INSTRUCTIONS - Club des Amis du Meccano...How to Use the Meccano Electric Motor The Meccano Eiectric...


Transcript of INSTRUCTIONS - Club des Amis du Meccano...How to Use the Meccano Electric Motor The Meccano Eiectric...


Bn-—O82?O Copyright, I2 t” ‘cccono Ltd., Lverpoo1



Price 35 CentsMEC CANO CO2\PANY





MECCANO OUTFITS contain accurately-made and highly•finished engineering

parts and enable every movement known to mechanism to be reprodtsced

in model form. With Meccano you can accomplisli more than witis any

other constructional toy, frsr no other system has its possibilities. No stndy Is

needed Lo enable anyone to build modeis with Meccano—tise genius is in the

Meccano parta.

\ou never come Lo the end of Meccano fun. Tisere is always more

ahead—always some new, insLenious and interesting model to bnild. Each

one, as it is completed. “tuned up” and set going, brings a joy anil

satisfaetion beyond anything that boys bave ever previously experieneed.

As you progress in Meccano you obtain a greater variety of parts,

gear wheels, pulley vhee1s, worm wheels, coupiings, cranks, and all manner

— of perfectly-made real engineering parts. These enable you to construet

complicated mechanical movements witlsout apy difflculty. The most wonderful feature of Meccano is that iL is reni engineering; iL la faseinating

and delightful and yet so simple that even an inexperieneed boy may join in the fun without first having Lo study or Iearn anything.


A Meccano hoy is the happiest boy in the world. His Outfit is bis passport into a great new land o!’ pleasure and fon—Mec’cannland. where happy, boys uve.

He has joined the great fraternity o!’ hovs who !ike to make things, and bis fun inereases with every new Meceano mode! that he builds. Time never hangs heaviiy

on bis hands, for with bis Meccano Outfit he ran make an endiess variety of toys and eopy any maebine or strueture that he eares tn.

We are at ai! times glad to hear from Mcecano hoys and to eorrespond with them and help them with their modeis. Sometimes a !ittle difficuity may he cx—

pertenred in huilding a parricular mode!, or some heip required in designiog new nnes. We want ai! Meceano hoys tu get the utmàst pleasure from their Outfits

and sve iike to bave them write to us and teli us what thev are doing.

How to Build with MeccanoFollow the instructions elosely at first, and build the nsndels just as you see them. Then take each model and try to iinprnve our design. Every model

can be made in a dozen different ways. Serew up al! the nuts and bolts firmly and you wi!1 find that you can play with the trueks, cranes, signals, etc., and

obtain many hours of fun.

Meeeano Is sold in different sized outfits, (see page 63). All parta are of the sarne high rjuahty and finish, the ]arger outfits eontaining a greater quantity

and variety of parts.

Eaeh outfit may he eonverted into the one next higher by the purchase of an Aeeessnry Outfit. Thus, a No. 2 may he eonverted into a No. 3 hy adding

to it a No. 2A. A No. 3A wou!d then eonvert iL into a No. 4, and so on. In this way, no matter with whieh outfit you commenee, you may by degrees

build up to the largest outfit.

How to Use the Meccano Electric MotorThe Meccano Eiectric Motor has been speciaily

designed f or running Meccaoo Modeis and may beoperated etflciently by good ciry cells or a storagehattery giving approximateiy 4 voits. 11 two orthree dry celis are used, thev shouid be connectedtogether as iliustrated heiow, the central or positiveterminai (1) of the tirst heing coooected tu theoutside or negative terminai (2 of the next, etc.The two remaining termioais (3) shooid be con—nected to the motor termiitais (4). The connectingof the second motor terminai to the hattery sets the

one-way motor in motion. Insuiated copper beH wireis recommeocied i or makiog the coooections andcan be obtained at any eiectricai soppiy store.

The reverslog motor has a controi lever (5).When this lever is in the central position, as iiiius—trated, the current is off and the motor is “dead.”To start the motor move the lever tu the right orieft accorchng tu the motion desired, either fnrwardor reverse.

A littie light oii shooid he apphed occasionaily tuthe heariogs of the motor.

The Meccano Transformer\Vheo aiteroatiog eiectric correot of 110 voits, 60

cycies is avaiiahle it can be used tu operate themotor through a Meccann transformer. (See page62.) This transformer is wefl made ami is veryeffìcient; it dehvers jost the right voitage br Mec—cano Motors.

Attaching the Motor toMeccano Models

The sides ami flanged hase nf the motor arepierced with the Meccano standarchzed hoies, so itis a simpie matter te hnici the motor right into themodei. The iiustration shows the motor attachedte Modei No. 122—l.irop Stamp. The motor ish dted to the tiaoged piate and a cord is mn arouncithe motor puiiey (6) and the puHey vheei (8) mithe crank handie.

Thus the modei can he operated either hy handor hy motor, as desired. The craok haodie and pui—iey (8) couid aiso he removed ami the motnr Hxeddirectiy uoder the tahie. The cord couid then hecoonected trom the motor puHev (6) to the poiiev(9) on the upper arm of the modei. This wooidmake a more compact aod neater mod’1.

\Vhen connecting the coni hetween two puiiesdo not make it too tight nor too ioose—a littie experimentiog iviii he necessary tu get the proper tensiots. Meccano Spring Cord (part No. 58) is ideaifor use with pulieys as k automaticaiiy adjusts itseifto the proper tension. It can be purchased separateiy at any time.

Be sure that the modei operates freeiy before atternpting to drive it with the motor,

Gears for Meccano Motors

To the driviog shaft of the motor is secured apinion (10) whicis is osed when a positive shaftdrive is required itistead of a belt drive. A 57—tcs)thed gear vheei (Meccaoo part No. 27a), se—cured tu a rod passed throngh hoie 7, wiii meshwith the pinion un the (iriviog shaft, ami this gearwheel ‘viii rotate mnch siower than the piniois 1w—

cause it is a great deal larger. However, aithoughthe speed nf the secood shaft is nniy aboot 54th thespeed nf the first shaft, it has abont five times thepower.

This is known as gear redoction and the procedure may be repeateci by using a Meccano pinionun the nther end of the md which goes thronghhoie 7. This pinion cati he macie tu mesh with agear wheei in the mociei.

JcoJ7 Angle G,rders, 24”long . eachlA “ “ 181z’’ “ .

8 “ 12’,,” “ 3duz.8. “ “ 91..””

8n “ “ 7t” “

9 “ “ 53.,,””9,, “ 41,.,” a

9 “ 3”9c “ “ .3””9» “ “ 2’”9i “ “ 2” “

92) “


10 Flat Bracket, 35 doz.11 Double Brackets each

(12) (12A)

12 Angle Brackets, 34”x3’3 dan.12). “ “ 1”xl” each12n 1”x3

13 Asle Rods,13A “ “

14 “

15 “


16 “



19 Crank Har,dles each


No.19). 33 heels, 3” diam., with set screw .. .each20 Flanged ‘3,heels

Pt,lley VlieelsIQa 3” dia. wjth centre boss and set srresv, cach20,,. 2’ “ “ “ ““““ a

21 13‘«‘‘««a a




24 Bush W’heels each .1525 Pioic,n W1cc1s, 3.,,’ dia,0 “ .2526 aa, ,, 15

(28)Gear Whccls

27 50 tettI (t’, gear s ith 3.’ pinion) each27A57 “a”» 1,,

27t, 133 ““a

28 C’,’ntratc Whecls, 1 diam29 “ “ 3’” .,, .,



32 Worm Wl,eel,, each .2533 Pawls (complete) .1533 Pivot Bults with Nuts .

34 Spanners “ .1034a lSox Spanners ‘ .20

(35) (37)35 Sprng Clips per box (doz.) .1536 Screw Drjvers each .1036A “ “ Eotra Long “ .5037 Nuts and Bolts per boi (doz.) . 1537A Nats .0537a Bults a .1038 Waahers . 0540 Hanks of C’urd each .05

i 11 Propeller lslades per palr . 1543 Springs each . 05

(44)44 Cra,,kcd Bene Strips ach .0545 Doubla Beat Strips a .05

(46) (50)46 Dauble Anela Strips, 21 “,. each47 a a a

47). a a a3”1’”...3.doz.

48 0 a “

48). a a 21;;»xI;a

48c O O 4I”1.’ O

48» “ “ O 5).”x(.” ..

50 Eye Pitges

(53) (54)

53 Perforated 1”Ianged Plates, 23.’”x235”,each53A FIatI’lates,4(3”x23.,, a

54 Perft.rated 1’)anged Sector Platea



Perforated Strips, Slotted, 53.5” Ing each

Instructjon ìclanual,, N,. 0-3a a a 4-6. .


lIouks(scientifie) a

“ (luaded)Sprtng (c,rd per lecigt)1Collars svir h Sto Scresvs tacI‘lhis l’art NurI,L,cr lias 1,ecn cliariged tu 48.,.‘l’bis Part IN umbcr llas l,cen cIIned tu 48aVindrn1l Sai1,, each

(62) (63)

Cranks eachThreaded CranksCouplings a

()ctagunal (‘ouplings O

Strip Cauplings a

(63c)Threaded Couplings eaclThreaded Busses a

Centro Forks 1

Weights, 50 gramme25 “ o

Woodscre,vs, 34 doz.Set Scresvs a

Grub Scresvr, 5-32’

No. Prieni Perforated Strips, i27.” lorlg 3’ doz. .45la “ “ 93” “ “ .35

a 73./Is “ .302 a a 52.”” ° .252.s “ “ 4i” a ° .203 “ “ 32,,” 0 a .204 a 3u a

“ .205 a ‘ 2’”” , .156 “ “ 2” “ “ .156A “ “ 13.’(”” . .. “ .15

Particulars and Prices of Meccano Parts




Bevel Gears eachPr

°‘ Perforated Flanged Platea, “23” canIPrIe

Gear Wheels, 1”, 38 teeth “ :65 52). Flat Plazes, 53.,,”x33,, ‘ :











22 1’ dia. sviti, cellter hcss and set screw, each23 17’

22 1’ witho,at”23 3.,,’”a”aaaaa





































113..5” laag tacI



3’”” a

23.” a a








.05 63c

.06 64

.36 65

.18 66

.20 67

.25 68

.35 69

.30 69,05 69»







78 Screwed 111131, 115.5 each79 * 8”79A a a 6”80 “ 5”80A “


SUa a 41,.

81 “ “ 2” .

82 “ * (1

89 Curved Strips, 51/, cacli90 “ 25 3’5 daz.94 Sprocket Chain per yard

95 Sprorkct W’hee!s, 2” diam each95A “ ‘ 1’S”95a “ 3” “

96 a i””96A a a 55” a

Braced Girders, 33.4”long 35 doz.Il 24,,a

aIl 11 si:i” a

Healds, br I,OOtflS doz.Singie Bent Str)’s eachF)atGirders, S5”lang

a * 91,”

a 41,” *

“ 3’”


a a jl..’I, aIl 73



No.104 Shuttles, far Loorns each105 Reed Ho,,ks, for Looms106 W’ooden Rollers!O6A Sand Rolle a

107 Tables far Designing Machines a


ooQ o o o’ì

(114) (115)114 Tlinges per pair115 ‘rhreaded Pins each116 l’orI l’ieces117 Steel BaIIs, 35” diam118 Hub Discs, 535” diam119 Channel Segrnents (8 to circie, 11 Ss”








121 Trairi Couplingl each .15122 Miniature Loaded Sacks 35 doz. .30123 Colle Pulleys each .50

124 Reversed Angie Brackets, «:: : : :

0’O O

(126) (126A)

126 Trunnions cach126A Flat ‘T’runniona

No. Price131 Dredger Huckets each .15

132 Flywheel, 255” diam earh .75133 Corner Brackets .10134 CranI Shofts, I Str”ke “ .10135 ‘rheodolite l’rotractors “ .06












Whcn ardenne Brushes or Springs, please say whetherthey are required for motor on which the Brush.hl,Idersure outslde ,f the sideplate, or inidc.




No.70 Flat Plates, 535”x21.5 each72 “ “ 25/”x2,76 Teiangular Plates, 215

Particulars and Prices of Meccano Parts (Continued)


(108) (109)Arrhitraves each .09Pace Plates, 235” djam .20

110 RarI Stripe, 3 each .10

111 Ilolts, 35 eachlilA 3’”ille 732 doz.

o0000 0O )Q0

















113 (;rder Frames each 10


136 11* ndrail Supports cach137 Wlleel Flanges138 SItip’s I’unncls





100101102103103A103aI 03c103o103o103y103a10311IO3w

(127) . (128)

127 Simple lIdI Cranks each .10128 Boss lIeti Cranks a

139 A

(120)120 Buffers each .05 129 Rack Seernent,, 3” diarn,.,.. ,.,.. each120A Spring Buffer per pair .25 130 Triple Tlirow Eccentrica a

139 Flanged Brackets, (right) each1 3’),. (ieft)140 Universai Cauplings142 Rubber Rings (for auto tlres)

143 C’ircular Girders.5”diam. (over all)144 IJog Clutches145 Circalar Strips, 7” diani. (aver all)...146 Plates, 6147 Ratchet Pawis148 a l’beels

Broshes far Electric MotorSprings “‘“

Caps a e e a



These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. O

Trucks and Luggage CartsModel No. i

Flat TruckParisrequired;3ofNo. 52” “ 121” “ 16

b 2” “ 22$: •\i 8 “ “ 37

i” “ 522 “ “ 126A

Parisrequired:4ofNo. 24” “ 52 “ “ 164 “ “ 22

16 “ “ 371 “ “ 524 “ “ 60

Paris required:2ofNo. 2 9ofNo. 371” “ 6 1” “ 442 “ “ 17 1” “ 523 “ “ 22 2 “ “ 604 “ “ 35 2 “ ‘ 126A

Model No. 2

Truck with SidesMode! No. 3

Parts required:4ofNo. 2 l2ofNo.374 ‘‘ ‘‘ 5 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ 522 “ “ 16 4 “ “ 604 “ “ 22

Mode! No. 4

TruckMode! No. 5

Luggage Truck

Paris requireri:4ofNo. 5 l6ofNo.372 “ “ 16 1 “ “ 524 ‘‘ ‘‘ 22 4 ‘‘ “ 60

Mode! No. 6



Paris requ ireti:

°J’$ 2I JuLN

2 “ “ 12 14 “ “ 37i “ “ 17 1 “ “ 54

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. O

Paris required:2 of No. 16 4 of No. 372” “171” “524 “ “ 22 2 “ “ 604” “35

Mode! No. 9


Paris i of No. 16required: 2 ““ 17 I2ofNo.2I3 “ “ 2216” “514” “351

Model No. 7Covcred Truck Trucks and Luggage Carts (Co?tlilzued)

Model No. 8—Tjmber Truck

Paris rpqujred:6ofNo. 5JlOofNo.372” “16 1” “524 “ “ 22 2 “ “ 60

Partsrcquired:2 of No. 25 110 of No. 37

16 1” “5222 1” “60

Mode! No. 11—Tjmber Truck


Parts reguired:4ofNo. 21 14 of No. 374” “ 5 1” “521” “16 2” ‘ 602 “ ‘ 22 2 “ “ 126k


Model No.l4—Timber Drag

No. 15Chair

Parts rcquired:4 of No. 2 116 of No. 374” “ 5 1”” 521” “1612” “ 602” “221 2” “ 226A

Paris I2ofNo.ilIBofNo.37required: 2”” 1614 ‘ 604 of No. 2 4 “ “ 22 I

13 of No. 37i 441”” 523 “ “ 60

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. O

Model No. 19


3 of No.7”2 “

2 ‘‘

2 ‘‘

2 “


21 “

i “

i “

Partsrequired:2ofNo. 27” “ 52 “ “ 164 “ “ 22

11 ““ 372 ““ 60

Partsrequired:2ofNo. 28” “ 51 “ “ 192 “ “ 22

Parts required:3 of No. 2 2 of No. 354 517” ‘371 “ “ 16 1 “ “ 441 “ “ 19 1 “ “ 522 “ “ 22 3 “ “ 601 “ “ 24

Parts required:4 of No. 2 18 of No. 377 “ “ 5 1 “ “ 523 “ “ 12 2 “ “ 604 “ “ 22

Model No. 17—XVeII W7indlassModel No. 16

Go Chair

- ‘j__ -

/ --.

LModel No. 18


4f’/.. Parts, — required:

— 4ofNo. 26” “ 56” “12

., 1” “b- 15” “37

1” “44

.-:--:1” “ 52

/ /0

1” “24 /0

12” “37 /0

1’ “ 572” “60

Potter’s Wheel(underneatii uiew)




..‘. —- ‘

èModel No. 20


-— —— —

e— — e

— ee e

Model No. 21


FIG. 20A

a These Models caii be matie with MECCANO Outfit No. O

Mode! No. 22—Scales

Parts required: 9 of No. 371 of No. 2 2 of No. 12 1 “ “ 442 “ ‘ 5 1 “ “ 17 1 “ “ 522” “ 10 1” “ 24 2” “126A

Mode! No. 25—TowerWagon

Partsrequired:4ofNo. 28 ‘‘‘‘ 52 “ “ 161” “ 171 “ “ 194” “221” “234” “35

24” “37i “ “ 52i “ “ 54i “ “ 572 “ “126A

Parts reqtiired:4ofNo. 2 1 of No. 224 “ “ 5 1 “ “ 231 “ “ 10 4”” 35i “ “ 12 18 “ “ 371” “ 16 1” “ 52 2ofNo. 60i” “ 19 1” “ 54 2” “l26A

Mode! No. 28RailwaySignal

Partsrequired:3ofNo. 22” “ 5i “ “ 174 “ “ 221” “ 24

10 “ “ 37i “ “ 522 “ “ 6C

Partsrequired:4ofNo. 26 “ “ 5 Parts6 “ “ 12 required:i” “ 17 SofNo. 21” “22 51 “ “ 23 4

“ 122” “35 1”” 16

25 “ “ 37 1 “ ‘ 193 “ “ 38 3 “ 22i “ “ 52 1 “ ‘ 241” “57 9”” 372 “ “ 60 1 “ “ 52

Mode! No. 23



Mode! No. 24



Model No. 27

Hoisting Block

IModel No. 26

EZI)j 1OII Pulley Shaft

required:4ofNo. 24 “ “ 12i “ “ 164 “ “ 22

10” “372 “ “ 38i “ “ 52


These Moclels can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. O 9

Model No. 29—Drilling MachinePartsrequirefi:4ofNo. 23

‘‘ 4 5i “ “ 112” “161”” 194 “ “ 221 “ “ 244 ““ 35

19” “371 “ “ 441 “ “ 521” “ 543” “602 ““l26A

Niodel No. 30—Jib CraneParts required:

4ofNo. 2 lofNo.249” “ 5 4. 352 “ “ 16 17 “ “ 371 “ “ 17 1 “ “ 52

19 1 ‘“ 57

4 221 1” “601” “ 23


— e ee e—— •_


e• —


Parts required:6ofNo. 5 lofNo.242” “10 2” “35i “ “ 16 10 “ “ 37i ‘‘ ‘‘ 19 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ 522 “ ‘‘ 22 I 2 “ ‘‘ 60

Parts i of No. 19 4 of No. 37required: 4 “ “ 22 1 “ “ 522ofNo. 16 1 “ “ 24 2” “ 60i “ “ 17 2 “ 35 2 “ “125

Model No. 35—Buffing Spindie

6ofNo. 51” “16i “ “ 22i “ “ 248 “ “ 371 a

“ 52

I Model No. 31—Rock Drili

Model No. 33—Swing Model No. 34

• Ore CrusherFu,. 29A

Detail oj— Jìr.ting


— Model No. 32v Buffers

¶reg:ed:W2 of No. 2 2 of No. 35 Parts required:2 “ “ 5 6 “ “ 37 4.of No. 2 J 20 of No. 372 “ “ 17 1 “ “ 52 4 “ “ 5 1 “ “ 522 “ 22 2 ‘‘ “ 60 6 ‘‘ ‘‘ 12 1 aa 60

These Models can be mode with MECCANO Outfit No. O

Model No. 36—Telpher SpanModel No. 37—’VVincltnill

Model No. 41Quick-Firing Gun

Paris required:2 of No. 12 4 of No. 372’” 161” “441”” 17 1’ “541 “ “ 24

Partsrequireti:4ofNo. 24” “ 51 “ “ 161 “ “ 192 “ “ 221 “ “ 244 “ “ 35

12 “ “ 371”•” 522”” 60

Model No. 38Swivelling CraneParts required 1 of No. 24

2ofNo. 2 4” “ 354” “ 518” “374” “12 4”” 382” “16 1” “442” “17 1” “521” “19 1” “574” 22 2” “601” “23 1” “125

Many hours ol enjoyment rnay be obtained fromtlus model. The illustration shows exactly how ilis worked. The eurds otay be made to anylength, and the Ioad earried frotn one side ofthe rooni to the other. In order to give abetter grip, the operatiog cord should bewound twice round the erank hantllepulley. The body of the telphershould 1w serewed down to a solidbase with ord:nary wood serews,and t’te pulley bracket screwedin a suitable positivo 00 theopposite side vI the rooot.

Partsrequired:4ofNo. 26” “ 54”” 121” “161” “171” “194”” 226” “35

14” “371 “ “ 441” “521 “ “ 54

Model No. 39Furrow Roller

Model No. 40Lawn. Mower

Partsrequired:2ofNo. 21”” 164” “224 “ “ 372 “ “ 602 “ “126A

Parts required:4ofNo. 2 4ofNo.227” “ 519” “372” “11 1’” 442 “ “ 16 3 “ “ 601 “ “ 17

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. O il

The sector plate of the Cranein this model is pivoted to thebase with a fast pulley aboveand below.

Parts required:4 of No. 2 21 of No. 37

“ 5 332” “12 1”” 442” “17 1” “52i “ “ 19 544” “22 1 ‘ 571” “23 1” “602” “35 2” “l2bA


Partsrequired:4ofNo. 2

52 ““ 102” “12

19 “ “ 371” “522 “ “ 60

Parts required:4ofNo. 2 4ofNo.226 ““ 5 22 “ “ 372 ‘‘ “ 10 i ‘‘ ‘‘ 526” “12 1” “542 “ “ 16

Parts required:4 of No. 2 2 of No. 35

523” “374” “12 1” “441” “17 1” “52i ‘‘ “ 19 2 ‘‘ ‘‘ 602 “ 22 2 “ “ 126ki “ “ 24

• WatchStandPartsrequired:2ofNo. 21” “ 23

10 “ “ 37i “ “ 52i “ “ 571” “1252 “ “126A

Model No. 48Gong

Parisrequired:4ofNo. 21” “ 53 “ “ 12i “ “ 16i “ “ 227” “37i “ “ 52i “ “ 54

Model No. 44Model No. 42—Swivelling Crane Model No. .43—Ticca Gharry



‘kfl C’e ,e-:

V’iTh: !e •

Model No. 45

Model No. 46

Telegraph Key

Model No. 47SawingMachine




- - -

1” “52


N’lode! No. 49

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. O

Model No. 50—Roulette WheelModel No. 51

Partsrequired:4ofNo. 24” “ 51” “ 161” “ 194 “ “ 221” “242 ““ 35

20 “ “ 37i “ “ 524 “ “ 602 “ “126A

Spinning TopPartsrequired:1 of No. 17


Paris 5 of No. 5 1 of No. 24require(I: i 16 5 “ ‘ 37i of No. 2 3 ““ 22 I 52


ModeiNo. 52PunchingMachine

Mechanical HammerPartsrequired:2ofNo. 26” “ 5i’” li1” ‘121-’ 161”” 192 “ “ 221” “244 “ ‘. 35

18’ “371” .441” “ 523 “ “ 60Mode! No. 54

JCui out a circular piece of cardboard and markas shown io forni scoring hoard. Tlus is clampedhetween two 1” pul]ey wlieels. ‘I’he pointerrevolves freel-v on the uprghit pind1e aiidis held in position by another 1’ pulley wlieel.

Model No. 53—Settee

Partsrequired:2ofNo. 28” “ 53 “ “ 10

15 “ “ 37i” “ 522” “60

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. O 13

Model No. 55AnchorPartsrequired:

2 of No.3

44 44

4 :4 44

4”11 “


Partsrequired:4ofNo. 23

44 54” 102 “ “ 164 “ “ 22

18 “ 37

Mode! No. 56Devil Wall

Parts required:3 of No. 2 i 4 of No. 222” ‘ 5 18 “376 “ 12 1

Pars i ‘iuired:1 ofNo. 2 6ofNo.372 “ “ 5 2 “ “ 60



Mode! No. 57nva1iva1id Chair

Mode! No. 58Gnu

2of No, 101of No. 52

6” 324””60

Model No. 60—Fire StandMode! No. 59—Bogie Car


Mode! No. 61Cutlery Rest

Partrequired4ofNo. 51” “164

“ “

4o1 No.3

:4 4:

4i “

Model No. 63Lurry

Parts required:2 lofNo. 16 1 of No, 24 lofNo,525 2 ‘ “ 17 3” “ 35 1 “ “ 54

10 4 “ “ 22 19 “ “ 37 2 ““ 60

12 1 “ “ 23 1 “ “ 44 1 “ “ 125

w-wParts required:

2ofNo. 16 1 ofNo. 524” “222” “60

12” “ 37 2” “126A

2ofNo. 22 “ “ 101 “ “ 11

No. 69


Partsr’quired4ofNo. 26 ‘‘ ‘‘ 5

12 “ “


Mode! fsj 64 - iSailingBoat

Parts I

required:4ofNo. 216 51 “ “ 10

Tliese Models can. be .inade with MECCANO .Outfit No. O

6ofNo. 122” 164 “‘221” “ 23

20” “371” “ 52i “ “ 542 “ “ 60

Mode! No. 65


Mode! No. 66VegetableChopper

Partsrequiìed:4ofNo.4 “..

184 ‘‘

- ‘Model No. 67





Parts rP(lIIire(llofNo. 23ofNo.22i ‘‘ ‘‘ 5 3 ‘‘ ‘‘ 372 “ “ 10 1 “ “ 441” “ 1711” “ 57

Partsrequired:4ofNo. 24” “12

10” “37,1” “521” “57i “ “ 60



J Mode! No. 68—Shipyard BogieParts required:

2ofNo. 21 2ofNo.225” “ 510” “37i “ “ 12 1 “ “ 52i ‘‘ “ 16 2 “ ‘‘ 60

Mode! No. 70—Pen Rack

Partsrequired:4ofNo. 24” “ 54” “10

19” “371” “ 52i’. 574” “60HOW TO CONTINUE

This completes the Modes whic may be madewith MECCANO Outfit No. 0. The next Models area littie more advan&d, requiring a number of extraparts to eonstruct them. The necessary parts are allcontajned in a No. 01 Accessory Outfit, the price ofwhich wilI Se found in the ljst at the end of the Manual.


These Moilels . cisn .,be mode wirh MECCANO Outfit No. 1, or No. O ami No. OA

Parisrequird:2ofNo. ,13” “.22” “ 52”” 16i “ :‘ 17i 19

,222” “,22&1” “245”. “3515’” 371” “521” ‘ 54i” ‘ 57i ““ :60



Model No. 101 Modei No. 102 Model No. 103

Tandem Car Travelling Ladder Step Ladder


6 of No.4”2”4”





Parisrequired:4ofNo. 23” “ 52 12

10” “374” “60

Modei No. 104

SwivellingCrane’ .1

7.:’ - —

,‘—‘“ -‘

Paris reqoired: I4ofNo. 21 20o[No.378 “ ‘ 5 1 “ “ 522” “16 4” “ 6J4” “ 22

Modei No. 105 ‘1TravellingJib Crane


Modei No. 106




Paris requirt’d;4ofNo. ii” “ 26 ‘‘“ 54”” 12

12 ““ 37i “ “ 523 “ “ 60

2of No.6”1”

-: “‘‘ I.


Paris required:2ofNo. 17 iBofNo.37

21” “19 i 4134” “.22 1” “5252”” “ 22l 2” “ 54

i “ “ 24 1 “ “ 57164 35 13” “60

16 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 1, or No. O and No. OA

Parts required:1 of No. 19 18 of No. 374” 221” “522” 22A’ 1” “541” “24 3” “607”’” 35

This model is an imtin)vement 00 I1ode1No. 36 and as in ilie case of that mode], il vil]provide many liours of enjoyment. The cordsmay be mode to any leogth to allow the loadto be carried froin orie sije of the room to theotFer and, if necessary, a better grip mayhe obtained hy winding the operauog cordtwice rouad the pulley 00 the cranhe handle.The open sides oh the bucket may be elosedwith cardhoard so that it iaav be loaded withrnarbhes, heads, ete. The hed of the Telpher

may he screwed on to a solid basevith ordinary ‘ivood screws to givehietter sopport. The pu]lev brackeiand that securing the cord on whichthe bucket travehs should be serewedin a suitaide position oa the oppositeeide of the room.

Partarequired:2ofNo. 12” “ 24”” 51 “ “ 114” “123”’” 16i “ “ 181 “ “ 193 “ “ 222 “ “ 22A8 “ “ 35

24 “ “ 371” “441 “ “ 522 “ “ 541”” 572 “ “ 602””l26A

Model N0. 107

AutomaticDial Press

Model No. i08—Telpher Sparì

4of No. 27.. . 5

— 2” “161” “17



Model No. 109

Endless RopeRailway

4ofNo.4 “

8 ‘‘

3 ‘‘

Parta required:2 iof No. 19 i6ofNo. 3754” “22 1” “ 52

12 2” “ 22& 2” “ 54164” “35 4” “ 60

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit ?o. 1, or No. O and No. OA 17

The coostruetion of the framework of this model presents no diftirultv. ‘The sector plate forrning the ploughIS looselv pivoted on the bolts (1). The axle (2) ismounted in the front sector plate and the 2’ a” bent strip(3). A 2’” strip (4) Is bolted by angie brackets to ahush wheel on the front of the nxle and forms a dispersingpropeller for the snow after it has risen up the inc]inedseetor plate. A continunus cord (5) Is pnssed aronnd a1” pulley (6) and round the short axle (7) and a 1”pulley on the propoller ax]e. In this way, as the ploughIs moved along the ground, the propeller Is revolved.

Parts required: -

6nfNo. 21 2ofNo.358” “ Sf22” “374 “ “ 12 1 “ “ 523 “ “ 16 4 “ “ 604” “ 22 2” “126A

The tvo lower platforms are construetecl out of pieces of ordinary(‘aI-cII,nard. tlìeic outer edges resting on 21

,“ hent strips and theitinner edges on angie brackets.

Model No. 112


Model No. iio—Snow Plough Model No. 111

Dinner Wagon

Parts6ofNo. 23” “ 52 “ “ 10i “ “ 123 “ “ 161 “ “ 174” “222” “ 22

required1 of No. 244 “ “ 35

10 “ “ 371” “441 “ “ 522 “ “ 542” “60

Parts required:4ofNo. if 3o(No.224” “ 2 1” “246 “ “ 5 6 “ “ 354 “ “ 10 22 “ “ 372 “ “ 16 1”” 521 “ “ 17 2 “ “ 541 “ “ 19 4 “ “ 60

liegin to huild this model by making theplatforrn frorn n (Iange(I pinte and 12” strips.‘l’he drive froin the puiiey on the crank is takento a 1” poliev ft no a spindIe (2), anothersimilar puiley iieing secured to tue spindiebeneath the pInte. ‘Ilie arrns are formed offour S’A]’ strips and bolted to a bush wheel(1) fast on the spindie.

Paxtsrequired:6ofNo. 24” “ 52” “102 “ ‘ 161” “193 “ “ 226” “35

10” “371” “522” “60

Prtsrequired:4ofNo. i6” 21• •‘ 32”” 51” “101 •‘“ 114” “122 “ 171’ “193”” 221”” 22.1” “233” “35

20” 37“38

1”” 522” “541” 57i “ “ 60

Model No. 113—Swivelling Jib Crane

18 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 1, or No. O and No. OA

The fixed base of this crane is a perforated flangedplate (1) and the swivehling base 01 the crane isforrned by two sector plates. The jib is formedfroin two l21a” strips (2) bolted to the ends ofthe front seetor plate, two other l2a” strips (3)being bolted to the top of the strips (2)and two cross strips (4), the outer endsof these latter strips being stayed bythe strips (5) bolted te the backsector plate. The upper structureof the crane swivels ahoutrod and the winding rupe,operated Sv the erankhandle passes overo poli ey on a shortod in the head

of the cralle.

Model No. ll4Motor Van

Parts required:22A24

“ 375260



Mode! No. 116 Crane

Parts rc(luired:2ofNo. 1 2ofNo.22A6 “ “ 2 1 “ “ 249” “ 516” “354” “ 1021””374” “1211”” 443’’ 16( 1” ‘ 52i “ “ 17 2 ““ 54i “ ‘‘ 19 1 ‘‘‘‘ 574” “2212”” 60 I

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 1, or No. O and No. O 19

Model No 119

Jib Crane

// /1I / i iParts/



I f No


Model No. 121—Hatchet

Model No 118

Deck Chair

Paris required:

4 of No. i 4ofNo. 352” ‘ 226”” 374” ‘• 5 1” “524 10 3 “ “ 602 lOj 2” “126A

Model No 117




Parts rrquired:

4ofNo. 1 2 ofi’\o. 224”•” 21 1” “ 247” “ 514” ‘352”” 12120” “371”” 16 1” “521” “19 3”” 60

Model No i2OBed Table

Partsrc(juirc1l3o[N0. 21”•• 31” “ 5i “ “ 115 “ 122 “ “ 161” “ 174” “22I “ “ 24

21 “ ‘ 37I “ “ 524 “ “ 60i “ “ l2OA

..•...•.... ..,. . . . . .

Parts requlle(1:

3 of No. 1 15 of No. 376 “ “ [2 2 “ “ 54

Paris required4of No. 2 3 of No. 22 3 of No. 38


I 2 “ 22A I “ ‘ 524 “ “ 12 1 ““ 24 1 ““ 542 “ 16 2 “ “ 35 3 “ “ 601 “ “ 17 I 25 “ “ 37 I 2 “ “125

Parisrequired:i of No. 2

4 ,, ,, 55 “ “ 123 “ “ 164 ““ 222 “ “ 35

14 “ “ 37i “ “ 522 “ “ 542 “ “ 60


Model No. 122


These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 1, or No. O and No. OA

Mode! No. 123—LatheStamp

Parisrequired:4ofNo. 26” “ 53 “ “ 102 “ “ 161 “ “ 194” “22i “ “ 242 “ “ 35

27 “ “ 371 “ “ 521 “ “ 543 “ “ 602 “ “126A

Mode! No. 124—Tip Wagon

Mode! No 125

Mountajn Transport

Paris required:6 of No. 2 I i of No. 24

12 17 “ “ 371 ‘‘ ‘‘ 17 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ 441” “ 191 1” “ 52

“2212” “60

Mode! No. 126 Motòr Lurry

2ofNo. i SoINo.2” “214’- -.

Paris required:5 2ofNo. 16 lUofNo. 3711 of No. 54124”” 2211”” 5212” 60

Fic. l26A

‘lhese Moclels can be made with MECCANO Outfìt No. 1, or No. O and No. OA 21

Parisrequired:2ofNo. i5” “ 27” “ 5i ““ 113 “ “ 161” “17i “ “ 181 “ “ 194 “ “ 222 “ “ 221 “ “ 231 “ “ 246 “ “ 35

22 “ “ 372 “ “ 381” “44i “ “ 52I “ “ 573 “ “ 602” “1252 “ “126A

Paris required:2 2of No. 16 4ofNo.385 1 “ 18 i “ “ 52

10 2 ‘ “ 22 2 “ “ 5412 4 “ “ 35 3 “ “ 60

24” “37

A feature of this crane is that, hy thearrangement of the cords on thecrank handle, one load may be raisedwhile the other is being lovered.

Model No. 129

Fire Alarm

• 0

Parts required:

4ofNo. 1 lofNo.227 ‘‘ “ 2 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ 24I “ ‘‘ 3 I 4 “ ‘‘ 353 ‘‘ “ 5 27 “ “ 378 “ “ 12 2 ‘‘ “ 54i “ “ 16

Mode! No. 127

Jib CraneModel No. 128—Double Action Crane

Paris4 of No.4, ‘‘

2 “

13 “

2 ‘‘

16 ‘‘

22i ‘‘

required:i lof No. 522 2” “54

16 1” “5719 3” “602222A24353744




• •



c —, ....

-------- _._%

Model No. 130—Rowing Boat -


4ofNo.5 “

4 “

7 “


Parts required:2ofNo. 2 2ofNo.54i ‘‘ “ 17 4 “ “ 609 “ “ 37

22 fl Moclels can be made with MECCAN() Outfìt No. 1. or No. O and No. OA

Model No. 132—Invaljd Chair

Paris required:4ofNo. 2 l3ofNo.372 “ “ 5 1 ‘‘

“ 442 “ “ 16 1 “ “ 521 “ “ 18 2 ‘‘ ‘‘ 602 “ “ 221 “ “ 221 “ “ 244 “ “ 35

Model No. 135— Stretcher

Model No. 133—Foot Cycle Model No. 134—Forge Bellows

Paris required:2ofNo. 1 lOofNo. 372 “ ‘‘ 2 1 ‘‘

‘‘ 525 2 “ “ 60

Paris required:4ofNo. 2 1 ofNo. 191”” 3 2” “222

‘‘‘‘ 5 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ 242 “ “ 10 5 “ “ 351” “1125” “372” “12 1” “522 “ “ 16 2’”” 541” “17 3” “60

Parta recjuired;SofNo. 2 lofNo.241” “1014”” 371” “112”” 383” “121 1” “441” “17 1” “601” “18 2” “126A1” “ 221

Model No. 136


Paris 1 of No. 17required: 3 224of No. 5 2 “ 222” “10,1” “212” “1612” “35

HOW TO CONTINUEThis completes the Models which may be macle with MECCANO Outfit No. 1. The next Models are a littiemore advanced, requiring a number of extra parts to construct them. The necessary parts are all containedin a No. i A Accessory Outfit, the price of which will be found in the List at the enci of the Manual.

18 of No. 372 “ “ 381 “ “ 524 “ “ 602” “126A

These Models can be itiade with MECCANO Outìt No. 2, or No. i and No. L. 23

Mode! No. 202 Model No. 203—Lathe

Revolving Truck

Parts required:2 of No. 10 2ofNo. 22 6ofNo.371 16 2 “ “ 22 :1 * 522 17 4 “ 35 1 “ “ 125

The side frames of the gangway are made of 12½” strips bolted by rneans of 21/2”

bent strips to parallel strips below. The side frames are connetted by a perforatedflanged plate Lo the underide of hich is holted a hush wheel fitted with a rod On

which Is mounted a 1” pulley (see Fig. 204A). The rod passes through one of theend holes of the sector plate whicli is connected by diagonal strips to anoiher sectorplate. ‘I’hrouph the encl liole of the latter a rod Is threaded carrying two 1” pulleysfrom one of which an operating coni passes through the pulley mounted on theunder side of the flanged plate. In this way the Gangway may be rotated by anoperating spindie.

Mode! No. 201



— ra— — --

Parts required:2 ofNo. 16 1 of No. 524* “224.’ ‘ 60

12 “ “ 37 2 ‘ “100

Mode! No. 204—Turntable Gangway

Fic. 204A(underneath


Partsrequired:IofiNo. 25 a’ 56 “ “ 122 “ I2Ai “ “ 161” “221” “24

17” “37i

aa aa 52i’ “125

Parts requireci:2ofNo. i 4ofNo. 226”” 2 1”” 242” 3 34.a .374”” 5 I”” 521” “ 15 2”” 541” “17 3” “60

24 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfìt No. 2, or No. i ami No. lA

Model No. 205—Scales

Paris required:3ofNo. i 4ofNo.334 “ “ 12 1 ““ 522 “ “ 12r 2 “ “ 54

19” “37 2” “60

The slot Is fnrrned In’ inseriing 2 wasliers in thebolts ahove aud helow the heam. These washers1101(1 the strijn eomposing the standard ai therequired distanee apart Io gite the heam free play.

Model No. 206—Joy Wheel

The driving rneehanism and construction of the tramework of this model are clearly brought out in Fig. 206A.Cut out a circular piece of cardboard, 8” in diameter. andin the centre of the disc fix a bush wheel by nuts andbolts. The eye of the bush wheel Is then threaded overthe top of a vertical spindie, and secured hy its et-ecrew.

Model No. 207

Polishing Spindie

Paris required:2ofNo. 1 iofNo. 2246”” 2 1” “246”” 5 2” “352” “ 12 28” “ 371” “ 15A 1” “521”” 19 2” “543 “ “ 22 5 “ “ 60

Fic. 2064

Paris required:i ofNo. 2 1 ofNo. 1544” “ 5 2”” 226” “12 1” “352” “ 12 16”” 37

1””- 52

——-- ---

Model No. 208

Pit Head G(ar

Partsrequired:4ofNo. i5” “ 22” “ 32” “ 52 “ ‘ 121” “ 16i “ “ 193 “ “ 222 “ ‘ 35

25” “371 “ “ 522” “545 “ “ 60

Parts requircd:lofNo. 221” “ 23 ioiNo.544- “35 2” 60[7” “ 37 2” “1001” “52 2” “126A


4ofNo. 24’.» 52” “

4..” io1 “ “ li3” “163 “ “ 222”” 22A1 “ “ 243 “ “ 35

26” “371” “522”” 543 “ “ 602 “ “126A

Parts required:6ofNo. 1 24ofNo.374” “ 5 1” “522” “16 6” “604 “ “ 20

These Models can ho made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA

Model No 209



Model No. 210

Ladder on. Wheels

4ofNo. 21” “101” “121” “ 1.61” “19

Model No.21’—Motor Cart

be made with MECCANO Outtit No. 2, or No. 1 and No. lA

Model No. 214Model No. 213

26 These Models can

Model No. 212--

Cot on WheelsPartsrequired2ofNo. 27” “ 53” “ 124 “ “ 22

18” “ 37

:: ::1g

Model No. 215TippingMotorWagon

- Double Drop[1amin’Q)

6 of No. 122 “ “ [6

2ofNu. 2 1” ‘ 18.’6” “ 53” ‘ 22

ii ““ 24

Parts reiiuired1 of No. 35

18”” 371 “ “ 54i ““ 602 ‘ “100


6ofNo. 22” ‘ 3

53.” ‘ 104” “124” “16i “ “ 19i “ “ i84” 202” “22i “ “ 237’.. “35

43” “372 “ “ 38i “ “ 441” “45i “ “ 522 “ “ 546” “602” “1002” “125


Parts i of No. 16 25 of No. 37required: i “ 19 524 of No. 2 2 “ “ 22 1 “ ‘ 548”” 5 1”” 21 2’ “602 “ “ li 6 “ 35 4 “ “ 125

Model No. 216


— Parts i “ “ 45required: i “ “ 523ofNo.5 4” “ 60

i -. t .. ...1•.

lofNo.1BAI 4 “ “ 22

2” “ 221 244 “ . 35

55 “ “ 371 “ “ 455 “ “ 60


35 of No. 371” “44

I 1 “ “ 522” “541’•” 571 “ “ 60

These Moclels can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA

Mode! No.2l?—MonoplaneParts 2 of No. 3requirecl: 8 “ ‘ 5lOofNo.1 2”” 1114” “28” 12

1 “ “ 152 “ “ 17



Mode! No. 218

TravellingJib Crane




Fie. 217t


I *;.


lOofNo. I3”” 23 “ “ .52” “ 84 “ “ 122 “ “16

Parte required:2 of No. 171W’” 194” “202 “ “ 221” “ 22a1” “ 245 “ “ 35

28 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outit No. 2. or No. i and No. lA

10 t,f Ne.]42 ‘‘

2 “

Model No. 221

Windmil iModel No. 219

ElevatorModel No. 220

Mat Frame

Par[s required:lOofNo. 2 lefNo.16 I1” “ 3 1” “ 18 38oflNo.37

5 1 “ “ 19 1 “ “ 444 “ “ 8 1 “ “ 22 1 “ “ 522”” 102” “ 22i 2” “544 “ “ 12 5 “ “ 35 I 4 “ “ 60

Parts required:BofNo. 2JlofNo.528” “ 56” “60

24” “ 37 2” “100

Parts required:4ofNo. 8

1I4’ 12 lofNo.2421” “ 151 4” “3531”” 19 5” “375 2 “ “ 22 2 “ “ 54

These Models can be inade with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA 29

Mode! No. 223—Coal Sifter Mode! No. 224


Parterequirecl:8otNo. 22” “ 37” “ 54.’” 81” “ 123 ‘ “ 161” “ 172” “ 221” “ 246” “ 35

38” “ 371” “ 451” “ 522” “ 514” “ 60i” “ 62i “ “ 115i “ “ 126


Mode! No. 225—Locomotive

Parte required4ofNo. 2 lofNo. 242” “ 3 2” “ 356 “ “ 5 47 “ “ 373” “ 10 1” “ 45

12 1 ““ 523”” 16 1• “ 54i “ “ 17 6 “ “ 604” “ 20 1” “ 624” “ 22 2” “125i” “ 23 2” “126A

Parte required2 of No. 1 1 of No. 17 12 of No. 385 “ “ 2 1 “ “ 18A 1 “ “ 452 “ “ 3 4 “ “ 22 1 “ “ 522” “ 8 1”” 24 1” “ 54i “ “ 11 4 “ “ 35 4 “ “ 602

““ 16 30 “ “ 37 1 “ “ 126A

30 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. La.

Parta required4ofNo. 2 3of No. 228” “ 5 1”” 244” 10 5” “ 353” “ 16 18” “ 37I “ “ 17 1 “ “ 542 “ “ 20 3 ““ 60

Partarequired:3ofNo. 22” “ 82” “ 122” l2A2” 171” 194” 222” 35

26” 3710” “ 381 “ “ 524” “ 602 “ “ 624 “ “ 1252 “ “ 126

Partarequired: -

2ofNo. 23” “ 51” 112” 121’•” 161” “ 171” ‘ 183” ‘ 221” “242” “ 35

15” “ 371 “ “ 525 “ “ 60

Par:srequired:8ofNo. 22” “ 3

12” “ 56 “ “ 122 “ “ 174” “ 22

31” “ 376” “ 60

Mode! No. 226-_Candy Puller



I ! !

Mode! No. 227—Carrier Tricycle

Mode! No. 228Hay Tedder

-4JjtFjc. 227A

Carriur Tricycli’, uoderneath view

Mode! No. 229



These Models can be made with MECCANO Outlìt No. 2, or No. i aia! No. lA 31.

Model No. 23OMotor Van


Parts required:SofNo. 10 I 4of No. 22 1 ofNo. 542” “ 11 1” “ 24 2” 602” “ 16 4” 35 4” “1252” 17 12” 37 I 2””126A1” “ 19 1” “ 52

Paris required:6ofNo. 2 4of No. 20

10” “ 5 4”” 221”” 10 1”” 241” “ 11 38” “ 374” “ 121 1” “443” 16 1” 52

2 “ ‘ 546” 60

I 2” “1252 “ “ 126,4

Mode! No. 233

Smoothing Iron

Paris required:2ofNo. 3 4ofNo. 22 lof No. 52

10” “ 12 1”” 24 2” “ 542” “16 2” “35 2” “1251” “ 19 116” “ 37

Paris required;2ofNo. 2 lofNo. 17 6ofNo. 381” “ 5 4” “ 20 1” “ 452 “ “ 12 1 “ “ 22 2 “ “ 541” “ 15! 1” “ 24 5” “ 601”” 16\16” “37 2” “126s

Model No. 231

Stamping Miii


- N

Mode! No. 234


lofNo. 3— 4 .. “ 11

— 2” . 54t 8” “ 37

32 These Mode]s can be made wjth MECCANO Outiit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA

Mode! No. 235


Paris required:6ofNo. i6 ‘‘ 22” “ 36 ‘‘‘‘ 5

12” “ 1246” “ 37

i “ “ 523 “ “ 60

Mode! No. 237Towel Rail

Parisrequired2ofNo. 28 ‘‘ ‘‘ 54” ‘ 12i “ “ 154 “ “ 162 “ “ 226 “ “ 35

12 “ “ 37

iofNo. 1720

2” “ 221” ‘ 247 “ “ 35

34 “ “ 37i ‘ “ 45

Mode] No. 238—Spinning Top

Mode! No. 236Sifter


•:. ‘f’

Parts required:2 “ “ 151” “ 16

1 of No. 522” “

3 “ “ 60i “ “ 62i “ “ 1154 “ “ 125i “ “ 126A



These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i ancl No. lA 33

Mode! No. 241—-Dinner Gong

Paris required:Paris required: 1 of No. 15

5 ofNo. 1 2 of No. 16 44 ofNo. 37 1 “ “ 229” “2 1”” 17 1””44 27””372” “5 1” “ 18s. 1” “52 1” “542 “ “ 8 4 “ “ 20 2 “ “ 542” “11 4” “22 4” “604 ‘‘ ‘‘ 12 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ 241 “ “ 15 4 “ “ 35

Mode! No. 239—Seashore Aeroplage Mode! No. 240

Embossing Machine

f \i N liii ‘aP..flt

k,I/ I

/i I’

• ‘• ‘4.


Paris required:

4 of No. 1 1 of No. 12À3” “2 1” “152 “ “ 5 1 “ “ 161” “8 2’”” 173 “ “ 10 4 “ “ 203 “ “ il 1• “ “ 247 “ “ 12 6 ‘‘ ‘‘ 35

33 of No. 371 “ “ 331 ““ 521 “ “ 541 “ “ 601 “ “ 1251”

6 of No. 14 “ “ 22 “ “ 52

“‘‘‘ 8

2” “11

34 These Models can be rnade with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA

Model No. 242



Model No. 243


( .

— a Model No. 244• Easel

Parts 2” “ l2Arequired: 0 1 “ “2ofNo. 2 t’ / 2» « 22i “ “ 3 19 “ “ 376” “ 5 4” “

4” “ 8i’.” 11 ‘9

1” “123” “16 ti4”” 22


1 “ “ 22.&1” “24 /8” “35

I E: :[ />‘ “‘/Clockwork Motor

Parti required:4 of No. 1 2 of No. 22.44 “ “ 2 1 “ “ 242”” 3 6” “353”” 8 23” “372”” 11 332 “ “ 16 1 “ “ 522 “ “ 18 i “ 541” “.19 1”” 571” “20 1”” 604” “ 22 1” “115

W 4 444 -

Fio. 243.4

Partsrequired:2 of No.817 ‘‘












‘l’bis Moclel cati be inade with MECCANO Outfit No. 2. or No. i and No. lA

Model No. 245—Extending Ladder on Running Carriage


Fig. 243A Fig. 245n

The hed of the lower carriage framework Is formed by bolting two 12%”strips to the sides of a larga flanged plate, ami two sector plates bolted to theflanged plate by their flanges to lorin the sijes, ami a bearing for the spindiecarrying the operating cord attached to the hottom of the ladder to raise it froma horizontal posit!on, ami the strips (i) form a support for the ladder when inthis horizontal position. Angie braekets (2), Fig. 245A, form pivots for thelower part of the ladder, and are carriel from the supports (3). The upperpart of the ladder, Fig. 245, Is slidahly guided ami retained on the lower ladderby reversed hrackets (4). ‘I’he extension of the ladder Is effecterl by the crankedspindle round a pulley on which (and another pulley at the top of the framewnrk)the cord Is passed, the ends being secured to the lower pan of the slidable ladder.


36 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA

Model No. 246

Ferry GangwayModel No. 247

The AcrobatModel No. 248

Jumping Jack

Partarequired:2ofNo. 2

12” “ 54 “ “ 101 “ “ 24

18 “ “ 37

The vertical standard (1) is builtup from two angie girders, thealotted holes overlapping to forrna channel section gircier.


14 of No. 22” “ 36 “ “ 53 ‘‘ “ 82” “ 10

Parts required:2 1 ofNo. 22A5 2” “ 35

10 21” “ 3712 1” “ 5219 2” “ 62

Parta required:6 of No. 122 ‘ “ 162 “ 222’” 35

54’ “ 37

lof No. 451 “ “ 522 “ U 548” 60


Partsrequired7ofNo. 2i “ “ 31”” 5

1 “ “ 1214” “

521” “ 61)

Partsrequired:6ofNo. 22” “ 3

111” ‘ 52” “112 “ “ 164 “ “ 22

21 “ “ 371 “ “ 522 ‘‘ ‘‘

Magic SectorPlates

Parisrequired:2ofNo. 111” ‘ 172 “ “ 356” 372”” 54

When the cord is held verticallythe magi sector piates will fai1 orstup ai the bidding of the owner.Il the cord is hcld without tensionthe plates vilI fail, bui tue instantthe cord is tighiened they willstop dead. The cord is wrappedonce arouncl the rod which passesthrougli the centre hoies of theseetor pla[es.

These Models cnn be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA

Model No. 249—TurnstileModel No. 250

Chair forWounded

Model No. 251


Model No. 252

Parts2ofNo. i

10.’ “ 29” “ 54” “ 102’ “ 12I “ “ 15i “ “ 15A2” “ 22

requiret:i ofNo. 24

42” “ 372” “ 381”• 451’” 526” “ 602” “ 62


33 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfij No. 2, or No. ami No. lA

Model No. 254—Motor Van


Mode] No. 253

Railway Foot Bridge and Signals

ao &o




. e •

e‘—.-“--.‘.-. e

• • , :. .‘2—Gc



— -- -

3ofNo. 52 “ “ io2”” 16i “ “ 173” 22

Parts required:2 of No. 22A1” “242” -. 35

36” “ 372” “ «38

i of No. 522” “ 60I “ “ 622 “ “ 126A




4ofNo. i14” “ 22”” 38”” 52”” 82” “ 10

Parts required:iofNo. 112” “ 12i “ “ ISA2” “ 161”” 173” “ 22

Model No. 255


Parts required: -

lof No. 52

2 of No. 22A6 “ “ 35

50 “ “ 37i “ “ 528 “ “ 60

8ofNo. i9” ‘ 2i” “ 35” “ 5

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2, or No. i and No. lA 39

Parts requireo:

2ofNo. i4” “ 22” “ 34” “ 53’” 121” “151” -. 16i” “ 193” “ 222” “ 2241” “244”” 35

35” ‘. 371”” 451”” 522 “ “ 547” “ 60

Parts required:6ofNo. 122” “ 172” “ 2246”” 35

43 “ “ 37

Model No. 256—Roundabout Model No. 257—Beam Scales

— ‘1

e 5 of No.6”



lnfNo. 522” “ 54

602” “1264


This completes the Models whic.h may be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 2. The next Models are a littiemore advanced, requiring a number of extra parta to construct them. The necessary parta are all containedin a No. 2A Accessory Outfit (see page 58).





-‘ 161719

“ 20-‘ 21“ 22


-‘ 27-. 32


-. 3845

-- 5254

.‘ 57-‘ 59-‘ 60


40 These Modela cnn Le macle with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 anc! No. 2A

4Mode! No. 302—TobogganMode! No. 301—Rotating Crane

Partsrequireci:lOofNo. 111”” 22-- “ 3



Parisrequired:6ofNo. 5

20 “ “ 371 “ “ 525”” 602 “ “ 90

Mode! No. 303—Horse Sleigh


Parts required:3ofNo. 2 13ofNo374” 5 1””521” 23 1” “57

lofNo. 602 901’ l26.&

Mode! No. 304—SIeigh

The lower horizontal ribs (1) amI rnain vertical members (2) are made of auglegirders overlappinii nine lloles, and the diagonal ties (3) of iwo 12’ 5” strips and one5’,1” strip, the 12.5” stripe Jejng overlapped tinee holes. and the Iower 55” stripseven holes. The pulley (4) Is carried in a nosing made of two 5%” strips and two12%” strips connected at their apex by a douhle hracket. The rear swivel point ofthe crane Is made by bolting the gear box (5) io a douhle beni sirip (6) secured io thefloor. The crane runs on the flanged wheel (7) and Is roiated by means of the worm(8) which engages a pinion (9) on the spindie of one of the flanged wheels and isrotated bv the hand wheel (10).

Parts required:2of No 2 I lofNo. 524”” 5 2” “9010” “37

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A 41

Model No. 305—Tower Wagon.


6ofNo. 12” “ 4

10” “ 58” “ 82” “ 122 “ “ iSA4” “ 164 “ “ 20iS” 22A1 “ “ 241”” 261”” 324 “ “ 35

72 ““ 378 “ “ 382 “ “ 523” “ 59

10” 60i “ “ 982 ““ 1001 “ “ 1152 “ “ 126A

Fic. 305A Fin. 305B

Begin the construction of this modei by huilding up the platform, Fig. A, the tie strips (1)1being left off as shown in nrder to be able to insert the rising andfalling tnwer, Fig. a. The strips are then bolted no. The guide strips (2) are bnlted tn the drder (3) of the tower with washers beneath the strips. ‘ihis givesthe necessary clearance and enables the strips tu rise easiiy up the faces of the girders (4) of the fied lower part of the tower. The tower is raised by means of anord which passes nver a puIley (5) and is fastened tn a md (6), the nther end nf the coni wii;ding po a md (7) muiated by a hand wheel (8) no the spindie ofthe worm (9).

Fin. 305

42 These Models can be niade with MFCCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 anil No. 2A

Parterecjuirecl:2ofNo 32” “ 54” “ 114”” 122 “ “ 12A2” L52 “ “ 191”” 19e4”” 2V4” “ 223 35

50” “ 372” “ 523”” 532 596 “ “ 60i “ “ 63i “ “ 1024 “ “ 125

Mode! No. 307

Mode! No. 306—Letter Balance Oscillating Steam Engine

Parterequired:6ofNo. 22” . 34” “ 52 “ “ 102 ““ 114”” 12



— a

Fic. 306A

2 of No. 12A1 “ “ 152” “ 172”” iSA2” “ 202” “ 224” “ 35

40” “ 376/’ “ 381 “ “ 521 “ “ 534 “ “ 593 “ ‘ 601 “ “ 60e


“ 90125126

i-The connection at (1) of the roeking arme

(2) to the thrust stripe (3) Is locknutted to

give a free pivotal aetion, and similarlythe pivotal connections (5) of the strips (3)to the lever strips (4) are Iocknutted to

give free piay.

The piston rod (1) of one cylinder is pivotalIy connected to the crank rod (2) by meansof a smali double angie strip (3), and thepiston roil (4) of the other cylinder le pivoteilto the crank reO by a eoupling (5). Thecylinders consisting of four strips are enclosedby flangeil wheels at the ends. anO are pivoteilon ‘h” reversed hrackets (6). The mode)Is operated from the handle reO (7), a pulleyon the rear end of which Is coupled te thepuiley (8) by a cord (9).


The flanges of the sector plates (1) are bolted te the 3” pulleywheel (2) upon wlueh the erane swivels, anO the spindie of thepulley wheel is rotated by the worrn (3) engaging the gear wheel(4) on the spindie. In order te bring the worrn centrally over theteeth of the gear wheel (4), washers are placed heheen theangie brackets (5) in whieh the spindie of the worm Is journalled.

4ofNo. i6” “ 21• “ 32” “ 54” “ 8i “ “ 11

14” “1.22” “151 “ “ 1Ss2” “17

Parts required:

lofNo. 191” “ 1%4” “ 204” “ 221” “22k1 “ “ 241”” 27.1” “ 323 “ “ 35

70” “ 37

2ofNo. 382” “522” “532” “541” “573.. “592” “601”” 631” “115

1254” “126s

Mode! No. 309—Crossbow

‘J’hese Models cati be snade with MECCAN() Outlit No. 3. or No. 2 and No. 2

Mode! No. 308—Railway Wagon Swivel Crane

Parts required:SofNo. 1 1 nfNo. 172’” 2 1”” i8.1”” 3 2” “ 354” “ 5 25” “ 372” “ 8 1” “ 382” “ 11 1” “ 601” “ 12 I” “ 63

44 These Models cail be made witli MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 an(1 No. 2A

Model No. 310 Bob Sleigh

Parts7ofNo. 26” . 3

12 52 “ “ 82 “ “ 11i ““ 171’ “21i ““ 24

required:55 of No. 372” “ 381”” 452”” 523 532”” 541” “ 634” “ 90

Model No. 312

Drilling Machine


: /‘

Fa;. 310A

Model No. 311 Pastry Designer Partsrequired:

2ofNo. 23’. “ 53 “ “ 111’• “ 171” “ 22&i “ “ 279-’ “ 372” “ 59

2 of No.2 “

2 “

2 “

1 ‘‘

i22 ‘‘

“ “

Paris requir(d:

4 2ofNo 205 1” “ 21

10 4”” 2211 2”” 2212 1 ““2115 I 2” “ 3515A1 21” “ 3717 I i “ “ 4419B i”•” 46 I

5ofNo. 592” “ 602” “ 621” “ 631 ‘ “ 1111” “1153 “ “ 1252 “ “ l2A

Parte required:3ofNo. 14” “ 26” “ 31” “ 42”” 58” “ 84 .‘ “ 116” “ 122” “ 12x2”” 171” ‘ 18x1” “ 222” “ 35

51” “ 37i” “ 142” “ 522” “ 532”” 592” “ 624’- “ 90i -. “ 1253” “l?6A

Model No. 315—Rattie

Parte required:2ofNo. 4 6afNo. 372” “ 5 2”” 592”” 12 1”” 601 “ “ 15 1 “ “ 632 “ “ 26

I‘ha unly leature ai tlus nudel a ILH-h needs description is the

standard whieli is htult up of twa angie girdere (1) bolted tuthe hase (2) by angie brackets and spaeed apart at the top bya 2½” strip obliquely dispased. ‘l’ha halanee lever (3) is pivotalIy carried in curved strips (4) halted tu the tal) of two anglegirders (5) sliding between the girders (1). The girders (5)are themselves bolted together and in order to guide them asthey elide vertically flat trunnions (6) are hulted at the frontand rear. The halanee is raised hy depressing the lever (8)pivoted at 9 and pivotally eonnected at 11 tu the vertieally suding girders (5) The indicator (10) is bolted tu a crank at therear, the base of whiclt is tted on the pivot rod (11). Theconnections at 12 are luck-nutted tu allow free action.

These Models cnn be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A

Model No. 3 14—Demonstratjon ScalesMode! No. 313



Parte required:2ofNu. 26”” 32” “ 42” “ 161 ““ 1%1”” 261” “ 27

16” “ 372”” 543” “ 591” “1154 “ “ 125

46 These Models can be macle with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2.&

The scetor 1,late i isa target, whicli, when hit,allows the nigger to be dropped.The plate i is carried on the strip 2pivoted at 3, aiìd the weight of the niggersupported on another sector plate 4 pivoted at 5by rneans of the cord 6 keeps the Iower end of thestrip 2 hard against a short rod 7 pivoted aL 8. Whenthe tareL Is bit and knoeked back the rod 7 Is releasedand fahls about its pwot, ah i owj ng lhle settor pi ate 4,with the nigger to tirop.

This is a model to show that white liglit is made up ofthe three primary colours—red, yehlow, blue. Sectors ofthese tliree colours are rnounted or painted on the disc,whicli if then quickly rotated, shows as white.

Parts required:i of No. 24 I 8 of No. 371”” 26 I 2” “ 52

I I ““ 27. 2 “ “ 53I 2”” 35 4” “ 59

Model No. 316—Drop the NiggerModel No. 317—Newton’s Disc



\‘:s:i- : — .-.

- - - .-

- ,, .. .—.


Parisrequire(1:iofNo. i6” “ 38 81 “ “ 123 ““ 15..1” “171” “ 226” “ 35

33 “ “ 37i “ “ 442 “ “ 532” “ 543” . 594 60i” 63


iofNo. 151”’- 151”” 19o “ “

These Models can be made with 11ECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A

Model No. 318-Railway Breakdown Crane


2ofNu.4”41”3 ‘‘

1”211”‘1 ‘‘

Parts required:1 lofNo. 22A

2 1” “ 2311 1”” 2412 2” “ 2615 1” “ 3216 1 “ 3317 4.. . 3519 36 “ “ 3719u 5 “ “ 3820 2” “ 52






I/r/ 9 i


‘I. &/

Fu,. 3l8A Fu;. 318n

The swiveliing action is <;btained hy bolting a 3”puiley (1) to tiouhie angie strips (2) un the jib frame.The hoss of tins wheel fits over the roci (3) and issecured te the rod. The hand wheel (4) rotates thewonn (5), engaging lite pinion (6 tu swivel the jib.

48 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 aiid No. 2i

Model No. 319

Pit Head Gearrequired:

6ofNo.74 “

2 ‘‘

3 ‘‘

23 ‘‘




PartslOofINo. 110 “ “ 2

4, ‘‘ ‘‘ 32 ‘‘ ‘‘ 48” “ 8

10 “ “ 121 “ “ 153”” 15&1 “ “ 171 “ “ 191” “ l9ii1”” 221 “ “ 261 “ “ 2T&

Model No. 320 ScarifierParts required:

7ofNo. 2 I 2 ofNo. 221” “ 3 31” “37

Model No. 321 Lathe

PartsBof No. 2

10” “ 54 “ ‘‘ 82 ““ 12A1 “ “ 151”” 16

required:2 of No. 201 “ “ 22

41” “ 371 “ “ 462” “ 60

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A .9

Parts required:4ofNo. 1 4ofNo. 22

14”” 2 1” “ 242 ‘‘ ‘‘ 2 ‘‘ ‘‘ 267 “ ‘‘ I ‘‘ ‘‘ 27A

1” “ 3254 “. “ 37

2 “ “ 523 “ “ 59

10 “ “ 601 “ “ 632 “ “ 126A

Parts requrecl:12 of No. 2 1 ofNo 159” “ 5 2” “ 356 “ “ 8 43 “ “ 372 “ “ 11 4 “ “ 604 “ “ 12 2 “ “ 62

Model No. 322 Roundabout

flj117 ]Ì’T


Mode! No. 323 Swing

1‘I I



e, 1W

50 ‘l’hese Mode1s’can be xuide .with MECCANU (Jutfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A

Model No. 324

Railway Galage Parts required:2ofNo. 1

4ofNo 2 2ofNo. 538” “1212 “6030” “ 37 2” “W0

Model No. 326

Hand PiinchModel No. 325—Chinese Palanquin

-.:—‘/ ‘ (4

: k

Mode! No. 327—Wire Rope MakérIlie strands aro twisted frnm hoth ends by the handles (1 and (2) o! the .4t :(ixed parts. ‘1 he handle (1) rotate ihrough a large gear Wheel (3) twoPIHIOflS (4) cc the rods (5) carrying rraoks te whieh the stranda aroattaclied. The other oncia of the strands ave coniierted te a douhlehent strip (6 ( ne a hnh wiìeel which la rcctatecl in the opposite directionby a crank hand)e (2). The carriage (7) rene nn rails and the vrtica1

md (3) is kept just at the formatien of the twistedrope and so controls the tightness o! the twist.


2ofNo. 22 ‘‘ ‘‘ 3

3 “ “ 116” 1223”” 37

I “ “ 451” “ 524” “ 902 “ “ 126A


Pakisreqnired:GdfNo. 21” “ 3

2ofNo.2 “

3 ‘‘

12 “


: 2ofNo. 15 1 ofNo. 24 50 of No. 37 4ofNo. 59&3”” iSA 2”” 26 1”” 45 2”’ 60

11 2”” 19 1”” 27A 2”” 52 2” “6212 4” “20 3” “35 3”” 53 4” “126k


3ofNo. 26 “ “ 35” ‘. 52”” 82 “ “ 112 “ “ 152” “16

Parta . required:4ofNo. 20


3 “ 3538 “ “ 371” “ 46I “ “ 52

lofNo. 534 “ “ 592 “ “ 602 “ “ 60n1 “ “ 621” “ 63

TheseModels ilii be maae :with MECCANO Outfit No. 3. ‘or No dnd N6. 2A

Mòdel No. 38-’Lawn Swing


Model No. 329

• The swing (1) Is pivotafly supported on- four strips (2), •the far strip (2A) is connected at the top to a crank (3) whi -h Is

bolted to a rod (4) amI at the front end of this rod Is a wheel (5)

to which Is holted a strip (6) to the motor spindie

Oil Cake ChopperParte rcquired:

10 of No. 24 “ “ 102 “ “ 12i “ “194 “ “ 222 “ “ 35

20 of No. 371” “522 “ “ 532 “ “ 542 “ “ 6DB

52 These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and iNo. 2A

Partsrequired:lOofNo. 116” “ 26” “ 56 “ “ 12i “ “ iSA4 “ “ 35

45 “ “ 371 “ “ 52


Parrs required:4ofNo. 1 I lofNo. 243” “ 2 15’” 371 ‘‘ ‘‘ 4 1 ‘‘ ‘‘ 522”

“ sI

IModel No. 332—Drafting Machine

I IModel No. 331—Swiriging Cot


No. 333- Lawn Marker

Parto required:lofNo. 2 4ofNo. 20 2ofNo. 546 “ “ 5 6 “ “ 35 2 “ “ 591 “ “ l5& 21 “ “ 37 4 “ “ 604 “ “ 16 1 “ “ 53 1 “ “ l26A

These Models can be macle witb MECCANO Outfìt No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A 53




itt I



::::: : _ttee

Model No. 336—Ice Boat


• /tI\\\is’ i fl\\\ \.\IS’ i P\ \ \ \a\

Z a

\ \\ \ a\ \ a

4 \\


• • a a a a • •

* — —a4k


Model No. 334

Lace Jennier

Partsrequired:8ofNo. 24” “ 1.11 “ “ 151” “ 191 “ “ 24

14 “ “ 371 “

“ 52i” “ 59I “

“ 62i “ “ 63

Model No 335—Flax CleanerParis required:

6ofNo. 2 4ofNo.6 ‘‘ ‘‘ i ‘‘

8 “ “ 12 “ “ 11 “ “ 41 ‘‘ ‘‘ 262 “ 21 ‘‘ 1 ‘‘


Paris required:3 of No. 1 1 ofNo. 222” “ 2 1” “ 242 “ “ 3 36 “

‘ 373 “ “ 5 1 “ ‘‘ 522 “ “ 8 1 “ “ 542 “ “ 12 1” 593 “ “ 12 1 “ “ 62i” “ 17 1” “ 631 “ “ 19 i 2 “ “ l26A

54 These Models can be inade with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No, 2A

Modei No, 337—Swing Model No- 338—Automatic Swing Boat

Parisrequired:SofNo. i

18” “ 24” “ 39” “ 58” “ 88” “ 122” “ 15i “ “ 211” “ 24

84” “ 373 “ “ 382 “ “ 592 “ “ 62i “ “ 632 “ “ i26A

Clockwork Motor

This Model can be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A 55


, N

Parts rejtnred:

2ofNo..1’4” “ 21” “ 36”’” 54” “ 83 “ “ 110” “ 122 “ “ 12A1” “ iSA4” “ 16i “ “ 18A

2 ““ 194” “ 204” “ 221” “ 221 “ “ 261” “337” “ 35

45” “‘371 “ “ 442” “ 543” “ 593 “ “ 60i “ “1154” “125

Parte required:

2 uf No. 15 iofNo. 253 “ “ 15& 1 “ “ 27A

4” “20 4” “ 352” “22 36” ‘ 37I “ “ 24 2”” 52

‘‘‘I ‘‘f


Model No. 339—-Fire EscapèThe main frame (1) is pivotally connected to

the running trnck (2) ahout the rod (3).Ordinarily the frame (1) Teste on the runningtruck (2) when the cleape is being transporte!. 111 order to rajse the main frameabout the pivot rod (3) the handle (41

winds U t’le cord (5) the outer end ofwhieli le conneeted to the running trurkax?e in order to raise or lower theladder (6) t’le handle (7) is turned in one or otiler (lireotion, thecord (3) passing over the pulleys(9) and being connected to tile

risiog ladder.

Model No. 340—Actuated See-Saw

The see-sawing Is actuated by the travelling action of the

wheels (1). The spindie of the whoels is connected hy thecord (2) to the pulley (3) on the spin1le of tha pinion (4)which drives a gear wheel on the spindle of the bush wheel

(5). A threaded pin (6) on this wheel engages the strip

(7) coupled to a lever strip (3) pivotei at (9)which rocks pivot rod (10) ofthesee.saw (11).


e.4 .e’.*.,

3ofNo. 22 ““ 35 “. “ 58” “ 84” “12

i of No. 533” “ 592 “ “ 602” “ 62


56These Models cnn be made with MECCANO Outflt No. 3, or No. 2 and No. 2A

Mode! No. 341—Hand Car • . Model No. 342—Pile Driver


2ofNo. 12” “ 2

10” “ 52” “ 82” “ 102” “ 122”’” 1543 ““ 161” “ 194” “ 203” “ 221 ‘ “ 261” ‘ 27s2’- “ 35

26” “ 374”” 331” “ 451” “ 52

593” “ 601 “ “ 1153 ““ 1264

Parte required:8ofNo. 2 2ofNo. 221 ““ 4 1 “ “ 261” “ 5 1” “ 2744” “ 11 6” “ 353” “iSA 30” “ 372” “ 16 2” “ 531” “ 17 4” “ 591” “iSA 2”’” 604” “ 20 4” “ 126.&

I of No. 134


The car le caused to trave) hy workiug the rockinglever (1) which le connected by a etrip (2) to a crank shaft(3) and a gear wheel (4) ineshing with a piniun (5) on arod coupled by a cord (6) to an axle rod (7) of thetravelling wheels (8).

The driving head (1) le raised hy uleane of a threadedpin (2) 011 two 2½” stripe (3), the pin engaging in the firetliole of the driving head. As the head le raieej, the etrip (3)rnakes contact with a pulley (4) and the latter puchee thestrip rearwardly, disengaging the pio frorn the hole on thedriving head, perncitting it to faN. The croce stripe (5) ofthe driving head are duplicated behind, epacing washerebeing inserted between them on the holte (6) to allowfree xnovement un and down the guide girders.

These Models can be made with MECCANO Outfit No .3, or No. 2 arìd No. 2A 57

Mode! No. 343—SvQing Cot Mode! No. 344—Scales

Parts rcquired:4ofNo. 1 1 ofNo. 27A

10 ““ 2 42 “ “ 374 “ “ 5 4 “ “ 386”” 8 4””594 “ “ 12 2 “ “ 60n2 “ “ 17 4 “ “ 901 “ “ 24

Parts required:

2of No. 21 ‘‘ ‘‘ 32 ‘‘ “ 41” “ 52”” 81” “ 111” 151 “ “ 174” “ 201 “ “ 221” “ 24

15 “ “ 372” “ 521 “ “ 541 “ “ 602 “ “ 621 “ “ 63i “ “ 90

‘ -



This completes the Models which may be made with MECCANO Outfit No. 3. The next Models are a Iittlemore advanced, requiring a number of extra parts to construct them. The necessary parts are alI containedin a No. 3A Accessory Outfit (see next page).


The Meccano Accessory OutfitsThe illustration at the right shows a specinien of one of the Meccano Acces

sory Outfits. As we bave already explained, these connect the main Outfits,making it possible for a hoy to commence with one of the smail Outfits andbuild it up bv easy stages until he has the equivalent ofthe largest Outht niade.For example, if vou now have a No. 3 Outftt, the addition of a No. 3A Accessory Otttht wilI convert it into a No. 4, with which a number of bigger and hetter models can be built. The further addition of a No. 4A Accessory Outfit willbuild your equiprnent into a No. 5 ()utfit. Bv adding a No. 5A Accessory Out—

vou will bave all the parts included in the No. 6, which is the largest onemade. You wilI then be able to huild all of the 353 inodels shown in the twohig Manuals and also 1w able to invent new rnodels. For prices sec page 62.

Accessor’’ Outfits do noi contain Motors or Transformers

The Meccano Electric MotorsHow splendid it is, after spending hours in

biiilding a model, to be able to set it in motionwith an electric motor, just as real engineersdo! The Meccano Electric Inotors are madeespecially for this purpose and lnay be tuofrom three dry batteries or direct from thehouse current with the Mettano Transformer.They are designed to he bui!t into IVleccanomodels and are the most powerful toy rnotorstriade. Two tvpes are availahle—the E-I, aone-way motor which is fitted with a pulley forbelt drive and a pinion for gears; and the E-2, which is reversible and includes extragears. F’or prices sec page 62.

The Meccano Clockwork Motor

This motor serves the sarne purpose as the electricrnntprs and is a fine piece of mechanisrn—simple,powerful an,! re!iable. It is provided with the standard Meccano equidistant holes and can be built rightinto the model and forin a rigid part of it. A startingand stopping Irver is provided, and the motor IS rISOfltted with reverse rnechanisrn. For price see page 62.

The Meccano TransformerSpeciallv constructed to operate IVieccano Electric

Motors froni the house current. A safe and reliableinstrument that elirninates the expense of batter,es.For alternating current of 110 volts, 60 cvcles only.For price see page 62.

59A Few Choice Meccano Models

On this and the following pages we illustrate some of the larger rnodels which can bebuilt with Meccano. Each one of these is a perfect working model, accurate in every detail.They represent the genius of generations of engineering experts, and will give any boy whobuilds them many hours of enjoyment in addition to a sound knowledge of the constructionand operation of the actual mechanisms.

Hydraulic Grane

This model iUustrates the operationof a Ilydraulic Crane, in whicli greatpower is utiized to force two or moresets of pullev wlieels apart; it is soarranged that a great moveinent of dieload is obtained by a smali movementof the operating power.

TheodoliteA IlIeo(lolite Is an instrument with whicli angles and

inclinations can be accurately and rapidly determined and(liStances calculated. It Is used by surveyors and civil engineers for ineasuring plo[s of land, ete. The model Theo(bue illustrated is easy to build and any boy can Iiave alot of fun with il.


Revolving CraneAnother type of crane in which the movements

of both the hoisiing pulley and the jib are controlled by one handle. Clutches are providedfor engaging either the pulley or jib gears. andthe entire crane is mounted on four wheels atright angles to each other, and they may run onrails or on a flat surface to turn the crane around.

60 The Meccano Auto ChassisSpecial Model No. 701

The Meceano Auto Chassis is a model of exceptional interest as il provides a complete demohstration of a real Auto Chassis. It is

equipped with a perfect difierential, worm steering mechanism and a transmission giving two speeds forward and reverse. li is under

slung and provided with semi-elliptic front springs ami cantilever rear springs. In order to make its construction quite clear a number

of sectional photographs and drawings are necessary. These are all contained on a separate sheet, printed on art paper, whiclj niay be

purchased frora Meccano Company Inc., Efizabeth, N. J. price 15 cents postpaid.


rrlie “Meccanograph” Designing Machine 61

Special Model No. 708

This is a model of extraordinary interest, and we hope that all Meceano boys will build il. Withil any boy can rnake an amazing variety of exqtiisite designs by fixing a sheet of paper and peneil inposition and turning the liancile .At the right ive reproduce one design which has been made withthis instrument and rnany o[hers C0U1(i be illustrated if we had the space. There is really no limit

whatever to the variety and beauty of the designs which may beinade by simply varying the adjustments. When filled in withcrayons or water colors of tSerent tints the effect is most pleasing.


A special MeccanographInstruction Book is available, inwhich this model is clearly described. Nurncrous designs are also illustrated,

with the necessary adjustraents for ohtaining thern.This book will be mailed to any address, post paid on receipt of 25 cents.



No. 00 Meccano Outfit S 1.00

o ‘‘


1 “ 3.00

lx “ “ (with motor) 5.00

2 “ “ 6.00

2x ‘‘ “ (with moor) 8.50

3 ‘‘ 9.00

3x ‘‘ ‘‘ (witlì molor) 11.50

4 “ “ “ “ 15.00

5 ‘‘ with inotor uii(J transforiiier 25.00

‘‘ 6 ‘‘ 15.00(ìornluencing with No. 0. each Outfit an be tonverted

into the next larger by the addition of the proper AccessoryOutfit. See next column.


No. OA Accessory Outfit $ 1.25

Converls (i No. O Oulfil mio a No. i Onifii

UNo. lA Accessory 3.00

Converis a No. i Outfli mio a No. 2 Ouifii

No. 2A Accessory Outfit 3.00

Conreris a No. 2 Onifii in/o a No. 3 Oizifli

No. 3A Accessory Outfit 6.00

Coru’erts a No. 3 in/o a No. 1,, excepi mo/or

No. 4A Accessory Outlìt 7.50

Converi. a No. - in/o a No. 5, e.rcepi ira nsformer

No. 5A Accessory Outfit 2 0.00

Corzveris a No. 5 Ouifii in/o a No. 6 Ouij/

Accessory Outfits (Io not conta in Motors or Transforrners

Meccano Motors and Transformer

Ei Meccano Electric Motor—(one-way) $ 3.50

E2 “ “ (reversing) 4.50

Si Meccano Clockwork Motor (re-versing) $ 3.00

Type B Transformer (for 110v. 60c. A.C. on1y).. 2.50


Coiiten’ts of OutfitsDescription of Port 00 0 O.i 1 lA 2 2& 3 1. 4. 6
















12&12u1313k1415i SA



44D505252 &















Perforated SLrip9, 12)” —

4’” .. —-



Angie Girders, 12)”: : —

2)FIat l3raeketsDouhle Brackets.Angie Bracket.s, )“ X)”


.A.xle llods, 11)”.__8”.....



Crank IlandlesWheeb, 3PuIIcy Vt heels. 1”I”Ianged W heelsPuIley Whecls, I )“

1” (Iast’1” iLoose

“ 4”HLoose.l3ush WheelsPinion Wheels, )“ ..

Gear Wheels, 50 TeetIi57

Contrate Vheels, i)”

Worm Wheels.Pals (complete)SpannersSpring ClipsScrew Driers

“ (extra loiigtNuts and flolts .W ashcrs —

Ilanks of CordPropeller BladesSprings..._Cranked Bent Slrips .

Doeble Bent StripsDouble Angie Strips, 2)” Xl”

2)” Xl)”“ 3” Xl)”

““ 1)”X )“

““ 2)”X )“.

3)”Y )““

“ 5)’X )“Eye l’ieeesl’erferated Flanged Plates, 5)” X2) “

Flal l’laIca, 5)”X3,i’crforated Flanged Platea, 3)” 1<2,Flat Plates, 4)”X2)”..._..Perforated Flanged Plates (Scetor)Jnstruetion ManualsHooksSpring Cord, 40” lengthCollars with Sei ScrewsW indmill Sails ... .CranksThreaded CranksCouplings .Centre ForksFlat Plates, 5”X2l”._.

2)’X2)”.Triangular Plates, 2(”

Screwed IBod,, 3)”

Curved Strips, 5,”.....,,,..«

“ 2)”...Sprocket ChainSprocket Wheels, 2” .

4 4 6 10 ... 10

2 6 8 14 4 18

1 1 1 2 4 6

9 3 12 .. 12

9 0


4 4 8

5 3 8.... 82 2 4 .... 48 4 12 2 14


2 1 3

2 2. 2


1 2 31 3 i i .... 4.

2 ... 2 . 21 1 1 2... 2

1... 1 1 2




4 . . .1


i4 -.-. 4. ... 4

2 2 ... 2 . 21.. 1.. 1i ..-.. i . 1

. i 1


1i i .... 1 .... i2 8 4 12 .... 12

1 .... i .... 1

5 30 25 55 35 906 6 12 . . 121 i 2 1 3

1.... 1.... 1


i .... 1



2 6 2 8 2 10



1. 1 1 2



1 2 .... 2 .... 21 1 .... i ... 1

i... i... 1




... 2

‘i i

4 4















































4 16 32


5 26242 4)6 12 62 8 16

18 164 4 204 6 lI6 14 101 4

4 1.1 i4 12 43 8 8

11 36 11.4


2 2i 33 1


4.2 1

8..1 2..

4 i3 13 52 3


1 3 3

‘i 11 12....i i1 i

18 6

i15 175 125

21 62 6...2 2 2


3 52 4



iO 66....

2 4 3i i i2 4 32 2

5 3


1 2

54....2 1


1 1 2


4.2 6...

3’ 5’1 2 1





















Continued on next paoe)

A—A Brake Mechanism suitable forcontrolling winding or sirnilar spind}es

Contents of Outfits(Continued)

O OA INo. Description of Part 00

97 Braced Girders, 3”98 2” -

99 * 12”100 5” -__.._.._

102 Single Beni Slripe103r Flat Girders, 2 “ -—

108 Architraves -

109 Face Plates, 2” —

110 Back Stripa, 3”111 Bolls, “ -

115 Threaded Pina__. —

116 Fork Pieces,_.,__.123 Cono125 Reversed Angie Bets,126& FIat Trunnions .L —

128 Boss BeH Cranks130 Triplo Throw Eccentrica !..134 Crank ShafIs, 1” stroke -

135 Theodolite ProtraetorsElectrie MoloraTransforrner

5 63A






lA 2

i i

2 49

—. I

2A I

i i

0 9

i i

-- 42 4

i i




4 -

4 i1
















NOTE: Outfits Nos. lx, 2x and 3x liave the sarne contents as Outfit No. 1, 2 amI 3 respecti ely,and in addition an Electric Motor.

Standard Details of Construction

B—Type of Reversing Gear

C—Spring controlledBand F’riction Brake


MECCANOHornby’s Original System, First Patented 1901


Jan. 16, 1906 Jan. 4, 1916 Oct. 24, 1916 Oct. 19, 1920Nov. 18, 1913 Feb. 15, 1916 0cL. 9, 1917 i Dcc. 14, 1920Nov. 23, 1915 I Aug 1, 1916 Dec. 24, 1918 Apr. 11, 1922Dcc. 21, 1915 Aug.29, 1916 Feb. 11, 1919 May 15, 1923

Design Patent July 4, 1916


Meccano is more than a ToyTT i important to remeniber that when a boy is playing with MECCANO he is using enginee4ugj pts in miniature, and that these parta act in precisely the same way as do the corresponding

engineering elementi in actual practice. No other system of model construction can becerrect, and other toys which attempt the seme object by other methods must avail themsdvesal constructive elementi which are not correct engineering elements. Consequently, tbougb a boyay succeed in building playthings with them, they are merely toys and nothing else.