Integrating Ranet OLAP HTML Pivot Table in an ASP.NET Application

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Page 2: Integrating Ranet OLAP HTML Pivot Table in an ASP.NET Application

Integrating Ranet OLAP Pivot Table in an ASP.NET Application

[email protected]

Page 3: Integrating Ranet OLAP HTML Pivot Table in an ASP.NET Application

1. Create an ASP.NET project in Visual Studio (VS2013 or VS2015).

2. Add Web API to the project, so all data is transferred from the server via Web API.

[email protected]

Page 5: Integrating Ranet OLAP HTML Pivot Table in an ASP.NET Application

5. Rename the bin catalog to dll, copy it in the application’s directory (except Global.asax file).

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6. Add Assets folder and index.html file to the project.

Page 6: Integrating Ranet OLAP HTML Pivot Table in an ASP.NET Application

7. Add a reference to Ranet.Analytics.PivotGrid.dll from the dll catalog to the project.

[email protected]

Page 7: Integrating Ranet OLAP HTML Pivot Table in an ASP.NET Application

9. Enjoy working with Ranet OLAP

8. Compile and run the project. Check the database connection to make sure everything is correct. If you see such pop-up window, you’ve done everything correctly.

[email protected]