Integrating Technology in the LA Classroom

+ Technology in the Language Arts Classroom Christina Spiezio Edison Township Public Schools Rutgers Reading & Writing Conference


Presentation given by Christina Spiezio at the Rutgers Reading and Writing Conference in March 2012

Transcript of Integrating Technology in the LA Classroom

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Technology in the Language Arts ClassroomChristina SpiezioEdison Township Public SchoolsRutgers Reading & Writing Conference

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+21st Century Skills

Life/Career Skills

Learning and Innovation Skills Critical Thinking Communication Collaboration Creativity

Information, Media, and Technology Skills

Core Subjects


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+P21 & New Jersey


To help students understand, connect to and act on critical global issues by integrating 21st century perspectives into curricula in all Core Curriculum Content Standards areas

To connect student acquisition of international literacies to real world experiences both in New Jersey and beyond state and national borders

To enhance teacher capacity for 21st century teaching excellence through pre-service education, professional development and opportunities for exchange and study abroad

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+Core Curriculum Content StandardsReadingWritingListeningSpeakingLanguage

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+Shift happens.We need to shift, too!

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+Social Media Revolution


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+Things to Think About…

Social media affects offline behaviorHow does it affect the classroom?

Kids are learning on iPadsWhere is this learning taking place?

Twitter, Facebook, YouTube, and Google are banned in ChinaWhere else are they banned?

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+This means…

Our students are living in a world where…

Information does not need to be memorized It is at their fingertips!

Information comes in and from different medias

Thoughts of others are valued more than experts Collaboration is key!

Information is gathered through collaboration

Their world is social!

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+Introduction of Tools

VoicethreadWall WisherGlogster

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+Voicethread: About

A collaborative multimedia slide show that includes…

ImagesAudioVideoTextCommenting in five ways!

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+Voicethread: Student Testimonial

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+Voicethread: How-To

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+Voicethread: ExamplesText

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+Voicethread: ExamplesAudio

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+Voicethread: ExamplesVideo

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+Wall Wisher: Student Testimonial

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+Wall Wisher: About

A virtual corkboard

Multiple people can post to the board

Multimedia can be posted!

Not just text!ImagesLinksVideos

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+Wall Wisher: How-To

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+Wall Wisher: Examples

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+Glogster: Student Testimonial

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+Glogster: About

Virtual, multimedia posters

Includes images, audio, video, animation, and external links

Visual representation of student knowledge

Visual and media literacy

No collaboration on creation

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+Glogster: How-To

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+Glogster: How-To

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+Glogster: Examples

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+Pros and Cons

Voicethread Wall Wisher Glogster

EDU Only? X X

Password protected?

X Approval X

Collaboration in Creation?


Free? X

Multimedia Friendly?


Can it be embedded?


Privacy Settings?


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+Other Ideas

BlogsBlogger, WordPress, Edublogs

WikisWikispaces, PB Wiki

PodcastingAudacity, Vocaroo

MicrobloggingTwitter, Edmodo, Schoology

Find these on the Resources page!

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+Consider the following…

“If we teach today as we taught yesterday, we rob our children of tomorrow” John Dewey

“Any growth requires a temporary loss of security.” Madeline Hunter

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