
The definition of academic integrity integrity, n. \in-ˈte-grə-tē\ 1. “the quality of being honest and fair”, and 2. “the state of being complete or whole.” (“Integrity,” n.d.) How do these definitions of integrity relate to what we mean by academic integrity? In terms of the first definition, academic integrity means being honest and fair with regard to all scholarly activity — from completing assignments to sitting exams. But the second definition of integrity is also relevant. You shouldn’t be “honest and fair” just because you’ve been told to do so or because you are afraid of the consequences of not doing so. Rather, it’s important for you to understand and value academic integrity as an expression of your own beliefs about what is good and right. In other words, by conducting your study and research with integrity, you make “complete” or “whole” the relationship between your own judgement and action. This means that you “achieve with integrity”, according to both definitions given above. Tell us what you think: Think about the concept of academic integrity. What behaviours and actions do you associate with it? Share your thoughts in the comments section.



Transcript of Integrity

Page 1: Integrity

The definition of academic integrity

integrity, n. \in-ˈte-grə-tē\

1. “the quality of being honest and fair”, and2. “the state of being complete or whole.” (“Integrity,”


How do these definitions of integrity relate to what we mean by academic integrity? In terms of the first definition, academic integrity means being honest and fair with regard to all scholarly activity — from completing assignments to sitting exams.

But the second definition of integrity is also relevant. You shouldn’t be “honest and fair” just because you’ve been told to do so or because you are afraid of the consequences of not doing so. Rather, it’s important for you to understand and value academic integrity as an expression of your own beliefs about what is good and right. In other words, by conducting your study and research with integrity, you make “complete” or “whole” the relationship between your own judgement and action. This means that you “achieve with integrity”, according to both definitions given above.

Tell us what you think:

Think about the concept of academic integrity. What behaviours and actions do you associate with it?

Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Page 2: Integrity

0:22 Skip to 0 minutes and 22 seconds What does the phrase "academic integrity" mean to you? What values do you think this phrase invokes? Let's hear what it means to some of our students. Honesty. I guess it means fairness. And you can show honesty and fairness by acknowledging ideas of others when you've used them. Like in groups, everyone has to contribute equally instead of someone taking over the whole group project. Trust. Doing your own work. My teachers trust me to create my own work. Yeah, not cheating. Respect. And that means taking responsibility for my own work. Great. These are all values that underpin what we mean by academic integrity. To that list, you might add one more, courage.1:05 Skip to 1 minute and 5 seconds We need courage, mental and moral strength, to stand up and do the right thing, especially when doing so might be unpopular and costly. All of the values mentioned here are part of the Fundamental Values project. Fundamental values, like what we've just been talking about. Sounds kind of serious. Just like what we were saying, fairness and stuff. But what is the Fundamental Values project? Good question. The Fundamental Values project was created to define a set of values for academic integrity and to identify and describe policies and practises that promoted those values. Specifically, the set of fundamental values defined included six values, honesty, respect, trust, fairness, responsibility, and courage.1:51 Skip to 1 minute and 51 seconds They're fundamental because they serve as the foundation upon which all healthy academic communities are built and sustained. Like me, you are now part of an academic community. And like me, you too are now obliged to act in accord with these values in all your academic endeavours. OK. You've seen earlier what these values mean to our students. Now you have a think. What do they mean to you? How might they serve to guide and ground your behaviour as a student?

Page 3: Integrity

Test your knowledge

Intro Q1 Q2 Q3 Q4


Milan’s final year project involves working in a small team to prepare a comprehensive business plan. He shares responsibility for presenting:

• A proposal.

• Board meetings and progress reports.

• The completed business plan.

• The professional presentation.

How might Milan demonstrate academic integrity in this assignment?

By contributing the expected, or more than expected, amount of time and effort.

By letting the best students do most of the work to get the best result.

Page 4: Integrity

By persuading the others to abandon their ideas in favour of his own standards.


Jason Stephens (Lead Educator)

Correct. Milan shows integrity by committing himself to shared responsibility for this task. Perhaps one student could create the perfect final result, but the process of working together is part of the learning experience. Students feel disrespected if they are given too much work and if they have little opportunity to contribute.


Jenna, Mei Ling and Grant are all enrolled in a course in English Literature. Jenna is a talented runner and is training seriously for an upcoming marathon. With such a heavy training schedule she can’t do her best work for the next essay by the deadline. Mei Ling and Grant want to help her. Which of the following solutions allows all three students to demonstrate integrity and ensures Jenna learns by doing her own work?

Grant and Mei Ling:

Page 5: Integrity

Recommend useful course readings

Lend Jenna the notes from their references

Lend Jenna an electronic copy of their own assignments


Jason Stephens (Lead Educator)

Correct. If Jenna starts her assignment by reading recommended texts, she can form her own understandings of these texts and refer to them in ways that support the points she wants to make in her own original writing.

Page 6: Integrity


When Melissa sees the topics for the next History essay she is excited because she wrote about one of the topics in a History of Education course last year. Which course of action below shows that Melissa is researching with integrity?

Melissa picks a new topic to research and write about.

Melissa saves time by changing the title of her previous Education essay and handing it in.

Melissa revises roughly half of her Education essay and hands it in as a new assessment.


Jason Stephens (Lead Educator)

Correct. This is consistent with the values underpinning academic integrity such as fairness, honesty and trust. Melissa’s actions are aligned with her desire to conduct her research with integrity.

Page 7: Integrity


Which of the following is NOT one of the fundamental values of academic integrity?








Jason Stephens (Lead Educator)

Page 8: Integrity

Although it is good to strive for excellence in your academic work, it is not one of the six fundamental values of academic integrity. The six fundamental values are: Respect, Courage, Responsibility, Trust, Fairness, Honesty.

Transition from different environments to university

Different environments give rise to different interpretations of academic integrity. The concept of ownership of words and ideas may vary according to the environment you find yourself in. Expectations of academic behaviour may vary between school, university and your work environment.

For example, in a work situation a team may work together on a project and produce a co-authored piece of written work, and this is perfectly acceptable. However, in a school or university situation, the expectation may be that students produce their own individual work, unless they are explicitly directed to work on a group project. If you are expected to produce your own work but submit a co-authored piece of work, it could be considered plagiarism.

As you move from your original environment - be it school, a different country, or a workplace - to university, you need to understand the academic environment you are moving into.

Understanding the academic culture you are working in is important to achieving with integrity.

Watch the video above. While you are watching, reflect on your own ideas about what is appropriate academic behaviour.

1. What is your current understanding of what is, and isn’t acceptable? Note: This is a broad topic, so you may want to focus on one aspect of academic behaviour.

Page 9: Integrity

2. Do you think your views might change as you transition from your original environment, eg your school or home country, to university? If so, how?

Share your thoughts in the comments section.

Academic integrity in the university environment

When you start university, you join an academic community. Everyone in this community is engaged in learning, teaching and research activities that are intended to benefit society.

In order to achieve this, the academic community must conduct itself with integrity. This means that certain values or standards are expected of everyone.

In this first week we have looked at the six fundamental values that underpin academic integrity. A healthy academic environment will always demonstrate a commitment to these values.

Through the eyes of different students we also explored the experience ofmoving from our original environment into university and how this changed our expectations.

As a student working within this environment, you have freedom and independence in the creation of your academic work. You are trusted to present work that truly reflects your own learning. This means creating work that is original. Being original does not mean you need to come up with ideas that no one else has ever thought of: it simply means you need to produce your own work, in your own words.

Your work may borrow words or ideas that other people have already expressed. That is expected, but you need to clearly acknowledge (or reference) where those ideas or words came from. We will look at how to do this in Week 3.

When you present the work of others, even if you reference their ideas, you still need to include your own reflection or understanding of their words or ideas. This will show your lecturer that you have understood what others are saying and how their ideas support your own work.

Page 10: Integrity

Why should you care?

This week we have looked at the values which form the foundation of academic integrity. Next week we will be looking at academic dishonesty. In preparation for this we’d like you to think about the following:

Do you think that acting dishonestly or cheating at university can impact other areas of your life? If so, how? 

Here’s an article to get you thinking (Cascio, 2014).

Share your opinions in the discussion, as well as any useful links you find which support your argument. Remember, if you see any discussion postings you agree with, you can ‘Like’ them.

This is the end of Week 1.

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