Inspired by God’s word; written by David...

‘God is a Good God’ Inspired by God’s word; written by David Robinson

Transcript of Inspired by God’s word; written by David...

Page 1: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

‘God is a Good God’

Inspired by God’s word;

written by David Robinson

Page 2: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

‘God is a Good God’ Chapter One:

‘The Goodness of God’

Page 3: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

‘The Goodness of God’ A promise to all who come unto Christ today, ‘the goodness of God still leads to repentance’ (Romans 2:4) If you simply believe then this day you will see the goodness of God for he did not call you to make fun of you or to abuse you, he drew you here to this place to give good things to all who ask of him. ‘God is good’ how easily we say these words when things are going well but how shallow they seem to be when the going gets tough. However know this no matter what storm you are facing, no matter how great the wilderness you are crawling through God is still good! He is good in love for he ‘so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life’ (John 3:16) He is good in his promise to forgive you when you come to Christ as Lord and truly repent of your sins for he has promised that ‘as far as the East is from the West thus far will he remove your transgressions from you’ (Psalm 103:12) God the good God has also declared; ‘I, even I, am he that blot out your transgressions for my own sake, and will not remember your sins’ (Isaiah 43:25) and ‘I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, your transgressions, and, as a cloud, your sins: return unto me; for I have redeemed you’ (Isaiah 44:22)

Page 4: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

Again he has declared that ‘If you confess your sins he is faithful and just to forgive you your sins and to cleanse you from all unrighteousness’ (1st John 1:9) He is good in his promise to be ‘the Lord that heals you’ for ‘he himself took your infirmities and carried your sicknesses and ‘by his stripes you are already healed’ (Exodus 15:26, Matthew 8:17, 1st Peter 2:24) He is good in his promise to ‘provide all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:19) The one who fed the 5000, who paid Peters taxes and who clothed the naked mad man of the Gadarenes will provide for you and all who simply believe out of his goodness. God is good always, it is part of his divine unchanging nature, there is no evil in him for he has said; ‘Let no man say when he is tempted, I am tempted of God: for God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempts he any man’ (James 1:13) God is good in his promise to ‘deliver the oppressed and to set the captives free’ be assured that though your afflictions be many he is the Lord who delivers you out of them all’ (Psalm 34:19) He delivered Israel out of the bondage of Egypt when they cried out to him and he will do the same for you as you call out to him in distress. God is good to his promise to ‘prepare a place for you in heaven’ Jesus said; ‘I go to prepare a place for you. And if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come again, and receive you unto myself; that where I am, there ye may be also’ (John 14:2-3)

Page 5: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

God is good to ‘the lonely’ for he places them in families’ (Psalm 68:6) ‘he is a father to the fatherless (Psalm 68:5) and a husband to the widows’ He is the good Shepherd who would ‘leave the 99 in the fold and go seeking one lost sheep? (Luke 15:4) God is good! If you’re hungry he is the ‘Bread of Life; (John 6:35) If you’re thirsty He is the ‘Living water’ (John 4:10) He is Good to the broken hearted; for he came to ‘heal the broken hearted’ (Luke 4:18) He is good to the bruised and downtrodden ‘he came to set at liberty those who are bruised’ (Luke 4:18) He is good to the lonely for he is a friend that sticks closer than a brother; Proverbs 18:24 He is good to the unloved; for he loved you so much he gave his only begotten Son for you so that by believing in him you would not perish but have everlasting life’ (John 3:16) He is good to sorrowful and the grieving; for he is the ‘comforter’ (John 14:16) ‘he will turn your sorrow into joy’ (John 16:20) He is good to those who need to be forgiven; for he is the ‘God of forgiveness’ (Nehemiah 9:1) He is good to those in need of protection; for he is your ‘strong tower’ (Proverbs 18:10) ‘your shield’ (Psalm 33:20) and a ‘shelter for you and a strong tower against your enemies’ (Psalm 61:3)

Page 6: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

He is good to the weak; for he is the ‘God of your strength’ (Psalm 43:2) He is good to those whose in distress; for he is ‘the Lord of peace’ (Judges 6:24) He is good to those who sorrow; for he will give them ‘joy unspeakable and full of glory’ (1st Peter 1:8) He is good to those who have lost their way; for he is ‘the way the truth and the life’ (John 14:6) He is good to those in need of mercy; for he is the Father of mercies; (2nd Corinthians 1:3) mercies that are (new every morning’ (Lamentations 3:23) He is good to those who need a second chance for the one that gave Peter a second chance will do the same for you. (Mark 16:17) He is good to all those who have never known a fathers love for; he is ‘Abba’ or Daddy God to all… (Galatians 4:6) He is good to those dying in Christ so fear not he is ‘the resurrection and the life’ (John 11:25) God is a good God who does good things even for bad people as he patiently waits for them to repent and call on him to save their souls’


Page 7: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Two:

‘God’ Amazing Grace’

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‘God’ Amazing Grace’

‘Then I will pour out a spirit of grace and prayer on the family

of David and on the people of Jerusalem. They will look on me

whom they have pierced and mourn for Him as for an only son.

They will grieve bitterly for him as for a firstborn son who has

died’ (Zechariah 12:10) NLT

When my father abandoned me, grace gave me another chance

for God adopted me and I can now call him ‘Abba, Father’

(Romans 8:15)

When I was abused as a child, grace gave me another chance

and God in his mercy ‘rescued me’

When I was rejected, grace gave me another chance and God

‘accepted me in the beloved’ (Ephesians 1:6)

When I was injured and disabled, grace gave me another

chance for ‘Christ healed me by his stripes’ (1st Peter 2:24)

When I was heart-broken, grace gave me another chance for

‘Christ was anointed to heal the broken hearted’ (Luke 4:18)

When I was an alcoholic, grace gave me another chance for

God delivered me and gave me ‘living water’ in its place. (John


Page 9: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

When I was overcome with fear, grace gave me another chance

for ‘God gave me a Spirit of power, of love and of a sound

mind’ (2nd Timothy 1:7)

When I was lost, grace gave me a second chance for the Good

Shepherd came to seek and to save that which was lost. (Luke


When I was a sinner, grace gave me a second chance and

forgave me all my sins and cleanses me from all

unrighteousness as I walk in the truth and fellowship with

Christ. (1st John 1:7)

When people told me that I was not good enough, grace gave

me another chance and reminded me that God was enough for


When I was dead in trespasses and sins, grace gave me another

chance and ransomed, pardoned and saved me. (Colossians


When I was disobedient, a child of wrath, grace gave me

another chance and in mercy and love made me his own.

(Ephesians 2:1-8)

When I was separated and an enemy of God in my mind, grace

gave me another chance and reconciled me. (Colossians 1:21)

Page 10: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

When I was disqualified, grace gave me another chance and

qualified me to be a partaker of the inheritance of the saints in

light. (Colossians 1:12)

When I was controlled by the power of darkness, grace gave

me another chance and delivered me and translated me into

the kingdom of Gods dear Son. (Colossians 1:13)

When I was under the curse of the law, grace gave me another

chance and redeemed me from the curse of the law and gave

me the blessings of Abraham. (Galatians 3:13-14)

When I was afar off from God, grace gave me another chance

and made me near through his shed blood. (Ephesians 2:13)

When my heart was broken, grace gave me another chance and

healed my broken heart. (Luke 4:18)

When I was without hope, grace gave me another chance and

Christ became to the hope of glory in me (Colossians 1:27)

When the law listed my sins, grace gave me a second chance

and ‘blotted out the accusations, took them out of the way and

nailed them to the cross’ (Colossians 2:14)

When I had no peace, grace gave me another chance and

‘Christ left me his peace’ (John 14:27

Page 11: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

When I was sick, grace gave me another chance took my

infirmities and my sicknesses and ‘healed me by his stripes’

(Matthew 8:17, 1st Peter 2:24)

When I was in need, grace gave me another chance and

‘supplied all my need according to his riches in Glory in Christ

Jesus’ (Philippians 4:19)


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Three:


Page 13: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

It was early just as I was awakened that this word came especially for

the thirsty and the hungry, the hurting and abused; it’s found in (1st John


‘You are of God, little children and have overcome them: because

greater is he that is in you than he that is in the world’

The God of all creation lives in you, the power that raised Christ from

the dead has taken up residence in your body which is the temple of the

Holy Spirit.

Catch this truth this morning my friend for your God is greater than

your greatest fear, greater than your greatest pain, greater than any work

of Satan.

Greater than MRSA, Swine Flu, Mad Cow disease, greater than any

doctor or specialist.

Nothing is impossible for God; all he waits for is for his children to rise

up and declare before the hordes of hell that God is Lord of all.

Christ is Lord over every sickness and disease regardless of its name, he

reigns over the devil having defeated him and made a show of him

openly, ‘he came to destroy the works of the devil’ (1st John 3:8)

Listen; this same Lord dwells in you; the greater one is in your spirit

just waiting for you to get mad at the devil and to declare Christ as Lord

of your body, Lord of your life, your family and your neighbourhood.

It’s time to give thanks for things you have yet to see and things you

look for, total restoration, health and freedom...

Page 14: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

It's time to take your eyes off what the devil has done or is doing and to

fix your heart on the Christ of Calvary, the mighty to save and to heal.

Get angry with the devil; get mad at him, mad enough to rise up in the

Holy Ghost so that your body will follow you into freedom.

Just in case you think that you’re not good enough, holy enough or in

the right place to receive listen to this;

If your heart condemns you, God is greater than your heart, and

knows all things… (1st John 3:20)

God is greater than your heart even if it should condemn you.

He is greater than your greatest sin and his blood still cleanses you

continuously as you repent of them and turn again trusting in his grace.

(1st John 1:7)

He is greater than your greatest pain, greater than any disease or

sickness, and greater than your greatest need in life

His name is greater than any other name for ‘God also hath highly

exalted him, and given him a name which is above every name: That at

the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and

things in earth, and things under the earth; and that every tongue should

confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father’

(Philippians 2:11)

His blood is greater than the all the blood of sacrificial animals ever

spilled, for ‘by his own blood he entered in once into the holy place,

having obtained eternal redemption for us’ (Hebrews 9:12)

Don’t you think that God knows all things? Don’t you think he has all

your sin covered and washed away in the power of his blood? Of course

he has.

Page 15: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

Child of God, ‘Christ became sin with your sin that you might become

the righteousness of God in him’ (2nd Corinthians 5:21)

He is not condemning you the devil is for ‘there is no condemnation to

anyone in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit’

(Romans 8:1)

It’s time to tell the devil some home truths my friend, tell him he has no

power over you as you are a blood washed child of God in Christ.

Tell that old reprobate that his end is near and that he cannot defeat you

because of ‘the blood of Christ the Lamb of God and the word of your

testimony’ and you are of God.

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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Four:


Page 17: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)


The Lord of hosts is the first and the last and beside him there is ‘no God’ I know not one; Isaiah 44:6-8

No other Saviour

No other King of Kings

No other Lord of Lords

No other Authority

No other Power

No other Deliverer

No other Burden Bearer

No other source of Strength

No other Victor in battle

No other Security

No other Righteousness No other Way to the Father, no other truth… no other life No other sacrifice No other Salvation No other Name by which man be saved

No other Strong tower, no fortress or defence

No other Refuge... no shield… or hiding place

No other Protection

No other Hope

Page 18: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

No other Redeemer

No other Peace giver

No other Joy giver

No other Comforter

No other Provider

No other Healer

No other God of God’s

No other Great High Priest

No other Chief Cornerstone

No other Author of Salvation

No other Head of principalities and power

No other Great Shepherd

No other Faithful and true witness

No other Lamb of God

No other Prophet

No other Righteous Judge

No other bearer of Good news

No other Baptizer in the Holy Ghost

No other Intercessor

No other Mediator between man and God

No other Friend of sinners

No other Light of the world

No other Light unto my path or lamp to my feet

No other Life giver

Page 19: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

No other Friend that sticks closer than a brother

No other Atoning victim

No other Father to the orphan or husband to the widow

No other Resurrection

No other promise of eternal life

No other Justifier

No other Sin Bearer

No other Rewarder of those who diligently seek him

No other God of grace

No other Good but God alone

No other Covenant maker

No other Forgiveness

No other Kingdom

No other Restorer of the breach

No other Healer of broken hearts

No other Healer of backsliding

No other Worthy of praise, glory and honour

Just in case you missed it!

The Lord of hosts is the first and the last and beside him there is ‘no God’ I know not one; (Isaiah 44:6-8)


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Five:

‘The God Kind of Power’

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‘Jesus came unto his own, and his own received him not.

But as many as received him, to them he gave power to become the sons of God, even to them that believe on his name:

Which were born, not of blood, nor of the will of the flesh, nor of the will of man, but of God’ (John 1:11-13)

POWER, not man sized the God kind of power means; ability, privilege, capacity, freedom, superhuman, delegated influence: - authority, jurisdiction, liberty, power, right, strength. (From G1832 Strong’s concordance )

God never saved you walked away and left you to defend yourself alone… He saved you and empowered you, not just to be believers but to become sons and daughters of the living God.

Power ability, authority, right and strength to ‘overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of your testimony’ Revelations 12:11

Power ‘over all the power of the enemy and nothing shall by any means harm you’ Luke 10:19

Power to ‘preach the gospel of Gods kingdom and to heal the sick’ instead of manmade empires (Luke 9:2)

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Power to ‘preach the gospel throughout the world to every person’ not man made doctrines (Mark 16:15)

Power to ‘lay hands on the sick and see them recover’ (Mark 16:18)

Power to ‘cast out devils’ (Mark 16:17)

Power to ‘give the blind sight’ and to make the wounded whole (Luke 4:18)

Power to ‘deliver the captives and to bring liberty to them that are bruised and downtrodden’ (Luke 4:18)

Power to ‘speak with new tongues’ (Mark 16:17)

Power to be ‘more than conquerors through him that loved us’ (Romans 8:37)

Power to ‘heal the sick, cleanse the lepers, raise the dead, cast out devils: freely we have received, freely give’ (Matthew 10:8)

Power to ‘do all things through Christ who strengthens you’ (Philippians 4:13)

Power to make you perfect in every good work to do his will, working in you that which is well-pleasing in his sight, through Jesus Christ; to whom be glory for ever and ever. (Hebrews 13:21)

Listen please; power that is not used is of no value to either you, those in need or to God who gave it us…

It carries no praise offering, no glory and no reward either here or in Heaven

Page 23: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

I learned this precious truth this morning; ‘when we fear to do the work of God we have made the work of God more about ourselves and about our abilities and our unbelief than about Christ and his all-conquering power’

Step outside the box; better still burn the box that you have placed your faith in for when you see yourself a failure you have missed the greatest truth of all; Christ in you is the victory, Christ in you is the overcomer, the healer, the joy giver, the peace worker, the saviour people need… not you!

When you say; ‘I CAN’T’ you are right you cannot do anything BUT GOD CAN EVERYTHING!

Stop asking yourself; what if God doesn’t heal the person I pray for? Ask yourself why wouldn’t God heal them seeing he promised to heal all you lay hands on?

Stop asking; ‘What if’ such a thought should never to be found on the tongue of a child of faith! What if! Cripples more people than pain whatever the cause


That’s why he gave you power, that’s why he made you his child, that’s why he gave you his ability, his authority, his right and his strength, so that you could DO HIS WORKS FOR HIS GLORY!

When you pray give thanks, your work is done; when you lay hands on the sick move aside, when you cast out devils walk away and let God finish the work before you ruin it with ‘creeping God dishonouring unbelief’

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Without God and apart from him you can do absolutely nothing of any earthly or heavenly value but with him you can do all things in his strength!

The man woman or child that starts to do God’s will always wins, there is nothing to lose and all to gain.

You were born again not by the will of man or even your own will, it was the will of God that drew you to him; you were saved to do his work, his way not your way!

You cannot lose when you lose the notion that it is about your power, your faith or your strength and acknowledge that it is ‘Christ in you’ that gives you victory over the devil himself

Listen; the devil and all his works have already been defeated all you are asked to do is to enforce the victory Christ won.


‘When you fear to do the work of God you have made the work of God more about yourself and about your abilities and your unbelief than about Christ and his all-conquering power’

Away with such foolishness for in it is the seed of failure, believe instead! for in faith is the seed of an never ending fruit filled harvest

It is never about you, about your ability or your level of faith it is about Christ in you doing His Fathers will!

God has already given you power, the ability in Christ to become the sons and daughters of God, salvation is yours for the asking; but what if you do not ask?

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Healing is yours for the asking but what if you don’t ask?

Tear the roof off your unbelief and come now to the throne of God in prayer and he will show you this power as he heals you.

Come as you are, not bargaining with God, come sick and be healed, come poor and he will provide all your need

Come and ‘receive power after the Holy Ghost comes upon you’ (Acts 1:8)

Come and receive power to become a son or daughter of God almighty.

Come and seek the Lord while he may be found, another hour may be too late!

Come and receive power to be a witness of the Christ that lives in you.

Wherever you are right now raise your heart and your hands to heaven, in praise. If you are not Born Again repent of your sins and ask God forgiveness and receive Christ and you will receive God’s power, ability, authority and right to become a child of God.


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Six:

‘God our amazing victory’

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‘God our amazing victory’

Allow me to bring you a word of liberty from the victorious, all conquering Christ;

These words were written especially for you; they have God signature on them, and are written to the fearful, the hurting, the fragile and the vulnerable.

'I will be an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries' Exodus 23:22

Consider when this was written if you will, the Nation of Israel had been redeemed from captivity by a God they had long forgotten, he brought them out by his own strong hand, and as they faced an uncertain future in a new land of promise God gave them this word.

Were they going to have to face enemies, trials and wild beasts? Yes, were they afraid and filled with fear over the unknown? Yes, were they rejoicing? No, even though they were free from slavery they were still imprisoned by fear.

It was into this arena that God spoke telling him that he would fight on their side and defeat every enemy.

God was saying in effect ‘your enemies will have to go through me to get to you’ they will have to defeat the God of all creation to destroy you.

What a promise, what a way to destroy fear over the unknown, what a pointer to victories yet to be won.

See this child of God, see that there are ‘no weapons that will ever prosper against you’ (Isaiah 54:17) that ‘no evil thing can ever destroy you for God is for you and who then can be against you? (Romans 8:31)

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It is God who will defeat the fear that robs his people of victory, it is 'God who hastens his word to perform it' (Jeremiah 1:12)

Christ is the champion of your faith; he has already conquered every foe on your behalf.

Now a word to raise your spirit, to bring peace to your troubled heart; it is found in the same chapter; (Exodus 23:23-26)

God promises to send his angel before you in order to cut down your enemy; to destroy fear that great rotten robber of your peace; listen to Gods promise, not the promise of some man but a promise from the everlasting God who cannot lie.

'You shall serve the Lord your God and he will bless your bread and your water; he will take sickness away from the midst of you' 'the number of your days I will fulfil'

Please allow me to address the root of every problem you will face in life;


It’s a killer and a robber, it saps your strength, and it robs you of childlike faith for it is forged on the very anvil of hell in order to destroy your walk with God. Jesus himself said of the devil; ‘the thief comes not, but for to steal, and to kill, and to destroy’ (John 10:10)

Jesus answer to the thief was his proclamation; ‘I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly’ (John 10:10)

Now let me give you Gods solution to fear;

LOVE, the apostle Johns declares a great truth; 'there is no fear in love; but perfect love casts out fear: because fear has torment. He that fears is not made perfect in love' (1st John 4:18)

Calvary love flowing through a renewed mind a mind stayed on ‘God who is our peace’ (Hebrews 13:20) Love is the key to victory over every enemy we will face in life.

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The God kind of love makes every enemy you face God’s enemy, every adversary his adversary and he has never lost a battle yet. It turns fear to faith, sickness to health, poverty and want to abundance, sorrow to joy and mourning into dancing.

Unless we know that God’s perfect love Calvary love, redeeming love, has overcome every ounce of sin in our lives we will always be in bondage to fear and be tormented by doubts over just how much God is willing to forgive.

Few churches teach the gospel in all its fullness, they teach and preach a gospel of limited grace, of redeeming love without the power to totally destroy sin in a believer’s life.

Listen; ‘LIMITED GRACE IS NO GRACE’ if you believe this then you have to agree with the foolish teaching of ‘Limited atonement’

How quickly we forget the promise of God to 'remove our transgressions far from us that our sins and iniquities he will remember no more' (Hebrews 8:12)

How foolish it is to believe that the blood of Christ is limited in its ability to cleanse us from all sin regardless of its cause.

Listen; please listen to the voice of God in his word as he declares; 'our old man is crucified with Christ, that the body of sin be destroyed, that we henceforth we should not serve sin. For he that is dead is freed from sin. (Romans 6:6)

God is not standing over you to beat you over the head with your sin, he stands by your side to raise you up and to set you free from the law of sin and death. He never sent his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world would be saved through him’ (John 3:17)

He will never condemn you because of your sin, no, for he condemned his Son to death even death on the cross in your place.

‘In Christ you are made free from sin and are become a servant to righteousness’ (Romans 6:18)

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Christ became sin with your sin that you might become the righteousness of God in him’ (2nd Corinthians 5:21)

Even the Psalmist David the adulterer turned murderer remained ‘the apple of God’s eye’ (Deuteronomy 32:10) because of his faith in God’s love and his abundant mercy toward him could write;

‘God will not always chide: neither will he keep his anger for ever. He has not dealt with us after our sins; nor rewarded us according to our iniquities. For as the heaven is high above the earth, so great is his mercy toward them that fear him.

As far as the east is from the west, so far has he removed our transgressions from us.

Like as a father pities his children, so the LORD pities them that fear him. For he knows our frame; he remembers that we are dust’ Psalm 103:9-14’

God is faithful

The Apostle Paul, the man who persecuted the early church in his self-righteous passion, the chief of sinners could write; ‘Abstain from all appearance of evil. And the very God of peace sanctify you wholly; and I pray God your whole spirit and soul and body be preserved blameless unto the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ. Faithful is he that calls you, who also will do it. This is a faithful saying, and worthy of all acceptation, that Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners; of whom I am chief’ (1st Timothy 1:15)

‘There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man: but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it. (1st Corinthians 10:13)

And God has said;

‘This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the Lord, I will put my laws into their hearts, and in their minds will I write them; And their sins and iniquities will I remember no more.

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Now where remission of these is, there is no more offering for sin.

Having therefore, brethren, boldness to enter into the holiest by the blood of Jesus, by a new and living way, which he hath consecrated for us, through the veil, that is to say, his flesh;

And having a high priest over the house of God; Let us draw near with a true heart in full assurance of faith, having our hearts sprinkled from an evil conscience, and our bodies washed with pure water. Let us hold fast the profession of our faith without wavering; (for he is faithful that promised) (Hebrews 10:16-23)

If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. (1st John 1:9)

Please see the depth of these great truths allow God’s word to capture the lie of Satan and destroy it;

I remember speaking to a brother in Christ some years ago who was distraught over sin in his life; he had left his wife and family over irreconcilable differences between them. It does happen… they were both Christians but after years of fighting they called it a day.

Both of them re-married and he found the happiness he always craved for in his new wife.

Years later the enemy of his soul began to accuse him of sinning against God and robbed him of his joy, he had lived and worked for God out of devotion now he was distraught and didn't know where to turn.

He came to me in the agony because of his past sin believing the lie that he had committed a sin that God would not forgive. He believed in holiness but never realized that ‘holiness is a work of the Holy Spirit and that we are simply called to walk in holiness’

I took him to Romans 8:1 and walked him into freedom, 'there is now therefore no condemnation to them that are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh but after the Spirit for the law of the Spirit of life in Jesus Christ has made me free from the law of sin and death'

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'For what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh'

This dear brothers eyes opened wide as I read these truths and others to him, for the first time in 40 years he was free having realized that even sins committed by a Christian after salvation are washed in the ever cleansing river of Calvary’s blood.

Don't you see? ‘Christ condemned sin in the body of flesh; he took all your sin past, present and future and died because ‘the wages of sin is death’ but O I thank God that ‘the gift of God is eternal life through Jesus Christ our Lord’ (Romans 8:3, Romans 6:23)

When we were helpless in sin all of us deserved hell and eternal punishment, but the eternal God took sin upon him-self and was punished on our behalf. Simple, isn’t it?

God never accuses his children of sin, when we truly repent he forgives and cleanses, and he never accuses us of unrighteousness as we are the righteousness of God in Christ because he became sin with our sin’ (2nd Corinthians 5:21)

He never sends disease or sickness because his Son took our infirmities and carried our sicknesses, (Matthew 8:17) and was beaten to a pulp so that we could be free from every hell bred curse.

Of course you’re not worthy in your-self but ‘in Christ you are justified’ ‘by the Holy Spirit you are sanctified’ and by Gods grace alone 'you are kept by the power of God through faith unto salvation ready to be revealed in the last time' (1st Peter 1:5)

The accuser of the brethren has nothing on you as far as Gods concerned; tell him to shut his mouth in the name of Jesus, stand up to him in the power and authority of the name of Jesus who has made you accepted in the beloved.

Refuse to accept liar’s words and his whisperings that accuse you and give thanks to the Lord of Calvary’s cross who made you free indeed.

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If you are going to shout anything back at the devil shout GRACE! GRACE! GRACE! For it was by grace you were saved and that by faith the gift of God. (Ephesians 2:8)

When or what if you fall? Grab a hold of GRACE repent and be lifted up for ‘though a just man fall yet he shall not be utterly cast down for the Lord upholds him with his hand’ Psalm 37:23-24

If you get sick; shout GRACE at the disease or pain and tell their author the devil to go back to hell where he came from for it is written that the Lord is your healer, that Jesus himself took your infirmities and carried your sicknesses and by his stripes you are healed already’ (Exodus 15:26, Matthew 8:17, 1st Peter 2:24)

If you are in Debt; shout GRACE at the bills that fall through the door and remind the devil that ‘wealth and riches dwell in the house of the righteous’ and forward the bills to hells householder

If you are faced with a mountain that you can’t climb a battle that seems to be unwinnable, shout grace at it and it will become as level ground…

'Then he answered and spoke unto me, saying; ‘This is the word of the LORD unto Zerubbabel, saying, ‘Not by might, nor by power, but by my spirit’ says the LORD of hosts. Who are you, O Great Mountain? Before Zerubbabel you shall become a plain: and he shall bring forth the headstone thereof with shouting, crying, Grace, grace unto it. Zechariah 4:6:7

It is never by might, or by power that you can win battles but by the power of the Holy Spirit, the power that raised Christ from the dead and the power that sanctified you.

Allow God to fight every battle you face and he will cause every enemy regardless of its name or nature to flee from you, he will turn you from

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a victim into a victor, he will turn your defeat into a victory for his names sake and for the honour of his word.

Go live in the overcoming new nature God gave you the moment you gave your life to him, ‘stand fast therefore in the liberty wherewith Christ hath made us free, and be not entangled again with the yoke of bondage’ (Galatians 5:1)

‘For now you live, if you stand fast in the Lord’ 1st Thessalonians 3:8

‘Finally, my brethren, be strong in the Lord, and in the power of his might. Put on the whole armour of God that ye may be able to stand against the wiles of the devil. For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.

Wherefore take unto you the whole armour of God that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand.

Stand therefore, having your loins girt about with truth, and having on the breastplate of righteousness; and your feet shod with the preparation of the gospel of peace;

Above all, taking the shield of faith, wherewith ye shall be able to quench all the fiery darts of the wicked. And take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God’ (Ephesians 6:10-17)

‘Victory is assured when Christ is your assurance’


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Seven:

‘Gods keys to successful living’

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‘Gods keys to successful living’

The Lord said; ‘I am Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending, which is, and which was, and which is to come, the Almighty’ (Revelation 1:8’)

‘I am Alpha and Omega, the first and the last’ (Revelation 1:11)

‘Fear not; I am the first and the last: I am he that lives, and was dead; and, behold, I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death. (Revelation 1:17-18)

Anytime Jesus repeats himself it is worth reading again and again. so allow me to glean some pearls of wisdom for you today.

Christ is the Alpha and Omega, the beginning and the ending; he is the start of every sentence and the full stop.

When he speaks hell shudders and heaven applauds.

When he utters a word, it is filled with so much power the whole universe stands to attention and says 'yes sir' and the earth quivers on its axis waiting for a command.

‘He is the first and the last’ no one from creation could ever make such a claim.

Christ was before beginning as we know it and he will be after the end as we expect it, what a glorious thought for all who believe on his name.

As the Alpha he is the same yesterday; that means that unlike me he can go back into the filth of my yesterday and clean it up… he can visit the shanty town of my sinful past, drop in on illicit conversations and deeds and wipe the slate clean through his blood.

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As the Omega he can walk through the courts of my today’s and ensure that every sinful thought, every sinful act is washed, thoroughly washed by the power of his blood and the might of his grace.

He is the 'go-between' with my heavenly Father, the ‘days man’ ‘who ever makes intercessions for me’ (ensuring that every sinful act, every foolish mistake, every idle word will be abolished from the books that are being written in heavens court.

O thank God for a saviour who is able also to save them to the uttermost that come unto God by him, seeing he ever lives to make intercession for them’ (Hebrews 7:25)

As the Omega he is forever; forever cleansing me in his blood (1st John 1:6-10), forever forgiving us, and forever encouraging me to dwell in Holiness

I now know this for certain; my past is cleaned up, my present is being washed daily, and my tomorrows are secure because he has made me complete in Christ, ‘I am complete in him, which is the head of all principality and power’ (Colossians 2:10)

Thank God that he is who he says he is, for if my past had to be dealt with I am doomed for there are things back there even I cannot face… thank God I do not have to keep my salvation for ‘it is kept for me by his power’ (1st Peter 1:5)

Now that I have set the scene please, let me show you a truth that brings freedom from today’s problems and tomorrows fears;

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‘Jesus proclaimed; I am alive forevermore, Amen; and have the keys of hell and of death’ (Revelation 1:18)

The devil does not have the keys Christ does; he has the keys to every hell bred sickness and disease… he has the keys to every prison we find ourselves in, he has the keys to all of life's hellish experiences however they are caused.

He has them because he earned them, for he too was ‘touched with the feelings of our infirmities. He knows our pain, our sorrow, anxiety and depression intimately… he knows fear, rejection, sorrow, imprisonment, darkness, anguish, grief, loneliness and death.

And he has been touched with the feelings of all our infirmities but was in all points tempted like as we are, yet without sin’ (Hebrews 4:15)

That why he has the keys in his hand, he has them because he walked through every hell -bred trial, every temptation, everything cess pit of sin you and I will ever crawl through,

That's why sin has no dominion over a believer; Christ has the key;

That's why sickness and disease have no power over them that believe; Christ has the key;

That's why hell has no power over any believer; Christ has the keys;

That's why the devil himself has no power over any believer; Christ has the Key;

That's why death has no power over any believer that’s why there is no sting and no victory for the grave; Christ has the key over death.

Guess what Christ did with the keys? He gave them to the church; yes you and I…

‘And I will give unto thee the keys of the kingdom of heaven: and whatsoever thou shall bind on earth shall be bound in heaven: and whatsoever thou shall loose on earth shall be loosed in heaven’ (Matthew 16:19)

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That's the power he gave each one of us who believe; a key to heal the sick and cleanse the lepers, a key to cast out devils, to gain wealth, keys to make the lame to walk, the blind to see, the deaf to hear and the dumb to speak.

Keys to bring deliverance to the captives and liberty to them that are bruised, (Luke 4:18) praise the Lord he has entrusted each one of us with the key to open the prison doors and to set the captives free.

Each of us have the key to freedom in our heart, it’s called the gift of faith in Christ, the God kind of faith that moves mountains (Mark 11:22) as well as tomb stones…

We took a step of faith and believed in Christ as Lord and saviour and gained forgiveness and heaven according to his sacrifice, his mercy and his gift of grace.

Now it is time to take one more leap of faith, to trust in the Alpha and Omega so that he alone will get all the glory.

It’s time for each of us who are called by his name and cleansed in his blood to live in the liberty wherein Christ has made us free; (Galatians 5:1) for ‘where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is liberty’ (2nd Corinthians 3:17)

It is time to take the keys which Christ has given to us, to step out and enforce the victory which he won, to overcome the overcome, to conquer the conquered ‘by the blood of the Lamb and the word of our testimony and to love not our lives unto the death’ (Revelation 12:11)

It is time to rule in Christ as kings and priests for Christ has ‘made us kings and priests unto God and his Father; to him be glory and dominion for ever and ever’ (Revelation 1:6)

‘He has made us unto our God kings and priests: and we shall reign on the earth’ (Revelation 5:10)

Reign over sickness, disease, pain, poverty and want, ‘trust in the Lord and lean not on your own understanding; in all your ways acknowledge him and he will direct your paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes: fear

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the LORD, and depart from evil. It shall be health to thy navel, and marrow to thy bones’ Proverbs 3:5-8

Child of God you hold the keys to someone’s illness, someone’s prison cell, someone’s fear and torment; USE THEM and set them free in Jesus name and give God the glory.


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Eight:

‘God is Faithful’

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‘God is Faithful’

If there is one word that describes the character of God it is ‘Faithful’

He is faithful to his word! Faithful to every promise he ever made for 'all the promises of God are in Christ yes and amen’ (2nd Corinthians 1:20) 'He stands over every word to perform it' (Jeremiah 1:12)

He is faithful to the sinner for 'while we were yet sinners Christ died for the ungodly' (Romans 5:6)

He is faithful to the sick for he declared himself to be ‘The Lord who heals us’ in Jesus 'he took our infirmities and carried our sicknesses and by his stripes we are already healed' (Exodus 15:26, Matthew 8:17, 1st Peter 2:24)

He is faithful to the lonely for 'he places the lonely in families' ‘Psalm 68:6 and ‘he never leaves or forsakes them’ (Hebrews 13:5)

He is faithful to the weak for he gives them 'the joy of the Lord which is their strength' (Nehemiah 8:10)

He is faithful to the poor for he 'provides all our need according to his riches in glory in Christ Jesus' (Philippians 4:19)

He is faithful to the fearful for he 'did not give us a spirit of fear but of power, of love and of a sound mind' (1st Timothy 1:17) ‘his perfect love cast out all fear' (1st John 4:18)

He is faithful to the burdened for when we ‘cast all our cares upon him we find he cares for us' (1st Peter 5:7)

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So 'be anxious for nothing, simply pray and give thanks, make all your requests known unto God and the peace of God which surpasses all understanding will keep your heart and mind through Christ Jesus' (Philippians 4:6-7)

He is faithful to the afflicted for he has promised to 'deliver the righteous out of all their afflictions' (Psalm 34:19)

He is faithful to the imprisoned for he promises to 'bring out the prisoners from the prison and to deliver them that sit in darkness out of the prison house' (Isaiah 42:7)

He is faithful to the depressed for he is 'the glory and the lifter of their head' (Psalm 3:3) he has 'given us the garment of praise for the spirit of heaviness' (depression) (Isaiah 61:3)

He is faithful to the troubled for he has promised that 'when the righteous cry out he hears and deliver us out of all our troubles' (Psalm 34:17)

He is faithful to 'save to the uttermost all who come unto God by Jesus Christ seeing he ever lives interceding for them' (Hebrews 7:25)

He is faithful to keep us for 'he keeps us by his power through faith unto salvation' (1st Peter 1:5)

He is faithful to forgive for 'when we confess our sins he is faithful and just to forgive us all our sins and to cleanse us from all our unrighteousness' 1st John 1:9

He is faithful to 'keep us in perfect peace as our mind is kept firmly fixed on him and as we trust in him' (Isaiah 26:3)

He is faithful to 'satisfy my mouth with good things so that my youth will be renewed like an eagle' (Psalm 103:5)

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He is faithful to forgive all my iniquities and to heal all my diseases, to redeem my life from destruction, to crown me with loving kindness and tender mercies' (Psalm 103:3-4)

He is faithful to 'make the barren woman to keep house and to be a joyful mother of children' (Psalm 113:9) for he has promised that there would be no one barren or no on miscarry their child' (Exodus 23:26)

He is faithful to ‘make us plenteous in goods, he has opened up unto us his good treasure and has blessed all the work of our hands so that we can lend too many and not borrow. He has made us the head and not the tail above only and not beneath' (Deuteronomy 28:11-13)

He is faithful to 'bless us with favour as a shield' (Psalm 5:12) and has promised to 'withhold no good thing from us as we walk uprightly' (Psalm 84:11)

He is faithful to 'save us from our enemies when we call upon the Lord' Psalm 18:3 He delivers the righteous from all of our troubles and afflictions when we cry out to him' (Psalm 34:17 )

He is faithful to 'turn our mourning into dancing, he will put off our sackcloth and clothe us with gladness to the end that our glory may sing praises unto him' (Psalm 30:11-12)

He is faithful to 'give us the desires of our heart as we delight ourselves in him' (Psalm 34:17) 'Blessed be the Lord God who only does wondrous things' (Psalm 72:18)

He is faithful to 'deliver us from the snare of the fowler and from pestilence, no evil shall befall us neither shall any plague come near our dwelling place' (Psalm 91:1-10)

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He is faithful 'not to break his covenant nor alter his word he has spoken for he has sworn by his Holiness and he will not lie to us' (Psalm 89:34-35)

He is faithful to the dying for he is the resurrection and the life to all who believe in Christ even though they were dead yet shall they live' (John 11:25) He has promised to 'preserve us when we are appointed to die' (Psalm 79:9)

So child of God in Christ, be fully persuaded that what God has promised he 'will' do, throw unbelief out, be strong in the Lord and in the power of his might and be free' (Romans 4:20-21)


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Christ is:

‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Nine:

‘Gods Good Name’

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‘Gods Good Name’

Although the Lord is known by many names and could fill many books, I have chosen to identify those that reveal his nature and his works towards us.

Jehovah-Shammah; The Lord is forever with me. He will not leave nor forsake me (Deuteronomy 31: 8) Jehovah-Shalom; The Lord is my Peace. My heart is neither troubled nor afraid (John 14:27). Jehovah-Ra-ha; The Lord is my Shepherd. He gave his life for the sheep. He is the Good Shepherd (John 10:11) the one who protects me. Jehovah-Jireh; the Lord my Provider. Jesus Christ, the Lamb of God, was provided as a sacrifice for my sins (Genesis 22:1-14). Jehovah-Nissi; the Lord my Victor. I have received victory (life everlasting)

through the redemptive sacrifice of Jesus Christ. As the battle rages, I raise my hands to God in praise (Exodus 17:11 & 15) Jehovah-Tsidkenu; The Lord is my Righteousness. I have been redeemed to the Father through Christ Jesus who became sin for me that I might become the righteousness of God in him’ (2nd Corinthians 5: 21)

Jehovah-Rapha; the Lord my Healer. By his stripes I am healed. Sickness and disease do not belong to me (Isaiah 53: 4-5) because Christ took them himself, Matthew 8:17 and I am already healed (1st Peter 2:24).

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During my prayer time with God, the redemptive names of Jesus Christ are forever on my heart they are born out of an ever growing desire to know him and the power of his resurrection and the fellowship of his suffering’ (Philippians 3:10) a passion for a revelation of his divine nature and his amazing grace in an ever deepening relationship with him. For every problem we face in life ‘there is a name that is higher than any other name that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, of things in heaven, and things in earth, and things under the earth; And that every tongue should confess that Jesus Christ is Lord, to the glory of God the Father and by the Holy Spirit’ (Philippians 2:9-11) ‘There is salvation in any other: for there is none other name under heaven given among men, whereby we must be saved’ (Acts 4:12) Whenever and for whatever reason I need to call on him there is always a name upon which I can call. Because his redemptive names cover all, it helps me to know comfort, victory, provision, righteousness, peace, protection, and healing, what grace, what mercy, what love, what a wonderful saviour we have in Christ. Guilt is an enemy, but Jehovah- Nissi is the one who is ‘an enemy to my enemies and an adversary to my adversaries,’ (Exodus 23 v. 22) and he brought me out of the bondage and slavery of sin so too has he delivered me from guilt and every hell bred curse. Jesus has himself declared that ‘If the Son therefore shall make you free you shall be free indeed’ (John 8:36) He did not say ‘set’ you free; he said ‘make’ you free, what’s the difference? Ask the rabbit that has been caught in the same snare again.

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While the snare is still set you will always run the risk of getting caught again but take the snare away and you’re free indeed. That’s what Christ did by dying on the cross, he was not only caught in the snare of our sin but he rose again took the snare and dumped it. That’s why Paul the apostle could write; ‘sin has no longer dominion over me’ (Romans 6:14) That’s the reason he could say with great authority that ‘Christ had set us free from the law of sin and death’ (Romans 8:2) He knew that Christ’s death and resurrection had removed every snare, he knew that ‘what the law could not do, in that it was weak through the flesh, God sending his own Son in the likeness of sinful flesh, and for sin, condemned sin in the flesh’ (Romans 8:3) If you are in Christ then you are free, let this truth become a memorial stone to you on which your weariness can rest, let this truth make you free ‘you are no longer a sinner, you are a child of the living God having been given the Spirit of adoption’ Romans 8:15) Is that it? Oh no, it’s not all, if you’re his child then you are ‘an heir of God, a joint heir with Christ of the kingdom of God’ (Romans 8:17) Go learn of God daily; look past the TV and look into the eyes of God through his word; see the word and your life written there, see the purchased victory, see the FINISHED battle and know that it was for you that Christ died and be free. See the stripes you will never bear, see the cross that you will never be nailed upon, see the tomb you will never be asked to lie in and be grateful enough to rejoice in all things.

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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Ten:

‘God my exceeding great reward’

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‘God my exceeding great reward’

‘The Lord came unto Abram in a vision, saying, Fear not, Abram: ‘I am thy shield, and thy exceeding great reward’

And Abram said, Lord God, what will you give me, seeing I go childless, and the steward of my house is this Eliezer of Damascus? And Abram said, Behold, to me you hast given no seed: and, lo, one born in my house is my heir.

And, behold, the word of the LORD came unto him, saying, This shall not be your heir; but he that shall come forth out of your own bowels shall be your heir.

And he brought him forth abroad, and said, Look now toward heaven, and tell the stars, if you be able to number them: and he said unto him, So shall your seed be. And he believed in the LORD; and he counted it to him for righteousness. (Genesis 15:1-6)

All Abraham wanted was a son but God offered him so much more.

He wanted an heir to his great fortune for he was one of the wealthiest men on the planet

He desired to have one child but then God surprised him by showing him the stars in the heavens and saying Abraham ‘this is the number of your children’ So God promised Abraham the one thing he wanted but he was desiring to give him so much more;

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More than wealth, more than family, more than health and long life, more than peace…

HE OFFERED ABRAHAM ‘HIMSELF! For he said; Abraham ‘I AM your shield and you’re exceeding great reward’

We are an amazing people, we seek for wealth and fame, for earthly rewards, for an abundance of things all of which will rust and rot away while the Lord God of creation offers himself

Some seek for land and property in their foolishness considering that all we will ever have is a borrowed 6x2 hole in the ground

Some seek for wealth and then watch it destroy their lives as they covet more than they need.

Some seek for health and for strength, forgetting that we are dying from the moment we are born.

Some seek for worldly assets all of which will rust and fade away


I have to tell you today that Christ is all any man or woman needs for in him is a exceeding great reward.

In him I have joy unspeakable and full of glory.

In him I have life more abundant.

In him I have peace that passes all understanding.

In Him I have total protection for he is my shield, my fortress, my strong tower and my defence.

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In him I have divine health for he took my infirmities and carried my sicknesses and by his stripes purchased my health in full.

In Christ I am free from the law of sin and death… sin has no dominion over me… its power has been broken.

In Christ I have found Abraham’s exceeding great reward for I have thousands of children which the Lord has given me after many mission trips and many meetings.

I have the joy of reaching the lost on behalf of the good shepherd, the joy of bring healing to thousands of wounded, and broken and sick souls.

Not only is the Lord my shield he is my exceeding great reward…

He is all I need, he is more than enough, more than the world can offer me, and more than money can buy,

I would rather have Jesus than anything this old world affords to me

There is nothing of more value, no relationship so lasting, no love so great, no peace so precious and no life more glorious and fulfilling, no greater reward than the life Christ purchased for us.

Truly ‘The great I am is my shield and my exceeding great reward’

He alone is my saviour, my health, my joy, my peace and my defence, he alone is my provision, the one who makes me whole

Of whom then shall I fear? If God be for me and he is who then can stand against me? Romans 8:31

Shall I fear sickness when he is my health ‘the Lord that heals me? It is written that Jesus himself took my infirmities and carried my

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sicknesses and by his stripes I am already healed? (Exodus 15:26, Matthew 8:17, 1st Peter 2:24)

Shall I fear debt when he is my provision? Has he not declared that he will provide all my need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus? (Philippians 4:19)

Shall I fear death when Christ is my resurrection? (John 11:25)

Shall I fear hell when I have already overcome the devil by the blood of the lamb and the word of my testimony? (Revelation12:11)

So what other reward should we seek for here on this earth?

What shall it profit us if we gain the whole earth and lose our soul? (Mark 8:36)

Without Christ we have nothing, without him we are nothing and without him we can do nothing; BUT;

He is a shield and an exceeding great reward to all those who put their trust in him…

So who then will accept this Christ as their own and their personal saviour today?

Who then will accept him alone as their exceeding great reward?


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Eleven:

‘Good Things from a Good God’

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‘Good Things from a Good God’

Jesus the Son of the living God asked in Luke 11 13 'If you then being evil know how to give good things to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give good things to them that ask him?

Can’t you see? It is a pleasure for God to give you good things, like health, freedom from pain and suffering, freedom and liberty from the fear of the future.

Listen please let His words permeate your very soul... ‘Christ himself took your infirmities and carried his sicknesses’ (Matthew 8:17) He himself carried the pain and the agony you have suffered so that you can be free from such suffering.

Some may say in their foolishness that God allows such things; tell me would you as a mother do such a thing against your child? Or would you wish it upon another, even an enemy?

Of course not; the Christ in you would ever allow you to do or even think such a thing. James penned 'Let no man say when he is tempted (tested) that he is temped of God for God cannot be tempted with evil neither temps he any man' (James 1:13)

Listen; you can use the trial you are going through as a stepping stone to greater heights in Christ or allow the enemy to use it as a hammer to destroy your joy and rob you of peace.

You can see it as an obstacle or an opportunity, a wall or a door, a barrier or a pathway to greater things in God. These are not smart words that anyone can speak they are truths that set men free.

Please hear this truth and allow it to enable you to rise up against the lie that God would say, No!

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John writes; And this is the ‘confidence’ we have in Him, that if we ask 'anything' according to His will he hears us; and 'if we know' that he hears us we 'have' the petitions we desired of him’ 1st John 5:14-15

Allow me to plant this in good ground and let it take root and bring forth fruit for you.

If you ask 'anything' listen does ‘anything’ cover all your problems? Does it not cover your need for sleep and for freedom? Of course it covers all that you could ever dream of...

'According to his will' this is where most believers are caught out, is it Gods will to heal me?

Listen child of God; it is always Gods will to give you what Christ purchased at Calvary, it is written that Jesus himself took your infirmities and carried your sicknesses, (Matthew 8:17) and by his stripes you were healed? (1st Peter 2:24)

Surely you can have confidence in Christ? Who else cannot lie and does not change?

Surely you can have total confidence in Christ who died for you?

Is it not written that, 'every good and every perfect gift is from above and comes down from the Father of lights in whom there is no variableness and no shadow of turning' (James 1:17)

Even the Psalmist David after he had sinned against God turned and applauded God in (Psalm 103) when he exhorted us to 'bless God and remember all his benefits, who forgives all our iniquities and heals all our diseases’

God introduced himself to Moses as healer when he said ' I am the Lord that heals you' (Exodus 15:26)

Listen child of God; it is written that even though Israel murmured against God 'not one of them were feeble’ (Psalm 105:37) nor did their clothes wear out' (Nehemiah 9:21) It seems to me that clothes have more faith to believe and trust Gods word than his children.

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The Apostle John, the one who knew Christ more intimately than all the others writes; 'Beloved I wish above all things that you may prosper and be in health even as your soul prospers'(3rd John 2)

Now back to John’s writings in 1st John 5 'He hears us and if we know he hears us'

Tell me do you truly believe that God hears and answers the prayers of his children? No? Let me then ask this; if your child was dying and in need of an operation you could afford would you deny it?

Of course you wouldn’t; neither would God let his beloved children die in pain and sickness.

Ok; so we see that its ‘Gods will to heal’ we have ‘confidence’ that when we ask 'anything’ he wills to give it to us for his names sake…now we know he has heard our prayers what next?

Look again at verse 15, ‘if we know he has heard us we know we have the petitions we have desired of him’

This is the confidence the Lord is seeking from us all, confidence that a child would have if its mother spoke of love and if its father affirmed it as his own.

Its confidence born out of a relationship that says 'because he loves me he answers me when I pray'

Does God heal everyone?

It is written again in (Matthew 8:16) and elsewhere he healed them 'all'

Did he ever refuse anyone? No, why would he start now when Christ paid such a terrible price for our redemption?

The one that healed old arrogant Namman, (2nd Kings 5) the one that healed the doubting Leper, (Matthew 8:2) and the one who gave a blind man sight still wills to heal all who come to him and all who are brought to him.

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Perhaps you feel as though this is your cross; please allow me to say this; he will never expect you to carry something that He has already carried to Calvary.

You are not a donkey made to carry burdens; you are a child with a saviour who is the 'burden bearer' the one who carried your sins and mine to the cross.

Listen; please, you are not expected to do anything of yourself to get better, Christ is the healer not you, tell me; would fasting heal you quicker that the word of God?

No!! Father sends good things to his children’

It is not prayer that brings the victory, its praise for praise is a declaration that: 'you have asked according to his will, that you know he has heard you and that you are waiting in full confidence that the answers is on its way'

Our good God has given us all things pertaining to life and to godliness’ (2nd Peter1:3)

Think about it children of God, he has given us every breath we will ever need, every ray of sunshine we see is because he gave us sight, every flower is beautiful because he gave us a sense of smell. ‘In Him we live and move and have our being’ (Acts 17:28)

It is he who awakens the world with gladness; he it is who still calms storms and brings peace to troubled hearts.

'He gives strength to me as I worship him' the words of an old chorus holds such truth, his strength comes when we worship him, when we think about his goodness his mercy and his grace.

Come on 'count your blessings name them one by one it will surely surprise you what the Lord has done'

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He saved your life so that you could see your children grow up to preach the gospel of the Kingdom of God, he has given you life when Satan planned your death, he has ‘’plans to do you good and not evil’ and will turn the enemies work into good just for you.

‘God has made an everlasting covenant with you, that he will not turn away from you, to do you good’ (Jeremiah 32:40)

He has given you more years than you will need to finish the calling of God in your life, you have not accomplished all that you are called to do and until you do God remains faithful to you.

Listen child of God; Israel stayed in bondage until they cried in desperation to the Lord, it was then that God sent in Moses to deliver them’

God has appointed you as a Moses for those in desperate need, he has called you to ‘feed the hungry with the living bread, to bring the poor that are cast out to your house, to clothe the naked with righteousness and to visit those who are imprisoned with fear’ (Isaiah 58:6-7)

The one thing that I am continually learning is that 'it’s not about me and my condition' it’s about the lost about the wounded, it’s about the broken hearted, the abused the sick and the dying.

It’s when we are about our Fathers business that ‘our light our (understanding) breaks forth as the morning and that our health springs forth speedily’ (Isaiah 58:6-8)

Sure things might be tough at present but they will get better, Gods plan for your life is not to be thwarted by your enemy, He will have His perfect will and his way in your every moment.

You are bigger than sickness, you are greater than the pain, you have dealt with bigger issues in life and greater is He that is in you than the devil himself.

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Turn your eyes upon the Christ of the cross who was wounded and marred so badly that he was barely recognizable as a human being (Isaiah 52: 11) yet he made it and still lives to tell the story.

This thing that has attacked you ‘will not prosper’ (Isaiah 54:17) because the Christ in you is bigger than it, rise up and declare ‘I shall live and declare the works of my God’ (Psalm 118:17) shout it loud enough for the devil to hear it and for the angels to applaud it.

Rise up in Holy Ghost anger against this curse and bind it in Jesus name and be released from its effects on your body, for ‘whatever you bind on earth is bound in heaven’ (Matthew 16:19) Become more convinced than ever that you will triumph and succeed over this curse and that the Lord will give into your hands the victory you have longed for.

You will never be the same again when God has perfected you, suffering is no big thing when we realize that it is but for a short time, it is easy to take what Satan throws at us when we know that Christ is on our side.

Christ has walked through your pain, he knows what it is like and he knows what strength you have in you to be victorious.

Come on rise up, I am sure there were times when you had to overcome issues in your family your business or work, well, you’re on your Fathers business so rise up in His strength and come out fighting tell the devil he has nothing on you and that you are the winner God has called you to be.

The word tells us that 'death and life are in the power of the tongue and they that love it shall eat the fruit thereof’ (Proverbs. 18:21)

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Listen beloved choose to speak about Christ and what he has done rather what the devil has tried to do, speak life and not death to yourselves.

Remind yourselves often of the goodness of God his forgiveness, his compassion, his desire that ‘you prosper and be in perfect soundness of health mind soul and body’ (3rd John 2) that’s Gods promise of health and wealth just for you!

The devil has no power in your life your home or your children; they are under the blood of Christ as are you…

You have great future in Christ, a future which is your inheritance, the children's bread, (Matthew 15:26) is your new birth-right so arise in the power of His name and walk into ‘Gods richest blessings that make rich and he adds no sorrow with it’ (Proverbs 10:22)

Go find Gods plan for your life and be poured out for his glory and the rest you can safely leave in his hands.

Catch these truths and you will walk taller than ever, you will rise above every cursed thing and be the man or woman of valour God called you to be having proved God's greatness, goodness, mercy and grace...


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Eleven:

‘Ask, Believe and Receive’

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‘Ask, Believe, and Receive’

Matthew 21:22 is an awesome word, a life giving promise, a freedom bringing, healing word....

It’s a word from Jesus, a red letter word spoken by ‘God made manifest in the flesh’ (1st Timothy 3:16) the one who cannot lie, the one who ‘stands over his word to perform it’ (Jeremiah 1:2)

It’s an eternal word from the unchanging God who said ' my words are life to those that find them and health to all their flesh' (Proverbs 4:22)

He said 'And all things; whatsoever you shall ask in prayer, believing, you shall receive' It was the word 'ask' that struck me, a simple word with a simple meaning yet I was drawn to look at the word through the Strong’s concordance. It comes from the Greek word 'aiteo' meaning to ask, beg, call for, crave or desire, but when in this setting it is an even stronger word of promise which is derived from the Greek word 'punthanomai' meaning ' strictly a demand for something due or for something hidden'

Now look closely at this, here is Christ the King of Glory, God almighty saying; 'make a demand for something due to you, ask, call for, crave, desire, believe me, trust me and you will receive it' So what is due to each and every believer through Christ/ what are the promises of God? What has he covenanted to give us? What is our inheritance?

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Peace, ' He will keep you in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on him' (Isaiah 26:3) He is your peace; (Hebrews 13:20) Jesus ‘gave you his peace’ (John 14:27) ‘peace that passes all understanding’ (Philippians 4:7)

Health; ' I am the Lord that heals you' (Exodus 15:26) Jesus himself took your infirmities and carried your sicknesses’ (Matthew 8:17) and by his stripes you were ( have already been) healed’ (1st Peter 2:24)

Wealth; ‘Wealth and riches are in the house of the righteous’ (Psalm 112:3) ‘Beloved I wish above all things that you may 'prosper' and be in health even as your soul prospers’ (3rd John 2) Your God will ‘provide all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus’ (Philippians 4:19)

Mercy; His mercies endure forever; Psalm 136 they are ‘new every morning’ Lamentations 3:23

Forgiveness; He has forgiven all your trespasses; (Colossians 2:13) ‘as far as the east is from the west thus far has he removed your transgressions from you’ (Psalm 103:12)

Love unfailing' (1st Corinthians 13:8) ‘The Father loves us in the same measure that he loved His Son Jesus Christ’ (John 17:23)

Blessings; in your storehouse, blessed in your property, blessed in goods, blessed in your children, blessed in all that you put your hand too… (Deuteronomy 28)

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Protection; blessed in that no evil shall befall you, and no weapon shall prosper against you; blessed that, no plague shall come near your dwelling place, blessed that God has promised that ‘with long life he will satisfy you and show you his salvation’ (Psalm 91)

The list of blessings is as endless as God himself, they are as eternal as he is so you will never empty his storehouse of blessings. Come now, see these great truths and faith will rise up and shake of the curse that Satan has dared to touch you with, whatever name it bears. See that when you’re asking for health and freedom you are only demanding what is due to you as a child of God in Christ, as an ‘heir and a joint heir of the kingdom of God in Christ; (Galatians 4:7)

These things are your inheritance, they came with Christ’s blood bought gift of salvation and you need to demand that the devil remove his curse far from you in Jesus name because health, peace, prosperity, safety, wholeness, is part of your inheritance in Christ.

Listen; if someone dared to rob you in business, if they stole your children’s inheritance how long would it be to you stood up against them? Would you not rise up immediately and claim those things that were legally yours? Of course you would.

It is time to rise up and demand that Satan be removed from your home, your body and your life for it is written; 'you shall not touch the Lords anointed nor do his prophets harm’ (Psalm 105:15) Don’t get mad at God, he is not your enemy Satan is so get mad and get even with him in the power of the name of Jesus name. ’Your times are in God’s hands and he will deliver you from the hand of your enemies and from them that persecute you’ (Psalm 31:15) but your freedom lies in dealing harshly and vigorously with Satan in Jesus name, he has no rights, he has no authority or power over you any more than a stranger has power over your children.

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No matter how low you feel today, get mad at your only enemy and deal with this lying deceiving rascal who would lie steal and destroy, did not Christ say; ‘the devil is the father of all lies and that there is no truth in him? (John 8:44)

‘He came to kill steal and to destroy but Christ came that you may have life and that you may have it more abundantly’ (John 10:10)

Get up once again, stand up on the inside in the power of the name above all names and defeat this liar, gain your inheritance, gain all that he has hidden from you, gain your complete inheritance, after all it cost Christ his life.

‘Remember God’s benefits’

Many of us when we go through tough times quickly forget the benefits of God; we even question the love of God, the will of God and our own worthiness to be called his child.

It’s called ‘discouragement’ the devils greatest weapon, if he can get us self-centred we miss out on the benefits of God because we end up believing we are not worthy of them or that God would withhold them from us because we are not good enough.

Mankind’s only predator Satan instils doubt in our hearts about the security of our salvation, he would dare to make us question that God in Christ did enough to ensure eternal life for us.

I have found the word of God to be true and the devil is a liar always, I know that ‘the Lord daily Laden’s us with benefits’ (Psalm 68:19) he holds nothing back from those who love him and serve him in righteousness and truth.

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The Psalmist David in Psalm 103, gave himself a good talking to, he stopped feeling sorry for himself just long enough to scream the following loud enough for his soul to hear and for the devil to take notice.

'Bless the Lord oh my soul and all that is within me bless his Holy name, Bless the Lord Oh my soul and forget not all his benefits' (Psalm 103:2)

He reminded himself how he had sinned before God; but then he began to remind himself of the benefits of God;

• Total forgiveness of all sin;

• Healing of all his diseases;

• Redeemed from destruction,

• Being crowned with loving kindness and tender mercies; and his mouth would be satisfied with good things.

He reminded himself that his youth would be renewed like an eagle and that the Lord would execute righteous judgement for all that were oppressed.

He reminded himself that God had not dealt with him after his sin nor rewarded him according to his iniquities (bad habits)

He looked up to the heavens and reminded himself that the heaven is high above the earth so great is Gods mercy toward him and all that fear him.

He reminded himself that as far as the east is from the west so far had God in his mercy removed his transgressions from him.

He reminded himself that the mercy of God is from everlasting to everlasting upon them that fear him and his righteousness unto his children’s children, indeed to all that keep his covenant and remember and do his commandments

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He went on to remind himself that the Lord had prepared his throne in the heavens and that his kingdom rules over all… all his sin, all his bad habits, all his wrong thoughts and actions.

Listen; David didn’t have to beat himself up after all and neither do we; makes you think doesn’t it?

Today, whatever you are going through in life, whatever the circumstances you find yourself in is a good day to count your blessings from the Lord…

Mercy and grace for all, a promise not to deal with you after your sins and that your sins would be removed from as far as the East is from the West because God pities you as a father pities his children.

Little wonder David the sinner shouted, ‘Bless the Lord O my soul’

David interrupted his own personal pity party and gave himself a dressing down with the truth? He wasn’t a saint, no!! For just like you and I he too was a sinner.

David was an adulterer, a murderer but he trusted God and he knew his mercy.

He suffered many things but refused to stay down when God wanted him to live above the world, he refused to allow his sin to destroy him, and instead he praised God for his goodness and his eternal forgiveness.

The Psalmist David knew his God, he knew his nature was never to hold a grudge that he would forgive and forget, and so he reminded himself often of all the benefits of being ‘the apple of Gods eye’ (Deuteronomy 32:10)

What sin is it that makes you think Gods would refuse to forgive you? What have you done that would warrant a change in Gods nature so that he would wound and not heal?

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Search your heart today, search it for a lifetime and you will not a sin that the blood of Christ has not fully paid for.

Away with the lies that the enemy whispers to you; know that, ‘confessed sin is no sin’ in the sight of God,

Away with the notion that you are being condemned by your heavenly Father for 'God didn’t send his Son into the world to condemn the world but that the world and you through him might be saved' (John 3:17) Calvary was a finished work.

Have you not read; ‘there is now therefore no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. For ‘the law of the Spirit of life in Christ Jesus has made you free from the law of sin and death’ (Romans 8:1-2)

Away with the hell bred lie that you are not worthy enough; 'Christ died for sinners' (Romans 5:6) does that not put a great price on the value of your soul?

He thought you worthy enough to die for while you were still ungodly, what more proof do you need?

Away with the notion that you have to be more holy for God to heal your body when the truth tells us that he ‘wishes above all things that you be in perfect soundness of health’ (mind, body and soul) (3rd John 2)

Have you not read that ‘you are the righteousness of God in Christ’ because Christ was made to be sin with your sin? (2nd Corinthians 5:21)

Every time you doubt your saviour’s love, you live in fear and not faith; it’s impossible to believe that God will is that you live in health while entertaining sin instead of Gods eternal forgiveness.

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You were not redeemed with good works but by the precious blood of Christ.

It’s time to feed yourself on the truth and not man made, devil sent lies which seek to destroy you, you are what God says you are, not what Satan says or what your body tells you.

God is not a liar, he is truth and his word, and his promises are totally dependable, stop listening to the lies of your only enemy and instead rise up and destroy his works in your life by devouring God’s word.

Instead of being brainwashed by Satan’s lies, ‘renew the spirit of your mind by the washing of God’s life changing, healing, delivering word of power’ (Ephesians 4:23)

If you find it difficult to read the Bible get it on CD or tape and allow it to wash your mind, to cleanse you of every lie and every half-truth that the enemy sends your way.


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‘God is a Good God’ Chapter Twelve:

‘Living the God kind of life’

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‘Living the God Kind of Life’

Acts 4:21-30

What enabled these men to praise God after being threatened with death? What changed them from scared wimps to fearless warriors in Christ?

Lord behold their threatening; and grant unto us your servants that with all boldness we may speak your word’ (Acts 4:29) ‘stretch forth his hand to heal; and that signs and wonders may be done by the name of his holy child Jesus? (Acts 4:30)

So what changed them? What caused them to become men and women of God of whom it was written ‘these are they who have turned the world upside down’ (Acts 17:6) what turned from losers into winners? From being fear filled to being faithful and willing to die for Christ?

It was that first Pentecostal outpouring that changed fear to faith; it was the Holy Spirit flooding their entire beings so that they were so buried in Him that changed them from wimps to warriors, it was the power that created the universe that re-created, re-birthed them as children of God in Christ.

It was the Holy Spirit that fulfilled the promise of the Father (Acts 1:4) before this day they had the breath of the Holy Spirit to walk in now they were filled to overflowing, baptized, immersed in his power to take on the world and to win it for Christ.

‘They went forth and preached everywhere and the Lord worked with them confirming His word with signs following’ (Mark 16:20)

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‘They preached to everyone, everywhere at all times, they cast out devils, they spoke with new tongues, they laid hands on the sick and the sick recovered’ (Mark 16:16-18) all because Jesus commissioned them to do so.

They not only preached by the power of the Holy Spirit they ‘were doers of the word and not hearers only’ (James 1:22) they simply did what they had seen Jesus do when he was with them, they were copy cats so to speak and it shook the world around them

We are living far below the standard of Christ’s power, we are only eating crumbs at the banqueting table of the Lord laid out before us, and we are drinking what amounts to stagnant water instead of the pure water of victorious life we have been given through Christ.

Instead of being partakers of His divine nature (2nd Peter 1:4) many partake of dead religious icons and man-made traditions and teachings which are stale and ‘make the word of God of no effect’ (Matthew 7:13) Many follow dead teachings of men instead of the life changing words of the risen Christ.

People across the world and in the church are tired of imitations; they want reality; they want to see Gods people who have the living Christ within, and are filled with Holy Ghost power

The world needs to see men and women of God filled ‘not just with enticing words of man’s wisdom but in demonstration of the power of the Holy Ghost’ (1st Corinthians 2:4)

The world is not waiting for a new definition of Christianity, it is waiting for a demonstration of real Christianity, creation itself awaits for the manifestation of the sons of God (Romans 8:19)

Jesus Christ is not dead he is risen!

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The one who raised Christ from the dead empowers those who were dead in their trespasses and sins to be re born by the Holy Spirit, to become what God intended Adam to be, people who have dominion and power over everything that moves on planet earth.

‘We are crucified with Christ: nevertheless we live; yet not us but Christ lives in us: and the life we now live in the flesh we live by the faith of the Son of God who loved us and gave his life for us’ (Galatians 2:20)

We live by the faith of Christ, ‘we live and move and have our being in Him’ (Acts 16:37)

‘He has given us power (the right) to become the sons and daughters of God’ (Ephesians 6:10)

We are ‘heirs and joint heirs of the kingdom of God’ (Romans 8:17) friends of Christ’ (John 15:15)

We are not orphans ‘we are adopted’ (Romans 8:15) ‘we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the Excellency (super eminence, superabundance) of the power may be of God and not of us’ (2nd Corinthians 4:7)

We have enough and more than enough; a superabundance of God’s power to stop the devil in his tracks and to be victorious in every battle whether it be our own battles or when we take up the cause of righteousness on someone else’s behalf.

Many of Gods children would be giants in the power of God except that they have no shout of faith no declaration of victory; they have little or no understanding of where they stand in God.

Many declare themselves hell deserving sinners instead of ‘the righteousness of God in Christ’ (2nd Corinthians 5:21)

Many see themselves as worthless instead of children of the Most High God,

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Many see themselves as failures in spite of being made in his image and likeness.

We were those things and more, but beloved we are in Christ, ‘we are new creations, old things are passed away and behold all thing have become new, and all things are of God who has reconciled us to himself by Jesus Christ’ (2nd Corinthians 5:17-18)

Kingdom men and women of God cannot be a partaker of defeat any more than darkness can dwell in light

I’ve heard people say, "Well, I praise God inwardly, because I am a quiet person," listen if there is an abundance of praise in your heart, your mouth cannot help speaking it for ‘out of the abundance of the heart the mouth speaks’ (Matthew 12:34)

When there is a shout of victory in a believers heart it always makes an appearance even in quiet people, it’s the outworking of the inner working of the power of God the Holy Spirit.

It is the Holy Spirit who changes the heart, sanctifies and transforms the life, and before there is any real outward evidence there must be the inflow of God’s divine life.

The victory over sin and hell is yours but you must learn to take the victory and shout in the face of the devil, ‘It is done!’ ‘It is finished’ you need to learn to make a show of the devil openly, to laugh him to scorn as you take your authority in Christ over his plans.

That’s what the disciples did in Acts 4 they refused to be threatened by the so called religious leaders, they were so full of Joy and so full of the Holy Spirit they mocked the attempts of the devil to stop them.

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They were saying in effect ‘we do not care what you do to hurt us we will preach Christ crucified and resurrected until he comes; is it any wonder then that the Holy Spirit turned up and shook the place, he found people living in victory and grace.

In Acts 4:24 we read, ‘They lifted up their voice with one accord’ That’s one prayer meeting I would have loved to have been in for God means us to have such an overcoming life.

No dissent in this prayer meeting, no clock watching, no empire builders here, no one seeking his own, none, except for men and women of God who desired to see their Lord move in power and shake their world.

Oh Lord, help us to be intoxicated with the Holy Spirit help us to fall in love with the Christ of Calvary and not just the cross of Calvary. Lord come and flood our very being with the same power that brought light to your closed eyes and that caused your heart to pour forth life.

‘Thanks be to God for he has given us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ’ (1st Corinthians 15:56)

It is God who has given us the victory, he does not have to give it to us again we need to live in it, we need to enforce the victory that Christ won at Calvary.

Christ is raised indeed; he is not dead as some may argue. He is more alive than most men with collars who stand preaching dead words to dead men who have forgotten how to live in Christ.

Many church buildings are whitened sepulchres filled with dead men’s bones, places which have locked their doors to the Holy Spirit and closed their hearts to Christ. We were not saved at such a cost to slide into obscurity, we were redeemed to take authority over the devil and to lay hands on the sick and command them to be healed.

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Many so called churches are museums where past victories are repeated and past glories spoken of instead of the Gospel of life for today, many live hundreds of years before their time, wishing to be in the place and time were now dead preachers lived.

Away with such foolishness, away with living on memories of past good days, away with peeling back the dusty curtains of past glories for it is today that victories are to be won.

Away with reliving a past victory, Christ is our ‘today’ victory and he has commissioned every believer to be a witness unto him in all places to all people ‘today’

Away with fear, for God did not give you a spirit of fear but of power and of love and a sound mind, (2nd Timothy 1:8)

Away with unbelief, for we have the same assurance that God gave to Joshua when he said to him; ‘Have not I commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be afraid; do not be discouraged, for the Lord your God will be with you wherever you go’ (Joshua 1:9)

‘Awake you that sleep, arise Oh church arise from the dead and Christ shall give you light’ (Ephesians 5:14) Knowing the time, that now it is high time to awake out of sleep: for now our salvation is nearer than when we believed. The night is far spent, the day is at hand’ (Romans 13:11)

The ‘lot’ has fallen on us as it did Jonah, we are called, we are appointed and we have been sent, our Nineveh our neighbourhood awaits our visitation, souls are dying for whom Christ died. We can either sleep or go down with the world under the storm of sin that threatens every life or we can fulfil our destiny in Christ.

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The lot has been drawn and you and I have been elected by God; we have been ‘called according to his purpose’ (Romans 8:28) ‘we are pre- destined called, justified and glorified’ (Romans 8:30) called with a holy calling (2nd Timothy 1:9) that God would count us ‘worthy of this calling, and fulfil all the good pleasure of his goodness and the work of faith with power’ (2nd Thessalonians 1:11)

The lot has been drawn and it has our name on it!

We are today’s Joseph sent to make provision for the hungry, we are Moses called to bring people out of bondage,

We are Gods Joshua’s, chosen to tear down the walls of the enemy and to bring the lost, the weary and the weak into the Promised Land.

We are His Caleb regardless of our age, well able to take any mountain and to destroy every giant who would dare offend our God with ranting and ravings.

We are His Gideon’s, small in our selves but mighty in the Lord to destroy the enemies of our God,

We are today’s Samson’s, strong in the Lords anointing even when we take our last breath.

We are His David, well able in God to destroy the enemies of God, well able to pursue and to recover all that has been stolen from us over the years.

We are Gods elect, well able to subdue kingdoms and to do the works of righteousness because Christ is for us, he is on our side and his just cause is our cause, ‘if God be for us who can be against us? (Romans 8:31)

If ever we need another outpouring of the Holy Ghost upon us it is today as we stand on the brink of the last moments of this age.

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We need to seek God diligently until we find him working at our side as we minister to the sick, as we preach his word to the unsaved and bring liberty to the bruised and the downtrodden. We need to pay the cost until we find ‘the Lord working with us confirming the word with signs following’ (Mark 16:20)

Listen; ‘Christ deserves to receive the reward for his suffering’ he alone is worthy of the souls of men, he alone could pay the price for sin; it is Christ that is the centre of the universe and he alone must be the centre of our lives.

I used to believe that I was sent to get people to heaven but the truth is I was sent to tell men and women of the love that forged Calvary’s plan, the love of a God so rich in mercy that he would die for those that deserved hell.

I was sent to rebellious sinners who cared nothing for God people who loved their sin and loved darkness, sent to bring them to Christ as His reward for his suffering.

When we finish our work our only claim to fame will be that we are ‘unprofitable servants’ (Luke 17:10) for without Christ we are nothing, and we can do nothing. Our life is in him, our next breath is a gift from God and we are living on the giving of God.

Let me challenge you to take your inheritance in Christ and to believe God? ‘If you shall believe you shall see the glory of God’ (John 11:40)

You will be sifted as wheat, for sure you will be tried and tempted, you will be put in places where you will have to put your whole trust in God. However there will be no temptation that will come, but ‘God will be with you right in the middle of the temptation to deliver you he will always provide a way of escape that you may be able to bear it’ (1st Corinthians 10:13)

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Every trial you go through will bring you to a greater position in God they will take you upward and onward through the power of the risen Christ within you. The same God that led Joshua and the murmuring multitude into the Promised Land, the same God who delivered them from all their enemies will deliver you from every temptation and trial for His names sake.

As my Pastor, mentor and encourager used to say; ‘you can’t go down for going over’

‘Christ in you’ that’s the hope of glory; he is the reason you will not sink during the worst of life’s storms.

‘Christ in you’ the Lord of Hosts is an enemy to your enemies and an adversary to your adversaries (Exodus 23:22) you cannot fail for the Christ in you is the Almighty God of all creation.

‘Christ in you’ upholds all things by the word of his power’ (Hebrews 1:3) that’s why you are ‘well able to possess the land’ (Numbers 13:30) that’s why you will ‘run through the armies of the enemy and leap over walls’ (2nd Samuel 22:30)

‘Christ in you’ is the victory in you!! You are not a lost cause ‘you are more than an conqueror’ you are not a failure you are his, you did not choose Christ he chose you and ordained you that you should go and bring forth fruit (John 15:16)

For years many have been longing, praying almost begging God to come forth in power upon this nation, and now the tide is rising everywhere. As Joel wrote, God promised to ‘pour out His Spirit upon all flesh’ and His promises never fail. (Joel 2:28)

You have the written assurance of God that the victory is assured, what more needs to be said, what more can be added except a grain of faith in the heart of a believer to bring kingdom victory to our nation.

If you would like to receive some inspirational material from ourselves please contact us by e mail at; [email protected]

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Perhaps you have never asked Christ to be your Lord and saviour, if so you need his forgiveness and his salvation, why not ask him to save your soul and to give you life eternal;

Pray something after this manner...

‘Heavenly Father; I confess that I am a sinner and ask for your forgiveness. I believe that Jesus, your Son, died on the cross to pay the consequences, the penalty for all my sins. Dear Lord Jesus, I believe that God raised you from the dead so please come into my life be my Saviour and Lord and help me to become the person you want me to be and to live always for you.

Holy Spirit please come and fill me with the knowledge of Christ and the assurance that I am forgiven eternally

Thank you Lord for your forgiveness and for your assurance that I will spend eternity with you in heaven forever’.... Amen

Now go shout it from the rooftops, go tell the world that you have found peace with God and a guarantee of heaven because of what Christ did for you.


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As producers of radio programs for hundreds of radio stations worldwide the Lord has enabled us to reach out to millions of people worldwide not only in the English language but by offering free scripted material our programs which have been translated into several other languages we reach many other people groups.

From Ireland to India, from America to Africa, from Europe and the world we have thrown out a lifeline to those who are drowning with the pressure of living in an ever more sinful world...

We offer CDs and written material to individuals who contact us directly by Email or by letter and answered calls daily from people in need of prayer for healing and other needs.

We have the vision, we have the call, we have the equipment, we have the facilities and we have the greatest message ever written, and we believe that we have the favour of God to reach the unreached, encourage the discouraged and to bring hope to those without hope; so thank you for your encouragement and your prayers.

If we can ever be of help to receive from the goodness of God, please do not hesitate to contact me by e mail or by Telephone; 02838354503

If you would like to enable us in our work for God's Kingdom please do consider making a donation through our PayPal account at. [email protected]

or send a donation by cheque to:

Studio 18 Productions, 18 Battlehill Road, Portadown, Co. Armagh. Northern Ireland. BT62 4ER Charity no: XR35470

Your prayers make it possible – you’re giving makes it happen!


Page 84: Inspired by God’s word; written by David · God is good! If youre hungry he is the Z read of Life; (John 6:35)

‘God is a Good


Inspired by God’s word;

written by David Robinson