u

αi j ≥ 0; j = {1, ...,nd}. The inte-rior and boundary of the linearized friction impulse limit setcan be represented as follows:

up(`+1)i f = uDi



uαi j ≤ µi


∀ i ∈ U , (49)

where uDi is the matrix whose jth column is the unit vectordi j and u

αi is the vector with jth element given by uαi j.

For the developments in the next few paragraphs, it is im-portant to see that if u

αi j = µiup(`+1)

in , then the friction im-pulse is simply µidi j, which is a vertex of the polygon. Ifuαi j +

uαik = µi

up(`+1)in , where di j and dik are adjacent direc-

tion vectors, then the friction impulse is on an edge of thepolygon. Importantly, these are the only ways to representfriction impulses on the boundary of the linearized limit setusing barycentric coordinates. All other coordinate combina-tions define a friction impulse on the interior of the polygon.

We must also enforce that at sticking contacts, the frictionimpulse lies within the limit set, but while sliding, it must

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maximize power dissipation, which requires the impulse tobe on the boundary of the limit set. Let the nonnegative slackvariable u

βi be a scalar sliding indicator for contact i, whereuβi = 0 implies sticking and u

βi > 0 implies sliding. Whenuβi = 0, the friction impulse may be anywhere in the interior

of the polygon or on its boundary, but when uβi > 0 it must

be on the boundary.

These two requirements suggest a complementarity re-lationship between the representation (second equation inbracketed equations just above) and u



µi p(`+1)in − ueT


)⊥ u

βi ≥ 0 ∀ i ∈ U , (50)

where ei is a vector of length nd with all elements equal toone. This condition ensures that the friction impulse is inthe cone, but it does not enforce maximum dissipation. Toachieve the latter, one must introduce another condition thatallows only one or two consecutive barycentric coordinatesto be nonzero. One way to accomplish this is by the intro-duction of another complementarity constraint that maps therelative velocity of the friction subspace ν

(`+1)i f onto the di j

vectors (this can be accomplished with uDTi

uJi f u(`+1)) and

identifies j such that di j is most directly opposite to ν(`+1)i f .

The following linear complementarity condition, in conjunc-tion with condition (50), identifies the correct di j:



uJi f u(`+1)+eiuβi

)⊥ u

αi ≥ 0 ∀ i ∈ U . (51)

Consider for a moment complementarity condition (51)which enforces maximal dissipation. If the contact is slidinguβi > 0, at least one element of u

αi must be positive. Theonly way to have a positive element of u

αi is to have at leastone element of the expression on the left be zero, which canonly happen when u

βi takes on its minimum value. Note thatthis minimum value can never be zero as long as the vectorsdi j; i = 1, ...,nd positively span the friction subspace, andfurthermore, u

βi approximates the slip speed, with the ap-proximation converging to the exact slip speed as nd goes toinfinity. If u

βi = 0, all elements of uαi may be positive, which

corresponds to a friction force within the friction cone.

One important side-effect of the above approximation ofthe principle of maximum dissipation is that a finite coneof relative velocities at contact i leads to exactly the samefriction impulse. Even if the direction of sliding changessmoothly, the direction of the friction impulse jumps fromone direction vector to the next.

Combining the tangential complementarity conditions forall unilateral contacts yields linear complementarity systemsthat replace equations (32) and (35) in the instantaneous-time model:


uDT uJ f u(`+1)+ uEuβ

)⊥ u

α≥ 0


U up(`+1)n − uET u


)⊥ u

β≥ 0,(52)

where the column vectors uα and u

β are formed by stacking

the vectors uαi and scalars u

βi,uDT is formed by stacking

the matrices uDTi , uE is a block diagonal matrix with nonzero

blocks given by uei, and U is the diagonal matrix with ele-ment (i, i) equal to µi.

If all joints in the system are one-DOF joints, equa-tions (34) and (36) of the instantaneous-time model are re-placed with the following:


bDT bJ f u(`+1)+ bEb


)⊥ b

α≥ 0


bp f max−bE

T bα

)⊥ b

β≥ 0,(53)

where the column vectors bα and b

β are formed by stacking

the vectors bαi and scalars b


Tis formed by stacking

the matrices bDTi , bE is a block diagonal matrix with nonzero

blocks given by bei, and bp f max is ∆t bf f max.

The above linearized conditions, taken together, define atime-stepping subproblem as an mLCP (see definition 4).However, notice that our approach to linearization has de-coupled the kinematic map, equation (45). Therefore, asmaller mLCP can be solved for unknown generalized ve-locity, impulses, and slack variables first, and then the kine-matic map can be used to update the system configuration.

Definition 7 (Model-mLCP) Equations (44, 47, 48, 52, 53)constitute an mLCP.

Using the notation of the definition of the standard mLCPgiven above, the variables of the Model-mLCP are:

x`+1 =






w`+1 =




The constants are:

F =

0 0 0 0 00 0 0 bE


0 0 0 0 uE`

0 −(bE`)T 0 0 0

U 0 −(uE`)T 0 0

C =

[(uJ`n)T (bJ


T (uJ`D)T 0 00 0 0 0 0


B = CT D =

[−M` (bJ



bJ`n 0


a =


∆t +∂







bp`f max

r =



n∆t +




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It is known that solutions always exist to Model-mLCP ifthe inequalities are feasible (see [AP97]). Practically speak-ing, they are not feasible only when bodies are forced intosituations in which overlap cannot be avoided. This can becaused be specifying body or joint trajectories as given func-tions of time or infeasible initial conditions.

3.6. The Discrete-Time Model as an LCP

Model-mLCP can be solved in its current form or it can bereformulated as a standard LCP and then solved. When thenull space of bJ

(`)n is trivial (which is usually true if there

are no kinematic loops in mechanisms), then, because M issymmetric and positive definite, one can solve equations (44)

and (47) for u(`+1) and bp(`+1)n .

Definition 8 (Model-LCP) This model is the LCP(A, b),where A = (F−BD−1C) and b = a−BD−1r.

The size of Model-LCP is the same as that of Model-mLCPeven though we have solved for the generalized velocitiesand normal constraint impulses in the joints in advance.It is also important to note that since Model-LCP was de-rived from Model-mLCP, their solutions are identical. How-ever, Model-LCP can be solved by pivoting methods such asLemke’s algorithm [CPS92].

Model Sizes The size of a model is the number of un-knowns. In the case of models with differential equationsthe unknowns are the dependent variables, which are un-known functions of the independent variable. For the modelsdeveloped above, the independent variable is time and theunknowns are force f or impulse p, the body velocities u,and the body configurations q. Let nbdy, njnt, and ncnt be thenumber of bodies, one-DOF joints, and unilateral contacts,respectively. Then the sizes of the models are given in thefollowing table.

Model Number of unknownsModel-dNCP 7njnt + 4ncnt +13nbdyModel-mNCP 7njnt + 4ncnt +13nbdyModel-mLCP 8njnt +(2+nd)ncnt + 6nbdyModel-LCP 3njnt +(2+nd)ncnt

Several of the terms warrant some explanation. The term7njnt appears (rather than 6njnt), because in addition to thesix components of impulse acting at each joint, there is alsoan unknown slack variable that determines if the joint issticking or sliding. The 7 changes to 8 when the model is lin-earized, because the friction space in each one-DOF joint hastwo friction directions, and the slack variable is still needed.The 8 then reduces to 3 in Model-LCP, because the five com-ponents of normal impulse are solved when converting froman mLCP to an LCP.

In the term 4ncnt, the 4 corresponds to the three contactimpulse directions and the slack variable that differentiatesbetween sticking and sliding. The 4 changes to 2+nd in the

linearization process. Recall that two friction directions arereplaced by nd directions.

The term 13nbdy appears, because we have assumed thatthe orientations of the bodies are represented by unit quater-nions. This term drops to 6nbdy for Model-mLCP, becausethe linearization process decouples the update of q from theothers, so the impulses and velocities are found by solvingthe mLCP, then u is updated. While q is still technically anunknown, its update is extremely simple in comparison tosolving the mLCP.

3.7. Reduced Coordinate Models

The models presented so far are of a family known as “max-imal coordinate” models, so called, because all six degreesof freedom of every body is represented in the Newton-Euler equation. Maximal coordinate models use bilateralconstraints, bCin = 0, to eliminate the degrees of freedomremoved by joint structures. In maximal coordinate mod-els, one solves for all impulses, velocities, and configura-tions simultaneously. By contrast, minimal coordinate mod-els express as many of the unknowns as possible as functionsof independent coordinates, known as generalized coordi-nates. Minimal coordinate formulations of multibody dy-namics have the added benefit of eliminating all of the bi-lateral constraints, so that constraint stabilization (requiredin simulation with maximal coordinate formulations) is un-necessary.

Several reduced coordinate formulations for multibodysystems with unilateral contacts and frictionless joints weredeveloped by Bhalerao et al. in [BAT09]; two mLCPs andone LCP. Unlike Model-mLCP presented above, an interest-ing feature of these formulations is that their sizes are inde-pendent of the number of bodies nbdy, but one is dependenton the number of bodies with at least one unilateral contact.This independence derives from the use of Featherstone’sDivide and Conquer Algorithm (DCA) [Fea99].

Model Number of unknownsModel-DCA-mLCP1 (2+nd)nc +12+6nu-bdyModel-DCA-mLCP2 (2+nd)nc +12Model-DCA-LCP (2+nd)nc

Note that these formulations did not incorporate dry jointfriction. However, since all bilateral constraints are elimi-nated by the DCA algorithm, the number of unknowns inthe joints should be 3njnt for all three models.

Comparing these formulations to Model-mLCP andModel-LCP, we find that all the quantities relating to dryfriction and unilateral contacts (x`+1, F, and a) are un-changed. The normal constraint impulse of the bilateral

contacts (bp(`+1)n ) is absent, which eliminates the second

block row of D, C, and r, and the second block column ofD and B. The remaining changes are in the inertia matrixM, the Jacobian matrices in C (and B), the body velocity

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vector u, and the kinematic velocity map H. In the caseof Model-DCA-LCP, M and u become vacuous, and theJacobians become very dense. For model-DCA-mLCP2,M and u become (12× 12) and (12× 1), respectively. InModel-DCA-mLCP1, the sizes grow to 6nu-bdy + 12, andthe Jacobians are the least dense.

So one might wonder, why bother with maximal coordi-nate models at all. The main reasons are ease of implementa-tion and sparseness of the matrices of the model, which canbe exploited for more efficient matrix inversion and parallelimplementation (see Section 5).

4. The Numerical Solution Methods

Once discrete-time models have been obtained, we must ap-ply numerical methods to compute solutions. We start withhow to integrate the motion of free moving rigid bodies suchas bodies in ballistic motion without any collisions or con-tact. Subsequently, in Sections 4.1- 4.4 we cover numericalmethods for computing solutions of the discrete LCP con-tact model from Section 3.1 and approaches for simulatingarticulated bodies. The methods are presented in a generalsetting hence A and b are arbitary as defined in (22).

We have to perform an integration step to obtain the dy-namic state of a body for the next time step. Therefore, wewant to introduce numerical integration methods. In con-trast to the well-known explicit Euler, the semi-implicit Eu-ler uses the velocity at time t0 +∆t instead of time t0 for theintegration of the position vector:

u(t0 +∆t) = u(t0)+∆t M−1 g(q,u, t0)q(t0 +∆t) = q(t0)+∆t Hu(t0 +∆t),

where M, g(q,u, t) and H are defined by equations (1, 14,15). The semi-implicit Euler is a first-order symplectic in-tegrator. The advantage of integrating the velocities firstis that the new velocities can be adapted before the po-sition integration in order to resolve collisions or to sim-ulate damping [GBF03, MHHR07]. Runge-Kutta methodsare also very popular in the field of rigid body dynam-ics [BWAK03, RGL05, BS06b, Ben07] to solve the initialvalue problem given by the equation of motion. For moredetails we refer to [BETC12].

4.1. Direct Methods

Direct solution methods are known to be computationallyheavy. Therefore, they are often not preferred for interac-tive simulation. However, their ability to deliver accurate so-lutions make them ideal to handle problems such as largemass ratios. Thus, for some applications direct methods arethe only option. Among direct methods for linear comple-mentarity problems (LCPs) based on pivoting are the Lemkemethod and the Keller method [CPS92, Lac03].

Here we will present a core idea of most pivoting meth-ods, namely a guessing approach that exploits the fact that

an LCP is a combinatorial problem. The LCP can be writtenas

0≤ y ⊥ x≥ 0

where y = Ax+b. By algebraic manipulation we get[1 −A


]= b.

Next we define the index set I = {1, . . . ,n} and introduceone index set of free variables yi > 0 and one of active vari-ables yi = 0,

F ≡ {i | yi > 0} and A≡ {i | xi > 0} .

We assume strict complementarity holds meaning we neversimultaneously have yi = 0 and xi = 0. Thus,F ∩A= ∅ andF ∪A = {1, . . . ,n}. The idea is to create a method that canverify if any guess ofF andA is a solution for the given LCPformulation. Using the index sets we make the partitioning[

1·F −A·A]︸ ︷︷ ︸



]︸ ︷︷ ︸


= b,

where 1·F and A·A are the sub matrices given by the columnindices F and A. Our problem is simplified to verifying ifthe linear programming (LP) problem

Cx = b subject to x≥ 0

has a solution. This can be done by first computing xA =−A−1AAbA, and verify if xA ≥ 0. Next one uses the feasi-

ble xA to compute yF = AFAxA+bF and finally verify ifyF ≥ 0. If that last verification succeeds, then a solution hasbeen found. Observe that during the verification processeswe only need to compute A−1

AA. If ‖ A ‖� n, then verifica-tion will be fast.

In the worst case, the time complexity of guessing wouldbeO(n32n), which is not computationally efficient. Anotherstrategy is to be clever in making new guesses. For instanceby applying a pivoting or other strategy that builds up the in-dex sets incrementally. One such algorithm was introducedby Baraff [Bar94]. For this algorithm one can exploit incre-mental matrix factorizations and prove that no more than npivot steps are needed when A has certain matrix properties.The result is an algorithm running in O(n3). For full algo-rithm detail and complexity analysis we refer to [BETC12].

The pivoting method is capable of finding an accurate so-lution for the LCP whereas the iterative methods we cover inSection 4.2 and 4.3 only find approximate solutions. How-ever, the accuracy is at the expense of having to form theA-matrix whereas the iterative methods often exploit a fac-torization of the A-matrix given by the constraint Jacobiansand the mass matrix, JM−1JT . These matrices are extremelysparse and one can evaluate matrix-vector products more ef-ficiently using the factorization than by first assembling theA-matrix which can be very dense even if it consists of prod-ucts of sparse matrices.

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Figure 8: More complex interacting geometry showing ro-bustness.

Figure 9: Goal oriented task based testing for interactivity.Stacks of objects are to be created and tipped over withoutfalling down.

4.2. Iterative Fixed Point Schemes

Most open source software for interactive real-time rigidbody simulation use the Projected Gauss–Seidel (PGS)method for computing contact forces. This includes the twomost popular open source simulators Bullet and Open Dy-namics Engine. PGS is computationally very efficient withan iteration cost of O(n), using a careful memory layoutof sparse matrices allows for a memory footprint of O(n).In addition to being computationally and memory-wise effi-cient, PGS is very robust (see Figure 8) and can deal grace-fully with ill-conditioned problems (due to many redundantconstraints) or ill-posed problems (due to badly defined con-straints). For these reasons PGS is well suited for interac-tive applications like computer games. Figure 9 shows dif-ferent interactive tasks, which are accomplished in a simula-tion with a PGS solver.

4.2.1. Matrix Splitting Methods

We introduce the matrix splitting A = M−N. Next we letck = b−Nxk then the LCP

0≤ x⊥ Ax+b≥ 0, (55)


0≤ xk+1 ⊥Mxk+1 + ck ≥ 0. (56)

This results in a fixed-point formulation where we hope thatfor a suitable choice of M and N the complementarity sub-problem might be easier to solve than the original problem.The splitting method can be summarized as

Step 0 Initialization, set k = 0 and choose an arbitrary non-negative x0 ≥ 0.

Step 1 Given xk ≥ 0 solve the LCP (56).Step 2 If xk+1 satisfy some stopping criteria then stop oth-

erwise set k← k+1 and go to step 1.

The splitting is often chosen such that M is a Q-matrix. Thismeans that M belongs to the matrix class where the cor-responding LCP has a solution for all vectors ck [Mur88,CPS92]. Clearly if xk+1 is a solution for (56) and we havexk+1 = xk then by substitution into the subproblem givenby (56) we see that xk+1 is a solution of the original prob-lem (55).

Next we will use the minimum map reformulation on thecomplementarity subproblem [Erl13], this is equivalent to

min(xk+1,Mxk+1 + ck) = 0. (57)

Subtract xk+1 and multiply by minus one,

max(0,−Mxk+1− ck +xk+1) = xk+1. (58)

Again we re-discover a fixed-point formulation. Let us per-form a case-by-case analysis of the ith component. If(

xk+1−Mxk+1− ck)

i< 0 (59)

then xk+1i = 0. Otherwise(

xk+1−Mxk+1− ck)

i= xk+1

i . (60)

That is,

(Mxk+1)i = cki . (61)

For a suitable choice of M and back-substitution of ck =b−Nxk we have(



i= xk+1

i . (62)

Combining it all, we have derived the closed-form solutionfor the complementarity subproblem,





= xk+1. (63)

Iterative schemes like these are often termed projectionmethods. The reason for this is that if we introduce the vectorzk = M−1


), then

xk+1 = max(

0,zk). (64)

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That is, the k+1 iteration is obtained by projecting the vectorzk onto the nonnegative orthant. In a practical implementa-tion one would rewrite (64) into a for loop that sweeps overthe vector components and updates the x-vector in place.

One would want to use a clever splitting such that the in-version of M is computationally inexpensive. Letting L, Dand U be the strict lower, diagonal and strict upper partsof A, then three popular choices are: the projected Jacobimethod M = D and N = L+U, the projected Gauss–Seidel(PGS) method M = (L+D) and N = U, and the projectedSuccessive Over Relaxation (PSOR) method M = (D+ γL)and N = ((1− γ)D− γU), where 0≤ γ≤ 2 is the relaxationparameter. For PSOR b is replaced by γb and γA = M−N.This is because the linear relation is written as γ(Ax+b).

Using the PSOR variant (with PGS as a special case ofγ = 1) and rewriting the matrix update equation into a forloop over the ith component then one obtains the iterativemethod

1 : method PSOR(N,γ,x,A,b)2 : for k = 1 to N3 : for all i4 : ri← Ai∗x+bi

5 : xi←max(

0,xi− γriAii

)6 : next i7 : next k

where N is the maximum number of allowed iterations andγ is the relaxation parameter. In [BETC12] it is shown howquadratic programming problems can be used to derive thismethod. In the case of A being symmetric positive semi-definite, it can be shown that the method will always con-verge to a solution.

It is worthwhile to note that A must at least have nonzerodiagonal for these splittings to work. In general for non-symmetric matrices one may experience divergence. Thismeans we cannot apply these methods directly to the LCPmodel. Thus, in computer graphics an alternative model hasbeen used which drops the principle of maximum dissipa-tion. This alternative allows for a matrix splitting methodto be derived [PNE10]. One may improve the accuracy andconvergence rate of the resulting numerical method by usingsub-space minimization [SNE10b] or a nonsmooth nonlinearconjugate gradient method [SNE10a].

It seems that all hope of using matrix splitting for the LCPmodel is lost. However, as we show in Section 4.2.2 and4.2.3 a blocked version of the matrix splittings can be usedfor the LCP model.

4.2.2. The Blocked Gauss–Seidel Method

The matrix splitting and QP reformulation approaches im-ply that Gauss–Seidel methods cannot be used for the LCPcontact model due to its zero diagonal values and non sym-metry of A. However, the splitting idea can be applied in

a blocked version. This results in a numerical method thatis very easy to implement and still preserves the good nu-merical properties of the PGS method. A block is definedas all variables from one contact point. In the case of afour-sided friction pyramid the ith block will consist of thenormal impulse xn,i, four friction impulses xt1,i, xt2,i, xt3,i,xt4,i and one slack variable βi. We introduce the block no-


i =[xn,i xt1,i · · · βi

]T . Similar[A]

i j is the

sub-block of A corresponding to the ith and jth contact pointvariables. Thus, the blocked LCP can be written:[


i = ∑j


i j


j +[b]

i ≥ 0 ∀i, (65a)[x]

i ≥ 0 ∀i, (65b)[y]T



i = 0 ∀i. (65c)

Now we may apply the Gauss–Seidel splitting to the blockedLCP. The result is a blocked Gauss–Seidel (BGS) method:

1 : method BGS(N,x,A,b)2 : for k = 1 to N3 : for all i4 :


i ←[b]

i−∑ j 6=i[A]

i j



5 : solve-sub-lcp([x]

i ,[A]

ii ,[b]′


6 : next i7 : next k

The intuition behind the numerical method is that all con-tact point variables other than the ith block are momentarilyfrozen while solving for the variables of the ith block. TheBGS approach is also known as a “sweeping process” or asthe non-smooth contact dynamics (NSCD) method [Mor99,Jea99].

The sub-block LCP in line 5 can be solved using anyLCP solver. Usually one would apply another splitting todivide the sub-block LCP into a normal impulse sub-blockand a frictional sub-block. The normal part is a 1D prob-lem and can be solved by a projection. The frictional partwould in our case be a 5D problem. It is a bit unpleasant aswe have zero diagonal terms and non-symmetry of the fric-tional sub-block part of A. However, the low dimensionalitywould allow for an efficient direct enumeration approach orone may drop the principle of maximum dissipation (chang-ing the contact model) allowing us to reduce the number ofvariables to a 2D problem with a symmetric positive semi-definite frictional sub-block matrix.

From a computer science viewpoint, an implementationof this method is indistinguishable from an implementationof the propagation model [BETC12]. The main difference isthat this is a numerical method for solving a simultaneouscontact model whereas the other is a model in itself. Theformer solves for force impulses whereas the latter solvesfor collision impulses. The similarity with the propagationmodel also gives intuition to some of the traits of the numer-ical method. One may see propagation effects even thoughone is using a simultaneous model.

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The blocked Gauss–Seidel method offers many possibili-ties. In Section 4.2.3, we divide an LCP into two sub-blocks:one with normal variables only and the other containing therest. In fact one may use any kind of partitioning to createthe sub-blocks. For instance if the LCP includes joints, onemay create a sub-block for all the joint variables. This jointsub-block of the LCP is known to be equivalent to a symmet-ric positive semi-definite linear system. Thus, one may usea preconditioned conjugate gradient (PCG) solver to solvefor joint impulses rather than a PGS method. As PCG hasthe same per-iteration cost as PGS but better convergencerate the result is much less joint drifting errors at the samecost as PGS. If the number of joints is sufficiently small,one may even use an incomplete Cholesky factorization tosolve for joint impulses resulting in very accurate solutions.One may even take the BGS idea one step further and solvethe joint sub-block with a completely different approach likethe reduced coordinate formulation in Section 4.4. In the ex-treme case, BGS can be used to partition a configuration intosub-blocks where one can apply specialized solvers for eachsub-block. Such approaches have been termed hierarchicalsolvers by the graphics and gaming community.

4.2.3. A Staggered Approach

One may combine the ideas of splitting the LCP and us-ing QP reformulations. The idea is referred to as stagger-ing [Löt84, KSJP08]. We partition the LCP variables intothree index sets, one corresponding to normal impulses N ,and one to friction impulses F and the last one is simply theslack variables β. Applying our partition would require us tosolve the two coupled LCPs,

0≤ ANN xN +(bN +ANFxF ) ⊥ xN ≥ 0 and


AFF e−eT 0



[bF +AFN xN




]≥ 0.

Taking a staggered approach one solves the top-most LCPfirst (normal force problem) and then the bottom-most LCPsecond (the friction force problem) and continues iterativelyuntil a fixed-point is reached. This is a blocked Gauss–Seidelsplitting method.

Observe that the normal force problem has a symmetricpositive semi-definite coefficient matrix ANN making QPreformulations possible whereas the frictional problem has anon-symmetric matrix. One may exploit a QP reformulationanyway, because the friction LCP is the first order optimalityconditions of the QP problem

x∗F = argmin12


FxF (66)

subject to

xF ≥ 0 and cN − eT xF ≥ 0, (67)

where cN = µxN and cF = bF +BFN xN . Thus, any con-vex QP method can be used to solve for the normal and fric-tion forces and one is guaranteed to find a solution for each

subproblem. Whether the sequence of QP subproblems con-verge to a fixed point is not obvious.

There exist many variations of this staggeringscheme [LL11]. One variation is to use a blocked Gauss–Seidel method for the frictional problem rather than a QPreformulation. This is mostly due to performance. Usinga QP solver for the normal problem helps to find accuratenormal forces, which are important for systems with withlarge mass ratios among the bodies. In some interactiveapplications, accurate friction forces are not as important,which means a Gauss–Seidel method is suitable for thefriction problem.

4.3. Newton Methods

The PGS methods from Section 4.2 may suffer from vis-cous artifacts due to linear convergence rate. An alternativeis to use Newton methods. These can provide quadratic con-vergence rates and thus offer more accurate solutions at aslightly higher per iteration computational cost than PGSmethods. PATH [Pat05] is a well known Newton type solverfor NCPs and used by many researchers in graphics androbotics. One drawback of PATH is that computing timescales quadratically in the number of contacts O(n2). Herewe will present a specialized Newton type solver and anopen source implementation can be found in [Erl11].

The Fischer function is defined as

φ(a,b) =√

a2 +b2− (a+b) for a,b ∈ R. (68)

If one has the complementarity problem 0 ≤ a ⊥ b ≥ 0, asolution (a∗,b∗) is a solution if and only if φ(a∗,b∗) = 0.This may be proven by a case-by-case analysis of the signsof a and b. Now consider the LCP

0≤ x ⊥ y = Ax+b≥ 0, (69)

where A ∈ Rn×n and b ∈ Rn are given constants. Using theFischer function the LCP may be reformulated as the nons-mooth root search problem

F(x) = F(x,y) =



= 0. (70)

Thus, our problem is changed to that of finding the rootof a nonlinear nonsmooth equation. This problem may besolved using a generalized Newton method which is an iter-ative method. In the kth iteration the Newton method solvesthe generalized Newton system

J∆xk =−F(xk) (71)

for the Newton direction ∆xk. Here J ∈ ∂F(xk) is anymember from the generalized Jacobian ∂F(x), for detailssee [BETC12]. After having computed the Newton direc-tion, one performs a Newton update to obtain the next iterate,

xk+1 = xk + τk∆xk. (72)

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Here τk is the step length of the kth Newton direction. A line

search method will be used to determine the value τk.

The Clarke generalized Jacobian of the Fischer reformu-lation (70) can be written as

∂F(x)≡ Da(x)+Db(x)A, (73)

where Da(x) = diag(a1(x), . . . ,an(x)), Db(x) =diag(b1(x), . . . ,bn(x)) ∈ Rn×n are diagonal matrices. Ifyi 6= 0 or xi 6= 0 then

ai(x) =xi√

x2i +y2


−1, bi(x) =yi√

x2i +y2


−1 (74)

else if yi = xi = 0 then

ai(x) = αi−1, bi(x) = βi−1 (75)

for any α,β ∈ R such that ‖[αi βi

]T ‖≤ 1. For proofsee [BETC12].

We can choose any element in the generalized Jacobian. Ifxi = yi = 0, we could choose βi = 1 and αi = 0. Thus, result-ing in using the negative ith unit axis vector as the ith row ofJ. A more practical implementation approach would simplyconsist in whenever xi = yi = 0 one would use x′i = xi+ε in-place of xi when evaluating the generalized Jacobian, whereε is a sufficiently small value.

A line search method is often used to achieve global con-vergence of the Newton method. We propose a backtrackingline search with an Armijo condition to ensure sufficient de-crease [NW99]. The line search uses the natural merit func-tion of F(x) as a measure of convergence. The natural meritfunction is defined as Ψ(x) = 1

2 ‖ F(x) ‖2. The Armijo con-dition is given by

Ψ(xk +∆xk)≤Ψ(xk)+ cτk∇Ψ(xk)T

∆xk, (76)

where the sufficient decrease parameter is c ∈ (0,1) andthe gradient of the merit function is given by ∇Ψ(xk) =JT F(xk).

The objective of the line search method is to find a steplength τ

k such that (76) is satisfied. The back tracking ap-proach starts with the guess of τ

k = 1 and then tests if (76)holds. If not, τ

k is reduced by a step reduction factor and thetest is repeated. This continues until the test passes and onewill have obtained the final value τ


In comparison with the described Fischer-Newton methodwe note that PATH is also based on a Fischer function refor-mulation of a linearized boxed NCP formulation and uses anonmonotome line search method.

4.4. Articulated Bodies and Jointed Mechanics

In the following, we introduce methods to simulate articu-lated bodies. An articulated body is a system of rigid bodiesconnected by joints (see Figure 10). Joints define bilateralconstraints bC = 0 that must be enforced during simulation.

Figure 10: This articulated body is a tree of rigid bodieswhich are connected by spherical joints.

There are two main approaches for the simulation of articu-lated bodies: the reduced (or generalized) coordinate formu-lation and the maximal coordinate formulation.

4.4.1. Maximal coordinate formulation

Here we introduce two maximal coordinate formulationsand, because solutions of these formulations allow joint con-straint errors to build over time, we also present one possiblejoint error correction method.

Penalty force method In a simulation step we can deter-mine the violation of a bilateral constraint by evaluating itsimplicit function for the current state of the system. The re-sult is zero if the constraint is fulfilled. Otherwise we add aconstraint force to the system in order to reduce the viola-tion. This penalty force can be computed by [dJB94]:

fpenalty =−ξJT (ω20

bC+2ω0 ζ˙bC+ ¨bC),

where J is the Jacobian of the constraint bC. The valuesω0 =

√k and ζ = c/(2

√k) are the natural frequency and

the damping ratio of a spring with the stiffness k and theviscous damping coefficient c. The constant ξ controls themagnitude of the force. Multiplying the matrix JT projectsthe force into the space of the constraint. The time deriva-tives of bC are used to increase the stability.

The penalty force method is easy to implement and fast,since the computation is simple. The disadvantage of themethod is that constraints can only be fulfilled approxi-mately. An accurate solution is only possible for a very largevalue of ξ which leads to stiff differential equations.

Lagrange multipliers In contrast to the penalty forcemethod the Lagrange multiplier method computes forcesin order to prevent a violation of constraints. The bilateralconstraints are transformed in the general constraint form:

J(q,u, t) u+k(q,u, t) = 0. (77)

In an n-dimensional system with an m-dimensional con-straint the matrix J has dimension (m× n) and the vectork has dimension m. A holonomic constraint is transformed

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in the general form by differentiating the constraint functionbC twice with respect to time (cf. equation (27)).

The Lagrange multipliers λ are determined by substitutingthe equation of motion u = M−1 (fext + fc) into the generalconstraint (77), where fc are the constraint forces. RegardingD’Alembert’s principle [GPS02], it follows that fc = JT

λ.Hence, the constraint forces always act in the constraineddirections of a system. Such forces do not influence the mo-tion of the n−m degrees of freedom of an articulated body.Finally, we get a system of linear equations for the Lagrangemultipliers which are required to determine fc:

JM−1 JT︸ ︷︷ ︸A

λ =−JM−1 fext−k︸ ︷︷ ︸b

. (78)

The matrix A is positive definite if there are no conflictingor redundant constraints. Furthermore, A is sparse for mostmodels since it reflects the structure of the articulated body.

David Baraff’s method [Bar96] allows the simulation ofarticulated bodies without closed loops in linear time. Thesystem of linear equations (78) is rewritten as:(


−J 0

)︸ ︷︷ ︸






Matrix K is known as the KKT-matrix [NW99]. The matrixA is smaller than K and positive definite if J has full rankwhile K is not. Observe that A is the Schur matrix of K. Ahas a row and column for each constraint while K has a rowand column for each degree of freedom and each constraint.The advantage of this formulation is that K is always sparseand symmetric.

The next step is to create an undirected graph for K witha node for each block of the matrix and an edge between thenodes i 6= j for each Ki j 6= 0. This graph is acyclic since themodel has no loops. By a depth-first search in this graph thematrix is reordered so that the row index that corresponds toa node in the graph is greater than the one of its children. Af-terwards an LDLT decomposition is performed. Due to thereordered matrix structure the decomposition introduces nonew nonzero elements, can be stored in linear space and per-formed in linear time. The decomposition allows for solvingthe linear system for the Lagrange multipliers in linear time.

The Lagrange multiplier method computes constraintforces in order to prevent a violation of constraints due toexternal forces. However, if the constraints are violated in adifferent way (e.g., by errors that occur during numerical in-tegration), the method cannot correct this. The problem isthat a constraint is not regarded directly. Instead it is de-manded that its second derivative is zero. Therefore, an addi-tional stabilization method is required to prevent joints frombreaking due to numerical errors. The method of Baum-garte [Bau72] adds two penalty terms to equation (77). Theseterms depend on the constraint function and its first time






Figure 11: Predicted state of a ball joint. The points P1 andP2 have different positions which must be corrected by a pairof impulses p and −p.

derivative to consider position and velocity errors. Alterna-tively, the terms can be taken into account by adding addi-tional forces to the equation of motion [WW90]. The deter-mination of suitable parameters for the stabilization is noteasy. Ascher et al. discuss the problems and propose an en-hanced stabilization method [ACPR95]. This has also beenexplored for NCP and LCP models [ST96, CP03].

Impulse-based error correction The impulse-based errorcorrection [BFS05, BS06b, Ben07, WTF06] is similar to theLagrange multiplier method. The main difference betweenthese methods is that the impulse-based approach determinesconstraint impulses by using a prediction of the final state,while the Lagrange multiplier method computes additionalforces or impulses based on the current state. In this sense, itis like a mid-point method that considers information fromboth ends of the time step to compute the update.

By differentiating a bilateral constraint function of a jointwith respect to time we get a general constraint form for ve-locities Ju+ k = 0 which is analogous to the one of equa-tion (77). Now a system of linear equations for the impulsescould be created which is analogous to the one of equa-tion (78). However, the impulse-based error correction usesa different right hand side b for the system in order to solvethe stabilization problem of the Lagrange multiplier method.The vector b is determined by a prediction of the joint state.This idea was first introduced by Bender et al. [BFS05] andlater also used by Weinstein et al. [WTF06].

Figure 11 shows the predicted state of a ball joint with thebilateral constraint bC = P1−P2 = 0. For the prediction, weassume that both rigid bodies are unconstrained. Then thepredicted position of a joint point P(t + ∆t) is determinedin two steps. First, we solve the differential equation r =ω× r for the vector r(t) = P(t)−x(t), where x is the centerof mass. Second, we solve the equation of motion for thecenter of mass and determine the new position as P(t+∆t) =r(t +∆t)+x(t +∆t). For the predicted state we evaluate theconstraint function and get the drift vector d(t+∆t)= bC(t+∆t). This vector shows us the violation which would occurwithout additional impulses in the system. Now we want tocompute a pair of impulses p and −p for time t to preventthe violation. These impulses must cause a velocity changeof the joint points, so that the constraint bC(t +∆t) = 0 willbe fulfilled.

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The required impulses for a constraint can be deter-mined by solving a nonlinear equation by Newton itera-tion [WTF06]. In a system with multiple constraints thereexist dependencies between constraints with a commonbody. These dependencies are handled in an iterative wayby Weinstein et al. In contrast, to that Bender et al. linearizethe equation by approximating the required velocity changeas ∆v = d(t +∆t)/∆t. Bender et al. use this value as an ap-proximation for the nonlinear case which leads commonly tosmall errors [BS06b]. These errors are eliminated by solvingthe following system for the impulses p iteratively

JM−1 JT p = ∆v,

where ∆v is the vector of velocity changes for all con-straints. This system of linear equations can be solved in lin-ear time for articulated bodies without loops [Bar96,Ben07].Loops can be handled by splitting the model in acyclic parts[BB08]. In [BS06a] impulse-based correction is extended byinequality constraints in order to simulate collisions and rest-ing contacts. Bayer et al. [BDB09] present different perfor-mance optimizations for the impulse-based method. Numer-ical comparisons of the impulse-based approach with othermethods can be found in [SB05, SBP05].

4.4.2. Reduced coordinate formulation

The equations of motion for a reduced coordinate model (seeSection 3.7) can be obtained by using the Lagrange formu-lation [GPS02, Fea07]. We require the Lagrangian functionL = T −V , where T and V are the total kinetic and poten-tial energy, respectively. This function describes the total en-ergy of the system which should be conserved. By the Euler-Lagrange equation


∂L∂qi− ∂L

∂qi= 0, i = 1, . . . ,n

we get a system of differential equations for the motionof the bodies which can be solved numerically. Meth-ods based on Lagrange formulation have a complexity ofO(n4) [FO00].

An overview over more efficient reduced coordinatemethods can be found in [FO00]. One of them is the well-known articulated-body algorithm (ABA) of Featherstonewith a complexity of O(n) for articulated bodies with tree-structure [Fea87]. This algorithm works in three phases. Inthe first phase the velocity and bias terms are determined ina top-down traversal of the tree. Then the tree is traversed inreverse to compute articulated-body inertias and bias forces.Finally, the accelerations are determined in a second top-down traversal. To provide a compact notation, Featherstoneintroduced the spatial vector algebra. Spatial vectors are six-dimensional and combine the linear and angular aspects ofrigid body motions and forces. A detailed introduction to thespatial vector algebra and the ABA of Featherstone can befound in [Mir96] and [Fea07].

The method of Featherstone is used in different areas

of computer graphics. One application area is the simu-lation of rag-dolls which have a tree-structure. These areused for example for improved motion synthesis techniqueswhich combine motion capture data with physical simula-tion [MZS09]. There are also other application areas likethe simulation of strands [Had06] or in games [Kok04]. Re-don et al. [RGL05] presented an adaptive variant of Feath-erstone’s method in order to improve the performance. Thisapproach allows one to reduce the numbers of degrees offreedom (at the cost of accuracy) while it automatically de-termines the best set of active joints.

The degrees of freedom of a closed-loop model can varyand forces in such a model can be indeterminate when thesystem is overconstrained. Therefore, these models needsome special treatment. A common approach to handleclosed loops is to remove joints from the articulated bodyuntil we have a tree structure [FO00]. This is done by ex-tracting a spanning tree from the connectivity graph. Now asimulation step is performed for the spanning tree and addi-tional forces are added to mimic the effects of the kinematicloops. Loop handling is explained in detail in [Fea07].

5. Parallel Processing and Optimizations

Parallelization is an important topic since multi-core sys-tems and massively parallel GPUs are very common today.For the simulation of bilateral constraints one has to solvea system of linear equations (see Section 4.4). This can bedone in parallel by using a solver like PARDISO [SG04]which is optimized for multi-core processors. Alternatively,there exist multiple methods for solving such a system onthe GPU. Bolz et al. [BFGS03] as well as Krüger and West-ermann [KW03] used shader programs and special texturesto implement different parallel solvers on the GPU. Opti-mized data structures for sparse matrix operations on theGPU have been developed in [BG09, BCL09, WBS∗13]. Toachieve a high performance a good memory layout of thesestructures is very important. Weber et al. [WBS∗13] demon-strated that reducing the kernel calls can further improvethe performance. The optimized matrix operations allow theefficient solution of sparse systems which generally occurin multibody simulations with bilateral constraints. Anotherapproach was presented by Bayer et al. [BBD09]. They cre-ate groups of independent constraints in a precomputationstep. Then, all constraints in a group are solved in parallelusing different pixel shader programs. The dependencies be-tween the groups are resolved by a Gauss-Seidel iterationapproach. A similar approach was used in [BB08].

The parallel computation of contact forces was a researchtopic of interest in the last years. Harada [Har08] used rigidbodies that are represented by sets of particles. This rep-resentation makes a parallelization of the collision detec-tion and response very simple. For the collision responseHarada used a discrete element method where repulsive,damping and shear forces are computed for colliding parti-

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cles. In [CA09] a parallel Gauss-Seidel iteration method fordense matrices is introduced. This method works on multi-core processors and GPUs. Tasora et al. [TNA08, TNA∗10]used a Cone Complementarity Problem formulation insteadof an NCP. Tasora et al. argued that the probability for aconcurrent velocity update of contacts associated with thesame body is very small for large scenarios with hundredsof thousands of contacts and ignored race conditions com-pletely. Harada showed how to efficiently solve this prob-lem by partitioning, synchronizing and scheduling the oper-ations using local atomics within each compute unit [Har11].More recently Tonge et al. [TBV12] approached the problemdifferently by decomposing rigid bodies into smaller parts,thereby eliminating race conditions altogether.

6. Conclusion and Future Work

Interactive rigid body simulations have become an importantpart in different application areas. Such simulations requireefficient and accurate methods for handling joint and contactconstraints as well as a fast collision detection.

The simulation of more complex scenes and improve-ments of accuracy are current goals in this field. To reachthese goals, massively parallel GPUs and multi-core pro-cessors are taken into account. This parallelization trend re-quires a computational rethinking and provides the possibil-ity to develop new efficient algorithms.

In the last years, much research has been done on cou-pling of rigid body simulations with other animation andsimulation techniques. One topic in this area is the combina-tion of techniques like inverse kinematics with rigid bodies.Another important one is the coupling of rigid bodies withfluids [CMT04,RMSG∗08,RMEF09], cloth and deformablebodies [SSIF07,SSF08]. Coupling allows the usage of differ-ent kinds of bodies in the same environment by simulatingbilateral and unilateral constraints between these bodies.

Simulation is a good way to generate realistic looking an-imations. But compared to keyframe techniques there is onebig drawback. The results of a simulation can only be con-trolled indirectly by manipulating simulation parameters oradding forces to the system. Many physical parameters haveto be defined for a simulation. It is hard to reach certainpredefined goals just by tweaking these parameters. There-fore, more control over the simulation is required. In order tosolve this problem, different methods have been developedwhich give a high-level control to the user. Some works pro-pose inverse dynamics methods [PSE03, TJ08], others per-form multiple simulations and discard unfitting ones [TJ07].These methods let the user sketch a desired motion or de-fine specific goals which must be reached by the simulation.However, controlling the simulation is still a problem wheremuch work has to be done.

Acknowledgments The work of Jan Bender was supportedby the ’Excellence Initiative’ of the German Federal and

State Governments and the Graduate School CE at TUDarmstadt. The work of Trinkle was supported in partby NSF CCF-1208468, DARPA W15P7T-12-1-0002, andLockheed-Martin’s Advanced Technologies Laboratory.


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