Insights on social media optimization in canada

The article highlights on the popularity of social media in Canada and the far reaching benefits in giving the small businesses comprehensive online presence. Social media marketing has evolved to yield tremendous benefit to the small business enterprises. Social media marketing, especially social media optimization services have immensely contributed to increase a business’s online presence and visibility, ultimately helping them in generating volumes of web traffic. The latest concept incurring to this beneficial concept is local social media marketing . Localized SMM services are useful for those businesses which render services to a specific geographic area (specific towns or cities). With the help of local SMM services, these small localized businesses can penetrate into the local competitive market, target the potential customer base and drive the local traffic to their business websites.

Transcript of Insights on social media optimization in canada

Page 1: Insights on social media optimization in canada

The article highlights on the popularity of social media in Canada and the far reaching benefits in giving the small businesses comprehensive online presence.

Social media marketing has evolved to yield tremendous benefit to the small business enterprises. Social media marketing, especially social media optimization services have immensely contributed to increase a business’s online presence and visibility, ultimately helping them in generating volumes of web traffic. The latest concept incurring to this beneficial concept is local social media marketing. Localized SMM services are useful for those businesses which render services to a specific geographic area (specific towns or cities). With the help of local SMM services, these small localized businesses can penetrate into the local competitive market, target the potential customer base and drive the local traffic to their business websites.

Just as in other countries of the globe, social media has been continuing to leave its mark in Canada. The usage of social media varies between the demographic groups in the aforementioned country. Statistics reveal that more than 70% of the Canadians use social media websites. Amongst all, Facebook is the most popular and populated social networking site in Canada with 70% of people have a Facebook account. 47% of Canadians use Twitter and 20 % of Canadians use MySpace. Thus, it is aptly clear that the ever growing prospect of social media in Canada has compelled the business owners in the country to integrate social media marketing into their business agenda. These business houses usually hire professional SMM companies to assist them in local social media marketing campaign.

Page 2: Insights on social media optimization in canada

Social media marketing services do not require extravagant investment. SMM involves a gamut of techniques and strategies for enhancing the online visibility of the businesses. With social media optimization in Canada, one of the key tools of SMM, a business house can derive most optimal outcome.

In SMO services, participation holds the key. Social media platforms facilitate swift communication and thus you should always seek to update the social media sites and also respond to customer's queries and feedback. Social media optimization Canada provides tremendous opportunity to promote your brands in subtle tactful manner.

Social media optimization Canada offers you the opportunity to interact with prospective customers by linking your site with different social media platforms. Linking your site to Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube, Flickr and more will popularize your brand. Then there is cross linking campaign, which again enhances the popularity. The SMO experts are competent in cross linking as they may connect the company blogs with your Facebook business profile. 58 % of Canadians use blog, wherein 74 % use blog for personal purposes while 57% take part in blogging activities for business promotions, and 35 % for both the purposes. Hence blog commenting and blog posting will increase the visibility of your business.

Local social media marketing requires you to have pre-defined goals and objectives. A professional SMM company herein helps the small businesses to establish their network through a gamut of social media platforms. For example, promotion through is one of the best ways to stay in touch with the local residents. 29% of Canadians are using Flickr. has communities wherein the active members upload images and also talk about also talk about local news and local businesses. There are groups where discussions take place and taking part in these discussions will make you known in the network.

Local social media marketing through Facebook allows you to enlist a hometown for your business and once enlisted, your business will be exposed to the home network and you can reach out to the local customers. Another prospective social media platform is Twitter where there is a geo-search option. Once you mention the city you operate along with it’s the state and zip code, you will get a list of messages of the people's activities who reside in the similar location. Hence, it becomes easier to find the customers who are at vicinity.

Services pertaining to social media optimization Canada also utilize local review sites, social bookmarking sites, and classified sites to promote your business for geo-specific location. The multimedia sites such as Vimeo and YouTube are also prospective platforms for promoting your business. 38% of people surveyed in Canada log in YouTube and hence promotion through YouTube will give commendable exposure to your business.

Page 3: Insights on social media optimization in canada

61% of businesses owners in Canada opined that they track people’s comments and views about their online brand. Thus, social media optimization Canada is one of the beneficial services that will help promote your business in best ways so as to generate comprehensive traffic and gain solid online presence.