Inted 2014 jacquemart certitude

ISO 17024 compliant academic tutor certification scheme INTED 2014 – Valencia, Spain Stéphane Jacquemart Jean Menthonnex Didier Blanc



Transcript of Inted 2014 jacquemart certitude

  • 1. ISO 17024 compliant academic tutor certification scheme INTED 2014 Valencia, Spain Stphane Jacquemart Jean Menthonnex Didier Blanc
  • 2. European project LLL Programme Leonardo da Vinci Transfer of Innovation CERTITUDE (10-2012 to 09-2014) To develop an academic tutor certification scheme in line with the requirements of ISO 17024 ISO 17024 :Conformity assessment -- General requirements for bodies operating certification of persons 11 March 2014 2
  • 3. Definitions Certification scheme: by definition employs third-party attestation, it contains, following (ISO 17024) scope of certification, job and task description, required competences, prerequisites, code of conduct criteria for initial certification and recertification, assessment methods for initial certification and recertification, surveillance methods, examiners requirements Academic tutor: Works in initial or vocational education and training organisations as a teacher Supports youngsters and adults during working periods of internship, apprenticeship or mobility 11 March 2014 3
  • 4. Why an academic tutor certification? A non regulated job A certification to evaluate, recognize, and certify competences academic tutor have acquired through non- formal and informal learning 11 March 2014 4
  • 5. CERTITUDE project quality management ISO 10006 : 2003 Quality management systems Guidelines for quality management in projects FD X 50-171 : 2000 Quality management system Indicators and synoptical tables Quality dashboard 11 March 2014 5
  • 6. CERTITUDE project risks management IEC 62198 / Ed. 2 : 2013 Managing risk in projects Application guidelines Risks analysis and follow-up dashboard 11 March 2014 6
  • 7. What has been done (Oct 2012 now) Academic tutor certification scheme Developed and based on ISO 17024, with a competence grid (Aug 2013) Commented and validated (Nov 2013) by 24 interested parties member of a certification scheme committee Currently in testing phases 4 and 5, since 1 Feb 2014 until end of May with academic tutors and with certification bodies 11 March 2014 7
  • 8. COMPETENCE GRID (extract) 8 Competence Socialize the learner Competence Socialize the learner Sub- competence Sub- competence Sub- competence Establish the learner profile Sub- competence Establish the learner profile Practice Control Excellence Establish the profile in terms of knowledge, skills and attitudes Establish the profile and identify learners development axes taking into account the internship context Based on a diagnosis, highlights the learners potential and possible future difficulties [] [] [] Maturity level 11 March 2014
  • 9. 5 testing phases (1/2) 1. Evaluation of the 1st draft by partners (Jun 2013): certification scheme & competence grid 2. Evaluation of the competence grid by 2 academic tutors (Jul 2013) 3. Evaluation by the experts committee (120 comments Nov 2013) : certification scheme & competence grid 11 March 2014 9
  • 10. 5 testing phases (2/2) 4. Evaluation of the exam process and of the certification scheme components by academic tutors 5. Evaluation of the exam process and of the certification scheme components by certification bodies and academic tutors 11 March 2014 10
  • 11. CERTITUDE PROJECT PRODUCTS and RESULTS An academic tutor Competence grid An academic tutor Certification Scheme Both validated by European interested parties within a certification scheme committee An Operational Structure (non-profit org.) to maintain and update the certification scheme, and to promote the certification A future European project (ERASMUS +) To develop a CVET trainer certification scheme in line with the requirements of ISO 17024 11 www.tutor-certification.eu11 March 2014
  • 12. Thank you for your attention! [email protected] Public Research Centre Henri Tudor This project has been funded with support from the European Commission. This communication reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein. 11 March 2014 12