Installations are Increasing! · Brookhaven...

Brookhaven News I' nws W. Hand. Hoi 211 , Ilrookliavcii Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chcrrington and son , Hubby, of Li brary lane left Satui-duv morning for The Camp of the Woods in Speculator , in the Ad- irondack.-;. (ieoiirc .Slaierberk <ii Brooklyn spent the weekend with relatives on Libra ry lnne. Mr. and -Mrs. II, Jl. Reddall of Brooklyn arc spending sonic time at their summer home on Heaver Dam road. Jliss Jill Bishop, nf the Southside hospital nurses stall , Hay Shore , is cnjoyinir her vacation at the home of her parents , Mr. mid Mrs. Grove r Bishop of South Country road. Miss Elizabeth Hawkins of Beaver Dam road entertained the Missionary society of the South Mnvcn Presby- terian eh ti reh at her cnmp at Norlh , Sen , Tuesday. J ' f Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vosslcr oi South Country roud have been enter- taining Mrs. VV. G. Fields of Sanford. FJa. Mr. nnd Mr.s. George Pethoram of Soutii Country road entertained Mrs. Petheram ' s aunt , Mrs. Thomas Elliot, and cousin , Mrs. George .Flanagan , of Chicago; also her sister , Mrs. John Sheridan of Roosevelt and a group of friends over Llie past weekend. Brookhaven Boy Scout Troop 9 was represented at the Baiting Hol- low camp last week by Daniel lloman anil Frank Mn pes of Yaphank and Robert Lyons and Philip Shelton of Brookhaven. The Fire company held its month- ly social at the schoolhouse Friday night when curds were enjoyed. High scorers were : pedro, Alex Kosen- kranius , Mrs . Alex Kosenkranius ,, Mrs. Elsie Griding, George Miller, William Glover and Mrs . Isabella; Johnston: pinochle, A.iam l.eskowu-s. Jl r:-. William Schuni.icker. Mrs. S Kel2y: rummy. Fay Owe:is. _ William Rislev received the special aw-mi Mr. and Mrs . Adair, Lesfcowic. -: wove hosts. Mr. and Mrs . Grover bishop. aM South Country read haw announced the enga gement cf their duuirlitor. Jill, to Dr. Ch.trles Shlimbaum of Bay Shore. No tiorin ite dale has bee n set for the , wedding. Mr. and ' Mrs. Albert Slinkier * .d South Coiintry road are the pare n ts of a girl , born at Southside hospital. Bay Shore. the Rev . Ralph Ba rton Gamewell will be in charge of the 11 a. m. service at the South Haven Presby- terian church Su nday montinp when his -sermon topic will be "Creation or Creator. " The service at St. James Episcopal church Sunday morning will be omit- ted so tbat the congregation c:in at- tend the 11 a. nt. continuation serv- ice in Bellport cli u rc h and hoar the Rt. Rev . James T. DeWolfe. Bible school wil] meet at the Brook- haven church at !* ;. *0 a. in. Sunday. The Rev. Ralph Barton Gamewell will be in charge oi the S p. rn. serv- ice at the church Sunday when his sermon topic wil J be "Better Than Other Men. " On next Thursday a covered dish supper will bc held at 6:30 p. ni. in the B rookhaven church. There will he a hobby show b-oth afternoon and evening. Contact either Mrs. Glenn Hankinson or Mrs . Harold Ballard if you have a hobby to display. This event is sponsored by the young married couples, Everybody welcome. The Urban family have moved to Port Washington from their home on South Country road , South Haven. They recently sold their . South Haven home to Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Thompson of Mastic Beach. llrlam- Jf. Etrinr, T«I. Bellport (£9 Faith Vilas , who is spending the summer at the home of Mrs. T. Mor- timer Lloyd in Bellport , will address the Fireplace Literary club next Wed- nesda y on subjective painting and will display illustrations of that art. ¦ ¦ - ¦ - ' i 2 Reasons why Freezer Installations are Increasing! (A) ALL YOUR FREEZER FOODS ARE Mi ^P FULLY INS URED! , ^ i^» 7 Every item stored in your lutfne f reezer will be insured against (f^II^P^iSB^ ¦ loss through power failure ! J^^mmmWm ^% m «!w <B) BUY WHOLESALE AND STORE A HIND $JSSp OF BEEF AT 30% SAVING ^FSS3H &' We arrange the purchasing tot you, have it cut to your specifi- MnMS ^^Wm ^ catltov and packaged, ready for instant use. t&SSSm ^flL^SiW ' STOP IN TODAY AND SEE THE BRAND NEW ^fP^^*' ^^^ Vfl^flv ^ mMt ^_^_^ _ _ ________ r ^ fl^HY J _______ F ' m\\mm\w m^Kttm mm\\\m\ f mwLmsW fl^^V-a^-f^T _^___^Y fl^^flfl ' mmmmm\\\ f ^^^ V mmmms\\\Wsm\\\msW' mm * mm\\\\\\\m\V ' mmmmWm \\ms\\\W li________V .fl_____F la\\m\\m mmmmWf ' Jm\\\\\Wm\mmmf mmmmWmm\\\\\W .flV mm\\m\\\\ W ^HV^BMT J^Hj MF ^^^_^# mmm\Wm\\\W ' j^fft ^^^" TlMBMMalKtHtV.t.Wtf.QIV/ V HOME FREEZER J^^^^^^^^^>. G reater Capacity ! Lower Cost! 85f E M * Main St. Patchogue 333—336 ,M *' M *"~'™——™** ^—rrwwi —ii II _ : I / ANNO UNCIN G That the former "ROVAGNA STORE" in Coram is now under new management and will be known as WICK'S GENERAL STORE Where FINE FOODS, SALADS, etc., can be bought at prices you will be glad to pay. FARMINGVILLE ?lr-»* l?J««r» l*U-uw. T-1 . Sel. ttT-V-l Miss l\>iYilhy HoKicn of Ocean . View avcnuo is sp^ndinc tlw weekend with her bivUier. Hasvld. of the Bronx. Sivnoinp a Iw ivc-*>ks vacation with M rs. Mary HokU<n a rt' her brother , James* . Uvit-ikntan , and his friend. C "i\- rgv Bradley, of the Htvux. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Maio vrhi> aro spending the weekend in their bunjralow on Blue Point road , are : Mr. and Mrs. Frsui k Zoppola, and Mr. and Mrs. James Asxarlle of Brooklyn. Mr. and M rs. Arthur Dingman of Do Rose ' s store i>n Horseblock road celeforated their thirtheenth wedding anniversary Sund-ny. Mr. and M rs. Oorge Motta return- ed to thoi r home in the Bronx a fte r an enjoyable vacation at their sum- mer home on Wo-od . wrest drive. Mrs. Edwa rd Boone of Cedaroaks avenue had a surprise visit last 'Wed- nesday evening from her sister , Mrs. Marguerite Murphy, of the Bronx: and Mr. and Mrs. Edward Murtha and son. Vincent , of Deer Park. Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gottshall of DeRose ' s store , Horseblock road , en- tertained Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gott- shall of Brooklyn ever the weeke nd . Mr. and Mrs. William Kramer of the Bronx are spending thc weefcend at thei r summer home on Woodycrest drive. Mr. and Mrs. Pete r Hansen are now occupying their bungalow on Wood- mont place. The bungalow was moved from Martha street in Farmingville Gardens. Mr. and Mrs. William Malchib of Berkshire drive spent seven weeks vacation at their bungalow and re- turned Monday to thei r home in Wew York. Mrs. Malchik's mother , Bl rs. Helen Wlcska , is remaining for the month of August. Steven John Polyuronides of Knoll- crest drive, who is in the merchant Mariztfc, was home on a two day leave Saturday and Sund ay. He returned to his ship Monday. Mrs. Maybelle Banks of Adirondack drive . had fourteen guests from Asto- ria stop . at her Adirondack House ove r the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. George Schwenk , Jr., arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Jarush of Oceanview avenue. Mrs. Jarush is also visiting- her son and daughter-in- law. Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodson of Woody- crest drive and Mr. and Mrs. James Maio and family of Blue Point road held a clambake fov twenty peop le on the lawn of Mr. Maio ' s home Sat- urday nigh t. Guests of Mr. and Mrs. Willinm Mack of Pinelawn avenue , Sunday were Mr. ahd Mrs. John Pa i ge, Mrs. Florence Thompson , A. Serge of Jer- sey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc.Nally and daughter spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Mack. Mr. and Mrs . A. Piileo of Brooklyn were iccent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Auditore of Farm-to-Market road. Nancy Puleo is siiendins a two weeks ' vacation with Mrs . Auditore. Weekend guests of Mrs. C. Krtifier of the Estate on Rosemont avenue were 3Ir. and Mrs. Warren Cousins of Virginia , and Mr. and Mrs. C. Vas- ile of K r cw York. Miss Virginia Mas- saro is spending a two week vacation and Miss C. Vasile is spending: the summer at the Estate. The Church of the Resurrection , of Farmingville, on Granny road and Woodycrest drive will hold a bazaar on the Church grounds August 15-16- 17. Proceeds to be used for the benefit of the Church. 'Mrs. Frank Kozak of Rockaway Beach is spending a vacation with Mrs. Charles Taffinder of Oaklawn avenue. Thi; I^cw Naval Reserve V-6. (In- active), is open to all Navy, Marine and Coast Gliard veterans between the ages of 17 anil 63, and Army, Na- tional Guard and non-veterans, 17 to ¦ 10. Serve your counlry by preserving the American Way of life. Informa- tion and application blanks at The Patchogue Advance office , Friday afternoons, 2 to 4:30 o ' clock. , CORAM NEWS M»rr Hahn. Ttl. Bet-Jen 1765M1 < Miss Marjorie Hahn was hostess at a bridal shower " given in honor of Miss Mabel Usselman *of Port Jeffer- son Wednesday night. The rooms were decorated in yellow and green crepe paper , and in the center of the room was an attractive umbrella with gifts attached to the streamers. Those pres- ent were: Mrs. Warren Goll , Mrs. M. Gaylor , Mrs. G. Kurvous, Mrs. G. Us- selman ., Miss Sarah Friedel , Miss Jean Lerch, Miss Theora Newcomb, Miss Mary Jane Hansell , Miss Martha Us- selman , Miss Florence Swenk , Miss Virginia Griffin , Miss Virginia Ussel- man , Miss June Darling. Miss Marga- ret Davis , all local , and Mrs. Norma Olsen, of Kansas. Miss Usselman was married Saturday to Wilber Eschen of Sloatsburg. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Fingar of Coram announce the engagement of their daughter , Lois, to Robert W. Boddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. Samuel W. Boddy of Clark street , North Pat- chogue. Mr. and Mrs. Steve Takacs and daughter , Gloria Jean , of Bethlehem , Pa., spent a few days at thc home of Mr. and Mrs. Forrest West. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hagen spent Sunday at the home of Mr. Hagen' s, mother, Mrs. A . C. Hagen, of Wood- haven. On their return they were accompanied by their daughter , Doris , who had been visiting her cousins in Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Frank lyon attended a party -at the home of Mr. aud Mrs. Thomas Williams of Blue Point road , Selden , Sunday in honor of their sixtieth wedding anniversary. The Rev . Charles Lovell took as his topic for the Sunday morning service in thc Trinity Methodist church "Religion Interprets Im- mortality to Man. " This is the last in the series of "Religious Role in Human Experience. " Mr. and Mrs . E. J. Kamm of Queens spent the weekend at their bungalow in Pentaquid. . . , - Mrs. Christina Eagle is spending some time at the home of Mr. and Mrs . Frank Hagen. * Mr. and Airs. A. Momo and daugh- ter , Clotilda , and Mrs. Monr o's par- ents , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guidiee, of Jackson Heights spent the week- end at tlieir summer home here. Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Robert West of Wellington Farms were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wuest- man and son , David , of Brooklyn; Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilde , of Rich- mond Hill ; Mr. and Mrs . A. Sca rda- ville and daughter , Patricia , of Soutii Ozone Park. <S> Miss Marilyn Murri, muri .., , after spending a f e „. , " ned how, guest of her cousin , AwV 8 ' . the Plate , of Miller Place arj0 r 'e Woodhull Davis of p ril ' spent this week at Ulc V "" ' ) ¦! , mother , Mrs. E. E. ])!!vi ' 10 ° i his son , Sherman , graduated Vi-l 1 ^' 18 ' ; mouth college this vcaii^. Da «* traveling for the Pennsylvani a "°! v road. - 'v ,uiid rail. i The Misses Minnie and Gram n i were luncheon gUestg of "^ n, . Mrs. Leslie Bayles of W„ 0 <Cy g . Frank and Paul C. 'iulli of A«. . spent the weekend at h5,, Astori - i . tfieir brother and / ' n-if'V 1 . and Mrs. Hugo Ciulli "" ' Jlr ' i . T|ie Rev. Lloyd V. \Vw | cv of s ford , Conn., was a guest -.F n,„ i m " ; of Mvs. E. , E. DavirMii v he l,0 ' M ! i w ay g M Csls al the home of \w and Mrs. Hugo Ciolli weie L ' j Kosko , Mr. and Mrs. Miehnri K V ! and John Kosko of C&„ K ° sko John Baezensky -and ,j : ,„ ob » zensky were guests uf j|r . and M ¦ John Baezensky, Jr., of T " i V . Square last Wednesday " Uw Mrs. John Davis , Jr.. and lu.u , Davis of Yap hank; ' Mi, - .JL l !;J' C t kins of Brookhaven , and Jacob C zensky spent Thursday in NOW York Weekend guests of IMr. m \ -.,. . ' Walter | Gasket at their summer C in Wellington Farms were ; Mr Zi Mrs. Joseph Oddie and children j„ soph and Anna , of South Ozone Pink and Mr. and Mrs. R uw.m 0 j £z mond Hill. A spaghetti dinner n . served on the lawn and entertai n! ment was furnished b y Anna Oddie and Ai-lenc Gasket , students at the Bobby Gore Dancing studio. Miss Jeanne Haspel , William Has- pel of Selden and Charles Lyon of Coram spent last Tuesday in Xwv York and attended the theater. In the evening Mr. Lyon entertaine d several friends and relatives at his home who came to help him celebrate his eighteenth birthday. .Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Roselan and daughter , Cindy Ann , of Albauv are spending their vacation with Mr. and Mrs. William Stafford. The Goodfcllowship cluh enjoyed a beach party at Westhampton iieach Sunday. Weekend guests of Jlr. and Jlrs. Bernard Streckert of Paul' s Path were Mr. and Mrs. T. Slienkel , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Shlag and Mrs. Celia Thffian of Soutii Ozone Park. The Bizet and Beach store which was formerly Rovagna ' s lias been sold. The new owners are Clare and Oliver Wicks of Patchogue who plan on making many changes. Many local people attended the wedding of Miss Lois Smith of Port Jefferson to Roy Still of Middle Is- land at the Caroline church in Setau- ket Saturday. Sell ! Swapl Rem: Bny l Vis Ad- ranee Want Ad Way. i&AAA*AAAAA4iAAUti.AAAAAAAA«AAa.A4AAAAAAAA.AAAlL.i.UU 1 j Beautify Your Home \ with ¦W»flj[ - IAVO¥ | : ll P 5 ! I Aluminum Venetian Blinds ^ ' r?^~ st Made by Ourselves < IS 2=1111! i II From Onl y the Best Materials 3 i PBPfiflrTl ' A "Super Duper " Blind < 'lyJL j& a^ ALSO AVAILABLE IN WOOD OR STEE L W"*V>I/ ___ QUICK DELIVERY- OLD BLINDS BEAUtlFULLY REFINISHED - AND REPAIRED i ' ; BETTER - SMSK Qli^Sr ^ ; STEEL CUSTOM-ilDILT , Permanent decorator beauty for Radiator Enclosures ^ ; drapes free of smudge. Made j^^^^nHP^^^Hj for maximum heal efficiency of WM W$ ^^^^_\W __ \ ! finish to match uny color ailhemo jHH |; | |i | || | ;|i 1 J| = ^^ ^ r 3 u ""V COMBINATION ! iH^Hf-SwfefcitJ v-ombination , j llt( , r . ' flflHl ^^^lS Screen cli,iiigul>t e rrmn Hereon -i -^Hql - 2SltZl ff* ^ ^2 i SAVE UP TO 30% OF YOUR FUEL COST : Available in WOOD or ALUMINUM INLAID LINOLEUM ON HAND SAVOY VENETIA N BLIN D CO. j ; -IR SOUTH 6CEAN AV I3NUE i . : . PATCH'"' 1 '' ' ** | . ' ' ms ^ m I \ NO CHARdE ^ ^6lfUSSTlMATES j ! Chock itonTH ynu aro Intoi'iwfccd in anil HOIK I tins ' ll1 '" ' { < for prompt nud export Horvlco. , ..,. x ! I D VENETIAN BI.IMU8 n l>KAI »BKV « , ' !J'fh 1 J" - ! 0 WINDOW SHADES n SHOWKK CLHlAl. v > 1 Q TAHMH'ADS n UH«l'« l,M ! D ItADIATOR ISNCLOHURES a "ATII MATS ; Q STORM BASH j : NAME : : i ) ADDRESS ' ¦;;;»» { '^'^ '^^^tw'aawamwaseam^'asfmwm'aairaa'awwmwmastaaaamasraa fl^ra& AB H'" ' toica INCLUDE (tofstAL nx l ^ A. E. MOSS J f ^^' The Friendly Jeweler g ( 59 E, MAIN ST. Patchogue 3020 Jf The 10 county candidates who ran for public- office on the Democratic ticket last fall will be guests of the Executive committee at n dinner nieetiiijr to be held August 8 at the Riverside Inn , Smithtown . ? The purpose of the Democrats meeting is to orjitmizc a past can- didates ' association of former party candidates. Democrats to Organize Past Candidates ' Group [ PERFECT EQUIPMENT | —,vi*w\ ^ jf "" ''j *"* v* ' s a\ ^( / T ^ .r '\Sy 3mk M* WkMtg l ¦ -I " ¦*¦ a , ,. *. ' Thoro' i holhln-t quite like lh»w loveV «olld »l«rllnj illvor Rotnt ond Slunk mlj, Wonlvo liondlm . ol- ve you « firm grip, Roior*»horp i««lnlSi« sfoel lllcot off the por- ; , 1>pni wllli Katcol y on elfort, Not ' - ' " only |Jrtictldal,j bul beautiful, loo, $ Com? Wdnd.iWlhum today, Only * '' 1 J.SO' for ilni'SJ^k Sol . ;\,$K.OO y lor Ihe ftebil' Sil. (Ian Included), . , . A. E. MOSS The Friendly Jeweler flO E, Miiiu St, - , * ¦ Falchoguo 1020 INSURANCE SEE Charach & Son 8 WEST MAIN STREET

Transcript of Installations are Increasing! · Brookhaven...

Page 1: Installations are Increasing! · Brookhaven News I'nws W. Hand. Hoi 211, Ilrookliavcii Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chcrrington and son,

Brookhaven NewsI'nws W. Hand. Hoi 211 , Ilrookliavcii

Mr. and Mrs. Robert Chcrringtonand son , Hubby, of Li brary lane leftSatui-duv morning for The Camp ofthe Woods in Speculator , in the Ad-irondack.-;.

(ieoiirc .Slaierberk <ii Brooklynspent the weekend with relatives onLibra ry lnne.

Mr. and -Mrs. II , Jl. Reddall ofBrooklyn arc spending sonic time attheir summer home on Heaver Damroad.

Jliss Ji l l Bishop, nf the Southsidehospital nurses stall , Hay Shore, iscnjoyinir her vacation at the home ofher parents , Mr. mid Mrs. Grove rBishop of South Country road.

Miss Elizabeth Hawkins of BeaverDam road entertained the Missionarysociety of the South Mnvcn Presby-terian eh ti reh at her cnmp at Norlh ,Sen, Tuesday. J

'f Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Vosslcr oiSouth Country roud have been enter-taining Mrs. VV. G. Fields of Sanford.FJa.

Mr. nnd Mr.s. George Pethoram ofSoutii Country road entertained Mrs.Petheram 's aunt , Mrs. Thomas Elliot,and cousin , Mrs. George .Flanagan ,of Chicago; also her sister , Mrs. JohnSheridan of Roosevelt and a group offriends over Llie past weekend.

Brookhaven Boy Scout Troop 9was represented at the Baiting Hol-low camp last week by Daniel llomananil Frank Mn pes of Yaphank andRobert Lyons and Philip Shelton ofBrookhaven.

The Fire company held its month-ly social at the schoolhouse Fridaynight when curds were enjoyed. Highscorers were : pedro, Alex Kosen-kranius, Mrs . Alex Kosenkranius ,,Mrs. Elsie Griding, George Miller,

Will iam Glover and Mrs . Isabella;Johnston: pinochle, A.iam l.eskowu-s.Jl r:-. William Schuni.icker. Mrs. SKel2y: rummy. Fay Owe:is. _ WilliamRislev received the special aw-miMr. and Mrs . Adair , Lesfcowic.-: wovehosts.

Mr. and Mrs. Grover bishop. aMSouth Country read haw announcedthe enga gement cf their duuirlitor.Jill , to Dr. Ch.trles Shlimbaum ofBay Shore. No t ior in i te dale has beenset for the , wedding.

Mr. and 'Mrs. Albert Slinkier *.dSouth Coiintry road are the parentsof a girl , born a t Southside hospital.Bay Shore.

the Rev . Ralph Barton Gamewellwill be in charge of the 11 a. m.service at the South Haven Presby-terian church Su nday montinp whenhis -sermon topic will be "Creationor Creator."

The service at St. James Episcopalchurch Sunday morning will be omit-ted so tbat the congregation c:in at-tend the 11 a. nt. continuation serv-ice in Bellport cliu rch and hoar theRt. Rev. James T. DeWolfe.

Bible school wil] meet at the Brook-haven church at !*;.*0 a. in. Sunday.The Rev. Ralph Barton Gamewellwill be in charge oi the S p. rn. serv-ice at the church Sunday when hissermon topic wil J be "Better ThanOther Men."

On next Thursday a covered dishsupper will bc held at 6:30 p. ni. inthe B rookhaven church. There will hea hobby show b-oth afternoon andevening. Contact either Mrs. GlennHankinson or Mrs . Harold Ballard ifyou have a hobby to display. Thisevent is sponsored by the youngmarried couples, Everybody welcome.

The Urban family have moved toPort Washington from their homeon South Country road , South Haven.They recently sold their. South Havenhome to Mr. and Mrs. WilfredThompson of Mastic Beach.

llrlam- Jf. Etrinr, T«I. Bellport (£9

Faith Vilas , who is spending thesummer at the home of Mrs. T. Mor-timer Lloyd in Bellport , will addressthe Fireplace Literary club next Wed-nesday on subjective painting andwill display illustrations of that art.

• ¦ ¦ - ¦ - '


2 Reasons why FreezerInstallations are Increasing!(A) ALL YOUR FREEZER FOODS ARE Mi PFULLY INSURED!, i »7Every item stored in your lutfne freezer will be insured against (f II P iSB ¦loss through power failure ! J^^mmmWm ^%m «!w

<B) BUY WHOLESALE AND STORE A HIND $JSSpOF BEEF AT 30% SAVING FSS3H& 'We arrange the purchasing tot you, have it cut to your specifi- MnMS ^^Wmcatltov and packaged, ready for instant use. t&SSSm flL^SiW'

STOP IN TODAY AND SEE THE BRAND NEW fP^ *'^ Vfl flv mMt _ _ _ _ ________r ^

fl HY J_______F ' m\\mm\w m^Kttm mm\\\m\f mwLmsW fl^^V-a^-f^T _^___^Y fl ^flfl 'mmmmm\\\f ^^^V mmmms\\\Wsm\\\msW' mm*mm\\\\\\\m\V ' mmmmWm\\ms\\\W

li________V .fl_____F la\\m\\m mmmmWf ' Jm\\\\\Wm\mmmf mmmmWmm\\\\\W .flV mm\\m\\\\W ^HV^BMT J^HjMF ^^^_^# mmm\Wm\\\W '

j fft ^ ^" TlMBMMalKtHtV.t.Wtf.QIV/

V HO M E F R E E Z E RJ^^^^^^^^^>. Greater Capacity! Lower Cost!

85f EM* Main St. Patchogue 333—336,M*'M*"~'™——™** ^—rrwwi —ii II _ : I /

A N N O U N C I N GThat the former "ROVAGNA STORE" in Coramis now under new management and will be known as

WICK'S GENERAL STOREWhere FINE FOODS, SALADS, etc., can be boughtat prices you will be glad to pay.

FARMINGVILLE?lr-»* l?J««r» l*U-uw. T-1. Sel. ttT-V-l

Miss l\>iYilhy HoKicn of Ocean .Viewavcnuo is sp^ndinc tlw weekend withher bivUier. Hasvld. of the Bronx.Sivnoinp a Iw ivc-*>ks vacation withM rs. Mary HokU<n a rt' her brother ,James*. Uvit -ikntan , and his friend.C"i\- rgv Bradley, of the Htvux.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. James Maiovrhi> aro spending the weekend in theirbunjralow on Blue Point road , are :Mr. and Mrs. Frsuik Zoppola, and Mr.and Mrs. James Asxarlle of Brooklyn.

Mr. and Mrs. Ar thur Dingman ofDo Rose's store i>n Horseblock roadceleforated their thirtheenth weddinganniversary Sund-ny.

Mr. and Mrs. Oorge Motta return-ed to thoi r home in the Bronx afteran enjoyable vacation at their sum-mer home on Wo-od.wrest drive.

Mrs. Edwa rd Boone of Cedaroaksavenue had a surprise visit last 'Wed-nesday evening from her sister , Mrs.Marguerite Murphy, of the Bronx: andMr. and Mrs. Edward Murtha andson. Vincent , of Deer Park.

Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Gottshall ofDeRose's store, Horseblock road, en-tertained Mr. and Mrs. Chester Gott-shall of Brooklyn ever the weekend.

Mr. and Mrs. William Kramer ofthe Bronx are spending thc weefcendat thei r summer home on Woodycrestdrive.

Mr. and Mrs. Peter Hansen are nowoccupying their bungalow on Wood-mont place. The bungalow was movedfrom Martha street in FarmingvilleGardens.

Mr. and Mrs. William Malchib ofBerkshire drive spent seven weeksvacation at their bungalow and re-turned Monday to their home in WewYork. Mrs. Malchik's mother, Blrs.Helen Wlcska, is remaining for themonth of August.

Steven John Polyuronides of Knoll-crest drive, who is in the merchantMariztfc, was home on a two day leaveSaturday and Sund ay. He returned tohis ship Monday.

Mrs. Maybelle Banks of Adirondackdrive . had fourteen guests from Asto-ria stop .at her Adirondack House

over the weekend.Mr. and Mrs. George Schwenk , Jr.,

arc visiting Mr. and Mrs. F. Jarushof Oceanview avenue. Mrs. Jarush isalso visiting- her son and daughter-in-law.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Goodson of Woody-crest drive and Mr. and Mrs. JamesMaio and family of Blue Point roadheld a clambake fov twenty peopleon the lawn of Mr. Maio's home Sat-urday nigh t.

Guests of Mr. and Mrs. WillinmMack of Pinelawn avenue, Sundaywere Mr. ahd Mrs. John Paige, Mrs.Florence Thompson , A. Serge of Jer-sey. Mr. and Mrs. J. Mc.Nally anddaughter spent the weekend with Mr.and Mrs. Mack.

Mr. and Mrs. A. Piileo of Brooklynwere iccent guests of Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Auditore of Farm-to-Marketroad. Nancy Puleo is siiendins a twoweeks' vacation with Mrs. Auditore.

Weekend guests of Mrs. C. Krti fierof the Estate on Rosemont avenuewere 3Ir. and Mrs. Warren Cousinsof Virginia , and Mr. and Mrs. C. Vas-ile of Krcw York. Miss Virginia Mas-saro is spending a two week vacationand Miss C. Vasile is spending: thesummer at the Estate.

The Church of the Resurrection , ofFarmingville, on Granny road andWoodycrest drive will hold a bazaaron the Church grounds August 15-16-17. Proceeds to be used for the benefitof the Church.

'Mrs. Frank Kozak of RockawayBeach is spending a vacation withMrs. Charles Taffinder of Oaklawnavenue.

Thi; I^cw Naval Reserve V-6. (In-active), is open to all Navy, Marineand Coast Gliard veterans betweenthe ages of 17 anil 63, and Army, Na-tional Guard and non-veterans, 17 to¦10. Serve your counlry by preservingthe American Way of life. Informa-tion and application blanks at ThePatchogue Advance office, Fridayafternoons, 2 to 4:30 o'clock. ,

C O R A M N E W SM»rr Hahn. Ttl. Bet-Jen 1765M1 <

Miss Marjorie Hahn was hostess ata bridal shower "given in honor ofMiss Mabel Usselman *of Port Jeffer-son Wednesday night. The rooms weredecorated in yellow and green crepepaper, and in the center of the roomwas an attractive umbrella with giftsattached to the streamers. Those pres-ent were: Mrs. Warren Goll, Mrs. M.Gaylor, Mrs. G. Kurvous, Mrs. G. Us-selman., Miss Sarah Friedel, Miss JeanLerch, Miss Theora Newcomb, MissMary Jane Hansell, Miss Martha Us-selman, Miss Florence Swenk , MissVirginia Griffin, Miss Virginia Ussel-man, Miss June Darling. Miss Marga-ret Davis, all local, and Mrs. NormaOlsen, of Kansas. Miss Usselman wasmarried Saturday to Wilber Eschenof Sloatsburg.

Mr. and Mrs. Hugh C. Fingar ofCoram announce the engagement oftheir daughter, Lois, to Robert W.Boddy, son of Mr. and Mrs. SamuelW. Boddy of Clark street, North Pat-chogue.

Mr. and Mrs. Steve Takacs anddaughter , Gloria Jean , of Bethlehem,Pa., spent a few days at thc homeof Mr. and Mrs. Forrest West.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hagen spentSunday at the home of Mr. Hagen's,mother, Mrs. A. C. Hagen, of Wood-haven. On their return they wereaccompanied by their daughter, Doris,who had been visiting her cousinsin Richmond Hill.

Mr. and Mrs. Frank lyon attendeda party -at the home of Mr. aud Mrs.Thomas Williams of Blue Point road,Selden, Sunday in honor of theirsixtieth wedding anniversary.

The Rev. Charles Lovell took ashis topic for the Sunday morningservice in thc Trinity Methodistchurch "Religion Interprets Im-mortality to Man." This is the lastin the series of "Religious Role inHuman Experience."

Mr. and Mrs. E. J. Kamm ofQueens spent the weekend at theirbungalow in Pentaquid. . . , -

Mrs. Christina Eagle is spendingsome time at the home of Mr. andMrs. Frank Hagen. *

Mr. and Airs. A. Momo and daugh-ter, Clotilda , and Mrs. Monr o's par-ents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Guidiee,of Jackson Heights spent the week-end at tlieir summer home here.

Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs.Robert West of Wellington Farmswere: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wuest-man and son , David , of Brooklyn;Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilde , of Rich-mond Hill ; Mr. and Mrs. A. Scarda-ville and daughter, Patricia, of SoutiiOzone Park.

<S> Miss Marilyn Murri , muri .., ,after spending a fe„. , " ned how,guest of her cousin , AwV 8'. thePlate, of Miller Place arj0 r 'e

Woodhull Davis of p ril 'spent this week at Ulc V ""' ) ¦!,mother, Mrs. E. E. ])!!vi '

10 °i hisson , Sherman , graduated Vi-l 1 '18'

; mouth college this v c a ii ^ .Da«*traveling for the Pennsylvani a "°!vroad. - 'v ,uiid rail.

i The Misses Minnie and Gram n •i were luncheon gUestg of "^n,. Mrs. Leslie Bayles of W„0<Cy g. Frank and Paul C.'iulli of A«. •. spent the weekend at h5,,Astori -i. tfieir brother and s£/ ' n-if'V1. and Mrs. Hugo Ciull i ""' Jlr 'i . T|ie Rev. Lloyd V. \Vw|cv of sford, Conn., was a guest -.F n,„ i m"; of Mvs. E.

,E. DavirMiivhe l,0'M

! i way gMCsls al the home of \wand Mrs. Hugo Ciolli weie L 'j Kosko, Mr. and Mrs. Miehnri K V! and John Kosko of C&„

K°skoJohn Baezensky -and ,j:,„ob »

zensky were guests uf j| r. and M¦ John Baezensky, Jr., of T" iV. Square last Wednesday "UwMrs. John Davis, Jr.. and lu.u ,

Davis of Yaphank; 'Mi,-. JLl!;J'

Ctkins of Brookhaven , and Jacob Czensky spent Thursday in NOW YorkWeekend guests of IMr. m\ -.,..'

Walter| Gasket at their summer Cin Wellington Farms were ; Mr ZiMrs. Joseph Oddie and children j„soph and Anna , of South Ozone Pinkand Mr. and Mrs. Ruw.m 0j £zmond Hill. A spaghetti dinner n.served on the lawn and entertai n!ment was furnished by Anna Oddieand Ai-lenc Gasket , students at theBobby Gore Dancing studio.Miss Jeanne Haspel , Willia m Has-pel of Selden and Charles Lyon ofCoram spent last Tuesday in XwvYork and attended the theater. In theevening Mr. Lyon entertaine d several

friends and relatives at his homewho came to help h im celebrate hiseighteenth birthday.

.Mr. and Mrs . Arthur Roselan anddaughter , Cindy Ann , of Albauv arespending their vacation with Mr. andMrs. William Stafford.

The Goodfcllowship cluh enjoyed abeach party at Westhamp ton iieachSunday.

Weekend guests of Jlr. and Jlrs.Bernard Streckert of Paul's Pathwere Mr. and Mrs. T. Slienkel , Mr.and Mrs. Charles Shlag and Mrs.Celia Thffian of Soutii Ozone Park.

The Bizet and Beach store whichwas formerly Rovagna 's lias beensold. The new owners are Clare andOliver Wicks of Patchogue who planon making many changes.

Many •local people attended thewedding of Miss Lois Smith of PortJefferson to Roy Still of Middle Is-land at the Caroline church in Setau-ket Saturday.

Sell ! Swapl Rem: Bny l Vis Ad-ranee Want Ad Way.


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S A V O YV E N E T I A N B L I N D CO . j

; -IR SOUTH 6CEAN AV I3NUE i . : . PATCH'"' 1 ''' ** |. ' ' ms m I

\ NO CHARdE^ 6lfUSSTlMATES j! Chock itonTH ynu aro Intoi'iwfccd in anil HOIK I tins 'll1 '" ' {< for prompt nud export Horvlco. , . . , . x !I D VENETIAN BI.IMU8 n l>KAI » BKV « ,'!J'fh 1 J"- !0 WINDOW SHADES n SHOWKK CL Hl Al . v >1 Q TAHMH'ADS n UH«l '« l,M !D ItADIATOR ISNCLOHURES a "ATII MATS; Q STORM BASH j: NAME : : i) ADDRESS ' ¦;;;»»*»{' ' ' ^ tw'aawamwaseam^'asfmwm 'aairaa 'awwmwmastaaaamasraa

fl ra&ABH ' " ' toica INCLUDE (tof stAL nx


A. E. MOSS Jf ^ ' The Friendly Jeweler g( 59 E, MAIN ST. Patchogue 3020 Jf

The 10 county candidates who ranfor public- office on the Democraticticket last fall will be guests of theExecutive committee at n dinnernieetiiijr to be held August 8 at theRiverside Inn , Smithtown . ?

The purpose of the Democratsmeeting is to orj itmizc a past can-didates ' association of former partycandidates.

Democrats to OrganizePast Candidates' Group


—,vi*w\ jf "" ''j *"— * v* ' s a\ (/ T .i£

r '\Sy 3mk M * WkMtg l ¦-I "¦*¦ • a,,. *. '

Thoro'i holhln-t quite like lh»wloveV «olld »l«rllnj illvor Rotntond Slunk mlj, Wonlvo liondlm

. ol-ve you « firm grip, Roior*»horpi««lnlSi« sfoel lllcot off the por- ;

, 1>pni wllli Katcoly on elfort, Not '- ' " only |Jrtictldal,j bul beautiful, loo,

$ Com? Wdnd.iWlhum today, Only* '' 1 J.SO'for ilni'SJ^k Sol . ;\,$K.OO

y lor Ihe ftebil'Sil. (Ian Included), . , .

A. E. MOSSThe Friendly Jeweler

flO E, Miiiu St, - , * ¦ Falchoguo 1020