Instalar Entorno Grafico GNOME en Ubuntu Server

All about Graphical matters in Ubuntu Ubuntu Server With Minimal Gnome Desktop Post Date: Sep 20, 2010 Posted By: Admin Category: Linux Installing Ubuntu server leaves us with a CLI (Command Line Interface) only. Now there's nothing wrong with that. But, Linux sports all these tools on the GUI side that makes traditional server administration easier and more pleasant. Not-to-mention it helps training newbies a bit easier too. Besides, it's nice to have access to the GUI tools from time to time. I've found some folks install Ubuntu server and then install ubuntu-desktop afterwards just to get the GUI tools. Some didn't realize that the kernel is changed after the "update", to the kernel used in Ubuntu Desktop. In essense, they could have just install Ubuntu Desktop and then installed the LAMP stack. The process would be shorter. After your Ubuntu server installation you can install a "lighter" version of the Gnome desktop AND retain the server kernel. Just login and type the following; "sudo apt-get install xorg gdm gnome-core synaptic gcc gnome-system-tools gnome-app-install gnome-nettool chromium-browser gdebi" Once you've done this you'll have a complete server with a basic desktop installed. Asi es como finalmente lo instale: sudo apt-get install xorg gdm gnome-core synaptic gcc gnome-system-tools gnome-app-install gnome-nettool linux-headers-$(uname -r) make This command will install the kernel headers: sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r) Now, try to install the Guest Additions again.


Ubuntu Server With Minimal Gnome Desktop

Transcript of Instalar Entorno Grafico GNOME en Ubuntu Server

  • All about Graphical matters in Ubuntu

    Ubuntu Server With Minimal Gnome Desktop

    Post Date: Sep 20, 2010 Posted By: Admin Category: Linux

    Installing Ubuntu server leaves us with a CLI (Command Line Interface) only. Now there's

    nothing wrong with that. But, Linux sports all these tools on the GUI side that makes

    traditional server administration easier and more pleasant. Not-to-mention it helps training

    newbies a bit easier too. Besides, it's nice to have access to the GUI tools from time to time.

    I've found some folks install Ubuntu server and then install ubuntu-desktop afterwards just to

    get the GUI tools. Some didn't realize that the kernel is changed after the "update", to the

    kernel used in Ubuntu Desktop. In essense, they could have just install Ubuntu Desktop and

    then installed the LAMP stack. The process would be shorter.

    After your Ubuntu server installation you can install a "lighter" version of the Gnome

    desktop AND retain the server kernel. Just login and type the following;

    "sudo apt-get install xorg gdm gnome-core synaptic gcc gnome-system-tools

    gnome-app-install gnome-nettool chromium-browser gdebi"

    Once you've done this you'll have a complete server with a basic desktop installed.

    Asi es como finalmente lo instale:

    sudo apt-get install xorg gdm gnome-core synaptic gcc gnome-system-tools

    gnome-app-install gnome-nettool linux-headers-$(uname -r) make

    This command will install the kernel headers:

    sudo apt-get install linux-headers-$(uname -r)

    Now, try to install the Guest Additions again.

  • The old Gnome User and Groups management tool has been

    turned off in Ubuntu 12.04 LTS.

    Although, There is User Accounts under the System setting, but the problem with the User

    Accounts is that you cannot administer groups.

  • You need to install the gnome-system-tools from Ubuntu repository in order to be able to

    administer groups.

    sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools

    After installing the tools, well get back this old Users Settings tool:

  • Hope this will help you!

    Instalar entorno grfico GNOME en

    Ubuntu Server

    Si administras un Ubuntu Server, ya sabrs que este no incorpora por defecto un entorno

    grfico, ya que esta pensado para operar con el mediante linea de comandos, y ser lo mas

    liviano y eficiente posible, pero esto no quita, que en algn momento podamos necesitar

    utilizar el entorno grfico que tendra un Ubuntu Desktop (o que somos as de raros y nos

    apetece instalar un Ubuntu Server y convertirlo en un Desktop ), por ello, una buena idea

    podra ser instalar GNOME: Cuando iniciamos nuestro Ubuntu Server, podemos ver lo tpico: Nos logeamos y tenemos

    una shell:

  • Lo primero que haremos ser instalar xorg y gnome-core:

    usuario@maquina:~$ sudo apt-get install xorg gnome-core

    Y si queremos tenerlo en Espaol, instalaremos tambin language-pack-gnome-es: usuario@maquina:~$ sudo apt-get install language-pack-gnome-es

    Ahora ya tenemos el entorno grfico instalado, y unicamente se iniciar cuando

    ejecutemos: usuario@maquina:~$ startx

    Esto quiere decir que cuando arranquemos el sistema, el entorno grfico no iniciara

    automticamente, si no que deberemos ejecutarlo manualmente mediante ese comando.

    De este modo, podremos utilizar el entorno grfico unicamente cuando lo necesitemos,

    liberando al sistema de una carga innecesaria.

    As pues cuando ejecutemos el comando, veremos un entorno bastante simple y sin


    Si queremos podemos instalar algunos temas y fondos de escritorio para animar un poco

    la apariencia:

    usuario@maquina:~$ sudo apt-get install gnome-themes ubuntustudio-wallpapers

  • Recordemos que el entorno grfico unicamente se iniciara cuando ejecutemos startx,

    pero si queremos que al arrancar la maquina directamente arranque el entorno grfico

    y desde este podamos seleccionar el usuario como se hara en un Ubuntu Desktop,

    deberemos instalar GNOME Display Manager:

    usuario@maquina:~$ sudo apt-get install gdm


  • Enciende tu servidor, ingresa tu usuario y password de administrador y a trabajar

    Lo primero es lo primero, instalamos el ncleo de Gnome que ser el que nos proporcione el

    entorno grfico:

    sudo apt-get install xorg gnome-core

    Al instalar Gnome , este nos aparecer en ingls por lo que si lo queremos en espaol ,

    podemos descargar los paquetes de idiomas as:

    sudo apt-get install language-pack-es language-pack-es-base language-pack-gnome-es

    language-pack-gnome-es-base language-selector language-support-es

    Instalamos gksu para que funcionen los mens:

    sudo apt-get install gksu

    sudo apt-get install gdm

    Instalamos las herramientas de red:

    sudo apt-get install gnome-system-tools gnome-nettool

    Y listo, una vez el proceso termine slo tenemos que escribir:

    sudo dpkg-reconfigure xserver-xorg

    sudo startx

    Si lo anterior no funciona hay algunas versiones en las que tienes que correrlo con este


    sudo /etc/init.d/gdm start

    Reinicia y Listo ya tienes Ubuntu Server con Interfaz Grfica, instala y utilzalo tal y como

    ests acostumbrado en Ubuntu Desktop.