Inspire LCM. Chur Ch News Letter · (ELCA). LCM is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission...


Transcript of Inspire LCM. Chur Ch News Letter · (ELCA). LCM is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission...

Page 1: Inspire LCM. Chur Ch News Letter · (ELCA). LCM is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) – another Lutheran church body with similar US demographics. All


August 2020

L CM . C hu r C h

N e w s L e t t e r

Page 2: Inspire LCM. Chur Ch News Letter · (ELCA). LCM is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) – another Lutheran church body with similar US demographics. All

Inspire LiteThis month we are going to focus on remembering where our strength comes from.

Join us as we discover different perspectives on this topic. We hope that you will grow in your understanding and move forward in Christ’s will with us.

Thanks for reading!













Words from our Pastors

Musings of a Morrison

Children’s Ministry

Youth Ministry

Sudanese Ministry

Servant Hearts

Information Update

Let Us Pray

August Gatherings


Ways to Help

Thank You!

We look forward to meeting up with everyone again! In the meantime, please join us online via Facebook, Instagram, or our website ( for our worship services and other resources. If you would like to receive a Worship CD, please contact the church office.

Questions: Church Office (402) 333-4444

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Here's a Thought...Pastor Jonathan Haseley, East Campus Pastor

The Evidence of Decline & the Need for a Vibrant 2030 Church

As we began to discuss last month, the Church of 2030 is going to look very different than the Church of 2020. What brought us here (in a churched culture) isn’t going to take us forward into the future (in an ever growing and diversifying mission field). God is calling us to be everyday missionaries in the 21st century, much like He positioned the early Christians to be missionaries in the 1st century.

Now, there are a variety of responses to this different future. Some agree; others do not. Some say, “Show me more.” Others say, “It’s not that bad.” Some say, “True, but can we wait to change and do anything different until after I retire or die?” Regardless of your response, let’s take a look at some compelling evidence. . . .

In the 1950’s (the high point for U.S. churches), 95% of the population self-identified as Christian. 63% of Americans were members of a church body. Nearly 50% of the population was in church on Sunday (“Percentage of Christians in U.S. Drifting Down” Gallup, 2015).

Today “practicing Christians” make up 25% of the U.S. population (“A Snapshot of Faith Practice Across Age Groups” Barna 2019). A “Practicing Christian” is defined as attending worship at least once a month and indicating “my faith is very important.” (This is not a very high bar!) 80% of churches in the U.S. worship less than 100 people. Most are plateaued or declining slowly or rapidly (Exponential).

Millennials make up the largest adult generation: 74.3 million. 96% of the millennial generation will not be in a Christian worship service this weekend. (Ranier). “By 2030, a large portion of an older generation with high religious commitment will give way to a critical mass with little or moderate religious commitment.” (Bredholt). 35% of millennials believe that attending church can result in more harm than good (Barna

Group). 59% of millennials raised in the church have dropped out (Barna Group).

Moreover, we (as Lutherans) do not reflect the diversity of the communities in which our churches are planted. According to the Pew Research Center (2014), the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS) is the second whitest denomination in the United States, right behind the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA). LCM is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) – another Lutheran church body with similar US demographics. All in all, the bottom line is that Lutherans are the whitest of all in contrast to a diverse millennial generation (with 43% being nonwhite).

As one 80+ year-old Lutheran congregational leader stated, “Most people in most churches are asleep and don’t recognize the crisis facing the U.S. church.”

I’d simply propose that we’re much closer to a 2030 reality than the 1950’s past! Now is the time to start investing in an emerging vibrant church – rooted in the unchanging Gospel, sent on mission with Jesus in a changing world.

Futurist Alvin Toffler once stated, “The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn, and relearn.” The COVID-19 crisis has given the Church in the United States an opportunity to pause and pivot, to go back to basics and reset, to ask the tough questions and go back to the future. I pray that we at Lutheran Church of the Master will embrace this opportunity and gift of grace as we join Jesus on His redemptive mission in Omaha and beyond!

In the coming months, we will be examining and unpacking the vital components of a vibrant and missionally engaged Church of 2030 in the U.S. Stay tuned!

* Certain content has been quoted, summarized, and adapted from “The Church of 2030 Looks Very Different and that Future Looks Bright,” © 2020 PLI (

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A New PerspectivePastor Mario Alejandre, West Campus Pastor

Drawing from both the musical and novel that bears its name, the cinematic version of Les Misérables is a story wonderfully told, with all of the tragedy and beauty that often marks the human experience. The story is set during a volatile time in France’s proud history dating from 1815 through the June rebellion in the 1830’s. The seeds of revolution served as the background for understanding the life of Jean Valjean, the story’s protagonist. It becomes evident throughout the course of the story, where each man ultimately finds their source strength. Jean Valjean, through the course of extraordinary events, becomes a prisoner, fugitive, respected mayor and lastly, a sojourner. Jalvert, born into a family of criminals, commits himself to upholding the law. Both have identities that they’d like to either forget or change. Both men’s destinies are mysteriously intertwined with each other’s. Jean Valjean, after his release from prison finds refuge within the presence of the church and encounters the compassion and the undeserved grace of God through the Bishop of Digne, who reminds Valjean of his innate dignity as a man made in God’s image. There was more to the man than just being prisoner 24601, the lens through which Jalvert sees Valjean.

Jean Valjean’s response to the grace extended by the bishop is to change his name and start life anew. As Mayor Madeleine, Valjean’s life becomes one where his social ethic mirrors his new found faith. When the hired hand responsible for the oversight of Valjean’s factory refuses to act fairly with Fantine, Valjean commits to correct the wrong caused by his manager as if he himself had caused it. His past was ever before him, as his life continues to not only be intertwined with Jalvert’s, but also with Fantine and Cosette, Fantine’s daughter. Valjean’s love of mercy and justice is challenged when, given the opportunity to forever leave his past and Jean Valjean behind, he refuses to let a stranger suffer in his place.

Inspector Jalvert’s life-long pursuit of Jean Valjean is equally compelling. As a man born to convicts, he gives his whole life to the pursuit of upholding the law of the land. Jalvert sees the beauty and order of the created world, and sees, at least at some level, that his work is an extension of God’s in the universe. What was it that made Jalvert think that as a child born in prison, he could change his destiny by becoming a man of the law while simultaneously believing that sort of change was impossible for Valjean? The tragedy of Jalvert’s character is not that he is ugly, but that he is sincere, upright, noble and even capable of empathy.

These tensions are part of what marks the beauty of this film. Each person we are introduced to (and there are quite a bit more than what’s mentioned here) will often remind us of people we know. Some will even inspire us. How would our cultural revolutions be different if every minister of the Gospel had the compassion of the Bishop of Digne? Do we have the strength to draw deep within the Sprit’s life to become the kind of people God intends for His image bearers to be within the world? These are trying times. Difficult in many ways. Perhaps we feel like the King Jeposaphat, “We don’t know what to do, but our eyes are upon you?” However, we are called to remember whose we are in Christ. Our transformed lives through the working of the Holy Spirit compels us remember from where our source of strength comes from and to get on with being God’s image bearers in and for the world. Just like, Jean Valjean.

As the Psalm of Ascent says:I lift up my eyes to the mountains—where does my help come from? My help comes from the LORD, the Maker of heaven and earth.

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Musings of a MorrisonTasha Morrison, LCM Inspire Newsletter Editor & East Campus Receptionist

“It’s not the load that weighs you down, it’s the way you carry it.”

C.S. Lewis

What does it mean to have strength? Does it mean you can dead-lift 500lbs? Does it mean you can pull a car out of a ditch with your bare hands? Does it mean you can take on a bear?! I mean, sure... it takes some pretty incredible, physical strength to accomplish the above listed “challenges” but that is not the kind of strength I want to talk about here. The kind of strength I want to talk about is more the strength of heart and ultimately our faith.

I’m referencing the kind of strength that it takes to keeping calm during stressful situations, telling the truth, showing compassion to an “enemy”, or stepping up for what you believe to be right when you’re the only one willing to stand. The kind of strength that is required yet seems impossible to obtain. Impossible, at least, without help.

“Jesus looked at them and said, ‘With man this is impossible, but with God all things are possible.’”

Matthew 19:26

Brené Brown, author of many books but specifically Darling Greatly, she speaks extensively about being vulnerable. That too, takes strength. It takes an incredible about of strength to tear down your walls; walls you’ve built around yourself to withstand any potential attack. Walls that were made to protect you. But the walls didn’t just keep out the bad, it kept out the good too. Sure, you didn’t get your heart broken, but did you feel loved? Sure, you weren’t betrayed, but you also didn’t get to see what it felt like to embrace the loyalty of a good friendship.

It takes strength to tear down what was once used to protect because we’re having to re-train ourselves that what was meant to protect has actually been hiding us. That what was once

strong is actually weak compared to who protects us; who will aid us, give us his strength so that we don’t have to be “strong enough” - He’ll be strong for us,with us.

“And He has said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is perfected in weakness.”

Most gladly, therefore, I will rather boast about my weaknesses, so that the power of Christ may

dwell in me. Therefore I am well content with weaknesses, with insults, with distresses, with persecutions, with difficulties, for Christ’s sake;

for when I am weak, then I am strong.”2 Corinthians 12:9-10

Did you notice that one statement? “...therefore, I will rather boast about my weakness...” Boast about weakness. Admittedly, I haven’t heard a lot of people, in my years here on earth, brag about how “weak” they are. Actually, quite the opposite. But I guess, let me start this new way of thinking...


I cannot forgive those who have hurt me...without His help.

I cannot stand up for what I believe to be right...without His help.

I cannot support my enemies...without His help.

I can do NOTHING...without His help.

The Lord is MY strength and because of that, I am strong.

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Kellie Webb | Children & Family Coordinator, West(402) 213-1893 | [email protected] Tracy Schmidt | Children & Family Coordinator, East(402) 213-7585 | [email protected]


LCM Kids AugustLCM Kids will not be open during the month of August, this includes the nursery and Sunday School. Currently, kids are welcome to attend church with their families. See below for opening dates beginning in September. If you are looking for at-home resources, lessons are available at, and “Bible Detective Kits” are available at West Campus.

Blessing of the BackpacksEvery new school year we have a tradition at LCM, it’s the Blessing of the Backpacks! Each August we stop to take time to give students and educators a special blessing for their upcoming school year! On August 8/9 at all service times, students and educators will be given a 2020-21 school year blessing. You are welcome to join us in person or online for this blessing. A special backpack tag will be available for students and teachers. If you receive your blessing from home, you can come to church at another time to pick up your tag or contact Tracy or Kellie to arrange to receive it.

Thank You from Beautiful GateThank you SO MUCH to those who so kindly gave donations toward Beautiful Gate’s summer kids program. We were able to buy them the supplies they needed for their lessons, as well as provide meals for the whole summer. LCM will continue to help this program next summer. Plan to partner again with LCM to help this great ministry that brings Jesus to the kids of Omaha!

LCM Kids Fall ScheduleLCM Kids Resumes Sunday, September 20th

East Campus ScheduleSundays 10:30-11:15amWednesdays beginning Sept. 23rd 6-7pm

West Campus ScheduleSundays 10:30-11:30amSundays 4-5pm

LCM Kids is for children 3 years old through 5th grade. Kids have fun each week exploring the Bible through lessons, games, crafts and videos. Please REGISTER YOUR KIDS ONLINE to help us plan for the number of children wanting to attend, and to ensure our records are up to date.

Go to and click on the registration link.

LCM Nursery- Currently ClosedThe LCM Nursery will remain closed during August and September. Please continue checking the newsletter for opening information.

IMPORTANT TO NOTE: At West Campus ONLY, all Wednesday classes, including LCM Kids Wednesday Bible class and Middle School Confirmation class, have moved to Sundays. This means there is no longer LCM Kids Bible classes or Middle School Confirmation on Wednesdays at West Campus. Wednesday Classes at East Campus remain the same.

VBS in a Box UpdateAll aboard! We had 118 children and 50 families and 200 adults order a ticket to catch the VBS IN A BOX train. All over the city families are being empowered to disciple children, grandchildren, friends, neighbors, and cousins in the faith! This is part of a bigger plan to bring a congregational emphasis on bringing ministry and mission into our communities. Even if you don’t have small children, congregational members can become missionaries and ministry leaders right where you live!

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Debbie Lubker, Alleluia! Director

“God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear though the earth gives way, though the mountains be moved into the heart of the sea, though its waters roar and foam, though the mountains tremble at its swelling.”

Psalm 46: 1-3

What a comfort this verse is in the times of Covid-19 and making plans for the 2020-2021 school year. God is in control-He will be our strength!

Alleluia! Preschool:Our Preschool Paperwork drop off is Tuesday, August 25 from 3-6 PM. Our classes will start on Wednesday, September 9 & 10th. Our teachers are starting to prepare the classrooms for the children’s arrival!

Alleluia! Kindergarten:Wow! Can you believe school starts again this month? We are so excited to be in the classroom filled with kids-God willing! Our new Kindergarten teacher is Amanda George who was a teacher in our preschool program for the past 2 years.

Our classroom theme this year is “Stick with God”. The children will learn to stick with God because He made each one of them unique! The children will spend time learning their names, writing their names and learning about their friends.

Alleluia! Preschool & Kindergarten 2020-2021 Classes:Covid-19 has required a few changes for the start of our school year! We will have only 2 preschool classes and 1 kindergarten class. At the time of this writing, Alleluia! B will have 14 children on Monday, Wednesday and Friday mornings. Alleluia! A has 12 children with a variety of schedules. We will need to have more spaces for individual items for the children to use and play and will be trying to maximize our storage options. The children will also bring their own snack and water to school. Kindergarten has 6 children registered at this time.

Please continue to keep us in your prayers as we work through all the challenges involved with the pandemic and pray for our health & safety.

We have had some amazing teamwork come together to be able to offer VBS in a Box to both campuses. A big thanks to Chris Andersen, Jamison Denton-Carter, Lois Rasgorshek and family, Pastor Jonathan, Nancy Tietsort, and Nelda Hartwig for all the hard work and hours put in! Thanks also to Linda Hoffman, Mary Pilant, Larry Josephson, Joyce Thompson, Ruth Schmidt, Steve Hemmer and family, Jennifer and Elyssa Stephens, Crystal McAhren and kids, Becky Hallberg, Lori Larson, Allison Tiller, Rachel Haseley and Lori Obermier.I am so excited for families to become teachers for their own kids, neighbors, cousins, and friends! What an opportunity to spread the gospel in a fresh way! Don’t forget to post pictures of all the amazing moments you had. Post on LCM’s Coronavirus FB page, email or text Tracy.

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Pictured above, some of the wonderful volunteers who helped assemble the VBS boxes.

Page 8: Inspire LCM. Chur Ch News Letter · (ELCA). LCM is a member of Lutheran Congregations in Mission for Christ (LCMC) – another Lutheran church body with similar US demographics. All

Youth MinistryAllie Tiller, Youth & Family Coordinator, West; Chris Andersen, Youth & Family Coordinator, East

Our whole focus within One14 Youth is to encourage our young people to become disciple-makers! We want to equip, empower, and enable young people to live out the Great Commission in their daily lives. From our Sunday Youth Gatherings to Confirmation to EpiCenter Youth Group - we will be intentionally walking through the Cause Circle above in all of our activities. We want young people to pray expectantly for their friends, to care for their friends, and then to share the love of Jesus with their friends.

M I I S T R YOne14 yOuth

east Campus

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Sunday Youth Gatherings Kickoff Sunday September 20, 2020

Join us in the Youth Room in person and on-line for our Sunday Youth Gatherings, typically known as Sunday School. Throughout our time on Sundays, we will dig into how we can share our faith with our friends and become disciple-makers! We will also have opportunities to serve our friends in Wanblee by participating in quarterly service projects and time just to hangout with one another and create lifelong relationships with one another!

Confirmation Confirmation Kickoff September 23, 2020

Six Words. God. Our. Sins. Paying. Everyone. Life. These six words are part of the acrostic that forms GOSPEL. Starting from the book of Genesis and ending in Revelation, the GOSPEL walks us through the entirety of Scripture as our young people dive in and understand this message on a deeper level. As we encourage young people to become disciple makers, we want them to be able to clearly articulate the GOSPEL message.

EpiCenter Youth Group Youth Group Kickoff September 23, 2020

We live in a culture where we seek more answers to life’s most pressing questions from Siri, Google, and Alexa rather than Scripture. We are taking questions from young people on topics regarding life, faith, culture, and so on. We realize that if young people don’t feel comfortable sharing doubts and questions they have within their church community, the world will seize the opportunity to answer it and it will not be based on the Word of God. We will create a safe atmosphere for young people to ask questions in their Small Groups and we discuss them through the lens of Scripture.

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east Campus

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Sudanese MinistryTracy Schmidt, Sudanese Coordinator

We thank God to be back in church and start worshiping together! We have been missing our church because we only have in-person worship available. We have been praying for all of you in the English church and we ask for your prayers as well. We specifically ask for prayers for our homelands. We have less services available to help with the prevention and treatment of disease, so we value your prayers. Ethiopia has also been having some civil unrest, violence, and killings. May the Lord bring peace to our lands!

We have a few members looking for the following items if you or someone you know has them to donate or purchase. A member needs a well running, larger refrigerator for her family. We are also looking for a school car to purchase for a girl heading to UNO to start her college career. Please contact Tracy if you know of either of these items.

We have gathered 32 bikes, trikes and scooters to be handed out to the South Sudanese children. With camps, VBS, and other community services being canceled, we needed safe summer activities for the children. This project started as I was delivering food to a family from our

pantry. When I arrived, the five year old was just standing at the stop sign, in front of her house, with nothing to do! I gave her some sidewalk chalk

from my car I had for a project and she was overjoyed. I thought there is no better sense of summer than a new (to you) bike! I collected bikes from the community and the church. It has been a wonderful new activity for the children and they love being outside and moms have to call their children inside. We are still in need of some bike helmets and especially large kid or adult sized. Thanks to everyone who donated, advertised, and fixed bikes. What a blessing.

May the Lord bring peace to our lands!

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Servant HeartsBilly Graham:

How to Be Thankful in All ThingsBy Billy Graham • November 21, 2017

Are you thankful no matter what? Perhaps you have lost your job recently, as the economy has continued to struggle. Or you may have lost your health, or a loved one. Such circumstances can be tremendously difficult. But even so, we all have much to be thankful for. Look with me at the story of a man who had every right to be bitter—but wasn’t.

The next footsteps in the corridor, he knew, might be those of the guards taking him away to his execution. His only bed was the hard, cold stone floor of the dank, cramped prison cell. Not an hour passed when he was free from the constant irritation of the chains and the pain of the iron manacles cutting into his wrists and legs.

Separated from friends, unjustly accused, brutally treated—if ever a person had a right to complain, it was this man, languishing almost forgotten in a harsh Roman prison. But instead of complaints, his lips rang with words of praise and thanksgiving!

The man was the Apostle Paul—a man who had learned the meaning of true thanksgiving, even in the midst of great adversity. Earlier, when he had been imprisoned in Rome, Paul wrote, “Sing and make music in your heart to the Lord, always giving thanks to God the Father for everything, in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ” (Ephesians 5:19-20, NIV).

Think of it: Always giving thanks for everything —no matter the circumstances! Thanksgiving for the Apostle Paul was not a once-a-year celebration, but a daily reality that changed

his life and made him a joyful person in every situation.Thanksgiving—the giving of thanks—to God for all His blessings should be one of the most distinctive marks of the believer in Jesus Christ. We must not allow a spirit of ingratitude to harden our heart and chill our relationship with God and with others.

Nothing turns us into bitter, selfish, dissatisfied people more quickly than an ungrateful heart. And nothing will do more to restore contentment and the joy of our salvation than a true spirit of thankfulness.

I don’t know what trials you may be facing right now, but God does, and He loves you and is with you by His Holy Spirit. Cultivate a spirit of thankfulness even in the midst of trials and heartaches.

If you have been wondering if LCM’s Stephen Ministry is still active in this time of social distancing, the answer is a resounding “YES!” Stephen Ministers are still caring for others by letters, telephone calls, texts and emails – and prayers! This is a particularly difficult time for many people who are worried about health issues or job losses. If you are wanting to talk to someone about these or other hard times you are going through, Stephen Ministers are available to listen and care. If you would like a Stephen Minister to contact you, please call a pastor or one of the Stephen Minister leaders:

Carolyn Scheer 402 289-4863 Jim Rudd 559 362-1300Kathy Rudd 402 679-2515 Jim Norton 402 321-0449

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Information Update

DonationsContact: Connie Hacker / 402-333-4444 /[email protected] When you send in a donation check through your bank or investment account, please be sure that they include your name on the check somewhere. Without a name, we are unable to include it on your contribution statement. If you have any questions, please contact Connie Hacker.

Weekly AnnouncementsContact: Nikki Kotchka / 402-333-4444 / [email protected] for announcements via videos, slides, etc., need to be submitted 2 weeks in advance.

Financial InformationLutheran Church of the Master Financial SummaryActual: Jan. 1 - June 30 , 2020Total Income $793,967 Total Expense $813,830 Net Income (Loss) ($19,863)

Newsletter SubmissionsContact: Tasha Morrison / 402-333-4444 / [email protected] submissions due August 15th for the September newsletter.

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Let Us Pray


Teachers, Students & Parents

Bernice Baldauf

Marian Bolmeier

Dorothy Brei

Veljean Brown

Esther Christensen

Bruce Donelson

Don Eitzmann

Esther Holmes

Gerri Hultquist

Audrey Jenner

Milt Jenner

Karen Kerns

Barry Kuhl

Virginia Kuhl

George “Bud” Lauritsen

Lorine Maaske

Helen Madsen

Roland Mariucci

Gloria Nitzschke

Lloyd Nitzschke

Bernhard Peterson

Carol Rohrig

Norma Schlegel

Irma Senteney

Alfred Wise


Garrett Bachorski - USMC

Maj. Megan (Beaty) John - USAF

Capt. Travis Benne - USAF

Vincent Bevilacqua - Navy

Travis Bland

Anthony Blum

Maj. Jim Chester

Andrew Enholm - Navy

Daniel Day

Dustin Funk - Navy

Ryan Hansen

Major Aaron Jackson

Samuel Jacobson - USMC

Airman Adam Nielsen - USAF

Joel Knox

Michael Koba

Tim Pecoraro - USMC

Lt. Cmdr. Keland Regan

Medic Cody Stickman - Army


Phil JoerzGlen SandozVernyce Schmidt


NEW PRAYER CHAIN FORMATWe need your help! There are many people asking for and needing prayer. God has promised that He is listening and that He does answer our prayers. If you are able to connect with others and know the power of God’s people in prayer, please sign up to receive our daily prayer chain email. If you need prayer or know someone who does, we are happy to add your requested to the prayer chain by calling the church office at 402-333-4444. *Sent Monday through Friday at 9am.

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Pr. Schaff’s Bible Study -- canceled until further notice

Stephen Ministry -- canceled until further notice

Stephen Center -- Looking for volunteers

Wed. Women’s Bible Study -- Resuming in September

Quilt Tying -- 1st & 3rd Mondays from 9:30-11:30am at East Campus

Gab & Grow -- canceled until further notice

Prayer Shawl -- Mondays from 1-3pm at East

Men’s Breakfast -- Starting September 8th

Sisters of Faith -- canceled until further notice

The Life & Times of Jesus -- Online Format: New Zoom information: Meeting ID: 875 4024 6690Password: 507395

TGOW -- Kicking off August 26th with “The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ”

Pr. Tyler’s Bible Study (Thur. Morning) -- for video

Pr. Tyler’s Bible Study Lunch (Thur Afternoon) -- for video

Pr. Tyler’s Bible Study (Wed. Evenings) -- for video

Friday Morning Bible Study -- Online Format: Fridays at 9:30am (

Christian Book Club -- canceled until further notice

Horizons -- TBD

Mary Elizabeth Circle -- canceled until further notice

West H.S. Wednesday Nights -- Meetingoutside at West Campus 5:30-7pm. Contact AllieTiller at [email protected] for information

West M.S. & H.S. Sunday School -- Meetingoutside at West Campus 7-8:30pm. Contact AllieTiller at [email protected] for information

Live Devotional w/ Pr. Haseley -- Online Format: Thursdays at 7pm(

Live Devotional w/ Pr. Alejandre -- Online Format: Monday - Fridays at 8am (

GROUPS/STUDIES (OUTSIDE LCM WALLS)Panera Bible Study -- Meeting at West Campus on Wednesdays at 8:30am

Philippians & Colossians -- canceled until further notice

Faith Full Moms -- canceled until further notice

Note: All listed are subject to change. To receive the latest information, please visit our website or to call the church office.

Web: www.lcm.chuchPhone: 402.333.4444

Hours (Both Campuses):Monday - Friday | 9am-4pm

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QUILT TYERSContact: Shae Hughes / 402-871-3378 // Nancy Tietsort / 402-699-3363 // Church Office / 402-333-44441st & 3rd Mondays | 9:30-11:30am | East

We will get back to our quilt tying the first and third Monday in August. August 3rd and 17th from 9:30-11:30 am. Bring your favorite mask and join us in our ministry of completing quilts for Lutheran World Relief, Pine Ridge and other people who need a quilt hug. We will be observing our health rules as required at this time. We will not be sharing snacks at this time.

If you don’t want to come and tie quilts, there are other ways you can help this ministry in your own home. You can cut fabric, that is donated, into various size squares or you can help by sewing squares together into quilt tops. If you want to help just contact Shae or Nancy or the Church Office for details. We will get you the information and get you started in this quilting ministry. We’re giving the world a hug one quilt at a time!

This ministry is in need of fabric! If you have any fabric, sheets, tablecloths, or curtains that you no longer need, we could put them to good use. Just label the donations for “quilts” and put them in the trunk. Thank you.

TUESDAY MEN’S BIBLE STUDY & BREAKFASTContact: Doug Hughes / [email protected] // Chris Andersen / [email protected] As we have begun to re-open our buildings for Sunday services and ministry group use, it is time to consider restarting the Tuesday Men’s Bible Study & Breakfast. The current plan is to resume this activity on Tuesday, September 8, 2020. We will gather for breakfast & fellowship from 6:30 to 7:00 a.m.; followed by a 30-minute bible study led by Doug Hughes, Chris Andersen and other invited guests. The completion time of 7:30 will allow participants an opportunity to make it to work or any other committed activity at a reasonable time.

This weekly opportunity for men to share breakfast and fellowship followed by a 30-minute bible study is a great way to remain connected with other men as well as gain additional insight into selected scripture. Currently, we are following the FaithWeaver curriculum which is also the focus of Sunday morning worship. Feel free to make topic suggestions or identify additional speakers to Doug or Chris.

For additional information, please contact either Doug or Chris. As we near September 8, additional information will be included in the September newsletter as well as the Sunday morning worship service announcements.

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TGOW: Thanking God on WednesdaysWomen’s Bible Study- West Campus

Fall 2020 Registration

The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ – Part 1

Fill out registration form below,Include payment, and return to:

LCM- West CampusTGOW- Kellie Webb

1200 N 181st Court | Elkhorn, NE 68022Complete Registration and Payment Online at: Please contact Kellie [email protected] | 402-213-1893

Date: Aug 26 – Nov 18Time: 9:15am – 11amLocation: West CampusCost: $30($25 book & $5 program cost)

Name ______________________________________________

Address ____________________________________________

City ________________________________________________

State _______________________________________________

Zip Code ______________ Phone # ____________________

Email _______________________________________________

Emergency Contact ________________________________

Emergency Contact # ______________________________

Please check:___ Paid with Cash___ Paid with Check___ Paid online___ Do NOT need book

The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ - Pt. 1

TGOW Registration --- Cut here:

Walk beside Jesus on city streets and mountainsides. Hear Him teach by the sea and in the synagogue. Witness the blind given sight, lepers healed, and storms stilled. Sit with Jesus at supper with friends and listen in while His enemies plot to destroy Him.

The newest Bible study from Big Dream Ministries is a chronological arrangement of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John that leads you through in-depth discussions and daily personal application questions, deepening your understanding of Jesus’ life and purpose on earth.

This is part one of a two-part study of the gospels that focuses on Jesus’ preexistence, birth, and early ministry. A different attribute of Jesus is featured in each lesson – Good Shepherd, Light of the World, King of Kings, Suffering Servant, and more. The Amazing Life of Jesus Christ is based on the outstanding scholarly works of those who, through the centuries, have endeavored to put the life of Jesus in chronological order.

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Ways to HelpBlood DriveThank you to all you participated in the Blood drive on Sunday, July 12, 2020. We had 50 donors and collected 46 units of blood. We had 18 first time donors.

For the past year we have had 4 blood drives and are considered a Red Cross Premier Donor Partner. We have collected a total of 181 units of blood since August 2019, and 34% of our donors have been first time donors. This is amazing, and a great way for us to contribute to the community and those in need.

Our next Blood Drive will be Sunday, October 18, 2020, from 7a.m. to 1 p.m. at the LCM East Campus. You can sign-up via the Red Cross Website or the Red Cross Donor App. Search for “LCM” and you can then go to the our Blood Drive site and sign-up for a slot that works for you. While in the App, join the Lutheran Church of the Master Team. We are looking forward to you coming and helping to save lives.

Little Projects with HUGE Impacts:• Call or send a letter of support to someone in

your community/circle-of-influence.• Send a note of encouragement to someone who

has lost hours at work or their livelihood.• Be there for those who need the Lord’s loving

care through a call, video chat, visit through the living room window/across the fence.

Get more ideas or let us know that you’re in need of assistance in some way by going to our website at and choose “Get Help” or “Give help”. On the app, select “Giving”, then “Uplift” and “City Initiatives” or call the office at 402-333-4444 or by emailing [email protected].

And a huge thank you to everyone who’s helped send cards, make phone calls, and more already! You’re making a big impact on the hearts of those you’re reaching out to.

Needing Masks?We need people who can sew masks, cut fabric, cut elastic, and/or contribute towards the cost of the materials.

We want to know which members need a mask or two and those who are most at risk. If anyone knows of people needing masks, please contact the office at 402-333-4444. Ask for Tracy Schmidt.

Lutheran World Relief School Kits & Mission-HaitiWith the pandemic hitting every country in the world, the need now is greater than ever. Did you know that children around the world are unable to attend school just because they don’t have the needed school supplies? In the majority of the developing nations, the privilege to attend school comes at a price. School fees must be paid and children must have the appropriate uniform, shoes and school supplies. If any one of these items is missing, school is not even an option and the children will spend their days fetching water, taking care of their younger siblings, and working to obtain food.

Would you be willing to send a child to school with the tools needed in order to succeed? Women from our church have been diligently sewing drawstring backpacks all year and now we just need the school supplies to fill them. For just pennies you can change the life of a child and his or her family--for we know that education is the key to breaking the cycle of poverty! Look below for the items needed to fill just 1 Lutheran World Relief School Kit. Filled kits will be shipped around the world.

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Any supplies that you can donate will be much appreciated and will help to change a life!

• 70 page Spiral Notebooks (4 per backpack) • 1 Large Eraser• 5 Ballpoint Pens • 1 Ruler • 5 Pencils • 1 Box of 24 Crayons• 1 Pencil Sharpener • 1 Pair of Child’s Scissors

Mission-Haiti UpdateWe are hoping and praying that we will be able to return to Haiti sometime during the month of August to help with the school distribution event with over 2300 children in attendance. The country of Haiti has been in lock down with the Covid crisis and we are hopeful that it will open soon. Children have been trying to do lessons at home just like in the U.S. However, there is no electricity in the homes; therefore, there are no zoom meetings, television lessons, or tutorials via the internet to help. Mission-Haiti is hoping to open school earlier than usual to help the children get back on track. Mission-Haiti is still in need of a Kindergarten and a Fourth Grade teacher for the 2020-2021 school year. If you know of anyone who might be interested in teaching overseas for a year, please contact Breanna Burklund at [email protected] as soon as possible.

Please continue to Pray for the missionaries and people of Haiti.

Additional Needs specifically for Mission Haiti:

• New or gently used zippered Backpacks• New or gently used closed toe Shoes--dress

or tennis shoes--sizes from toddler to adult • Scientific Calculators (Inexpensive ones are

fine)• LWR School Supplies as well as: markers,

colored pencils, watercolor paint sets, construction paper, craft supplies

• Kindergarten Teacher• Fourth Grade Teacher

Thank you in advance for all the prayers and support in helping spread the Gospel and sharing the love of Christ.

If you have questions, please call or text Pam Burklund at 402-619-0405.

Lutheran World Relief Health (Personal Care) KitsItems need to be NEW and in good condition

• 1 Bath-sized towel (Between 20” x 40” and 52”x 27”), dark color recommended

• 2 Bath-sized bars of soap-In original packaging

• 1 Adult-sized toothbrush In original, manufacturer’s packaging No plastic bags or plastic wrap

• 1 Sturdy comb • 1 Metal nail clippers

Items for donation need to be collected and received at either LCM site by October 14. Place items in the blue bins located at both sites. (East Campus, please bring to the office at this time).


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T “Dear Church Family,

I would like to thank you for all your prayers during my recent surgery. Cardiac Rehab started last week and is helping me to get my strength back. My family and I really appreciate all of your ongoing prayers and meals. May God bless you all!”

Rick Hacker

“I wish to extend my appreciation for all the prayers and well wishes from everyone. I have begun my chemo treatments and will be staying home as long as the corona virus stays around as my resistance will be extremely low. It is such a pleasure to have church services available at home. Our gratitude to all those involved in making that happen. Not only can we worship but I can sing and not worry about disturbing those next to me with my terrible voice. God Bless each and every one of you.”

Dave Schilke

“Dear LCM church family,

Due to the restrictions that COVID-19 has placed on us at this time, our daughter Jasmine and her fiancé Steven will be unable to invite the entire congregation to their wedding ceremony on September 26th. However, we would be most honored to have you as our guest at the Open House reception following the wedding. It will be held at Santa’s Woods on Highway 133 from 6 to 9 PM on Saturday, September 26th. If you plan to attend, please call or text Sherri by September 12th at 402-651-9890 being sure to mention the number of guests you will be bringing. No need to let us know if you can’t be there but we just want to make sure we have enough food. Thank you for playing such an integral role in Jasmine’s life. We are forever grateful.

P.S.No gifts, please. The pleasure of your company will be your gift.”

Best Always,Sherri Tyler


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P. 402.333.4444 | F. 402.333.4482

Ministry Staff:

Kip Tyler: C.402-651-0858 H.402-334-7152 Senior PastorJohn Lewis: C.402-598-3986 H.402-321-8232 Executive Pastor for MinistryMario Alejandre: C.801-597-4869 Campus Pastor (West)Jonathan Haseley: C.716-807-1370 Campus Pastor (East)Galen Greer: C.402-639-7265 Worship CoordinatorAllie Tiller: C.402-669-9518 Youth & Family Coordinator (West)Chris Andersen: C.402-616-3198 Youth & Family Coordinator (East)Kellie Webb: C.402-213-1893 Children & Family Coordinator (West)Tracy Schmidt: C: 402-213-7585 Children & Family/Sudanese Coordinator (East)Alleluia! Preschool / Alleluia! Kindergarten: Debbie Lubker: Director/Teacher [email protected]

Sundays:Traditional Worship...............................9:00 am Contemporary Worship........................9:00 am Contemporary Worship........................10:30 am

West Campus | 1200 N. 181st Court | Elkhorn, NE 68022

East Campus | 2617 S. 114th St. | Omaha, NE 68144

Saturday Traditional Worship..............5:30 pm

Sundays:Traditional Worship................................8:00 amTraditional Worship................................9:15 amThe Huddle Worship & Study...............10:30 amNuer Language Worship Service ........1:00 pm

Online Worship Times

Sundays:Traditional Worship................................9:00 amContemporary Worship.........................10:30 am

114th & Center Location2617 S 114th St.Omaha, NE 68144

Support Staff:Shari Bevilacqua -- Church AdministratorJamison Denton-Carter -- Video ProductionConnie Hacker -- BookkeeperNikki Kotchka -- Receptionist (West)Michelle Kalin -- Connections CoordinatorDiane Madsen -- “The Master Ringers” DirectorJim McKay -- Maintenance TechnicianRob Meredith - Social Media SpecialistTasha Morrison -- Receptionist (East)Ken Price -- Grounds MaintenanceVickie Wagner -- S.S. Superintendent (West)
