Instructions for Finding aid 13-19 - Library and Archives...

Instructions for Finding aid 13-19 Finding aid 13-19 consists of a name and subject index to the letter book of the Warden of Kingston Penitentiary, Donald Æneas MacDonnell, between 1848 to 1856. (The letter book can be found in Justice Canada fonds, R188 [RG13] volume 1050.) The letters reproduced in the letter book are arranged in chronological order and each letter is given a number between 1 and 828. Each entry in the finding aid is linked to one of these letter numbers. The researcher should look up the name or subject in which he/she is interested, note the letter number assigned and then consult the letter book to examine the contents of the letter. One can search the finding aid by using the bookmark tabs in the electronic finding aid, or by using the “Search” function in Adobe Reader by clicking on the Binoculars icon on the taskbar. This finding aid is only available in English, therefore one must use English keywords and proper names without accents.

Transcript of Instructions for Finding aid 13-19 - Library and Archives...

Page 1: Instructions for Finding aid 13-19 - Library and Archives · 2008-10-07 · Instructions for Finding aid 13-19 Finding

Instructions for Finding aid 13-19 Finding aid 13-19 consists of a name and subject index to the letter book of the Warden of Kingston Penitentiary, Donald Æneas MacDonnell, between 1848 to 1856. (The letter book can be found in Justice Canada fonds, R188 [RG13] volume 1050.) The letters reproduced in the letter book are arranged in chronological order and each letter is given a number between 1 and 828. Each entry in the finding aid is linked to one of these letter numbers. The researcher should look up the name or subject in which he/she is interested, note the letter number assigned and then consult the letter book to examine the contents of the letter. One can search the finding aid by using the bookmark tabs in the electronic finding aid, or by using the “Search” function in Adobe Reader by clicking on the Binoculars icon on the taskbar. This finding aid is only available in English, therefore one must use English keywords and proper names without accents.

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Directives pour l’utilisation de l’instrument de recherche 13-19 L’instrument de recherche 13-19 consiste en un index par nom et par sujet du copie-lettres que le directeur du pénitentier de Kingston, Donald Æneas MacDonell, a tenu de 1848 à 1856 (On trouve le copie-lettres dans le fonds du ministère de la Justice, R188 [RG 13], volume 1050.) Les lettres reproduites dans ce copie-lettres sont classées en ordre chronologique et chacune porte un numéro de 1 à 828. Chaque entrée de l’instrument de recherche est liée à un numéro de lettre. Le chercheur n’a qu’à retrouver dans l’instrument de recherche le sujet ou le nom de la personne qui l’intéresse, à prendre en note le numéro de lettre qui lui est lié et à consulter la lettre dans le copie-lettres. On peut faire une recherche en naviguant dans les pages de l’instrument de recherche en utilisant les onglets de l’index alphabétique, ou par plein texte en utilisant la fonction « Recherche » d’Adobe Reader, accessible par le bouton de la barre des tâches identifié par des jumelles. Puisque cet index est en anglais seulement, il faut employer des mots anglais et des noms propres sans accents.

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Wr-::r~ en's Letter Bo:)lcNo. 2, November 20, 1848 - December )0,

Note 1 Th1s book is in the Puhlic' Archives of Canada, Otta\tla.fRG 13 ~-'Vol.-;6{RG- . .yol-12.51)'). ~mrser1pt -8eot)1-OB-.'.--;;},'," C 7\, •.1 II~ 1"",:. ..:J~;:(,.~(~••.' I~/::t,{"ly' ..JJ/\'I-JO":k..-"'... .." .) I...)In th1s Letter Book, each page ls numbered, and contalns often

more than one letter. The letters have been given numbers,ln pencll. one error has occurred ln thls system, namely theomlttlng of No. 697. These letters are not 'carbon ooples',as ln later books, but are cop1ed on to good quallty paper.There are 490 pages ln this Letter Book.


ANCAS~R WOOLLEN & WORSTED FACTORY Co., The, Ancaster402 tender to supply flannel and cloth to pp; 415 poorquality of flennel (Ancester Woollen Cloth & YarnF.eotoryCo.); 427 poor qu~11ty of cloth; 4)0 acct. wlth; 476, 482,488 rema1nder of contract still due.

Annual Returns of the Wardenl1849'- 181; 1848 - 180; 1850 - 20); 1851 _ 322.

ARNOLD. LARNID(IAMID)& LANG, ~essrs •• Counclllors(sic) at ~w.Chicago. 600 ~3v1d w. Ven A1rnam

BAKER, F.B., G8nsnoque200 '\',1noo'\';s111s (stone)

BARBER" G.A.77 JOIDes Moore -re~lss1on petition to Gov. Genl.(see e1so 81)

BAXTER, John, Chath8m719 broken stone

BENJAMIN. G., Belleville664 re deferred psyrr.entby st George's Church in Bellevilleto PP - no,

BENSON, Coroner ••••5~5 Cyreuus(?) Bo~en - ne::~ in cell

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BLACKLOCK. Bobt., Kingston509 tenrler rejected

BOSTON. Col •••• ,9th. Regiment of Foot, Klngston799 re more military pr1soners in PP

BOSTON & COFFIN, Messrs •• Sher1ffs, Montreal38 Joseph Goulet/Genlet

BOWLBY, A., Waterford, C.W.152 re oonvlot labour oontraot

•BOYLE, Edward, Contraotor267 ratlons for millter7pr1soners ln PP. 297 rationsoontraot. see also 350

BRADSHAW, R.F.I J.H., Bank of Upper Canada, Quebeo - re mon1es to beput into PP acoount..' '. .418 i1000(ret Morin 417), 436 ~1400 (Mor1n435), 455 ~1)00(Morin 454,. L~62 £1000 (Morin 461,. 419 MOOO (Morin 418);491 .£1000 (Morln 490>. 498 UOOO (Chauveau 491,. 501 ~OOO(Chauveau 506)1 512 .&1000 (Chauveau 511" 515 ~400 (Chauveau514,. 522 :1;1000(Cheuveau 521" 536 :fs1200.(Chauveau 535).558 ~400(Chauveau 551,. 596 1»1500.(Cartler 594,. 625 -£2000(Cartier 624); 64912500 (Cartler 650), '

BRASH, Bobt., Klngston463 (surety for John Campbell) re Campbell'.s failure tofulfl11 contract

BRISTOW, Wm., Inspect~r of PP, ~ontreal15) flre englne. 165 arr1val of new f1re angine for pp;167 Mr. Perry and flre.hose. 168 fire engine -payment 1"or;191 Beturn of Convlcts; 195 flre.hose (cf perry), 'La page'sLook' for Exhlbit1on; 196 payment for f1re hose and lock(see195). 208 correctlon re number of deaths - 2. not 1 -forBeturn(see 20); 225 use of convlcts to clean parts of PP;use of candles at breakfast; 234 compla1nts from contractor;escape plan; 238 Msrk Long -death and 1nquest; 24) M.Long _i~quest; attent10n to machinery because of thls death;246 re Geo. Brown. tallor oontractor end arrears for workdone for him; 251 death of Wm. Mltchell; ref Patr10k ConnollYi.263 dIscipline in PP -contractors' men br1ng1ng 1n tobacco.212 re contractor ••• MacDowall; 277 re contractor Geo.Br01l1n&: MacDo~!o11 - p.9yment of, 278 IsaaOPurdy;219 ~80 payment to Bristow for attendance and job asInspector of PP; 290 Robt. Johnson(alles Wm~ Jackson), 2nd.time 1n PP - attack on Kpr. Gibson, oonv1ct Thos Fox helpedG1bson. .

BReOKE, J.E.. Ch~th9m715 broken loose stone

*BCURCHIEH(BCUCIIER). r.lDjor•••• see 'N111tarYPrlsoners' after CONVICTS

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WLB-2-J-BROWN, Geo., Clothier, Kingston _ contr~ctor. pp.

296 notice' re arrears r sp.e o.lso 246, 277BROWN, Geo. Clothier, &:MacDOWAI.L, Jas. Alex.; irurrierr Me~srs,Kingston - contractors, PP

148 settlement of account on convict labourr 270 pa~entof arrears on same aoot.BRYCE, Messrs. J.D. & Co.

227 oloth for pp.BRYCE & PALMER, Messrs., Kingston

656 owlng to PP as asslgness of estate of J. SkinnerBRYSON, Mrs. Ellzabeth

802 Wm. Br)'son, sonBUELL, Wm, Brockvllle

569 suretles under Sklnner contract tOpa)' for Skinner'sfallure to fulfill oontractBUCHER, Isaao, Brookville

S69 -same as BUELL aboveBROWN, George, Inspeotor of PP

14 re Jas. Hopk1rk's papers (former Inspeotor) -Ed. ofCommIssioners mey return papers to Hopklrk lI,hlchere of aprIvate nature. 30 payment of Guards and Keepers byDebentures, also contractors, 53 submIssion of Werden'sReport on .,. Stafford, trouble maker, 5S letter fromC.R. Knights, Supt of Military Prisons, Montreal; 61 ••• Bossand another oonviot -trouble 1n tailor shop; 6l~(Br~wn 'nowPre~ldent of Bd. of Inspeotors) re 63 Solicitor Campbell'sletter and suggestion. 68 Gd Shortie-dismissal Of; 70 loancontract,of Campbell 63,64, 79 Mary Munns ond baby girl;80 ••• Stephenson, cabinet oontractor. 93 estimate fordrains in new building; 95 Americans Hayden & Holmes andconvict labour contract (ref to Stephenson and C.P. Ross);99 re oonvict 18bour (ref Sk1nner & MacCullough, Brookville,and Stephenson, Hayden and Holmes)r101 water closets inshOps; 104 2 months pay due to Off1oers of PF and tocontraotors; 107 results of fire demage 1n l05(Leslie);122 re new building; 136 contractors for conv1ct 1abour:Rossand stephenson and larger accomoc-atlons; resignation of Gd.Arthur Cameron; 137 cost of repairs re roof fire to workshops; 1J8 PP in arrears to stone andprovlslon contractors;and to Officers r 157 females to be removed to snother build irlE162 Reports for last year; re lost blacksmith's contrect;163 building of foundry shop; 164 ibid; 166 Cd ArohibaldMacIntosh, asleep on job, 174 request for funds to carryon operations of PP -1.e. Officers pay and accounts due(see182); 186 Gd It 11acIntosh, dismissal Of; 189 Mrs. Cox, 11atron,and female convicts; 192 LAb for Warden; 194 Jas, Hopkirkanrl account due to PP - left to arbitration, 197 requestfor funds for pp operatlons(see e1so 201 leSlie): 209 ".Gilbhristr 225 use of convicts to clean parts of pp, useof candles at breakfast, 238 Mark long, death and inquest,.,.

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."f ~O- •.. -'.1-

BROWN, Geo., contd •.248 Clothler Geo Brown's contract and areears,see elso246, 252 PetrIck Connolly & Wm Mitohell (see 251 Leslie);258 death of Wm. Mitohella verdict of Inquest=mans18ughter;280 re Geo Brown, contraotor: payment of arrears; convictsused in his Tailor Gang, 290 Robt Johnson (alias Wm.Jackson)and attaok on Kpr GIbson, convict Thos Fox helped Gibson.

BROWN, George, MPP, Toronto (as above)57) cabinet oontraotor John stevenson and arbItratIon w1thhis oontraot

CAHILL (CASSELL), James, Hamilton685, 81S DanIel Hanley

CAMERON, John, Commero1al Bank, Toronto .re mon1es to be depositedto PP aooount •205 ~. 221 ~1000. 254 &500. 266 ~1000. 289 ~1000. 303 i800;

CAMPBELL, A., Solio1tor, KIngston .63 oontraot tor loan -explanation ott 87 prooeedingsagainst PP

CAMPBELL, E.C., Niagara791 Wm. Dill

CAMPBELL, John Quarryman, KIngston464 failure to furnish PP wIth stone

CARTIER, The Honble. G.E •• Montreal767 Adelaide Manta -insane oonviot to go to Asylum atBeauport, wIth Cartier's assistanoe.see also CARTIER under 'Provinoial Secretary'

Cashier, Commeroial Bank, Kingston308 payment of Jesse Joseph (see also 307,JOS,Jl0,Jll)

Chspleins of the Provinoial Penitentiary (The Revd. H. Mulkins,ond The Hevd. Angus McDonnell,V.G.)4L~6 re f,;orningServ1ces (see also447,448,449,450,lt51,452,453)

657CHA'TTERTON, K.D., Clerk of Assize, Etc, Cobourg

1~21 convIcts rec'd without proper pspers:ChDs. Tiffany,Geo. Fowler, Walter MacVicar, DavId Norton.

CHA UVEA U, The Honble PIerre J.O., ProvincIal Secretary, Quebec _see under 'ProvIncial Seoretary'

CLARKE, Wm., MD, MPP, Toronto694(telegram) lost letter, 695 ••• Jones, boy convIct

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CLARKE, WM., MPr, Guelph786 John H. Jones -boy convict -pet1tIon for pardon

Clerk of Asolze, York & Peel, Toronto79,3 Calendar of ConvIcts for 18491 ••• Henderson

Clerk of the Legislative Assembly. Toronto109 request for oopies of Peny. Reports of 1855

CLIFPORD, T.,198 patrick Clifford, brother

/CONLAN, Mrs. catharine706 OWen Conlan, son

CORBETT, Sheriff ••• , N8panee821paJ,m8nt of aoooubt due to pp

CORBETT; SEYMOUR & ROBLIN, Messrs.669 aocount due to pp

COSGRAVE, Vm., Clerk to Gaol and Courthouse Building Committee,Chatham, C.W•.1) stone f~r saol

COUNTER, John Kingston519 aoct. due to PP, 107 pos1tion of Asst. Matron at

COVERDALE, Wn1. Kingston. 4,38 inventory of personal property of PPI. to be done byCoverdale and Thibodeau,437)Walter C., Clerk and Compiler of the Blue Book, Toronto179 re submission of Returns for 1848 ~nd 1849 (see 180,181for these Returns), 235 Returns for 1850 (to Dec )1,1850),see 236), )46 submission of Returns for 1851 (see 347).44) Return of Officers and EmolQ~ents for 1852tsee 444).

CROUSE, John B., Werden, N~rfolk County, Simcoe222 Bridget Cain to go Lunatic Asylum, 231 B. Caln -expensesfor, .

Convicts (R)=Releese ofA-A'~IR, Ann (elias Mrs Ann JOLLY) 319, 376ANDERSON, Jcmes manslaughter 3 yrs 766', 771 (R). 772ANTHONY, Wm.ARNO, John


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Convicts, oontd.(

B-BANDADGE, Esther )29 death ofBERUBE, ••• 774 death of. 782BOWEN, cyreuus(?) 565 death ot, 566. 568BOWMAN, Abraham 4))BRADLEY, Rose 1nsane ))6BBODEt1B,Joseph 114(R)BROWN, Den1el Alexander 610BRO"., Da11z(?) 602BROWN, James -negro - r~pe lite 1nsane 29. 259. ))6BROWN, John 525BRUCE, John 610BRUNELLE, Amrbose )00, )04(R)BRUNELLE, Joseph JOO, J04(R)BRYSON, Hugh 4)JBRYSON, Wm. 802BUDGERON, Oliver 111(R)BURCHELL, Thos m~nslaughter J yrs 25, J2BURGEOIS(?). Lewis J33(R)BURKE, T1mothy murner l1fe 766BURR, Robt. 460, 469(R)BUTLER, John best1ality life 766, 771(R).BUTLER, Joseph murder l1fe 766

C-CAIN. Bridget 1nsaneCALDWELL, Wln.


215, 216, 222, 223, 231409. 411(R)358(R)

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Convicts, contd( .

CAMP, •••CAMPBELL, James insane

CAMPBELL, MaryCANNO~, PeterCARBY, Geo rape lifeCASE, Ha,than



CHOUI~BD. Alexander


CONNOLLY. PetrickCONWAY, Timothy murder lifeCOOK. MargaretCOONS••••CORNELIUS. AbramCotmIVEA U. • ••



71129, 183 deeth of

520660294, 766460, 469(B)801:344(B)42, 78, 124, 144(B)798


5:31 death of

706251,252. 256766, 771(R)808(R}

627, 62831782581, 732, 733, 747(R)393(R)

15561(R)502.503 esoape of824(R)

murder life 166



DANGEY, Oliver negroDAHAH, Bobt


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( Conviots, oontdDAVIs. C1•••


DE COURSEY, HenryDESOBMEAU, AndreDEWEY, HoraceDEWITT, John H.DIBBLE, !lkanaDIGNAN, BernardDILL, WDl. rape life

DOBBI., JosephDONlLDsqN, Susan insane


91349(R), 380(R)18831, 33(R)18,21, 23415(R)524

119, 123(B), 154(8)384, 541, 6j4, 120, 188 escape ot,191, 192 reoapture, 191291(R)118, 135, 165

DONNOLLY, Pat'riok arson life 166

DUCHAMBAULT,Philibert 189. 190DUNKIN, Isaao 91DUNKIN, Jaoob 91, 96DUPUIS. paul 292 (Ii)

DURDEN, James 58DWYER, James (allas JAS. C. Crow) life 416

E-EVANS, Alexander

F-FARLEY, OWen 2nd time ppFARNSWORTH, Wm.




538 death by cholera)83

8J~. 92 (a)

129, 156


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(Conviots, oontdFINLAYSON, John 533 deeth by choleraFLANNERY. Pat~ick 779FOREMAN. Geo. murder life 766FORSHEa. Bernard 247PORS~, ••• 210POX. WIll. murder l1fe 766 pardoned after 10 7rsPOX, ••• 290POtJR~B (FOUCHETTE). Joseph 62 (ft)

POW~, Geo 419.42140 death of43. 6?(R)


GOODWIN, Jas. felony lifeGOULD, E11zabeth







593209401 death of604766406(R)28738

748(R)57, 67(R)56(R)508




GRAYSON, Jemes 171GUINTER(?), Chr1s. murder 11fe 336

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conviots, oontd

!!HAtMAN. Jacob

HANLEY, De.n1el


HARPER, ,Chas. HenrI'

HAB'l', satholomew

RAft, ' •••


RElmERSOIf, patr10kBEl'fDEBSOlf, •••

HENES!, James


HOGAN, •••

HOMER, •••HUBER, M1chael


HUNTLEY, Egerton

HIND, Geo. *

1INNIS, StephenIRVINE(?), VIm.


665685. 815696

55) death of, 15 yra old49), 576220


286(R)298, 40779)28(B)



743, 776751679


485. 661510737, 738


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Conv1ots. oontdlJARRY, NnrbertJOHN. Nioholas


459, 465540 death of'by oholera. 17 yrs old

JOHNSON. Bobt. (allas ~~. Jaokson) 290 2nd time pp




JONES. ,Isaac

JONES. JohnJONES. John #2386JONES, John H.JONES, PurltyJONES, Wm negro

JOHNSTON, Augustus horse steallng llte 166,111(R),17258J death bl oholeraJ. 6

murder lite lnsane J36, 492, 162695. 186 bOloonvlct115280

JUDD, Wm. 352

JULIEN, Francls Exavler(s1o) 527

I.KAIN, Thos

KEATING, I-11ohaelKEMP, Patr10k

546(R)610 (not sure 1f a convict)689

KENNEDY. •• • (allas Wm. petten) 761 boy convlct

KERR, JosephKETCHUH, \~m•

KEYES, Flint L.

. KING, John !'1und~y

• •KID.TNEDY, ••• 773



82. 88

466, 468

•• (same as 761?)

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Conviots, contd

1LAMBRICK, Mary 268 birth of a son, 271LANGUEDOC, Amable/Annebelle 354(R)LANGWORTH, John 729 esoape, 739 reoapturedLAPOINTE, Lewis 106LIB, ••• (allas John Thoa O'NEIL) 76, 51) (O'Nell-real name ")LEGRIS, V1talLILLESS(?), wm.LINDSAY, James


5)1 death ofLITTtI, Ann manslaughter 1yrs insane 412, 492LONG, ,Mark


231 death of, 238, 242. 24)102(S)

MANT&. Adelaide Insane

MDnENS, James

MALlETT. Sherman

MALONE,John rape 7 yrs

MALONEY. Bridget




66746 (R), 749 statement by

470, 471

369. 374, 375552 (R)

686, 698. 699, 112, 718, 723, 735.765, 767814

MARKS, Graoe murder life insane 369. 374, 375, 492, 766409MARQUIS. Ignaoe 334, 357 (ft).

MARSH, Chas. 740(R)MARTEL, Antoine Julien 416.MARTEL, Henry 365(B)MARTIN, James 556, 564(R)MARTIN, Joseph. 825

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583(B)1nsane 762

125(R) • 169(R)125(R), 169(R)



Convicts, oontd~.ASON. John

MATHER, James # 3581MATHERS. Franois


MEDOR(?). S~ephen manslaughter 1 yrs 533 death bl oholeraMERCIER,Joseph 24, 21(R)MILES, Lewis 645, 812MITCHELL, W1D. 251. 252. 253 death ot, 255, 256,MOROGUE (MONAGHAN) (a11as Thoa Nowlan) life 121, 416, 584(&)MONROE. Alex. (a11as MaoFar1ane) # 3045 1nsane 762, 764


MOOlf, •••MOORE. James

28011. 81

MORAN (UORIN), M1chae1 manslaughter 3 yrs 52, 62(8)r~ORRISOR. Peter


l'YUlLEADY. John

ftIULLEADY. N1cholas

~1UNNS. r~ary

Mac-MaCCARTHY. ~9nlel


458(B)415(R)494. 505563

89 birth of daughter, 90. 73, 271

534 death by choleraMaoCULI.CCH. Jas. 639

MacDONALD. Norman insane 796

MacGUIRE, Chr1stopherMacGUIRE, Wm.

MaoILROY. Ches.MacKIBBON, Boht.


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(' Conviots, conto.MaoKONKEY(?). • •• 256MaoMAHON. B••• murder life 477MaoMULLIN, Joseph 560(R)MaoNAUGHTON, Peter 467(R)MaoPHEE. John 280M8oPHEH8Ol1, Thos. 328 •.339 (B)

PlaoSPA'DDD, 30seph 531 death otMaoVlCAB.' Walter 421 '

fs.Jlo0oLEY• Thoe

MOCURRY. James442(B), 180

672MoCULLUM. Joseph Indlan 397, 403, 406(R)MoDOWALL, John 598, 599MoPARLANE, Alex (allas Monroe, see 762) 764

NELL, Jaoob murder lifeNICHOL, JamesNORRIS, JohnNORTOR, Davld

o-O'NEIL, John Thoa

PA I1'!EB , L1v1ngstonePARDRI/PA BDl. IsaaoPARKER, James

PABKS. Thos.

822539 deeth of 14 yrsold


76, 513 (real name=O'Nell) (a11as LEE,qv)


278, JOO. J01(R)23934

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.Conviots. cnnt~.PElTE/PUTE, •••

PENWARDIN. Thos. insanePERCHERE(?), Jean


240, 259, 261533 death by oholera

PIERCE. Thos. insane 362, 366. 368PREVOST/PROVOST, Toulssalnte/Toulssant 334, 344(R)

QUlNIAlf, Bridget 354(8)

!REVILLE(?), Elizabeth Charlotte 29BEDOLD8. Thos.ROBERTSON, ElizaROBERTSON, John

ROBERTSOlfS, •••-negro


523. 496 birth of son496


ROGERS, Samuel rape lifeROSS, •••


RURKE, Ba~tholomew

364, 766 (Chelsea Pensioner)613'71 (a)

550(R)RUSSELL, Antoine bestIality - lIfe 7'71(R), '772BYAR, Cornelius murder lIfe insane II )648 '762RYAN, Edward 133BYAN, Patriok 143. !1~9(B)

RYAN, Wm. insane 483, 48'7,492, 559(8)

s-SAUNDERS, WalingfordeSHERIDAN, Thos.

65(R)'781, 787

S.HIlSTONE, James #1085 Insane rape 14 yrs 259, '762

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(Conviots, oontdSICKLES, .1ohn/Jomes L. 1nsane 306, 31'7, 336SIMPSON, James 5)1 death ofSINGER, John 526, 549SMITH, 'Ienrl 2nd time PJ> 689SMITH, tTohneton B. 313(R)SPIlTH, ••• 489SPABIt8, Sophie murder 11re 809, 810

SPEERS, Geo. 41STAFPORD, ••• 53STEVENS OR. Morris 659STEWARf •.John 126, 127, 244

STEWART/STUART, WIll. w. 466, 468STOUTDBUJlGH, B1ram 11fe 460, 469(R), 696STOtJTENBUBGH, James 460, 469(R)STOtJTIDmURGH. Peter 696SULLIVAN. Denn1s 280SWAN, John 780

SWEET, ••• '768

T-TAYLOR,R1ohardTERRY. peter


774 attempted su101deTHERIEN, Tqos. II 3438 ~urder life 1nsane

45'7. 483, 486, 487, 492, 604. '762TIFFANY, Chas. 421, 550(R)TILLOTSON/TILLISON, Jesse murder l1fe pardoned '766, '771(R)TILLISON, Jesse 3'72(a)TIPFIE. Geo. II 3452 murder life insane '762TREXLER, JohnTREXLER, Peter



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(Conviots, c~nt.~.TWEEDY. Roht.

v-VAN AIRRAM(?). David W.

VAN ZAI'1'. WIl.

w-WAIDB. Bernerd

WALXER. Joseph

755, 826


398744 released S ApI. 1856

WALKER, ¥.m, f~lon7 life insane 259, 336, 378 deeth ot

WAtsH, Petrlok 81'WAIBH,WID,

WARD. Edward (allas George)WARD, John

WELLINGTON. JOF>eph Gordon•••




I-YOUNG, Jacob 1nsaneYOUNG, Wm.

1ZOlIN" Antolne




783. 784, 785534 death by cholera741 hanged himself in oell642

382. 385639


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( Convicts, contd.Crime. BeEtlalitlBUTLER, Jo hn life - pardonedRUSSELt, Antoine life - pardoned


166, 111(R)766, 171(R), 172.

ManslaughterANDERSON, James ) yrs 766, 171 (a), 772BURCBBLL, Thos. ) yrs 25, )2tI'1"l'IB. Ann ? yrs 412, 492

MEDOR. Stephen ? yrs 533MORAN (MOBIN), Mlchael ) yrs 52, 62(R)


BUBKB, Tlmothy llteBUTLER. Joseph llfe



CONWAY. Timothy life pardoned 766,771(R)DAVIDSON, Andrew lifeFOREr~N, Geo. life



FOX, Wm. life pardoned after 10 yrs 166GUINTER <,'i) , Chrls life 3)6

JONES, John life .336,492, 762MARKS, Grace 'life )69, 314, 315, 492, 166MacMAHON, B. life 477NELL, Jacob life 822RYAN, Cornelius life 762SHUTTS, Wm. (soldler) life 10, '11. 336, 492, 103SPARKS. Sophia life 766. 809, 810THERIEN,Thos life 457, 483, 486, 487, l~92, 604

TIPPlE, Geo. life 762

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(Conviots. oontd.Rape

BROWN, James lifeDILL,Wm. lifeCARRY. Geo. lifeMALONE. John 7 yrs

ROGERS. Semuelllte

lnsaneBRADLEY, Bose

BBOWN, James


CAIN. Bridget


GINTBIER(?), •••JONES. 'John


MALONEY, Brldget


MRKS, Grace

f>1ATHEN. James

29, 259. 336

384, 547, 634, 720, 788. 791, 792. 791766

470. 411364. 166

33629. 259. 33629. 183,

215. 216, 222. 223. 231718, 735, 765604

336, 492.7627, 412, 492369. 374, 315

686, 698, 699. 712, 718, 723. 735, 765.767369. 374. 375. 492, 766



MUNROE, Alex (allas MoFarlane) 762, 764MaODONALD. NormanPENWARDIN, Thos

PIERCE. 'rhosRYAN, CornellusRYArl, \'!m.

SHILSTCNE. Jl3mesSHUTTS, Wm. (soldler)


240. 259, 261362, 366, 368762

483, 437, 492, 559(R)259, 76210, 11, ))6, 492, 70)

i '

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(Conviots, oOl'ltd.InsF.lne,oontd.SICKLES, Jas. L.THERIEN. Thos.


YOUNG, Jaoob

)06. 317. 336457. 483. 486. 487. 492. 604. 762762

259, 336, 378,382, 385

108, 120, 131. 150, 159, 185. 199,500. 618, 811.

,J1J1l1tarlrr1sonersRelease ot.41, 50. 59. 74. 86,218, 228, 260, 264,Rea 10. 113. 48, 55.

54 future plaoes for mil. prisoners in pp. 139. 142 costof having mil. prisoners inPPa 267 rations for mil. prisoners27) appointment ot John Smith as Chiet Military PrlsonsOfficer (see 276); 276 approval of persons appted. to Mll.Prison 1n PPc 281 re military prison in PP; 282 Statement reMil. P. (see under 'Statement'). 331 supply of Junk forlabour of mll. pr1soners 1n pp, )48 quarters for Ml1. PrlsonOfflcers; 353 erection of same quarters, 370 appointment ofLuke Woods as permanent Mil. Pr1son Off1cer 1n FP. 426 needfor cells now occupied by mil •.prison, 548 closing of mil.pr1son 1n PP; 756 establ1shment of mll. prison in PP, 8005 more mil. prlsoners sent to PP for desertion; 811 re mil.prisoner.

BOURCHIER (BOUCHER). Major •••• TOf.!D 1'7a.1or,Klngstonre release of mil1tary prisoners from PP. no. in braoketsrefers to number to be released.41(12); 50(10); 59(2); 74(;); 86(4); 106(3); 120(8),131(2);150(16); 159(5); 185(11);199(9); 218(7); 228(8); 260(3);264(18); 500(1). 618(1); 811(1) •.

Military Pr1soners: Alphabet1oally- Reginents in next listingADCOCK, GeoASPIN, Edmond




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( Conv1ots, contd.Military Pr1soners, contdSBU'l'TS, Wm.SMITH, JamesSOtrrER, DavidBTAREPIEBE(?), RloherdSTEWART,ArchibaldSVAR, John .TAnOB, Blchard'l'BORll'l'OIf, PeterTIBBNY•. JohnTRIBB, SamuelTBO'lTEBt' James


10,11. 336, 492, 103, 762131159, 59121874150120SO48, 280SO199

VBNEEB, 111m. 150

WALWORTH, T. 150WBSSTER,David 218WBBSTEB,Valentine 218WBIR,Wm.18sWltsOB, John 811WISHBURY/WISHBUBG, Edward 150WOOD,John 228lesimentsl1. 20th, Regt,CLOGH, SamuelHORTON, Jos1ahJACKSON, Chas.Edw.

2. 23rd. Begt.

50 MOORE, James 108120, 135 MoMAHON,Bernard 12074 SHUTTS, Wm•. (Res, Battn) 10, 11. 336,

492, 103, 762.

FIDIER, 'rhos 150JONES. R10hard 218LINTON, Jas. (R.Bat.) 159

o 'NEIL, Andre~,OSBOURNE, Jas.


3. Zlst. Begt.BROWN. W.DICKIE, Jas.DIXON, Jas.GOWAN, \'1m.MoEWAN. Peter4. 81at. Begt.FRY, JaoobHANLON. J8 IS.LIPPERT. Henry


41108.113108, 11)

MoKINLEY, Geo(Res.Botn)SOUTER. D3v1dSWAN, JohnTIERNEY, John (Res.Bt)WIlSON ~ John

150159.59115048. 280311(R)

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WLB-2-25-( Convicts, cont~.

~11t8ry prisoners, contd.

5. Royal Artll1erl

BRYDEN, James .185 McGUIGAN, Bernard 228CAMPBELL, Roder1ck 41 McQUEEN, Nichael 120COfw!MONER,John 14~ MOROBERTS,Dav1d 120CONLON, James POWER,John 120CORMACK,Alex 228 RISDALE, Chas 50CRUMMEB,John 228 ROGERS, Issao ,~DONALDSON,John 260 RUDDEN, JosephELEACH(?). Joseph 264 . RUBSELL, Alex. 199GEDDIS, John 199 SANDERSON,John 86HASTINGS. Joseph 41 SAUNDERS, John 18SJEARY(?). Roger 41 SMITH, James 1:31JOHNSTON. John 41. 120, 18S TAYLOR, Richard 120LAMB. Geo. 264 THORNTON,Peter 50MADDBN. Den1el 74 WOOD.John 2286. Bltle Br1gade

ADCOCK, Geo. 41 HITC~.AN. Samuel 86ASPIN, Edmond 41 JOLLIFFE, Wm. 18SBASHIEY(?), Wm. 131 KEENAN, E<h:ard 264BENNETT,Joseph 228 IUDDLEY, Isaae 199BEBKBLEY, WID. 185 MANSFIELD, Henry/Harry 41BEBTHIER, John 770 ruYES, John 228BIRKETT. Wm. 41 MlOOLEY, Geo. 199BIRR, James 185 MOCNEY, Wm. 199BrAIN, John 86 1-1OORE, Wm. 264BRIRMAN(?), Robt 264 l"!USTARD, Donald 264BROWN,John 150 r'YoDERMOTT,John 218 .CARBERRY, patr1ck 228 11cGREGOR,Roder1ck 264CATES, Isaac 264 ~1oROBERTS.J):lvld 150COLLINS, Geo. 41,264 NEW(?), Thoa 150COYNE, Michael 86 O'BRIEN, James 159, 264CURTIS, T. 185 PARKINSON, John 59DINNIS, DonaId 50 PETERSGN, Edward 264DIRE(DORE), Robt. 50 PILLETT(PELLETT) 150DRAIN, Wm. 50 READ/REID, Chas 50, 18gEDWARDS( ?), John 264 RIGGETT, John 26FERGUSON,John 264 SCOTT, Jes. 59FINNEGAN(?), peter 159 SEATH, &h!Grd 264FLEJilING, Bobt. 264 SREIDRICK, Aaron 199GADDEHt,Semuel 150 STAREMERE(?), R1chard 218GARLICK, Wm. 50 TRIBE, S~;r.1uel 50GARVEN. ThoB 218 TROTTER, J3S. 199GODDINDGE(GODDERIDGE),S. 260 VENEER, Wm. 150GOUGH, Thos. 150, 260 WAIWORjrH, Th. 150GRIMES, Fh111p 264 WEBSTER, I)"..."\t1d 218HANLON, James 185 WEBSTER, Vl:llen t 1ne 218IL4RPER, Thos. 218 WEIR, Hm. 185HEASMAN(?), Samuel 264 WISHBURY/WISH3URG, Edt'l. 150

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IConvicts, oontd.Military Prisoners, contd1. Royal Canadian R1flesCARROLL, Mlchael 120SHEILDS, WIl. 228STEWART, Archibald 748. Reglment8 unknownPLARAGAll. OWen 618KeaDI. Daniel 5000PATTERBOlf/pBTEBSOR, •• 40PENSASUlI/pERSlSURB,P. 6S2

DE COURSEY, Benr7. Erie, Brie County. Penna170 Busurle(?) Johnson

DIBBLE. Blkana. Woodstoak524 Elkena D1bble. son

DICKSON, Andrew. Inspector of P.P.355 (see Nel~on) re flre 1n work shop as result ot sparkstrom Stephenson's steam engine (see also 356); 641 re mastermason J. O'Sullivan(see 640), 64) Josiah Davis,. staft,Rules and Regs. re mason gang (ref to O'Sull1van,640,641).and Ballant1ne, former Kprl 644 re need for mason; 647Ballant1ne (see 64) not ava11able.

DILL, Mrs. Julia6)4 wm. 0111. husband

DRUVr.:CND, Andrew, Agent, Bank of IIJontreal160 John McFee


ELDRIDGE. N. Bud, Postmaster, Mich1gan689 Henry smith, 2nd t1me PPI Patrick Kemp

Escapes from PPI20 plot to escape through sewer; 502, 503 Oliver Densey endescapel 729, 739 John Lsngworth and escapel 234 escape plan;612 plans for attempted escape (see also 613), 788,791,792Wm Dill esoape ond recepture.

ESSON, Rev'd. B.489 •••• SmIth. pet1tion re pardon

EXPLANATION of some queries of Langton re PP accountsl 688

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WLB-2-27-f r.

FARLEY, ••• , Clerk of the Peace, C1ty(s1c) of Elg1n602 Da11x(?) Brown

FARQUHAR, James, Toronto708, 724 broken stoneFERGUSON, The Bonble. A.

128 Rules an~ Regulatlons re oontraotors' men - eg, suohmen bring1ng ln tobacco for..oonviotsPERRIS, Capt. J.P., Toronto

~S2 Jas •.~~ter Pensasun(?)PINNEY. Thos. Jnr.'l50.Wm. PinneyPITZGERALD, Mrs. Sophle, st. Catherines(slO)

. 779 Patr1ck Pl~eryPLANAGAN, M., City Clerk. Clerk of Rds. (ReoONS?) Court, Kil'l8ston115 Purity JonesFLOOD, Rev'd. Rlohard, Churoh of England Mlsslonary,Delalfsre,c.w.

481 15/- for Matt/Walt ~1ll, an Indian Conviot. money notin letterPOLEY, Ed\lTard, Toronto.

551 re conduct of a convlot who 1s not namedFORSTER, Mrs. Hannah

239 James ParkerFORSYTH, Alexander, L'Or1gnall(s1o)

210 conv1ct son, •••• ForsythFRANCIS. Mrs. Pr1sc1lla

645, 812 Lew1s M1les, brotherFRASER, John, Kingston

635 re a commun1cat1onJ 637 payment of convicts underSkinner's contract

GARDINER, JaB. T.34) app11cation for job in PP (teacher)

GlBB, Messrs & Co., Montreal)26 re bec:::>l'l"inp;tailor contraotor

Glr~OUR,-~essrs. & Co., Toronto66) payment due to PP

GILROY, Geo., Simcoe, District of Talbot204 Brl~get Cain -re release of

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(GIA~~, John, Del10w Terr9ce, Montreal

( 611 Chas. MAcIlroyGLA~SUP, John, Actu~ry. Kingston Provlaent & Savings Benk, Kineston71 lntE:;nt to \f:lthdrs\',D1] nancy in PP accountGr,OVER (?) & BMiliH, It'lessrs,, Boston

693 selling OlD-ohinesfor PP (see 6(8)GORDON, John Consta:1e

744 (Private Letter) re Joseph Walker, released 5 Ap1,1856,snd revenge re stephen InnlsGREEN(?) & BAKER, 'Messrs•• Boston

678 sewlng maoh1nes for PP(see 693)Governor General ~submlssions to hlm

544 Representation to G.G. re petition of Richard Gibsonand Jas. MacCarthy, Keepers 1n PP and increase in sa1ar7(see 543)(Chauveeu), 599 report of John MCDowell, 133 rept.on Wm. Cowen, 738 rept. on Geo. Hind. 766 List of 'Uf'ers'1n PP, from 10 Mey 1843 to 21 ,Jan. 1853(see a1.0 (71) -lrinnlUDbercJas. Anderson. TImothy Burke, John Butler, JosephButler, Geo, Carry, Timothy Conway, Andrew Da~ldson. patriokDonno1ly, Geo. Poreman, We. Pox, Jas. Goodwln. AugustusJohnston, Grace Marks. Samuel Rogers, Antoine Russell,Sophia Sparks, JessIe Tillotson, 184 Rept. on E. Wllllams.785 lbld, 790 Rept. of Philibert Duchambault, 810 rept onSophia Sparks. '

II-HA~ILTON, Andrew. Jarvis Street, Toronto

720 t~m•. Dill

HAMILTON, R•• Richmond Street West, Toronto232 Patriok Henderson

HARPER, P.A., Commercial Bank, M1dlend Distriot46 payment of i;12 to Gas. I.. Comm., TorontoJ 274 to100 toGeo. Brotm, Inspector; 28) :f=.150 to Bristow, 285 payment toSedller(sec 284) .

HARRA,J.O., Sollcltor, Belv111e(s1c)76 John Thos 0'NeI1(alias) - pr~per n8~e=Lee (q.v.)

HART, John, Granby220 re brother, 0 convict ond petition for pardon

HARVEY, l):'lnIel, st. Thomes, C.W.377 stone for building purposes

HENDERSON. J., Solicitor, ~lngston595 payment for convict lcbour: 696 J. B. Herman, reter <;ndHlram Stout(~nburgh

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WLD-2-29-HII.,L.Lt. Col ••••• Conedian Rifles, Kingston

591 David Souter -assault li11th 1ntent to rape - 3 yrs:filed 1n Feb. 1855

HINCK. The Honble. Franc1s, Inspector General, Toronto145 sureties for MacDonnell as Warden of PP

HINDS. Wm. G •• Cashier, Bank of Upper canada, Kingston360 reception of 1800 for pp account. 541 to collect acct.from Benjamin Walton in Toronto to pp, 820 paying pp aocts.

HOGAN, )lira. Barah1S1 ••• Bogan, husband (re 1431)

BOPKIBlC, James, Kingston399 re payment of acoount to PP, 425 allowed to payarrear. on installment, 456 payment past dne.

HOPKIBK, James, Collector of C~stoms~ Kingston499 papent due to PI (same as Hopkirk above). .

HORSEY, Edward, _ Mr. Solicitor General smith. Toronto711 (Arohiteot of PP) re resuming duties in PP -when?

HOWARD, John, Ct7. of W1nchester81~ Joseph Markle ,

HURD, Phillander. Pr1noe Albert311 John L Sickles

HUTTON, Wm., Toronto676 re Annual Reports

1.InspectorD of the Provincial Penitentiary

202 re Annual Report for 1850(see 203 for Rept.). 321 resubmission of Reports (AAnual Report) on the 'generaltransaotions 1n connection with the P.P.', year ending30 Sept. 1051 (see 322 for Returns), 410 re new femalepr1son. job descr1ption for Matron and Deputy Matron. 451re the Bevd. H. MulkIns and morn1ng services 1n PPa 612 plansfor ~ttempted escape(see 613 also). 622 Richard Hennesy.816 re discipline in PP. cab1net shop guards. 'silent system'.-see also under Naroisee Ai~ICTT, iim. BRlS/rOW, Geo BROWN •..Andrew DICKSCN, Wolfred NELSON

J-JARVIS, G.S., JUdge, etc. Corn~all

796 Norman l1aoDoneld; ref to aocomodatlons for crim1nal lunat1rJARVIS, J.B., Sheriff, Toronto

329 Esther nondadge -dcsth of

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WLB-2-JO-JENNINGS. The Rev. J., Toronto

116 Joseph KerrJONES. W., Prove Peny. (staff)

338 commend to convey lunatIcs to Lunotl0 Asyl~ inToronto (see 336,331)

JOSEPH, Jesse. Montreal, 301. 309. 311, 316 tIn for PP, 310 tIn and oakum for pp

JUTRAS, G. (!ATBOlS)519 contraotor employee problem

KEELER, Messrs Rufus & Co'33 tender for oonvict labour of blaoksmiths gang -acoepted

KEIFER. T.C.422 raught stonelCENNEDY, Wm., st. Policarpe173 ••• Kenne~y, sonKINGSMILL, tim.

40 Chas Freeman ~leath ofa 13 Mary Munns -about to have achild

KNIGHT(S), Capt. C.R., Governor and SuperIntendent, MIlitary PrIsons.Montreal 48 John Tlerny. Reserve Batt~lion. 71stLt. Infantry(Regt. of Footh 54 future plens for mllitaryprlsoners 1n pp, 213 (K. as Inspector of Military Prisons)re appolntment of John Smlth as Chlef Mllitary PrisonOfficer In PP -approved by ad. of Inspeotors(see 276),275 forage c~psa 276 approval of persons appointed toMilitary Prison ss OffIcers 1n PP(see 273)


268 Mary lDmbrlck -birth of son 1n PPLANGEVIN, F.H.. AdvocDte, Quebec

75 ••• Galeux

IANGTON, John, Auoitor of Public Accounts, Toronto613 accts. of PPa 687 exam1nation of 1855 Bccts (see 688 re??)722 ily cash Returns of pp; 751 cash receipts and disburse-ments of PP, ! endIng 30 June.1856. 759 explanation of somevouchers in 757; 195 kly 8CCts of PF to 30 sap 1856.

IAWDER, J., Solicitor, N1agara768 ••• Strlcet

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WLB-2-)1-U';;;'LIE. D.Y., Well1ne-ton, C.P.E. (?)

440 stone

LINTEN. J.J.E., Str~tford, cty. of Perth590 Ann Cunnlngham - not here

Llst of Artloles olaimed by Henry SmIth. Senlor, former Warden.21) (PP. 128-1)1)(see also 212)

LITCHPIELD. Dr. J.P., ~ontreal _604 ohanges 1n West Wing tor lnsane oonvlcts. ,•• Ther1enand ••• GIntr1er(?) to remain in West Wlng as Insane.605 re insane oonviots.-as Medloal Supt" Crimlnal Lunatlos, Klngston.682 place for oonf1nement or Crimlnal Lunatics.-as Supt or CrimInal Luncatlos, PP. 158 ret to necessit7of more oells for 1norease 1n PP populatIon

LIVINGSTON, A.655 (surety) for ratIon tender

LUMLEY, M.. 10~ Younge(sio) Street, Toronto98 re contraots for oonviot labour. taIlors gang taken up.blaoksmltr ,!ang av~_lable. females in shoe making

~ACK. W.G., Montreal562 ." WellIngton

MANN. Adem. Klngston620 note of Bobt, MecKenzIe(619) due to pp

MARR. Alex.. Orono121 cut stone

Mayor and Carpenter of Kingston114 re return ot bell to PP. lent to Klngston as a 'marketor fIre bell'

MARTIN, James, Cherry Valley825 Joseph MartIn. son

Medioal Superintendent. LunatI0 Asylum, Toronto22) Bridget Cain. 468 Jes. Munday KIng and W.W. Stewart -sentto tun.As., Tor. 486 Thos Therien, 481 Thos Therien & Wm.Ryan. 492 Kpr. Gleeson to reoeive 6 oonvlost baok. GraoeMarks. Ann Little, John Jones, Wm. Byan. Thos Therien. Wm.Shutts. 110 re plac1ngot female insane convIcts 1n L.A ••Tor,on opening of navigation season. ref A. Manta. 7)5 send1ng ofSusan Donaldson and Adelaide_Mante.-see also un~er John SCOTT. MD.

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MEYERS, Mrs. Rebe~ca, White Chapel, Lonaon, Engle~d( 728 Jaco~ ~oyers - not here

Y.1nutesI 8 by J~'mcs Hopl,1rk I re his persona 1 papers9 by one of an. of Inspectorsl re Hopk1rk's papers -thosein Hopk1rk's hand, and han been cop1ed into the records bythe Clerk of the PP;214 ad. of InspectorslThos K1rkpatrick, Pres1dent, A. Manahan,H. Sadl1erl re shrubs and plants 1n front ot North Wlng andoonviots to look atter them.

M111tary Pr1soners - see after CCNVICTS, Pp. WLB-2-21 to 26; see alsobelow, MILLERMILLINER, Messrs. & Co., Kingston

7)1 make use of convict labour ava1lable to fulf1l contractMIIIER, Capt. A.P., Supt. of M1litary Pr1sons, "ontreal

))1 supply of junk for labour of military prisoners in pp;)48 quarters for.M1l. Pr1son off1oers. )5J erection ofquarters for mil. officers. )70 appo1ntment of Luke Woods aspermanent Military Pr1son Off1oer to Military Fr1son in PP.426 need for cells now occupied by mil. prisoners. S48 clos1ngof m1l1tary prison oontract w1th PP.

MIICHELL, Hugh61J.8 not req ud. 8s OVerseer or Kpr 1n PP

MITCHELL, John, Markham255 death of son Wm. M1tchell(q.v.)

~ORIN, The Honble. A.N., Prov1nc1al Secretary, Quebeo _ see under'Prov1nc1al Secretary'MORRISON, Andrew, 9 Dorchester St •• Montreal

245 Peter Morr1son, brotherr~ORTON, J8mes, K1n!?ston

752 M::>rton'ssteern engine 1n FP-dangerous; safety factors;769 cab1net shop contractorlstearn engine and use of to p~pwuter for use of PP during the oont1nuance of contract;794 unsafe state of steam engine -ret to f1re.

MOSLS. A., Newcastle704 cut stone

MOSS, ••• 326 re becor.1n~ tallor contractorMOWAT & CARRUTHERS, Messrs

655 suret1es and tender for rations

190 f1re engine hose -ref to Mr. Perry (q.v.)

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B.A •• Assistent Secretary, Toronto187 WID. Van ZElnt, 212 Henry Smith and hi.s cla1m(see also 21) I-1n QuebeCI)27 formatIon of Board of Physio1ans to examine oonv1ots fororiminally lns~ne, ))0 re appo1ntment of suoh Board. Thos.w.BObI(n)son, John R. D1ckson of K1ngston, and O.B. Strange, PFBurgeon, ))9 Thos MacPherson-release of, )40 d1spatch of 6male and 1 female 1nsane conv1ct to Lunat1c Asylum 1n Tor.,)45 .1000-not reo'd 1n Commer1cal Bank 1n K1ngston, 526 JohnS1nger, 549 John S1nger, 550 Chas. T1rfany, Batholomew Burke-release of, 552 John Malv1n-rel. of, 55) Chas. Henry Harper-death ot, 554 Alex Evans -reI. of, 561 Jas. Dalton. 56) Nicho:M~lleady. 578 Edward Horsey's memorlal(see 517) steff PPI 583John Mason-reI. of; 617 ploice force of the pp -posslb1llties'for the positionsl-in Torontol111 Timothy Conway, Jesse Tillotson, John Butler, AntoIneR~ssell, Augustus Johnston, Jas. Anderson -reI. Of; see 166.772 re Antoine R~ssell-11fe; Augustus Johnston- horse steaIln~5 ,rs; J~s. Anderson -~ensleughter - ) yrsl 78) ElIjahWill1ams; 806 Marg~ret Cook -reI. ofr 809 SophIa Sparks.

MACAULEY, The Honble. John269 re seerchln~ records re Mr. Powers

MeCBEAN(?), A., Cobourg161 cut stone

MeCCLAREN, J., Goaler, City of Quebec782 ••• Cour1vcDu, ••• Berube

MACDONALD, The Honble. John A., Attorney General530 re cO~!'":'".unlcst1onfrOrr~Jas. (JiReI11y(q.v.): 690 accountof O'Reilly.

MaCDONALD, Wm.L., G8nanoque42) acc~. for stone

MacDOWALL, J~s. Alex., Furrier, Kingston -surety for Ge. Brown, contr.272, 277, 296, )26

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NB.LS(;N, conte!.761(e;enc't'filletter)a •••fute(?): Gd Sherlock; HcR9c,cofltr.:new oells for lns9ne: .•••Kennedy (a11as IIIm.patten)boy con.:Contreotor Skinner: 774 (general letter) work on South "1ng:fire In S.Wlng Aug.1856:new M~tron Mrs Walker; t1n rec'd:new library books(h1story): Peter Terry-attempt at sulc1de:Mrs Pox, olcl metrona •••Berube -died: 775 re tin aect ••806 Dr Lltohflled and or1minal 1nsane and Dining Hall base-ment

NOTMAN. Wm., Solicitor, Dundas742 John Arno

o-Offioer Commanding, The, 20th Regiment of Poot, K1ngston

10 Pte. Wm. Shutts, 113 Ptes. L1ppert and Henlonlsee 108) andoloth1ng forO'REILLY, Jas., BBrrister, K1ngston

176 request for 1nfo. of pp, 463 fa1lure of oontraotor JohnCampbell to fulf1l contract (cut stone for FP), si.4ret)'for:607 acct. ow1ng pp, 636 payment of acct to PP, 677 to seeInspectors at PP.


O'REILLI & HENDERSON, Messrs.172 Mr.Conlen,re-ret to oOP.'municatlonw1th Mrs. MacKenz1eand G1ldersl1eve.

OSLEB, The Rev'd ••••J2 Thos Burchell -pet1t1on for rem1ss1on

O'SULLIVAN. Jerem1eh, Presoott640 Master Mason wanted 1n PPloffer of pos1tion to O'S.

E., Assistent ~rovlnc1al Seoretary, QuebecJJJ Le~1s Burgeois(?)-rel.of; 354 Amable/Annabel Languedocand Bridget Qulnlen -rel.of: 411 Wrn. Caldwell-rel.ofa 416Antoine Julien Martel, Jes. ~~yer(ellas Je.s.Crow), Thos.Monogue(::;l1ns Thos.No,,'1an): 465 Norbet Jerry; 527 francIsEXavler(sic) Julien: 556 Jas. Martin; 560 Jos. MacMullin,Robt. Hethe!'lnp:ton-r~l. of; 564 Petr1ck Hethrington, Jas.r-lortln-rel.:>f;576 B-stt.holomewHart, 584 Thos. Monogue;-1n Torontol 789 PhilIbert Ducham~~ult(see 790)

PARKER, Joseph, Storekeeper, Cec~en Fost(East?)51 return of signed vouchers for psyment

PAUI.IN, The Rev'd. P., St Thomas/st Hermas, C.East(?)459 Norbert Jarry -petition for pardon

PENNIFATHER, R.S.833 Thos. How WATTS -sppllcDtion for job as GU8rd

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( PE}NARDIN, Rioher~, port Hope240 Thos. Pen~ardin, eon (see Also 261)

PERRY, Messrs. W. & Co., Napanee36,39,103 cloth contract for PP

PERRY, MeGII,LIVlRAY, Messrs & Co., Napanee626 cloth an~ flannel tender

Postmaster, C1ty of Toronto58 Jas. Durden -letter for

PRICE, The Bonble. J.H.158 re future management ot PPI contractors and tobacco,female vis1tors to pp, new leg1slation.PRINCE, Col•••• , Park Parm, 3andw1ch

780 peter and JOhn.Trexler,John Swan, ThOs. "cCole7provino1al pen1tentlarl(a) Annual Report of Warden. 180 for 1848

181 • 184920) • 1850)22 • 1851(b) Chaplalns of PP. 293. 299, 324, 446, 441, 448, 449, 450, 451, 452,



Conviot laboura148, 152, 99, 117, 731Convict Work. 225, 760

Deaths ln FPI (1) by cholera. 533, 534, 538, 540






(c) Chlldren born ln PPa Mary Lambrlck 2711 Mary Munns 891 ElizaRobertson 496Clergyman Vlslt1ng PPa 294

•••• (11) 183 Jas. Campbell. 208 Return re deaths-error;237,2J8,241,242,243 Mark Long, 255 Wm Mltchell.(Ellso251,252,258,253h )29 Esther Bandadge C

378 Wm. Walker; 401 Geo. G1lderoy; 531 Jas LlndsayJaB Slmpson, Jos. MaoSpaddin, Jas. Conklin. 553ehas.H. Harper; 565,566 C. Bowen;also 568. 741Ell W1nger;774,182 ••• Berube; 822 Jacob Nell;5J9 Jas. Niohol; 58) Isaac Jones; 534Geo Willlams

4,(1) Plres ln pp; 35,105,~10,107,13?,355,356,361,414,?74,794(j) Expenses for PPc 9J est1mates for new drains & bulldAngs: 122 tor

new build1ngsl 163 buildlng foundry shOps: 164 lb1d(k) Female pr1sonersl 151,189,410,608,671

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In~9ne Convicts (Criminal Lunatics).29. 223. 336. J37.340.<)lJ~. 32). J7J~. 375. 369. 378, 381.)82.38~. 468. 486, 487, 492. 495. 585. 586. 587. 588. 589.592, 597. 603. 604. 605, 609. 614. 682. 686. 699. 712. 710.735. 758. 761. 762. 763. 794, 765, 767. 796, 800. 80). 804.806.

(q) state of PF.

(m) Board of Physicians to examine the insane, 330, 381. 801. a05.(n) Mone7 for operat10ns of the pp, see under B.P./JiB. BRADSHAW.

John CAMERON. V.G. HINDS, E.A. MEREDITH, Dan1el RcGIE,RIDOUT & GOLDSMITH.-19, 4S. 49. 114, 182, 191, 2014 211, 229, 2)0, 250. 265,288, )02, 312, 332, 318, 341, 3 2. )45. 359, )61. )19. 392.404. 411. 4)5. 454, 461. 418, 490, 491. 506. 511, 514. 521,5)S. 551. 510. 582, 594, 624. 650, 666, 614. 102. 1S). 111.

821(0) Religlous serv10es,601(p) steff of PP. Wardent 1,141.193.)15.386.394,424,SS5,606,121.192,198.

145. 15S

Matron.189,174~ .GuardSI2.12.445.68.643.186.136,166,161.188,19?. .

Keepers,431. 439.473.544,290.188,overseersI18a,408othersl 571. 343.338.Salaries. etca630. 668. 104, 174. )47. 443.444,)0.M1sc.641, 617, 816. 82).101 ~ater closets in shops, 114 return of bell to FP;153 fIre eng1ne, 165 netl fire angine.168 !.syment for:167 fIre hose. see also 195.196.190. 26) d1sc1plinein FF, 31) better management of PFc 752 steam eng1nesend danger; see also 769. 794. 774 work in South Wines

(r) Tender~ and Contraots.-flannel and clotha36. 39. 103. 295. 402. ~15.427.430,476.

482. 488.529, 532. 537. 545. 567. 571 •.572. 616. 626, 629. 745. 819.-blacksmlth.6J;-convict labour.474-ratlonSI 297. 350. 655••stone.184-t~11ors:326-prov15ions.429

(a) letters re contractors. JO. 70. 95. 136. 234. 246. 501. 623, 769(t) Trouble with contr~ctorsI61. 80, 128. 158, 246. 248, 263. 272. 277.

260. 384, 463. 464, 569, 573. 579. 637,656. 680. 752, 794~ .

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"~~1.B-2- :w-

PRCVINCIAL SECRETARY, The(9) The Honhlc. J. lESLIE, Toronto

1. re D.AE.ltl~ct'onnellF.l~sum1ne:duty os W:!rden of PP: 3 JohnJones; 4 Fire 1n PP due to stoma 5 Gds. Cooper & Bc,nn1ster-reinstatement of.; 6 John Jones-mental state of; 7 Jas Hopki r:i(,former Inspector, re takin~ papers from PP which cla1nserehis own; 15 Jas. Dallas; 16 statute re£ulat1ng the PF, passed18 May 1846-request foroopy for Institut1on; 17 Wm. & Chr1sMaoguire -rel. ot. 18 Horace Dewey; 19 request for s to p87acoounts. 20 plot to escape through sewera 21 Horace Dewey;22 John Norris; 2). H. Dewey; 24 Jos. Mercier; 25 Thos.Burohell.26Bobt. MaoKibbon, 27 Jos. Meroier -reI. of, 28 JasHenesy- rel. of. 29 insane oonviotslE.Charlotte Reville(?),Jas. Brown, Jas. Campbell,' )1, )) Andre Desormeau, )4 Thos.Parks, )5 fire and fire engines, 42 Alex Chou1nard, 4) JohnFurry, 44 request for 62500 for PP upkeep, 47 Geo Speers;52 Miohael Moran. 56 I.J. Graves-reI. of, 57 Felix Graham,60 Wm. Lilless-rel. of, 62 Wm Humbert, Miohael Moran, JOB.Fourchette- rel. ot, 65 WalingfOrde bounders-rel. Of; 66 Jas.Maddens, 67 John Furry, Feli% Graham -reI. of. 69 Jas. Maddens.reI. of. 72 26 guards, 1 messenger @ )/6 per day eaoh; noa1lowanoe for olothing or rations, 78 Alex. Chou1nard; 81 JasMoore Jnr-rel.of (see 77);82 F.L.'Keyes. 84 Thos Ferres; 88 P.L. Keyes-rel. of, 89 Mary Munns-had baby g1rl(see also 90);91 Jacob Davis-not here; 92 Thos Ferres-rel. of, 96 JacobDunkin, 102 Wm lucas-reI. of. 105 roof fire 1n work shop,106 Lewis Lapo1nte. 110 cost of fire in 1051111 Ol1verBudgeron-rel. of, 119 Bernard D1gnan, 121 Thos Moneghan(al1asNo~)lan); 12) B. D1gnan-rel. of, 124 Alex Chou1nard, 125 John &Pronc1s l>1ethers-rel.of' 126 John SteVlsrt; 129 Bobt Perr1s;133 Edmund Ryan: 143 patr1ck Ryan, 144 A. Chou1nard-rel.of;Ii}? lAb for w; 149 P!?tr1ok Ryan-reI. of; 154 B.D1p'nan-pardon:155 cost of keep1ng horse for Warden, etc; 156 Robt Ferr1er;169 Fr!'lnclsand John Mothers-pardon:l?l Jns. Grnyson: 182neoes~'ity for fun(l for pp; 188 Henry De Coursey; 193 LAb w.198 t~'sreturn from LAb, 201 ~ to operate Pl; 215 Br1~getCa1n; 217 ~ for PF, 224 Livingstone Falmer-to be tr~nsported:?29 ~15CO for FP; 230 rec'd ~1500; 2J3 w~. V8n Zsnt-re1.of:237 Mark Long -deeth and 1nquest(see also 2]8,241,242): 2421nquest re M. long; 247 Bernard Forsher-re1.Of; 250 i. for PI';251 patr1ck Co~na11y - wounded Wm Mitchell -~hat happens ifM1tchell d1es1(see 252,25),255,257); 256 death of M1tche1l;261 Thos pemrardin:262 Michael Huber; 265 Uor operat1ons PP:271 Nary l~mbrlck end child: ref to Nary r-:unns(q.v.): 256 Wm.H8yS -rel.of: 287 Wm. Gould, 288 ~ for FF:291 Jos. Dobbin-reI.of: 292 Paul Pupuls-rel.of: 293 copy of report of HC Chaplain;294 re v1siting cleTgymen to PP -ref Geo Curry,con; 299 BCChflp1a1D's report; 300 Iseac Paray. Jos. and A:nbrose Brunelle:301 I. Perdy-rel of: 302 i, for PP; 304 J. and A .Brunelle-rel.of; 305-re 'forged' petition from PP:- 1n Quebec City:312 ~,700 for pp; 313 re better MDnagementof fP: 314 re7:iova1of lunstlcs; 315 lAb for w; 319 Ann Adalr(~lias ~rs Ann JOlly):320 ref to 1846 -Aot to Consolidete and Amend the Lav:S Reletlngto the FP: re info BS to sUb~1tt1ng 8ccounts and Ret~rns of FP;

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(rrov1ncl~1 Secretary, co~t~.(b) The Honble. A.r. MLRIN, Frovlnclal Secretary, Quebec

)23 re rpmoval af lunBtlc to Tor. Asylum while nBvl~B~1onst1l1 possible; 324 payment of Chpplains, Clerks and rep.Werden as late or present Act of parliament. )25 re 3eports,

-W.~en's concern for PI' 1n past year, 328 Thos MacPherson;332 .1000 to operate pp; 334 Ignace MarquIs and TouissantProvost. )41 • to olose year's accounts, 344 T. Frovost andJos. ChartIer-reI of, 349 John Dawson-reI. ot, 350 co~plalntot Edward Boyle of K. -to be put before Inspeotors; 352 Wm.Juddl356 re f1re (see 355 Nelson)a 35? I. r.larquls-rel.of,358 Hugh Ca:'ieron-rel.of; 359 .800 for FP, 361 re steam engineand f1re; trouble w1th oontraotor and Improvements to en@lne;362 Thos. Pieroe; 363 rea oonv1ot's health-no name, 364Samuel Rogers -Chelsea pensloner-rape-llfe. 365 Henri Martel-rel.ofl J6? 1800 for PPI 368 Thos Plerce to Lun.As.,Tor.,.369 Report to Ed. otInspeotors-re Grace Marks and BridgetMaloney-tobe LA, Tor.,.3?1 Geo. Rowntree-rel.of.372 Jesse T1Ilison-rel.of; 373 Johnston B. Smith-reI. of.375 removal of.G. Plarks, B. Maloney and T. Pieroe to LA. Tor. ,;376 Ann AdaIr-husband wishes to see her. 37S •. to PF.J80 JohnDawson-rel.of, 38) ~~. Farnsworth, Hiram Haynes, Wm. Walsh-request for olemency fora 384Wm. Dill -smugglin~ out a lettelref to oontractor f~reman and tobacco, 386 LAb for WI 389payment to Henry Smlth,Snr; 391 ditto + hIs claim for l1".ore;~eretc. 392 ~ to PF. 393 F8ul Credit -rel.of; 394 lAb forw;396 pa.yment to Henry SmIth Snr:for rent,? 397 Joseph McCull~40) ditto, 404 i,to operate PF. 406 Jos. McCullum, Ellz. Gould-rel. of; 407 Patr1ck Henderson, 408 MartlnKelley. 0~erseerin FF-petltlon of, 409 Wm. Caldwell(ref to I. Marquls-sentenc~together), 412 Ann Little; 41? ~ to operate fP; 419 Geo.Fo,;;ler;421} LAb for w; 431 Jas Maocarthy ,Kpr-petl tion of. 4)2.Wm Anthony; 4)3 Hugh Bryson; 4)4 AbrDham Bowman, 435 • to Fr;439 Kenneth MaoKenzie nf K.-re petition of J. Gleeson,Kpr,end his dismissal: 442 Thos McColey-rel.of; 445 Gd. RichardNursery-petition of. 454 ~to pp; 457 Thos Therien-to LATor;1~58 Robt. r1:)rrls:>n-rel.of;460 Robt. Burr, H1ran 9nd Ja:nesSt~utenburgh, Nathan Case; 461 ~to PP; 466 John. Munday King ,Wrn.W. Ste~art; 467 w~. Johnson, Peter MacNaughton-reI. of;469 R. Burr, H.& J stoutenburgh,N.Case; 470(telegram) JohnMalone. 471 1bid; 472 Antoine Zolin-rel.of; 473 John Richards:Kpr and pet1tion; 475 John H DeWitt and Richard f<1Dran-rel.ot';478 ~to PP: 480 John i.iorGn-nothere; l~83 Wl1! Rye". ThDs Thrl en-request t~ £end to LATor; 485 Wm. HlJ.rJphries;l}90 FF;l~93 Bsrtholol"1ei"H~rt;

(c).The Honble. Pierre J .C. CHAU\,'EAU.Provincial ~;ecret[try,Quebec494 John Mulle~dy; 495 re returned convicts fro~ rATor:496El1zQ gnd John Robertson, negros and son in pr1s~n: 497~ t~ PP;50? 011ver D9nsey-escaped, 505 John Mul1ec~y: ~06 ~to pp, 503 Jac. Gr9yt100; 510 Egerton Huntley-pc: ltion :>f;511~ to PI-: 513 John T. 0 'Neil (s l1s.s Thos Lee): 514 t. to FI':516 /ibrDham l"oster -p<-:-t it ion of (NOT a convict) ;:~,17(re 516Foster) explenet10n of corrp18ints Of: 520 Msry C~mpbell; 521~ to PPc 525 John Brown; 531 death of convlcts(see elso 527)Ja~. Lindrny, Jas. Si~pEon, Jos. ~8cSp86~ln. Jas. Conklin' ••••

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(c) The

(d) The

(e) The


WLB-2-40-Honhle. P1erre J .(;.CHAUVEAU, contd.533 (oontinuation of 531) deeth of conv1ctE by cholera-Jean Percher~, Stephen Medon, IscBc Jones, John FlnlaYEon;534 (contd from 531, 533) deeth by cholera:Geo W11lisI!:s,Danlel MacCarthy; 535 ~ to PP; 538 OWen Parley-death hI.cholera; 2nd time pr; 539 Jas. Nichol-death of. 14 yrs old;540 Nlcholas John -death by cholera; 17 yrs old. 54) re aRepresentation to Gov. Genl.(see 544). 546 Thos. Kaln-rel.ot555 LAb for W to appear In oourt. 551 5 to PP, 566 C. Bowen-death of (see also 56e). 570 s to FP .

Honble~ G.E. CABTIER, provinclal Seoretary, Quebec.515 (re 573) Geo Brown, John stevenson, cablnet contraotor,arbltrat10ns, and award to Sklnner. 571 Memorlal of EdwardHorsey, staff re salary. 582 ~ to PPI 585 re lnsane convictsbelng oonf1ned In PP -In West Wing(see also 586,587), 589 reinsane convicts'.593 John Glbson & Wm. Irvine-remltt1ng lastpert of sentence. 594 B,to pp, 591 re Insane oonv1cts.598 John MoDowall, 606,£Ab for W. 614 Insane conviots 1n PPitprovisioning, o~othlng.eto for. 624 l;, topp; 628 ••• Coons.630 salaries of officers 1n Pp(see 668). 650 • to PP.- 1n Toronto.661 Wm. Humphrles. 666 c to PP. 668 Inorease in salarles tooff1oers (see 630). 612 Jas. MoCurry, 614 ~ to PP. 683 resubnisslon of Report for 1855. 686, 699 Adelalde Manta-insanEwhat to do WIth her? 100 Mrs. Klrby, Dep Matron -dls~16sed;.702 ,. to PP, 713 STBUCK OUT, 714 Jos. Brodeur-reI. ot. 718Adelaide Manta & Susan Donaldson-lnsane. 723 A. Manta. 727LAb for WI 129 John Langworth-escaped, 732 Wm. Co~an (see 73:734 Jos. GordonWelllngton-rel.of. 731 Geo Hlnd (see 738) J .139 John Langworth -esoape and recapture; 740 Chas Marsh-reIof. 741 Ell Winger-died in cell-suiolde; 747 Wm. Co~en-rel. :748 Aron Graham. (note 141-8 should come ofter 738, hy date).

Honble. T. Lee TERRILL. Prov1ncial ~ecretary, Toronto746 Sherman Mallett-reI of (see 749); 753 i.1500 to PP; 756 reestablishment)f !'ill.trison IN PP -can no lonJ2;eraccorcodateMil. prisoners; 764 Return of Dr li~chfieid ~p.-Insane cons.In his care-need to remove inSAne convIcts to another placethen PF •••• r'IcF8rlane,allas Nonroe(see 762); 765 A. lI,~:nta.~S. Donaldson stlll in PF.711 f:.1500to PP. 788 tnn. Dll1 -esc=:pof. rewDrd for recapture; 792 Wm. D1l1. 797 5 new guards;escape of DIll; GO l1acle; 800 5 mll. prIsoners sent to pr foraesertion. 27 crlmln~l lunatic cells, 801 accts for Drs.RObI(n)son and Dickson, for serv1ces on Ed. of Ph¥s1c1ans;807 Dennis C8v8nn8h. 817 accts of Drs. DIc%son anc RObi(n)Eon821 ~4000 for pp; 824 Robt Darah-rel. of.

RADFORD, G.K., Toronto684 re a cOMmun1cation

RAPELGE, H.V.S., Sheriff. Napenee37 Ahrem Corne11us; DE Sheriff of cty. of Norfolk:401 Gco.GilderoY-0eath of

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RATTA N. H•• Sher1ff. Un1ted Countl~s of Northumberland &: rurher.;.CoboUTFr..183 Jas ClJmpbell-de~ th of; '-1-28•••• Robertsons; 651 Cp 1,,=!'I-: :';rof Prisoners;

REED & MoINTOSH, Messrs., Rsmsay745 tenders for PPloloth and blankets, B19 cont:act forcloth and flannel - complete delivery 'or elset •

BEES, Dr. wm., Toronto91 prioe for cut stone, 109 order & cost of cut stone

Returns for the Provincial pen1tentiary.94 Pun1shments tor 1848. 1849. 180 Annual Return for 1848,181 Annual Return tor 1849 (tor the Blue Book) J 20) Ann1181Return. for 18S0, 2)6. dangerous oonv1cts 1851 259.)22 Annual Return 1851. Return of Off1cers & Emoluments for1851 for Blue Book )41, d1tto for 1852 444, 162 Return onConv1cts 1n Temporary Lunat1cAsylumi 11085 Jas Sh11ston,12)86 John Jones, )0)9 Wm. Shutts, #3045 Alex Monroe,1)438 Thos Therlen.')452 Geo Tipple, #)581 Jas. Methen,1)648 Cornelius Ryan.

RIDOUT, Thos, G.& GOLDSMITH, ~., Messrs., Bank of Upper canada.Toronto, -monies for the operat1on of the PP,.667 64000(666 Cartier), 615 .1500 (614 Cart1er), 701 ~15CO(702 Cart1er); 136 61000' I 178 61500(777 rerr11:154 61500 (753 Terrtll),

ROBINSON, T.W •• Stipendary Mag1strate, Kingston)66 Thos Pleroe-as Polloe Mag1strate, Klngstona559 Wm Ryan-reI. of

ROBLIN, Dav1d. Na psnee828 payment of accout due to PP (see also 699)

ROBBeN. John J., Newoastle705 out stone

ROSAMUND, James, Carleton Flace529.oontract for woollen cloth, PPa 532 1bid; 537 sureties,545 flannel; 56? payment for flannel and cloth, 571 payment:572 payment, 616 tenders for flannel and cloth; 629 contractfor flannel and cloth.

RuSS, C.S., Commercial Bank,K1ngston45 i2500 payment for outst~nd1np' Beets. of PP; 49 ~5CO forPPa 318 paypent of ~700 to Dan1el McGle(see 335)

RUTHERFORD, E.H., Toronto581 lim. Co~an

s-SADLIER, Messrs. D. & J., ~ontreal

284 a~ount o~lng by pp(see also 285)

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fAY:PSCN, Jas., HD, Surgeon, PP178 request that Samps~n in future s1gn all requ1s1tionsfor med101nes, 206 Pte. Wm Shutts. 381 meetlr7, of ad. ofPhysioians at pp to examine 'state of oonviot', ~:ho aret:lupposedto be inscne', 586 1nsane oonviots j] PP(see also585, 587. also under 'Insane Conv1ots' after 'Prov1nc1alPenitentiary'). 609 insane oonv1cts, 638 s10k oonv1ots.6)9 Wm. Young, Jas MCCulloch-health re~orts on, 712 A. Manta •

. 80S aoots tor Gov. Genl. (re Drs ROb1(n)son and Diokson),82~Bobt Tweed,-health report.SCOTT, John, MD, Supt. of Lunatio ASllum. of Upper Canada, Toronto

-see also 'Insane oonvlots' atter 'Provlnolal Penltentiar,',JJ6 7 Insane oonviots tp go to"Tore Jas Brown, Rose Br8dle7,Wm Walker, John Jones, Wm Shutts, Chris GU1nter, Jas.L.S1akles, J)7 statement ot orlmes and sentenoe tor those l~))6, 374 sending Grece Mark'and Br1dget Melone1 to LATor,)18 wm. Walker-death ot 1n LATor, )8S Jacob Young -sendingto LATor.

SCCTT, Robert, Hontr~al .6)1 marked NULL, 6)2. conv1ots and axe-making

SHERIDAN, H... peterboro(s1c.), c.w.781 25/- for Thos Sheridan, 787 return of the 25/-

Sher1ff of the Ct,. of Chunnery(?), Elmira, New York.528 re man 1n oustody and descr1pt1on of same 1n an ad.ertlse-ment

Sheritf of the County of Middlesex523 .Thos ReynoldsSHUNN, Silvester

501 re oontraotSHUTTS, Robert, Birm1ngham, England

70) Wm. Shutts, sonSINCENNES & MaoNAUGHTON, Messrs., Sorel, C.East530 okum(s1o)SKINNER, Silvester, Brookville474 tender for conviot labour

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WLB-2-4)- .

SHITH, Henry, Snr. Former Warden, PP. see also 2133B8 payment to Smith 98 Warden for 19 Nov 1848-13 ApI 1850;395 Warden authorlse~ to pay Smith &700 -salary only;nothing for extras; 219 delivery of Sm1th's 'tra1n',etc,lnPF.

SMITH, Henry, Jnr. (and as_MFF Toronto)118 amount owing by Smith to FP. 207 health of a convict.

H., Solloltor General, Klngston514 buslness at PP. 623 oontra~t work ln PP-re stevenson,Ross, Prentlss, Fraser, Austln, and Holmes, 692 Jas .O'8e1117and hls oasewlth PP. 680 Austin & Holmes -tron contract _prooeedlngs agalnst suret1es for breach ot contraot. 681 Jas.Bopklrk's acot stll1 due. .

SMITH, R.V., Agent. Bellev1lle295 oloth contraot to PP 6 flannel

SMITH. Capt •••• , paym3ster, 20th Regiment, Montreal139 re cost rf keeplng milltary prisoners -no payment rec'dfor Nov. 184')•. 142 p81Dlent forprlsonere, oontd

Statement Showing the Arrangement under whlch the Inspectors ot theProvincial Penitentiary. Kingston, C.W., consent to permitthe Mil1tary prisoners conf1ned in the Peny. to be placed.under Milltary Dlsoipline and.Superintendence (20 items plusdlet). (PP. 178-18) 282

Statement slgned by Convict Sherman Mallett(see 746) -749STEVENSON, John, Contractor

646 re removal of his machinerySTEVENSON, John. Napanee

818 settlement of ecct with FPSTEWART, Mrs. Catherine. Toronto

244 John stewartSTRANGE. O.S •• ~D. Act1ng Surgeon, PP

627 ••• CoonsSTREET. J.t Streetsvl11e,C.W.

822 Jacob Nell.

STUART, Jomes. ~~ason, Kingston621 (re 619) payment of ecct with PF (surety for Boht.MaoKenzle, oontractor)

STUART. Dr. J •• Coroner. Kingston241 coroner's Inquest re !\;DrkLong. 253 death of trIm1'1itchelland Inquest.

Supt. of ~11ltary Prisons 1n Canada. Montreal281 re mil. prison in FP(see e1so 282). see also KNIGHT. and'Military Prisoners' efter CONVlCTS.

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, f !TAYLOR, Mrs. Ann, Cobourg

518 Richard Taylor, husband, ex-conl'HIBODO(THIBODEAU), Augustus, C.E.Fire Dept., Kingston

12 re a co~munioation. 431 1nventory of personal propert7of pt to be done W1th Wm Coverdale(see 4)8)

THOMPSON, H., Manager, Consumers Gas Co" Toronto111 convlct labour, 1)0 acct dQe to PF

TROU, Lt. Col ••••• Commandlng Offlcer, 20th Begt., Montreall)S Pte. Josiah Borton

VAlITASBALL, ..W ,1',•. Frankford. cty. Bast1ngs,441 flre wood

w-WADDELL. J" Sherlff, E.N. & L (?). Chatham, C.W.

112 wlndow al1ls, end shlpp1ng of. 1)2 stone, lJ~ stone ar~cost. 141 stone, 151 stone ready for sh1pment, )06 JasSlcklesa 484 stone. 6S) acct. wlth PP.

WALKER, Ranson(?), 16 Baker St., Portman Square, London, England398 Bernard Walker

WALSH, Mrs. E11za81) Patrick We1ah, husband

WALTOR, W.B., Toronto542 (re 541) pay acct du'e to pp

WATSON, James, Justioe of the Peace, Goder1ch, C.W. / _414 re f1res 1n PP in 1848 and 1850. also Geo and Jo~ Ward

•WELIER a: BROGDEN, Messrs, Fort Hope

619 re report on ••• HomerWHITIRIM (?), John, Thor old

654 ••• Col11nsWIGHTMAN, Benjem1n

711 Bejam1n Wightman, ••• CampWIGHTMAN, Mrs. .;.. , School l-T1stress,Toronto

691 Joseph Wightman, husbendWIlLIAMS, E. conv1ct

784, 785

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WLB-2-45- -

WILSON, G.t. Niegsra Foallsb59 Morris Stevens~n

WORta1AN, Joseph, MD, Med1col Supt. of Lunatic Asylum, Toronto588 1nsane conv1ots in FP, return of same trom LATor.

WRIGHT, James, Toronto642 Geo Wright. brother

-to WARDENfrom-LITCHPIELD, J.P., ~D. 3upt. of Cr1mlnal Lunatios. pp

16)(888 162) comments re oonv1cts 1n 162- 1n temporar7lunat10 asylum in PP•• -SAMPSON. Jas,. MD, Surgeon. PPe 8) 'lint L. Ke7esl 121 John

stewart, 216 health ot 8l'I get ca1n

•• -SMITH. Henry. Seniore )90 re p8lment of salary end statementforpa,ment for oandles, rent, etc•• -XA!ES. Horatio, MD. Aotg. Surgeon. pp, 11 Va Shutts.

1YATBCYS(?). G., Quebec - see JUTRAS519 contractor problemsYOUNG, Geo., Ralelgh Fost Offioe, Chatham116 broken stoneYOUNG. Col. P., Asst. Adjutant Off1oer. Klngston

400 ••• patterson/Peterson -former soldler -not 1n pr now

.M1sc. Addressees unknown.662 Appropriations for PP for 1854

665 J~c~b Halman.155 Bobt Tweedy770 John 8erthier -fo~erly Cend1an R1fles