Integrated Timeline - 4chanHowever, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw , Rim of Fire...


Transcript of Integrated Timeline - 4chanHowever, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw , Rim of Fire...

Page 1: Integrated Timeline - 4chanHowever, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw , Rim of Fire , Nobles or Interstellar Wars ) disagree with established canon, I have stayed
Page 2: Integrated Timeline - 4chanHowever, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw , Rim of Fire , Nobles or Interstellar Wars ) disagree with established canon, I have stayed

Integrated Timeline

TRAVELLER® Science-Fiction Adventure

In the Far Future Donald McKinney

Page 3: Integrated Timeline - 4chanHowever, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw , Rim of Fire , Nobles or Interstellar Wars ) disagree with established canon, I have stayed

Contributors to this book: Kenneth Barns, Bryan Borich, Timothy Collinson, Bruce Gletty, Malcolm Harbrow, Allen Hubbard, Chuck Kallenback, Joseph Lockett, Marc W. Miller, Dominic Mooney, Jeff Rients, and members of the internet Traveller Mailing List.

Integrated Timeline by Donald E. McKinney V2.1, dated September 16, 2006 Copyright © 1997 – 2006, by Donald E. McKinney, all rights reserved. The Traveller game in all forms is owned by Far Future Enterprises. Copyright © 1977 – 2006, Far Future Enterprises. Traveller is a registered trademark of Far Future Enterprises. Far Future permits web sites and fanzines for this game, provided it contains this notice, that Far Future is notified, and subject to a withdrawal of permission on 90 days notice. The contents of this site are for personal, non-commercial use only. Any use of Far Future Enterprises's copyrighted material or trademarks anywhere on this web site and its files should not be viewed as a challenge to those copyrights or trademarks. In addition, any program/articles/file on this site cannot be republished or distributed without the consent of the author who contributed it.

Page 4: Integrated Timeline - 4chanHowever, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw , Rim of Fire , Nobles or Interstellar Wars ) disagree with established canon, I have stayed

Table of Contents

Introduction.................................................................................................................................5 Campaign Notes...........................................................................................................................5 Date Codes...................................................................................................................................5 What Is Missing? ..........................................................................................................................5 Why End At 1116?........................................................................................................................5 Interpretations.............................................................................................................................5 Reign of the Ancients (up to –9236)..........................................................................................7 Rise of the Vilani (from –9236 to –3001) .................................................................................13 Fall of the Vilani (–3000 to –2205)............................................................................................21 The Long Night (–2204 to –651)...............................................................................................30 The Rise of Sylea (–650 to –1) .................................................................................................40 Dawn of the Third Imperium (0 to 119)....................................................................................48 The Antebellum Years (120 to 474) .........................................................................................53 Imperial Disarray (475 to 621)..................................................................................................64 Imperial Recovery (622 to 767) ................................................................................................72 The Stumbling Years (768 to 939) ...........................................................................................79 The Solomani Crisis (940 to 1102)...........................................................................................87 The Classic Prelude (1003 to 1084).........................................................................................94 The Classic Campaign (1085 to 1106)...................................................................................104 Fifth Frontier War (1107 to 1110)...........................................................................................117 An Uncertain Future (1111 to 1115).......................................................................................127 Bibliography............................................................................................................................132

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Page 6: Integrated Timeline - 4chanHowever, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw , Rim of Fire , Nobles or Interstellar Wars ) disagree with established canon, I have stayed


Introduction What you hold in your hand is a lot of love. Traveller is the great science-fiction role-playing game, and this document

is part of that. What you are reading is part of the largest shared continuity in literature that was designed strictly for role-playing. But due to the wide and disparate sources, it is very difficult for a new person to get their hands around what is Traveller. Even worse, some of us disagree as to what those elements are.

By reading this timeline, you have become part of that unique group of people who have shared in the Traveller experience. It is my hope that this document helps you remain and participate, and contribute to it.

By the way, my most enjoyable fan moment with Traveller: shortly after I did the very first version of this, I discovered a large package in my box. Much to my shock and amazement, it was addressed from Marc W. Miller, and contained notes on things I was missing. I’ve played many games, but Traveller still excites the fan boy in me. And that’s why I have continued working on it.

CAMPAIGN NOTES To provide some perspective, there are lecture notes at the beginning of each section from Admiral Duke Eduard von Brewer, Sector Admiral of Corridor sector during the Fifth Frontier War, and (as of 1114) Chairman of the Department of Ancient History and holder of the Zhunastu Chair of Sentient Studies at the Imperial Naval Academy on Sylea (or Capital, as all too many people refer to it now). Each “chapter” represents an area of study as the good professor would represent it to his students. This also allows me to put some personal perspective on the events in each section, from the eyes of a favorite old retired Traveller character who has a somewhat cynical view of our history.

DATE CODES c = circa X = date chosen by compiler, not canon, inferred from surrounding material and other events XXXX = information missing (typically world locations, page numbers, copyright dates)

WHAT IS MISSING? I don’t own everything ever made for Traveller–and so I thank the many contributors for their assistance. The material

presented here is still light on material from the Milieu Zero era (Imperium Games’ edition of Traveller), and from the newer GURPS Traveller products. I continue to add material from my own collection and other submissions. If you wish to submit material for this timeline, please contact me at [email protected].

WHY END AT 1116? This date represents the single widest divergence in Traveller fandom: did the Rebellion happen, and why? In the

1990s, dark roleplaying became extremely popular, and while it may not have happened because of that, the splintering and ultimate destruction of the Traveller universe was part of that trend. I’ll confess to having left the Traveller community, as I really don’t like that style of roleplaying, also known as “fighting in a burning house”. So, the timeline halts there for now.

INTERPRETATIONS As with any endeavor involving the number of sources and people that Traveller has, there are some issues that need

to be clarified and explained. When someone asks why I did “X” in the timeline, the answer goes here. Also, I put some things to remind me why I did what I did. I’m older than I used to be…

Terran or Solomani? In this timeline, the word Terran is always used until the rise of the Solomani racial superiority movement. This provides a definitive separation between the Terrans who defeated the Vilani and founded the Rule of Man, and the Solomani who failed to dominate the Imperial court of the Third Imperium and ultimately couldn’t even defend their homeworld. I’ve always felt that Authenticists attempting to emulate historical Terrans would be much more acceptable to the Imperium than Authenticists emulating the Solomani.

Since GURPS Traveller doesn’t diverge from the primary timeline until the end of 1116, I consider dates defined in GT prior to the accidental death of Archduke Dulinor or assassination of Emperor Strephon as being valid for the primary Traveller universe. However, where those dates (particularly in Behind the Claw, Rim of Fire, Nobles or Interstellar Wars) disagree with established canon, I have stayed with the Classic dates, unless those were “circa” dates. Numerous dates are specifically stated in GT books rather than as “circa” dates. I have used these dates where they fit with established canon. There are other issues with the GURPS Traveller material; in particular, these Vilani historians seem to assume that the canon problems the Hivers had with their jump drives apply to the Terrans as well, and infer in several places that developments of the Terran jump and maneuver drives were copies of Vilani originals; barring evidence outside the GT materials, and given that this directly contradicts established canon, I’ve removed the questionable references. Even worse, many dates are just open contradictions of earlier material. In any case where a GT date conflicts with earlier material, the earlier material is used as the source.

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Introduction Donald McKinney


This philosophy applies also to T20 material from either QLI or Avenger: if there is a conflict between that material and old published material, the older material is used as the source.

The use of Digest Group material always seems to bring the questions; Roger Sanger actually helped me get started with the very first version of this timeline back in 1995, and provided material I did not have. So, yes, the DGP material is used with permission by the copyright holder.

The inclusion of material for items covering Beyond, Vanguard Reaches and Far Frontiers sectors might surprise some. The Far Frontiers material has generally been regarded as canon material, with the Keith brothers producing several excellent adventures for FASA while it was a Traveller licensee. The Beyond and Vanguard Reachers materials produced by Paranoia Press included some interesting features (rosettes, sphereworlds, ringworlds) which have caused it to be regarded as non-canon. However, in 1994, Chuck Kallenback II released a set of updated files to the Traveller community on the Internet which revised and expanded the materials. Those documents are used here to provide a continuity with the Far Frontiers material.

The biggest date confusion in the timeline (and the largest set of “X” dates) deals with the Ancients. Various canon sources disagree on the dating, with the 1986—1989 sources indicating the Ancient period starts around –400000c, and the 1979—1985 sources indicating the Ancient period should start much closer to –300000c. Therefore, I moved the “maximum dating variance” back to –410000c, and then changed all other dates to conform to the 1979—1985 sources. Within that set of dates, -350000c to –300000c, I have created three date groups. The first, right around –350000c, is the “Ancients appear” events; this is followed by the “Before War” events, right around –310000c, and finally the “Final War” events, all at the –302000c date. Because this means changing some published dates, I have marked all these events with the “cX” date codes. Note that the GT material appears to fall into this same split based on the author of the book.

The date for the construction of the planetary survey facility on 899-076 (Spinward Marches 0912) by a race of oxygen breathers is estimated at -4000c; there is some temptation to move this much farther back, making it a construction of the Primordials. While no date can be inferred from the information in JTAS #13, later would drop it into the Vilani dates, and I wanted to avoid that.

The date for the settlement of Vanejen (Spinward Marches 3119) is given as –2400c. However, this is way too far into the Vilani decline to make Vanejen’s settlement sensible as an advanced outpost. Therefore, I have moved the date back to –2800cX.

As the dates of the Gvurrdon Hvaek are from –2700 to –2300, the founding events of the Gvurrdon Hvaek have been moved to before –2700c.

The settlement dates for Rio (Spinward Marches 0301), Echiste (Spinward Marches 2313) and Noctocol (Spinward Marches 1433) is estimated at –2000c; the idea being that to settle these worlds the Rule of Man had to have some strength and flexibility remaining, since they don’t appear to be part of the settlement rush at the end (in the –1700c period).

The settlement of Tanoose or Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1118) by the Sword Worlds is given as –121; no problem with that date. However, its failure as a colony and takeover by Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) cannot be “a few decades” as noted in “A7: Broadsword”, as Vilis was not settled until 240, noted in “Spinward Marches Campaign”. So, I have moved the failure date to 290, when the world was also resettled from Vilis.

The earliest source for the organization of the Outworld Coalition gives the 520c date, where as other references are 550c. I’ve used both, 520c being when the Zhodani started, and 550c being when they finally locked in all the participants.

The date that Oberlindes Lines acquires the "Emissary" seems to be either 1049 (Twilight's Peak) or 1023 (Azhanti High Lightning). The 1049 date is used by other sources, so I am using it here... Assume the ship continued in military service between 1023 and 1049...

The year of Emperor Strephon’s marriage is given in Travellers’ Digest #9 as 1067, but in “Adventure 1: Kuninir” as 1079. As the Kuninir is more solid canon, I have used that date.

Marc hault-Oberlindes and his son, Sergei, seem to be confused in some products - I have gone by what is in The Traveller Adventure, and used Marc as the noble/owner, and Sergei as the son...

The date for contact between the Imperium and the Darrians or Sword Worlds differs in various products. In particular, both "Tarsus" and "Beltstrike" appear to have a number of dating problems, but these could be typos...

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Reign of the Ancients The earliest events in the Traveller universe detail the explorations of the first civilizations and their small steps into it.

“Known space is scattered with the ruins of civilizations and sentient races that failed. Some would argue that the ugly part of history comes later, where betrayals and slaughter are well documented. I disagree. This is the ugly part: the hopes and dreams of sentients forgotten. Who laments for them? Even worse are those that died and left no monuments for us to even wonder at their attempts and achievements. If our universe were a laboratory, and each world an experiment with the goal to build a lasting civilization, the researcher has failed so often I am surprised the experiments were allowed to continue.”

“The seminal event of this period is the advent of the Ancients. Let us consider them the researcher’s dues ex machina; an attempt by the researcher to fix some experiments and restart others. Were it not for the semi-mythical figure of Yaskoydray, humans would have been content to sit on Terra and our history would lack at least two Imperiums, and there would be no Vargr, and allegedly no Ithklur either.”

“Fortunately, for those of you who are bothered by the quasi-religious researcher I have postulated in this lecture, one event above the others should prove that such does not exist. Yaskoydray’s scattering of humans across known space certainly allows more experiments to continue, but once the Vilani appear on the scene, humans begin terminating those experiments themselves. Had our hypothetical researcher actually existed, one presumes that Yaskoydray would have fixed things again. Or perhaps the researcher simply fled the laboratory in disgust.”

From the lecture “Philosophical Hypotheticals in Universe Building”, 014-1115.

Date Code Details

-15 billion c Birth of the universe. Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 09. -10 billion c Oldest stars in Charted Space (now dim red dwarfs) form. Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 09.

-2 billion c Intelligent life first appears in Charted Space. Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 09. -1 billion c Intelligent life begins sublight travel in Charted Space. Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 09. -1 billion c Short-lived beings find sublight travel tedious and frustrating and content themselves with few star

systems. Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 09. -1 billion c Longer-lived races range far and wide using generation ships, cold sleep and even electronic

personality transfer. Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 09. -10 million c Appearance of K'kree precursors, a herbivorous, plains-dwelling herd animal referred to as Akeet!!

Xkuung, on Kirur (Ruupiin 1315). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49. -5 million c Primitive man, Australopithecus africanus, begins using crude stone chips as tools on Terra

(Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 02, 03. -3 million c Nest building proto-Droyne emerge on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion,

GDW, 1988, p. 55. -3 million c A supernova creates the neutron star Thirty (Ruupiin 1416). Heavy particles and hard radiation

bathe the Kirur/Kirrixur double planet (Ruupiin 1315) a few years later. Alien Module 2 - K'kree, GDW, 1984, p. 02.

-3 million c Australopithecus africanus evolves into Homo habilis, with a tradition of bone and pebble tools, on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 02, 03.

-3 million c Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld) exhibit evidence of intelligence in the use of tools and the production of elementary decorative clothing. Alien Module 5 - Droyne, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

-2.994 million c Meteor bombardment of the Kirur/Kirrixur double planet (Ruupiin 1315). Three meteors hit Kirrixur, one hits Kirur. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 77.

-2 million c Rise of agriculture and hunting among Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-1.9 million c Fishing and seafaring groups arise among Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-1.8 million c First Droyne communities form on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-1.8 million c Climate change on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919) shifts, forcing the previously solitary proto-Aslan onto grasslands, where they begin to hunt in herds. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 02.

-1.75 million c Raiding between Droyne communities on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-1.6 million c Metalworking grows common among Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-1.5 million c Ritualized conflict leads to the rise of a warrior caste amongst the Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-1.4 million c Leader caste emerges in Droyne communities on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-1 million c Homo habilis evolves into Homo erectus on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827); Australopithecus africanus and Homo habilis die out. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 02, 03.

-1 million c Sport caste rises among Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-900,000 c Emergence of Technician caste in Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

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Reign of the Ancients Donald McKinney


Date Code Details

-600,000 c Primordials civilization at TL 21+; Gaadashikaduu, or the Shimmering City, is constructed on Jonen (Massilia 0617). Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 67.

-550,000 c Dramatic climate changes on Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214) cause a drop in numbers of the species the proto-Addaxur prey on. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113.

-500,000 c A non-human civilization thrives on Saanshakase (Ley 2036) for 10,000 years, reaching TL 4-5 before being destroyed by environmental catastrophe. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 171.

-500,000 c Droyne have established cities which serve as trading centers along rivers and coasts on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Alien Module 5 - Droyne, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

-490,000 c Droyne technological development freezes at TL 5 - the "Long Plateau" period begins on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld). Alien Module 5 - Droyne, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

-410,000 cX Maximum dating variance for the civilization of the Ancients based on various dating methods. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 12.

-350,000 cX Droyne achieve TL 10 on their homeworld, although without discovering jump drive. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 42.

-350,000 cX Grandfather appears among the Droyne on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld), creates his children, and discovers immortality. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-350,000 c Droyne "Long Plateau" period ends on Eskayloyt (unknown homeworld); the Ancients burst onto the scene. Alien Module 5 - Droyne, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

-320,000 cX The Ancients inhabit the general region of the Spinward Marches and explore all of known space. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 38.

-315,000 cX The Ancients visit Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) and take Humaniti to more than 100 worlds, leaving evidence on at least 90 worlds, although surviving only on around 40. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 13.

-312,463 Ancients uplift first Vargr, according to the teachings of the Church of the Chosen Ones. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 65.

-312,000 cX The Ancients transport humans to Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 17.

-312,000 cX Ancients arrive at Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) with humans. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -312,000 cX Ancients adapt humans to live on 769-422 (Spinward Marches 0240), in a thin atmosphere with few

edible plants. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 52. -310,000 cX Ancients briefly explore the planet Mercury in the Terra system (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers'

Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 23. -310,000 cX Vargr transplanted from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) to Lair (Provence 2402) by the Ancients. Alien

Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 02. -310,000 cX Multi-world rosette built at Tireen (Knaeleng 2910, in the Vargr extents) by the Ancients. Referee's

Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55. -310,000 cX Extensive development of the Qiknavra continent on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) by the Ancients. Alien

Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -310,000 cX The Lamura Teg, a human minor race, are deposited on Cikuek (Hinterworlds 2907), with their

almost symbiotic, non-human "brothers", the Lamura Gav, by the Ancients. Challenge #39, GDW, 1989, p. H02.

-310,000 cX Ringworld constructed at Leenitakot (Hinterworlds 1432) by the Ancients. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 55.

-310,000 cX The Ancients transplant a colony of dolphins and other supporting ecology from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) to Newcastle (Lishun 1801); the dolphins died out, but the ecology intermixed with the local ecology. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 92.

-302,000 cX The Ancients die out during a 2000-year period of intense warfare, leaving only ruined cities and shattered planets. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 38.

-302,000 cX During the Final War, the planetary crust of 971-852 (Trojan Reach 2814) is cracked, causing severe alterations to the planet's tectonics. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

-302,000 cX Planetary bombardment of Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) during the Final War. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25.

-302,000 cX Planetary bombardment of Victoria (Spinward Marches 1817) during the Final War. JTAS #02, GDW, 1979, p. 15.

-300,000 c The Ancients destroy themselves in an extensive conflict known as the Final War, leaving humans to survive and develop on more than forty separate worlds. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

-300,000 c Eskayloyt (unknown Droyne homeworld) is believed destroyed at the end of the 2000-year long Final War. Alien Module 5 - Droyne, GDW, 1985, p. 05.

-300,000 c Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) devastated by nuclear attack during the Final War; humans scatter; nuclear winter causes worldwide ice age. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-300,000 c Ancients abandon a group of humans on a support base on Tondoul (Spinward Marches 0739). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 55.

-300,000 c Several large asteroidal masses strike Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218) during the Ancients' Final War. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 22.

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Donald McKinney Reign of the Ancients


Date Code Details

-290,000 c The population on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) stabilizes at about 500,000. They have managed to retain some technology from the time of the Ancients, such as animal husbandry and writing. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 30.

-290,000 c Grandfather creates the Braykossa astrophysical laboratory in a pocket universe in the Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) system. Challenge #27, GDW, 1986, p. 35.

-290,000 c Minimum dating variance for the civilization of the Ancients based on various dating methods. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 12.

-280,000 c Ice age ends on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -275,000 c Nomadic hunter-gatherers range over Dleqiats continent on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 -

Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -260,000 c Groups of nomadic hunter-gatherers on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) turn to fishing and build huts. Alien

Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -250,000 c Mal'Gnar are evolved to their present form on Mal'Gnar El (Beyond 1230). Beyond, Paranoia Press,

1981, p. 04. -250,000 c Homo zhdatl, or "Learning Man," emerges on northern Dleqiats continent on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719).

Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -250,000 c Qiknavrats (uncaste Droyne, or Chirpers) on Zhdant's (Zhdant 2719) Qiknavra continent regain

agriculture. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 06. -250,000 c Encounter with large planetoid radically alters the ecology of 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031);

proto-Shriekers begin to use tools and evolve migratory patters. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 04.

-250,000 c Luriani build first ocean-going ships on Daramm (Ley 0821). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -220,000 c Homo vlastebr, or "Superior Man," emerges on Dleqiats continent on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien

Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -200,000 c Modern Addaxur appear on Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214) with a larger skull and glands to spin finer

webs that are more effective in communications, and claws more suited to tool use. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113.

-200,000 c Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) flame pits begin to burnout, triggering the discovery of fire making and the migration of the Darrians over the planet. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25.

-200,000 c Civilization first developed by the octopus-like race on Igikur (Ley 1938). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 171.

-200,000 c Proto-Shriekers begin to show evidence of tool use and complex migratory patterns on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031). Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 04.

-200,000 c Qiknavrats (uncaste Droyne, or Chirpers) establish two large but static empires on the Qiknavra continent on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 06.

-200,000 c Homo zhdotlas, or "Supreme Man," arises from racial mixing on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-200,000 c Shriekers on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) begin dividing labor tasks on a permanent basis. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 41.

-150,000 c Shriekers on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) develop rudimentary agriculture and have domesticated some animals. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 41.

-150,000 c A wandering star passes within half of a light-year of the primary of the Gasha system (Massilia 1508), creating pressure for adaptive evolution in the Ilraki race of Gasha. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 74.

-150,000 c Ships capable of circumnavigating Daramm (Ley 0821). Luriani at overall TL 0, but TL 1 water transportation. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103.

-120,000 c Sydites on Sopater (Ley 3026) reach the Iron Age and TL 1. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08. -120,000 c Hand movements used by the Addaxur on Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214) to spin glyphs evolve into a

gestural language and a symbolic writing system. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113. -108,000 c Shriekers on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) form a sun-worshipping empire with centralized

food production and a noble class. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 41. -100,000 c First "true" Hiver evolves from proto-Hiver on Guaran (Ricenden 0827). Alien Module 7 - Hivers,

GDW, 1986, p. 04. -100,000 c Extensive migrations on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) spur trade and communications with the

settled basins. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25. -100,000 c Luriani have developed a world-spanning barter economy on Daramm (Ley 0821). Humaniti, SJG,

2003, p. 103. -100,000 c Increased competition with carnivores on Kirur (Ruupiin 1315) threatens K'kree with extinction -

"Nagr'axk ee nak," the shadowed time of nightmare. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49. -100,000 c Second ice age begins on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-99,500 c Helix Nebula formed in the Helix subsector of Vanguard Reaches sector. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 15.

-93,000 The Shriekers' sun-worshipping empire on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) collapses as the result of a centuries-long drought, and a later famine and plague. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

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Reign of the Ancients Donald McKinney


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-80,000 c Second ice age on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) ends. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -80,000 c First K'kree cities founded on Kirur (Ruupiin 1315), based on defensive lurkaang of individual xuruk.

MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49. -76,000 c Low point of post-Final War Droyne societies; Droyne are close to extinction, with most cultures

having lost the ability to caste, numbers are diminishing, highest surviving TL is 2. Alien Module 5 - Droyne, GDW, 1985, p. 06.

-75,000 The Hhkar on Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213) achieve civilization. Challenge #52, GDW, 1991, p. 19. -75,000 c About 20 Droyne worlds undergo an almost simultaneous renaissance, following the introduction of

coyns by a mythical figure known as "Yaskoydray" (Grandfather), which restores their ability to caste. Alien Module 5 - Droyne, GDW, 1985, p. 06.

-70,000 c Durendal (Spinward Marches 1523) settles back into a tidal lock with its primary, after Ancient engineering had temporarily given the world a rotation. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 58.

-70,000 c Domestication of animals for meat, blood, milk, leather and other products by the Addaxur on Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113.

-65,000 cX Hhkar achieve spaceflight on Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 68. -50,000 c Earliest sophontological studies of any culture (not counting the Ancients). Grand Census, DGP,

1987, p. 29. -50,000 c First agricultural civilizations appear on Floria (Trojan Reach 0213) and on Drexilthar (Reavers’

Deep 1826). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 60. -50,000 c First oral histories develop amongst the minor human race on Saanshakase (Ley 2036). Gateway to

Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173. -50,000 c Two cities are built by an unknown race in the equatorial latitudes of Ptolemy (Solomani Rim 0639).

One hypothesis is that this race existed rimward beyond Aldebaran sector. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 22.

-50,000 c Harappa (Solomani Rim 3028) undergoes a volcanically triggered ice age, wiping out the Bronze Age human minor race there. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 114.

-50,000 c First permanent settlements on Lair (Provence 2402) as the idea of animal husbandry takes hold. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 59.

-50,000 c Pyramid structure on Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303) constructed by minor reptilian race originating far to coreward. Double Adventure 1 - Shadows/Annic Nova, GDW, 1980, p. S20.

-50,000 c The lost Hhkar homeworld of Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213) is dying from a runaway greenhouse effect caused by over-industrialization. Most of the population leave Ssrar on huge sublight colony ships. Challenge #52, GDW, 1991, p. 21.

-50,000 c Hhkar remaining on Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213) begin to develop psionic abilities. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 74.

-50,000 c Hhkar Civil War begins. A migration fleet of spacer Hhkar visit the psionic Hhkar on Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213) and are horrified. A genocidal war begins. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 75.

-49,000 cX Hhkar Civil War ends. After asteroid bombardment of Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213), the spacer Hhkar annihilate the psionic Hhkar. Filled with shame, the Hhkar erase the war from their historical records. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 76.

-40,000 c Ael Yael of Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437), a minor race of fliers with leather skin rather than feathers, first start making tools. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

-40,000 c First major breakthrough in herding animals on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) followed by deliberate breeding of herd animals. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-39,000 c Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) enters a mini-interglacial period. Several groups of Ahetaowa cooperate to construct dykes and irrigation networks. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

-30,000 c A few enclaves on Sopater (Ley 3026) reach TL 2. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08. -30,000 c Homo zhdotlas now have several domestic breeds on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719): kredl (cattle), abrstia

(poultry) and noql (an amphibious crawler). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -30,000 c The legends of Vargr prince Erzikh Dhadh on Lair (Provence 2402) may originate from this period.

Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 60. -30,000 Last ice age ends on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604). Challenge #56, GDW, 1991, p. 27. -30,000 c Nagr'ika'rrgaa, or "time of shed blood", the systematic extermination of all carnivores by the K'kree,

begins on Kirur (Ruupiin 1315). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49. -30,000 c Single global trading civilization on Daramm (Ley 0821). Luriani at TL0, and lacking domesticated

animals and agriculture. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -28,000 c The Droashav arrive on Kirur (Ruupiin 1315), terraform the principal satellite of the main world, and

colonize the satellite of Kirrixur and the main world. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 70, 71. -28,000 c Luriani develop agriculture on Daramm (Ley 0821). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -27,000 c Many Droashav leave Kirur (Ruupiin 1315) to continue wandering. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP,

1993, p. 71. -25,000 c Animal domestication developed on Daramm (Ley 0821). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -25,000 c Sudden climate change on Sopater (Ley 3026) causes social change and technological acceleration.

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08.

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Donald McKinney Reign of the Ancients


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-24,000 c Development of agriculture and use of grain on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-23,000 c Philosopher-king Derir Lepit of Boyr Basin on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) first states the philosophy that dominates Darrian culture: "Every living thing has a right to live according to its own nature." Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 07.

-22,000 c Oldest preserved written records on Vland (Vland 1717). Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 17. -22,000 c Hermit philosopher Yikan of Nyadh Basin on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) creates the basic

commandment: "All living things must be allowed to live their own lives." Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 07.

-20,000 c First settled civilization appears among the Addaxur on Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214), with orchards and enclosed pastures. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113.

-20,000 c Last of the Ancient automatons on Vland (Vland 1717) run down, finally allowing trade and communication between city-states. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 46.

-20,000 c People of Abh Basin begin migrating through the mountains on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) to the neighboring equatorial Nyadh, Rimb and Boyr Basins. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 06.

-20,000 c Faar civilization arises on Alphaaric (Gateway 1133). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 106. -18,000 c Viepchakliashtie (Moon-Worshipping) Empire grows in power on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719); elementary

mathematics, brick buildings and boats in use, oldest cities on Zhdant built. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-17,710 Droyne archaeologists on Andor (Spinward Marches 0236) stumble on an Ancient vessel, which takes them to a deep-space command center for the terraforming projects in the Sword Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 52.

-17,000 c Viepchakliashtie Empire at its peak on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-16,500 c Rivalry between factions of the Viepchakl priesthood split the Viepchakliashtie Empire into fragmented states. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 13.

-16,000 c Explorers cross the mountain ranges isolating the north polar Zlodh Basin on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627), the last area on the world to be contacted. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 08.

-15,000 c Major interactions between the Zlodh and other basins on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) leads to the rise of the Zlodh Empire. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 12.

-15,000 c Luriani develop metallurgy on Daramm (Ley 0821). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -15,000 c Rise of the modern Homo sapiens subspecies on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827), displacing the

Neanderthal and Cro-Magnon subspecies. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12. -15,000 c Shriekers on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) form an agricultural nomadic culture. Adventure 10

- Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 41. -15,000 c First Dark Age begins on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) after the collapse of Viepchakliashtie Empire. Alien

Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -14,000 c Geonee invent agriculture and writing on Shiwonee (Massilia 1430). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 68. -13,000 c Rise of feudalism and nobility on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p.

08. -12,500 c Dozens of agricultural communities in rich river valleys of Sylea (Core 2118). Humaniti, SJG, 2003,

p. 127. -12,000 c Agriculture discovered by Dynchia on Melantris (Leonidae 2733). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 50. -11,078 Vilani Great Conclave. The tripartite government of merchants, shulgiilis and nobles is formally

recognized on pre-industrial Vland (Vland 1717). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 12.

-11,000 c Earliest records of Azhanti civilization on Irale (Antares 2315). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 24. -11,000 c Flowering of Vilani culture begins on Vland (Vland 1717). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 46. -10,700 c Shiwonee (Massilia 1430) undergoes volcanic winter. Mass extinctions and near collapse of

civilization. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 68. -10,431 Principles of electricity in use by Vilani on Vland (Vland 1717). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward

Races, DGP, 1990, p. 05. -10,073 First electronic computer on Vland (Vland 1717) constructed. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races,

DGP, 1990, p. 05. -10,011 First Vilani space explorations in the Vland (Vland 1717) system. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986,

p. 46. -10,000 The Hhkar on Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213) are believed to die out from a plague, but actually build

sublight ships and leave the system. Challenge #52, GDW, 1991, p. 17. -10,000 c Destruction of the Hasst’kor race of Prt’aow (Spica 2340), leaving their uplifted servitors, the Prt’, as

the only intelligent life on the planet. Challenge #26, GDW, 1986, p. 21. -10,000 c Depletion of water tables on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) triggers struggles for access to fresh water

and fertile soil, and the first smelting of bronze and iron. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

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Reign of the Ancients Donald McKinney


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-10,000 c Shrieker nomadic bands on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) begin active trade between bands, and establish a central religious authority. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 42.

-10,000 c Writing developed on Kirur (Ruupiin 1315). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 50. -10,000 c Sopater (Ley 3026) coalesces into a single world state that systematically colonizes the remainder of

the planet. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08. -10,000 c Rough limits of identifiable "recorded history" within known space. Grand Census, DGP, 1987, p. 29. -10,000 A worldwide drought on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) forces the Ahetaowa, a minor race of animated

psionic plants, to build canals and move from their existing climates to new ones. Challenge #56, GDW, 1991, p. 28.

-10,000 c Basic scientific accomplishments available to all on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627); Zlodh Empire gradually fragments into many kingdoms. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 08, 25.

-9900 c Vilani have scientific bases on other worlds in the Vland system (Vland 1717). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 46.

-9800 c First Vilani sublight colonization mission. A 44-year round-trip connects Vland (Vland 1717) and Tauri (1817). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 17.

-9704 Vilani researcher caste demonstrates a practical working fusion power plant on Vland (Vland 1717). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 05.

-9502 Vilani launch two long sublight explorations from Vland (Vland 1717), at 190 years for their round trip. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 17.

-9500 c Vilani sublight community comprises six systems in and around Vland (Vland 1717), each with their own colonies and scientific stations. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 47.

-9410 First use of metaconductors on Vland (Vland 1717). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 05.

-9310 Vilani sublight explorers contact Tahavi manta-forms on Tahaver (Vland 2017), the first alien civilization the Vilani encounter. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 47.

-9309 Vilani expedition returns from Khula (Vland 1919) with evidence of a previous human civilization there thousands of years before. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 17.

-9300 c Geonee at early TL 9. Shiwonee (Massilia 1430) is populated by small semi-nomadic communities. A certain degree of cooperation occurs through the Meeralo Council. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 68.

-9270 Geonee find a derelict Ancient starship in a planetoid belt of the Shiwonee system (Massilia 1430). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 68.

-9240 Geonee develop jump drive. Starships explore the nearby Stenardee cluster, finding relics of Ancient origin, and Geonee and Chirper remains. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 68.

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Rise of the Vilani “While other civilizations were still trying to discover fire and writing, the Vilani built the first great interstellar empire. We know this because their hereditary bureaucracy refuses to stop reminding the rest of us.” “Bureaucracy brought the Vilani to the stars, built their Imperium, and helped it remain stable. As long as their opponents were of a lower technology, the Vilani bureaucracy would look over past problems, select the one most similar, and apply that precedent to the current situation. It worked for much longer than one might expect, largely due to the Vilani willingness to eliminate nasty failures, like the Loeskalth, or manipulate and conquer their opposition, such as the Luriani and the Geonee. As long as the Vilani bureaucracy had enough determination to ruthlessly eliminate its problems, the Vilani continued to rise. Even as late as -3400, the Vilani still could deal firmly with their own dissidents.”

From the lecture “Practical Lessons in Bureaucracy”, 329-1114.

Date Code Details

-9235 The Vilani human race on Vland (Vland 1717) discovers the jump-1 drive. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 27.

-9225 Vilani jump-drive craft have visited every world within 20 parsecs of Vland (Vland 1717). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 47.

-9225 Vilani contact a primitive human minor race on Thaggesh (Vland 2530). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 18.

-9200 c Shrieker priesthood on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) establishes a mountain retreat which, over time, becomes the center of their power. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 42.

-9200 c Shrieker warriors on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) sworn to uphold the central religious authority create a parallel civil authority, which evolves into a "plains-based" empire. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 42.

-9112 Vilani researcher castes propose dividing space into sectors based on deshi (2.17 light years), the Vilani version of the Solomani-derived parsec. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 10.

-9100 c Sylea (Core 2118) surveyed by Vilani scouts. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 127. -9100 c Meeralo Council centralizes into the Geonee Empire. The next 20 years are spent surveying the Shiwonee

and Shokee subsectors. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 68. -9070 Geonee-Llyrnian contact. Geonee make contact with a minor alien race on Llyrn (Massilia 0931). Humaniti,

SJG, 2003, p. 70. -9000 c First "true" manipulation on Guaran (Ricenden 0827) - M. Primus founds the first Hiver nation-state through a

union of ten city-states. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 08. -9000 c Vilani explorers contact the Geonee, a minor human race with jump technology of other than Vilani origin,

centered on Shiwonee (Massilia 1430). Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 08. -9000 cX Creation of the Vegan Covenant, defining the rights of all individual Vegans, and forbidding mass violence.

Muan Gwi (Solomani Rim 1717) is in its first great era of exploration and cultural interaction. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 33.

-9000 c Beginnings of science and exploration on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-9000 c Kargol (Leonidae 1205) at TL 0; society is divided between scattered urban dwellers and loosely allied nomadic bands. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 93.

-9000 c First Vargr towns on Lair (Provence 2402) built as fortified centers for trade and other industries. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 66.

-8900 c Shrieker religious leaders abdicate political power and focus on their mountain retreat, leaving the warriors and bureaucrats controlling the "plains-based" empire on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031). Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 42.

-8900 c Vilani sphere reaches about 10 parsecs in size centered on Vland (Vland 1717). Vilani sphere at TL 10. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 34.

-8715 Establishment of the Bureaux. The three Vilani bureaux are formed and each is assigned a unique interstellar territory. The Igsiirdi, a coordinating body, nominally rules Vland (Vland 1717) itself. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 10.

-8700 c Geonee colony is founded on Forquee (Massilia 1719). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 69. -8600 c Massilia sector comes under the formal supervision of Sharurshid. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 69. -8600 cX Vilani discover that Geonee jump technology was copied from an Ancient derelict found in the Shiwonee

system (Massilia 1430). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 18. -8590 Zhodani invent printing press on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -8550 c Beginning of ocean trade on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) after explorers from the Dleqiats continent searching for

novel trade goods discover the Qiknavra continent. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -8540 Explorers on Zhdant's Qiknavra continent discover Qiknavrats (Chirper) civilization on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719).

Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -8530 Zhodani invent movable type on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 06. -8500 c Spaceflight has gone beyond a novelty, but a starship landing is still "quite an event" on many worlds off the

star lanes. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 10. -8500 c Zhodani develop elementary psionics on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p.


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Rise of the Vilani Donald McKinney


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-8500 c The Sarnese Empire unites the Tas Var Ken region of Sylea (Core 2118), the first Sylean culture to invent science, philosophy and democracy after being inspired by visiting Vilani merchants. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 127.

-8303 Industrial revolution on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -8300 A colonial revolt overthrows the Geonee Empire. A loose confederation takes its place, with the Meeralo

Council administering the "original worlds". More distant colonies are granted almost total autonomy. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 69.

-8200 Revolts in Qiknavra and eastern Dleqiats over taxation on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) begin an age of repeated warfare, resulting in rapid technological change. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-8200 c On Sylea (Core 2118), the Sarnese Empire is at the height of its power. Under a treaty with Sharurshid, limited amounts of TL4 weaponry are imported in return for luxury items and bulk food products. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 128.

-8175 Rak'keer! founded as center of rudimentary world government for all K'kree on Kirur (Ruupiin 1315); K'kree calendar begins. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 50.

-8150 c Naarsirka wins the right to develop a region in the Antares Sector, as well as bases and colonies connecting to the region. Sylea (Core 2118) is one of many worlds that are transferred from Sharurshid to Naarsirka. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 128.

-8100 c Lair (Provence 2402) reaches TL 1. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 60. -8100 c The native Sylean human minor race is at TL 2 when the Vilani arrive at Sylea (Core 2118). Milieu 0

Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 87, 89. -8050 c Sharurshid interests begin withdrawing from Sylea (Core 2218). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 128. -8007 The Vilani colonize Vhodan (Lishun 1208), making it one of the oldest Vilani colony worlds. Flaming Eye,

DGP, 1990, p. 97. -8000 c An uneasy peace settles on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719), with western Dleqiats retaining nobility while eastern

Dleqiats and Qiknavra become democracies. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -8000 c Native civilization on Sabmiqys (Antares 2117) ends in extinction due to virus; robots build new society.

Challenge #28, GDW, 1987, p. 32. -8000 c First Naarsirka colonists arrive at Sylea (Core 2118) to find the Sarnese Empire weak and fractured. Large

areas rapidly fall under direct Vilani rule. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 128. -7978 First Zhodani orbital flights on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) by Eastern Dleqiats' air force. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani,

GDW, 1985, p. 08. -7959 Eastern Dleqiats mounts first Zhodani lunar expedition to Viepchakl, Zhdant's (Zhdant 2719) moon. Regency

Sourcebook, GDW, 1995, p. 23. -7951 Western Dleqiats launches its first artificial satellite, lagging behind the other Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) world

powers. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 15. -7950 Zhodani contact Viepchaklts (Chirper) civilization on Viepchakl, Zhdant's moon (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module

4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -7950 Viepchakl base established in Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) system. First encounter with Viepchaklts (Chirpers).

Regency Sourcebook, GDW, 1995, p. 23. -7949 First Qiknavrats-Viepchaklts meeting results in a plague in both Chirper populations. Alien Module 4 -

Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -7945 Plague from Viepchakl causes extinction of both Qiknavrats, Chirpers from Zhdant's (Zhdant 2719) second

continent, and Viepchaklts, Chirpers on Zhdant's moon Viepchakl. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-7945 Plague from Viepchakl destroys Zhodani civilization and starts Zhdant's (Zhdant 2719) Second Dark Age. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-7500 c No significant resistance remains to Vilani rule on Sylea (Core 2118). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 128. -7500 c Vilani-Irhadre contact. Chanad (Lishun 0935) comes under Vilani influence, while the native human minor

race, the Irhadre, are at a Bronze Age level of development. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 86. -7500 c Vilani-influenced traders reach Daramm (Ley 0821), contacting a TL 6 Luriani civilization. Despite minimal

ongoing contact, Daramm undergoes a technological explosion. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -7450 c Luriani spacecraft reach orbit around Daramm (Ley 0821). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08. -7400 c Permanent space station established by the Luriani. Exploration begins of the Daramm system (Ley 0821).

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08. -7200 Luriani are at TL 9, and launching sublight "migration ships" to the stars. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -7100 Geonee are at the verge of TL12. Nomadic Geonee communities have settled as far away as the Lishun

sector. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 69. -7071 Egyptian civilization on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) constructs the Great Pyramids. GURPS Traveller, SJG,

1998, p. 15. -7000 c Ashki (Lishun 0110) first visited by Vilani traders. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 35. -7000 c Droyne period of jump drive technology. Some new colonies are established, including Vanejen (Spinward

Marches 3119). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 43. -7000 c A wealthy, leisured middle class develops among the Addaxur on Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214). Alien Races

1, SJG, 1998, p. 113.

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Donald McKinney Rise of the Vilani


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-6970 The K’kree "Law of Reason" formulated, forming the ongoing basis of K’kree philosophy. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 50.

-6900 c On Sylea (Core 2118), the Mer Ren Thyl Len mountain range is set aside as a reservation for unassimilated Syleans. These are mostly indigenous mountain tribes with a veneer of sophisticated culture brought by Sarnese refugees. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 128.

-6800 c Nobles of western Dleqiats on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) establish colonies and expand territories in eastern Dleqiats and Qiknavra; Zhodani recovery strengthened by ascendance of psionics. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-6740 Original Vilani colonists settle on Taksarrgh (Lishun 1701), but die out under Vargr pillaging after the collapse of the First Imperium. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 96.

-6731 Zhodani dating begins with the first Psionic Games on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719), held in Dlolprikl at the start of Atkazdlevl. Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane, GDW, 1981, p. 41.

-6650 c Zhodani Psionic Games have become an established triennial event on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 07.

-6623 c The Fevranzhtavr or "book of morality" appears on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719), a state-endorsed philosophy known as Tavrziansh. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 6, 7.

-6600 c Hiver recorded history begins on Guaran (Ricenden 0827). Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 05. -6500 c Vilani-Answerin contact. Vilani scouts make finally contact with the human minor race on Answerin (Vland

0431), despite having surveyed the world from orbit thousands of years previously. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 17.

-6500 c Vilani explorers first land on Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437); the Ael Yael are at TL0. In view of the poor mineral wealth and the difficulty in assimilating the Ael into Vilani culture, the bureaux interdict the world. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

-6400 cX Vilani-Luriani contact. Vilani explorers finally reach the Luriani sphere of settlements. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103.

-6400 c The Addaxur on Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214) develop a space faring civilization based on large space habitats and lightsail clippers. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113.

-6400 c The Zhodani reacquire space travel on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -6300 c First Zhodani planetary missions in the Zhdant system (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985,

p. 08. -6300 cX Vilani-Anakundu contact. The minor human Anakundu of Nuiya (Old Expanses XXXX) are at a Neolithic level

of development. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 80. -6212 The Addaxur expand their "empire" in Tienspevnekr sector through robotic probes and the shipment and

cloning of genetic material. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113. -6200 c Asteroid belt and outer planet colonies settled in the Zhdant system (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani,

GDW, 1985, p. 08. -6100 c Upon the 300th Olympiad, the Zhodani language is adopted as standard on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Grand

Census, DGP, 1987, p. 08. -6000 c The Luriani are scattered over a loose community of 30 worlds, mostly in Ley sector. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p.

103. -6000 c Vilani sponsor the first planetary government on Answerin (Vland 0431). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 17. -6000 c Vilani borders push into Ley Sector. The Luriani are informed that they are now a client state, which they

accept happily enough. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08. -6000 c Volcanic winter freezes much of 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031). The Plains Empire fragments into

migratory tribes, but a remnant of advanced culture persists in the Great Retreat. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 04.

-6000 c Vegan minor race on Muan Gwi (Solomani Rim 1717) receives jump-1 drive from Vilani traders. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 29.

-6000 c The Shrieker "plains-based" empire on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) dominates the world until a massive tectonic shift drops the core area of the Empire several hundred meters into the sea. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 42.

-6000 c First Zhodani sublight interstellar flights explore the Gaval subsector of Zhdant sector; colonies established in six star systems within four parsecs of Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-6000 c Vilani sphere of influence is 60 parsecs in radius centered on Vland (Vland 1717). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 48.

-5908 Vilani-Azhanti contact. First Vilani expedition to Irale (Antares 2315) meets disaster, when marauding Azhanti kill several members of the expedition. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 24.

-5900 cX Vilani traders encounter the Lass-lumminm of Lashlaminan (Lishun 0612). Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 39. -5889 Vilani explorers discover Gashukubi (now Sabmiqys, Antares 2117); repeated contact attempts result in ship

destruction. Challenge #28, GDW, 1987, p. 31. -5849 Chinese Shang Dynasty begins on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998, p. 15. -5823 Zhodani Consulate (Driantia Zhdantia) established on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani,

GDW, 1985, p. 08. -5800 c Asterr Tyui (Solomani Rim 1917) settled by sublight Vegan colonists, one of the first Vegan colony worlds.

Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 92.

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Rise of the Vilani Donald McKinney


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-5700 c Manipulations Club of Guaran (Ricenden 0827) founded. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 08. -5600 c Evolutionary adaptation in Hiver on Guaran (Ricenden 0827) reactivates their smell-brain. Alien Module 7 -

Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 05. -5460 c Vilani-J’sia contact. The J’sia of Jesikara (Lishun 0110) have discovered interplanetary travel and are

leisurely observing the universe with space telescopes; they are peacefully absorbed by the Vilani. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 95.

-5450 Luriani contact an unknown race, who agree to trade jump drive technology. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 08.

-5435 A Sharurshid fleet passes through the Luriani worlds and notes the Luriani possess jump drive. The Vilani launch an investigation to discover who gave jump drive to the Luriani. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 09.

-5430 Vilani scientists develop jump-2 drives, but keep the technology secret from non-Vilani trading partners; Vilani core worlds at TL 11. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 49.

-5421 The first J-2 capable Vilani battle fleet arrives in Ley Sector, aweing the Luriani before moving further out to trailing. Over the next few years, mangled remnants of the Vilani fleet limp back through the region. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 09.

-5415 Zhodani discover jump-1 drive on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) while working on fusion power sources in the asteroid belt. Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane, GDW, 1981, p. 41.

-5402 The last remnants of the Ley Sector J-2 battle fleet return to Vland. This defeat prompts the Vilani leadership to integrate and subjugate all potential rivals. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 09.

-5400 c Consolidation Wars begin. Vilani fleets go far beyond Vilani borders, creating a cleared zone. Civilizations refusing to surrender and to limit their military power and technology are exterminated. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 19.

-5400 c Rising friction over culture and trade dominance with client states precipitate the start of the Vilani Consolidation Wars. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 27.

-5273 Continued tightening of trade controls by the Vilani leads to the establishment of a centralized state based on Vland (Vland 1717), founding the First Imperium, albeit with no Emperor yet. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 27.

-5273 The Igsiirdi is formalized as the governing council of the entire Vilani trade sphere. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 19.

-5272 Traditional beginning of the period of Vilani ascendance. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10.

-5200 cX During the Consolidation Wars, the J’sia largely retreat to their homeworld of Jesikara (Lishun 0110), but again become active in interstellar society upon the foundation of the Ziru Sirka. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 95.

-5200 c Period of colonial expansion by Vilani begins. Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 42. -5150 The Addaxur have explored and claimed some 37 nearby systems using robots, although Addaxur have only

visited 10 of the worlds. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 113. -5127 A Zhodani Consulate exploration ship discovers an Addaxur outpost in Tienspevnekr sector. Alien Races 1,

SJG, 1998, p. 113. -5125 cX The Zhodani debate alternatives for dealing with the Addaxur in Tienspevnekr sector. Alien Races 1, SJG,

1998, p. 113. -5110 c After careful negotiation, the Addaxur are absorbed by the Zhodani Consulate with a 10-planet reservation

around Addux (Tienspevnekr 2214), but can be found throughout Zhodani space. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-5100 cX Vlazhdumecta minor race flourishes in Far Frontiers and Yiklerzdanzh sectors after Zhodani contact and influence. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 53.

-5100 c Geonee Consolidation War begins. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 69. -5035 Agents of the Igsiirdi begin a study of the Maran (Lishun 1408) system, and after confirming the compatibility

of the flourishing ecology of Maran, begin settlement. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 91. -5005 The Vilani settle Newcastle (Lishun 1801) finding it a comfortable, if puzzling ecology for paleontologists.

Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 92. -5003 Addaxur formally accept Zhodani direction of their external affairs in exchange for right of free passage for

Addaxur merchant shipping in Consulate space. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116. -5000 c Vegan colonization efforts extend about 5 parsecs out from Muan Gwi (Solomani Rim 1717). Rim of Fire,

SJG, 2000, p. 38. -5000 c Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) has entered an era of maritime exploration and colonization in response to

overcrowding of the main continent. Great advances are made in navigation, shipbuilding and physiology. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

-5000 cX The Vilani encounter the Dishaan of Provalan (Zarushagar 2325), an aggressive minor race. Travellers' Digest #21, DGP, 1990, p. 21.

-5000 c Zhodani first explore Far Frontiers sector. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44. -5000 c TL 4 Kidulans (Fornast 0819) contacted by Vilani. Grand Census, DGP, 1987, p. 28. -5000 c Vilani-Bwap contact. Vilani arrive on Peka-wapawab-a (Marhaban, Empty Quarter 0426). The native Bwaps

have a world-spanning society at TL5, but this rapidly progresses to TL 9 within a single century. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 22.

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-5000 c Vilani establish their first base in the Solomani Rim at Lakish (now Karpaty, Solomani Rim 3001). Intelligence indicates that the Vegans are the last independent civilization to rimward, with nothing beyond. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 38.

-5000 The Ahetaowa minor race on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) builds ships to colonize the remaining areas of their world. Challenge #56, GDW, 1991, p. 28.

-5000 c Beginning of the age of "Outward Expansion" for the Zhodani Consulate. [Date from GT: Alien Races 1.] Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-4900 c Geonee Consolidation War ends. Vilani defeat the Geonee, and Geonee worlds are incorporated into the Vilani state. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 69.

-4900 cX Zhodani absorption of the Vlazhdumecta homeworlds in Far Frontiers sector leads to a breakdown of their civilization, causing their many non-self-sufficient colonies lapse into barbarism. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 53.

-4900 c Arkiirkii (Solomani Rim 2905) settled by the Vilani. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 80. -4900 cX Attempts to consolidate Addaxur patterns into a more Zhodani-style caste system fail due to the rarity of

psionics among the Addaxur. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116. -4850 The Zhodani Consulate and the Addaxur agree on an Addaxur government which, while remaining modeled

on the Zhodani form, is more democratic. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116. -4800 c Easter (Solomani Rim 1802) settled during the initial Vilani expansion into the Solomani Rim Sector. Rim of

Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 74. -4740 Zhodani Consulate allows nearly unrestricted free trade with Addaxur worlds; Addaxur shipyards begin

producing jump-capable vessels. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116. -4700 c Vilani fleets bypass the Luriani worlds and carry out operations into neighboring subsectors; this posture

causes the Luriani to quietly expand their fleets and planetary defenses. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 09.

-4700 c The Tapazmal, a minor human race, on Dlaekan (Reft 3134) are contacted by the Loeskalth, a minor human race based in Gushemege sector, who raid them for artwork and other valuable objects. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 27.

-4700 c Vilani begin a campaign of economic pressure in an attempt to incorporate Luriani worlds into the Vilani sphere. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103.

-4698 Hivers develop inferior jump-1 drive on Guaran (Ricenden 0827), which would melt down to slag after a few uses (no more than ten). Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

-4600 Eleusis (Solomani Rim 2109) settled by Vilani colonists. The Luriani military build-up alarms the Vilani. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 17.

-4582 Luriani Consolidation War begins. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -4547 Luriani Consolidation War ends. Daramm (Ley 0821) falls to the Vilani. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 103. -4546 The Luriani "Year of Woe". Vilani investigators successfully purge Luriani records. Gateway to Destiny, QLI,

2004, p. 10. -4521 Fixed point of 1 BC in the calendar on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma,

GDW, 1980, p. 42. -4520 Fixed point of 1 AD in the calendar on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma,

GDW, 1980, p. 42. -4500 cX The Bwaps, an amphibian minor race on Marhaban (Empty Quarter 0426) at TL 7, are contacted by the

Vilani. JTAS #11, GDW, 1982, p. 13. -4500 c Azaremid (Solomani Rim 1405) settled during the initial Vilani expansion into the Solomani Rim Sector. Rim

of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 71. -4500 Zhodani merchant vessels are operating with Addaxur crews between Addaxur reservation worlds. Alien

Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116. -4450 c Vilani-Vegan contact. After 500 years of methodical expansion down the Rim Main, the Vilani come into

direct contact with the Vegan Polity. Construction begins on an advance base at Shulgiasu (Solomani Rim 2319). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 38.

-4445 cX Vegan Consolidation War begins. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 38. -4404 Dacian culture on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) absorbed by the Roman Empire. GURPS Traveller, SJG,

1998, p. 15. -4404 Vegan Consolidation War ends. Vegan minor race, centered on Muan Gwi (Solomani Rim 1717), forcibly

absorbed by Vilani. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 29. -4400 c Vilani-Yilean contact. TL1 Yilean civilization on Gashikan (Gashikan 2732) contacted by Vilani merchant

explorers. Gashikan has already created a single unified planetary state hundreds of years previously. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 135.

-4305 Kirur (Ruupiin 1315) unified by Steppelord Nightmane the Wise after a long period of agglomeration of city-states and trading federations. K’kree at TL7. Alien Module 2 - K'kree, GDW, 1984, p. 03.

-4300 c A group of Loeskalth warriors and political leaders construct an asteroid ship in which they flee, at sublight speed, into the Great Rift to escape the Vilani conquest of Abaelou (Gushemege 0233). Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 28, 45.

-4300 c Esperance (Solomani Rim 1116) settled by Vilani colonists. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 87.

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Rise of the Vilani Donald McKinney


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-4288 The War of Extermination against the G'naak (Droashav), inhabitants of Kirrixur, Kirur's moon (Ruupiin 1315), begins. First K'kree grav drive developed. K'kree at approximately TL 9. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 50.

-4238 Vilani-Evantha contact. The Evantha of Temeraire (Daibei 3020) attain space flight, but are soon contacted by the expansionist Vilani, who had detected the race’s electromagnetic broadcasts. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 38.

-4218 Zhodani discover Ancients starmap projector in ruins on Zhdant (Zhdant 2719). [Date from GT: Alien Races 1.] Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 09.

-4212 Hiver scientists develop the standard jump-1 drive on Guaran (Ricenden 0827). Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

-4212 c China in the midst of the "Three Kingdoms" Era on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998, p. 15.

-4210 The Battle of the Dwarf Sun, a notable battle during the Vilani Consolidation Wars, is fought at Lianma (Zarushagar 1727). Travellers' Digest #21, DGP, 1990, p. 21.

-4200 c Gashikan (Gashikan 2732) is a productive Vilani-run world at TL 9. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 135. -4200 c Vilani-Jgd contact. Vilani explorers contact the Jgd-ll-Jagd on Jagd (Lishun 2307). Although not star

travelers, the Jgd possess "very advanced technology". Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 90. -4200 c Ice Age ends on Mirayn (Far Frontiers 2134). Aboriginal "Raynirjik," or "Lords of the Golden Walls,"

civilization flourishes at TL 3. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 44. -4200 c Jgd-II-Jagd minor race inhabiting the atmosphere of a gas giant in the Jagd system (Lishun 2307) contacted

by Vilani explorers. JTAS #17, GDW, 1983, p. 09. -4200 c The Sky Raiders, a semi-legendary culture descended from Loeskalth refugees from Gushemege sector,

flourishes in Far Frontiers sector. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 44. -4200 c Lair (Provence 2402) reaches TL 5. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 60. -4167 K'kree declaration of "Axavktrr xur", fundamental principles of survival calling for eradication of all carnivorous

life, after the extermination of the G'naak (Droashav) on Kirur/Kirrixur (Ruupiin 1315). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 71.

-4142 K'kree begin experimenting with jump-1 capable starships in the Kirur system (Ruupiin 1315). Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 26.

-4100 cX A faction of the "Sky Raiders" leaves the worldship and settles on six worlds in the coreward half of Far Frontiers sector, known as the "Raider Worlds". Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-4100 c The "Hill of the Silent Guardians" vault on Mirayn (Far Frontiers 2134) excavated by laser tunneling. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 28.

-4100 c Most Geonee worlds depopulated and recolonized by Vilani. Geonee communities survive on only 30-odd worlds in Massilia Sector. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 69.

-4100 c Luriani-Zhodani contact. Wandering Luriani caravans reach the Zhodani consulate. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 108.

-4100 Hiver-Za’tachk contact. Hivers contact the pre-industrial Za’tachk of Loza’tch (Wrenton XXXX). Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 34.

-4089 First Vargr space travel on Lair (Provence 2402). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 60. -4074 Zhodani heavy cruiser "Lienjqiets" misjumps, and is presumed lost, but actually spends 38 years on a TL-3

world fabricating an important component of its jump drive. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 09. -4050 Hiver-Gurvin contact. The Gurvin of Ofilaq (Folgore 0305) are at a pre-industrial level. Alien Races 3, SJG,

2000, p. 34. -4045 Vilani Consolidation Wars end with the imposition of Vilani government and culture on all contacted cultures,

establishing the Pax Vilanica. Vilani dating begins. Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 42.

-4045 c Under the First Imperium, the Brinn of Divad (Corridor 2238) build a system-wide society based on mutual exchanges with the Vilani and exploitation of their asteroid belts and jovian worlds. Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 19.

-4038 Kushuggi (now Solomani Rim) Province is organized, with its capital at Shulgiasu (Solomani Rim 2319). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 38.

-4035 c The chairman of the Igsiirdi, elected for life by the Council, becomes recognized as the Ishimkarun, the "Shadow Emperor". Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 19.

-4034 Zhodani heavy cruiser "Lienjqiets" returns to Zhodani space with evidence that leads to the beginning of the Zhodani Core Expeditions. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 09.

-4027 Guumushii (now Acheron, Diaspora 0932) surveyed by Vilani. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 10. -4006 First Zhodani Core Expedition launched. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -4000 c The Tapazmal, a minor human race, on Dlaekan (Reft 3134) are contacted by the Vilani, who offer them

protection at the cost of accepting Vilani culture. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 27. -4000 c Development of railways, telegraph and meatpacking make populous cities and larger states possible on Lair

(Provence 2402). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 69. -4000 c The Hiver policy of "shaking hands" is deliberately promulgated to minimize genetic drift. Alien Races 3, SJG,

2000, p. 10.

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Donald McKinney Rise of the Vilani


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-4000 c Exploration beyond current Ziru Sirka borders is stopped. Scientific research is controlled and stopped soon afterward. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 50.

-4000 cX A race of oxygen-breathers from a dim red star sends a survey team to the world of Kehaan in the 899-076 system (Spinward Marches 0912). JTAS #13, GDW, 1982, p. 39.

-4000 c The Igikur "Terror". Traumatic event scars the minor race on Igikur (Ley 1938), possibly involving system wide orbital bombardment. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173.

-4000 c The Vilani transplant members of the Tagi, a silicon-based minor race, to several superhot worlds to work mining ore, including Rronaetuts (Lishun 1704). Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 95.

-4000 c Hoatzin (Solomani Rim 0617) sparsely settled by the Vilani, but large-scale settlement is discouraged by the near-absence of heavy metals. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 84.

-4000 c All further Vilani exploration in the Solomani Rim sector ceases. Other than a few worlds in Albadawi subsector, no colonization efforts have been made since the Vegan Consolidation War 400 years previously. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 38.

-3986 Hivers encounter the Ithklur on Tryylin (Extolian 2514), their first encounter with a space faring race. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

-3915 Fieedr (Far Frontiers 1004) regains spaceflight and begins raiding nearby worlds for resources. Traveller Chronicle #05, SotK, 1994, p. 34.

-3915 Raider Worlds expansion in Far Frontiers sector comes to the attention of the Zhodani Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-3900 c Shululsish (Solomani Rim 0214), Kidashi (0528), and Apishlun (now Gaea, 0722) settled late in the Ziru Sirka’s expansionist phase. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 99.

-3900 Addaxur trading patterns begin establishing mercantile enclaves outside their reservation, purchasing territory for settlement from world councils. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116.

-3890 c Zhodani begin campaign to suppress Raider expansionism in Far Frontiers sector by force, intimidation and social manipulation. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-3883 Jyestha Yerubid founds the Church of the Stellar Divinity on Jyesthari (Antares 1521). MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 97.

-3815 Vargr Colonial Rebellion begins within the Lair (Provence 2402) solar system. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

-3810 Vargr discover jump-1 drive on Lair (Provence 2402) during the Colonial Rebellion. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

-3810 Mayan civilization at its height on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998, p. 16. -3800 c Iilike (Solomani Rim 1429) becomes the last significant Vilani colony established in the Solomani Rim sector.

Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 104. -3800 cX A primitive version of the Vargr Sourz fighter is developed during the Colonial Rebellion. Challenge #43,

GDW, 1990, p. 23. -3790 Vargr Colonial Rebellion ends as the various Vargr nations on Lair (Provence 2402) begin spreading to the

stars; Vargr Diaspora, or "gzokdae" begins). Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 04. -3700 c The kimashargur movement, advocating a partial relaxation of restrictions on exploration and innovation,

begins to become influential in the rimward portions of the Ziru Sirka. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 18. -3691 Vilani scouts survey the rim-spinward portions of Old Expanses Sector. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 101. -3610 Ishimkarun ("Shadow Emperor") formalized as the Emperor of the Stars, absolute monarch of the Vilani

Grand Empire. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 49. -3600 c Lenj (Far Frontiers 0910) is colonized by the Zhodani Consulate, to hold the world against the Sky Raiders.

Traveller Chronicle #05, SotK, 1994, p. 36. -3600 c Vilani settlers colonize Vras (Old Expanses 0738), unaware that one of the ocean-dwelling native species is

sentient. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 101. -3570 c The Ziru Sirka cracks down on the dissident kimashargur movement. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 19. -3500 c Height of the Vilani Ziru Sirka - 27 sectors and more than 15,000 star systems. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP,

1986, p. 50. -3500 c A group of Vilani kimashargur dissidents flee the Ziru Sirka and set up a minor state centered on Dingir

(Solomani Rim 1222) and Gashidda (Solomani Rim 1127). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 103. -3500 c Zhodani attentions on the Sky Raider worlds in Far Frontiers sector lessens; however social manipulations by

Zhodani agents have turned the worlds against each other. Traveller Chronicle #05, SotK, 1994, p. 35. -3487 Kegir Impuu (Massilia 3106) is colonized by humans. Missions of State, Imperium Games, 1998, p. 102. -3440 c Raider Worlds in Far Frontiers sector begin space development; jump development from Vlazhdumecta and

Zhodani models follows. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44. -3400 c The Ziru Sirka conquers the dissident state centered on Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222). Vilani expansion ends a

mere 3 parsecs from medieval Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 38. -3400 The Raider Worlds begin a six-sided war for dominance in the coreward half of Far Frontiers sector. Traveller

Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44. -3319 Yereng (Far Frontiers 2014) wins supremacy among the Raider Worlds, forming the "Empire of the Sky

Raiders". Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44. -3300 c Gashidda (Solomani Rim 1127) made local subsector capital by the Vilani. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 103.

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Rise of the Vilani Donald McKinney


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-3285 Lenj (Far Frontiers 0910) colonized by Raiders in search of new resources. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-3107 Empire of the Sky Raiders in Far Frontiers sector collapses due to resource depletion and Zhodani manipulation; the region becomes known as "Raider's Blight". Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-3093 Zhodani Consulate ceases expansion into the Raider's Blight region due to cultural difficulties of absorbing Raider worlds. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

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Fall of the Vilani “Actually, I theorize that the incredible achievement of the Vilani First Imperium was the fact that it built a huge empire across such a wide range of space without actually improving the flavor of Vilani cuisine. The same bland cardboard paste flavor that Vilani food had, which gave Vilani explorer the drive to move out from Vland, was still the same flavor Vilani food had when the Terrans contacted them. I suggest the Vilani Imperium did not fall from an inability to respond to external and internal pressures, but simply from boredom. Historians may point to diseases and resistance from unabsorbed cultures as the stress points. I simply imagine the reaction on the faces of the Terrans when informed that they owed fees for their unlicensed jump drive, because the Vilani held the patents on the original technology. Personally, I would have given them a license in exchange for annual deliveries of strawberries, but since the Vilani bureaucracy had never encountered a culture it could not stamp, fold or mutilate, they simply followed the rulebook, with predictable results.” “While the Vilani built a strong interstellar empire, they did it at the cost of innovation and flexibility. As their governing hand became more inflexible, their populations stirred uncomfortably. When the Terrans came along, the Vilani were not prepared for opposition, and the Grand Imperium of Stars ultimately fell to the Terran invaders. Any strong external force is likely to have caused the same effect; and the lack of such a force would merely have delayed the collapse; by this point, collapse was inevitable.” From the holodocumentary “A Bureaucracy Without Answers Asks No Questions”, 217-1114.

Date Code Details

-3000 c First mention in documents of a Vargr fraternity or brotherhood of Sourz fighter pilots--the Sourz Aenrrarz. Challenge #43, GDW, 1990, p. 23.

-3000 c Trokh, the primary language of Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919), develops into its present form. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 57.

-3000 c Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) is fully mapped and communications and trade flourishes through a combination of telepathy, shipping networks and trained messenger animals. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

-3000 c The Sharurshid office of "petty emperor of the Rim" becomes hereditary in the Sharrukin clan until the end of the Interstellar Wars. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 41.

-3000 c Vilani First Imperium in decline as technology begins to leak past its borders. Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 43.

-3000 cX Nearly all systems coreward of Vland sector in the First Imperium fall under the control of the Makhidkarun bureau. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

-3000 cX Shudusham (Core 2214) becomes the home of 200 million Vilani colonists, who eventually settle in large undersea complexes. Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 14.

-3000 cX Hiver thousand-year project to manipulate the Ithklur on Tryylin (Extolian 2514) into a more acceptable culture completes. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

-2962 Second Rise of the Vlazhdumecta; the Zhupek Shirkaa rises on D'rarayi (Far Frontiers 1815). Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-2960 Several Zhupek warships appear in the Berebirinol (Far Frontiers 1716) system; the bloody takeover requires three months. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

-2959 After conquering Yereng (Far Frontiers 2014), the Zhupek rule over 9 systems with an iron hand; the Zhupek reopen their borders to Zhodani traders. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

-2957 The Zhodani Consulate attempts to move against the Zhupek Shirkaa in Far Frontiers sector; having learned from the past, the Zhupek resist. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

-2954 The Zhupek Shirkaa in Far Frontiers sector passes to the second Zhupek-Kehnai (Emperor) after the first dies violently at the hands of the Zhodani. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

-2930 The second Zhupek-Kehnai of the Zhupek Shirkaa in Far Frontiers sector falls to an assassin's dart; the Zhodani move to eliminate the Zhupek completely. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

-2915 The Zhukek Shirkaa is reduced to D'rarayi (Far Frontiers 1815), after the Zhodani have caused great internal strife within the empire. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

-2900 c Vlazhdumecta outpost on Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934) apparently fails. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 16.

-2900 c Last new sector added to First Imperium; influence extends from Zhdant (Zhdant 2719) and Lair (Provence 2402) to Kirur (Ruupiin 1315) and Guaran (Ricenden 0827). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 43.

-2898 A coup by an underground democratic group on D'rarayi (Far Frontiers 1815) kills the last Zhupek-Kehnai of the Zhupek Shirkaa. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

-2893 Lenj (Far Frontiers 0910) colonized by the Zhodani, competing with the existing Raider colony, which had fallen to subsistence levels. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-2800 c Makarin, a Zhodani trading combine, begins operating in the trailing frontiers of the Zhodani Consulate. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 45.

-2800 c Upirzanu (Solomani Rim 0814) colonized by dissidents from Dimmurak (Solomani Rim 1111). The small colony remains isolated from the Ziru Sirka. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 85.

-2800 c Insurrections, mutinies and small border wars become increasingly common on the peripheries of the Ziru Sirka. Compromises or defeats of local forces are reported to superiors as victories. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 20.

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-2800 c The Ziru Sirka performs a cursory survey of the Corridor Sector. Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

-2800 c First Zhodani contact with Vargr in Gvurrdon sector. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. -2800 c Pax Vilanica ends as Vilani technology begins leaking across the First Imperium's borders, helping new

interstellar states develop outside Vilani control. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 06. -2800 cX Vanejen (Spinward Marches 3119) colonized as an advanced outpost by the First Imperium. Adventure 02 -

Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 07. -2800 c Dissident Vilani flee the Ziru Sirka to settle in Corridor and Deneb Sectors. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward

Races, DGP, 1990, p. 20. -2750 c British Empire of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) begins using native soldiers known as Sepoys in their colonial

wars. 101 Vehicles, DGP, 1988, p. 06. -2737 Discovery of Delta Cephei, first Cepheid variable, by Terran astronomers. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p.

04, 22. -2730 cX Serratogz, a Vargr warlord, is deposed by Knurroe, the founder of the Gvurrdon Hvaek in on Gvurrdon

(Gvurrdon 0821). Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 45. -2725 cX Gvurrdon, a Vargr wanderer who had traveled to many worlds, including the Zhodani Consulate, gives

Knurroe a captured Zhodani TL-12 starship on his deathbed. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 45. -2725 cX Knurroe, a Vargr princeling, uses his technological advantage to forge an empire, which he names after the

wanderer - the Gvurrdon Hvaek. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 45. -2700 cX Addaxur traders are involved in early contacts between the Zhodani and the Vargr. Alien Races 1, SJG,

1998, p. 117. -2700 c Gvurrdon Hvaek (Gvurrdon Pact), centered on Gvurrdon (Gvurrdon 0821), dominates the central region of

Gvurrdon sector. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 47. -2700 c Vargr-Vilani contact. A Vilani governor between the Windhorn and the Great Rift equips a Vargr

mercenary/corsair unit in a bid for power. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 60. -2700 c First Vargr Diaspora ends. Through the remainder of Vargr space, expansion and exploration slow as

interstellar trade booms. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 60. -2650 Vargr visit Lloursouth (Gvurrdon 1717), and discover the Oegongong, a triphibian creature. Challenge #27,

GDW, 1986, p. 31. -2600 c The Saie, a mysterious, warlike non-human minor race given Vilani technology by a provincial governor

seeking allies, forge a small empire of five or six worlds in Reavers' Deep sector. Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 43.

-2600 c A devastating civil war among the Saie leaves only barbaric survivors on two worlds, Tsanesi (Reavers' Deep 1711) and Glenshiel (Reavers' Deep 1912). Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 51.

-2559 First space flight begins a century of national rivalries on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 04.

-2551 First Terran manned landing on the surface of Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 23.

-2546 The first Terran spacecraft to visit the planet Mercury in the Terra system (Solomani Rim 1827), Mariner 10, is launched by the United States of America. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 23.

-2540 Addaxur ships of the Seven Ecstatic Dancers pattern accompanying a Zhodani trade mission into the Vargr Extents come upon the aftermath of a corsair attack on a trading post. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 117.

-2540 The Addaxur, enraged by the ugliness of the corsair attack, urge the Zhodani traders into a punitive expedition against them, leading the ground attack. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 117.

-2540 The Zhodani Consulate grants permission to Addaxur patterns operating beyond Consulate borders to arm their ships. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 117.

-2530 Vargr discover a rosette of five worlds at Tireen (Knaeleng 2910) built by the Ancients; one world was still inhabited by uncaste Droyne, or Chirpers. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 14.

-2530 Collapse of the Foergaz Coalition. For the next 3500 years, most of the worlds around Dzarrvaer (Provence 0224) remain independent. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 53.

-2511 The Zhodani and Raider colonies on Lenj (Far Frontiers 0910) begin regular interaction and development. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-2510 Archimedes settlement on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827) established as a small mining base. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 76.

-2508 Formation of the United Nations Space Coordinating Agency (UNSCA) on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12.

-2501 Copernicus settlement on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827), established by America, Britain and Japan. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78.

-2500 Karhyri colonize Kald (Crucis Margin 0440) by sublight, finding a derelict Hiver vessel. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 60.

-2500 c Industrialization begins in the coal and iron producing areas of Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604). Steel and chemical production begins in the decades that follow. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

-2500 c Zhodani Consulate establishes a toehold in Chronor subsector in the Spinward Marches. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 12.

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-2500 c The company known as Pharmacologique Fabrique is spun off from an ancient Terran firm, and remains in continuous operation on Sylea (Core 2118) until at least the foundation of the Third Imperium. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 55.

-2500 The Ahetaowa minor race on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) begins industrialization of their planet, but with careful care for their environment. Challenge #56, GDW, 1991, p. 28.

-2499 Under the re-structuring of the United Nations, effective power is concentrated in the hands of a simple majority of the superpowers. The United States threatens to leave the UN. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 20.

-2499 Signing of the Treaty of New York on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) marks the founding of the Terran Confederation. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 24.

-2498 Dissatisfied with the restructuring of the United Nations, China withdraws from the organization for over a decade. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 20.

-2490 The hull of the original "Birdsong" is laid down at Terra (Solomani Rim 1827); 3500 years later, this design remains the standard container ship of the Third Imperium. Starships (GT), SJG, 2003, p. 90.

-2475 International crises on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) begin to subside as population stabilizes, standards of living improve, and UN peacekeeping interventions become less common. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 20.

-2471 Solomani develop gravitics. A UNSCA lab on Luna (Solomani Rim 1827) produces the first grav modules. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 22.

-2471 ESA Long-Range Colony Mission leaves Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) with 3000 crew and 300,000 colonists in generation ships. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 40.

-2468 The European Union on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) launches the sublight generation ship "Europa" towards the earthlike planet in the Alpha Centauri (later Prometheus, Solomani Rim 2027) system. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 40.

-2468 The Titan Conflict: The Pan-Asian Combine fights multinational corporate forces over control of Titan in the Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) system. Challenge #45, GDW, 1990, p. 40.

-2467 Lenj (Far Frontiers 0910) unites into a single world government for both Zhodani and Raider colonists. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-2467 Usham Sharrukin ascends to the office of "petty emperor of the Rim", the 11th of his line to do so. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 41.

-2461 NASA launches the Comet Halley Intercept Mission. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 43. -2458 After a century of space flight, Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) has established scientific bases and colonies on

Mercury, Luna, Mars and Ceres; the UNSCA supervises space travel within the solar system. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 04.

-2458 Solomani develop reactionless thrusters at a UNSCA lab on Ceres (Solomani Rim 1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 40.

-2458 The Syuki Solar Observatory, named for the first Terran astronaut to set foot on the surface of the planet, begins operations on Mercury in the Terra system (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 23.

-2453 UNSCA adopts the UFIC (Uniform Fiscal Identification Code) for the identification and classification of electronic components. Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 47.

-2450 c Shuulamane vermin introduced on Vland (Vland 1717). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 32. -2450 c Karhyri build crude jump-capable ships in Crucis Margin sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 60. -2450 c Space travel becomes cheap in the Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) system. 250,000 Terrans live off the surface

of Terra. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 22. -2438 GSbAG allegedly founded from consortium of old Terran manufacturing firms on Terra (Solomani Rim

1827). Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 41. -2433 Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827), unifies as a nation in the United Nations. Dragon #87, TSR,

1984, p. 77. -2431 Terrans develop jump drive. While researching new thruster plate designs, a lab in the asteroid belt of the

Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) system discovers jump drive. Terra at TL9. Supplement 10 - The Solomani Rim, GDW, 1982, p. 04.

-2431 Terrans use jump-1 drive solely for in-system use, due to the nearest star (Alpha Centauri) being jump-2 distance. Supplement 10 - The Solomani Rim, GDW, 1982, p. 04.

-2430 The American nation begins construction of a deep-space fuel depot coreward of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 40.

-2427 Colonel Lorette Kathryn Strider is chosen to command the international crew of Starleaper One, the American mission to Barnard (Solomani Rim 1926). Challenge #53, GDW, 1991, p. 46.

-2422 Terran-Vilani contact. Starleaper One, the first American interstellar mission from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) discovers a small Vilani prospecting base at Barnard (Solomani Rim 1926). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 04.

-2420 Lorette Strider leaves the US Space Force, accepting a position with the UN as one of the first envoys to the Ziru Sirka. Challenge #53, GDW, 1991, p. 43.

-2420 cX Formation on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) of True Humanity, an anti-Vilani isolationist movement rejecting advanced technology. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 10.

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Fall of the Vilani Donald McKinney


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-2410 Shana Likushan appointed Governor of Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province after being a member of the losing faction during a power struggle within Sharurshid’s upper ranks. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 42.

-2408 Colonel Lorette Strider is lost when the American frigate Jefferson is attacked by a Vilani starship and destroyed in the Barnard (Solomani Rim 1926) system at the start of the Interstellar Wars. Challenge #53, GDW, 1991, p. 46.

-2408 A Vilani merchant caravan ignores Terran traffic signals on Barnard (Solomani Rim 1926), resulting in its destruction. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 05.

-2408 First Interstellar War breaks out in Solomani Rim sector between national squadrons under UNSCA command from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) and Vilani border forces after the Barnard Incident; Terrans at TL 10. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 05.

-2407 A punitive Vilani expedition defeats a collection of Terran national squadrons at Barnard (Solomani Rim 1926). American and Chinese detachments take the brunt of the engagement; the Vilani subsequently withdraw. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 42.

-2407 The start of the Interstellar Wars sparks prosperity for Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827). Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78.

-2405 Yukio Hasegowa becomes CEO of one of Japan’s leading corporations, and begins heavy investment in space industries. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 43.

-2405 cX Most members of True Humanity, believing judgment is at hand, charter a settlement fleet and flee Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) for Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520). Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 8.

-2403 The Harriman Incident: a mass driver module collides with the liner "George Harriman" at Archimedes starport on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827), forcing the government to move the starport to the Copernicus settlement. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 76.

-2402 Lenj (Far Frontiers 0910) becomes a client state of the Zhodani Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44.

-2400 c Vargr bands begin to move into the Corridor Sector. Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 05. -2400 c Second Vargr Diaspora begins. Independent Vargr begin to pillage regions of the Ziru Sirka. Vilani and

Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 20. -2400 Yukio Hasegowa establishes the Free Traders Foundation. The Foundation champions open markets and

interstellar trade despite disapproval from both the United Worlds and the Ziru Sirka. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 42.

-2400 First Interstellar War ends with the defeat of the First Imperium and the beginning of the ascendance of the Terrans. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 28.

-2400 c The Prt', a minor race on Prt'aow (Spica 2340) artificially evolved from once-domesticated carnivore/pouncers and significantly resembling overgrown Terran housecats, achieve TL1. Challenge #26, GDW, 1986, p. 35.

-2400 The Vilani unofficially agree to recognize the Terran claim to Barnard (Solomani Rim 1926) in exchange for a promise that Solomani forces stay out of Ziru Sirka space. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 42.

-2400 c Hiver-Prt’ contact. Hivers discover the world of Prt’aow (Spica 2340) and decide to elevate the TL 1 Prt’ into interstellar civilization. Challenge #26, GDW, 1986, p. 21.

-2400 Population on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827) reaches 60,000. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78. -2400 The United Nations on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) changes its name to the United Worlds after admitting

delegations from Luna and Prometheus (2027) as members. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 11.

-2400 c Vargr migrations around either end of the Windhorn Rift become common; Vargr raids on Vilani space begin. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

-2400 c GenAssist founded by the Terrans to adapt native Terran life forms to alien climates. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 15.

-2398 The Timer Club of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) is founded; this will eventually become the oldest timer club for suspended animation. Travellers' Digest #21, DGP, 1990, p. 43.

-2398 Members of the Free Traders Federation are quickly making inroads into Vilani commerce. Pressure mounts on Governor Likushan to enforce the terms of her private agreement. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 43.

-2398 United Worlds, centered on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827), formally changes its name to the Terran Confederation. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 05.

-2398 Terrans develop jump-2 drives; Terran Confederation overall at TL 11. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 34.

-2397 Second Interstellar War begins. A Terran screening force deployed at Agidda (Solomani Rim 1824) intercepts a Vilani punitive expedition. Both fleets are damaged, but the Terrans hold the system. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 43.

-2396 The Terran Confederation takes direct control of the last national and private interstellar outposts. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 20.

-2395 Mars is admitted to the Terran Confederation. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 10. -2394 Khouktae, a Vargr state centered on Aegadh (Gvurrdon 1317) is absorbed into the rapidly expanding

Gvurrdon Hvaek. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 45.

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-2393 c The Second Interstellar War has settled into a series of small-scale fencing and commerce raiding actions, as the Vilani attempt to keep the Terrans at arm’s length. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2393 Sharurshid Civil War begins. Usham Sharrukin, petty emperor of the Rim, and his immediate heirs assassinated in a nuclear detonation. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 41.

-2393 Governor Likushan sends over half the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) provincial fleet to intervene in the Sharurshid Civil War. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2392 Ptolemy (Solomani Rim 0639) colonized by the Terran Confederation. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 22.

-2389 Terran Confederation Navy commissions TL 12 artificially intelligent robots for naval support staff. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 06.

-2389 Terran intelligence discovers that over half of the Vilani provincial fleet is unaccounted for. Encouraged, they launch a major raid on Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822), forcing Governor Likushan to sue for peace. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 43.

-2389 Second Interstellar War ends. The Terrans becomes official allies of the Ziru Sirka, and gains nominal control of everything between Agidda (Solomani Rim 1824) and Procyon (now Fenris, Solomani Rim 1830). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 43.

-2388 Merchants War begins in Far Frontiers sector. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 44. -2388 A biological agent from Gebhara (Far Frontiers 2015) is used against D'rarayi (1815); large portions of the

local ecology collapse, throwing D'rarayi into a scramble for planetwide survival. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46.

-2387 Sharurshid Civil War ends. Eneri Sharrukin (nee Erasharshi, grandson of Usham Sharrukin) claims the position of petty emperor of the Rim after defeating his last foe. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2386 For supporting the winning faction of the Sharurshid Civil War, Governor Likushan is promoted into the highest ranks of Sharurshid. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2386 Petty emperor Eneri Sharrukin appoints his younger brother, Kadur Erasharshi, a member of the provincial staff and formerly an envoy to the Terrans, to the Provincial Governorship. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2382 Recognizing the Terran threat, Governor Erasharshi prepares for war, moving the province capital to Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) and investing heavily in military construction. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 103.

-2381 The Tavrchedl' sense among the Zhodani traders active in Far Frontiers sector due to the escalating Merchants' War; moving quickly, Tavrchedl' agents end the war. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46.

-2378 Third Interstellar War begins. Governor Erasharshi takes personal control of surprise attacks on the Terran outposts at Agidda (Solomani Rim 1824) and Procyon (now Fenris, Solomani Rim 1830). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2377 X Drawing the Solomani into a main-fleet engagement, the Vilani fleet destroys most of the Terran forces with minimal casualties of their own. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2376 Battle of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Fanatical resistance around Terra destroys much of the Vilani fleet, who are forced to withdraw. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2375 English becomes the official language of the Terran Confederation Navy, legitimizing the unofficial common practice since the First Interstellar War. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 58.

-2371 Sharik Yangila, a non-Vilani from the Mikadira (Old Expanses) Sector, is appointed head of Sharurshid’s intelligence and covert-operations service in the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 45.

-2370 Battle of Junction (Solomani Rim 1929). The newly rebuilt Terran fleet defeats a second Vilani invasion force. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2366 Terran forces inflict major defeats on the Vilani in space and then on the ground at Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822), with the assistance of the majority kimashargur subculture. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2366 Third Interstellar War ends. The Terrans offer a ceasefire, which Governor Erasharshi is forced to accept. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2366 Governor Erasharshi, facing charges of treason leveled by his personal enemies, is dismissed from the Provincial Governorship. His head of intelligence, Sharik Yangila, succeeds him. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 44.

-2365 Zeyiri (Far Frontiers 1512) is accepted as a client state of the Zhodani Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46.

-2365 A series of plagues begin to spread through the Ziru Sirka, especially in the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2365 Umar bin-Abdullah al-Ghazali becomes CEO of the High Frontier Development Corporation, becoming one of the major underwriters of the Free Traders Foundation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2362 The Terran heavy cruiser "Navarino" is lost with all hands. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08. -2362 Creation of the Terran Starport Authority. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 68. -2361 Thapek (Far Frontiers 2315) is accepted as a client state of the Zhodani Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07,

SotK, 1995, p. 46. -2361 Terran military occupation of Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822) ends; Nusku is admitted to the Terran

Confederation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47. -2360 c The Terran Confederation experiences increasing nationalist and social unrest, aggravated by Vilani covert

operations. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 31.

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Fall of the Vilani Donald McKinney


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-2360 c High Frontier Development Corporation has invested heavily in new manufacturing plants on Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822), and is making vast profits selling Solomani equipment to Vilani on both sides of the border. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2360 c Terran technology has matched Vilani standard (TL 11) in all areas, and has surpassed it noticeably (TL12) in the fields of computers and medicine. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 43.

-2357 Ralatela (Far Frontiers 2018) is accepted as a client state of the Zhodani Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46.

-2355 Deadly cargos appear again in an new Merchants' War in Far Frontiers sector, targeting Yereng (Far Frontiers 2014), U'kihr (1211), and Nikopelenos (2112). Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46.

-2354 The Zhodani Consulate places bases in Yereng (Far Frontiers 20140, U'kihr (1211), and Nikopelenos (2112), accepting them as client states. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46.

-2353 The Merchants' Wars in Far Frontiers sector finally come to an end after the Zhodani establish a firm, armed presence in the sector. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46.

-2352 Governor Yangila imposes steep tariffs on all Terran goods entering the Ziru Sirka, but corporations like High Frontier carry on an extensive black market trade regardless. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2350 cX Original terraforming project started on Hephaistos (Solomani Rim 1931) by the Terran Confederation. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 21.

-2349 Fourth Interstellar War begins. After years of planning, Vilani forces raid Fenris (Solomani Rim 1830), destroy the naval base there, and retreat before the Terrans can respond. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2348 Probing raids by the Vilani do extensive damage in the Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822) system, before a comprehensive assault captures Nusku itself. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2347 X Vilani forces continue to harass Terran positions, and Terran civilian morale falters at the thought of a long and difficult war ahead. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2346 Fourth Interstellar War ends. Terran envoys beg for peace on meek terms. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45. -2346 With her prestige boosted by the victory, Governor Yangila grants magnanimous terms. The Terrans cede

Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822), agree to respect the trade tariffs, and again pledge to stay out of Ziru Sirka space. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2346 Terran economies remain on a war footing, continuing the military build-up started during the Fourth Interstellar War. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2344 Petty emperor Eneri Sharrukin orders Governor Yangila to divert much of her fleet to the Provincial Governor of Lankhisidam (now Daibei Sector) to put down a local rebellion. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 33.

-2343 Fifth Interstellar War begins. A brand-new Terran fleet launches an attack on Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822), and commerce raiders operate across Dingir subsector in the Solomani Rim. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2340 After a long campaign, Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822) falls to the Terrans; the Terran offensive stalls while new ships are built. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2337 Terran forces return to the offensive, but are largely parried by the now-returned provincial fleet. The minor world of Markhashi (Solomani Rim 1529) falls, giving the Terrans their first toehold across the Sirius gap. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 45.

-2335 Fifth Interstellar War ends. Governor Yangila is forced to stand down. Her successor, Kidarneri Dumushir, offers a ceasefire in the present positions. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2335 Vilani forces in the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province begin to fragment, and few efforts are made to enforce tariffs on Terran traders. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2333 Ex-Governor Yangila attempts to defect to the Terrans, but misjumps during her flight. Wreckage is found in the Zaggisi (Solomani Rim 1523) system, but Yangila herself is never found. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 49.

-2330 c Terran merchants move freely through the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province, displacing Sharurshid services in some areas. Terrans increasingly become involved in Vilani internal politics. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 33.

-2330 Arashir Sharrukin succeeds his father as petty emperor of the Rim. Aged 42 years, he is the youngest holder of the office for a millennium. An erratic and autocratic leader, he is widely hated across his realm. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 42.

-2327 Sixth Interstellar War begins. A Vilani raid on Markhashi (Solomani Rim 1529) results in a Terran trade embargo on the Ziru Sirka and a large-scale invasion aimed at Gashidda (Solomani Rim 1127). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2325 The Terran fleet decisively defeats the Vilani fleet at Shuruppak (Solomani Rim 1427), isolating the worlds of Iilike/Tau Ceti (1429) and Shulimik/Epsilon Eridani (1520). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2322 After a prolonged ground battle against well-entrenched defensive forces, the worlds of Iilike (Solomani Rim 1429) and Shulimik (1520) fall to the Terrans. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2321 Sixth Interstellar War ends. Unable to rebuild the provincial fleet, the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province sues for peace with the Terrans. A delegation is sent to Vland (Vland 1717) to ask for Imperial assistance. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

-2321 18-year old Manuel Albadawi and his parents, both engineers, emigrate to Iilike (Solomani Rim 1429) to take part in the reconstruction. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 45.

-2317 Petty emperor Arashir Sharrukin sends a Vilani capital ship division to the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province, under the control of Governor Dumushir. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 46.

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-2316 Seventh Interstellar War begins. The Vilani capital ship division launches an attack on Shuruppak (Solomani Rim 1427). After an inconclusive naval battle, the Terrans withdraw. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2314 cX During the Seventh Interstellar War, a disabled Terran Confederation Navy cruiser limps homeward as far as Cymbeline (Solomani Rim 2527) and then crashes, scattering silicon chips all over the landscape. Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 45.

-2314 cX The signal processor UFIC 29008A MILSPEC becomes the basis for Cymbeline's (Solomani Rim 2527) intelligent chips after the crash. Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 45.

-2313 The Vilani offensive in the Seventh Interstellar War halts; Petty emperor Arashir Sharrukin recalls the loaned capital ship division. Terran forces regroup for a wide-ranging series of counterattacks. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2308 Seventh Interstellar War ends. Governor Dumushir assassinated, Vilani organized resistance collapses. The acting provincial governor, Sharikkamur Dumushir, cedes the trailing half of Dingir subsector to the Terrans. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2300 c Gvurrdon Hvaek collapses, leaving a power vacuum which continues to affect interstellar politics in Gvurrdon sector. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 47.

-2300 cX Foundation of Aushenyo, a Vegan tuhuir dedicated to historical study. It becomes the largest historical archive in known space, materials extending back as far as -14,000. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 09.

-2300 c Radio, and remote-controlled aircraft, developed on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

-2300 c Vilani colonists fleeing the decaying First Imperium settle on a number of worlds in the Trojan Reach and Reft sectors. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

-2300 c In the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province, the Terrans now out-produce the Vilani by 4:1, as well as enjoying a clear technological superiority. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2299 Petty emperor Arashir Sharrukin dispatches an envoy to the Igsiirdi and the Emperor making a full report on the threat posed by the Terran Confederation. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 35.

-2299 Petty emperor Arashir Sharrukin gathers a substantial war fleet in preparation for an assault on the Terrans. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 35.

-2298 Petty emperor Arashir Sharrukin moves his court to Shulgiasu (Solomani Rim 2319). Despite his unpleasant nature, he keeps the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) Province unified. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 42.

-2294 Anglic becomes the official language of the Terran Confederation, and later of the Rule of Man. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 17.

-2294 Eighth Interstellar War begins. Disorganized Vilani forces make an attack on Karkhar (Solomani Rim 1424), and are soundly defeated. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2293 Petty emperor Arashir Sharrukin’s envoy arrives on Vland (Vland 1717). Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 36. -2293 Shuruppak (Solomani Rim 1427) and Markhashi (1529) fall, and Iilike (1429) and Shulimik (1530) are

besieged as part of a slow, methodical advance by the main Sharurshid fleet. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 35.

-2293 Rear Admiral Manuel Albadawi, based at Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822), leads a small fleet on an ambitious attack against the Vilani flank at Zaggisi (1523) and Shulgi (1324). Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 35.

-2291 The provincial capital of Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) falls to the Terrans without effective resistance after a well-timed kimashargur revolt. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2290 By taking the world of Ensulur (now Oudh, Solomani Rim 0921), Terran forces under Fleet Admiral Albadawi have now cut off a large number of Vilani worlds, and the main Sharurshid fleet, from the core of the Ziru Sirka. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 47.

-2288 Admiral Degen begins a counter-offensive with the main Terran fleet against the out-of-supply Sharurshid fleet, forcing it back to Gashidda (Solomani Rim 1127). Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 36.

-2286 Petty emperor Arashir Sharrukin engages in a final purge of the Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) provincial leadership then flees coreward. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 36.

-2286 Vegan Polity refounded. With the Sharurshid fleet out-of-supply and two whole subsectors away, the Vegans rise in revolt and open communications with Admiral Albadawi. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 48.

-2285 After a campaign through the isolated Vilani worlds in the Solomani Rim, Admirals Degen and Albadawi receive the surrender of the remnants of the Sharurshid fleet at Gashidda (Solomani Rim 1127). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 48.

-2285 c Terrans develop J-3 drive and early meson weapons (early TL12). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 43. -2285 The Emperor of the Stars, recognizing the challenge that the Solomani pose to the very legitimacy of the

Ziru Sirka, dispatches the Vilani Core Fleet to the Solomani Rim sector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 48. -2284 Eighth Interstellar War ends. The Treaty of Ensulur (now Oudh, Solomani Rim 0921) cedes all territory

rimward of Vega (roughly 4 subsectors) to the Terrans, and recognizes the Vegan Polity. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 08.

-2284 The Vegan Polity allies with the Terran Confederation. Terran forces begin to be upgraded with new J-3 drives and meson weapons. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 08.

-2280 Manuel Albadawi promoted to Grand Admiral of the Terran Confederation. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 36.

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Fall of the Vilani Donald McKinney


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-2278 Terran intelligence discovers a massive Vilani fleet is heading down the Rim Main. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 48.

-2277 Ninth Interstellar War begins. The Vilani Core Fleet reaches the depot at Shulgiasu (Solomani Rim 2319) and a formal declaration of war is issued against the Terran Confederation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 48.

-2276 Many Vilani worlds in Kushuggi (Solomani Rim) province revolt, defecting as soon as Terran forces arrive in system. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 51.

-2276 Destruction of the Vilani Core Fleet. After having its supply lines cut by J-3 raiders, the Vilani Core Fleet is devastatingly defeated by the meson weapon-equipped, but numerically much smaller, Terran main fleet. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 49.

-2275 Formation of the Terran-Vegan Alliance. One of the terms of the alliance assigns the uninhabited world of Hsuishlesh (Solomani Rim 1120) to the newly independent Vegan Polity. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 88.

-2275 c Scandia (Solomani Rim 2628) serves as a focus for Terran migration into the rimward half of Arcturus subsector in the Solomani Rim. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 112.

-2274 A conclave of local Vilani aristocracy appoints Khugi Sharrukin as petty emperor of the Rim. Despite being disgraced in the Seventh Interstellar War, Khugi is the only surviving Sharrukin with military experience. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 42.

-2273 Grand Admiral Albadawi, greatest military commander of the Interstellar Wars period, retires at the age of 66. He spends his remaining years on Iilike (Solomani Rim 1429) advising the Navy and writing his memoirs. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 50.

-2270 c Intensive Vegan settlement begins on Hsuishlesh (Solomani Rim 1120). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 88. -2266 With the Terran Confederation now secure, some Terran leaders call for an end to the Interstellar Wars and

involvement in Vilani affairs. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 37. -2266 Ninth Interstellar War ends. Terran forces arrive at Arkiikii (Solomani Rim 2905), completing the conquest of

the Solomani Rim sector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 49. -2260 cX The Vilani world of Azaremid (Solomani Rim 1405) receives large numbers of settlers from North America

and Russia, with little tension. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 71. -2256 After two years of negotiation, petty emperor Khugi Sharrukin signs an agreement placing the Ziru Sirka’s

six rimward sectors under nominal Terran Confederation control. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 42. -2250 cX Terran-Virushi contact. Terran explorers first venture into the Reavers’ Deep Sector during a lull in the

Interstellar Wars, and discover the Virushi of Virshash (Reavers’ Deep 2724). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 133.

-2250 c Terrans are a mature TL12 society. No major new advancements are made before the fall of the Long Night. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 43.

-2250 Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) slips below 50% of the Terran Confederation’s industrial production for the first time. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 38.

-2250 c Terran refugees opposed to the Terran absorption of the Vilani Empire settle in what will become the Principality of Caledon in Reavers' Deep sector, led by prominent banker Charles Stuart Scott. Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 49.

-2250 c Thorwald (Solomani Rim 3026) settled by Terrans, mostly of Scandinavian descent. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 114.

-2246 Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) abolishes compulsory military service. Recruitment on Terra falls 95% within 4 years. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 38.

-2242 Publication of "The Great Schism", a sober analysis of the growing divergence between Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) and the other worlds of the Terran Confederation. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 38.

-2236 Guumushii (Diaspora 0932) rediscovered by Terrans. Renamed Acheron. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 10. -2235 Arpad Kovacs appointed Grand Admiral of the Terran Confederation. Kovacs decides to command the fleet

from the front lines and begins to plan for a final thrust against the Ziru Sirka. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 47.

-2235 Nth Interstellar War starts between the First Imperium and the Terran Confederation; Terran offensives ultimately reach Massilia sector before the First Imperium collapses. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 11.

-2235 Terran ground forces are stretched to breaking point. Many Army commanders recruit just-defeated Vilani troops and place an entire Vilani division under a single Terran officer. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 07.

-2234 Four Solomani battle fleets strike deep into Ziru Sirka territory toward the home regions of the Suerrat, Geonee and Darmine races. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 39.

-2230 cX Terran-Ael Yael contact. The new Terran rulers of Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437) lift the interdiction of that world. Throughout the Rule of Man, Terran traders visit the Ael Yael, but no permanent human presence is maintained. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

-2230 cX The Terran Confederation initiates a massive resettlement campaign to culturally dominate the Nakulakak (later Diaspora) sector; 10 million Terrans are transplanted in the first eight years. Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector, GDW, 1992, p. 02.

-2228 The Geonee revolt against the Ziru Sirka, after being unwilling to rebel until sure of Terran support. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 40.

-2227 The Darmine enthusiastically revolt against the Ziru Sirka. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 40.

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-2224 Battle of the Three Suns. Fleet Admiral Leon Gerasimov killed by a lucky hit on the bridge of the flagship "Temujin". The ship's captain, Hiroshi Estigarribia, saves the ship, takes command of the fleet and wins the battle. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 52.

-2224 Following the Battle of the Three Suns, the Suerrat declare their independence and ally with the Terran Confederation. Interstellar Wars, SJG, 2006, p. 40.

-2224 Hiroshi Estigarribia is promoted to Rear Admiral, one of the youngest in Terran history, because of his victory at the Battle of Three Suns. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 52.

-2223 Terrans arrive in Ley Sector. Luriani liberated, but not granted autonomy. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104. -2221 X The last significant Vilani fleet is ordered to Masilaa (Massilia) Province to face the Terrans, just as news

arrives at Vland (Vland 1717) of the Suerrat revolt. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 51. -2219 At the end of the Interstellar Wars, Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827) is a full member of the Terran

Confederation. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78. -2219 c A family of Terran traders, the Menderes, establishes lucrative routes along the Mendan Main in Mendan

sector. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 21. -2219 A Vilani delegation of mutinous fleet commanders and mid-level bureaucrats offers complete surrender of

the Ziru Sirka and of all its subject worlds to Grand Admiral Kovacs. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 51. -2219 With Terran forces within 20 parsecs of Vland (Vland 1717), the Igsiirdi send word for all remaining

provincial governors to cease hostilities. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 20. -2219 Nth Interstellar War ends in the collapse of the Vilani Empire, with Terran Confederation forces having

reached as deep as Massilia sector. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10, 28. -2219 The Terran Navy governs the conquered territories of the Ziru Sirka. Only about 3 sectors, 1300 worlds, are

under the direct rule of the Confederation. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 08. -2218 Naarsirka authorities on Sylea (Core 2118) hand over government to a squadron of Terran escort ships and

a single lift infantry regiment. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 129. -2218 Terran Confederation Navy ends use of the UFIC classification system. Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW,

1985, p. 47. -2210 A few hundred Vilani fleeing from Terran expansion settle the tiny gas giant moon of Riarette (Massilia

1808). Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 87. -2210 c Settlement of the Old Worlds in Crucis Margin Sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 17. -2209 Arpad Kovacs retires as Grand Admiral of the Terran Confederation Navy, to be replaced by Hiroshi

Estigarribia. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 52. -2207 Attempts by the Brinn of Divad (Corridor 2238) to withstand the Terran conquest lead to military rule of

Divad under a Terran governor, beginning a history of anti-Humaniti sentiment among the Brinn. Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 19.

-2205 Wyaroaer, an industrial-age Aslan corporation specializing in arms production, changes from crossclan ownership to complete control by the Eakhtiyho clan. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 58.

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The Long Night “Could the Long Night have been prevented?” “The most interesting item about the Long Night is that no one anticipated that the challenges faced by the Rule of Man would lead to its slow, whimpering collapse. It is not as if the Terrans had no precedents to examine: the collapse of the Rule of Man parallels dramatically the second and third centuries of Terra’s Roman Empire. And yet no one appears to have looked to those lessons at all—unless to learn how to make the collapse come faster. Even worse, Terra also gives precedents on how to run a successful empire, but neither the Chinese Empire of the medieval period or the British colonial empire of the early modern period appear to have been considered by our predecessors.” “Too many historians will push back and say that the Vilani Imperium was already in decline, and the Rule of Man simply added years to the corpse. I would argue otherwise; yes, the Vilani Imperium was in decline, but had years left until it was killed by the Terran conquest. The Rule of Man might have been a new start, but of its emperors, only Hiroshi I appears to have had any vision as to what could or should be accomplished, and those ideas died with him. The rest of the history of the Rule of Man is the story of a cadre of military officers not knowing how to fix the problems around them, and ultimately opting to shoot at each other on the grounds that at least they knew how to do that. Or perhaps they shot the visionaries first, because they were a greater threat.” “Is night inevitable for civilization? If civilization disregards its own its history, yes.” From the book “A Disregard for Honor”, a history of the Rule of Man, University of Sylea Press, 1114.

Date Code Details

-2204 Over the previous 15 years, more than 100,000 Terran naval officers were sent across the former Vilani Empire to take over the remaining governmental apparatus. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 06.

-2204 Terran Confederation Secretariat votes to transfer control of conquered Vilani territories directly to Terra (Solomani Rim 1827), to be administered as spoils of war. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 17.

-2204 Admiral Hiroshi Estigarribia, commander in chief of the Terran Navy, initiates a coup proclaiming himself Regent of the Vilani Imperium and Protector of Terra, united in the Rule of Man. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 17.

-2204 Terran Fleet Headquarters on Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) serves as first capital of the Rule of Man; Anglic becomes the standard language of interstellar trade. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 17.

-2203 First K’kree crossing of the Lesser Rift. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 80. -2202 First genetically engineered Acheron-nu individuals reach maturity. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 10. -2200 c Melantris (Leonidae 2733) undergoes an Industrial Revolution. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 50. -2200 Geonee Autonomous Region created. Hiroshi Estigarribia grants self-government to Geonee worlds.

Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 71. -2200 c First survey of Chernozem (Solomani Rim 1836). A Russian consortium settles the world soon after. Rim of

Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 124. -2200 c Most traces of Vilani culture on Kidashi (Solomani Rim 0528) have been lost after extensive Terran

resettlement. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 99. -2200 c Pradman (Lishun 0411) is settled as part of a terraforming experiment. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 42. -2200 c Vilani-Zhodani contact. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 07. -2200 cX A Kahyri vessel makes a stupendous odyssey to deliver the preserved remains of a lost Hiver crew back to

the Federation. Hiver disinterest deeply offends the Kahyri. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 60. -2200 c Terran colonists settle in parts of the Crucis Margin sector. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 43. -2200 c Major naval base begins operations on Deimos, a moon of Mars, in the Terra system (Solomani Rim 1827).

Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 24. -2200 cX In a Vilani language holocrystal recorded by Admiral Estigarribia, he first uses the word Solomani; although

in context he may have meant "all men", popular usage quickly rendered it "humans from Terra". Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 07.

-2190 First Aslan World War on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35. -2190 Larkarda (Lishun 0712) is settled and supplies exotic foods and drink to nearby worlds. Flaming Eye, DGP,

1990, p. 38. -2186 Luriani begin revolt against the Rule of Man. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104. -2186 c Roderico Hansen receives the Duchy of Ushra (Dagusdashaag 1016) as a reward for his loyal service as an

aide to Admiral Estigarribia during the Nth Interstellar War. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 05. -2182 Admiral Hiroshi Estigarribia dies and is succeeded by his chief of staff, who crowns himself Emperor Hiroshi

II. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 07. -2180 Luriani revolt against the Rule of Man ends in military occupation of the Luriani worlds. Humaniti, SJG, 2003,

p. 104. -2180 Emperor Hiroshi II begins assigning Terran traders as planetary governors in Mendan and Amdukan

sectors; the governorship of Asimikigir (Amdukan 0223) goes to the Menderes family. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

-2176 Emperor Hiroshi II transfers governmental authority for the Rule of Man from Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) and Vland (Vland 1717) to Hub/Ershur (now Kaggushus, Massilia 0402). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 07.

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-2174 Solomani-Sydite contact. A small trade mission is established on Sopater (Ley 3026). The Sydites acquire a few J-1 ships and establish a number of colonies. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 11.

-2173 Rule of Man abolishes the Vilani system of technology patents. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21.

-2170 c Large numbers of Terrans emigrate throughout the former Vilani Imperium, becoming industrialists and administrators. Many Vilani assimilate Terran culture. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 17.

-2160 Aslan Second World War on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919) results in nuclear exchange, crippling economies and destabilizing the ecology before the war winds down into a number of smaller conflicts. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

-2150 The "Vincennes," an exploration ship from the Rule of Man, explores Vincennes (Deneb 1122). MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 04.

-2150 c Sequoyah (Solomani Rim 1337) and Polyphemus (1537) settled, the first worlds in the Near Bootes Cluster to be so. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 119.

-2150 cX The Scorpion Company, a Terran development corporation, recruits thousands of colonists to Antares, Mendan, Gashikan and Trenchan sectors. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

-2137 Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329) first colonized by genetically modified Terran neopaganists. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 119.

-2136 Aslan begin exploring their home solar system of Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

-2120 c The tiny Vilani colony at Riarette (Massilia 1808) is too successful in its attempts to escape Terran attention--repeated starvation forces the abandonment of the settlement. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 87.

-2120 K’kree-Lithkind contact. A K’kree raid destroys the Lithkind colony at Yezial (Gzirr!k'l XXXX). Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 133.

-2102 The Lithkind homeworld of Izyme (Gzirr!k'l XXXX) becomes aware that the colony at Yezial (Gzirr!k'l XXXX) has been lost. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 133.

-2102 First orbital bases constructed by Aslan on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

-2102 c Aslan clans such as the Ahyufirulushi are at least TL 8, while the Yerlyaruiwo and the Khaukheairl fall behind by a full TL. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 60.

-2100 c Aquitaine (Solomani Rim 1439) settled by Francophones from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 120.

-2100 cX The Argushiigi Admegulasha Bilanidin (AAB) on Vland (Vland 1717) establishes the Guardians after members of the Rule of Man government hint at confiscating the collection. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 61.

-2100 c Explorers from the Rule of Man explore Hinterworlds sector. Challenge #39, GDW, 1989, p. H02. -2100 c Terrans contact the dissident Vilani colony on Upirzanu (Solomani Rim 0814). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 85. -2100 cX Vargr-K’kree contact. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 80. -2100 c A Terran expedition discovers sub-ice oceans on Ikaakur (Solomani Rim 2205). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p.

77. -2098 Aslan Third World War on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). By prior agreement, nuclear weapons are not used.

Once again, the war ends in exhaustion without a clear winner. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35. -2083 29 largest Aslan clans form the Tlaukhu on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919); Aslan calendar begins. Alien Module

1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 02, 35. -2080 A Lithkind follow-up expedition to Yezial (Gzirr!k'l XXXX) discovers the wrecked colony, but also a derelict

K’kree scout ship. The Lithkind begin researching jump technology. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 132. -2074 Vilani colonies in Trojan Reach sector form the Sindalian Empire, based on Noricum (Trojan Reach 2018).

Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30. -2045 The Hansen family acquires the Kamsii (Core 3021) system as a private getaway, preserving the world in a

pristine state. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 05. -2045 First contact between K'kree and Hiver. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17. -2038 Several Hiver worlds in Kaa G!'kul and K'trekreer sectors are occupied by the K'kree, who begin

exterminating local carnivore populations. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17. -2030 Referendum in Nepal on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) replaces constitutional monarchy with elected

executive rule. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 46. -2029 Hiver-K'kree War breaks out when K'kree discover Hiver cultural teams aiding a world of omnivore/hunters

the K'kree were planning to exterminate. Alien Module 2 - K'kree, GDW, 1984, p. 04. -2028 Terran research vessel "Pathfinder" launched. Travellers' Digest #17, DGP, 1989, p. 15. -2026 K’kree-Lithkind War begins. The Lithkind discover the K’kree are responsible for the atrocity at Yezial

(Gzirr!k'l XXXX), and the K’kree discover the nature of Lithkind reproduction. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 132.

-2026 A K’kree squadron attempting to flank Hiver defenses jumps into Lithkind space, and are surprised to find a new jump-capable race. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 132.

-2023 K'kree slow their advance to occupy and absorb their initial conquests; Hiver found the Hive Federation and begin construction of a powerful navy and army. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

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-2019 After a desperate search for allies by the Lithkind interstellar government, the "Mutual Defense Treaty of Guaran" is concluded with the Hive Federation. The Lithkind choose to remain independent from the Federation. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 133.

-2018 Member races of the Hive Federation ratify the "Treaty of Eternal Alliance". Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 34. -2018 As the K'kree advance, the Hiver secretly manipulate four K'kree worlds in Kilong sector by introducing

cultural aberrations such as meat sauces for foods and acceptance of isolation as a form of recreation. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

-2013 The Two Thousand Worlds stabilizes at its present size. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 81. -2013 The Hiver-K'kree War ends with the withdrawal of K'kree forces to pre-war borders after the Hiver

demonstrate a plan to use psycho-historical techniques to radically alter the K'kree social order. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 26.

-2013 The Yerlyaruiwo and the Khaukheairl once again move towards war on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919), vowing to employ all measures to determine a final victor. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 60.

-2013 Terran research vessel "Pathfinder" is lost during its fifth mission; a drive failure forces it to crash on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). Travellers' Digest #17, DGP, 1989, p. 15.

-2013 K'kree principle of "Axavktrr xur" overturned, although many K'kree privately adhere to its precepts. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 50.

-2012 K’kree-Lithkind War ends. The Lithkind have lost 15 million dead and had six colony worlds sterilized. No formal treaty is signed, and skirmishes, border incidents and piracy continue over the coming millennia. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 134.

-2008 Terran-K’kree contact. A number of sharp engagements are fought between Terran exploratory scouts and K’kree forces. This reinforces the increasingly introspective worldview of the Steppelords. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 81.

-2000 c Several Geonee worlds are at TL12, the cutting edge of technology. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 71. -2000 cX The Rule of Man grants the Tapazmal, a minor human race based on Dlaekan (Reft 3134), several colony

worlds in exchange for their cooperation. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 27. -2000 c First Zhodani contact with Vilani traders in Provence and Corridor sectors. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW,

1985, p. 08. -2000 c Naasirka introduces first line of robots (Rashush) for private use. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 06. -2000 c Polyphemus (Solomani Rim 1537) receives an extensive influx of settlers sponsored by the Spartan

Brotherhood, a radical and ruthless supremacist movement on Terra (1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 121. -2000 c Ahetaowa begin robot probe explorations of the Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) system. Alien Races 4, SJG,

2001, p. 15. -2000 cX Echiste (Spinward Marches 2313) is settled in the days of the Second Imperium. Behind the Claw, SJG,

1998, p. 88. -2000 c Hamilcar (Solomani Rim 1738) settled, mostly by scientific parties. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 124. -2000 cX Noctocol (Spinward Marches 1433) is settled by Terran colonists from the Rule of Man. Behind the Claw,

SJG, 1998, p. 76. -2000 cX Rio (Spinward Marches 0301) is colonized by humans during the Rule of Man; a poor landing leaves the

settlers with no way off-world. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 38. -2000 c Answerin (Vland 0431) reaches TL11 and has become a minor trade centre under the Rule of Man.

Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 17. -2000 c Karhyri explorers make "Journey of Honor" to reach Hiver space. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 18. -1999 Yerlyaruiwo and Khaukheairl clans cooperate to develop jump-1 drive for Aslan on Kusyu (Dark Nebula

1919); beginning of Aslan Era of Expansion. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 03, 35. -1996 Last founding member of the Timer Club of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) dies. Travellers' Digest #21, DGP,

1990, p. 43. -1988 GenAssist seeds a handful of Dolphin (Tursiops galactus) colonies rimward of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827).

Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 15. -1980 First Aslan-Terran contact; a Yerlyaruiwo survey vessel encounters a Terran colony ship. Alien Module 1 -

Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35. -1978 Vargr re-colonize Taksarrgh (Lishun 1701), combing the world with tunnel dens rather than surface

buildings. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 96. -1968 Nepal-in-Exile (Fomalhaut, Solomani Rim 1024) settled by Nepalese monarchists. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000,

p. 102. -1968 Nepalese royal family, whose members bear a unique genetic trait, leaves Terra (Solomani Rim 1827),

never to be heard from again. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 47. -1960 cX World Court on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) rules the Nepalese Referendum of -2030 improperly

administered; if the royal family could be found, the referendum would have to be redone. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 47.

-1955 Rule of Man ordinances abolish the last remnants of the Vilani caste system, but fail to replace it with a new social order. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21.

-1951 Rule of Man approves the Tonnes cluster in Shuna subsector of Lishun sector for colonization. Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 26.

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-1932 Empress Juliana establishes the Luriani Cultural Region, whereby each Luriani community has internal autonomy. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104.

-1926 First space probes launched from Melantris (Leonidae 2733). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 50. -1900 c Terran expeditions negotiate with the Gerontocracy of Ormine, centered on Ankhlare (Dark Nebula 1313), a

minor race of slow-moving reptilians; they remain a Solomani client state to this day. Travellers' Digest #17, DGP, 1989, p. 30.

-1900 c Kaiid (Lishun 0621), Tonnes (Lishun 0722) and Girshi (Lishun 0623) colonized by the Rule of Man; native life edible by humans on Tonnes and Kaiid. Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 26.

-1900 c A TL 2 human culture dies out on Qarant (Far Frontiers 1833). They are remarkable for having employed the Vilani language and script. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 22, 31, 33.

-1900 c The "Tome of Wisdom" gains ascendance on Ptolemy (Solomani Rim 0639). Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 23.

-1900 c Governor Frances Repzinski becomes High Protector of Sylea, governing an area including the coreward half of Core sector and portions of Lishun and Antares sectors. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 87, 90.

-1900 c It is clear that the Rule of Man is in slow decline. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 50. -1900 cX Historians reviewing the period of the Interstellar Wars between the Vilani Empire and the Terran

Confederation reach an accommodation and begin referring to the "Nth" Interstellar War. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 05.

-1900 c Hamilcar (Solomani Rim 1738) begins to receive heavy settlement and Terran life from other worlds in the Near Bootes Cluster, and from Terra (1827) itself. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 124.

-1891 Last contact between the Rule of Man and Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 119. -1882 Terran colonization of Dikam (Ley 2236) is the first settlement in the Far End (now Imperial Trade) Cluster.

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173. -1875 c Settlers on Kaiid (Lishun 0621) discover that to survive on native life, supplementary vitamins are

necessary, and have to be imported. Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 26. -1866 On Sylea (Core 2118), scholars uncover a near complete text of the Maar Ki Zon ("Book of the Way"), from

a sect of the late Sarnese period. A modern translation is wildly popular, leading to a neo-Maar Zon movement. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 129.

-1850 c Lack of cooperation between member worlds of the Rule of Man becomes more common. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 113.

-1850 c Last contact between the Rule of Man and the Solomani Rim sector. The government at Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) continues to rule in the Emperor’s name. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 51.

-1849 For the next 320 years, anywhere up to a dozen individuals are claiming the throne of the Rule of Man at any one time. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 22.

-1820 Terran traders make contact with the Dynchia on Melantris (Leonidae 2733). JTAS #24, GDW, 1985, p. 45. -1812 Terran settlements on 5 worlds across the Far End (now Imperial Trade) Cluster in Diamond-Prince

subsector in Ley sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173. -1802 First Terran contact with Hiver. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12. -1800 c Earliest Zhodani records listing the worlds in the Corridor and Provence Sectors. Planetary Survey 5 -

Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 05. -1800 c Change of government on Chanad (Lishun 0935) leads to an increased interest in interstellar trade. The

resulting technological and economic boom is short-lived, aborted by the financial collapse of the Rule of Man. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 86.

-1800 c The Republic of Banasdan (Solomani Rim 2920) is founded. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 97. -1800 c First cloud-cities established on Vantage (Solomani Rim 1538). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 122. -1800 c Sylean planetary rulers recontact the native Sylean exiles during a resurgence in Sylean nationalism. Milieu

0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90. -1800 c The Zhodani trading combine Makarin ceases operations. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 45. -1800 c Human colonists come to Tashrakaar (Reavers' Deep 1927). Duneraiders!, Gamelords, 1984, p. 14. -1800 c Corsairs use nuclear weapons on several population centers on Azaremid (Solomani Rim 1405), collapsing

the central government. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 71. -1800 c Technology on Vland (Vland 1717) begins to fall from a peak of TL 12. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward

Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21. -1800 c Isolated Terran colony is established at Shan’s Landing, one parsec from the minor human race on Kargol

(Leonidae 1205), but no contact between the two races occurs. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 93. -1799 Several border worlds of the Rule of Man refuse to honor offworld currency. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward

Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21. -1794 Foundation of the Loyal Nineworlds Republic in Crucis Margin Sector by descendents of a large Terran

colonial expedition. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 11. -1784 The Empire of Gashikan formed after ineffective Rule of Man responses to increased Vargr raiding in

Gashikan and Amdukan sectors. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 135. -1776 c Human homesteader Kimson Earle settles on Earle (Dark Nebula 0307). After resisting Aslan efforts to

expel him, he eventually earns their respect and becomes an expert on Aslan ways. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 99.

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-1776 The Central Treasury of the Rule of Man at Hub/Ershur (now Kaggushus, Massilia 0402) refuses to honor a monetary issue of the branch treasury at Antares (Antares 2421). Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 17.

-1776 Twilight begins from as the resulting financial collapse and destruction of large-scale trade causes the collapse of the Rule of Man. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 17.

-1776 Syleans maintain minimal interstellar trade; Syleans at TL 10. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 34. -1776 The Luriani Cultural Region transforms into the Luriani Protectorate, after the Governor-General of the

Terran fleet in Ley Sector trades base rights and protection for citizenship. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104. -1770 Foundation of the Matarishan Federation by Rule of Man refugees on Matarishan (now Shanape, Ley 1023).

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 11. -1750 The University of Sylea is founded on Sylea (Core 2118). Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 44. -1719 Tralyeaeawi clan breaks the Yerlyaruiwo-Khaukheairl monopoly on Aslan jump drive by purchasing

starships from the Terrans. Brisk Tralyeaeawi-Terran trade follows. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 61.

-1700 c Human settlements scatter across the Gateway Domain. The first colonies in the Gateway Sector are likely on Tharver (0528), Bremen (1818) and Salur (0921). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 11.

-1700 cX During the collapse of the Rule of Man, the local governor of Temeraire (Daibei 3020) forges an alliance with native Evanthan forces and forms the Evantha Protectorate. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 38.

-1700 c Terran colonists from Crucis Margin sector arrive in Kaa G!'kul sector, and are welcomed on thinly populated Hiver worlds, including Slurn (Kaa G!'kul 3240). Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 43.

-1700 c Egryn subsector in Trojan Reach sector believed to have been first settled, during the Rule of Man. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 11.

-1700 c Aquitaine (Solomani Rim 1439), without a shipbuilding industry of its own, slides back to TL7 and balkanizes. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 121.

-1700 c Vargr raids around the Windhorn Rift increase in the vacuum of the Vilani collapse and the tottering Second Imperium. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

-1700 cX A terrorist attack on the Rule of Man naval depot at Santry (Core 1736) forces the surviving officers to seal themselves in a deep subterranean bunker to await help. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 23.

-1700 cX The Brinn purge the Divad (Corridor 2238) system of humans, and then enter a 100-year period of expansion, using asteroids and nuclear weapons to exterminate all humans in the systems they explore. Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 19.

-1700 cX Terran exiles attempt to settle Vincennes (Deneb 1122); cut off from outside technology and supplies, the colony dies out during the Long Night. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 04.

-1700 c Human explorers first enter Gateway sector; colonies founded on Tharver (Gateway 0528), Bremen (Gateway 1818) and Salur (Gateway 0921). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24.

-1700 c With the end of interstellar trade, settlers on Kaiid (Lishun 0621) have their supply of vitamin supplements ended; eventually, the 50 survivors are moved to Tonnes (0722). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 27.

-1700 c An alliance of technicians seizes control of the Ascalon's (Solomani Rim 1207) irrigation systems and establishes the Kingdom of Ascalon. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 71.

-1700 Loss of fusion technology on Sylea (Core 2118). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 87. -1695 c Collapse of the Solomani Rim provincial government. Years of deficit budgets leave the government at

Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) unable to maintain the provincial fleet. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 51. -1690 Terran Mercantile Community established on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW,

1986, p. 12. -1688 Manned expedition to Venus (Terra, Solomani Rim 1827) discovers evidence of long-extinct life; research

eventually determines the present conditions are result of an Ancient terraforming project gone awry. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 23.

-1667 Yerlyaruiwo-Khaukheairl War. The forces of both clans are decimated, ending the 500-year old dispute. The Tlaukhu forces both clans to freely distribute jump drive technology. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 61.

-1666 The Empire of Gashikan formed around Gashikan (Gashikan 2732). Vargr are nominally equal, but subject to various degrees of discrimination. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 62.

-1658 The Sack of Gashikan: Vargr corsairs drop nuclear weapons on and loot the garden world of Gashikan (Gashikan 2732), causing a global catastrophe. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

-1650 c Human colonists arrive on Assair (Far Frontiers 2435), generating legends later confused with those of the Sky Raiders. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 46.

-1646 The Second Empire of Gashikan is founded on the belief that the rise of the Vargr threatens Humaniti's very existence on Gashikan (Gashikan 2732). Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

-1634 Regional dialects of Trokh begin to emerge as the Aslan rapidly spread to the stars and contact alien influences. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 62.

-1620 c Coventry (Reavers' Deep 1723) is established as a prison planet. Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 27. -1600 c One of the last claimants to the throne of the Rule of Man makes Sylea (Core 2118) his capital. Supplement

11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 24.

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-1600 c Scientists on Heron (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0921) discover a cluster of asteroids moving towards the planet. Attempts to redevelop jump drive accelerate, and ten sublight colony ships are prepared. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 24.

-1550 c The last jump-capable ship in the Matarishan Federation in Ley Sector breaks down. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 11.

-1550 c Vland’s (Vland 1717) fall in technological prowess stabilizes at low TL9. No more than a few dozen interstellar launches occur each year. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21.

-1550 c Explorers from the Easter Concord arrive at Azaremid (Solomani Rim 1405) to find a balkanized world at a subsistence level TL4. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 71.

-1530 Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) is clinging to TL12 technology. The Itzin corporation decides to move en masse to a new world, and begins recruiting employees and transport starships. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 33.

-1526 Colonization of Liberty Hall subsector in Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. -1526 9 PM: Twilight ends and the Long Night begins as the last governmental body claiming to be the Rule of

Man ceases to exist. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 25. -1520 The Itzin Fleet, 35 transports, 10 armed escorts and about 30,000 people, leaves Dingir (Solomani Rim

1222) bound for the far side of the Great Rift. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 33. -1520 c The Darrian, a minor human race settled on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627), is at TL 3 when contacted by

Itzin (Terran) traders who settle among them, although some theoretical sciences are at TL 8 or 9. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 08.

-1520 c Negative net growth of interstellar output. The average trading ship is now attacked more frequently than once a year. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 08.

-1516 The Itzin Fleet calls at Vland (Vland 1717) before settling out into the sparsely populated territories to spinward. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 33.

-1515 Probable first sighting of Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) by exploring Terran traders. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

-1513 An Itzin fleet colony ship from Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222) crashes on 875-496 (Spinward Marches 0833) enroute to the Darrian subsector. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 55.

-1513 The Itzin Fleet stops temporarily at an uninhabited world Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) and does a quick survey of the sector, before selecting Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) as the ideal migration goal. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 33.

-1512 X The Itzin Fleet arrives at Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627), building a secret base high in the mountains. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 33.

-1511 Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) at TL 3 when contacted by Terran traders. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07.

-1511 Terrans colonize Carlton (Gateway 2720). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 48. -1508 Garoo (Spinward Marches 0130) is settled by Terran colonists. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 34. -1500 c The Terran Mercantile Community is faced with shrinking trade, pirate states in Albadawi subsector, and a

trend towards isolationism on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) itself. Distant ports are abandoned to their fates. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 52.

-1500 Answerin (Vland 0431) has fallen back to TL0 and balkanized again. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 17. -1500 c On Terra (Solomani Rim 1827), a combination of natural disasters and macroengineering floods most of the

Western Siberian Plain. Siberia becomes fertile and productive. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 107. -1500 cX The worlds of Oasis subsector in Zarushagar sector form the Duchy of Oasis, based at Oasis (Zarushagar

3130) to survive the Long Night. Travellers' Digest #21, DGP, 1990, p. 21. -1500 cX The Brinn lose their jump capability and eventually are confined to their home system of Divad (Corridor

2238). Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 19. -1500 c Beginning of the Solomani Period on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627); scientific research remains a

Darrian passion. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 09. -1500 c Government on Mamikha (Ley 2237) splinters as food imports from agricultural worlds begin to fail. Gateway

to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173. -1500 c Ascalon (Solomani Rim 1207) joins the Easter Concord. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 71. -1500 c The matriarchal clan-based Neh-Toz culture dominates the southern latitudes of Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael

XXXX). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100. -1500 c The Thar Ven ("Successor") culture, descended from the reservation Mer Ren Thyl Len culture, becomes

increasingly influential on Sylea (Core 2118). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 130. -1500 Addaxur are the most populous alien race within the Zhodani Consulate. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116. -1500 c Dynchia-Ithklur contact. Dynchia make contact with the feral Ithklur state of Iydoch Tryyliniy--conflict is

immediate. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 50. -1450 c Terrans become an accepted part of Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) society. Alien Module 8 - Darrians,

GDW, 1987, p. 23. -1450 c Victoria (Spinward Marches 1817) is settled by sublight colonial ships. JTAS #02, GDW, 1979, p. 21. -1441 Sindalian Empire in Trojan Reach collapses after 50 years of civil dissent, and a bacteriological war.

Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

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Date Code Details

-1427 The Second Empire of Gashikan (Gashikan 2732) attempts to wipe out the Vargr by releasing the Wolvesbane Prohect, a set of geneered microbes exclusively fatal to canines. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 23.

-1427 Wolvesbane Project clears Gashikan sector of Vargr settlements; heroic efforts by the Vargr contain their spread elsewhere. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 23.

-1410 c Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) begins space exploration. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25. -1400 c Lack of interstellar commerce effectively ends piracy. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 08. -1400 c The Limak Neh'Toz religion expands across Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p.

100. -1400 c The Sylean Protectorate turns to fissionables. Rich deposits of thorium and uranium are found in the Mer

Ren Thyl Len reservation, drawing the Thar Ven into the mainstream of Sylean society. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 130.

-1400 c Terrans absorbed into Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) mainstream; industry grows to the detriment of living standards. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 09, 25.

-1400 c In the Solomani Rim sector, pirate activity comes to an end. Interstellar travel has become rare and extremely dangerous. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 52.

-1395 Initial Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) exploration concentrates on the worlds of the Darrian group. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 09.

-1395 Darrians develop jump drive. A fleet of prototypes begin exploring the worlds of the Darrian Group. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 34.

-1385 The Aslan contact the Ulane, a minor race in the Earle subsector of Dark Nebula sector, on Ul (Dark Nebula 0603), and give them jump drive. Travellers' Digest #17, DGP, 1989, p. 31.

-1372 Citizenship in the Luriani Protectorate is extended to members of the Vilani-descended Mmarislusant culture. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 108.

-1370 Jump-2 drives in regular service with Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) shipping, some jump-3. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 09.

-1320 c Use of Coventry (Reavers' Deep 1723) for three centuries as a prison planet and a site of numerous cruel and lethal biological experiments on unwilling subjects, ends. Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 27.

-1304 King Brzeszcze of the Chanestin Kingdom, based on Keshi (Core 1938) begins a series of conquests of neighboring worlds. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 09.

-1300 Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) movement demanding respect for individual workers. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 10.

-1270 c Darrian exploration reaches 20 parsecs out from Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627). Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 09, 25.

-1250 Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) generally accepts the idea of a living wage, consideration for the individual and a need to consider the impact of technology on society. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 10.

-1250 c Rather than pursue further exploration, Darrian society makes the decision to concentrate on colonizing worlds closer to Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 35.

-1250 c The Chanestin Kingdom has conquered some twenty-five worlds, all within five parsecs of Keshi (Core 1938). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 09.

-1218 On Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329), Guru Jandra Keth founds the Kai-Leak sect, rejecting many orthodox Otrai beliefs. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 122.

-1211 Jandra Keth and her followers withdraw into the hostile badlands of Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329) in self-imposed exile. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 122.

-1200 cX At its greatest extent, the Second Empire of Gashikan encompasses most of Gashikan sector, half of Trenchan and Mendan sectors, and small portions of Meshan and Gzaekfueg sectors. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

-1200 c The League of Peoples, a supranational body, is founded to prevent military conflicts on Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 104.

-1200 c Because of interbreeding between Terrans and Syleans on Sylea (Core 2118), few distinctions remain between the two races. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90.

-1200 c Last starship in the Far End (now Imperial Trade) Cluster of Diamond-Prince subsector in Ley sector breaks down, triggering massive population die-back. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 171.

-1200 c Formation of the Dynchia Comitia. The princes of the twelve most prominent Dynchia tribes establish the Dynchia Comitia. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 50.

-1184 Jandra Keth dies, but her sect continues to grow into a powerful theocracy dominating the badlands of Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 122.

-1183 The Luriani Protectorate dissolves after its fleet dwindles to a handful of vessels and interstellar communications have virtually ceased. Daramm (Ley 0821), the Luriani homeworld, eventually stabilizes at TL8. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104.

-1137 Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) develops the technology to construct jump drives and begins exploring interstellar space. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 16.

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-1120 Aslan Border Wars begin. A myriad of Terran splinter states and Aslan clans struggle amongst themselves in a confused morass of intrigue and combat lasting more than 1000 years. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 14.

-1114 The Kai-Leak sect explodes out of the badlands, and unifies Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329) in a virtually bloodless campaign. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 122.

-1110 Terran Mercantile Community transformed into Old Earth Union, based on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12.

-1110 cX The Easter Concord, centered on Easter (Solomani Rim 1802) and the Dingir League, centered on Dingir (1222) emerge as splinter states after the collapse of the Rule of Man. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 07.

-1100 c The alliance of reavers in Reavers’ Deep sector collapses. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 79. -1100 c Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) has colonized all eleven worlds of the Darrian group; TL 14 reached.

Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 10. -1100 c Tonopah (Solomani Rim 0723) joins the Dingir League. The church organization of the "Mormon" settlers is

effectively the planetary government. Tonopah also begins to receive a large number of ihatei settlers. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 100.

-1100 c Establishment of the Easter Concord in the Solomani Rim sector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 73. -1084 With the death of the current Kai-Leak leader, dissidents launch a successful uprising against the sect. Kai-

Leak followers are driven back into the badlands of Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 122.

-1080 Atmospheric system at Clavius (run by GSbAG) on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827) finally stable. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 76.

-1056 Hivers mediate a comprehensive treaty between the Dynchia Comitia and the Iydoch Tryyliniy. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 50.

-1050 c The Drak Ne'Vha found the "Great Canal Empire", the first great continental civilization on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100.

-1044 Aslan discover the jump-5 route in Riftspan Reaches sector across the Great Rift. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

-1040 c Khu Su'ikh (Five Shields) trading company is given a monopoly on Great Rift passage service. Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-1030 c A reaver warlord, Admiral Izanak, flees to Drexilthar (Reavers’ Deep 1826). Finding a minor human race, he contacts the early industrial High Iltharian ethnic group. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 79.

-1020 c Admiral Izanak leaves Drexilthar (Reavers’ Deep 1826) after his ships are repaired by High Iltharians, and vanishes into history. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 79.

-1000 c Vargr Race Wars end, although the Gashikan Navy continues to violently defend its borders against Vargr incursions. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

-1000 c Cunnonic (Spinward Marches 0822) settled by Darrians. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83. -1000 c The Swanfeh on Carlton (Gateway 2720) spread out to control 30 worlds. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p.

53. -1000 c The High Iltharians, using reverse-engineered Reaver technology, have united Drexilthar (Reavers’ Deep

1826) and begun to launch jump-capable starships. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 79. -1000 c Floria (Trojan Reach 0213) launches its first space probes. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 60. -1000 c After more than 600 years of genocide, no Vargr remain in Gashikan space. With the loss of a readily visible

enemy, the fervor of Yilean hatred towards all Vargr begins to diminish. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 136. -1000 c Gwynedd (Solomani Rim 2138) has fallen back to TL0. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 125. -1000 c Aquitaine (Solomani Rim 1439) reunited by the warlord Henri Kietega, now King Henri I. Rim of Fire, SJG,

2000, p. 121. -1000 c Azun (Solomani Rim 0809) suffers a period of severe overpopulation. Construction starts on a network of

arcologies. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 67. -1000 c Humans begin taking Vargr for slaves, selecting for those with more anthropomorphic appearances--larger

eyes, shorter snouts and less stoop. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 47. -1000 The Zhodani Consulate end their expansion in Far Frontiers sector with the acceptance of Meikadobask

(2716) and Kiat (3218) into the Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 46. -1000 cX The Vargr corsair-explorer-artist Mazaroegfl becomes the first Vargr to encounter the K'kree. Alien Races 1,

SJG, 1998, p. 74. -1000 cX A sublight colony mission from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) settles Ylaven (Spinward Marches 1916). Behind

the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 86. -1000 c Darrians build a gas refinery on Talchek (Spinward Marches 1631). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 77. -1000 c A human warship from one of the Reaver states crashes on Gaajpadje (Reavers' Deep 1124); the crew's

descendants form the K'tring human minor race. Double Adventure 6 - Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest, GDW, 1982, p. N07, N08.

-1000 c Interest in Psionics arises during the Long Night, as it becomes recognized as a teachable, learnable science. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 14.

-1000 c Zhodani Consulate reaches present size. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

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-1000 c Algine (Spinward Marches 2308) colonized by a Terran sublight colonization ship. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 18.

-1000 c Darrian solar experiments begin at Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627). Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 10, 25.

-990 c Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) establishes an outpost on Epsilon (now Bowman, Spinward Marches 1132). Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 08.

-982 Dand Daryene (Dawnworld, Spinward Marches 1531) settled by Darrians. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83. -980 c Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) probably visited by Darrian explorers. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p.

16. -962 A series of Reaver attacks from Lishun sector on shipping near Sylea (Core 2118) force its ruling classes to

stop ignoring the Reaver problem. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 92. -959 Baron Ricardo Urquhardt gains support to establish the Justice Fleet, to respond to Reaver attacks on

Sylean shipping by retaliatory assaults on Reaver worlds. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 78, 92.

-951 The Fteweyeakh clan, a splinter from the Wahtoi clan, attempt to assassinate the Wahtoiko and seize power; this fails and the assassins are exiled as outcasts. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 22.

-950 Establishment of the Abh and Udh Projects to better define the expected lifespan of Tarnis, the sun of Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 35.

-950 End of the Solomani Period on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627); Abh and Udh research projects begin. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 09, 10.

-941 Dand Daryene (now Dawnworld, Spinward Marches 1531) abandoned after it is found that all males born on the world are sterile. A small group of scientists are left behind to discover the cause. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83.

-935 Research station founded on Telaret (inner moon of Leryin, the innermost gas giant of the Darrian system) by the University of Zlodh on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627), as part of the Udh project. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 37.

-930 Baron Urquhardt's anti-Reaver tactics force Reavers to abandon Core sector. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 92.

-925 The Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) Abh project finishes construction of their star probe. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 10.

-924 Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) reaches TL 16. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 16. -924 Darrian's (Spinward Marches 0627) sun destabilizes; huge flares erupt, killing 80% of the world's population

and many in the system, and destroying its interstellar civilization. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 16. -924 Effects of the Maghiz felt throughout Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) space. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p.

16. -923 X Epsilon (now Bowman, Spinward Marches 1132) outpost personnel run out of supplies, commit suicide to

avoid slow starvation. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07, 08. -921 X The Darrian scientific colony on Saxe (Spinward Marches 0231) survives the Maghiz in their submerged

"ball" environment. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 51. -921 Development of the flame sculpture art form on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) stops; rarest examples of

Darrian flame sculptures produced between now and -200. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 04. -908 High Protector Francis XI of Sylea orders Baron Urquhardt to disband his fleet or be exiled from Sylea (Core

2118). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90. -908 Baron Urquhardt declares himself King Ricardo I of Sylea (Core 2118) and blockades the planet, threatening

orbital bombardments unless the High Protector abdicates. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90.

-907 Maghiz effects pass out of Darrian space in the Spinward Marches. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 11.

-905 Darrian colonial worlds (in the Spinward Marches) agree to go their own way after the devastation of the Maghiz effects. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 12.

-905 A misjumping Darrian rescue ship arrives at Mithril (Spinward Marches 1628) and finds an Aslan colony of unknown origin. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 07.

-905 Compromise of 905: King Ricardo and his successors remain Kings, but cannot attack or land on Sylea (Core 2118), and the High Protector abdicates. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90.

-905 High Protector Francis XI steps down and becomes the hereditary Duke of Amaroth, retaining all his properties. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90.

-900 c Idashar Belt (Solomani Rim 0606) settled from Azun (Solomani Rim 0809). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 66. -900 c The Kaiter Hegemony arises in Crucis Margin Sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 12. -896 Kargol (Leonidae 1205) at TL8. Kargol scientists detect intelligent radio broadcasts from Shan’s Landing, a

Terran lost colony one parsec away. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 93. -880 c The Aslan colony on Mithril (Spinward Marches 1628) dies out. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 07. -875 Syzlin (Crucis Margin 0831) throws off Kaiter Hegemony rule, establishes True Kaiter Hegemony. Gateway

to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 18.

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-870 c Kargol-Terran contact. Kargol (Leonidae 1205) sends a fusion-powered sublight ship to Shan’s Landing. After a ten-year journey, Kargol engineers help the Shan repair relic jump drives. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 93.

-866 Glea (Centrax 2619), current capital of Hive Federation, colonized. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 15.

-860 Darrian worlds abandon space to concentrate on recovery efforts; all contact between Darrian worlds in the Spinward Marches lost. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 12, 25.

-850 c A single damaged warship misjumps into the Gaajpadje system (Reavers’ Deep 1124). After the subsequent crash, the crew survive and prosper and come to dominate the local J’aadje minor race. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 82.

-820 c The Darrian colony on Gungnir (Spinward Marches 1221) dies out. Originally a pharmaceutical gathering station, the colony lasted almost 100 years in isolation before the last children of the original personnel die. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 07.

-800 c Shulgiasu (Solomani Rim 2319) has become an important intermediary between the Vegan Polity and other nearby human worlds. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 94.

-778 Establishment of the Kargol Confederation. Diplomats from Kargol (Leonidae 1205) and Shan’s Landing sign the Articles of Union. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 93.

-760 c The descendants of the crew of the Darrian rescue ship that misjumped to Mithril (Spinward Marches 1628) in -905 dies out. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 07.

-750 c Aroa'yei clan challenges Wahtoi clan for control of Great Rift jump-5 route; eventually becomes an equal partner in the Khu Su'ikh trading company. Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

-750 c Algine (Spinward Marches 2308) falls back to TL0 when a series of Vargr raids cause the collapse of industrial civilization. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 142.

-700 c Terran sleeper ships arrive in Hinterworlds sector, occupying coreward rimward portions. Challenge #39, GDW, 1989, p. H02.

-700 c Most Vargr Enclaves settled; Vargr explorers and traders dealing with K'kree. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 74.

-700 c The J’sia of Jesikara (Lishun 0110), having retained most of their technology through the Long Night, begin building their own starships and aim to improve the lot of nearby less fortunate worlds. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 95.

-684 Interstellar Confederacy founded largely through the efforts of Grand Senator Rom Debeshuut, with its capital on Sketola (Core 0622). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 39.

-683 Grand Senator Rom Debeshuut, "Founder of the Interstellar Confederacy" and a gifted scientist, dies. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 37.

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The Rise of Sylea “Traditional history talks about false dawns and true dawns.” “Why did the Sylean Federation succeed where others failed? A recognition and respect for honor and history.” The Sylean Federation is very aware of its past under the Rule of Man and the Vilani Imperium. It is very aware of the titles and honorifics of those empires. The High Protector isn’t forgotten; they set their titles aside honorably. The Kings of Sylea abdicate; they are not deposed. The contest with the Interstellar Confederacy ends with efforts to bring them in, not devastate their worlds.” “And lastly, Cleon Zhunastu’s efforts are conducted in that same framework of honor and history. Cleon is deliberate in his usage and forms. He knows his role on the stage of history, and that of his predecessors. He believes he can succeed where so many have failed. It is unfortunately that too many of his successors fail to study and recognize these attributes.” “Or perhaps they just didn’t nuke first and talk later. The neighbors are often appreciative when you don’t bomb them before asking them to invite you to rule over them.”

From the lecture “Nobility as Behavior, not Property”, 101-1115.

Date Code Details

-650 c All records and evidence of habitation on Dikam (Ley 2236) suddenly cease. The world is estimated to have a population of 3 million at the time. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 172.

-650 Queen Rowena of Sylea (Core 2118) abdicates under pressure from a number of senior Solomani nobles, paving the way for the transformation into the Sylean Federation. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90.

-650 Sylean Federation founded on Sylea (now Capital, Core 2118); Sylean Federation at TL 11. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

-630 Islands subsectors in Reft sector colonized by Solomani. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12. -623 The Interstellar Confederacy, dominating the Cemplas and Bunkeria subsectors in Core sector, permanently

halts its expansion. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 10. -612 Legion of Breskain founded on Gashikan (Gashikan 2732) as an order of knighthood dedicated to combating

the Vargr. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19. -600 True Kaiter Hegemony collapses back to 2 systems. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 18. -586 Thostan Plague ravages the Kargol population, after the discovery of an Ancient base containing proto-

Kargol remains in the Thosta system. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 93. -567 Achenaar Antilles Line founded on F'rnow (Core 0722) by Rualto Achenaar and Jofan Antilles. Travellers'

Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35. -530 The Free Human League is formed by worlds around Vashtil (Delphi 0732). Challenge #45, GDW, 1990, p.

29. -512 Syoisuis clan begins a campaign to subordinate the entire Staihaia’yo Sector. It encourages its vassals to

systematically attack and absorb weaker vassals of other major clans. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 62.

-500 c The "Great Canal Empire" on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) begins to fragment under pressure from steppe nomads. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100.

-500 c Recontact made by worlds in the Near Bootes Cluster. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 122. -500 c A plague on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) takes over a billion lives, and most survivors are

rendered sterile. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 8. -500 c Quaver (Solomani Rim 1110) settled by the Easter Concord as a frontier outpost. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p.

69. -500 c Most nation states on Irale (Antares 2315) have reached TL6. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 24. -500 c Interstellar corporations arise in the Galastrian Trade Federation. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p.

48. -495 First contact between Sylean Federation scouts and the Vilani home worlds in Vland sector results in the

expulsion of Syleans from Vilani territory. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21. -489 The reformed Vilani Bureaux resolve to begin expansion of interstellar trade within the Vilani Cultural

Region. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21. -480 c A corridor of trade is established between Vland (Vland 1717) and Sylea (Core 2118). Milieu 0 Campaign,

Imperium Games, 1996, p. 26. -475 Zirunkariish becomes a leader in financing interstellar trade from Vland (Vland 1717). Vilani and Vargr, the

Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 21. -455 Syoisuis bloc’s expansion in Staihaia’yo sector ends after a stern rebuke from the Tlaukhu for dishonorable

behavior. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 62. -450 c The Sylean Federation incorporates some pro-psionic worlds, slowly changing the perspective of the

Federation in regard to psionics. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 20. -450 c Ta'tohk, the southeastern province of the "Great Canal Empire" on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX), retains its

Imperial culture. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100. -425 Zirunkariish, future Imperial megacorporation, is founded on Vland (Vland 1717) by the Vilani noble

Shiishuginsa family to finance interstellar trade within the Vilani Cultural Region. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 43.

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-420 During a Civil War in the Old Earth Union, the troop transport "Gram" finds itself on the losing side, branded as war criminals. The "Gram" flees spinward, along with other ships from the losing faction. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 07.

-420 Sword Worlds colonists leave Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12. -404 The "Gram" and her escorts begin an epic journey across Aslan space. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 08. -401 The "Gram" and her escorts arrive at the edge of Aslan space, and set off into the uninhabited Trojan Reach

Sector. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 08. -400 c Establishment of the Bootean League. Several worlds in Capella and Gemini subsectors of the Solomani

Rim sector band together after the Old Earth Union tries to establish a foothold in the Near Bootes Cluster. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 53.

-400 c The invention of the steam engine spurs an industrial revolution in Ta'tohk; its factory towns become the dominant powers on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100.

-400 c Terran exiles settle in the Sword Worlds subsector of the Spinward Marches. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 16.

-400 The "Gram" experiences a jump drive malfunction shortly after arriving in the Spinward Marches. Engineers attempt repairs while the escort vessels survey the neighboring systems. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 08.

-399 Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) colonized by the crew and passengers of the "Gram", after it is decided that the jump drives cannot be satisfactorily repaired. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 08.

-396 The Gram Council establishes small colonies on the four worlds between Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123) and Hrunting (0921). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 11.

-387 The Gram Council decides to limit the use of its jump-capable ships to training and an annual expedition to the small colonies between Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123) and Hrunting (0921). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 08.

-384 X A number of frontier nobility within the Sylean Grand Senate split from the Democrats to form a new faction, the Expansionists. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90.

-361 Herod Thuwiid founds the Psionics Club on Idmum (Core 2316) to combat anti-psionicst rhetoric growing in popularity. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 32.

-356 ChanestChem, one of the oldest chemical companies in Core sector, is founded. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 100.

-350 c Darrian worlds re-establish themselves in space. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 05. -350 The Industrialist faction of the Sylean Grand Senate is formed by a group of wealthy Vilani who break from

the Democrats over labor reforms. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 90-91. -334 GSbAG's earliest documented existence - a contract with the Sylean Federation Navy. Supplement 08 -

Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 41. -330 The Psionics Club on Idmum (Core 2316) completes its goal of removing government-sanctioned anti-

psionic policies. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 32. -321 Karik Menderes, head of the Menderes Corporation, emancipates the company Vargr slaves on Asimikigir

(Amdukan 0223), making them employees. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18. -321 Caladbolg (Solomani Rim 1329) settled by Anglic-speaking colonists traversing the tenuous pipeline

between Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) and the Sword Worlds. Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 20. -312 Founding of Galastrian Metals on Tharver (Gateway 0528) by entrepreneur Richard Kerredy. MegaTraveller

Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24. -302 The Vargr Emancipation movement, spurred by economic need, succeeds in making slavery illegal on

Asimikigir (Amdukan 0223). Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18. -301 Sylean scouts contact Interstellar Confederacy. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 39. -300 cX Rebin (Massilia 0312) becomes the center of the Rebin Empire. Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 25. -300 c Gwynedd (Solomani Rim 2138) recontacted by the outside universe. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 125. -300 c Beaked monkeys (Psittarhynchus fructophagii) first documented. JTAS #03, GDW, 1980, p. 26. -300 c The Sword Worlds of Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123), Colada (1022), Tizon (0922) and Hrunting (0921)

settled. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17. -300 c Vargr slavery reaches its height in Mendan and Amdukan sectors. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19. -298 Gram (Spinward Marches 1223), with a population of over 400,000 begins a program of colonizing the

vacant Sword Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 09. -294 Balisarda (now Sacnoth, Spinward Marches 1325) colonized by a small cabal inside Gram’s (1223) space-

development agency trying to escape the oppressive Gram government. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 55. -292 Zhodani-Sword Worlder contact. Because of the distance between their realms, and Sword World wariness,

trading never amounts to much. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 37. -290 c Gram builds the first jump-capable Sword Worlds ship--the "Genfoedsel (Rebirth)". Sword Worlds, SJG,

2004, p. 09. -275 Mire (Spinward Marches 0527) returns to space, having recovered to TL 10. Alien Module 8 - Darrians,

GDW, 1987, p. 12, 25. -275 Tran Menderes breaks precedent and accepts a Vargr offer to carry Menderes goods off Asimikigir

(Amdukan 0223), breaking the Kudukara Lines trade monopoly. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18. -271 Mire (Spinward Marches 0527) achieves independent jump capability and re-contacts other surviving

Darrian worlds. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 17.

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-271 c Mire takes the leadership role rebuilding the Darrian interstellar community, as Darrian (0627) is balkanized and slow to respond to the initiative. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 36.

-269 Prince Beau-Ta-Quitala of Keplo (Core 1322) born. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35. -265 Darrian-Sword Worlder contact. A Mirean exploration ship arrives at Tizon (Spinward Marches 0922). As the

Sword Worlds population is less than the population of Mire (0527) alone, they do not encourage trade. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 09.

-258 Admiral Rudolf, commanding a raiding Sylean naval squadron, easily defeats a poorly organized and uncoordinated patrolling Interstellar Confederacy squadron at the Battle of Velpare (Core 1623). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-258 Admiral Rudolf disobeys orders and invades Velpare (Core 1623) with his ships' troops, meeting a devastating defeat at the hands of the planetary militia. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-258 Admiral Rudolf is court-marshaled and expelled from the Sylean Navy in disgrace after the Velpare (Core 1623) debacle. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-250 c All three Geonee worlds that survive the Long Night--Shiwonee (Massilia 1430), Hiponee (1027) and Lagna (1029)--have climbed back from a nadir of TL4 to launch space expeditions again. Contact between them soon follows. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 71.

-250 c A single surviving low berth unit, containing Captain Neva al-Zena of the Rule of Man navy, is found by an archaeological expedition on Santry (Core 1736). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 23.

-248 Interstellar Confederacy in Core sector tests ramscoop jumpship "Exatar"; while successful, Confederacy Civil War ends project. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 37.

-247 The Menderes Corporation completes construction of its first starship, the Meander, in a yard built with Vargr technology and assistance, and begins competition with Kudukara Lines, on Asimikigir (Amdukan 0223). Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

-245 c Colonel Meke Noore of the Interstellar Confederacy writes his "Principles of Defensive Warfare," which remains required reading at many Imperial Military Academies. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 37.

-242 Aslan Era of Expansion ends. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 03. -239 Prince Beau-Ta-Quitala of Keplo (Core 1322), a violent opponent of Baron Rolf von Toerbach of Protalus

(Core 0128), is elected Chamberlain of the Interstellar Confederacy. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-239 Civil War breaks out in the Interstellar Confederacy, with Baron Rolf von Toerbach commanding the opening attack by the rebels on Sketola's Orbital Union starport (Core 0622). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-239 Admiral Lon Hazador leads an inspired defense of Sketola (Core 0622), although he is killed during the siege. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-239 Colonel Meke Noore, commander of the last surviving security installation on Sketola (Core 0622), refuses to surrender, and with his command is killed during the rebel invasion. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-238 Foundation of the Darrian Community. Treaty of mutual friendship and cooperation signed between Mire (Spinward Marches 0527) and the recently reunified Darrian (0627). JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 17.

-237 Admiral Moshe Halfview defeats rebels in Battle of Magnia Sketola (Core 0622), ending Interstellar Confederacy civil war. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-237 Rebel commanders Boss Tarkel and Baron Rolf von Toerbach are killed on their respective flagships during the Battle of Magnia Sketola (Core 0622). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-236 Prince Beau-Ta-Quitala of Keplo (Core 1322) resigns as Chamberlain of the Interstellar Confederacy. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-235 c Under Captain al-Zena's guidance, Santry (Core 1736) recontacts some local worlds using revived jump drive technology. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 23.

-232 Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) builds its first starship, and begins colonizing worlds of its own. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 09.

-224 Construction of Gateway Station (now Gateway, Gateway 1220) by Galastrian Metals begins. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 18.

-222 Numerous huge sublight ships carrying the returning Hhkar arrive at Skkyhrk (Amdukan 2213) and lay siege to the system. Challenge #52, GDW, 1991, p. 17.

-222 The Hhkar, a large saurian minor race, begin seizing worlds in Amdukan sector, migrating using slower-than-light travel. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

-222 Huge Hhkar sublight ships arrive at, and lay siege to, the Vargr world of Urinir (now Skkyhrk, Amdukan 2213). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 68.

-220 The first Ahetaowa in space, after advances in hibernation physiology. For the previous 1500 years, the Ahetaowa had relied on increasingly sophisticated robotic probes for interplanetary exploration. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

-219 Urinir (Amdukan 2213) surrenders to the Hhkar. Hhkar colony ships continue to arrive, and begin to exterminate the entire Vargr population of 10 million. Urinir renamed Skkyhrk. The Hhkar gain jump technology. Challenge #52, GDW, 1991, p. 17.

-208 Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) establishes a mining settlement on Orcrist (1126). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 41.

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-204 Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927) settled by an Anduril (1026)-based corporation. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 29.

-201 c Sylean Expansion Wars erode Interstellar Confederacy's position in favor of the Sylean Federation. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 37.

-201 After a series of border skirmishes, the Sylean Federation begins a new war against the Interstellar Confederacy with an attack on Velpare (Core 1623). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 10.

-200 c Settlement of the Sword Worlds in the Spinward Marches largely completed. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 22.

-200 c The influence of the Ta'tohk clans spreads across the Drak Ne'Vha supercontinent on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100.

-200 c Due to a shift in Aslan clan allegiances, the tenuous pipeline between Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) and the Sword Worlds is broken. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 09.

-200 c Sacnoth now rivals Gram as the pre-eminent Sword World, having settled the 6 "Tolkien" worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 09.

-200 c Sequoyah (Solomani Rim 1337) experiences a civil war, with the losing faction settling the nearby world of Tarsus (Solomani Rim 1336). The winning faction establishes the Free Republic of Sequoyah. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 120.

-200 c Sylean explorers return from explorations beyond the Lesser Rift with tales of an aggressive race of herbivores. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 81.

-200 c Abandonment of the Salic Law on Aquitaine (Solomani Rim 1439) allows females to rise to the throne. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 121.

-200 c The Irhadre of Chanad (Lishun 0935) recontacted by Vilani merchants. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 86. -200 c Solomani-K’kree contact. A vessel of the Tharver (Gateway 0528)-based corporation Galastrian Metals

makes contact with K’kree of the 2000 Worlds. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12. -200 cX Roakhoi (Reavers' Deep 1224) first surveyed by Aslan explorers. Far Traveller #01, FASA, 1982, p. 10. -200 c Primogeniture (automatic passing of landholds to the eldest son) established in the Aslan Hierate. Alien

Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 04. -200 c Increasing numbers of settlers from Gateway Sector colonize unoccupied worlds in the coreward portions of

Crucis Margin Sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 135. -200 c Ravages of the Long Night have reduced the Chanestin Kingdom's fleet to a single jump-capable ship.

Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 09. -198 Gateway sector "formally" organized, as a gateway for commerce between Humaniti and the K'kree.

MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24. -190 The Second Geonee Confederation is declared at Prindee (Massilia 1330). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 71. -187 First Zhodani/Darrian contact; an exploratory Zhodani trade mission meets the Darrians. Alien Module 8 -

Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 12. -186 First Sword Worlds interstellar government, the Sacnoth Dominate, established. Supplement 11 - Library

Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 22. -186 Isenfang (now Margesi, Spinward Marches 1020) settled from Gram (1223). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p.

92. -181 The "Regal Voyager," Prince Beau-Ta-Quitala of Keplo's (Core 1322) personal ship, disappears enroute

from Keplo (Core 1322) to Sketola (Core 0622). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35. -181 Foundation of the Greve Henrik II Universitet on Gungnir (Spinward Marches 1221), the oldest non-Darrian

institution of higher learning in the Spinward Marches Sector. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 88. -180 Galastrian Metals Corporate One facility renamed Gateway Station (Gateway 1220). MegaTraveller Journal

#4, DGP, 1993, p. 18. -180 The Second Geonee Confederation begins a program to reclaim all former Geonee worlds. Humaniti, SJG,

2003, p. 71. -170 The Floriani, a human dimorphic minor race from Floria (Trojan Reach 0213), begin expanding in Trojan

Reach after duplicating jump drive from an Aslan wreck. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 29. -165 c Major setback in Darrian-Zhodani relations, after the Darrians discover that the Zhodani had been aware of

the devastated post-Maghiz Darrian worlds, but had not offered humanitarian assistance. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 37.

-164 Formal diplomatic relations begin between the Sacnoth Dominate and the Darrian Community. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17.

-154 Hoding (now Dawnworld, Spinward Marches 1531) colonized by the Sacnoth Dominate. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83.

-150 c Low-level warfare between corporations in Gateway sector opens the period known as the "Corporate Sector Wars." MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24.

-150 cX The Maskai of Maskaan (Glimmerdrift Reaches 1323) develop or acquire jump drive, spreading out to colonize the neighboring worlds of Kada Sei and Masks Shi’ir. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 57.

-150 Robot manufacturing reestablished; Sylean Federation at TL 12. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 34. -150 c Continued fighting between Interstellar Confederacy and Sylean Federation results in permanent tainting of

Heraldia's (Core 1622) atmosphere. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 39. -150 c Syzlin Empire regains control of local cluster. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 18.

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-150 c Clan wars period begins on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) as the greater clans divide up the lesser ones. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100.

-150 Sylean scouts contact the Geonee. A bloody civil war is in progress on Hiponee (Massilia 1027). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 71.

-145 Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132) explored and named by Sword Worlds expedition led by Commodore Einar Bowman. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07, 08.

-143 Dover-Gabe, a Sylean company, awarded contract for courier robots. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 06. -143 The first of the Sylean Federation's Psionics Enabling Acts: The Criminal Interrogation Act, allowing law

enforcement officials to use a psionicist to determine guilt, while inadmissible at trial. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 21.

-140 Follow-up survey of Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132) by Captain Tygalfsson is well under way, and mining has begun on a fairly extensive scale. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07.

-140 c Sword Worlds ships survey Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) and neighboring worlds. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

-138 Aki (Spinward Marches 2035) colonized by the crew and passengers of a misjumped Gram passenger liner. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 74.

-133 A Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) corporation begins exploiting the Caliburn belt (Spinward Marches 1430). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 74.

-133 Strike at Caliburn Belt (Spinward Marches 1430); interest in Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132) wanes. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07, 08.

-126 Dragvendel (now Tenalphi, Spinward Marches 1826) settled from the Sacnoth Dominate. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

-125 c Gram billionaire Greve Abdul Mehmedsson Tyrk begins gathering what will eventually become an immense collection of flora and fauna from most of the Spinward Marches Sector. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 104.

-125 Lyusing (Spinward Marches 1419) settled by Sword Worlders from Gram (1123), thanks to financing from Odin Borsson Alfader. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 94.

-125 Odin Borsson Alfader, the eccentric billionaire financing the colony on Lyusing (Spinward Marches 1419), sets up an aristocracy based on the old Nordic gods, renaming the world Asgard. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 94.

-121 Tanoose (now Garda-Vilis, Spinward Marches 1118) colonized by the Sacnoth Dominate. Adventure 07 - Broadsword, GDW, 1982, p. 06.

-120 Raidermarch established as a pirate kingdom. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 18. -118 Sword Worlder colony at Hoding (Spinward Marches 1531) abandoned after it is discovered that all males

born in the colony are sterile. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83. -115 Admiral Moshe Halfview is killed by his fifth wife at the age of 132; his body is placed in a cryogenic case in

the Interstellar Confederacy Naval Museum on Lalandra (Core 0821). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 35.

-112 Terrorist attack using a courier robot as a bomb kills the premier of Fornol (Core 1715) and a number of Sylean dignitaries aboard the 90k-ton Sylean battleship "Empire's Banner" visiting Fornol on a goodwill mission. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 06.

-112 Ensuing diplomatic fallout over the terrorist attack at Fornol (Core 1715) almost starts a civil war within the Sylean Federation. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 06.

-110 Representatives from twelve worlds of the Sylean Federation meet on the neutral world of Shudusham (Core 2214) to draft an agreement dealing with weaponry carried by robots, the "Shudusham Concords." Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 06.

-107 Sylean trader-emissaries executed as spies by the Chanestin Kingdom, based on Keshi (Core 1938); war results. Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 25.

-105 Sword World outposts stretch from Eriksen (now Tarsus, Spinward Marches 1138) to Tanoose (now Garda-Vilis, 1118) and Narsil (0926) to Dragvendel (now Tenalphi, 1826). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 11.

-105 Sword Worlders from Caladbolg (Spinward Marches 1329) colonize Igliim (now Steel, Spinward Marches 1529). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 67.

-104 Oil mining colony established on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) by Sword Worlds' Sacnoth Dominate. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

-104 Tyrfing Incident: A clash between naval vessels of Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) and Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) in orbit above Tyrfing (Spinward Marches 1324) opens the War of the First Rebellion. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17.

-104 Odin Borsson Alfader flees the strife on Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) to the colony he financed on Asgard (1419), where he sees out his days. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 94.

-102 Oil mining colony on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) abandoned by Sword Worlds. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

-102 The Sword Worlds settlement on Eriksen (now Tarsus, 1138) loses contact, and is later presumed to have died out. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

-102 Caladbolg (Spinward Marches 1329) becomes independent of the Sword Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

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-102 Sword Worlds' Sacnoth Dominate collapses as the War of the First Rebellion splits the region into the Gram Confederation, Sacnoth Confederacy and Hofud Assembly, but those governments rapidly disintegrate. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17.

-102 Chanestin victories have resulted in the capture of several Sylean worlds. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 09.

-102 Jamieson Dundas of Caledon (Reavers' Deep 1815) establishes the Principality of Caledon, comprising large portions of the Caledon and Scotian Deep subsectors in Reavers' Deep sector. Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 49.

-100 The Ahetaowa establish the first permanent base on the solitary moon of Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

-100 The Ahetaowa minor race on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) explores and colonizes their moon. Challenge #56, GDW, 1991, p. 28.

-100 c Varan’s Belt (Gateway 2317) declares independence during political troubles on Vestra (Gateway 2415). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 102.

-100 c Steam age ends on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100. -100 Sylean Federation Scout Service founded. JTAS #06, GDW, 1980, p. 11. -100 Sylean Expansion Wars end with Sylean dominance of the Sylean Main. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987,

p. 37. -100 The Sylean Federation has conquered most of the Interstellar Confederacy worlds to trailing of Ye-Lu (Core

0112), leaving the Confederacy broken as a political force. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 10.

-100 A larger Sylean Federation re-establishes contact with the Vilani home worlds, and formal trade ties are established. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 48.

-97 Having made Idmum (Core 2316) finally pro-psionic in worldview, the Psionic Club begins working across the remainder of the Sylean Federation. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 32.

-95 The University of Sylea opens its College of Psionics on Sylea (Core 2118) with Aneshu Likagag as its first dean. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 44.

-94 Ral Ranta, in the Hinterworlds sector, captures its last new world. Challenge #47, GDW, 1990, p. 23. -92 Kinetic-kill missiles begin to be used during the fighting in the Sword Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p.

84. -88 War of the First Rebellion ends as the Sword Worlds decline into anarchy. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17. -87 The Sylean Fair Negotiations Act provided for a neutral government psionist to assist with negotiations if

requested by both sides. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 21. -85 Benjamin Smith forms the Terrans for Truth, opposed to Vilani-centric media and supportive of Solomani-

centric media. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 37. -80 c Complete breakdown of interstellar governments in the Sword Worlds subsector of the Spinward Marches.

JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17. -75 c Internal divisions split the Santry Cluster (Core 1736) and the Cordovian Republic (Core 1836) after a 12-

year war. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 23. -69 Sylean Federation begins an offensive to recapture the worlds conquered by the Chanestin Kingdom, which

results in a 25-year war of attrition. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 10. -63 Aslan Great Conclave (Sakolusalo) begins as the Tlaukhu summons respected thinkers on Kusyu (Dark

Nebula 1919) to codify Aslan philosophy and culture in an attempt to prevent fragmentation of Aslan society. Regency Sourcebook, GDW, 1995, p. 25.

-60 c Last remnants of the Sword Worlds colony on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) believed to have died out. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

-57 Grand Duke Felix Zhunastu of Sylea succeeds his father to the hereditary position of President of the Sylean Federation Grand Senate. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 91.

-57 Cleon Zhunastu, son of Grand Duke Felix Zhunastu of Sylea (Core 2118) and his Vilani consort Denkhumi, is born. [Date from 1980, GDW, JTAS #04, p. 08] Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 91.

-56 Aslan Cultural Purge (Uwaralyekase) begins on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). A period of intense inter-clan warfare begins as factions begin to reject some, or all, of the conclusions of the Great Conclave. Regency Sourcebook, GDW, 1995, p. 25.

-50 cX The expanding Sylean Federation contacts the J’sia of Jesikara (Lishun 0110). They are first trading partners, then allies. The J’sia eventually become one of the first non-human minor races to join the Third Imperium. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 95.

-50 Floriani colonists of noble heritage settle Halka (Trojan Reach 0510); later the Halka, a native human minor race, are discovered, and a caste system gradually forms with the Halka at the bottom. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 08.

-50 c A number of Sylean nobles have taken sabbaticals along the Vilani main rather than within the Sylean Federation. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 75.

-50 c Clan wars period ends on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) as the greater clans divide up the lesser ones. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100.

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The Rise of Sylea Donald McKinney


Date Code Details

-49 Professor Aldin Zhunastu, a cousin of Felix Zhunastu, is appointed head of the Technological Redevelopment Division of Zhunastu Industrial Laboratories. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 78.

-45 The Sylean Fair Negotiations Act is amended to allow both sides to have their own psionic expert available during negotiations if access is equal Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 21.

-44 The Chanestin Kingdom and the Sylean Federation, worn out over their 63-year-old war, agree on a peace treaty. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 10.

-40 The Igah Hipodile, contests of psionic strength on Sylea (Core 2118), is started as a competition between the Psionics Department of the University of Sylea against the Sylean College of Psionics. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 42.

-40 Darrian colonization of Engrange (Spinward Marches 0425) from Ilium (Spinward Marches 0426). Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 22.

-40 c Zhunastu Industries is gradually formed from the buyout and merger of several smaller companies over the next ten years; Zhunastu Shipbuilding becomes its principal subsidiary. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 53.

-38 Sylean Federation scouts perform covert observations of Shibasiim (Core 1316) and its psionic government. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 09.

-35 JD Fabricators, LIC, is established by Joseph Dabinnadu, a Sylean noble, to produce subsystems for jump drives manufactured by Zhunastu Industries. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 100.

-34 Cleon Zhunastu begins a sabbatical tour of the rimward frontier, from Vland to Amdukan and Antares sectors and back to Sylea. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 75.

-33 c Cleon Zhunastu spends almost a year on Vland (Vland 1717) studying a variety of topics at the AAB and Vilani Imperial Library. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 75.

-30 c Sylean scouts contact the Luriani, who restart their own colonization efforts. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104. -30 Grand Duke Felix Zhunastu dies; Cleon Zhunastu takes his father's seat in the Sylean Grand Senate. Milieu

0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 75. -30 Cleon Zhunastu becomes hereditary President of the Sylean Federation. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 14. -30 An industrial consortium headed by Cleon Zhunastu has become the real power in the Sylean Federation.

Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23. -30 Sylean Federation begins actively recruiting new member worlds for its interstellar community. Supplement

08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 06. -30 Vland (Vland 1717) and the bulk of the Vilani Cultural Region agree to join the Sylean Federation in return

for a promise not to interfere in the internal culture of the Vilani. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 48.

-29 Cleon transitions a variety of governmental operations in the Sylean Federation to the Sylean Federation Scout Service. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 29.

-29 Reestablishment of the Luriani Protectorate. Over the next 45 years, it encompasses most worlds within five parsecs of Daramm (Ley 0821). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 12.

-28 Answerin (Vland 0431) becomes a sovereign ally of the Sylean Federation, and later a charter member of the Third Imperium. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 17.

-27 Recreation of the Matarishan Federation in Highlord and Matarishan subsectors in Ley sector after an interregnum of 1500 years, after dissident Syleans leak jump technology. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 12.

-25 Ricardo de Leon y Kikiishi's "Principles for the Integration of Psionics into Sylean Federation Society" is announced at the Congress of Psionics Research. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 07.

-25 The Chanestin Kingdom, seeing the threat posed by the expansion of the Sylean Federation, launches a deep strike against Shudusham (Core 2214). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 10.

-25 The Utopean Society is formed by academicians to counter the position of the Congress of Psionics Research. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 33.

-24 In response to Ricardo de Leon y Kikiishi's speech, Ipsurda Shimgarii forms the Thought Protection League, a terrorist anti-psionic organization. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 36.

-23 A group of businessmen and politicians worried about psionic impact on their unethical methods form Psilence, dedicated to neutralizing psionics. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 36.

-22 Zuan Kerr, future Imperial statesman and arbitrator, is born. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 31. -21 The Thought Protection League bombs Ricardo de Leon y Kikiishi's residence, killing his wife Antiama. The

high profile trial attracts a wider following for the League. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 36. -21 Terrans for Truth forms an anti-psionic branch within its Solomani-centric agenda. Psionic Institutes,

Imperium Games, 1997, p. 37. -20 Establishment of governmental bureaucracy to provide for the needs of lower-class Darrian. Alien Module 8

- Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 20. -19 Professor Aldin Zhunastu is transferred to the Energy Division of Zhunastu Industrial Laboratories. Milieu 0

Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 78. -17 Cleon Zhunastu convinces a number of Interstellar Confederacy members to pull out and join the Sylean

Federation. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 39.

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Donald McKinney The Rise of Sylea


Date Code Details

-17 Artemsus Lentuli, future Chancellor and Emperor of the Third Imperium, is born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44.

-16 Sylean ships enter Luriani space for the first time. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 13. -16 Sylean Federation scouts contact a Cordovian Republic colony, and are 'persuaded' to give them knowledge

and exchange advisors. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 23. -15 Professor Aldin Zhunastu mysteriously vanishes. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 78. -13 ChanestChem is purchased by a conglomerate of private trusts, and begins aggressive expansion. Psionic

Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 100. -11 Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) begins restoring a level of interstellar government in the Sword Worlds in

the Spinward Marches. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17. -10 Professor Aldin Zhunastu mysteriously reappears, with news of his newly developed miniature fusion plant,

dubbed Fusion Plus (F+). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 78. -10 The entire Zhunastu conglomerate shifts production to exploiting Fusion Plus, leading to technological

improvements which allow it to dominate the Sylean Federation's military contracts. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 78.

-10 c The Sylean Scout Corps begins to use new J-3 drives. Pocket Empires, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 21. -10 c Under Cleon's direction, Federation scouts expand their operations to the edge of 'known' space. Milieu 0

Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 26. -9 ESA Long-Range Colony Mission arrives in the Islands Clusters in Reft sector; "C-Jammer" founds New

Home (Reft 1925). Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43. -9 Professor Aldin Zhunastu is appointed head of Zhunastu Industrial Laboratories (ZIL). Milieu 0 Campaign,

Imperium Games, 1996, p. 78. -8 Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) restarts starship production. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 11. -8 Reestablishment of the Luriani Protectorate. Over the next 20 years, it reaches TL9 and encompasses most

worlds within five parsecs of Daramm (Ley 0821). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104. -8 Grand Duchy of Stoner (Glimmerdrift Reaches 1113) established by dissident Syleans. Gateway to Destiny,

QLI, 2004, p. 18. -8 Sylean scouts recontact Mamikha (Ley 2237) and the other lost worlds of the Far End (now Imperial Trade)

Cluster. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 171. -7 Construction of the Grand Palace of Cleon begins on Sylea (now Capital, Core 2118). Travellers' Digest

#09, DGP, 1987, p. 22. -7 A Sylean Federation ambassador arrives on Cordova (Core 1836) with a naval escort, and is interpreted by

Santry (Core 1736) as an alliance; Santry begins a war capturing several border worlds. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 24.

-7 Aslan Great Conclave concluded. The "Codices of Sakolusalo" mandate primogeniture and other standard items of Aslan culture. Regency Sourcebook, GDW, 1995, p. 25.

-5 The ESA generation ship "Van der Lubbe" reaches Neubayern (Reft 1822) in Islands Clusters. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

-5 Construction of the Grand Palace of Cleon on Sylea (now Capital, Core 2118) finished. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 22.

-3 The ESA generation ship "Voyageur" reaches Amondiage (Reft 2325) in Islands Clusters. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

-3 The tide of the Sylean-Chanestin War has turned in the Syleans' favor, as the war carries deep into Chanestin territory. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 10.

-3 The Santry Cluster (Core 1736) offers the Cordovian Republic (Core 1836) an armistice which is ultimately rejected. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 24.

-2 Wairi Aykthul founds Action!, a nonprofit organization supporting the elimination of psionics from the Imperium, after his wife's death while under psionic care. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 36.

-1 Interstellar Confederacy in Core sector collapses out of apathy of its own dwindling membership. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 39.

-1 At the age of 17, Artemsus Lentuli leads a counterattack against pirates boarding a Zhunastu merchant vessel, ultimately capturing the pirate vessel. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 77.

-1 c Cleon Zhunastu has carefully increased the size of the Sylean Federation to the edges of Core sector. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

-1 cX After an attempt to surrender by Santry's (Core 1736) naval forces that results in the execution of its captains, the remnants sink to survival as pirates. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 25.

302--1 X Cleon Zhunastu meets with the political leaders of the thirteen Sylean worlds most opposed to his restoration movement. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 11.

337--1 X Seven of thirteen worlds expressing opposition to Cleon Zhunastu's restoration movement withdraw from the Sylean Federation. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 11.

365--1 The Sylean Federation Grand Senate ratifies Cleon Zhunastu's "Warrant for the Restoration of the Imperium". Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 11.

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Dawn of the Third Imperium “Why a Third Imperium?” “Cleon Zhunastu was a man of great dreams, and the wealth and power to make those dreams happen. Our Third Imperium is what it is today because of the decisions he made based on those dreams, and the decisions his successors have made, for good or ill. By choosing the name “Third Imperium”, any contacted Terran or Vilani colony would immediately make the connection.” “What is also obvious is that he had studied the failures of the past empires, and their strengths—and he attempted to incorporate all of that into his vision for the Third Imperium. Cleon Zhunastu, Artemsus Lentuli, and Zuan Kerr built an Imperium based on personal honor; not that their hands are totally clean—empire building is a messy business. But the policies they developed did not involve nuclear strikes against populations or pocket empires opposed to their vision. The Quarantine policy of “until you see things our way, you don’t exist” was extremely effective.” “What happened? The fallout between Emperor Artemsus and Zuan Kerr over what would become the Pacification Campaigns was very public; and the fact that it required Emperor Artemsus almost a decade after Kerr’s death to convince the Moot to follow his path says much for the nature of the changes. This break in Cleon’s dream would become a noose around the Imperium’s neck, leading first to the Non-Dynastic Emperors and then the Emperors of the Flag. The ghosts of the sterilized Lancian worlds haunt us as visions of a dream unfulfilled, or worse yet, a dream betrayed.” From the lecture “Cleon to Artemsus: What Were You Thinking?”, 301-1114.

Date Code Details

0 c Only a dozen worlds in Far Frontiers sector have human settlements. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 29.

0 c The combined population of the Sword Worlds approaches 200 million. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 11. 0 c Shululsish (Solomani Rim 0214) undergoes an industrial and scientific renaissance. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000,

p. 83. 0 c The Dynchia Comitia reaches its present size. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 51.

199-0 Imperial University Press publishes Ilmek Ggrothu's book "Cleon Zhunastu: A Vision of Empire". Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 75.

0 The Grand Senate of the Sylean Federation persuades Cleon Zhunastu to accept the Iridium crown as the first Emperor of the Third Imperium. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 24.

0 Dawn: foundation of the Third Imperium, centered on Sylea (Core 2118) by Emperor Cleon I. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 08.

0 Equivalent to 4520 AD in the Terran calendar and 3038 VI in the Vilani calendar. Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 42.

0 Sylean Guard Regiment formed to protect Emperor Cleon I. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 19. 0 Djugashvili Lentuli, a Vilani nobleman of middling rank, serves as Cleon I's "Third Secretary of the Bureau of

Interstellar Affairs", in reality Cleon's chief of intelligence and internal security. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 77.

0 An Imperial taskforce arrives at Cordova (Core 1836), forces the Cordovian Republic to submit to Imperial authority, and then seizes Santry (Core 1736). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 24.

0 c The Menderes Corporation's merchant fleet spans from Amdukan sector to the Windhorn, after fighting a half-dozen trade wars with Kudukara Lines. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

2 War with Chanestin Kingdom, based at Keshi (Core 1938), finally ends with its absorption into the Third Imperium. Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 25.

056-2 Students and Instructors at the University of Sylea's College of Psionics found the Psionics Rights organization on Sylea (Core 2118). Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 33.

3 Zuan Kerr arrives in what is now Kerr subsector in Massilia sector, and works to bring the worlds in this anti-Imperial subsector into the Third Imperium. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 31.

064-7 Gan Torj of the IISS Strategic Planning Unit compiles a document titled "The Expansion Process", outlining contact procedures; its circulation is restricted to Scouts in active service. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 13.

301-7 The Sylean Daily Herald prints Shela Jeshop's article "Bomb Threat Linked to Terrans for Truth". Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 73.

007-8 Daibhidh Eilrig's article "A Summary of the Noble Moot" appears in the Moot Public Relations Newsletter, of which he is the scientific editor. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 56.

10 c The militant Psionics Now! Organization is formed on Sylea (Core 2118) to push a forceful pro-psionics militant agenda. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 33.

12 A revolution on Shibasiim (Core 1316) overthrows the psionic government, and turns rabidly anti-psionic, supported by Aykthul Industries, and opposed to the Third Imperium. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 09.

12 Martin I, eldest son (older sister did not enter politics) of Artemsus Lentuli, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44.

264-12 The Core Chronicle on Sylea (Core 2118) publishes Urdol Talstar's article "A Dying Nation". Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 42.

13 Marlakasi (Core 1615) is colonized by the deposed psionic government of Shibasiim (Core 1316). Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 08.

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Donald McKinney Dawn of the Third Imperium


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121-13 The Sylean Daily Herald publishes "The Debate Over Psionics: An Overview" by Shela W. Jeshop. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 32.

299-13 Jesse H. Phalow, Director of the Imperial Ministry of Information, releases "A Commentary on the Formation of the Third Imperium". Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 05.

15 The psionic government of Marlakasi (Core 1615) establishes relations with the Third Imperium, with the intent of joining the Imperium. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 09.

17 Emperor Cleon I defines Imperial citizenship as "any sentient life form within the Imperial borders, regardless of its origins." Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 38.

17 Emperor Cleon I establishes the knightly Order of the Starship and Crown. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 35.

004-17 Makhidkarun Press produces "The Vilani & The Third Imperium" by Lorlad Trouts. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 47.

001-18 Due to the rapid expansion and contact changes, the Imperial Scout Service publishes the third edition of their "Scout Handbook" on Sylea (Core 2118). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 28.

084-19 Rall D. Trusado's paper "The Megacorps: Critical to the New Prosperity of the Imperium" is published by the University of Sylea Press (Core 2118). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 53.

20 c Imperial borders encompass half of Dagudashaag, Ilelish, Massilia, Fornast and Antares sectors, as well as a wide corridor to Vland (Vland 1717) through Lishun sector. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 28.

127-20 Vur Biddaden's book "From Federation to Empire: An Early History of the Expansion" is released by Sylean University New Media Publications. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 26.

21 Cleon II, only issue of Emperor Cleon I, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44. 26 c Foundation of the Empire of Varroerth. The Empire of Varroerth eventually becomes the longest-standing

and the largest interstellar government in the Vargr Extents. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 53.

28 Imperial Scouts reconnaissance Kegir Impuu (Massilia 3106). Missions of State, Imperium Games, 1998, p. 104.

29 Gurkilli Adaani, a respected psychohistorian for the Imperial Scout Academy, devises the Scouts' categorization system for governmental systems. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 28.

31 Formation of the Tizonian League. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13. 33 Title of Grand Prince first granted to Cleon II. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 20.

285-36 Professor Tralut Ralsod of the University of Sylea (Core 2118) publishes "The Foundation and Creation of Imperial Government". Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 45.

39 Foundation of the Trailing Assembly, with its capital at Sting (Spinward Marches 1525). A small penal colony for political dissidents is established on the regressed world of Dragvendel (now Tenalphi, 1826). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

41 The Fridrottaevlan, a fourth-yearly Sword Worlds festival of sports, is held on Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) for the first time since the Tyrfing Incident. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 85.

091-43 The Sylean World-Journal releases "Psionics in Society: A Survey", by Askaan Vindiru. Psionic Institutes, Imperium Games, 1997, p. 28.

44 Establishment of the Double Monarchy of Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927) and Anduril (1026) when Magnus II of Anduril succeeds to the throne of his father-in-law, Oluf the Wise of Narsil. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13.

47 Hhkar expansions end in Amdukan sector. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19. 49 c Aslan Cultural Purge ends. Factions opposed to the Codices of Sakolusalo have their power broken, and

several clans are ejected from the Tlaukhu. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 19. 50 IISS rediscovers Riarette (Massilia 1808) and artifacts from the failed Vilani colony there. Archaeologists

move in to study the colony’s remains. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 87. 50 First contact between the Third Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate, at 357-408 (Spinward Marches

XXXX). Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. 50 c Florian-Vilani contact. First Florian contact, with a colony of Vilani-descended refugees at Trossachs (Trojan

Reach 0310). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 60. 50 c Gateway Sector is in a deep economic depression. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 13. 50 c Addaxur participate in encounters between Zhodani and Imperials. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 117.

002-50 Artemsus Lentuli, Chancellor of the Imperium, announces the Quarantine policy to the Imperial Moot. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 116.

52 Emperor Cleon I establishes the knightly Order of the Emperor's Guard. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 35.

53 The regressed Sword Worlder colony on Asgard (Spinward Marches 1419) is discovered and interdicted by the IISS. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 75.

53 IISS cruiser "Erik the Red" contacts the Sword Worlds. The population of roughly 200 million is under 5 different interstellar governments. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 11.

53 Emperor Cleon I dies of natural causes; Cleon II, sometimes called Cleon the Weak, only issue of Cleon I, proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44.

53 Martin II, oldest issue of Martin I, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44.

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Dawn of the Third Imperium Donald McKinney


Date Code Details

54 IISS contacts the Darrian worlds. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 37. 54 Emperor Cleon II abdicates in favor of his Chancellor, Artemsus Lentuli, who is proclaimed Emperor by the

Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44. 54 After his abdication, Cleon II spends the rest of his life as a one-man fire brigade at the edge of Imperial

expansion. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44. 56 IISS contacts the castaway Sword Worlder colony on Aki (Solomani Rim 2035). The colony numbers some

60,000, but most technology has been lost. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 74. 57 Okefir (Core 1035) and Vala (Core 1034) colonized by Aursis (Core 1134). Travellers' Digest #10, DGP,

1987, p. 27. 57 Zuan Kerr, after living on literally every world in Kerr subsector in Massilia sector, returns to Capital (Core

2118). Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 31. 58 Zelpha (Far Frontiers 1231) signs trade agreements with the Zhodani Consulate. Ares Special Edition #2,

TSR, 1983, p. 36. 60 Imperial colonization of the Spinward Marches begins with the settlement of Mora (Spinward Marches

3124), under the sponsorship of Ling Standard Products. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 38.

60 c Imperial scouts begin detailed explorations of the Deneb and Spinward Marches sectors. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 22.

60 cX Archduke Charles of Antares is unsuccessful in implementing the Quarantine policy in the Domain of Antares due to the level of trade with the Vargr. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

60 Zuan Kerr becomes a vocal opponent of Emperor Artemsus' militaristic "pacification growth" concept, and arouses much sympathy towards his position in the Moot. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 31.

62 Emperor Artemsus establishes the Order of the Arrow, open only to members of the IISS. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 22.

64 Imperial scout vessels call at Tharver (Gateway 0528) for the first time. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24.

64 Magis Sergei haut-Devroe, author of the Solomani Hypothesis, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 37.

67 Zuan Kerr, champion against Emperor Artemsus' militaristic plans, dies. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 31.

69 Chanad (Lishun 0935), presently at TL8, joins the Third Imperium on favorable terms, including generous technological and industrial aid. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 86.

70 Corporate Sector Wars in Gateway sector end, in part due to Imperial pressure. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24.

70 c Two attempts by Imperial ships to contact Sabmiqys (Antares 2117) end in failure. Challenge #28, GDW, 1987, p. 31.

70 cX Archduke Ruber Galand of Antares is rebuffed by worlds in Antares and Lishun sectors while making overtures to incorporate them into the Imperium. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

72 c Emperor Artemsus creates the domains, and appoints viceroys to coordinate expansion within their assigned territories. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

73 Sharurshid establishes the first regular Imperial-Sword Worlds trade route. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 11. 73 Contact between the Imperium and the Sydites in Ley Sector. Skirmishes erupt, but real conflict is

prevented by the fact that the Luriani stand in the way of Imperial expansion. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 13.

73 Contact between Imperial traders and the Sword Worlds. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

75 Al Morai transport company founded on Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

75 Imperial embassy established on Tharver (Gateway 0528). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24. 75 Imperial colonists settle Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) and the surrounding worlds, moving the center of

spinward trade from Deneb (Deneb 1925) to Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 39.

75 Ruie (Spinward Marches 1809) is settled at the same time as Regina (1910), but its culture is structured as isolationist. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 18, 19.

76 Emperor Artemsus revives the title of archduke and elevates five of his most influential and loyal dukes to this position. The new archdukes take the role of viceroys in the domains. No Archduke is appointed to the Domain of Sol. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 98.

76 Without Zuan Kerr to oppose him, Emperor Artemsus finally sways the Moot to his political and military proposals; the Domains are formed, and the Pacification Campaigns begin. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 31.

76 The Ilelish Pacification Campaign focuses on reducing and incorporating the Darmine cultural region in Zarushagar sector. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 22.

79 The Imperium commences a 20-year period of continuous warfare to conquer Lishun sector. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

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80 c The Sylean Pacification Campaign reaches the Massilia sector. After a show of Imperial force, and a few isolated battles, the Geonee reluctantly accept Imperial rule. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 72.

85 c A series of lightning strikes in Antares sector have allowed the Imperium to conquer the rimward half of the sector. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

85 c Fornice (Spinward Marches 3025) settled. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16. 87 The ESA generation ship "C-Jammer" discovers Serendip Belt (Reft 1323) in Islands Clusters. Adventure

05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43. 88 cX Archduke Lukgirigaasa of Vland attempts to threaten the disunited Lancian worlds in Gushemege sector;

this causes the formation of the anti-Imperial Lancian League. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

89 Antarean Pacification Campaign begins. Rebels escape coreward, carrying a negative view of the Third Imperium and its attitude towards Vargr. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 62.

89 Antarean Pacification Campaign annexes the Antarean Cluster, 12 worlds lying rimward of Antares, but Meshan, Mendan and Amdukan sectors fail to fall under Imperial rule. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 22.

90 Dyrnwyn (Spinward Marches 1522) assumes leadership of the Trailing Assembly. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13.

90 cX The worlds of the Duchy of Oasis in Zarushagar sector reluctantly join the Third Imperium. Travellers' Digest #21, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

90 cX The Imperial Scout Service contacts Echiste (Spinward Marches 2313) just in time to save the colony from extinction. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 88.

90 Archduke Lukgirigaasa of Vland grossly underestimates Lancian organization, and his battle fleet is cut to pieces at the Battle of Aakgar (Gushemege 0912). Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

91 Arnaki Rebellion begins. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 13. 91 X Emperor Artemsus replaces Archduke Lukgirigaasa of Vland with Im Derisumir. Milieu 0 Campaign,

Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117. 92 Colada (Spinward Marches 1022) assumes leadership of the Tizonian League. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004,

p. 13. 92 At the Second Battle of Aakgar (Gushemege 0912), Archduke Im Derisumir of Vland defeats the unified

Lancian forces, beginning a brutal war of conquest. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117. 92 After numerous defeats, Archduke Derisumir decides to make an example of Aakgar (Gushemege 0912);

civilians are hunted and methodically killed, cities plundered and the world ravaged by Imperial forces. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 118.

93 Luriani War begins. Archduke Ishargi of Gateway makes a miscalculated show of force inside Protectorate space at Rurur (Ley 0214). Ishargi is killed in battle and Imperial forces are handed a series of sharp defeats. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104.

93 Arbitrary initial survey point established by the Imperial Scouts for the Beyond sector survey. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

95 Subsector Delta of Beyond sector surveyed and charted by Imperial scouts. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

96 Luriani War ends. A ceasefire is signed between the Protectorate and the Third Imperium. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 104.

96 The Luriani Protectorate accepts unconditional annexation by the Imperium. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 13.

98 The Arnaki Rebellion, led by Arnaki (Core 2408) finally collapses against Imperial pressure, and is absorbed into the Third Imperium. AS01 Grand Fleet, Avenger, 2005, p. 09.

98 Gram-Sacnoth War begins. Imperial offers of mediation offend both sides, and there is a break in trade and diplomatic relations. Contact between the Imperium and the Darrians is lost. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 37.

100 c Atadi (Deneb 2913) and Sherad (Deneb 3116) are well established as the heart of an industrial cluster in Deneb sector. Travellers' Digest #02, DGP, 1985, p. 35.

100 c The IISS enters the Reavers’ Deep Sector. Trade increases considerably, as does Iltharian raiding. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 79.

100 c Imperial scouts reach Solomani Rim sector. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 08. 100 cX Surveys of Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437) reveal huge, high-grade deposits of manganese and copper. Alien

Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 05. 100 c The IISS enters the Solomani Rim Sector, contacting the four major states there. Emperor Artemsus orders

a policy of increasing intergovernmental trade and diplomacy, rather than conquest. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 54.

100 c The Drexilthar Empire, controlled by the Iltharan human minor race of Drexilthar (Reavers' Deep 1826) is at its height. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 24.

100 cX Offworlders from Phago (Lishun 0810) flock to Larkarda (Lishun 0712) and ultimately seize control. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 38.

100 cX As the Antarean Pacification Campaigns continue, important Antarean families resisting the Imperium flee coreward into Mendan and Amdukan sectors. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

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100 c First Sydymic War begins. Conflict between the Imperium and the Sydites in Ley Sector escalates into general warfare. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 13.

100 c The Vland, Gateway, Ilelish and Antares regiments are added to the Imperial Guard by the Archdukes as a sign of Imperial unity and loyalty. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 19.

100 c Pleasant memories of the Rule of Man as well as the need for Imperial protection from Aslan encroachment result in the peaceful incorporation of most of the Domain of Ilelish. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

100 c First Imperial surveys in the Spinward Marches are completed. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p. 149. 100 c Wal-ta-ka (Deneb 2713) originally settled by Wellington Interstellar Miners. Travellers' Digest #02, DGP,

1985, P. 12. 100 c Kaiid (Lishun 0621) granted as a County to the Lemorc family, which uses it for vacationing. Travellers'

Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 27. 100 cX During the Pacification Campaigns, Divad (Corridor 2238) is conquered by the Third Imperium. Travellers'

Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 19. 101 cX Magis Sergei haut-Devroe eliminates Urunishu (Antares 2228) from consideration as Humaniti homeworld,

proving it served the Ancients as a type of zoological park. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 09. 102 Magis Sergei haut-Devroe publishes his seminal work, "The Solomani Hypothesis: The True Origin of

Mankind" on Kaggushus (Massilia 0402) through Sophontologists's Press. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 09.

103 Imperial Navigation Act requires all vessels to respond to the GK (Gashimeku Kaalariin, Vilani 'vessel in distress'), SOS or Mayday signals, provided such does not endanger the responding vessel. Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 46.

103 Ambassadors from the Third Imperium and the K'kree meet formally on neutral Mneomon (Gateway 3012) for the first time. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 24.

103 With Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) and Sacnoth (1325) exhausted, the remaining three Sword Worlds governments support numerous insurrections on those worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13.

104 Establishment of the Triple Dominion of Colada (Spinward Marches 1022), Anduril (1026) and Dyrwyn (1522) in the Sword Worlds. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17.

104 Gram-Sacnoth War ends. Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) and Sacnoth (1325) thoroughly balkanize. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13.

111 The last of the pocket empires resisting Imperial rule in the Domain of Sylea falls to a combination of gunboat diplomacy and coups. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

112 The last of the Lancian League worlds falls to Archduke Derisumir; defeated worlds are sterilized and repopulated by Vilani. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 117.

114 c A group known as 'Peaceful Coexistence' publishes a series of leaflets to publicize the brutality of Emperor Artemsus' Pacification Campaigns. Milieu 0 Campaign, Imperium Games, 1996, p. 118-119.

114 Magis Sergei haut-Devroe's Solomani Hypothesis receives immediate if somewhat disinterested acceptance. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10, 44.

118 IISS discovers Algine (Spinward Marches 2308). Attempts to contact the pre-industrial lost Solomani colony there all fail due to the aggressive xenophobia of the natives. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 142.

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The Antebellum Years “Ok, today I’d like for you to skip Chapters 17—34 in your books, and we’ll start talking about the Imperial Civil War.” “What? The Antebellum Years? Nothing happened. Forget it.” “Fine. Emperor Artemsus decided to ignore Cleon’s vision and force worlds into joining, and bombing the ones that refused. And what ‘successes’ might be claimed from it don’t balance against things like the sterilization of the Lancian worlds. However, his son Martin I decided to go one step better, and actually create an implacable foe for the new Imperium.” “Why do I blame Martin for the Julian War? Do you blame Julian? After all, Martin set his house on fire, and Julian was just trying to put the fire out, while Martin kept trying to relight the fire. And Julian was a better strategist and diplomat.” “That brings us to Emperor Cleon III. A true reformer and radical with a vision. After all, he only shot politicians.” “Seriously—this episode demonstrates a fundamental problem with not determining a successor in advance. From this point in Imperial history until after the Civil War, the Third Imperium begins walking down the same path as the Rule of Man, although without the bureaucratic collapse the Rule of Man suffered, largely due to the Vilani influence on the bureaucracy.” “The final significant event of the Antebellum period is the solution to the Aslan Border Wars. Interestingly, negotiations with the Aslan required that honorable paths be followed. The Duel War and the settlement are interesting studies showing that had cooler heads prevailed, perhaps history might be different for the Lancian and the Julian conflicts in the first part of this study.” From the lecture “What if Cleon III had been a Better Shot?”, 073-1115. Date Code Details

120 c Pressure from the Imperial Pacification Campaigns has forced the Menderes Corporation to surrender its markets in Lishun, Antares and the Empty Quarter. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 21.

120 Emperor Artemsus brings the Imperial Pacification Campaigns to an end. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10.

120 Transport company Al Morai serves systems within 10 parsecs of Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 20.

120 cX Vincennes (Deneb 1122) is recolonized; the challenges of its environment spur a series of technological advances that establish Vincennes as the most rapidly developing world in the frontier. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 04.

120 Sylean Pacification Campaign ends. A major anti-Imperial insurrection by the Geonee ends with the establishment of Imperial naval bases on three key Geonee worlds. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 72.

120 cX The surviving colony on Echiste (Spinward Marches 2313) declares itself a corporate entity and with Scout assistance wins funding to develop itself from the Imperial Colonial office. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 88.

120 The decision is made to have each subsector control its own Army, rather than a centralized Imperial Army command. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 09.

120 First Sydymic War ends with little headway having being made by the Imperium against the Sydites. The Imperials change to a defensive posture, effectively ending the conflict. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 13.

120 cX Exploitation of Endup (Deneb 0436) begins through using convicted Imperial prisoners as forced labor. Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 35.

125 c The Lancian cultural region in Gushemege sector is resettled from Vland sector under a special program sponsored by Makhidkarun after being extensively ravaged during the Vilani Pacification Campaigns. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 31.

125 The Menderes Corporation begins a fifty-year campaign of frustrating Imperial diplomacy throughout the Domain of Antares. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 62.

130 The state of Ral Ranta in the Hinterworlds sector falls into a state of decline and stagnation. Challenge #47, GDW, 1990, p. 23.

132 The Free Human League in Delphi sector freely joins the Imperium, forming the subsector governments in Eta-Gu and Rirmia subsectors, and Vashtil (Delphi 0732) becomes subsector capital. Challenge #45, GDW, 1990, p. 29.

140 c The name "Corridor sector" enters common usage, replacing the old Vilani name for the sector, Eneri, roughly translated "star salad." Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 21.

141 Magis Sergei haut-Devroe, author of the Solomani Hypothesis, dies. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 37.

147 Imperial scouts contact the Sword Worlds in the Spinward Marches. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25.

148 Foundation of the Darrian Confederation, replacing a web of interlocking treaties. Cunnonic (Spinward Marches 0822) refuses to join due to economic ties with Tizon (0922). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 36.

148 Imperial scouts recontact the Darrian Confederation in the Spinward Marches. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 17. 150 cX The Menderes family begins a propaganda campaign across the coreward sectors, rallying Humaniti and

Vargr against the Imperium. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18. 150 c Second industrial revolution on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) after development of electronics followed by

nuclear power and space travel. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 100. 153 Admiral Inesh Rydel leads first expedition to locate a jump route across the Great Reft from Corridor sector to

Deneb sector, but ends in failure. Travellers' Digest #03, DGP, 1985, p. 47. 159 First colonists arrive on Far Trinity (Massilia 1025), probably by crashing and due to environmental hardships

reduced to a very primitive technological state. Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 16.

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160 c Imperial scouts complete detailed explorations of the Deneb and Spinward Marches sectors. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 22.

160 Admiral Inesh Rydel leads a second expedition to locate a jump route across the Great Reft, but ends in failure again. Travellers' Digest #03, DGP, 1985, p. 47.

162 Incorporation talks open between the Third Imperium and the Luriani Protectorate. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 105.

165 Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329) contacted by Imperial scouts, but ignored as another lost Solomani colony. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 120.

166 The Imperial Scouts and Diplomatic Corps send goodwill ambassadors into the coreward sectors as the beginnings of its attempt to absorb the region, to little success. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 18.

166 Emperor Artemsus dies of natural causes at the incredible age of 183; Martin I, eldest son of Artemsus, proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44.

168 Gukishdamish (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0435) settled by Imperials of Vilani extraction. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 124.

175 Emperor Martin I, frustrated by nine years of negotiations, begins the Julian War to annex the old coreward Makhidkarun territories of the First Imperium, in Meshan, Mendan and Amdukan sectors. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, front insert.

178 Julian Menderes rises to become Regent of his local confederation, and begins to form a wider anti-Imperial alliance spanning the small states of the Meshan, Mendan and Amdukan Sectors. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 62.

178 Imperial forces capture Lasla (Mendan 1634), capital of Mendan sector. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 54.

178 Julian Menderes rises to power in the Asimikigir Confederation (Amdukan 0223) and builds neighboring alliances into the Julian Protectorate to oppose Imperial advances into the Amdukan, Mendan and Meshan sectors. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 54.

183 The "Corridor Chronicles", a comprehensive Corridor sector guide, begins publication on Kaasu (Corridor 1209); they are revised every four years. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 33.

185 Formal diplomatic contact between the Floriani and the Third Imperium. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 61. 185 The Floriani, a human dimorphic minor race from Floria (Trojan Reach 0213), contact the Imperium.

Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 29. 185 During the drive by the Julian Protectorate’s Star Legion into Ley Sector, the Luriani Protectorate extends an

offer of alliance to the Third Imperium. Luriani forces join the Julian War on the side of the Imperium. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 105.

185 Concentrated forces of the Julian Protectorate cross the rift of the Empty Quarter to attack Antares sector, liberating the Antares Cluster and virtually destroying the Depots in Antares and Ley sectors. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 54.

185 The Imperium is forced to withdraw fleets from the frontier to defend interior lines of communication after the virtual destruction of the Ley sector depot by Julian Protectorate forces. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 54.

185 Julian Protectorate's Star Legion repulses Imperial fleets from Mendan and Amdukan sectors. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

191 Emperor Martin I agrees to peace terms, ending the Julian War between the Third Imperium and the Julian Protectorate; the League of Antares is given autonomous status within the Third Imperium. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, front insert.

191 Julian Protectorate transforms itself from an emergency organization into a permanent authority with the Star Legion becoming its defense force. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

195 Emperor Martin I dies of natural causes; Martin II, oldest issue of Martin I, proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44.

195 Emperor Martin II designs and orders the construction of the Grand Palace of Martin II on Capital (Core 2118). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 22.

198 Sword Worlders from Colada (Spinward Marches 1022) settle Aroundight (now Arkadia, 1217). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 74.

199 Emperor Martin II declares Lectorsen (Core 1813) an Imperial Garden World. Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 45.

200 cX A forward base is built on Zyra (Spinward Marches 2934) to facilitate expansion into the Spinward Marches. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 120.

200 c Spurred by contact with the Third Imperium, most worlds in the Solomani Rim sector are now actively trading amongst themselves. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 08.

200 c Dynam (Lishun 1219) becomes a hub of belter activity. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 34. 200 c Imperial expansion in the Spinward Marches begins pushing out Zhodani settlements. Alien Module 4 -

Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 10. 200 c Major Imperial exploration and settlement of the Spinward Marches underway. The Traveller Book, GDW,

1982, p. 149. 200 c Quaver (Solomani Rim 1110) becomes a trade centre between Alderamin subsector, the Easter Concord and

the Vegan Polity in the Solomani Rim sector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 69.

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200 c Third Imperium begins expanding into Aslan border regions; active Imperial trade in Solomani Rim sector. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 14.

200 c Thamber (Solomani Rim 0704) resettled by Solomani colonists after being abandoned during the Long Night. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 66.

200 Grand Palace of Martin II finished on Capital (Core 2118). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 22. 200 c Imperial colonists begin arriving on Aki (Spinward Marches 2035) and mingling with the indigenous Sword

Worlder population. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 74. 200 c Arcturus Federation divided by civil war as Jael (Solomani Rim 2821) gains independence from the Banasdan

(2920)-dominated polity. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 113. 201 Cleon III, great-great-great grandson of Emperor Cleon II by direct first issue, born. Supplement 08 - Library

Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44. 201 Porfiria, oldest issue of the grandnephew of Emperor Martin II, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M),

GDW, 1981, p. 45. 202 Luriani Protectorate joins the Third Imperium. The Treaty of Daramm incorporates the Luriani Protectorate into

the Imperium as the Luriani Cultural Region. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 105. 204 Ganidirsi Kamikoru, an Imperial scout explorer involved in the early exploration of Trojan Reach sector, and a

famous sculptor, dies under mysterious circumstances while on a long-range probe of Dpres subsector. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

206 During the civil war in the Arcturus Federation, Hathor (Solomani Rim 2623) seizes Anenerkuk (2723) from the Federation by force. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 113.

210 c Zhodani-Florian contact. Zhodani reach the edge of Florian territory, triggering a long period of Florian isolation. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 61.

210 Vargr Campaigns in the Corridor begin as the Imperium sets out to secure the route from the Imperial core to the Spinward Marches. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10.

210 c Antebellum (before the civil war) period of large-scale colonization and growth of the Imperium begins. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 12.

212 Civil war on Colada (Spinward Marches 1022) paralyses the Triple Dominion, as the nonparticipating powers support different sides. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13.

212 The Treaty of Dark Nebula is signed between the Imperium and the Aslan, starting a 90-year hiatus in the Aslan Border Wars. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 62.

216 Civil war on Colada (Spinward Marches 1022) descends into nuclear war. Colada’s population drops from 100 million to 1 million. Admiral Svein Danjalsson takes the Coladan fleet and seizes control of Tizon (0922). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13.

217 Steel (Spinward Marches 1529) purchases second-hand ships from Imperial worlds and seeks new markets away from the Sword Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 67.

217 Triple Dominion in Sword Worlds breaks apart; infighting between worlds resumes. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 17.

217 Dyrnwyn (Spinward Marches 1522) and the Double Monarchy go to war over Colada’s former possessions. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 13.

217 Orcrist (Spinward Marches 1126) gets its first permanent population, after 18,000 miners are stranded there in the breakdown of the Triple Alliance. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 41.

217 The Luriani Cultural Region, a transitional arrangement, is disbanded. The Luriani become full Imperial citizens. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 105.

220 The Imperium fights a series of small actions to secure control of Corridor Sector. Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

220 cX The Imperial Navy establishes an advance base at Gishinridu (Lishun 0513) during the Vargr Campaigns. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 36.

220 Arian Lisiani joins the Flight Branch of the Imperial Navy after graduating from the Imperial School on Capital (Core 2118). Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 18.

220 The Imperium begins a series of military campaigns to secure its border against the Vargr, known as the Vargr Campaigns. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 27.

221 Lucienne Hortalez founds Hortalez et Cie, LIC as a banking and investment house. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 41.

228 Frisini (now Beck's World, Spinward Marches 2204) colonized by the Third Imperium. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

230 cX Arian Lisiani distinguishes herself in the discovery and assimilation of some Ilelish border states. Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 18.

234 A disaster on Wal-ta-ka (Deneb 2713) forces miners from their protective domes and onto the bright side of the tidally locked planet. Visiting traders find the colony destroyed and presume all are dead. Travellers' Digest #02, DGP, 1985, p. 12.

235 cX Arian Lisiani is reinstated by Admiral Voseyevski (a classmate at the Imperial School) after being cashiered for insubordination during hostilities with the Aslan. Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 18.

235 Ruie (Spinward Marches 1809) declines to join the Imperium. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

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238 cX Arian Lisiani is awarded the Starburst for Extreme Heroism posthumously, directing forces in the relief of Warinir (Daibei 0507); with her ship severely damaged, she destroyed the Aslan command ship before losing her own. Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 18.

238 Formation of the Dyrnwyn Compact in the Sword Worlds subsector of the Spinward Marches. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

240 Svavasorm (now Vilis, Spinward Marches 1119) settled from Morglay (now Gungnir, Spinward Marches 1221). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 16.

240 Tizon’s (Spinward Marches 0922) merchant fleet, protected by formerly Coladan naval assets, becomes the largest in the Sword Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

240 Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) colonized from Gungir (1221). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

240 Eneri Asidda publishes "Ziru Sirka: A History of the Vilani Grand Empire of Stars" through Agidda Inlash on Vland (Vland 1717). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, front insert.

243 Dikam (Ley 2236) recolonized from Mamikha (Ley 2237). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173. 243 Vincennes (Deneb 1122) becomes the subsector capital of Vincennes subsector, when District 192 joins the

Imperium. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 05. 243 Vincennes subsector administration is placed under the Humbolt family, as a polite form of exile, following

charges of High Treason that were never proven due to the deaths of several key witnesses. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 05.

244 Dynastic Crisis of 244 - Martin II dies of natural causes without issue; ultimately Cleon III proclaimed Emperor. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 44.

245 Cleon III, known as Cleon the Mad, proves to be a homicidal maniac, and is disposed of by surviving members of the government; Porfiria proclaimed Empress. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

245 The assassination of Cleon III establishes a precedent for the removal of an Emperor who oversteps the bounds of legitimate activity. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

246 Anguistus, oldest issue of Empress Porfiria, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 247 The Eliyoh, a non-human minor race from XXXX (XXXX), join the Imperium; as their eyesight does not include

the visible light spectrum, the Imperial Sunburst symbol has little meaning for them. Players' Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 27.

247 Empress Porfiria declares that the formerly black on yellow Imperial sunburst would have no official color - the sunburst symbol would be all that mattered. Players' Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 27.

250 cX Al Morai's Exploration Division discovers, claims and develops Shirene (Spinward Marches 2125) and Windsor (1935); Windsor is later sold to Ling Standard Products. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 30.

250 c Old Earth Union traders arrive on Kidashi (Solomani Rim 0528). The local TL7 society meets them with great enthusiasm. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 99.

250 Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) is established as the capital of its subsector after joining the Imperium. Book 6 - Scouts, GDW, 1983, p. 55.

250 c After adding Artillery and Household Cavalry regiments, the Imperial Guard sees heavy use through the remainder of the Vargr Campaigns in Corridor sector as a highly effective jump division. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 19.

250 Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) and six neighboring worlds are incorporated into the Imperium. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 37.

250 c Several Iltharian subject worlds revolt after Caledonian subversion. Open war between the Iltharian Empire and the Principality of Caledon begins, with eventual Imperial intervention. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 79.

251 Workers Rising on Gateway (Gateway 1220) against Galastrian Metals of Tharver (Gateway 0528). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 22.

252 Schunamann und Sohn, AG, LIC (SuSAG) founded by Gustav Schunamann, financed by royalties from psionic drug refinement patents. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 43.

252 Representatives of the Workers Rising on Gateway (Gateway 1220) write the Independence Acts of 252. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 48.

252 Gateway Station (Gateway 1220) changes its name to Gateway after winning independence from Tharver (Gateway 0528), becoming a hub for independent trade routes in the region. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 14.

256 Steel (Spinward Marches 1529) surveys, names and establishes small settlements on the six other Metal Worlds. Steel’s population is just under 5 million. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 67.

259 Niels of Sting (Spinward Marches 1525) lays claim to all worlds between Steel (1529) and Silver (now Wardn, 1727). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 16.

260 The Tezcat of Aum-Rahr (Lemente on old maps, Reft 1907) develop sublight travel, and make an epic 2-parsec colonization effort to the nearest system of Draykoysap (now Zamoran, Reft 2108). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 116.

260 Imperial Scout Service discovers that the Ancient life support systems on Tondoul (Spinward Marches 0739) are failing. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 55.

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260 Imperial Scout Service initiates contact on Tondoul (Spinward Marches 0739) to save the population by providing new life support machinery. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 55.

263 Sting-Steel War. Steel (Spinward Marches 1529) removes its outposts on the six other Metal Worlds, but manages to escape being invaded. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 67.

267 Caledonian forces conquer the last of the Iltharian subject worlds. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 79. 267 New Home (Reft 1925) in Islands Clusters launches first new generation ship, "Outward Bound." Adventure

05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43. 268 The Imperial White Fleet bombards Drexilthar (Reavers' Deep 1826) to suppress its violent natives. The

planet takes centuries to recover. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 23. 269 Imperial scouts build outpost at Minde's Star (Deneb 1220) to study local red flare star. Travellers' Digest #19,

DGP, 1990, p. 27. 273 Decker Industrial finds massive deposits of naturally perfect silicon crystals on Riarette (Massilia 1808).

Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 87. 280 cX The Tezcat sublight colonization expedition arrives at Draykoysap (now Zamoran, Reft 2108); Tezcat

xenophobia causes conflict, and the destruction of the expedition by the Droyne. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 116.

280 The Old Worlds in Crucis Margin Sector succumbs to internal tensions. Secession of the worlds of what is now known as the Katowice Conquest. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 14.

281 Danjal II comes to the throne of Tizon (Spinward Marches 0922) and embarks on a program of expansion. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

285 Danjal II proclaims himself Emperor of the Tizon. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14. 286 The Tizon Empire conquers Morglay (now Gungnir, Spinward Marches 1221). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p.

16. 286 Oluf Vilis becomes dictator of Svavasorm (Spinward Marches 1119), declaring the world independent of both

Morglay (now Gungir, 1221) and the Tizonian Empire, changing the world’s name to Vilis. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 16.

288 The Tizon Empire, now spanning 7 worlds, has its expansion halted after most of the other Sword Worlds form a defensive league--the United Jarldoms. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

289 Martin III, second issue of Anguistus (a preceding infant died in childhood), born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

290 Arden (Spinward Marches 1011) becomes part of the Imperium. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

290 c Dawnworld (Spinward Marches 1531) settled by Imperials. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83. 290 Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) takes over the settlements on Tanoose (1118) to prevent their complete

failure, renaming the world Garda-Vilis. Adventure 07 - Broadsword, GDW, 1982, p. 06. 293 Colchis (Reft 2026) is colonized from New Home (Reft 1925) by the generation ship "Outward Bound" in the

Islands Clusters. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43. 294 Skull (Spinward Marches 2420) becomes a haven for pirate activity. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 30. 297 New Home (Reft 1925) in Islands Clusters launches second new generation ship. Adventure 05 - Trillion

Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43. 298 First Imperial settlers arrive at Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036), attracted by the abundant mineral resources.

Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 09. 298 Makhidkarun markets first line of robots with TL 13 brains. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 07. 298 Empress Porfiria integrates the Imperial Grand Survey into the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service. First In,

SJG, 1999, p. 15. 298 The Ammeed Mining Corporation of Tirem (Spinward Marches 2233) sends a lanthanum prospecting team to

the Gliss (now Glisten, 2036) system. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 04. 300 Spinward Marches sector formally incorporated into the Third Imperium. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p.

149. 300 Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) is the center of a cluster of 17 Imperial worlds in the Spinward Marches.

Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 39. 300 c Jewell subsector in the Spinward Marches opened for settlement. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985,

p. 18. 300 Empress Porfiria orders the IISS to begin the First Grand Survey of Imperial territory. Module 1 - Tarsus,

GDW, 1983, p. 16. 300 c Vland (Vland 1717) at TL 11. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 22. 300 cX Tensions rise again as the Old Earth Union grows more active in Reavers' Deep sector; the Aslan clans argue

that the Treaty of Dark Nebula is binding on all human states. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

300 The highest common technology available within the Third Imperium reaches TL 13. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 34.

300 c Barsoom (Solomani Rim 0239) colonized by an isolationist group from the Near Bootes Cluster. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 116.

300 c Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934) settled by human immigrants from the Spinward Marches. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 16, 18.

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300 c Rimward expansion of the Imperium reaches the edge of the Solomani Rim sector. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 23.

300 c IISS and Easter Concord contact teams arrive at Shulusish (Solomani Rim 0214) and find a healthy and progressive culture ready for integration into interstellar society. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 83.

300 c Easter Concord reopens contact with Hoatzin (Solomani Rim 0617) finding a thriving TL7 society, democratic and open-minded, but absent of heavy industry. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 84.

300 c The Old Earth Union and the Arcturus Federation explore into Arcturus subsector in the Solomani Rim, bringing those worlds back into interstellar society. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 114.

300 c The civilization of the Chamax, a minor race of pseudo-crustaceans in the Alenzar (Foreven 3229) system, flourishes. Double Adventure 5 - The Chamax Plague/Horde, GDW, 1981, p. C10.

301 The IISS officially documents the mineral wealth of the Gliss (now Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) system. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 04.

302 Workers' revolt on Tharver (Gateway 0528) causes the collapse of Galastrian Metals. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

304 A utopian group from the Imperium arrives at Aroundight (Spinward Marches 1217). The Sword Worlder colony has regressed to TL1, and is taken over by the newcomers, who rename it Arkadia. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 74.

305 Aramis (Spinward Marches 3110) is surveyed by the Imperial scouts. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 36. 305 League Concord signed on Tharver (Gateway 0528); founding of Galian Trade League, which takes over most

of Galastrian Metals' former holdings under much looser reigns of control. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

305 Empress Porfiria sends expedition to Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) to confirm or refute the Solomani Hypothesis. The Easter Concord petitions to become an Imperial Client State. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 24.

306 A survey team on Tirem (Spinward Marches 2233) conducts a complete resource survey of the Glisten system (Spinward Marches 2036). Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 27.

309 Dynastic crisis within the Principality of Caledon starts a civil war for control. Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 49.

310 Numerous mining colonies are scattered across the Gliss (now Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) system. Intense competition begins between corporations to control the system. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 04.

310 Paya (Spinward Marches 2509) and Dhian (Spinward Marches 2510) settled from Regina subsector. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 15.

311 Using new TL 13 meson screens, the "Gem of Fornol" succeeds in contacting Sabmiqys (Antares 2117), only losing half its crew, and returns to report. Challenge #28, GDW, 1987, p. 31.

315 Pirate activity on Skull (Spinward Marches 2420) ends with Skull's admission to the Imperium. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 30.

320 c Wanderers enter the Gateway region after crossing the Lesser Rift in their worldships. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 38.

320 Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827), establishes grav vehicle routes parallel to existing monorail system for heavy-duty transportation. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 77.

320 Droyne merchant line Dhoylezhakka established on Mulyosh (Ilelish 1923). Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 09.

320 A workers’ revolt on Balaclaron (Gateway 1637) spreads to other corporate worlds, and results in the formation of the Collective as a socialist experiment. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

320 c Heya (Spinward Marches 2402) settled by a group of colonists led by Bruce Johnson. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 07.

320 The Droyne merchant company Dhoylezhokka recommences interstellar trade, after spending the Long Night planet-bound on Muylosh (Ilelish 1923). Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 76.

321 Dawnworld (Spinward Marches 1531) colony abandoned for the third time after it is discovered that all males born in the colony are sterile. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83.

326 Exploitation of worlds with insidious atmospheres (code C) is finally possible due to technological advances. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 23.

326 Empress Porfiria dies of natural causes; Anguistus, oldest issue of Porfiria, proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

326 Foren Caliphren Doon of Halloran Surveys is marooned on Frisini (later Beck's World, Spinward Marches 2204) for 10 years. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 51.

328 The civil war within the Principality of Caledon ends. Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 49. 330 Diaspora Sector incorporated into the Imperium. Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector, GDW, 1992, p.

02. 330 cX The Virushi, a peaceful minor race native to Virshash (Reavers' Deep 2724), is contacted by the Imperium and

joins. JTAS #12, GDW, 1982, p. 10. 330 c Diaspora sector is incorporated into the Third Imperium. Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector, GDW,

1992, p. 02.

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336 After rescue from Frisini (later Beck's World, Spinward Marches 2204), Foren Caliphren Doon begins raising funds towards what will become the Octagon Society. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 51.

338 A constitutional convention is held on Dragvendel (Spinward Marches 1826) after tensions rise between Imperial and Sword Worlder settlements. A unitary government is formed, and the world changes its name to Tenalphi. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

338 Octagon Society begins building shelters in Regina subsector (Spinward Marches). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 51.

339 Together, "Van der Lubbe" and "Voyageur" return to Neubayern (Reft 1822) in Islands Clusters. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

339 Imperial destroyer "Darkmoon" sacrifices itself to save a convoy from a Vargr ambush in the 328-904 system (Corridor 2111). Ministry of Colonization petitions to change the system name to Darkmoon. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 04.

340 Amondiage (Reft 2325) in Islands Clusters completes first generation ship, "Asterix." Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

341 Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine founded. JTAS #22, GDW, 1985, p. 18. 342 Octagon Society formally established at Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) as a distressed spacefarer

assistance operation. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 46. 345 Imperial Navy adds Arian Lisiani's name to the list of names to be kept in the active fleet permanently.

Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 18. 348 The Vargr Campaigns end, as the Imperium has secured the vast majority of the worlds in Corridor sector.

Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10. 350 cX The Aslan Aokhalte clan colonizes Wonderay (Spinward Marches 0340). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 53. 350 Tensions ease following a trade and mutual support agreement between Vestra (Gateway 2415) and Varan’s

Belt (2317). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 102. 350 c Humans colonize the southern continent of Junidy (Spinward Marches 3202), while the native Llellelwyloly

inhabit the northern continent. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 84. 350 c Santorini (Solomani Rim 2938) settled by a splinter cultural group from Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Rim of

Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 128. 350 c Geonee nobility eventually recognized by the Third Imperium, after a delay of over 200 years. Humaniti, SJG,

2003, p. 72. 352 Imperial scouts land on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) as part of First Survey. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW,

1983, p. 16. 353 Imperial First Survey scout ship with 10 crew arrives at Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132), noting a

population of just over 500, mostly independent asteroid miners of Sword Worlds background. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07, 08.

354 Ancient site discovered on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705). Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 37.

357 Martin V, grandson of Martin III and oldest issue of Martin IV, born; Martin III's only issue preceded him in death; in memory of this deceased Martin, the title Martin IV is never used by an Emperor. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

360 c Dr. Charles Abercrombie of the Principality of Caledon explores, names and settles Grendal (Reavers' Deep 2127). Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 34.

360 St. George (Vland 2616) colonized after technology to overcome its insidious hydrogen atmosphere is developed. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 42.

364 An expedition to resettle Wal-ta-ka (Deneb 2713) finds descendents of the miners who survived the destruction of the colony in 234. Travellers' Digest #02, DGP, 1985, P. 12.

364 The nation-states on Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) unite to form the Federated States of Sacnoth. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

365 Emperor Anguistus dies of natural causes; Martin III, oldest surviving issue of Emperor Anguistus, proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

365 The Imperium strengthens the "Starlane", a chain of outposts connecting the Imperium and the Solomani Rim Sector. Corporate confidence in the Solomani Rim Sector booms. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 24.

366 McAteer Mining LIC acquires mining rights from several Ael clans on Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437). Over the next few decades, McAteer builds huge mining operations that use tens of thousands of Ael as slave labor. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

368 Zeycude (Spinward Marches 0101) is settled by the Imperium to exploit its considerable mineral wealth. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 37.

369 Tenalphi (Spinward Marches 1826) petitions to join the Imperium. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103. 371 The nation-states on Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) unite to form the Gram Republic. Sword Worlds, SJG,

2004, p. 14. 374 Khaukheairl patrol ships confront an Old Earth Union exploration cruiser in orbit around Ikhaeal (Dark Nebula

2111). The cruiser is lost with all hands, although the Khaukheairl deny destroying it. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

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374 The Old Earth Union navy begins attacking Aslan patrols without declaring war. Four major clans and 16 minor clans declare war on the Old Earth Union and several Magyar states. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

376 X After several Aslan raids on its core worlds, the Old Earth Union requests Imperial intervention. Several Aslan clans challenge the Imperium to war. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

377 X Emperor Martin III issues an apology to the Aslan, but fails to satisfy the honor of the Aslan clans. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

377 The Battle of Kargar (Amdukan 1812), while a narrow victory for the Hhkar over the Julian Protectorate, puts an effective end to Hhkar expansion. Challenge #52, GDW, 1991, p. 21.

378 Octagon Society completes project to place shelters on all worlds of Regina subsector in the Spinward Marches. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 51.

378 X The Aslan Duel-War begins after Aslan envoys and Imperial Admiral Suukar agree to terms for a ritual war in Reavers’ Deep and Daibei sectors. A ceasefire is observed elsewhere. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

379 Tenalphi (Spinward Marches 1826) becomes a full member of the Imperium. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

380 Third Imperium signs the Peace of Ftahalr with all major Aslan clans ending the Aslan Border Wars, establishing a 30-parsec wide buffer zone between the Imperium and the Aslan Hierate. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 14.

380 Aslan Guard regiment added to Imperial Guard from native (Imperial) Aslan as a gesture of peace and mutual respect after the end of the Aslan Border Wars. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 24.

380 Aslan demand for dustspice from the Spinward Marches causes trade growth; Tyeyo Fteahrao Yolr (Tyeyo Dustspice Importers) established to import dustspice. Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 09.

382 Martin III authorizes the first so-called Alien Mission, ordering the Scout Service to send teams of xenologists, journalists and diplomats to study the major races surrounding the Third Imperium. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

382 The Aslan Mission arrives at Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). The IISS sends a goodwill mission to study the Hierate and its culture. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

382 Lanthanum and other rare metals are discovered in Glisten's (Spinward Marches 2036) inner belt. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 27.

383 Hofud (Spinward Marches 1524) conquers Sting (1525). Silver (now Wardn, 1727), Gold (now Olympia, 1728) and Electrum (now Smoug, 1729) apply to the Imperium for protection. Steel (1529) claims the Metal Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 99.

384 The IISS make a detailed survey of Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329), recognizing its inhabitants as a distinct human variant race. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 120.

385 During the First Survey, the Imperial Scout Service discovers a somewhat working Ancients site on Antiquity (Corridor 0816). Travellers' Digest #03, DGP, 1985, p. 11.

387 Acheron (Diaspora 0932) recontacted by merchants from a nearby world. The human minor race native to the world is kept isolated and hidden from the outside universe. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 10.

388 The United Jarldoms dissolves as tensions rise between Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) and Sacnoth (1325). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

388 Aramanx (Spinward Marches 3005) settled in the wave of settlement from Deneb sector into the Towers cluster. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 65.

390 Darrian Confederation Navy recovers a stockpile of TL 16 ships of pre-Maghiz manufacture. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 17.

390 cX During the first Imperial Grand Survey, Imperial Scout survey cruisers penetrate the Julian Protectorate, sparking rumors of another war throughout the region. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

391 Tizon-Gram War begins. The Tizon Empire invades Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123), triggering a declaration of war from the Gram Republic. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

392 Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036) and four other nearby worlds join the Imperium. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 74.

394 Tizon-Gram War ends. The Tizon Empire sues for peace, losing three worlds to the Gram Republic. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 14.

398 Preliminary IISS survey of Corridor Sector in preparation for the First Survey. Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

399 Several high-population worlds in Ilelish sector begin negotiating for an autonomous region to gain greater control over interstellar trade. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 24.

399 Scouts refurbish the old Vilani research station on Mamatava as the central repository for survey data, renaming it Reference (Core 0140). Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 09.

399 The surviving Vilani colony on Reference (Core 0140) is interdicted, as their cultural xenophobia prevents formal contact. Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 09.

400 c Terraforming operations begin on Mars in the Terra system (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 24.

400 c GenAssist project on Ishimshulgi (Solomani Rim 2021) to increase the nitrogen in the soil causes the entire atmosphere to be fixed in the world's crust. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 31.

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400 The Imperial border reaches the edge of Sword Worlds space. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 16. 400 Aquitaine (Solomani Rim 1439) joins the Bootean League. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 121. 400 The number of Addaxur outside their Reservation in Tienspevnekr sector is slightly larger than the population

within it. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 116. 400 cX Ling Standard Products constructs an impressive manufacturing and shipping center on Ling, an iceball world

in the Trin (Spinward Marches 3235) system. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 123. 400 cX McAteer Mining discovers Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437), and the native Ael Yael, a minor race of fliers with

leather skin rather than feathers. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 14. 400 Corporate warfare in the Gliss (now Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) system attracts the attention of Duke

Murikshaa of Mora, who seeks an indirect way to defuse the situation. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 04.

400 c Rich finds in the Dynam (Lishun 1219) system bring a slowdown to belter activity. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 34.

400 c Although still a frontier sector, major Imperial expansion and settlement in the Spinward Marches is finished. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 18.

400 c Imperial expansion expels the minor Zhodani outposts in the Spinward Marches and brings the Imperial border to the Sword Worlds. Players' Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 91.

401 Worldspec, a terraforming research firm based in Core Sector, goes out of business. Work on projects such as the terraforming of Madden (Massilia 1907) stops. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 86.

401 Nicholle, oldest issue of Emperor Martin V, born. Double Adventure 1 - Shadows/Annic Nova, GDW, 1980, p. A20.

403 Numerous revolts, subtly encouraged by the Duke of Mora, break out in the Gliss (now Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) system, as workers demand an end to incessant corporate conflict. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

404 On Shudusham (Core 2214), groups of robotics experts meet to share their latest technological breakthroughs; the yearlong Shudusham Robotics Conference has met every 10 years since. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 07.

410 Capital of the Hive Federation transferred from Guaran (Ricenden 0827) to Glea (Centrax 2619) to be closer to younger worlds within the Federation. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 28.

410 Octagon Society expands efforts from Regina subsector (Spinward Marches) into surrounding subsectors, including Vargr space. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 51.

410 cX The Ael Yael on Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437) are enslaved to assist in tunneling into the dry sea beds looking for manganese and copper; the Ael begin fighting a bitter war against the mining corporation. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 14.

410 Massive manipulations begin in the Young Worlds region of the Hiver Federation. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 31.

414 Plan Lazarus: Emperor Martin III and the Archduke of Sol commission a study towards a military plan of conquest against the Aslan Hierate, if the Aslan break the Peace of Ftahalr. Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 28.

415 Ael Yael revolt against McAteer Mining on Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437). Although brutally suppressed, resistance to the human presence on Jaeyelya continues. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

418 Ilelish Revolt begins as Ilelish (Ilelish 2907) declares its independence from the Imperium. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, front insert.

418 The outbreak of the Ilelish Revolt forces an end to the Plan Lazarus studies. Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 28.

419 Twelve other high-population worlds join the Ilelish Revolt. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 24. 419 Hofud (Spinward Marches 1524) attacks and conquers Biter (1526), triggering a bitter guerrilla war. Sword

Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 64. 420 cX Formation of the Irrgh Manifest on Igunfaksa (Provence 1731). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP,

1990, p. 53. 420 c Aesirism begins to spread on the coreward Sword Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 15. 420 c Huy Braseal (Solomani Rim 2910) claimed by the Third Imperium, after an earlier IISS survey revealed the

wealth of the system. Mining concessions are granted in short order. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 80. 420 Despite the armed opposition of the Julian Protectorate to penetration by survey cruisers, the Grand Survey

has surveyed the area up to detailed class III standards. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19. 420 Heavy investment by Ling Stand Products and Sternmetal drives smaller corporations out of the Gliss (now

Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) system, thus ending the Corporate Wars. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

420 After more than one hundred years of work, the Imperial Interstellar Scout Service publishes the first comprehensive survey of the Imperium. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10.

420 Ilelish Revolt has spread to six subsectors. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 24. 420 c Original survey report conducted on Heya (Spinward Marches 2402) determines that the planet is devoid of

exploitable resources. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p. 129. 421 Aslan explore the jump-5 route between Riftspan Reaches and the Spinward Marches. Travellers' Digest #18,

DGP, 1990, p. 24.

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421 Emperor Martin II imposes a blockade around the Ilelish Revolt using massed fleets and cows the rebellious worlds into surrendering without any large-scale violence over the next 15 years. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 24.

422 Emperor Martin III creates the Imperial Starport Authority. The SPA is technically part of the Ministry of Commerce, but its chairman of the board answers directly to the Emperor. Starports, SJG, 2000, p. 06.

423 Cleon IV, a distant relation of the Zhunastu Dynasty and the first of the Non-Dynastic Emperors, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

425 SuSAG purchases Inudu (Solomani Rim 2406) from Cambria (2407) just before that world joins the Imperium. JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 22.

425 cX The Irrgh Manifest is established in the Aenkuk and Voudzeur subsectors of Provence sector, with its capital at Igunfaksa (Provence 1731). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 53.

425 Series of workers' revolts result in the overthrow of the Vanadian Cartel and the establishment of the Hochiken Republic in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

425 cX The Duchy of Oasis in Zarushagar sector attempts to reassert its independence during the Ilelish Revolt, but Emperor Martin II quickly brings Imperial forces to bear, forcing its capitulation. Travellers' Digest #21, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

425 cX Emperor Martin II orders the Oasis subsector capital moved to Megalmatree (Zarushagar 2826) and the Oasis (Zarushagar 3130) system is stripped of all political power. Travellers' Digest #21, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

426 The Easter Concord (Solomani Rim 1802) is absorbed into the Imperium; various worlds in the Solomani Rim sector join the Third Imperium without conflict. Supplement 10 - The Solomani Rim, GDW, 1982, p. 05, 12.

427 SuSAG opens a chemical facility on Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 21. 429 Notorious pirate Mous Alhabah disappears with his treasure after the Imperial Navy destroys his Ylaven

(Spinward Marches 1916) base. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33. 429 Sir Yaku Barroda, commander of the Aslan Mission, dies a warrior’s death. During 47 years in Aslan space,

he married a human wife from the Zodia clan and earned respect across the Hierate. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

435 Hofud (Spinward Marches 1524) begins the Biter Atrocities, spacing 80% of "relocated" civilians, and releasing tons of chemical and biological weapons into the ecology of Biter (Spinward Marches 1526). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 64.

435 Ilelish (Ilelish 2907) finally surrenders, ending the Ilelish Revolt. Its equatorial zone is evacuated and then blasted into sterility. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, front insert.

435 Dlan (Ilelish 1021), a loyal high-population world, becomes the new sector capital of Ilelish sector. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, front insert.

436 In the aftermath of the Ilelish Revolt, the Order of Ilelish is demoted in precedence. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 24. 437 Delta Research founded at Sha'anoe (Beyond 0119). Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 437 McAteer Mining has its corporate charter terminated after Imperial intervention to end the Ael Yael slaughter

on Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437). The subsector duke is prosecuted for complicity in the genocide. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

439 In a backlash to the Biter Atrocities, the remainder of the Sword Worlds endorse the Dyrnwyn Compact’s conquest of Hofud (Spinward Marches 1524). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 16.

439 Emperor Martin III establishes a Planetary Development Fund to compensate the Ael Yael for the atrocities committed on Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 08.

440 cX After more than 150 years of conflict, relentless waves of sublight Tezcat invaders overwhelm the Droyne of Draykoysap (Reft 2108). The Tezcat copy the Droyne jump drive and rename the world Zamoran. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 116.

444 Sword Worlder political philosopher Leonard Torstensson publishes "Fraender", the inspiration for the Confederalism movement. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 16.

447 The Ministry of Colonization approves plans to seed Tsenjia in the Darkmoon system (Corridor 2111) with Terran-derived organisms. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

450 c Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) settled by 20,000 exiles from Fornice (3025). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

450 Double monorail lines replace single lines on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827). Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 77.

450 Darrian Special Arm created by Darrian Confederation. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25. 450 cX The Ator family, a Solomani noble house, colonizes the world of Ator (Spinward Marches 0729). Behind the

Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 48. 450 c Upirzanu (Solomani Rim 0814) finally becomes involved in interstellar society after the IISS moves into the

area. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 85. 450 Initial colonists from Fornice (Spinward Marches 3025) settle Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138). Module 1 -

Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16. 450 c Stubbornly independent Francophones colonize Jardin (Solomani Rim 0233) directly from Terra (Solomani

Rim 1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 115. 453 Squallia (Spinward Marches 1133) is settled by colonists from Fornice (Spinward Marches 3025) during the

Fornice-Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) population crisis. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 74.

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453 Establishment of the Yamashi Research Institute colony on Gasha (Massilia 1508) to study the native Ilraki race’s adaptation to Gasha’s gradual freezing. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 74.

454 The consequent surge in trans-rift colonization brings the Ikhtealyo clan into the Tlaukhu, and a new power bloc forms advocating peace and trade with other interstellar governments. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 54.

454 Aslan traders begin shipping dustspice from Romar to the Hierate (Spinward Marches 2140). Regency Sourcebook, GDW, 1995, p. 25.

456 The Eslyat, a minor race with three subspecies, on Elliador (Vanguard Reaches 1307), begin exploring their solar system. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

456 Emperor Martin III dies in air/raft accident at the age of 167, having outlived his only issue; Martin V, grandson of Martin III, proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

456 Emperor Martin V issues the Joint Imperial Services system for officer's insignia, out of weariness of identifying ranks of officers of the different services using four different insignia systems. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 44.

457 Itasis (Corridor 1413) is selected by the Imperial Terraformation Bureau to modify a chilly ice planet by injecting greenhouse gases. Challenge #62, GDW, 1992, p. 31.

457 Emperor Martin V dies of natural causes; Nicholle, oldest issue of Emperor Martin V, proclaimed Empress, becoming the second Empress of eleven Emperors of the Third Imperium. Double Adventure 1 - Shadows/Annic Nova, GDW, 1980, p. A20.

460 Final complement of settlers from Fornice (Spinward Marches 3025) arrive at Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

461 Zhodani traders encounter Aslan dustspice traders in the Trojan Reach sector. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

468 Aesir Alliance formed. Coordinated revolutions on 4 of the coreward Sword Worlds bring Aesirian fundamentalists to power. The worlds rename themselves after non-sword weapons from Scandinavian mythology. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 15.

470 Most of Vilis subsector in the Spinward Marches is absorbed into the Third Imperium by Empress Nicholle, over the protests of the Sword Worlds. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

470 The Imperium creates the County of Arden as a protectorate in Vilis subsector in the Spinward Marches, including the Sword Worlder-settled worlds of Vilis (1119), Asgard (1419), Arkadia (1217) and Garda-Vilis (1118). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 16.

474 Empress Nicholle declares Aosta (Deneb 0332) an Imperial Reserve, the only such water world. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 25.

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Imperial Disarray “All that is needed for evil to triumph is for all good men to do absolutely nothing.” “Cleon IV uses the right of assassination because Nicholle is too weak to govern. Or maybe it was her brunette hair. Or maybe hearing that ‘one-man fire brigade’ frontier story one-too-many times about Cleon II made him snap. Regardless of why, the Moot let him stay Emperor. At least the later invention ‘Emperor by right of fleet control’ sounds more commanding beside Cleon IV’s explanations. Better yet, Cleon IV’s best idea for dealing with the Vargr turns into the so-called ‘Hidden War’. At least Cleon IV has to wait 80 years before someone kills him. He must have so terrified the Moot that they waited until he was on life support, and Jerome unplugged the machine.” “Admiral Plankwell ends the farce by bringing a fleet to Capital. The fleet commanders have become so disgusted with the nobles playing Emperor that they finally take matters into their own hands. Note the most striking difference between the Civil War and the Rule of Man is that the fleets fight amongst themselves, but the Imperium is never a target. No one drops nuclear bombs on worlds that provide food and fuel to enemy fleets; we’re all Imperial Navy, ignore us while we kill each other.” “However, the Sylean worlds decide they aren’t going to put up with it. They go their own way; then the Zhodani start a second war. And Cleon V has a choice to make: defend and keep the Imperium unified, or defend his throne. As a man of honor, he could only make one choice: he sent Admiral Alkhalikoi to the Spinward Marches, and used his remaining forces to reunify the Sylean worlds with the Imperium. His reward: his opponents in the Moot aid Joseph, and because Cleon V has spread his forces across the Imperium to defend it, he is unable to defend himself.” From the lecture “What if Cleon V Had Chosen Emperor Over Empire?”, 127-1115.

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475 Claiming she is too weak to govern, Empress Nicholle and her immediate family are murdered by Cleon IV, who ascends throne by right of assassination. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10, 45.

475 Emperor Cleon IV is proclaimed Emperor by a blackmailed Moot, using threats of violence against its members. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10, 45.

475 Beginning of the Period of Non-Dynastic Emperors; between 475 and 629, each of the 21 successions to the throne involves the death of the Emperor by assassination or in battle. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10, 45.

477 Enos (Spinward Marches 1130) settled by a misjumped refugee ship. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 43. 480 Mtume Denuli, an independent scout, stranded for 2 years on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031), heavily

influencing the religion of the Great Retreat during that time. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

480 Mtume Denuli accidentally finds gemstones, later known as Denuli Crystals, on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031). Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 13.

480 c Emperor Cleon IV banishes or dismisses many Vilani-oriented nobles from court. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 22.

480 c The Octagon Society collapses after scandals emerge over quality of shelter construction and disposition of funds. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p. 155.

481 Dawnworld (Spinward Marches 1531) is colonized for a fourth time, this time by Vargr exiles from Gvurrdon Sector. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83.

482 The Shrieker religious leaders of the Great Retreat begin a slow policy of expansion over the various Shrieker tribes on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031). Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

484 First attempts to incorporate Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329) into the Third Imperium begin, but are met with hostility. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 120.

484 The colony at Enos (Spinward Marches 1130) discovered, but the castaways elect to stay rather than start over elsewhere. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 43.

486 The Vargr Mission, sent to study the Vargr Extents, encounters resistance from anti-Imperial emissaries from the Julian Protectorate, some of whom hire corsair bands to attack the mission. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

487 Oberlindes Lines established in Spinward Marches by Roxanne Oberlindes as a family-run free trader operation. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 46.

488 Emperor Cleon IV authorizes Imperial Naval intelligence counter-terrorism activities against attacks on the Vargr Mission, starting the so-called Hidden War. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

489 A goodwill tour of Vargr from the Julian Protectorate to Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) as part of the Vargr Mission sparks a wave of public affection toward the Vargr. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 20.

489 The Darrians demonstrate the Star Trigger before a stunned audience, including Zhodani delegates. In reality, the "demonstration" was timed to coincide with a natural stellar flare. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25.

490 Transfer of Hive Federation capital from Guaran (Ricenden 0827) to Glea (Centrax 2619) is completed. Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 15.

491 Group of scientists on Lohreifai'o (Iwahfuah 1422) found the magazine Galactic Honor Chest to raise funds for research. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 43.

494 An enormous effort by Imperial Naval intelligence neutralizes the numerous anti-Imperial factions opposed to the Vargr Mission; these operations are highly publicized in the Julian Protectorate. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19.

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499 Liisharara Dii, a Deneb-based corporation, brings online the first comprehensive traffic control network for the Gliss (now Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) system. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

499 The Vargr Mission formally ends with the Scout Service reports. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19. 499 Octagon Society dissolved after financial scandals; most assets sold at auction, remainder transferred to

Wochiers (Spinward Marches 2207). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 46. 500 c Barsoom (Solomani Rim 0239) begins heavy investment in space industries in an attempt to discourage

predatory interest from Jardin (Solomani Rim 0233). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 116. 500 c Addaxur participate in encounters between the Zhodani and the Aslan. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 117. 500 c Fafhrd (Solomani Rim 0912) virtually depopulated after a civil war destroys most of the world’s city-domes.

Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 86. 500 Zhodani and Imperial settlements in Chronor subsector of the Spinward Marches are now adjacent to each

other. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 40. 500 c Vland (Vland 1717) at TL 13. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 22. 500 c Shapam (Solomani Rim 3009) colonized from nearby Champa (Solomani Rim 3109). Rim of Fire, SJG,

2000, p. 81. 500 c The Third Imperium first surveys Devi (Crucis Margin XXXX), although no manned landing is recorded,

and the native sentient life form is not discovered. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 127. 500 c Aslan demand for dustspice lessens after development of synthetic forms; Tyeyo Fteahrao Yolr shifts to

importing novel or valuable trade goods from the Spinward Marches to the Aslan Hierate. Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 09.

500 c Kwai Ching (Spinward Marches 1040) settled by dissidents from free-market Collace (Spinward Marches 1237). First In, SJG, 1999, p. 138.

500 c An alien race referred to as the "Batwings of Esperanza", and later identified as Droyne, die out within two hundred years of the colonization of Esperanza (Reft 0926). Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 40, 43.

500 c Strin Venat, Duke of Feltan subsector (in Massilia sector) and important Moot leader, dies - and is revealed as the captain of the "Ray of Death," a notorious pirate ship. Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 31.

500 cX Aslan visit and possibly inhabit Mithril (Spinward Marches 1628). Double Adventure 2 - Mission On Mithril/Across the Bright Face, GDW, 1980, p. M20.

500 Imperium annexes Outreaumer subsector of Ley sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 172. 500 Syzlin Empire peaks at 24 systems. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 18. 500 c Imperial explorations have gone beyond the Spinward Marches and into Zhodani territory in adjacent

Foreven sector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 18. 502 Hlaotiyoiho clan founded by an ihatei of the Tralyeaeawi clan and his followers in Ealre subsector of the

Dark Nebula sector. Travellers' Digest #17, DGP, 1989, p. 30. 502 Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) achieves independence from Fornice (3025). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW,

1983, p. 16. 502 Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) and Collace (1237) open new markets. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983,

p. 16. 502 Trexalon (Spinward Marches 1339), Pavabid (1238) and Motmos (1340) surveyed and exploited. Module 1

- Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16. 503 Makhidkarun buys out Liisharara Dii; the Gliss (now Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) branch is purchased

by locals and changes its name to the Gliss Ten Coordinating Corporation. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

504 Imperial scouts contact a minor human race on 971-852 (Trojan Reach 2814), who subsist on some plants and cannibalism; the scouts introduce livestock, but the natives continue to eat old and crippled humans. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

506 Establishment of the Florian League. The League is formed by all Florian, and some nearby Human, worlds. New diplomatic contacts are made with the Third Imperium, Sword Worlds, Darrians and Zhodani. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 29.

506 A team of Imperial researchers rediscover the sterility problem of Dawnworld (Spinward Marches 1531). The Vargr colony is resettled on Spirelle (Spinward Marches 1927). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83.

517 Growing tensions in the Drexilthar and Ffahlnar subsectors of Reavers' Deep prompt the Imperium to "sponsor" peace conferences in the neutral Carrill system (Reavers' Deep 2330). Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 34.

519 The Articles of Assembly signed at the Carrill conferences federate the formerly feuding parties into the Carrillian Assembly, with Carrill (Reavers' Deep 2330) as the capitol. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 43.

520 c Rival clan expeditions colonized second planet, N'Varr in Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) system; life there spurs biological sciences. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 101.

520 cX Wardn (Spinward Marches 1727) is the site of a seemingly-rich lanthanum strike, but it peters out in less than a century. MegaTraveller Journal #1, DGP, 1991, p. 05.

520 c The Zhodani Consulate begins organizing the "Outworld Coalition", joining with some Vargr states and factions within the Sword Worlds. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 12.

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520 c Only a few belters remain in the Dynam (Lishun 1219) system. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 34. 525 Jerome, second of the Non-Dynastic Emperors, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p.

45. 528 Jonkeereen Project begins development of a human subspecies suited for hostile desert environments.

Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 26. 532 Olav hault-Plankwell, future Grand Admiral of the Marches and then first Emperor of the Flag, born on

Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 536 The Protectorate, the first human state in Far Frontiers sector, forms around a strict policy of isolationism.

Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 29. 539 The scattered belters of Caliburn (Spinward Marches 1430) form the Caliburn Cooperative to perform a

limited number of governmental functions. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 78. 550 c The Zhodani solidify their "Outworld Coalition" by adding the two largest Vargr states in Gvurrdon sector,

the Ngoerrgh Togzekhz and the Gnaithlloellarrgh Gzolakhgha. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 76. 550 Imperial and Zhodani settlements in the Spinward Marches now include intermingled worlds in the same

systems, heightening tensions. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 33, 40. 550 c Foundation of the Tozjabr, known to the Imperium as Zhodani Consular Intelligence. Alien Races 1, SJG,

1998, p. 31. 550 cX The Protectorate begins colonization of several worlds in the Taemerlyk subsector of the Far Frontiers

sector. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 35. 550 Spinward Marches regiment added to Imperial Guard because of importance of the sector, although within

no domain. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 20. 550 c The Galian Trade League in Gateway sector dominates subsectors F, G, I, J, K and is the largest

interstellar entity in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25. 550 c Jardin (Solomani Rim 0233) reduces Pilgham (0332) to a client-state and sponsors new settlements on

nearby worlds, attempting to build a pocket empire capable of resisting the Old Earth Union or the Imperium. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 115.

551 Marava, future Empress of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 552 Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) and its colony on Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1118) become full

members of the Imperium. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 106. 555 Emperor Cleon IV assassinated by Jerome, who is proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 -

Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 555 Caladbolg (Spinward Marches 1329), Caliburn (1430) and Gunn (1429), all former Sword Worlds, join the

Third Imperium. Enos (1130) becomes a stopover for Sword Worlders trading with District 268 subsector and beyond. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 43.

556 Imperial Research Station constructed on Retinae (Spinward Marches 0416), specializing in long-range communications. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 06.

556 Storm subsector of Beyond sector surveyed and charted by Imperial scouts. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

558 George, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 558 Usuti, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 559 Nicolai, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 560 cX Imperium appears to be unraveling as the central government becomes increasingly unable to control the

frontiers while various fringe rulers' powers increased, particularly the Sector Dukes and Sector Admirals. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 10.

560 Ramon I, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 561 Jacqueline I, third of the Non-Dynastic Emperors, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981,

p. 45. 562 Constantus, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 563 Caledonian explorers contact the TL 3 Yn-tsai (Saie) of Tsanesi (Reavers' Deep 1711) and place them

under royal protection. Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 51. 565 Cleon V, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 566 Ramon II, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 569 Jacqueline II, future Empress of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 571 Emdiri, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 576 Colonade Administration District formed in Far Frontiers sector as a loose trade and mutual defense

federation. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 30. 578 Winchestur Mollh is born on Sterling (Reavers' Deep 1415). Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 28. 579 Donald, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 580 Ivan, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 580 An asteroid swarm strikes Steel (Spinward Marches 1529); a large part of the population evacuates to

Sting (1525) and Caladbolg (1329), 25% of those remaining die. Sting lays claim to all the Metal Worlds. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 68.

580 The Imperial Terraformation Bureau terminates the Itasis (Corridor 1413) project as the base temperature has not increased enough to justify colonization. Challenge #62, GDW, 1992, p. 31.

581 Joseph, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

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581 Gustus, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 582 Emperor Jerome is assassinated by Jacqueline I, who is then proclaimed Empress by the Moot.

Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45. 582 Empress Jacqueline cuts the budgets of the Scout service as part of her cost-cutting activities. First In,

SJG, 1999, p. 15. 582 Empress Jacqueline I grants the Dingir League’s request for admission to the Third Imperium, opening a

concerted Imperial campaign to incorporate the Solomani Rim sector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 54. 582 Catharine, future Empress of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 583 Empress Jacqueline appoints the first Archduke of Sol. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 98. 583 A democratic revolution on Champa (Solomani Rim 3109) forces the old aristocracy of that world to flee to

the colony at Shapam (Solomani Rim 3009). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 81. 583 The Arcturus Federation, based on Banasdan (Solomani Rim 2920), joins the Third Imperium. Rim of Fire,

SJG, 2000, p. 97. 585 c Sector Admiral Olav hault-Plankwell becomes Grand Admiral of the Marches. Supplement 09 - Fighting

Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 40. 585 Aslan ihatei first arrive at Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627), and offer to fight for the Darrian

Confederation in exchange for land. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25. 585 The Eslyat build their first base in outside their home system in Vanguard Reaches sector. Vanguard

Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01. 586 Second concerted attempt to incorporate Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329) into the Third Imperium

begins, but is met with skepticism. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 120. 586 Vegan Polity joins the Third Imperium. After intense diplomatic and economic pressure, the Vegans are

intimidated into accepting Imperial rule. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 54. 587 Arbellatra Alkhalikoi, future Grand Admiral of the Marches, Imperial Regent and Empress, born. Double

Adventure 1 - Shadows/Annic Nova, GDW, 1980, p. A20. 292-588 The Old Earth Union, centered on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827), is absorbed into the Imperium; a small

historical mission verifies haut-Devroe's Solomani Hypothesis. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

589 With the outbreak of the First Frontier War, the Floriani again withdraw into isolation. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 61.

589 Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822) joins the Third Imperium, after weathering the Long Night well. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 106.

589 Creation of the Domain of Deneb. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 19. 589 The Zhodani Consulate and their Outworld Coalition allies attack the Imperium, starting the First Frontier

War. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 20. 589 Zhodani forces expel Imperial settlements beyond the Spinward Marches sector boundaries. Supplement

08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 27. 589 Al Morai discontinues service outside the Imperium (to Darrian and the Sword Worlds). Spinward Marches

Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 31. 589 Empress Jacqueline I establishes the Domain of Deneb during the first year of the First Frontier War;

however, no Archduke was ever designated. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 06. 590 Military coup overthrows the Hochiken Republic in Gateway sector, replacing it with the Hochiken People's

Assembly. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25. 590 c The Third Imperium annexes the uninhabited worlds of Esperance subsector in the Solomani Rim sector.

Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 90. 590 Internal conflict in the Hochiken Republic triggers a military coup, which eventually evolves into the

repressive Hochiken Peoples’ Assembly. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 14. 592 Confederalist Revolt. Formation of the first Sword Worlds Confederation. The navies of the various Sword

Worlder states, sympathetic to the Confederalist movement, form a confederation governed by a junta of admirals. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 17.

593 Sword Worlds forces invade the Entropic worlds of the Darrian Confederation, in the Spinward Marches. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 14.

593 Esperance (Solomani Rim 1116) and Cathay (2012) join the Third Imperium. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 88.

594 Northstar Interworld Technological Services founded during expansion of the Rimward Fringe in Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

595 Darrian Confederation signs alliance with Imperium after loss of the Entropic Worlds, bringing the Darrians and the Sword Worlds into the First Frontier War Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 25.

596 Iilike (Solomani Rim 1429) joins the Third Imperium, after being a buffer state between the Old Earth Union and the Dingir League through the Long Night. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 104.

597 Martin VI, future Emperor of the Flag, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 598 Merchant explorers from the Principality of Caledon contact the early-TL 9 Lhshana of Lhshami (Reavers'

Deep 2111). Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 49. 599 Nirton (Spinward Marches 1332) is declared a red zone by the Imperial Navy. Behind the Claw, SJG,

1998, p. 76.

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600 First three generations of Jonkeereen arrive on Jonkeer (Deneb 1324) and require little support. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 92.

600 c The Gliss Ten Coordinating Corporation has become Gliss's (now Glisten, Spinward Marches 2036) center for a variety of services, including traffic control, food distribution and legal adjudication. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

600 c Psionic Institutes throughout Imperium campaign for more interest. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 09.

600 cX The Solomani Movement rises out of the troubles developing within the Third Imperium. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 10.

600 c Strife in the Spinward Marches and in the Imperium, and refugees from Zhodani expansion, cause new settlers to pour into Far Frontiers sector. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 30.

602 Arbellatra Khatami Alkhalikoi inherits the Duchy of Rhylanor upon the death of her father. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 88.

602 Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036) convenes its First Constitutional Convention and forms a civil service bureaucracy. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 27.

602 Rivalry between the Ngoerrgh Togzekhz and the Gnaithlloellarrgh Gzolakhgha breakdown command of the Vargr forces in the Outworld Coalition. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 76.

604 Due to their valiant service in the Darrian cause during the First Frontier War, Aslan migrants become accepted into a permanent place in Darrian society. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 63.

604 Large deposits of gold and silver are discovered in the Torment Desert on Louzy (Spinward Marches 1604), starting a gold rush. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 60.

604 c Duke Renyard Hansen of Ushra (Dagusdashaag 1016) becomes a highly vocal member of the Solomani sympathizers at the Imperial court. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

604 Second Sydymic War begins as the Sydymic Empire attempts to reclaim worlds lost to the Imperium during the First Sydymic War in Frontier Worlds subsector in Ley sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 14.

604 Battle of Rhylanor. Duchess Arbellatra commands the system defenses, receiving her commission as a captain in the IN from Grand Admiral hault-Plankwell after the battle. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 88.

604 Consular Officer (Grand Admiral) Tliaklabtl attempts to win the war with combined Zhodani and Vargr thrusts meeting at Jae Tellona (Spinward Marches 2814), except the Vargr fail to show. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 29.

604 At the Battle of Zivije (Spinward Marches 2812), only the Gzolakhgha Vargr stand by the Zhodani, who are no match for the gathered Imperial fleet. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 76.

604 First Frontier War ends with Grand Admiral Olav hault-Plankwell's victory against a Zhodani fleet at Zivije (Spinward Marches 2812) following its raid against Jae Tellona (Spinward Marches 2814). Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 24.

604 Tremendous losses have crippled both sides' ability to fight, and the First Frontier War ends as a military stalemate. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 40.

604 The Imperium is ousted from Foreven sector, and the Zhodani gain control of portions of Chronor subsector in the Spinward Marches, but the Imperium gains substantial claims elsewhere in the Marches. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 40.

604 Following the defeats of the First Frontier War, the Vargr Ngoerrgh Togzekhz state in Gvurrdon sector breaks apart in civil war. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 77.

604 Olav hault-Plankwell, Grand Admiral of the Marches, leaves the Spinward Marches for the Imperial Core. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 30.

604 Second Dominate organized in Sword Worlds, based on Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325); the Second Dominate occupies four Darrian worlds conquered during the First Frontier War. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

605 A force of 23 Zhodani cruisers enables the Gzolakhgha Emperor to crush internal disturbances, tying the Gzolakhgha Vargr to the Zhodani alliance. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 77.

606 Antebellum period of the Imperium ends as the Civil War begins. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

606 Aslan Guard refuses to surrender and holds Grand Admiral Olav hault-Plankwell's assault until virtually destroyed, giving Empress Jacqueline's Marine Escort Force time to prepare their defenses. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 19.

606 Empress Jacqueline's Marine Escort Force dies heroically to a man in a futile attempt to prevent Empress Jacqueline's assassination by Plankwell. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 19.

606 Grand Admiral Olav hault-Plankwell murders Empress Jacqueline I after forcing an audience, and proclaims himself Emperor by right of fleet control. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 20, 45.

606 Beginning of the period of the Emperors of the Flag (all Imperial Naval Admirals). Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

606 Emperor Olav disbands the Imperial Guard and it is not reformed until after the Civil War. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 19.

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606 Imperial efforts to incorporate the remainder of the Solomani Rim sector come to an end with Empress Jacqueline's death. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 112.

607 The Second Dominate conquers Tizon (Spinward Marches 0922), incorporating it as conquered territory without full voting rights. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 17.

608 154th Battle Squadron raised from dreadnoughts of several squadrons scattered by Emperor Olav in the battles of 608. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

609 The Zhodani reform the Outworld Coalition with the Vargr and Sword Worlds. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 25.

609 Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036) becomes a member of the Imperium. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 07.

609 Zhodani explorers in Vanguard Reaches sector contact the Murians. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

609 Ramon, Emperor Olav's chief of staff, convinces large portions of the fleet to attempt to overthrow Emperor Olav. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

609 At the Battle of Tricanus 5 (XXXX), Ramon's forces are apparently defeated, but Olav's flagship is destroyed with all hands during a final closing action; Ramon proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

609 Constantus murders Emperor Ramon I and claims the throne by right of assassination, but is not supported by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

609 Upon the assassination of Emperor Ramon, the IISS headquarters issues a directive requiring the Scouts to remain neutral in the Civil War. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 16.

610 Nicolai defeats Emperor Constantus' forces in the Battle of Rakakaka (XXXX) and is proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

610 Imperial protection formally extended to Districts 267 (later the Five Sisters subsector) and 268 by Emperor Nicolai. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

610 Dawnworld (Spinward Marches 1531) is declared off-limits to any settlers regardless of species. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 83.

611 A Darrian research station is setup on Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537) with Imperial permission to investigate the nature of the drist storms. The Volentine Gambit, Ba'Rac Limited, 1985, p. 12.

612 Emperor Nicolai murdered by George, who ascends throne by right of assassination without Moot support. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 45.

612 Heptad War (Galian Trade League against Hochiken Republic) in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 48.

613 Gordon (Reft 6209) is conquered by the Tezcat, who eliminate the human inhabitants. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 118.

613 A Zhodani scout craft misjumps into the Elliador (Vanguard Reaches 1307) system; the Eslyat gain jump technology from their study of the accident. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

613 The murder of Emperor George leads to numerous "emperors" ruling fragments of the Imperial Core, although none are recognized by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

613 The Sylean home worlds form a temporarily autonomous state, but the Imperium-wide bureaucracy continues to function, preventing a true interregnum. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

614 Beginning of clan war between the Yerlyaruiwo and Tralyeaeawi clans in Aslan Hierate. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

615 The Gzolakhgha Empire and the Ekhlle Ksafi (a splinter of the Togzekhz) Vargr side again with the Zhodani at the start of the Second Frontier War. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 77.

615 Kaner, a Geonee admiral and an aspirant to the Iridium Throne, is killed in battle. Geonee troops and naval forces continue the fight against Kaner’s enemies, supporting several other candidates. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 72.

615 Second Frontier War begins with an attack on Cipango (Spinward Marches 0705) by the Zhodani Consulate against the Imperium. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 04.

615 Darrian worlds hire large numbers of Aslan mercenaries. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 25. 615 Sword Worlder forces aim to recapture all the Sword Worlds in Vilis subsector in the Spinward Marches.

Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 38. 615 Cleon V gains prominence and reclaims the Sylean Home Worlds. A close vote in the Moot proclaims him

Emperor. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 615 Emperor Cleon V names Arbellatra Alkhalikoi Grand Admiral of the Marches during the Second Frontier

War. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 47. 616 Zhodani fleets withdraw from Darrian space after uncovering evidence of Darrian plans to deploy "star

triggers." Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 25. 616 The Scout Service recognizes Emperor Cleon V as legitimate, and revokes its neutrality directive. First In,

SJG, 1999, p. 16. 616 Adrian Eshgaani is posted as Sector Leader to the Spinward Marches, to work with Arbellatra Alkhalikoi;

this serves her very well during the Second Frontier War. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 16.

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617 Carrying precious metals, the "Behemoth" merchant cruiser disappears after leaving Asgard (Spinward Marches 1519). Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33.

617 cX During the Civil War, the Brinn reclaim their home system of Divad (Corridor 2238) and slaughter every human being trapped in their system. Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 19.

618 154th Battle Squadron fights on the side of Joseph in the Battle of Markatch (XXXX). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

618 Joseph defeats Cleon V in the Battle of Markatch (XXXX) and is proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

618 Donald declares himself Emperor by right of fleet control after defeating Joseph in the Battle of Arakoine (XXXX), but is not supported by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

618 Emdiri is not recognized as Empress by the Moot after her assassination of Donald. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

619 With the Gzolakhgha Vargr having no gains to show for four years of fighting, the Gzolakhgha Emperor is killed by a lieutenant, breaking the empire apart. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 77.

619 Height of the collapse of Imperial authority - six Emperors serve on the throne, none for more than three months. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 26.

619 Catherine assassinates Emdiri and is proclaimed Empress by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

619 Ramon II assassinates Catherine and is proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

619 154th Battle Squadron fights against Jacqueline II in the Battle of Nivzhine Belt (XXXX). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

619 Jacqueline II defeats Ramon II in the Battle of Nivzhine Belt (XXXX) and is proclaimed Empress by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

619 Usuti defeats Jacqueline II in the Second Battle of Arakoine (XXXX) and is proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

620 c Reastirlao Aslan corporation contracts to provide transport support to the Tralyeaeawi clan, laying the foundation for its large profits at the expense of Yerlyaruiwo clan's Tlasayerlaahel corporation. Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

620 Emperor Usuti killed in Third Battle of Arakoine (XXXX); Marava ascends throne by right of moot election. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

620 Not built for military purposes, but as an artistic design, the Grand Palace of Martin II on Capital (Core 2118) is destroyed after a brief siege by Marava. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 22.

620 Zeycude (Spinward Marches 0101) falls to the Zhodani Consulate. Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane, GDW, 1981, p. 32.

620 Grand Admiral Alkhalikoi stalemates the Zhodani and negotiates an end to the Second Frontier War by ceding more territory to the Zhodani and releasing a dozen systems previously in the Imperium. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 40.

620 Grand Admiral Alkhalikoi leaves Baron Caranda of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) with Imperial marine units to support him while she takes her fleet to the Imperial Core. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

620 154th Battle Squadron sides with Ivan at the Battle of Sulgami (XXXX). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

620 Captain Argon Kevin Beauregard leaves Empress Marava's reserve leaderless at the Battle of Sulgami (XXXX), after command of the division falls to him through enemy action, when he panics and jumps to safety. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 12, 39.

620 Empress Marava killed in Battle of Sulgami (XXXX); Ivan ascends throne by right of moot election. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

620 Captain Argon Kevin Beauregard flees the Imperium, ultimately founding the world of Belgard (Trojan Reach 1106) and the Belgardian Sojourn. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 12, 39.

621 c General Products, LIC is formed by merger of smaller manufacturing concerns. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 41.

621 Beginning of five year Imperial military occupation of 12 systems of the Second Dominate in the Sword Worlds. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 13, 14.

621 Emperor Ivan killed in First Battle of Zhimaway (XXXX); Martin VI ascends throne by right of moot election. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

621 Tizonian 3rd Regiment flees Imperial occupation of Tizon (Spinward Marches 0922). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

621 Admiral Denisov, commander-in-chief of Narsil's fleet (Spinward Marches 0927) chooses to resist Imperial occupation after the Second Frontier War. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07, 09.

621 154th Battle Squadron defects to Gustus. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32. 621 The Battle of Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927) forces the remnants of Admiral Denisov's fleet to take

refuge at Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132); period of commerce raiding begins. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 07, 09.

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621 Emperor Martin VI assassinated by Gustus, who ascends throne by right of moot election. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

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Imperial Recovery “Arbellatra Alkhalikoi, Grand Admiral of the Marches. A name recognized by every educated Imperial citizen.” “Her victory isn’t significant for that day, but for her reign. Empress Arbellatra set out to rebuild the Third Imperium around honor and she carefully chose those around her for that. But for the unfortunate aspects that some of her closest advisors toyed around with the nascent Solomani movement, and others were openly anti-psionic, the history of the Imperium might be radically different. But alas, simple human bigotry now takes control of Imperial history.” “What is interesting is that even as large portions of the nobility and the Imperial military become accustomed to service to the Emperor and the Alkhalikoi dynasty, two very bigoted groups are about to demand personal attention. The Imperial Court after the Civil War is a wondrous place; but behind the scenes some very ugly people are preparing to do ugly things.” “Let us look at the idealism of the Alkhalikoi Ascendancy: honor and service. Expeditions to the client states to raise technology and explore boundaries. Two groups long experiencing bias in the Imperium, the Geonee and the Vargr, gain immensely in the years after the Civil War. We see just a hint of how the Julian War might have been different in how humans and Vargr work together to build in Antares. Even as the Solomani Movement is insisting that they are superior to other humans, the Vilani are being brought closer in than ever. The Third Imperium is finally seeing Cleon’s true promise: all humans, all minor races, all major races, all are welcome to serve together.” “Unfortunately, small men cannot abide their lessers succeeding in greater achievements than they.” From the lecture “Visions of Empire: Cleon I, Cleon V, Arbellatra, Gavin, Strephon”, 237-1115.

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622 James Bradshaw recruits a fleet of mercenaries to assist Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi at the Second Battle of Zhimaway. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 25.

622 154th Battle Squadron defects to Arbellatra before the Second Battle of Zhimaway (XXXX). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

622 A Geonee fleet intervenes decisively for Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi in the Second Battle of Zhimaway. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 72.

622 Civil War ends with Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi's defeat of the putative Emperor Gustus at the Second Battle of Zhimaway (XXXX) and her proclamation as Regent. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 47.

622 Grand Admiral Arbellatra Alkhalikoi begins the tracking down and prosecution of war criminals. In particular, many Marine commanders are disgraced, and the Marines as a whole are marginalized in the Imperial armed forces. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 10.

622 Admiral Soegz captures Archduke Glazdon Deirdin of Antares and executes him for treason. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 96.

622 Regent Arbellatra Alkhalikoi elevates Baron Caranda of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) to Marquis. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

622 Admiral Soegz becomes the first Vargr named an Imperial Archduke, elevated by Regent Arbellatra Alkhalikoi to replace Archduke Glazdon Deirdin of Antares. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 21.

622 X Beck's Bruins, a pro-Arbellatra mercenary regiment under the command of Colonel Vilina Beck, conquers Frisini (Spinward Marches 2204), rename it Beck's World, and settle there. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

622 Regent Arbellatra Alkhalikoi orders a search for rightful heirs, and grants Imperial absolution for all military actions fought during the Civil War. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

622 With the ending of the Civil War, attempts to incorporate Otrai (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0329) into the Third Imperium are abandoned. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 120.

622 Tizonian 3rd Regiment arrives on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

622 A plague wipes out the colony on Zyra (Spinward Marches 2934). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 120. 623 Baron Caranda of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) uses two battalions of Imperial Marines given to him

by Grand Admiral Alkhalikoi to restore order on Menorb (Spinward Marches 1803). JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 13.

623 Zhodani colonists arrive at Plaven (Spinward Marches 0807). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 41. 624 Express boat system established to speed communication between the frontiers and the Imperial core.

Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 39. 624 Zhakirov, oldest issue of Arbellatra, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46. 625 Imperial Navy constructs a major naval base in the Theton (Vland 3107) system. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990,

p. 44. 625 "War criminals" from Tizon (Spinward Marches 0922) arrive at Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138), fleeing

Imperial authorities. They settle in a rural region and keep a low profile for a generation. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 95.

625 Imperial negotiators give up attempting to convince the Second Dominate to hand back the Entropic Worlds to the Darrian Confederation, and accept the status quo. The occupation ends. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 38.

625 Regent Arbellatra Alkhalikoi creates the Duchy of Shiwonee, moving the subsector capital to Shiwonee (Massilia 1430), and names the Geonee son of Admiral Kaner its Duke. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 72.

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626 Imperial military occupation of 12 systems of the Sword Worlds ends, although anti-Imperial sentiment in those systems remains high. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 14.

626 Axel Murdoch, a retired mercenary colonel, uses his inside contacts and connections to found Instellarms, LIC. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 41.

626 Zhodani colonists pass through the Colonade Administration District in Far Frontiers sector enroute to Vanguard Reaches sector to form the Driantia Steblenzhtia, a Zhodani client state. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

627 154th Battle Squadron, formed of eight "Tronskia" class jump-3 dreadnoughts, serves along the Ley Sector border. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

628 Internal and external conflict settles in the Domain of Antares as Archduke Soegz gains the loyalty of the human and Vargr citizenry. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 96.

628 The Humbolts, Marquis of Vincennes (Deneb 1122) are exiled from the Imperium for extreme violations of Imperial law, although many believe that ongoing criminal activities are due to their influence. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 05.

628 Fleet Vice-Admiral Koenig's squadron defeats former Narsil Admiral Denisov's raiders at Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537). Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 08, 09.

628 The Marquisate of Vincennes (Deneb 1122) is given to an Imperial Legate, who is re-appointed every eight years. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 05.

629 The search for suitable heirs exhausted, Arbellatra Alkhalikoi is proclaimed Empress by the Moot, founding the Alkhalikoi Dynasty; end of period of the Emperors of the Flag. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

629 Empress Arbellatra establishes the Imperial Regency of Intelligence and Security (IRIS), under Rhys ap Connor, her friend and consort of 15 years, and her intelligence chief during the Zhodani and Civil wars. Challenge #33, GDW, 1988, p. 53.

629 Empress Arbellatra re-establishes the Imperial Marine Escort Force and, later that year, the Imperial Guard, adding a Marine Guard regiment to it. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 20.

629 Empress Arbellatra removes 17 Imperial Marine regiments from the rolls due to criminal acts during the Civil War. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 10.

629 Empress Arbellatra declares that "all Marines are riflemen", eliminating branch colors on Marine uniforms. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 45.

629 Empress Arbellatra establishes the Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch (JSB) with Colonel Daranth En La as director. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 32.

629 Marquis Caranda of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) receives patent as Grand and Noble Duke of the Imperium from Empress Arbellatra personally. JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 13.

629 Empress Arbellatra orders the construction of the Grand Palace on Capital (Core 2118) as a sign of the beginning of a new era of power and progress. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 22.

629 Admiral Koenig pursues Denisov to Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132); Denisov lost in belt, fleet surrenders to Koenig, occupation of Bowman by Imperial naval squadron. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 08, 09.

629 Sword World Commodore Jarlsson attempts to stand against an Imperial fleet within a swarm of asteroids in the Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132) system. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

629 Solomani Movement dominates the inner circles of Empress Arbellatra's court advisers. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 39.

630 Pirtlud Likaar founds the Glisten Institute of Planetological Studies (GLIPS) in the Glisten system (Spinward Marches 2036). Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 28.

630 cX The Third Imperium re-conquers the Divad (Corridor 2238) system and imposes a harsh martial government. Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 20.

630 Imperial naval base, Garrison Outpost, established at Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132). Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 08, 09.

630 Scientists from Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) found the Glisten Institute of Planetological Studies. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 07.

631 Marova hault-Hayashi made Marquis of Aramis (Spinward Marches 3110) for services to Empress Arbellatra. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 143.

632 Hephaistos Company given Imperial charter to complete the sporadic terraforming project on Hephaistos (Solomani Rim 1931). Supplement 10 - The Solomani Rim, GDW, 1982, p. 38.

633 The Grand Imperial Palace of Arbellatra on Capital (Core 2118) is finished, a magnificent sphere one kilometer in diameter, floating one-half a kilometer above the Imperial Park. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 22, 23.

633 Fleet Admiral Sergio Covington is tasked with establishing a School of Space-Submarine Warfare for the Imperial Navy in the Darkmoon (Corridor 2111) system. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

635 c Duke Caranda of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) converts Imperial marine units under his command to his personal bodyguard; formation of the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

637 Suerrat abandon development of desert worlds; Imperial funding for Jonkeereen project ends. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 92.

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640 cX The position of Vilani-oriented nobles rises at court under Empress Arbellatra and her successors. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 22.

640 Massive Imperial reinforcements swing the tide of the Second Sydymic War. The Sydites settle into a bloody and costly defense-in-depth. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 14.

640 Empress Arbellatra founds the Order of the White Star, open to any Imperial knight with psionic ability. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 18.

642 Empress Arbellatra establishes the Order of Hlyuea and the Order of Gvadakoung to honor loyal Aslan and Vargr citizens respectively. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 81.

644 Winchestur Mollh, a wealthy merchant prince in Reavers' Deep sector, leaves much of his estate to advance the study of psionics. A memorial is built on his homeworld of Sterling (Reavers' Deep 1415). Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 28.

645 The subsector capital is moved from Paval (Vland 2806) to Theton (Vland 3107). Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 44.

648 The Imperium formally annexes Highlord subsector in Ley sector, ending friction between the Luriani and the Matarishan Federation. Matarishan resistance does not flare into general rebellion. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 15.

649 Floating colony of 20,000 disappears from Heguz (Spinward Marches 2706). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 18.

650 cX Pilgra (Massilia 1203) becomes a favorite resort of the nobility and wealthy; the planetary charter specifies that Imperial nobility are not immune to local laws and regulations. Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 31.

650 Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) based merchantman, "Nilzeng," disappears after leaving Ianic (Spinward Marches 1924), carrying onnesium. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33.

650 The Tezcat now control 5 worlds in Reft Sector, and their merchant cruisers and missionary scouts penetrate into Trojan Reach, Vanguard, Riftspan and the Beyond Sectors. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 116.

650 The Glorious Empire, an Aslan separatist state centered in Goertel subsector of Trojan Reach, founded by Tokouea'we clan. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

650 cX Imperial marines intervene on Junidy (Spinward Marches 3202) after open warfare breaks out between the human colonists and the native Llellelwyloly. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 84.

650 c Psionics grows in popularity throughout Imperium. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 14. 650 c The Sendi Mai cult begins to dominate Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537). The Volentine Gambit, Ba'Rac

Limited, 1985, p. 16. 652 During the Yerlyaruiwo-Tralyeaeawi War the Uawairlew clan, a member of the Yerlyaruiwo bloc, falls from

the Tlaukhu. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 54. 652 The minor Hlyueawi clan, formerly vassals of a Yerlyaruiwo ally, takes over most of the Uawairlew assets

and rises into the Tlaukhu. Quickly forming new alliances, Hlyueawi becomes the kernel of a new power bloc. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

654 Kaaribilanidin (Vland Club) founded on Vland (Vland 1717) to lobby, in the wake of the Civil War, for more Vilani influence on Imperial policies. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 29.

657 The Eslyat establish themselves in Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 660 Imperium stabilizes at present size and turns attention inward, devoting resources to internal development

and consolidation. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 26. 666 The Driantia Steblenzhtia in Vanguard Reaches sector abolishes its nobility and implements widespread

psionic testing of all its citizens. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01. 666 Empress Arbellatra dies of natural causes; Zhakirov proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 -

Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 39, 46. 666 The Solomani Movement loses favor at the Imperial Court after Emperor Zhakirov's coronation.

Supplement 10 - The Solomani Rim, GDW, 1982, p. 06. 667 SuSAG convinces Emperor Zhakirov to re-fund the Jonkeereen Project; fine-tuning of genetics introduced,

Scout permanent observers in place. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 92. 670 Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) electorate reform distributes 1000 new votes for every old vote; the new

votes can be bought, sold or traded. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16. 672 Imperial forces complete reconquest of Frontier Worlds subsector in Ley sector in the Sydymic War.

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 14. 673 Sydymic Empire sues for a conditional surrender, losing two more worlds before the Imperium accepts a

temporary cease-fire. Negotiations proceed through the year, but the Sydites refuse to surrender unconditionally. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 15.

674 Withdrawing from negotiations, Imperial forces launch a massive and successful assault against Sopater (Ley 3026). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 15.

675 Second Sydymic War ends with the fall of Sopater (Ley 3026) as the Sydymic Empire begins to unravel; the Sydymic Emperor is assassinated by Fleet Admiral Asmocchek, who promptly surrenders to the Imperium. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 15.

676 IISS removes the interdiction of Irale (Antares 2315), and begins construction of a scout base to study the native Azhanti, a minor human race. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 24.

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292-679 Emperor Zhakirov marries the Vilani noblewoman Antiama Shiishuginsa; Solomani power broken at the Imperial Court. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10.

680 Duke Giacamo Hansen of Ushra (Dagusdashaag 1016) is stripped of his titles and executed for plotting Emperor Zhakirov's assassination; the Hansen family leaves court in shame. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

680 Imelda Smilalr is made Duke of Ushra (Dagusdashaag 1016) by Emperor Zhakirov. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

682 The Karbiili School for the children of high nobility is established on Capital (Core 2118) by Countess Gani Karbiili. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 32.

684 Margaret I, oldest issue of Zhakirov, and Paulo I, second issue of Zhakirov, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

684 Emperor Zhakirov yields to domestic pressure from Empress Antiama and establishes the Interworld Trade and Transport Commission, appointing his brother-in-law as the first commissioner. Merchants & Merchandise, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 01.

685 c Gulem Kilar (Ley 1437) settled as a landgrab purely to stake an Imperial claim to the system. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 88.

688 Emperor Zhakirov dies of natural causes; Margaret I proclaimed Empress by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

688 With the death of Emperor Zhakirov, a Regency Council governs on behalf of his daughter Margaret. Conflict within the Regency Council almost leads to a new civil war. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 37.

689 First transplantation of the avnira tree from Arrilla (Massilia 0112). Popular for its beautiful wood, the avnira tree becomes established across the spin-coreward quarter of Massilia Sector. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 74.

690 The Protectorate reaches its largest extent, encompassing 39 worlds in Far Frontiers sector. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

690 Rio (Spinward Marches 0301) adopts a strict policy of neutrality, allowing free use of its starport as long as weapons remain covered. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 38.

690 Imperial Navy establishes a naval depot in the Dynam (Lishun 1219) system. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 34.

692 Empress Margaret expands membership of the Order of the Arrow to include explorers in a more broadly defined sense, including notable scientists in fields such as astronomy, sophontology and sociology. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 22.

693 Clan war between the Yerlyaruiwo and Tralyeaeawi clans in the Aslan Hierate ends with the defeat of the Tralyeaeawi bloc. Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35.

695 The Protectorate grants independence to its colony worlds in the Taemerlyk subsector of the Far Frontiers sector, which form the Union of Garth (Far Frontiers 2228). Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 35.

695 Fish stocks on Tsenjia in the Darkmoon system (Corridor 2111) reach an exploitable level. A modest export trade begins. Almost all higher native species are extinct. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 12.

698 The Second Dominate's control of the Sword Worlds is overthrown by the Gram Coalition, based on Gram (Spinward Marches 1223). Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

700 cX Baroness Porfiria haut-Jones of Adaskaglu (Dagusdashaag 0320), heir to Giacamo Hansen's estates, turns Kamsii (Core 3021) into a luxury retreat for the wealthy. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 07.

700 Imperial Ministry of Colonization shows renewed interest in Jonkeereen, transplanting them to desert worlds throughout the Domain of Deneb. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 92.

700 Nobles settled in the Trojan Reach and Reft sectors by Empress Arbellatra merge a number of bankrupt fledgling lines to form the General Development Company (GeDCo). Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

700 c Dorp (Old Expanses 2511) is settled by refugees escaping the international tension on nearby Bourj (Old Expanses 2413). Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 34.

700 c Religion of the Symbiotic Triad begins forming on Kaflowe (Massilia 0514). Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 24.

700 Third Imperium reaches TL 14; Imperial Navy begins experimenting with battle riders. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 34.

700 c SURD founded by a group of academic robotics researchers who pooled their patents together to make money. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 16.

700 c Solomani government establishes a naval base on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827). Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78.

700 c The Florian League reaches its present size of two subsectors. Internal transit times strain its system of representative government, so expansion is halted. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 61.

700 Imperial scouts realize that the Xapoql of Xapozoz (Corridor 3131) are intelligent - for the first time since the world was surveyed during the First Imperium. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 34.

700 c The Scout Service develops its detached duty program. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 17.

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700 The Fellowship of Kotar, a pirate band, begins operating within the Four Subsectors region of Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 26.

700 c Expanding population among the Drak Ne'Vha force smaller clans to exploit other moons and asteroid belts in the Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) system. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 101.

700 c Internal pressures in Far Frontiers sector lead to the formation of numerous interstellar political entities. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 30.

700 c Addaxur trading patterns venture into the Spinward Marches. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 117. 700 c The Chamax, a TL 9 minor race of pseudo-crustaceans in the Alenzar (Foreven 3229) system, are

destroyed by an infestation; escaping sublight ships allow "bugs" to escape the world as well. Double Adventure 5 - The Chamax Plague/Horde, GDW, 1981, p. H20.

703 Tsenjia in the Darkmoon system (Corridor 2111) is chosen by the Imperial Army as the base for the 6152nd Separate Brigade, entirely composed of Dolphin soldiers. This dramatically boosts the local economy. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

704 Once again, legal disputes break out over whether new colonies in the Aslan buffer zone are truly independent, or whether the Treaty of Ftahalr now binds them. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 64.

704 Empress Margaret I grants broad authority over space within a 50 parsec radius of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) to a Solomani governing body, forming the Solomani Autonomous Region, or Solomani Sphere. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 19.

705 c Imperial Naval Uniform Regulations are revised to be stricter in the wearing of unauthorized insignia, particularly the Marine drop slash. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 46.

705 Consentient Alliance sits in first Grand Council at Rabanitas (Beyond 0122). Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

706 Budget cutbacks force the Imperial Navy to turn their facilities at Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132) over to the Scouts. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 08, 09.

706 Miracru Tradecorp, specializing in opening up long-term trade relations in areas that have traditionally been difficult, is founded in Core sector. EA01 Stoner Express, QLI, 2004, p. 07.

708 Church of Resurgent Anthropomorphic Philosophy founded by Louis Farbes at Par-a-Dice (Beyond 0608). Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

710 c Instellarms has grown to dominate the mercenary arms trade in the coreward sectors of the Imperium. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 41.

710 c High-tech Solomani colonists arrive on Gwynedd (Solomani Rim 2138), displacing the original TL0 settlers. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 125.

711 Makhidkarun develops a reliable robot brain with 25% synaptic processing (TL 14). Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 07.

711 The "Infinite" is forced down on Sturgeon's Law (Reft 1724) in Islands Clusters. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

712 Empress Margaret I indicates her support for the Marine drop slash during an honors presentation; Naval persecution of the unauthorized item ends. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 46.

712 Tomutov I, oldest issue of Paulo I, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 713 Establishment of ConTech by philanthropist Wilhelm Roberto Conwell. ConTech, based in the Dark

Nebula Sector, eventually becomes one of the largest biotech firms in the Solomani Confederation. Challenge #29, GDW, 1987, p. 17.

715 A group of Vilani displaced by the Solomani Autonomous Region are stranded on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) when their jump drive fails. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 08.

716 The Archduchy of Sol lapses, after the death of the incumbent leaves no heirs who are not members of the Solomani Party. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 98.

718 Express boat system expanded to cover the entire Imperium, approximating jump-2.6 per week. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 39.

718 The "Long Winter" occurs on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138), a significant ecological disaster which engineers of the Tizonian 3rd Regiment help solve. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

718 The Vilani settlers on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) forge a government called the Protectorate over most of the world's city-states. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09.

718 The high-tech immigrants to Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) come to dominate the city-state of Merik. This government begins to assimilate nearby native city-states. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 8.

720 c The Count of Jael (Solomani Rim 2821) flees to the Imperial core to escape Solomani persecution. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 111.

720 Lepanto’s (Ley 1735) population triples. Imperial settlers colonize over the existing population, who arrived during the Rule of Man. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 92.

720 The Solomani Movement comes to power in most human nations on Esperance (Solomani Rim 1116). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 88.

720 A war on Esperance (Solomani Rim 1116) between the Solomani nations and the Vegan-dominated nation of Waothan results in the occupation of Waothan and the reductions of Vegans to second-class citizens. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 88.

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722 Tizonian 3rd Regiment integrated into Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) society, gaining a share of the votes. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

722 Galactic Honor Chest begins funding its own surveys within the Aslan Hierate. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 43.

722 The Reach formed by the union of Turku (Crucis Margin 2329) and Ranua (2728). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19.

723 154th Battle Squadron transferred to Depot (Fornast 1811) and reorganized as a Battle Rider Squadron, with three jump-3 carriers and nine "Auliaau" class battleriders. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

724 Jutland (Ley 1838) settled from Mamikha (Ley 2237). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 174. 727 Attempts by the weak government of Mjolnir (Spinward Marches 1121) to nationalize the company

Rikarolja Furetag backfire, and a corporate state is established. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 37. 729 Empress Margaret I builds the Consortium Trinary as a set of companion structures near the Grand Palace

of Arbellatra on Capital (Core 2118), to serve as museums and historical research facilities. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 28.

730 Aslan-Ahetaowa contact. The Aslan Seieakh clan contact the Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) and favorable trade relations follow. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

730 c Thorwald (Solomani Rim 3026), independent since the fall of the Long Night, directly joins the Solomani Autonomous Region of the Imperium. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 112.

730 The Seikh Aslan minor clan contacts the Ahetaowa minor race on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604). Challenge #56, GDW, 1991, p. 28.

730 c Mirayn (Far Frontiers 2134) colonized by settlers from Lelaek (Far Frontiers 2336) as an agricultural colony. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 09.

735 Death of the Duke of Albadawi in the Solomani Rim. His sole heir forfeits the title by joining the Solomani Movement. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 98.

736 Empress Margaret I dies tragically in a tunnel collapse; Paulo I proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

737 The pirate corsair "Vapor," preying in the Abyss Rift, disappears in 2117 Spinward Marches after capturing a large cargo of gems. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33.

740 c Scandia (Solomani Rim 2826), independent since the fall of the Long Night, directly joins the Solomani Autonomous Region of the Imperium. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 112.

740 A collision with an asteroid destroys the second colonization attempt on Zyra (Spinward Marches 2934). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 120.

740 Emperor Paulo I opens the Five Sisters subsector in the Spinward Marches for development and colonization. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 10.

740 Emperor Paulo I constructs Paulo's Annex as a pleasure palace close to the Grand Palace of Arbellatra on Capital (Core 2118). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 28.

740 Every ten years athletes from across the Imperium gather on Capital (Core 2118) to attend the Emperor's Games, held in Paulo's Annex. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 28.

742 Ling Standard Products ends its feud with the Glisten Coordinating Authority and accepts a shipbuilding contract. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 07.

743 A new Zhodani trading company calling itself Makarin is founded in Ziafrplians sector. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 28.

750 c The Raidermarch returns to its piratical ways. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 750 c The Solomani open Kukulcan subsector for rapid colonization and development. Kukulcan (Solomani Rim

2835), with a population of 10 billion, is the virtually the only inhabited world in the subsector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 128.

750 c Squanine (Spinward Marches 2536) begins relocating its lower classes to Burtson (Spinward Marches 2534). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 117.

750 Nine worlds break away from the Galian Trade League to form the Viyard Alliance in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

750 c Caprice (Solomani Rim 3035) settled from Banasdan (Solomani Rim 2920) and other worlds of the former Arcturus Federation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 129.

750 c Radical Solomani elements manage to limit citizenship on Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822) to only genetically pure Solomani. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 106.

750 Katowice and the Old Worlds negotiate a mutual recognition of borders, ending 500 years of on-off border wars. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 16.

750 Seventh Zhodani Core Expedition. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 08. 750 The Colonade Administration District in Far Frontiers sector ends its long-standing policy of open

immigration. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45. 750 c The Solomani Party takes over the government of Easter (Solomani Rim 1802), beginning a purge of

Vilani influences. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 73. 752 Paula II, oldest issue of Tomutov I, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 752 The Viyard Alliance petitions to join the Collective in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP,

1993, p. 25.

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753 Colonade worlds in Antideluvia subsector of the Far Frontiers sector break away, ultimately forming the Salinaikin Concordance. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 30.

754 The Galian Trade League sends a fleet to regain the worlds in the Viyard Alliance, starting the First Viyard-Galian War, but is beaten at the Battle of Coralee (Gateway 1629). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

754 Battle of Coralee. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 756 A merchant vessel makes an emergency landing on the uninhabited world of Heironymous (Solomani Rim

1316), finding a lost Solomani colony with openly displayed psionic powers. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 90. 756 A follow-up expedition to Heironymous (Solomani Rim 1316) finds no evidence of any colony ever being

present. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 90. 756 A popular revolution, supported by the Solomani Movement, topples the corporate government on Quaver

(Solomani Rim 1110). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 69. 758 Glen Murdoch (Ley 1837) settled as a research station, with voting rights vested only in scientists.

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 181. 758 The Myteria-Seru undersea arcology on Castell (Core 0410) is flooded, killing 1.5 million people.

Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 44. 758 Treaty of Umbrin ends the First Viyard-Galian War and recognizes the independence of the Viyard worlds,

which immediately join the Collective to form the modern Viyard Concourse in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

759 Great Hall at Rabanitas (Beyond 0122) completed. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 760 c The Confederacy of Duncinae establishes Coventry (Reavers' Deep 1723) as an exile world for political

dissidents and criminals. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 19. 760 154th Battle Rider Squadron assists in the suppression of the Kamurinmur Rebellion in Gushemege

sector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32. 760 cX The "four worlds", Uklor (Far Frontiers 1928), Dloshl (1929), Hearth (2027), and Zishilicti (1828), become

discontented with their status within the Union of Garth. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 31. 760 c The institution of Imperial nobility has almost vanished in the Solomani Autonomous Region. Rim of Fire,

SJG, 2000, p. 57. 763 Emperor Paulo I renames the Eshushandra gallery in the Grand Palace of Arbellatra the Eshushandra

Margaret, as Empress Margaret I greatly expanded the gallery before her tragic death. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 26.

765 Several planetoid clusters in the Glisten system (Spinward Marches 2036) declare independence from the central system government. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 28.

767 Emperor Paulo I dies; Tomutov I proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 46.

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The Stumbling Years “What happened in 767? One day Emperor Tomutov I suddenly decides, after years in and around the Imperial court, that he cannot master power politics and he abdicates; yet he then remains around the very court he could not master?” “And immediately upon Empress Paula II’s coronation, suddenly the Psionics Institutes become the new enemy?” “It is my theory that the events leading up to the Psionic Suppressions are actually the work of three factions at court fighting against each other for Imperial attention. The first, the loyalists, remain true to the visions that Cleon and Arbellatra followed; the second, the Solomani supremacists, give lip service to the Imperial vision while trying to make it subservient to their own racial theories. The last group hides in the shadows, pretending to fight unseen enemies while actually undermining the ideals they believe they hold dear. This last group appears to have gained control of the Imperial court after the Solomani have left, and having defeated the obvious enemy, now turns against the secret one.” “The problem here is how to turn a known and recognized group of friends into an enemy we have had forever. The answer became the Imperium’s greatest experiment in psychohistory: how to turn the Imperial populace against psionics. Of course, first you had to convince the Emperor of the threat. And if you can’t change the Emperor’s mind, perhaps you could change an Emperor—perhaps a tunnel collapse, or subtle threats and intrigue, or an openly brandished pistol in the Imperial fresher. All those methods have proven effective. At least no one considered the right of assassination.” From the holodocumentary “A New Look at the Tunnel: Imperial Policy from Margaret to Tomutov”, 119-1115. Date Code Details

768 Emperor Tomutov I finds he cannot master power politics and abdicates; Paula II proclaimed Empress by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47.

768 After his abdication Emperor Tomutov I constructs Tomutov's Palace as another companion to the Grand Palace of Arbellatra on Capital (Core 2118) as a home for the most important visitors to the Grand Palace. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 28.

770 c Psionics research reaches its height in the Imperium. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 14. 770 cX Various Imperial Intelligence agencies begin working to eliminate the Psionic Institutes due to their potential

as a "fifth column" in a future war with the Zhodani Consulate. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 15.

770 cX Lewis (Spinward Marches 3107) is given as a fief to a cousin in the Tukera family. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 117.

772 Public opinion shifts against the Psionic Institutes as a series of financial, ethical and moral scandals erupt within the Institutes. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 14.

777 Lair (Provence 2402) and four neighboring worlds declare their independence from the Empire of Varroerth. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 54.

778 The confederation of Sydite worlds coalesces into the Khuur League. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 778 Osaka (Crucis Margin 0727) declares independence from the Syzlin Empire, triggering the Empire’s collapse

back to 6 systems. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 16. 780 Pavabid (Spinward Marches 1238) religious dictatorship established; Pavabidian refugees arrive on Tarsus

(Spinward Marches 1138). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16. 780 c The church government of Tonopah (0723 Solomani Rim) agrees to support the Solomani Movement, as long

as the rights of all sentient residents are guaranteed, isolating radical Solomani elements from offworld support. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 101.

780 The agricultural worlds of Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138), Motmos (Spinward Marches 1340) and Tarkine (Spinward Marches 1434) form the AgWorlds Combine. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 15.

782 Tomutova II, third issue of Paula II, born (other heirs died without issue). Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47.

785 The "four worlds", Uklor (Far Frontiers 1928), Dloshl (1929), Hearth (2027), and Zishilicti (1828), sign a secret agreement with the Zhodani Consulate for covert military and economic aid. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 31.

785 20 years of negotiations lead to a Second Constitutional Convention in the Glisten system (Spinward Marches 2036). Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 28.

786 Radical Solomani factions topple the semi-democratic government of Jardin (Solomani Rim 0233), ending Jardin’s claims to the whole subsector in the Solomani Rim. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 115.

788 The Four Worlds, Uklor (Far Frontiers 1928), Dloshl (1929), Hearth (2027), and Zishilicti (1828), break away from the Union of Garth; the Zhodani warn the Union of Garth not to resist. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 31.

788 Sword Worlds' Gram Coalition mishandles a short war with the Darrian Confederation, resulting in the loss of the four Entropic worlds gained in the First Frontier War. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 14, 17.

788 Public outrage over the mishandling of a short war with the Darrians causes the fall of the Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) planetary government. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

788 The Zhodani-supported insurrection in the Union of Garth of Far Frontiers sector involvng the Four Worlds causes the Protectorate to drop their long policy of neutrality and adopt a pro-Imperial stance. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 32.

788 The Sword Worlds are dominated by the Trilateral Alliance between Narsil (Spinward Marches 0927), Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) and Durendal (Spinward Marches 1523). Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

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788 The Darrian Confederation uses political pressure to force Nonym (Spinward Marches 0321) to accept a Darrian military base. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 47.

788 The "Unuki III," a far trader operated by Sharurshid, disappears after picking up Terran wines at Quopist (Spinward Marches 2215). Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33.

789 Research station re-established on Telaret, an inner moon of Leryin, the innermost gas giant of the Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) system, by the University of Nyadh, to study vacuum phenomena. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 37.

790 c Further revelations of scandals within the Psionic Institutes destroy popular opinion towards them. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 14.

790 Archaeological evidence establishes Droyne as a major race, with multiple inhabited worlds and use of jump drive prior to the entry of any of the modern dominant species into space. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 08.

792 The Thoengling Empire, one of the most stable governments in the Vargr Extents, takes its present form (capital at Gvurrdon 3117). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 144.

792 A pro-Zhodani government is elected on Attica (Spinward Marches 0414) amid protests of telepathic influencing of the electorate. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 33.

792 Security police refuse to suppress anti-psionic rioters on Attica (Spinward Marches 0414); the new government accepts a Zhodani offer of troops to restore order. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 33.

792 The Imperium sends a naval squadron to blockade Attica (Spinward Marches 0414) to prevent Zhodani intervention on the world. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 33.

792 While Imperial and Zhodani sector fleets mobilize, the Attica (Spinward Marches 0414) government falls; both sides stand down. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 33.

795 Assistance from the Protectorate into the Raiders' Blight in Far Frontiers sector replaces the Zhodani influence on many worlds with Darrian influences. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

795 The Zhodani are horrified to watch the Vlazhdumecta worlds in Far Frontiers sector throw off their millenia-old influence and replace them with Darrian and Imperial influences. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

798 Peace and unity are restored to the Glisten system (Spinward Marches 2036) as the last independent cluster accepts the Second Constitution. Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 28.

798 Mamikha (Ley 2237) breaks into a planetary civil war over the issue of Imperial membership. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173.

798 The Zhodani client government on Ralatela (Far Frontiers 2018) is violently overthrown, falling into civil war. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

799 The "Crisis of '99"; beginning of the largest psycho-historical experiment ever attempted, as documented by Albert Croale in the book "Almost Disaster." Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 21.

800 Scipio (Solomani Rim 3234) settled by Solomani anti-technologists. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 130. 800 cX The Imperial Scout Service begins studying the Gamgilebo (Lishun 1604) system's inner gas giant, Getes,

which seems to be exhibiting signs of becoming a new star. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 88. 800 c Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) civil wars finally bring an end to the Protectorate. Planetary Survey 3 -

Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09. 800 cX After 500 serious years of study, the Ancients site on Antiquity (Corridor 0816) is opened to the public as a

tourist site, although remaining under strict Imperial control. Travellers' Digest #03, DGP, 1985, p. 11. 800 Extensive deposits of industrial-grade gemstones are found on Kwai Ching (Spinward Marches 1040);

resulting immigration disrupts the government's centralized planning, which resorts to oppressive measures to keep control. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 138.

800 Imperium annexes the spinward half of Diamond-Prince subsector in Ley sector. The ducal seat is awarded to the Stolzhein family of Jutland (Ley 1838). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173.

800 c Twelve worlds, led by Afellahlah (Far Frontiers 1222), establish the Federation of Alsas. The federation takes a pro-Imperial stance in sector politics. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 31.

800 cX Although direct intervention by either is very unlikely, most states in Far Frontiers sector have chosen pro-Imperial or pro-Zhodani allegiances. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 30.

800 c The masculinist movement on Santorini (Solomani Rim 2938) effectively dies out, having only gained a few superficial concessions. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 129.

800 In the interests of maintaining good relations with the Imperium, the Darrians lower the profile of their own psionics programs. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 38.

800 c Dynchia space receives its first traders from the Third Imperium by way of the Harodar Hegemony to coreward. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 51.

800 Azhanti settlements springing up across the Antares Sector. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 24. 800 The Valkyrie homeworld, far rimward of the Aslan Hierate and Solomani Sphere, is discovered by an

interstellar exploration vessel - probably a Solomani far trader or merchant cruiser. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 124.

800 c Solomani from worlds in the Diaspora Sector settle the moon of Akimasi (Solomani Rim 1201). Terraforming begins on the mainworld below. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 70.

800 Internal reforms in the Syzlin Empire trigger civil war. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 800 Laputa (Solomani Rim 2740) settled from worlds in Sol subsector. A pseudoreligious movement, the Omega

Point Fraternity, sponsors the settlement. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 126.

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800 Cymbeline (Solomani Rim 2527) first settled. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 111. 800 c The entire Vegan region has come under direct Solomani Movement rule, and Solomani governors are

installed in every system. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 31. 800 Empress Paula II signs the first of 65 suppression orders for the Psionic Institutes, and eventually revokes all

Institute charters. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 15. 800 Psionic Suppressions begin; SuSAG is badly damaged as psionic drugs are declared illegal, manufacturing

plants closed and all stocks confiscated and destroyed. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10, 22, 43.

800 As the Psionic Suppressions begin throughout the Imperium, they carry over into the Solomani Autonomous Region. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 30.

800 c During the psionic suppressions, minor groups of refugees from the Imperium flow through Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

800 c 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment raises anti-psionic battalions to support the Psionic Suppressions. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

800 Rise of piracy in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 48. 801 The Aslan Seikh minor clan builds a starport on Ahetaowa (Ealiyasiyw 2604) to support trade with the

Ahetaowa minor race of psionic animated plants. Challenge #56, GDW, 1991, p. 28. 801 c Psionic Suppressions halt development of Five Sisters subsector; the entire subsector is placed under

Imperial Naval administration. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 10. 801 Emperor Tomotov I, who abdicated in 768 in favor of his daughter Paula II, dies. Supplement 08 - Library Data

(A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 802 Imperial traders make contact with the Comitia of the Dynchia, based on Melantris (Leonidae 2733). JTAS

#24, GDW, 1985, p. 45. 802 Andor (Spinward Marches 0236), prime candidate for Droyne homeworld, and Candory (0336) discovered and

interdicted by Scout Service. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 12. 803 Syzlin Republic established. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 804 Thapek (Far Frontiers 2315), having been a Zhodani client state for 3000 years, discards its Zhodani culture

and balkanizes. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48. 805 cX A large group of psionic refugees from the Imperium head straight for Tubroyllufotyusk (Crucis Margin 2623)

and are taken in by the Droyne there. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 16. 806 Uniqua (Spinward Marches 0129) is settled by colonists from Garoo (Spinward Marches 0130). Behind the

Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 34, 46. 806 Duke Valreega Neowashee of Shiwonee (Massilia 1430) sues the Imperial Navy in an attempt to claim a

rumored Ancient starship, the "Bradeeva," as Geonee property. Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 08. 806 A special Moot commission ultimately determines that the "Bradeeva" does not exist and closes Duke

Neowashee's case, although the Geonee claim the incident was covered up. Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 08.

810 District 268 formally established as a protectorate of the Third Imperium. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 08, 09.

810 c One of the richest lanthanum strikes in the history of the Reavers' Deep sector is discovered on Dakaar (Reavers' Deep 1821), and becomes the basis for the ruthless Dakaar Corporation. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 21.

812 Dikam (Ley 2236) annexed by Imperium. Imperial border in Gateway Domain reaches its present location. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173.

812 Binges (Spinward Marches 1635) borrows large amounts of money from the Glisten First Bank to finance starport construction. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 78.

813 The Nerewhon (Spinward Marches 0704) Confederacy begins the launching of four sublight generation ships to colonize Indo (Spinward Marches 0703). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 40.

813 The "Sakolusalo," an Aslan trader, disappears after leaving Quiru (Spinward Marches 2321) with Aslan antiques. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33.

814 SuSAG sets up operations in District 268; SuSAG products become available on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

815 A global thermonuclear war devastates Gaashushnu Lii Mur (Deneb 1608); the survivors refuse evacuation. Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 34.

815 c Local and subsector law enforcement forces raid a manor estate on Morninglori (Deneb 1216), killing 40 individuals and proving that it was a clandestine psionics institute. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 15.

815 c A planet-wide war on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) ends the dominance of the Vilani immigrants. All city-states return to native rule. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 8.

815 c As a result of the Psionic Suppressions, the covert operation powers of the Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch (JSB) powers are expanded. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 32.

818 Imperial troops fail to prevent a mob from storming the Murchison (Spinward Marches 2935) School of Mental Excellence. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 34.

818 Imperial brutality in dealing with non-psionic protestors regarding mob violence on Murchison (Spinward Marches 2935) ignites the Psionic Rebellion of 818. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 34.

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818 The Psionic Rebellion of 818 turns into a widespread insurrection across the Trin's Veil subsector of the Spinward Marches, which is then brutally suppressed. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 34.

819 Internal warfare splits the Domain of Alntzar, a Zhodani client state in the Jungleblut subsector of Far Frontiers sector. Imperial interests are widely believed responsible. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 50, 52.

820 cX The League of Suns forms as an Imperial client state from the splinter worlds breaking away from the Domain of Alntzar in Far Frontiers sector. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 31.

820 Raidermarch annexes Kochi (Crucis Margin 0614 and Gifu (0616). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 820 c Solomani trader and 'prophet' Shaddaf Thisilos misjumps to Fterlyuhlye (Ealiyasiyw 2807) and restructures

the lifestyle of the billions of Aslan there into a simpler, less technological, less stressful vein. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 35.

820 cX A sublight colony ship from Heron (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0921) carrying 50,000 people lands on Granicus (0520), settling in a relatively uninhabited region. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09.

824 Margaret II, oldest issue of Tomutova II, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 824 Imperium interdicts Saanshakase (Ley 2036), due to the suspected psionic abilities of the native minor human

race. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 172. 824 Order of the White Star starship "Sword of Arbellatra" attacked and disabled; all members of the Order

considered lost. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 16. 824 The Imperial Navy auxiliary "Gallachi," a 600-ton "Henderson" class corvette, is decommissioned following

extensive damage during action on the frontier. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 18. 826 Psionic Suppressions end with all institutes closed, and public opinion equating psionics with the Zhodani

enemies. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 10, 22. 830 Plague on Ur (Ley 1937) introduced by refugees from civil war on Mamikha (Ley 2237). Quarantine imposed

by Archducal appointee Dr. Mallory Mikes. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173. 830 cX Project Longbow (Long Baseline Observation Window) created for observation of the galactic core and the

Zhodani axis of exploration, with its collector plane at Depot (Lishun 1219) 46 billion kilometers in diameter. GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998, p. 48.

830 c Imperium signs a treaty with the strategic choke-point world of Star Bridge (Glimmerdrift Reaches 1637), establishing a standing picket squadron to guarantee its neutrality. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 125.

830 154th Battle Rider Squadron transferred to patrols along the Great Rift and finally takes up station in Deneb sector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

832 Shaddaf Thisilos passes away on Fterlyuhlye (Ealiyasiyw 2807), having set them well on their way to peace. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 35.

832 Civil War on Mamikha (Ley 2237) ends. Mamikha remains outside the Imperium. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 172.

832 Interworld Division of Enforcement Services founded. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 833 Imperial express boat system extended into Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 833 The Psionics Institute on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) comes under the administration of the Imperial Navy.

Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 132. 835 Esalin (Spinward Marches 1004) settled by Imperial colonists. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW,

1979, p. 12. 835 The Hephaistos Company opens Hephaistos (Solomani Rim 1931) for settlement, although minor terraforming

continues. Supplement 10 - The Solomani Rim, GDW, 1982, p. 38. 836 Empress Paula II dies of natural causes; Tomutova II proclaimed Empress by the Moot. Supplement 08 -

Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 837 The IISS formally revokes the Amber Zone around Irale (Antares 2315). Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 25. 840 During a local land survey on Lewis (Spinward Marches 3107), lanthanum deposits are discovered near the

Tukera estates. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 117. 840 cX Troubles on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) between the Heron immigrants and the existing populace

cause three great wars before the major nations form a planetary parliament to settle issues. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09.

840 cX The Imperial Navy creates a clandestine refueling station deep in the Great Rift, located 6 parsecs away from Ashishinipar (Corridor 0931), probably somewhere in Shush subsector of Corridor sector. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 15.

840 Dallia (Spinward Marches 1435) takes control of Tarkine (Spinward Marches 1434) to insure food supply to their hostile world. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 76.

843 Central Resources, LIC, a mining concern on Trin (Spinward Marches 3235) is brought in by the government of Tarsus (Spinward Marches 3025) to assist with mining. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

845 Imperial Science Union founded by Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine and other academic institutions. JTAS #22, GDW, 1985, p. 18.

848 Inherent weaknesses in the decentralized Sword Worlds' Trilateral Alliance cause it to break up. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

848 The Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537) government begins a two-year campaign to suppress the Sendi Mai cult. The Volentine Gambit, Ba'Rac Limited, 1985, p. 16.

848 After the collapse of the Trilateral Alliance, the Ericsson family relocates from the Sword Worlds to Jewell (Spinward Marches 1106) and enters Imperial service. MegaTraveller Journal #2, DGP, 1991, p. 21.

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849 The Sword World Isenfang (now Margesi, Spinward Marches 1020) petitions the Imperium to be recognized as a client state. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 18.

850 cX A Droyne oytrip based in the Spinward Marches begins a profitable business importing Terran black beetles for roasting. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 64.

850 c Ptolemy (Solomani Rim 0639) settled by Solomani from the Antares Sector fleeing Imperial persecution. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 117.

850 In a major reorganization of the Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch (JSB), the Investigative Office is added. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 32.

850 cX Increased restrictions on non-Solomani, and particularly on non-humans, turn Solomani political theory extremely chauvinistic. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 10.

850 Imperial Ministry of Justice, Special Branch, formulates its "Doctrine of 850", ultimately becoming the most elite security force in the Imperium. High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 42.

850 cX Binges (Spinward Marches 1635) becomes the property of Glisten First Bank after its starport loans are called in. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 78.

850 c Some of the nations on Algine (Spinward Marches 2308) begin to technologically advance. These nations start to build far-flung colonial empires. First In, SJG, 1999, p. 142.

850 Langren Center established on Ochre (Solomani Rim 2731) as a private company researching electronics theory and computer programming. Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 13.

850 c Pirate bands, perhaps with Solomani support, begin raiding from Gateway Sector into Ley Sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 15.

852 Second Sword Worlds Confederation, led by on Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) and aided substantially with Zhodani money and advisors, forms. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 23.

852 Imperial scouts discover the minor human race on 971-852 (Trojan Reach 2814) is extinct, after introduction of livestock and attempts to eliminate cannibalism. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

852 Imperial Scouts strengthen their pre-stellar contact restrictions after review of 971-852 (Trojan Reach 2814) human minor race extinction. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 30.

853 World War on Nerewhon (Spinward Marches 0704) escalates to nuclear weapons, destroying the government and killing much of the population. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 41.

853 Ling Standard Products begins mining operations at Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132). Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 08, 09.

855 c The Darrian cultural impact in Far Frontiers sector drops significantly, but Darrian trade items remain a mystique on many worlds in the sector. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

856 Establishment of the Reinhardt Foundation by a Terran billionaire and philanthropist. The Foundation eventually becomes the leading institution in archaeology across the Solomani Rim Sector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 08.

859 Murians form the Altarean Confederation with it's capital on Arcturus (Vanguard Reaches 1533). Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 19.

860 SuSAG establishes operations on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1328), processing Tarsuline, an important ingredient in the manufacture of psionic drugs, and impossible to produce synthetically. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

860 c Sir James Armstrong of Caledon (Reavers' Deep 1815) founds a wilderness retreat, which later becomes a full-fledged colony on Glenshiel (Reavers' Deep 1912). Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 11.

860 Empire of Olduvai acquires J-2 drives from Hivers. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 860 c A Zhodani noble stationed on Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) acquires a copy of the ancient Sword World

text, the Kenningsboken. Subsequently, he publishes a hypothesis that the work conceals a number of psionic techniques. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 89.

860 c The Solomani Movement controls virtually all worlds in the sphere granted under the mandate of the Solomani Autonomous Region in 704. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 56.

860 c Political opinion in the Solomani Autonomous Region begins to increasingly favor the formation of a true Solomani interstellar state. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 24.

867 A pelagic survey on Darkmoon (Corridor 2111) discovers ocean floor vents that support life. Duchess Beatrice of Naadi halts naval bombardment and commissions a research base. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

869 Formation of the Glory of Taarskoerzn. Seven worlds on the spin-rimward edge of the Windhorn form a loose grouping. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 53.

870 Ansing Expedition explores the Annikkittaar gas giant at Pretoria (Deneb 0406). Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 45.

870 Five hundred colonists, mostly retired Imperial Naval personnel, settle what is to become Outpost (Reavers' Deep 1926). Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 28.

870 cX The Ael Yael of Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437) begin to found colonies on other worlds. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 07.

870 cX After 30 years of relative peace on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520), a fleet from the Federation of Heron arrives to discover that all sides view them as invaders. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09.

870 Quarantine on Ur (Ley 1937) lifted. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173.

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871 Outpost (Reavers' Deep 1926) voluntarily becomes an Imperial client state; a loophole in the Treaty of Ftahalr allows the Imperium to establish a naval base there. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 28.

871 Solomani forces begin exerting open control over worlds in the buffer zone established by the Treaty of Ftahalr. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 64.

871 The Solomani Autonomous Region's government reorganizes itself into the Solomani Confederation. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 19.

871 Imperial Naval Intelligence discretely takes control of the Psionics Institute on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 132.

872 The Imperium establishes a naval base at Outpost (Reavers' Deep 1926), five parsecs past the Imperial border, to protect trade and maintain communications with the Confederacy of Duncinae. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 27.

872 Violent pro-Solomani coup on Nisinasha (Solomani Rim 2822). After decades of Solomani radicals from the Imperial core resettling on the world, Count Ganidiirsi Gamarkhiddun abandons Nisinasha to take up his seat in the Moot. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 95.

872 Lent Publishers of Wochiers (Spinward Marches 2207) publishes a history of the Octagon Society. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 51.

873 The Colonade Administration District signs the first of several mutual assistance treaties with the Zhodani Consulate. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 30.

874 Assets of the Octagon Society on Vreibefger (Spinward Marches 2415) purchased and converted to an Imperial Research Station engaged in stock breeding experiments. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 14.

874 Aerial palace for the Thearch of Pavabid (Spinward Marches 1238) in District 268 is built at Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036). Double Adventure 6 - Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest, GDW, 1982, p. D10.

874 L'lluii'!pri'vguurlg, a charismatic young K'kree lord, embraces the principles of "Axavktrr xur," and is ultimately exiled for his refusal to desist. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 50.

874 James Dunbar establishes a trading post for the Scotian Deep Trading Company on Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218) to support the jaihe trade. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 26.

875 c The government of Menorb (Spinward Marches 1803) creates a formal reservation for the Irklan religious sect in the highland deserts. JTAS #23, GDW, 1985, p. 16.

875 Transmat publishes "Ramshackle Empire: The Rise and Fall of the Second Imperium," on Dlan (Ilelish 1021). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

876 Work is completed on the official Palace for the Secretary-General of the Solomani Confederation, high in the Andes on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 108.

878 An unnamed Research Station, and several hundred thousands surrounding square kilometers, is destroyed during research into relativistic wormholes. Challenge #33, GDW, 1988, p. 33.

879 Colonade Administration District merges with the Driantia Steblenzhtia in Vanguard Reaches sector. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

879 Investigations into the Psionic Suppressions reveals that two Psionic institutes did not have their charters revoked, and are being used as training centers for IRIS covert operatives. Challenge #33, GDW, 1988, p. 54.

879 A furor amongst the Moot compels Empress Tomutova II and the High Regent (head of IRIS) to disclose that IRIS does employ psionics on a very limited basis. Challenge #33, GDW, 1988, p. 54.

881 Ashak Moroyanga, an Imperial physicist convinced that the fundamental concepts of time were hidden within the principles governing jumpspace, dies under mysterious circumstances. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 27.

881 Solomani Press at Home (Aldebaran 1009) publishes Laurence Trinoch's "The Solomani Destiny." Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

883 Representatives of Central Resources, LIC, a mining concern on Trin (Spinward Marches 3235), remain on Tarsus (Spinward Marches 3025) after the company leaves, becoming known as the Red Banders. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

883 Kolsvart (Spinward Marches 1128), a small gas giant in deep space, is discovered by the Sword Worlds Confederation. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 78.

884 Imperial scout system survey of Far Trinity (Massilia 1025) finds that the local culture has reached TL 4. Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 16.

884 Ansing Expedition finishes its studies; Ansing Foundation of Vland (Vland 1717) publishes reports. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 45.

885 L'lluii!pri'vguurlg and his followers establish the Xuruk'xaar'keer! (the Xuruk Empire), outside boundaries of K'kree space, in Luretir!girr sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 50.

885 Imperial Research Station Zeta opened at Pashus (Deneb 1432) to study time anomalies in jumpspace, based on original work by Ashak Moroyanga. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 27.

886 Mudge (Solomani Rim 1710) files a claim to Okefenokee (1609) with the Solomani Confederation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 73.

900 c Spacer clans among the Drak Ne'Vha begin arming their ships to defend their claims in the Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) system. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 101.

900 c Erita (Deneb 2519) begins colonization of Kiirindor (Deneb 2520). Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 35.

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900 cX The Imperial Scout Service establishes a base on 875-496 (Spinward Marches 0833) to assist the local Turkish colonists. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 55.

900 c The majority of citizens of Matarishan (Ley 1023) now actively support Imperial membership. The world changes name to Shanape. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 15.

900 c The Viyard Concourse begins a period of expansion, attempting to annex various worlds in Cinder and Farina subsectors in Gateway sector. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 109.

900 c The Chirpers on Six Gun (Diaspora 0723) begin producing aquatically-adapted mutant offspring; this continues to occur at about a 10% rate for new hatchlings. Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector, GDW, 1992, p. 11.

900 c Church of the Chosen Ones, an influential Vargr movement, proclaims their doctrine of Vargr supremacy, justified by having been uplifted by the Ancients. Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 03.

900 c Reastirlao attains megacorporation status, with trading bases in all Hierate sectors. Besides its merchant operations, Reastirlao also has extensive heavy industry assets. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 58.

900 Solomani Confederation recognizes the claim of Mudge (Solomani Rim 1710) to Okefenokee (1609). Mudge immediately invades Okefenokee, and floods of new colonists arrive. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 73.

900 c Laputa (Solomani Rim 2740) begins to engage in a bitter rivalry with Kukulcan (Solomani Rim 2835) for domination of the Kukulcan subsector in the Solomani Rim). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 127.

900 Margaret, Empress Tomutova II's heir, begins to reassess the Solomani Autonomous Region situation after reports circulate about Solomani rule of client worlds within it. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 47.

900 c Jardin (Solomani Rim 0233) outlaws marriage. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 116. 900 c Settlement of Dinom (Spinward Marches 1811) as the world enters its Bright Face period. Double Adventure 2

- Mission On Mithril/Across the Bright Face, GDW, 1980, p. A18. 900 c Vegans in the Solomani Rim and Vilani in the Old Expanses protest their treatment under Solomani rule.

Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 11. 900 c Imperial Navy begins upgrading ships to jump-4. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32. 900 c Kiirindor (Deneb 2520) is colonized from Erita (Deneb 2519). Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 27. 900 c The Glorious Empire in Trojan Reach sector halts expansion due to lack of resources. Travellers' Digest #20,

DGP, 1990, p. 30. 900 c Kidashi (Solomani Rim 0528) has the most extensive shipyards in Albadawi subsector, after centuries of

intense Confederation investment. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 99. 901 Rediscovery of Victoria (Spinward Marches 1817) by Scouts; declaration of interdiction. JTAS #02, GDW,

1979, p. 17. 902 The Imperial Navy closes the Space-Submarine Warfare School, closes the naval base and transfers out the

6152nd Separate Brigade in the Darkmoon system (Corridor 2111). Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 07.

904 The 154th Battle Rider Squadron is refitted with one jump-4 carrier and six new "Quiquilat" class battle riders. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

904 Polyphemus (Solomani Rim 1537) granted a protectorate over Teucer (1435) after the collapse of Teucer’s government. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 120.

906 Kafoe Dominate suddenly appears on 2 worlds in Crucis Margin Sector. Kafoe raiding begins. There is no evidence of the Kafoe before this time, and previous planetary surveys of the Kafoe reported them as uninhabited. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 62.

906 The 154th Battle Rider Squadron transferred to patrol duties along the Vargr border in Deneb sector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 32.

908 Pirate raid on Tavarand (Gateway 2017) polarizes Galian Trade League. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49.

908 Empress Tomutova II dies; Margaret II proclaimed Empress by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47.

909 Empress Margaret II grants exemptions from Solomani rule to several worlds in the Old Expanses. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 11.

910 Galian Trade League in Gateway sector begins to fragment. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49. 910 Outworld Merchantile, LIC, is founded on Saramid (Ley 2222), specializing in long "thin" routes in Ley sector.

EA04 Merchant Cruiser, QLI, 2004, p. 08. 910 c Revolt breaks out on Robin (Spinward Marches 2637); Mora Metals, LIC fails to regain control of the system,

and it retains its independence. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 10. 910 The laboratory ship "Thoth" disappears after leaving Victoria (Spinward Marches 1817), allegedly carrying

Ancient artifacts. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33. 910 c Datinar (Reavers' Deep 2230) is colonized after a major platinum-iridium strike. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar

Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 40. 911 The Galian Trade League descends into civil war in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p.

25. 911 The Gina Bounder, a Gazelle-class close escort, disappears while in transit from Lanth (Spinward Marches

2729) to Victoria (Spinward Marches 1817). Challenge #58, GDW, 1992, p. 18.

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912 The Protectorate in Far Frontiers sector expands into Retan subsector, eventually adding nine worlds from the subsector over the next 50 years. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

912 The Protectorate expands to its current boundaries. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45. 912 Plavian League declares independence from the Galian Trade League in Gateway sector. MegaTraveller

Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49. 915 Trindel Confederacy declares independence from the Galian Trade League in Gateway sector.. MegaTraveller

Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49. 918 Galian Civil War ends in Gateway sector; fall of Galian Trade League. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993,

p. 49. 920 Maskai Empire invades and subjugates the mid-tech human world of Alone (Glimmerdrift Reaches 1522).

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 920 Wood Station, a research laboratory in the planetoid belt of the Vincennes system (Deneb 1122), monitors

grav wave patterns in the belt. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 14. 920 Styryx, grandson of Margaret II, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 920 Empress Margaret II begins receiving appeals for protection from nominally Imperial worlds within the

Solomani Confederation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 56. 920 Empress Margaret II grants several worlds exclusion from the Solomani Autonomous Region, and orders the

Imperial Navy to enforce the exclusions. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 56. 922 The "Red Plague" strikes Anatar (Reavers' Deep 2128) in "one of the most horrible catastrophes in human

history." Within two years, 90% of the population is wiped out. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 35.

923 After being ousted from power on Lair (Provence 2402), the former administrators and their families settle in exile on Rrallan Ang, Lair's outermost world. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 45.

923 A mysterious plague wipes out half the population of Gretus (Diaspora 1512); the Imperial Navy interdicts the world, now known as 693-470. Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector, GDW, 1992, p. 08.

923 The leaders of one of the nations on Lair (Provence 2402) are ousted from power and exiled to the outer world of Rrallan Ang. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 45.

923 Shandi Pao claims to have been visited by the spirit of Empress Arbellatra, founding the "Witnesses of Arbellatra", better known as Arbies, which quickly becomes an isolationist millennial cult. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 08.

925 Remnants of the Galian Trade League gravitate around Gateway (Gateway 1220), forming the Galian Federation, much smaller but more prosperous than the previous Trade League. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 25.

928 The Youghal (Spinward Marches 3039) colonists abandon a second settlement on the north pole to consolidate at its south pole city. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 121.

931 Floating colony of 70,000 disappears from Heguz (Spinward Marches 2706). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 18.

935 c Seaharvester, LIC, a company specialized in gathering ocean resources in the Solomani Rim, founded. Adventure 09 - Nomads of the World-Ocean, GDW, 1983, p. 46.

936 Mapepire Balsayn (Beyond 0602) developed as tourist system. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 938 c Skirmishes between Imperial and Solomani naval units are common in the Daibei, Diaspora and Old

Expanses Sectors, but the Solomani do not feel ready for open warfare. This encourages more worlds to seek Imperial protection. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 57.

938 Mysterious starship discovered drifting at Denotam (Spinward Marches 1413), of unknown design and technology. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 30.

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The Solomani Crisis “From 920 onward, direct Imperial policy is focused on the Solomani. We have to give Emperor Styryx the benefit of the doubt—after all, the destruction of the Psionics Institutes had ended the Zhodani threat, at least in the minds of the invisible ‘third faction’ at court. But the Solomani were a direct threat, and both Margaret II and Styryx knew that war was coming from the rim.” “The problem is that the Zhodani also knew that the Imperium was preparing for war on the far side of the Imperium, so they struck first. Styryx is probably the Emperor most ready for a war since Martin I started the Julian War, and yet the Third Frontier War ultimately results in his forced abdication.” “Even more interesting is that Gavin immediately has control, and begins using it; this implies that he is on the inside of the coup, ready to step in—was Gavin involved in the coup which eased his father out of the Imperial throne? Even more intriguing is that Styryx doesn’t leave Capital; he remains at court. Did Styryx step down more willingly than history admits?” “The Third Frontier War is the aberrancy. Because the Imperium is prepared to deal with the Solomani, and because the industrial and technological might of the Imperium is completely focused against our wayward cousins, ultimately they fail against us.” From the lecture “Emperor Styryx: What Did He Know?”, 365-1114.

Date Code Details

940 Imperial Navy begins to wind down depot operations in the Dynam (Lishun 1219) system. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 34.

100-940 The Solomani Confederation lodges a formal complaint that the Imperium is interfering in the internal affairs of the Region, in violation of the mandate of 704. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12.

292-940 Dissolution of the Solomani Autonomous Region. Empress Margaret II, responding to the Solomani complaint, revokes the Region’s charter and orders the reintegration of the Region directly into the Imperium. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 47.

941 A group of Imperial industralists from the Allarton Corporation form the Treyln Domain, a pro-Imperial state in Far Frontiers and Vanguard Reaches sectors. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 22.

941 Empress Margaret II opens District 268 subsector in Spinward Marches for development; Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036) grows in importance as a result. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 26.

945 Empress Margaret II dies of natural causes; Styryx proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47.

946 Gavin, oldest surviving issue of Styryx, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 946 Ardesh Varen, president of the Allarton Corporation, is made Duke of Trelyn (in Vanguard Reaches

sector) by Emperor Styryx on Capital (Core 2118). Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

949 The Zhodani colony on Plaven (Spinward Marches 0807) has vanished, leaving buildings, vehicles and equipment untouched. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 41.

950 c Despite generally supporting the Solomani Cause, the population of Anacreon (Solomani Rim 1011) are increasingly at odds with the Confederation officials on their world. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 87.

950 Langren Center on Ochre (Solomani Rim 2713) secretly taken over by Solomani government after it enters bankruptcy, transformed into automated factory for military electronic components. Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 13.

950 c The Lemorc family opens Kaiid (Lishun 0621) to colonization; the majority of the permanent residents are hunters or guides, involved in the export of the fur of the Minlad, a native mammal. Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 27.

950 Imperial Academy of Science and Medicine extends to branch campuses on thirty-one worlds. JTAS #22, GDW, 1985, p. 18.

950 Emperor Styryx begins the collection now known as the Hanging Gardens of Styryx inside the Grand Palace of Arbellatra on Capital (Core 2118). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 23, 26.

950 Emperor Styryx develops the Tomolin Gardens, named for his mother, throughout the Grand Palace of Arbellatra on Capital (Core 2118). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 23, 26.

950 The local Tukera baron on Lewis (Spinward Marches 3107) suffers investment reverses and grants freehold lands to many inhabitants because of his inability to meet commitments to the vassals. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 117.

950 c Syzlin Empire expands back to 14 systems. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19. 951 Al Morai opens service to the Five Sisters subsector, through Biter (Spinward Marches 1526), Caladbolg

(Spinward Marches 1329) and Flammarion (Spinward Marches 0930). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 31.

952 The Laynor Scandal: Authorities indict 12 Naasirka officials from the megacorporation's manufacturing plant on Laynor (XXXX) on fraudulently reporting excise taxes. Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 55.

954 Rebellion of 954 begins after Duke Enlasash of Galiano (Old Expanses 1519) miscalculates the effects of economic sanctions taken against pro-Solomani worlds in the Shenk and Sarid subsectors. High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 43.

954 A Vargr starship misjumps 30 parsecs into the Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) system and is captured by the Drak Ne'Vha Shimaak clan. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 102.

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954 Duke Enlasash of Galiano (Old Expanses 1519), a staunch anti-Solomani leader, is killed by a mob that stormed the ducal residence on Galiano. High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 43.

954 After rumors of the Shimaak clan's discoveries leak out, the Tazbeg clan raids its research stations, starting the "War of the 128 Clans" on Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX). Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 102.

955 cX The Shimaak clan builds a multi-clan alliance around them known as the Ashket Vhadrakis Oom, and use captured Vargr technology to win the war. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 102.

956 Allarton Corporation founds Pan-Milesian Company to develop Trelyn Domain possessions in Coos subsector of Vanguard Reaches sector. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 22.

956 Duke Jormad of Galiano succeeds in settling the Rebellion of 954 peacefully. High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 43.

958 Harton Corporation hires Vincent V'cabi to head up colony on Bogustin (Core 1323). Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 25.

960 c The inhabitants of Traneer (Reavers' Deep 1727) begin to re-industrialize, with little concern for their planetary ecology. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 20.

960 Imperial task force destroys a group of corsairs, and then occupies Tarkine (Spinward Marches 1434) after discovering that the government was supporting corsairs operating in neighboring systems. JTAS #12, GDW, 1982, p. 12.

960 The Grand Duchy of Stoner annexes Gazala (Glimmerdrift Reaches 1311) to save the world's failing economy. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 16.

960 c Zhodani military planners begin plans for a "first strike" war based on commerce raiding against the Imperium. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 34.

960 c An episode of police-state brutality sours the initial enthusiasm of the population of Irashdaa (Solomani Rim 0524) for the Solomani Cause. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 98.

964 Clasp Publications on Marlheim (Reavers' Deep 1230) publishes "Siyreakhaotoior: Classic Aslan Legends in Translation." Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

965 Formation of the Gramutlandshaer, the Foreign Army of Gram (Spinward Marches 1223). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 87.

966 Xuruk'xaar'keer! (Xuruk Empire) occupies Fenho (Crucis Margin 3101). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 140.

970 cX The Eslyat have succeeded in antagonizing all of their neighbors and contacts except the Zhodani. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

970 Jenghe's (Spinward Marches 1810) moon falls from orbit mysteriously, crashing into the world. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 80.

970 Emperor Styryx appoints a senior naval commission to plan a war to reconquer the Solomani Autonomous Region. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 11.

970 cX Government of the Glory of Taarskoerzn is seized by new leadership influenced by the Church of the Chosen Ones. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 53.

972 Vargr sociologist Dartsongze suggests that the native Ojehshodu minor race may truly run the government of his world, Neghu Oug (Corridor 2804) from behind the scenes. He is murdered within weeks. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 34.

975 Professor Ranir Zentil joins the History department of the University of Zlodh, on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627). Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 37.

975 c Emperor Styryx begins work on creation of a Vegan Autonomous District in Solomani Rim. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 11.

975 c Emperor Styryx has alienated most of the military establishment by slashing budgets, and attempting to disband the Imperial Guard. The Navy however continues to be showered with support. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 11.

976 Coup on Darvin’s Hope (Glimmerdrift Reaches 2110). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 119. 978 Constitutional Crisis in the Sword Worlds Confederation. Increasing centralization and parochialism by the

Confederation government causes most of the trailing Sword Worlds to secede. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

979 Third Frontier War begins with simultaneous attacks by the Zhodani Consulate against the Imperium in the Querion and Jewel subsectors. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 48.

979 Third Frontier War between Imperium and Outworld Coalition focuses on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705), Boughene (1904), and Pixie (1903). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 07.

979 Due to its Constitutional Crisis, the Sword Worlds Confederation remains neutral in the Third Frontier War. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

979 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment serves in Foelen (Spinward Marches 1401) and Farreach (1402) campaigns. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

979 154th Battle Rider Squadron participates in actions at Lysen (Spinward Marches 1307) and Utoland (1209), and is ultimately stationed at Inthe (2410). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 33.

979 Emperor Styryx changes Imperial military insignia, removing all signs of historical Solomani military insignia, ostensibly in tribute to the 910th Imperial Marine Regiment, lost in the Third Frontier War. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 43.

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980 Large-scale facilities built on the partially terraformed surface of Akimasi (Solomani Rim 1201). Unfortunately, outside support soon falters after the Akimasi Development Authority is caught in a series of legal battles. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 70.

980 A Zhodani surprise strike at Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) forces the world to declare itself open, giving the Zhodani a refueling point for attacking Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 46.

980 For strategic reasons, the Imperial Navy re-contacts and builds a naval base at Vanejen (Spinward Marches 3119). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 06, 07.

980 A new, militant government, influenced by the Church of the Chosen Ones, seizes control of the Glory of Taarskoerzn, a small state on the spin-rimward edge of the Windhorn. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 53.

980 Starport at Paya (Spinward Marches 2509) built by Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) investors after Tukera Lines guarantees runs there. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 13.

980 Imperial strike cruiser "Eldorado" misjumps into Islands Clusters, contacts Serendip Belt (Reft 1323) for repairs to its jump drives and returns to the Imperium using auxiliary tanks. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

981 While Zhodani raids continue, Third Frontier War actions concentrate on the Regina and Vilis subsectors of the Spinward Marches. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 52.

981 A coup by an anti-Imperial faction transfers the capital of the Sword Worlds Confederation to Gram (Spinward Marches 1223). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

981 Paulo III, oldest issue of Gavin, born. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47. 981 The First Eslyat War, also known as the Cruiser War, is fought between the Trelyn Domain and the Eslyat;

no territorial changes occur. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01. 982 The Star Rider, a prototype Imperial Navy ship intended as merging the concepts of cruisers and escort

tenders, is laid down; launched in 985, it failed its acceptability trials and was ordered scrapped in 1091. High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 43.

982 Archduke Ovalle of the Domain of Sol has a dream of an upcoming war involving the Domain of Sol, and orders the Archducal court transferred to Torrel (Old Expanses 2818). Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 26.

983 Serendip Belt (Reft 1323) starship "C-Breaker" makes first jump via technology copied from repairing the Imperial strike cruiser "Eldorado". Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

983 Sword Worlds Confederation props up the unpopular government of Isenfang (Margesi, Spinward Marches 1020), while the Imperium is occupied with the Third Frontier War. Isenfang applies to join the Confederation. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

984 Abuse of power and infighting between coups leaders on Darvin’s Hope (Glimmerdrift Reaches 2110) triggers a second coup headed by a mercenary security unit. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 120.

984 Imperial researchers produce a method of converting matter to its tachyon state, however conversion back into matter is distributed over a period of time, thus rendering the process unworkable even for communication. Challenge #33, GDW, 1988, p. 34.

984 Beaufort Lines, LTD chartered at Guildheim (Beyond 1604). Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 984 Establishment of the Diadem Trade League in Vanguard Reaches sector. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia

Press, 1981, p. 20. 984 The defense of Vaillancourt City on Jewell (Spinward Marches 1106) becomes one of the largest ground

battles in Imperial history. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 11. 984 Mercantile Concord begins policy of appeasement towards Lord of Thunder. Gateway to Destiny, QLI,

2004, p. 19. 101-984 The "Gyro Cadiz" task force leaves Vanejen (Spinward Marches 3119), bound for Regina (Spinward

Marches 1910), with radiation treatment pharmaceuticals. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 52.

326-984 The "Gyro Cadiz" task force officially designated missing. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 52.

985 cX An Imperial strike squadron levels a privateer base on Ralhe (Spinward Marches 0731) and sets up a client state. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 55.

985 Galactic Honor Chest constructs library complex on Lohreifai'o (Iwahfuah 1422). Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 43.

985 The Imperial fleet escort "Lionel," carrying a load of fusion warheads, disappears after leaving Lunion (Spinward Marches 2124). Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33.

985 To harvest the coral-like "goldsand" on Daken (Reavers' Deep 1830), a colony is established at the south pole. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 25.

986 Third Frontier War ends after Zhodani drive at Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) is turned back with reinforcements from Sabine subsector in the Deneb sector. Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 07.

986 The Imperium accepts an armistice in the Third Frontier War ceding systems in the Jewell and Querion subsectors to the Zhodani and demilitarizing portions of Vilis subsector in the Spinward Marches. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 41.

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986 Although Retinae (Spinward Marches 0416) is given independence under the Armistice of 986, the Imperium continues to operate a research station in system. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 18.

986 Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) is given its independence as part of the Armistice of 986; the Imperium continues to operate a naval base in the system. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 18.

986 Federation of Arden, centered on Arden (Spinward Marches 1011) becomes independent of the Imperium under the terms of the Armistice of 986. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 08.

986 A coup on Anish Ishas (Glimmerdrift Reaches 1715) establishes a military dictatorship supported by offworld mercenaries. EA02 Into The Glimmer Drift, QLI, 2004, p. 13.

987 Forboldn Project begins design work on Forboldn (Spinward Marches 1808). Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 39.

987 SuSAG establishes CBW plant on Shirene (Spinward Marches 2125). JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 21. 987 Syzlin Republic annexes Aldrikin (Crucis Marcin 0736), elevating tensions with the Karhyri Worlds.

Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 16. 988 Ling Standard Products' new modular cutter enters production. JTAS #05, GDW, 1980, p. 06. 988 Johann Kramm publishes "The Authentic Experience", a combination history text and self-help manual. It

becomes an instant best seller. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 60. 988 Ashket Vhadrakis Oom scientists in the Kas'Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) system discover the jump-1 drive.

Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 102. 988 Extensive lanthanum deposits discovered in the Angel system (Ley 2037). The population grows from a

few hundred to 3 million within 5 years. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173. 988 Vilfred Santesson dies after spending his life preaching a message of patience and forgiveness to the

people of Biter (Spinward Marches 1526). Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 65. 988 Institute for Systems Studies founded on Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934) for historical, archaeological and

xenoanthropological research. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 43. 989 Archduke Ovalle of Sol dies; his son, Klaxren, cancels the move of the Archducal court but refuses to pay

for the colonists to move back. Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 26. 989 Outraged by the number of unnecessary casualties in the Third Frontier War, members of the Imperial

Guard and a number of high-ranking nobles force Emperor Styryx to abdicate at gunpoint. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 11.

989 Palace coup over Third Frontier War armistice forces Emperor Styryx to abdicate in favor of his son Gavin; Gavin proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 48.

989 Solomani re-assert claims to full control over the entire Solomani Sphere, including those portions re-absorbed by the Imperium. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

990 As First Survey data was long obsolete, and in observance of the millennium of the Imperium, Second Survey is commissioned by Emperor Gavin. Atlas of the Imperium, GDW, 1984, p. 03.

990 Solomani Rim War opens as the Imperium uses force to implement the dissolution of the Solomani Autonomous Region. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 47.

990 Solomani Guard regiment of the Imperial Guard stationed at Capital (Core 2118) disbanded at start of Solomani Rim War due to questions about its loyalty. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 20.

990 Under pressure from the Imperium, the Forine (Spinward Marches 1533) Assembly is forced to recognize Elixabeth (1532) and Talchek (1631) as client states of the Imperium. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 77.

990 Solomani Rim War begins favorably for the Solomani as Imperial border fleets prove inferior to massed Confederation forces. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

990 The Solomani regain border worlds lost to the Imperium in the last 50 years, and even occupy a number of worlds that were never part of the Solomani Sphere. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

990 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment participates in apprehending Solomani exiles and operating detention camps in the Spinward Marches until the end of the Solomani Rim War. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

990 Imperial naval depot constructed in the asteroid belt at Ultraneta (Old Expanses 1213) to provide support during the Solomani Rim War. High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 20.

990 Imperial Navy accepts "Fer-de-lance" destroyer escort design. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 15.

990 Imperial forces encounter the Solomani TL 13 "Blitzkrieg" class light tank on nearly every world garrisoned by the Solomani during the Solomani Rim War. 101 Vehicles, DGP, 1988, p. 11.

990 Imperial Navy decides to use the Dynam (Lishun 1219) system as a center for mothballing reserve ships after the Third Frontier War. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 34.

991 On the recommendation of the Duchess of Mora, Emperor Gavin replaces Tirem (Spinward Marches 2233) with Glisten (2036) as the local subsector capital. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 08.

991 c Imperial Navy announces specifications for a new class of fighters to be carried by the upcoming Azhanti High Lightning-class fleet intruders. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 29.

991 The "Azhanti High Lightning," first of its class of fleet intruders laid down. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 02.

991 Emperor Gavin personally deposes Archduke Marshal Nells of Gateway, and replaces him with Aaron Erechs. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 16.

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991 An IISS vessel crash lands on Acheron (Diaspora 0932) and makes direct contact with the native human minor race. The Acherons emancipate themselves and join the Third Imperium. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 10.

992 Nullian League forms in Hinterworlds sector as a trading league to support low tariffs and safe transit of trade goods in support of Hiver trade with the Imperium after the Solomani Rim War. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 36.

992 The Solomani nations on Sham (Ley 2832) declare war on the pro-Imperial Kikhei Union, setting off a world war. EA07 Merc Heaven, QLI, 2005, p. 11.

992 Archduke Erechs of Gateway moves his capital to Annabapar (Ley 1936), though the Sector capital remains at Dukh (Ley 1210). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 19.

992 Supercorporation Planetscapes begins terraforming of Niin (Ley 1939). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173.

992 The Zhodani Makarin combine merges with Vestabl, owners of the largest ore carrier fleet in Zhodani space, to form Vestabl-Makarin. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 28.

992 A Solomani blockade-runner is intercepted on its way to Lepanto (Ley 1735). Imperial investigations reveal a Solomani-funded rebel movement being trained on that world. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 92.

992 154th Battle Rider Squadron adopts a crest commemorating service at Lysen (Spinward Marches 1307) during the Third Frontier War. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 34.

992 Imperial Navy announces the Gashedda Star Dart fighter has won the competition for fighters for the Azhanti High Lightning class. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 29.

992 Count Marco (a distant cousin of Emperor Gavin) is found guilty of cheating at a high-stakes card game on Pilgra (Massilia 1203) and serves an eight-year prison term. Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 32.

992 Vilani supremacist Zid Rachele founds the Rachele Society on Pretoria (Deneb 0406). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 29.

992 Jakob Stolzhein is stripped of the Duchy of Diamond-Prince by Archduke Erech for malfeasance and criminal negligence, but remains Baron--and head of state--of Jutland (Ley 1838). The Ducal seat is left vacant. Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 175.

993 A large Solomani invasion force attempts to regain worlds in the Old Expanses sector, but encounters near-fanatical resistance from the Vilani there and is repulsed with heavy losses. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

993 Ecoterrorist group Status Quo begins attacks on Planetscapes installations on Niin (Ley 1939). Gateway to Destiny, QLI, 2004, p. 173.

993 The Imperium establishes a prison on Hell (Old Expanses 2237) during the Solomani Rim War. High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 23.

994 Nuclear war nearly destroys civilization on Acrolund (Old Expanses 2601). High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 19.

994 First JF-19 Gashedda Star Dart squadron enters service as part of the Solomani Rim War. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 29.

994 Grand Duke Ardesh of the Trelyn Domain falls to a disease on Emmerling's Refuge (Vanguard Reaches 1801); his son Khashla becomes Grand Duke. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

095-994 The "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder "Children of the March" laid down. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 19.

994 c Beginning of a stalemate in the Solomani Rim War as the Solomani abandon plans for future expansion in order to rebuild their forces, and the Imperium reorganizes its forces for a major conflict. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

994 c The Solomani policy of inflexibly defending every border world becomes a constant drain on their resources in the Solomani Rim War. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

995 Imperial Navy closes naval base at Vanejen (Spinward Marches 3119). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 06.

995 Imperial Second Survey begins. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 28. 995 Various provincial shipyards across the Zhodani Consulate begin construction of the "Tiaflfiet" class patrol

frigate. IISS Ship Files, Games Workshop, 1981, p. 19. 995 Professor Ranir Zentil publishes "The University of Zlodh and the Rebuilding of Darrian" on Darrian

(Spinward Marches 0627). Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 37. 995 The Solomani battle tender Valkyrie misjumps when one of its battle riders disengages and strikes its

active jump grid during its escape from Muan Issler (Solomani Rim 1816), arriving at Vega (1720) heavily damaged. Challenge #53, GDW, 1991, p. 47.

996 Colonnade Administrative District established in Vanguard Reaches sector as a Zhodani client state. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 19.

996 Young Duke Nobert Aledon of Regina journeys into Gvurrdon sector hoping to find Vargr allies against the Zhodani. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 78.

997 A coalition of merchant princes led by Iosiah Haladon organize the Haladon Cooperative in Cabala subsector of Far Frontiers sector. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 31.

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997 The Arbies, a millennial cult, buy an old colonial transport and load it with thousands of low berths. Subsequently, most of the cult disappears for parts unknown. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 08.

997 Delgado Trading, LIC is founded as a manufacturer of miniaturized military equipment during the Solomani Rim War. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 41.

117-997 The "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder "Children of the March" conducts its first flight. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 19.

998 A partially completed Dyson sphere (Nooq 3201) is discovered by the Hivers. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 124.

998 After five years of stalemate in the Rim War, the Imperium gains the initiative and begins a steady advance into the Solomani Sphere. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 25.

998 c Two of the three largest mines on Datinar (Reavers' Deep 2230) shut down, causing a planetary recession. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 40.

998 Harton Corporation goes bankrupt; leader of Bogustin (Core 1323) colony proclaims himself V'cabi I. Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 25.

998 First Solomani exiles scatter after repeated defeats in Solomani Rim. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12.

998 c Beginning of advances by Imperial naval forces into the heart of the Solomani Sphere along two parallel axis, with smaller task forces spread out to surround a huge pocket of Solomani territory. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

999 The eldest daughter of the Vargr Thoengling Emperor (in Gvurrdon sector), Rraenling, visits Regina (Spinward Marches 1910), staying for two years at the subsector court. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 78.

999 The Arbie transport arrives at Darkmoon (Corridor 2111). Arbie low berths are distributed between an abandoned research base and various SDB hulks on Darkmoon’s sea floor. Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon, SJG, 2001, p. 08.

999 BF-19-1 Gashedda Star Dart variant enters service, removing atmospheric equipment to optimize the fighter for space combat. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 29.

1000 cX The various nations on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) agree to accept overall rule by the Federation of Heron in exchange for local autonomy. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09.

1000 c GenAssist achieves megacorporation status; over two dozen species from various worlds besides the Dolphins on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) have been elevated to intelligence under GenAssist programs. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 16.

1000 cX Vargr fleeing violent corsair raids in the Extents begin settling on Larkarda (Lishun 0712), ultimately numbering several million. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 38.

1000 cX The Mewey (Spinward Marches 0838) minor race gives Aslan ihatei land in exchange for space technology. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 56.

1000 c Three Nerewhon (Spinward Marches 0704) Confederacy sublight generation ships arrive and colonize Indo (Spinward Marches 0703). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 40.

1000 cX The Zhodani produce an estimated thousand Zhdits-class destroyer escorts. Adventure Class Ships - Volume 1, FASA, 1981, p. 07.

1000 c "Chrysanthemum" class destroyer escorts in service. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 14. 1000 c The Salika are forced to abandon their homeworld (now Garden, Reft 0435) due to climatic changes;

although at TL 12, they have not developed a jump drive, so they flee in generation ships traveling around 0.75c. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 10.

1000 Third Imperium at TL 15. Referee's Companion, GDW, 1988, p. 34. 1000 c Towards the end of the Solomani Rim War, the Solomani introduce the TL 12 "Scud" class air-cushion

reconnaissance vehicle. 101 Vehicles, DGP, 1988, p. 12. 1000 Transform Publishers on Antares (Antares 2421) releases the "Trader's Essential Language Phrasebook:

Anglic, Aslan, Gvaeg, Oynprith, Vilani, Zhodani". Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49. 1000 Emperor Gavin knights Samuel Beaufort, founder of Beaufort Lines in Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia

Press, 1981, p. 04. 1000 Imperial Division of Heraldry on Capital (Core 2118) authorizes the current regimental crest for the Duke of

Regina's Own Huscarles, on Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 21. 1000 cX Kamsii (Core 3021) becomes the tourist world of Core sector, with a fleet of passenger starships to bring

millions of visitors to it every year. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 07. 001-1000 First flight of "One Thousand Years," an "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder, over Markatch

(XXXX) in honor of the Imperial millennium. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 11. 001-1000 The tree "Yggdrasil", standing almost 300 meters above the gardens inside the Grand Palace on Capital

(Core 2118), is imported from Ranther (Foreven 3230) and presented for the Imperial millennium. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 23.

1000 Twelve protesters are killed in the "Birthday Massacre" on Garrison (Reavers' Deep 2221), prompting a planet-wide rebellion. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 38.

1000 Marine Commandant Greyson holds supreme power under martial law on Garrison (Reavers' Deep 2221) for over a decade. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 38.

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1001 Liberation of the Vegan District by Imperial forces, providing a secure Imperial base deep in Solomani territory. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

1001 The Protectorate in Far Frontiers sector is forced by Imperial and Zhodani diplomats into admitting it has expanded to four additional worlds. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

1002 The "John Henry," a 500-ton merchant, disappears from Dinom (Spinward Marches 1811) carrying Zuchai crystals. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33.

1002 Emperor Gavin reactivates the Order of Terra, changing its name to the Order of Sol and downgrading its seniority. The emblem changed to a simple yellow disc. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 25.

1002 The Battle of Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222). The Solomani Grand Fleet is substantially destroyed after attempting to defeat two Imperial fleets in rapid succession. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 25.

1002 c During the Solomani Rim War, 21 "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruders were lost due to enemy action and 5 scrapped, out of 69 completed. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 02.

017-1002 Delvani Lines acquires "Starbow" (formerly "Grinding Starbow"), one of the "Azhanti High Lightning" hulls ordered scrapped, and converts it to a bulk cargo carrier. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1002 Solomani military commanders consolidate their remaining forces into the Solomani Grand Fleet and go on the offensive. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

1002 At the Battle of Kagukhasaggan (Solomani Rim 2325), the Solomani Grand Fleet is victorious. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

1002 The Solomani Grand Fleet under Admiral Ivan Wolfe catches the Imperial 17th Fleet at Agidda (Solomani Rim 1824) and inflicts a major defeat; however, the 17th Fleet reforms itself and pursues Wolfe. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 11.

1002 The Siege of Kidashi (Solomani Rim 0528). Tens of millions of civilian casualties as the Imperium captures this primary shipyard and supply depot from the Solomani. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 99.

1002 At the Battle of Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222), the Solomani Grand Fleet is scattered and substantially destroyed. Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

1002 Having defeated the Solomani Grand Fleet, the Imperial High Command halts further action to concentrate on the invasion of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 11.

1002 Imperial forces are assembled into a main assault force, and begin the invasion of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 21.

095-1002 Operation Prodigal Son, the Imperial invasion of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) opens with 3 Marine regiments landing by jump drop; ultimately the Imperium lands 2 million fighting men on Terra during the six-month campaign. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 12.

1002 Events of "Game 5 - Invasion: Earth", Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

1002 Deimos, a moon of Mars in the Terra system (Solomani Rim 1827), is shattered during a massive Imperial naval bombardment against the Solomani naval base located on the moon. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 24.

1002 Establishment of Imperial naval base on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827) in preparation for invasion of Terra. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78.

105-1002 The 4217th Imperial Marine Regiment captures the La Grange starport on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 51.

313-1002 The Imperial banner is raised on Mt. Farallon on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) after the surrender of the last outpost of organized resistance. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 13.

1002 With the conquest of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827), the Imperial and Solomani military negotiate a temporary armistice, which is eventually extended indefinitely by the civilian governments. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 21.

1002 Solomani commandos kill billions by shutting down life support facilities on Inthra (Old Expanses 0607). Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 28.

1002 Armistice for exhausted forces cedes 25% of the Solomani Sphere to the Imperium. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 28.

1002 Solar Shipping abandons its extra-Imperial routes in the Solomani Rim to Solomani Shipping. Book 7 - Merchant Prince, GDW, 1985, p. 12.

1002 The Death's Head Hussars, captured in the fall of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827), choose to become mercenaries posted far from Terra rather than be imprisoned. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 106.

1002 Solomani Confederation capital moved to Home (Aldebaran 1009). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 03, 12.

1002 Imperial Marine protected forces training base established on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827). Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78.

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The Classic Prelude “With the Solomani dealt with decisively, the Imperium pauses. There is never an announcement for everyone to take a break, but the millennial century is one of peace and calm throughout the Imperium. Corporations begin to look at undeveloped markets and worlds within the Imperium. There is a sense that the Third Imperium has reached roughly its natural borders.” “The most significant changes occur with the start of Strephon’s reign. Strephon looks over the Imperial nobility, and begins to make changes. We see the first glimmer of an Imperial vision from the young Emperor, as he begins to consider the nature of the Third Imperium, and what he might make of it. Strephon is looking for honor amongst his nobles, and does not like what he sees.” “And then the Zhodani start the Fourth Frontier War, and remind all of us how delicate the Imperium is. What is interesting about this war is that the Zhodani are as out of place as the Imperium. Neither power was expecting a war, and yet one happened.” From the lecture “Was the Fourth Frontier War Really a Mistake?”, 306-1114.

Date Code Details

1003 Baroness Arielle Adair, Grand Admiral of the Rim and supreme commander of Imperial forces during the Rim War, elevated to the Archduchy of Sol. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 98.

1003 c Many BF-19-1 Star Dart fighters are converted to NS-19-1 single-seat reconnaissance shuttles. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 29.

1003 The ceremonial position of Lord Grand High Chamberlain is perpetually invested in the sitting Archduke of Sol, although in practice the position is usually delegated to another peer from the rimward provinces. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 54.

1003 Professor Ranir Zentil of the University of Zlodh on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) retires to an estate in Rimb. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 37.

1003 c Procurement scandal on Gashidda (Solomani Rim 1127) over components from battle-damaged ships that had been ordered scrapped. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1004 Vegan Autonomous District formed as a counterweight to any potential renewal of Solomani ambitions in the Solomani Rim. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 30.

1004 Ivan Wolfe, former Admiral of the Solomani Grand Fleet, is elected Secretary-General of the Solomani Confederation and introduces reforms in the wake of the loss of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 11.

1004 Expanses News Service (ENS) established by Erlin Bartow, an ex-TAS journalist who became famous for his coverage of battles during the Solomani Rim War. High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 41.

1004 Zihlzedhe (Far Frontiers 0918) becomes a client state of the Zhodani Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

1005 Johann Kramm, author of "The Authentic Experience" dies. His book has become the inspiration for the Authentic Movement, which now has billions of followers throughout the Imperial core. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 60.

1005 Solomani Home Guard established by Secretary General Wolfe to provide trained reserves and replacements for the weakened Solomani Confederation armed forces. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12.

1005 Asmodeus (Spinward Marches 0512) is devastated by a nuclear war. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 06.

1005 Archduke Arielle Adair of Sol founds the Order of Muan Gwi to honor Vegan citizens of the Imperium. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 82.

311-1005 The "Reverie Indigo Echo," last "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder completed, flies; out of a production order of 100, ultimately 92 are built. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 02, 07.

1006 A coup against the corrupt democratic regime on Caprice (Solomani Rim 3035) brings Admiral John Saarinen, Rim War hero, out of retirement and into power. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 129.

1006 X Zircon (Spinward Marches 1110) is colonized by settlers from the Federation of Arden. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 58.

1006 X Utoland (Spinward Marches 1209) colonized by settlers from the Federation of Arden. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 59.

1006 Jarnac Pashalic established in Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04. 1008 Ex-Commodore Moira Lansky named Marchioness of Ascalon (Solomani Rim 1207). Rim of Fire, SJG,

2000, p. 71. 1008 Hiver-Inheritor contact. After ten years of cautious observation, the Hiver Federation reveals itself to the

Inheritors of the Sphereworld (Nooq 3201). The Inheritors have already colonized 28 systems by sublight travel. Alien Races 3, SJG, 2000, p. 124.

1008 A rare change to "The Tome of Wisdom" on Ptolemy (Solomani Rim 0639) is made - a footnote regarding the human willingness and capability for waging war; many consider this a criticism of the Solomani Rim War. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 23.

123-1008 Tukera Lines acquires "Marie Luise" (formerly "Empiric Starbow"), a surplus "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder with its weaponry removed, for commercial purposes. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

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1010 New depot facilities fully operational in the Dynam (Lishun 1219) system. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 34.

1010 c The Authentic Movement reaches the Solomani Rim Sector. Imperial authorities discourage the movement, concerned it may promote Solomani intolerance. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 61.

1010 Rachelean Revolts on Pretoria (Deneb 0406) led by Zid Rachele, end in nuclear explosion. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 35.

1010 c Smade's Planet (Solomani Rim 2433) settled by a single family, taking advantage of a dormant Imperial claim to the world. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 21.

1010 c Sir Gildemar Tomas Ashley and other Solomani exiles settle Ashley's Rock (Trojan Reach 1601) after the Solomani Rim War; Aslhey's memoirs, "Unrepentant Exile", details its colonization. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 11, 39.

1010 c The Orion Metallurgy Corporation goes bankrupt on Newcomb (Solomani Rim 2913); Imperial government converts the operation into a prison facility. Adventure 08 - Prison Planet, GDW, 1982, p. 08.

258-1010 Gateway acquires "Gateway Indani" (formerly "Muffled Triumph"), a surplus "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder with its weaponry removed, for commercial purposes. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1011 Admiral Russell Hinge settles down on Adrian (Old Expanses 0432) after the Solomani Rim War and founds Stone Dockyards. High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 09.

1012 Two "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruders, "Mire" (formerly "Vengeance") and "Darrian" (formerly "Refulgent Thunderer"), transferred to Darrian Confederation. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1012 Ivan Wolfe completes his 8-year term as Secretary-General of the Solomani Confederation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 61.

1013 Two "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruders, "Sudden Star" (formerly "Arbitrary Remora") and "Accompanist" (formerly "Incomparable Triumph"), transferred to Vegan Autonomous District. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1013 Imperial Scout Service mission to Islands Clusters spreads jump technology among the several worlds and reestablishes a balance of power in the Islands Clusters. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

1014 With the abdication of her mother, Delphine Adoriana Muudashir becomes Duchess of Mora at the age of 34. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 107.

1014 Revocation order for the Psionic Institute on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) canceled under authority of the Ministry of Defense. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 15.

1015 Zid Rachele disappears after escaping from the prison world Exile (Deneb 1928). Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 30.

1015 Moira Lansky, Marchioness Ascalon (Solomani Rim 1207) marries King Rogier II of Ascalon. This unites the throne of Ascalon with the Imperial title of Marquis. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 71.

1015 Anson Barnett founds what will become Greater Traders, the largest small-ship shipping line in the Old Expanses sector. High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 22.

1015 The balkanized nations of Azaremid (Solomani Rim 1405) form a cooperative alliance, presenting a united face to the Imperium. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 72.

1020 c Land hungry Drak Ne'Vha Ashket clans are rapidly expanding along jump-1 routes through Ghoeknael and Anzidiadl sectors. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 102.

1020 Agents of the Ine Givar, an anti-Imperial terrorist group supported by Zhodani intelligence, attempts to kill the entire Imperial family, killing Emperor Gavin's younger brother Prince Elmor. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 138.

1020 Meson Rebellion on Khikaba (Lishun 0829) begins. Imperial Navy takes twelve years to restore order, in part due to fleet assets tied down in the Spinward Marches and Solomani Rim sectors. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 28.

1021 Islands Clusters sign Concordat of Topas (Reft 1522) establishing principle of planetary sovereignty; Serendip Belt (Reft 1323) forced to give up control of other systems. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

222-1021 Tukera Lines acquires "Rimward Pride" (formerly "Sparkling Starbow"), a second surplus "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder with its weaponry removed, for commercial purposes. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1023 Admiral Sir David DeBruennis is appointed to the Imperial Naval Academy over Admiral Olav Haflore. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 133.

1023 Zakishe (Lishun 3004) conquers Akitilon (Lishun 3101) in a bloody war. Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 45.

1024 X Dynastic Crisis of 1024: Upon the death of Prince Colin, civil war disrupted the Principality of Caledon in the Reavers' Deep sector. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 17.

1024 X At the decisive Battle of Dunbarton (Reavers' Deep 1615), Lord Campbell's forces are victorious over his rival, Admiral Earl Maxwell. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 17.

1025 Adkhur Watanabe unites the warring TL3 tribes on Iddamakur (Solomani Rim 0110), and begins to attract foreign investment. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 65.

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004-1025 Prince Edward, formerly Lord Campbell, ascends the throne of the Principality of Caledon in Reavers' Deep sector. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 17.

1026 Naasirka publishes Arlent Streen's "Sensor Operations Science" on Vland (Vland 1717). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1026 Death of the Zhodani first Earl of Colonnade, Sen Luasin, who is succeeded by his illegitimate son and only heir, Sen Trasinkla. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 19.

1028 Serious accidents in weaponry manufacturing bring Coalition for Peaceful Progress to power on Lishun (Lishun 1511). Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 44.

1030 Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822) revival begins, reconciling the citizenry and civilian government. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 106.

1030 c Trade with the J'aadje minor race on Gaajpadje (Reavers' Deep 1124) opens; K'tring remnant of the Iltharan human minor race from Drexilthar (Reavers' Deep 1826) is not found. Double Adventure 6 - Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest, GDW, 1982, p. N08.

1030 cX Prince Edward of Caledon grants admin rights on Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218) to the Scotian Deep Trading Company, in recognition of their support during the Dynastic Crisis of 1024. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 26.

1030 c Four "Atlantic" class heavy cruisers built at Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) by Ling Standard Products. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 32.

1030 Faiwyd (Solomani Rim 0105) settled by a consortium of industrialists from Darrukesh (Solomani Rim 0106). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 63.

1031 Emperor Gavin dies; Paulo III proclaimed Emperor by the Moot. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47.

1031 Emperor Paulo III awards his brother Prince Asan the Duchy of Anaxis (Delphi 1724); Prince Asan marries Marian, the daughter of Delphi's sector duke, and their family becomes the dominant House in Delphi sector. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 49.

1032 Meson Rebellion ends on Khikaba (Lishun 0829) after order is restored by the Imperial Navy. Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 45.

1032 Imperial Naval martial law imposed on Khikaba (Lishun 0829), including a ban on all local production of items above TL 10, and monitors on research to prevent building of high-tech weaponry. Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 45.

1032 Anti-Imperial guerrilla activity remains common in mountainous areas of Khikaba (Lishun 0829). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 45.

1035 The SMU-4C/D automated interdiction satellite enters Imperial service. IISS Ship Files, Games Workshop, 1981, p. 24.

182-1035 Tukera Lines acquires "Nibber" (formerly "Magenta Portent"), a third surplus "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder with its weaponry removed, for commercial purposes. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1036 The human world of Shulgiasu (Solomani Rim 2319) petitions to join the Vegan Autonomous Region. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 94.

1036 Bennet Lai De Santos, legendary and somewhat infamous explorer, born on Fosey (Spinward Marches 2601). Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 39, 40.

1037 Bellakchan/Paldoran Enterprises, GmbH, and Parallel Lines, Unltd., chartered at Intercourse (Beyond 0314). Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

1037 Lupeski family of Hyperion (Vanguard Reaches 1926) founds Hyperion Lines. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 21.

1037 The Arian Lisiani, a P.F. Sloan-class fleet escort, is built at Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 18.

100-1037 Delvani Lines acquires "Phylean" (formerly "Solo Finery"), a second surplus "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruder with its weaponry removed, for commercial purposes. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1040 Imperial charter granted to MagnetoDynamics, Inc. to develop Fulacin (Spinward Marches 2613). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 45.

1040 The IISS performs a new and more detailed survey of Corridor Sector in preparation for the Second Imperial Survey. Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

1040 A consortium of industrial concerns form TobiCorp LIC and acquire the rights to survey and exploit Tobibak (Corridor 1011). Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

010-1040 Five "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruders transferred to the Scout Service for use as exploration cruisers and dispatch vessels. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1040 Massive counter-guerrilla effort mounted on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) against the Solomani Phoenix Project. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 13.

1040 Starport Phoenix on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) is renamed Starport Paulo, for the reigning Emperor Paulo III. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 51.

1042 Vegan Free Press publishes Hsanivvoh Morr's "The Rise and Fall of the Solomani Movement." Game 5 - Invasion: Earth, GDW, 1981, p. 12.

1042 Imperial census completed in Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

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173-1042 Dr. Theodor Krenstein born on Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 08.

1044 c The Lightning-class scout cruiser "Vermillion Stance" is attacked and seized by Zhodani Tozjabr agents at Garonne (Vanguard Reaches 0912) while visiting client states. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 11.

1044 Life-support systems fail disastrously in Mjolnir’s (Spinward Marches 1121) only city. 2.5 million die, and the world’s population drops to less than 500,000. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

1044 Several Vargr world governments in Gvurrdon sector join to suppress piracy, forming the Commonality of Kedzudh, or Kedzudh Aeng (capital at Gvurrdon 3034). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 143.

1045 End of the Phoenix Project on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827); resistance command structure has been compromised and eliminated. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 12.

1046 Grand Duke Ardesh of the Treyln Domain commissions a class V survey of the Vanguard Reaches sector, with the assistance of the Travellers' Aid Society and the IISS. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1047 Birth of future Imperial Navy Admiral Aramais P. Lee, noted traveler and essayist. Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure, Gamelords, 1983, p. 04.

1048 Nusku (Solomani Rim 1822) returns to civilian rule. An Imperial sponsored constitutional convention restores the Nusku Republic. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 106.

1048 General Shipyards of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) launches the freight tractor vessel "Chanson de Roland" for the Sieur de Fleuret's Zaibon Copper Consortium. IISS Ship Files, Games Workshop, 1981, p. 10.

1048 While only 3 had been lost since the Solomani Rim War, the remaining 55 "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruders in Imperial Naval service are declared obsolescent. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 02.

1048 Sixteen "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruders transferred to auxiliary duties, as fuel tankers and bulk cargo carriers. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1048 Twenty "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet intruders placed in ordinary; hulls were retained in orbital storage. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1049 League of Suns survey of Far Frontiers sector performed. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 16. 1049 A 22-year old Marc Oberlindes proposes that the family firm purchase a 60,000-ton Lightning-class

cruiser to spearhead a search for new markets in the Vargr Extents. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 115. 1049 Strephon Aella Alkhalikoi, first child of Emperor Paulo III and Empress Elbet, born. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p.

88. 1049 The University of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) Press releases Albert Croale's controversial "Almost

Disaster: The Crisis of '99." Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49. 202-1049 Strephon, oldest surviving issue of Paulo III, born. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 41. 321-1049 Oberlindes Lines acquires "Emissary" (formerly "Sparkling Distress"), an "Azhanti High Lightning" class

fleet intruder with its weaponry intact, for use at Pandrin (Gvurrdon 2240) in the Vargr Extents. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 46.

1050 Isolated resistance from guerrilla units on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) ends; Imperial Marine forces on Terra become involved in public relief programs, repairing damage from the Solomani Rim War. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 51.

1050 Solomani Guard regiment reestablished as part of the Imperial Guard. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 20.

1050 c Imperial authorities conclude that the Authenticism movement encourages better citizenship; Emperor Paulo and his advisors begin openly supporting the movement. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 14.

1050 c Hortalez et Cie underwrites Ameros terraforming project (Core 2008). Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 44.

1050 The University of Boyr on Darrian (Spinward Marches 0627) establishes a research lab on Poror (the innermost satellite of Bidhes, the second gas giant in the Darrian system) to study low temperature phenomena. Alien Module 8 - Darrians, GDW, 1987, p. 37.

1050 c Admiral David Mason founds the Society for the Protection of Terra, advocating continuous Imperial military rule of Humaniti's homeworld of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 32.

1050 cX Pirate elements discover the advantages that Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) offers. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09.

1050 Excavations begin on the lanthanum deposits on Lewis (Spinward Marches 3107). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 117.

1050 Perseus Project launched. The Solomani Confederation sends 17 base ships out to the Perseus Arm, the next arm to rimward of our own Sagittarian Arm. Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races, DGP, 1992, p. 11.

1050 c Revocation order for the Psionic Institute at Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) canceled, and moved to Wypoc (Spinward Marches 2011) under the auspices of the Ministry of Defense. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 15.

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1050 Last "Atlantic" class heavy cruiser to be produced flies at Deneb (Deneb 1925). Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 32.

1050 c Major riots on Twylo (Solomani Rim 1034) destroy the city of New Tabora. Labor reforms and increased investment in the working class follow. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 119.

1050 c The Authentic Movement now enjoys cautious Imperial support in the Solomani Rim Sector. It appears that Authentic Movement challenges the monolithic worldview of the Solomani Movement. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 61.

1050 c A low-level guerrilla war breaks out on Okefenokee (Solomani Rim 1609) against the colonial regime from Mudge (Solomani Rim 1710). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 73.

1050 c A détente is reached between the corporations fighting for control of the strategically placed Boskone belt (Solomani Rim 1214). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 89.

1050 Evroli haut-Jones, a continental manager on Kamsii (Core 3021) and an enthusiastic Authenticist, pushes for Kamsii to become the Authenticist hot spot. Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii, SJG, 2001, p. 14.

1050 The Drak Ne'Vha have established six colony worlds in the Ghoeknael and Anzidiadl sectors. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 102.

1050 c Patnor (Delphi 0737) undergoes a bitter civil war splitting the world into two nations. Challenge #45, GDW, 1990, p. 26.

1050 The Zelphic Primacy and the Birumvirate clash over Gospach (Far Frontiers 1335) and Hollader (1535). Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 36.

1050 c Baron James Tukera begins a systematic campaign to reacquire the land on Lewis (Spinward Marches 3107) sold by his ancestor, but the Ministry of Justice upholds the settlers’ rights during the next 30 years. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 103.

1052 Lydia Aella Alkhalikoi, second child of Emperor Paulo III and Empress Elbet, born. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 88.

1053 Ludmilla (Solomani Rim 1216) files a claim to the officially uninhabited Boskone system (Solomani Rim 1214). Corporations warring over transit access to the system are relieved to have a neutral third party provide security. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 89.

1053 Empress Elbet dies suddenly under mysterious circumstances. Suspicions fall on the Emperor’s brother James, who commits suicide later in the year. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 88.

1054 Islands Clusters worlds agree to Convention of Interdiction, declaring Orphee (Reft 1429) a closed world, preserving its TL 0 sentient herbivorous culture from interference. Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43.

1054 Starport on Champa (Solomani Rim 3109) upgraded from type B to type A. JTAS #07, GDW, 1981, p. 10. 1054 VANREX (Vanguard Reaches Extra), a sector-wide news service, established on Trommler (Vanguard

Reaches 1618) Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 22. 1055 c Duchess Delphine of Mora becomes the sector duchess for the Spinward Marches. Nobles, SJG, 2004,

p. 107. 1055 Coup on Herzenlust (Reft 1426) in Islands Clusters causes most worlds to repudiate Concordat of Topas.

Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 43. 1055 cX The Imperial Second Survey encounters problems with penetrations into Mendan and Amdukan sectors,

but not as significant as during the original survey. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19. 1055 c The "Luray Explorer," a Scout "Azhanti High Lightning" exploration cruiser fitted for long-range

operations, is saved only by the efforts of the survivors after exposure to a rapid infection. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 10.

1056 Grand Duke Khashla of the Treyln Domain in Vanguard Reaches sector dies of natural causes; his son Ashir becomes Grand Duke. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1057 The creation of an artificial black hole destroys an unknown Imperial Research Station, and also 30% of the hosting Earth-sized planet. Challenge #33, GDW, 1988, p. 33.

1057 Destroyer escort "Astaroth" arrives at Ivendo (Spinward Marches 2319) with 300,000 years of aging. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 30.

298-1057 Birth of Jothan Messandi. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 44. 1057 The Second Eslyat War starts with an Eslyat attack on the Trelyn world of Surtun (Vanguard Reaches

2005). Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01. 1057 The Second Eslyat War ends with a Trelyn fleet orbiting the Eslyat homeworld of Elliador (Vanguard

Reaches 1307). Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01. 1058 Negotiations between the Eslyat and Treyln Domain over the the Treaty of Elliador ending the Second

Elsyat War finally conclude. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01. 1058 Birth of Sharlec hault-Bellakchan. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 23. 1058 Aslan traders employed by Tlasayerlaahel recontact Roakhoi (Reavers' Deep 1224), with its mixed Aslan-

human population. Far Traveller #01, FASA, 1982, p. 48. 1058 Diversified Dynamics Design and Shipyards (DDD&S) is established by a group of business investors in

the Old Expanses, and quickly comes to dominate shipbuilding in the sector. High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 21.

1058 Iolanthe Guuilbataashullibaa, future wife of Strephon, born daughter of the senior Duke of Gushemege sector. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 41.

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1058 The Htoutiktai corporation establishes the Hasawe'i outpost (Riftspan Reaches 3131). Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 23.

1058 Arisa (Solomani Rim 0640) undergoes an abortive coup that destabilizes the government. The Confederation Secretariat grants Arisa to Ptolemy (Solomani Rim 0639) as a protectorate. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 117.

237-1058 Birth of Professor Chanis Laskan, future Professor of History at the Regina Center for Research (Spinward Marches 1910). Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 52.

319-1058 Akidda Laagiir is born on Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 07. 1059 Forces of the Scotian Deep Trading Company defeat a coalition of steppe nomads on Rejhappur

(Reavers' Deep 1218) at the Battle of Simbula, excluding the nomads from the world's fertile regions. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 27.

1059 Pasha An'Dulach XI founds Jarnac Carriers. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 21. 1060 Imperial Marine protected forces training base on Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827), closed

because of force deployment changes. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78. 1060 Small deposit of superheavy elements discovered by chance on Gandr (Spinward Marches 2425).

Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 09. 1060 Ancient site discovered on New Greenpernt (Solomani Rim 2135) by Solomani archaeologists. Rim of

Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 133. 1061 The Zhodani Navy receives the last of the 200+ "Tiaflfiet" class patrol frigates ordered from various

provincial shipyards. IISS Ship Files, Games Workshop, 1981, p. 19. 1061 Station Two riots in the Arcturus Belt (Solomani Rim 2921) quelled by the Banasdan Port Authority

Police. Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station, GDW, 1983, p. 10. 1062 A virulent crippling disease appears on Corfu (Spinward Marches 2602); with no cure, the Scout Service

interdicts the world. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 18. 1062 c Bresarden Haicarla becomes Port Master for Winston (Spinward Marches 0620). Salvage Mission

(Seeker, 1987), Marischal, 1981, p. 01. 1063 Norris Aella Aledon, second child of Duke Willem of Regina and Lady Fiorella, born. Nobles, SJG, 2004,

p. 93. 1064 The SMU-4C/D automated interdiction satellite ends production, after various shipyards have produced

100 4C's for the Imperial Navy, 100 4D's for the Scouts, and 75 special models for both services. IISS Ship Files, Games Workshop, 1981, p. 24.

1065 The first "Marine Cup" championship soccer game, between the Terran World Cup winning team and the All-Marine all-star Team, held on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 52.

1065 Over seventy years in compilation, Second Survey expands and refines the data of the original First Survey. Atlas of the Imperium, GDW, 1984, p. 03.

1065 A review of Itasis (Corridor 1413) during the Second Survey reveals large deposits of Hafnium. Sternmetal Horizons begins construction of a class-C starport after purchasing the mineral rights. Challenge #62, GDW, 1992, p. 31.

1066 Dulinor Astrin Ilethian born on Dlan (Ilelish 1021). Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 05. 1066 Delta Products Corporation purchased by Storm and renamed Delta Research. Beyond, Paranoia Press,

1981, p. 04. 1066 Eneri Kalamanaru, head of Kalaman Enterprises, born. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 43. 1067 General Preshezdanratl organizes SORAG (Scientific Operations Research and Administration Group) to

conduct pro-Zhodani covert operations in the Vanguard Reaches and adjacent sectors. SORAG, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 02.

1067 The "Empress Troyhune" planetoid monitor constructed in orbit above Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) for system defense. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 44.

1067 Grand Prince Strephon enters the Imperial Naval Academy a few days after his 18th birthday. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 89.

038-1067 Dur Telemon is born on Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 07. 1068 The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service officially releases the "Imperial Second Survey Atlas of Stars and

Systems" at Reference (Core 0140). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49. 1068 Marine non-fraternization regulations on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) revoked. Travellers' Digest #13,

DGP, 1988, p. 52. 1069 The "Imperial Sovereign" disappears after being hijacked after leaving Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719).

Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 33. 1069 Magyar sector authorities intervene in an economic war between Iouo (Magyar 0624) and Havaiikii

(Magyar 0523); in addition to other measures, Gobi (Magyar 0427) becomes the new subsector capital of Iouo subsector. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 30.

1070 Four "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet auxiliaries are retired and scrapped. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1070 c Shirani Kay, charismatic dictator of the Spiral Path party, unifies the Evanthan homeworld of Temeraire (Daibei 3020). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 38.

1070 The Kforuzeng Corsairs start with a renegade Thoengling Empire Vargr officer who mutinies with his small patrol ship. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 79.

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1070 After a comprehensive planetary survey of Devi (Crucis Margin XXXX) by a K’kree team, the Intelligence makes telepathic contact with the expedition leaders. Alien Races 2, SJG, 1999, p. 127.

1070 SORAG operations in the Haldensleben subsector of the Vanguard Reaches sector give the Zhodani an excuse to insert several naval squadrons in the area and extend the Zhodani Consulate into the Four Corners subsector. SORAG, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 02.

1070 The Second Empire of Gashikan is shattered by civil war. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 20. 1070 Rushu (Spinward Marches 0215) colonized by Rukh Aegz. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p.

17. 1070 Emperor Paulo III rules that transfer of consciousness to a clone is criminal, since this is "tampering with

the mind of a sentient lifeform, similar in concept to psionics." Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 37. 1071 Mnemosyne Principality in Far Frontiers sector revolts against its hereditary rulers. Traveller Chronicle

#07, SotK, 1995, p. 45. 1071 Leavitt Labs, an oceanographic research firm based on Carthage (Deneb 0202), develops a new combat

drug derived from the Jodian Salalor on Jode (Deneb 0805). Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 10. 1071 The Khakhaiyr pride, expelled from the Aslan Hierate for unknown crimes against the entire Tlaukhu,

appeals to the Imperium for asylum, and is granted land on Itasis (Corridor 1413). Challenge #62, GDW, 1992, p. 31.

1071 Alexander Lascelles Jamison writes the "Far Trader Operator's Manual" for Sternmetal Horizons, LIC at Kaggushus (Massilia 0402). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1071 Emperor Paulo III dies of natural causes; Strephon becomes Emperor. Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M), GDW, 1981, p. 47.

1071 The "Kinunir" class vanguard cruiser design is reclassified to colonial cruiser because of policy changes after Strephon's coronation. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 10.

1072 Express boat X-43491 mysteriously disappears en route from Ghandi (Spinward Marches 1815) to Dinomn (Spinward Marches 1912). Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 30.

1072 Revolutionary developments in superconductors render use of Hafnium unnecessary. Sternmetal Horizons closes their development of Itasis (Corridor 1413). Challenge #62, GDW, 1992, p. 31.

1072 League of Suns orders Qarant (Far Frontiers 1833) closed to colonization. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 31.

1073 Interdiction of Chaosheo (Deneb 0130) broken when the starliner "Ishgarlu" misjumped and crashed on this primitive world. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

1073 The Grand Blessing on Ptolemy (Solomani Rim 0639) convenes and "blesses" the planet of Anubis in the Ptolemy system; Anubis is interdicted for 77 years, until the next Grand Blessing. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 24.

1073 Planetological surveys with densitometers lead to the discovery of lanthanum and thulium on Dathsuts (Lishun703). Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 86.

1073 The Downport Quake of 1073 on Jesedipere (Spinward Marches 3001) claims 250 lives and destroys six merchant ships in port. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 125.

1074 Ruie (Spinward Marches 1809) recontacted by Scout Service. JTAS #01, GDW, 1979, p. 12. 017-1074 The first "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser, "Shulgi," is laid down by Ling Standard. Adventure 01 - The

Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11. 127-1074 The hull of the "Kinunir" is laid down by General Products. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p.

11. 1075 Ine Givar agents smuggle a fusion warhead into the city of Kashar on Zivije (Spinward Marches 2812),

killing 2.8 million people. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 138. 1075 An asteroid impacts on Paya's (Spinward Marches 2509) heavily populated southern continent, ultimately

leaving the world in possession of 500 isolates, the Society of Evolutes, from a former population of 12 million. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 85.

1075 Pirate band known as "the Four Kings", based on the planet Anubis in the Ptolemy system (Solomani Rim 0639), begins plaguing Jardin subsector. Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 27.

1075 20,000 survivors of the disaster on Paya (Spinward Marches 2509) settle on Inthe (Spinward Marches 2410). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 84.

1075 Aldis Kent establishes the AK Corporation on Olxber (Old Expanses 0312) to operate mercenary forces in the Old Expanses. High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 21.

1076 Marine officers posted to Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) allowed to live off base in Terran communities. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 52.

1076 Sharmun (XXXX) recontacted by the Scout Service. JTAS #04, GDW, 1980, p. 12. 1076 The first "Iylvir" class light assault troop carriers enter Imperial naval service. IISS Ship Files, Games

Workshop, 1981, p. 27. 1076 Sunaam Parshish and Khadu Shaa found the True Humaniti Society, which considers the Solomani

subhuman. The group only lasts a few years. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 32. 1076 The Archduke of Gateway deposed by an Imperial decree after a series of social and political crises

wrack the Domain. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 99.

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1076 Count Brandon Minomoru of Daramm, a Verasti Dtareen and a lone voice of reason and diplomacy between the deposed Archduke and the Luriani, is named to the newly vacant position. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 99.

1077 28 "Azhanti High Lightning" class fleet auxiliaries or in ordinary begin modernization and conversion to frontier cruisers, carrying a spinal meson in place of the original particle accelerator. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 03.

1077 While serving as engineer aboard the "Suni Maru", Vlen Backett discovers an Ancient site on Albert, Victoria's (Spinward Marches 1817) moon. Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 06.

240-1077 First flight of General Products' "Kinunir," beating competing vessels "Shulgi" and "Zaggisi" to flight by three days. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11.

1078 First escape committee on the prison planet of Newcomb (Solomani Rim 2913) reputed to have all four members escape in a yet unknown fashion. Adventure 08 - Prison Planet, GDW, 1982, p. 44.

1078 Piratical activities of Jon Fastern in Arcturus Belt (Solomani Rim 2921) ended by Banasdan Port Authority Police. Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station, GDW, 1983, p. 10.

1078 Civil War breaks out on Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123) in the Sword Worlds Confederation and balkanizes the world. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 28.

1078 The Third Empire of Gashikan forms around a cluster of worlds in Trenchan sector; all three confederations in Mendan sector formerly part of the Second Empire associated themselves with the Julian Protectorate. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 20.

1078 Four "Azhanti High Lightning" class ships in ordinary are scrapped after failing examination for modernization. Twenty-eight others are selected to be modernized as frontier cruisers. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1079 Marine enlisted personnel on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) allowed to live off base in Terran communities. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 52.

1079 Garden (Reft 0435) is colonized; the colonists find significant ruins, all abandoned around 1000. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

1079 Civil war in the Mnemosyne Principality in Far Frontiers sector ends after the death of the last member of the royal family; Prince-Regent Hautal Goinsprach. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 37.

200-1079 Emperor Strephon marries Iolanthe Guuilbataashullibaa, daughter of the senior Duke of Gushemege sector. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 41.

1079 As the Azhanti High Lightning class is modernized as frontier cruisers, the Gashedda Star Dart is withdrawn from service and replaced by the Rampart close support fighter. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 29.

1079 Many remaining Star Dart fighters have their avionics upgraded and are upgraded with better engines to keep serving with their original Azhanti High Lightning ships after the conversion to frontier cruisers. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 29.

1080 c A series of demonstrations on Zamine (Spinward Marches 0421) heralds the rise of anti-Confederation sentiment. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 47.

1080 c Foundations of the Tao Gwi philosophical movement by Shana Hailiang, a human citizen of the Vegan world of Hsuishlesh (Solomani Rim 1120). Tao Gwi states that humans, like Vegans, should also live in tolerant tuhuir. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 89.

1080 Emperor Strephon announces the appointment of Commodore Torrence Beem as the new director of the Imperial Ministry of Justice Special Branch (JSB). High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 32.

1080 c The Kellerman family rises to prominence on Polyphemus (Solomani Rim 1537). Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 122.

1080 cX Ochecate (Spinward Marches 0837) is colonized by Mewey (Spinward Marches 0838) with Aslan assistance. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 56.

1080 c Imperial covert operations within the human-dominated state of Ral Ranta in Hinterworlds sector bears fruit as several rebellions and succession disputations begin over the next four decades. Challenge #39, GDW, 1989, p. H03.

1080 c Dakaar Trading enslaves the Languljigee minor race on Lajanjigal (Reavers' Deep 1721), to begin mining rare earth elements and radioactives discovered by one of their survey ships. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 18.

1080 Imperial Navy conducts a thorough search of the surface of Luna, Terra's moon (Solomani Rim 1827) and does not find any uncharted Solomani bases. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 75.

1080 Goldarn Trading Company organized on Kaasu (Corridor 1209), owned by Nilhil Goldarn. Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1080 c Thetis-Laputa alliance dominates the trade routes of Kukulcan subsector. Kukulcan (Solomani Rim 2835) suffers a severe recession. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 128.

1080 cX Emperor Strephon orders the formation of a civilian government by the Brinn for Divad (Corridor 2238). Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 20.

1080 c The Anubian Trade Coalition in the Hinterworlds sector begins a string of major trading coups that ultimately cause trade to move away from the established Beyerly's Path route to the newer Bruia Diagonal and Alike runs. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 36.

1080 First recorded attack of the "Giants" of Kaiid (Lishun 0621). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 19.

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1081 Oakhtitl leaves Ilekhahke (Ealiyasiyw XXXX). Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 35. 049-1081 Aybee Wan Owen [apparently] born on Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Travellers' Digest #11, DGP,

1988, p. 04. 1082 c The Zhodani introduce the TL 14 "Preblshienchiashav" (Princely Lord) class attack speeder during the

Fourth Frontier War. 101 Vehicles, DGP, 1988, p. 14. 1082 Grand Duke Ashir of the Treyln Domain in Vanguard Reaches sector dies of natural causes; his son

Laram becomes Grand Duke. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01. 1082 Duncan Syrtis takes over leadership of the Syrtis Corporation from his father. Challenge #48, GDW,

1991, p. 30. 1082 c Zhodani scouts discover traces of Omnesium on Vahjdi, in the Talak system (Far Frontiers 1537).

Urragyd'n of the Seven Pillars, FASA, 1981, p. 42. 1082 Construction begins on the first of 33 Tral Wolf class light cruisers. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p.

44. 1082 Arabella von Ericsson graduates from the Imperial Naval Academy fifth in her class, with honors.

MegaTraveller Journal #2, DGP, 1991, p. 22. 1082 An incident at Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) triggers the Fourth Frontier War, which neither the

Imperium nor the Zhodani are really prepared for. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 41. 1082 Esalin (Spinward Marches 1004) conquered by the Zhodani during the early weeks of the Fourth Frontier

War. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 12. 1082 The "Azhanti High Lightning", newly converted to frontier cruiser and stationed in Vilis subsector

(Spinward Marches) on neutrality watch, defeats a Zhodani thrust into the region. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 10.

1082 Two "Azhanti High Lightning" fleet intruders awaiting conversions, "Bard Enterprise" and "Guardian Rainbow," are returned to duty because of the Fourth Frontier War. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1082 154th Battle Rider Squadron involved in delaying actions against Zhodani forces in Jewell subsector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 33.

1082 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment is Imperialized to assist in defending against Zhodani invasion, serving on Menorb (Spinward Marches 1803), Boughene (Spinward Marches 1904) and Pixie (Spinward Marches 1903). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

1082 During the Fourth Frontier War, the Imperial Navy becomes aware of the level of activity of the Zhodani Consulate in Trojan Reach sector. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

1083 The Erkaghodo Concordat, a Vargr state in Tuglikki sector, collapses. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

1083 cX The Imperial Navy imposes martial law on Karin (Spinward Marches 0534) after a series of rebellions. JTAS #19, GDW, 1984, p. 33.

1083 First uprising of Jonkeereen (Deneb 1324) over forced transplanting; tribes unite under Chief Tabali. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 92.

1083 Bennet Lai De Santos' exploits in Trojan Reach sector during the Fourth Frontier War become legend, as does his fleeing Imperial charges of tax evasion and bribery. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 39, 40.

1083 Marine patrols on Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) stop wearing battle dress as a public relations measure. Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 52.

1083 Ine Givar agents attempt to recruit the Tanoose Freedom League on Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119). Adventure 07 - Broadsword, GDW, 1982, p. 06.

1083 Lieutenant Sharlec hault-Bellakchan distinguishes himself in action against the Zhodani, and is awarded the Barony of Trayfowen (Beyond 0311). Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 23.

1083 Imperial naval base constructed on Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) to watch the Zhodani. Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane, GDW, 1981, p. 44.

1083 Ampersand and Goethe Electronic Press publishes Nathan Hewitt's "Human Emotion as a Function of Cognition." Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 09.

164-1083 Birth of Lorain Messandi, Jothan's daughter. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 44. 1083 cX The Imperial Navy frontier cruiser "Haunting Thunder" is caught at Sheol, Querion's (Spinward Marches

0614) secondary gas giant, refueling, by a flight of Zhodani heavy SDBs, crippled and lost in the gas giant. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 123.

1083 The Third Eslyat War opens with a preemptive strike by Treyln forces on an Eslyat fleet refueling at Yazoo City (Vanguard Reaches 1804), a neutral world. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1083 cX Sheol messengers recover three vacc-suited Imperials from the "Haunting Thunder" in the Querion (Spinward Marches 0614) system. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 123.

1083 The Third Eslyat War ends with the surrender of the remnants of the Eslyat fleet after the Battle of Surtun (Vanguard Reaches 2005). Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1084 Adar (Hinterworlds 0104) comes under Imperial control. Challenge #47, GDW, 1990, p. 25. 1084 Norris Aella Aledon graduates with honors from the IN Academy, Spinward Marches branch, earning his

commission as an ensign. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 93.

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1084 The Imperium offers loyal Vargr land on Walston (Spinward Marches 1232); the locals insure the Vargr remain second-class citizens. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 75.

1084 The scout ship "Blatant Lie," a part of the "Gyro Cadiz" task force missing since 984, is found by a naval patrol at Treece (Spinward Marches 2311). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 12, 14.

1084 A Zhodani task force overwhelms the Imperial light cruiser Alchemda, a Imperial Marine garrison and its major munitions stores, killing all life on Ganulph (Trojan Reach 1307) rendering it barren. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 14, 40.

1084 154th Battle Rider Squadron is involved in the long-range strike at Chronor (Spinward Marches 0304) and the final battle of the Fourth Frontier War at the Battle of Two Suns. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 33.

1084 Battle of Two Suns, fought in deep space between Yres (Spinward Marches 1802) and Menorb (Spinward Marches 1803) ends the Fourth Frontier War with heavy losses on both Imperial and Zhodani sides. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 38.

1084 Kinunir colonial cruiser "Allamu" is caught in the van at the Battle of Two Suns and withstands over four hours of steady attack before suffering screen failure and being lost with all hands. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11.

1084 Kinunir class colonial cruiser "Ninkur Sagga" suffers either a spontaneous missile detonation or a freak globe screen failure (accounts differ) while engaged on the port dorsal flank at the Battle of Two Suns. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11.

1084 The Fourth Frontier War concludes with a negotiated armistice between the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate after the Battle of Two Suns. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 41.

1084 The Sword Worlds Confederation captures the Entropic Worlds from the Darrian Confederation. A Darrian counterattack only manages to capture Cunnonic (Spinward Marches 0822) before the peace is signed. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

1084 The Imperium loses Narval (Spinward Marches 0805) and accepts joint tenancy of Esalin (Spinward Marches 1004) with the Zhodani but regains two worlds lost to the Sword Worlds in the Third Frontier War. Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z), GDW, 1982, p. 41.

1084 The Sword Worlds lose Isenfang (now Margesi, 1020) and Tavonni (1520) to the Imperium at the end of the Fourth Frontier War. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

1084 Three "Azhanti High Lightning" class frontier cruisers lost in the course of the Fourth Frontier War. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1084 Imperial charter granted to Oberlindes Lines for supporting import and export trade. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 45.

1084 Oppenheim (Massilia 0826) conquers the neighboring system of Far Trinity (Massilia 1025). Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 16.

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The Classic Campaign “Just as a century before, the Imperium again knows its heading to war; however, knowing that the Zhodani and the Solomani are threats, and seeing Vargr piracy begin increasing, Strephon and his advisors change the strategic structure of the Imperial Navy. New classes designed, new command structure built, new bases proposed—the Corridor strategic reserve is created on one side of the Imperium, and the Vegans strengthened on the other side of the Imperium. Based on the Vegan example, and following in Empress Arbellatra’s footsteps, Strephon encourages the ancient cultures of the Imperium to be more open and expressive.” “The Third Imperium of the second millennium begins to show signs of maturity. We have passed the young Rule of Man and its collapse, and yet lack the aged dotage of the Vilani Imperium in its death throes. The Third imperium now steps onto its own path. An honor-bound nobility watching carefully over its affairs, a not yet moribund bureaucracy regulating its structure and change, and a military and government that are finally open to all the races governed within—the Third Imperium has found its identity.” From the lecture “What is the Third Imperium Today?”, 115-1115.

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1085 The "Loreans Ecliptic" vanishes enroute from Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719) to D'Ganzio (Spinward Marches 1920). Challenge #46, GDW, 1990, p. 26.

1085 An IISS marine biologist discovers the link between the unique coral of Nexine (Spinward Marches 3030) and the precious gemores. The Nexine Mining Consortium and the Imperial Ministry of Conservation are notified. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 113.

1085 After a misjump, the pirate ship Khimirika arrives at Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) needing repairs; the success of operating from Granicus leads to the foundation of the Khimirika League. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 14.

1085 The Kforuzeng now have 20 ships and are the dominant Vargr corsair band in Firgr subsector of Gvurrdon sector. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 79.

1085 cX Spacer Dana Lee, last recovered survivor of the "Haunting Thunder", dies despite Sheol (Querion, Spinward Marches 0614) attempts to keep her alive. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 123.

1085 The Menderes Corporation negotiates an agreement with Archduke Ngaez of Antares for trading rights within the Domain of Antares. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 19, 21.

1085 Portions of the Menorb system (Spinward Marches 1803) remain off-limits to civilian personnel after the Fourth Frontier War. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p. 127.

1085 Nelagid Marsid becomes a focal point for controversy after the publication of his first book, "Giants!," about an encounter on Kaiid (Lishun 0621). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 18, 19.

1085 154th Battle Rider Squadron transferred to Depot (Corridor 1511) and refitted with a "Lurenti" class battle carrier and seven "Nolikian" class battle riders. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 33.

1085 Jamison Factors organized and owned by Alexander Lascelles Jamison. Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1085 Cash slowdown after the "False War" forces MagnetoDynamics, Inc. to suspend operations on Fulacin (Spinward Marches 2613). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 45.

1085 Imperial Research Station Beta in Nyarlathotep (Solomani Rim 2720), assembled from sections of Lightning-class cruisers, becomes operational; its' secret project is instantaneous interstellar communication. Challenge #42, GDW, 1990, p. 49.

1085 Sergei hault-Oberlindes, son of Marc hault-Oberlindes, born. JTAS #01, GDW, 1979, p. 13. 117-1085 Emperor Strephon memorializes the "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser "Allamu," lost at the Battle of Two

Suns, fought in the Yres (Spinward Marches 1802) and Menorb (Spinward Marches 1803) systems. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11.

1086 Antares Ring Cluster (ARC), a seven world semi-autonomous region within Imperial borders is re-established. Challenge #68, GDW, 1993, p. 12.

1086 Norris Aella Aledon graduates from an intelligence course at the Imperial Staff College, Deneb branch, and is transferred to the Old Expanses Sector. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 93.

1086 The Cassandra Strike throws the Dakaar Corporation out of the Cassandra system (Reavers' Deep 1924). Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 22, 26.

1086 Steven Bond, at the age of 15, leads a handful of Thoengling Vargr in resisting an assault by Vargr troops from the Union of Yoetygg. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 126.

1086 A Ling Standard Products survey team discovers lanthanum deposits on Feneteman (Spinward Marches 3104). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 18.

1086 Starkraft Design Corporation designs the 180-ton "Arzhent" class prospector/surveyor; only 12 vessels are produced. High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 31.

1086 c Imperial Admiralty begins a fundamental re-examination of the "crust" strategy used by the Imperial Navy through the Fourth Frontier War. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

062-1086 The "Leviathan", first of its class of merchant cruisers, is laid down at Bilstein Yards in the Glisten system (Spinward Marches 2036). Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23.

1087 The Zaibon Copper Consortium's assets are liquidated: the freight tractor vessel "Chanson de Roland" is sold and renamed the "Heyan Rose." IISS Ship Files, Games Workshop, 1981, p. 10.

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1087 Isenfang (Spinward Marches 1020) is renamed Margesi and becomes a full member of the Imperium. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 92.

1087 Bilstein Yards of Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036) begins construction of twelve "Excalibur" class express packet boats for service with the Baraccai Technum of Trin (3235). IISS Ship Files, Games Workshop, 1981, p. 15.

010-1087 The "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser "Gaesh," built by General, barely passes trials. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11.

1087 The Fourth Eslyat War opens with surprise Eslyat attacks on Natrosilo (Vanguard Reaches 2003) and Alfar Edylsyla (2033). Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1087 The Fourth Eslyat War ends with a Trelyn fleet orbiting the Eslyat homeworld of Elliador (Vanguard Reaches 1307); the Treaty of 1087 uses the words "in perpetuity" as opposed to a timeframe for peace. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1088 The High Tribunal is organized on Desaekhe (Far Frontiners 1734) to unify and industrialize the world, possibly with Zhodani assistance. Desaekhe forms the nucleus of the Descarothe Hegemony. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 50.

1088 Isis Arepo Ilethian, daughter of Archduke Dulinor of Ilelish, born. GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998, p. 43. 1088 Halizar plague breaks out on Azun (Solomani Rim 0809) from Catanian White Fever, killing 290,000

people. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 41. 1088 Goldarn Trading Company of Kaasu (Corridor 1209) subjected to bankruptcy. Memory Alpha, GDW,

1984, p. 04. 1088 Redeye Plague on Teriane (Corridor 1611) spreads to worlds within three parsecs before being

controlled. Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 05. 1088 Ciencia Iphegenia, Grand Princess of the Imperium, daughter of Emperor Strephon and Empress

Iolanthe, is born. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 20. 1088 The "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser "Kinunir" disappears without a trace while on routine patrol. Adventure

01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 10. 1089 Colonization of Forboldn (Spinward Marches 1808) begins with detailed planetary surveys to pinpoint

resources and initial building projects to prepare industry and quarters for the arrival of colonists. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p. 153.

1089 Influx of capital allows MagnetoDynamics, Inc. to resume operations on Fulacin (Spinward Marches 2613). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 45.

1089 Council of Worlds held on Telleria (Vanguard Reaches 0926) to hammer out a non-interference agreement for the Tellerian Cluster's Wars of Colonization. Vanguard Reaches, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 20.

1089 Zehripan (Far Frontiers 0915) becomes a client state of the Zhodani Consulate. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 48.

1089 Admiral Aramais P. Lee retires from the Imperial Navy and begins work on surveys in the Deneb, Corridor and Spinward Marches sectors, becoming a trade representative for Sharurshid. Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure, Gamelords, 1983, p. 04.

1089 Duchess Cassir of Delphi sector is awarded the Honor of the Warlord Supreme by the state of Ral Ranta in the Hinterworlds sector. Challenge #47, GDW, 1990, p. 26.

1089 Goldarn Trading Company of Kaasu (Corridor 1209) liquidated. Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 04. 1089 The Ahlaowyarl clan forcibly seizes Eyeliys, a small moon in the Iyakhoryeh (Riftspan Reaches 2419)

system; the dispute quickly escalates into a war of assassins. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 23. 1089 SORAG's Operation Coldwave sponsors commerce raiders in the Eckmann Schrift subsector of

Vanguard Reaches sector. SORAG, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 03. 208-1089 The "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser "Adda Dubsar" scrapped while under construction by General.

Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11. 247-1089 Last "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser completed, "Adamdun," built by Clan Severn, performs first flight.

Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11. 1090 Attempt to seize the "Loathsome Reverie," an "Azhanti High Lightning" class frontier cruiser, by pirates,

fails at Lewis (Spinward Marches 3107). Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 10. 1090 c Imperial Geneering loses its charter after discovery of illegal android sales. Travellers' Digest #12, DGP,

1988, p. 38. 1090 The captain of the "Khimirika" now heads a pirate cartel of 4 ships based out of Granicus (Glimmerdrift

Reaches 0520). Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 14. 1090 cX Sheol (Querion, Spinward Marches 0614) squid mothers produce a human hybrid that could survive

neural linkage and live more than a few months if they were encountered again. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 124.

1090 Knouksarrgh Ong of Lair (Provence 2402) produces the utuvogh, a holographic viewer that tailors the presentation to an individual, which functions only for Vargr, not humans. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 62, 63.

1090 Dzarrgh Federate formed along the border of Provence and Tuglikki sectors based on Dzarrvaer (Provence 0224), and begins absorbing old Foergaz Coalition worlds. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 53.

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040-1090 The "Leviathan", first of its class of merchant cruisers, takes its first flight. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23.

1090 During a robotics test for planetary surface surveys on Pannet (Spinward Marches 2519), Dr. Theodor Krenstein is seized by an anti-technist group. Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 06.

1090 Dr. Theodor Krenstein is rescued by an all-volunteer raiding team on Pannet (Spinward Marches 2519); Dur Telemon is the first member of the rescue team to reach Dr. Krenstein. Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 06.

1090 Kirshamii Riliam makes two successive jump-4 jumps in "Reftbreaker," a modified "Seeker" class ship produced by General Products, LIC, across the Great Reft. Travellers' Digest #03, DGP, 1985, p. 47.

1090 Kirshamii Riliam receives a baronial fiefdom on Jafla (Corridor 1840) from Emperor Strephon on his successful return. Travellers' Digest #03, DGP, 1985, p. 47.

1091 Last route to the Valley of Memories on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) closed by volcanic action. Shriekers of the Great Retreat face a slow death of their culture and fertility. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

1091 Drak Ne'Vha trading ships encounter ships of the Ilksang Oekhgnoull, a small Vargr corporate state in Ghoeknael sector. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 103.

1091 Dr. Theodor Krenstein builds robot AB-101, intended as both a bodyguard and an experiment in pseudo-biological artificial intelligence, on Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 06.

1091 "Night of the Scurila" on Datrumna (Massilia 1203). Insurgents massacre Imperial researchers studying an archaeological dig. Only three people remain unharmed, one of whom is the native Datrumnan Antaina Shaamash. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 52.

1091 Aslan Yerlyaruiwo clan interdicts Hluahyahe (Ealiyasiyw 0222) due to unexplained disappearances of ships, including an Eisohiyw diplomatic party in 1089. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 36.

1092 Wood Station, a research laboratory in the planetoid belt of the Vincennes system (Deneb 1122), is placed under Imperial Navy jurisdiction and declared off-limits to unauthorized traffic. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 14.

1092 An Eirakhtya assassin kills the commander of the Ahlaowyarl forces on Eyeliys, a moon in the Iyakhoryeh (Riftspan Reaches 2419) system; the clan war ends with the restoration of Eyeliys to the Eirakhtya clan. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 23.

1092 Antaina Shaamash floods the media of Datrumna (Massilia 1203) with comparisons between the "Night of the Scurila" and previous atrocities in Datrumnan history, easing anti-Imperial sentiment. Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 52.

118-1092 Empress Iolanthe presents "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser "Regal Splendor" (formerly "Shuruppak") to the Vegan Autonomous District. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11.

1092 The Drak Ne’Vha discover that the Vargr ship captured in 954 by the Shimaak clan at Kas’Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) was tenuously connected to the Ilksang Oekhgnoull. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 103.

1092 The Drak Ne’Vha offer MCr1028 as reparations and technology transfer payments to the Ilksang Oekhgnoull for the ship lost in 954 in the Kas’Drak (Ghoeknael XXXX) system. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 103.

1093 c Several prisoners are killed on the Imperial prison world of Newcomb (Solomani Rim 2913) when a ramp collapses. Adventure 08 - Prison Planet, GDW, 1982, p. 43.

1093 The Tukera family brings in large equipment, and begins strip-mining the lanthanum deposits on Lewis (Spinward Marches 3107). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 117.

1093 Nilhil Goldarn reorganizes the Goldarn Trading Company on Nocturne (Corridor 1210). Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1093 Discovery of former Darrian outpost on Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132); archaeological digs are established. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, P. 09.

1093 154th Battle Rider Squadron transferred back to Spinward Marches, stationed at Denotam (Spinward Marches 1413). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 33.

1093 The Marches Auxiliary Naval Service acquires the "Sarsharev", a Leviathan-class merchant cruiser redesignated a reconnaissance cruiser. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23.

1093 Norris Aella Aledon promoted to lieutenant commander, and transferred back to the Spinward Marches. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 93.

1094 The Nexine Mining Consortium asks the Ministry of Conservation to oversee harvesting and reseeding efforts on Nexine (Spinward Marches 3030) in an attempt to avoid huge fines. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 113.

1094 Oberlindes Lines leases ground for a starport on Paya (Spinward Marches 2509) as a base for its Aramis subsector operations. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 101.

1094 Lord Norris Aledon and Branj Dilgaadin first meet. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 95. 1094 Seven Solomani business leaders establish a secret psychohistorical research facility in the Alpha Crucis

Sector. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 126. 1094 Zhodani diplomatic and intelligence sources hear rumors of the Drak Ne'Vha from their clients. Alien

Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 103.

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301-1094 Princes Varian and Lucan, Emperor Strephon's nephews, born 5 minutes apart to Strephon's younger sister Lydia. [Date from Imperial Encyclopedia, p. 15.] Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 08.

1095 c Imperial Admiralty begins shifting naval assets to support the new "elastic defense" strategy. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

1095 Solomani Party (outlawed following the Solomani Rim War) legalized in the Terra system (Solomani Rim 1827). Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 78.

1095 A bloodless pro-Imperial revolution on Icetina (Spinward Marches 2418) deposes an inefficient bureaucratic system. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 90.

1095 A rich find of onnesium-118 is discovered on Irlu (Massilia 2008). Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 90. 1095 A rebellion on Zephyr (Spinward Marches 3138) led by the Farm Workers' Revolutionary Party leads to

Imperial intervention. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 122. 1095 The two major powers on Xiwa (Solomani Rim 2408) resort to nuclear weapons, breaching many city

domes and killing 80% of the population before the Imperium can intervene. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 20.

1095 c Warlord Rutall unites the balkanized world of Khirar (Ilelish 2208). Challenge #32, GDW, 1988, p. 05. 1095 Sternmetal Horizons, LIC, begins investing heavily in the nation of Lovrenyi on Aramanx (Spinward

Marches 3005). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 71. 1095 cX Imperial intervention in the bitter war on Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437) results in the world being declared

an Imperial Protectorate. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 14. 1095 Planetary wars on Talak (Far Frontiers 1537) end when the Kartuk state develops primitive fission

weapons. Urragyd'n of the Seven Pillars, FASA, 1981, p. 34, 38. 1095 Antaina Shaamash becomes the chief scientific advisor to the Imperial representation on Datrumna

(Massilia 1203). Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 52. 1095 The "Kankurur" class G-carrier is designed. Grand Census, DGP, 1987, p. 20. 1095 The Drak Ne'Vha have established dozens of colony worlds in the Ghoeknael and Anzidiadl sectors.

Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 102. 1095 The Zhodani Consulate dispatches a diplomatic mission to a Drak Ne'Vha colony world, establishing

relations. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 103. 135-1095 The "Leviathan" class merchant cruiser "Marcucci", captured by pirates in the Quare system (Spinward

Marches 0915). Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23. 1096 The Imperial Scout Service acquires the Nicolas de Nicolay, a Leviathan-class merchant cruiser modified

for anomaly research. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23. 1096 The Imperium experiments with sponsoring new loyalist lodges on Fenris (Solomani Rim 1830). Rim of

Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 109. 1096 First volunteers undergo genetic and bionic modifications to create Alpha Nexxies. Humaniti, SJG, 2003,

p. 113. 1096 The accidental death of two Zhodani Supreme Council nobles leads to a new majority favoring a

showdown with the Imperium. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 36. 1096 A research team representing a new group of potential colonists begins studying the Heguz (Spinward

Marches 2706) disappearances. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 102. 1096 Professor Chanis Laskan writes "Discourses on Comparative Linguisto-Archaeological Discoveries." Trail

of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 52. 1096 Dr. Darch von Changli sets out to study the kiiroka, one of the higher lifeforms in the seas of Vras (Old

Expanses 0738). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 102. 1096 Capitol Press (Core 2118) publishes "Unity and Diversity: Humanity Among the Stars," including a

comparison of the "religions of ecstasy" based around high atmosphere oxygen levels. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 24.

1096 Nelagid Marsid publishes his second book, "The Giants of Kaiid: A Casebook," presenting his evidence for their existence on Kaiid (Lishun 0621). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 19.

1097 SuSAG purchases Seaharvester, LIC. Adventure 09 - Nomads of the World-Ocean, GDW, 1983, p. 46. 1097 Foundation of the Brotherhood of Orion. This organization is dedicated to the use of psychohistorical

techniques to defend the Solomani Confederation. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 136. 1097 First "Kankurur" class G-carrier commissioned. Grand Census, DGP, 1987, p. 20. 1097 A local mob breaks into the starport on Zykoca (Spinward Marches 3004), killing several offworlders.

Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 19. 1097 Counselor Ahfgaard calls together forces and forms the Ogarous Tribunal in Meshan sector. Vilani and

Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 52. 1097 William Aledon, oldest son and heir to the Duke of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) is killed in an

accident. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 8. 1097 As his father's health fails, Norris Aledon resigns his commission in the Imperial Navy to become Duke of

Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 8. 1098 The Fallani Syndicate begins operations out of Duval, Granicus's (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) capital; a

subtle war between the Syndicate and the Khimirika League begins. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 17.

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1098 The Solomani Rim nobility vote to depose Duke Shulgi Inaari of Concord (Solomani Rim 1802) and elevate Duke Robert Beaudoin of Dingir (1222) to sector duke in his place. Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 107.

1098 Roakhoi starport (Reavers' Deep 1224) upgraded from D to C. Far Traveller #01, FASA, 1982, p. 48. 1098 Joyeuse Civil War breaks out. The nation-states of Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123) go to war. The

Sword Worlds Confederation blockades Joyeuse to allow local forces to settle the issue. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 19.

1098 Colonel Sir William Fraser, KC retires from service with the Principality Marines and founds the Caledon Highlanders mercenary regiment. High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 53.

1098 Imperial Governor of Scaramouche (Solomani Rim 2509) assassinated; General Ringiil Urshukaan appointed Acting Governor. Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station, GDW, 1983, p. 26.

1098 Sabotage of property belonging to Lamarck Minerals and Triple-G Resources, LIC by independent miners of Arcturus Belt (Solomani Rim 2921) dealt with by Banasdan Port Authority Police. Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station, GDW, 1983, p. 10.

1098 The Orcrist (Spinward Marches 1126) Soil Manufacturing Project begins. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 42.

1098 cX Free elections in the nation of Stepozhevac on Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) vote in a Free Commerce government in response to promises of large industrial development of the nation's large bauxite reserves. Book 4 - Mercenary, GDW, 1978, p. 22.

1098 c ZDE Engineering Company (Zero Defects Engineering) organized on Strand (Corridor 0916), owned by Goldarn Trading Company of Nocturne (Corridor 1210). Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1098 Several high-ranking members of the One Imperium Movement are prosecuted for the high-justice crimes of bribing Imperial officials and the attempted theft of a 500,000-ton Imperial naval dreadnought. Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 29.

1098 The "Essentials of Marksmanship" published by the Imperial War Department on Capital (Core 2118). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1098 Civil war on Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123) results in a Confederation blockade to prevent outside manipulation, and balkanization of the system. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 14.

1098 Jericorp Mining founded by Gill Jeric in the Drexilthar subsector of Reavers' Deep sector. Duneraiders!, Gamelords, 1984, p. 09.

1098 GE Mechanical and Electronic Enterprises of Nocturne (Corridor 1210) organized by Nilhil Goldarn. Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1098 In a bloodless coup, citizens on Horosho (Spinward Marches 2138) overthrow the existing ineffective government, electing Lt. Lish Dervan of the Imperial Navy as Dictator. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 04, 99.

1098 Akidda Laagiir, Senior Assistant Editor for the "Mora World Review," applies to the "Travellers' Digest" journalism contest. Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 04.

1098 Branj Dilgaadin appointed seneschal to Duke Norris of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). Nobles, SJG, 2004, p. 95.

1098 c High Tribunal forces on Desaekhe (Far Frontiers 1734) complete their planetary conquest and begin acquiring Zhodani technical assistance. Harrensa Project/Stazhlekh Report, FASA, 1983, p. B10.

1098 Imperial troops occupy Venad (Hinterworlds 0402), disrupting Ral Ranta trade routes. Challenge #39, GDW, 1989, p. H06.

1098 Massive power failure on Bifrost in Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132) asteroid belt; collapse of anti-radiation shielding results in the death of nearly 200 people. Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

1098 Clovian War (in Gateway sector) with the Galian Federation and the Trindel Confederacy against the Viyard Concourse. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49.

1098 Unity uprisings on Scaramouche (Solomani Rim 2509) suppressed by General Ringiil Urshukaan. Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station, GDW, 1983, p. 52.

1098 The Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate declare Esalin (Spinward Marches 1004) officially neutral. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 12.

1098 The Scotian Deep Trading Company begins work on Nahawaijohm, the first settlement in the steppes on Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218); steppe nomads work to stop the construction. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 27.

1098 c DNA testing by TobiCorp reveals the close relationship between the Tobai of Tobibak (Corridor 1011) and the Githiaskio. Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak, SJG, 2001, p. 07.

022-1098 The "Leviathan" class merchant cruiser "Mar de Damas" mistakenly destroyed by an Imperial "Kokirrak" class dreadnought due to communications malfunction at Zaibon (Spinward Marches 1805); only 15 crew survived. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23.

090-1098 The "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser "Gaesh" paid off. Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11. 254-1098 The "Kinunir" class colonial cruiser "Gaesh" converted to orbital prison at Pixie (Spinward Marches 1903).

Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 11. 1098 Several thousand kiiroka are captured from Vras (Old Expanses 0738) and relocated to the uninhabited

nearby world of Schall (0638). Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 102.

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1098 The sentience of the kiiroka is recognized immediately by Dr. von Changli. The Marquis of Vras (Old Expanses 0738) suppresses the news and plans to exterminate the kiiroka population on Vras. Schall (0638) is interdicted. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 102.

1099 MagnetoDynamics, Inc. opens class A starport on Fulacin (Spinward Marches 2613). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 15, 45.

1099 Rushu (Spinward Marches 0215) declares its independence from the Rukh Aegz and aligns itself with the Zhodani Consulate. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 17.

1099 Ling Reach Ventures, a world development company, established to promote a colonial environment on Ziunitan (Corridor 1405) under subsidy from local taxing bodies, owned by Ling Standard Products of Vland (Vland 1717). Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1099 The General Shipyards Information Office on Libert (Diaspora 1109) releases the "Naval Architect's Handbook." Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1099 Gashikan (Gashikan 2732) becomes the capital of the Third Empire of Gashikan. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 140.

1099 Duchess Cassir, sector Duchess of Delphi sector, granddaughter of Emperor Gavin and cousin to Emperor Strephon, passes away; her husband Anedon becomes regent. Challenge #47, GDW, 1990, p. 22.

258-1099 Akidda Laagiir wins the Travellers' Digest Touring Award with "The Imperial Frontier: The Next Millennium." Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 04.

1099 Late in the year, worldwide street parties on Mercury (Spinward Marches 2624) result in a breakdown of order that requires Imperial Marines to quell the rioting. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 04.

1099 Security forces on Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) capture a number of Ine Givar operatives and quantities of nerve gas in a raid just before year's end. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 04.

1100 c Astronomers detect first signs of instability in the star in the Dorp (Old Expanses 2511) system; the population is evacuated to Khar (Old Expanses 2416). Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 34.

1100 c The Unity Uprisings begin on Scaramouche (Solomani Rim 2509). An Imperial governor and a Marine brigade are unable to prop up the shaky native government. Rim of Fire, SJG, 2000, p. 79.

1100 cX Work begins on upgrading the class-E starport on Guusimka (Lishun 1407) to class-C. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 89.

1100 c Imperial naval base on Sabsee (Core 0806) unveils a new fusion-plasma weapon, dubbed the FGMP-16. Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 45.

1100 Ciencia Iphegenia, daughter of Emperor Strephon and Empress Iolanthe, is recognized as Grand Princess of the Imperium (heir to the throne) on her 12th birthday. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 25.

1100 Nelagid Marsid publishes his third book, "Encounter on Kaiid," after his expedition to find and photograph the "Giants" on Kaiid (Lishun 0621). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 19.

1100 Professor Chanis Laskan writes "The First Imperium: Expansion and Consolidation." Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 52.

1100 c SURD develops the first TL 15 pseudo-biological robot. Book 8 - Robots, GDW, 1986, p. 08. 1100 cX Young Aels from Jaeyelya (Gushemege 0437) begin attend off-world schools and in particular, the

Imperial scout service. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 14. 1100 cX Intelligence agents for the Imperial Scout Service begin studying pirate operations out of Granicus

(Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520) and working to infiltrate them. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 09.

1100 c Zhodani analysts of the Imperium believe structural tensions within the Imperium could cause its collapse after heavy Imperial defeats. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 35.

1100 The Ling Standard Products office on Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) publishes a new issue of the "Operator's Manual, Scout/Courier, Type S, Series 1100". Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1100 c Work by the Federation of Arden's government companies on Utoland (Spinward Marches 1209) is backed by grants from the Zhodani, hoping to use the world as a base in a war with the Imperium. Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane, GDW, 1981, p. 15.

1100 c Survey of 728-907 (Spinward Marches 1214) is completed; Imperial Ministry of Colonization plans to colonize it sometime in the 1200's. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 14.

1100 Maneuver drives fail on the "Star Rider" while gas giant skimming en route from Ultraneta (Old Expanses 1213) to Shenk (Old Expanses 1128) where she was to be converted to an orbiting museum; there are no survivors. High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 20.

1100 c The Spiral Path party begins to spread across the 17 Evantha worlds in Daibei--sometimes peacefully, sometimes not. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 38.

1100 cX The Ilksang Oekhgnoull vastly expand its merchant shipping from the wealth gained by trading with the Drak Ne'Vha. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 104.

1100 c A small "hawkish" faction within the Nullian League is beginning to rise to power, led by Drastur Kelbis of Nullia (Hinterworlds 0824). Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 36.

1100 c The background radiation level on Colada (Spinward Marches 1022) returns to pre-war levels, after almost 900 years, but some local hotspots and soil poisoning remain. Sword Worlds, SJG, 2004, p. 32.

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1100 Peace of Farnoc ends Clovian War in Gateway sector, but does not settle the Coralee (Gateway 1629) question, which remains occupied by the Viyard Concourse. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 32.

001-1100 Events of "Adventure 00 - The Imperial Fringe"; Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). Adventure 00 - The Imperial Fringe, GDW, 1981, p. 16.

063-1100 Events of "Travellers' Digest #01 - Of Xboats and Friends", Aramis (Spinward Marches 3110). Travellers' Digest #01, DGP, 1985, p. 04.

1100 Spinward Marches Fleet Admiralty issues design parameters for the "Sydkai" class cruiser. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 44.

132-1100 Violence erupts from agricultural worker protests on Chamois (Spinward Marches 3139) after subsidy cuts. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 05.

339-1100 Events of "Travellers' Digest #02 - Journey of the Sojourn Moon", Wal-ta-ka (Deneb 2713). Travellers' Digest #02, DGP, 1985, p. 06.

1100 The Imperial battlecruiser "Lariinaan" is lost with all hands after a collision with an escorting "Rubikin"-class destroyer while on patrol in the Phlume (Spinward Marches 1611) system. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 05.

1100 In an unrelated incident one month after the loss of the "Lariinaan", the IISS scout/courier "Blessed Wretch" disappears in the Phlume system (Spinward Marches 1611). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 05.

1100 Vice Admiral Petroklev, commander of the Jone (Spinward Marches 0433) naval base for 12 years, announces his retirement citing failing health. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 05.

1100 After extremists begin an arson campaign on Chamois (Spinward Marches 3139), vigilante action by citizenry restores order. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 05.

1100 Sir Coranis Bilindaan, an Imperial troubleshooter with a considerable reputation appointed to investigate the trouble on Chamois (Spinward Marches 3139), brokers a swift and equitable solution. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 05.

1101 Zhodani Supreme Council begins preparations for the next Core Expedition, tentatively planned for 1150. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 47.

1101 An accident seals up the Ancient site on Antiquity (Corridor 0806). Grand Census, DGP, 1987, p. 08. 1101 The "Empress Troyhune" planetoid monitor declared surplus to the needs of Mora (Spinward Marches

3124) and sold to Rorise (Spinward Marches 3022). Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 44. 1101 Marc hault-Oberlindes awarded baronial patent on Feri (Spinward Marches 2005) for service after the

Fourth Frontier War. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 46. 1101 Frontiers Developments, Inc. liner "Luushagur" disappears in Far Frontiers sector. Investigation of the

disappearance by a League of Suns tribunal focuses on Kalaman Enterprises. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 43.

1101 Seaharvester, LIC begins operations on Bellerephon (Solomani Rim 1519). Adventure 09 - Nomads of the World-Ocean, GDW, 1983, p. 46.

1101 Second uprising of Jonkeereen (Deneb 1324) over possible retrovirus; Imperial marines kill Chief Tabali; eventually SuSAG negotiates end to uprising. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 92.

1101 The Union of Garth's Parliament of Industry reappoints Bors XXIX as King of Garth (Far Frontiers 2228). Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 36.

1101 Baron Ulfred von Alksburg of Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) suffers a massive heart attack and retires, abdicating his title and position to his son Urnst. Challenge #50, GDW, 1991, p. 17.

1101 An experimental strain of metal parasites escapes from a genetics lab on Easter (Solomani Rim 1802). Knightfall, GDW, 1990, p. 12.

1101 Brodie (Spinward Marches 3021) is proclaimed an Imperial protectorate under naval jurisdiction after the local government collapses. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06.

003-1101 The first shots fired since the Fourth Frontier War occur at an undisclosed location during an encounter between a "Kinunir"-class cruiser and a pair of Zhodani "Shivva"-class frigates. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06.

041-1101 Oberlindes Lines announces plans to purchase a number of new freighter-liners, carrying a heavier armament than previously standard, to supplement vessels operating in Aramis subsector. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06.

086-1101 Events of "Travellers' Digest #03 - Visit to Antiquity", Antiquity (Corridor 0816). Travellers' Digest #03, DGP, 1985, p. 06.

324-1101 Events of "Travellers' Digest #04 - The Gold of Zurrian", traveling in Vland sector. Travellers' Digest #04, DGP, 1986, p.06.

1101 A group of adventurers visit Sheol (Querion, Spinward Marches 0614) to see if the "Haunting Thunder" could be salvaged. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 124.

1101 When an adventuring party is attacked by gas giant predators in Sheol (Querion, Spinward Marches 0614), they are rescued by Sheol squid mothers and make contact; they sell that information to Arkesh Spacers. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 125.

1102 An Imperiallines freighter is lost to pirate action in the Horosho (Spinward Marches 2138) system, prompting a call for anti-piracy sweeps; the Imperial Navy is unable to make vessels available. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06.

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1102 An expanding SuSAG operation on Weiss (Spinward Marches 1934) is closed down late in the year, killing hopes for an employment boom. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06.

1102 Tukera Lines stock dips sharply after allegations blaming Tukera for undermining Fornice Packet surface. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06.

1102 A scandal involving public funds drives the fledgling Fornice Packet line out of business, resulting in its interests being bought out wholesale by Tukera Lines. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06.

1102 Imperial Research Station Alpha on Duale (Spinward Marches 2728) damaged; military security remains high in the system. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 32.

1102 Last "Plankwell" class dreadnought squadron rotated out of Spinward Marches to the Corridor Sector strategic reserve. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 40.

1102 Imperial presence on Scaramouche (Solomani Rim 2509) greatly reduced; local government restored. Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station, GDW, 1983, p. 52.

1102 Jericorp Mining comes to Tashrakaar (Reavers' Deep 1927), one of a dozen small independent companies working the valuable mineral flats there. Duneraiders!, Gamelords, 1984, p. 09.

1102 Imperial scouts identify the Minlad of Kaiid (Lishun 0621) as sentient; further hunting for their fur is forbidden by Imperial law. Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 25.

1102 Imperial Navy signs a contract for twelve "Sydkai" class cruisers of GSbAG's design, delivered over a six-year period. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 44.

1102 An important noble from Regina subsector in the Spinward Marches is secretly imprisoned at Imperial Prison Station 17 orbiting Pixie (Spinward Marches 1903). Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 05.

1102 cX The Descarothe Hegemony acquires obsolete Zhodani ships and equipment from the Domain of Alntzar in the Far Frontiers sector. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 31.

1102 A band of pirates in the Delphi sector attacks commercial shipping posing as Khimirika League members; the Khimirika League eliminates the pirates and seizes their ships. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 15.

1102 Regent Anedon of Delphi is killed in an accident; his daughter Margaret Tukera becomes sector Duchess. Challenge #47, GDW, 1990, p. 22.

1102 The Trantax Revolt on Arkadia (Spinward Marches 1217) results in the slaughter of the leaders of the Trantaxers; their surviving troops flee Arkadia. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 108.

1102 Imperial Navy issues orders for 27 additional light cruisers of an improved version of the Tral Wolf class, resulting in the Tral Wolf II class. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 44.

1102 The Zosokhsourztourrgh, a large corsair band, decide to extort funds from the Drak Ne'Vha and their trade partners by raiding their Ghoeknael sector trade routes. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 104.

1102 The Imperial Navy leases ground on Paya (Spinward Marches 2509) near the new starport to construct a naval base. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 101.

1102 A religious schism on Dodds (Spinward Marches 2739) begins the bloody "Three Way War". Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 06, 119.

1102 cX A coup wrests control of the nation of Nemso on Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) from its ruling monarch and declares for the Free Commerce bloc. Book 4 - Mercenary, GDW, 1978, p. 22.

005-1102 Events of "Travellers' Digest #05 - The Humaniti Experiment", Centra (Vland 1414). Travellers' Digest #05, DGP, 1986, p. 06.

1102 The "Leviathan" class merchant cruiser "Amuar" fails to return from a mission in the Outrim Void; no trace is ever found. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23.

212-1102 Events of "Travellers' Digest #06 - The Most Valuable Prey", Kaiid (Lishun 0621). Travellers' Digest #06, DGP, 1986, p. 07.

1102 Orcinnim Fallani is assassinated on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520), but the Syndicate is taken over by his second-in-command, Jeres Kessin. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 17.

1102 Market research done by Knouksarrgh Ong of Lair (Provence 2402) indicates that musical entertainment was the most common use for their utuvogh products. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 63.

1102 Knouksarrgh Ong of Lair (Provence 2402) begin working on musical presentations for a wide variety of groups in Vargr society. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 63.

1102 The Fallani Syndicate and the Khimirika League come to a mutual understanding about their business, ending their subtle war on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520). Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 17.

1103 Dr. Sarah Covington pens a romantic fiction set on Schall (Old Expanses 0638) telling the story of intelligent ocean-dwelling creatures called "Schalli". Dr Covington is quietly arrested and the book is suppressed. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 102.

1103 Bularia (Spinward Marches 0430) petitions to become a full member of the Imperium, supported by Naasirka. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 48.

1103 The Troyden Massacre: Unknown attackers brutally slaughter the 73 passengers and crew of the passenger liner Troyden in the Hoff (Old Expanses 1139) system. High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 24.

1103 Imperial authorities announce regulations limiting the market price of lanthanum mined within the Imperium, to hold down the costs of a major shipbuilding program. Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 45.

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1103 Rachelean Society resurfaces at the Dynam Naval Depot (Lishun 1219) and attempts to steal several mothballed warships. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 28.

1103 The Nahawaijohm settlement is finally completed on Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218), but only after the Scotian Deep Trading Company brings in a sizable contingent of mercenaries. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 27.

1103 Small rebellion on Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) put down by Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) military council. Adventure 07 - Broadsword, GDW, 1982, p. 06.

1103 Unidentified starship, later known as "Annic Nova," first sighted in the Heya (Spinward Marches 2402) system. JTAS #01, GDW, 1979, p. 17.

1103 Emperor Strephon orders the beginning of Project Longbow II, using the entire width of the Imperium as its long baseline, with data carried by jump-6 couriers to Depot (Lishun 1219). GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998, p. 81.

1103 Satisfied with the trials of the Nicolas de Nicolay, the Imperial Scout Service acquires a second Leviathan-class merchant cruiser, the Bartholomeu Dias, for its Spatial Phenomena Investigation branch. Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 23.

1103 Descarothe Hegemony formed by the High Tribunal on Desaekhe (Far Frontiers 1734) brings two neighboring worlds into its tightly controlled empire. Harrensa Project/Stazhlekh Report, FASA, 1983, p. B10.

1103 Sharurshid publishes "Computer Communications: How to Make a Computer Do Your Bidding" on Tauri (Vland 1817). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1103 Hal Southerland joins Jericorp Mining as a mining engineer, working on Tashrakaar (Reavers' Deep 1927). Duneraiders!, Gamelords, 1984, p. 26.

1103 Descarothe Hegemony clashes with the League of Suns over mercantile rights in Far Frontiers sector. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 50.

1103 Talaki invade Vahjdi, next planet inward towards the star in the Talak system (Far Frontiers 1537). Urragyd'n of the Seven Pillars, FASA, 1981, p. 09, 35.

014-1103 Events of "Travellers' Digest #07 - The Fourth Imperium", Dynam (Lishun 1219). Travellers' Digest #07, DGP, 1986, p. 07.

015-1103 Zid Rachele attempts to steal mothballed Imperial warships at Dynam Naval Depot (Lishun 1219) and is defeated; his vessel is destroyed in the battle. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 35.

067-1103 First Spinward Point-to-Point Race begun on Trin (Spinward Marches 3235) requiring the collection of encrypted data chips from Glisten, Mora, Lunion, Rhylanor, Lanth, Regina and Frenzie. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 07.

1104 Vargr invade Newcastle (Lishun 1801), rounding up and imprisoning or killing all the civic leaders, and replacing them with Vargr. Flaming Eye, DGP, 1990, p. 92.

1104 Sir Yaricht Fruenelle is declared missing after attempting a trans-Abyss transit from Ivendo (Spinward Marches 2319). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 07.

1104 Shudusham Robotics Conference convenes at the Karrigashu Undersea Habitat on Shudusham (Core 2214). Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 07, 17.

1104 Emperor Strephon elevates Dulinor Astrin Ilethian to Archduke of Ilelish, despite great criticism from the established nobility. Players' Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 75.

1104 The Minlad of Kaiid (Lishun 0621) finally determined to be true sentients. Grand Census, DGP, 1987, p. 04.

1104 Scientists establish a research center in the Shadowland mountains of Kraan (Reavers' Deep 1828) to study an intact Iltharan base from the edge of their Drexilthar empire. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 24.

1104 Arkesh Spacers ships begin accepting large numbers of cargoes to Querion (Spinward Marches 0614), trading with the Sheol. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 126.

1104 Four prisoners, including Axel Hermon, escape from the Imperial prison planet of Newcomb (Solomani Rim 2913). Adventure 08 - Prison Planet, GDW, 1982, p. 42.

1104 Imperial Ambassador to Chronor (Spinward Marches 0304) assassinated; "Pantheress" (a "Tigress" class dreadnought) dispatched to receive the body. Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 38.

1104 "Empress Troyhune" planetoid monitor delivered to Rorise (Spinward Marches 3022) as part of Imperial fleet exercises by the million-ton fleet tender "Gorodish". Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 44.

1104 Delta Research announces its new series 12/136 Logical Heuristic Processor (Organic) Computer System [LHeP(Or)], which includes brain cells grown in vitro. Merchants & Merchandise, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 21.

1104 Alzenei Press publishes Jothan Messandi's "Hoard of the Sky Raiders." Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 04.

1104 cX Mercenary - numerous mercenary missions set in Spinward Marches sector. Book 4 - Mercenary, GDW, 1978, p. 21-24.

1104 cX Upon the death of Fanadae Aegon, the Lair Protectorate (in Provence sector) almost collapses; eventually Ulurs Otsunga leads a new administration to stabilize the Protectorate. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 54.

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1104 The "Adral," an "Arzhent" class prospector/surveyor is hijacked at Nemyer (Old Expanses 1235) and is later reported in pirate attacks. High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 33.

009-1104 Events of "Travellers' Digest #08 - Shoot-out At Shudusham", Shudusham (Core 2214) Travellers' Digest #08, DGP, 1987, p. 07.

066-1104 Events of "Travellers' Digest #09 - Before the Iridium Throne", Capital (Core 2118). Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 04.

312-1104 Events of "Travellers' Digest #10 - Reference Point", Reference (Core 0140). Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 04.

1104 Nine of the 17 entries in the first Spinward Point-to-Point returned to the starting point on Trin by the end of 1104. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 07.

1104 Navy PR officers dismiss rumors of Zhodani fleet movements, citing reports from forward observation vessels. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 07.

1105 Lady Lysilph Kunseba appointed First Admiral of Comsentient Alliance. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

1105 Grand Duke Laram of the Treyln Domain in Vanguard Reaches sector dies of natural causes; his daughter Lissa Dyana becomes Grand Duchess. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1105 While searching for traces of Sir Yaricht Fruenelle, witnesses report sighting the Solomani heavy cruiser "Navarino" coming out of a misjump, but it vanishes before further contact could be made. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1105 Vargr corsairs attempt to hijack the Oberlindes Lines trade cruiser Emissary. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 37.

1105 c Sternmetal Horizons survey team is lost on Heya (Spinward Marches 2402) after being attacked by terrorists. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p. 129.

1105 c Portions of the Menorb system (Spinward Marches 1803) closed to civilian traffic after the Fourth Frontier War remain off-limits. The Traveller Book, GDW, 1982, p. 127.

1105 cX A junior officer coup in the nation of Stepozhevac on Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) seizes control, nationalizes foreign holdings and declares for the Private Ownership bloc. Book 4 - Mercenary, GDW, 1978, p. 22.

1105 Imperial authorities deny rumors that security forces on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) have captured a Zhodani officer serving as an advisor to the insurgents. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1105 c Frederick Santanocheev promoted from Rear Admiral to Sector Admiral; as head of the Imperial Navy in the Spinward Marches, he proceeds to ignore Naval Intelligence, and ultimately sets them aside. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

1105 The League of Suns begins work on expanding the scout base on Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934) to add a naval base as well. Ares Special Edition #2, TSR, 1983, p. 32.

1105 Jothan Messandi disappears, presumed dead, on an expedition to Mirayn (Far Frontiers 2134) to vindicate his theories. Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 44.

1105 The 2300-strong Dolphin colony on Kal (Old Expanses 1339) seizes a bulk fish freighter and flees over the Solomani border into the Imperium, receiving immediate sanctuary. Alien Races 4, SJG, 2001, p. 102.

1105 The starport and other facilities on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) close temporarily after a major disturbance believed to be connected with some terrorist organization. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1105 Stiff economic competition between the Aslan Tlasaverlaahel merchant corporation and the Human Caledon Ventures, LTD erupts in the Roakhoi (Reavers' Deep 1224) system. Far Traveller #01, FASA, 1982, p. 10.

1105 c The TL 15 "Inquisitor" class grav sled is developed by the Imperium just prior to the onslaught of the Fifth Frontier War. 101 Vehicles, DGP, 1988, p. 18.

1105 Professor Chanis Laskan writes "The First Imperium: The Long Peace." Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 52.

1105 Descarothe Hegemony clashes with the League of Suns over control of Qarant (Far Frontiers 1833). Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 50.

1105 c Pro-Imperium Collace (Spinward Marches 1237) enters into a "cold war" with pro-Sword Worlds Trexalon (Spinward Marches 1339). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 75.

1105 The Eshaar Ashah, a crab-like minor race, helps build embassy facility for visitors on their homeworld of Eshaar (Far Frontiers 2122). Ordeal by Eshaar, FASA, 1981, p. 09.

1105 Of the 25 "Azhanti High Lightning" class frontier cruisers in service after the Fourth Frontier War, eight have been lost in postwar operations and two ships retired or paid off. Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 09.

1105 IISS releases preliminary survey of Spinward Marches. Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches, GDW, 1979, p. 01.

1105 Colonial officials acknowledge that the Forboldn (Spinward Marches 1807) Project is behind at least 10 years, due to social and civil unrest around Efate (Spinward Marches 1705). Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 09.

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1105 World war breaks out on Feri (Spinward Marches 2005) between pro and anti-Imperial factions. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 82.

1105 The Kforuzeng absorb the smaller Aegzaeng and Uekuzez corsair bands, and begin looking for bigger targets. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 80.

1105 Sir Percival Jameison arrives on Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218) as the new Director-General for the Scotian Deep Trading Company, determined to conquer all the unpacified nomadic tribes. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 27.

001-1105 Events of "Adventure 01 - The Kinunir"; Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). Adventure 01 - The Kinunir, GDW, 1979, p. 01.

001-1105 Events of "The Traveller Adventure", Aramis (Spinward Marches 3110). Traveller Adventure, GDW, 1983, p. 31.

054-1105 Events of "Travellers' Digest #11 - Missing in Transit", Far Trinity (Massilia 1025). Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 06.

097-1105 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - General Shipyards announces plans to manufacture drop tanks for use on Tukera Lines high-capacity commercial vessels, to be available within six months. JTAS #02, GDW, 1979, p. 05.

101-1105 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Imperium announces plans to begin deploying jump-6 drop tank express boats on all major express routes within a decade, cutting time from Regina to the Imperial Core to under 25 weeks. JTAS #02, GDW, 1979, p. 05.

183-1105 Events of "Double Adventure 1 - Annic Nova"; Keng (Spinward Marches 2405). Double Adventure 1 - Shadows/Annic Nova, GDW, 1980, p. A01, A05.

183-1105 Events of "JTAS #01 - Rescue on Ruie", Ruie (Spinward Marches 1809). JTAS #01, GDW, 1979, p. 01. 190-1105 Events of "The Traveller Book - Shadows", Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303). The Traveller Book,

GDW, 1982, p. 130. 190-1105 Events of "Double Adventure 1 - Shadows"; Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303). Double Adventure 1 -

Shadows/Annic Nova, GDW, 1980, p. S01. 201-1105 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Explosions at the General Shipyards facility on Pixie (Spinward

Marches 1903) last week is certainly the work of saboteurs, although authorities differ as to the source. JTAS #03, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

216-1105 Events of "Travellers' Digest #12 - Life Underground", Inthra (Old Expanses 0607). Travellers' Digest #12, DGP, 1988, p. 06.

224-1105 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - General Shipyards has reported 276 confirmed break-ins of its scrapyard at Regina in the last six months and is considering instituting a "take a number" system. JTAS #03, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

241-1105 TNS - Pixie (Spinward Marches 1903) - Investigators at General Shipyards Pixie (Spinward Marches 1903) facility reviewing the explosions have concluded that the explosions are due to safety failures at the site. JTAS #04, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

274-1105 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - The Travellers' Aid Society regrets to announce the indefinite closing of its class A facility on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) and the posting of that world as an amber travel zone. JTAS #04, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

274-1105 Events of "JTAS #02 - The Ship in the Lake", Cocta (Foreven 2415). JTAS #02, GDW, 1979, p. 01. 300-1105 Events of "The Traveller Book - Exit Visa", Alell (Spinward Marches 1706). The Traveller Book, GDW,

1982, p. 141. 347-1105 The "Bloodwell," a 1000-ton merchant owned by Oberlindes Lines, is destroyed by Imperial naval fire.

Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 42. 361-1105 TNS - Dentus (Spinward Marches 2201) - Word was received today that the "Kinunir" class colonial

cruiser "Adamdun" mistakenly destroyed the merchant craft "Bloodwell" of Oberlindes Lines. JTAS #05, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

1105 Great concerns are raised over the destruction of the Oberlindes vessel "Bloodwell" by the Imperial battlecruiser Adamdun after the incident is attributed to the failure of a recently fitted tamper-proof transponder. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1105 All Kinunir-class vessels are recalled for unspecified "maintenance" after the discovery of the lost Kinunir itself, drifting in the Shionthy (Spinward Marches 2306) asteroid belt. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1105 Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) security forces put down another insurrection by the Tanoose Freedom League on Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1118) with the aid of mercenaries. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1105 The absence of the Kinunir-class is felt as piracy begins to rise after a decline over the previous 20 years. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1105 Atrocities committed by government-backed forces on Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1118) trigger Imperial intervention, with Marine forces sent to protect the populace from the government. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 08.

1106 Renkard defeat at Battle of Xabthar (Gateway 3230) results in the fall of Silest (Gateway 3229). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49.

1106 Islands Clusters in Reft sector erupt into general warfare. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 29.

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1106 Research Station Gamma on Vanejen (Spinward Marches 3119) is damaged in a terrorist raid. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 09.

1106 Jonkeereen (Deneb 1324) tribal leaders take Chief Tabali's murder by Imperial troops to sector government, which agrees with the tribes. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 92.

1106 Several Imperial Army divisions intervene in the Feri (Spinward Marches 2005) world war, recapturing the starport. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 82.

1106 The planetary weather control system on Hkurlei (Riftspan Reaches 1517) is crippled by a catastrophic fault, causing the loss of all surface water. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 23.

1106 League of Suns reaches co-dominion agreement with the Descarothe Hegemony in the Treaty of Alzenei (Far Frontiers 1934). Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 28.

1106 Crime boss Joseph "Slimy Joe" Siskovitch found dead in a Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) hotel, victim of Ragfish poisoning. JTAS #11, GDW, 1982, p. 09.

1106 Imperial task force dispatched to the Aslani subsector in Beyond sector. Beyond, Paranoia Press, 1981, p. 04.

1106 Mercenaries under the command of a group of wealthy adventurers flee after failing to seize Burtson (Spinward Marches 2534) from its local rulers. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 09.

1106 Events of "Double Adventure 2 - Mission on Mithril"; Mithril (Spinward Marches 1628). Double Adventure 2 - Mission On Mithril/Across the Bright Face, GDW, 1980, p. M01.

1106 Plavian naval elements inflict a devastating defeat on the Fellowship of Kotar in battle off Neopis (Gateway 2020); subsequent actions capture most of the Fellowship's leaders and destroy most of their bases. MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 26.

1106 A major war on Aramanx (Spinward Marches 3005) spreads to become a full world war. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 103.

1106 On the 1000th anniversary of the deification of Ram, the high government leaders of Jokotre (Spinward Marches 3024) perform a pilgrimage to the holy lands of their faith. Supplement 06 - 76 Patrons, GDW, 1980, p. 42.

1106 Ling Standard Products, supporting Clan Hardretter on Marastan (Spinward Marches 2231), violates the Imperial reserve regulations by hiring a mercenary striker battalion to supplement the local forces. Book 4 - Mercenary, GDW, 1978, p. 21.

1106 Numerous industrial consortiums hire mercenary contingents to augment the army of Morovic, Stepozhevac's northern neighbor on Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) for a rapid campaign against the ruling junta. Book 4 - Mercenary, GDW, 1978, p. 22.

1106 Ling Standard Products hires a mercenary regiment to train the army of Nemso in its new TL 10 equipment. Supplement 06 - 76 Patrons, GDW, 1980, p. 44.

1106 Sternmetal Horizons hires a heavily reinforced mercenary battalion to supplement indigenous Lovrenyi troops on Aramanx (Spinward Marches 3005) in defeating the major world powers. Supplement 06 - 76 Patrons, GDW, 1980, p. 24.

1106 The Vanguard Reaches sector survey is released, only to be found to be a compilation of misinformation; Grand Duchess Dyana commissions a new survey using the IISS and the Treyln Royal Scouts. Vanguard Reaches Update, Paranoia Press, 1994, p. 01.

1106 cX Events of "Supplement 06 - 76 Patrons". Supplement 06 - 76 Patrons, GDW, 1980, p. 01. 001-1106 Events of "JTAS #03 - Planetoid P-4836", Rabwhar (Spinward Marches 1822). JTAS #03, GDW, 1980, p.

01. 001-1106 Events of "Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron"; Islands subsectors in Reft sector. Adventure 05 -

Trillion Credit Squadron, GDW, 1981, p. 05. 004-1106 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Allegations of Zhodani involvement in insurgency actions on

Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) is denied by Sector Admiral Lord Santanocheev. JTAS #05, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

060-1106 Events of "JTAS #04 - Salvage on Sharmun", Sharmun (XXXX). JTAS #04, GDW, 1980, p. 01. 090-1106 Workers employed in the ore extraction and processing industries on Dinom (Spinward Marches 1811)

revolt and overthrow the world's government. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 09. 090-1106 Events of "Double Adventure 2 - Across the Bright Face"; Dinom (Spinward Marches 1811). Double

Adventure 2 - Mission On Mithril/Across the Bright Face, GDW, 1980, p. A01. 148-1106 TNS - Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) - Reliable sources admit in private that the Imperial Army has

been engaged in counter-insurgency operations on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) for the last eight months. JTAS #06, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

183-1106 Events of "JTAS #05" - Foodrunner, Roup (Spinward Marches 2007); The Werewolf Disease, Taldor (XXXX). JTAS #05, GDW, 1980, p. 01.

186-1106 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Tukera Lines suspends plans for upgraded service to Regina subsector after drop tank failure causes the loss of the 800-ton liner "Trimkhana-Brilliance" with 217 lives. JTAS #06, GDW, 1980, p. 05.

253-1106 Events of "High Passage #01 - The Solar Flare Mystery", Larmix (Old Expanses 0209).. High Passage #01, FASA, 1981, p. 03.

1106 The "Broadsword" class mercenary cruiser "Dagger" hired on an emergency basis by the Imperial Navy for supplemental operations at Efate (Spinward Marches 1705). JTAS #08, GDW, 1981, p. 06.

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273-1106 Events of "JTAS #06" - Ticket to Swords, Joyeuse (Spinward Marches 1123); Loggerheads, Ranther (Foreven 3230). JTAS #06, GDW, 1980, p. 01.

300-1106 Events of "Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma"; Vanejen (Spinward Marches 3119). Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma, GDW, 1980, p. 01.

356-1106 Events of "Travellers' Digest #13 - Terra Incognita", Terra (Solomani Rim 1827). Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 06.

1106 Oberlindes Lines opens a new shipping and passenger on Dhian (Spinward Marches 2510). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 11.

1106 Tukera Lines opens a rival shipping office on Dhian (Spinward Marches 2510) in response to Oberlindes Lines. Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 11.

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Fifth Frontier War “The war no one wanted but everyone expected is upon us. We trust that we have leaders ready who will step up and lead. What can be done if the leaders cannot lead, or prove unwilling to do what is needed to lead?” “The changes we have seen begin throughout the Imperium in the last century seem to have missed the Imperial military. Rather than set a new tone, the Fifth Frontier War opens with a naval command that knows this war is coming, and is fully prepared to fight as if it is 620 or 970, not 1107. Opportunities are lost, forces are squandered, and in fact, the entire defense of the Marches appears to be failing—when the leadership changes within the nobility finally make themselves felt. The impact of Duke Norris’ intervention is obvious. The fully planned arrival of the Corridor reserve, coupled with Norris Aledon’s intuition regarding the war serve to turn events around. The end is dramatic. Suddenly the Zhodani fleets are gone, and the Imperium ready to wage the first truly offensive war ever against the Zhodani, and the Consulate recognizes the change, and accepts defeat.” “Too many people wonder why the end happened as it did; why didn’t Norris try to move into Chronor, to regain lost worlds of the past? Because this is not the Imperium of the Pacification Campaigns or the Vargr Campaigns. The imperium has open worlds enough already, and worlds under its protection that are not yet members to build. When the Imperium moves to reclaim its lost worlds in the Spinward Marches, it will be because those worlds desire to join, not because an Imperial fleet orbits their world with its guns commanding obedience.” From the book “Why Not Conquest?”, a study of Imperial expansion, Capital Press, 1115.

Date Code Details

1107 One "Tigress" dreadnought squadron is currently in the Spinward Marches, assigned to the 212th Fleet at Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 38.

1107 The starport on Pratt (Old Expanses 2039) is being upgraded from E to C. High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 20.

1107 After a long-running dispute with McCellan Factors, the government of Kaldamar (Trojan Reach 1201) uses mercenaries to seize all holdings on their world. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 19.

1107 Renkard Union (in Gateway sector) incorporated into the Xuruk'xaar'keer! (Xuruk Empire). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 49.

1107 The document "Ling Standard Products' Standard Trade Customs and Practices" published by Ling Standard Products at Deneb (Deneb 1925). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1107 An expedition to scale Anekthor on Glenshiel (Reavers' Deep 1912) meets with disaster, with only two survivors. Ascent to Anekthor, Gamelords, 1984, p. 47.

1107 The undersea colony domes on Sarrad (Reavers' Deep 2129) inexplicably fail, killing all but a few thousand of the planet's three million inhabitants. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 36.

1107 The "Irek," an "Arzhent" class prospector is lost when its engines fail at take off and it crashes into a loaded Far Trader, killing both crews and heavily damaging part of the starport on Rebields (Old Expanses 0918). High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 33.

1107 Several individual "Tigresses" are deployed in the Five Sisters subsector to enforce the interdiction of Candory (Spinward Marches 0336) and Andor (Spinward Marches 0236). Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 38.

1107 Four "Kokirrak" dreadnought squadrons are in the Spinward Marches, at Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716), Regina (Spinward Marches 1910), Jewell (Spinward Marches 1106) and Mora (Spinward Marches 3124). Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships, GDW, 1981, p. 42.

1107 Descarothe Hegemony sends an exploratory party to Qarant (Far Frontiers 1833) and discovers the "Great City of the Founders" near the Zenatar river. Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 31, 33.

1107 Events of "Double Adventure 5 - The Chamax Plague"; Alenzar (Foreven 3229). Double Adventure 5 - The Chamax Plague/Horde, GDW, 1981, p. C05.

1107 Many hundreds of thousands of 10-ton Dragonfly fighters have been built. Adventure Class Ships - Volume 1, FASA, 1981, p. 13.

1107 Only around 200 Zhdits-class destroyer escorts remain in Zhodani service, mostly along the Consulate border with the Vargr Extents. Adventure Class Ships - Volume 1, FASA, 1981, p. 07.

1107 No more than 20% of the standard scouts in Zhodani service are Ninz-class scouts. Adventure Class Ships - Volume 1, FASA, 1981, p. 04.

1107 Of the 200 some Valor-class missile corvettes that have been produced to date, few have reached the Spinward Marches. Adventure Class Ships - Volume 1, FASA, 1981, p. 03.

1107 Of the 15 "Azhanti High Lightning" class frontier cruisers remaining in Imperial Naval service, five are in the Spinward Marches, one of which is the "Arrival Vengeance." Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers, GDW, 1980, p. 08, 09.

1107 Events of "Double Adventure 3 - Death Station"; Gadden (Solomani Rim 2506). Double Adventure 3 - The Argon Gambit/Death Station, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

1107 Events of "Double Adventure 3 - The Argon Gambit"; Janosz (Solomani Rim 3008). Double Adventure 3 - The Argon Gambit/Death Station, GDW, 1981, p. 04.

1107 Axel Hermon, notorious escapee from the Imperial prison planet of Newcomb (Solomani Rim 2913), recaptured and returned to the Newcomb facility. Adventure 08 - Prison Planet, GDW, 1982, p. 42.

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001-1107 Events of "Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak"; Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak, GDW, 1980, p. 04, 06.

001-1107 Events of "Adventure 04 - Leviathan"; Berengaria (Trojan Reach 2105). Adventure 04 - Leviathan, GDW, 1980, p. 01.

003-1107 TNS - Ruie (Spinward Marches 1808) - Military authorities on this non-Imperial frontier world speculate that difficulties in hiring mercenary units is due to large scale hirings by the Imperial Army. JTAS #07, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

021-1107 TNS - Deneb (Deneb 1925) - A message boat, two months out of date, has arrived form the Old Islands subsector with word of extensive fighting in that remote, non-Imperial region of Reft sector. JTAS #07, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

1107 The "Broadsword" class mercenary cruiser "Dagger" dispatched by Imperial Naval officials at Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) to join the pursuit of local rebel ships mounting a breakout. JTAS #08, GDW, 1981, p. 06.

054-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Reports over the last several weeks of a marked increase in piracy in the coreward reaches of the subsector are substantiated by Naval officials in a routine press release. JTAS #08, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

1107 A sudden, sharp rise in piracy incidents within the Spinward Marches forces the Imperial Navy to redeploy many escort and patrol vessels. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 10.

078-1107 TNS - Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) - Army Vice-Marshal Lord Calavan and the 43rd Provisional Frontier Army arrive on Efate as the Imperium intervenes in this on-going brushfire war. JTAS #08, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

1107 Tukera is prevented from a complete winery market takeover on Zila (Spinward Marches 2908) by a partnership of Oberlindes Lines and Fireau et Fille. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 103.

1107 A Kforuzeng plot to divert spinal meson guns being shipped by Tukera for the Imperial Navy fails. [Traveller Adventure] Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 80.

088-1107 TNS - Scaramouche (Solomani Rim 2509) - Imperial travel restrictions are lifted on Scaramouche, resulting in the upgrade of the travel zone from Red to Amber. JTAS #07, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

090-1107 Events of "JTAS #07" - Scam, XXXX (XXXX); Pursue and Destroy, Pynchan (Foreven 3015). JTAS #07, GDW, 1981, p. 01.

1107 Events of "Double Adventure 5 - Horde"; Raschev (Foreven 3230). Double Adventure 5 - The Chamax Plague/Horde, GDW, 1981, p. H05.

1107 Events of "Double Adventure 4 - Marooned/Marooned Alone"; Pagliacci (Solomani Rim 3209). Double Adventure 4 - Marooned/Marooned Alone, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

1107 The Baraccai Technum launches two trade scout missions into the Outrim Void out of Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 10.

1107 Events of "Double Adventure 6 - Divine Intervention"; Pavabid (Spinward Marches 1238). Double Adventure 6 - Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest, GDW, 1982, p. D04.

1107 Corporate attempts to gain control of mineral deposits discovered on Marastan (Spinward Marches 2231) trigger Imperial intervention. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 99.

1107 A secret Zhodani forward base in the Fulacin (Spinward Marches 2613) is destroyed after its discovery by the crew of the free trader "Empress Nicholle". Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 09, 106.

121-1107 Events of "JTAS #08" - A Dagger at Efate, Efate (Spinward Marches 1705); Crystals from Dinom (Spinward Marches 1811) JTAS #08, GDW, 1981, p. 01.

1107 Tensions between the Zhodani Consulate and the Imperium have made war inevitable. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 09.

1107 Just prior to the commencement of hostilities, Sword Worlder and Zhodani elements are smuggled onto Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1118), in support of the Tanoose Freedom League. Adventure 07 - Broadsword, GDW, 1982, p. 07.

157-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - The war scare in the Spinward Marches has provided an unexpected bonus for the local electronics firm of Currothers-Aljein, as psionic shields have suddenly become a popular fashion. JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

175-1107 Events of "Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane"; Utoland (Spinward Marches 1209). Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

181-1107 Events of "JTAS #09" - Soft Bunk, Tionale (Spinward Marches 1511); Rule of Man Commemorative, Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 01.

186-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - The detached scout/courier "Wayward Dream" arrives at Regina with news of a substantial Zhodani war fleet at Ruie (Spinward Marches 1808), a clear violation of the demilitarized zone. JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

187-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - In an emergency press conference, the Duke of Regina announces that as of 12:01 AM this date a formal state of war has existed between the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate. JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

187-1107 At the start of the Fifth Frontier War, Arabella von Ericsson is a Commodore in charge of a fast cruiser squadron under Admiral Elphistone. MegaTraveller Journal #2, DGP, 1991, p. 22.

190-1107 Events of "Ordeal by Eshaar", Eshaar (Far Frontiers 2122). Ordeal by Eshaar, FASA, 1981, p. 01.

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196-1107 Events of "Adventure 07 - Broadsword"; Garda-Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119). Adventure 07 - Broadsword, GDW, 1982, p. 04.

1107 Vargr forces including the Ekhlle Ksafi, Anti-Rukh Alliance and the Dzen Aeng Kho attack Regina subsector from Gvurrdon sector. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 81.

1107 Sword Worlds Confederation forces, as a member of the Outworld Coalition fighting the Imperium, attack the Vilis and Lanth subsectors of the Spinward Marches. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 14.

201-1107 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Word has been received of the invasion of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

201-1107 As the Imperium tries to evacuate Regina (Spinward Marches 1910), the 2113th Marine Regiment stands alone as a rearguard against landing Zhodani forces, ultimately suffering over 80% casualties before surrendering. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 13.

204-1107 Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) is under siege by Zhodani and allied forces. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16, 31.

204-1107 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Army Vice-Marshal Adam Lord Bryor announces a presumed state of war now exists with the Sword Worlds; Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719) is under attack. JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

204-1107 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - The Travellers' Aid Society has issued a travelers' advisory declaring the entire Spinward Marches sector an amber zone until further notice. JTAS #09, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

204-1107 Al Morai halts service to the Five Sisters subsector for the duration of the Fifth Frontier War. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16, 31.

206-1107 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - The IISS has ordered all detached scouts and all other retired scouts under the age of 66 to report to the nearest scout base for examination. JTAS #10, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

210-1107 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - TAS announced today that, contrary to rumor, all representatives of the Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) branch of the Travellers' Aid Society are safe. JTAS #10, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

1107 Prior to the Battle of Thanber (Spinward Marches 0717), Imperial Vice-Admiral Jaeren haut-Alloran liberates Thanber from the Zhodani and installs Prince Eorn as head of a pro-Imperial government. Flight of the Stag (Seeker, 1987), Marischal, 1981, p. 01.

1107 At the Battle of Thanber (Spinward Marches 0717), the Zhodani shatter an Imperial fleet under Vice-Admiral Jaeren haut-Alloran. Salvage Mission (Seeker, 1987), Marischal, 1981, p. 01.

1107 Events of "Salvage Mission", Winston (Spinward Marches 0620); follows just after Battle of Thanber (Spinward Marches 0717) Salvage Mission (Seeker, 1987), Marischal, 1981, p. 01.

1107 Events of "Flight of the Stag", Winston (Spinward Marches 0620); follows just after Salvage Mission Flight of the Stag (Seeker, 1987), Marischal, 1981, p. 01.

1107 Events of "Fleetwatch", Winston (Spinward Marches 0620); follows just after Flight of the Stag Fleetwatch (Seeker, 1987), Marischal, 1981, p. 01.

212-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Duke Norris of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) reported ill or deposed. JTAS #10, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

214-1107 Five Zhodani infantry corps, supported by an armor corps and a Consular Guards division, land on Efate's (Spinward Marches 1705) northern continent. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 13.

214-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Heavy fighting takes place at Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) and Louzy (Spinward Marches 1604). JTAS #10, GDW, 1981, p. 05.

220-1107 Events of "High Passage #2 - The Cobra Conspiracy", Ehart (Old Expanses 1734). High Passage #02, FASA, 1981, p. 06.

243-1107 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Serious guerrilla attacks by Ine Givar at Equus (Spinward Marches 2417), Meleto (Spinward Marches 2827) and Bendor (Spinward Marches 2336). JTAS #11, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

251-1107 TNS - Turedad (Spinward Marches 2414) - Authorities on this agricultural world have announced the discovery and arrest of a number of "sleeper" Sword Worlds agents in high places in the planetary government. JTAS #11, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

261-1107 Events of "Travellers' Digest #14 - Spectrum Analysis", Spectrum (Magyar 1333). Travellers' Digest #14, DGP, 1988, p. 06.

268-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Sector Admiral Santanocheev issues bans on non-military transit for 8 systems across the Regina, Jewell and Lanth subsectors of the Spinward Marches. JTAS #11, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

1107 Lt. Col. Steven Bond leads his SB Rangers, a reinforced Vargr platoon, into Imperial service as mercenaries for the Fifth Frontier War. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 126.

1107 The Fifth Frontier War brings a halt to the "Sydkai" class cruiser construction project. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 44.

1107 The government of Condaria (Spinward Marches 0528) requests Darrian Confederation protection from Sword World raiders. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 48.

273-1107 Events of "JTAS #10" - Geria Transfer, Cyris (XXXX); Coup D'Etat, Wonstar (Spinward Marches 0538). JTAS #10, GDW, 1981, p. 01.

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302-1107 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - The Office of the Duke of Regina denies reports that the Duke of Regina has died of a rare form of lung infection. JTAS #12, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

320-1107 Events of "Uragyad'n of the Seven Pillars", Talak (Far Frontiers 1537). Urragyd'n of the Seven Pillars, FASA, 1981, p. 01.

334-1107 Events of "JTAS #11" - Thunder on Zyra, Zyra (Spinward Marches 2934); Work of Art, Fornice (Spinward Marches 3025). JTAS #11, GDW, 1982, p. 01.

345-1107 Events of "The Legend of the Sky Raiders", Mirayn (Far Frontiers 2134). Legend of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1981, p. 05.

362-1107 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Unconfirmed reports of the fall of Kinorb (Spinward Marches 2512) and Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303) to Vargr forces allied with the Zhodani were received today. JTAS #12, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

1108 Ministry of Justice agents uncover a ring of psionics who had infiltrated the government of Yubitty (Corridor 0313), although the group's leader, Judsen Dabiru, escapes to nearby Muugagen (Corridor 0312). Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 29.

1108 Events of "Double Adventure 6 - Night of Conquest"; Gaajpadje (Reavers' Deep 1124). Double Adventure 6 - Divine Intervention/Night of Conquest, GDW, 1982, p. N04.

1108 The Imperial Navy reduces the Nirton (Spinward Marches 1332) interdiction patrol to automated satellites due to Fifth Frontier War requirements. CB01 Bowman Arm, Avenger, 2006, p. 12.

1108 Audine Garhik, nephew of Duke Norris of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910), assumes the position of Marquis and Imperial Legate of Vincennes (Deneb 1122), and Count of Perez (Deneb 1221) and Eriris (Deneb 1123). MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 13.

1108 The Callitriche Cartel makes its presence known on Granicus (Glimmerdrift Reaches 0520), hitting members of rival cartels in a dozen locations. Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus, SJG, 2001, p. 19.

1108 Events of "Adventure 08 - Prison Planet"; Newcomb (Solomani Rim 2913). Adventure 08 - Prison Planet, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

1108 Researchers on Moncton (Diaspora 2125) discover the communications mechanism used by that world's swarmer: high-frequency radio emissions. Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector, GDW, 1992, p. 12.

1108 Interdiction satellites scheduled to be replaced at Acrolund (Old Expanses 2601). High Passage #04, FASA, 1982, p. 22.

1108 The free trader Homer misjumps to 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) and conducts an emergency landing in the Valley of Memories, spending three weeks fixing their drives, and gathering decaying Denuli gems. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

1108 Events of "Travellers' Digest #16 - Twice Confounded", Irlaggur (Reavers' Deep 2624). Travellers' Digest #16, DGP, 1989, p. 06.

1108 Darrian Ministry of Defense appoints an impersonal bureaucracy to govern Condaria (Spinward Marches 0528). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 48.

1108 Dr. Arnold Rushorin begins working at the Langren Research Center on Ochre (Solomani Rim 2731). Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 14.

1108 Imperial overtures to Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138) to join Imperium increase. Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

1108 Terrance Schnelling wins the Lightcourse Run (from Hamilicar to Twylo in Solomani Rim). Challenge #30, GDW, 1987, p. 47.

1108 The Descarothe Hegemony declares war on the League of Suns after violations of the Descarothe treaty zone on Qarant (Far Frontiers 1833). Harrensa Project/Stazhlekh Report, FASA, 1983, p. B10.

1108 A lost human colony is discovered in the Far Frontiers sector; if proven to be the Loeskalth, a minor human race long thought extinct, this would bring the number of surviving Human races transplanted by the Ancients to 50. Humaniti, SJG, 2003, p. 06.

014-1108 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - In a terse press release, the Admiralty classifies 25 systems in the Regina, Lanth and Vilis subsectors of the Spinward Marches as combat zones. JTAS #12, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

035-1108 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303) taken by Vargr, Ruby (Spinward Marches 1005), Emerald (Spinward Marches 1006) and Lysen (Spinward Marches 1307) taken by Zhodani. JTAS #13, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

1108 Arthur of Gungnir (Spinward Marches 1221) begins his rise to power, consolidating his power in a bid to become King of Gungnir. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 12.

052-1108 Professor Jothan Messandi dies, his health ruined by imprisonment in the foul climate of Mirayn (Far Frontiers 2134). Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 09, 52.

074-1108 Events of "JTAS #12" - Tarkine Down, Tarkine (Spinward Marches 1434); Royal Hunt, Krajraha (XXXX). JTAS #12, GDW, 1982, p. 01.

1108 Jewell (Spinward Marches 1106) is sealed off by the Zhodani 10th Fleet and landings occur on the world's minor northern continent. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 10.

1108 Director-General Sir Percival Jameison is confronted by an angry mob on Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218); his order to the native garrison to disperse the mob results in his death, and the start of the Rejhappur Revolt. Far Traveller #02, FASA, 1983, p. 28.

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097-1108 Zhodani raiding fleet strikes Inthe (Spinward Marches 2410), crippling massing Imperial fleet. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16.

098-1108 The Zhodani 2nd Assault Fleet, having reduced Ruby (Spinward Marches 1005) transfers its ships to the 3rd and 15th fleets and is dissolved, with Admiral Vleniziatl transferred to a High Command staff position. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 10.

104-1108 Events of "Travellers' Digest #15 - Krimm's Paw", Pierson (Daibei 1536). Travellers' Digest #15, DGP, 1989, p. 06.

1108 Imperial Research Station Alpha on Duale (Spinward Marches 2728) is turned over to the Imperial Navy for secret research after being refitted and refurbished. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 20.

122-1108 TNS - Aramis (Spinward Marches 3110) - No information is available on the fate of Imperial Research Station Delta, located on Retinae (Spinward Marches 0416). JTAS #13, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

122-1108 TNS - Aramis (Spinward Marches 3110) - Equipment, records and personnel of Imperial Research Station Beta are reported to have been evacuated from Yori (Spinward Marches 2110) to somewhere in the Aramis system. JTAS #13, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

131-1108 Events of "JTAS #13" - Lockbox, XXXX (XXXX); Thoughtwaves, 899-076 (Spinward Marches 0912). JTAS #13, GDW, 1982, p. 01.

1108 Commodore Mirtin Jaine withdraws to Duale (Spinward Marches 2728) after the Zhodani catch Imperial forces assembling at Strouden (Spinward Marches 2327) and defeat them. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 11.

148-1108 Events of "The Trail of the Sky Raiders", Qarant (Far Frontiers 1833). Trail of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 05.

160-1108 Imperium forced to deploy the Corridor Fleet at Equus (Spinward Marches 2417) forward to Ghandi (Spinward Marches 1815) to protect against Sword Worlds fleets. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 111.

168-1108 Sword Worlds troops invade Saurus (Spinward Marches 1320), which surrenders as the invaders make orbit. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16.

168-1108 Oberst Junea Ostotz refuses to accept the surrender of Saurus (Spinward Marches 1320) for several hours while desperately searching for any troops willing to offer at least a token resistance. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 13.

1108 The Imperium closes the Vargr trading station on Zila (Spinward Marches 2908). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 103.

1108 Kafla Thingvellir purchases some ruined Denuli Crystals from a free trader who found them on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031). Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 09.

1108 A revolt on Rejhappur (Reavers' Deep 1218) leads to significant problems for the Scotian Deep Trading Company. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 07.

1108 154th Battle Rider Squadron forced to withdraw to Paya (Spinward Marches 2509) after suffering damage in battle against the Ekhlle Ksafi's Battle Squadron 8. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 33.

1108 X A Sword World "Gram" class cruiser is forced to abandon ship at Gougeste (Spinward Marches 0909); the survivors quickly dominate the world. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 57.

204-1108 TNS - Equus (Spinward Marches 2417) - Equus authorities have learned that the disappearance of the merchant vessel "Harun-al-Rashid" was due to barratry, not terrorism as had been originally suspected. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

228-1108 TNS - Bendor (Spinward Marches 2336) - An INI spokesman announced the interception of an Ine Givar courier transporting precious stones rumored to be worth in excess of MCr25. JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 05.

229-1108 Zhodani fleet strikes Boughene (Spinward Marches 1904). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16.

1108 After assembling a fake convoy, Duke Norris makes an apparent attempt to relieve Regina (Spinward Marches 1810), but instead sends several cruiser squadrons raiding Zhodani supply groups. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 11.

250-1108 Events of "High Passage #5 - Day of the Gathering", Dorian (Old Expanses 1021). High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 23.

258-1108 Events of "JTAS #14" - Aces & Eights, Malefolge (Foreven 3116); Foxhound, Sverdan (XXXX). JTAS #14, GDW, 1982, p. 01.

1108 A small colony of dolphins arrives from the Imperial core to settle on Nexine (Spinward Marches 3030). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 12.

1108 Zhodani strategic focus shifts to operations across "the Abyss" - in Vilis and Lanth subsectors of the Spinward Marches; the Zhodani 15th fleet moves towards the border. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 10.

1108 Imperial Sector Admiral Santanocheev, anticipating a major Zhodani thrust at Efate (Spinward Marches 1705), orders the Corridor Fleet into Regina subsector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

281-1108 Imperial fleet strike against Lysen (Spinward Marches 1307) unsuccessful. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16.

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295-1108 Events of "Fate of the Sky Raiders", Saulente (Far Frontiers 3124). Fate of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 05.

302-1108 Imperial and Zhodani fleets clash at Tremous Dex (Spinward Marches 1311). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16.

318-1108 Events of "The Harrensa Project", Xulfor (Old Expanses 0117) Harrensa Project/Stazhlekh Report, FASA, 1983, p. A03.

322-1108 A small Laan Sarpons chemical research facility on Xulfor (Old Expanses 0117) is raided by a terrorist group. Harrensa Project/Stazhlekh Report, FASA, 1983, p. A06.

328-1108 Events of "The Stazhlekh Report", Desaekhe (Far Frontiers 1734) Harrensa Project/Stazhlekh Report, FASA, 1983, p. B04.

338-1108 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Heya (Spinward Marches 2402) and Beck's World (Spinward Marches 2204) capitulate to Vargr invasion fleets. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

361-1108 An ad-hoc squadron under the command of Captain Sir Sandrai Elashgar defeats a pirate fleet in the Fisher's World (Old Expanses 1129) system intent on disrupting a meeting of top political and economic leaders. High Passage #05, FASA, 1982, p. 55.

362-1108 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Mirriam (Spinward Marches 1315) occupied by Zhodani, Calit (Spinward Marches 1515) under attack, Denotam (Spinward Marches 1413) and Frenzie (Spinward Marches 1116) have been cut off. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

1109 A new Imperial Research Station is commissioned in 728-907 (Spinward Marches 1214), focusing on high-energy research, by a consortium of Spinward Marches universities and corporations. Challenge #51, GDW, 1991, p. 15.

1109 The "Trepida" grav tank, a TL 14 fusion-gunned model, becomes standard issue for Imperial ground forces. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 86.

1109 Events of "Trading Team", Htalrea (Reavers' Deep 1226). Trading Team (Seeker, 1987), Marischal, 1982, p. 02.

1109 A Transstar liner at Chernozem (Solomani Rim 1836) is struck by debris that "appeared from nowhere", eventually identified as the docking mechanism from an obsolete Valhalla-class battle rider. Challenge #53, GDW, 1991, p. 47.

1109 Human visitors discover the wreck of the Pathfinder on Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919). Regency Sourcebook, GDW, 1995, p. 25.

1109 Events of "Adventure 09 - Nomads of the World-Ocean"; Dingir (Solomani Rim 1222). Adventure 09 - Nomads of the World-Ocean, GDW, 1983, p. 04.

1109 Events of "Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station", Arcturus Belt (Solomani Rim 2921). Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station, GDW, 1983, p. 52.

1109 The "Starport Massacre" by Assembly peacekeepers on Ildrissar (Reavers' Deep 2326) triggers a planet-wide uprising against the Carrillian Assembly. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 43.

1109 Dr. Brian Stokes, a Vilani Professor of Sociology at the Tomutov Institute on Antares (Antares 2421), travels to Kirur (Ruupiin 1315) and back as a guest of the Khiir' family on their "Xeekr'kir!" class merchant ship. Challenge #28, GDW, 1987, p. 22.

1109 The Sky Raiders' world-ship is discovered in open space, heading coreward through Inverness subsector in Far Frontiers sector. Traveller Chronicle #07, SotK, 1995, p. 45.

1109 The crew of the Imperial destroyer "Midu Kunivaak" is rescued after a misjump by a mysterious, unknown vessel. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 13.

1109 Htalrea (Reavers' Deep 1226) opened to human trade by the Principality of Caledon via the Confederacy of Duncinae. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 01.

1109 In the wake of the Jesedipere Incident [Traveller Adventure], the Marquis of Aramis removes Lewis' (Spinward Marches 3107) red zone interdiction. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 104.

1109 The Military College of Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) is setup as a crash program around relocated experts from threatened worlds. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 115.

1109 Alesia Lai Volentine dies leading a rescue attempt on Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537) after the Sharron Dale subsidized liner suffers catastroophic reentry into the atmosphere. The Volentine Gambit, Ba'Rac Limited, 1985, p. 10.

1109 New elections to Zhodani Supreme Council positions and the deteriorating war position lead to a majority favoring a settlement. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 36.

1109 The Tapperheten Incident: The Sword Worlds heavy cruiser Tapperheten, raiding Imperial commerce, was chased down by three Imperial light cruisers and destroyed in the Faldor (Spinward Marches 1131) system. CB01 Bowman Arm, Avenger, 2006, p. 11.

1109 Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) returned to home rule - a civil service bureaucracy - by the Imperium. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 03.

021-1109 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Ghandi (Spinward Marches 1815) attacked by Zhodani fleet, including elements of Zhodani Consular Guard. JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

029-1109 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Imperial operations to relieve Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) fail. JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

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053-1109 Events of "Travellers' Digest #17 - The Blade of Koiyekh", Kusyu (Dark Nebula 1919) Travellers' Digest #17, DGP, 1989, p. 06.

059-1109 TNS - Inthe (Spinward Marches 2410) - Couriers from Jewell (Spinward Marches 1106) report the world continues to hold out. JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

059-1109 Events of "JTAS #15" - Chill, Sainte Foy (XXXX); The Drannixa Gambit, Azun (Solomani Rim 0809). JTAS #15, GDW, 1983, p. 01.

071-1109 Last sighting of the "Falchion," a Sword Worlds-based "Broadsword" class mercenary cruiser, after raiding Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719). Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 32.

083-1109 TNS - Kinorb (Spinward Marches 2202) -Imperial fleets retake Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303) from the Vargr, and continue operations against Heya (Spinward Marches 2402). JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

083-1109 Imperial forces retake Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303) with a single platoon of Marines boarding the world's orbital habitat. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 13.

1109 Zhodani forces prosecuting the siege of Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) half-heartedly; the Zhodani 40th fleet begins a deep thrust across Vilis and Lanth subsectors towards Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 09, 10.

1109 An uprising on Edenelt (Spinward Marches 2733) overthrows the long-established Lord High Marshal, replacing him with a council of environmentalists. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 13, 119.

1109 The repaired 154th Battle Rider Squadron is reassigned to the Imperial 100th fleet and the pursuit of the Gram Fleet into the Sword Worlds, and the occupation of Durendal (Spinward Marches 1523). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 33.

096-1109 TNS - Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719) - The Imperial 193rd fleet surprises Sword Worlds' fleet elements at Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719), stranding the already landed invading ground forces. JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

107-1109 Events of "Disappearance on Aramat", Dalaan (Meshan XXXX) Disappearance on Aramat, Grenadier, 1984, p. 04.

119-1109 Events of "JTAS #16" - Last Flight of the Themis, Gwydion (Foreven 3020); Day of the Glow, Purfyr (Foreven 2211). JTAS #16, GDW, 1983, p. 01.

122-1109 TNS - Beck's World (Spinward Marches 2204) - The last remnants of the Vargr battle fleet from Yorbund (Spinward Marches 2303) were run down and destroyed in the Beck's World system today. JTAS #17, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

1109 The Grieel Fleet of the Ekhlle Ksafi (from Gvurrdon sector) is destroyed and the Uthith Fleet of the Ekhlle Ksafi forced to retreat. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

128-1109 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Imperial forces mount a major raid against Zhodani military and industrial installations at Ninjar (Spinward Marches 0608). JTAS #17, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

130-1109 Rampart IV fighter begins operational deployment in Spinward Marches. Challenge #27, GDW, 1986, p. 23.

132-1109 TNS - Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) - Duke Norris Aella Aledon of Regina seizes control of all Spinward Marches fleet assets under the authority of an Imperial Warrant, relieving Admiral Santanocheev of command. JTAS #17, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

1109 Duke Norris promotes Commodore Vrin Tildallin to Vice Admiral and gives him command of the Regina subsector fleet. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 9.

147-1109 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Imperial 23rd Fleet retakes Calit (Spinward Marches 1515). JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

180-1109 The Sword Worlds Joyeuse Fleet, never able to make any headway towards Vilis (Spinward Marches 1119) through the Imperial 23rd Fleet, is reduced to holding the Sword Worlds border. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

1109 Darrian Confederation forces are deployed to Zamine (Spinward Marches 0421) after a series of violent demonstrations in several nations. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 13, 47.

1109 The Imperial 214th Fleet, based on Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036), moves to the Sword Worlds rimward border. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

1109 Both the Zhodani and Imperial commands begin rotating the better classes of ships involved with the siege of Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) to other fronts. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 09.

1109 Ling Standard Products petitions to take over administration of Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132). Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 09.

1109 An expanded six-battalion 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment operates on Forboldn (Spinward Marches 1807), Alell (Spinward Marches 1706), Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) and Victoria (Spinward Marches 1817). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

190-1109 Duke Norris orders the Corridor Fleet from Roup (Spinward Marches 2007) back to protect Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 10.

1109 X A Zhodani squadron makes a fast raid against Mirriam (Spinward Marches 1315), landing assault troops on its lunar naval base. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 65.

195-1109 Events of "JTAS #17". JTAS #17, GDW, 1983, p. 01.

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200-1109 Zhodani 40th Fleet is forced to stop at Tureded (Spinward Marches 2414) after discovering that the secret base the Zhodani had built at Fulacin (Spinward Marches 2613) had been compromised. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 10.

211-1109 The Imperial 100th Fleet forces the remnants of the Sword Worlds Gram Fleet out of Lanth subsector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

231-1109 TNS - Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) - Unofficial reports indicate a major fleet battle is taking place at Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716), involving both fleet and planetary elements of Imperial and colonial forces. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

1109 Battle of Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716): Zhodani 40th Fleet reaches Rhylanor only to face the Imperial Corridor Fleet, takes critical losses and is forced to retreat. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 16.

233-1109 Operation Azhanti Sunrise is launched, as Imperial troops land simultaneously on Sting (Spinward Marches 1525), Hofud (1524), Durendal (1523) and Dyrnwyn (1522). Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 13.

239-1109 TNS - Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) - Major fleet and ground forces have arrived in this system and are refueling for immediate transfer to Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) as reinforcements. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

1109 Imperial Guard regiments dispatched from Capital (Core 2118) to the defense of Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716), but arrive after the Zhodani thrust at Rhylanor is thrown back by the Corridor Fleet. Travellers' Digest #09, DGP, 1987, p. 20.

241-1109 TNS - Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719) - The commander of the Imperial 193rd fleet has officially declared the mopping up Sword Worlds forces in the Lanth system to be complete, after months of heavy fighting. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

241-1109 After several severe defeats, all Sword Worlds' incursions into Imperial territory have been stopped with the surrender of Confederation ground forces on Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719). JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 16.

1109 The Zhodani 40th Fleet strikes towards Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716), but is defeated at Porozlo (Spinward Marches 2715) and Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) by the Corridor Fleet and forced to withdraw. Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 29.

252-1109 Rampart V fighter begins operational deployment in Spinward Marches. Challenge #27, GDW, 1986, p. 23.

252-1109 TNS - Kinorb (Spinward Marches 2202) - Remaining Vargr Uthith Fleet under Admiral Thuekhs negotiates a separate and withdraws from the Spinward Marches. JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 05.

1109 A coup topples the Dictator for the Duration on Thisbe (Spinward Marches 2539) after bungles cause a terraforming attempt to almost destroy the city of Giinar. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 13, 117.

274-1109 Events of "JTAS #18" - Chariots of Fire, Gatina (Foreven 1915); Without a Trace, Banasdan (Solomani Rim 2920). JTAS #18, GDW, 1983, p. 01.

1109 Imperial 214th Fleet destroys the Sword Worlds Sacnoth Fleet in a pitched battle at Sting (Spinward Marches 1525); Imperial 213th Fleet forces the Sword Worlds Gram Fleet back to Gram (Spinward Marches 1223). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

285-1109 Imperial 214th Fleet seizes the "metal" systems from the Sword Worlds Confederation in a short 60-day operation. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

1109 The Contraband Order of 1109 imposes severe restrictions on specific imports to Karin (Spinward Marches 0534). JTAS #19, GDW, 1984, p. 33.

310-1109 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Rumors continue regarding a major assault in the near future; experts believe that an attempted relief of Jewell (Spinward Marches 1106) is in the offing. JTAS #19, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

312-1109 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - The battles for Rhylanor are over; the Imperial Navy has announced that enemy action in-system has ceased, with the exception of minor engagements in the outer fringes. JTAS #19, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

348-1109 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - A major Zhodani task force has been badly mauled in an attempt to retake the Calit (Spinward Marches 1515) system, which had been liberated by Imperial forces earlier this year. JTAS #19, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

1109 Zhodani 40th fleet retreating from Rhylanor ambushed at Calit (Spinward Marches 1515) by elements of the Imperial 23rd fleet, and effectively eliminated before it can escape back across the border. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 10, 16.

350-1109 Saurus (Spinward Marches 1320) is retaken by Imperials, but processing the prisoners is delayed by the locals insistence on throwing a going-away party for Oberst Junea Ostotz and her troops. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 13.

1109 X Despite the failure of the Riverland (Spinward Marches 1102) campaign, Colonel Bond and his SB Rangers build a reputation as reliable, even by Admiral Vadid Ligl's standards. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 126.

1110 Emperor Strephon restores Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) to home rule under a civil service bureaucracy. Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 12.

1110 The Imperial Scout Service shifts its reserves rimward following numerous reports of sublight vessels moving towards Imperial space from the Great Rift. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 13.

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1110 Events of "Module 1 - Tarsus"; Tarsus (Spinward Marches 1138). Module 1 - Tarsus, GDW, 1983, p. 03. 1110 The Carrillian Assembly "invites" Drenslaar (Reavers' Deep 2030) to join that body, and begins to quash

any resistance. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 33. 1110 Tradewar raids against Sternmetal Horizons, LIC begin on Luushakaan (Reavers' Deep 2021). Pilot's

Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 29. 1110 Hal Southerland of Jericorp Mining reportedly (and unofficially) outfights two ore crawlers trespassing on

his company's lease, destroying one and damaging the other. Duneraiders!, Gamelords, 1984, p. 26. 1110 Events of "Alien Module 2 - K'kree" - Crisis on Feneteman, Feneteman (Spinward Marches 3104);

Whispers of Summer, Fornice (3025); A Scent of Evil Winds, Luupim (K'righeek 0408). Alien Module 2 - K'kree, GDW, 1984, p. 02, 29.

1110 Professor Chanis Laskan publishes "Secret of the Sky Raiders" through Alzenei Press (Far Frontiers 1934). Fate of the Sky Raiders, FASA, 1982, p. 04.

1110 The Salika are identified as the civilization that abandoned Garden (Reft 0435), as refugees in generation ships begin arriving in the surrounding subsectors. Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 26.

1110 Events of "Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients"; Boughene (Spinward Marches 1904). Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1110 A Vargr planetary revolt on Kengighon (Mendan 0122) overthrows and enslaves their former human masters. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 23.

1110 X The Gougestra Liberation Force begins fighting to take Gougeste (Spinward Marches 0909) back from its Sword World conquerors. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 57.

1110 The bloody "Three Way War" ends on Dodds (Spinward Marches 2739) leaving over 120 million dead. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 119.

1110 cX The Illksang Oekhgnoull prove to the Drak Ne'Vha that Zosokhsourztourrgh corsairs are operating from Thoerz Zdarr bases. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 104.

1110 The Tureded (Spinward Marches 2414) starport is being upgraded to class B, with the Scout Service negotiating to establish an Xboat link from Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) to Regina (Spinward Marches 1910). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

1110 Lieutenant Ulrich Carstein gathers a kernel of field engineering personnel from Duke Norris' disbanded units in service on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) and flees with a weak platoon and some salvaged gear. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 105.

1110 c Supported by Nullia (Hinterworlds 0824) and Bruia (Hinterworlds 1622), Darstur Kelbis of Nullia rises to preeminence in the Nullian League's Head Council, which begins to usurp powers of sovereignty over member systems. Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 36.

1110 Events of "Module 2 - Beltstrike"; Bowman (Spinward Marches 1132). Module 2 - Beltstrike, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

1110 Sylean Publishers on Capital (Core 2118) publish "Cleon's Nobility and Peerage." Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

001-1110 IISS releases updated Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) and Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) star system survey details. Book 6 - Scouts, GDW, 1983, p. 54.

004-1110 TNS - Arden (Spinward Marches 1011) - A short and bloodless coup on Arden has replaced the local pro-Zhodani government with a pro-Imperial coalition representing commercial interests both on and off world. JTAS #19, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

010-1110 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Admiral Santanocheev, former commander of Imperial forces, has requested a formal board of inquiry into the reason for his recent relief. JTAS #20, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

1110 An Imperial deep-strike squadron attacks Atsa (Spinward Marches 0307) hoping to secure refueling facilities to use to attack Cronor (Spinward Marches 0304) but fails. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 39.

1110 Esalin (Spinward Marches 1004), the site of much fighting throughout the Fifth Frontier War, is reconquered by the Imperium and the Zhodani expelled (although a substantial Zhodani citizenry remains). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

023-1110 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - The Admiralty has revealed that a major operation to relieve Jewell (Spinward Marches 1106) has been undertaken. JTAS #20, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

039-1110 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Navy officials refuse to discuss rumors of Zhodani atrocities against citizens of Ruby (Spinward Marches 1005) and Emerald (Spinward Marches 1006) during their occupation. JTAS #20, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

060-1110 Events of "JTAS #19" - Pride of Lions, Grizel (XXXX); Small Package, Karin (Spinward Marches 0534). JTAS #19, GDW, 1984, p. 01.

075-1110 Events of "Adventure 13 - Signal GK", Scadia (Solomani Rim 2628). Adventure 13 - Signal GK, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

078-1110 Events of "Travellers' Digest #18 - Clan and Pride", Oahtei (Ealiyasiyw 0707). Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 08.

1110 Major Kerin Yoldat leads a coup on Entrope (Spinward Marches 0720) to overthrow Sword World rule. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 45.

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1110 Darrian forces reclaim three Darrian worlds, Entrope (Spinward Marches 0720), Winston (Spinward Marches 0620) and Anselhome (Spinward Marches 0820) from the Sword Worlds. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 11.

099-1110 TNS - Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) - Armistice between Zhodani and Imperium declared effective 120-1110. JTAS #20, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

100-1110 JTAS #20 - Critical Vector, Vendetierre (XXXX); Raid on Stataorlai, Stataorlai (Dark Nebula XXXX). JTAS #20, GDW, 1984, p. 01.

116-1110 Representatives of the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate met at Esalin (Spinward Marches 1004) to discuss a cease-fire. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 19.

120-1110 TNS - Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) - An armistice is in effect between the Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate. All hostilities are to cease, and all belligerents are to remain in their positions as of today. JTAS #20, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

132-1110 Events of "Adventure 10 - Safari Ship"; Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537). Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 04.

143-1110 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Despite a few minor incidents, the armistice between Zhodani and Imperial forces is holding, and negotiations are proceeding. JTAS #21, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

146-1110 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Admiral Santanocheev announces that regardless of the outcome of the inquiry into his conduct of the war, he intends to retire at the end of the year. JTAS #21, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

160-1110 TNS - Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716) - Rumors persist of Zhodani atrocities against the citizens of Ruby (Spinward Marches 1005) and Emerald (Spinward Marches 1006) during the recent occupation of these worlds. JTAS #21, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

166-1110 TNS - Dentus (Spinward Marches 2201) - Vargr raiders today struck an outpost in this system, killing three and wounding seven. The purpose of the raid seemed to be to acquire supplies and spare parts for starships. JTAS #21, GDW, 1984, p. 05.

1110 After the end of the Fifth Frontier War, the 4518th Lift Infantry Regiment is assigned to small clean-up operations. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 38.

1110 Kafla Thingvellir's expedition to 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) opens a new path to the Valley of Memories; Naasirka negotiates with the Shriekers, agreeing to keep the paths permanently clear. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 05.

227-1110 Noble Diplomat K'agzi of the K'kree mission to Capital (Core 2118) interviewed on K'kree religious beliefs. GURPS Traveller, SJG, 1998, p. 45.

231-1110 The Baraccai Technum returns from its second Outrim trading mission after just six months due to battle damage after an encounter with Aslan vessels. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 13.

236-1110 Project Blackheart (Imperial Navy) commences operation in Spinward Marches; construction of "Nemesis" class intruder cruisers begun in secret. Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 26.

240-1110 Events of "Travellers' Digest #19 - Out of the Night", Ahfatre (Riftspan Reaches 2219). Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 06.

244-1110 Events of "JTAS #21" - Homesteaders' Stand, XXXX (XXXX). JTAS #21, GDW, 1984, p. 01. 263-1110 Kafla Thingvellir's expedition reports the discovery of the surviving Shrieker civilization on 567-908

(Spinward Marches 1031). Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 08. 1110 Ten Imperial-occupied Sword Worlds break away from the Sword Worlds Confederation to form the

Border Worlds Federation, with its capital at Beater (Spinward Marches 1424). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 17.

320-1110 Events of "Call of the Wild", Steel (Spinward Marches 1529). AA01: Call of the Wild, Avenger, 2005, p. 04.

360-1110 TNS - Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) - The Imperium and the Zhodani Consulate announced the cessation of hostilities between all belligerents, to begin on 001-1111. JTAS #22, GDW, 1985, p. 05.

362-1110 TNS - Dentus (Spinward Marches 2201) - A spokesman for Vice-Admiral Elphinstone stated today that a number of Vargr renegades are still at large in the Spinward Marches. JTAS #22, GDW, 1985, p. 05.

1110 Musical presentations for Knouksarrgh Ong's "utovogh" begin arriving throughout the Vargr Extents. The most popular synthetic personality, Oekhsos, gains wide recognition of a powerful charisma. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 63.

1110 When utovogh research indicates that anti-Imperial tirades would be popular, Oekhsos' personality is used for the tests. The fact that he is a synthetic personality is kept secret. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 63.

1110 Popular anti-Imperial tirades by Oekhsos result in attacks by Vargr on the Imperium, with Oekhsos seen as an overall leader by the Vargr involved. Rebellion Sourcebook, GDW, 1988, p. 63.

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An Uncertain Future “We are now walking down our own path. History guides us still, but it remains an uncertain path. We hold our honor as our bond to each other and to the Third Imperium. However, lest we forget, the steps of a single man down the path of dishonor can change all of us forever. What if Strephon’s successors prove to not be honorable? Is our allegiance to the person on the throne, or to the throne itself? Are we mature enough to recognize the difference?” “There are many who say that one individual cannot affect history. But without the visions of one person—a man like Cleon I, or Cleon V, or a woman like Arbellatra—without that single person’s action, would the Third Imperium exist? Our great Third Imperium remains a human construct, and as such the decision of one person, for good or ill, can still bring it down. Even at this moment, with night so far behind us, is it really that far away?” “Our own history reminds us that Zuan Kerr stopped Emperor Artemsus’ plans for the Pacification Campaigns while he was alive and for some years after his death. It is easy to choose the path of Artemsus; do we still have those who would walk the path of Zuan Kerr? So long as we let honor and history guide our choices, our future is bright. The other path takes us ultimately to night.” From the lecture “Choosing Our Own Path”, 301-1115.

Date Code Details

1111 The guidebook "Luna: A Traveller's Guide" published as part of Solomani Rim sector library data. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 76.

1111 Twelve Drak Ne'Vha battle squadrons attack the three central worlds of the Thoerz Zdarr, devastating their forces. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 105.

1111 Arkesh Spacers, eager to resume trade with the Sheol after the Fifth Frontier War, grow careless. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 126.

1111 X Admiral von Smit forms a new government on Esalin (Spinward Marches 1004), treating well the remaining Zhodani minority. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 57.

1111 Lt. Col. Steven Bond keeps his Rangers in the Imperium, setting up a nominal base at Jesedipere (Spinward Marches 3001). Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 126.

1111 Events of "Alien Module 6 - Solomani" - The Lost Colony, Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) Alien Module 6 - Solomani, GDW, 1986, p. 45, 47.

1111 Imperial Border Office setup to administer Imperial involvement in the Border Worlds Federation. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 25.

1111 Sylean Publishers releases their latest edition of their "Imperial Encyclopedia" on Capital (Core 2118). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1111 The Dakaar Corporation begins constructing new colony domes on Sarrad (Reavers' Deep 2129), in return for mineral extraction and processing rights. Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector, Gamelords, 1984, p. 37.

1111 Events of "Alien Module 1 - Aslan" - Syareahtaorl, Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036). Alien Module 1 - Aslan, GDW, 1984, p. 02, 35.

1111 Events of "Alien Module 3 - Vargr" - Gvurrdon's Adventure, Scangen (Gvurrdon 2937). Alien Module 3 - Vargr, GDW, 1984, p. 02, 42.

1111 Dyrnwyn (Spinward Marches 1522) was returned to its Gungnir-based (Spinward Marches 1221) corporate owners as part of a post-war goodwill package. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 14.

1111 Al Morai resumes service to the Five Sisters subsector. Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 20, 31.

1111 Events of "Alien Module 7 - Hiver" - Something Stinks!, Huran (Kaa G!'kul 3133). Alien Module 7 - Hivers, GDW, 1986, p. 02, 41.

1111 Belters on Bael (Spinward Marches 0218) discover the largest deposit of lanthanum on record. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 14.

1111 Vargr corsairs of the Ngath Confederation seize control of the Newcastle (Vland 1801) system from the Church of the Chosen Ones. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 100.

1111 The Aslan allow Salika refugees to settle on Aufusyah (Riftspan Reaches 1716), a world very similar to the Salika homeworld at its' prime. Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 11.

001-1111 Events of "Spinward Marches Campaign" - Hundreds of Worlds, Biter (Spinward Marches 1526). Spinward Marches Campaign, GDW, 1985, p. 02, 03.

004-1111 TNS - Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719) - Several raids damaged major naval installations on the worlds of Gram (Spinward Marches 1223) and Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) before the Sword Worlds signed a separate peace. JTAS #22, GDW, 1985, p. 05.

005-1111 Thingvellir's Crested Trapper, native to 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031), revealed at the annual session of Siren, the University of Mora's (Spinward Marches 3124) scientific endeavor society. Adventure 10 - Safari Ship, GDW, 1984, p. 08.

009-1111 Events of "Memory Alpha", Nocturne (Corridor 1210) Memory Alpha, GDW, 1984, p. 02. 030-1111 Events of "JTAS #22" - Ventures Afar, Denotam (Spinward Marches 1413); The Thing in the Depths,

Sturray (Foreven 2017). JTAS #22, GDW, 1985, p. 01. 032-1111 TNS - Dentus (Spinward Marches 2201) - The last members of a group of Vargr renegades remain at

large after the destruction of a hidden base in the Heya (Spinward Marches 2402) system. JTAS #23, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

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092-1111 TNS - Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) - Imperium and Zhodani Consulate emissaries formally closed their peace conference today; Regina, Jewell and Lanth subsectors remain amber travel zones. JTAS #23, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

097-1111 Travellers' Digest #20 - An Act of Conscience, Halka (Trojan Reach 0510) Travellers' Digest #20, DGP, 1990, p. 06.

121-1111 TNS - Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) - The first known victim to survive direct exposure to jumpspace arrived at Terra today, from traveling aboard the "Tyrol", a luxury liner that suffered mysterious damage while in jumpspace. Challenge #26, GDW, 1986, p. 37.

130-1111 TNS - Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) - Demosthenes Naval Hospital confirmed the gradual recovery of Commander Ansel Churner from the almost total loss of equilibrium he suffered because of exposure to jumpspace. Challenge #27, GDW, 1986, p. 45.

130-1111 TNS - Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) - Captain Winston of Duncanhood, Earl of Lardher and Imperial Naval Attache to Terra, has officially replaced the Australia Down Starport inspection team with his own team of specialists. Challenge #27, GDW, 1986, p. 45.

142-1111 TNS - Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) - The three engineering crew who were killed in the mysterious mishap on board the "Tyrol" were identified today. Challenge #27, GDW, 1986, p. 45.

180-1111 Events of "JTAS #23" - The Birthday Plot, Efate (Spinward Marches 1705); Roadshow (Solomani Rim). JTAS #23, GDW, 1985, p. 01.

201-1111 An explosion at Research Station Alpha on Duale (Spinward Marches 2728), smaller than the one that previously devastated the station, was observed. Authorities have offered no explanation. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 14, 112.

263-1111 TNS - Dentus (Spinward Marches 2201) - A group of renegade Vargr freebooters in the Spinward Marches continues to elude capture. Insurance rates for vessels operating in the Spinward Marches remain at war levels. JTAS #24, GDW, 1985, p. 04.

290-1111 Events of "JTAS #24" - Embassy in Arms, Aramanx (Spinward Marches 3005); The Lost Village, Gadden (Solomani Rim 2506). JTAS #24, GDW, 1985, p. 01.

321-1111 Events of "Plague of Perruques", Uakye (Spinward Marches 1805). Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 17.

328-1111 The government of Uakye (Spinward Marches 1805) declares a state of emergency because of a fast-acting plague. Travellers' Digest #10, DGP, 1987, p. 17.

365-1111 Imperial military government of Terra (Solomani Rim 1827) scheduled to end. Dragon #87, TSR, 1984, p. 76.

1111 X The 102nd Lift Infantry Battalion is withdrawn from active service on Efate (Spinward Marches 1705). Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 110.

1111 X Colonel Muncy proposes to the Efate military planners to keep the 102nd LIB in being, and let it gain experience offworld to bring back to Efate (Spinward Marches 1705). Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 110.

1112 The Savrundin Expedition becomes only the second human archaeological expedition permitted to carry out a survey and a preliminary field dig on the surface of Kirur (Ruupiin 1315). MegaTraveller Journal #4, DGP, 1993, p. 14.

1112 Garin Deidrie Kaarishuu is elected Regent of the Julian Protectorate; her family fled the Imperium during the Antarean Pacification Campaigns and has since intermarried with the Mendares. Challenge #49, GDW, 1991, p. 23.

1112 Arabella von Ericsson granted the Barony of Delcambre on Vincennes (Deneb 1122) after fleet actions at Heya (Spinward Marches 2402) and other operations during the Fifth Frontier War. MegaTraveller Journal #2, DGP, 1991, p. 22.

1112 Friction between the Baraccai Technum and McCellan Factors flared up again, leading to numerous incidents, including a ship combat in the Trane (Spinward Marches 2038) system. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 14.

1112 Enli Iddukagan publishes his sensationalistic work, "Lost Treasure Ships of the Abyss Rift", on Lanth (Spinward Marches 1719). Challenge #44, GDW, 1990, p. 30.

1112 c The TL 14 "Astrin" class grav APC is deployed by the Imperium as a companion to the "Trepida" grav tank. 101 Vehicles, DGP, 1988, p. 17.

1112 During rioting on Bevey (Spinward Marches 3216), the mercenary Trimbell's Defenders cause a number of civilian casualties when a mob attacks the official they were escorting. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 102.

1112 Kwai Ching (Spinward Marches 1040) is raided by a small fleet of unidentified starships, supported by mercenary troops; the starport was systematically plundered. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 14.

1112 X The government of Nonym (Spinward Marches 0321) demands the closing of the Darrian military base in its system. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 47.

1112 Only two Thoerz Zdarr border worlds of their seven worlds still hold out against the Drak Ne'Vha assault. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 105.

1112 Starshield Books releases "Twilight's Peak," by Livern Wen, at Rhylanor (Spinward Marches 2716). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

063-1112 TNS - Dentus (Spinward Marches 2201) - Several alleged members of a group of renegade Vargr were captured late last year when they tried to hijack a merchant ship near here. Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

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063-1112 TNS - Dentus (Spinward Marches 2201) - Informed sources leaked information indicating that the group of renegade Vargr has probably fled the Spinward Marches for parts unknown. Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

068-1112 The Oscuro penal colony, a moon of Far Trinity (Massilia 1025) celebrates the arrival of its 500,000th inmate. Travellers' Digest #11, DGP, 1988, p. 16.

092-1112 TNS - Quar (Spinward Marches 0808) - The Imperial government has formally declared all worlds in the Regina, Jewell and Lanth subsectors to have reverted to their pre-war travel classifications. Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 17.

092-1112 Events of "Challenge #25" - Siege, Launfall (XXXX) Challenge #25, GDW, 1986, p. 16. 095-1112 IISS releases updated Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) star system survey details. Grand Survey, DGP,

1983, p. 43. 108-1112 Baron Aramis Volentine is murdered on Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537). The Volentine Gambit,

Ba'Rac Limited, 1985, p. 10. 115-1112 Events of "Travellers' Digest #21" - One Last Stop, Pixie (Spinward Marches 1903) Travellers' Digest

#21, DGP, 1990, p. 06. 117-1112 Events of "The Volentine Gambit", Mertactor (Spinward Marches 1537) The Volentine Gambit, Ba'Rac

Limited, 1985, p. 02. 127-1112 King Arthur of Gungnir (Spinward Marches 1221) is assassinated by a pistol-armed woman; his followers

accused the Imperium of complicity with the assassination. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 14. 142-1112 Events of "Challenge #27" - Chosen at Random, Aegadh (Gvurrdon 1317) Challenge #27, GDW, 1986, p.

18. 1112 Possession of Denuli gems declared illegal throughout the Imperium, to protect the Shrieker civilization

on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031). Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 06. 227-1112 Events of "Challenge #26" - The Tuktaar Connection, Tuktaar (K'righeek 0710) Challenge #26, GDW,

1986, p. 16. 1112 Baron von Kreden, a follower of King Arthur of Gungir, attempts to avenge his King by leading a

ramshackle fleet on an attack on Frenzie (Spinward Marches 1116). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 14. 289-1112 Zhodani calendar fixed point, equals 3471.1 Dranzhrin. Alien Module 4 - Zhodani, GDW, 1985, p. 03.

1112 Imperial Scout Services establishes a permanent base on 567-908 (Spinward Marches 1031) to protect and monitor the Shriekers, with patrols by the Imperial Navy to back it up. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

1113 Arabella von Ericsson retires from active duty as a Fleet Admiral, and then begins forming a starmerc unit known as "Roc's Talons". MegaTraveller Journal #2, DGP, 1991, p. 22.

1113 Grand Census published; some 426 identified minor races, of which 40 are minor human races. Grand Census, DGP, 1987, p. 28.

1113 Imperial forces soundly rout several Vargr corsair fleets at the Second Battle of Anarsi (XXXX). Travellers' Digest #18, DGP, 1990, p. 29.

1113 Naasirka and the Shriekers formalize their agreement with the establishment of a research enclave, using the resources of Kafla Thingvellir's old Starolon, LIC research department. Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli, SJG, 2001, p. 06.

1113 Astron Gilmor and Barton Temerer release the 6th edition of their "Imperial Succession, Case Law and Comments" from the Imperial Sylean University Law School on Capital (Core 2118). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1113 Aslan ihatei attempt to gain a foothold in the Glisten (Spinward Marches 2036) system by claiming unclaimed asteroids, but are forced out by the Glisten Defense Forces and the Imperial Navy. Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten, SJG, 2001, p. 08.

1113 A permanent trading post is established by Caledon Ventures on Htalrea's (Reavers' Deep 1226) northern continent. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 01.

1113 Duke Norris pardons Carstein's Outlaws for their stalwart and loyal service during the Fifth Frontier War. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 105.

1113 The Dhufokh Corporation locates major deposits of rare crystals within the crust of Erzikh Dhadh, a minor world in the Lair (Provence 2402) system. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 45.

1113 The Federation of Arden (Spinward Marches 1011) lands troops on Zenopit (Spinward Marches 1010) and overwhelms its defenders in a rapid invasion. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 15, 57.

1113 The Ksoesueng Reghz absorb the remains of the Thoerz Zdarr; Zhodani and Ilksang Oekhgnoull emissaries bring the Vargr and the Drak Ne'Vha to the bargaining table. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 105.

1113 After several uprisings, the Excalibur (Spinward Marches 1225) government collapses, starting the Excalibur Civil War. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 15.

1113 X A team of Darrian archeologists from the University of Zlodh begin researching Sword World warship design changes in the Entrope (Spinward Marches 0720) system. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 45.

001-1113 The second Spinward Point-to-Point, following the same course as the first, begins on Trin (Spinward Marches 3235). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 15.

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078-1113 Baron von Kreden and his battlecruiser "Vengeance" arrive at Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) and attempt to attack the Domain capital; the Imperial dreadnought "Allamu" annihilates her. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 15.

1113 Riots are sparked on Mirak (Reavers' Deep 1127) when local citizens defend the free trader MacBeth (from the Confederacy of Duncinae) from police harassment. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 06.

332-1113 Officials of Caledon Ventures and the Scotian Deep Trading Company announce their final amalgamation under Caledon Ventures. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 07.

364-1113 Caledon Ventures warns its personnel in the Ea and Scotian Deep subsectors that action from the Aslan Tlasayerlaahel company is expected against their interests. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 06.

1114 The Ksoesueng Reghz and the Drak Ne'Vha agree to split the Thoerz Zdarr worlds between themselves. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 105.

1114 After Condaria's (Spinward Marches 0528) population votes to join, the Darrian Confederation annexes the system. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 48.

1114 The Imperial Interstellar Scout Service releases the "Port Authority Handbook" on Reference (Core 0140). Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1114 Events of "Escape", Htalrea (Reavers' Deep 1226). Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 01. 1114 The seat of the Imperial Domain government is formally moved to Mora (Spinward Marches 3124) at the

end of the year, symbolizing a return to greatness for the "original port of the Marches". Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 16.

1114 Emperor Strephon transfers authority in Lishun sector to House Hollenau after investigations into widespread corruption, and moves the sector capital to Tephany (Lishun 2719). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 52.

1114 The Aegzaeng Vargr raiders break away from the Kforuzeng, and become involved in more legitimate mercenary work. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 50.

1114 Sacnoth (Spinward Marches 1325) is granted home rule as part of the Border Worlds settlement. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 16.

1114 Hortalez et Cie purchases 975-452 (Spinward Marches 0840) and builds a base there, causing puzzlement across the Marches financial community. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 16, 56.

1114 Silenia Stensen, a well-known journalism professor from the Torri Institute on Trin (Spinward Marches 3235) is the recipient of the Travellers' Digest's Digest Touring Award. Imperial Encyclopedia, GDW, 1987, p. 22.

1114 Arabella von Ericsson's starmerc unit is hired by Oberlindes Lines to clear their Aramis and Regina subsector routes of remaining Vargr stragglers. MegaTraveller Journal #2, DGP, 1991, p. 22.

1114 Emperor Strephon names Duke Norris of Regina (Spinward Marches 1910) first Archduke of the Domain of Deneb. Players' Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 83.

1114 Efate (Spinward Marches 1705) re-equips the 102nd Lift Infantry Battalion and allows Colonel Muncy to lead it on mercenary tickets. Star Mercs, SJG, 1999, p. 110.

1114 Increased concerns about piracy cause the Imperial Navy to restore funding on the "Sydkai" class cruiser project; "Sydkai" finally launched. MegaTraveller Journal #3, DGP, 1992, p. 44.

029-1114 The Grand Duchy of Marlheim (Reavers' Deep 1230) closes its borders to all shipping from the Confederacy of Duncinae (Reavers' Deep 1624) following riots on Mirak (Reavers' Deep 1127) late last year. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 06.

038-1114 Roger Vane is elected President of the Confederacy of Duncinae (Reavers' Deep 1624). Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 07.

048-1114 Caledon Ventures signs an agreement with the K'Tring state on Gaajpadje (Reavers' Deep 1124) placing K'Tring and J'aadje disputes in the hands of company mediators. Escape, Seeker, 1987, p. 06.

288-1114 The Trouble with Kids, Peraspera (Solomani Rim 2028). Travellers' Digest #13, DGP, 1988, p. 21. 1114 Clashes between LSP and Sternmetal-backed clans on Marastan (Spinward Marches 2231) flare up into

open warfare. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 16. 1114 The Llaeghskath Interacterate is formed by Llaegharrgh (Provence 0604) and Ouskathoerz (0405)

seceding from the Empire of Varroerth to defend against Faarzgaen (0704). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 54.

1114 An attempt by an alliance of minor clans on Marastan (Spinward Marches 2231) to gain control of some lightly guarded mineral-extraction facilities escalates into a bloody three-way conflict. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 16.

1114 The Jihad of Faarzgaen is established as a harsh and cruel yet popular religious autocracy based on Faarzgaen (Provence 0704). Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 54.

1114 A lull turns into a general uprising against both LSP and Sternmetal on Marastan (Spinward Marches 2231) after Clan Varstander captures the LSP facility at Mavinn Downport and executes the entire staff. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 16.

1114 LSP and Sternmetal local sepoys temporarily ally to hold the remaining downports on Marastan (Spinward Marches 2231) until an Imperial Marine force arrives. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 16.

1115 The Darrian Confederation overturns the Winston (Spinward Marches 0620) world government, installing a governor supported by Confederation militia. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 44.

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Donald McKinney Fifth Frontier War


Date Code Details

1115 The Jihad of Faarzgaen holds eight worlds in the Llaezgaen and Vorvoun subsectors of Provence sector. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 54.

1115 Tukera Lines encourages the Ethueng Vargr corsairs to break away from the Kforuzeng, and transfer their dealings for protection to them. Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races, DGP, 1990, p. 50.

1115 cX Vargr defeats from the Fifth Frontier War spur growth of the Church of the Chosen Ones in Gvurrdon sector. Alien Races 1, SJG, 1998, p. 82.

1115 cX The Junidy (Spinward Marches 3202) Liberation Army, a Llellewyloly terrorist movement, begins working closely with the Kforuzeng Vargr corsairs. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 104.

1115 Steel (Spinward Marches 1529) is opened by the Imperium for colonization. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 72.

1115 Marsons Mobile Rifles fails to conquer Tionale (Spinward Marches 1511). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 66.

1115 X With ships from the Darrian Confederation Navy's special arm orbiting above, the citizens of Nonym (Spinward Marches 0321) overthrow their government and appeal to join the Confederation. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 47.

1115 The Imperial Navy Department on Capital (Core 2118) publishes the "Starship and Space Identification Guide." Referee's Manual, GDW, 1987, p. 49.

1115 A popular uprising on Zenopit (Spinward Marches 1010) briefly threatened the Federation of Arden's control, but ultimately only damaged the starport and surroundings. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17, 57.

1115 The Excalibur (Spinward Marches 1225) civil war finally ended with the installation of a popular dictator, who has led the world to apply for membership in the Border Worlds Federation. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17.

1115 Kwai Ching (Spinward Marches 1040) is raided twice this year, once at the starport and once at the city of Yin Vadi. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17.

1115 Aslan ihatei pushing into the Marches are defeated at Talos (Spinward Marches 1436) by an unknown force. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17.

1115 c Events of "Travellers' Digest #19" - The Possession Ball, Morninglori (Deneb 1216) Travellers' Digest #19, DGP, 1990, p. 15.

1115 A Darrian research team from the University of Zlodh discovers the ruins of an ancient outpost on Kardin (Spinward Marches 0429). Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 48.

131-1115 Gunnery Sgt. Farouk Chi of the 3277th Line Marine regiment is court-martialed and executed for murdering 70 Zhodani prisoners of war. Ground Forces, SJG, 2000, p. 69.

341-1115 The gas giant Plistii, around which Quiru (Spinward Marches 2321) orbits, suddenly undergoes a violent shudder, thought to be either a massive storm front or a gasquake in its core. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17.

359-1115 Blackhawk Enterprises served an Imperial indictment imposing a huge fine for alleged violations of naval interdictions. Behind the Claw, SJG, 1998, p. 17.

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Bibliography Any assemblage of information such as this comes from many sources. The list below consists of all Traveller products which contributed information to this timeline. It does not list the many additional Traveller products which contained no information related to the timeline. 1978, GDW, Book 4 - Mercenary 1979, GDW, Adventure 01 - The Kinunir 1979, GDW, JTAS #01 1979, GDW, JTAS #02 1979, GDW, Supplement 03 - The Spinward Marches 1980, GDW, Adventure 02 - Research Station Gamma 1980, GDW, Adventure 03 - Twilight's Peak 1980, GDW, Adventure 04 - Leviathan 1980, GDW, Double Adventure 1 - Shadows/Annic Nova 1980, GDW, Double Adventure 2 - Mission On

Mithril/Across the Bright Face 1980, GDW, JTAS #03 1980, GDW, JTAS #04 1980, GDW, JTAS #05 1980, GDW, JTAS #06 1980, GDW, Supplement 05 - Lightning Class Cruisers 1980, GDW, Supplement 06 - 76 Patrons 1981, FASA, Adventure Class Ships - Volume 1 1981, FASA, High Passage #01 1981, FASA, High Passage #02 1981, FASA, Legend of the Sky Raiders 1981, FASA, Ordeal by Eshaar 1981, FASA, Urragyd'n of the Seven Pillars 1981, GDW, Adventure 00 - The Imperial Fringe 1981, GDW, Adventure 05 - Trillion Credit Squadron 1981, GDW, Adventure 06 - Expedition to Zhodane 1981, GDW, Double Adventure 3 - The Argon

Gambit/Death Station 1981, GDW, Double Adventure 4 - Marooned/Marooned

Alone 1981, GDW, Double Adventure 5 - The Chamax

Plague/Horde 1981, GDW, Game 5 - Invasion: Earth 1981, GDW, JTAS #07 1981, GDW, JTAS #08 1981, GDW, JTAS #09 1981, GDW, JTAS #10 1981, GDW, Supplement 08 - Library Data (A-M) 1981, GDW, Supplement 09 - Fighting Ships 1981, Games Workshop, IISS Ship Files 1981, Marischal, Fleetwatch (Seeker, 1987) 1981, Marischal, Flight of the Stag (Seeker, 1987) 1981, Marischal, Salvage Mission (Seeker, 1987) 1981, Paranoia Press, Beyond 1981, Paranoia Press, Merchants & Merchandise 1981, Paranoia Press, SORAG 1981, Paranoia Press, Vanguard Reaches 1982, FASA, Far Traveller #01 1982, FASA, Fate of the Sky Raiders 1982, FASA, High Passage #04 1982, FASA, High Passage #05 1982, FASA, Trail of the Sky Raiders 1982, GDW, Adventure 07 - Broadsword 1982, GDW, Adventure 08 - Prison Planet 1982, GDW, Double Adventure 6 - Divine

Intervention/Night of Conquest 1982, GDW, JTAS #11 1982, GDW, JTAS #12 1982, GDW, JTAS #13

1982, GDW, JTAS #14 1982, GDW, Supplement 10 - The Solomani Rim 1982, GDW, Supplement 11 - Library Data (N-Z) 1982, GDW, The Traveller Book 1982, Marischal, Trading Team (Seeker, 1987) 1983, DGP, Grand Survey 1983, FASA, Far Traveller #02 1983, FASA, Harrensa Project/Stazhlekh Report 1983, GDW, Adventure 09 - Nomads of the World-Ocean 1983, GDW, Adventure 11 - Murder on Arcturus Station 1983, GDW, Book 6 - Scouts 1983, GDW, JTAS #15 1983, GDW, JTAS #16 1983, GDW, JTAS #17 1983, GDW, JTAS #18 1983, GDW, Module 1 - Tarsus 1983, GDW, Traveller Adventure 1983, Gamelords, Lee's Guide to Interstellar Adventure 1983, TSR, Ares Special Edition #2 1984, GDW, Adventure 10 - Safari Ship 1984, GDW, Adventure 12 - Secret of the Ancients 1984, GDW, Alien Module 1 - Aslan 1984, GDW, Alien Module 2 - K'kree 1984, GDW, Alien Module 3 - Vargr 1984, GDW, Atlas of the Imperium 1984, GDW, JTAS #19 1984, GDW, JTAS #20 1984, GDW, JTAS #21 1984, GDW, Memory Alpha 1984, GDW, Module 2 - Beltstrike 1984, Gamelords, Ascent to Anekthor 1984, Gamelords, Duneraiders! 1984, Gamelords, Pilot's Guide to the Drexilthar Subsector 1984, Grenadier, Disappearance on Aramat 1984, TSR, Dragon #87 1985, Ba'Rac Limited, The Volentine Gambit 1985, DGP, Travellers' Digest #01 1985, DGP, Travellers' Digest #02 1985, DGP, Travellers' Digest #03 1985, GDW, Adventure 13 - Signal GK 1985, GDW, Alien Module 4 - Zhodani 1985, GDW, Alien Module 5 - Droyne 1985, GDW, Book 7 - Merchant Prince 1985, GDW, JTAS #22 1985, GDW, JTAS #23 1985, GDW, JTAS #24 1985, GDW, Spinward Marches Campaign 1986, DGP, Travellers' Digest #04 1986, DGP, Travellers' Digest #05 1986, DGP, Travellers' Digest #06 1986, DGP, Travellers' Digest #07 1986, GDW, Alien Module 6 - Solomani 1986, GDW, Alien Module 7 - Hivers 1986, GDW, Book 8 - Robots 1986, GDW, Challenge #25 1986, GDW, Challenge #26 1986, GDW, Challenge #27 1987, DGP, Grand Census 1987, DGP, Travellers' Digest #08

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Donald McKinney Bibliography


1987, DGP, Travellers' Digest #09 1987, DGP, Travellers' Digest #10 1987, GDW, Alien Module 8 - Darrians 1987, GDW, Challenge #28 1987, GDW, Challenge #29 1987, GDW, Challenge #30 1987, GDW, Imperial Encyclopedia 1987, GDW, Players' Manual 1987, GDW, Referee's Manual 1987, Seeker, Escape 1988, DGP, 101 Vehicles 1988, DGP, Travellers' Digest #11 1988, DGP, Travellers' Digest #12 1988, DGP, Travellers' Digest #13 1988, DGP, Travellers' Digest #14 1988, GDW, Challenge #31 1988, GDW, Challenge #32 1988, GDW, Challenge #33 1988, GDW, Challenge #34 1988, GDW, Rebellion Sourcebook 1988, GDW, Referee's Companion 1989, DGP, Referee's Gaming Kit 1989, DGP, Travellers' Digest #15 1989, DGP, Travellers' Digest #16 1989, DGP, Travellers' Digest #17 1989, DGP, World Builders' Handbook 1989, GDW, Challenge #39 1990, DGP, Flaming Eye 1990, DGP, Travellers' Digest #18 1990, DGP, Travellers' Digest #19 1990, DGP, Travellers' Digest #20 1990, DGP, Travellers' Digest #21 1990, DGP, Vilani and Vargr, the Coreward Races 1990, GDW, Challenge #42 1990, GDW, Challenge #43 1990, GDW, Challenge #44 1990, GDW, Challenge #45 1990, GDW, Challenge #46 1990, GDW, Challenge #47 1990, GDW, Knightfall 1991, DGP, MegaTraveller Journal #1 1991, DGP, MegaTraveller Journal #2 1991, GDW, Challenge #48 1991, GDW, Challenge #49 1991, GDW, Challenge #50 1991, GDW, Challenge #51 1991, GDW, Challenge #52

1991, GDW, Challenge #53 1991, GDW, Challenge #56 1992, DGP, MegaTraveller Journal #3 1992, DGP, Solomani and Aslan, the Rimward Races 1992, GDW, Astrogator's Guide to the Diaspora Sector 1992, GDW, Challenge #58 1992, GDW, Challenge #62 1993, DGP, MegaTraveller Journal #4 1993, GDW, Challenge #68 1994, Paranoia Press, Vanguard Reaches Update 1994, SotK, Traveller Chronicle #05 1995, GDW, Regency Sourcebook 1995, SotK, Traveller Chronicle #07 1996, Imperium Games, Milieu 0 Campaign 1997, Imperium Games, Pocket Empires 1997, Imperium Games, Psionic Institutes 1998, Imperium Games, Missions of State 1998, SJG, Alien Races 1 1998, SJG, Behind the Claw 1998, SJG, GURPS Traveller 1999, SJG, Alien Races 2 1999, SJG, First In 1999, SJG, Star Mercs 2000, SJG, Alien Races 3 2000, SJG, Ground Forces 2000, SJG, Rim of Fire 2000, SJG, Starports 2001, SJG, Alien Races 4 2001, SJG, Planetary Survey 1 - Kamsii 2001, SJG, Planetary Survey 2 - Denuli 2001, SJG, Planetary Survey 3 - Granicus 2001, SJG, Planetary Survey 4 - Glisten 2001, SJG, Planetary Survey 5 - Tobibak 2001, SJG, Planetary Survey 6 - Darkmoon 2003, SJG, Humaniti 2003, SJG, Starships (GT) 2004, QLI, EA01 Stoner Express 2004, QLI, EA02 Into The Glimmer Drift 2004, QLI, EA04 Merchant Cruiser 2004, QLI, Gateway to Destiny 2004, SJG, Nobles 2004, SJG, Sword Worlds 2005, Avenger, AA01: Call of the Wild 2005, Avenger, AS01 Grand Fleet 2005, QLI, EA07 Merc Heaven 2006, Avenger, CB01 Bowman Arm 2006, SJG, Interstellar Wars