Intellectual Property Rights Implications on Social Media - Vidhi

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  • 7/28/2019 Intellectual Property Rights Implications on Social Media - Vidhi


    Intellectual Property LawsImplications on

    Social Media

    Presented By:

    Vidhi AgarwalPartner, LawQuest, Mumbai
  • 7/28/2019 Intellectual Property Rights Implications on Social Media - Vidhi


    Copyright 2008 LawQuest.All rights reserved.

    Word Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO),

    World Trade Organization (WTO)TRIPSThe implications for India

    Why is India crying hoarse?

    Paris Convention for the protection of Industrial Property

    Patent Co-operation Treaty (PCT)

    Budapest Treaty

    All Signatory countries need to ensure Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) Protection within theirjurisdiction.


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    Relevant Indian Laws*

    The Patents Act, 1970

    The Copyright Act, 1957 The Trademark Act, 1999

    The Designs Act, 2000

    The Information Technology Act, 2000

    *As amended from time to time and with theirsupporting rules.

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    Copyright 2008 LawQuest.All rights reserved.

    IPRs - An Exclusive, Time Bound, Right Over

    A Creation



    Patents Designs

    Trade Secrets


    Geographical Indications Domain Names

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    Emerging Technologies


    Electronic distribution

    The Internet



    Move from physical assets

    to intangible assets

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    Effect of Emerging Technologies


    Mobile Technology

    Electronic Storage Devices- iPods, iPhones, Smart Phones

    Growth of new industriese.g. BPO



    Prolific Publishing Opportunities (specialized websites,blogs, portals)

    Customer Centric AdvertisingSMS and Voice Advertising,

    search engine advertising

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    (I) Navigating Social Media in the Business


    1. Exploitation of Social Media by Entities

    Bolstering Customer Connection

    Understand defamation and copyright laws; Put in place policies to remove offensive content without jeopardizing


    Replacing Press Releases with Social Media Updates

    Apply to social media disclosures with regulatory implications;

    Understand the terms of use for any social media applications used,

    particularly with respect to privacy and ownership.

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    Communicating Consumer News Quickly

    Consider whether such updates are desirable to the recipients.

    Keeping Tabs On Competitors

    Ensure that your companys use of information gleaned through use of

    social media complies with its antitrust policy.

    Addressing Public Relations Issues

    Use social media to respond to customer complaints

    Recruiting Employees Understand that information that would be inappropriate to make hiring

    decisions had it been obtained by other means is still inappropriate if

    gleaned from Internet searches.

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    Monitoring behavior of employees Bear in mind that certain activities may be deemed protected.

    Improving internal communications

    Understand privacy and security protections (and any legal restrictions).

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    2. Use of Social Media by Employees (on behalf of

    or separate and apart from the employer) Discussing the company or company products

    If the comments could be perceived as those of the company, consider

    limiting such discussions to certain well-trained employees;

    Multiple employees discussing the same product inconsistently can createconfusion;

    Official comments are a new source of evidence in litigation.

    Disclosing Confidential Information Inadvertently

    Teach employees to recognize confidential information

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    Incorporating Works of Others

    Train employees on intellectual property basics.

    Complaining about ones Job Understand legal protections for individuals engaging in

    certain activities;

    Rights of privacy and other confidentiality obligations.

    Criticizing the Company Post-Employment Consider possible causes of action for a tort, contract, or

    statutory violation: Defamation,, Disclosure of trade secrets,Violation of employment agreement

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    3. References to the Entity by Third Parties

    Using A Companys Name or Trademarks

    Develop clear policies as to the type of uses to which your company will

    object and those uses that you will ignore;

    Protect rights proactively;

    Understand the terms and conditions and intellectual property protection


    Blogging about a Particular Product

  • 7/28/2019 Intellectual Property Rights Implications on Social Media - Vidhi


    Contact Details

    522 Maker Chambers V

    221 Nariman Point,

    Mumbai400021, India.

    Tel: +91 22 6615 6555

    Fax: +91 22 2287 2080

    Email id: [email protected]

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