Integrating the Google Maps API Geocoder with ArcGIS Server « GeoChalkboard

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Transcript of Integrating the Google Maps API Geocoder with ArcGIS Server « GeoChalkboard

  • 7/27/2019 Integrating the Google Maps API Geocoder with ArcGIS Server GeoChalkboard


  • 7/27/2019 Integrating the Google Maps API Geocoder with ArcGIS Server GeoChalkboard


    create a red circle set to a size of 12. Finally, we create a graphic object, passing in our point and symbol.

    Step 5: Add the Graphic to the Display

    In the code sample above, the method adds our newly created graphic to the graphic list for the

    application. Any number of graphics of various types can be placed into this graphic list and each object is drawn on the display.

    If youd like more information on how to create ArcGIS Server and Google Maps applications with their respective APIs you might want

    to consider our upcoming course which still has 4 seats available. Contact eric at for more information.

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    ating the Google Maps API Geocoder with ArcGIS Server GeoCh...
