
Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide This article provides complete step by step instruction for installation and configuration of Informatica PowerCenter 9.x. This includes the installation of server components, configuration of different Informatica services and client installation and configuration. Pre-requisites of Informatica Installation It is needed to create a schema in an oracle database while installing Informatica server. This schema will be have the metadata repository. And this data will be used by Informatica both server and client. Metadata can include information such as mappings describing how to transform source data, sessions indicating when you want the Informatica Server to perform the transformations, and connect strings for sources and targets. Script to create a tablespace in Oracle Database: CREATE TABLESPACE BIA_PROD_TS DATAFILE 'C:\app\new16\oradata\orcl\bia_prod_ts.dbf' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE 500M; Script to create schema to hold metadata: CREATE USER biaproddb IDENTIFIED BY biaproddb DEFAULT TABLESPACE BIA_PROD_TS TEMPORARY TABLESPACE TEMP PROFILE DEFAULT ACCOUNT UNLOCK; Script to extend password life to lifetime: ALTER profile DEFAULT limit password_life_time UNLIMITED; Script to create role that will be given to user: Create role SSE_ROLE; Grant connect, resource to SSE_ROLE; Grant select any table to SSE_ROLE; Grant create session to SSE_ROLE; Grant insert any table, delete any table, update any table to SSE_ROLE; Script to create schema to hold metadata: GRANT SSE_ROLE TO biaproddb; GRANT GLOBAL QUERY REWRITE TO biaproddb; GRANT CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW TO biaproddb; GRANT CREATE TABLE TO biaproddb; GRANT CREATE ANY VIEW, DROP ANY VIEW TO biaproddb; GRANT CREATE ANY SEQUENCE, DROP ANY SEQUENCE TO biaproddb; GRANT CREATE ANY INDEX, DROP ANY INDEX TO biaproddb; GRANT UNLIMITED TABLESPACE TO biaproddb WITH ADMIN OPTION;



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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

This article provides complete step by step instruction for installation and configuration of

Informatica PowerCenter 9.x. This includes the installation of server components, configuration

of different Informatica services and client installation and configuration.

Pre-requisites of Informatica Installation

It is needed to create a schema in an oracle database while installing Informatica server. This

schema will be have the metadata repository. And this data will be used by Informatica both

server and client. Metadata can include information such as mappings describing how to

transform source data, sessions indicating when you want the Informatica Server to perform the

transformations, and connect strings for sources and targets.

Script to create a tablespace in Oracle Database:

CREATE TABLESPACE BIA_PROD_TS DATAFILE 'C:\app\new16\oradata\orcl\bia_prod_ts.dbf' SIZE 100M AUTOEXTEND ON MAXSIZE 500M;

Script to create schema to hold metadata:

CREATE USER biaproddb






Script to extend password life to lifetime:

ALTER profile DEFAULT limit password_life_time UNLIMITED;

Script to create role that will be given to user:

Create role SSE_ROLE;

Grant connect, resource to SSE_ROLE;

Grant select any table to SSE_ROLE;

Grant create session to SSE_ROLE;

Grant insert any table, delete any table, update any table to SSE_ROLE;

Script to create schema to hold metadata:

GRANT SSE_ROLE TO biaproddb;








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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Note: All Scripts shown here should be executed in the same sequence as specified above.

Step1: Double click on “install.exe”

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step2: Installation wizard starts. Click the radio button as shown in screenshot below and click on


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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step3: Installation Pre-requisites will be shown before the installation starts as below.

Click “Next”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step4: Enter the license key. You can locate the license key from the desired path where the file

“Oracle_All_OS_Prod.key” is there in your system.

Click “Next”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step5: Pre-installation summary will give the items installed during the installation process based

on the license key.

Click “Install”

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step6: Installation Begins. It takes couple of minutes to finish. Soon after completion of this

step, Configuring Domain window opens. Continue the steps from Domain Configuration.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

------------------------------------------------Domain Configuration Steps---------------------------------------------------

Step7: Creating a domain

o Choose “Create a Domain” radio button.

o Un-Check “Enable HTTPS for Informatica Administrator”

o Leave the Port number as it is and choose “Use a keystore file generated by the


Click “Next”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step8: Provide the Repository database details as below.

o Database Type: Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)

o Database user ID: Database user ID to connect database.

o User Password: Password to connect to database.

o Schema Name: If Schema name is not provided default schema will be used.

o Database Address and Port: Machine on which database in installed and default

port number.

o Database Service Name: Database Name.

Below image shows the configuration using SQL Server.

Click “Next”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step9: You can give the Domain details, Admin user details now.

o Domain Name: Name of your Domain.

o Node Host Name: Machine name on which Informatica Server is running.

o Node Name: Name of the Node.

o Node Port Number: Leave the default port Number.

o Domain user name : This is the Administrator user

o Domain password : Administrator password

Note: Remember the Admin User ID, Password to log on to Admin Console later in the


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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step10: Use the default configuration and Click “Next”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step11: Installation is complete and you get the post-installation summery. You get a link to the

installation log file and a link to Admin console.

Click “Done”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

-----------------------------------------Configuring Repository Services-------------------------------------------------------

Step1: Go to Start menu and Click on “Informatica Administrator Home Page”. This will open

up the Admin Console in a web browser.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step2: Log on to Admin console using your Admin User ID and Password. You set your Admin

User ID and Password in “Step9” above.

Step3: Once you Log on you will see the Screen just like shown below.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step4: Choose your Domain Name from “Domain Navigator”, Click on “Actions”, Choose

“New” and “PowerCenter Repository Service”.

Step5: A new screen will appear, in which you need to fill in details.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step6: Fill in following details.

o Repository Name: Appropriate Repository Name.

o Description: An optional description about the repository.

o Location: Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one

Domain, this value will be pre populated.

o License: Choose the license key from the drop down list.

o Node: Choose the node name from the drop down list.

Click “Next”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step7: A new screen will appear, provide the Repository database details.

o Database Type : Choose your Repository database (Oracle/SQL Server/Sybase)

o Username: Database user ID to connect database.

o Password: Database user Password.

o Connection String: Database Connection String.

o Code Page: Database Code Page

o Table Space: Database Table Space Name

o Choose “No content exists under specified connection string. Create new


Click “Finish”.

The Zoomed Image of above screenshot.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step8: It takes couple of minutes create Repository content. After the repository creation below

screen will be seen.

The Zoomed Screenshot of above one.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step9: The repository service will be running in “Exclusive” mode as shown below. This needs

to be change to “Normal” before we can configure Integration service.

Click “Edit” Repository Properties.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step10: A pop up window appears, set the properties

o Operation Mode : Normal

o Security Audit Trail : No

Click “OK”.

State is now changed to “Normal” mode.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

-----------------------------------------Configuring Integration Services------------------------------------------------------

Step1: Choose your Domain Name from “Domain Navigator”, Click on “Actions”, Choose

“New” and “PowerCenter Integration Service”.

Step2: Following screen appears.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step3: A new window will appear, provide the details as shown below.

o Name: Desired Integration Service Name.

o Description: An optional description about the repository.

o Location: Choose the Domain you have already created. If you have only one

Domain, this value will be pre populated.

o License: Choose the license key from the drop down list.

o Node: Choose the node name from the drop down list.

Click “Next”.

The Zoomed Detail of above screen.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step4: A new window will appear, provide the details as shown below.

o PowerCenter Repository Service: Choose your Repository Service Name from

the drop down list.

o Username: Admin user name.

o Password: Admin password.

o Data Movement Mode: ASCII.

Click “Finish”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step5: A pop up window will appear, Choose the Code Page as ANSI.

Click “OK”.

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Informatica 9.0.1 Server Installation Guide

Step6: Window will be closed and you can see all the configured services in the “Domain


With that we are all done with the installation and configuration for Informatica

PowerCenter Server 9.0.1.