Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K...

Inside This Issue New Building…...…1 Dr. Karp……….……...2 Liz Massie.......…2 Australia Fire……….2 Decade History…...3 20 Mil Trees.……….3 New Years………….3 Sports ………..……..4 Track/Field……...…4 Techie Talk…….…..4 6th Grade Trip..….5 7th Grade Trip.…..5 Dear Sam……..…....6 Culinary Corner .....6 Kids Heart.……..…..6 JOURNALISM STAFF Editors Ariela Brody Lucio Portillo Co-Editors: Ernest Plokhotnichenko Giselle Baron Assistants: Shirel Albergel After more than a year of waiting, the Building 10 is up and run- ning! The building includes many new and exciting features. On Mon- day, January 12, students and teachers started to move in. Members of the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new building is located where the old basketball courts used to be. The bottom of the building has a new basketball court with six hoops. The court is enclosed at the top but has two open walls which can let in a breeze. On both sides, the building has a staircases and eleva- tors which lead to the second and third floors. The interior has a blue and green color palette that differs from the other colors in the school. The two floors both have nine rooms, two bathrooms, and an office. The second floor contains the fourth graders and the third has the fifth grad- ers. The restrooms are the most modern in our school facility, having hand dryers, and two full body mirrors. Stop by and visit! Mrs. Castillo & Mrs. Russos Journalism Team January 31st, 2020 Volume 8, Issue 4 By: Ben Romani New Addition to the Bobcat Campus Bobcat Times

Transcript of Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K...

Page 1: Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K · the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new

Inside This Issue

New Building…...…1

Dr. Karp……….……...2

Liz Massie..….....…2

Australia Fire……….2

Decade History…...3

20 Mil Trees.……….3

New Years………….3

Sports ………..……..4


Techie Talk…….…..4

6th Grade Trip..….5

7th Grade Trip.…..5

Dear Sam……..…....6

Culinary Corner.....6

Kids Heart.……..…..6



Ariela Brody

Lucio Portillo


Ernest Plokhotnichenko

Giselle Baron


Shirel Albergel

After more than a year of waiting, the Building 10 is up and run-ning! The building includes many new and exciting features. On Mon-day, January 12, students and teachers started to move in. Members of the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new building is located where the old basketball courts used to be.

The bottom of the building has a new basketball court with six hoops. The court is enclosed at the top but has two open walls which can let in a breeze. On both sides, the building has a staircases and eleva-tors which lead to the second and third floors. The interior has a blue and green color palette that differs from the other colors in the school. The two floors both have nine rooms, two bathrooms, and an office. The second floor contains the fourth graders and the third has the fifth grad-ers. The restrooms are the most modern in our school facility, having hand dryers, and two full body mirrors.

Stop by and visit!

Mrs. Castillo & Mrs. Russo’s

Journalism Team

January 31st, 2020 Volume 8, Issue 4

By: Ben Romani

New Addition to the

Bobcat Campus

Bobcat Times

Page 2: Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K · the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new

Australia Fire Awareness

Lately, Australia has been in a crisis of a huge wildfire that has been spreading quickly. To con-tribute to this problem people can donate to the “Australian Red Cross”. All proceeds will go to aid people in recovery centers. Donations also assist people with evacuating the area of the fire. Another foundation that can help is “Salvation Army” which pro-vides food to people and is also working to assist them evacuate. Donating to some foundations not only raises money for people in need, but some foundations donate to help firefighters like “The Country Fire Service” in South Australia. Civilians can

also help by finding any spare change or sending packages of water and other supplies to the foundations that collect it.

Exclusive Interview with Dr. Karp

Skyping with Liz Massie

On December 19, 2019, Isabel-

la Moreira and Valentina ----

Garcia attended an interview

where Dr. Martin S. Karp, a

board member of the Miami-

Dade School Board, talked

about his proposals, projects,

and policy initiatives for Dis-

trict three in the Miami-Dade

County. Some of his proposals

are: the introduction of stand-

up desks in classrooms, instal-

lation of fruit and vegetable

snack vending machines on

school campuses, reducing the

on-campus use of e-cigarettes,

and informing students of the

risks and health effects of vap-

ing, providing job training and

employment opportunities for

students with disabilities, and

much more. The most recent

projects that he has worked on

are extending programs for

autistic students over the age of

twenty-two, targeting mental

health in schools, and extend-

ing the securities for any

school (public or charter). Dr.

Karp has served as the Miami-

Dade School Board’s Vice-

Chair for four years and this

year is his final year. He be-

lieves in teamwork and contin-

uing implementation of new

ideas to make sure the district

continues to surpass other dis-

tricts and remain highly com-

petitive. Dr. Karp has commit-

ted himself to decreasing high

By: Max Delcarlo

By: Kristina Konovalova

By: Ernest Plokhotnichenko

Liz Massie, a director/producer for over 15 different networks, likes her job because it takes acting and adds photography to it. Liz is also a single mother, which makes her job even harder. Her favorite genre to produce is “History” and “Fact vs Fiction” how-ever her latest films and shows are based on crime. She also launched AHC’s most successful se-ries, America: Fact vs Fiction. Liz says that her favorite part of her jobs is meeting new people. One thing that she has never done is produced com-petitive reality. Also, she says the most important part of being a producer is that you must procrastinate. When Liz first became a producer, her family didn’t support her financially. She has produced multiple award-winning films such as the Wolf and an American hit series Ancient Assassins. This month’s interview was very excit-ing and educational.

school dropouts. The programs

City Year, AVID, and College

Summit have helped high

schoolers with this problem.

City Year provides a communi-

ty for unmotivated students,

providing positive energy, Col-

lege Summit has the 12th grad-

ers help the 9th graders, and

AVID has classes to help them

fill applications and has note-

taking classes. Hopefully, all

these projects and ideas will

add on to the Miami-Dade

County and improve all the

school campuses.

Page 3: Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K · the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new

After being challenged by

the internet, popular YouTube content creator, Mr. Beast, decided to plant

20 million trees by the time 2020 arrives. However, he

could not perform this huge feat by himself. So, he

asked the internet for help. He partnered with a non-

profit charity organization named Arbor Day Founda-tion to collect enough funds

in order to plant the trees. Each dollar donated is con-

verted into a tree that is planted by the organization.

Many celebrities have do-nated to the cause, including Elon Musk (The CEO of

Tesla and SpaceX) and To-bias Lütke (The CEO of

Shopify). The first donation was a $100,000 donation

from Mr. Beast himself. The mission of TeamTrees is to

help save the Earth, by planting trees, with the help of many kind people around

the globe through the inter-net. TeamTrees has already

planted 15 million trees and hopes to plant 5 million

more before the start of 2020. Any donations help the cause, no matter how

much it might be. Please try and donate to TeamTrees at to help the Earth and its inhabitants.

Highs and Lows of the Last Decade

To start off this new year, students from the Journalism team

reached out to teachers and students for their resolution for Ruth K.

Broad K-8 Center. The question asked was: “What changes do you

want to see in our school for 2020?”

Leo Battiston, a fourth-grade student from Ms. Grangeiro and

Ms. Miles’ class, said that his resolution is to keep the new building look-

ing like it does now. He hopes that it can stay clean and look pleasant.

Ms. Cendoya, a fifth-grade teacher, hopes to see students be

more kind to each other in general. Even the small acts of kindness would

put a smile on her face.

Christopher Kennedy, a sixth-grade student, wants to see the ele-

mentary and middle school renovated. Improvements such as painting the

walls, cleaning and fixing the restrooms, and having the school looking

like a better place.

Mr. Giordano, a middle school Math teacher, would like for the

students to be more respectful and take care of the school a bit more. Plac-

es like the cafeteria and bathrooms are where he thinks need the most


Carolyn Bartroff, the school president, wants to have students more involved in the activities there are in this school since the campus is

expanding. For example, starting a basketball and volleyball team. By: Alessio Fleites

You Say You Want a Resolution?


The Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the

world. At a height of 2,722 feet, it was offi-

cially opened in Dubai. The construction of

this building started in 2004 and was complet-

ed in 2009. However, it opened in 2010.


Fidel Castro resigned from the Communist

Party of Cuba's central committee after 45

years of holding the title. Over 500,000 Castro

-supporters surrounded the Presidential Palace

demanding Urrutia's resignation, which he



Olympics was hosted in London, United King-

dom. It was opened by the Queen of England

and 10,768 athletes participated.


Prince George was born in London, United

Kingdom in St. Mary’s hospital. He is the

Prince of Cambridge.


A robot makes a first-ever comet landing. This

robot landed on a moving comet it had low

battery and it landed in a dark spot so the solar

panels couldn’t recharge. But it was still able

to transfer data to the space station.


The “Watch Me Whip” dance blew up and

became extremely popular with people danc-

ing to the song. Drake dropped the song

“Hotline Bling” which was very popular.


The presidential election occurred and Donald

Trump, a real estate developer, was elected.

Him and Hilary Clinton were very close in

votes but, Donald Trump took the lead

(Trump: 304 Clinton: 227).


Fidget spinners became extremely popular in

2017 with about 19 million purchases world-

wide. Also, the floor is lava became popular

and many kids played this game. A lunar

eclipse occurred. which takes place every 3

years. Luis Fonsi got the title for the most

viewed video on YouTube, “Despacito.”


The yodeling kid went viral and inspired other

people to do things like him. Fortnite, the

video game created in 2017, became super

popular and kids from all over the world

played it. A children’s video, “Baby Shark,”

was posted on YouTube and it became viral.


PewDiePie vs. T series occurred, which was

the race to 100 million subscribers on

YouTube. The last Star Wars movie was pro-

duced. Donald Trump was also, impeached

after several voting's.


Happy New decade! To be continued...

20 Million


By: Peter Roca

By: Giselle Baron

Page 4: Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K · the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new

Five steps to draw on


1) Go into Microsoft Word

and choose “blank docu-

ment” (don’t get into word

from OFFICE 365).

2) In the bottom left corner

of the screen choose files.

3) Then choose options.

4) A pop-up window will


5) Just choose ribbon.

Thanks to Ignacio Bustil-

los and Juan Dalceggio for

giving us the information

for the last issue and this


By: Janat Alkobadi

By: Jonah Schucher and Janat Alkobadi

#Mamba4Life Sadly, Kobe “Black Mamba” Bry-ant has just passed away on Janu-ary 26, 2020 in a tragic helicopter crash in Calabasas, CA. There

were eight others on board includ-ing his daughter, 13-year-old Gian-na. Kobe’s privately-owned heli-copter was on its way to Mamba Academy for Gianna’s Game. It is believed that the cause was the

weather conditions at the time, ground control was asked by the pilot for permission to fly through the fog. Kobe was a Los Angeles Laker for his 20-season career and because of this tragic event the Lakers v. Clippers game was post-

poned until January 31, 2020. Many players and teams have payed homage to this legend with writing on their shoes and 24/8 second violations at the start of games because those were his two

By: Logan Brennan

Run to Live. Live to Run. Track and field is a variety of differ-

ent athletic competitions that take

place on an athletic track. This

sport is being fully paid for by the

PTA including practice equipment,

uniforms, and the meets which cost

$100 each. It’s a learning experi-

ence for our students. There are

many events at the meets, but our

school has only participated in the

following events: Shot Put Throw

and 100-Meter Dash. In the first

event, one of our participants named

Mathew Baltodano scored 5th place

out of 25 participants and Arthur

Gambarte scored 6th place. The team

coaches are looking for girls with a

lot of body strength. There will be

jersey numbers. Kobe was not only a great person on the court but even better off the court. He did many things for his commu-nity such as buying out a whole theater for

kids who are less fortunate and building a training center called “Mamba Academy.” He also won an Oscar for his movie “Dear Basketball.” Kobe was a father of four with a seven-month-old. Kobe was mostly recognized for his achievements on the

court such as five NBA Championships, two NBA Championship MVPs, one NBA MVP, two Best NBA Player ESPY Award, and the ESPY Icon Award.

about five more meets this season. It

ends mid-February and there will be

many more seasons soon to come.

As the meets go on, our students will

get to participate in more and more

events including long jump and high

jump. Practices are held every Tues-

day and Thursday after school in the

middle school shelter. Many stu-

dents who are in cross country have

also joined track and field and they

love it. If anyone wants to join this

team, stop by and see the coaches

anytime you want.

Techie Talk

Page 5: Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K · the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new

“January brings the snow, Makes our feet and fingers glow.”

By: Cullen Wilkinson

6th Grade Goes to Disney

7th Grade Goes to Universal RKBBH organized a field trip for 7th Grade to go to “Islands of Adventure” in Universal. Islands of

Adventure features many rides, for example, The Hulk and Spiderman. To get to the park on time stu-

dents had to be on the bus at 5:15 am. Once the trip was over, the kids had to be back at the bus at

6:30 pm to get back to the school at around 11:00 pm. Overall, the 7th graders had a marvelous time

during the field trip.

By: Shirel Albergel and Kristina Kanovalova

Students had an early start leaving at 5 in the morning and arrived in Orlando around 10 am. It was a 4-hour trip, but

so worth it! The buses made a rest stop halfway. The weath-er was sunny and cool. The groups walked around the park, shopped, watched shows, met Disney characters, and rode

many rides. Some groups got Fast Passes for many rides. Some of the rides were Tower of Terror, Rock N’ Roller Coaster, and the Slinky Dog Dash. Some of the lines were

short, and the others were about 2 hours long. Halfway through the day, the students used their food vouchers to eat lunch. Some of the cafes and restaurants were PizzeRizzo,

Backlot Express, and Rosie's All-American Café. The stu-dents also visited the new Star Wars: Galaxy's Edge! Around 5 o’clock the students ate dinner. At 6 pm the buses

left the park and arrived at Bay Harbor Islands at 10 pm. Everyone enjoyed the trip and many memories were made.

Page 6: Inside This Issue obcat Times - Ruth k. Broad Bay Harbor K · the Bobcat family say the school feels less crowded as the new

Dear Sam,

Dear Sam, my parents tend to get angry whenever I get a C or lower on my

report card. How can I ease their anger? First, you should always try your best

to meet your parents’ expectations (you should try your best in class either way).

Not only will this please your parents, but your hard work now may help you in

the future when applying to a college or high school. If you do end up getting C’s,

don’t hold onto your report card avoiding showing it to your parents. You should

be straight forward with your parents and not hold anything back. It’s always bet-

ter when your parents know that you are not hiding anything from them so that

they can trust you. Be completely honest with your parents and don’t make excus-

es. If your parents can trust you then that should make things at least a little bet-


Dear Sam, I frequently do my work at the last minute, how can I prevent

myself from continuing this action? When you do your work late it’s called, procrastination. It can not only worsen your grades but also your physical health. It can lead to depression, anxiety, and stress. One important tip to prevent pro-

crastination is starting your work earlier. Work on the assignment gradually over time as to not exhaust yourself. Secondly, try to plan your assignment, think of a way on how you’re going to progress more and steadily finish your assignment on

time. You will most likely get an excellent grade. And lastly, be confident in your

By: Anthony Vazquez and Samuel Behar

Here is a delicious Thai vegetable soup recipe: 20-30 min. Directions: 1. Warm 2 tbsp of olive

oil in a large saucepan over medium heat.

2. Add 1 chopped onion, stirring frequently until softened, about 10 minutes.

3. Add 3 cups of sliced shiitake mushrooms and sauté for 5 minutes

4. Stir in 1 quart of vege-table broth and 1 cup of coconut milk, bring to a simmer.

5. Reduce heat to medi-um, add two cups of chopped broccoli and 1 tablespoon of ginger root and cook broccoli until it is bright green, 3-5 minutes.

6. Stir in 1 tablespoon of lime juice and 1/4 ta-blespoon of sea salt.

7. Ladle soup into bowls and garnish with cilant-ro.

8. Serve!



By: Ariela Brody

Kids Heart Challenge This year, the Kids Heart Challenge occurred on the 13th and 14th of Janu-ary. This event was put together to earn money to be donated to the Ameri-can Heart Association. This organization helps find a cure for heart dis-eases. The activities for this year increased. They included football, soccer, ping pong, jump ropes, hula hoops, and a middle school game called pris-

oner dodgeball. This event promotes education about exercising in any form. This year also in-cluded the Spaghetti Challenge, where anyone who donated $100 or more could dump spa-ghetti on any of the physi-cal education teachers. This great idea was in-spired by middle school physical education teach-er, Ms. Perez. Who would have thought that such a

By: Joseph Holley and

Giacomo Battiston

fun thing also brought an amazing outcome to our school. Ruth K. Broad Bay Harbor K-8 Center earned a whopping $3,228.54 with all the donations kids made to his awesome cause.