Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root...

MARSCHNER REVIEW Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth and crop yield on acid soils Zhong-Bao Yang & Idupulapati Madhusudana Rao & Walter Johannes Horst Received: 7 October 2012 / Accepted: 25 December 2012 / Published online: 15 January 2013 # Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013 Abstract Background Aluminium (Al) toxicity and drought stress are two major constraints for crop production in the world, particularly in the tropics. The variation in rainfall distribution and longer dry spells in much of the tropics during the main growing period of crops are becoming increasingly important yield-limiting factors with the global climate change. As a result, crop genotypes that are tolerant of both drought and Al toxicity need to be developed. Scope The present review mainly focuses on the in- teraction of Al and drought on root development, crop growth and yield on acid soils. It summarizes evidence from our own studies and other published/related work, and provides novel insights into the breeding for the adaptation to these combined abiotic stresses. The primary symptom of Al phytotoxicity is the inhi- bition of root growth. The impeded root system will restrict the roots for exploring the acid subsoil to absorb water and nutrients which is particularly im- portant under condition of low soil moisture in the surface soil under drought. Whereas drought primarily affects shoot growth, effects of phytotoxic Al on shoot growth are mostly secondary effects that are induced by Al affecting root growth and function, while under drought stress root growth may even be promoted. Much progress has recently been made in the under- standing of the physiology and molecular biology of the interaction between Al toxicity and drought stress in common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in hydropon- ics and in an Al-toxic soil. Conclusions Crops growing on acid soils yield less than their potential because of the poorly developed root system that limits nutrient and water uptake. Breeding for drought resistance must be combined with Al resistance, to assure that drought resistance is expressed adequately in crops grown on soils with acid Al-toxic subsoils. Keywords Aluminum toxicity . Cell-wall extension . Cell-wall porosity . Phytohormone . Root elongation . Soil acidity . Water relations Introduction Abiotic stresses such as drought, heat, soil acidity and soil salinity could cause extensive losses to global agri- cultural productivity and thereby impact food security, particularly in the developing countries. Resource-poor farmers are facing a range of challenges such as vari- ability in weather patterns induced by global climate Plant Soil (2013) 372:325 DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1580-1 Responsible Editor: Philippe Hinsinger. Z.-B. Yang The Key Laboratory of Plant Cell Engineering and Germplasm Innovation, Ministry of Education, College of Life Science, Shandong University, Jinan 250100, Peoples Republic of China I. M. Rao International Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT), AA 6713 Cali, Colombia W. J. Horst (*) Institute of Plant Nutrition, Leibniz Universität Hannover, Herrenhaeuser Str. 2, 30419 Hannover, Germany e-mail: [email protected]

Transcript of Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root...

Page 1: Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit water uptake of roots and


Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growthand crop yield on acid soils

Zhong-Bao Yang & Idupulapati Madhusudana Rao &

Walter Johannes Horst

Received: 7 October 2012 /Accepted: 25 December 2012 /Published online: 15 January 2013# Springer Science+Business Media Dordrecht 2013

AbstractBackground Aluminium (Al) toxicity and droughtstress are two major constraints for crop productionin the world, particularly in the tropics. The variationin rainfall distribution and longer dry spells in much ofthe tropics during the main growing period of cropsare becoming increasingly important yield-limitingfactors with the global climate change. As a result,crop genotypes that are tolerant of both drought and Altoxicity need to be developed.Scope The present review mainly focuses on the in-teraction of Al and drought on root development, cropgrowth and yield on acid soils. It summarizes evidencefrom our own studies and other published/relatedwork, and provides novel insights into the breedingfor the adaptation to these combined abiotic stresses.The primary symptom of Al phytotoxicity is the inhi-bition of root growth. The impeded root system willrestrict the roots for exploring the acid subsoil to

absorb water and nutrients which is particularly im-portant under condition of low soil moisture in thesurface soil under drought. Whereas drought primarilyaffects shoot growth, effects of phytotoxic Al on shootgrowth are mostly secondary effects that are inducedby Al affecting root growth and function, while underdrought stress root growth may even be promoted.Much progress has recently been made in the under-standing of the physiology and molecular biology ofthe interaction between Al toxicity and drought stressin common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in hydropon-ics and in an Al-toxic soil.Conclusions Crops growing on acid soils yield lessthan their potential because of the poorly developedroot system that limits nutrient and water uptake.Breeding for drought resistance must be combinedwith Al resistance, to assure that drought resistanceis expressed adequately in crops grown on soils withacid Al-toxic subsoils.

Keywords Aluminum toxicity . Cell-wallextension . Cell-wall porosity . Phytohormone . Rootelongation . Soil acidity .Water relations


Abiotic stresses such as drought, heat, soil acidity andsoil salinity could cause extensive losses to global agri-cultural productivity and thereby impact food security,particularly in the developing countries. Resource-poorfarmers are facing a range of challenges such as vari-ability in weather patterns induced by global climate

Plant Soil (2013) 372:3–25DOI 10.1007/s11104-012-1580-1

Responsible Editor: Philippe Hinsinger.

Z.-B. YangThe Key Laboratory of Plant Cell Engineering andGermplasm Innovation, Ministry of Education,College of Life Science, Shandong University,Jinan 250100, People’s Republic of China

I. M. RaoInternational Center for Tropical Agriculture (CIAT),AA 6713 Cali, Colombia

W. J. Horst (*)Institute of Plant Nutrition, Leibniz Universität Hannover,Herrenhaeuser Str. 2, 30419 Hannover, Germanye-mail: [email protected]

Page 2: Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit water uptake of roots and

change, soil acidity and low soil fertility due to nutrientdepletion, and combinations of different abiotic stresses.It was shown that the response of plants to a combina-tion of two different abiotic stresses is unique and can-not be directly extrapolated from the response of plantsto each of the different stresses applied individually(Mittler 2006). A comparison made by Mittler (2006)of all major disasters between 1980 and 2004 in theUnited States caused production loss in excess of $120billion compared to $20 billion loss caused by droughtalone over the same period. Therefore, a combination ofresearch approaches is urgently needed in order to un-derstand the nature of multiple stress responses and tocreate avenues for developing plants that are resistant tomultiple stresses yet maintaining high yields (Mittlerand Blumwald 2010; Atkinson and Urwin 2012).

Soil acidity is one of the most important factorslimiting crop production worldwide on approximately30 % of the world’s total land area and as much as50 % of the world’s potentially arable lands (vonUexküll and Mutert 1995). The tropics and subtropicsaccount for 60 % of the acid soils in the world. Intropical areas about 43 % of soils are acidic compris-ing about 68 % of tropical America, 38 % of tropicalAsia, and 27 % of tropical Africa. The factors thatcontribute to acid soil infertility and subsequentstunted plant growth on acid soils are complex. In acidmineral soils, a variety of individual chemical con-straints and interactions among them limit plantgrowth. For example, in low pH soils, it is not usuallyhydrogen ion toxicity which affects plant growth butrather other toxicities, such as aluminium (Al) andmanganese, and deficiencies of phosphorus, nitrogen,potassium, calcium, magnesium, and molybdenum(Rao et al. 1993). Aluminium toxicity is particularlysevere at soil pH values of ≤5.0 (Foy 1974).

On many acid soils of the tropics, variability inrainfall distribution and longer dry spells during themain growing period of crops are becoming increas-ingly important yield-limiting factors (Beebe et al.2011; Tang et al. 2001; Welcker et al. 2005) with thechange in global climate. As a result, crop plants areneeded that are tolerant of both drought and Al toxic-ity. In the common bean-growing regions of theCerrados of Brazil, it is estimated that 80 % of thearea is affected by intermittent drought stress. In thebean-growing acid soils of the Andean region (26 %)with its bimodal rainfall distribution, intermittentdrought stress is also very common. In tropical

Africa soil acidity and Al toxicity are intense in sev-eral countries and under increasing population pres-sure, these acid soils are now additionally rapidlybeing brought into cultivation (Beebe et al. 2011;Wortmann et al. 1998). After the American continent,Asia has the second largest area of acid soils withinteractions to seasonal drought in several countries(von Uexküll and Mutert 1995).

Since crop growth largely depends on the ability ofroots to explore the soil and absorb water and nutrients,restriction of the development of the root system by Alwill reduce crop yields if water and nutrients are limiting(Goldman et al. 1989; Kell 2011; Trachsel et al. 2010).The use of lime, phosphate fertilizers, organic matter andirrigation is highly productive particularly on acid soils,as practiced in the temperate climates of North Americaand Europe. However, liming is not an economicallyrealistic alternative in regions with low potential yieldsbecause of unfavourable climatic conditions, and inmany developing countries particularly in the tropicsand subtropics, because the high cost is beyond theability of low input resource-poor farmers. Also, theutilization of agrochemicals may have undesirable sideeffects which questions sustainability and threatens theenvironment (Miklas et al. 2006; Rao et al. 1993). On theother hand, even if liming can raise soil pH and over-come toxicity problems in the surface soil, the subsoilusually remains unaffected, since deep incorporation oflime is technically difficult and expensive. Therefore,studies on individual and combined stress factors ofthese two limitations are important to clarify the oppor-tunities and constraints in breeding for adaptation to thesesoils. In this review we will summarize the knowledgeon plant responses to Al toxicity and drought stress upto the molecular level, and we provide new perspec-tives into the breeding for the adaptation to thesecombined abiotic stresses.

Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations

It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit wateruptake of roots and initiate drought stress (Tamás et al.2006), mainly resulting from the modification of cellwall (CW) and plasma-membranes properties (Gunsé etal. 1997; Rengel 1996; Wagatsuma et al. 2005; Zhao etal. 1987). For sustained cell elongation and water up-take, CW loosening and synthesis of CW constitutes isrequired (Voesenek et al. 2003). Cell expansion requires

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Page 3: Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit water uptake of roots and

a driving force for water uptake by decreasing the turgorthrough CW stress relaxation produced by wall loosen-ing (Schopfer 2006). Elongation of plant cells is con-trolled by the extensibility of CWs (McQueen-Masonand Rochange 1999). Several studies have revealed thatthe CW extensibility was reduced by Al (Barceló et al.1996; Gunsé et al. 1997; Ma et al. 2004; Tabuchi andMatsumoto 2001). Gunsé et al. (1997) found that Alincreased the hydraulic conductivity of an Al-resistantvariety in maize (Zea mays L.) but decreased the hy-draulic conductivity and CW extensibility of an Al-sensitive variety, suggesting that the influence of Al onthe mechanical properties of the CW may play a prom-inent role in the Al-induced inhibition of root elonga-tion. The rapid binding of Al in the root apoplast mayreduce CW porosity and thus the mobility of highermolecular solutes. This has led to the hypothesis thatAl may directly affect the root hydraulic conductivity(Kruger and Sucoff 1989; Maison and Bertsch 1997;Sivaguru et al. 2006). However, this has yet to be provenexperimentally (George et al. 2012). Using artificialpectin membranes, Blamey et al. (1993) demonstratedthat the binding of Al to pectin strongly reduced waterpermeability of the membranes. Recently, hemicelluloserather than pectins have been implicated in Al binding inCWs (Yang et al. 2011a). Further studies in Arabidopsisthaliana (L.) Heynh provided evidence that Al interactsspecifically with xyloglucans (Zhu et al. 2012). The for-mation of an Al-xyloglucan complex in the CW inhibitswall loosening in the elongation zone of roots and thuscontributes to inhibition of root elongation by Al.However, the role of xyloglucan-Al interaction in affect-ing water permeability of CWs needs to be explored.

Besides the CW, Al also rapidly affects the propertiesof the plasma membrane (Ishikawa and Wagatsuma1998). Interaction of Al with membrane componentsmodifies the membrane structural properties such asfluidity and permeability (Khan et al. 2009; Vierstraand Haug 1978; Wagatsuma et al. 2005). In the rootcortical cells of Northern red oak (Quercus rubra L.), itwas found that Al decreased the membrane permeabilityto water (Chen et al. 1991; Zhao et al. 1987). Waterabsorption into the root cells is also controlled by thewater potential gradient which acts as the driving forcefor water uptake and build-up of turgor which is aprerequisite for cell extension. In Al-resistant wheat(Triticum aestivum L.) genotypes (Atlas 66 and ET8)the Al-induced increase of soluble sugars in the rootcells can compensate for the net loss of osmotica

resulting from the release of malate and K+ (Ryan etal. 1995), thus maintaining turgor and enabling the rootcells to take up water and to maintain root elongation inpresence of Al (Tabuchi et al. 2004).

Furthermore, gene expression analysis has revealedthat Al suppressed the expression of the tonoplast aqua-porins in rye (Secale cereal L.) (Milla et al. 2002) andinduced the expression of the dehydrin gene DHN4, awell-known marker for water deficit in roots (Tamás etal. 2006).

Root-growth response of plants to aluminiumtoxicity and drought

Aluminium toxicity is the most important factor limitingplant growth on acid mineral soils (Carver and Ownby1995; Foy 1984). A typical and most sensitive symptomof Al toxicity is a rapid (minutes) inhibition of rootelongation (Delhaize and Ryan 1995; Horst et al. 1992),resulting in a reduced and damaged root system that limitsuptake of nutrients andwater (Kochian et al. 2004; Fig. 1).The root apex is the major perception site of Al toxicity(Ryan et al. 1993). In the root apical tissues, Sivaguru andHorst (1998) specified that the distal part of the transitionzone (DTZ, 1–2 mm) is the most Al-sensitive apical rootzone in maize. Application of Al to the DTZ but not theelongation zone (EZ) reduced cell elongation in the EZ tothe same extent as application to the entire 10 mm rootapex. Further evidence demonstrated that Al stress in-creased the accumulation of auxin in the root cap and rootapical meristematic zone (MZ) (Kollmeier et al. 2000;Sun et al. 2010), while Al inhibited the basipetal transportof auxin (Hasenstein and Evans 1988; Kollmeier et al.2000; Shen et al. 2008), supporting the proposal that thebasipetal auxin signal transport was involved in the regu-lation of Al-stress signal transduction between the TZ andEZ (Fig. 1). The importance of the TZ as a main target ofAl was also confirmed in common bean (Phaseolus vul-garis L.) by Rangel et al. (2007). However, in contrast tomaize, in common bean both the transition zone (TZ, 1–2 mm) and elongation zone (EZ) are targets of Al injury.

Root elongation is also inhibited under water stress,but there are two main differences between Al anddrought stress: (i) under drought stress shoot growth ismuch more affected than root growth (reviewed byYamaguchi and Sharp 2010), whereas short andmedium-term Al excess may strongly reduce rootgrowth without affecting shoot growth (Kochian et al.

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Page 4: Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit water uptake of roots and

2004; Yang et al. 2009); (ii) Al toxicity reduces cellelongation along the entire elongation zone (Kollmeieret al. 2000), whereas under water deficit or osmoticstress cell elongation is inhibited only in the basal andcentral elongation zones (definition of zones accordingto Ishikawa and Evans 1993), but maintained toward theroot apex (Sharp et al. 1988) in the distal and apicalelongation zones (Shimazaki et al. 2005) (Fig. 1).

The maintenance of root elongation in the root apexis mainly achieved by three potential mechanisms: os-motic adjustment, modification of cell-wall extensionand the accumulation of abscisic acid (ABA) (Sharp et

al. 2004; Yamaguchi and Sharp 2010; Fig. 1). Thedifferent response of root elongation under Al anddrought stress appears of ecological advantage, becauseinhibition of root growth by Al in the Al-toxic subsoilallows the plants to more efficiently forage the morenutrient-rich surface soil for nutrients and water (Hairiahet al. 1995), while the maintenance of root growth underdrought allows the roots to grow into the subsoil forbetter foraging of the subsoil for water and nutrients(Whitmore and Whalley 2009).

However, it has to be kept in mind that in soilsparticularly under field conditions, declining soil

Aluminium stress Drought stress

Root response

• Reduced root elongation by interacting with the TZ (and EZ)

• Inhibition of basipetal auxinsignalling

• Inhibition of cell expansion • Disruption of plasma membrane

properties • Oxidative stress• Reduced nutrient and water uptake

Root response

• Reduced root elongation by interacting with the distal EZ

• Inhibition of cell-wall extension• Reduction of turgor

• Maintaining root growth by protecting the apical EZ

• ABA signalling

Shoot response

• Reduced leaf expansion• Reduction of turgor

• Wilting • Reduced assimilate consumption

• Oxidative stress• ABA accumulation

• Stomatal closure• Reduced photosynthesis

Shoot response

• Nutrient and water deficiencies• Reduced leaf expansion• Stomatal closure

• Reduced photosynthesis



Fig. 1 Schematic representation of factors responsible for rootand shoot-growth inhibition by Al toxicity (left) and droughtstress (right). Short-term Al toxicity inhibits root elongation byinteracting with the transition zone (TZ) and potentially theelongation zone (EZ) through the inhibition of basipetal auxin-signal transport, cell expansion and disruption of plasma mem-brane properties. Long-term Al stress causes oxidative stressand reduce nutrient and water uptake of roots, and subsequentlyresults in nutrient and water deficiencies, reduction of leafexpansion, stomatal closure and reduced net photosynthesis ofleaves. Drought stress inhibits root elongation by interacting

with the distal EZ through inhibition of cell-wall extensionand reduction of turgor, while maintaining root growth byprotecting the apical EZ through abscisic acid (ABA) signaling.In shoots drought stress reduces leaf expansion through thereduction of turgor and assimilate consumption leading to leafwilting and oxidative stress, respectively, whereas the ABAaccumulation causes stomatal closure and reduced net photo-synthesis of leaves. ABA and cytokinin (CK) signalling mightbe involved in root to shoot communication under both Al anddrought stress. Continuous and dashed arrows indicate enhancedor inhibited fluxes, their thickness the size of the flux

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Page 5: Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit water uptake of roots and

moisture does not only induce water deficit in the rootsbut also increase the mechanical impedance of the soilwhich, additionally, strongly limits root growth (seecomprehensive review by Bengough et al. 2011).There is only little information available on the interac-tion between mechanical impedance and Al toxicity onroot growth. Foy et al. (1999) related the failure of Al-resistant crop genotypes to restricted root developmentin Al-toxic acid subsoil to its high bulk density. Horst etal. (1990) addressed this aspect and suggested, based onthe comparison between hydroponically and sand-culture grown plants, that mechanical impedance alle-viates Al toxicity by enhancing the release of highmolecular weight root exudates (mucilage) protectingthe root apex from Al injury (Horst et al. 1982).

The effect of combined drought and Al stresses onroot growth has hardly been addressed in the past. It hasbeen postulated that a decrease in soil-water contentduring drought may increase the toxic Al concentrationin the soil solution thus enhancing Al toxicity in plants(Schier and McQuattie 2000) which was confirmed byYang et al. (2012) (Fig. 2). In Scots pine and Norwayspruce, water deficit more strongly reduced the rootelongation-rate and numbers of growing roots in a soilwith pH 3.8 and high levels of Al than in a pH 5.9 soiland lower Al levels (Bartsch 1987). Krizek and Foy(1988a) and Krizek et al. (1988) observed that droughtexacerbated the effects of Al toxicity in plants, andincreasing the soil-moisture level reduced Al toxicityin barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) and sunflower(Helianthus annuus L.). Schier and McQuattie (2000)

found that at low soil moisture the growth of ectomy-corrhizal pitch pine (Pinus rigida Mill.) seedlings wasmore inhibited by Al, and Al toxicity symptoms in rootswere more severe. However, enhanced Al toxicity atlow soil moisture was not in agreement with their resultsthat drought stress reduced the Al concentration inleaves of sunflower (Krizek and Foy 1988b) and rootsof ectomycorrhizal pitch pine (Schier and McQuattie2000). Drought-induced lower Al accumulation inplants has been reported in Norway spruce seedlings(Slugeňová et al. 2011), leaves of evergreenMediterranean oak (Quercus ilex L.) (Sardans andPeñuelas 2007) and in common bean (Yang et al.2010). Using polyethylene glycol (PEG 6000) to simu-late drought stress in hydroponics, Yang et al. (2010)found that PEG 6000 strongly blocked the Al accumu-lation in the root tips and consequently reduced the toxicAl-induced inhibition of root elongation in commonbean. This PEG 6000-caused exclusion of Al from theroot tips of common bean could not be explained by adecrease of cell-wall negativity determined by the con-centration of cell-wall pectins and its degree of methyl-ation (Eticha et al. 2005; Schmohl and Horst 2000; Yanget al. 2008), nor by enhanced citrate exudation from theroot apex which has been shown to play a key role in Alexclusion and resistance in bean (Miyasaka et al. 1991;Yang et al. 2000; Rangel et al. 2010). Aluminium ex-clusion was mainly caused by the alteration of CWporosity resulting from PEG 6000-induced dehydrationof the root apoplast (Yang et al. 2010).

It is important to note that PEG 6000 has beenamply used as an ideal non-absorbed osmoticum toinduce osmotic stress owing to its low penetration intothe apoplastic and symplastic space because of its highmolecular weight and size (Carpita et al. 1979; Hohland Schopfer 1991), and thus it allows mimicking theresponse of plants to drought stress in hydroponicstudies. It has been reported early in the 1960s thatPEG can be used to modify the osmotic potential ofnutrient solution in hydroponics and thus induce waterdeficit in a relatively controlled manner (Lagerwerff etal. 1961). Higher molecular weight (MW≥6000) ofPEG solution mimic dry soil more closely than solu-tions of low-MW osmotica such as mannitol, sorbitol,inorganic salts or PEG of MW less than 6000, whichinfiltrate the CW and cause damages to the cell mem-brane (Fan and Blake 1997; Veslues et al. 1998). Theconsistency of the expression of 11 among 12 selectedCW and osmotic stress-associated genes by PEG and

SWP (MPa) -0.001 -0.008 -0.021 -0.064

Al c





il so


n (









VWC(cm3 cm-3) 0.47 0.38 0.29 0.21

Fig. 2 Total soluble aluminium concentration in the soil solu-tion under different levels of soil moisture. The soil solutionfrom the incubated soil treated with 2 g AlCl3.6H2O wasobtained by centrifugation. Bars represent means ± SD, n=3.SWP: soil-water potential; VWC: volumetric water content.From Yang et al. (2012)

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Page 6: Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit water uptake of roots and

by drought in soil in root tips of common bean (Yanget al. 2011b; 2012) supports the use of PEG 6000 inhydroponics in determining short-term drought stressresponses of root apices at the molecular level.However, it appears that the expression levels of mostof genes changes more in root apices exposed to drysoil at a water potential of −0.31 MPa than at a waterpotential of −0.60 MPa in hydroponics. These greatdifferences might result from the possibility to accli-mate to osmotic stress (PEG 6000) in hydroponicculture, allowing sufficient water uptake to resumeroot elongation partly within 24 h, whereas in driedsoil the adaptation to water deficit fails. This hypoth-esis can well explain the difference in the interactiveeffect of Al toxicity and drought stress between thetwo experimental approaches (PEG-simulated droughtin hydroponics, Yang et al. 2010 and dried acidic soil,Yang et al. 2012): whereas PEG-simulated droughtalleviated inhibition of root elongation by Al, low soilmoisture enhanced root-growth inhibition in Al-toxicsoil (Fig. 3a).

The PEG-induced inhibition of Al accumulation inthe root tips of common bean (Yang et al. 2011c) was

consistent with PEG-suppressed Al-induced expressionof the multidrug and toxin extrusion (MATE) familyprotein gene (Fig. 3b) confirming the PEG-inducedalleviation of Al toxicity at the molecular level. Also,the reversion of another reliable Al-sensitive indicator(callose formation, Wissemeier et al. 1987; Staß andHorst 2009) in the root tips by low soil moisture stronglysupported this result under soil conditions (Fig. 3c; Yanget al. 2012). The Al-activated citrate transporter MATEhas been suggested to be responsible for citrate exuda-tion from the root tips and thus Al resistance in severalplant species (Furukawa et al. 2007; Magalhaes et al.2007; Maron et al. 2010; Yang et al. 2011b; Yokosho etal. 2011). In common bean, the expression ofMATE is aprerequisite for citrate exudation, but the build-up of Alresistance in genotype Quimbaya in comparison to theAl-sensitive genotype VAX-1 is mainly dependent onthe capacity to sustain the synthesis of citrate for themaintenance of the cytosolic citrate pool that enablescontinuous exudation (Eticha et al. 2010; Rangel et al.2010). The MATE gene behaves as an Al sensor incommon bean, independent of the Al resistance of thegenotype (Eticha et al. 2010).









m h













SWP (MPa) -0.05 -0.31








cm r

oot t














e ex

















SWP(MPa) -0.05 -0.31



e ex














VWC(cm3 cm-3) 0.23 0.14 0.23 0.14VWC(cm3 cm-3)








Fig. 3 Root-elongation rate(a), callose content (b) andthe expression of MATE (c)and ACCO (d) in the roottips (1 cm) of common beangenotype VAX 1 as affectedby soil moisture and Alsupply (g AlCl3.6H2O kg−1

soil). Two-day-old seedlingswere grown in soil for 24 h.Bars represent means ± SD,n=12 for (a), n=4 for (b),and n=3 for (c and d). qRT-PCR was performed usingthe β-tubulin gene as inter-nal standard. For theANOVA (two-way), **, and*** denote significance at P<0.01, and P<0.001, re-spectively. SWP: soil-waterpotential; VWC: volumetricwater content. Compiledfrom Yang et al. (2012)

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Page 7: Interaction of aluminium and drought stress on root growth ......Aluminium toxicity and root water-relations It has been well recognized that Al can inhibit water uptake of roots and

In addition, it has been speculated that the expres-sion of the gene coding for 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase (ACCO) catalysing the laststep of ethylene biosynthesis (Wang et al. 2002) con-tributes to the Al-induced inhibition of root elongation(Eticha et al. 2010; Sun et al. 2007). The high sensi-tivity of ACCO gene expression in response to Al incommon bean was further verified by a significantcorrelation between ACCO expression, root elonga-tion and Al concentration in the root tips (Yang et al.2011b). However, different from the MATE gene, lowsoil-moisture stress also induced the expression of theACCO gene in the root tips of bean and thus theexpression remained high at Al and drought dualstresses (Fig. 3d; Yang et al. 2012).

The fact that in contrast to the hydroponic studieswith PEG 6000, under soil conditions, combineddrought and Al stresses aggravated the inhibition ofroot elongation beyond the effects of the individualstresses in an additive manner in common bean doesnot support the suggestion (Schier and McQuattie2000) that low soil moisture-increased Al concentra-tion in the soil solution (see Fig. 2) may enhance Alrhizotoxicity in plants. Circumstantial evidence ratherindicated that the remaining Al in the root tips rendersthe root apex more drought-sensitive (Yang et al.2012). Therefore, these results support the hypothesisthat at low soil moisture in acid soils Al may preventthe acclimation of roots to drought and inhibit rootgrowth into deeper soil layers thus restricting theacquisition of water from the subsoil. This hypothesisis supported by the results of Goldman et al. (1989)who found that soybean (Glycine max L.) plantsgrown in soil at combined Al and drought stress hadlower levels of leaf relative water content, water poten-tial, and lower transpiration rates than individual stressfactors. Butare et al. (2011) also showed that in an acidAl-toxic soil, combined Al/drought stresses led to amore severe inhibition of root growth in Phaseolusacutifolius A. Gray and the Mesoamerican commonbean genotypes. By analysis of the combined effect ofshort-term water-deficit stress and Al toxicity on citrateexudation from soybean roots, Nian et al. (2004)showed that the individual stress mainly impeded rootgrowth, while combined stresses reduced both root andshoot growth. The Al-resistant genotype PI416937 ex-uded more citrate from roots than the Al-sensitive soy-bean genotype Young after 2 days of recovery fromcombined stresses.

Shoot-growth response of plants to aluminiumtoxicity and drought

In recent years, there has been a significant progress onour understanding of the shoot-growth responses ofplants to aluminum toxicity and drought (Aftab et al.2010; Beebe et al. 2009, 2010; Blum 2010; Chaves et al.2003; Chen 2006; Manavalan et al. 2009; Okiyo et al.2010; Wang et al. 2006; Zhang et al. 2007). The effect ofAl and drought on shoot and root growth and the factorsresponsible for the inhibition of root and shoot growthowing to Al toxicity and drought stress are depicted inFig. 1. There is a fundamental difference in the responseof shoot growth to Al and drought: since in most plantspecies Al is not readily translocated from the roots to theshoots (Al excluders), Al effects on shoot growth arethus secondary effects induced by Al affecting rootgrowth and function (George et al. 2012). In contrast,under drought stress the development of the root systemis usually less inhibited than shoot growth, and may evenbe promoted (Sharp and Davies 1989; Sharp et al. 2004).For several crops such as maize, soybean, cotton(Gossypium hirsutumL.) and squash (Cucurbita maximaDuch.) the primary root maintains substantial elongationrates at water potentials lower than −1.5 MPa, whereasshoot growth is completely inhibited at much higherwater potentials (Spollen et al. 1993).

Given the complexity of indirect factors possiblyinvolved in Al-induced shoot growth inhibition it isnot surprising that the described common responses ofshoots to Al toxicity include: cellular and ultrastruc-tural changes in leaves, increased rates of diffusionresistance, reduction of stomatal aperture, decreasedphotosynthetic activity, chlorosis and necrosis ofleaves, decrease in total leaf number and size, and adecrease in shoot biomass (Mossor-Pietraszewska2001). Al toxicity affects growth and gas exchange(Pereira et al. 2000; Simon et al. 1994a, b), carbohy-drate content (Graham 2002), mineral nutrition(George et al. 2012; Lidon et al. 1999), organic acidmetabolism (Watanabe and Osaki 2002) and nitrogenmetabolism (Xiao 2002) of the shoot.

A primary response of plants to drought stress is theinhibition of shoot growth. The reduction in water avail-ability from low soil moisture results in a complexresponse in shoot growth characterized by a decreasein the water potential of plant tissues, particularly ingrowing tissues, which leads to a variety of modifica-tions in different plant processes (Blum 2010). These

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include growth inhibition, accumulation of ABA andosmoprotecting solutes, stomatal closure, reduced tran-spiration and photosynthetic rates, induction of mecha-nisms of scavenging reactive oxygen species (ROS),and changes in the accumulation levels of proteins andmRNAs (Chaves et al. 2003; Manavalan et al. 2009;Rosales et al. 2012). Recent work on common beanshoot-growth responses to drought indicated that remo-bilization of photosynthates from vegetative shoot struc-tures to pods, and from pod wall to grain is an importantmechanism of retaining yield under drought (Beebe etal. 2010; Rao et al. 2009). If drought stress is notrelieved, it leads to interrupted reproductive develop-ment, premature leaf senescence, wilting, desiccationand death (Neumann 2008). Decrease in leaf waterpotential during stress induces stomatal closure, leadingto a reduction of CO2 availability and consequently adecline in net photosynthetic rate and water-use efficien-cy (Bota et al. 2004; Chaves et al. 2003). The decline innet photosynthetic rate could lead to decrease in shootgrowth rate and dry matter production (Lawlor andTezara 2009). The inhibition of leaf growth and netphotosynthetic rate under drought stress could allowdiversion of essential solutes from growth requirementsto stress-related house-keeping functions, such as os-motic adjustment that improves cell-water retention andturgor maintenance.

Signal molecules produced in the root in addition towater and nutrients are important mediators of shootphysiological processes. Root-to-shoot signalling is of-ten considered to be important in regulating shootgrowth and water use when soil conditions change(Dodd 2005). Hormones such as ABA and cytokinins(CKs) have been implicated in the root–shoot signaling,either acting in isolation or concomitantly (Chaves andOliveira 2004; Davies et al. 2005; Schachtman andGoodger 2008; Wilkinson et al. 2012). ABA has beenidentified as one of the major chemical signals involvedin stomatal functioning by the regulation of long-distance transport andmodulation of ABA concentrationat the guard cells (Chaves et al. 2003). However, in-creased CK concentration in xylem sap decreases stoma-tal sensitivity to ABA and promotes stomatal openingdirectly (Wilkinson and Davies 2002). Sivaguru et al.(2003) speculated that Al may interfere with ABA trans-port and signaling, and thus lead to the closure of stoma-ta. The potential involvement of ABA and CK in root-shoot communications under Al and drought stresses aresimplistically depicted in Fig. 1.

Understanding the interaction of aluminium/drought stresses on root growth

Cell-wall porosity

The plant cell-wall is a composite structure consistingof a cellulose–hemicellulose framework embeddedwithin a matrix of pectins and proteins. This chemicalstructure determines its plastic and elastic propertiesallowing deformation in different directions (Carpitaand Gibeaut 1993). Under water deficit the loss ofwater in the apoplast will result in a collapse of wallstructure, and consequently reduction of wall porosityand polymer adhesion or cross-linking (Fig. 4; Mooreet al. 2008b; Yang et al. 2011c).

The pores of the CW are the first barrier for mobilesolutes such as ions, proteins, and water penetratingthe wall (Brett and Waldron 1996), and plant cellsinteract with their environment through the porousnetwork of the CW (Carpita et al. 1979). The poresize mainly depends on CW structure, hydrophobicity,CW chemical composition, and physical properties(Carpita et al. 1979; Chesson et al. 1997). Accordingto Baron-Epel et al. (1988) the pore size of the CW ismainly controlled by the pectic matrix. Any change inthe factors affecting the pectic matrix may change theporosity. For example, it was reported that low tem-perature decreased the pore size of the CW by modi-fying CW composition (Bauchot et al. 1999;Rajashekar and Lafta 1996). Boron can affect the poresize by influencing the borate ester cross-linked pecticnetwork in the primary CW (Fleischer et al. 1999).Enhanced Al toxicity in boron-deficient plants couldbe related to the pore size of the CW (Horst et al.2010). The pectic side chains may also control CWporosity as has been suggested by Brummel (2006).Water stress increased the formation of pectic sidechains in a drought-tolerant cultivar of wheat (Leucciet al. 2008). Our finding of the PEG-induced reductionof CW pectin content in the root tips of common beansuggest that osmotic stress may interfere with the CWstructure consequently resulting in the rearrangementof the wall polymers and thus affecting CW porosity(Yang et al. 2010). The reduced CW porosity resultingfrom the PEG-induced osmotic stress restricts the pen-etration of cations into the apoplast depending on thehydrated ionic radius: the higher the hydrated ionicradius, the lower was the ion accumulation in the roottips or ethanol-isolated CWs of root tips (Al3+>La3+>

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Sr2+>Rb+) (Yang et al. 2010). Using freeze-fracturescanning electron microscopy (FSEM) Yang et al.(2010) showed that PEG 6000 but not PEG 1000strongly reduced the intracellular spaces of the epider-mis and the outer cortical cell layers in the root tips ofcommon bean (Fig. 4a), indicating that PEG 6000causes dehydration of the root apoplast more thanPEG 1000 with its higher mobility in the apoplastowing to its smaller hydrodynamic radius (Kuga1981; Yang et al. 2010).

Under water deficit the protection of plant cellsfrom CW collapse and subsequent damage requiresthe maintenance of CW flexibility. Studies with resur-rection plants have demonstrated that CW flexibilitycan be modified by a constitutively high content ofpectin-associated arabinans (Moore et al. 2006,

2008a). Water is the most abundant component ofthe CW (approximately 75–80 % water) and decideson its pectic hydro-gel properties and thus viscoelasticnature (Cosgrove 1997). Loss of water from the CWmatrix can seriously disrupt the polymer organization.The highly hydrophilic pectin can attract and sequesterwater and may behave as a lubricant between individ-ual CW layers and thus avoid the CW collapse anddamage from water loss. In addition, the hydrophilicprotein dehydrin, which is supposed to be localized inthe CW, may also play a role similar to pectin inpreventing the CW from water deficit-caused mechan-ical fracture (Layton et al. 2010), maintaining theelastic extension (reversible stretching) propertiesand, consequently, the porosity of the CW. Also, CWstructural proteins such as the hydroxyproline-rich



Structure protein







Al3+ Al3+








Fig. 4 A Freeze-fracture scanning electron micrographs of root-tip cross-sections (1–5 mm from the root apex) of common beangenotype VAX 1 grown for 4 h in the absence (a) or presence (b)of PEG (150 gL−1 PEG 6000, −0.60 MPa osmotic potential, pH4.5). Pictures show the epidermis (Ep) and one outer cortical celllayer (OC). Arrows indicate the presence (a) or absence (b) ofintercellular spaces between the epidermis and the outer corticalcell layer. Scale bars=10 μm. B A model representing the effectof osmotic stress (OS) on the cell wall (CW) structure and Al

binding, and the possible role of CW modification-related genesor structure proteins in the OS-induced change in CW porosityand thus Al binding to the CW in common bean plants. Thesolid and dashed arrows indicate the recovery (RC) from os-motic stress, respectively. XTH: xyloglucan endotransglucosy-lase /hydrolases ; BEG: be ta-1 ,3-glucanase ; HRGP:hydroxyprolin-rich glycoprotein. Based on Yang et al. (2010,2011c)

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glycoprotein extensin, can cross-link with other poly-mers in the CW and thus affect CW porosity (Brett andWaldron 1996). AHRGP gene encoding hydroxyprolin-rich glycoprotein has been proposed to participate in themodification of CW porosity during PEG-induced os-motic stress in common bean (Fig. 4b; Yang et al.2011c).

Loss of water from the CW matrix can bring thepolymers into close proximity to each other, and thuscause polymer adhesion or cross-linking under waterdeficit (Moore et al. 2008b). Several CW-modifyingproteins such as expansins, xyloglucan endotransglu-cosylase/hydrolases (XTHs), endoglucanases and pec-tin methylesterases (PMEs) play key roles in themodification of CW structure and thus porosity (re-cently reviewed by Sasidharan et al. 2011). InArabidopsis, microarray analysis indicated that mostof the CW-associated genes including genes encodingthose above-mentioned CW-modifying proteins aredown-regulated under water deficit (Bray 2004) sup-porting the results generated from transcriptome anal-ysis of the drought (PEG stress)-subjected root apicesof common bean by SuperSAGE (serial of analysis ofgene expression) (Yang et al. 2011c). XTHs play keyroles in modification of CW structure and extensibilitythrough the cleavage and re-formation of bonds be-tween xyloglucan chains (Bray 2004; Rose et al.2002). The potential role of XTHs in the modificationof CW porosity and Al binding to the CW duringPEG-induced osmotic stress has been proposed byYang et al. (2011c), who found that the expression ofXTH genes was suppressed by PEG and rapidly re-versed by removal of PEG stress, consistent with thechange of Al accumulation in the root tips of commonbean (Yang et al. 2010). In addition, the CW-looseningenzyme beta-1,3-glucanase (BEG) has been also pre-dicted to be involved in the PEG-induced alteration ofCW porosity (Yang et al. 2011c). Further studies arerequired to assess the role of those CW-modifyingproteins in the alteration of CW porosity to verifythe hypothesis forwarded in Fig. 4b.

Cell-wall extension

Plant CWs have the remarkable property of combiningextreme tensile strength with extensibility, which playsprincipal roles in the control of growth and developmentof plants. A simplified model of the potential effects ofdrought and Al on cell-wall extension is shown in Fig. 5.

The progressive decrease of growth towards the basalregion of root tips in the elongation zone under waterdeficit has been explained by reduced CW extensibility(Fan et al. 2006). Under Al stress, Al strongly binds tothe negative charges provided by the carboxylic groupsof galacturonic acids of the pectins (Blamey et al. 1990;Chang et al. 1999) and to hemicellulose (Yang et al.2011a). There is little doubt that the high affinity of Al tothe pectic matrix and hemicellulose will substantiallyaffect the chemical and mechanical properties of theCW, and this Al-apoplast interaction has been proposedas the main cause of Al-induced inhibition of root elon-gation (Horst et al. 2010). Two possibilities have beensuggested: i) Al rapidly and irreversibly displace Ca2+ atthe site of Ca2+-pectate cross-linkages, which plays akey role in controlling CW extensibility and thus cellelongation and development (Boyer 2009). The forma-tion of cross-linkages by Al may rigidify the CW, there-by preventing wall loosening which is a prerequisite forcell elongation. ii) Strong binding of Al to the pecticmatrix may prevent CW extension physically and/orphysiologically by decreasing the effectiveness of CW-loosening enzymes (Wehr et al. 2004). In addition,Tabuchi and Matsumoto (2001) suggested that the Al-decreased mechanical extensibility of the CW in wheatroots could be attributed to an increase in ferulic anddiferulic acids, which crosslink CW structural compo-nents and thus strengthen the CW (Brett and Waldron1996). The water deficit-enhanced production of phe-nols in the root tips was made responsible for the pro-gressive growth cessation towards the basal region inthe elongation-zone of maize (Fan and Neumann 2004)and soybean roots (Yamaguchi et al. 2010).

The mechanisms involved in regulating CW exten-sion capacity and hence root growth has been intensive-ly investigated and frequently reviewed (Cosgrove2005; Rose et al. 2004; Sharp et al. 2004; Wu andCosgrove 2000). The extensibility of the CW is con-trolled by its structure as well as the activity of CW-modifying proteins such as expansins, XTHs and glu-canases (Bray 2004; Wu and Cosgrove 2000). Underdrought in Al-toxic acid soils and PEG-induced osmoticstress in hydroponics, the expression of both XTHs andBEG genes in the root tips of common bean were sup-pressed by both water deficit and Al stress leading toinhibition of root elongation (Yang et al. 2011c, 2012).Spatial pattern analysis of XTH by the detection ofxyloglucan endotransglucosylase (XET) action inArabidopsis and tabacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) root

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tips, showed that XTH in the cortex and epidermis of theelongation zone is primarily involved in wall looseningfor root elongation (Vissenberg et al. 2000).

Phytohormone signal network

The growth and development of plants under environ-mental stresses is mediated by phytohormones such asABA, auxin and CK, gibberellin (GA), ethylene andjasmonic acid (JA) (Wolters and Jürgens 2009). Basedon the studies with common bean (Yang et al. 2012),the crosstalk between phytohormons in response todrought and combined drought/Al stresses affectingroot growth is schematically shown in Fig. 6. Amongthe phytohormones, it is well known that ABA isproduced under water-deficit conditions and plays animportant role in the response of plants to drought. Inthe root tips, the accumulation of ABA increases to-wards the root apex (Saab et al. 1992) and is requiredfor the maintenance of maize primary-root elongation

at low water potentials (Sharp 2002; Sharp et al. 2004;Yamaguchi and Sharp 2010). Zeaxanthin epoxidase(ZEP), 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase (NCED)and abscisic aldehyde oxidase (AAO) are the criticalenzymes involved in the biosynthesis of ABA (Seoand Koshiba 2002). The expression of the genesencoding these enzymes is induced by drought indifferent plant species (Audran et al. 1998; Chernysand Zeevaart 2000; Iuchi et al. 2000; Qin and Zeevaart1999; Seo et al. 2000; Seiler et al. 2011; Thompson etal. 2000; Yang et al. 2012) and is indicative of im-proved drought resistance (Iuchi et al. 2001; Qin andZeevaart 2002).

Several hydroponic studies have shown that Al indu-ces ABA production in the root tips of soybean (Hou etal. 2010; Shen et al. 2004) and barley (Kasai et al. 1993),which was supposed to regulate Al resistance mecha-nisms (Hou et al. 2010; Shen et al. 2004). However,growing common bean in an acid Al-toxic soil slightlybut significantly reduced the ABA accumulation in the

XETXyloglucan Pectin PhenolicsCellulose

- Al / - Drought + Al / + Drought












Fig. 5 A simplified model representing the effect of Al ordrought stress on cell-wall extention. On the left, cell-wallextension without the stresses is shown: H2O penetration intothe cell wall and the symplast allows the build-up of osmoticpressure and high activity of the cell-wall modification-enzymeXET thus allowing cell-wall extention. On the right, the effect ofdrought or Al on cell-wall extension is shown: reduced

hydration of the cell wall and Al-inhibited XET activity, andstrong binding of Al to pectins and xyloglucans reduce cell-wallextensibility. Al and drought-enhanced crosslinking of cell-wallstructures by phenolics further reduce extensibility. XET: xylo-glucan endotransglucosylase. Based on Yang et al. (2010, 2011c,2012)

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root tips and had no effect on the expression of genesinvolved in ABA biosynthesis (Yang et al. 2012). Inspite of this, under combined Al and drought-stressconditions Al suppressed the drought-stimulated ABAproduction as well as the expression of the NCED genein the root tips. Therefore, the suppression of ABAproduction in the root tips by Al reduced the droughtresistance of the roots. The critical role of ABA indrought resistance depends on its involvement in theregulation of drought-induced genes (Bray 1997, 2002).The transcription factors bZIP andMYB are responsiblefor the down-stream regulation of ABA-dependentgenes (Shinozaki and Yamaguchi-Shinozaki 1997,2007). The consistency of the expression of bZIP,MYB, and ABA-dependent genes such as SUS (sucrose

synthase), PvLEA18 (late embryogenesis abundant pro-tein), KS-DHN(KS-type dehydrin) and LTP (lipid-trans-fer protein) (Brocard-Gifford et al. 2004; Hundertmarkand Hincha 2008; Orellana et al. 2010) with the changeof ABA accumulation and the expression of NCED inthe root tips of common bean under Al and droughtstress, suggest that the Al toxicity-enhanced droughtsensitivity of the root apex is due to the impact of thegene regulatory network involved in ABA signal trans-duction (Yang et al. 2012).

In addition to ABA, ethylene is implicated in theinhibition of root elongation (Le et al. 2001). Theresults by Yang et al. (2012) indicated that the Al-aggravated drought-induced inhibition of root elonga-tion in common bean may partly be due to an


ABA biosynthesis(NCED, ZEP, AAO)

Cytokinin biosynthesis(IPT, CYP735A)

Ethylene biosynthesis(ACCO)

ABA-responsive genes (SUS, PvLEA18,

KS-DHN, LTP, etc.)


t elo








Cytokinin biodegradation(ZOGT, CKX)

Transcription factors(bZIP, MYB)


Al stress

ABA biosynthesis(NCED)

Cytokinin biosynthesis / biodegradation


Ethylene biosynthesis(ACCO)

ABA-responsive genes (SUS, PvLEA18,

KS-DHN, LTP, etc.)




Transcription factors(bZIP, MYB)

Fig. 6 Schematic representation of the potential regulatorymechanisms involved in acclimation to drought of root apicesof common bean and how Al stress interferes with this acclima-tion. In a: Sole drought stress increase ABA, ethylene andcytokinin (CK) concentrations in root tips by the regulation ofbiosynthetic or degrading enzymes such as NCED, ZEP, AAO(ABA biosynthesis), IPT, CYP735A, ZOGT, CKX (CK biosyn-thesis and biodegradation) and ACCO (ethylene biosynthesis).The excess accumulation of CK and ethylene inhibit root elon-gation, whereas the drought-stimulated ABA accumulationmaintains root elongation in the apical elongation zone by up-regulating the expression of ABA-dependent genes. The blueand red arrows indicate up- and down-regulated changes, re-spectively. In b: In comparision with the sole drought effect,

additional Al exposure leads to an aggravated inhibition of rootelongation by the suppression of ABA-dependent drought-induced gene regulation and by further promoting CK andrelated ethylene synthesis. The blue and red arrows in b indicatethe enhanced and inhibited changes in comparision with the soledrought-induced changes in a, their thickness represents themagnitude of the changes. IPT, adenosinephosphateisopentenyl-transferase; CYP735A, cytochrome P450 monoox-ygenase 735A; CKX, CK oxidase/dehydrogenase; ZOGT,zeatin-O-glucosyltransferase; ACCO, 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid oxidase; ZEP, zeaxanthin epoxidase; NCED,9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase; AAO, abscisic aldehydeoxidase. Based on Yang et al. (2012)

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enhanced expression of the ethylene biosynthesis geneACCO (see Fig. 3d) and thus ethylene production inroot tips.

The interplay of phytohormones plays a crucial rolein the regulation of root growth and has been widelystudied. For example, several studies have demonstratedthat ethylene regulates root growth mainly througheffects on auxin biosynthesis and transport-dependentauxin distribution (Růžička et al. 2007; Stepanova et al.2007; Swarup et al. 2007; Sun et al. 2010). The CK-auxin interaction is fundamental in controlling root de-velopment (reviewed by Moubayidin et al. 2009). It iswell known that CKs may also strongly inhibit rootgrowth (Werner et al. 2001). Under water-deficit con-ditions, ABA can suppress ethylene production, and themaintenance of root elongation requires increased ABAlevels to prevent excess ethylene production (LeNobleet al. 2004; Sharp et al. 2000; Spollen et al. 2000; Sharp2002). Ding et al. (2008) found that ABA could sup-press CK activation of cell division in the roots ofMedicago truncatula Gaertn.. Takei et al. (2004) ob-served that ABA treatment highly reduced the expres-sion of the CK biosynthesis genes CYP735A1 andCYP735A2 in the roots of Arabidopsis. Cytokinin stim-ulated ethylene biosynthesis (Chae et al. 2003) andethylene mediated the CK-induced inhibition of rootelongation as observed in pea (Pisum sativum L.)(Bertell and Eliasson 1992), Arabidopsis (Cary et al.1995; Růžička et al. 2009) and common bean (Massotet al. 2002). However, the analysis of the IAA content inthe root tips of common bean under Al and droughtstress conditions by Yang et al. (2012) did not supportan involvement of the auxin-dependent regulatory sig-naling network in the Al-drought interaction on rootgrowth. The reason for the aggravation of the inhibitionof root elongation by drought through Al (Yang et al.2012) may partly be due to reduced ABA levels, pro-moted CK production (Fig. 7) and subsequently stimu-lated synthesis of ethylene in the root tips of commonbean as depicted in Fig. 6.

Interaction of aluminium-drought stresses on cropyield

Crop yield is the result of a multitude of developmen-tal, physiological and biochemical processes and theirinteractions at any level of plant organization and anylevel of biological scale that are under genetic control.

The sum total is integrated toward a final effect onyield (Blum 2010). Knowledge on the interaction ofAl-drought stresses on crop yield is limited. The mostdirect method of evaluating the interaction of Al anddrought stresses is by measuring economic yield(grain or forage) under field conditions. Field evalua-tion for soil acidity and Al toxicity is normally con-ducted in two duplicate tests: one in an unamended,naturally acid plot, and the other in a lime-amendedplot. The data are reported as the ratio of grain orforage yield in the unamended plot to that in thelime-amended plot to adjust for differences in yieldpotential without soil-acidity stress. This methodologywas used by a number of researchers to screen cropand forage germplasm for their adaptation to acid soils(Baier et al. 1995; Carver and Ownby 1995; Johnsonet al. 1997; Marschner 1995; Rao et al. 1993, 1998,2004, 2011; Rao 2001; Tang et al. 2003c; The et al.2001). Field studies conducted on an acid soil inCameroon by The et al. (2001, 2006, 2012) indicatedthat yield of the soil acidity-tolerant maize cultivarATP-SR-Y was up to 60 % higher than that of the soilacidity-sensitive cultivar Tuxpeno-Sequia. Among themaize germplasm tested, there was a large variabilityin grain yield on non-corrected acid as well as oncorrected non-acid soil. One of the phenotypic plantcharacteristics that best correlated with the adaptationof the genotypes to soil acidity was seminal rootlength (The et al. 2001).

SWP (MPa) -0.05 -0.14 -0.31


A c















Al-0 Al-2.0





n (n

g g

-1 F











Al-0 Al-2.0



VWC(cm3 cm-3) 0.23 0.17 0.14

Fig. 7 Abscisic acid (ABA) and zeatin riboside (ZR) concen-trations in the 1-cm root tips of common bean genotype VAX-1as affected by soil moisture and Al supply (g AlCl3.6H2O kg−1

soil). Two-day-old seedlings were grown in soil for 24 h. Barsrepresents means ± SD, n=3. SWP: soil-water potential; VWC:volumetric water content. Compiled from Yang et al. (2012)

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It has been reported that Al toxicity restricts theyield of many crops particularly in regions with acidsubsoils throughout the world (Sumner et al. 1986).Aluminium toxicity decreases drought resistance andthe use of subsoil nutrients (Wang et al. 2006).Deleterious effects of subsoil soil-acidity on crop yieldwill thus be influenced by the extent to which a plantdepends on the subsoil for supply of water andnutrients, especially when the topsoil dries out(Jozefaciuk and Szatanik-Kloc 2001; Stodart et al.2007; Tang et al. 2001, 2003a, b). Sorghum(Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench) growing on acid soilsyields less than its potential because of the poorlydeveloped roots that cause reduced nutrient and wateruptake (Meda and Furlani 2005; Bernel and Clark1998). During the rainy season the soil moisture inthe topsoil can sufficiently sustain shoot growth, whilein the dry season the low rainfall will force the roots toexplore deeper subsoil for water. The growth of rootsgrown in the acidic subsoil will then subsequentlysuffer from Al toxicity and the Al-impeded rootgrowth will further restrict the exploitation of deepersubsoil for water.

Similar to acid soil stress, yield under droughtstress with reference to yield under non-stressed con-ditions, has normally been employed as the primaryphenotypic selection criterion in improving droughtresistance in crops (Blum 2010). Farmers frequentlyrequest early maturing cultivars in environmentswhere the growing season is limited by water avail-ability. However, early maturity also has disadvan-tages including limited yield potential. Recentbreeding efforts for improving drought resistance incommon bean resulted in small seeded Mesoamericanlines (coded as SER and SEN) with up to 36 % greateryield per day in unfavorable environments (Beebe etal. 2008). The lesson learned from this work was thatshoot biomass and yield should be selected for whileretaining the ability to partition greater proportion ofphotosynthates from vegetative plant structures tograin (Rao et al. 2009; Beebe 2012).

Crop-yield improvement-strategies for adaptionto combined aluminium toxicity and drought stress

Crop yield improvement for adaptation to acid soilswith seasonal drought stress at the molecular andphysiological level is very complex and challenging.

The simplest approach to breeding for adaptation tocombined Al toxicity and drought stress is to select forgrain or forage yield which are the integrating traits,and to carry out the selection in a managed stressenvironment. A possible breeding strategy for devel-oping crops for superior adaptation to combined stressconditions of soil acidity and drought could involvescreening germplasm under well watered and drought-stressed conditions on an acid soil and make selectionsbased on superior performance (yield) under bothconditions. It is widely recognized by breeders andagronomists that field screening is highly variable andcomplex. Thus there is a need to select for secondaryphenotypic traits for both Al and drought resistancewhich can be easily identified using screening meth-ods at laboratory, greenhouse and field level. Thesephenotypic traits should be linked to molecular geno-typic traits. Significant progress in crop improvementcan be achieved by the use of screening methodswhere the stresses are carefully managed and bychoosing parents of crosses with desirable shoot androot traits for genetic recombination to improve yieldunder individual and combined stress factors (Beebe etal. 2008, 2009).

A number of shoot and root traits contribute toimproved drought adaptation (Blum 2010). The roottraits maximise water uptake and the shoot traits opti-mise the use of absorbed water for producing grainduring drought stress. In sorghum, the panicle weightof the first filial generation (F1) of hybridisation be-tween inbred P1 (drought-tolerant) and P2 (Al-resis-tant) was greater than either P1 or P2 under both stressand non-stress conditions, suggesting that multiplestress resistance can increase sorghum productivity(Okiyo et al. 2010). Using different bean species,Butare et al. (2011) found that Al partially amelioratedthe negative effects of water stress in Al-resistantPhaseolus coccineus L. genotypes. This responsewas strongly in contrast with Al-sensitive Phaseolusacutifolius and the Mesoamerican common bean gen-otypes, where combined stress led to a more severeinhibition of root development. These observationswere consistent with the results obtained by Yang etal. (2012). Thus, it appears promising to use interspe-cific crosses with Phaseolus coccineus to improvecombined drought and Al resistance of common bean(Butare et al. 2012).

Both Al toxicity and water stress should be consid-ered in breeding for better adaptation to acid soils.

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Amelioration of these constraints in the topsoil can beachieved by liming, fertilization and irrigation. Forexample, in eastern regions of the Western Australianwheat belt, Porter and Wilson (1984) found that theapplication of lime to the acidic subsurface soil layersincreased wheat yields by 69 % and 175 % at twosites. Using the computer model APSIM (AgriculturalProduction Systems Simulator),Tang et al. (2003a)concluded that liming and nitrogen application in-creased yields of wheat in all rainfall zones, but theyield increments were much greater in the high thanthe low rainfall zones, and that improved yields werecorrelated with increased rooting depth and associateddecreased nitrate-N leaching. Doss and Lund (1975)reported that the reductions in the yield of cottonresulting from shallow root systems on acid sub-soilscan be overcome by frequent irrigation of the surfacesoil, but rooting depth and pattern were not affected byirrigation. The management of plant nutrients is veryhelpful to alleviate the adverse effects of drought(Waraich et al. 2011). However, the soil amendmentsare neither economic options for poor farmers noreffective strategies for alleviating the subsoil aciditystress. Tang et al. (2003a, b, c) have found that theyield benefits arising from growing Al-resistant wheatwere greater than those from ameliorating soil acidityby liming. Therefore, screening of crop germplasmand developing appropriate varieties with high resis-tance against combined Al toxicity and drought couldlead to higher and more stable crop yields, particularlyin the smallholder farms of the tropics (Beebe et al.2009; Beebe 2012).

In two near-isogenic wheat genotypes differing in Alresistance, Tang et al. (2001) found that the Al-resistantgenotype ET8 can produce more than five times the rootlength of Al-sensitive genotype ES8 in the acidic sub-soil. The genotypic variation in growth and yield ofwheat grown under subsoil acidity results from thedifference in root proliferation into the subsoil andhence in the exploitation of water and nutrients in theacidic subsoil layer (Tang et al. 2002). The genotypicvariation in response to liming appears to result from thedifference in the sensitivity of root proliferation to lowpH and high Al (Tang et al. 2003b).Wasson et al. (2012)proposed that wheat varieties with a deeper root system,a redistribution of branch root density from the surfaceto depth, and with greater radial hydraulic conductivityat depth would have higher yields in those rainfedsystems where crops rely on soil moisture from deeper

layers for grain filling. The evaluation of the trait anddevelopment of selection processes for root-systemtraits (deep, highly branched roots) combining laborato-ry and field phenotypic screening in a breedingprogramme have been thoroughly reviewed by theseauthors.

Therefore, deep rooting is particularly important forthe improvement of yield in the breeding for adaptation toAl toxicity and drought stress (Sponchiado et al. 1989).Combining functional genomicswith traditional breeding(Ishitani et al. 2004; Manavalan et al. 2009; Mir et al.2012) will contribute greatly to bridging the gap betweenphenotype and genotype in the context of breeding forcomplex traits such as adaptation to abiotic stresses.

Conclusions and future perspectives

Drought can be exacerbated by subsoil Al toxicity, whichreduces root elongation and restricts the plant roots toexplore the acidic subsoil to absorb water, and thusdiminishes the ability to avoid drought stress. Little isknown about the interaction of Al toxicity and low soilmoisture stress at the root-tip level. In common bean,drought/osmotic stress reduced Al uptake and Al toxic-ity. However, Al toxicity enhanced the drought-inducedinhibition of root elongation. The physiological and mo-lecular evidence suggests that the reason for this Al-aggravated drought sensitivity of root apices is a distur-bance of the gene regulatory network involved in ABAsignal transduction and cross-talk with other phytohor-mones such as CKs and ethylene that are necessary formaintaining root growth under drought. These sugges-tions need to be substantiated through further studies inthe future focusing on the following aspects: i)Understanding the role of genes related to CW modifi-cation in the interaction of Al toxicity and drought stress;ii) Clarification of the cross-talk of phytohormones in theAl-regulated drought-inhibited root elongation necessaryto better understand the internal regulatorymechanism ofroot growth under individual and combined stressesusing reverse genetic approaches; iii) Comparative anal-ysis of the relationship between Al toxicity and droughtstress in monocots and dicots which appears attractivegiven the different structural components of the CW.

Effects of Al on shoot growth are mostly secondaryeffects that are induced by Al affecting root growthand function, while under drought stress root growthmay even be promoted. There is limited knowledge on

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the interaction of Al and drought stresses on cropyield. Present knowledge suggests that Al toxicitydecreases drought resistance primarily by reducingthe use of subsoil water and nutrients, and crops yieldless under combined stresses.

Breeding for drought resistance must be combinedwith resistance to Al, to assure that drought resistanceis expressed adequately in crops grown on soils withacid Al-toxic subsoils. A possible breeding strategycould involve screening germplasm under wellwatered and drought-stressed conditions on an acidsoil and make selections based on superior perfor-mance (yield) under both conditions. Since fieldscreening is highly variable and complex secondaryphenotypic traits for both Al and drought resistancewhich can be easily identified using screening meth-ods at laboratory, greenhouse and field level need to belinked to molecular genotypic traits.

An integrated improvement of resistance againstboth stress factors is likely to be more productive thanconsidering them in isolation. It appears necessary toidentify molecular markers QTLs (quantitative traitloci) for adaptation to combined Al and droughtstresses with focus on genes controlling root growthincreasing the efficiency of traditional breedingapproaches. The challenge is to identify QTLs ofmajor effects that are independent of the particulargenetic background and clone the genes in the QTL.The ability of next generation sequencing and ad-vanced metabolic profiling to co-sequence or co-screen a large number of F2 or RILs coupled withstatistical linkage analysis could improve the efficien-cy of molecular breeding for improved adaptation tocombined stresses of Al and drought.

Acknowledgments The research work on common bean wassupported by a restricted core project fromthe Bundesministe-rium für Wirtschaftliche Zusammenarbeit ⁄ Gesellschaft fürTechnische Zusammenarbeit (BMZ/GTZ) (No. 05.7860.9-001.00) granted to the International Center for Tropical Agri-culture (CIAT).


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