InsiteCreation 2010 Administrator & Developer's Guide

0 Administrator & Developer’s Guide Administrator & Developer’s Guide 2009, Insite Mitra Inovindo, All Right Reserved.

Transcript of InsiteCreation 2010 Administrator & Developer's Guide

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Administrator & Developer’s Guide

Administrator & Developer’s Guide

2009, Insite Mitra Inovindo, All Right Reserved.

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Administrator & Developer’s Guide

2 Installation

4 Understanding Channels & Users





Creating a User

Setting-up Approval Workflow

Template Development

Module Development

52 Listing Template Development

24 Built-in Templates

27 Template Files

27 Adding a New Template

28 Applying Your Template

30 Creating a Template

34 Placeholder Configuration

35 Template Stylesheet

36 Optional Themes/Skins

37 Creating a Template that

allows Online Design

40 Creating Multiple Designs

from a Single Template

42 Creating a Module

42 Embedding a Module

45 Creating an Advanced Module

53 Creating a Listing Template

2 Installing InsiteCreation 2010

7 Creating a Channel

9 Channel View Permissions

10 Example 1: Creating a Member Area

12 Example 2: Creating a Client’s Area

17 To Approve or Decline a Page

19 Site’s Language & Settings


19 Language Files

21 Mini Sites

21 Creating a Mini Site

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Administrator & Developer’s Guide

Installing InsiteCreation 2010

InsiteCreation 2010 can be installed on most shared hosts or dedicated servers that support ASP.NET 3.5.

Below are the general installation instructions for a shared host.

A. Database Setup

1. Create a blank database in MSSQL 2005/later.

2. Run storeproc.sql in Query Analyzer against your newly created database.

3. Run ASPNET_REGSQL.EXE in the .NET framework 2.0 folder:


Note that you don’t need to run ASPNET_REGSQL.EXE directly from your web server. You can use

any computer running .NET framework v.2.0 which has a connection (via internet or local network)

to your database server. The wizard that comes up will guide you through the setup.

B. Website Setup

1. Unzip InsiteCreation package.

2. Copy/ftp all files under the root of your website so that they can be accessed from:


3. Grant ASP.NET “write permission” to the resources folder.

4. Open file web.config using your preferred text editor.

a. Update the database connection setting in the web.config file.

For example:


<add name=”SiteConnectionString”

connectionString=”Data Source=DATABASESERVER;

Initial Catalog=DATABASENAME;





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b. Specify your mail settings. For example:



<smtp [email protected]>

<network host=””


[email protected] />




c. Choose a folder in your web server and grant “write permission” to it.

Then set the FileStorage setting in web.config with the folder location. For example:

<add key=”FileStorage” value=”D:\secure_storage”/>

Note: For secure storage, we recommend that you choose a folder on your hosting server

that is not accessible through HTTP.

C. Finalizing

1. Open http://YOURSERVER/setup/default.aspx where you can specify admin password.

2. Remove the file http://setup/default.aspx from your server.

3. Installation is complete. Open http://YOURSERVER.

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Administrator & Developer’s Guide

In InsiteCreation, content/pages are organized into channels. Channels can be created based on

departments in your company or organization. For example, you (as an Administrator) can create channels

such as “Accounting”, “IT Department”, “Support”, etc. You can even create channels for your customers or


Below is an illustration of a site structure with its channels:

Understanding Channels & Users

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In an Article Portal, for example, you can create a channel for each author so that each author has its own

area in which to post articles.

In a Club Website, for example, you can create a channel for Public or Members only.

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When creating a channel, the system will automatically create 6 roles for the channel to which users can be

assigned. For example: if we create a channel named “Members”, the following 6 Roles are created for it:


Subscribers Subscribers have read-only access to the content of the channel.

Members Authors Authors can contribute content to the channel (Create a Page, Edit a Page, and Delete a


Members Editors Editors are the first tier of the approval workflow. Authors must submit their work for

approval. An editor may approve or reject content submitted by Authors.



Publishers are the top tier of the approval workflow. A page approved by an Editor must go

to the Publisher(s) for final approval and publication; if no one is assigned to this channel,

work approved by an Editor is published directly to the site.

Note: If no Editor or Publisher is assigned, Authors may publish their work directly to the





Resource managers are able to upload resources (images, media files, documents, etc.) to

the channel.

Members Module

Managers Module managers are able to embed modules.

Because users are assigned to specific channels, it’s easy to give site visitors access to protected areas they

need to see, while keeping them locked out of areas where they don’t belong.

Note that a user may have more than one role.

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Creating a Channel

To create a channel, open your Dashboard, then select the Channels link.

1 Select Channels link.

Link to your Dashboard

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Choose a default template for the channel from the drop-

down list. Templates are pre-existing documents that define

the layout and overall appearance of your web pages.

5 Specify who will be able to access/view the channel content by choosing from the View Permission

drop-down list. There are 3 options under view permissions for each channel:

• Everyone (Anonymous Users); will make the channel content accessible to the public.

• All Users (Registered); will make the channel content accessible to all registered users.

• Channel’s Users only; will make the channel content accessible only to users who are

assigned rights to this specific channel (users that have one of the 6 channel’s Roles listed


6 Tick the Disable Collaborative Authoring checkbox if you want only the user who creates a

page to be able to edit that page.

7 Click the Create button to add your channel to the system.

2 All existing channels will be listed. 3 Enter a descriptive name for the

new channel.

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Channel View Permission

When creating a channel, we have three options to allow public or restricted access to the content within

the channel.

The 3 types of channel access (view) permissions are:

• Everyone (Anonymous Users); will make the channel content accessible to the public.

• All Users (Registered); will make the channel content accessible to all registered users.

• Channel’s Users only; will make the channel content accessible only to users who are assigned

rights to this specific channel (users that have one of the 6 channels’ Roles listed above).

Below is a summary of user rights within channels.

As seen on the table:

• Anonymous users cannot view content within the channel when view permission is set to All Users


Only registered users may view the content.

This type of channel is useful if you want to create a member area on your website where

only registered users may access the content.

• Not all registered users can view content within the channel when view permission is set to

Channel’s Users only. Only users that have one of the 6 Roles in that channel may access the

content. This type of channel is useful if you want to create a more private area on your website,

where only certain users (not all registered users) may access to the content.




Logged-in Users




Users with Role(s)


scribers Authors Editors Publishers













View View View














Modules All

All Users



- View View














Modules All


Users only - - View














Modules All

Note that if you are the only person who manages your website, after installation, you can just login as an

Administrator and start managing your website’s content. In this case, you don’t need to setup channels

and users.

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Example 1: Creating a Member Area

When planning your website, you may want to make some content available to the general public, while

making other content available only to members, such as club members or website subscribers. The

following steps explain how to create a member area:


Create a channel and set View

Permission to All Users (Registered).

In this example, we named the

channel: Members.

2 Go to a page that you’d like to make viewable by members only. In this

example, the page chosen is members.aspx (Creating a page will be explained

in the next section). On the page channel information, click the Change link to

open the Change Channel dialog.

3 Change the page channel to the

new Members channel and click Save.

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When creating the channel Members, the system will automatically create 6 Roles to which users can be


• Members Subscribers;

• Members Authors

• Members Editors

• Members Publishers

• Members Resource Managers

• Members Modules Managers

Since the Members channel view permission is set to All Users (Registered), then all registered users

(regardless of their own roles) may also view the content.

If you want to allow only users from a certain role, see example 2.


When site visitors try to open the members.aspx, a login

form will be displayed, requiring them to enter a valid

username and password to access the page. Since the

channel view permission is set to All Users (Registered), all

registered users will be able to login and open the page.

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Example 2: Creating a Clients’ Area

In much the same way that you might want to limit some content to all registered users, you may want to

provide your clients with a unique content area where they can securely view (or even modify) work in

progress, download project contracts, and access other sensitive documents. In this case, not all registered

users are able to open that area. Only users that are members of the Channel can open the area.

When this channel is created, the system will automatically create six roles to which users can be assigned:

1. Clients Subscribers

2. Clients Authors

3. Clients Editors

4. Clients Publishers

5. Clients Resource Managers

6. Clients Module Managers


Create a Channel and set View

Permission to Channel’s Users only.

This means that pages assigned to this

channel can be opened only by users

from this channel and not all

registered users. In this example, we

named the channel: Clients.

2 Go to a page that you’d like to make accessible only to your clients.

In this example, the page chosen is clients.aspx. On the page channel

information, click Change link to open Change Channel dialog.

3 Change the page channel

to the new Clients channel and click Save.

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As a result, the page will not be visible on site navigation.


5 Your clients will need to be logged in first (via the login link or login form provided on the

site) to be able to see links to any pages assigned to the Clients channel. Site users that

do not have one of the six roles listed above will not be able to see links to the

clients.aspx. Even if they know the URL, they won’t be able to access the page.

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To create a user, open your Dashboard.

1 Select the Users link.

Creating a User

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A list of all existing users will be displayed on the Users screen:

2 Fill in the new user information


Select one or more roles you want

the user to have.

Click Create to add the user to the

system. The message “Your account has

been successfully created.” will be



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InsiteCreation supports approval workflow that consists of Editor and/or Publisher approval.

You can assign users either as an Editor or Publisher in a channel so that the channel has an approval

workflow, otherwise pages in that channel will be published directly without approval.

When editing page content, you have either a Publish button or a Send for Review button.

If approval is needed, the Send for Review button is displayed; otherwise the Publish button will be


Publish Button Send for Review Button

Setting up Approval Workflow

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To Approve or Decline a Page To see a list of pages which have been submitted for approval, open your Dashboard.

2 An Approval Assistant is also available to users with an Editor or

Publisher role. Try selecting the Approval Assistant link.

1 Users who have an Editor or Publisher role will be

able to see the list of pages which have been

submitted for approval. Note that if a page is

submitted, it is passed to the Editors first and then to

the Publishers. Publishers will not see the page here

until it is approved by an Editor.

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You can also approve or decline a page by opening the page and using the Approve or Decline links in the

Page Info box.

4 Click the Approve button or the Decline button.

When a page is declined, the page is made available for the author to make revisions.


Select the page you

wish to approve or

decline from the list by

clicking the checkbox

next to that page.

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InsiteCreation allows you to change the language (culture) of your site. Your site will render the text,

captions, date, and number format according to the selected language (culture). Go to the Dashboard and

select Update Site Settings.

Language Files

A culture in InsiteCreation requires language files. If you select a culture for your site that doesn’t have

language files, then the default English language files will be used automatically.

Language files are found in the following folders:

• <yourwebsite>/App_LocalResources

• <yourwebsite>/dialogs/ App_LocalResources

• <yourwebsite>/systems/ App_LocalResources

• <yourwebsite>/modules/ App_LocalResources

Language files (also called resource files) are files with the extension “resx” that contain language

translation of the application text or captions. You can translate the application panels of InsiteCreation by

adding your language resource files. To translate the panels to German for example, duplicate all resource

files in the above folders and add “.de-DE” to the end of the file name. For example:


would be:

Site’s Language & Settings

2 Change culture setting here.

1 The Site Settings panel is


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You can then translate all the text or captions defined in the new resource files. The translation will be

applied automatically if the site has the culture setting set to German (Germany).

Below are some country codes you can use:

• da-DK - Danish (Denmark)

• de-DE - German (Germany)

• el-GR - Greek (Greece)

• en-US - English (United States)

• fi -FI - Finnish (Finland)

• fr-FR - French (France)

• it-IT - Italian (Italy)

• ja-JP - Japanese (Japan)

• nl-NL - Dutch (Netherlands)

• pl-PL - Polish (Poland)

• sv-SE - Swedish (Sweden)

• zh-CN - Chinese (People’s Republic of China)

• en-GB - English (United Kingdom)

• nl-BE - Dutch (Belgium)

• nn-NO - Norwegian, Nynorsk (Norway)

• es-ES - Spanish (Spain)

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InsiteCreation allows you to create multiple mini sites with different languages (cultures). With this feature,

you can:

• Create multiple-language sites,

• Create mini sites for each of your company’s departments,

• Create mini sites for each of your club members,

• Etc.

The term “mini” does not refer to the size of the site. You are able to create as many pages as you like on a

“mini” site, just as you would on the main site.

Creating a Mini Site

To create a new site, go to the Dashboard, then select the Manage Mini Sites menu. Follow the steps


1 Enter the Home Page for the

new site (ex. default-de.aspx for


2 Enter a Description (i.e.

“Germany (German)”.

3 Enter the Instruction Text as it

will appear in the country

selection drop-down menu.

Note: The country selection

drop-down menu is displayed

on your site only if you are


placeholderCountrySelect on

your template (See Template

Development section).

Country Selection drop-down.

4 Select the relevant Culture from

the drop-down list. This will

determine the formatting of

numbers and dates on the site

and will apply language files if

available. If language files for the

selected culture are not

available, the default English

language files will be used.

Language files will be explained

further in the next section.

5 Check the Set Active

checkbox to make your new

site visible in the country

selection drop-down menu.

6 Click the Create button to

create your new site.

Mini Sites

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7 A new site is now created. Try clicking the Go To link.

9 As you can see, the site is still empty. Before adding content, you may want to specify the

site name or logo to be displayed on the header, copyright info on the footer, and any

other design aspects.

Go to the Dashboard by selecting the My Dashboard link and then select the Templates


10 Click the Design link.

8 Now you are on the main page of your new site.

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Here are some facts about a mini site:

• A mini site is created in the same location (domain) of your existing site.

• A mini site has a separate menu/navigation system.

• Each mini site has a role called “Site Managers”. You can assign users to this role to be an

administrator of the site.

Here you can specify the design aspects of your site. 10

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InsiteCreation uses design templates to separate content from design. You can change the design of your

web page by applying a different template to the page.

Built-in Templates

Below are the built-in templates in InsiteCreation:

Template Development

Bubble 01 Bubble 02

Bubble 03 Clean 01

Clean 02 Clean 03

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Flash 01 Flash 02

Flash 03

Fresh 01

Fresh 02

Gradient 01

Elegant 01 Elegant 02

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Simple Blue Simple Green

Gradient 02 Simple 01

Simple Orange Simple Red

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Template Files

You can create your own template(s) or use the built-in templates provided by InsiteCreation. You can also

modify the built-in templates to meet your needs.

A basic template contains the following files:

• default.master, main template file.

• default.css, a stylesheet for the template file.

• print.master, template for printer friendly page

• editing.css, stylesheet for WYSIWYG Editor

TIP: You can copy these files from any built-in template and modify them according to your site design.

Adding a New Template

Before we look further at how to create a template, the steps below show how to add a new template to

use in InsiteCreation.


InsiteCreation files

Templates are located in the templates

folder. Copy your template files here.

In this example, we named our new

template folder: simple_01.

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Applying your Template

If you want to apply the template to all pages within a certain channel, go to the Dashboard and select the

Channels menu.

2 Go to the Dashboard

and select the

Templates menu.

Here you can register

the template. Fill in the

name and select the

folder simple_01.

Click Save to finish. Now the template is available

for use.


Click Edit on the channel in

which you want to apply

the template to all pages in

that channel.

2 Here you can change the

default template.


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If you want to apply your template to a specific page, go to that page and edit it.

In the next section, we will look further into the main template file: default.master.

3 You can change the page

template on the Page

Properties dialog.

Click Edit to edit

the page. 1

2 Select Page Properties.

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Creating a Template

Now we will look further at how to create a template. The main template file is the default.master file,

which contains mainly regular HTML code with placeholders for various elements (menu, title, body

content, etc). You can create and edit this file using any text editor. We would recommend that you use

Visual Web Developer which you can download from the Microsoft website.

Below are the basic requirements for the default.master template file:

1 It must inherit from InsiteCreation’s

BaseMaster class

2 A header element with the runat

property set to “server”

3 A link to default.css. You can copy & modify the

default.css from the InsiteCreation’s prebuilt template.

4 A Form element in the

form of <frm:Form ...>


Placeholders to display

title, body content, etc.

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Here is a simple example of a template with more placeholders and previews:

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Here is how your site would look with the template applied:

Besides the above placeholders, below are examples of other available placeholders you may use in your


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Here are empty placeholders that

you can use for any purpose.

You can embed modules in all

these placeholders by clicking the

Add Modules link.

Note: placeholderBody is the

placement of page content.

placeholderMenu_Tree placeholderLoginForm placeholderPageTools

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Placeholder Configuration

Several placeholders are configurable using the file: default.xml. This file is optional and can be added in

your template folder.

Here is the default.xml content:

Placeholder Configuration file

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Template Stylesheet

The stylesheet for a template is called default.css, located in the template folder. In this css file,

placeholders can be formatted according to your site design.

TIP: you can use/copy the default.css from any built-in template and modify it according to your site


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Optional Theme/Skin

A skin is used to format several controls used in your website, for example: GridView, TreeView,

Calendar, etc. Skins are optional.

To create a Skin, create a folder under the App_Themes folder with the sama name as your template

folder. For example, if you have a template located at: <yourwebsite>/templates/simple_01/ you would

then create a folder: <yourwebsite>/App_Themes/simple_01/

TIP: You can copy from <yourwebsite>/App_Themes/global/ and modify it according to your


In the Skin folder, you can also have a stylesheet file and even an image folder. The stylesheet will be

applied automatically to your site.

Skin file

Image folder

Stylesheet file

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Here is the Skin’s Stylesheet.css file:

Creating a Template that allows Online Design

Several built-in templates in InsiteCreation support online design. This means you can easily modify design

aspects of the templates using an online design panel without any coding required. Go to your Dashboard

and select the Templates link.

1 Try clicking the Design link on the

Gradient 01 template.

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When placing your cursor into the Background Color textbox, a color picker is displayed which allows you

to choose a color easily.

2 The Design panel will be displayed. Here you can fill-in the header text

(site name), upload a header image, change the background, etc.

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To create a template that supports online design, you need to add a few things in default.master and

default.xml files. To do this, follow the steps below:


Then on the header section, add css rules for formatting body & header elements.


As a summary, there are 5 elements required in the default.master file:

• pageBody

• panelHeader

• imgLogo

• litSiteName

• litCopyright

Finally, in the default.xml file, you must specify default settings for the

design elements above that will be used by the Restore Default

Settings button in the Design panel in order to return any changes

made back to their original settings.

1 Give an ID=”pageBody” to the BODY element


Create a Panel with the ID=”panelHeader”.

Give a CssClass=”header”. This is for the

header element.


Create a Literal control with the ID=”litSiteName”.

Give a default text, such as:

This is for placing the header text/site name.

3 Create an Image control with the

ID=”imgLogo”. This is for placing a logo.

5 Create a Literal Control with the ID=”litCopyright”. Give a

default text, such as: @2010, Your Company Name…

This is for placing copyright info.



Here you specify a default

background image and color.

Here you specify a default


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Creating Multiple Designs from a Single Template

A template which supports the online design feature is able to be used to create multiple templates with

different design settings. For example, you store your template in the folder: gradient_01 and then register

the template by giving it a name: Gradient 01.

After saving, the template is registered and by using the Design panel, you can modify the design aspects of

this template.

8 Here you specify the default

settings of the design elements.

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InsiteCreation allows you to create another new template by using the same gradient_01 folder. For

example, you give a new name: Gradient 01 new.

As a result, you now have another new template in which you can specify different design settings in the

Design panel. With this feature, a single template can produce multiple templates with different design


1 Different Name

2 Same folder

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Creating a Module

A module in InsiteCreation is simply an ASP.NET (ascx) User Control. You can find many references on the

internet about how to create ASP.NET User Controls. With ASP.NET User Controls you can create any

application and embed it onto any InsiteCreation page.

There is only one basic requirement for an InsiteCreation module:

Embedding a Module

First, you need to register the module.

A module should inherit from

InsiteCreation’s BaseUserControl

class. This line is a must. 1

1 Copy your module file into the modules folder on your

website. In this example, the module file is


Module Development

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Now, your module is ready to use.

To be able to embed a module on a page, first go to the page where you want to embed your module. If

you have an Administrator or Module Manager role, you will see the Add module link.


Enter the module

name and the ascx

file name.

Click Save to finish.

To register the module,

open your Dashboard,

then select the Modules

link. A list of built-in

modules will be displayed.


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4 Select the Add Module link to open

the Add Module dialog.


You will see your module is

listed here. Click the Add link

next to the module.

6 Your module is now embedded.

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Creating an Advanced Module

Using modules, you can enhance your InsiteCreation website with added applications.

A module/application sometimes requires some settings. For example, if you want to create a Youtube

module, you would need to specify which video you want to display.

You can hard-code this information, but this can reduce the flexibility of your module.

InsiteCreation allows you to define your own variables in your module (for example: youtube video tag,

width & height of the video, etc).

Here is an example of a module that allows you to specify a Youtube Video tag.

By using custom settings (in this example: Video Tag, width & height of the video), you can use the same

module to display various Youtube videos with flexible dimensions for the video display.

For storing the settings data as well as reading it, InsiteCreation provides several methods you can use:

- SetModuleData()

- SaveModuleData()

- GetModuleData()

1 Video Tag from


3 The Video Tag

is entered in

the module’s


Youtube video will be displayed after saving the settings.


The Settings

link is displayed

on the module

to open the

Settings dialog.


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Below, you will see how to create the Youtube Video module. We have named the file youtube.ascx.

Here is the full listing of youtube.ascx:

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We will look further at the code below.

1 Prepare a placeholder for the module’s settings.

In this example, we named the placeholder ID:


Create textboxes to

enter the Video Tag,

width, and height of

the video.

4 Add a Save button to save the Video Tag.

Use this block for the visibility settings of your module.

5 Add a link that will open

the Settings’ dialog.

6 Prepare a placeholder to show the module.

In this example we name the placeholder ID:

“plhModule”. 7

Here you can use Literal control to

display the Youtube video.



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Now you can read the data from the

“VideoTag” variable. To read the data,

you use GetModuleData.

8 Listed here is the Save settings method.

InsiteCreation provides a SetModuleData method where

you can define a variable to store any data. In this

example, we named the variable “VideoTag”.

If you have more than one variable, you call this method

multiple times.

Here is an example:

Then SaveModuleData should be called to save the data.


11 Add this block for the

module’s visibility

settings (see step 3).


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If the module setting hasn’t been specified,

do not display the module.

If Video Tag is specified, then you can

display the module/video.

Here you would need to specify who can

access the module settings.

The following is how to open the setting’s panel. Use the

method: mDialoginline and specify the panel Setting ID,

width & height of the panel dialog, and a title.


15 This block is required for

the module’s visibility

settings (see step 3).

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If your module requires user authorization, you can check the user’s roles using the following properties:

- IsUserLoggedIn; checks if user has logged-in. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsUserLoggedIn

- IsPublisher; shows if user has a Publisher role. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsPublisher

- IsSubscriber; shows if user has a Subscriber role. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsSubscriber

- IsAuthor; shows if user has an Author role. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsAuthor

- IsEditor; shows if user has an Editor role. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsEditor

- IsResourceManager; shows if user has a Resource Manager role. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsResourceManager

- IsAdministrator; shows if user has an Administrator role. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsAdministrator

- IsReader; shows if user doesn’t have any role assigned or has a Subscriber role. Value: true/false.

Example: Me.IsReader

A custom module can also obtain several items of page/site information:

- PageID; ID of the current page where the module is embedded.

Example: Me.PageID

- Culture; Culture name of the current page where the module is embedded.

Example: Me.Culture

Sample value: ‘en-US’ or ‘de-DE’ (depends on the culture setting of the current site - See the

Sites & Localization panel)

- RootFile; Home page of the current page.

Example: Me.RootFile

Sample value: ‘default.aspx’ or ‘default-de.aspx’ (See the Sites & Localization panel)

- RootID; ID of the Home page.

Example: Me.RootID

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Listings in InsiteCreation are template-driven. With a listing template you can format the look and feel of

your listing and specify its behavior.

Below is an example of the “Photo Gallery” listing template applied to a page:

Listing Template Development

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Creating a Listing Template

To create a listing template, go to the Dashboard and select the Listing Templates menu.



Add a new listing template

here. Enter a name and

specify any existing listing

template to use as a base

template that you can

modify later. In this example,

we named the listing

template: File Explorer.

Click Save.


The File Explorer listing template is now

created. Click Edit to customize the


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4 Here you can configure the listing template.

A listing template contains 4 HTML templates:

- Header

- Footer

- Item (a recurring HTML to display listing entries)

- Script (can be used to embed javascript)

In item template, for example, you can add some


[%TITLE%] for displaying a title,

[%SUMMARY%] for displaying a summary, etc.

5 To create a File Explorer style of listing, enter this

HTML code in the Header field.

7 Try this HTML code in the Item field. This will

format each listing item to look like the


6 In the Footer field, add closing tags for

the two DIV elements you added on the

Header. You’ll see later that this will

create a simple box where we will

display our listing:

8 The Calendar-based Listing feature is provided

to manage periodically updated content such as

newsletters, journals, blogs, etc.

Leave this setting unchecked.

9 The General Listing feature is provided to manage

general purpose listings such as directories, FAQ

pages, knowledge base pages, photo galleries, or

even e-commerce enabled product lists.

For this example, this option is checked.

10 There are 2 options for a General Listing page:

- Include listing entries in the sitemap

- Exclude listing entries from the sitemap

If you choose Exclude listing entries from sitemap, your

listing entries will not be displayed on the site menus.

This option is recommended for managing a large

number of entries. You will also be able to specify the

listing ordering.

11 The Use categories to organize listing

entries option allows you to organize

listing entries using custom categories.

You can leave this option unchecked.

12 Content Template is a template used to format page

content (title, body content, etc.). Use General Content

for basic formatting.

To modify Content Templates, go to your Dashboard, and

select the Content Template menu.

Click Save & finish.

Now, we are ready to use the listing template.

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14 Try creating a new page and

check the “Make this page a

listing/gallery” option.

The “File Explorer” is available

on the listing templates


Choose this template and

publish the page.

15 On the newly created page try

uploading some files.

16 Finished! Here is the result.