Intelligent Transport System

Intelligent Transportation System(ITS) SUBMITTED BY CHINCHU ROLL NO:06 5B MCA


Cities have to deal with pollution , congestion and safety problem caused by increasing traffic. Traditional transport system are not sufficient.These explore the concepts that treat highway systems and the vehicles that use them as integrated system. Among them is the concept of Intelligent Transportation System

Transcript of Intelligent Transport System

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Intelligent Transportation System(ITS)


INTRODUCTIONCities have to deal with pollution , congestion and safety problem caused by increasing traffic. Traditional transport system are not sufficient.These explore the concepts that treat highway systems and the vehicles that use them as integrated system. Among them is the concept of Intelligent Transportation System

What is ITS ?International program aimed at using advanced technology for improving the efficiency , safety and environmental impact of land transportation.It is the Incorporation of information technologies and advances in electronics into all parts of the transportation network.It help drivers to navigate, avoid traffic holdups and avoid collisions

Classification of ITS

1)Advanced Public Transport System(APTS)2)Advanced Traveler Information System(ATIS)3)Advanced Traffic Management System(ATMS)

1.Advanced Public Transport System(APTS)

APTS increases the efficiency and safety of public transportation system.APTS include applications such as automatic vehicle location (AVL)Each vehicle report their current locationThis system report the arrival and departure status of buses and trains

2)Advanced Traveler Information System(ATIS)It provide drivers with real-time travel and traffic informationInformation about delays Help for optimal route selection There are three key steps to the provision of real-time traffic information: collection processing dissemination

3)Advanced Traffic Management System(ATMS)Focus on traffic control devicesAdaptive traffic signal control: to avoid bad signaling Ramp metering :to avoid vehicles entering into highwayThree ATMS elementsCollection data teamSupport systemReal time traffic control system

Intelligent Transportation Technologies

1)Wireless Communications2)Computational technologies3)Floating car data4)Sensing Technologies5)Inductive loop detection6)Video vehicle detection

1)Wireless Communications

Short range communication can be accomplished using IEEE 802.11 protocolLonger range communication can be accomplished using IEEE 802.16 protocol

2)Computational technologies

Fewer, more costly microprocessor modules with hardware memory management and Real-Time Operating Systems are used. Allow for more sophisticated software applications to be implemented

3)Floating car data/floating cellular data

Virtually every car contains one or more mobile phones. routinely transmit their location information to the network Floating car data technology provides great advantages over existing methods of traffic measurement

4)Sensing Technologies

Sensing systems for ITS are vehicle and infrastructure based networked systemsInfrastructure sensors are indestructible (such as in-road reflectors) devices that are installed or embedded on the road, or surrounding the road Vehicle-sensing systems include deployment of infrastructure-to-vehicle and vehicle-to-infrastructure electronic beacons for identification communications May also employ the benefits of CCTV automatic number plate recognition technology

5)Inductive loop detectionMeasure the vehicle's magnetic fieldCount the number of vehicles during a unit of timeStopped vehicles when vehicles moving at high-speed.

6)Video vehicle detection

Traffic flow measurement and automatic incident detection using video cameras is form of vehicle detectionVideo from black-and-white or color cameras is fed into processors that analyze the changing characteristics of the video image as vehicles pass.

Intelligent Transportation Applications

1)Automated Highway System(AHS)2)Incident Management System3)Electronic Toll Collection System(ETC)4)Advanced Warning System(AWS)5)Vehicle Information and Communication System(VICS)

1)Automated Highway System(AHS)A specially equipped highway lane in which vehicles are automatically controlledSmart way enables a wide range of information exchange among all of ITS usersIt require functions capable of sensing road-environment datafunctions for generating guidance from road-environment data and road-to-vehicle communication

2)Incident Management System

They may offer real-time information about traffic conditionsSome applications provide fog sensors.

3)Electronic Toll Collection System(ETC)

An application of electronic signature detection to passenger and commercial vehicle traffic for the purpose of collecting tollsAllowing motorists to pass through the system at highway speedsTransponder: radio frequency identification unit that transmits radio signals

4)Advanced Warning System(AWS)

AWS helps in preventing road crashesA warning is given if dangerous conditions are detected with respect to the position of a vehicle

5)Vehicle Information and Communication System(VICS)

It is a digital communication system.It provide real time road traffic information to the drivers via car navigation systemInformation is transmitted in the direction of traffic flow from beacons Steps in the operation of VICS1.Collecting information2.Processes and edits the collected information3.Providing information

VICS provides three kinds of displays Map Display Simple Graphic Display Text Display

Advantages of ITSImproved safety. Better traffic flow. Lower travel cost.Better environmental quality.Greater user acceptance.Better travel information.

Disadvantages of ITS

Preliminary difficulties in understanding.ITS equipments costly.The control system software could be hacked by hackers.

CONCLUSIONITS represent the next step in the evolution of a nation's entire transportation systemTraffic congestions, rate of road accidents, wastage of fuels are decreased to a large extendTransportation has become a safer and efficient modeHence with much more interest and advanced research in the field of I T S, it can be implemented in our country and can prove to be the solution of the traffic problems including traffic congestion, air pollution and traffic accidents.This system will give a high progress in the devolvement of our country