Intelligent content2011

Content Strategies for Social Media Marketing Marisa Peacock, Social Media Strategist Sr. Reporter, CMSWire Intelligent Content 2011


At Intelligent Content 2011 in Palm Springs, I presented about the importance of developing content strategies for your company's social media marketing initiatives.

Transcript of Intelligent content2011

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Content Strategies for Social Media Marketing

Marisa Peacock, Social Media StrategistSr. Reporter, CMSWire

Intelligent Content 2011

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Information Overload?

The Rise of User-Generated Content

In 2010, approximately 65 million tweets were sent on Twitter each day. Source: Twitter CTO Dick Costolo at CM Summit

70% of the Digital Universe in 2010 was generated by users. That’s the equivalent of 880 billion gigabytes. Source: IDC Digital Universe Study, April 2010

The average Facebook user creates 90 pieces of content each month Source: Facebook

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Information Opportunity? Initiating Connections & Conversations

The average Facebook user is connected to 80 community pages, groups and events. Source: Facebook

29% of tweets receive any kind of reaction, either in the form of a reply or retweet. Source: Sysomos, September 2010

In 2010, more people used tools like Twitter, Facebook, Instapaper, Flipboard, LazyWeb, Feedly and TweetDeck to track news.

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The State of Corporate Content.

Among Fortune 500 companies:

22% have blogs

90% of blogs have comments, RSS feeds and subscriptions

35% maintain Twitter accountsSource: Center for Marketing Research at UMass Dartmouth, The

Fortune 500 and Social Media, 2010

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There is opportunity for engagement -- so how do you create, review, publish, and share your content?

Source: 360i

More than 90% of tweets come from

consumers. 8% comes from marketers.

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Look Forward by Working Backwards.

“The content strategist must work to define not only which content will be published, but why we’re publishing it in the first place.”

Kristina Halvorson

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You know your audience

You know where they are

You know what they want

You have content that meets their needs

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Create Meaningful Workflows

How has social media changed the way we think about content and how we connect with our audience?

Are you prepared to share news when it happens? or do you need advanced approval to post?

Is it easy for anyone to share information with your audience?

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Create Meaningful Workflows

Source: Dan McCarthy

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Don’t work for your content. Get it to

work for you. Does it promote customer engagement?

Is it streamlined and strategic?

Is it easy to update, manage and archive?

Is it integrated in project workflow?

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Sharing is Influencing.

27% of ‘frequent sharers’ are responsible for 87% of news shared


create a “sharing workflow”

change the way you think about your audience

commitment to knowledge, communications and thinkingSource: CNN’s inaugural global research study into the power of news and recommendation (PONAR)

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Create Meaningful Customer

Engagementsocial media is about collaboration and conversations

initiate conversations with your users

ask strategic, meaningful questions

have a plan for positive & negative customer feedback

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Encourage Empowered Behaviors

Share what your users are saying with others in your company.

Make it a company-wide collaboration.


Monitor, measure and evolve.

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Create Effective Monitoring &

AnalysisWhat words are your followers, fans and customers using to talk about your brand?

Social media monitoring is a 24/7 operation

Evolve strategically alongside your audience.

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Thank You!

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