Integrated media and technology company. IMPORTANT NOTICE This overview is for informational...

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Integrated media and technology company Slide 2 IMPORTANT NOTICE This overview is for informational purposes only and does not constitute an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy any securities. Any such offer will be made only pursuant to a Private Placement Memorandum that will be provided in connection with any such offering. The information contained herein includes (or is based in part on) projections, valuations, estimates and other financial data. This information has not been verified or substantiated by any third party sources. This information should not be relied upon for the purpose of making an investment. Any information regarding projected or estimated values, investment returns or distributions are estimates only and should not be considered indicative of the actual results that may be realized or predictive of any investment. This presentation is preliminary in nature. This document is a confidential document that is not to be made available to third parties and in particular must not be made available to the public nor be made available in jurisdictions where this would be contrary to local laws and regulations. Recipients of this document are required to inform themselves of and to comply with all applicable local laws and regulations in any jurisdiction in which they receive or use this document. Slide 3 WHO WE ARE? Core of our businesses GEO, SEM, eCommerse Internet Service Cellular service NeuroPads, NeuroPhones and accessories Online Retail NeuroZone Neuromama, Ltd is an integrated media and technology company with a search engine, ecommerce site, social network, finance cen-ter, and licensed entertainment products among its core busi-nesses. Our focus is on the Latin American market, the fastest growing Media & Entertainment market in the world. o o o m o o o Thanks to our biggest Strategic Alliance in Latin America region with Telefnica - one of the worlds leaders integrated operator in the telecommunication sector we are planning to become one of the leaders of DTH service providers in Latin America in next few years. Get more customers for your business with Geo Marketing; Mobile friendly, Localized, keyword optimized web pages; Receive exposure on Latin America's #1 local search directory,; and many more! DTH Slide 4 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse WE BUILD, MARKET, AND MAINTAIN MOBILE FRIENDLY, KEYWORD OPTIMIZED, VISITOR OPTIMIZED, CONTENT GENERATING, AUTHORITATIVE, CMS, ECOMMERCE WEBSITES. Our professional website development solutions makes it easy to convert visitors into sales. We build search engine friendly and visitor optimized websites. We specialize in building websites for promoting professional services, local establishments, and retail businesses. We offer all inclusive packages as well as custom solutions. AND WE DO IT WELL Website Design Local Search SEM & SEO Social Media Internet Retail Web Analytics Slide 5 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse OUR STRATEGY IN SHORT Latin America offers exciting opportunity for Neuromama, Ltd Internet advertising because the region has the fastest growing internet market in the world, having increased 12% in the past year to more than 147 million unique visitors in March 2013. Mexico alone has a population of over 110 million. Brazil, at over 200 million is also a booming and developing economy, and Argentina at 41 million has experienced consistent GDP growth in the last decade. International Marketing is a rapidly growing field. With Internet penetration and the growing confidence of users, the overseas marketing opportunities are opening shops and local businesses that could not previously consider offering services and products abroad. Neuromama, Ltd being a high tech company that already has hit the ground running with Spanish speaking employees that are familiar with the local culture and ways of conducting business in Latin America. Furthermore Neuromama, Ltd. Internet Marketing and Adverting solutions are truly on the cutting edge of technology and priced very competitive compared to competition in the United States or anywhere else in the World. Considering factors such as the current environment and lack of competition in Latin America, as well as the quality and price of the services NeuroMama offers, I believe that we have a formula for success. This success can grow very quickly with Neuromama, Ltd. Dominating the Internet advertising industry for Latin America. Once the procedures of effectively selling Internet advertising services to local businesses in Baja California are identified, then the process of duplicating the formula and structure will be very straight forward. Its key for Neuromama, Ltd to expand the promotion of Internet advertising services very quickly throughout Latin America before other companies penetrate the market. Ultimately, Neuromama, Ltd. Will achieve success establishing itself as a dominant player in Internet advertising for Latin America because of four factors. The current demand for effective and affordable internet advertising in Latin America The Latin American Internet advertising market has not been penetrated by American competition The lack of local competition Advantages of advertising with Neuromama, Ltd. Slide 6 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse THE DEMAND FOR EFFECTIVE AND AFFORDABLE MOBILE RESPONSIVE INTERNET ADVERTISING IN LATING AMERICA In an emerging world economy, Latin American businesses are seeing an increase in the need for a strong Internet presence in order to stay connected with their customers. The combination of a growing economy and a surge in Internet use by the local population as made the importance of being on the Internet ever more evident. Its true that Mexico and other countries in Latin America may not be as technologically sophisticated as the United States, but when it comes to Internet use, the facts can be deceiving. Since the majority of the Latin American population cannot afford a Laptop or Desktop computer, most of the population is using a mobile device to surf the web. As a consequence, Its absolutely critical that Latin American businesses, not only have an Internet presence, but a mobile responsive Internet presence. The need for mobile responsive Internet advertising is greater in Latin America than in the United States and other more technologically advanced countries. At the same time, there is a huge lack of website developers in Latin America that practice mobile responsive website development and Internet marketing. There is also a lack of understanding of the importance of being mobile responsive on behalf of the business owners. This of course adds complexity to fulfilling this growing demand and creates a need for educating Latin American businesses on the importance of mobile responsive website design and Internet marketing. Although most smartphones can display full websites for the most part, the navigation and browsing experience is typically subpar for mobile users. If your website creates friction for it's users then customers may end up jumping over to a competitor's site. Most users on mobile devices are looking for your phone number, location, business hours, and special deals such as coupons you may be offering. With a mobile site, you can quickly and easily provide them with the information they need to make a decision. Neuromama, Ltd recognizes the need for educating Latin American business owners on the importance of the services and products that the company provides and has developed a comprehensive educational program. The educational programs including live seminars and webinars will prove to be very helpful in gaining the trust and confidence of the local businesses throughout Latin America. Slide 7 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse THE LACK OF COMPETITION FROM AMERICAN INTERNET ADVERTISING COMPANIES Neuromama, Ltd. does not face any significant competition from Latin American Internet advertising agencies. Most of the businesses throughout Latin America rely on people who are working out of their home and do not provide services in line with Industry standards. The source code for website development and Internet advertising tactics are not current and do not match the standards of Neuromama, Ltd products and services. Agencies who have managed to establish themselves in their local community do not have the means of growth and expansion comparable in size and scope to Neuromama, Ltd. Furthermore, these agencies are nowhere near as competitive in price and dont provide the education to the extent that the Neuromama educational program do. Although these agencies may have the means of connecting with the local business owners, they do not pose as a threat to Neuromamas ability to dominate the market. Slide 8 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse ADVANTAGE TO ADVERTISING WITH NEUROMAMA, LTD. Neuromama, Ltd. Is a publicly traded company that Consists of an all inclusive Internet Platform including a browser, search engine driven by Neuro technology, email client, social network, Internet retail mall, and an worldwide local search directory. Neuromama, Ltd. Also operates a number of television networks as well as offers DTH satellite cable service to Latin American residence. The Neuromama Internet network is recognition as an authoritative entity on the Internet and pages associated with the domain place exceptionally well in major search engine result pages such as Google. This is also a contributing factor behind the power that Neuromama, ltd offers businesses who are need of Internet advertising. Merchants that advertise with Neuromama receive additional exposure across the Neuromama Internet Platform. The Neuromama Internet advertising program itself is designed to provide effective marketing relative to the size and scope of each business. Neuromamas Internet advertising solutions include: mobile responsive web design local search optimization search engine marketing & SEO content development & distribution social media design & marketing powerful eCommerc solutions web analytics affiliate networks product data feeds All website development is completely mobile responsive and meets current programming standards and is guaranteed to provide the very best user experience possible. Websites provide mobile users a friction free and pleasant experience thus providing optimum conversion. The Neuromama Internet Marketing team providing clients with superior returns from Internet operations. We provide responsive websites, website support, website re-design, and website upgrades optimized for search engine performance. We ensure that your website looks great and sells effectively. When it comes to website development, and Internet Marketing Latin American businesses need help from a company that is focused and experienced in providing the best in professional Web development and marketing solutions. With a team of experts under one roof, NeuroMama's goal is to provide all of the necessary design, development and marketing services that businesses need to be successful selling products and promoting services on the Internet. Slide 9 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse We know that if you get the website design right, website visitors will stay and buy. Get it wrong through poor imagery, poor usability, poor navigation, poor evidence of trustworthiness, a slow site, or a design that fails to appeal, and your website visitors will leave without buying. We get that. We build great looking websites for top search engine placement, and we optimize websites for best conversion. When it comes to SEM Neuromama treats every clients equal and provide the same quality and level of support Whether you're big or small. Neuromama makes the best use of clients marketing budget and sees to it that the client receives the very best return on their investment, and yes I said return on Investment. That's why the Neuromama, Ltd. team is made up of smart, intelligent, and experienced experts who think out of the box and brainstorm ideas that generate revenue. The marketing effort includes two fundamental elements, Website traffic and website conversion. Prior to beginning an Internet Marketing campaign for our clients, we first undergo an array of tasks and procedures in order for us to get an understanding the existing search engine placement the clients website as well as their overall Internet presence including a competitive analysis. If a business does not have an existing website or Internet presence then it is recommended to start with one of the SEM programs. Internet Marketing campaigns begin with the research and analysis of our clients web presence including website SEO, keyword placement in the search engines, back link count, domain authority & page rank, the website traffic and conversion rate, and much more. This information provides us with the insight that is needed the proper starting point for a marketing campaign can be identified. This information is reviewed with the client and together we set realistic goals and objectives to work towards. The next step with a marketing campaign of any size is to setup and connect Analytics to the website of our client so we can track and report what's happening with the marketing effort starting with the first day. Once the initial review and analysis is complete, as well as the setup of web analytics, then Neuromama professionals will plan out an effective strategy of creating and distributing unique content relative to the business and industry. This includes identifying the very best types of content to create and Internet channels to target for content distribution. Monthly SEM programs include: Initial research and analysis of web presence and competition Web analytic setup, tracking Implementation of SEO and website conversion tactics Website keyword optimization Content creation and distribution Measure and modify campaign based on data collected through web analytics Slide 10 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse NEUROZONE SHOPPING MALL PLATFORM offers a great opportunity to merchants who wish to sell online. The is an eCommerce platform providing businesses with the means of selling global to over 150 countries worldwide. Merchants can choose from three programs designed to get every business type selling on the Internet instantly! List your products for customers to bid in an auction, flat rate price, or link products to your own website through the Neurozone affiliate network program. The Neurozone also offers a powerful data feed program that takes the products that merchants list on the Neurozone and distributes them across tons of Internet shopping channels and Internet marketplaces. In addition to the product data feed program through the Neurzone, Neuromama, ltd can also create custom product data feeds for merchants who wish to automate the process of listing their products in comparative shopping channels and online marketplaces. Neuromama, ltd. Is one of the only companies in Latin America that is currently offering this service. Slide 11 WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - GEO, SEM, eCommerse Mobile Ad Impressions Served by StartMeApp in North America, Mexico and Latind America by Device Type, Q2 2013 Fastest growing iOS and Android markets by Active devices Slide 12 Our biggest Strategic Alliance in Latin America region with Telefnica - one of the worlds leaders integrated operator in the telecommunication sector, provides us with: WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - DTH Exclusive broadcasting rights Our mutually signed agreements grant us an exclusive rights to Broadcast any TV Program in the territory of Latin America. Developed infrastructure In 90 years of existence, Telefnica has managed to develop its broadca-sting infrastructure to a perfection - we have a great opportunity to use it. On two Satellites available to us at this present moment there is a free space for approximately 400 SD quality channels, which we can offer to our partners. More than 400 channels Video on Demand services We developed a tool, which allows us to save for later use any TV Pro- gramm that we have rights to broadcast and that gives us an oppor-tunity to offer to our cli-ents a Video on De-mand services. 2 in 1 package We will do everything to make sure that our clients can see us wherever they go. Whether they are at home or are planing to go to a business trip our system will provide with two services for one price Satellite TV for home use and web based platform for situations when TV is not available. Slide 13 All channels ON-DEMAND We are following the latest technological market development trends all the time we believe that the main key to our success is walking hand in hand with the wishes and demands of the market. Thats why one of our main products that we are going to offer to our clients and partners is ON- DEMAND services the future of TV industry development pace. To our clients it will mean: an option to watch what they want and when they want a huge archive with hundreds of thousands of TV Programs and movies in one place for a reasonable price will be a great deal to most part of our clients. To our partners it will mean: Million dollar savings we will make all of your channels available on ON-DEMAND completely free of charge for you as a channel owner. It means that we will provide a hardware, software and techsupport necessary for creating ON- DEMAND content without asking you to pay anything. Old program capitalization we believe that saying One man trash, is another man treasure fully reflects our idea that even old content can be sold as a part of a Pay TV ON- DEMAND services, thus providing us (NeuroMama and our partners) with reasonable income. As a good example of our ON-DEMAND services is our FilmTvZone platform, which you can access through It already contains more than 700 000 TV Programs and feature films, besides it is only in Russian language. When we will reach our target to add the rest of Americas 24 most spoken languages, the size of WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - DTH our ON-DEMAND archive will reach hundreds of millions of different TV Programs and movies. Fair treatment of our Partners The most important question always is the question of profitability or How youll financially benefit from our collaboration? The answer is In many ways! When we will show your ON-DEMAND programming without commercials you will get 50% revenue share of what subscribers will pay to watch this particular program. When we show your programming with commercials, you will get 50% of the revenue share that we will have from selling of those commercials. You will earn on your old programs that you've spent millions of dollars to create thanks to our ON-DEMAND services we will give them second life. Your guaranties We are long-term players, so our relationships with our partners are very important to us, as well as our reputation. That is why we are doing serious steps already from the beginning NeuroMama, Ltd. by being a publicly trading company on American Stock market has very strict disclosure requirements with Securities and Exchange Commission, which is regulating the stock markets and our technological advancements give you an ability to check how many subscribers are watching your programs, and how much money you are making from these subscribers every day. Slide 14 Pay TV Market data (Latin America) Mexico's advertising market is a sizeable one. In their Entertainment and Media Outlook 2011 to 2015, PricewaterhouseCoopers (PwC) gives a provisional figure for total Mexican television advertising in 2010 of U.S.$2.8 billion (up from $2.56 billion in 2009) and predicts that this number will rise annually to hit just under U.S.$4.1 billion by the end of 2015, representing a Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR) of 7.7 percent. WHAT WE DO? Our businesses - DTH Slide 15 Slide 16 OUR TOMORROW? Engagement Summary NeuroMama, Ltd. will receive from Telefonica the rights to resell Internet, Telephone and Cellular Service in its brick-and-mortar NeuroMANIA stores in the territories where Telefonica operates telecommunication companies, and; NeuroMama, Ltd. will exclusively resell Internet, Telephone and Cellular Service in its brick-and- mortar NeuroMANIA stores in the territories where Telefonica operates telecommunication companies, and; Cellular Service. NeuroMama, Ltd. is to receive $50.00 Prepaid Cards for NeuroPads and NeuroPhones at no cost to NeuroMama, Ltd., and; Cellular Service. NeuroMama, Ltd. is to receive 100% of the 1st. month, 50% of the next 6 month and 10% Royalty on prepaid and monthly data- plans sold to consumers thereafter, and; Internet and Telephone Service. NeuroMama, Ltd. is to receive 100% of the 1st. month, 50% of the next 6 month and 10% Royalty on plans sold to consumers thereafter, and; NeuroMama, Ltd. is to be integrated into the payment system in Latin America to receive payments for its products sold in Latin America, and; Slide 17 OUR TOMORROW? Engagement Summary NeuroMama, Ltd. sale-staff will not solicit subscribers of DISH subscribers to switch to DTH of NeuroMama, Ltd, and; NeuroMama, Ltd. will be using the network of DISH installers to install satellite dishes and receivers for NeuroMama, Ltd. DTH subscribers, and; NeuroMama, Ltd. is to receive 75% discount on Internet and Telephone service for company owned sale centers and stores in Latin America. Slide 18 OUR TOMORROW? Future Projects - NeuroMANIA NEUROMAMA PROJECT TIMELINE NeuroMANIA Chain Stores opening, 2014 RECEIVING INITIAL INVESTMENT Company is planning to attract at least 1000000 USD for research, design, develop,ent and implementation of 1st NeuroMANIA brick and Mortar store Slide 19 OUR TOMORROW? Future Projects - NeuroMANIA BEGINNING OF RESEARCH Research, design, and development of NeuroMama, ltd. online and Brick and mortar business model targeting businesses and individual consumers. MONTH 1 - 3 MONTH 1 - 6 FIRST SALES AND SUPPORT CENTER Development and Implementation of the first sales and sales support Center in Rosarito Beach, Baja California Slide 20 OUR TOMORROW? Future Projects - NeuroMANIA 3 MONTH 7 - 12 MONTH 4 - 6 Implementation of the 1st. NeuroMANIA brick and mortar store in Rosarito Beach, Baja California. FIRST STORE OPENING FEW MORE SHOPS Opening of 2 more NeuroMANIA stores in Tijuana and Ensenada, Baja California. Slide 21 OUR TOMORROW? Future Projects - NeuroMANIA MONTH 13 - 19 RAPID EXPANSION Opening 28 NeuroMANIA stores in Baja California and 3 NeuroMANIA stores in each of the 32 Mexican states, for a total of 93 stores. RAPID EXPANSION 1 NeuroMANIA store for every 100,000 people in 57 cities in Latin America with population of over 1,000,000 people (excluding Mexican cities) for a total of 2,100 stores. MONTH 20 - 48 Slide 22 OUR TOMORROW? Future Projects - NeuroMANIA Opening 1 NeuroMANIA store for every 25,000 people in Latin America, for a total of 12,000 stores. MONTH 67 - 69 MONTH 49 - 66 FINAL STAGE OF THE PROJECT Opening 1 NeuroMANIA store for every 100,000 people in all Latin American countries in Latin America, for a total of 2,700 stores. FULL REALIZATION OF THE PROJECT Slide 23 OUR TOMORROW? General Development Strategy Company Marketing and Sales Executives will be be identifying potential prospects for the company services and products, and to implement company sales strategy. Distributing promotional material with a website, where potential customers for DTH, Internet and Cellular service can display their indication of interest. Will be taking information from potential customers for DTH, Internet and Cellular service, if they would want to use this method as their indication of interest. We hope to generate sales and leads of NeuroMama GEO, SEM and eCommerce Advertising Programs during the promotional events. We hope to generate leads of NeuroMANIA packages of TV channels, Internet and Cellular service. We hope that the revenues from sales of NeuroMama products and services generated in Baja California State of Mexico will prove to Wall Street Analysts that NeuroMama has researched, designed, developed and implementing successful money making formula, and that this strategy should be funded and supported throughout Mexico and in other countries in Latin America. ( We hope that NeuroMama revenues will trigger an interest of other companies in need of marketing to duplicate NeuroMama Live Entertainment Strategy, which will support artists and performers. We hope that NeuroMama's Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy, which involves Cirque Style Production by stars of Cirque de Soleil will generate a lot of traffic to the plazas. We hope that an endorsement of the Institute of Culture, and Cirque Style Productions during art shows, and news coverage by TV and other media will generate a lot of traffic to the plazas. We hope that NeuroMama, Ltd's Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy will convey to potential subscribers, users and customers of NeuroMama, Ltd. the sense of trust emulated through Cirque Style Production and embody a theme of timeless beauty, cultural tradition, sense of security, and stability through the relationship and support of Mexican Government. We believe that NeuroMama, Ltd's Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy will successfully promote NeuroMama's products and services, among which is packages of TV channels brought Direct To Home via Satellite, NeuroMama GEO, SEM and eCommerce Advertising Programs, Cellular and Internet Service, and mobile-type devices, such as NeuroPad and NeuroPhone. We believe that NeuroMama will successfully execute its Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy with Department of Culture of Baja California as a Joint Marketing Strategy to introduce NeuroMama's products and services to Baja California, Mexico people and businesses. We believe that we have chosen the most important, and the most visited Plazas in Baja California to execute this strategy. We believe that because Vladislav is one of the De Soleil biggest stars, and also NeuroMama's SVP of Live Entertainment, Vladislav Myagkoustoupv will be instrumental to deliver a lot of free advertising to the plazas, the same way he has brought 4 minutes and 23 seconds of completely FREE advertising for Cirque De Soleil on FOX News. Ambitious Persistent Assertive Slide 24 OUR TOMORROW? General Development Strategy We believe that the joint program with Department of Culture will give NeuroMama credibility, and will give to local businesses, the potential clients of NeuroMama, the sense of security, stability and solidity in NeuroMama's products and services. We believe that the brochure, will be used by NeuroMama Marketing Executives, who will be working with spectators and shoppers at the plazas will be able to convey NeuroMama's message to NeuroMama's prospective clients. We hope that NeuroMama's Marketing Executives will be successful in identifying business owners, who could benefit from NeuroMama GEO, SEM or eCommerce Advertising Programs, and they will be looking forward to an introduction to NeuroMama's Sales Executives. We hope that when NeuroMama's Sales Executives will be having meetings with business owners in coffee shops or other convenient to conduct business locations, they will be successful in selling to prospective advertisers one of the NeuroMama Advertising Programs, ranging in price from $250.00 to $15,000.00 (see attached NeuroMama GEO, SEM and eCommerce advertising programs) as setup fee plus monthly payments depending on the business advertising budget. We hope that the Senior Sales Executives, will be successful in assisting Sales Executives, who can only offer standard pricing. We are instituting full authorization for Senior Sales Executives to offer Preferred Pricing, and other available bonuses. We hope that the Senior Sales Executives will get qualified and timely assistance by the Sales Managers, who will be nearby, and waiting to assist Senior Sales Executives. We hope that Sales Managers, who will ave full authorization to offer Special Introductory Advertising Packages, which are low priced packages, will be successful in establishing client relationship with a prospects, and this clients will do more business with NeuroMama in the future We are looking forward for successful promotion of packages of TV channels - - NeuroMANIA Network We are looking forward for successful promotion of an Internet service delivered over satellite dish and cellular service for mobile-type devices, NeuroPad and NeuroPhone - - NeuroMANIA Network We hope that Magnets, which will be given away to promote FREE TV (NeuroMANIA Network) to the 1st. 10,000 subscribers will bring desired results. We hope that Magnets, which will be given away to promote New Cellular and Internet service, NeuroPhones and NeuroPads.- NeuroMANIA Network, will bring desired results. We hope that high quality pens, which will be given away to prospective business owners, who don't have time to have a meeting with NeuroMama Sales Executives, is the correct item to promote NeuroMama's GEO, SEM and eCommerce Advertising Programs. We hope that during and after this Special Promotion, the Special website, which will be created will be used by a lot of people to signup for NeuroMama products and services. We hope that NeuroMama's Digital Marketing strategy using specially optimized page for every plaza, promoting dates and events for each plaza, will be effective to bring a lot of traffic to the plazas, which will be spending a lot of money in the plazas tenants stores. Vladislav Myagkoustoupv representing Cirque De Soleil on FOX News Slide 25 OUR POTENTIAL? Product Profitability NERO niche is in its marketing power through its all-inclusive internet platform and its entertainment and media business of TV Channels, its DTH platform delivering TV Channels direct to their potential customers homes. Its called strategic live entertainment resources. All of the above allows NEROto market its products and services to BILLIONS of people for FREE while helping other companies in their marketing, while earning large profits. Online Retail 10 % Neuropads, Neurophones 15% to 30% DTHInternet Service Cellular Service GEO, SEM, eCommerce 15% to 60% 20% to 50% Up to 2000 % NERO PRODUCT PROFIT MARGINS Slide 26 OUR POTENTIAL? NERO Immediate Markets Short term Goals Baja California $25M $25MM - 2014 Time: starting August 2014 $35M Mexoc City region $35MM - 2015 Time: starting January 2015 $855M 57 States $855MM - 2015 Time: starting May 2015 Slide 27 OUR POTENTIAL? NERO Immediate Markets Long term Goals LONG TERM SALES GOALS Online retail $12 billion dollars in 69 month. Total Long Term Goal for 69 month = $24 billion in sales. o 24,000 stores. o 1,000 sq. ft. o $500 per square foot = $12 billion dollars in 69 month. LONG TERM PROFIT GOALS With 27% profit margin in 69 month we are planning to achieve $6 480 000 000.00 in profit. STOCK APRECIATION ANALYSIS Now we have 640,000,000 Issued and outstanding (I/O) shares. In 69 month we plan to have 1,000,000,000 I/O shares, which equals $6.48 EBIDTA per share. Slide 28 FUNDRAISING TARGET Target amount and allocation plan NeuroMama, Ltd. (OTC: NERO) is looking for $50 000 000.00 U.S.D. in funding to execute its business plan. These funds need to be invested in 4 stages, where only $2,000,000.00 U.S.D. is at risk, and the remaining $48,000,000.00 are invested in various stages based on NERO performance. NeuroMama, has committed to invest $1.4 billion dollars from company profits over the period of 6.5 years. When NeuroMama, Ltd. will execute it's business plan, it may have 168 Billion U.S.D. in revenues and $45.4 in EBIDTA. The funding will be executed via the purchase of 25,000 Series "B" Convertible Preferred Shares of Neuromama, Ltd. (OTC: NERO) in the amount of $50,000,000.00 and convertible into 12,500,000 Common Shares of NeuroMama, Ltd. (OTC: NERO) stock. As a part of the agreement the 50% of THE JAZZ NETWORK television program library appraised at $15,000,000.00 U.S.D. is sold to the purchaser of this 25,000 Series "B" Convertible Preferred Shares of Neuromama, Ltd. (OTC: NERO) under the subscription agreement dated 7/18/2014 After the initial $50,000,000.00 investment, NeuroMama, LTD. will no longer need financing. It will be able to execute its business plan from generated profits. $50 000 000 October 15, 2014August 1, 2014 January 1, 2015 April 2, 2015 + + + + Slide 29 FUNDRAISING TARGET Target amount and allocation plan Four stages of the investment model illustrated previously include the following steps: On August 1, 2014 the purchaser has agreed to transfer the $750,000 U.S.D. to Telefonica and $1,250,000 U.S.D. to NeuroMama, Ltd., and; On October 15, 2014 the purchaser has agreed to transfer $3,000,000 U.S.D. to NeuroMama, Ltd., iif the purchaser has been provided with evidence of the execution of NeuroMama, Ltd's. Joint Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy with Department of Culture of Baja California, generating minimum sales of $7,000,000 USD and 68,000 sales leads of NeuroMama GEO, SEM and eCommerce Advertising Programs and generating minimum sales of $3,500,000.00 USD and 170,000 sales leads of DTH packages of TV Channels, Cellular and Internet Service during the August 5 to October 5 of 2014 Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy in Baja California Norte, Mexico, and the purchaser has been provided with evidence of Research, design, and development of NeuroMama, ltd. online and Brick and mortar business model of 1,000 sq. ft. store targeting businesses and individual consumers with such products and services: NeuroMama, Ltd. GEO, SEM and eCommerce Advertising Programs, Magik Network comprised of packages of TV channels (DTH) delivered to home, cellular and Internet service, NeuroPads, NeuroPhones, and mobile-type devices accessories. On January 2nd, 2015 the purchaser has agreed to transfer the $22,000,000 U.S.D. to NeuroMama, Ltd., if the purchaser has been provided with evidence that the program for NeuroMama, Ltd's. Joint Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy with Federal Department of Culture of Mexico has been fully researched, designed, developed and ready to be implemented, not limited to obtainment of appropriate office space in Mexico City, fully staffed and trained to sell NeuroMama, Ltd. products and services staff consisting of Marketing and Sales Executives, Senior Sales Executives and Sales manager and the purchaser has been provided with evidence that the first NeuroMANIA Brick and mortar business model of 1,000 sq. ft. store targeting businesses and individual consumers with such products and services: NeuroMama, Ltd. GEO, SEM and eCommerce Advertising Programs, Magik Network comprised of packages of TV channels (DTH) delivered to home, cellular and Internet service, NeuroPads, NeuroPhones, and mobile-type devices accessories, has been open in the city of Rosarito Beach, BC, Mexico. On April 2nd, 2015 the purchaser has agreed to transfer the $5,000,000 U.S.D. to Telefonica and $18,000,000 U.S.D. to NeuroMama, Ltd., if the purchaser has been provided with evidence that the program for NeuroMama, Ltd's. Joint Live Entertainment Marketing Strategy with Federal Departments of Culture of all Latin American and Caribbean Basin Countries, which are homes to the remaining 65 one million plus cities, such as: (1) Guadalajara, Monterrey, Puebla de Zaragoza, Leon, Ciudad Jurez, Torren, San Luis Potos and Quertaro in Mexico. (2) So Paulo, Rio de Janeiro, Belo Horizonte, Porto Alegre, Recife, Salvador, Braslia, Fortaleza, Curitiba, Belm, Goinia, Manaus, Vitria, Santos, Campinas, So Lus, Natal, Macei, Teresina, Joo Pessoa in Brazil. (3) Buenos Aires, Crdoba and Rosario in Argentina. (4) Lima in Peru. (5) Bogot, Medelln, Cali, Barranquilla, Cartagena, and Ccuta in Colombia. (6) Santiago, Concepcin, and Valparaso in Chile. (7) Caracas, Maracaibo, Valencia, Ciudad Guayana, Barquisimeto, Barcelona - Puerto la Cruz, and Maracay in Venezuela. (8) Guayaquil and Quito in Ecuador. (9) Santo Domingo in Dominican Republic. (10) Havana in Cuba. (11) Guatemala City in Guatemala. (12) San Juan in Puerto Rico. (13) San Salvador in El Salvador. (14) La Paz and Santa Cruz de la Sierra in Bolivia. (15) Asuncin in Paraguay. (16) Montevideo in Uruguay. (17) Managua in Nicaragua. (18) Port-au-Prince in Haiti. (19) San Jos in Costa Rica. (20) Panama City in Panama. (21) San Pedro Sula and Tegucigalpa in Honduras has been fully researched, designed, developed and ready to be implemented, not limited to obtainment of appropriate office space in above mentioned cities, fully staffed and trained to sell NeuroMama, Ltd. products and services staff consisting of Marketing and Sales Executives, Senior Sales Executives and Sales managers. Slide 30 PROGNOSIS OF THE OUTCOME How we will look like in 2020? If NeuroMama, Ltd. (NERO) will achieve 1% of its goals company financial statement in 69 month (Jan 31, 2020) may look as follows $13,61B Market Cap 350 Trailing P/EForward P/EPEG Ratio (5 yr E) Price/Sales 8,1 116 7 Projection of some statistics Profit MarginOperating Margin 27% 32% Profitability Balance Sheet 1,68 450M 1,68B Total Cash per Share Total Cash Total Debt Income Statement 1.68 320M 1.68B 450M 1,18B Revenue Per Share Net Inc. Av. To StockEBITDAGross ProfitRevenue Slide 31 OUR SPECIAL LATIN AMERICAN PROJECT Heavy Ion Fusion Energy INTRODUCTION ABOUT HIF Energy is the lifeblood of the world economy and a key ingredient for the American way of life. The rapid rise in energy prices in the spring and summer of 2008 brought home the fact that fossil fuel energy resources are limited and thus it is critical that a new large energy source be brought on line. For more than five decades fusion has held the promise of providing the new energy source for the worlds unmet need for energy. Despite billions of dollars spent on research, fusion, as an energy source still is perceived as being many decades away. This perception is wrong. Successful power-producing fusion requires that the technologies used be capable of providing the extreme conditions needed to initiate and maintain the fusion burn. To date there are four kinds of Fusion type energy technologies in development process: Electrostatic (Always takes more energy than it returns) Magnetic Confinement Example: ITER in France (Unlikely to ever be a power producer; 50 years away) Laser Confinement and Heating Example NIF (Unsuccessful. Not likely to be a power producer) Heavy Ion Driven Fusion (Can be on-line in 10 years or less) Two techniques for providing these conditions have been studied for years magnetic confinement and inertial confinement by use of lasers. Neither of these methods is held to be capable putting fusion power on the grid in the next few decades. But there is another inertial confinement technology that can allow fusion to deliver the energy needed in the time scale needed by society. This technique is Heavy Ion Fusion (HIF). Deuterium + + Tritium + + Neutron + + Alpha Particle T D n He 4 Deuterium Tritium Fusion Reaction Energy Slide 32 OUR FUTURE PROJECT Heavy Ion Fusion Energy REQUIREMENTS FOR HEAVY ION FUSION An accelerator to form the driver beam Frozen Deuterium-Tritium target pellet Reaction chambers (vacuum chamber with liquid Lithium as a coolant) Heat exchange Heat to product conversion systems Auxiliary processes: Pellet factory Lithium purification plant Vacuum systems IS HEAVY ION FUSION READY? System researched in 1970s Scientists recommended construction in 1980 Design improved in 2004 to be more efficient Accelerators known to work as designed Chambers have been designed and modeled All components can be built today (No extended research program needed) Can be ready to operate in less than 10 years MARKETABLE PRODUCTS Primary product of a fusion reactor is HEAT Heat sold to market as: Electricity via generators Hydrogen for synthetic fuels via high temperature steam electrolysis Melting of metals such as aluminum Low grade or waste heat used to: Distill fresh water from seawater Recycle waste materials - Plastics, rubber, etc. Helium (recovered from each chamber) THE BUSINESS PROPOSITION Acquire license to technology Secure contract for site specific design Secure Capital (stock, bonds, corporate and government investment) Choose Contractor(s) Detailed construction planning Construction End user facilities Market products EACH STEP HAS OPPORTUNITY TO PROFIT Slide 33 OUR FUTURE PROJECT Heavy Ion Fusion Energy PROFIT POTENTIAL Several ways to participate Own stock in NeuroMama, Ltd. Individual Investors Own part of Global Heavy Ion Fusion, Ltd Corporate Investors Own part or all of system Partnership or JV Be a user of the energy Long term low cost energy Ideal for synthetic fuel, smelters, aluminum production, steel production, water production ROLE OF CONSORTIUM Local site needs a lead agency Form a consortium or JV to represent all partners Acquire capital needed for license and design Acquire site and access to seawater roads and utilities Identify interested end users of energy electricity, water, synfuel, smelting, bauxite reduction, steel, waste recycling, etc. Form bridge between capital markets and operators CAPITAL NEEDS License of technology Share in design development Site specific design contract with FPC Construction design contract Facility construction Accelerator and Chambers Electrical generators 30 GigaWatts capacity Synfuel plant Water maker (contract with 3rd party supplier at $0.50 per cubic meter delivered) POTENTIAL SOURCES OF CAPITAL Government Loan Guarantee State Government Economic Development Local Government Economic Development Individual and Corporate investors Unions and Pension Plan investment (job creation) Slide 34 OUR FUTURE PROJECT Heavy Ion Fusion Energy Slide 35 IN CONCLUSION Fusion is an unexploited energy source: the new energy source that the World urgently needs. The characteristics of this newness need to be appreciated and not throttled for spurious reasons. The claim leveled against HIF in the 1970s was costs too much. Then, as now, this problem say much about the purview of the sayer and not energy production or cost to end users, the environment, etc. The large size and cost of a HIF-driver system are practical, but context is critical. Beheld from middle management in bureaucracy or settled industrial communities, such as electric power producers, a $20 billion facility is a substantial undertaking. An investment in NeuroMama, Ltd. must be viewed based on investment risk and reward. Urgency of the need, dire though this urgency is, can contribute only to the urgency with which this viewing must be carried out. Accelerators naturally have a repetition rates at tens of pulses per second. One HIF driver system can drive ten to twenty fusion chambers, to produce about 100GW of output energy, the amount of thermal energy produced by 30 fission reactors. The energy production of a 100GW system is equivalent to over a million barrels of oil per day. This is comparable to the production of one of the Worlds dozen or so super giant oil fields. The time line for design and construction of a fusion system, about 10 years, is about the same as the time it take to find and develop a giant oil field. The major difference is that the fusion system lasts for decades and can even grow in output while and oilfield begins to decline in production the day it is completed. The expected annual revenue is nearly the same as the expected cost of construction - $20 to $40 Billion. The annual fuel cost is minimal and a rule-of-thumb 10% to 20% O&M cost represents only a fraction of the expected income from the electricity generated and sold at market rates. Incorporation of other revenue streams, which can be in series or parallel with the production of electricity, increases the opportunity for profit. These other revenue streams include liquid fuels, via first producing hydrogen, production of fresh water, and provision of heat for other processes. This proposition clearly does not cost too much. If anything, it has the potential to profit too much. David Lilienthal, former Chairman of the TVA and the first Chairman of the Atomic Energy Commission, once wrote: No American energy policy makes sense unless it takes into account the needs of all peoples... it is these energy sources that have enabled us to aid the helpless the world over. NeuroMama, Ltd. clearly sees the path to our vision of the future, and we would like the support of others to assist us in our efforts. NeuroMama, Ltd. believes that Heavy Ion Fusion offers a path to provide stable base load energy for future generations. Join us in making this happen. Slide 36 PROJECT TIMELINE Timeline for Special Development Project in Latin America. PHASE 1 August 5 to October 5, 2014 2 month of Live Entertainment in Baja (Paid by NeuroMama) Results: Increased traffic at shopping malls, raising funds for completing restoration of the theater, and participation in restoration process, specifically in the area of Classic Architectural Ornamentation - Elements of Palace Buildings. ( PHASE 2 September 1, 2014 Request and Presentation to Baja California for $100MM budget to turn Baja into Live Entertainment hub. Should include proposal for PHASE 2 and status of PHASE 1, PHASE 2, Phase 3, and Phase 4 and description of PHASE 3, PHASE 4, PHASE 5, Phase 6 and PHASE 7 January 2015 to December 2016 Execution of PHASE 2 by NeuroMama, Aces Of Acts, Grant Leisure... etc. (Paid by State of Baja California) Slide 37 PROJECT TIMELINE Timeline for Special Development Project in Latin America. PHASE 3 September 1, 2015 Request and Presentation to Baja California for $500MM capital infusion and 200 year lease for Coronado for development of Live Entertainment Mega Resort - Eurasia in Rosarito, and LatAm Live Entertainment Mega Resort on Coronado Islands. Should include proposal for PHASE 3, status of PHASE 1, PHASE 2, PHASE 3, and PHASE 4 and description of PHASE 3, PHASE 4, PHASE 5, Phase 6 and PHASE 7 January 2016 to December 2018 Execution of PHASE 3 by NeuroMama (, Aces of Acts ( Tilke Engeenering, JT Kruer and Company, Grant Leisure, BROAD Group (, Starwood Hotels (, Caliente Casinos (, Tripple Five ( ($500 Million U.S.D paid by Baja California and $9.5 Billion U.S.D. paid by NeuroMama, Ltd./Investors/Mezz Financing/Partners) PHASE 4 September 1, 2017 Request and Presentation to Baja California for $5 billion capital infusion to build 1 Heavy ION Fusion Plant in Baja California. Should include proposal for PHASE 4 and status of PHASE 1, PHASE 2, PHASE 3, and PHASE 4, and description of PHASE 5, Phase 6 and PHASE 7 January 2018 to December 2026 Execution of PHASE 4. ($5 Billion U.S.D. paid by Baja California, and $35 Billion U.S.D. paid by NeuroMama, Ltd./Investors/Partners) Slide 38 PROJECT TIMELINE Timeline for Special Development Project in Latin America. PHASE 5 September 1, 2018 Request and Presentation to Baja California for $1 billion USD infrastructure development budget to facilitate development on Coronado Islands of the Live Entertainment Mega Resort - LatAm. Should include proposal for PHASE 5 and status of PHASE 1, PHASE 2, PHASE 3. PHASE 4, PHASE 5 and description of Phase 6 and PHASE 7 January 2019 to December 2026 Execution of PHASE 5. ($1 Billion USD paid by Baja California, and $15 Billion U.S.D. paid by NeuroMama, Ltd./Investors/Mezz Financing/Partners) September 1, 2025 Request and Presentation to Mexico for $20 billion budget to build in Baja 1 Heavy ION Fusion Plant to service Mexico City. Should include proposal for PHASE 6 and status of PHASE 1, PHASE 2, PHASE 3, PHASE 4, PHASE 5, PHASE 6, and description of PHASE 7, where Mexican Government in partnership with Mexican oil companies will be developing Heavy ION Fusion plants around the world under the license provided by NeuroMama to Mexican Government. January 2026 to December 2030 Execution of PHASE 6. ($20 Billion USD paid by Baja California, and $80 Billion U.S.D. paid by NeuroMama, Ltd./Investors/Partners) PHASE 6 Slide 39 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN LATIN AMERICA Project description INTRODUCTION As a result of signing Joint Marketing Strategy Agreement ("Agreement") between NeuroMama, Ltd. and the Department of Culture of Baja California, NeuroMama, Ltd. will form a new company in Mexico - NeuroMANIA Live Entertainment, Inc., and operate NeuroMANIA Live Entertainment Center, which is the new entertainment center being built in Tijuana for Institute of Culture. ("EURASIA) The Eurasia Project brings Las Vega the most compelling, must go and see and shop experience in the world. Twenty-three times the size of Forum Shops, seven times as big as the Fashion Show Mall, with more than the double the leasable space of the New South China Mall, currently the worlds largest mall, Eurasias two historically themed retail complexes the Alexandra Mall and the Las Vegas Dream Mall will total more than 15,000,000 square and include the worlds first underwater shop-through aquarium, and scores of ethnic restaurants conceived and staffed by native peoples brought to Las Vegas to work in the 101 Eurasia hotels, pavilions and casinos dedicated to the architecture and culture of a specific Euro-Asian nation. Other people magnets integrated into the shopping malls will be themed museums with ancient Egyptian and other artifacts loaned to Alexandra by top-rank government museums and galleries from around the world, numerous state of the art theaters featuring everything from world premiers of the latest most technologically advanced giant screen 3D fully immersive features to performances of the historys most revered symphonies, ballets and operas by top touring companies. The Alexandra Mall and the Las Vegas Dream Mall will also feature continuous live entertainment of far greater scope than has ever before been presented in any retail shopping complex. From the danger and speed of chariot racing to the beauty and grace of the newest Olympic sport, rhythmic gymnastics, Eurasias malls will have something for everyone. The Eurasia Project, with its multifaceted initiatives to make Las Vegas a vacation, commercial and convention destination for elite jetset shoppers, sports fans of all types, movie, TV and recording stars and their fans and support sta, entertainment and attraction-loving middle-class tourists, and, of course, international-class big time professional gamblers and regional recreational players will bring, when fully realized, 60 million 60 million additional visitors to Las Vegas every year . 60 million year, after year, after year. Even more important than the increase in bulk number of visitors, however, is the effect the Eurasia development will have on visitor vacationing and spending behavior. Instead of the two-to-three day average Las Vegas stay currently the norm, Eurasias giant theme parks, championship golf courses, 15 million square feet of elite shops, department stores and boutiques and its 100-plus nations-of-the-world pavilions and attractions will result in the average stay expanding to four to five nights. Slide 40 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN LATIN AMERICA Project description Based solely on Las Vegas current annual guest count of 40 million, visitor days spent in Las Vegas will expand from roughly 100 million to approximately 180 million, an increase of 80 percent in time and money spent in Las Vegas. Double those numbers by adding in the tens of thousands of new annual visitors drawn to Las Vegas by Eurasia and you begin to see how the Eurasia Project will lead the entire Las Vegas hospitality industry old-line established casinos, resorts and shopping complexes as well as brand new ones to record levels of hotel occupancy, casino play, retail sales, food and beverage revenue and overall income and profit. If there is ever to be a tide that will cause all Las Vegas boats to rise, it will be the massive tidal wave of new small, medium and very heavy spenders blowing into Las Vegas on the trade winds of Eurasia. PROJECT SIX PHASES The project consists of Six Phases. It will take six years to implement it. This project should generate $10 to $20 billion dollars in yearly revenues to NeuroMANIA Live Entertainment, Inc. on the seventh year. Upon successful implementation of the First phase, which will take approximately 12 month, NeuroMANIA Live Entertainment, Inc. should generate $60 to $155MM in yearly revenues, with EBIDTA Margins from 45% to over 55%. NeuroMANIA Live Entertainment, Inc. has access to adequate financial resources in order to launch the first phase. When additional funds will be required, in order to implement the first and the second phase, EURASIA will raise required capital by selling financial instrument to high net-worth accredited investors under Reg. D. 506 Private Placement. At the appropriate time along with investors, State of Baja California will be invited to make additional investment into NeuroMANIA Live Entertainment, Inc., and to consider future investments. Upon implementation of the second phase, which will take approximately 2 years, NeuroMANIA Live Entertainment, Inc. should generate $350 to $500 million dollars in revenues per year. Upon implementation of the third phase lasting 8 to 10 years, EURASIA will generate twenty billion dollars in yearly revenues and will own the following; 33% of the themed casino resorts in Macau, Singapore, Spain, with total of 30,000 suites, 12,000,000 sq ft of convention space, 16,000,000 sq ft of retail space, 5,500,000 sq ft of casino space with 34,000 slot machines and 8,000 gambling tables and a 150,000 seat arenas for entertainment and sports events. Implementation of the third phase will be financed by Eurasia of Baja California. Dilution of all parties may be required to finance the third phase. Slide 41 SPECIAL DEVELOPMENT PROJECT IN LATIN AMERICA Project description Phase 4 will start on September 2017 with Request and Presentation to Baja California for $5 billion capital infusion to build 1 Heavy ION Fusion Plant in Baja California. Should include proposal for PHASE 4 and status of PHASE 1, PHASE 2, PHASE 3, and PHASE 4, and description of PHASE 5, Phase 6 and PHASE 7 In total project will last till December 2026 that will include $5 Billion U.S.D. paid by Baja California, and $35 Billion U.S.D. paid by NeuroMama, Ltd./Investors/Partners). Phase 5: Request and Presentation to Baja California for $1 billion USD infrastructure development budget to facilitate development on Coronado Islands of the Live Entertainment Mega Resort LatAm. Lastly, Phase 6: Request and Presentation to Mexico for $20 billion budget to build in Baja 1 Heavy ION Fusion Plant to service Mexico City. Should include proposal for PHASE 6 and status of PHASE 1, PHASE 2, PHASE 3, PHASE 4, PHASE 5, PHASE 6, and description of PHASE 7, where Mexican Government in partnership with Mexican oil companies will be developing Heavy ION Fusion plants around the world under the license provided by NeuroMama to Mexican Government. Slide 42 CONTACT US If you have any questions or information requests regarding the Company or you are willing to discuss investment possibilities in more detail, please contact: Its General Design and Marketing Strategy Executive Mr. Steven Schwartzbard NeuroMama, Ltd. Email: [email protected] Skype: Everything2013 Mt.: +52 (664) 290-5048, +1(800) 741-0457, +1(202) 609-9732