Instapower @'Nov2011

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Transcript of Instapower @'Nov2011

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    2 0 1 1 ~"~O~~~"s,~"~"~"!,~,~,~"~'~"~""m"'''",""'',"",,"''m'''''",""'',"",,",,,",,;";i n s t a p o w e r the future of LED lighting

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    M O V I N G

    T O W A R D SG R E E N E RL I V I N G

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    CONTENTS 103

    Abou t 104Faci l i t ies I 06Cert i f icat ions I 08Paten ts 1 1 0K e y C u stom ers 1 1 1In do o r L ig h ts 1 1 4O u tdoo r L igh ts 144L an d sc ap e L ig hts I 57A rc hite ctu ra l L ig hts I 60A via tio n L ig hts I 66R oad S afe ty L igh ts I 70D is pla y B o ard s I 71

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    04 I ABOUT

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    i n s t a p o w e r the future of LED lighting

    I N S T A P O W E R . a T U V c e r t i f i e d IS O 9 0 0 1 & 1 4 0 0 1o rg a n i1 a tio n , h a s b e e n a le a d in g n am e in p owe relec tronics tor ever two decades. Promoted by analumnus of liT D elh i, Instapower is recogniled as anR&D house hy th e D epartm en t o f S c ie n tific a n dI n d u s u ia l R es e a r c h ,G ov e r n m en t o f I n d ia . T he B u r e a uof E nerg y E fficiency, Iinvarnru ant oi India, recog nileslnstepower as an ES CO organization. It is one of onlysix companies for L E D products empaneled withCPWO , unde r th e aeg is o f M in is try o f U rbanO eve lopm en l, G ove rnm em 01 In d ia . In sta powe r, m orerecently, also bagged the H ate Contract fromGovernmentolHaryanaforsupplyolLEDproducts

    In s ta p awe r 's m a n a g em en t com p r is e s to pp rofessionals from vanous p reslig ious uni~ ersitiesfrom allover th e world. It has two menu lattu rinq units,equipped with state of the art manu factu ring andtesting equ ipment. emp loying over 200 personnel. I tmanufactu res avera 100 p roducts, has f iled over 10patents and over30 design patents in the area of LEOlighting

    InstapoweristhelargestmanufacturerofLEOi'lviationD bsnucuen ligh ts in India and has over 100 ,000 LEDi'lviatian W arning ligh ts installed in India and othercountries. It has a range of aviation predects that areapproved by IC AO IC anadal. A irports i'lu thority of Indiaand OepartmentofCivi l i' lvia tionMalays ia

    lnstepuwer's vast product range is well accep ted byvoriousgovernment,semigovernmentorgonilations!institu tions and p rivate companies and has receivedsatisfaclory performance test certificates from themThe key client lisl comprises of such names as RO SO ,C PW D , DDA , H aryana G overnment, B SNL , A irtel,V odofane, N ok ia, Indian R ailways, B HE L,L &T ,D M RC ,NBCC ,ID C L ,DNGC . GA IL . OBC . A pollo H osp ital. RM LHospital,MarutiSuwkiamoogSlOlhers

    I ts p roducts have been supp lied and inst.lled at suchp restig ious p ieces as T he B ashtrapati B hawan andParliament H ouse amongst many others. Products arealso being elported to over au euoues in A frica,S ou th E ast A sia, M iddle E ast and Sou th Americabesides U K . U SA andA ~stralia

    ABOUT 105

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    F A C IL ITIES 1 07

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    No: 147/SE(TASI/App.ofCoDsultaut/2010//S=,._6,_- Dated:O-//7/2010

    Govt. of India(Technology Application and Standards Unit)

    Central Public Works DepartmentNirman Bhawan, New Delhi

    Office MemorandumAs per the recommendations contained in the interim report of Product

    Approval Committee for LlLD Lighting Fixtures submitted to this Directorate vide no26(4)/CE(I!:1/DR/SE{E)S&S/2001/361 dated 16/6/2010, the Director General orWorks is pleased to approve the following six Firms prcvijsioually for a period of twoyears or till the outcome of final report whicheverlt,is earuex-

    1. M/s Philips2. M/sOsrrun3. M/s Wipro4. M/s CromptonS. M/s Bajaj6. M/s InstapowerHowever, above provisional approval is subject to the following limitations

    and conditions:I. Since the LED Fixtures arc very expensive, decision to provide LED fittings

    be taken selectively and where it is considered to do so in the interestof work

    2. peed back on the performance of LED fillings be sent to 8&.8 Unit forconsideration

    3. While selecting LED fittings suitable guarantee be taken from themanufacturer for life and quality of the fitLings.

    4. NIT approving authority Lo decide technical requirements and inaccordance with CVC guidelines.

    5 The matter will be placed before Specification Committee for E&M Worksfor wider consultation and recommending guidelines for selection of LEDfillings for various applications t-nd for';"iinplementation of NMCC'srecommendation.

    6. Based on feed back, application of LED fillings be increased gradually7. The matter to be reviewed after standard & lest protocol of LED fillinw,s

    are issued by BIS and test facilities arc established by CPI~l.

    The approval given above does not absolve the executive/supervisory officerfrom their overall responsibility for using this product. lt is only afferthey are satisfied about the quality, rate and performance; the producl shallbe used. T~achieve this, proper check on the quality of the productactually to be used should be exercised.

    This issues with the approval of DO(W). (;;;:::>-Superintending Engineer (TAS)

    Copy to:1. The PPS to the Director General (Works), CPWD, A.Wing, Nirman Bhawan ,


    C PW D A pp ro ~a l

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    C ER T I F I C A T E

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    B S N L A p p r o v a l



    ESCOApprova l

    M E S Approval

    - . = = - I

    R O S O A p p r o v a l F o r E m er g e n c y L ig h t B H E L A p p r o v a l

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    10 I PATENTS

    ...t 0"0"".... 1131

    rHE PATENT OFFICECERT1Rc.\TEOf"RECIS"lRATlO'OPO .." C ,",.'="' .... -...

    III.~ I'A"n:r'''' ''''''''

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    K EY C US TO MER S 1 1 1

    ndianOil~ I@ lF '.QL:J~ sD a m o d a r Fallev NOKIA td$ ~O' :( t iH ( o n n e c t ln g P e o p le Count.,n u ..C o r p o r a t I O n9LARSEN & roUBRO

    1t'>.II~boUllm~gj" rjng

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    C olo u r K e y u se d in ta ta ln qu e fc r F ix tu re s a nd LED s

    R,d. G".n. 8!u,

    Omil,olg",u"dintllelurni .. i, ,." nroq",tfrornth.m."uf"'tulO'.

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    . , P r o d u c t R a n g e 2 0 1 1

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    Code-3610206_03IFil lureColour-SS

    -I ' lleam I GX 5 .3 Base" l l e a m recessed l igh l ing i s a r e n l e c e m e n t Io r5 0W Ha lo g en b u l b a nd is u se d t o p ro vid eli gh lI a rrocmstnhomes orotf ices


    .SecondaryoplicstoincreaseLUXoulpul Aluminiumnealsinkforneatdissipalion LE I ILun lenE i fi cacy :100Lumen/Wan.Sep.r.leeleclronicdriverc.bin A i soavai iabl ei n3W Eas yte in s ta llwithha lp u t app licab teho lde r W e i g h t :O .1 K g

    Type Power LEOPower Consum~lion 5 WIPR aling 20O peralingV oltage 90270VACColorTemperature C W / W W I N W

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    -I M R 1 6 1 B -2 2 B a s eMR 1 6 i s a re pla ceme nt f or e qu i~ alelll 3 5W MR1 6 h alog en lanlp with m ore th an 9 0% saY ing inelectricity. ~-"-

    R elfcli! Gol l imat inglensesloensurebet1erl ightoutpul.Specialtiesignlorblockinyofspililight E rt ru ~ e d a lu m j n um h e a ts jn k b od y lo r lo n g e r

    lEDlile EasytoinSlall inanyfix!UJewithhelpol

    appl icable holder. W e ig ht:O .1 K g

    -I M R 1 6 1 G U - l 0 B a s eMR 1 6 i s a r ep la cement f or e qu iv ale nt 3 5WMR1 6 h alog en lam p w ith m ore th an 9 0% savillQ inelectricily

    R etrofit Col l imat ing lenses toensu rebe lle rl igh tou tpu t.Speciaidesignforblockingotspililight E xt ru d e d a lum i n umhe a t si n kb o d y fo r lo n g e r

    lEDlile Easytoinsla ll inanyli llu rewi lhhe lpofappl icable holder. W e ig ht:O .1 Kg


    C ode 3 4 0 5.03 I H rture C olour S ilver

    Tvpe Power LEDPower C onsumption 3WIP Ratin~ 20OpmtingV oltage 110230VACColor Iernuerature CW/WW/NW


    Type Pow er L EDPower C onsumption JWIPR ating 20O perating V oltage 110230VACColor Temperatu re CW /WW INW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    CodB3202.21 I Hxtuta Enlour . W hilB

    - : L E D M in i B u lbB 2 2 B ase I E27 Ba se

    LEO M i~i B ulb is a rep lacementfer equ ivelent 9WCFLBulb.Energysavingupto65%


    Type Superllu~ISMD B e t ru t it in e x is ti nq l ix t u re sPower Consumption 2.5W D iffuser: A _rylic M ouldIPRating 2 0 Housiogma te ri al :P la sl icABSDperalingVD llage 110 230VAC Easytoins tal lwilhtheappl ica i liehoiderColo/Temperatu re CW JWW INW We ig hl: 50 G rams

    Code 1 7 84 7 0 5 .0 5 1 7W I I1 7 84 7 06 .0 5 11 0W I

    firtuta Dolnr S ilverType S M OP ow er C on sump tio n mO WIPRating 2 0OperalingVDilage I tO-230VACColor Temperalure CW /WW INW

    - : IP L B u lb I E27 BaseIPl B ulb is a replacement fer equivalent BOWinr:andescenlbulb.Energysavingupto90%

    Relrofi linexis tioglixlures D iffuser: A crylic M ould Housingma !e li al :P la st icABS E.sytoins ta i lwiththeappl icableholder W eig ht: g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    .: D esig n Patent N o. 2 27 2.4 4C ode3237 02 .721 Future Co lo u r Wh i le

    ./ ell B u l bB 22 B ase I E 2 7 B ase

    CLl Bulb is a re pla cem en t lo r eq u iv alen t 1 3WCFl Bulb .Energysav ing upta 6 5% .

    Relrol it inexis tingfixtures Di ll use r:Acry li cMould Housingmater ia l:PlasticAB S Eas ytu jn s ta llwith th e ap pllc ab leh uld er W e ig h l:O .lk g

    Tvpe Superflux/SMOPower Consumpt ion 5 WIPRaling 20Operating V oltage 110230VACColor Temperature CW /W W/NW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    V'[ 3l 1 - 1 ".: O olite 6" SM O

    P r i s m a ti c d if f u s e rO L ite 6 " SMO is a c irc ula r downlight~r withPrismat ic D i f fuser . It is a replacement for a2x13WC FL. Energysavingofmore than70%.

    ,.: O e si gnP.t en IN o .2 2 5 77 8


    HighgradeanodizedAluminumreflectorlo T V p e S M DP ow er C o ns um p ti on I 1 WL U X @ I M t r 351IP Ratin~ 10Operar ingVo lrage 9D VOVACColor 'lernpetature C W / W W I N W

    ensurebetterjuhtcutput S l im a n d l ig h twe l gh t te c e s se d t ht u ra.Separateelectronicdrivercilbin Twosp r in g so no p p o si te s id e s fo r e asy

    installalion within ceil ing C u to utd ia :1 7 3mm We ig ht: O.5 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    -I I l-lite 4 "O L ite 4" (Iown ligh ter is 3 rep lacement foreq uiv ale nt l1W ~ FL d ow n lig hter w ith a n e ne rg ysaving 0 1 over 5 0 % .

    --,.-- H i g hg r a oe a n o oi !e dA lum i n um re l le c [o r to

    ensurehenerj iqh tnu tpu t S pe c ia l c o a te d f in is h R e e es s edm e un ti nq fi m ne Twospr ingsons ide loreasyins ta l la t ionwi th in

    ceiling C u to utS ile :1 2 9mm W e ig ht: O.3 K g

    -I I l-lite 3 "O L ite 3 " D ownligh ler is a replacem ent for aneq uivalent 9W G Fl. E nerg y saving of m ore th an7 0 %


    HighgradeanodiledAlurniniumreflectortoensurebellerlightoulpul R o u n d fl a tt rimg ive sa smoot h e ff e c t R e c es se d mcu nf in g fimne s Twospr ingsons ide loreasyins ta l la t ionwi lh in

    ceiling CU l ou ts ile l0 6mm W e ig ht:O .3 Kg


    .: D esign Patent N o. 22 57 69C ode 9396 08.64 I Hr tu te Co lou r S S /Wh i te

    Tvpe S M OPower Consumpt ion S WLUX@IM t r 1 20IPRating z nOperat ing Vol tage 90270VACColor Temperature CW /WW/NW

    .: O e sig nP ate ntN o .2 2 57 7 1Code.92850B.30IFiltureCclour.SSJWhile

    Type S M OPower Consumpt ion 'WlUX@lMl r 71IPRating z oOperalingVoltage 90270VACColor Temperalure CW /WWjNW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    Rep lacement 13W CFLCode 711805.03Fix tu reColou l SS IW PCT p e Pow er L EOPowerConsumplion ' WLUX@ tMT r 180IPRaling 2 0OpsratingVoltaga 9027DVACtclnrtercperature CWIWW/NW

    Replacement 2 ~ 13W C FlCode 711805.05Fix lu reColou I SS /W PCType Power LEOP ew er to ns em p uc n 11WLUX@IM t r 2 4 0IPRating 1 0OpararingV oltaga 90BOVACColD ITanrparature CW /W W/NW

    Replacement h18W C fLCorla 711805.08Fix tu reColou l SS IW PCType PowsrLEOPewer t cn sempne 18WWX@ IM l r 3 6 0IPRating 1 0Operating V oltage 90270VACtolerjereperature CW/WW/NW

    - : O o l i t e L X8 W 1 1 2 W 1 1 8 W

    OL iie LXi sa C i rcu la r Downli gl lt er w it h p ri sma ti cdiffuser.Energysavingofmorethan70%

    ~l'i''--,,-,- HighgradeanodizedAluminumrefiectorto

    ensurahetterliqhtuutput Sl imandlightweightrecessedfixture LEDL umenEf f icacy: l00Lumen/Wat t.Separateefectronicdrivercabin Twu sp tin g s unuppu s ite s id e s te re a sv

    i ns ta ll at ion wit h in ce il ing C u to uts iz e: 17 3mm We ig ht: O,8 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    J-I D isc L igh t 8 "D isc lig ht 8 " is a round dow nlig hter and arepiacenmmtmequivalent2x13WCFLdownl ighter.Energvsavingofmorethan60%.

    H i g h g ra d eanod il e dA l um i ni um r ef le c t or toensu re ~ e ll er li g ht ou tp u t

    P uwda rt ea te df in is f E as y s ur fa ce m e um e d an a nq ern e nt L um in a ir e s i te- 1 6 5 m m W e ig h t :O . 9 K k g


    Code -769202 . 140 I F i x l u r eCo l ou r -Wh i t e

    T v p eP o w e r C o ns um p tio nI P R a l i n gL U X @ I M I IO p a r a t i n g V o l t a g eColor Temperature

    Super f l ux /SMOu w203 509 0 - 2 7 0 V A CC W / W W I N W

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    CodeHep la ce rnen tf i~ tu re Co lourTypePewer t cn sempueLUX@lMnIPRatingOperanngVoJlageColor TemperaturaC u to ut S iz eWeight


    I c nCO771906.(15tawcnBlack/WhileP ow er L EOlO W2 4 02 090270VACCW/WW/NW1 52 mm~ 1 45 mm0.8Kg

    1719(16.10Replacement 2 ~ IB W cnfiX lureC olour B lack /W hileType PowerL fDPowerConsumplion 20WLUX@ llM n 4BDIPRating 20OperalingV oltage 9027DVACColor T emperatu re CW IWW /NWDuteut S i z e J05mmx150mmW eigh t I.SK g

    Code 771906 .20Replacement 4 x lBWCFLFix tu re Colour B lacklW hiteTvpe Power LEOPower Consumption 40WLUX~ lM tr 840IPRating 20OperatingVoltiigeColor TemperatureCutoutSileWeIgh t


    Indus D -L ite1 0 W 1 2 0 W 1 4 0 W

    Indus O lite is a range of down ligh ters withPrismaticOi!fuserandleroheatingthatsa~esmOleth an7 0% eletn idty .

    S p ec ia l adj u st atJ le des ig n Bellerlightspillduetoadjustmentatanyangle LEDLumenEf fi cacy: l00LumenlWatt.lnbuiltSMPSpowersupply FourspringsonoppositesTdesforeasy

    installationwithinceiling R ad uc esAClo ad.Zaroheating

    [ C H I ,-"HI-

    C O ) JC O r

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    IND O O R L IG H TS 1 2 3



    1~lr l '~~~t

    - : T R IOTR IO is a rep lacem ent for eq uivalent 3 x 50WM R -16 H alogen down lighler with mere than90%saviogioeletlricily.

    .Specialadjuslabledesign Bet1erlighlspi l ldueloadjus lmenlalany

    defioileangle LEOLumenE f f ic ac y: l0 0L umen /Wa t 1.Separateelectronicdrivelcabio Fcu rsp rinq s anu pp csitesides ter easv

    jnatallatiun with in ceiling G u to ut si ze :2 4 2mm I 80mm W eig ht:O .6 Kg



    Type Power L E DP ow er G onsu mo lio n lIWLUX@lMt r 2040I P R a l i n g z nO peralingV ollage 90 27DVACColor T emperature CW /WW /NW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    C ade34 05 n a . o a l F ixwre C olo ur A L

    Type Po wer L E OPowetConsumption ' WLUX@ IM II 1400IPRating 1 0OperatmgVol tage 90 2 70VACColor T emperalU re CW /W WJNW


    Type PowerLfOPowe,Coosumption 9 WLUX@ lM u 3600IPRating 1 0OpBrat ingVol tage 90 2 70VACColor remsereiure CW IWWJNW

    0 : D U OOUOisareplatementofequivalent2150WMR16Halogendownlighterwithmorethan90%savinginelectricity.

    S p ec ia l a dj us ta ble d es ig n Bet terl ightspi llasi ti sadjustableatanyaogle LEOLumenE f fi cacy :l 00Lument JWa t t.Separateelectronicdrivercabin Twospr ingsonopposi tes idesforeasy

    installationwithioceiling C u to u td ia :1 5 31 7 0mm W e ig ht:0 .4 K g

    0 : A p o l l oA pollo L EO D ow n L ig hter is a rep lacem ent forequivalent hl8 C FL or 2150W H alogen downlighterswithmorethan50'Yosavinginelettricity

    .Specialadjustabledesign Bet lerl ightspi llasi ti sadjustableatanyangle LEOLumenE f fi cacv :l 00 lument /Wa t t.Separateelectronicdrivercabin Twospr ingsonopposi tes idesforeasy

    installationwithioceiliog C u to utd ia :1 0 7mm We ig ht: 0.6 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    0 : S in g le L E D 0L . owniqh te r I Black~~g~e6L~~IO~::~ Ughte~ is a replatemant for 20We je ct ri ci 1Ysav in g . own l ig h te r w it h more t han 90%

    0 : S in g le L E D D oL . wni q h t e r I G o l d e n~;~~e6L ~~ 1~9 : :~i gh l e~ is a r ep la cemen tfo r 2 0Welecrrititvs3Ving.ownLIQhlerWilhmorelhan90%

    @j'1::l71"1"~ . ~ .

    IND O OR L IG H TS 1 25

    tcde . 9 69 70 5,0 1 I Hrtute ColoUJ Black

    TvpeP owe r C on su mp tio nlU X~ lM trIPRatingOperalingVollageC o lo r T em p er al Ur e

    PowellED 2' 1 5 020

    90 27 0VAC C W /W W IN W

    Code959705.01 I F illu re Colo ur Go ld en

    TypeP ow er C on su mp tio nL U X @ I M ! rI P R a t i n gOperat ing Vol tageCololTemperature

    P o w e r L E D 2 . 1 5 020

    SO270VAe C W /W W /N W

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    .: D own L i g h t e r 1 5 WL ED D own L igh1 er is a rep la cemen t tor anequ ivalent 50W H alogen with more than 90 %s av in g e le ct ri ci ty .


    L igh tweigh ll e ce s sed fi x tu re LEDLumenE f f ic ac y: l0 0L umen /Wa n.Separateelectronicdrivercabin Twosp ringsonoppos it es ide sfo re a sy

    installation G u to ut siz e: 73mm l un u na ir es iz a .B jl mm W eig ht:O .4 K g

    T ype Power lEOPowar Ecnsurnp tlen 5WLUX@IMt r 1 0 4 0IP R alin~ 66O perating V oltage 90 270VA Ctc lc r Te mp era un e G W / W W

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    C ode 89 94 06.03 1 Fi~ lu re C olou r A l

    .: F ire fly 1 5 W (Di f fused)Fireflv 5 W ID if fu s ed l i s a re pla ce m en t fo re qu iv alen t lSW en with more than 90%s a v in g in electricity.

    Lighlweightrecessedl ixlure LEOLumenEf fi caq :l 00Lumen!Wal lv S epe ra te e t e c t r o n i c dnve rceb in Iwe sp tm q s e nep p oslte sid esf araa sy

    installation Cu t ou ts il e: 78mm Lumina ires ize :90mm W e ig h t:O .3 K g

    T v p e Power L E DPower Consum~t ion 5 WLUX@lMn 4 10IPRating z nOparatlngVoltage 90 270VACColor Temperature CW /WW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    .: F ire fly 1 5 WFirefly is a rep lacement for 50W M R 1BH alegen downfigh ler wilh more than 90%savingineleClri[;ily.

    C ode 64101 06 .0 31 Fi~ lu re C olou r - A L / W PS / SS

    oSpecialadjustabledesigno LEOLumenH l ic ac y: l0 0L umen /Wa noSeparateelectronicdrivercabino Twosp ringsonoppos it es ide slo re a sy

    jn sta lla tlc nwith in c eilin go C u to ut di a: 67 mmo W eig ht:O .4 K g

    T ype Power lE DPowa r Ecnsu rnp tlen 5WlUX@ IM tr 1 040I P R a li ~g 0 20O perating V oltage 90-270VA CC olor T emperatu re CW /W W INW

    " A lso " .il,b l. in o th or " lo ur s.PI"" ,p "ilv at th e tim . 0 1 p lacin ~ t he order

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    oo~"~-' i l l T 1 "

    C ode 64 1 01 06 .05 1 Fi~ lu re C olou r A l

    .: F ire fly 1 6 WFireflv is a rep lacement for 50W M A16 SpecialaqustabledesiqnH alog en dow nlig hter w ith m ore th an 90% L E O Lumen E f lic aq : 1 0 0 I um en fw attsaving inelectricity. v Seperate e t e c t r o n i c dnvercebin

    Iwe sp tm q s e nep p oslte sid esf araa syjnstal lat iun within ceil ing

    C u to utd ia :9 2mm W e ig h t:0 .5 K g

    T v p e eeweunPower Consum~t ion 6 WL U X @ l M t r 1600IPRating z nO paratlngV oltage 90 2 ]OVACColor Temperature CW /WW /NW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    3 0 I INDO O R L IG H TS

    C od~ 17 3 97 06.031 F i~ tu re Co lo u r WPC

    . : T r a c k L ig h tTrack L igh t has a n eoe rgy sav iog o f m oreth an 60 %

    S urface moun ted Tv~e Powe r LEDPower Consumption 5W ILampIPRat ing 20

    P r us te um ed ie rn b e am f en s L ED L um e nE ff ic a c y: l0 D L um e n /W a t l a tu a eu v ee es u eu e s Dpera l ingVo l t i igeColortemaa.aune

    9D270VACCW IWW INWEasy t o i ns ta ll

    W eig ht: O.3 Kg

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    -I C o m e t 1 1 2 WC o m e t is u s e d fo r g e n e r a l l ig h t in g W ilh a 5 0 %ene rgvsa~ ingascon lpa red toCH l ix1U les .

    H e ce ss ed or S e rt ec em c un te dt tn er ew hhetchedg lassd i t tuser

    S l ima nd f ig h twe iq h t fu t u re L um ina ir es iz e :25 0 x250 x55mm W e iQ h t: l . 5 K g


    Code744608 .144IF ix tureCo lour .SS

    Tvpe SM ,Power Consum~tjon I 2 WL U X @ I M ! r 2 4 9IPRat ing 2 DO pe ra tin g V olta ge 90-270VACColorIemperaune C W I W W I N W

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    . : C o m e t 1 2 4 WCome t i s u s ed for g e~e ra ll ig h l ing wi th a50%energysavingascomparedloCFL lixlures.

    Code88480B.288I f ix lu reColou r SS/S

    RecessedmSur lacemountedf ix lu rewi thetchedcrassdntuse

    Type S M DPowarConsumption 2 4 WLU) (@IMl r 4 5 6IPRating 2 0OperalingV oltage 90270VACC o lo r T e m p e r a t u r e C W /W W /N W

    S l imandl ig h twe ig h tf iX l u re luminaire si!e:500mm x 300mm x 50mm W e ig h!: 2.5 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    ri g (~~"'-~esc : : : : : : : : : : J [.- / P r is m aP rism a is a rep la cem en t fo r 4x2 4W T5 o r3 x36W C e ilin g L igh t an~ is used fo r gene ra ll ighlingwilhmorethan60%energysa~ingType PO lllelLEO

    IPRating 20O peralingV ohag e 90 270VACC o l o r T e m p e ra t u r e C W I W W / N W

    WPC l i xl u rew il h P ri sma li c d if fu se r S qo a re d e s ig n f or e a syr e ce ssce i li n gmo u nt in g Twospringsonsideforeasyinstall

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    -I Milkyway 12 ' x 2 'Mi lk yw ay is a re p la ceme nt f er 4 1 2 4 W T5 u r313BW~FL~eil i~yLiyhtandisusedforyeneralliyhtingwithmorethan60%energysa~ing.

    -: D esig n Patent N o. 2 2 5 77 6Code-1168B08.57BIFixtureCoiour-SS

    SSf ix turewithet ,hedgiassd il fuse r H e ce s se d rn e en re d tl xn n e Twos pr in gs on sid ef ore as yin sta lla tio n w ith in

    ceiling C u to ut sile :5 6 5x 5 65mm Lum ina ir es iz e :5 95x595x6 5mm W e ig ht:5 _6 K g

    Type S M DPowerConsumptien 45 WLUX@lMu 900IPRating 1 0O peratingV oltagB 9O 270V A eC olor Temperatu re CW IW WINW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    []-/ M ilkywa y 1 20 " x 20 "Milkywayisarepiacementfor4x24WT50r3i3BW~FL~eilingLightandisusedforgenerallightingwithmorethan60%energysa~ing.

    tc ae . 1 1 3 3B08 .57B IFix tu r eCo lou r S S

    S f i f lx t u r awi th e t cheddassd it tu se r T y p e S M DPower Consum~tion 4 5 WL U X @ l M t r 900IPRating 2 0OparatingV oltage 90270VACColor Temperature CW /WW/NW

    S u r ta cemcun tedf iuu r e Lum inai re si ze :490x 490x50mm We ig ht: 4.7 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    Code 1 8 0 1 80 0 2 .1 4 4 1 Pnture C o lo ur A l

    TV~ e S M DPower Consumption I1WlUX@lmtr 23 0IPRating 2 DO~era l'ng Vol tage 90 2 7DVACC olo,T emperatu re CW IWW

    tcd e- 1 8 01 8 00 J.5 7 6! F inu re E alom - A l

    TV~ e S M DPowe, Consump ti on 45 WlUX@lmtr 510IPRating 2 DO peral,nyV ohage 90270VACC olo,T emperalU re CW IW W

    0 : M o o n L ig h t1 ',1 ' 1 12W


    --'"--=" a tn ac tls e aesrhetics.Glmireelighling Easyloinslali inrecesscail ing Alsoaveila~ le asCeil ingSuspendedop l ion :ProductName:Moonlighl+ProducICode:18018002.144.CS

    .Idealforhospilals C u to u ls il e: 30 5 ~ 30 5mm l umina ir es il e: 3 00x 300~22mm W e ig h l: l.J K g

    0 : M o o n L ig h t2 ',2 ' 1 4 5W

    MoonL ig h ti sanewgener al ion, g la re lr ee l ig h ti ngth at is a rep lacement for 2 J 36W C Fl. T hisp ro du cl is s lim I h in with more th an 6 0% 8 0e rg ysavingDI~=" a tnactlve aesrhetics G lm fra eli gh lin g Easyloinstall inrecessceil ing Alsoavaila~ le asCeil ingSuspendedop l ion


    .Idealforhospitals C u l0 u lS i le :5 7 S x 57 5mm l umina ir es iz e :591x591x22mm W eig hl:6 Kg

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    - : M o o n L ig h t6" D ia l lO W

    M oon L ig h t is a g lo re -fre e re p la cem en t fo r 1 5We F L , it is u sed for general indoor lighting. 6 0 %energysavingsascompilredwCFlIT5fi l iures



    C ode 1 80 18 00 4.90 1 Hmna Enlaur . W hite

    Anracliveaesthetics T y p a S M DG la re f re e li gh tin g P o w e r C o n s u m p t i o n iD W

    Easytoinslallinrecessceiling lUX@lmtr 1 8 0I de al I nr h osp it als I P R a t i n g 2 DCuloulsizedia:165mm OperalingVollage 90 -270VAeWeighl :O.4Kg C o l o r renperaune C W / W W

    - : L E D P ic t u r e L ig h tLED P ic tu re L igh l is equ iva len t rep la cem en t o fl1W p ictu re lig ht with more than 50% energy

    A t tr ac ti veaes th e ti cs B e a u ti fu l a nd l ig h twe i g htSS fi xt u re B e tt et il lum in at ia n Flex j~ i li tyof ligh tsoun:eang leadiustmen\ Diffusedpolvcarbonalefcrbett~ru"i fcrmity.IP:65 Easyins la l la l iononwallwilhmounlingbrackel W eig hl: 0.B kg


    Type SuperffuxPowerConsumptioo 5WIPRating 20O perating Voltage 11O 260VACt ol cr Teceer anne CW IWW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011




    . : F lo r i df lo rid g iv es more lig h t o utp u t as c ompared to4x40W Tube ligh t with more than 50%energysaviog


    Prismaticdilloserforbenerspreadoflight E la mp a tb ac ktc rin sta jla tio n P roduc tDimensinnsl lxWxH ) :1200x243

    x25mm Cu t ou ts il ell xWxHI : 1 204 x24 6mm W eig ht:5 .7 Kg

    Type Power LEDPower Consumpt ion S O WLUX@ lmtr 14 70IPRaling 20Operating V oltage 9027DVACColor Temperature WWICWINW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011




    g : : r a : :

    D esig n P al~ nl N o. 2 1 32 68c e e e . 30 2 5 08.30 I Fu tu re Co lo u r Wh i 1 e/B la ck

    -/ Em ergency L igh tEmerg en cy lig h 1 is u se d w h en th ere is a p ow erfailure

    Highpowered lowhea tingLEl ls Ty~e S M DPowo r GDnsum~1 ion < 5WIPRa1ing 1 0Opera1ingVol1age 90 270VACBaU aryB ackup 7hou r$t cl cr t emee raune CW /WW/NW

    I n b uill b alle ry c ha rg er.LEOindi[;alionspravidedonlhefixlure Ro ll u sl ruggeddes ign,Slandalone/pOrlable W allmoun linghracket sprov ided W e ig h l:3 .2 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    40 ilNDOOR L IGHTS

    .: L ite M as te r2 ' 110W

    Code Z 4 0 90 2 .1 4 4 I F ix tu r e Co lo u r Wh i te

    LiteMasterisgoodforefficientlightingwheretraditiunalflu orescent tube lig ht can bereplaced.

    o Extrudedaluminumproti lewithpolycarbonte

    R etrof it d esig n f ur T 8 Be tt er li gh t ou tpu to Energysavingupto50'! 'o

    Tvpe S M OPower Consumpt ion lO WIPR ating 20

    Inbuilt lED driver O peratingV olugeColorTBmperalme CW /WW9D27DVACcasing

    o Easv to instal l W e ig ht:O .4 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    IND O OR L IG HTS I 4 1

    C ode 2 50 902 .2 8SI Fixture C olour W hite

    -: L ite M as te r4 ' 12 0W

    LiteMasterisgoodforelficientlightingwheretraditiunaliluorescent tube light can bereplaced.

    Retro li tdesi gnfu rT8 Be tt er li gh tou tp u t Energysavingup to50 '! 'o

    Tvpe SMQPower Consumption 20WIPR ating 20

    Inbuilt lEO driver OperatingV ollageColor I smparaune 90270VAC Extrudedaluminumprot ilewithpolycarbonte CW /WW

    casing E asy to install W e ig ht:O .7 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011




    . : E d g e L i t S i g n a g eD o u b l e S id e d

    EdgeLitSignageareusedfordepictingvariousmess ag es . T h ou g h some 0 1 th es e m es sa ge sa re sa te ty .th eres t ate f orln dica tin ns

    W i th su p er br ig h tLED s fnbuil tbatterywithbackupof6hours D ou ble sided EtchedacrylicsheetwTthrefiector L PM t ec hn olo gy

    T v p e DoublaSidePcwe r t e n s ump te n a wLEDType 5mmLE D Color R IOIP Ralin~ z n0pB ratingV oltaga 17027DVAC

    Moun t ingb rack e ls p rov ided W e ig h t:2 .5 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    . . . E d g e L i t S i g n a g eS i n g le S i d e d

    Edg e L it S ign ag e a re u se d fo r d ep ic tin g va r iou sm essage s . Though som e o f lh esem essage s a resaiety,lhereslareforindicalions

    W it hs up e rb rig h tL EO s.lnbuiltbatterywithbackupof6haurs D o u b le s id e d Etchedacryl icsheelwithrel iector lPM le ch n olo gy.Onceilingorwall M oun lingbradet sprovided W eig h1 2 .1 Kg

    . . . S a u r a L a n t e r nun Solar Saura lantern as per M N R EspeciticalionsandtestediillheSolarEnergyCentre

    --,-,,- Efticiency> 8 0 ' J l ,. Inbuiltbaueryandchargecontroller.Diffuserprovidedlorsmoolhlight H a n d le l o r B a sy c a rr y in g.LEDindicationsprovidedforchargiogand

    t H s c h a r g i o g TemperawreCornpensatedBatteryCharg ing

    provided Ba l le ryUnderVoltageandOvercha rgeProleclionprovided.ProtectionaQainstShonCircuitandBaltery

    Beverse Polar itv Rus tf reeABsp last icbody W eig h l:2 .3 K g



    Type S ing le S iderowe r Co nsumptI O n 2 .LEOTyp e SmmLEO Color R IGIPRating 2 0OperatingVol!age aO270VAC

    MNREApp rovedceee . 1 40 10 1.3 61 Hmne C olou r R ed

    Typ e Sm m Th ro ug h HoleP o w e r Consump tion 3WlEO Color CWSo la r Panel IW ) J2V I5WBa t te ry 12V14 .SAhBackup > 14hollrs

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    . : B u lk h e a dLED Bu lkhead f i t ti ng isused fDr~a r iDusD u tdDmapp lica t io n s with m o re than 85% sav ing ine lec t r i c i t ybv r ep iac inga60Wbu ib

    Code-5915208 .84 IF ix tu r eCo lou r Wh i te

    M a de o fh ig h gr ad e llB S.Inbui l tphotocel l L P Mte ch no lo gy Em i ts l iq h ti n tm n d i r ac t in n s E a sy tn in sta llw ith h alp n t s cr ew s W eiy ht-O .3 Kg

    Type SMDPowe r C on sum ~ tio n 5WDpe ra t in gV o lla g e 2 0 60VDC

    or9D270VI ICC o lo r Tem pe ra tu re CW /WW /NW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    0 : Ve rsa t . 2Vers3 t 2 i s a g ene ra l s tr ee t l ig h ti ng ap p ll ca ti anw ith 5 0% e n e r g y sa~in9

    -'"_ D i ec a s tA l um i n um b o d V. P cw d er ~ o at ed S e~ on da fY o pn cs u se d to in cre as e lu x u utp u t A luminumewudedheat sinkusedlorbauer

    h e at d is si p at ia n LEOLumenE tii cacy :l0 0 lumen /Wa l 1. lnbuiltSMPSpowersupply hs i lyad jus lablefo rd if lereo lpo lediameters.Elliplicalligntdistributioniorbetleraverage

    L UX a nd u nif or miw A i so a v a ii a b ia i n W h i te 3 nd G r eY G o i o u rs L umin aile sile :6 0 0x 2 55 ~ 1 1 2mm W eig hl:8 .3 Kg

    O UTD OO R L IG HTS I 4 5

    .: O e sig nP ate ntN o .2 2 72 4 6P ola r cu rve can be p rov idednn reqlll!s t

    Code 540405.24FiuuraColour W h il e I B l at ~T v p e P o w e r L E DP ow er C on su m ptio n J O Wl U X ii 6 M l r J9I P R a t i n g 65 /67Opml ingVQhage 90-270VACColor Temperature CW /WW

    CDd~ 540405.32Fix t ure Colour Wh ite I B la ckType P ow er lE OPowerCon~umptio" 40 Wl UX@6Mu 47IPR aling 65/67Opor8tingVol13ye 90270VACColor Temperature CW /WW

    Code 540405.40Fix tu re Colour White/BlackType PowerLI:OPower Consumption S O WLUX[iSMt r s aIPR ating 65/67Operat ing Vol tage 90270VACColor T emperaturB CW /WW

    Code 540405.48Hnure Eelnur Wh ite I B la ckType Power L EOPowerCon~umption 6 0 WLUX@6Mt r 64IPAating 6 5 1 6 7OporatingVoltage 90270VACColor T emporature CW /WW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    4 6 I O UTD OO R L IG HTS

    -'L __ m__

    -/ Nano Zen ithNanc Zen it h i s f o r gene ro f s tr ee t l ig h ti nga pp li ca tl cn s w it h 50% ene rgy s av in g ove r70WHPSVlampl .T ype Power LEDFidu reC olou r G rav I B lackIPA alrng 65 /67O perating V oltage 90 270V ACColor Temperatu re CW IWW

    o Spec ia lAluminumDiecas lf ix lurewi lh C ede 4 34306 .1 2loughenedglass PowerConsurnpl lOn ISW

    o Hea lmaoagemenlcempl iance LUX@6Ml r 1 4o LEOL umenE flkacy:l00L umen/W att C ode 434306 .15o In hu i ll SMPSpewe rs upp ly PewerConsunlplion lOWo Sl imandl igh lwe igh t f ix lure LUX!i l6Ml r 20o Easyloinslallone~islingpoleswilhthehelpef Code 434306 .18

    screws PewerConsumption 24 Wlu minairesiz e:4 54 I 2 02 x4 5mm lU X li 6M tr 23

    o W e ig hl:3 K g Code 434306 .24PewerConsumption JO WLUXl i6Mlr JOC ode 434305 .24 .1PowerCensumplion 36Wl UX@6M l r J6

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    .;c ~_"_o_

    -/ M iddy Zen ithM iddy Z enith is lor general street lightingapp lications with 6070% energy saving over150WHPSVli lmps

    Type Power LEDFix tu reC alD llr G ray IalackIPRating 65167O perlltingVoltage 90 270VACC olorlBmperatu ra CW IWW

    Polar cu rve can be provided on request

    o SpecialAluminumOiecastf ixturewithtou gh ened glass

    o H e at m an ag eme ntc emp li an eeo lEOLumenEl li [ ;a cy : l00LumenJWa l l

    C oda 588905 .4B .1Pewer tcnsempton 5 0 WLUX@6Mt r 46

    Code 588905 .48P cw er t on su m ptc n 6 0 WLUX@6Mt r 5 6

    C ode 588906 .4 8Power Consumption 7075WLUX@6Mt r 6 0

    o I nb u il tSMPSpower su p p lyo EasilyadjustablelordillerentpolediametersoSeparateelewcnicdrivercabin ful lycomplianltolS: l0322s tandardso E asvtu in stallw ith th e h e 'p n f E tlam po luminairesize:4S0 ~ 250x59mrn T e sl ed byERDA ,Va dodr a W e ig ht: 4.9 Kg

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    -I Zeni thZen ith i s fo r general s tr ee t l igh t ingappl i ca tionsw ith 7 0% energ y saving over H PS V lam ps of250W,400Wand500WTypeFixtmeColourIPRatingOpera ting Vo! taR~Colorhmperature

    Spac ia lAluminumDiecast f ix turewithtoughenedglass

    H e at m an a geme nt cnm p lia n ce LEDLumenE ff ic acy: l0 0Lumen /Wa l l

    Power LED InhuiltSM PSpowersupp lyWh i t e I B l ac )( /B r own Ea si ly ad ju s ta bl el or di ll er en tpo le di ome te rs65 /67 Fu llycomp lianttolS :l0322 standards90 270VA C Easytoinstallwith th ehelpofC clampCW IWW Luminairesile:735 I 325 I 75mm

    I estedat E R DA ,V adodra We ig h t: ll.8K g

    Pol ar c u rv e c an be p r ov id ed on r eqc es t

    Code 568906 .72Pewetcnsempucn 90WLUXun de r th e p ole 86.20 ,17( l6MIO.( l9MIO.{ l12MIOCada 568906.96Power C onsump tion 110120WLUXunder the pole 1 15,34 ,27(l6MIr.(l9Mr'.(lt2Mr,Code 568906.96.1Power C onsumption 150WLUXunder lhepole 128,42 ,37( l6MII.( l9MIr .1!I12Mn

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    -: Nano Zen ith So la rN ann Z enith Solar is for stand alene general streetligh ting installations where main electricity is nota v a i l a b l e

    ~, ~-'"-'~

    R u g g e ds ol ar ch a rg e com ro ll er A u t o O N jO F F A uto no my 2d ay s E a sv a rr a ng em e n tlo r p ole r no u n tin q Speci .IA luminumOiecas tf ix t u rew it h

    tou gh ened gloss In~ui lt pholo senso r fo J .u toma ti cONIOFF

    l o p t i o n a l ) lP M l ec hn o l c gy L um ino ir es iz e :4 5 4 x 2 0 2 x4 5mm Ea sv tn i ns ta llwit h thahe l po ts e rews W eigh t:3 Kg


    c c u e 434l 06.06 ISl)Inpu tW allage 7 . S W6aue ry 1 2 V l4 0 A hS ol_ I Panel 4 0 WAu to nomy 3D3YsEfficien~v > 90 %A u t o m a l i c O n l O f f y" A,p"M~RE"petili"li,",

    Co~e 4 3 4 J 0 5 .0 9 IS L )InputWilltage J 2 WBattery 12V l40AhS olar Panel 4 5 WA u t o n o m y 2 .5DaysEffi.iem:y > 85%A u t o m a l i c O n l O f f re s

    Code 4 3 4 3 0 5 . 2 1 I S L )I n p u l W a l i a g e 2 4 WB a l l s r y 1 2 V l 6 0 A hS o l a r P a n e l 7 1 WA U l o n o m y 2 D a y sE l f i c i e n c y > 6 5 %A u l O i l l a l i c O n l O U

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    I: D esig n P atent N o_ 22 86 20Code 8004.06.48FillureColour Whi leTv~e P ow er lE DPowe r Con sum~ ti on S O WlUX@6Mt r s 64IPRating 6 5O perating V oltage 90 27D VA CEul or T emn e ta tu re ~W /WW

    800411640FixlureColourType P ow er L E DPewertonsumanon 5 0 WlUX@6Mt r s 5 8IPRaling 6 5O peratlngV oltaga 90 270V ACColor T emperatu re CW /WW

    Code 8004.06.32Fix lureC olou r W hiteType P ow er lE DPower Consumption 4 0 WLUX@6Mt r s 47IPRaling 6 5O peratingV ottage 90 270V ACt o le r t empera tu re C W / W W

    Code 80040624fnture E o l c u r Whi teType P ow er lE DPower Consumption 3 0 WlUX@6Ml r s 39IPRating 6 5O peralingV oltaga 90 nO VA eColor Temperature C W / W W

    -: B ay 2B a y2 1 ig h l f ix lu res are id ea l f or g en eral p u rp oselightingwilh50%energysaving

    S p e ci al ex tr ud e d nl ummumd e si gn.SecondaryoplicsusedtoincreaselheLUX

    output Excel ientheats inkforlongl i leofLEO.lnbui l tSMPSpowersupply LEDLumenE f fi ca cy :l 00 lumen/Wa tt.OptionsforangleadjustmentofOo/l0o/200to

    suitallapplicatiuns AvailableinW hile .BlackanrlBrowncolours E a sv ta in sta llw ith th ah elp cf c lama luminairesile:577 ~ 215 ~ 80mm W e ig ht:6 .5 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    C od eB 60 40 6.72 I F iilU re Ce lo urW hite lB la ck

    .: B ay 6Bay 6 is p e rtec t fo r lig h t i~ g whe re th e I:e ilin ghe ig h t is m ere than 3 5 fee t. S ava s m e re than70%e lec t r i c i l yand rep laces250WMHIHPSVl amps. I I i s alsu us ed l or la cade li gh li ngand l orn th e r n u td o cr a p pl ic a ti nn s.

    Speciafdesignalfowingoeamadjuslmentfcro ptim u m lig htin g

    Se c on~a r v op t ic sw it h a n ti g l a rem i c r e di lf u s e rtechno legy


    L E O L u m e n E ff ic a G V :l 0 0 L u m e ~I W a l l

    Type P ow e r lE DPcwer t cn semauon 9 0 WI P R a t i n g 6 5O p e r a t i n g V c l t a g e 9 0 2 7 0 V A Ct cl cr t empe ranne C W I W W

    .IP67pcwersupply L owlie atin g E as ytc in st all L um inairesiz e:4 B O x 4 B O K 2 2 0 m m W e ig h t:1 3 .5 kg

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    0 : Min i FacadeMiniFacade i s an exce ll en t f ix ture fo r prec is ionl ight ing of f a c a d e s and s ur fa ce s w it h S O - 7 0 %en erg y sa vin g c ompared to HPSVo r MH lampfixtures



    L E O LumenEfficocy-l00lumenlWatt Easilyadjustablefixtureforachievingproper

    light luminairesile:280 x 94x 135mm Easvtoinstal lwilhlhehelpofclampprovided W e ig h l:2 .6 K g

    Typa PowarlEDPower Consurfi~ tion 15WIPRating 6 5Operating Voltage 90270VACColor Temperature CW /WW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    - / F a c a d e 1Facadelisanexcallentfixtureforpredsionlightingof facades and su rfaces with 50 70% energys a v in g c o m p a r e d t o H P S V o r M H l a m p f ix t u re s

    " ""~I::::::::::l~ H'-------___y-!"


    LEDLumenE ft ic ac y: l0 0L umen /Wa t l Easi iyad jus tablelix tu refo rach iev ingproper

    l i g h t Lum in a ire s ize :470 x 116 x 78m m Easyloinsta llwiththehelpofc lampprovided W e ig h t:3 .8 K g

    - / F a c a d e 3Facade3 i s anex ce l l en t f i x l u r e f o r p r ec i s i on l i gh t i ngof facades and su rfaces with 50 70% energys a v in g c o m p a r e d t o H P S V o r M H l a m p l ix t u re s

    Spec ia lEx t rudedA lum inumhea ts ink to rbe t te rt he rma lmanagemen to fLEOs

    LEOLumenEf fi cacy :l00LumenJWal1 Eos i lyadjus table lixlureforachievingproper

    l i g h t L u m io a i r e s i z e : 4 7 1 ~ 2 5 0 x 3 9 9 m m E a s v t o T o s ta l lw i t h th e h e lp o f c la m p p r o v T d e d W e i g h t :B .O K g

    OUTDOOR L I G H T S I 53

    C o d e - B 2 5 9 0 6 . 2 4 I F i x t u r eC o l o u r .W h i te

    T y p e P o w e r L E OPewetonsematcn 30Wl P R a t i n Q 6 5o p e r a t i n g V o l 1 a g e 9 0 2 7 0 V A CC o l o r Temperature C W I W W

    cune . 8 5 0 4 0 6 .4 0 1 F ix t u re Enlou r . B l a c k

    T V p e P c w e r L E DP o w e r C o n s u m p t i o n S O WI P R a 1 i n g 6 5O p e r a 1 i n g V o i t a g e 9 0 2 7 0 V A CC n l o r T e m p e r a l i l r e C W IW W

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    f r,rCode 986506.09FiltureColour Gray/Whi teType Pow er L E DPower Consumpt ion lO WIP Rat in~ 6 5Operat ing Vol tage 90270VACColor Tempera tu re CW /WWWeigh t 3.0Kg

    Code 986506.07FixlUreColou! BlackType Pow er L E OPower Consumpt ion I1 WIPRating 65OperalinoVoltage 90-270VACColor Temperature CW /WWWeigh t O .3Kg

    Code 986506.03P n t u re D u lo u r BlackType P ow er L EOPower Consumpt ion 5WIPRating 6 5OperatrngVultage 91 J -270VACColor Temperature CW /WWWeiylit O .9Kg

    -I O p t i l u xOp tilu x is a n e ltic ie nr a nd p re cis e lI oo d lig h t w ith50 800 /0 ene rgy sav ing compared t o conventi onallighls.Comp actspotlightluraC[entlighting

    Ruggedaluminumdie-cas tbudy.Clearsaletytoughenedglasscover 360"horiwntal ad justment 90 "ve rt ic al ad ju s tmenl Surfacemountfixturewithmountingholes

    provided Basedi a: 1 75mm/He ig h t3 00mm

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    ~~~.$~~*~~~~~w~ ~~~ ~s~ ~ . w ~ ~ ~ ~ . . . . ~~~.~~~~.~ . . . ~. .$ ~w~ ~a~ .~. ~.~ ,a~~ a~~ ~ .~. .3: . S . *:_ =~~ ~a.~.~S~~ .~~ ~.. .~. .~. ~~~~ ~ ~ . ~ ~ ~ S ...a ~.. e.e.$~a~ ~.~ ~ = . . .~Ble: lI::! : ~:e:3!( ~aB ~~. :e:.~ ~

    .: S e cu rity L ig h tSe tu rit y l ig h l i s u s ed wh er e th er e i s a p o ss ib lelhreatloproperlylile.

    Code7S1702 .240 I FixlureColourGrav

    Oiec3Stbodywith toughenedg lasscover. lnbuUtSMPSpowersupplv

    Type Sup erllu l/SM OPower C onsump tion 24WIPRa ting 65Motionsensorloptional)

    Bothwallandgroundlevelp rovis ionoff ix ing W eig ht:3 Kg


    90 2 70VACCW /WW

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    5 6 I O UTD O OR L IG H TS

    Pola r c ur ve c an b e p ro vid ed on r ea oe st

    .: D esig n Patent N o. 2 28 61 8

    Code 430506.24Fillu reC oloor B lackTy~e Power lEDPower Cor ,sU ln~ t ion S O WIPRa1ing 65OperalingVollage 90270VACColor T emperatu re CW /WW /NW

    Code 430506.12F u tu re D u lo u r BlackTvpe P ow er L EDPower Consumpt ion 2 5 WIPRating 65OperatingVollage 9D270VACColor Temperature CW /WW/NW

    Code 4 3 05 06 .0 !lFittoreColour BlackType Pow er L E OPowerCoosomption 1 5 .IPRating 65Operat ing Vol tage 90270VACColor Iempereture CW/WWINW

    G a la x yG alax y is a p ost top lam p and is ideal for eu tdenrlig h tin g. I t h as a v ic to ria e ra lo ok a nd I ln is h e nd a noldworldcharmaboutit.

    H ighg radeAluminumOiecastbodv B la ck P ow der co ated f iltu re w ith p artia llyd if fu se d a nd f ro sie d to uQ h eo ed g la ss I

    po lvcarb un ate s he et Aluminumell rudedheatsiokisusedforbetter

    healdinipation LED l umenE f fi cacy :l0 0 lumen /Wa t 1 3600l ighlspread A t trac ti veaes the ti cs lominaires ize :580x300mm/350x169mm BasediatllSmm We ig h l: 8.9K g I5 .2K g EasyloinSlal lwi lhlhehelpofscrews Test edby fRDA ,Vadodra Theyareinstal iedatlheCenlralViSlaLawns


  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    0 : F lavous I bLED FlavD us Fountain ligh ts are used in waterbodiesandlorforhighlightingplanters.

    N o f re qu e n lh a s s le so f bu l br e p la cemen l N o h e a t in g R o b u s t a n d r u g g e d Con fo rmS lo lP s tandard s HighQ uali iyrefJeclorsheetlorbet1erl ight

    ou tp u t E a sy to in S la ll W e ig ht: l.8 Kg

    0 : F lavous I sLEO F la v o u s FO U01 ilin lig h ts a re u s e d in W ille rbod ie sand /o r fo rh igh l i g h t i n gp lan ta rs .

    Nofrequenthassleso lbu lbrep lacement N o heating R o b u s t a n d r u g g e d C o n fo rm s t ol P st an d a rd s H ig hqua l i ty r e fl ector sh ee t lo r bene r lig h t

    ou tp u t Easy to insta ll W e ig ht:O .4 K g

    L AN DS C AP E L IG H TS 1 57

    Code-6201 .901FiltureColour-WhiteIBlack

    T V p e Suped luxPowerCOl isumpuon t IPRating 65 /67L E D C o lo r R / G I B j Y J W / R G BOpe r31 ingVo i tage 90 - 27 0VAeColor Ieraperature C W f W W ) N W

    C o d e 6 1 0 1 2 1 I F i I l u r e C o l o u r , B l a c k

    Type S u p e d l u xP o w e r C o n $ u m p l i o n a I P R a t i n g 6 5 1 6 7l E D C o lo r R I G I B IY I W f R G BO p e r a r i n g V o l t a g e 9 0 . z 7 0 V A CC o l o r T e m p & r a l u re C W ! W W ) N W

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    tede . 6 2 0 1.4 5 ! Phnne Co lo u r B la d

    . : B r i c k L i g h tlE D B rick lig ht is u sed for lig hting of stairs an dpathwavs. II cou ld be used for any ou tdoorapplication.

    lEO C ulor R IG IB IV /W /RGB . N ohealing

    Type Superffu l .B lack finishPower C onsumption 4W gacessedmcun tedfPR ating 65 A estlieticallyaltJactiveO peraungV oltage SO 270VAC N olreQ uenlhasslesofbu fbrep lacemenl

    C ode6 1 0 2.0 51 Fillu reC olou r B lack

    R obu sla nd ru g ge d Easy to in st al l W e ig hl:0 .6 K g

    . : S t e p L i g h tlE D S lep lig ht is u sed forlig hling of stairs andpathways. It cou ld be used for any ou tdoorapplication--"'--

    Type Suped lu r .SSfinishPewertcnscmaucn 2W RaeessedmcumedIPR aling 6 5 AesthelicallyallJactiveO peralingV oltage 90270VAC N olreQ uenlh asslesofbu lbrep laceO lenllEO Color R IG IB IV IW IRGB . N oheating

    R obu sta nd ru g ge d h sy lo in sta ll W e ig ht: 1.3 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    -: P ath fin de rLED Pathfinderareusedforoutdomlighting

    LA ND S C A P E L IG H TS 1 5 9~ Aes thet ica llyal lracl ive No fr eQueO lh a s s le s o fb u lb r e pl a cemeO I N oh eating Robust and rugged ,~.ConformstolPstandards E'Avai lab leaswal lmounteduni tsand

    u O d e r g r o u n o l i g h t i n g_~'''-_ " _ A Coda 19105.036 F ix tu re C o lo ur B i ack l S 5Tvpe P ow er lE DPowerConsumplion S WIPRating '0OparatingVoltaga 9 0 . nOVACColor Temperatura C W / W WW e ig h t 0.3 Kg" I l l !Is B C o d e 1949805.09F ix tu re C olo ur Black lSSType P ow er lE OPewetonsempncu 'O WIPRating '0OperalinyVoltege 9027DVACr-er-: Co lo r T emp e ra tu re C W ! W W~.e~g~l. ]Kg

    3 [ '" Code ; 92 ' 0 ' 5 . 0 5

    F ix tu re C o lo ur S Sr v n e eeweunP ow er C on sump tio n S WtPRaling 2QOperatingVohaga 9 0 . nOVA t :C o l o r T e m p e r a t u r e C W /W W.W . e ~ g ~ t . . ~.~ .K~. .

    ~-'""~ 0 C e d e 6001.J3F ix ! u r e C o l o u r B l a c kT I l T y p e S u p e r ! i u l L E OP o w e r C o n su m p ti o n 'WI P R a t i n g 67O p a r a t i n y V o l l a g a 90-270VI\CC o l o r T e m p e r a n n e C W /W W /A G 8y . r . e ~ g h l O . 7 K g~-"'-- " C o d e ai06.ii'ID F ix tu r e C o lo u r B l a c kT y p e S u~ er!lu l L EOP o w e r C o n su m p ti o n ' WI P R a t i n g "p e r a ! i n y V o l ! a g e 9O 270VAeC o l o r T e m p e r a t u r e C W IW W /R 6 BW e ig h t O .S K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    -: B o lla rd-I Bol la rr ll igh t s a re user l fo r ga rdensjpa rks , o r fo r anyo the r outdoor l igh t ing appli ca tion with huge sav ingin electriGitv bills.'" ~'''~ - - , , - , ~

    Code 404501.03 Aesthet icallyat tract iveFiltureCalour Black Noreplacement.nomaintenanceType Power lEO NofreQuenthasslesolbulhreplacementPower Consumption ' W .NoheatingIPRaling 65 R obu st and ru gg edO perating Voltage 90270VAC .lnbuihSMPSpowersupplyColor T emperature R /G /B /Y /RGB .OuterbodymadeofMS

    E asy to in stallCode 414501.03 S u la rm ade la lsc ava ilab lefiltureColour 5S W e ig ht:l.2 K gType Power lEDPower Consumption ' WIPAatrng 65OperalingVollage 90 270VACColor Iemperetura R/G/8 /Y/AGB

    Code 424!iOl.05filtureColour S SType Power lEOPowerConsumplion ' WIPAaling 65OperalingV ollage 90270VACColor Tempera1Ure A/G/B/Y/AGS

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    0 : Wall washe rL i n e a r I B O W

    Wa llw a sh er is u se d to r th eme b as ed a l[ ;h ite c1U ra llightioyforindoorandontdoorapplication.

    Brasscableg landto lwateranddus tp ro tec lion High temperawres i liconegaske tonbothendsi or mols tu t a p ro tec ti on Dlrectionadjustablemount iogbrackets.Cleartoughenedglassonlopforprotection T h r owof li g h li sa p p rg r .6 0 f e et OM Xcon trol le r!op t ional ) E a s yt o in s ts ll wi th t he h e lp o f sc r ew W e ig h\:4 Kg

    0 : Wall washe rL in e a r 1 2 0 W

    Wallwaslier is used lo r uem e based architectu ra llightingforindoorandoutdoorapplication.

    Brasscableg landforwateranddus tp ro lec lion H i g h temp e r a tu r e s il ic o n e g a ske to n b o th e n d s

    I u r mcis tu ra p re tec ti en Directionadiustablemount ingbrackets.CleartoughenedglassontoplorproleClion Throwoll igh l isapp rox .30 l ee l.OMXconlrolierloplional! Easyloinslal lwi lhthehelpolscrew Waighl :2 .5Kg


    CodeB005.30 !Fidu reColou r -SS

    Type Power LEOPower C onsumption 60WIPRating 85O peralingV oltage 110 250VACLED C o lo r C W IW W IR G B

    F"orderi,uDMX,."rol,,,.ddO.,50.U.rprod",t d.

    01'/CodeB040 . IS!Fi I lu reColou r -SSType Power LEOPower Consumption 2 0 WIPR ating 65O perallngV ollage llO 250VACLED C o l o r C W IW W IR G B

    F" .. d e r i . . .. OMX'.'troll".ddO.250.II .. pr.d""'.d.

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    0 : C o l o u r +~ olou r+ is u sed I cr th em e ba sed architecturallig h tin g lo r in do or a nd o u td oo r a pp lic atio n,wher e i t p r oduce s m il li on so f c ol ou r s t h ro ughthe microprocessor controller. I l n e could h a v edifferent colours a n each of th e 3 65 daysina

    --,.-Co de B L S L .3 6 I Hxnne En to u r. B l ac k

    Diecastwithblackpowdercoat ing Throwof l igh tappro~ .60 !eet

    Type Power LEDPower Consumption 48 WIPR ating 65Beam ang le 25O p e r a t l o g V o l t a g e 1 1 O 2 5 0 V A CLEDColor RGB

    OM XCon lr ol le r( op t io na ll EasytoinSlal iwilhthehelpofscrew I ljma ns ie n- 115 ~ 5.98 ~ 8.42inches W e ig hl:3 .9 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    - : M a g i c G lo wMag ic G l ow is a H e x ib le lig h t s tr ip t ha t is u se da s d ec or ativ e lig h tin g f or in do or o nd o utd oo rapplications.

    o Exte rna lSM PSpowersupplytoope ra te Code 1 3 '15M trs C olor Temperatu re W Wo A mplifiercanbeaddedlorleng th sg reaterth an Power ~onsump tion 6 7W /M tr15Mtrs

    o OM Xconllol ie ravai iab le forRGB opl ion taaRolllenglh:5Mlrs En lu r T a rr tp a ra t ur e O W

    .Operat ingVoltoge:12VOC PowarC onsump tion 6 7W IM trolPRating:54 Code 1 3 'o Ea sy tu i ns ta ll Color ' lsmparature R G Bo W eigh t~O .8K g PowerC onsump tiD rl 1 2 14W IM lr

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    . : S l im S p a r k leS l im Spa rk l ~ i s u s ed a s d~ [;o ra ti ve li gh t ing l orim m cr a nd cu td an r a ap lic atie ns

    Code-353501.72and353501.72 .RGB I FidureColour-TraosparenlPolvcarbona1e

    Polycarb~natetr~nsparentp ip8farb8 ttarlig h t T ype Superllu l)SM Ouu tp u t andweatherresistanea PowerC nnsumptiD n 8 W

    R ubbercap s,fittedD nendsforwateranddust IPR aling 65protection OpelalingVoltageColarTemperature

    90.vOV I ICCWIWW/R /G /B /Y /AGBlnhuilt ~Iectronicdriv~r Availableinlengthsofonemlrandhalfmtr

    RGBcnnne ll er ava il ab leunr aq u e st E asy to install W e ig ht:O .4 kg

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    " : B a to n L i t eB aton U te fh tares are ideal lor sp eciall igh t ing . Theyha~eaye rys limands l ee kde si gnth a t tan be used tc r bu th lncuu rand ou td ccrl i g h t i n g

    A R CH ITEC TU RA L L IG H TS 1 65

    C ode 38 06 .0 7(1 4W land3 B .0 6.0 7.M (B I1 2W li Pix nna E nlou r . B lack

    S l im i ig h twe ig h i li it u re [ )i sp e rs io n a ng le 1 7( )O l umene f li cacv: l00 l umen/Wa! t S ize: 1 150 I 24 I 16.5mm

    I oth ersiz eo ptin ns cn teq uestl W e i g h t :O .7 K g

    Type PowelLEDPower C onsump tion 14W /12W 16WIPR ating 65O pmtingV oltage 90 270VACCo lo r I smp er at ur e c w / w w

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    .: O esign patent no. 21 2550Code 05 57 00.541 H rture C olour R ed

    T vpe 5 mm H ighPower LEOL EO C olou r R ,d

    PcwerConsumpticn < 5WIPRating 6 5O peratingVohage 9O 270VAC

    24 60VOCWeigh t 1 . 3 K g

    Code 06 57 00 .721 H rtu ra D u lnur . R ed

    SyslemConlig uraticn: .

    B o lh li gh l sONOUTV ' or OUTYandSTANOBY'modewilh failu realarmmonitoring

    Techoical sp ec il ica tions sameasforLow1 00 ensnyL ED A viation O bstru clionL ig ht

    .: Low In tens ityLED Av ia tio nO bs tru c tion L igh t

    Lowiolensity aviation warning ligh ts are used foraircraft safety on teecnm towers, bu ilding s,ch imneys. h iq hrise structures and transmissionlines

    -'-~15- --",-,-.Palenteddesign.lntensity>40cd l ll e-c a s ta lu m i num b o dv UV stabilizedoplicallensfor360" il lumination C on fo rm ing to lCAO l fAA st andar ds.lnboill0NIOFfpholocell L PM T ec hn olo gy T ested by N ational Physical laboratory,

    N ew D elh i T e sl edby ERDA ,V adodr a as p er lCAO

    specifications B asep latap rovided for easvrnnuntingy

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    -/ S o la r LED Av ia tionO bs truc tion L igh t

    Solar Low 100ensityAviat ion Obstruct ion Ligh t areu se d a s w arn in g lig hts lo r a irw ay s af ety . T h es elightrequir&nacablesandreduceslheinilialcapilalcos ts . They a re used for a irc ra ft sa fe ty on te lecomtowe rs , b uild in gs . ch im ne ys , h ig h-r ise su ucnn esand t ransn j i ss ien f l n es

    " I ~ ~~TY"

    I nt en si ty > 4 0 ca nd el a.Oplicallensarrangementtoprovide360 6

    iliuminationbyhighintensityredLEDs Cas ingmadefrompressu rediec3s tingol

    A l u m i n u m a l l o y.UVstahi l i lBdpolvcarbonate lensfor360

    i l l u m i n a t i o n Du skdawnconlrolprovidedlhroughsolar

    panel Gaske lformoistu rep rotect ion Al iscrewsareSS304corrosiooresislanl ConformioglolCAO specif ications Failuraalarmsyslemlopt ionall Ba sap la ta p rovi ded i cr easvi ns ta jla ti cn


    .: D esig n p a tent no. 2 22 55 7Code 0757DD.36 I Fm ure C olou r R ed

    5 mm H ig h P ow er lE DlED Co lo u r R .dPower Consumption 4 WSo la r Pane l a wIPR ating 65Battery(inburlt ISMf' 12V17 . 2AhWeigh t S .BKg


    Type 5mm HighPower lE DL E D Colou r R edPowerConsurnption 4 WSolar Panel OWIPR ating 65Battery(,nbuilt)SMF' 12V17 . 2AhW eig h t a .5 k gS ystem Cnnlig uration D u tv and S tandbvm ode

    wil h f a il u re a la rmmon,tollng

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    6 8 1 AV IA TION L IG HTS

    : D esig n Patent N o. 2 2 36 00


    ~[DDT ype ACode 035605.4DAFixtoreColour ,.Type P ow er lE DPowarConsumpt ion S O WIPRatrng 6 5OperatingVoltaga 90 - 2 70VAC

    20 50VDCIntensi 1YI. . " " ICAD] 2 00 00 cd t2 5'1 t2 00 00 cd !2 5'1 tLEDColour Whi t eFlashing 2o-6otpmTypeBCode 035605.88FiuureColour , a dType P ow er lE DPower Consumption 1 7 WIPRating 6 5operalingVoitage 9O -270VAC20 50VDCInlensi tv l a, po ,1 r:~DI 2000cd!25%LEOColour ,.Flashing 20-6D tpmTypeCCode 035605.BCfillureColour , a dType PowarLEOPowerConsumpl ion 'WIPRating 65OperalingVollage 90 2 70VAC

    20 50VOeIntensllyll .ptllCAOI 200Dcdt25%LEOCo l ou r . . .Flashing sreu cr Filed

    .: M ed ium In tens ityLED Av ia tio nO bs truc tion L igh t

    Med ium in lens ity avia ti on warn ing li gh t i s u sed l oraimaftsaletytor45mtrsandabuveasperlCAo.FAAguidelines.


    Patented desig n C asing m ade o f die cast alu minu m bod y. redpowdercnaled lJVstabi lizedopticai lensior360oillumination Con io rm ing lo lCAD ) fAAs tandards.lnbuiltPholocell.Spedalgradelhroughsecondaryoplicallanses Radiosoppress ionconiorming lo8SaOO L PM te ch no lo gy F ix tu r ecol or :r ed TestedbyNal ionalPhysicalLaborarory.

    N ew D e lh i T e S1 BdbyERDA .V adodr a Providedwi rh3s lor5al 120o W e ig hr:6 .3 K g

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    1 1T

    .: H igh In ten s ityA v ia tio n O b stru ctio nL ig ht (X en on )

    D ede . 1 30 I FixtureColourSS

    B ef lec tor- Im p orte dratlactorstu rq reater S yn ch ro nila tio no fallh ig h in ten sityf ig h tso nvisibility sing lestruC lU re P ho to ceilisu nsw itch l au tomaticch ang ein Failu rea larm :V isu alin dicationjntensiwinalltlu eemndes TesledbyERDA ,V adodra.asperICA O

    R adiosu ppressionconforming toB SB O O specificationsoC over:toughenedg lass E esvmlnstell Con fo rm ing lo lCAO s tandar ds Weighl :14 .! iKg

    Lamp Flash lamp IX anonlPewe rDnnsump t i en 150WIPAaling 6 5InlansitYIO'jM.d., > 2DD ,OOOc dInlensity!lwdighIM,d.lo > 20 ,ODDcdIntensityIN'ih1Md,1 > 2 .000 cdO perating V oltage lBO 270VA CColor W h iteFlashing 40 601pnr

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    70 I R O A D S A FETY L IG H TS

    ~ ode - 1 02 01 .1 90 1 Fix tu re C olou r - B lack

    -: Tra ffic L ig h tsTra ffic B lin ke rs

    T r af f ic l ig h t s a re u s ed f u r better ltalfic controlonfourwayroads,intersections,parkinglOnesandlor lollp lazas

    .Inbuillcontrolcardandsolidslateblinker S em h als like p ed es trla nc rc ss .a rru ws V i sib ility> 500meters S ingle !Doub leaspeClmode ls.200mml300mmroundlighlsource E a sy tu in sta ll W e ig h l:I .9 K g

    T ype 5mmPowarC onsump lion < lOWIPRalinQ 65Operal ingVoltagB 90 - 270VAC1 2V 2 4VOC

    R I G I VolorTemperature

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    D ISPLA Y B OA RD S 1 7 1

    -/ 3D Charac te rS ignage


    Flexible StripIPProtectlo"L E D TypeL E D Color

    IP65S M OCWJWW/Ambe r /Red/GreB"/Blue85> 50 ,OOOhcurs

    30 Ch i lr ac te r S i gn age h i l~e advanced des ign sfo r commerc ia l and of fi ce U S B .

    TypesStilinlesssteeichilracterswithilcrylicsheettrcntteceAcrylkcharacterslwhi!elwithcoloredvinylpas t edonuAluminumComposi tePanel{ACPIon

    C R 'Literequest

    W allmoun ting /hangingwithclamps

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011


    7 2 1 D IS P L A Y B O A R D S

    llill ou r of O rderl teee . 0 2 5 4 0 1.3 91 Fb tu r e C olou r B lack

    0 : B a c k l i t S ig n a g eB ack lil S ignage are disp lay boards g enerallyused f e r indoor and ou tdoor app lication. T heyam rep lacements lorback lil disp lay boards inus e currently th at incorporate lubelig h ereby redudng power consumption by morethan 50 60%.

    .LEOTilesareusedfor ligh ting V e r yl ow p owe rc ons umpl ion.Inbuiltpowersupply Amac ti ve a es th e ti cs N e s ec nn da rv np ti cs us ed Easy ins ta l la l ione ith e rw i lh th eh elpof


    SystemElliciency > 1 1 5 %PowerConsumplion 12 W1' ; "11. ' ;10)OperalingV oltage gO nOVAe

  • 5/12/2018 Instapower @'Nov2011



    -/ LED D es tina tionBoards

    tonscle acts esmesterunittmtrcnt, reer.sideandins ldadisplavs. ConsolehasmemorytosaveJOOrou teswith1 5 0s to ps ea ch .

    I P 6 5P ro le ctio n Au tom.t icbrigh toess~ootro l..Overvoitageaoduodervoltageprote[;ticn. N cn -m u lf lp te xe d d es lg n

    O i sp la y a nd Cons ol~ Un it


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