Intake and Exhaust System Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines

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  • 8/11/2019 Intake and Exhaust System Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines


    Reporte TcnicoRT-ID- 012/2003

    Intake and exhaust system optimization of

    internal combustion engines

    Juan Pablo Alianak y Norberto Nigro

    Departamento de IngenieraEscuela de Ingeniera Mecnica

    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniera y AgrimensuraUniversidad Nacional de Rosario

    Secretara de Ciencia y Tcnica

    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniera y Agrimensura

    Universidad Nacional de Rosario

    Av. Pellegrini 250 - 2000 Rosario Argentina

    Enviado 10 de Octubre de 2003Revisado

    Disciplina: Ingeniera Mecnica

  • 8/11/2019 Intake and Exhaust System Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines



    Este documento es publicado por la FCEIA para su consulta externa. El mismo se publica como

    Reporte de Investigacin para divulgacin de las tareas cientficas que se desarrollan en la FCEIA,

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    Cualquier sugerencia dirigirla a: [email protected]

    Un trabajo basado en este pero resumido ha sido enviado recientemente a la Revista International

    Journal of Engine Research y hasta el momento no hemos recibido respuesta de parte de ellos acerca desu recepcin

  • 8/11/2019 Intake and Exhaust System Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines



    Optimizacin del sistema de admisin y escape de un

    motor de combustin interna

    Juan Pablo Alianak* y Norberto Nigro**

    Departamento de Ingeniera

    Escuela de Ingeniera Mecnica

    Facultad de Ciencias Exactas, Ingeniera y AgrimensuraUniversidad Nacional de Rosario

    El diseo de motores es uno de los proyectos mas desafiantes de la Ingeniera Mecnica. Esto es principalmente

    debido a la gran cantidad de variables involucradas. Mas an, los motores de alta performance aplicados a

    vehculos de competicin necesitan un estudio detallado y una muy profunda tarea de optimizacin con el fin dealcanzar los ms altos ndices de potencia especfica. Entre los diferentes factores que influencia el rendimiento

    de un motor la eficiencia volumtrica parece ser uno de los mas importantes. Este ndice mide la capacidad de

    aspirar de un motor asociado a las carreras de carga de mezcla fresca y barrido de gases quemados a travs de lossistemas de admisin y escape. Siguiendo los ltimos avances cientficos en cuanto a las capacidades

    computacionales, los mtodos numricos basados en la teora de a dinmica de gases aparecen como muy

    atractivos para resolver este tipo de problemas. En general estas ecuaciones son acopladas con otras de ndoletermodinmica aplicadas a los principales componentes del motor tal como cilindros, tomas de aire, tanques o

    recipientes de volumen fijo, silenciadores, etc. Debido a los simples modelos fenomenolgicos incluidos en el

    sistema del motor, un gran nmero de coeficientes empricos necesitan ser estimados. Esta tarea involucramediciones experimentales combinadas con una buena estrategia para vincularlos con los principales parmetros

    incgnitas. No obstante, no solo la dinmica de fluidos y la termodinmica juegan un rol crucial sino tambin la

    respuesta mecnica del tren de vlvulas completo es muy importante para optimizar la eficiencia volumtrica deun motor. En este sentido la teora de sistemas multi cuerpos puede asistir en el entendimiento de cmo las no

    linealidades influencian el comportamiento dinmico del tren de vlvulas completo. Este trabajo presenta una

    nueva estrategia para calibrar el software de un motor y una metodologa de diseo ptimo de levas para trenesde vlvulas de motores de combustin interna basada en un anlisis combinado de la termodinmica, la dinmica

    de gases y la mecnica.Palabras claves:: Dinmica de gases, motores de combustin interna, admisin y escape, tren de vlvulas

    Intake and exhaust system optimization of internal

    combustion enginesEngine design is one of the most challenging mechanical engineering projects. This is mainly due to the huge amount

    of variables involved. Moreover, high performance engines applied to a racing car need a detailed study and a very

    good optimization task in order to achieve the highest indices of specific power. Among the different factors thatinfluence the engine performance, volumetric efficiency seems to be one of the most important ones. This index

    measures the breathing capacity of an engine associated with the gas charge process through the intake and exhaustsystems. following

    Following the latest advances in computers capability, numerical methods whose principal equations come from the

    gas-dynamic theory have been applied to solve this problem. In general, these equations are coupled with

    thermodynamic equations applied to the principal devices of an engine, such as cylinders, air intake, tanks, mufflers,

    etc. Due to the very simple phenomenological models included in the engine system, a number of empirical

    coefficients need to be estimated. This task involves experimental measurements combined with a good strategy to

    link them with the main numerical unknown parameters. However, not only fluid dynamics and thermodynamicsplay a crucial role, but also the mechanical response of the whole valve train is very important to optimize the

    volumetric efficiency of an engine. In this sense, the multibody system theory can be of assistance in order tounderstand how the nonlinearities influence the dynamic behavior of the whole valve train.

    This paper presents a new strategy to calibrate an engine system software, plus a methodology to design optimal

    cams for valve trains of internal combustion engines based on thermodynamics, gas dynamics and mechanicalanalysis.

    Keywords: Gas dynamics, internal combustion engines, optimization, intake and exhaust, valve train.

    *[email protected]


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    Today, the fast advances in computer hardware make it possible to reproduce an engine test

    virtually and with high accuracy before going to the laboratory for fine-tuning. In this way,

    an important amount of development lead-time in trials and errors is saved. The strong

    influence of the intake and exhaust system dynamics on the volumetric efficiency and

    eventually on the engine performance is well known. A strong effort was developed since

    the publication of two of the pioneer papers in this area [1, 2] written with an analytical and

    graphical point of view.Earlier contributions were based on characteristic method [3, 4]. In

    the last decade a great number of robust and accurate algorithms was developed for the gas

    dynamics and wave propagation in multi-dimensional configurations. One of the main

    research lines has got robust and fast algorithms for unstructured grids in very complex and

    variable geometries. On the other hand, numerous scientific papers have been published with

    the aim of attaining high resolution schemes in very simple geometries like a one

    dimensional domain. The results obtained by the CFD community along this research line

    have been very fruitful and they can be used in the simulation of more complex dynamic

    systems in which the assumption of one dimensional flow is valid. This is just the case in an

    internal combustion engine where the flow in manifolds can be approximated through thisassumption without losing much accuracy, the main goal of the analysis being the tuning

    effects. Joining CFD schemes for the manifolds with some thermodynamic models for

    cylinders, tanks, junctions and valves, it is possible to build a computational tool for the

    whole engine system that is able to predict its performance before going through more

    expensive laboratory experiments. Finally, the actual observation in the laboratory

    determines the degree of accuracy in the simulation, which allows us to do finer adjustments

    to reach the target. This project began some years ago with the development of a single-

    cylinder four stroke spark ignition engine simulator. The mathematical model is based on a

    thermodynamic and a one dimensional gas dynamics description of the intake and exhaust

    system published earlier [5]. Later, multi cylinder configurations were added to this

    development in order to enhance this predictive tool. The Euler equations arising from the

    gas dynamics model were solved using two different numerical approximations, a streamlineupwind Petrov-Galerkin finite element method (SUPG-FEM) [6, 7], and also a high

    resolution finite volume scheme called total variation diminishing (TVD) [8], with no

    significant differences in the results obtained with them. For the coupling of tanks and

    cylinders with pipes, a model based on a nozzle analogy is used [9], allowing for the

    possibility of subsonic or sonic flow condition through the intake and the exhaust valves.

    The coupling of pipes and the junctions is solved using a model based on a pressure

    equalizer coupled with mass and energy balance equations, characteristic propagation

    equations, and an entropy equalizer for the outgoing branches at the junction [10]. Much

    work is currently being done along this research line since the code validation is a very

    intricate subject. The inherent difficulties in getting detailed measurements in engine

    configurations compel us to take indirect and global measures in order to estimate some

    engine operation parameters. The selection of this strategy is crucial for the softwarereliability, and good predictions are necessary for design improvements. Nowadays this

    open problem is subject of debate; how to combine in an optimal way the theory and the

    available measurements to get good software calibration is the question to be answered. This

    is one of the main topics that this papers covers, and a novel strategy is proposed as an

    answer to the scientific community.

    Besides, there is a real need to combine gas dynamics, thermodynamics and mechanical

    analysis in order to optimize the volumetric efficiency of an internal combustion engine.

    While thermodynamics is mainly necessary to solve the power cycle of the engine operation,

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    the flow pattern is crucial to understand how the pressure waves interact with the valves

    timings, drastically influencing the pumping work in the engine cycle. But these two

    phenomena are not enough to predict the engine performance. The mechanical behavior of

    the involved mechanism is also responsible for the normal operation of the engine. The

    valves timings, the mechanical reliability and the durability will be warranted only if the

    mechanical response is under control. This kind of analysis is not frequently reported in the

    literature, probably because there is a standard division between fluid dynamics and solidmechanics for researchers on computational mechanics. This paper also presents an

    optimization task linking these three great areas in order to improve the valve train design.

    This methodology can easily supplement our daily work so as to get better control on the

    whole engine behavior.

    The first section of this paper is a brief description of the mathematical and numerical

    modeling of the gas dynamics and thermodynamics equations used for the engine system.

    The following section presents the code calibration with a few new available basic

    measurements in order to link them with the main unknown parameters in the model in order

    to reproduce accurately the engine power recorded in the laboratory. The next sections deal

    with the intake and exhaust timings optimization task, the optimal cam profile generation

    and finally the mechanical response verification. The final section is for conclusions.

    Numerical models for the gas dynamics and

    thermodynamics in an internal combustion engine

    Historically, researchers and engine designers following Heywood [11] and Ramos [12]

    have been using four different categories of internal combustion engine models:

    1. air standard cycle simulation,

    2. zero and quasi-dimensional thermodynamic models,

    3. a combination of zero dimensional and one dimensional models,

    4. multidimensional models

    The first approach was used in the past when only human work was available and there were

    no computer capabilities. The limitation of this kind of model was in the prediction of the

    pumping cycle, when the influence of the gas dynamics in the manifolds is crucial.

    Following in complexity, the zero dimensional thermodynamic models offer the possibility

    of including the unsteady behavior of the system and the variable thermo physical properties

    along the whole cycle. Because of its simplicity, the emptying and

    filling models [13] may result an attractive technique for the intake and the exhaust system.

    It consists of assuming a fixed volume for each manifold and follow their time evolution

    with a spatial average for the thermodynamic variables. In this sense, this strategy represents

    a significant improvement in relation to the earlier models because the gas charging process

    can be added to the whole computation and tuning may be predicted.However, the traveling waves in the manifolds are not represented at all because of the

    spatial averaging. In order to include this effect that has a significant influence on the

    volumetric efficiency, the following model includes a one dimensional representation of the

    gas flow inside the manifolds solving the mass, momentum and energy balance in each tube

    of the whole engine network [5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17]. A simple spatial discretization is adopted

    using a robust numerical scheme to solve it. It is possible to solve the entire engine

    configuration including a number of devices like cylinders, mufflers, manifolds, tanks,

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    junctions, carburetors, air cleaners, catalytic converters, and so on, with an accuracy level

    that depends strongly on experimental measurements to

    calibrate the whole model. The last kind of model deals with multidimensional or CFD

    models that includes the whole three dimensional domain with the added complexity of

    treating moving boundaries, turbulent flows, and reactive flows. This kind of model requires

    powerful computer resources like parallel processing on cluster of personal computers or

    workstations and they are only used for special purposes. As mentioned above, the goal ofthe engine simulator is to predict the engine performance allowing for some modifications in

    order to improve it. Generally, the engine software of thermodynamic based models solving

    the flow in the manifolds by a one dimensional CFD scheme is composed by:

    a set of cylinders,

    the intake and exhaust ports and valves,

    the intake and exhaust manifolds

    air intake or tanks


    A brief description the devices mentioned above is included below; readers interested in

    these topics can refer to the papers published in the related literature [5, 9, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18,19]

    Cylinder model

    This model assumes the cylinder to be a variable volume reactor. In general, it is an open

    thermodynamic system with the inlet and outlet represented by the intake and exhaust

    valves. The model is composed by the mass and energy conservation equations and the ideal

    gas law assumption.









    j j




    where mis the cylinder trapped mass,Eis the internal energy of the cylinder contents, his

    for the entalphy, ,pand T are the density, pressure and temperature inside the cylinder,V

    is the cylinder volume, Qthe heat flux through the system andRis the gas constant

    employed in the ideal law.

    To close this model the following models are added:

    the crank rod mechanism model

    a combustion heat release model

    a heat transfer model

    a model for the flow through ports and valves

    The first model establishes the piston position at each time step solving the motion of the

    crank rod mechanism analitically. Using the expression for the piston position in time,

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    the heat transfer surface area, the combustion chamber volume and its time variation are

    computed straightforwardly using one of the following expressions:















    where is the crank angle, Vcis the clearance volume,Dcis the cylinder bore, lis theconnecting rod length, a is the crankshaft radius,Achis the head cylinder surface area andAp

    is the crown piston surface area.

    The combustion is solved using a single zone model in which the burned fraction of fuel is

    computed by the Wiebe function [11], an empirical based formula that expresses the burning

    rate as a function of the combustion duration.

    The well known Woschni or Annand heat release models may be used for the heat losses

    estimation from the hot gases inside the cylinder through the combustion chamber walls to

    the cooling system [20, 21]. Mathematically these models are written as:

    )( wallht TThAQ =

    This model consists of a simple analogy with flow over a flat plate [22] adjusted by

    experimental measurements to estimate the heat losses to the engine cooling system. The

    main feature of this model is the correlation between the Nusselt, the Reynolds number and

    the Prandtl number, which allows us to compute a convective film coefficient (hin the

    above expression).Aand Twallare the heat transfer surface area and the cylinder wall

    temperature respectively.

    For the flow through poppet valves, the treatment is split according to the flow direction

    following a model extracted from the earlier Benson papers[9]. In both cases a simple

    analogy with flow through nozzles is done, and sonic condition is only possible for the

    exhaust valve. For inflow condition the process is treated as subsonic and isentropic. This

    condition is generally found for normal intake or for exhaust with backflow at the end of its


    For outflow from cylinder to the pipe through the exhaust valve, a simple analogy with a

    convergent nozzle that may be chocked or not depending on the pressure jump between the

    cylinder and the exhaust manifold is used [9]. The same model is also used for backflow at

    the intake valve where normally chocked condition is not established.


    Manifolds are three dimensional curved ducts with variable cross section in which the flow

    inside has a very complex behavior. Because performance prediction of an internal

    combustion engine is the main target and due to the computer resources available a one

    dimensional approach is adopted for such a device. This approximation allows us to

    represent the pressure waves developed inside the manifolds, which makes it possible to

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  • 8/11/2019 Intake and Exhaust System Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines




    ,( ) ( )

    j j in j

    dp dpc j p

    dx dx

    5. equal pressure at all branches

    i jp p i j=

    6. equal entropy at all the outgoing branches22

    2 21 1( ) ( ) , ,( 1) 2 ( 1) 2

    jii jcc u u i q i j j q

    + = +

    All the models above are solved in a time marching procedure using an explicit scheme; the

    nonlinearities are solved by a Newton method that proves to be very robust.

    Code calibration

    This section starts with a preliminary numerical example in which the results achieved with

    the 1D engine simulator serve as rough calibration of the code for future design purposes.

    Other numerical results and also experimental measurements are available for this example[19].

    This example is a good starting point to detect differences in the code implementation prior

    to moving to real engine tests in which the differences in the results come from several

    factors very difficult to identify, specially those concerning data uncertainties. Many other

    academic examples not included in this paper have been tested showing in general a good


    An academic example

    The table below shows the main parameters of the engine used for this preliminary example.

    The rest of the data set is described in the related literature [19].

    Engine Model FIAT, 4 cylinder GDI

    Displacement volume 1.60E-03 m3

    Bore x Stroke 0.08051 x 0.0784 m

    Rod connected length 0.1285 m

    Compression ratio 11.5

    IVO IVC (lift = 0.0001 m) 7 BTDC 47 ABDC

    EVO EVC (lift = 0.0001 m) 45 BBDC 5 ATDC

    Table 1: Engine data Example 1

    The engine configuration is sketched in figure, 1 which shows an EGR valve recycling

    burned gases from the exhaust to the admission. The main goal of this example is the tuning

    of the EGR and throttle valve openings for a preset value of the residual gases trapped in the

    cylinder charge to have an idea about the control of this kind of system.

    One of the main changes relative to the original problem definition is the usage of a different

    valve lift profile where only the maximum lift and the timings were kept. Another difference

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    is the absence of a swirl valve placed at the intake port. In this example, only a straight tube

    was placed with only one valve having the same geometric area as the two valves of the

    original configuration.

    The original work includes simulation with and without EGR system and for three engine

    speeds. In this work we only include results with the EGR system.

    Figures 2 to 4 show the pressure at the intake plenum for 1000 rpm, 2000 rpm and 4000 rpm

    respectively. Increasing the engine speed produces an increment in the amplitude of thepressure waves located at the intake plenum and also a change in the shape of the pressure

    wave. Figures 5 to 7 show the intake plenum temperature where the mean value ncreases

    drastically with the engine speed, as well as the amplitude of the temperature variation

    inside this tank.










    Figure 1: Engine configuration Example 1

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    Figure 2 Plenum pressure 1000 rpm with EGR

    Figure 3 Plenum pressure 2000 rpm with EGR

    Figures 8 to 10 show the cylinder trapped mass. There is more trapped mass for 2000 rpm

    than for 1000 rpm, but increasing to 4000 rpm produces a drop of the mass trapped probably

    due to a lack of intake and exhaust tuning.

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    Figure 4 Plenum pressure 4000 rpm with EGR

    Figure 5 Plenum temperature 1000 rpm with EGR

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    Figure 6 Plenum temperature 2000 rpm with EGR

    Figure 7 Plenum temperature 4000 rpm with EGR

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    Figure 8 cylinder trapped mass 1000 rpm with EGR

    Figure 9 cylinder trapped mass 2000 rpm with EGR

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    Figure 10 cylinder trapped mass 4000 rpm with EGR

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    As mentioned above, the ultimate goal of this test is the manufacturing of a new and more

    promising camshaft that will improve engine power performance.

    The numerical strategy adopted for this task is below:

    1. Finding a new valve timing capable of enhancing the power curve in a wide range of

    engine speeds using the engine simulator. No fuel consumption and emissions were

    taken into account.2. An optimal valve profile [23] based on kinematics arguments is obtained with this

    new valve timing.

    3. With this valve profile the corresponding cam profile is generated by an inverse

    method using Mecano software.

    4. A computational prediction of the new cam profile dynamic response inserted in the

    valve train is done using Mecano software. Geometric interferences, mechanical

    stresses and valve floating are the main topics to be analyzed.

    The first step is purely a thermodynamics and gas dynamics analysis, the second and the

    third are based on geometric arguments and the last is a mechanical verification of the


    Six cylinder engine test Stage 1

    The first item above consists in optimizing the engine performance mainly by changing the

    valve timings. Changes in the maximum valve lift were avoided because the piston and the

    valve are closely mounted to allow for changes in this value in the current operation of this


    This first task was performed using the engine simulator presented in this paper.

    The engine configuration of the six cylinder Chevrolet engine is shown in figure 11, and

    details about it are included in the next paragraphs.

    Sensor 1





    Sensor 2Sensor 3

    Sensor 4

    Figure 11: six cylinder engine configuration

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    Intake manifolds: formed by ten tubes and four junctions connecting them. The carburetor is

    considered to be at wide open throttle, and due to this operation condition the pressure drop

    through it is neglected. The wall temperature of these tubes is considered uniform at a value

    of 293 Kelvin degrees.

    Cylinder head: formed by a piece of manifold modeled as a tube and a valve modeled as anozzle for each side, the intake and the exhaust ports.

    Cylinder: with 0.097m of bore, 0.0675m of stroke, connecting rod length of 0.163m and a

    compression ratio of 9.5:1. The wall temperature was taken in relation to data available from

    the experimental data set, mainly the oil and water temperature.

    Exhaust manifold: formed by nine tubes and three junctions

    Calibration of six cylinder engine

    In order to make the predictions more accurate, a calibration of the engine simulator withexperimental measurements obtained from a real engine test is needed. After this process, it

    is possible to propose some modifications in order to improve the engine design. The

    mathematical model of the engine contains some uncertain parameters that introduce errors

    in the computation. Supplementing the model with information from the real test minimized

    those errors. The following data coming from the real test were used:

    a) Flowmeter: The flow rate of air through the cylinder head as a function of the lift of

    the valve is measured. This test is performed in a static way, modifying the position

    of the valve step by step and forcing the air through the gap between the valve and

    the seat through a vacuum of ten inches water column. Thus it is possible to get an

    idea of the influence of the three dimensional effects present in the cylinder head,which was not considered with the engine simulator. On the other hand, the dynamic

    behavior coupled with the three dimensional flow pattern is not reproduced by this

    type of test. However, this kind of information is useful in order to adjust the flow

    rate of fresh mixture through the cylinder head. By comparing these measurements

    with those obtained doing the same test in a virtual way it is possible to compute the

    discharge coefficient, which is one of the parameters to be adjusted.

    b) Air consumption :the information of the air consumed by the engine in the real test

    is also available. It is very useful information when it comes to doing extra

    adjustment of the discharge coefficient with the engine speed.

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    0 5 10 15 20

    Valve lift [mm]


    Figure 12: Discharge coefficient from flowmeter measurments

    Figure 12 shows a typical discharge flow coefficient curve obtained through a port

    flowmeter test

    c) Exhaust temperature: One of the main drawbacks of most engine simulators oriented

    to race applications is the need to introduce estimations of the combustion duration.

    As the combustion is modeled with a single zone model, it is one of the main

    unknown parameters that should be input in the computation. As far as the authors

    know, the novel methodology proposed in this paper, which is able to estimate the

    combustion duration through measurements of the exhaust temperature, has never

    been published before in the related bibliography. In the real test some thermocouples

    were placed at a distance of 0.300 m from the cylinder head. By working out

    averages with these temperature values over the six cylinders and repeating thesemeasurements for the whole range of engine speeds used in its normal operation, it is

    possible to get an idea of how long the combustion lasts as a function of the engine

    speed. When plotting the temperature curve versus. rpm and approximating this

    behavior with a curve, the following two features should be remarked:

    1- The slope of the approximate curve represents the sensitivity of the

    combustion duration with the engine speed, i.e. the ratio between the time

    consumed for the combustion of the whole fresh mixture at high engine speed in

    relation to that at low engine speed. This argument is based on the assumption

    that the increasing in the exhaust temperature may be caused by a delayed

    quenching of the flame front.

    2- The value of the exhaust temperature represents how long the combustion

    takes for an specific engine speed.

    This assumption was checked on the engine simulator using different combustion durations

    and keeping the ignition angle fixed until the exhaust temperature away from the cylinder

    agrees with the experimental measurement. These computational results allow us to quantify

    this lack of information about the combustion duration. On the other hand, looking at the

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    torque and fuel consumption plots of the real engine it is possible to enforce the combustion

    duration results obtained with the above mentioned procedure.

    d) Torque and power curve: This information is used to scale the convective heat

    transfer film coefficient in the Woschni or Anand model. This parameter mainly

    change the level of engine power keeping the curve shape unaltered.








    5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 10500

    Curve 1 Curve 2

    Figure 13: Power for different convective film coefficient

    Curve number two in figure 13 was obtained using a convective film coefficient smaller than

    that of curve number one producing a larger power.

    e) Fuel and air consumption. Fuel and air flow rate allows us to adjust the

    equivalence ratio of the fresh mixture going into the engine. This information is

    necessary due to the fact that the engine tested uses carburetor for fuel metering.

    The table below summarizes the strategy adopted :

    Real Data Adjusted variable

    Head cylinder flowmeter Discharge coefficient

    Exhaust temperature Combustion duration approximated

    by a straight line

    Torque and power Convective heat transfer coefficient

    Fuel and air consumption Equivalence ratio of fresh mixture

    Table 3: Real data and adjusted variables used for calibration

    Results after calibration

    In the pictures below both the simulation results and the experimental ones obtained in the

    laboratory can be plotted.

    Figure 14 shows the torque and power curve, figures 15,16 and 17 show the temperature of

    the exhaust gases, the air flow rate and the fuel consumption respectively.

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    The difference between the simulated and the real fuel consumption is mainly related to the

    fuel metering of the engine; the carburetor in the real engine does not keep the equivalence

    ratio fixed with the engine speed (rpm), and the engine simulator was used with a fixed

    value obtained by an average of the real ones.

    After the calibration the curves achieved by the engine simulator agree quite well with the

    real ones.


    1. the simulator has the necessary calibration to be used as a good diagnostic tool for

    this engine,

    2. after the calibration, improvement of the engine is feasible. In order to achieve this,

    one of the main variables to optimize are the valve timings.

    3. Regarding the assumption of the variable combustion duration in relation to the

    engine speed, the fuel consumption (figure 17) does not show a significant variation

    at different engine speeds while the torque (figure 14) drops drastically at high rpms.

    Assuming that the fuel is completely burned, the fact that the combustion duration at

    high rpm is longer than that at low rpm can be inferred.









    5500 6500 7500 8500 9500



    Torque_Sim Power_Sim Torque_exp Power_exp

    Figure 14: Experimental versus simulation torque and power

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    5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 10500



    Temp_Sim Temp_exp

    Figure 15: Exhaust temperature









    5500 6500 7500 8500 9500 10500



    Mass air sim Mass air exp

    Figure 16: Air mass flow rate

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    5500 6500 7500 8500 9500



    Mass fuel sim Mass fuel exp

    Figure 17: Fuel mass flow rate

    Intake and exhaust optimization

    The optimization of the engine is defined in terms of the description of the objective

    function, the constraints and the variables to be modified.

    With regard to the objective function, the main goal is the improvement of the power curve

    at a specified engine speed range. At first sight there is no constraint in this problem; only

    lower and upper bound for the variables are desirable.

    The variables chosen for the optimization task are the angles where the intake and the

    exhaust valves open and close.

    The modification of the valve timings achieved during the engine optimization may require

    changes in the camshaft design depending on how this changes are selected.

    Before making the decision of building a new camshaft, some simple modifications wereexplored. The computational analysis was divided in three stages:

    1. keeping the original camshaft, only the position of both cams in relation to the

    crankshaft were modified.

    2. modifying the position of the two cams independently

    3. building a new cam profile

    Stage 1:

    Figure 18 shows the original configuration and two modifications, one with an advance of

    three degrees and the other with a retard of three degrees in relation to the original one.

    These curves show that while the engine power is improved at high engine speeds, with a

    retarded timing at low engine speeds the timings needs to be advanced.

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    Stage 2:This stage was divided in two parts, the first with the exhaust valve timing being fixed in the

    original position and moving the intake valve timing, and the second with the intake valve

    fixed and changing the exhaust valve timing forward and backward from the original

    position. Both results can be seen in figures 19 and 20. Gains and losses should be seen as a

    percentage relative to the original configuration.

    Stage 3:Finally, a completely new profile was adopted in which the timings were moved separately.

    Figure 21shows the behavior when modifying the intake valve and keeping the exhaust

    valve fixed to the original timings and figure 22shows the behavior when the exhaust valve

    is modified keeping the intake timings fixed to the original values. For example, AAA+5

    means an advance of 5 degrees in the intake valve opening in relation to the original value,

    the intake valve close and the two exhaust timing being fixed to the original values.










    5800 6800 7800 8800



    3 delay Original 3 advance

    Figure 18: Stage 1- comparison of curves with different camshaft positions

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    5800 6800 7800 8800


    Adv 6 Adv 3


    Delay 3 Delay 6

    Figure 19: Stage 2- comparison of curves with different intake camshaft positions








    5800 6300 6800 7300 7800 8300 8800 9300




    Adv 6 Adv 3 OrigDelay 3 Delay 6 Delay 9Delay 12 Delay 15

    Figure 20: Stage 2- comparison of curves with different exhaust camshaft positions.

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    5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000




    IVC+5 IVC+10 IVO-5 IVO-10

    Figure 21: Stage 3- comparison of curves with different intake camshaft positions










    5500 6000 6500 7000 7500 8000 8500 9000 9500 10000

    R P M


    EVO-5 EVO-10 EVC+5 EVC+10 Serie3 IVO-10 and EVC+10

    Figure 22: Stage 3- comparison of curves with different exhaust camshaft positions

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    The most relevant conclusion about this optimization task is shown in figure 22,where the

    power improvement at almost all engine speeds is obtained modifying only the exhaust

    valve close timing. Figures 23, 24 and 25 help clarify the reason of this behavior. The

    higher the gas flow rate at the overlapping angles, the lower the pressure inside the cylinder,

    which helps get more fresh mixture during the intake stroke. These figures were obtained at

    8500 rpm close to the rated speed.

    -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300









    Figure 23: original configuration (blue) and EVC+10 (red)

    -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300










    Figure 24: Original configuration (blue) and EVC+10 (red)

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    -300 -200 -100 0 100 200 300











    Figure: 25: Original configuration (blue) EVC+10 (red)

    Further remarks

    From the optimization point of view, it can be concluded that the power improvement of this

    engine is exhaust valve timings- sensitive, specially at the closing phase, while the intake

    timings do not produce significant changes.

    An introduction to mechanical analysis

    A number of factors should be considered in the design of motor engine valve trains and

    cams, which may be briefly classified into thermodynamics, gas dynamics and mechanical


    The maximum valve lift and the valve timings are determined according to thermodynamics

    and gas dynamics considerations as presented in the above sections. After finding the best

    valve timings from the engine power optimization point of view, the mechanical analysis is

    used to build a feasible camshaft whose computed timings and optimal valve lift profile

    warrant a safe mechanical behavior. The main goal is to find a way to reproduce the above

    defined timings in an optimal way from the mechanical point of view. This task is split in

    the following three parts:

    1. an ad-hoc novel software is employed to produce an optimal valve lift profile with

    several constraints. [23]

    2. the next step transforms the valve profile in a cam profile through an inverse

    kinematics synthesis.

    3. Finally this cam profile is placed inside the whole valve train mechanisms and it is

    verified through a dynamical analysis.

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    For the last two steps Mecano multibody software was used [24].

    Structural considerations are taken into account both to satisfy thermodynamics, gas

    dynamics and mechanical factors, and to keep the structural integrity of the mechanism and

    optimize its performance.

    To this aim, efforts should be minimized to work within the allowable stress

    levels, and jumping between cam and follower should be avoided.

    Further complexity appears because of nonlinearities introduced by the kinematical chainusually interposed between cam and valve. Last but not least, the feasible solution space is

    restricted to avoid mechanical interferences.

    In [23] a systematic procedure for optimal cam design was presented and this code is applied

    in the first step of this work.

    After properly defining an optimization problem and solving it, a valve lift profile is

    computed as input data to a mechanical synthesis phase of analysis in which the cam profile

    required to reach the desired valve motion is the output result, i.e. the second step.

    Finally, in the third step, the whole mechanical system is dynamically analyzed in order to

    validate the operation conditions.

    Optimal Cam profileAmong the various mechanical design factors that influence the design of cams for motor

    engine valve trains, we take into consideration geometrical interferences and dynamic

    forces. Even though the considerations below were used for overhead cam end pivot rocker

    arm valve train configuration, their applications to pushroad type are similar.


    The intake valve opening and exhaust valve closing are carried out in the area of the piston

    top dead centre (TDC). Since the distances between valves-piston and also between valves

    themselves are very small, it is necessary to detect and avoid any possible geometrical

    interference during the design of valve motion. This factor is very critical especially inengines with large valves overlapping.

    Dynamical forces

    In order to reach the maximum valve liftL in the time interval when the valve remains open,

    it is necessary to specify a motion profile that satisfies not only the above mentioned

    interference constraints but also the following dynamic restrictions [25]:

    no jumping between cam and follower,

    no impact in the valve seating,

    maximum stresses bounded for reliability and minimal wear.

    Spring dynamics also plays a fundamental role in high speed cam follower systems. At high-

    speeds, springs may lose force due to an internal resonance. This resonance may be excited

    by high-order harmonics of the cam lift at any speed. Distributed-parameter models of the

    spring have been proposed to simulate the spring dynamics [26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31].

    Modelling of coil clash phenomena has been taken into account using a moving boundary

    technique [32]. Furthermore, spring designs with variable cross section have also been

    proposed to minimize amplitude of spring resonance [33]. Nested springs are used to

    introduce dissipation by Coulomb friction between inner and outer spring coils and damp

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    internal resonance. The estimation of friction values is a difficult task, so various forms of

    predicting them

    have been proposed [27, 34].

    Constrained Optimization Strategy

    In this section we present some brief details about the optimization problem

    fully explained in the original paper [23] Motion in time of motor valves may follow the

    general description in figure 26.








    Figure 26: Valve acceleration profile shape function

    Five zones can be distinguished: initial ramp, acceleration, spring-control, deceleration, and

    final ramp. Ramps are designed to strike the cam-follower at a given velocity and to allow

    some amount of clearance between cam and follower at the closed position. At the end of

    the ramp, the valve is accelerated by a curve of increasing slope. The curve should be such

    that transmitted load does not suffer sudden changes and the valve effectively follows the

    cam. While moving under spring control, the valve decelerates up to reaching zero velocity

    and then accelerates downward until closing, passing through a deceleration zone and final

    ramp [25].

    The maximum values of positive acceleration are limited by the maximum efforts the system

    can sustain. On the other hand, in the spring-controlled zone, the negative acceleration

    imposed by the cam profile should be lower than a given limit in order to make the inertia

    load a fraction of the available spring force and avoid jumping. As mentioned before,

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    thermodynamics and gas dynamics factors are used to select both the maximum valve liftL

    and the valve timings VO (valve opening angle) and Vc(valve closing angle) are assumedas input data for the mechanical analysis.represents the crank angle. Valve motion isinduced through an imposed smooth profile of acceleration as follows:

    ( ) ( )==


    jjaa 1


    ( )( )[ ]( )[ ]


    < exhuu

    where int is the crank angular displacement from which ( ) intuu > at the intake valve.

  • 8/11/2019 Intake and Exhaust System Optimization of Internal Combustion Engines



    Positive interval lengths: the interval lengths should be greater than or equal to zero

    11,1,0 = jj

    Positive valve displacement: the computed valve displacement should be greater than

    zero, i.e.

    ( ) 0u

    The objective function and restrictions are scaled so that the optimization problem is well

    defined. An optimization problem is therefore defined, whose solution

    ( )( )** maxarg Aopt=

    is computed using standard routines for constrained optimization.


    As mentioned before, the valve train configuration used for this development was an

    overhead cam end pivot rocker arm. As in this work the engine has a pushroad type

    configuration, two minor modifications are implemented: there is no interference between

    valves and the acceleration shape functions normally have not a dwell zone. For the latteran overlapping between points 5 and 6 in figure 26 is imposed with a negative acceleration,

    a zero velocity condition and maximum lift.

    Mechanisms analysis

    The valve train configuration is shown in figure 27. It is composed by several mechanical

    elements modeled by a multibody system approach and solved by finite elements. The main

    elements are described in the following paragraphs. This model is fully parametric and the

    configuration is mounted from a set of geometric data.

    Figure 27: Valve train configuration

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    Cam and follower : In the kinematics synthesis or inverse problem we input the valve

    movement and we replace the unknown cam profile and its follower by a distance captor

    that measures the distance between the end of the hydraulic valve lifter and the center of the

    camshaft. The result is the temporal variation of this distance that allows us to draw the cam

    profile. In the dynamic or direct analysis, the cam and follower pair are linked by contact

    forces, the cam profile input from the inverse synthesis being the medium by which thewhole valve train movement is entered. The follower may be plane or curved with a user

    specified radius. In order to avoid numerical drawbacks associated with the contact between

    cam and follower, the cam profile is smoothed through a spline curve approximation and its

    profile is composed by approximately 180 points written in polar coordinates.

    Hydraulic valve lifter: in the multibody system this mechanical element is modeled as a

    rigid body and its mass is the main parameter to be input.

    Hydraulic valve lifter and pushrod coupling: this is solved using a spring which works only

    in compression with a stiffness coefficient similar to that of steel.

    Pushrod: the flexibility was considered only for this mechanical element, and the pushrodwas split in N parts. In this work N=4 was used, but this value can be modified by the user.

    Rocker arm: this was modeled as a rigid body with a specified mass and mass moment of

    inertia about its pivot. The coupling between the rocker arm and the pushrod is solved by

    another spring that works only in compression load with no reaction in traction load. This

    gross representation of the real linkage is enough for our goals because the latter is evidence

    of a mechanical failure in the valve train in which case the simulation should not continue.

    On the other hand, the coupling between the rocker arm and the valve stem is modeled by

    another cam and follower element solving the contact forces in detail for the verification of a

    valve floating condition.

    Valve spring: The force exerted by the valve spring in a running engine deviates

    substantially from its static values. The reason for these deviations is that the spring has

    internal oscillation modes, the so called spring surge modes. The lowest surge

    eigenfrequency lies below the first valve train eigenfrequency, and both are strongly excited

    at high engine speeds. The valve spring is a very elastic medium compared to the other valve

    train components in which disturbances are transmitted longitudinally and relatively slowly

    in the form of waves. The motion of individual elements is governed by the wave equation,

    and one way of obtaining the spring force under dynamic conditions is to discretize the

    spring into a large number of small spring elements. The external spring and internal springs

    are split in N parts choosing N as the number of spring coils, eight in this work.

    Valve: This element is considered as a rigid body The interaction between the valve and theport seat has not been taken into account.

    Mechanical simulation results

    Taking into account the dynamical behavior at different engine speeds and considering that

    the more interesting regime is above 8000 rpm, the engine speed has been swept between

    8000 to 10000 each 150 rpm. Five cycles are done at each speed in order to stabilize the

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    engine operation which leads to a clear understanding of how the cam profile and the spring

    dynamics interact with the rest of the valve train.

    A comparison between the operation of the original configuration in relation to the modified

    one allows us to check if the behavior of the new valve train configuration satisfies

    mechanical criteria.

    Some interesting results with this model are shown in the figures below. They are obtained

    for one of the most representative engine speeds.Figure 28shows the contact force acting at the linkage between the main cam and its

    follower Here the force never crosses through the horizontal axis and it is always of the

    same sign. Therefore, it is never at a critical situation of valve floating. Next, figure 29

    shows the external spring force evidencing the dynamic behavior of the spring. Even though

    the valve is closed and remains at rest, the spring continues moving, and when the valve

    starts to open at the next cycle the spring is not generally at rest. In this way, it is possible to

    include the residual vibration caused by the spring internal modes in the analysis. Figure 30

    plots the lateral displacement of the pushrod, which shows the flexural behavior of this

    element and its own dynamic response caused by the inclusion of the flexibility component.

    Finally, figure 31shows the contact force acting at the linkage between the rocker arm and

    the valve stem where once more the curve does not cross over the horizontal axis,

    evidencing that contact is always warranted.

    SAMCEF APR 2 2003 08:52:00

    Stress (ORD.)

    Time (ABS.)

    0.6500 0.6550 0.6600 0.6650 0.6700 0.6750 0.6800 0.6850 0.6900



    Str.(EL=401 C=1)











    Figure 28: Cam follower contact force

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    SAMCEF APR 2 2003 08:56:16

    Stress (ORD.)

    Time (ABS.)

    0.7300 0.7350 0.7400 0.7450 0.7500 0.7550 0.7600 0.7650 0.7700 0.7750 0.7800 0.7850



    Str.(EL=1005 C=1)











    Figure 29: external spring forces

    SAMCEF APR 2 2003 08:54:14

    Displacement (ORD.)

    Time (ABS.)

    0.6850 0.6900 0.6950 0.7000 0.7050 0.7100 0.7150 0.7200 0.7250 0.7300 0.7350 0.7400



    Displ.(N=605 C=1)







    Figure 30: Lateral displacement of the pushrod

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    SAMCEF APR 2 2003 08:52:58

    Stress (ORD.)

    Time (ABS.)

    0.7600 0.7650 0.7700 0.7750 0.7800 0.7850 0.7900 0.7950 0.8000 0.8050 0.8100 0.8150 0.8200



    Str.(EL=301 C=1)







    Figure31: contact forces at the rocker arm and valve stem coupling


    A valve train optimization procedure was presented in which gas dynamics, thermodynamics

    and mechanical effects are included. This strategy allows us to have better control of some

    design variables that prove to have a great influence over the volumetric efficiency of an

    internal combustion engine. Besides, a new calibration methodology is proposed, which is

    based on the linking of some uncertain critical parameters in the engine simulator data set

    and some basic laboratory measurements. This procedure proves to be very efficient,

    showing high agreement between numerical predictions and real observations. The whole

    procedure finishes with the design description of the cam profile to be manufactured.


    To Juan Tofoni for his work in part of this project, to Professor Alberto Cardona for his

    guidance in topics related with multibody systems, to CONICET and UNR for their

    financial support.

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