Integrated Environmental Solutions Design

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  • 7/29/2019 Integrated Environmental Solutions Design



    IES-VE Exam

    Module: EUA_6_137 Design Analysis


    Student Number:

    Site Address:

    Universite de Bordeaux

    Avenue Roul



    FranceSite Code:






  • 7/29/2019 Integrated Environmental Solutions Design




    Introduction 3

    Section A

    Question 1-Climate Analysis Performance 4-8

    Question 2- Site Plan and Analysis 8-9

    Question 3-Mass Modelling and Energy Consumption 9-17

    Section B

    Shading and Daylight 17-23

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    The building is going to be part of the Universite de Bordeaux.

    There is a plan for a new Research and Design Centre to be built to

    accommodate the future expansion and for the University to benefit from

    growing popularity as well as the need to invest more in new and sustainabletechnologies.

    The new building will be park of an existing and vibrant university campus.

    The site benefits from very good transport links .

    Fig.1 Placement of the future building on Google maps

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    Section A


    For the location that you have been allocated, perform a climate analysis.

    Present relevant climatic data graphically and explain what insights it reveals

    into potential passive technologies.

    For the purpose of performing a climate analysis the program Climate Control

    5.4 has been used.

    The nearest weather data that we can use for the simulation is for the city of

    Bordeaux and can be acquired from Energy Plus Energy Software.

    Fig2. Temperature data for town of Bordeaux

    From this graph we can see the Design High, Mean and Design Lowtemperatures for the whole year.

    The Mean temperature is in the comfort zone of 19-23C for only two months of

    the year-July and August and this means that it is likely that heating will be

    used for most of the year.

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    Fig3. Illumination Range for the town of Bordeaux

    This chart shows the illumination for that particular region and it can be seen

    that for most of the year there is good illumination at only a third being lower

    than compared with the rest of the world. This may affect the lighting

    arrangements at a later stage and savings may be identified for lighting such as

    PIRs, especially in the summer months when there is plenty of natural day light


    Fig4. Wind Velocity Data for the town of Bordeaux

    The data for the wind velocity for the region shows that the average wind speed

    is at about 3m/s. This may not be enough for pursuing and developing ofrenewable resources of energy such as wind turbines, as it could be very

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    uneconomic. But it can be seen that the velocity of the wind for most of the time

    is high enough to pursue design that includes Natural Ventilation.

    Fig5. Dry Bulb Temperature Chart

    We can see what values the dry bulb temperature has for most of the time of the

    year, with higher values higher during the summer months and in the afternoon.

    It is shown that the highest dry bulb temperature is in the region up to 27C

    which is just above the limit of 25C for thermal comfort.

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    Fig.6 Psychometric Chart for the city of Bordeaux

    Fig.7 Shows the colour codes for comfort

    and discomfort related to the Graphic at


    Fig.8 Psychometric Chart for the city of Bordeaux

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    From this chart it can be seen the factors that play the most important roles for

    the comfort in the Building. And they are High Thermal Mass-3.7% or 328

    hours annually Internal Heat Gains 33.9% or 2966 hours per year and Passive

    Solar Direct Gain High Mass 12.7% or 1113 hours per year.

    High Thermal Mass is good for dry climates

    Section A

    Question 2

    Investigate your site using online information, maps, and Google Street View.

    Create a site plan, annotate it to show any relevant features and explain how

    they might influence the building design.

    Fig.9 University of Bordeaux Position

    The Building is situated near the rest of the faculties of the university and it can

    be seen that for the future building it is going to be used a Car Park. Around the

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    site there are not any adjacent buildings which can obstruct the sun from

    reaching the building.

    The orientation of the building is -120 Celsius and it can be seen that the part

    of the building which includes Laboratories and Offices and is with bigger

    thermal mass is facing South West and the other part of the building is orientedNorth East. Also on the North East side it can be seen a border with a tram line

    and good proximity to roads and transport links.

    Fig.10 The place chosen for the extension of Bordeaux University

    Google Maps Street (View North East side view)

    Fig.11 Plan of the whole university building fund, along with the new plan

    The new building will also fall in line the already existing building fund of the


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    Section A

    Question 3

    For the model provided, investigate two alternative building forms. Build three

    simple mass models: one the same shape as the building provided and two with

    different shapes but having the same floor area and same percentage glazing.Compare the energy consumption of all three models and with UK energy

    benchmarks. Discuss your results, and recommend a building form to minimise

    energy consumption.

    The building has been measured to be 40m in length and 30m in width

    This gives us combined area of 1200m per floor. As there are two floors each

    at 5m height, the total combined area of the building will be 2400m

    Fig.12 Mass Model 1

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    Fig.13 Building System Energy

    Fig.14 Chillers Load

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    Fig.15 Boilers Load

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    Mass Model 2

    The area of the building is the same, at 2400m but the shape together with the

    fabric of the building is different. The glazing is kept at 20% for the whole

    buildingThe difference in the Thermal Mass may bring some changes to the

    behaviour of the building. If the structure is lighter than the original model, theThermal gains through the summer will be bigger, which will eventually result

    in bigger Cooling Loads and more energy usage. The opposite is valid for the


    Fig.16 Mass Model 2

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    Fig17. Heating and Cooling Loads

    Fig.18 Cooling Loads

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    Fig.19 Heating Loads

    Mass Model 3

    I have kept the area of the building at 1200m but it is spread over three storeys.

    The model is wide 20m and Long 40m, with overall glazing at 20% as the

    original model.

    Fig.20 Mass Model 3

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    Fig.21 Heating and Cooling Loads

    Fig.22 Chillers Load

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    Fig.23 Boilers Load


    Fig. 22 Total Cooling and Heating Demand for the Building

    We can see that the difference in the heating between the first model and other 2models is very big. It is strange that the Cooling Loads are almost with the same

    values. The only difference that could lead this difference is the High Thermal

    Mass of the building, as in the summer it helps keeping the building temperature

    down, the Cooling Demand does not seem to be very high provided the Natural

    Ventilation, While for the rest of the months including the winter it needs a lot

    of energy for the Building Fabric to radiate heat.

    Heating Cooling

    Mass Model1 34.75 249.75

    Mass Model2 52.62 19.32

    Mass Model3 15.42 17.6

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    Section C: Shading/Daylight

    For the principal glazed facade, investigate the design of an external shading

    system to reduce the summer cooling load. Systematically identify the key

    design parameters and examine their influence on the shading performance.Your study should also investigate the impact of the shading on daylight, glare

    and winter heating energy.

    Fig. 23 Sun Path

    Fig.24Direct Solar Sun Gain

    From the above graph it can be seen that during May, June and July we have the

    biggest Surface Area receiving of solar gain.

    Mont h 01:00 02: 00 03:00 04:00 05: 00 06:00 07:00 08: 00 09:00 10:00 11:00 12:00 13:00 14: 00 15:00 16:00 17:00 18:00 19:00 20:00 21:00 22: 00 23:00 24: 00:00

    Jan - - - - - - - - 2.54 10.75 17.37 21.89 23.84 23 19.46 13.61 5.98 - - - - - - -

    Feb - - - - - - - - 7.87 16.72 24.07 29.29 31.75 31.07 27.38 21.18 13.13 3.8 - - - - - -

    Mar - - - - - - - 6.4 16.61 26 33.97 39.69 42.27 41.18 36.65 29.5 20.61 10.68 0.2 - - - - -

    Apr - - - - - - 6.1 16.72 27.21 37.13 45.78 52.07 54.58 52.5 46.52 38.05 28.22 17.76 7.14 - - - - -

    May - - - - - 3.22 13.3 23.81 34.43 44.75 54.1 61.21 63.96 61.02 53.8 44.4 34.07 23.45 12.95 2.89 - - - -

    Jun - - - - - 5.87 15.7 26.07 36.68 47.19 57.01 64.94 68.48 65.54 57.91 48.2 37.73 27.11 16.7 6.81 - - - -

    Jul - - - - - 3.71 13.57 23.96 34.58 45.06 54.85 62.78 66.63 64.38 57.31 47.88 37.52 26.9 16.42 6.38 - - - -

    Aug - - - - - - 8.48 19.05 29.64 39.82 48.94 55.86 58.92 56.96 50.76 42.01 32 21.47 10.86 0.55 - - - -

    Sep - - - - - - 2.09 12.68 22.93 32.33 40.21 45.57 47.39 45.19 39.53 31.46 21.94 11.65 1.04 - - - - -

    Oct - - - - - - - 5.7 15.31 23.74 30.39 34.52 35.5 33.18 27.94 20.48 11.49 1.55 - - - - - -

    Nov - - - - - - - - 7.69 15.47 21.45 25.1 25.97 23.95 19.31 12.53 4.18 - - - - - - -Dec - - - - - - - - 2.81 10.57 16.64 20.52 21.83 20.42 16.45 10.31 2.5 - - - - - - -

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    Fig.25 Research Centre at 9am

    Fig.26 Research Centre at 12pm

    Fig.27 Research Centre at 15pm

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    Design Simulation 1 on External Shading Devices

    For the purpose of Designing external shading system three different

    simulations will have to be provided with difference in the shape of the shading

    devices and the distance between them.

    The first model will have horizontal fins with size 100mm thick, starting from

    1.25m at distance of 500mm for the first floor, and starting at 4.7m, 5.5m and

    6.3m for the second floor.

    Fig.28 Shading Devices incorporated

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    Fig.29 Heating and Cooling Report with Chillers Load value

    For the purpose of comparing data from all three examples where different

    shading devices have been used, a random room has been chosen for this model

    fins and a Radiance simulation has been carried out. After the image has been

    acquired we can see the lux level at different point in the office.

    Fig.30 Lux Levels Office 1

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    Fig.31 Flucs DL calculations for Daylight Factor

    Design Simulation 2 on External Shading Devices

    The Shading Devices for the second Simulation differ slightly from the first

    Simulation. The only difference is the width of 200mm compared to 100mm for

    the first one.

    Fig.32 Heating and Cooling Report with Chillers Load

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    Fig. 33 Lux Levels Office 1


    From the above simulations can be seen that when the results for the two

    shading devices are compared there is little difference between them.

    The Heating Loads have only changed from 280.5MW per year to 280.7MW

    per year. In this case the shading devices from the first simulation are

    performing savings from saved energy. In the second simulation there is a slight

    increase of 0.2MW and this is when the shading devices are with depth of

    200mm, and the reason for this may be that the shading devices are stopping the

    building from direct sun light gain.

    With the cooling the results a4re similar but there is a decrease in the usage of

    energy. In the first simulation it is 12.9MW, and in the second it is reduced to

    12.5MW. This results show that the room is gaining less direct sun light duringthe summer and it is resulting in less energy usage.

    From the pictures taken from the Radiance tool it can be seen that the lux levels

    for both simulations have little effect on the room, but it has to be noticed that

    the deeper the shading devices are, the more need there will be for artificial


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