Instructional plan and presentation

Instructional Plan and Presentation Rebecca Ralph

Transcript of Instructional plan and presentation

  1. 1. Instructional Plan and Presentation Rebecca Ralph
  2. 2. PHASE I History 309: The French Revolution
  3. 3. Course Description This course is designed to provide a greater understanding of events leading up to and throughout the French Revolution. Students will learn what the major causes were leading up to the revolution. Students will learn the people, places, and events that were seen throughout the revolution. Students will research these people, places, and events and explain the significance as it relates to the bigger picture. Students will explore the government, art, and literature that had occurred before, during, and after the revolution. By the end of the course, students will know what led up to the revolution beginning with Louis XIV and how the revolution ended with the rise and fall of Napoleon Bonaparte.
  4. 4. Course Description Cont. Target Audience History majors and those who are interested in wanting to purpose a history degree with a concentration on Early Modern European History Length of Course Summer Session: 8 Weeks long Fall and Spring Session: 16 Weeks long
  5. 5. Goals for the Course Students will have an understanding of the major players, places, and events that occurred during the revolution Students will develop research skills as they pursue the degree in history Students will be able to identify the significance for each person, place, and event during the revolution Students will be able to examine primary and secondary sources as they prepare their research paper on their topic of choice
  6. 6. PHASE II History 309: The French Revolution
  7. 7. A-B-C-D Format A-Audience History Degree Seeking Student B-Behavior Students should be able to apply the major events leading up to, during, and after the French Revolution as it relates to the History of Europe overall
  8. 8. A-B-C-D Format Cont. C-Condition Given classroom discussion, handouts, and lectures Given reading in assign text, participation in role play, and facilitation Given key events, places, and people to know and research, an assignment to choose a topic not too broad and research and write a 10 page paper D-Degree Participating in discussion By offering an opinion Citing an example Instructor facilitating in role play
  9. 9. Project-Based Learning The objectives are designed around project-based learning The essential elements of project-based learning that will be used is: Significant Content In-depth inquiry Need to know Public Audience This course will use project based learning because: It aligns with the objectives that were created for this course.
  10. 10. Instructional Strategies Lectured Based Review reading assignments Assign students in role play Midterm assignment Allow students to choose what they want to write about for the research paper Final assignment Writing a 10 page paper
  11. 11. Instructional Technologies All of my lectures will be organized using a PowerPoint presentation I will provide PowerPoint handouts so my students can take notes using these handouts. I will use eBooks and put articles on eReserves as it relates to the course content.
  12. 12. PHASE III History 309: The French Revolution
  13. 13. The Implementation of My Course I will communicate my plan by demonstrating my research that Ive done on the French Revolution and show my audience my knowledge on the subject I will build interest and commitment by creating exciting role play activities and allow students to choose what they want to do their research paper on My participants will be history majors/minors and/or participants interested in French history
  14. 14. Formative Assessments Discussions In class presentations Observations Peer/self assessments Questioning
  15. 15. PHASE IV History 309: The French Revolution
  16. 16. Criteria Use The criteria I will use for determining whether the goals, objectives, and overall outcomes of the course have been met is by: Observing the classroom discussions If the students are sharing their views and it aligns with the lectures and reading material than I know the course objectives have been met Creating End of Course Evaluations
  17. 17. Overview of the Course This is a subject based history course design for: History Degree Seeking students Students who had taken Western Civilization 102 Students interested in French History Total length of course: Summer Session: 8 weeks Fall and Spring Session: 16 weeks Instructional Strategies being used: Lectures Classroom Discussion over assigned reading and art shown Instructional Technologies being used: PowerPoint Computer Projector Ebooks and Ereserves Criteria being used: End of Course Evaluations
  18. 18. References Image: Image: peque.jpg/300px-French_Revolution_Napoleon-peque.jpg Image: Image: french-revolution-tells-us-about-todays-activist-movements- e1342168521376-638x360.jpg Image: poster.jpg Image: Image: content/uploads/2014/06/frenchrev.jpg Image: XImXbPeOE/s1600/Marie+Antoinette+and+children.jpg Image: pierre.jpg
  19. 19. References Cont. Image: Image: files/marie-antoinette-queen-consort-of- louis-xvi.jpg Image: 9-albums-couple%2Bportraits-picture4622- king-louis-xvi-france-archduchess-maria- antonia-austria-marie-antoinette- france.jpg