Inside The Company #1

Inside The Company Newsletter MEM Fashion! staring: Abdi Yusuf Filip Dzafic a.o. 3rd years managers’ advice #1 Highlights of SSW 2014


A newsletter for students of Media & Entertainment Management about the activities that are taking place in the M&EM learning company.

Transcript of Inside The Company #1

Page 1: Inside The Company #1

Inside The CompanyNewsletter

MEM Fashion!staring:Abdi YusufFilip Dzafic a.o.

3rd years managers’ advice


Highlights of SSW 2014

Page 2: Inside The Company #1

Hey dear readers!

We are starting our sweet journey through this amazing Media Production module! We want you to know what we are busy with during this module, therefore we are releasing this newsletter. In the letter you will find various stories about different aspects, including our life in the Learning Company as well as personal experiences with this place :)

This very first edition of ours is going to be filled with stories about the Study start week, which still makes most of us to smile. What is more, you will read and ofcourse use some of the useful tips from the 3rd year students to the 1st year ones! During the time we will try to cover all the sectors that students are working in. This edition is starting off with Print sector! But what are the practical assignments for if you do not have no ideas where to work yet? Job opportunities will be discussed in this newsletter as well!

So, do not wait anything and turn the next page! Let’s start our history together!


Indre, Chris, Nina & [email protected]+31 (0) 58 24 41

MEM Newsletter

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4. 1st year’s on Media Operations

5. Advice for you!

6. MEM Fashion

7. Print Sector

8. Job Opportunities?

9. Lecturer of the Week

10. Highlights of SSW 2014

11. The Wall of F(sh)ame

MEM Newsletter

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1st year’s on Media OperationsTobia Drevenstedt, 23. (Germany)Tobias Drevenstedt is a first year Media and Entertainment Management student and started his study in February. He is 23 years old and comes from Germany, Osnabrueck. Why did you choose to study Media and Entertainment?“I choose to do this study because I have experience with media. I made an apprenticeship for Media Design in Germany before, in an agency for advertising. Besides that I choose to study in Leeuwarden because I would like to improve my English language and of course my Dutch language.Because I started my study in February I have finished the modules Media in its Context and Media and Marketing. And I passed both!!”

Currently you are in the module Media Productions. What do you expect of this module, which sector do you think you will prefer and what do you think of the Learning Company?“I think I will like AV the most, because we will make a real television broadcasting. Actually, I think music will be the hardest sector because we have to find a real band that wants to record a song with us. But I think I will like all the assignments of the four sectors. The atmosphere in the Learning Company is very good, my group is nice and works hard, our managers are willing to help us, the lectures are very useful and last but not least, the software on the computers works fine!!”

Jan Otto, 24. (Germany).Can you tell something about yourself?‘I’m Jan Otto. I’m 24 and from a small town close to Dortmund in Germany.’

Why did you choose to study here, at Stenden?‘Stenden basically has better study conditions. The study is also offered in Germany, but here at Stenden the topics are different. This study is wider and you can specialize in different sectors.’Is this your first or third module?‘This is my third module; I am from the February stream.’

What did you expect from this module?‘I looked forward to this module because of the practical work. Especially after two modules of reading books and theoretical work. I heard some stuff from others about this module so I knew that we were going to work with programs like PhotoShop and InDesign. I like the fact that we are making a real product here instead of just writing about it. It’s more rewarding.’

What is your first impression of this module, does it fits/match what you were expecting?‘I like that this module contains all the sectors and that you don’t have to choose one for the next 8 weeks. However, with the two weeks you get for one project, the planning is not really realistic. There is not enough time to do this kind of projects in two weeks. Nevertheless, we get to know all the sectors and that’s great.’

What do you think of the learning company?‘The learning company is a great workspace. I like that all the people that are here can help each other out and that there are not really separate groups. The open space here makes it relaxed and not too structured. All this makes it have a nice atmosphere.’

Ria Kramer & Mirte HouwingPrint managers

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Advice for you!

Lets be honest, everybody on a new school had that one moment in their first week when they thought; my old school was easy, I miss that place.It’s a completely normal feeling but trust me, it will be over soon. In the next few weeks you will be too busy with all the work you will have to do with your project group and homework to think about your old beloved school. The first few weeks are often the busiest, because everything is new. Just hang in there and make sure you will not get behind with your schoolwork.After this hectic period everything will be fineand you will find the time to actually enjoy your time here at Stenden.

What helped me through this first period was to always make my homework as soon as possible. By doing this you will have some peace of mind after you are finished. Also the work you have to do won’t build up to an unmanageable big pile.

What is also important is to party hard! Why you would ask? (or not) because the outcomes of the parties are not only the huge hangover, but also connections! In our field (media & entertainment management) it is very important to know people around you. To be honest, you will never know who is going to be your boss (take that in mind :))

My last advise is to try the noodles they make in the canteen. They are the best and will provide you with enough energy to work hard at school.

Keep working hard and you will make it. Good luck!

New Media Manager

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MEM Fashion

You walk around the streets, are present in clubs and restaurants and everywhere you go, you see people with a different style. Fashion is a broad term and means having sense for what to wear and when. Some people love wearing baggy clothes and caps while others prefer blouses and hats.

Within the M&EM Learning Company there are also a lot of people that are fashionably dressed, such as the students on the right. They combine dark red coloured jeans with a shirt or pullover over it. Along with it one of them wears a rather old fashioned grey hat and dark glasses and the other one wears a beanie and glasses as well. They both have a modern street style and look really fresh and cool.

The same counts for the girl, who has a sense for what goes with what. She wears a blurred blue jeans, a dark shirt and therewith a jacket in zebra-style. Her bag gives it all the special touch.

Another style that is to be caught is a sporty and cool one, as you can see on the right. This student is wearing a t-shirt, combined with a hoodie jack-et, shorts and sneakers. What makes his appearance flashy is his bag in military style.

Clothes make the man, as they say.

New Media Manager

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Print Sector

possibly have an article of your own published in the finalised edition of the @Mem. I was lucky enough to have been in the last group from my module to take on the Print sector module component. It maximised my ability to get a grasp of current affairs and get my article published while the news was still fresh. I really enjoyed the friendly feeling of inter-group competition and the need to write the best article. It is still my favourite academic experience to-date. Group F right now have a larger challenge though; How can they write an article that will still be interesting 10 weeks down the line when the @Mem is finally published?

Group F’s brains are storming, but they are showing some real creativity in order to overcome their dilemma. Networking in this case is the real key. Speaking to people, finding the news items, and finding a way to add depth to their items to make them competitive against the work of the other groups in their module.

I have full confidence in them as a group, despite their disposition, and I always like to support the underdog. While I have the responsibility to guide them, the work is their responsibility and I’m excited to see how their project develops over the next week.

Once again Stenden’s M&EM Learning Company is gearing up for the first module of the year. Everyone has freshly returned from their summer break and there is a slight feeling of the proverbial cobwebs being shaken off. The atmosphere is still good though and work is rapidly progressing.

The Media Operations module is the favourite module for many past and present attendees. It is fast-paced, exciting, and provides first years and third years alike with a very welcome break from the monotiny of theoretical studies.

At the time of writing, the module is only 3 days in and many students have voiced their apprehension for the uncertainties ahead. there is a definite feeling of excitement however. International first year students of Group MOPS1F; Rayane, Samuil, Timo and Sylvester are putting their finnishing touches on their project plan and making final decisions on the articles that they want to include in the @Mem magazine. Choices as always. So much happening in the media world, so much happening in Leeuwarden, and at Stenden, and so much information for Group F to process. Their biggest challenge, they tell me, is answering the question; What is really news-worthy content? Not only that, but what will be news-worthy content at the time of publishing around mid November?

Speaking from my own experience, the Print sector component of the module is the most difficult one of all, especially as there is the added incentive to

Print Manager

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Job Opportunities?When studying Media & Entertainment Management there are a lot of jobs that will be available to you! After the module Media Operations in the learning company you will have learned a lot of practical skills. Such as the use of Adobe Photoshop and Adobe InDesign. But also get an insight into the productions of a TV program and the inner workings of how a music band records a song. These developed skills in the learning company will be very useful in future jobs.

To give you a small impression of what is possible not only in the Netherlands, but also abroad for the Internationals student. There is the Broadcasting job, working for radio or television broadcasting. Or working for a television production show, being an executive. Like a friend of mine who did Media & Entertainment Management and got his diploma and landed a job working for ID&T after a yearlong internship with them.

He still works there today, working together with the biggest names in the industry. And setting up big events like Tomorrowland, Sensation, Mysteryland and Trance Energy, etc.

The possibilities of what you can do with the skills you learn at the learning company are quite extensive. So learn what you can, and maybe you will land a nice job in one of the

many working areas relevant to Media.

New Media Manager

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Lecturer of the week

Marijke started out working as a journalist but stopped fourteen years ago. Now she is working at Stenden University for about five years where she’s a tutor in the Learning Company for the sector Print. And what most of you maybe don’t know, she’s also part of the Exam Committee.

In the practice module Media Operations, first year students need to write articles for the @MEM and come up with their own Magazine. They need to do research on their magazine’s topic and design their own cover in InDesign.

She tells her students often: “Be curious, ask people the questions you want to know and dis-cover the world of media!”

What she likes most about working at the Learning Company are students with a passion and she enjoys making a media product together.

Despite the fact she’s not working as a journalist anymore for years now, she still misses it. She still feels the urge and curiosity to find out the latest news.

The moments she remembers most are the acts during MEM@Live, where first year students are performing at Poppodium Romein. From that moment she already can look forward to working with these creative students in the Learning Com-pany.

Finally, we all know that journalists are not good at keeping secrets. Therefore we already can inform you that there may be some upcoming changes in the Learning Company. As it seems, the sectors Print and New Media are merging and will form the sector “Publishing”. In this section first year students get four weeks to make a digital @MEM.

Marijke Schuilenburg9MEM Newsletter

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Highlights of SSW 2014In the week before the actual school program starts, Stenden organizes it’s SSW.So did Stenden in 2014. In this article we will look back at a fun week with many activities and parties.The first day of the 2014 edition of the Study Start Week was organized by Leip intro, together with other intro students from different schools and universities in Leeuwarden.The day was filled with many cultural activities like painting and dancing. Next to that, the day was closed with a party in the Harmonie

On Tuesday morning and afternoon we were occupied by many games. All these games were played against different MEM groups, so a lot of competition was going on. After the games, there was a dinner ready at the Walrus. The evening program was filled with a pub crawl and a pleasure party at Club Red. It was a long night, but also a fun night. Wednesday we had to kick off the day with an official part. The students got a tour through Stenden and got a lecture PBL.

After the official part the students had time to prepare for MEM Live, which followed that evening. Many students were well prepared for MEM Live and gave outstanding performances. Also the winning group was out of this world. Their dance was very energetic. I wish I participated in their performance.The last day we did the ‘Wie is de Mol?’game. Stenden organized many mini games in the city center. Finally, the SSW was closed with a huge closing party at Club Red.

The SSW was a great success due to a great organization, a fun program and the best weather we could wish for. Also my experience as a tutor was amazing. I will recommend being tutor to everybody because you can re-live your SSW experience, meet new and great people and just have fun for a whole week. Also the SSW as a tutor is much more fun as you already know Leeuwarden and other students very well.

Music Manager

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Wall of f(sh)ameWhen our work is done we try to make as many

snapshots as possible. Check out some pic-tures from last week.

Want to keep up to date? check the frontdesk ;)

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