Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS … · Integrated Bridge Management System ......

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS ® ) at Burlington County Bridge Commission (BCBC)

Transcript of Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS … · Integrated Bridge Management System ......

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at

Burlington County Bridge Commission (BCBC)

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Location of the Commission

Burlington CountyBridge Commission

Burlington CountyBridge Commission

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Burlington County Bridge Commission

Tacony-Palmyra Bridge• Open to Traffic: August 14, 1929• Includes a double leaf bascule span.

Burlington-Bristol Bridge• Open to Traffic: May 2, 1931• Includes a 550 foot center lift span.

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

The New Reality



Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

“ The most important role of technology is to convert data to the knowledge that can be used in decision-making process.”

Understanding Technology’s Role

Technology is …• NOT a magic bullet…in fact, there is nothing magical about technology• NOT appropriate in all situations, or even in the majority of situations

Technology …• May complement current engineering practice when current practice fails to provide a

solution• enables significant savings, if applied appropriately


Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Modernizing Asset Management


2007BCBC used sensing and simulation technology to identify the cause of issue at BBB

2009First set of sensors installed on TPB

Capital Planning and Management System Initiative


2012Integrated Bridge Management initiative (ICOMPASS®)

Integrated Maintenance Management Initiative


2014Technology-based portals for bridge operation under ICOMPASS®

Future of Bridge Management


Hurricane Sandy

Monitoring During TPB Counterweight Construction

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

ICOMPASS®: A Solution for the 21st Century Bridge Owner


Benefits of ICOMPASS®:• Address BCBC’s short- and long-term needs

and objectives

• Increase Return on Investment (ROI) on asset preservation

• Effective, targeted, and risk-based maintenance planning

• Enhanced situational awareness

• Timely retrieval and sharing of information across systems

• Identification and utilization of interactions across inspection, maintenance, safety, and smart technology

• Conservation of institutional knowledge

• Improve BCBC’s stewardship of assets by increasing utilization and reliability of assets, leading to better operational performance

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC



Capital Planning & Financials


Preventive & Proactive Preservation


Central Bridge Management System

Asset Condition

Data Processing & Sharing Decision / Planning / Strategy

Streamlined Communication Prioritization of MaintenanceTime and Cost Saving Preventive Preservation of Assets

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Portals: Roadway Condition Safety Evaluation


System of weather and remote surface temperature stations along both signature structures allows for

advanced warning of conditions where roadway could freeze.

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Portals: Tracking Openings and Ship Traffic


Instrumentation Included• Tiltmeters• Anemometer• Temperature• IP cameras

Provide operator with: • Position of bascule span through opening,

ship passage, and closing• Wind speed and direction• Live streaming images of traffic, ship

position, and seating position of span

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Case 1: Burlington-Bristol Bridge Connections, 2007

Global Local


3D Finite Element Simulation

Sensor-Based Field Testing

Connection issues Identified

Connection was repaired and

cause of issue was eliminated.

$2 Millionsavings* in data-driven

decision making.

*Retrofit Eliminated

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Case 2: Hurricane Sandy, 2012

Wind Speed Time History

Integrated Bridge Management System (ICOMPASS®) at BCBC

Thank You
