Insert Dream into Future -…  ·...

INDUCTIONS DEEPENERS THERAPY WEIGHT LOSS SMOKING SELF- ESTEEM Elman Modified Feet In Sand Chair WL- Outline Best Smoke Ever Magic Mirror Confusion Confusion Parts WL 1 Why Fat? Library Smoke DS - 1 Of You Progressiv e Numbers In Sand Gray Room WL 2 I Love Me DS - Labels Ultra Depth Raft Of Security Secondary Gain WL 3 Portion Size DS Compound Child Leaf Falling Time Line WL 4 Food Associati ons Coma Pain WL 5 Exercise Physical Problem WL 6 Overview DS Stories WL Extra Ultra Height WL Self Hypnosis Homework OTHER PATTER Marketing Attachment s Erectile Diagnosti c Healing Room Higher Self POST HYPNOTIC Color Red

Transcript of Insert Dream into Future -…  ·...


Elman Modified

Feet In Sand Chair WL-OutlineBest Smoke

EverMagic Mirror

Confusion Confusion PartsWL 1

Why Fat?Library Smoke

DS - 1 Of You

ProgressiveNumbers In

SandGray Room

WL 2I Love Me

DS - Labels

Ultra DepthRaft Of Security

Secondary Gain

WL 3 Portion Size

DS Compound

Child Leaf Falling Time LineWL 4Food


Coma PainWL 5


Physical Problem

WL 6 Overview

DS Stories WL Extra

Ultra HeightWL Self

Hypnosis Homework


Marketing Attachments ErectileDiagnostic

Healing Room

Higher Self


Color Red

Tim Bartley BCH, BS, TrainerLife Advancement Center


(Parts therapy is great to identify different parts of a person. Think of it as you being a moderator at a meeting. You identify the part of the person that wants change and the part causing the problem. You talk it out between the parts until you arrive at a conclusion. For example – If you ID the part of a person that wants to quit smoking, and also the smoking part, maybe you can agree to only smoke 5 cigarettes per day instead of a whole pack until the next session. In the next session you can pull these parts out once again and see what they both thought about the reduction in smoking.)


Le t m e e x p la in t h a t w e a l l h av e d iff e r e n t p ar t s o f o u r s e lv es an d w e a l l communicate within ourselves, we have conversations in our own minds and this is normal, everyone does this. For example (alarm clock) This dialogue between the parts goes on until a decision is made.

Defining the Parts

--- Good Part ---

There is a part of you - a part of you that you know wants this change - the part of you that wants to be free of (PROBLEM). Imagine in your mind's eye the part of you that wants to change - the part of you that brought you here - that really wants this goal____________. (Talk about their life without the problem)

You know the reasons (list reasons, what they said) and there may be other reasons that you may not even be aware of and that's okay. In your mind now, just let this part of you take shape or image. This shape could be anything, a white cloud, a pink heart, whatever it is, i t is...

- What is the shape you’re imagining?

- Now this part usually only talks to you but today I’d like to talk to this part of you, so what is your name, or what shall I call you?

I would like to thank this part, and you should too, as it only wants what is best for you. Great, that's right.


--- Bad Part ---

Now stare at the empty chair next to GOOD PART NAME because as I talk to you another part of you is going to come forward in that chair . I t ’s the part of you that for whatever reason stops you from achieving this change – the part of you that is blocking you from positive change. You may know the reasons or you may not and that's okay.

Now just let this part of you take a shape in that chair as I speak to you now. Whatever shape that comes

into your mind is fine.

- It’s the part of you that comes forward when (LIST WHEN IT’S THE WORST HERE)

- What does this shape look like?

- GET NAME - Now this part usually only talks to you but today I’d like to talk to this part of you, so what is your name, or what shall I call you?

I would like to thank this part, and you should too. We may not like what it’s been doing, but it has been doing this for a reason.

I want to talk to you BAD PART.

- You’ve been doing a job, a task inside of CLIENT.- Are you here to Punish CLIENT or Protect CLIENT Punishment or Protection?- What is it that you do to ___________ CLIENT?- I’ll snap my fingers and a number will come into your mind, that’s how old CLIENT was, when you

BAD PART first showed up.

Now I would like to speak to (BAD PART) that is responsible for (PROBLEM). When this part is present say, "I'm here" ...Thank you for appearing.

- How old was (CLIENT) when (PART 2) found it necessary to appear?- What was happening to (CLIENT) at that time? Please elaborate.- Are you trying to help or punish (CLIENT)? [Find out the parts goal]- Did you have the best interests of (CLIENT) in mind when (PART 2) began?

Comment on and praise the (PART 2) for attempting to work in the best interests of CLIENT.

Re-Education of Part

I would like you-to let this part look at all the behaviors and beliefs that has caused it to do this... Many times-we are growing up we lean things that were not intended. A child may hear, "Clear your plate, people are starving in other parts of the world." The parent means for you to acknowledge your food, they don't mean for you to overeat. So really we mis-learn information. Sometimes our minds misunderstand events or situations. It is not warn-Mon for a parent or authority figure to tell us to "work harder or you'll never succeed", "you'll amount to nothing if you don't get good grades" and par-Minds only hear the negative. Sometimes an event that didn't work out, a dropped ball, a bad move, a split second pause can cause us to replay these events as if they were a part of us, not just something that happened that we can-team from.

Now I would like to call out to the (PART 1) that wants to eliminate these offending symptoms. (PART 1) please state your case and how it is suffering from (PART 2).

Let the parts discuss how they can both be happy, both achieve their ends and that they must both be

happy to allow the total person to be happy. Make sure both parts are in agreement.

Now I invite (PART 2) to release this event and any others that may be holding you back. You may allow yourself now to see these events or causes in a new light. So now this part can relearn what it needs to do to take care of you even better!

Now let these two parts face each other in your mind's eye, each part acknowledging the other. Many people notice an energy connection between the two. Both parts realize they are not giving up anything, they will be stronger for the merger. Each has something the other needs, that's right.

Now watch and listen to both these valuable parts of yourself, allowing the two parts to come together only as fast as those two parts can blend and integrate in ways most comfortable and useful to you... in such a way that neither part loses anything, retaining the usefulness and importance of both parts, each gaining from the other the qualities and capacities that are lacking in themselves and present in the other.

You may be fascinated to observe some of the changes that occur in these two images as they start to come together... only as fast as they can comfortably assimilate there changes. You may also be surprised by the image that is created when the two images finally join and become a single image as they melt into each other and take on each other's capacities. And notice what the new image looks like, because this new part represents a combination of abilities you've never had before... as such, this new part will have additional skills and abilities that you could never have guessed at. You can enjoy new ways of accomplishing all of these important outcomes simultaneously... Associate with the new integrated part.

When you are ready, imagine this part coming into yourself, into that place where you feel love and belief - into your body somehow so that it becomes a part of you and all your behaviors easily and readily available. It will be as true for you as the Love you feel for this person, place or thing. So you do this you feel a surge of energy in your body as this part reunites with you... take a few moments to appreciate and enjoy the qualities of this unique new part.

Now, think of the specific times and places where you want these integrated qualities and capacities to be fully at your disposal in the future...

Chair Therapy

(Every client needs this session no matter what. The people that hurt you in your past are still hurting you subconsciously, even if you’ve forgiven them consciously. You first tell the client about forgiveness, then you ID the #1 offender, or person who hurt your client the most. You work thru that person first and then have the SCM ID all the other people in your client’s life that have ever hurt them. At the end they get self-forgiveness, then do some DS on self-esteem. I personally created working thru the forgiveness part, it is very good. It takes the person from being hurt by the offender to feeling sorry for them.)

I want you to understand something. When you were little you read a book. That book was very similar to the book I read when I was a little boy. Mine was called American history and I'm sure

yours had a similar title. In that book we read terrible things like our soldiers freezing to death at Valley Forge, about a bloody war with England and the terrible war between the North and the South where more people were being killed than ever before in the history of man. But you know when we read that book we didn't al low it to affect or disturb us, it was a learning experience. Learning experiences are good because if it ever happened again maybe we could do something about it.

I want you to understand that ever since the day you were born you were writing your own history book just like the one you read in school. The only difference was that it wasn't just black ink on white paper like it was in school there are emotions attached to the history of your life and some of them were bad emotions and you become a function of everything that's happened to you.

3 Places to Live

I want you to understand this. You have a choice as to where you choose to live and you know you can only live in one of three places. You know you can only live in the past the present or the future. Let me explain something about that. People who choose to live in the future, they allow themselves to never achieve that future because all they are daydreamers. They never make the move to make that future a reality. You can understand how that can happen can't you? The people who live in the past allow all the negative things of their past to hurt them in the present. Or you can make a decision to live in the present and plan for the future and to use the past as a learning experience only.

So that's what you do from now on. You live in the present and plan for your future. All of the negative situations of the past are just flickering images that can no longer affect or disturb you in the present.

Effects of Negative Emotions

When you were growing up and you look back over your life certain emotions took root. Now one of those emotions was an emotion called guilt. Now let me tell you somet hing about gu i l t . Gu i l t i s an after the fact emotion, i t o n ly co mes in afterwards and we say to ourselves - oh, if I only wouldn't have done this, this wouldn't have happened and then guilt came in. Or if I would have done this, this wouldn't have happened and then guilt comes in. And you can understand that can't you? Sure.

There were also other negative emotions that took root, emotions like anger, hate, and unforgiveness. You can’t live a life without getting hurt by others and hurting other people. Anger, put into words is, “It’s not fair.” Hate, put into words is, “I really don’t understand or like what you did.” And unforgiveness put into words is really, “I am going to hold on to the bad feelings you’ve given me and not move past what you did.”

And as you look back over your life, your relationships and how you've acted and how people have acted towards you, you know you have a lot of negative emotional energy because of things that you've done or things that you've done wrong or things that have been done to you, don't you?

Alright, now 'NAME' I want you to understand me. I want you to know that if we can remove all the negative emotional energy and fear from your inner mind, do you know that you would feel absolutely marvelous? All the pressure would be off, would you like to do that? Alright, I have an

eraser for negative emotions and it works every time and it's one word. 'NAME' in a moment I'm going to ask you to use this word. But if all you do is use it as a word there will be no change. I'm going to ask you to take this word and transpose it into an honest, true and complete emotion and feel it. And if you do you're going to be better but if you just use it as a word without feeling it, it won't have any affect do you understand? Now let me tell you what this word is, it works every time, it is true and it will make you feel like someone has taken a block of cement off of your shoulders that you've been carrying around. It will take all the pressure away, it'll make you feel better than you have before in your entire life.

If you use this word and feel it you're going to be better, if you don't there'll be no real change. You know that the choice is yours and you understand that don't you? 'NAME' the word is... forgiveness. In a moment I'm going to ask you to truly, honestly forgive all those people in your past or present, living or dead who have ever hurt you in any way. I'm going to ask you to forgive them and set them free. Now I promise you, if you do, you'll become free.

Let me tell you something about anger, hate and unforgiveness. These emotions, they don't hurt the people who have hurt you. The only person who gets hurt by that is you. Think of it this way. If you were arrested for robbing a bank and brought before a judge and a jury and found guilty, you realize that, that decision requires punishment and you go to jail. But even a prisoner, a criminal gets out of jail when they serve their time. But when you allow guilt to be locked in your mind it's just as real just as if there were bars around you. You live in a prison, do you understand that? Now the only way for opening up that prison in your mind is 100% absolute forgiveness for those who have hurt you. And by not doing that you're not hurting them you're just letting that jail term becoming longer and longer and longer...

When forgiving someone who has hurt you, in no way am I asking you to like the person… and in no way am I asking you to condone their behavior, forgiving them doesn’t make what they did okay. Just realize that they are just a function of their programming just like you are, just like I am. If you’d be willing to do that with all the heart, emotion and feeling that you can have you'd be giving yourself the best gift that you've ever given yourself in your entire life!

Chair Therapy

Imagine yourself in a room, it's a safe room. You're sitting in a straight back chair. Imagine another straight back chair facing you about 6 feet away facing you. Now I'm going to count from 3 down to 1 and snap my fingers, when I do I want you to imagine and put in that chair the one person who has hurt you more than anyone else in your life. (3,2,1 snap), who's in that chair? Alright, the person in the chair can't get up or speak, all they can do is listen now.

Okay now tell (offender) what you need to tell (offender) what you've been wanting to tell (offender)... tell (offender) how they hurt you! [Get client to speak to the person, evoke emotion.]

Work Thru #1 Offender

I am now going to count from 5 down to 1… as I do OFFENDER will get younger and younger. At the

count of 1 he is just a little baby sitting in that chair. 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1…. Oh look at that cute little baby, your father sitting in that chair, just a little baby. Now look at him, he hasn’t learned much yet has he? I mean he’s wearing diapers so he hasn’t learned how to use the bathroom yet. I he doesn’t know how to use a fork, he can’t feed himself yet. He hasn’t learned much in life yet, no not at all…

And now when I snap my fingers he grows up a little. At the snap of my fingers he is 5 years old… and SNAP. Wow, there he is, your father, 5 years old. Hay, he isn’t wearing diapers anymore is he? And I bet he can use a fork. I bet he has learned how to feed himself. That’s right, he’s learned a lot in 5 years, he can speak the English language, wow… he has learned a LOT in 5 years hasn’t he (voice goes somber here) – ………. But what else has he learned? Not all of it has been good. Has he learned love? Has he learned about compassion for others? NO. Does he feel loved, does he feel safe? Do his parents listen to him when he talks? NO, it’s not all good. Yes, your father has learned a lot all right, he is becoming programmed but it’s not all good, no it isn’t.

I will now snap my fingers again and he grows up even more. He will be 7 years old, fully programmed…. And SNAP! Seven years old, wow he has learned a LOT! He’s in school now, he has learned a lot in 7 years, fully programmed now… but it’s not all good. Has he learned how to love? Has he learned how to treat others in a kind way? Does he feel loved, does he get attention from his parents? No, it’s not all good. He is now fully programmed.

[Do the same for age 10 and age 15… then continue with patter below]

And there he is, 15 years old. Let me ask you, have you been born yet? No, but your father is fully programmed isn’t he? Yes. And now when I snap my fingers he is an adult, just the way you’ve known him… and SNAP! There he is again in that chair, fully grown up.

Now I want you to think about a past event where he hurt you, where he treated you badly… let me know when you have that…….. Good, I’m going to count from 3 down to 1, at the count of 1 I want you to go thru that scene like you’re watching a movie. 3, 2, and 1! (wait about a half a minute) And stop. Good. Now I want you to imagine that you were never born, that you don’t exist and your parents gave birth to another little girl instead of you. At the count of 1 I want you to watch that same movie, that same event but this time with this other little girl instead of you. 3, 2, and 1 roll’em! (wait about a half a minute) And stop. Good. Now… did your dad magically become nice and act different? No, of course not because he’s acting out on his own programming. Now she didn’t like it either, she’s now gone but instead of her or you, your parents adopted a little Chinese girl, and this girl is now taking your place. Let’s watch that movie again with her. 3, 2, and 1 roll’em! (wait about a half a minute) And stop. What about that time? Did your dad change into a nice person? No, of course not, he is still acting upon his own programming.

Here’s the point… His actions never had anything to do with you. If you weren’t there he would have just been doing that same thing to someone else. He was programmed YEARS before you were ever even born, so how could it have had anything to do with you? … It didn’t. He was just acting out on his own programming because he wasn’t treated properly when he was a little boy.

Ya know, it kind of reminds me of Santa Clause. Santa carried a big heavy bag over his shoulders filled with toys and goodies for all the little boys and girls. You dad was carrying a big heavy bag as well… but it wasn’t filled with goodies, it was filled with emotional pain. And you know what? He gave it to you! You’ve been carrying that bag around with you your whole life! Now do you think when your dad was 5 years old, do you think that he was thinking that when he grows up, he wants to have a little girl and give her that heavy bag of

emotional pain? Do you think that’s what he was planning? Of course not! You see he went thru a lot of things when he was a child that weren’t right… and he got programmed by that. It never had anything to do with you, and I’m going to tell you something. No matter what, no matter what… Every dad always loves his daughter and ever daughter always lovers her dad, no matter what happened.

None of this had anything to do with you, if you weren’t there he’d be doing this to someone else, and he probably did! He was programmed like this before you were even born.


Alright, learning what your dad went thru… it wasn’t fair to him! No little boy should have had to go thru what he went thru. And knowing what you know about forgiveness, forgiving someone doesn’t make what they did okay and you don’t even have to like the person to forgive them, when you forgive someone it simply sets you free.

Look at your dad now. Go ahead and say anything else that you need to say to him now………... Alright. Look at him. You know what he did, you know what he didn’t do that he should have done… but you also know why he got programmed this way. Look at him… Do you think you can forgive him now and set him free?

Good! Are you ready to let go of all of this? Are you ready to be free, to feel light as a feather? Are you ready to set that bag down and walk away from it? Okay, good. I’ll help you do that, in a moment I’m going to have you look at your dad and tell him anything else you want to say… and then I’m going to have you say the following words and FEEL IT! If you don’t feel it the magic doesn’t work. You’ll say, dad I forgive you and I set you free. And then I’m going to have you take a big deep breath in and hold it, and hold it, and hold it until it feels like your lungs are going to explode! And when you let that out, the bag drops away, the pain is all gone, you’ll feel light as a feather and you’ll look at your dad and he will look a lot different. Are you ready for that change?

Okay, look at him, tell him anything else you need to say………. Good. Now say, Dad I forgive you and I set you free! ……….. Good! Now take a deep breath in and hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it, hold it…… And let it out! YES!!! Oh yea!!!! Yew alright! Light as a feather, it’s gone, it’s gone! You’re light as a feather, you can just float away, float out the window, look down at the ground and trees, oh yea light as a feather! … Now, look at your father, does he look different now?


Alright, I want you to do something for me. In your mind , in your heart, I want you to get up from that chair and walk over to your (offender) and put your arms around him/her and send him/her feelings of love. Put your arms around him/her in your mind and tell him/her you love him/her. Tell him/her you forgive him/her. Now go back to your chair, look at your (offender) now as the chair goes backwards further away from you, further send love with him/her, further, now (offender) disappears from the room. Send him a prayer that someday, somewhere he will get over his bad programming and the bad things that were done to him…..

Period of silence for all other offenders

I 'm going to g ive you a per iod of s i lence. In th is per iod of s i lence your subconscious mind is going to reveal to you the names or faces of everyone that has ever hurt you, alive or dead. School friends, family, friends, business partners, it doesn't matter anybody else in your life who has hurt you in any way. As those names or faces enter your mind I want you to honestly send them forgiveness. Remember you don't have to like them for what they've done just forgive them because they are only a result of their programming. Do you understand?

Now when no more names or faces come into your mind you'll let me know by saying out loud, “I’m Done” and I’ll know you’re done. Your subconscious mind is now directed to give you the names/faces of anyone, present or past, living or dead who has ever hurt you. And you'll forgive them truly, honestly, and completely with all the emotion and feeling in your heart and that period of silence begins now.This might take a long, long time...

Forgiveness of Self

I know you're feeling better for what you've done. Now comes the most important thing I'm going to ask you to do today. I want you to know there's only one other person in your life that needs your forgiveness and this person needs your forgiveness more than any other one. This person needs the wholesomeness and purity of unboundness forgiveness. No holds barred forgiveness. I want you to forgive this person more truthfully, honestly and deeply than you've ever done it before with anyone. Then you'll be better. You're going to have a wonderful life ahead of you if you do this one thing. I want you to imagine yourself at home all by yourself. I want you to picture yourself in front of a full length mirror. That's the person that has to be forgiven 'NAME' . You have to be forgiven. Understand you've made mistakes, of course you have, haven't we all? But most of those mistakes were not vindictive, they were just errors. I want you to honesty in the deep recesses of your mind, your heart, your very sole. Forgive yourself completely for everything you've done in your past that hurt anyone in anyway. Forgive yourself and set yourself free.

You've punished yourself quite long enough . It's time to get out of jail. It's time to come into the light, it's time to be free, it's time to be happy, it's time to be Loved. So forgive that person in that mirror deeply, tell him/her you love him/her and forgive him/her. And let him/her be free. Send forgiveness and love and watch the frown on his/her face go away. Time to look at that smile on your face. Forgive him/her, you deserve it. You're a wonderful, wonderful person –

(Self-Esteem DS here.)


(Timeline is an NLP technique that I have modified to use with hypnosis. You use this instead of age regression. With age regression you are looking for an exact event, with timeline you are moving before the

initial event in a general way and doing the change work there. This is VERY good to use to place a future memory on someone’s timeline. This goes very well with clients who use the law of attraction, by placing a future memory on their timeline they believe that whatever they are trying to manifest is now simply waiting for them in the future.)

Elicit the Person’s Timeline

Place in hypnosis…

Ok, we’re about to use a very powerful technique that will allow you to naturally and easily let go of any limitations of the past, and before we do that I need to find out how your unconscious mind organises your memories. I know you may not have thought about it like this before but obviously, you know the differences between the past, present and the future, right?

Because your mind has to have a way of organising your memories so that you know the difference between something you did last week and something you did 10 years ago. Like a filing system - and that system is called your timeline.

Now I’m going to ask you a question and just take the first thing that pops into your mind…

If I were to ask your unconscious mind where your past is and where your future is, I have an idea that you might say . . . it’s from right to left, or front to back, or up to down, or in some direction in relation to your body. And it’s not your conscious concept that I’m interested in, it’s your unconscious. So, if I were to ask your unconscious mind where’s your past, to what direction would you point? And your future, to what direction would you point if I asked your unconscious mind, where’s your future? (Take Note)

Now bring to mind the directions that you pointed to (Reiterate back to them what they said)Do you notice or can you notice that they imply a line? Good, that is your timeline.

Problem - If they can’t find direction

I’d like you to recall a memory of something that happened one week ago. Now, from what direction did that memory come to you - or to what direction did it go? (Repeat for 1 month, 1 year, 5 years, and 10 years ago - if necessary)

Now, I’d like you to think of something that’s going to happen in the future, say one month from now. Now, from what direction did that memory come to you - or to what direction did it go? Repeat for 1 year, 5 years and 10 years into the future (if necessary)

Now bring to mind the directions that you pointed to - or memories of the past and future that you noticed. Do you notice that they imply a line? Good, that is your timeline.

If no: “Well, could you notice that?”

If still no: “Is your past arranged by location, for example, where you lived?”

If yes: “How would it look if, for the purposes of this process, it were stretched out in a line?”

Timeline Sub-modality Changes

- TL Orientation

o Place PAST behind - Place FUTURE in front … (Snap into place)o Straighten TL

- TL Consistency

o There are no dark spots, missing areas, bumps, dips, uphill, downhill, brightness, color, sound, feeling… – (Adjust all for consistency)

Practice Floating

- I’d like you to just float up above now, face your past, and float back into the past above your timeline. (PAUSE) Are you there?

o Good, turn towards now and float back to above now.

- Now face your future, float out into your future. (PAUSE) Are you there?

o Good, float back to above now.

- Now, float up higher. Float so high that your time line becomes one inch long. (PAUSE) How was that?

Note: As you elicit the time line, understand that however the person organizes the past and the future is perfect for them. Make no value judgments their time line. The arrangement may be linear, or it may not. And they may sense or even hear it rather than seeing it. Allow the person to discover their time line. Do not install one for them.

- Agreement – Can we agree/pretend that the past & future go on forever? (infinite/no limits)

- Affect bridge – (On the fly (or) Parts Therapy) - get “Emotional/Body” feeling

Build Emotional Here – Parts (or) Affect Bridge

Parts Therapy


Let me explain that we all have different parts of ourselves and we all communicate within ourselves. We have conversations in our own minds and this is normal, everyone does this. For example (Alarm Clock Parts). This dialogue between the parts goes on until a decision is made.

Good Part

There is a part of you - a part of you that you know wants this change - the part of you that wants to be free of (PROBLEM). Imagine in your mind's eye the part of you that wants to change - the part of you that brought you here - that really wants this goal of ____________.

You know the reasons (list reasons, what they said) and there may be other reasons that you may not even be aware of and that's okay. In your mind now, just let this part of you take shape or image. This shape could be anything, a white cloud, a pink heart, whatever it is, i t is.

1. So what is the shape or image that has come into your mind?2. Feeling – Get feeling of part.3. And what is your name or what shall I call you?

I would like to thank this part of you and you should to - as it only wants what’s best for you.

Bad Part

Now imagine next to this part, next to this shape, the part of you that, for whatever reason stops you from achieving this change. The part of you that is blocking this change, blocking ‘Good Part Name’. You may know the reasons, you may not, and that’s okay. It’s the part of you that (Read off the list of ‘When it hits you the WORST’ here). Now in your mind, just let this part of you take a shape or image, this shape could be anything…

1. So what is the shape or image that has come into your mind?2. Feeling – Get feeling of part.3. And what is your name or what shall I call you?

- Emotions like this reverberate within the body, we sense Emotions in the body…- Where do you feel this physically?

- Float above Now facing your past with ‘Bad Part Name’…- Go back to 2 events where Emotional/body feeling was there - (take note)

Go back until Emotional/body feeling completely dissipates

Now there was a time before, 10 years ago, 30 years ago, 300 years ago maybe but there was a time before you ever felt this feeling… and we’re going to go there now.

Good. Facing your past, I want you to float above your timeline and go back into your past. Keep going along your timeline until the Emotional/Body feeling completely & utterly dissipates and disappears. You’ll stop automatically when that has happened. Do that now. Let me know when you’ve stopped.

- Turn and face Now… Now where’s the negative Emotional/Body feeling? Is it there ?- That feels much better doesn’t it?- This would be a better way to live - wouldn’t it. Yes

Now, imagine an infinite source of love and healing above the top of your head… like a bright white light… Allow it to come in through the top of your head and fill up your body… Now allow that infinite source of love to overflow out of your heart and fill up the “you” in the timeline until he/she is totally whole and healed…………………….

Build Case – Wouldn’t it be better to let it go?

These events on your timeline… some were good and some were bad, but you lived through all of them simply so you could learn… and store those learning’s in that special place that you reserve for all such learning’s.

The highest directive of your subconscious mind is to keep you healthy. When you hang onto negative feelings it goes against this directive. These negative Emotions do not preserve the body they hurt the body.

o Anger can cause heart disease.

o Sadness can weaken the immune system.

o Fear causes excessive stress.

o Guilt can reduce your ability to heal.

o Conflict can cause cancer.

Wouldn’t it be better to let go the negative emotion while holding on to the learning’s that you collected along the way? Yes.

Coming Back to Now – Letting Go the Negative

Floating just above your timeline facing now, I’d like you to float all the way back to now, and along the way let go the negative Emotional/Body feeling but preserve all of the learning’s. Come back to now only as quickly as you can allow all of the events between then, and now, to re-evaluate themselves while letting go of the negative emotions on those events.

Let go of the negative Emotional/Body feeling along the way. Preserve the learning’s as you let go of the emotions - all the way back to now. When you have done that - when you’re back above now just say the word Now. Go ahead and do that.

Now where’s the Feeling?

- Now where’s the negative emotional/body feeling… Is it there?- Is ‘Bad Part Name’ with you now?- Test - Go back to Event 1 + Event 2 + Future Pace

- Go to the Womb – Point out the negative feelings are Mom’s and not yours, they never were. Come back to now letting them go…

Insert Dream into Future

Design your dream:- Checked to see if it’s in line with your soul’s purpose.- Delete any limiting beliefs and Emotional that would block its delivery.- Insert your dream into your future time line.

1. Make a mental image of your dream as if it has already happened. It can be a visual, auditory or kinesthetic image . . . however you imagine. Now step into the image as if looking through your own eyes.

2. Tweak the picture or sound or feeling in this image until it is very strong and compelling to you. For example, if it’s visual, you might make it a moving picture . . . maybe larger or bigger than life . . . maybe brighter or clearer and more focused . . . possibly dimmer and less focused if that is more compelling. Add any sounds, odors, tastes that make it even more real and enjoyable to you.

3. When your image is as good as gets, feel how good it feels to be in your dream. Savor the feeling.

4. When you have drooled enough, step out of the image and float up into your time line, taking your image with you.

5. Energize the image with four full breaths – in through the nose, out through the mouth . . . blowing energy into the image.

6. Float out into the future to the time when you want your dream to realize and drop the image right down into your time line at that point. You will experience a sense of the image snapping into place.

7. Notice the events between then and now and how they reevaluate themselves to support your dream.

8. Float back to now and know that your dream is in the delivery process.

When Clearing Fear of Sadness

Imagine an infinite source of love and healing above the top of your head. Now allow it to come in through the top of our head and fill up your body. Now allow that infinite source of love to overflow out of your heart and fill up the “you” in the timeline until he/she is totally whole and healed.

Problem - For the person who is NEVER convinced

You (or I) know you’ll never be totally convinced that this is gone until you are and you see this behavior disappear. When will you be convinced? (Then do future convincer)

Problem - Just Won’t Let Go of the Problem Intention (when Emotional/belief won’t release with other reframes)

I’d like to talk to the part of you that thinks it would rather not let go of this Emotional/belief, and I’d like to ask the part to tell me it’s highest intention?

(Get answer) And its intention for that? (Get answer.) And its intention for that? . . .

(Loop until high level of abstraction – where their intention shows obvious conflict with their behavior – and enable them to see the conflict.)

Secondary Gain – You Manifest Everything in your Life

(Secondary gain – we all have this.

1. Whatever you have you’re manifesting – good and bad.2. Regress to cause, ISE and fix.3. Call out part that is manifesting (keeping) the ‘PROBLEM’, and fix.)


- There is a part within you that really dislikes and wants to get rid of ‘PROBLEM’ – and you’d agree with that, right?

- But there’s a part of you that not only manifested ‘PROBLEM’ but has been holding onto it.

- Imagine a chair in front of you now. As I speak to you the part of you that’s been holding onto ‘PROBLEM’ will show up in that chair. It will take some image or shape in the chair right in front of you as I speak, and this shape could be anything… This part of you coming forward now…

- Because there’s a part of you that not only manifested ‘PROBLEM’ but has been holding onto it. There is a part of you that’s been holding onto ‘PROBLEM’ and doesn’t want to let it go because if ‘PROBLEM’ leaves you you’ll also lose something else. You wouldn’t have ‘PROBLEM’ if it didn’t serve a purpose. You’re not an animal trainer - you don’t work at a zoo training tigers. You’re not a magician learning new magic tricks. Those things serve no purpose for you. ‘PROBLEM’ does…

o If you lose ‘PROBLEM’ you’ll also lose what?

o ‘PROBLEM’ is serving a purpose for you, if you lose it, what will happen - what else will you lose? This part taking shape in the chair now…

o ‘PROBLEM’ is benefitting you in some way - it has a purpose in your life. You manifested it, you created it, and you’ve been holding onto it.

o ‘PROBLEM’ is allowing you to do what?

o If you lose ‘PROBLEM’ you’ll also lose what? What does the shape in the chair look like? Feeling. Name.

Somatic Parts & Parts

- Body scano Somatic Parts

Use for Attachments & Physical Disorders If physical problem, talk to that part, what are you gaining from having this

problem?o All Parts

Session Part 1 Higher-Self Attachments Somatic Parts

Session Part 2 Causative Part Secondary Gain Part Part that wants to change – (Do I really need this part?)

Grey Room Technique

(This is used after chair therapy. It is a very good general cleanup of negative emotional energy. Direct suggestion to remove negative emotions and bring in good energy. Can be used at any time, it is a very good ending to any session.)

Now “NAME”, remaining comfortable, well, safe, deeply relaxed and hypnotized, with your relaxation, sleep and hypnosis growing constantly deeper and more complete, simply find yourself in a comfortable, small and very pleasant grey-walled room. You are totally free of any claustrophobic feelings you, just feel welcome, right at home, here.

This room is small, round, grey-walled and it has a domed ceiling...the way an igloo might be inside; and you now sense that this grey-walled room is actually your own subconscious mind the core of your being... the very center of you.

You now notice that, clinging to the walls of this room...all over...are little bits of what appear to be paper! Some are red; and some are white.

Moving close to the wall, now, you sense that, stored on the red bits of what appear to be paper, are all the negative thought and emotional energies and feelings from all your past. Like fear, doubt, guilt, hatred, anxiety, rejection, and unhappiness! All the negative, depressing, inhibiting, defeating, thought and emotional energies and feelings from your past are stored in this room of your subconscious, on these little red bits of what appear to be paper.

Now, become aware of this! You can pull these red bits of what appear to be paper down from the walls, you can crumple them in your hands until your hands are full, and you can take them over to where a hole about eight inches in diameter has opened in the center of the floor, and pour them through that hole and watch them dissipate into nothingness! So that these can never get back again!

You can sense that, with four or five trips, gathering down handfuls and carrying them to the hole and pouring them through, you can clean all of the negative and emotional energies from your inner self. So, now, at the count of one, I want you to start working at it. I will sit quietly and wait until you are finished. When you are through, just let me know by saying “I’m done” and I’ll know you’re done. Now start at the count of one, and clean it up! Three, two, one!

(Be patient and wait! With some client's, this will take four or five full minutes.)

If you see obvious signs of struggle or distress, simply ask, What's going on? You will probably get a reply similar to this: It won't come down!

Hypnotist: What won't come down? Which one?

Client: Hate! Or guilt or fear, etc.Hypnotist: All right, get hold of it. At the count of one, its resistance will fade, and with a little pull, it

will almost fall off in your hand!! Snap fingers, not too loudly.

Now “NAME”, notice that the white bits....the good, positive, energizing, helpful thought and emotional energies and feelings are expanding...growing to fill all the space left by the red ones you disposed of. ...growing, expanding until they fill the whole walls and ceiling with beautiful, wonderful, positive,

white! Feel the resurgence of positive energy, now, within yourself, as you notice that the hole in the floor has closed itself, and the entire atmosphere of the room is becoming white!...beautiful, pure, uplifting, energizing white!...Take a deep breath and inhale the purity, the strength, the self-confidence, the love, the peace, the assurance, the freedom of this atmosphere! Feel it, permeating every cell and every atom of your being!

From this moment forward, moment by moment, minute by minute. hour by hour, day by day, the thought and emotional energies of your subconscious remain so positive, so calm, so now, that every part of you...body and mind remains calm, objective and creative and functions to absolute perfection....just the way God designed and made you to function.

(Brief Pause)

At the count of one, this entire scene will disappear, but the beautiful positive effects will continue.! The scene disappears and you are beautifully relaxed and hypnotized...resting beautifully.

Change Perception – DS Stories

(A few of my patter tidbits to change perceptions in clients. Please read and use accordingly in your sessions.)

Explain that we are all a product of our own programming. My patter here:

"I'm going to tell you a story, it isn't true but it just kind of proves the point. Imagine there is an 8 year old boy and his parents are axe murderers. They go out every few months and kill people with axes. Then they come home and sit this 8 year old boy at the table and tell him all the horrible details and show him the blood. They do this throughout his childhood. Now, when that boy becomes a man, when he grows up do you think that would affect him at all? (yes) Sure it would, he'd become programmed by that wouldn't he? Let's say he is a man and he gets married, maybe he would love his wife but not know how to show that love, maybe he would treat her poorly. Then he had kids, maybe we would abuse the kids... (fill in what your client is dealing with in this story) And maybe he too might become a murderer. And if he killed someone and was caught and brought before a judge and jury and the victim’s family were sitting in the court room... could they point the finger of guilt and blame only at this man or would they also have to include the parents? (parents) That's right. Maybe he didn't even want to turn out the way that he did but that's how he was programmed. What skill set did he learn growing up? He wasn't nurtured as a boy, he wasn't loved so how could have he ever learned that?"

- My magic crane patter: “If I could go back in time when OFFENDER was mistreating you, to any time you were hurt by her/him and pluck you out with a magic crane (pull up on their shirt on their shoulder as if plucking them out) and put any other person in your place (bring your hand down on the same shoulder, lightly press) do you know OFFENDER would be doing the exact same thing to them? And then we pluck that person out and go all the way over to China, and grab up a Chinese woman and put her in your place, your OFFENDER would be acting out the same way with them. You now understand it had nothing to do with you.

If you weren’t there they’d just be doing that something to someone else and bet they did! Did OFFENDER only mistreat you or did they also hurt other people?”

- Also using humor is great for transitional therapy!! Have them imagine their OFFENDER as a robot. I use their forearm as the computer keyboard for programming sake. My robot patter: “You see OFFENDER learned this behavior, they learned it before you were even born. I want you to imagine that OFFENDER is a robot (describe the look of the robot) and this person got programmed. I’m going to use your forearm as a keyboard to program OFFENDER just the way OFFENDERS parents programmed him/her. (Now use 3 examples of what the offender did to your client in this programming section) Program number one (typing) My parents got divorced and I was crushed. Program #2 My mother doesn’t love me and screams at me, I feel horrible about myself. Program #3 (you get the idea…) Now the robot pulls his head out of the programming station and is coming in the room after you! (I stomp on the floor) There you are! (Now start sighting the things that OFFENDER did to your client) Then start laughing! Isn’t it silly, isn’t silly the way this robot has been programmed?! Does it have anything to do with you? Hell no!

OR… I use a wooden man/woman sometimes, and they come in the room acting out on their programming. In this case I don’t have the wooden man say anything that makes sense or anything he did to the client, I just say wah, wah, and laugh a lot. “Wah, wah, wah… bark, bark, bark… Laugh through the whole thing, get your client laughing! “Isn’t it silly? Isn’t it stupid!...”

- My baby in chair patter, good to use with chair therapy but can also use in a regression if you want. You have the OFFENDER in the chair, your client has talked with the person and released the cry or anger at this point. Now have them watch the OFFENDER, do a count from 5-1 and as you do the OFFENDER becomes younger and younger… At the count of one their OFFENDER (usually mom or dad right?) is just a little tiny baby. And 1. “Now look at that baby, your mom (OFFENDER) as a little baby. Oh what a cutie! I love little babies. Yea your mom is all excited about a new life to be lived, a new adventure… Now she hasn’t learned much yet has she? She doesn’t know how to even use the bathroom yet. She doesn’t know how to use a fork. Now look at her as she grows and gets older. She’s now 5 years old and oh boy she has learned some things hasn’t she! She knows how to use the bathroom now, she knows how to use a fork and feed herself. She can speak the English language, but……….. What else has she learned? (silence) Yea, she learned some bad things as well. She doesn’t like herself…” (you get the idea)

End with patter that when anyone else tries to hurt them or make them feel bad about themselves that they are only acting out on their own programming and the words will roll off your back like water off of a ducks back. If someone is in their face yelling at them or trying to make them feel bad they might even laugh. You’ll see another robot and you can instantly forgive them and set them free so you don’t have to absorb any of their negative energy. Because you know you are good enough, pretty enough, smart enough, enough of everything you need to be in this life…. Etc.

A big thing we work with is emotions and what I’ve learned is that emotions are tied to perceptions. So instead of trying to think up something on the spot in every session I have put together a few stories that I tell in the first or second session. This way when you find yourself within a regression or chair therapy you can then point out what the “offender” is doing to your client by referring to the story.

So we know that almost all ISEs are found between 0 – 7 years old. So you’re dealing with the child like mind. The difference between children and adults is that if someone walked into your room right now, you being an adult, and tried to abuse you you’d point your finger at them and say, “What’s your problem, why are you acting like that?” The child mind does the opposite, it says, “What’s wrong with me, what did I do to make you do that to me?” This coupled with the fact that children look up to adults, literally, they see adults as Gods and that children are critiqued/judged on everything they do produces the adult who isn’t good enough, the adult who is inadequate. So when we work with people I don’t think it’s good enough to just use DS and tell them they are good enough we have to act as a lawyer and build a case, this is why I like using these stories.

- We have point out to them that whatever is happening to them isn’t their fault.- If they weren’t there and someone else took their place, the same thing would still be taking place.- The negativity that they feel, the negative emotional energy isn’t even really theirs. It was handed

down to them by their parents (or whoever) and it wasn’t even really theirs because it was given to them by their parents…

- They need to know that we all make mistakes, deal with difficult people, and difficult situations.- They also need to understand that they have been programmed and that the person that hurt them

was programmed.- I also explain that we wouldn’t learn anything unless we went through hard times.

Once the client has all of this information the job becomes much easier. When you find yourself in a regression and someone is doing something horrible to your client you can then say, “Yea, your dad touching you like that is not right, but remember that he’s only action out on what was done to him, it doesn’t have anything to do with you, if you weren’t there he’d just be doing it to someone else…” Ya know?


(General patter to change perceptions of your client. Most of us have problems with self-esteem, this is used for that, to allow your client to understand that we all make mistakes and that’s a good thing.)

Have you ever made a mistake before? Yea, little ones, medium sized ones, big ones right? Me too. You’ve made them, I’ve made them, haven’t we all? And you know, when we make mistakes we think to ourselves or say out loud, “How could I have been so stupid to make such a dumb mistake?!” But ya know, that way of thinking isn’t right. You see mistakes are how we learn, how we get better. If you went out into the world and could find me one person who has never made a mistake, that one person you found would be a complete idiot! Because they wouldn’t have learned anything. Mistakes are not stumbling blocks, their building blocks. This is how we learn, this is how we grow. The most successful people are the ones sitting at the top of a mountain of mistakes. The next time you make a mistake, instead of kicking yourself just realize that every single person makes mistakes. Instead of kicking yourself you’ll stand back and say, “Wow, I was just given a wonderful opportunity to learn something here.”

Now let me ask you this. Have you ever dealt with a difficult person? Yea, me to… What about difficult situations, have you ever been through one of those? Well let me tell you about mistakes… difficult people… and difficult situations. They’re all the same thing - they are lessons, learning’s. Let me prove it to you. I want you to imagine that you were born into a family of great wealth, a billionaire family. And in this imaginary life you got everything you ever wanted. You went to the best schools money could buy, when you learned how to ride a bike you got 100 of the best bicycles ever made, when you learned how to drive well you could drive any car you want. You lived in castles and mansions all over the world! And in this imaginary life you never made a mistake, not one. You never had to go through a difficult situation or deal with a difficult person. Your parents never made mistakes. Now tell me CLIENT. If you were to get to the end of that life and look back over it could you honestly tell me you would have learned a lot of “life’s lessons” living a life like that? (No) No, you’re right. You see these are lessons you can’t learn in a brick and mortar school, these are life lessons that you learn in earth school. You and I are in school learning many lessons; we are away at boarding school so we can learn so we can grow.

Now in your life haven’t you been knocked down, shoved down, pushed down, accumulating all kinds of scratches, dents, and bruises? Yea, me too… but those scratches, dents, and bruises are nothing to be ashamed of! Those scratches, dents, and bruises are trophies, metals of honor! Because you did try, you have learned, you have grown. You’ve become more knowledgeable, more compassionate, more wise, more loving. Those are things you can’t learn in a regular classroom, those are life lessons. And I tell you what. If you were to live that imaginary life and went back home to the spirit world they’d take one look at you and say, Wow, there’s not a scratch on you, that life was a waste of time, you didn’t learn anything! But when you arrive back home they’re going to see all those scratches, dents, and bruises and it’s going to be a celebration, party! Because you have learned, you have grown. You’ve become more knowledgeable, more compassionate, much more wise. Your consciousness has evolved! And that’s why we are living this life in the first place. It’s not about money, it’s not about possessions. You can’t take those with you. I’ve never seen a hearse pulling into a graveyard with a suitcase on top.

Product of our programming

(Direct suggestion DS patter to allow the SCM to realize that the people that hurt you were only acting out on their own programming and it has nothing to do with you. Great for changing perceptions.)

I want to tell you about people. People are a product of their own programming and most of the programming is installed between the ages of 1 and 7 years old, and then reinforced as they go through life. In these years we are just downloading information.

I'm going to tell you a story, it isn't true but it just kind of proves the point. Imagine there is an 7 year old boy and his parents are murderers (If you know the age of your client where the problem is at this point or know which parent is the bad one, fill this story in to fit their situation here.) They go out every few months and kill people... Then they come home and sit this 7 year old boy at the kitchen table and tell him all the horrible gory details. And they do this throughout his childhood.

Now, when that boy becomes a man, when he grows up, do you think that would affect him at all? (yes) Sure it would, he'd become programmed by that wouldn't he? Let's say he falls in love and he gets married. Maybe he would love his wife but not know how to show her that he loves her. Maybe he would treat her poorly. What if they had children? Because of his programming maybe we would abuse the kids... (Fill in what your client is dealing with in this story if you know it) And maybe he too might become a murderer. And if he killed someone and was caught and brought before a judge and jury and the victim’s family were sitting in the court room... should they point the finger of guilt and blame only at this man or would they also have to include the parents? (parents) That's right. Maybe he didn't even want to turn out the way that he did but that's how he was programmed. What skill set did he learn growing up? He wasn't nurtured as a boy, he wasn't loved so how could have he ever learned that?"

Plate of Experience

(Direct suggestion DS patter so a person can realize that life has good and bad events but they are only learning experiences. Good general patter to change perceptions.)

Have you ever been to one of those restaurants where you go and get your own plate and fill it with whatever you want? Well, life is a lot like that. Before you came down here they handed you a plate, on this plate there is one word printed right across it in big bold lettering. It says the word “experience”, right across it. So you’re born and you have your plate of experience in your hands. Now in earth school there are 3 main categories of experiences.

You’re standing in line waiting to come down to earth school so you can learn and they give you a plate, kind of like you’re going up to a buffet. On this plate, the plate is labeled experience; you receive some horrible events, some boring events, and some wonderful events. (anchor in three places and compound) Explain situations of each type.

You’ve made a mistake in the past. You’ve been influenced by the bad events and they have changed the perception you have of you, the people who have said bad things to you and have hurt you. The mistakes you’ve made… But they are only experiences.

Imagine you’re a sailor on a ship. If the seas were always calm, smooth like glass, would you become a proficient sailor? There’s a saying, Smooth seas do not make skillful sailors. That’s true isn’t it, it’s the same in life. If you only had these events (touch happy event anchor spot) you wouldn’t learn anything. No you’ve been given this, this, and this haven’t you? The same thing holds true in life, you don’t always get this (anchor good) if you did you wouldn’t learn anything.

In my vast past and yours, I’m talking about all eternity, I’ve been a lot of things. Some horrible things, I’ve been a murderer, a rapist, a thief, I’ve lied and cheated, I’ve stolen. I’ve taken food from starving people so I could survive all experiences. I’ve also done great things. I’ve been a saint, I’ve thrown myself in front of a bus to save children, and I’ve given my life so others could live.

So you’ve made a mistake about yourself. You’ve formed the wrong perception of self. You are just like me, you’ve done bad things and miraculous things. And while you were experiencing some of these bad things (anchor) you believed yourself to be bad, you tied yourself to these things or believed what these people said that have hurt you. You allowed yourself to be influenced by these events, they have changed the perception you have of yourself. These experiences are blessings, even that boring ones, even the bad ones. Every single day you get up and you get a chance to experience.

Physical Problem Patter - Suggest & Compound - Discomfort Free

(Telling client they will be discomfort free in your session today. Telling them that the emotion is the cause of

the discomfort and we are about to get rid of it. DS. Old time doctor office is a great way to find the feelings

that are causing the problem. Use this to build the affect bridge when using age regression.)

Right now you are relaxed, mind and body, and when a person relaxes as you are there isn't any discomfort. The deeper you go the better you feel and the more relaxed you become now with your muscles offering no resistance. Feeling physically discomfort free now and you will remain discomfort free for the rest of our session because you are so deeply relaxed. Relaxed, discomfort free, feeling heavy and comfortable now.

Every Feeling = An Action

I want to tell you something, something that maybe you never knew before. Did you know that every feeling equals an action? Let me explain.., if you are angry then that's a feeling, so what might you do? You might yell, you might throw something or break something, that's the action that goes with that feeling. If you have feelings of sadness what action might take place then? You might come home and tell everyone to leave you alone as you lock yourself away from the world, that's an action. You might try and drink those feelings away or do drugs to try and drug them away, both an actions.

We also have "bodily actions". If someone is stressed out for a long period of time, well that's a feeling. How might your body react? You might develop holes in the lining of your stomach, an ulcer. You might get high blood pressure. Both of these are "bodily actio n s" and y o u, my f r iend , a re h av in g b o di ly actio n s , w hich are labe led as Fibromyalgia (or whatever).

The moment the feeling or emotion triggering that action is changed from negative to positive is the exact moment that the action associated with it vanishes. Right now you're not yelling or breaking anything because you're not angry, so those actions are not occurring. The very moment the feeling triggering Fibromyalgia vanishes is the exact moment the discomfort vanishes - and the best part about it is that it will never return.

Old Time Doctor's Office

Clear mind, deeper and deeper relaxed...

Right now I want you to imagine that you are at a doctor's office - but this office doesn't have a waiting room, kind of like an old time doctor’s office. You are standing in a single file line that runs right into the doctor's examination room. His door is open, you can see him sitting on a stool in there and you are about the third person in line. All of you are facing the doctor and you can hear everything that's going on in there.

2 The first patient is in there and the doctor says - "Okay, what's your problem?" “My head hurts, I get headaches, very bad ones." "Headache, okay --- Oh, migraine!" He then sticks a label on them called Migraine. (touch their forearm in 1 spot). "Let me give you a prescription for that." (loudly scribble) "Okay, NEXT!" Then line moves forward and the doctor is seeing his next patient.

"Okay, what's your problem?" "My stomach hurts after I eat, I get cramps." "Oh, I see --- You have IBS!". Let me give you a prescription for that." (loudly scribble again) He then sticks a label on that person called IBS. (touch their forearm in 1 spot). He loudly calls out "NEXT"...

Now it's your turn, you are the next patient and he asks you what your problem is. You tel l him (describe your cl ients symptoms here) and then he says, - -- "Oh, Fibromyalgia! Let me give you a prescription for that." (loudly scribble) He gives you the prescription, and then he sticks a label on you called Fibromyalgia. (swipe hand down their forearm at least twice) And now you leave...

Build Feeling

Now that doctor has glued that label on you, that label that has written on it Fibromyalgia. (swipe arm again) Imagine seeing that label glued to your forearm right now in your mind’s eye. (swipe arm again) Now I want to tell you something. You will not have any symptoms of Fibromyalgia, in fact you feel so relaxed and discomfort free right now and during our session you will continue to physically feel fine. But here's the thing...

The glue, the glue that's holding that label to you (swipe arm again) are all the feelings and emotions you don't like, feelings that are causing that Fibromyalgia to be stuck to you in the first place! The glue holding that label on you are all the feelings and emotions causing you these problems, and you begin to feel those feelings now! All of those feelings are washing into your mind now, all the feelings and emotions that have everything to do with fibromyalgia, the glue holding that to you now, those feelings are now building... [build feelings as usual compounding Glue = Feelings]

Post Hypnotic Suggestion for Convincer Using Red

(No matter what the topic of your session, end your session using this to compound the change work that you have completed today. Anytime you see the color red you will realize that things have changed for the better.)

Over the next couple of days (longer if you like), the color red will have special meaning to you. The color red, red, red, will seem, sharper or clearer to you. Be it a tail light, a stop light, the color of sign or clothing, it will just seem to catch your eye.

That's right, over the next few days the color red, red, red, will be of special significance to you. It could be as small as a lady's finger nail polish, or as large as a bill board. The color red will just seem to catch your eye.

Every time that you see the color red, it will reinforce every positive thing we have done here today. The color red will increase your confidence that you will succeed.

Now, you will not have to look for the color red, you will just notice it automatically. Each time you see the color red, you will become more confident and more motivated to be successful at ………..

Now, you will not have to look for the color red; it will just catch your eye. You may even see red where you never noticed it before. Each time you see the color red, consciously or unconsciously, your confidence, motivation and ability to be successful continues to grow.

Magic Mirror – Weight & Self-Esteem

(There are two versions here, one for weight and one for self-esteem. For the self-esteem I put them in front of the mirror, build the feelings (affect bridge) and regress on those feelings and fix. Then I keep throwing them in front of the mirror until all of the negative feelings are gone. Then do some DS on top of that. For the weight part, you are finding out why they became overweight to begin with. I suggest you use my Bartley Age Regression technique for all regressions.)

Magic Mirror - Weight

“I want you to imagine that you’re standing in front of a full length mirror right now but this isn’t a regular mirror, no… it’s a special mirror, it’s a magic mirror! This mirror doesn’t show you how you look now and it doesn’t’ show you how you would like to look in the future. The mirror you’re now imagining shows the reflection of the person you’re thinking of when you have those private conversations in your own mind. It doesn’t show the reflection of who you want to be but it shows you the personal feelings regarding your weight. It knows why this fat has come on and stayed on, yes it knows…

Deep, deep, deep inside the mirror are all the feelings and emotions that no one else knows are there. This mirror reveals to you all the feelings and emotions regarding this stored fat on your body and why it is present. These feelings are the feelings and emotions of why you have allowed yourself to become overweight! Why this fat has come on and why it has stayed on, these feelings are in this mirror right in front of you now! These are the feelings and emotions that are hidden inside the mirror and they directly relate to your weight.

- You’ve tried to run from this feeling- You’ve tried to hide from it- You’ve tried to stuff it away with food… now you facing it, feel it now…

Okay now I want you to look inside the mirror and look at the feelings and emotions that no one else knows are there but you. These inner feelings, the feelings of why your inner mind has allowed this fat to be present! The source of why you have become over weight is revealed to you now! Feel it! … Now… Do you like these feelings yes or no?

Magic Mirror – Self-Esteem

“I want you to imagine that you’re standing in front of a full length mirror right now but this isn’t a regular mirror, no… it’s a special mirror, it’s a magic mirror! This mirror doesn’t show you how you look now and it doesn’t’ show you how you would like to look in the future. The mirror you’re now imagining shows the reflection of the person you’re thinking of when you have those private conversations in your own mind. It shows you the personal feelings you have about you. It knows how you feel about you, yes it knows…

Deep, deep, deep inside the mirror coming forward now are all the feelings and emotions that no one else knows are there but you. This mirror reveals to you all the feelings and emotions regarding your feelings about you, your self-esteem or lack of it, and why these feelings are present. These feelings are the feelings and emotions of how you regard yourself, how you feel about yourself. (TRIED TO RUN, TRIED TO HIDE) These are the feelings of how you feel about you - they are in this mirror right in front of you now! These are the feelings and emotions that are hidden inside the mirror and they directly relate to your self-esteem, your self-worth. Feelings coming up strongly now…

Okay now I want you to look inside the mirror and look at the feelings and emotions that no one else knows are there but you. These inner feelings, the feelings of how you feel about you! Feel it! … Now… Do you like these feelings yes or no?

Marketing Patter

(Use this as a positive ending to your sessions to gain referrals if you would like.)

I want you to know that you've done great here today my friend, job well done! You've have bettered yourself here today and that just makes you feel good about you! And you know that in the future, if you or anyone around you needs assistance, with things like sleeping better, quitting smoking, losing weight, getting rid of fear or panic attacks, depression, building self-confidence or managing pain, I want you to know that my door is always open to you, your friends, and your family. You know that I'm here to help, and it feels good to help the people in your life by directing them here. And every time you go into hypnosis you go deeper than the time before, and not because I say so, but because it's such a quick way to make positive change, it just feels good. Spread the word, tell a friend, help a family member. This process just plain helps people, and it feels good to help others.

Numbers in the Sand

"With every breath you continue to feel a deeper... more relaxed comfort... peace... safety and security.., and this happens automatically... unconsciously... just as your heart beats... hair grows... and the body relaxes deeply. And you know how endless imagination is... limitless... where all things are possible... and your imagination is free. Now.., you may visualize what I say... or just imagine what it would be like.., to be at the water's edge.-.. the shoreline of a beach... maybe one you know or are creating in your mind as I speak to you... that's right.

Now imagine standing there.., and maybe you are alone on a private beach.., and as you feel the peace and comfort around you... imagine scratching the number 7 into the sand with your toe... or maybe with a stick. And as the wave gently washes up onto the sand.., watch how that number is washed away as that wave rolls back out to the ocean.... And with every number that washes away... all muscles.., body... relax deeper... and deeper still. And now the number 6... imagine that.., maybe seeing it in your mind's eye... as the number 6 is scratched into the sand.., and the next wave washes that number away.. .6.... relaxing deeper and deeper with every wave... And 5... the number 5 now in the sand.., and the numbers become smaller and smaller each time.., and watch how that number... 5... is washed away... as you continue to feel that deep, relaxing feeling. Now 4... 4... smaller.., deeper... relaxing more and more now.., that's right... washing away... gone from your mind now.., as the number 4 is washed away your conscious mind is becoming tired of numbers... drifting away...

And the next 3 numbers are becoming difficult to scratch in the sand.., tired.. .heavier muscles now.., relaxing in that beautiful place.. .you see how the remaining numbers appear in the sand and wash away as I speak to you.. .3... deeper still.., washed away... 2... 2... drifting... allowing all changes to happen for you... and now 1...1...1... all numbers gone... as you relax deeper and deeper with every breath.

And as you continue to relax you may think you consciously don't hear all of what I say... and that's fine.., but... unconsciously your mind will hear my voice and accept all suggestions... because this is your desire..., while you continue to drift back.., and back.., deeper... and deeper still.

Erectile Dysfunction

The unconscious mind controls all automatic body functions. It controls breathing, heart rate, respiration and perspiration. It is in control of all of the body functions that are not under constant conscious control. As a matter of fact, if you try to control these automatic body functions consciously you will either fail of cause them to just not work right.

For example, have you ever thought about your breathing? If were walking along and you decided to concentrate on your breathing you will find that it disrupts the whole process. Before you started thinking about it, you were breathing just fine, automatically. Your unconscious mind was managing quite well without any conscious effort. You unconscious mind knows how to measure how much oxygen your body needs, and then automatically lets your lungs and diaphragm know what the right speed and depth of breathing is required. But when you start thinking about your breathing consciously, you don't know if you are breathing fast enough or slow enough, or deep enough or shallow enough. It is not until you start thinking about something else that you unconscious mind can take back control and handle thing perfectly.

So if you don't think about your erection, your unconscious mind will make one for you. This is a simple process but some people make a mistake. If I told you to not think about your breathing it would be difficult for you to do that. It is difficult to not think about something by trying to not think about it. Here is another example, try to not think about pink elephants. Try harder and really try not to think about pink elephants. As long as you try to not think about pink elephants you can't help it, you just keep thinking of pink elephants.

But if I told you to now think about another kind animal, like cows you can take your attention away from the pink elephants. Watch how well this works. Let’s think about cows. Some cows are brown and some are black and white. Cows are female and people can get milk from them. They also have calves, and the calves get good creamy milk from their mothers. Male cows are not cows. They are bulls.

So now we have learned that the unconscious mind perfectly controls all automatic body functions and among these are the ability of men to get and sustain an erection. We also know that the unconscious mind does best when left alone to do its job. If you think about an erection, it will only get in the way of the unconscious mind doing what it knows how to do. It knows how to give you're a perfect erection anytime that you need one.

We also know that it is almost impossible to not think about something. If you start thinking about or worrying about your erection, it only gets in the way of your unconscious mind providing you with a good strong erection. So what you need to do is to give your unconscious mind all of the information that it needs to provide you with an erection whenever you want one. You know that you can't just talk to it and say, "okay unconscious mind, give me an erection," because then you are thinking about it again.

This is what you do. The subconscious mind is structured to automatically respond to certain things. The more strongly that you are aware of these certain things, the more abundantly the subconscious mind gets the information it needs to provide you with a good strong and long lasting erection. This information comes through the 5 senses. When you want to have an erection all you have to do is focus on you partner. Give her your 100% attention and you will have a 100% erection. It is that simple. But how do you give her that kind of attention?

This is how. Use all of your 5 senses when you are with her. Allow yourself to use touch, taste, sight, smell and hearing. So then, this is the secret. When you are with your partner, really use your senses. Notice the touch of her skin. The taste of her skin. The scent of her perfume. The way she looks. And, the sounds that she makes.

Really allow your senses to be filled with these wonderful and pleasant sensations. These are the signals that your unconscious mind needs to receive. It uses these senses to get the information it needs to produce a good strong long lasting erection.

When you are with her really notice her touch, taste, appearance, scent and the sounds that she makes. Maybe there is some particular thing that you like best about her. Focus on that aspect of her, if there is some particular thing that strikes you as being sexually attractive. Is it her hair, her eyes, her figure? Really, allow yourself to enjoy that part of the experience. As you do this, your unconscious mind will respond to these things and send all of the proper signals so that you function perfectly. Focus on her. That is the secret.

Notice how it feels like to touch her. Notice the sensation of the touch and how she responds to it. Some places may be smooth and cool while others may be rough and warm. Explore all of the sensations. Be a great explorer.

Notice how she tastes when you kiss her. Enjoy the taste of her lips and skin. Some places may be sweet and others salty.

Enjoy seeing all the things that you don't usually get to see until the next time that you are together this way.

Enjoy how each part of her smells. Notice the scent of her hair and skin. All of these very feminine smells send very definite signals to your nervous system. Some of these smells are produced by glands that are specifically designed by nature to communicate to your nervous system and produce an erection. Some of these smells are almost undetectable by the conscious mind and are called pheromones.

Enjoy all of the sounds that she makes and the rhythm of her body as it moves next to yours.

As you focus on her your body responds reliably and consistently. You will be more confident when having sex. Your confidence with extend throughout all aspects of your life.

Progressive Relaxation

Close your eyes and keep them closed until I ask you to open them. Just let your body relax.., nice and easy. Now I'd like you to take a real good deep breath and hold it. Now let it out SLOWLY, good.

Now I'd like you to take another real good deep breath. Fill your lungs up real good, and let it out SLOWLY again. Excellent. Now, I'd like you to take one more deep breath...fill your lungs up real good now and hold it. Now let it out SLOWLY and already you can feet your body starting to relax.

Now let that warm, wonderful feeling of relaxation flow all the way down to your feet. Feel your feet becoming loose and limp. Now let this feeling of relaxation flow up into your ankles.

From the ankles up all the large and small muscles of your legs to your knees. From your knees now, into your thighs. From your thighs into your hips. From your hips now into your abdomen.

With each breath you exhale just let your body go deeper and deeper relaxed. Just let it all go, more and more. Let that warm, wonderful feeling of relaxation flow up all the muscles of your back. Let all the muscles of your back go loose and limp and lazy just like a rag doll.

Let this relaxation flow up into your shoulders. Now over your shoulders and down your arms to your elbows...from your elbows to your wrists...from your wrist into your hands, going out to the ends of your fingertips, guiding you deeper and deeper relaxed. Just letting it all go more and more.

Let that warm, wonderful feeling of relaxation flow up all the muscles of your neck. Let all the muscles of your neck go loose, limp and lazy. Let this relaxation flow up into your head. Now over your head and down into your brow. All the muscles of your eyes relaxed. All the muscles of your cheeks relaxed. All the muscles of your chin relaxed.

Now if your teeth are clenched just unclench them now and let your jaw sag. Just let it all go, more and more, deeper and deeper relaxed.

Now, I 'm going to count from three down to one. On each count just a l low yourself, let yourself drift deeper and deeper relaxed. 3 Going deeper and deeper. 2 Going deeper and deeper relaxed. 1 So deep, so comfortable, so relaxed, just letting yourself go, more and more.

Children Inductions

Close your eyes… Imagine you’re sitting in front of the TV and that I came in and turned it to a special channel - where the screen is bright blue.

Now I’m going to count from 1 to 3 and when I get to the number 3 I want you to open your eyes… then I’ll snap my fingers and you’ll close your eyes… and each time we do this the screen on the TV will change color… then shapes and spirals will come in… and then your powerful mind will present themselves. Powerful mind may look exactly like you or different… Once powerful mind shows up just let me know by saying he’s here. (Repeat Instructions)

Now powerful mind you know why CLIENT has shown up..

Once powerful mind is there I usually do a short introduction, confirm that powerful mind knows why (jimmy) has called for their help and make sure that they're in agreement. Then I'll have powerful mind demonstrate some power, numb hand, heavy hand - a tickle if the kid is really little. Just something so the child has faith. Then just go for the ISE. Ask powerful mind to find "the thing" that started the fear. Assure the child that you'll be right there with them and have powerful mind take the child as they are today back into that time. Get it resolved, do forgiveness work and a modified grey room and you're good to go.

Raft of Security

"Take a deep, relaxing breath... and as you exhale all tension, close your eyes. Your body automatically relaxes with each breath as your mind relaxes now. Sometimes we imagine, visualize.., as if we were watching a movie or seeing pictures... behind our eyes... but... you know we can imagine even if it is dark and comfortable behind our eyes... as you are now. Maybe you are imagining what I am saying... or not...or imagining what it would be like to let your mind wander to a place now... a special and private place that you have found. I'd like you to imagine what it would be like to be at a beautiful river.., the air warm... the sky blue.., the scenery is how you would create it. Now... imagine at this never ending river.., calm and peaceful... there is a rubber raft at the shore. You may even see the color of this raft.

Now... this rubber raft has been sitting by the shore for a while and has been warmed by the sun. And this raft has been made for you... the most comfortable, soft, warm feeling you can imagine. And as you now get inside and sit.., you feel how strong yet soft the raft is under your safe and secure it is... as you allow yourself to float... gently... slowly... drifting down this never ending river. And at all times how the raft stays in the center of the river.., slow.., and can go on for days and days... allowing you to enjoy having your eyes close as you drift.., feeling the warm air... maybe hearing the soft, gentle breeze through the trees..., birds soaring through the sky... that's right... and the water is so clean and clear.., like the thoughts you have each moment.., of health... confidence.., and calm.

Now imagine what it would be like.., as each relaxing breath allows you to feel even more secure.., safe.., calm... inside your raft of security and peace. And how you settle down deeper into the warm rubber... floating safely... as changes of healthy behavior continue.., becoming more balanced like the Nature around you for we are Nature and Nature is us. And you may notice... as you continue to drift along this beautiful... private... personal place... how much more deeply relaxed you are... with each passing moment... as you continue to drift.., that's right...drifting... floating.. .changing thoughts, ideas.., behaviors and actions... to feel more balanced like all the life around you... balanced... natural... and healthier with every breath."

(Continue with a deepener if necessary)


So now that you're safe and comfortable, in a very safe comfortable position...I want you to close your eyes...keep them closed...until I ask you to open them. (Pause) I want you to take a very good, deep breath, fill your lungs up really good and let it out slowly. (Pause) Very good. Now I want you to take another really good deep breath, fill your lungs up really good and let this out slowly and already you can FEEL your body starting to relax.

Now let this wonderful feeling of relaxation flow all the way down to your feet. (Pause) Feel your feet becoming very comfortable and if you don't feel it right away in your feet, don't let it disturb you because it will gradually catch up to you. (Pause) Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow from your feet into your ankles. (Pause) From your ankles going up all the large and small muscles of your legs to your knees. (Pause) Such a wonderful comfortable feeling and with every breath you exhale, your body just keeps on relaxing, deeper and deeper relaxed.

Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow from your knees...into your thighs...from your thighs...into your hips...from your hips into your abdomen...and with every breath that you exhale...your body just keeps on relaxing DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed. (Pause)

Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow up the large and small muscles of your back...let all the back muscles go loose and limp like a rag doll. (Pause) Let this relaxation flow up into your shoulders...Now over your shoulders...and DOWN into your chest...such a wonderful comfortable feeling...and with every breath that you exhale your body just keeps on relaxing...DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed.

Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow down the muscles of your arms to your elbows...from your elbows to your wrist...from your wrist into your hands...right on out to the ends of your fingertips. (Pause) Such a wonderful comfortable feeling...and with every breath you exhale your body just keeps on relaxing DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed. (Pause)

Now let this wonderful flow of relaxation flow up all the large and small muscles of your neck...coming up into your head...over your head...and down into your brow...all the muscles of your eyes relaxing...all the muscles around your eyes relaxing...all the muscles of your cheeks relaxing...all the muscles of your chin relaxing...such a wonderful comfortable feeling...and with every breath you exhale, your body just keeps on relaxing, DEEPER and DEEPER relaxed.

Now if your teeth are clenched just unclench your teeth and your body relaxes much more...just let your jaw sag...feel all that tension go out of your facial muscles. (Pause) Now as I count from three down to one, with each and every count just allow your body to relax much DEEPER. (Pause) THREE, more and more relaxed. (Pause) TWO, more and more relaxed. (Pause) ONE, very DEEP very comfortable, very relaxed.

The sound of my voice guides you deeper into relaxation...following my suggestions guides you deeper into relaxation...and the deeper you go into relaxation the better you feel...and the better you feel the more and more your body relaxes...with just terrific, good, marvelous, wonderful, feelings going through your body and very happy contented thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go...

Now I want you to relax still more to a deeper state of relaxation, much more again I will count from five DOWN to I count from five DOWN to one, your body will double the relaxation you have right now automatically. (Pause) FIVE, relaxation starting to double, (Pause) FOUR, relaxation doubling more and more. (Pause) THREE, relaxation doubling...TWO, relaxation is now almost doubled in your body. (Pause) ONE, relaxation now has doubled in your body from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Every fiber, every tissue, every organ, every gland, every minute part of your body has doubled its feel feel feel fine...with just terrific feelings going through your body and contented happy thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go.

Now I want you to relax still more to a deeper state of relaxation, much more again I will count from five DOWN to one...and this time your body will triple the relaxation you have right now automatically. (Pause) FIVE, relaxation starting to triple. (Pause) FOUR, relaxation tripling more and more. (Pause) THREE, very comfortable, very relaxed. (Pause) TWO, relaxation is now almost tripled in your body. (Pause) ONE, relaxation now has tripled in your body...from the top of your head to the tip of your toes. Every fiber, every tissue, every organ, every gland, every minute part of your body has tripled its feel great, you feel wonderful, you feel fine...with just marvelous feelings going through your body and very happy, contented thoughts going through your mind, relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go...all tension going from your body...all discomfort going from your body...all of your organs functioning normally...all of your glands functioning normally.

All your body tissues are mending as the blood runs freely through all your arteries...sending all the proper healing to each and every minute part of your body and the proper oxygen to your brain...removing all impurities and letting your body become healthy, God intended...relax...and let yourself go.

Now I want you to relax still more to a much more relaxed again I will count...but this time from ten DOWN to I count from ten DOWN to one...your conscience mind will relax as your body is relaxed and your body will double the relaxation it has at that time on each and every count...TEN, your mind is as

relaxed as the body is relaxed and the body is doubling its relaxation at this time...NINE, mind relaxed as the body relaxes and the body is doubling its relaxation again at this time...EIGHT, mind relaxed as the body's relaxed and the body again doubling the relaxation it has at this time...SEVEN, the same thing...SIX, keep right on going...FIVE...FOUR...THREE...TWO...ONE, mind relaxed as the body's relaxed and your body has doubled its relaxation many times feel great, you feel wonderful, you feel fine...with just terrific feelings going through your body and very happy contented thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go.

By relaxation, I mean...the absence of all contraction...your body is loose and limp and motionless...your muscles offering no resistance, just as if you were a rag doll...complete relaxation means the complete absence of all movements. It means the complete absence of holding any part of your body as you're laying completely relaxed...all the muscles attached to your bones are limp. If you make any volunteer can only do so by contracting some muscles or a group of muscles, but when you allow these muscles to become completely relaxed...your nerves to and from these muscles carry no messages. Your nerves are completely inactive...and it is certain that complete any set of nerves means simply zero activity in these nerves. It is physically impossible for you to be any part of your body...when in that part you allow it to be completely relaxed. You're very calm and peaceful. You're feeling better than you have felt for a long, long time.

Outside noises will not distract any you may hear...may only assist you in relaxing more and more deeply you will relax...that you can actually feel a physical experience...and you're feeling yourself resting...DEEPER and DEEPER...enjoying all the wonderful feelings of complete relaxation. Your relaxation becoming so much so...that should you try to resist CONSCIOUSLY OR SUBCONSCIOUSLY...the more deeper relaxed your body will grow automatically. And as this peacefulness you feel in your mind...and the calmness you're experiencing throughout your body becomes STRONGER and will continue to relax even more soundly and more deeply with every breath you exhale. Enjoying all the sensations...allowing yourself to relax without any effort what so ever...your whole body just gives in, just letting go...loose...limp...and relaxed...very loose...very limp...and very relaxed.

The sound of my voice keeps guiding you deeper into relaxation...following my suggestions keeps guiding you into deeper relaxation… and the more and more you allow your body to relax the better you FEEL...and the better you FEEL...the more and more your body will relax...with just terrific, good, beautiful feelings going through your body and contented thoughts going through your mind...relax...and let yourself go...relax...and let yourself go.

In every way now you feel better, happier and content...every second, every minute, every hour, every day, your self-confidence keeps building up more and're having more self-confidence than you ever have had before, every second, every minute, every hour, every are having more and more will be positive now...always positive and never negative...always have a positive attitude...YOU will not worry...worries never helped you...worry just tenses you you up...and makes you feel you poor thinking...and poor from now on you will not will be concerned...being concerned, you'll have good thinking...and clear thinking...good judgment...and what you can't do by being concerned you could never have done by all your big worries are little worries...and your little worries have will be concerned but never worried.

You have complete control over every nerve in your body. Complete control over your whole nervous system. Nothing or no one will be able to upset work you make you nervous. No matter what is matter what is done. No matter what happens in life...nothing or no one will be able to upset you in any way to make you nervous...because you have control of your whole nervous system. So no matter what is matter what is matter what happens in life...nothing or no one will be able to upset you, to work you make you nervous...because you have control over all the inner nerves and the outer nerves...complete control of your whole nervous system. You will sleep wonderfully each and every night. God has given us nights for sleeping. So, therefore, each and every night...when you go to bed...and there is nothing else you wish to will close your eyes...and immediately go right off to sleep. You will go into a wonderful, deep, sound, comfortable, restful, deep...and so sound...that nothing...will disturb or bother you all night. Unless it's an emergency...if an emergency will be physically and mentally alert...wide able to take care of the emergency...then return to bed, close your eyes, and go right back to sleep. Always going into a wonderful, deep, sound, comfortable, restful comfortable...and restful...that when you dream you'll only have pleasant dreams, no unpleasant dreams. Awaking in the morning exactly the time you wish to awaken...never with a tired, sluggish, hangover, feeling... but always with an alert feeling...a wide awake though you have been up for'll feel so wonderful...and so fine...and this marvelous wonderful fine refreshed feeling will stay with you all the time...every day you'll be better and better, happier and happier and more contented...every day in every way you'll feel marvelous, wonderful, and in to the potential of your mind and body that God has given you. Whatever your mind can conceive...your body can achieve. Now, I want you to relax to a much deeper state of relaxation...WAY ON DOWN...thousands of times deeper than you are now automatically...your subconscious mind will take you consciously don't even think about it.

I now have three more states of relaxation I want you to go I want you to double the relaxation you have in your body right now...and when this is doubled, I want you to say "A". It only takes a few seconds. (Pause) Very good. Now I want you to double the relaxation again that you have in your body...and when this is doubled try to say "B". (Pause) Very good. Now I want you to really let yourself go just as if you are going down a long escalator to the very bottom of relaxation...where you'll be so'll feel so marvelous in every way.

Giving in to the potentials of your own mind and once more, double the relaxation you have in your body at this time and when it's doubled try to say "C". (Pause) Very good.

Your whole body is so, so limp, so relaxed, not caring what day it is, not caring what time it is, not caring about anything but how good you great you wonderful you feel...and this great, good, wonderful feeling will stay with you all the time. Every day you will be better and better, happier and happier at work and play...every day in every way you feel terrific, wonderful inside. Giving into the potentials of your own mind and body.

You have a wonderful, heavy, comfortable relaxed feeling going through your body. Your arms and legs are very heavy, comfortable and relaxed. Your arms and legs are so heavy, comfortable and relaxed. If I should ask you to lift an arm or leg, you'll find it's so heavy, so comfortable and relaxed, you just don't feel like lifting it. But never the less, I want you just to try and lift your left leg. (Pause) Stop trying. Let it relax, it feels so much better just resting where it heavy...comfortably relaxed. Deeper and deeper relaxed, so deep, so comfortable, so relaxed. Deeper and deeper relaxed.

I have three more levels of relaxation I want you to go into. They are levels "A", level "B", and level "C". Each one of these levels are thousands of times more relaxed than the level you are in now. Each one of these levels are thousands of times more relaxed than the level I want you to let yourself go from where you are now...thousands of times more relaxed to level "A".

Know it will work, let it work, feel it work...letting your whole body become so loose and flaccid, going all the way down to level "A" (Pause 10 seconds) "Very good."

Now I want you to go from level "A" to level "B"...thousands of times more relaxed again. Know it will work, let it work and feel it work. Feel your whole body becoming so loose and flaccid...going all the way down to level "B". (Pause 10 seconds) Very good. Now I want you to go from level "B" to level "C". Thousands of times more relaxed again. Know it will work.

Let it work and feel it work. Feel your whole body becoming so loose and flaccid, thousands of times more relaxed to level "C". (Pause 10 seconds) "Very good."

Now I want you to try to lift your right leg. (Pause 5 seconds) Stop trying, let it feels so much better just resting right where it is.

Now I want you to try to lift your left leg (Pause 10 seconds) Stop trying, let it relax.

I want you to try to lift your left arm. (Pause 10 seconds) Stop trying, let it relax.

Your whole body is just giving in, just letting go, loose, limp and relaxed. Very loose, very limp and very relaxed. Deeper and deeper relaxed. So deep and comfortable feeling so great and wonderful, feeling so quiet in every way.

As the sound of my voice just helps and guides you deeper. Following my suggestions helps and guides you to go deeper. And the more you allow your body to relax, the better you feel. And the better you feel, the more and more the body relaxes.

Just marvelous feelings going through your body and happy, contented thoughts going through your mind. Relax and let yourself go...relax and let yourself go, deeper and deeper deep and comfortable, feeling so great and wonderful...feeling so fine in every way.

By relaxation I mean the absence of all contraction, your body loose, limp and motionless. Your muscles offering no resistance, just as if you were a rag doll.

Complete relaxation means the complete absence of all movement. It means the complete absence of holding any part of your body rigid. So if you are completely relaxed, all the muscles attached to your bones are limp. If you make a voluntary movement, you only can do so by contracting some muscles or a group of muscles. So when you allow these muscles to be completely relaxed, the nerves to and from these muscles carry no messages. The nerves are completely inactive and it is certain that in complete relaxation in any set of nerves there is simply zero activity in these nerves. It is physically impossible for you to be nervous in any part of your body.

You are very calm and very peaceful. You’re feeling better than you have felt in a long, long time. Outside noises will not disturb you and whatever you hear will only assist you in relaxing more and more deeply. So deeply will you relax that you could actually feel a physical condition...and you can sense yourself resting deeper and deeper, enjoying all those wonderful good feelings of complete relaxation. Deeper and deeper relaxed. So deep and comfortable, feeling so great and wonderful, feeling so fine in every way.

As the sound of my voice, just helps and guides you to go deeper. Following my suggestions helps and guides you to go deeper...and the more you allow your body to relax, the better you feel and the better you

feel, the more the body relaxes. With just marvelous wonderful good feelings going through your body and happy contented thoughts going through your mind.

Just relax and let yourself go...just relax and let yourself go...deeper and deeper.

(Give suggestions, weight loss, smoking……..)

Signs of Ultra Depth

Shallow breathing or snoring (palate relaxes)

Flaccidity of every muscle in body

REM – eyeballs floating from L to R

The relaxation of infancy

Be sure to test and look for REM aka windshield wiper eye movement. Also look for VERY slow breathing. The breathing is the real key for the state. But if you get REM, you have a very good working state


La La land aka Sichort State aka Ultra Depth is basically repetition of the Coma escalator induction 3 times. (Jerry's comment for a tape I made in my motel during my 2002 class; I had 4 or 5 repetitions of Coma induction before I had heard of SIchort or Ultra depth: Jerry said that should take you right to La La land.".)

Be sure to test and look for REM aka windshield wiper eye movement. Also look for VERY slow breathing. The breathing is the real key for the state. But if you get REM, you have a very good working state.

Supposedly it’s rare to actually get someone to the state with the 2 minute +/- breath cycles. But if you do, be prepared for a very slow emergence. All time sense appears gone ("instantly" can be 30 minutes or more from my experience). Coma threat does not work (or did not work for 2 cases I worked on). Only patience for those 2. I did figure out a DRT or 2 for 3 later clients.

1st. Never ever do the Sichort with the person lying on a bed unless you intend to let nature take its course to emerge them. Breathing is practically unnoticeable; heartbeat slows ~50% my result when I was doing a physical and stress test and they hooked me to a halter monitor for a week. The body is totally flaccid. (NOTE: 1st Client i used the extra escalators with was a surgery prep in 2003 for a grapefruit sized mastatitized ovarian cancer. She was not expected to be able to leave hospital for more than 2 weeks (because she was still having after effects from arsenic poisoning) Surgery was better than expected and did not use the opium when she came out anesthesia. Surgery was an afternoon on a Tuesday she was released noon on Thursday. Cancer disappeared from lymph nodes and did not need any other cancer treatment. Arsenic symptoms also disappeared. her ex is still in jail though.

It took her 35 minutes to emerge. After about 10 minutes and several coma threats, I started to call 911 when I finally noticed a very slight and slow breath. Her pulse was unnoticeable to me at her wrist (skin was like a water filled balloon). Her skin did not change color this ratified my patience for the emergence.

Seven Plus or Minus Two

(Confusion induction – I LOVE TO USE THIS AS A DEEPENER!!!)

Use this induction with analytical or intellectually orientated clients. It contains elements of confusion and

since it is almost impossible to resist, it works particularly well with those who tend to find 'normal' relaxation

inductions uncomfortable.

"All right, just allow yourself to be as lazy as you want to be... listening quietly to the sound of my voice... and while you're listening quietly to the sound of my voice concentrate for a few moments on your breathing... breathing slowly and steadily, just as though you were sound asleep, or pretending to be sound asleep... and imagining just how comfortable you might look while you're relaxing there in the chair... using the power of your mind to see yourself in your mind's eye... and then using the power of your mind to do whatever has to happen to make you look even more relaxed... and still thinking about your breathing, making quite sure that each breath in lasts the same length of time as the last breath in... and each breath outwards lasts the same length of time as the last breath out... even though each breath in will probably be slightly shorter than each breath out... and while you're thinking about your breathing, noticing, perhaps, the weight of your head against the back of the chair... and still listening quietly to the sound of my voice...

And while you're listening quietly to the sound of my voice, it maybe that you'll become aware that you've forgotten to think about your breathing... but that's all right, you can just simply start thinking about your breathing again, while you're listening quietly to the sound of my voice and what I'm saying to you here... there's a rule called seven plus or minus two… and that means that most people can think of seven things all at once - plus or minus two... So you should be able to think of at least five things all at the same time... the sound of my voice... the steadiness of your breathing... the weight of your head against the back of the chair... and how you might look from the outside... and that's four things... so you can think of those four things while you're listening to the sound of the music in the background... so that's five things, now... and I wonder if you can think about those five things and then at the same time notice the way your feet feel on the footrest of the chair... and perhaps how your arms feel... and that's seven things now... the sound of my voice... the weight of your head against the back of the chair... the music playing in the background... the way you look while you're relaxing... and your breathing... and your arms... and your feet on the footrest... and I wonder if you can now add an eighth thing into all of that... I wonder if your mind is powerful enough to think of seven plus one things... adding in, perhaps, an awareness of the temperature of the room... and then just testing to see whether you can add yet another input to your senses... so that you're thinking of NINE things all at once... that's seven plus two... thinking about all those eight inputs to your senses and then maybe adding an awareness of the way your eyes feel while you're thinking about all those other things... the weight of your head... your breathing... the music in the background... how you look from the outside... the temperature of the room... your feet on the footrest... your arms... the sound of my voice... and how your eyes feel...

The weight of your head... your breathing... the music in the background... how you look from the outside... the temperature of the room... your feet on the footrest... your arms... the sound of my voice... and how your eyes feel... and of course, when anybody thinks of all these things, what they are really doing is scanning round them one after the other... very quickly... so quickly, it feels as if you're thinking of them all at once... sharing your available resources between the different tasks you are attempting to perform all at once... and that's why some people can think of only five things... while others can actually think of nine things... and I wonder how well your memory is working as you struggle to remember those nine things... the weight of your head... your breathing... the music in the background... how you look from the outside... the temperature of the room... your feet on the footrest... your arms... the sound of my voice... and how your eyes feel...

And now you can think how good it will feel when you simply allow yourself to think of only the most important thing of all... concentrating all your energies onto that one most important thing of all... which is going to be so easy to think of, now that you are going to allow yourself to think of only one thing instead of nine... and that one thing is how good it feels to think of only one thing... thinking how relaxed you can be now... you're only thinking of how relaxed you might like to be... relaxing in your mind... and in your body... no need to think anything at all, really... no need to do anything... nobody wanting anything and nobody expecting anything... and absolutely nothing whatsoever for you to do except to... relax.

Elman Induction Modified by Tim Bartley

Now take a long deep breath in and hold it for a few seconds. As you exhale this breath allow your eyes to close and just let go of the surface tension in your body. Just allow your body to relax as much as possible right now.

Now place your awareness on the muscles around your eyes and eye lids, and relax those muscles to the point that they just won't work. Those muscles just letting go now, that's right. Hold on to that relaxation… because in a moment, I'm going to have you test to make sure those muscles just don’t work. Now of course you can open your eyes if you want to, but to do so you’d have to remove the relaxation and that’s not why you’re here.

So when you know that you’ve relaxed those muscles to the point that they just won’t work give them a test and make sure they won’t work… (3 seconds) Stop testing.

Now this relaxation you have in your eyes is the same quality of relaxation that I want you to have throughout your whole body. So send a wave of relaxation from the top of your head, through your forehead, your cheeks, your chest, your stomach, down through your legs, your knees, into your ankles and feet.

Now we can deepen this relaxation much more. In a moment I am going to ask you to open and close your eyes. When you close your eyes, that’s your signal to let this relaxation become ten times deeper, ten times heavier. All you have to do is want that to happen and you can make it happen very easily. When you are ready, take a deep breath and hold it. Nice and gently, open your eyes, now close them and exhale. That’s good. Imagine your whole body is covered and wrapped in a soft blanket of relaxation.

We can deepen this relaxation much more. In a moment I am going to ask you to open and close your eyes again. This time when you close your eyes, double the relaxation you have now, make it become twice as deep. When you’re ready take a deep breath, hold it, open your eyes, close them, exhale… and let every muscle become so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this relaxation, every muscle is totally relaxed.

We can deepen this relaxation much more. In a moment I am going to ask you to open and close your eyes one more time. This time when you close your eyes you’ll go thousands and thousands of times more relaxed, really letting go. When you’re ready take a deep breath, hold it, open your eyes, close them, exhale, and just let go… thousands and thousands and thousands of times more deeply relaxed. Let every muscle become so relaxed that as long as you hold on to this relaxation, every muscle is totally relaxed.

Now that’s all the physical relaxation we need, but I want you to know that there are two ways a person relaxes. You can relax physically, as you are now, and you can also relax mentally. The secret to mental relaxation is to focus and concentrate on one thing.

Right now I want you to focus on the sound of my voice. Not only paying attention to what I’m saying but actually notice how I speak… In a moment, I’m going to count from 10 Alllllllllll the way down to 1. With every number I say you just relax a little more. Each number sends you a little deeper relaxed. By the time we get Alllll the way down and I say the number 1………………. At that moment………. It’s possible you’ll be more relaxed than ever before. Focus on my voice, concentrate on my voice now.

1098 – Deeper7- Deeeeeeeeeper65 – Way down432And 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1 (The first three 1’s put about 1 second of space between, the next 3 1’s put about 2 seconds of space between, and then slow it down even more.)

Now is a good time to allow your mind to become totally relaxed and comfortable as to accept the suggestions for the life changes, habit changes, that you want. You are feeling so comfortable, so relaxed..... nothing else matters now except that comfort and relaxation....a profound sense of total physical and mental comfort and relaxation...the feeling of every muscle in your body loosening up and letting go.... every nerve in your body is becoming a flowing wave of comfort...peacefully moving all through you. Soon you get the feeling that you don't even have to be aware of it...simply allow yourself to become part of that relaxation. It becomes part of you....and you go as deeply as you need to....comfort and relaxation... letting your mind float…completely to go wherever it needs to go.

You notice the atmosphere around you radiates a calmness.... moving all around you, all over you, and all through you.....a deep sense of peace. You become aware of your own inner resources and stress-f ree strengths.... to accomplish all you set out to your work life and in your personal life. ., in all aspects of your life, always with a deep sense of accomplishment.....and always in a relaxing, calm and serene manner.

Falling Leaf Deepener - LONG

I'd like you to imagine a very tall tree. Maybe you imagine the type of tree... Maple... Oak... or a tree you never saw before. In your mind's eye... imagine a tree so tall you need to bend your head back...seeing the very top. And as you look up to the top of this tree... imagine it is bare... all but for one leaf at the very top of that tree. That's right... one single leaf hanging on the tip of that small branch... as if the wind has blown all the others away. Now... as you see that leaf... feeling tired with your head leaned back... imagine how that leaf now falls from the branch... and as it does... how slowly... gradually... it begins to drift down through the sky... gently drifting down...down...down... side to side... so calmly... peacefully. And as that calming leaf falls gently through the sky... you may have noticed its' color... or not. It's however you imagine it.

As I count down now from 10 to 1 watch that leaf as it gently floats down... and with each passing number feeling a deeper... more relaxing... feeling in the body... all muscles letting go now... that's right. And as the numbers pass down through the sky with that leaf... the numbers falling gently like that leaf... gentle... calm... peaceful... you will feel the changes as you allow yourself to make these changes... for a healthier more positive way to live... feel and behave.

Now 10... feelings changing in the muscles... letting go like loose rubber bands... 9... 9... down... drifting down... as muscles enjoy letting go now... and 8... deeper to 8...10, 9, 8 and now 7... that's right... enjoying this time... with every passing number relaxing more and more... 6... 6... almost halfway down but much more relaxed than when we began... 5... how it becomes difficult now to even watch those numbers... 5...becoming so distant as you drift deeper into peace and comfort. And as the next numbers fall down... deeper and deeper now... 4... deeper still... sinking down...3... that's right... 5...4...3... and 2...2...2... all the way back and back... and now 1... and how we can even pass 1 to zero... and continue on and on... down pass numbers below zero.

But as numbers have faded from your mind now... imagine that leaf again. You notice there is a small stream next to you. Maybe to your left... or right... behind or in front of you... but in a moment... you will notice how that leaf lands on top of the water in the stream... cupped and floating. And with your next deep breath... notice the leaf has landed on the water... gently being brought down the stream. And as you watch that leaf drift down... down... further away... watch it until it becomes a small dot... a speck on the horizon... until it is completely gone... and when it is gone from sight...take a deep relaxing breath... bringing you even deeper into comfort as you allow this time of change, peace and comfort.

Leaf Falling - Short Version

How much more deeply you relax as I continue to talk to you... and as your eyes are closed now, they will remain closed until I ask you to open them again.., which won't be for a while.

I'd like you to imagine a very tall tree. Maybe you imagine the type of tree... Maple... Oak...or a tree you never saw before. In your mind's eye... imagine a tree so tall you need to bend your head back...seeing

the very top. And as you look up to the top of this tree.., imagine it is bare.., all but for one leaf at the very top of that tree. That's right.., one single leaf hanging on the tip of that small branch.., as if the wind has blown all the others away. Now... as you see that leaf... feeling tired with your head leaned back... imagine how that leaf now falls from the branch... and as it does... how slowly... gradually... it begins to drift down through the sky... gently drifting down...down...down deeper still.., side to side... so calmly... peacefully. And as that calming leaf falls gently through the sky... you may have noticed its' color.., or not. It's however you imagine it now...but... as that leaf falls closer to the ground... you notice there is a small stream next to you. Maybe to your left.., or right.., behind or in front of you... but in a moment.., you will notice how that leaf lands on top of the water in the stream.., cupped and floating. And with your next deep breath... notice the leaf has landed on the water.., gently being brought down the stream. And as you watch that leaf drift down.., down... further away... watch it until it becomes a small dot... a speck on the horizon.., until it is completely gone... and when it is gone from sight...take a deep relaxing breath... bringing you even deeper into comfort.

Feet in the Sand – Short Deepener

I'd like you to take a deep, relaxing breath... and as you exhale... allow all tension, stress and anxiety to completely leave your body... mind... and thoughts. And as you take another deep, relaxing breath... you feel how you become more physically relaxed... sinking down deeper into the chair... soft and comfortable. And because we use our imagination when we relax... you can imagine anything... positive... happy... healthy... and calm. You can imagine drifting across the sky like a white puffy cloud... or imagine the warm air around you... as you drift deeper into comfort. Our imagination is used when we are doing something... or nothing... like when we drive... we imagine many things... as we remain safe and secure... or sitting by a pool with people all around... splashing... playing... as we imagine being somewhere else. Yes... that's right... we can use our imagination at any time... at any place.. .for anything. Imagine yourself now... at a private beach.... maybe a private tropical island... or bay. The sand is warm... white... soft... soothing the muscles in your feet as you walk down... down to the water's edge. And you can imagine what it was like... a time before when you stood at the shoreline with the waves gently washing over your feet... or maybe imagining what that would be like now... because you can imagine anything.

Imagine that first wave... slowly... gently washing over your feet... and as the water goes back out to the sea... feel how your feet sink down... into the warm... wet... heavy sand. And the next wave... that's right... feeling your feet now sink deeper... deeper ... into that warm... wet... heavy sand... and imagining how peaceful it is to be there now. And as the next wave washes over your feet... feeling them sinking deeper ... into that warm... wet... heavy feeling... you sit back on the warm... dry sand... warmed by the sun... and as you lie back on the sand... or maybe a blanket... feeling that warm sand under your shoulders and back... relaxing... as the waves continue to gently wash over your feet... as your eyes are closed... lying there.. .safe... secure... drifting away in your mind... like the way a bird floats through the sky...over the ocean... without flapping a wing... just soaring... away... away... further... and further...

Diagnostic and Healing Room

(This is a very nice DS approach to healing. I would first regress to see if there is an emotional root cause to any physical problem, and then follow up using this script.)

I'd like for you to begin to create a very special room we'll name the Diagnostic and Healing Room. It will allow you to check the Healing Progress of your organs and system. What makes this room special is that its round seamless walls, ceiling and floor is one Continuous Surface. This Surface is a Diagnostic Screen.

The moment you step into this room, this powerful Diagnostic Screen lights up, as it fully surrounds you, and it reflects back to you a highly detailed 3-Dimensional Image of the Energy and Vibrating Colors of your internal organs and systems. It will help you to rebalance and heal any part of your Energy System, as well as discover what other area needs rebalancing and healing for proper and normal functioning. And because your whole System's health and functioning is inter-connected, this Screen allows you to become aware of the overall effects and influences, the healing changes are creating throughout your body.

Now go ahead and begin to create your Diagnostic and Healing Room. Let it grow real, vivid and clear, with round seamless walls, ceiling and floor that is a Diagnostic Screen. When you're ready, step into it, and let your Diagnostic Screen, light up and fully surround you. Let me know when you've done that.

Organ / System Communication

Begin to focus in on the Energy and Vibrating Colors of (system/area/organ). Allow a 3-D Image of the whole (system/area/organ) develop clearly before you. Tell me when that happens.

(Control Panel) Now imagine a Control Panel to one side. Imagine this Control Panel is equipped with every kind of dial, lever, knob and precision tool imaginable. This now allows you to make every kind of adjustment needed to bring your (system/area/organ) into your Perfect Health.

It allows you to dial up, to magnify it, or to stimulate and re-energize it. Or it allows you to dial down, to diminish or slow it down. It allows you to accelerate healing and to mend, stitch, restore and heal tissue.

Now imagine dialing up and magnifying any area of (system/area/organ), zeroing in and out. Tell me what do you notice about its energy, its colors and condition?

Now begin to communicate with it. Become aware of what it has to say to you.

Become aware of what has to show you.

Take all the time you need, as you imagine this circulating Light made of shimmering rainbow healing colors, cleansing and purifying, washing and renewing. Then let me know when you're done.

(Template /Blue Print) Become aware if the Template created continues to give your SCM a clear/accurate understanding of how your (organ/system) should look/function when restored.

(This is after a Template of the original organ/system is superimposed over injured/diseased organ/system)

(PHYSICAL Adjustments) Become aware if it needs any Physical Adjustments to bring it into full Health/Proper Function. When you've done that, begin to use your Control Panel and to make your physical adjustments.

(EMOTIONAL Adjustments) Notice if it needs any Emotional Adjustments to help bring it into full Health/Proper Function. Discover it there any (remaining) Negative Emotions/Thoughts. Become aware of the (restored) Positive Emotions now vibrating there.

Repeat for each Organ/System

Cleansing, Washing and Healing with Light and Colors

And now imagine sending Healing Light into every one of your cells. Imagine a powerful cleansing and washing out of all negative thoughts and feelings, darkness, illness, disease and toxicity. Then imagine filling every cell with warm Healing Light made of love, positive thoughts and nourishing emotions. Imagine creating an on-going circular flow of this Healing Light, first scrubbing clean all negativity, and then purifying and replenishing with love and positive nourishing energy, and finally imagine wrapping each cell with forgiveness.

Secondary Gain

(Secondary gain is when someone does not want to let go of the problem because they are gaining from it. It’s like a child being sick and staying home from school. Yes, they are sick but what are they gaining? They don’t have to go to school, they may get special food, special attention. I see this a lot with people who suffer with fibromyalgia.)

You can use parts to ID the good part and the part that wants to hold on to the problem. You can use traditional parts therapy and simply have a meeting with the parts you identified OR you can regress the secondary gain part. I would use age regression, Bartley AR to do this.

- GOOD PARTo The part that wants to be free of PROBLEMo Uncover – What’s good about changing? (My role as a mediator.)

- SECONDARY GAIN PARTo THE PART THAT WANTS TO CONTINUE IN THE OLD WAYo Uncover – What’s good about staying the same? (My role as a mediator.)o What will you lose if you get well?

- If I lose the pain I’ll lose:

o Financial supporto Emotional support from otherso Sympathyo Attentiono A social group or other friends I identify with who also have problems.o If I lose this pain I’ll have to go get a jobo My self-identity with my identity being the disorder

The Coma State

Obtain Somnambulism through whatever induction you desire. You MUST be sure youhave somnambulism prior to proceeding to the next step!

I now would like to take you to the very basement of relaxation where you will feel so good. To a place where all your problems and pains will just disappear. A wonderful place. To get to this special place, I'll ask you to go down three more levels of relaxation. Let's just call these levels, level A, level B and level C.

To get to level A you must simply double the relaxation you have now. To get to level B you must double the relaxation you have in level A. To get to level C, the very basement of relaxation, you must double the relaxation you have in level B.

Ok, let's begin. I want you to imagine that you are standing at the top of your own personal escalator. In a moment I will count from 1 to 3. At the count of 3, your escalator will begin taking you down to level A, where you have doubled your relaxation... You may make the escalator as long or as short as you want. You can make it travel as fast or as slow as you need. When you reach level A, simply let me know by saying the letter A out loud. Ok, here we go 1, 2, 3.(Wait for client to say the letter A out loud)

Very good.. .Now, in a moment I'm going to count from 1 to 3 again. At the count of 3 your escalator will take you from level A to level B, where once more you will have doubled your relaxation. When you reach level B, let me know by trying to say the letter B out loud. If you are following my instructions, when you reach level B, your vocal chords may be so relaxed you may find it extremely difficult to say the letter B. This is what we want, but try to say the letter B anyway... Ok, here we go 1, 2, 3 All the way to level B.(Remain quiet until the client says the letter B.)

You’re doing great. Now we have only one more level to go. Level C. The very basement of relaxation. A place where you will feel so good, so fine. A place where all your problems both physical and mental, will be gone. Just want it to happen and it will be easy for you. Ok, once more now, find yourself at the top of your escalator again. In a moment once more I will count from 1 to 3. At the count of 3, your escalator will take you all the way down to level C, your very basement of relaxation. Don't try to help. Just stay relaxed and let it happen. Here we go - 1, 2, 3. All the way down to level C, your very basement of relaxation.

Deeper……..deeper…..deeper…….Just letting go…..drifting down………… down….deeper…..…down.....down…down…deeper…deeper......deeper.

Coma State Testing

There are three (3) tests to determine if the client is in the coma state.All tests should be given without mentioning them to the client. Just do them!

Test 1

Since the coma state produces an automatic state of anesthesia within the client, test for anesthesia. A firm pinch on the wrist or arm will suffice.

Test 2

Check for physical catalepsy. Let the arms and legs up and release them. They should effortlessly remain in that position until you lower them. When the arm or leg is in the position you choose, a slight jerk may be needed to let the subconscious mind know that its where you want it to remain.

Test 3

A startling command Get in a position where you can see the client's eyes and say in a loud, sharp voice, "Open your eyes!" If there is absolutely no movement of the eyes in response to this command and they have successfully passed the other two tests, you can safely be assured that they are in the coma state.

Spiritual Attachments

(Initially I did not believe in this at all, until I was forced to face it in a session when my females voice dropped an octave and told me it was fun to cause her pain. The very best way to find a spiritual attachment is to use my Bartley Age Regression technique. I fully cover how to remove them. About 20% of the time, the problem is caused by a spiritual attachment.)

Place in hypnosis, fill them with white light and then ask them if there are any dark spots, anywhere the light did not go. Then follow the patter below. FULL PATTER IS BELOW THE FOLLOWING SECTION.

Calling out a dark spotI call to you in the BODY PART of CLIENT to come forward, speak through CLIENT without harming her/him in any way or give her/him your thoughts so she/he can speak for you and identify yourself. Do you have a name?

- Note o If it has a name it formerly had its own body.o If it doesn’t have a name it is from darkness.

Questioning the attachment

- What happened to your body ATTACHMENT NAME?- Then what did you do?- How old was CLIENT when you joined her/him?- Do you know that you are having a detrimental effect on CLIENT, and that you are holding back your own

development? How do you feel about that?- If there is a better place, are you interested?

Explaining “The Light”There is a place, called "The Light" - a place for us to go when our body dies. It is much more pleasant than staying attached to CLIENT. In this place you grow and learn and eventually come back in a new body of your own. Would you like to have your own body again?

Calling out Attachments Loved Ones from the LightI call on anyone in "The Light who cares about ATTACHMENT’S NAME to come for her/him and greet her/him, communicate with her/him and help her/him with her/his transition. ATTACHMENT’S NAME, look up and tell me what you see.

- Communicate with her/him. Ask her/him what it is like there. What does she/he tell you?- Do you think that might be better than staying with CLIENT?- Then get ready to join PESON FROM THE LIGHT.- Call to Other Attachments

o But first I ask something of you. I would like you to look around inside CLIENT’S body and around the periphery for any other beings that are lost and confused and are attached to CLIENT’S body as you have been. You have a chance to gather them up and take them with you to this good place. Call to them. Are they coming?

o Take their hand and the hands of those who are willing to go with you. Go in peace with our love and blessing. Thank you so much for helping.

- Heal Areas Vacated o Now I ask the healing angels to fill with healing light the areas just vacated by those who have


No Name - Dark Attachments

- Do you have a name? (No)- Have you ever had a name? (No)- Have you ever had your own human physical body? (No)

I call now on the Forces of St Michael to come with a net of Light, and wrap it around all of the dark beings in or around the being of CLIENT. Pull the net snug and keep tightening it slowly but steadily until these beings respond to my questions promptly and truthfully. Speak through CLIENT without harming her/him in any way or giver her/him your thoughts.

- What is your purpose here in CLIENT?- How old was CLIENT when you joined her/him? - I want a truthful answer. Were you given an order to make her/him miserable?

- Do you take orders from any being? Were you given instructions before you came to CLIENT?- When you were given instructions, what were you told about Light? (Instructions are lies)

o That isn't true and I will show you. I ask now that the Forces of St Michael send a shaft of light through this "dark" one. And another and another and another.

o Did you disappear? Did it hurt you? (No)o You have been lied to. You have been deceived. The one who gave you your orders was wrong.

Do you want to continue taking instructions and orders from one who lies and deceives?o You've heard about the other place. Have you been watching what we have been doing here

today?o What do you think about what we have been doing?o You were told to stay hidden too weren't you?o Now you've been found. What happens to beings like you who don't stay hidden?o Have you been to that place of punishment before?o What kind of place is it?o Now that you have been found, there is a chance that you will be sent there again. Would you like

that?o Fortunately you do have another option. Those beings that have enclosed you in the net have

come to rescue you and take you home. Some of them were once like you. Look at them now. How do they look?

o How would you like to be more like them?o You may communicate with them. Ask them if they ever had a job of causing pain and misery. Ask

them what their existence is like now.o They don't have to worry about being sent to that awful place. Do you think you would like to go

with them?o Grow the Light o In order to get ready to go, there is something you must do. Look deep within the center of your

being and tell me what you see there.o Watch that little speck. What happens as you watch?o Keep watching. Now what's happening?o That bit of light was there all the time, but you didn't know it. All it takes for it to grow is for you to

recognize it. What’s happening to your darkness?o The others in and around CLIENT have been watching what has happened to you. Tell them to look

to the centers of their being. Tell me what they are finding at their centers.o You were all operating from fear. Now you have another way to function. Are all of the former

"dark" ones ready to go now? o Go in peace with our love and blessing. As you leave CLIENT’S body, call out through the universe

for all beings of your former "dark" nature to come and follow. Call out to all of equal rank and stature, of lesser rank and stature, and of greater rank and stature. Even call to your commander. That one might come too. Call out. Are you calling?

o Are they coming?o How many?o Ask each one to look inside and find their true nature at their core. Thank you for helping. I now

call on the healing angels to come and fill with healing light all the spaces in and around CLIENT’S body that were vacated by those beings who just left.

o (Scan Body Again) Are there any other areas where there is need for more of this kind of work?

How to Find an Attachment

Now imagine a Bright Light… beginning to flow into the top of your head. Let it be like a beautiful warm Loving Light… and imagine it filling you… like pure White Milk filling a glass. Feel it flow into every area… filling every organ, every cell inside your body… from the bottom of your feet… up into your legs… into your pelvic region… your chest… into your heart… down your arms and into your fingers. Imagine this Light… like pure White Milk… filling all the way up to the top of your head. When that Milky White Light of Love… has completely filled every area of your body… scan the inside of your body, with your Inner Eye… and discover if the Light flowed into every section of your body. (Ask) Your mind now reveals to you what your body looks like from the inside. Become aware if there are any areas where the Light did not enter or dark spots or areas your attention is drawn to.

Tell me… What COLOR do you discover in that area? (Dark / Black / Grey/ Heavy / Thick)Does it have a SHAPE? About how BIG of an area is that (color)?

What does it FEEL like there in that area?

As I count UP from 1 to 5… that DARKNESS that is occupying that space… and causing (X) RISES UP to the Surface…. and is allowed to be Heard. 1… That DARKNESS now Rises Up to the Surface. 2… 3…. Coming Forward….. 4… and 5… TALK to me…What’s your PURPOSE with “NAME”?

Allow that DARKNESS to have a voice. You have a right to know what’s happening inside you.

That voice speaks to me…. Now TALK to me…What’s your PURPOSE with “NAME"?

Tell me… What’s your NAME or TITLE? What do you WANT… from “NAME”?

Have you ever had your own PHYSICAL BODY in this world (or in another world)?

(Yes)… Human Discarnate:

Fulfill a Need / Want a Body / Experience Life / Unaware is Discarnate

(No)… “Are you an Extension of (X)…. that has grown independent and taken on your own life?”

Mental Part / Thought Form

(No)… “Are you a Separate Entity… with a Leader of your own?”

DFE: Fear of Light / Dark Leader

Desire: Do Harm / cause Death / Trouble / Misery / Illness

Only one of you - Self Esteem

(DS to improve your clients self-esteem. Always regress first to find out why they have a lack of self-esteem


Never before in the history of the world and never again will there be a person exactly like you. A person who feels the way you feel, and thinks the way you think. This is your time, this i s y o u r p l a c e t o b e t h e v e r y b e s t t h a t y o u c a n b e . O t h e r p e o p l e h a v e h a d t h e i r opportunities. You go back to the Greeks the Romans, great nations rose and died and turned to dust. All those people had their turn, their chance to become great and they're gone. You own this world, this is your opportunity. You are just as good as anybody else on this planet. You have all the right to the riches and the joys that this planet and this life you have now can offer. And you're going to grasp life with a new excitement and a new thrill because it is your time, it is your place. After you were born they threw the mold away. You're a wonderful gift to us and to the world around you. You're going to touch many people in your life and those people who cross paths with you are going to benefit and feel better because of that interaction with you. You have great feelings of love for yourself and for those people in your world who deserve it. And from now on NAME from the deepest part of your heart you will begin to live under the rule of 10 fold. The rule of 10 fold becomes very important to you and that simply means that for every bit of love that you send out into the world it will come back to you 10 fold. Everyday you're going to feel better about yourself and your abilities than the day before. Every day your skills of helping people and feeling good about yourself become stronger than the day before. Every day you become more and more excited about this wonderful gift called life that your blessed with now and you're not going to waste it. It's not meant to be thrown away, it's meant to be lived, it's meant to be enjoyed, it's meant to give you all the happiness and pleasure that you want and desire. So every day you're going to feel better. And you're going to feel so much better about yourself and so much stronger about your abilities to do the things you want to do and you're just going to enjoy your world so much more.

Period of Silence

These suggestions now become sealed in the deepest part of your mind, body and spirit. I 'm go ing t o g iv e y ou a p er io d o f s i le nce no w. D ur ing t h i s p er io d of s i len ce y o u r subconscious mind is directed to focus on these suggestions. To enhance their energy and seal them permanently within the individual called NAME, never to be removed. And that period of silence starts now.

Self-Confidence Labels

(DS used to improve self-esteem.)

So, as you continue to relax, I want you to realize a harmful thing that you have been doing to yourself. I want you to realize that you have been placing certain labels on yourself. Labels which are very harmful to you. You have been sticking labels on yourself just like you would stick labels on a bottle. And one of the labels that you have placed on yourself is the label of inadequate. And every time you say the word inadequate to yourself you increase your own belief that you are inadequate. For you see, the difficulty is that people tend to believe what they say about themselves. In other words, you are basically what you believe yourself to be. Now you

see, that's a real simple concept. For you understand that an American acts like an American because he believes himself to be an American. And if you really thought of yourself as belonging to another nationality, then you would act like that, because basically we all are what we believe ourselves to be ... and those of us who believe ourselves to be doctors, we act like doctors, just like people who are lawyers act like lawyers.

So every once in a while, you have people placing labels on themselves. They place labels on themselves just like you've done in the past. Then they say to themselves, "I'm just inadequate." After they give themselves that label, then they have the need to live up to that label or live down to it as the case may be. For you realize that the truth of the matter is that all their actions carry them toward the image that they hold of themselves. And, of course, there are many labels that people can place upon themselves and, at times, even you have accepted the label of lack of self-confidence. And at some time in the past, you may have said to yourself, I just have no self-confidence.

Now I'm telling you that this is serious. And it is serious because it doesn't take long to believe it ONCE YOU HAVE STARTED THE THOUGHT IN MOTION! For once you have given yourself the suggestion that your self-confidence is slipping, it's just a step away from THINKING, "I'm not worthy of anything really good happening to me." There have probably even been times in the past when you have kept yourself from being chosen by others for certain honors because you have said to yourself, "I can't accept this confidence of others because I'm too unworthy. I'm too unworthy to be chosen by them because I'm undeserving." Or, "I don't deserve any better breaks than have already come my way because of my present conduct or my past conduct or my present thoughts or my past thoughts. I don't deserve this because of what happened in my past," you have said.

Well, you know more about your past than anybody else, but you have been allowing your subconscious mind to play tricks on you. Playing tricks on you by letting you feel that your problems are too difficult to be resolved. You have said things like, or thought things like, "I'm stuck in the mud and I'll probably be stuck there forever." "I'm inadequate." "I don't have enough self-confidence, I'm unworthy, I'm undeserving." Now, listen to me, all these things are just labels, they are just little labels and they are certainly not you. Now why aren't they you? Well, I'm going to explain it to you and I'm going to give you some examples. Now suppose you have a bottle of penicillin, oh, it's a good bottle of penicillin. The penicillin could be used to fight infection by a doctor if properly used. But suppose you took a label and you stuck that label on that bottle of penicillin and that label said poison in it. You put the poison label on the bottle of penicillin even though the bottle contains good penicillin. Now with a label like poison on the bottle, neither you nor anybody else would take the penicillin and use it. The penicillin might have saved a life but it is ruined because of a bad label.Do you get that? The penicillin might have saved a life, but it's mined because of a bad label. Now you realize it's important that the contents of bottles not be mislabeled. In fact, it is so important that pharmacists are trained to read every label that they fill three times. They read it once when they take the bottle off the shelf. They read it once when they're filling the prescription and they read it once again when they are putting the bottle back on the shelf. That's the rules. They have to do it and rightly so.But how much more important are people than bottles? So, if you disregard this extremely important business of labeling yourself, then horrible

Mistakes can occur in this area too ... so, of all the people you are labeling, what person is more important to you than yourself? Just think about it. How did you come to label yourself inadequate? Where did you first get the idea that you had a lack of self-confidence? And, if you ever placed a label of unworthy on yourself, why did you do it? And if you're so undeserving, who is deserving?

Maybe you applied still other labels to yourself. Labels like, I have a bad memory; I have a bad temper; I'm too aggressive; I'm depressed easily; I'm confused; I'm this; I'm that. WHATEVER IT HAPPENS TO BE, you keep

giving yourself negative suggestions. You keep sticking labels on yourself. But I want you to realize that the label is not the thing, it's the CONTENTS that really count. And the label is not the same thing as the contents. And you know that, because you can see that if you eat the label even off of the bottle containing poison, even with the word poison written on the label, you won't be poisoned if you eat the label because you only ate the label, you didn't eat the contents of the bottle. But, obviously, if a wrong label is glued on a bottle of poison, tragedy occurs. And likewise, when the wrong label is glued on you, tragedy occurs just as it does when a drug is mislabeled.

Now there are a lot of reasons why people label themselves as inadequate. And one of the reasons why a person labels themselves inadequate is because of identification with somebody else and that works this way. If a person says to himself, "I'm really just like my father and he is inadequate, therefore, I must be inadequate." Or, "I'm really just like my mother and she is inadequate, therefore, I must be inadequate." Now, if your parents were inadequate, do you have to be inadequate too? Well, that doesn't make any sense at all. If that were true, every person who had inadequate parents would be inadequate and it wouldn't be long until everyone on earth was inadequate. And. you know that the truth of the matter is, inadequate people may come from very adequate parents and by the same token, inadequate parents might produce a genius. In fact, actually, most of the great men of all times came from really humble beginnings. Many of our great men have been in trouble of some sort, emotionally and sometimes politically. Most of them had some difficulty but they overcame their troubles, they overcame their difficulties and you can learn to overcome your difficulties too. The truth of the matter is that most people who are inadequate are inadequate because they have labeled themselves inadequate. They have convinced themselves, and get this, they are merely acting out the label they themselves have placed on themselves. They are merely acting out the labels that they themselves have placed on themselves.

That reminds me that someone once said, "They themselves are makers of themselves." How true that is. You know, few people realize that Abraham Lincoln was a failure at age 50. Everybody always thinks that he was very capable, but up until the age of 50 he was a failure. That's just not my say so, for the history books tell us that he felt so inadequate that he wouldn't even carry a pocketknife around with him for fear he might commit suicide. And he was only 50 years old. Apparently, he never did anything right in his life, till he got to be president. He couldn't make money. Every business venture that he entered into went broke and his business partners embezzled his money.

In fact, he spent most of his adult life trying to pay back what his business partners had embezzled and run away with. And whose fault was that? Why, Lincoln's, of course, because he chose the dishonest partners. Now shouldn't Lincoln have had it better? Perhaps. Was Lincoln inadequate? Well, he was very inadequate as long as he attached the label inadequate to himself. But once he removed the label inadequacy and began concentrating his mind on a cause greater than himself, taking care of his country, he forgot this label of failure and the result of his life is evident in every American history book. Age didn't have anything to do with it either. Michelangelo didn't even start painting the Cysteine Chapel until he was 80 years old and why? Because for many years he had imposed inadequacy on himself, gave up, said he couldn't do it anymore. It was self-imposed inadequacy, until he began to paint again.

You see the point I'm trying to tell you is that inadequacy is a label, it's a label and it's the wrong label for you. Yeah, you say, well, it was different with Lincoln, it was different with Michelangelo. No! It wasn't any different. It was no different with them than it is with thousands of other people just like you and I use them as examples simply because they are well known. But they were what they believed themselves to be, and right now, you allow yourself to accept the suggestion that you will be what you believe yourself capable of being. Right now, you allow yourself to accept the suggestion that you will become what you believe yourself capable of becoming. So you are having to rip off that label of inadequacy. You're going to rip off that label of

inadequacy that you have been placing on yourself from time to time. So in your mind's eye, right now, as I speak to you, I want you to let that label be seen in your imagination. I want you to imagine yourself with the label inadequacy on you. And I want you to reach up in your mind's eye and tear that label off completely. Right now. Tear it off! You don't need it. It won't help you at all. And I don't care why you put it on, whether it was because you identify with your mother or your father or somebody else who is inadequate, you no longer need to identify with that portion of that person. Mainly, because you aren't that person in any way. You are you. And there is only one of you.

Now, lack of self-confidence, is that one of the labels you have placed on yourself? If it is, rip it off! I mean rip it off right now. See it in your mind's eye and see yourself ripping that label off. Right now. Because, from this moment on, you're going to allow yourself to be labeled confident and in your mind's eye, put that label on you. Even if you feel completely empty of confidence right now. Label yourself confident anyway and begin to fill yourself with confidence. Because, you needn't be an empty bottle any longer. Every day in every way, you will allow yourself to become more self-confident. You are what you believe yourself to be. And what we think in secret comes to pass. And since the picture of yourself determines your behavior, you must have confidence in your ability to set goals for yourself and go after those goals. And if you don't go after them, you realize that you will fall prey to petty worries and petty fears and petty troubles, self-pity, all of which you know are self-destructive.

Now listen to this. Your vision is the promise of what you shall one day be. The vision of yourself is the promise of what you shall one day become. Now accept that as the absolute truth to you. Allow yourself to realize that these aren't just the nice sounding words that you hear me speaking, this isn't just some dreaming. This isn't just some clichés that I'm giving you. It's fact! Believe it. Say it to yourself. Say to yourself, "My vision is the promise of what I shall one day become." And whenever you say that, we realize that we have to reappraise ourselves daily.

For you see, anyone who is overconfident is a fool, you know that. And all great men, and all great women, they constantly re-examine their goals. All successful men, all successful women, they constantly re-examine their actions. They constantly re-examine their thoughts. They re-examine them to keep themselves on course. Just like if we shot a rocket to the moon with some men in it. The goal is the moon, but if it gets off course, they move some little buttons or they adjust a propeller here and they get the thing back on course.

And that's what you are going to allow yourself to do. You are going to allow yourself to set goals for yourself and you're going to allow yourself to reexamine those goals periodically. Re-examine them so that you can see what your motives are. You can feel what your actions ought to be. And sense your values. Sense your goals so that you can allow yourself to become what you want to be. Now I'm going to give you a moment of silence and during this moment of silence you are going to contemplate any labels which you have placed on yourself which shouldn't be there. You know what they are and during this moment of silence, you are going to see those labels on your body and you're going to rip them off! And you're going to replace those labels with positive labels.

You are going to replace those labels with good labels that you placed on yourself. Labels of confidence. Labels of self-assurance. A label of self-reliance. Labels of love, kindness, generosity. Labels of ability. You're going to let those harmful labels be gone. Those harmful identifications are gone. You're going to put good labels on you because you are intelligent. You are capable. You are effective. You are self-confident. You are self-reliant. You are self-assured. You have the ability to be relaxed. You have the ability to be comfortable in any situation and you're going to allow it to happen, as you tearoff those negative labels and replace them with positive labels during this moment of silence which begins now

Emerge Your-Client

Final Self-Esteem Session

(DS used to improve self-esteem.)

Direct Suggestion Compounding

In a moment I'm going to give you some suggestions and I want you to imagine that you are looking into a mirror, a magic mirror where every word, every syllable becomes true and honest. You can imagine seeing yourself in this magic mirror now, your face, watching your mouth move. This is a magic mirror because these words and phrases ring true with emotion, strong emotion. These words are your words, there your feelings, never to be removed from the depths of your mind, body and spirit. You allow the feeling to come into your mind as you say these suggestionswith me now. You deserve these words, you deserve this change, it's time...

I love me, I respect myself I deserve all the riches this world has to offer I deserve all the love this world has to offer I'm in control of me, I'm in control now I'm not guilty of anything I look forward to a positive future I will live long and prosper I will thrive and find new energy I am unstoppable New talents that I didn't even know about emerge I just as good as anyone else2 The negative events of my past were just learning experiences The negative people of my past were just learning experiences I have learned, I have grown I am wise I am comfortable with myself I am different and hold myself in high regard My health improves My mind becomes sharper No one can ever make me feel bad about me again I celebrate mistakes Mistakes are building blocks, building a stronger me There's nothing I can't do now My future is exciting, new possibilities No one holds me back, no one stands in my way, not even me I try new things, I discover new things


You have reached an important fork in the road of your life. I want you to imagine that you are standing at that fork right now. A road leads to the left of you and a road leads to the right of you. As you look down the road that leads to the left, you notice that it is a cold barren unfriendly road. The sky is dreary and a cold drizzle is falling. The trees are barren of leaves and the grass has long been replaced with cold hard rock. A cold wind blows the mist and drizzle. It's a dead place. This is the road of someone who allows negative people or situations to control them in the now. This road leads to suffering, internal strife, negative emotions about you and your world.

As you turn from that road and look down the road to your right you see a beautiful road. The sun is shining brightly in a deep, rich blue sky. The trees are full of leaves and the grass is lush and green. This is your new road, this is the road you've allowed yourself to be on now. And as you begin to walk down this road you feel a warm gentle breeze playing in your hair. With each step you feel yourself feeling healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger. This road leads to a longer, healthier, happier life. With each step you feel more and more alive and more and more convinced that no one could ever again make you go back to that other cold, dreary, deadly road, the road of self-defeating thought, self-defeating energy. You choose life, the long, you choose to live your life in a brand new way where negative emotions or events of your past will ever hold you down, never again! And no one can ever change that.

Weight Loss Program Outline

Weight Loss Program – (6 Sessions)

(This is the core weight loss program. If they are having any other problems in life, fix those first. After you finish these sessions, if they want to follow a specific diet you can add sessions to help them do that. This core program is 6 sessions with homework. Their homework is to listen to self-hypnosis tracks at least 3 times before doing the next live session.)


Materials- 6 recorded self-hypnosis tracks used as homework between sessions

Why Are You Overweight?

WL Session 1- (Pre-talk + Give Materials MP3 Homework Files)- Why has the weight come on? Bartley Age Regression to find out and clear.- HOMEWORK: WL track 1 - have them listen 3 times before next session.

Self-Esteem – (Can divide into 2 sessions if needed)

WL Session 2

- Magic Mirror – How you feel about you. Regress & clear.- Chair Therapy- Lead-in to program DS… {Self-Love + Self-Respect}- HOMEWORK WL track 2 - have them listen 3 times before next session.

Portion Size, 3 Bite Rule, False Hunger, Goal Weight

WL Session 3 - Portion size, 3 bite rule, false hunger, set their goal weight- HOMEWORK WL track 3 - have them listen 3 times before next session.

Food Associations

WL Session 4 - Discovering and clearing emotional eating, what feelings are force feeding you?- No longer distract and comfort with food- HOMEWORK WL track 4 - have them listen 3 times before next session.


WL Session 5 - Regress if they don’t exercise- NLP swish pattern to love to exercise- HOMEWORK WL track 5 - have them listen 3 times before next session.

Overview of Everything - HypnoSleep, Any Problems?

WL Session 6

- Any lingering food form problems? If yes, regress.- Any difficulties that they have been having?

- Go over everything you already did, use sleep hypnosis if possible- HOMEWORK WL track 6 - have them listen 3 times before next session.

Weight Loss Session 2 – Lead-in to Program

Weight Loss #2- Magic Mirror – How you feel about you. Regress & clear.- Chair Therapy- Lead into program with the patter below

*** If this is too much for you divide it into two sessions.

I Love Me

(Have them hug themselves OR look into a mirror with this patter.)

I love me. I love me, I love me, I love me. Feel it! Feel that love just flowing through like a river. A flowing river of love starting at the top of your head, and just washing right down to the bottom of your feet and then back up again. Just filling you with that unconditional all accepting love. Ahh, it feels good doesn't it? Feels great, you're doing terrific. You really are!

And you love yourself unconditional ly isn't that r ight? And an unconditional love means you accept yourself as you are, not wanting to change any part of you. Now, please excuse what I'm about to say now because it's a little crude, but it just fits. Have you ever heard the saying, "If you roll around in poop, you get some on you?"

Yeah. Well it's true. If you roll around in disrespect you get some on you. But you love yourself unconditionally don't you?

And when you love something you respect it, don't you? Absolutely. And therefore, you don't want to be surrounded by disrespect, do you?

No, absolutely not at all. In other words, people that come into your life, you want people to come into your life to respect you, isn't that right?

Cause if they can't respect you, do they have a place in your life?

No, not at all. But how do you know if somebody can respect you? Well, let me tell you. If they drink to excess, do drugs, if they damage their body in all sorts of ways, then they don't respect themselves, do they? And if they don't respect themselves, can they possibly have respect for you?

Of course not. If they can't respect you, do they have a place in your life?

Absolutely not. But you know, the same goes for the books you read. Books that are written by authors that don't have respect for themselves, if they don't respect themselves then they can't respect the people who read the books they write. So they can't possibly have respect for you, isn't that right?

And if they can't respect you, do those kind of books have a place in your life?

And the same thing goes for the movies you watch. If the movies don't show respect for the people that watch them or the people that perform them, they can't possibly show respect for you, can they?

And if they can't show respect for you, do those movies have a place in your life?

Absolutely not. And what about the music we listen to, and the foods we eat. If those foods don't

have respect for you, do they have a place in your life?

No, not at all, no. If you respect yourself, you want to treat yourself with respect, isn't that true?

You demand respect from others, don't you? But you don't demand it by asking for it, you demand it by the example you set, by demanding it in how you treat yourself. Now, because you respect yourself, you want to be healthy.

Because you treat yourself in a way that shows respect for you. If you treat yourself in an unhealthy way, that's disrespecting you, isn't it?

And you don't want that around you, do you?

So you do things that are healthy for you, because that reflects properly on you, isn't that right?In other words, like I said before, the foods you eat and the movies and books you look at, if those things cannot respect you, they don't have a place in your life, do they? But if they do respect you, they DO have a place in your life, don't they?

Now I'm going to tell you something that you're going to find very interesting. See when you came in here, you told me you wanted to lose weight. But now you accept yourself unconditionally, don't you?

That means you accept yourself as you are. You don't want to lose weight, you don't want to change any part of you! You want to love yourself completely and every inch of yourself. But you also want to treat yourself with respect, isn't that right?

And treating yourself healthy, respects you. And I'm going to tell you something that you never realized. When you treat yourself with respect, it means that you eat in ways that are respectful to your body. Your body then begins to reflect that respect by taking on the shape of a healthy person. So, all these years you've been wanting to lose weight, and never could, and now you don't care if you lose an ounce. But because you treat yourself with respect, your body starts to take on that new shape - the shape that respects you. And that's what you really want isn't it?

So no longer do you care about losing weight. You care about being healthy and taking care of yourself, isn't that right?

Absolutely. And you find that by eating in ways that shows that respect for you, you can do that, isn't that right?

Absolutely. You respect yourself unconditionally, don't you? And you eat

foods that respect you, isn't that right?

Now, here's the interesting thing. The woman that came in here and sat down in this chair wanted to lose weight. But did she deserve or feel in her own mind that she deserved to lose that weight?

No. What about the woman that's in the chair now? Now that she doesn't care about losing that weight, does she deserve to get that look and feel that she really decided she needed?

Absolutely. She deserves that look and feel, doesn't she? And who is that


That's right. Now, in the beginning we looked in the mirror. Does that person in the mirror look different? How does she look now?

Yeah. Who is that woman in the mirror?Who?... you better believe it's you. Look inside that mirror, deep inside at those feelings and emotions that are hidden away that she didn't even want to face. Have they changed?

Yeah. They look wonderful, don't they?

That woman in the mirror, can anybody ever make her feel bad about her?

No, you know why? Cause if somebody tries to make you feel bad about you, you're going to understand they're just kicking cans, they are just a product of their programming. It has nothing to do with you, cause if you weren't there, they'd be doing it to someone else. So you instantly forgive them and set them free so you don't have to carry their anger, their hurt and their pain. You now care about you. You can take care of yourself. And here's the fun part about it. You don't even have to think about it with your conscious mind. You're going to find when it comes to eating, you just feel more comfortable eating in a healthy manner. We really haven't talked a great deal about that yet, but you find that you start doing it naturally. So, the next time you come in here, we're going to be able to talk about eating habits and the way to eat, and you'll accept that completely because you know you want to be as healthy as you can be, isn't that right?

And next time you go much deeper, much deeper relaxed than this time. And you accept yourself and love yourself unconditionally, don't you?

Weight Loss #3 Portion Control - Sweets 3 Bite Rule – False Hunger – Goal Weight

**** Figure Out Their Goal Date Before Session ****

Stomach Like A Balloon - Proper Food Portions

Now… I’m sure that you’ve blown up a balloon before… Well, you know when you blow up a balloon it kind of puffs up nice, real easy but then it stops and then you have to blow real hard, and when you're blowing hard the side walls of the balloon will expand to accept that extra air, won't it? Yeah, cause that's what the side walls of a balloon are designed to do. Now I want you to imagine your stomach for a moment. You know, your stomach's a lot like a balloon. You can put food in it and it accepts it. But once you fill it, if you put more food in it, the side walls of that stomach will expand to accept that food, extra food, won't it?

Yes, but that's not why the stomach side walls are designed to expand. You see, when we eat food, the purpose of eating is to provide our bodies with nourishment. That's the only reason we're designed to eat, there is no other. And when you eat, your body takes the energy from the food when it's in the stomach. Now when the food is in the stomach, the stomach activates whatever it activates to pull

the energy out of it... Okay, so I want you to imagine your stomach right now, just comfortably full. You see, if you put an extra bite of food in there and expand that stomach, the stomach will no longer work efficiently because when the stomach is pulling the energy out of the food, it creates gases and those gases need a place to go. So what they do is expand the walls of that stomach. But if the stomach walls are expanded with food, there's no place for that gas to go and it becomes very, very uncomfortable... Now how much food would it take to fill a stomach properly?

Like around the size of your fist. If you were to make a fist - imagine making a fist with your hand and imagine what a fist of food would look like. Now here's what I want you to do. I want you to imagine your stomach is comfortably full, about a fist of food in there. That's it. It feels very comfortable doesn't it?

Now if we were to put another bite of food in there just one more bite and stretch the side walls of your stomach, it would be very uncomfortable because the stomach couldn't work efficiently. So I want you to imagine your stomach with one more extra bite in there and notice how uncomfortable that is. It is uncomfortable isn't it?

All right, I'll snap my fingers and it's just before you took that bite of food, and there (snap) your stomach's comfortably full. Now, every time you take an extra bite of food beyond what your stomach needs, you'll find you feel that feeling of discomfort more and more. You see, it's the feeling that you used to think of as a stuffed feeling, but it's not a stuffed feeling... It's worse than that! It's causing your stomach to be inefficient...

All right now, here's what I want you to do. I want you to imagine you and I are in a restaurant. This restaurant serves your favorite food. And they're coming out right now with a big heaping platter of that favorite food of yours, so big, it's just kind of flowing off the sides. Ohhh, it looks good... Now, it's dinner time, so your stomach is empty. When I tell you to, I want you to eat just enough food to comfortably fill your stomach, oh, about the size of your fist of food. Take it to the point where one more bite would make it very, very uncomfortable. Now, when you get to that point, just say, "I'm done", and I'll know you're done. So go ahead now and begin eating your favorite food. [wait for the I'm done]

Done? Okay. Stomach comfortably full? One more bite would be uncomfortable?

Okay. In your mind look down at that plate and tell me, how much food is left on the plate?

A lot of food. Yeah. All right, here's what I want you to do. When I tell you, you're going to take one more bite and I want you to notice how much more uncomfortable it is than the last time you did it! Go ahead and take one more bite and see what it feels like. Your stomach almost wants to reject it, doesn't it?

When I snap my fingers, it's just before you took that last bite. (snap) There, stomach comfortably full.

Now, I want you to understand something about this restaurant. This restaurant doesn't give out doggie bags. In other words, that food, that extra food on your plate is going to get thrown away. So let's think about what that means. The food's going to a garbage dump. You know, most people don't stop to think what a garbage dump is. That food that's going to the garbage dump still has energy left in

it doesn't it?

Sure. Well, when it gets to the garbage dump the garbage dump is like a recycling plant. That energy is drawn out of that food and taken back into the ground for nature to use. And recycling is a good thing, isn't it? Sure. But now if you had instead said, Gee, I don't want it thrown away, so I'll eat it even though I'm uncomfortable, several things would have happened. Number 1, you would have been very uncomfortable. Number 2, your stomach would have been inefficient, so you wouldn't get as much energy out of that food, even though you ate more food. You'd actually get less energy out of the food you ate than if you ate less food. Now that's kind of a waste isn't it?

There's one other part. The food that's left in your stomach that still has energy is turned to fat and stored in your body. Now that is a waste isn't it? And haven't you always been taught that it's a sin to waste food? But now you understand what waste is, don't you?

Throwing food away is not thrifty, we know that, but it is not a waste because the food wil l be used. Eating more food than we need is truly a waste, isn't it? Absolutely. Let the scene fade and tend to your breathing, go deeper and deeper relaxed.

Getting The Munchies - Water

Now let me ask you this, 'NAME'. Do you ever get the munchies between meals? Yeah. You kind of feel hungry between meals don't you? Yup. Well, you know what. You're not really hungry. Let me explain what's happening.


When we eat, we leave a film of food on our tongue and mouth and our mouth is warm and moist, so that food begins to turn rancid, fair ly quickly. Now the subconscious works at the speed of light, or maybe faster. The conscious mind works at a snail’s pace. So your subconscious becomes aware of that foul tasting substance in your mouth long before you're consciously aware of it. And the subconscious says, "Well, what do I do? Oh, if I eat something, I'll push the old food off and replace it with new food." That's one way of handling it. But there's a better way to handle it. Let me show you what I mean...

Now imagine it's between meals and you're getting the munchies. And when you feel those munchies really strong, just nod your head and I'll know you're feeling it... All right. Now, I'm putting in your hand an eight ounce glass of water. There it is. Now here's what I want you to do. I want you to take one swig of that water, just one swig, and swish it around in your mouth, real good, and don't swallow it until I tell you. Just swish it around really good. Really move it around, umm, umm. Now swallow it. Now take another swig and do the same thing, swish it around really good. Now you be sure it gets all over your mouth, and now swallow it. And now finish drinking the glass. Just drink down the rest of that eight ounce glass and when it's all gone, when you've finished drinking it just say, "I'm done"...

All right. Your mouth tastes fresh and clean? What about the munchies, are they gone?

Yeah, they are. You see, you weren't really hungry. You were just given a feeling of hunger so that you could get your mouth fresh and clean. And you've done that with water, haven't you? Yeah. So from this moment on, anytime you're between meals and you start getting those munchies you also feel a thirst, a powerful thirst, almost as if it feels like your tongue has been laying out in the desert, baking out there. So dry, it almost wants to stick to the roof of your mouth. It's your mind's way of telling

you that what you really want is cool, clean, clear, crisp water. Oh yea, water. Nothing, nothing satisfies like cool, clean, clear, crisp water. You see, if you have anything with flavor in it, that just stays stored on your tongue and eventually spoils. But cool, clear, clean, crisp water, ohhh... That's so satisfying, isn't it?

Sweet Foods - 3 Bite Rule

All right. Let me ask you this 'NAME'. Do you like sweet foods? Yeah, absolutely. But you know, you don't eat sweet foods because you're hungry. You eat them because you enjoy the flavor, isn't that right? Sure.

Have you ever noticed the first bite of anything you eat always tastes the best? Oh, yeah. And the second bite tastes good, but not as good as that first bite. And that third bite, it's all right, but not as good as the second and nowhere near as good as the first. And the fourth bite, (pfef), there's no flavor there at all. We just eat it in anticipation of flavor that never comes back, don't we?

All right. I want you to imagine in front of you right now your favorite dessert in the world. Tell me, what is that dessert? Oh yea, I love that too. I want you to imagine that wonderful dessert sitting right in front of you now. Here's what I want you to do. I want you to take your fork or spoon and just take a little bitty, I mean the smallest little bit you can on that fork or spoon and then put that in your mouth and chew it up. I mean chew it up, till you've chewed all the flavor out of that piece of food, then swallow it... Have you swallowed it?

All right, tell me. Did that taste sweet and fresh and wonderful? (yes) - That's why you eat that kind of food, it's for that flavor isn't it?

All right, now I want you to do the same thing. I want you to take another little bite, a tiny little bite, put it in your mouth and chew it up really good. That's it. Really chew it. Now swallow it. Tastes good, but not as good as the first bite, does it? But it still tastes good, doesn't it?

Do it again………

Now you have a choice to make. You can take another little bite and leave your mouth with even less flavor, or you can push that plate away right now and continue savoring the wonderful flavor that exists in your mouth at this moment. Which do you want to do?

Push it away. Yeah, because what you're discovering is by minimizing the quantity, you can maximize the flavor, can't you? And it just feels right to you, doesn't it?

So from now on, from now on whenever you eat a meal, you eat just enough to comfortably fil l your stomach, about a fist of food. And, you'l l find that so comfortable and enjoyable. And here's what happens when you eat that right amount of food. You maximize the energy you get because your stomach is working at full efficiency. You just take one more bite, and the stomach overworks itself. It's not able to provide the efficiency and energy that you deserve. And you can feel that can't you? Yeah, all right.

Let the scene fade and tend to your breathing, go deeper a deeper relaxed.

Instill Proper Portion Size

All right. Its dinner time, we're going into another restaurant with really good food, and they bring you out a really big platter of food. And it's food you really enjoy. What food is it? 'FOOD NAME' Oh yea, I like that too, looks good, yea. So you now have a large platter of 'FOOD NAME' in front of you.

Now here's what I want you to do. I want you to eat just enough to be comfortably full, one more bite would make you uncomfortable, and when you're done, just say, "I'm done" and I'll know you're done. Now go ahead and do that...

All done, okay. Is your stomach comfortably full where one more bite would be uncomfortable?

All right, we'll see. When I tell you, you're going to take another bite and notice it's much, much worse than the last time. As a matter of fact, it seems like your stomach and whole digestive is in a twist. Go ahead and take that extra bite and see what I mean... Oh god, it's awful, isn't it? I'll snap my fingers and it's just before you took that bite (Snap). There, stomach comfortably full, isn't it? That's better.

Now, this restaurant has doggie bags. How much food is left on your plate? Yeah, a lot of food. For one or two more meals? All right, you're going to take that bag home, there's that food in that doggie bag, and now when it's dinnertime again at home, you can eat another meal or two out of that can't you?

So not only is that thrifty, but by eating it in this manner, you're maximizing your energy, aren't you? Oh, that's wonderful, isn't it?

So from now on, every time you eat, you'll find that you don't have to think about the size of your fist, you don't have to think about anything. You'll just eat, and all of a sudden your stomach will say, "No" and that's enough. One more bite would be too uncomfortable. And you'll just stop eating without even thinking about why. But when you think about it, you'll know. Absolutely!

All right, now imagine we're between meals and you're starting to get that hunger, getting the munchies - what else are you noticing? You're starting to get hunger and what do you notice about your mouth?Your mouth's getting dry isn't it?

All right. There's your glass. Remember, two swigs. One swig will wash it out, and swallow it. Another swig, then finish the glass, and when you're done, just say, "I'm done."

All done, wonderful! Okay, mouth tastes fresh and clean? You hungry? No. You feel good,

don't you? Feel that energy, ohhh, that's wonderful.

All right, now imagine it's time for dessert. They're bringing you out another piece of 'DESSERT FOOD', it's your favorite. Go ahead and take that, eat that and when you've eaten the right amount, just say, "I'm done."

All done? Oh, wonderful. Okay, how many pieces did you eat? (2 bites...)Two big ones, little ones, medium ones?(Little bites...)

Little bites. And how's your mouth taste?(Sweet...)Yeah, and that's why you eat it, isn't it?Yes. It would be silly to destroy that flavor, wouldn't it?

Now let me tell you what happens sometimes, though. Some people love to cook and bake. And then you sit down and eat only two pieces, little pieces, and they think you didn't enjoy it. And they say, "Go ahead, eat some more." And you can just tell them, "No, you don't understand. You cannot understand how much I enjoyed those little pieces. If I ate more, it would actually remove the flavor. And you did such a good job cooking it and making it that I want to maximize that flavor." Now they may or may not understand it, but that doesn't matter, because you always stick to your guns, don't you?

Because you love yourself unconditionally, don't you?

And this kind of eating, this way of putting food in your mouth... this is what really honors you, doesn't it?

It's what's right for you. It makes you feel good about you. It's what's healthy for you. And the interesting thing is, you no longer care about losing weight. You care about being healthy, don't you? Yes. And eating like this is healthy isn't it? Yeah...

Look at the Change in the Mirror (Pause to figure out the date)

Now, I want you to image you're looking in a mirror. And you notice that on the frame of the mirror, at the top, on the top frame there is something etched in. You notice some writing. The writing is a date and a goal, it says:

SIZE_________ ____________LBS DATEDATE FORMAT [Spring / Summer / Winter / Fall - 200X]

(i.e. Summer of 2018 OR March 1st 2018)


Now drop your eyes down from that etching, that (repeat goal size Et date) and look at how you look on that date. Wow!!! What does that person look like?

You better believe that's a great look! Who is that person in the mirror? Who is it? Who?

You better believe it's you. Now, I want you to stare at that. Keep staring at that, and as you stare, that image seems to leave the mirror and get closer and closer to you until it seems to merge right into your body, and it works its way up right into your mind. And it's becoming you... In your mind, you are already [Change of person Date] aren't you? Try to think of yourself any other way and notice you can't do it because this is who you are, isn't it?

Absolutely! Now I have to warn you about something. If you were to go into a store to buy some clothes and you go to put them on. You take them off the rack and say, "Oh, this looks good." And you take them into the dressing room and go to put them on, it will be tight on you. And you say, "Why is it tight on me?" And then you'll start to laugh. You see, in your mind you're there but the calendar hasn't got there yet! Because you already know as you think of yourself, your body becomes.

Direct Suggestion Compounding - (Repeat)

I now eat the right amount of food - a portion the size of my fist Just one more bite beyond a fist full of food and it's incredibly uncomfortable When I get the munchies I get a powerful thirst When I get the munchies or hunger between meals I now drink water I drink water between meals to wash it out, I get a clean fresh taste and the false hunger

disappears Those little trucks sucking the fat out 24 hours a day Eating sweets or desserts I now eat 3 tiny, tiny little bites to maximize the flavor, anymore and it

actually reduces the sweet taste "Nothing tastes better than how thin feels" My goal of__________ LBS - Size__________will happen on or before "DATE" This goal is my #1 goal in life right now

I now focus on being positive in this program - I focus on what's going great!

Small Quantities of Food Throughout the Day

*** You now are different than everyone that you know. You eat 3, 4, 5, even 6 times a day in small quantities

of healthy natural foods. Small portions, the size of your fist, every few hours… [Repeat suggestions of being

different, eating small quantities]

Summation Pep

You're doing terrific, aren't you? You can feel already your body getting lighter, can't you? Can anybody cause you to or force you to eat more food than you need?

Now I have to tell you something. You know how terrible it felt when you ate that extra bite while you were relaxed here? Well, white you were relaxed here, it's one thing. When we emerge you, the first time you eat one more bite of food than you're supposed to , that feeling is 10, no... 20, no... 50 times worse than it was the last time we did it while you were relaxed. And each time, it gets worse than that. But that's okay, because you never intend to eat that much food, isn't that right?

You intend to always eat the right amount. So it doesn't matter how uncomfortable it gets, does it? Because you're not going to do that. No. You know it's a fact, don't you? You feel good about you, don't you?

Yeah, and you can already feel that weight coming off, because your body gets more healthy. Because we are not working to get the weight off of you, we're working to get you healthy, isn't that right?

That's what we want. And you can feel that health taking place right now can't you? Absolutely. Feeling stronger, more alert, knowing that you can solve anything, you can do anything. You're in control now of your life. Nobody can make you feel bad about you, and nobody can make you get off of your track of being healthy, good for you honoring that body of yours, isn't that right?

Absolutely. Tell me [Time Frame to look Great] is that a reality? Yes, it is isn't it? Absolutely. And who's reality is it? You better believe it. It's yours and nothing can change it can it?

No. You already feel it taking place. Actually, it already started before we even started doing this, because it started after the last session, didn't it?

Yeah. Your life's changed, hasn't it? Can anybody make you go back to what it was? Now you're a new person, aren't you? And that person's evolving as we talk, as you go deeper and deeper relaxed. You are now in control of your life, and nobody can take that away from you, can they?

You feel good about you. Those little trucks working around the clock for you, day in and day out. Yeah. Kind of make you giggle sometimes when you think about them, they feel so good. Yeah. And they're your trucks. They work hard for you because they love you... You are on the right road. Reducing your size, releasing layer after layer because you deserve it. This is your time, this is your number 1 goal and by golly nothing, nothing will stand in your way of achieving that goal!

Weight Loss 4 – Food Associations - Parts

Yea know, a lot of people link emotions to food. This is a false link because emotions have nothing to do with food. You see when you were born you went from the most comfortable and secure feeling you’ll ever have, being in the womb, to the most uncomfortable and insecure feeling you’ll ever have, the moment of birth. And when you were born what did they do? They put something in your mouth! And when you were a child every time you had a bad day, you were tired or sad you got a cookie, you got a cracker, you got a pacifier! And it worked! It made you feel better! And that does work if you’re 3 years old, but it doesn’t work when you’re an adult. If you had the worse day of your life and you came home and ate everything… guess what? Those bad feelings are still going to be there when you’re done eating all that food. So you see, food has nothing to do with emotions.

Another thing that we’ve done is link food with holidays. Yup. Food, food, food with every single holiday. And you know what we say to ourselves? We say… Well, Christmas only comes up once a year, so why not, I’m going to pig out. Or my anniversary only comes up once a year… so I’m going to pig out. But the thing is, there is a holiday like every single month of the year, sometimes more than once a month. Let’s count them now… we’ve got – Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, Halloween, Labor day, Memorial day, Super bowl, Valentine’s day, Birthdays, Anniversaries, New Year’s Eve, 4th of July……. How many birthdays per year?

People celebrating something at work… it never ends. And you know what? The best thing about holidays is not the food. It’s the people that we get to hang out with. (Regress or have them remember back to a past holiday. Ask them who is there. After they have described it to you have them imagine there is no food there. Would they still have fun hanging out with family? Was the food the best part of that holiday? No.)

- 2 Chairs, Client and Parto Part of you that wants to be GOAL SIZE - Cliento Part of you that blocks this – FAT PARTo Place parts in chairs facing each other

Focus on 4 key factors to weight loss:

1) Ask ‘bad part’ if there's a purpose for the excess weight - it will typically be either protective or punitive.

2) Ask the ‘bad part’ to find all the connections the mind has made around food; e.g. food = comfort, company, control, love etc.

a. Ask the ‘bad part’ to disconnect all they know to be false.

b. Any that they believe to be true regress on to demonstrate that the feelings had nothing to do with the food - then disconnect the rest.


c. Create only one connection around food - FOOD = FUEL - make that one connection 100 times bigger and stronger than all other connections combined and place that connection in their foundation. Compound this with DS.

d. Create truthful connections around the comfort, company, control, love etc. (Example, comfort is a pair of soft slippers. Love is getting a hug from a friend. Real connections.)

3) Then ask the ‘bad part’ to find all the emotions that they're trying to:

a. Stuff down, Distract themselves away from, Comfort or create with food.

i. The ‘bad part’ will literally list them for you.

ii. Ask for the biggest, the oldest and the one that has the most to do with their relationship with food and regress off of that one. The others tend to fall away once you address the one that's central to their issue.

4) And lastly I ask the ‘bad part’ to find the "thing" - the thought, idea, belief or feeling that's at the core of their relationship with food.

a. I'm always amazed by the answers here. Then just keep picking away till you get the core issue resolved. (Or I'll do Ultra Height around the core issue for a quick fix)

Weight Loss 5 – Exercise

Regress - If they hate or dislike exercise first before the patter below.

Okay, you're going to find that the workouts become easier and easier for you, because you're developing more energy. And I want you to notice how good it feels to do that. You'll feel your muscles almost heating up as you're working out.

And you find now that you can do that. You'll always listen to your body, pay attention to how you feel physically. You know that once you're in the routine of exercising that sometimes you may pull a muscle or while you're exercising you may become short of breath. Even on particular days you may have pains or cramps. Always, always, always listen to your body! You'll remember that. Sometimes we are into what we’re doing and don't want to stop, or we may find that we are sidelined for a while due to an injury and feel like going at it again anyway, even though we are still injured. You do none of that. If you develop any pain or discomfort you will always listen to your body and do what it says you should do...

So here's what I want you to do. I want you to exercise in the morning or when you first wake up I want you to get up and exercise before you eat anything at all. Every morning I want you to get up, feel refreshed and get the exercise done. Then I want you to wait one hour before eating anything at all. Water, of course is good, but no food for one hour after exercising. By waiting an hour after you exercised to eat, your body's burning fat instead of food.

Think of it like this. You lie down and sleep all night long, 6 to 8 hours of just lying there. Your metabolism is also sleeping. Then you wake up but your metabolism is still sleeping until you do one of two things. You see there are only two ways for your metabolism to start. One is to eat something and the other is to exercise.

Now I want you to think of your metabolism like a caged monster inside your body, a monster with big long pointy teeth. And he's in that cage all night just waiting to be let out, after all he needs energy. So

the only two ways you can unleash your metabolism monster is to eat, or exercise. Now let me tell you something about that. If you eat something that monster is immediately let out of his cage and he starts chomping, moving around in your body hungry for energy. Now if you eat something he goes right down to where that food is in your stomach and digestive

track and finds all the energy he needs there. But... If you get up and exercise he's unleashed from his cage, he looks to the stomach and digestive track but there's no energy in there, no food. So he has no choice, he immediately starts chomping at your stored energy, that metabolism monster finds the energy he needs from your stored fat! Chomp, chomp, chomp, just eating up that body fat.

Now here's the neat part. By getting up in the morning, not eating, and exercising, then waiting one full hour before eating anything it's, are you ready for this? It's 300% faster to lose that unwanted fat! 300% more affective! That means that if you got up and rode your bike, or walked or whatever the exercise is, it's 300% faster in burning that fat away than any other part of your day. If you did the same amount of exercise, step for step, say, after lunch, it wouldn't even come close to the amount of fat that would fall off of you. That's like saying if you were to walk 3 miles in the morning without eating when you woke up, as compared to walking that 3 miles after lunch or in the evening, it would only equal 1 mile. It would only count as one mile walked any other part of the day, even though you walked 3 miles! Make sense?

(Chant) - "I exercise without food every morning, wait an hour, then eat" But of course water is

good anytime...

Exercise NLP – Swish Pattern

Think about something that you love to do, step into it, feel the excitement, notice all the good feelings... Bring that image right up in front of you, in front of your eyes, make it big and bright, feel it, taste it, smell it, make it real, that's right. Now fade down what you see and hear but keep the feelings of that excitement. Now, bring up an image of you working out, working out intensely. (Anchor) (Repeat several times)

Now every time you think of exercise you also get this fabulous feeling! (Repeat) Now the scene fades tend to your breathing and go deeper a deeper relaxed.

Now imagine, for whatever reason, you haven't been able to bath in a week, haven't showered, haven't washed up in seven days! Not only is your body dirty and disgusting but you haven't been able to brush your teeth in a week either. You would feel terrible, yuk! Now keep that feeling and imagine you not exercising, saying you’re going to skip it. (Anchor) (Repeat several times)

Remember that you are a spiritual being having a physical experience, you want to use your body, move it, be in touch with it (Anchor) Your body is a gift from the universe, a gift from God, what you do with it is your gift back. You want to honor it, and be in tune with it. Your body is the only instrument you have to play in your Life. (Anchor)

You know what you can and can't do physically, but you want to move and exercise... The more you try to resist, the worse you feel (Anchor) (Repeat several times)

(Chant) "I have energy and love to exercise"

Direct Suggestion a Compound

I now love to move my body If I skip exercise I feel bad Moving my body burns fat a makes me feel good I exercise every day I exercise first thing when I get up a wait one hour before eating I drink lots of water I feel my body becoming stronger The muscle burns the fat off of me I'm becoming tone, I'm becoming healthy, I'm becoming sexy I love to sweat, sweating that fat away I love to move, the movement moves the fat off of me I drink water, the water breaks apart the fat, the fat leaves my body I pay attention to my body, I listen to my body I know what I can and can't do, I push myself in a healthy way Skipping exercise to me is like not brushing my teeth for a week Skipping exercise to me is like not bathing for a week I feel gross when I don't exercise Movement = sexy, Sweating = fat burn, Exercise = sexy GOAL DRESS OR PANTS SIZE / GOAL WIGHT

(Repeat several times, d ifferent order, very fast a s low)

Summation Pep Talk

Now you become one of those people, one of those beautiful people. You know who I am referring to. You see them here and there but they are scarce. They are in a class of their own. They are healthy, they eat right, they exercise! Yes exercise! Before I may have been clumsy at sports, in school maybe I wasn't always picked for teams but none of that matter now! None of it! I move my body, I work my body and my body now works for me. I love to sweat, that's right, I love to sweat. That's what carries this ugly fat off of me, sweat is what distances me fromthis fat on my body. I am in control now, not a day goes by where I don't want to move, not a day goes by where I don't respect myself, not a day goes by now.

It is true. You are now one of the few, the proud, the elite. You now take care of your body and watch as it becomes stronger and stronger, healthier, sexier. This is the real you, this just feels right for you. This is your time, this is your place, this is your world. You ARE young and you will become even younger as time passes now that you move, now that you exercise. What a joy it is to be able to move that body of yours. You deserve all the riches of the world, all the love that this world has to give, you're not guilty of anything and nothing, nothing stands in your way. Ridding yourself of fat, this stored energy that has attached itself to your body. You burn this fat up, you eat less and enjoy it more, your body uses this stored energy now. Your subconscious mind is now directed to use this stored fat and every time you move, every time you exercise your subconscious mind will kick into overdrive, it will turn up the energy. See that in your mind, know that your body will now easily and steadily lose this unwanted fat, know that you now love to move and exercise and all good things are coming your way. Exercise is a wonderful new found love and joy, it brings you happiness and security. Exercise brings you

self-respect, exercise brings you to a new climax better than anything else. Moving your body every day brings you more physical joy and emotional joy than you will ever know anywhere else. Good for you for honoring that body of yours.

Weight Loss 6 – HypnoSleep (OR) Regress on Lingering Problems

(If they are having any problems, regress and fix those before doing the session below. This session is meant to put them very deep into hypnosis and go thru everything that you’ve covered in the program. Also go thru a typical day with them getting up, grabbing water, exercising, waiting 1 hour before eating, eating small meals, listening to their homework tracks, getting down to their goal weight on the date you specified…)

Go thru the following using hypno-sleep if possible.

- You love yourself unconditionallyo Self-respect, loveo You’re good enough, smart enough, pretty enough…o You’re just as good as anyone else

Everything you do is driven by self-respect – (high road of success) Movies, books, music…FOOD

- People of your past that hurt you…o Didn’t have anything to do with you, acting out on their programmingo No one can ever hurt you again…

- Portion the size of your fist ***o One more bite overworks the stomach and feels horrible

- 3 Bite Ruleo Sweet foods

You eat these foods because of the flavor Two or three bites to maximize the taste The more you eat the less flavor there is

- Acclimated to eartho Move often and eat often in small quantities of natural healthy foodo You are different than everyone you know…

- Your Daily Schedule

o Every morning you exercise without food, wait an hour, then eat

- Exercise

- False hunger, munchies

- Their Goalo You eat 3, 4, 5, even 6 times a day… small quantities of healthy natural foodo Water between meals to wash away false hungero You listen to the Self-Hypnosis at nighto Listen to your self-hypnosis at night

- Goal weight, size…… on specific date

- They keep listening to the self-hypnosis tracks

Weight Loss Extra

False Hunger / Habits / Sugar

Your body only needs a few things - air, water, food, movement and love (anchor). You can live weeks without food - days without water - but only moments without air. Starting now a deep breath and a drink of water will give you what your body really needs. It will fill you in a way food never could. It will wash away false hunger and fill you with what you're really hungry for - self-love and self-respect. This is what you really want. A deep breath and a drink of water will wash away all false hunger and fill you in a way the food never could. A deep breath and glass of water before a meal will fill you instead of the food. You eat less and enjoy it more.

(Repeat a few times)

Chant - "I eat less and enjoy it more."

Visual Squash

There is a part of you; a part of you that you know wants this change, this part of you that wants to be free of this extra fat. Imagine in your mind's eye the part of you that wants to change, the part of you that brought you here, that really wants this goal . (Repeat goal)

You know the reasons (to look better, confidence, health, what they said) and there may be other reasons that you're not consciously aware of and that's okay. In your mind now, just let this part of you take a color, shape, a sound and feeling... This shape could be anything, a white cloud, a pink heart,

whatever it is, it is... I would like to thank this part, and you should too, as it only wants what is best for you. Great, that's right.

Now imagine next to this part, next to this shape that part of you that, for whatever reason stops you from achieving this change. You may know the reasons or you may not consciously and that's okay. Now just let this part of you take a color, shape, a sound and feeling... Whatever pops into your mind is fine. It's the part of you that holds you back from achieving this goal. Now I would like to thank this part, and you should also, we may not like what it has done but it has been doing this for a reason.

I would like you to let this part look at all the behaviors and beliefs that has caused it to do this... Many times as we are growing up we learn things that were not intended. A child may hear, "Clean your plate, people are starving in other parts of the world." The parent means for you to not waste food, they don't mean for you to overeat. So really we mis-learn information. Sometimes our minds misunderstand events or situations. It is not uncommon for a parent or authority figure to tell us to "work harder or you'll never succeed", "you'll amount to nothing if you don't get good grades" and our minds only hear the negative. Sometimes an event that didn't work out, a dropped ball, a bad move, a split second pause can cause us to replay these events as if they were a part of us, not just something that happened that we can learn from.

Now I invite this part to release this event and any others that may be holding you back. You may allow yourself now to see these events or causes in a new light. So now this part can relearn what it needs to do to take care of you even better!

No w le t t h e s e t w o p a rt s f ac e e ac h o t h e r in y o u r m in d 's ey e , e ac h p ar t acknowledging the other. Many people notice an energy connection between the two. Both parts realize they are not giving up anything, they will be stronger for the merger. Each has something the other needs, that's right.

Now watch and listen to both these valuable parts of yourself, allowing the two parts to come together only as fast as those two parts can blend and integrate in ways most comfortable and useful to you... in such a way that neither part loses anything, retaining the usefulness and importance of both parts, each gaining from the other the qualities and capacities that are lacking in themselves and present in the other.

You may be fascinated to observe some of the changes that occur in these two images as they start to come together... only as fast as they can comfortably assimilate there changes. You may also be surprised by the image that is created when the two images finally join and become a single image as they melt into each other and take on each other's capacities. And notice what the new image looks like, because this new part represents a combination of abilities you've never had before.., as such, this new part will have additional skills and abilities that you could never have guessed at. You can enjoy new ways of accomplishing all of these important outcomes simultaneously... Associate with the new integrated part.

When you are ready, imagine this part coming into yourself, into that place where you feel love and belief - into your body somehow so that it becomes a part of you and all your behaviors easily and readily available. It will be as true for you as the love you feel for this person, place or thing. So you do this you feel a surge of energy in your body as this part reunites with you... take a few moments to appreciate and enjoy the qualities of this unique new part.

Now, think of the specific times and places where you want these integrated qualities and capacities to be fully at your disposal in the future...

• Chant

"I release the weight and feel great""The weight steadily and easily falls off of me, I allow nothing else!"

Table Method

Imagine a kitchen table right in front of you now... On this table are all the foods that have caused you to gain this weight and keep it on, the weight you no longer want or need, the weight you want to release. See all these foods on the table - sweets, snack food, junk food and various drinks, high calorie foods and drinks. [List Problem Foods Here]

You now realize these foods are poison to your system, these are the foods that caused you to gain this fat!

These foods now lose their color, their flavor and texture, they become bland and blah, they are poison to you, they are poison to your system, they caused you to gain this unwanted fat. Anything with sugar and fat [List Problem Foods Again] they are now coated with vile disgusting, snotty fat. These foods and drink are now forever coated with white, gooey, smelly snotty cellulite type fat. That is what all these foods are. [Repeat a few times]

Now as you see these nasty foods that made you fat, now push these foods off the table, push them away, clear off that table, as you do they go to that same part of your mind as [List Foods They HATE]

Now the table is empty, now on that empty table place all the foods you now enjoy! Fruits, vegetables and salads, cool clean and crisp! These are now what you enjoy! Fruits, vegetables, salads, lean meats, whole grains, natural foods and lots of cool, clear, crisp water! Yea water, nothing satisfies like water! This is what you want, this is what you desire.

Go deeper and deeper relaxed. All sounds fade away into the distance and you focus on my voice, focusing in on my voice as you remain calm and deeply relaxed...

- Body Acclimates to this World.

Arm Catalepsy

4[Pick arm up and test, if it isn't loose repeat above...] [Raise their arm above their head]Now begin to imagine your arm is stiff and rigid. Be an actor and pretend now that that arm becomes stiff and rigid. Lend me the use of your imagination, the same power that lets you get lost in a good book or movie - make this real, your arm now becomes stiff and rigid just like a steel bar... Your arm is stiff and rigid; it is like a steel bar. [Hold Arm]

The more you try, in vain to bend it the stiffer it becomes... The more you try, in vain, the more it is locked...

It is now a lever to your subconscious mind, a lever to release the power to change your life now... I release your arm now - your arm will now come down only as quickly as you accept the responsibility to change, as you accept the changes consciously and subconsciously, physically, mentally and spiritually your arm will gently come down. Your arm comes down only as quickly as you program yourself for success... Program yourself for success now.

Story (Change gender as needed)

As your arm comes down it reminds me of a lady who lived in a cold and bleak land, maybe it really was not cold and bleak but she felt it was on the inside. She put on Layer after layer to keep warm or maybe to keep the outside out and the feelings in, or maybe it was to protect her from the bumps and bruises of the world. Maybe it was to add layers to keep pain away. One day she noticed she did not like these layers that they were more pain than good. A stranger approached and told her she would take her to a place where she could be happy and be the person she truly wanted to be. They started on a journey as they started, she shed a layer, she felt better, her arms felt better, she moved more freely, she had more energy so she shed layer after layer, she let them go, they were no longer appropriate for her, maybe at one moment in time they were OK, but not now. So she shed all the extra layers. She felt great, she saw herself, her true self, she was thin, healthy and attractive. She faced the stranger and saw it was her higher self, her angles, she knew with her help she could be this thin, healthy, happy person. She could be who and what she wanted to be.

RestaurantsLet me tell you about a habit some of us get into. We associate this with having a good time, some of us feel it's easier or special. But you know everything in moderation is good but over indulging in anything is harmful. Let me tell you what is harmful to you, harmful to your body. It's two words. These two words have caused

5possibly more people to gain ugly, ugly fat than anything else! These two words are - Eating Out. That's right, eating out. Restaurants, fast food, these foods may taste good, actually sometimes they don't, but they add more fat to you than you know.

Imagine you are the owner of a restaurant. You want to make money, right? And the overhead is killing you. You've got rent, cost of the equipment like stoves and refrigerators, dishes, the electricity, employees, the insurance bill and so on... You have calculated you need to make X amount to cover your expenses and X amount to make a profit. So... what would you do? If you could buy food in bulk you'd save money. Buying the cheaper fattier meats, low grade cheeses and sauces you could make some money, right? That's right!

The point I'm making is the food products that they use in most restaurants is poor. The meats are fatty; the sauces are sugary, the veggies frozen. Cheap, cheap, cheap. This food is crap, but they have to make it taste good right? Do you think they care about calories, fat and grease? Do you think they care about your health? Come on!! They want to take the cheapest food and make it taste the best, to make a profit, period, end of story! If they can feed you things that were cooked in a whole stick of butter, soaked in three inches of grease and cover it all with MSG they would - they do! Eating out equals FAT! Fat, clogged arteries and to cover up the food even more, because it's no good they want you to keep coming back so... they give you enough for three people to eat! Let's go over this again... The cheapest, poorest quality foods cooked the worst way and enough to choke a horse. Is that healthy? Is this kind of eating going to shave away that ugly fat on your body?

Now eating out once every other week or once a week is okay. That is moderation. But finding yourself in a restaurant, any restaurant more than once a week is just packing on more and more ugly fat! Now, right now every time you drive down the road or see commercials on TV about restaurants you notice

something new, something different. Every restaurant sign now has two additional words at the end, "ugly fat", that's right. McDonalds Ugly Fat - Burger King Ugly Fat - Carrabba's Ugly Fat - Dominos Pizza Ugly Fat - Applebee's Ugly Fat, every sign you see from now on has those words at the end, you will see those words at the end! Ugly Fat!

And while we’re at it, the same holds true for alcoholic drinks! Budweiser Ugly Fat - Rum Et Coke Ugly Fat - Merlot Ugly Fat - Beer Ugly Fat, Wine Ugly Fat, Mixed drinks Ugly Fat! And again, we are not here to take away any enjoyment but moderation is the key. Restaurants and alcoholic drinks make people fat, period.

(Chant)- "I now see all restaurant signs ending with the words "Ugly Fat", their food is fat" - "Beer Ugly Fat, Wine Ugly Fat, Mixed drinks Ugly Fat" (name some)

6Stomach growling

Now while you're releasing this fat from your body there may be times when your stomach growls... When your stomach growls you don't feed it, you enjoy it. Let me explain. Maybe you've been taught from your childhood to tell mom and dad when your stomach is growling so they could feed you. Of course a child needs a lot of calories because the body is growing, plus children are typically much more active than adults. So when you were a kid you fed that feeling of your stomach growling. Now, right now we are breaking up that connection, were destroying it! Now when your stomach growls you enjoy it, you enjoy that growl because when you feel that it's your body's way of tell ing you that you are releasing that ugly fat! How wonderful, that's what you're working for and how wonderful for you to actually feel it happening! When that stomach growls it's talking to you, that growl is saying - "I'm reducing, I'm getting thin and sexy!" That's right! So from now on (chant)

(Chant) - "When I hear that stomach growl, I stop and smile" Sugar

Now let us talk about a killer, let’s talk about... sugar...

Before WWII families ate meals together, home cooked meals, kids ran around, rode bicycles and burned off calories and there was no weight problems in children. In fact statistically before WWII diabetes wasn't a national problem and heart attacks were minimal almost not even measurable. Commercially processed foods were almost non-existent. Pretty much the only processed food was Campbell's Soup.So why have we become fat? Minorities and children are becoming heavier and heavier, fatter than ever before. After WWII everything changed. Commercial food processors developed pre-packaged foods at a frightening rate of speed. TV dinners, frozen foods and with the invention of computers and video games our society is now lazy and physically dormant, watching TV rather than moving. We have rapidly become a society of fat, lazy, sedate, overeating, sugar addicted and motionless robots.

So what's the real poison, is it food, well not exactly, I'll tell you what it is. The real poison that is statistically killing us is more and more every year is one word... and that word is sugar. Now, sugar is poison. Let me give you the medical definition of poison... That definition is: Any substance applied to the body, ingested or developed within the body which causes or may cause disease. Doctors had defined processed sugar as a poison, because it has been depleted of all its life forces,

7vitamins and minerals. And what's left is consists of pure refined carbohydrate! (repeat this line)

Now the body cannot use this refined starch and carbohydrate because the natural chemicals have been

stripped out during the process of refining the sugar. Refined sugar is lethal because it supplies only empty or naked calories. Processed sugar is the most absolute non-nutritious, life draining, fat producing, disease creating chemical ever developed by man. Processed sugar has no nutritional value whatsoever and meets all the criteria of the definition poison! And it gets worse...

Sugar is more addictive than cigarettes, morphine, heroin or any other narcotic. Sugar has been packaged in just about everything we buy at the store, fast food restaurants and the producers have tried to disguise this poison by giving it different names, such as: dextrose, fructose, corn syrup, barely malt, brown rice sugar, dextrin, gelatos, glucose, glycerin, sorghum, natural sweeteners, and I could just go on and on! The more of it we eat, the fatter we become. And listen to this, these processed sugars are actually carbohydrates that our bodies cannot process, they instantly turn to fat! And guess what? If you eliminate man made processed sugar from your diet, you don't get as hungry as you now do! Wow, I wish we could find the chemists who made this stuff in the first place and tell them a thing or two.

(Chant)- "I now eliminate processed sugar from my diet"- "I now focus on being positive in this program - I focus on what's going great!"

Relax now, go deeper relaxed. Allow every breath, every exhale to take you deeper, calmer. Relax as these powerful new desired changes take complete effect upon your mind, body and spirit. Now as you sink deeper, farther and farther down all the sounds fade away into the distance and you pay attention only to the sound of my voice. Any other noises or sounds only allow you to go deeper relaxed.


You have reached an important fork in the road of your life. I want you to imagine that you are standing at that fork right now. A road leads to the left of you and a road leads to the right of you. As you look down the road that leads to the left, you notice that it is a cold barren unfriendly road. The sky is dreary and a cold drizzle is falling. The trees are barren of leaves and the grass has long been replaced with cold hard rock. A cold wind blows the mist and drizzle. It's a dead place. This is the road that fat people walk upon. This road leads to pain, suffering and early death, heart attacks, dietetics, low self-worth, bad knees, ugly fat rules the world where this road lies. It's a dead road. It's cold and lifeless.

But as you turn from that road and look down the road to your right you see a beautiful road. The sun is shining brightly in a deep, rich blue sky. The trees are full of leaves and the grass is lush and green. This is the road of trim healthy people, this is the road where people have released the fat and shed the layers. And as you begin to walk down this road you feel a warm gentle breeze playing in your hair. With each step you feel yourself feeling healthier and healthier, stronger and stronger. This road leads to a longer, healthier, happier life. With each step you feel more and more alive and more and more convinced that no one could ever again make you go back to that other cold, dreary, deadly road of the obese and fat.You choose life, the long, healthy strong life of a trim lean person and no one can ever change that! Congratulations, you're doing it, you're really doing it! You deserve all the love and riches and health that this world has to offer. You've found a new lease on life, a trim healthy life. You are now shaping that life to your desires, shaping that life and that body of yours. Good for you! Good for you for retraining, re-teaching yourself to eat and live!

I now focus on being positive in this program - I focus on what's going great!

Calling Out Higher Self

(This is a very good technique to gain insight and to clear any problem. We all have a higher self, a part of us that knows us very well. You could use this at the beginning of any change work, in your first session with anyone to gain knowledge about the problem and to get help to clear it up. You can also have the higher self go back to the root cause while using age regression.)

Now there is a part of you that knows you better than you know you. This part of you goes by different names. Some people call it the higher self. Some people call it the wiser self. Some people refer to this part as their guide even. It is your subconscious mind, or at the very least has direct contact with this part of you that knows you inside and out. This part knows everything about you. It knows you emotionally, physically, and of course spiritually. It’s the higher self, your wiser self, it’s been with you through all time. It knows everything you’ve ever been through, all experiences, all emotions, and it’s been with you through all of your tests and learning’s. It knows everything about you. It’s your higher self, wiser self… certainly the older part of you. I’d like to ask this part to come forward and be present with us at the table now. When you are here, please just say the words, “I’m here.”

Thank you so much for being here to aid CLIENT. I am truly honored by your presence. Would it be okay to refer to you as higher self or is there another name you would rather go by? I understand that you know all about CLIENT. You know more about her than she does. You know her emotionally, physically, and spiritually… this is correct isn’t it?

We are gathered here today for one purpose, which is to completely remove PROBLEM from CLIENT. We have identified the part of CLIENT as BAD PART NAME. This part is present at the table with us and has been DESCRIBE THE ANSWERS THAT THE BAD PART GAVE. We understand that the events in CLIENTS life are all set before her as learning’s and lessons so she can evolve and progress. Here in the earth school, along the way, she has picked up learning’s and stored those learning’s in that special place reserved for all such learning’s - but she has also collected negative emotions and perceptions which have been causing her PROBLEM. In your opinion, HIGHER SELF, would it be okay for us to remove the negative emotions and perceptions today so CLIENT can be healthy again?

Although BAD PART is an important part of CLIENT as all parts of her are she has indicated that she no longer wants PROBLEM, she wants to remove it now… today. We are all present at the table. HIGHER SELF you know what needs to be done to fix this problem, now. You know what to do to help her remove PROBLEM. BAD PART has been doing a good job DESCIBE PROBLEM HERE but that is no longer good for her and needs to change. OFFENDING EMOTION needs to be cleared now. Learning’s need to be stored while the emotions causing PROBLEM need to be let go, now. She requires health and energy. She now requires total health so that she can proceed into her future to collect even more learning’s.

HIGHER SELF, you can make these changes now. If you need me to do something, tell me what you need me to do. All parts are present and waiting for your direction here at the table……. Make the changes now, as I remain quiet.

- Ask HIGHER SELF and other/all parts if the change happened?

- Try and build feeling again – are they present?- Check pain points.- Regress if need be.

Ultra-Height Patter(After deep trance established)

(This is used in place of age regression or as a spiritual session. A lot of times using this a person does seem to move into a spiritual space of knowing. Use for therapy or if a person just wants to have an experience.)

I want you to know your body now continues to drift deeper as I talk to you—as the body drifts deeper, becomes more and more comfortable, more and more at peace. But I’d like your mind to do something a little bit different. Your mind can now become free of this physical part of you and move into a much higher place, a place where awareness comes to you, a place of self-healing, a place of understanding all there is to know. I'd like to help guide you up to these levels of higher awareness. So here's what I'm going to do. In a moment I'm going to count from 1 up to 10. With each number I say, the physical part of you just lets go even more—the physical part just goes deeper and deeper—. On the other hand your mind, the mental part of you, is like a balloon filled with helium and begins moving and lifting and rising effortlessly—easily. And the higher it moves, the better you feel and the more you become aware of all things that you need to know—or want to know—the more you become aware of the world around you at every level at every place. And as your mind moves higher and higher, a pleasantness of feeling comes across to you. A beautiful inner tranquility becomes part of who and what you are. So let that happen. Let your mind become free -- to move so high, so wonderfully high—that all things become aware to you.

All right. Travel this journey with me now, [NAME]. 1—just imagine your mind now, that special part of you, just beginning to become free—2—moving higher and lighter and freer, casting off the negative anchors of the physical part of you, free to rise and number 3, 4 moving higher now, and the higher you notice the more peaceful you become. 5 now, even higher, much higher, higher and lifting into the whiteness, into the clarity. 6 and 7 much higher now -- oh, you feel free of that negative physical part of you that holds you back, that restricts you. 8 even higher, like a balloon lifting into this clear blue sky. 9, 10 much, much higher. You feel wonderful, you feel alive, you feel great and relaxed at this point now. And just let your mind become used to where you are and how you feel. Already at this point you may become aware of things around you, feelings, sensations and energy that normally you don't have a contact or are in touch with. So just let yourself sit here and rest for just a moment.

But there's a level much higher than this. There's a level so beautifully higher than where you are now. And I'd like to take you up to that level. I'd like to see if you'll allow yourself to go up to this beautiful level of Higher Mind, of Ultra Height. It's easy for you to get there, [NAME]. All you have to do is nothing, absolutely

nothing, more nothing than you've ever done before, and just let the physical part of you be part of that other place, and allow your mind to drift so easily up. I want you to use your imagination now. I want you to imagine that coming up from your head is a tunnel. It's a beautiful tunnel. It's lit from lights you can't see, it just glows. It's a pleasant place. It's a comfortable place. And as I count once more from 1 up to 10, your mind moves up into this tunnel—so high. And if you look in your mind you can see—at the other end of this tunnel—beautifulness, a light, a brightness, a peacefulness. And you know that it's a place of joy and happiness. As I count from 1 to 10 now, let your mind drift up through this tunnel. And the higher you go up the better you feel, the more comfortable you feel, moving into peace and joy. 1—now you're moving out from where you are now, 2—lifting and rising into this place of tranquility, 3—higher now, [NAME], easily drifting higher. 4 and 5, rising into the beauty and you're beginning to sense the beauty of where you are. 7 and 8, oh so much higher now. 9 almost into this beautiful whiteness, this clarity. 10 -- There we are, surrounded by the glow, joyous feelings, happy feelings.

Now I'm going to give you a period of silence. During this period of silence just let yourself, let yourself feel where you are. Become aware of where you are. Become aware of what is in your surroundings. Do that during this period of silence that begins—right now. [WAIT AT LEAST 15 SECONDS]

And now—you can begin to become aware of certain things about you that maybe you never understood before. These things will give you clarity of direction. Let me be your guide or reject me, that's your choice because this is your place to do what needs to be done to heal you. This is your place to give you direction. This is your place to feel ultimate love. So just let yourself do now what needs to be done -- to give you the information you need to change yourself in any way. If there's a problem you have, discover the answer. It'll be there. Do that now as I remain quiet once again. [WAIT AT LEAST 15 SECONDS].

I want you to do this. There may be things in life that you would like to have different—or if you have any specific problem that's been bothering you, give yourself a moment now to discover the cause of that problem. You don't have to tell me if it's personal, but discover the cause of that problem. And when it becomes aware to you, just say the words, "I know." [WAIT] Wonderful. Wonderful. Now go inside yourself again and let this beautiful mind as it moves even higher now -- much higher -- discover what needs to be done to correct this. And when you have that awareness say, "I know." [WAIT FOR ANSWER]

You know. That's wonderful. All right, that's great; it's revealed to you everything that you need to correct it. Not if that problem is correctable in the state you're in right now, you can instantly now make the change -- or if it needs correction after you leave in another part of your life, you'll be able to easily make the correction then. So if it is something that you can correct within yourself now, do it. If it's something you need me to tell you, tell me what you need. But either way, you can heal this part of you that's been out of alignment. You can be better. [WAIT FOR RESPONSE, BUT EVEN IF THERE IS NONE, PROCEED]

You know what needs to be done? [WAIT FOR ANSWER AND RESPOND AS NEEDED] Are you going to make the change? [WAIT FOR ANSWER] All right. And you have a wonderful awareness now of exactly what you need to do to correct this situation that's been causing you this discomfort for so long. And now because you have that awareness, feel the joy and peace within you that this wisdom gives you.

I want you to do something else, [NAME]. I want you do become very still. And I want you to listen very carefully—because maybe you can get some information that you need to know—whether it's about a

problem, or an awareness of your world, or about your life, or about the universe or anything else. Listen very quietly now -- and discover if you can be given any information that will make you feel better or give you deeper understanding. [WAIT AT LEAST 15 SECONDS]. All right. Are you learning anything? [WAIT AGAIN AND RESPOND AS NEEDED] Are you learning anything? [WAIT AGAIN AND RESPOND AS NEEDED, PERHAPS ASKING “Where is it coming from? Does it make you feel good? Etc.]

Enjoy where you are and what you're doing. It doesn't matter what you do, it will only be positive. The beauty of this is that there are absolutely no negatives that can happen to you. So enjoy what comes. Enjoy where you are. And I'll remain quiet once more.


In the future, you’ll be able to come up into this area anytime you want to. It'll be easily for you to go here. It's a beautiful place. It's a wonderful place. Go inside your mind now and just do anything else you would like to do. Discover anything else you would like to discover. Ask a question that you want to know about and discover the answer is right there for you. [WAIT] yes. You have the answer to the question, don't you. And you've discovered something that's wonderful, haven't you. [THE LAST 2 SENTENCES ARE SAID WITH THE INFLECTION OF STATEMENTS, NOT RISING AT THE END LIKE QUESTIONS, ALTHOUGH THE CLIENT WILL LIKELY ANSWER.]


All right. Just take the last peaceful look around. Enjoy where you are. That's good. Now I'm going to count again. This time I'm going to count 1 up to 10. With each number I say just feel your mind coming right back down to where you were just before we began this journey of height, into a beautiful deep natural state of what we normally expect hypnosis to be. Know you easily will be able to come back up here any time. 1, coming down—2—3—4—5—6—7—now the now the mind and body mingle and become very deeply relaxed, 8—9—10. You're doing fine.

Now in a moment I'm going to count from 1 to 5. At the count of five, eyes open, fully alert. You’ll remember everything you've done and every place you've been [Emerge with 5 count of choice]. Open those eyes, take a deep breath—fill up those lungs, and -- stretch. How do you feel.

Weight Loss SESSION 1

I don’t use the patter below, this is part of their self-hypnosis homework.

Weight Loss Session #1- Regress to find out WHY the weight came on in the first place.

- Use the Bartley Age Regression to do this.

If using the Bartley age regression technique ask them when the weight came on. Get a list from them to pull out the fat part. If using regular age regression or Bartley AR even, you can use the Magic Mirror patter to launch into the regression.


High Road to Success

Today you are standing at a fork in the road of your life. You have come to a decision point. Should you continue to do what you have been doing with regard to taking good care of your body?

You think about all the problems and concerns that being overweight brings into your life. You think about how being overweight has robbed you of energy, health, success and feeling confident about your appearance.

The road on the left is a slow downward road. It is easy to take the Low Road. You could just coast down it. It is the path of doing what you have been doing for so long, by continuing to be out of control to eating for the wrong reasons. But, it is a path of misery. The road on the right goes upward. It will take some effort to take the High Road. But, it is the way of freedom, health and life. It is the road of being in control of your life. It is the High Road to Success! It is the road you have decided to take by eating only when it is healthy to do so, and to eat in only a healthy way.

Look at the road on the left. It means carrying with you all of the problems associated with continuing to be overweight even longer than you already have. Think of how bad overeating and snacking can make you feel. Really allow yourself to feel the weight of the burden of this self-destructive behavior. Feel your desire to be free from all of the ill effects of hurting yourself by eating this way and not exercising your body sufficiently.

I'm going to count from 1 to 3, and we are going to go down that low road of being out of control one more year… 1, 2, 3 - There you are, after one more year of being out of control - of being miserable because you have continued to be overweight. You feel the weight of the disappointment in yourself. You notice the things that litter this painful way of living - the snack food and candy wrappers - the second helpings of food - or the portions that were too large, which made you too large. You see these kinds of things and they make you feel down. You see others that you know, who are out of control to bad eating behaviors. Maybe they're the ones you have eaten or snaked with, and the sight of them makes you feel sorry for them.., they are stuck on the Low Road of being overweight. Some of them may have even tempted you to lose control. There is a mirror there and you see yourself and-you ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself? Am I happy to have another year of being out of control to food? Do I feel better having made this decision? Do I feel healthier or worse? Do I took and feel better about myself, or not? Do I feel smarter?" Feel the disappointment you have in yourself for continuing to live this way for another year!

I'm going to count from 1 to 3 and we are going to go down to the 5 year point on this road of being overweight - 1, 2, 3! There you are now, after 5 more years of being on the Low Road. Bring fourth all of the effects of that choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision. You feel unhealthy, worried about the effects of putting too much food in your mouth every day. You feel hopeless. Now look around you and you see all of those snack food wrappers, and large portions of food. The road is littered with wrappers

and empty dishes, pop cans, and emotional pain. You hate looking at them because it brings back all of these terrible feelings of feeling out of control and overweight, a victim of marketing and habits. Those are the things that have done this to you. So, you can't stand them anymore. Maybe you even hate the sight of them. You see others on the path, and they look terrible and they feel terrible, because they eat too much or the wrong kind of things, and they don't get enough exercise. They are outsiders. Society is pushing them out, because they seem so ignorant or stubborn. Some people don't even want to be around them socially or even at work. You may have cheated on a diet with some of these people. Are they really your friends? Do they really care about you? Again, you ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself for being overweight for 5 more years? Do I have the right to do this to myself? Am I healthier for eating too much and not getting enough exercise? How is it affecting my life? Is my life better or worse? Do I feel smarter for being overweight for an additional 5 years?"

And now I count from 1 to 3 and we move down to the 10 year point on this low road continuing now - 1, 2, 3! There you are after 10 more years of hurting yourself by overeating. Once again, bring fourth all of the cumulative effects of that choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision, of continuing to be overweight for 10 more years. You feel tired and worried about your health. You feel more hopeless. Are you heavier? Again you look around and you see all of the things that are associated with making you feel this way; the foods and behaviors such as just sitting there and eating while you watch television, or work on the computer or read. You see all the things that you eat that have caused this to happen to you - snacks, cakes, cookies, pop, and second helpings. Those are the things that have done this to you. So, you can't stand them anymore! Maybe you even hate the sight of them! Just looking at all that stuff associated with being overweight makes you feel this way. You see the others who are on the road of being out of control to food. Maybe you wish you could help them. Some may be family or friends. Notice how seeing them eat too much, or the wrong things, makes you feel about doing those kinds of things yourself. There is a mirror there and you look at yourself... you ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself for being overweight for 10 more years? Is my life better or worse? Do I feel intelligent for being out of control this way for an additional 10 years? Really feel the consequences of remaining on this low, but easy road. How much has this cost you in dollars? Food dollars, medical dollars - what about your health? You can't put a price on health!

As I count back from 5 to 1 you come all the way back to the beginning of the fork in the road and with each number you go more deeply relaxed and focused on my voice. 5, 4, 3, 2, 1 and you feel better because none of that has happened yet and it doesn't have to... You have decided not to let that happen to you. You have decided to take the High Road of Success on the right! You know that it will take a little more effort, but now you know in your heart and mind that it is worth it. You have decided to start taking better care of yourself. In fact, you have already left the old way by coming here today! You are already taking your first steps toward freedom and success on the road on the right as a person, who takes good care of their body, eats right and exercises!

Let's see how this new decision to be lean and healthy for life affects you. You think about all the good positive changes that becoming free from the self-destructive habit of eating too much or the wrong kinds of things has brought into your life! Being free from all those problems- the feeling of really being in control and confidant. You are now on the road on the right. It means success and a feeling of energy and optimism. You have more energy. You feel more in control. You feel more self-confident, even smarter. You are free of the worries, costs and inconveniences that being overweight can cause.

I'm going to count from 1 to 3 and we are going to go down that road of being lean and healthy. Having made this healthy change for one year. 1, 2, 3! There you are after one year of being in control, of being slim and trim. You feel good, great! You have done it! You are a success and you never felt better and you are going to feel even better yet! There is a mirror there and you see yourself and you ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself? Am I happy to have accomplished my goal of being slim and trim for a whole year? There are some new things in your life because you are more active and energetic. You are spending more and more time with friends that are on this High Road of Success. You have inspired others to make this good healthy choice. Do I feel better having made this healthy decision? Do I feel smarter? Feel the pride and health that is inside of you. Was it worth it? Do you want to continue to stay on the High Road of Success? You have decided that this life of being slim and trim, lean and healthy is the right life for you."

I'm going to count from 1 to 3, and we are going to go down to the 5 year point on this road of being successful in becoming and remaining lean and healthy - 1, 2, 3! There you are, after 5 more years of success, of reaping the rewards of making this permanent change in how you feel. You have found other ways to relax or take a break, good healthy ways to take a break when you want to. Five years of being in control and energized! Bring fourth all of the effects of that choice now! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of that decision. You feel strong. This is how it feels as you maintain your lean healthy lifestyle. Everything in your life is better for having made this permanent change. Enjoy the feeling of knowing that you have made a permanent change, knowing that you will never go back to the old way.

And now I count from 1 to 3, and we move down to the 10 year point on this High Road of Success - 1, 2, 3, and there you are after 10 more years of making this good, positive change in your life. Bring forth all of the effects of that smart choice! Really allow yourself to feel the effects of this decision, of continuing to be in control for 10 more years.

Overeating and eating too much is now simply something that you used to do. It was a mistake to have ever allowed yourself to become overweight, but now you are free from the fat and will remain free for the rest of your life! You look into that mirror one more time and ask yourself, "Am I pleased with myself for making this good healthy change in my life for 10 more years? Would I ever go back to that old bad habit of hurting myself by making myself fat? Will I ever again spend SO much money on that huge quantity of food and spend all those extra dollars on health care? Am I glad that I have made this permanent change? A change made for good! Of course you are!

I count back to 1, and you come back to the current time and place, you go deeper with each number, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1. You now have a new found level of certainty that you are ready - really ready to make this change! You are now ready to work with me, to change, this will forever keep you on the road on the right, the High Road of Success, the road of always being in control of eating and exercise. Now your subconscious mind fully accepts the suggestion that you will never be overweight again. From now on, you will always check to see if you are hungry before you put anything to eat in your mouth. If you feel bad, you will respond to your bad feelings in a way that goes to the cause of the feelings. You will never again distract yourself or try to make yourself feel better by eating! If you need to make yourself feel better, you can do something else, any good and pleasant thing, so long as it isn't illegal, immoral or fattening - Maybe read a book, relax and relearn yes, go for a walk, compound positive change okay, move your body, reprogram your mind yes, call a friend, get interested in a new hobby - there are a million things you can do. These will keep you free to be happier and healthier for the rest of your life!


"I release the weight and feel great"

"The weight steadily and easily falls off of me, I allow nothing else!"

Table Method

Imagine a kitchen table right in front of you now... On this table are all the foods that have caused you to gain this weight and keep it on, the weight you no longer want or need, the weight you want to release. See all these foods on the table - sweets, snack food, junk food and various drinks, high calorie foods and drinks. [List Their Problem Foods Here]

You now realize these foods are poison to your system, these are the foods that caused you to gain this body fat. These foods now lose their color, their flavor and texture, they become bland and blah, they are poison to you, they are poison to your system, they caused you to gain this unwanted fat. Anything with sugar and fat [List Problem Foods Again] they are now coated with vile disgusting, snotty fat. These foods and drink are now forever coated with white, gooey, smelly snotty cellulite type fat. That is what all these foods are. [Repeat a few times]

Now as you see these nasty foods that made you fat, in your mind now push these foods off the table, push them away, clear off that table, as you do they go to that same part of your mind as [List Foods They HATE]

Now the table is empty, now on that empty table place all the foods you now enjoy! Fruits, vegetables and salads, cool clean and crisp! These are now what you enjoy! Fruits, vegetables, salads, lean meats, whole grains, natural foods and lots of cool, clear, crisp water! Yea water, nothing satisfies like water! This is what you want, this is what you desire. [Repeat]

Go deeper and deeper relaxed. All sounds fade away into the distance and you focus on my voice, focusing in on my voice as you remain calm and deeply relaxed.

Arm Catalepsy

Your arm is super relaxed, it is lose and limp, it is like a wet dishcloth, loose limp and relaxed.

[Pick arm up and test, if it isn't loose repeat above...][Raise their arm above their head]

Now begin to imagine your arm is stiff and rigid. Be an actor and pretend now that that arm becomes stiff and rigid. Lend me the use of your imagination, the same power that lets you get lost in a good book or movie - make this real, your arm now becomes stiff and rigid just like a steel bar... Your arm is stiff and rigid; it is like a steel bar. [Hold Arm]The more you try, in vain to bend it the stiffer it becomes... The more you try, in vain, the more it is locked...It is now a lever to your subconscious mind, a lever to release the power to change your life now... I release your arm now - your arm will now come down only as quickly as you accept the responsibility to change, as you accept the changes consciously and subconsciously, physically, mentally and spiritually your arm will gently come down. Your arm comes down only as quickly as you program yourself for success... Program yourself for success now.

Story (Change gender as needed)

As your arm comes down it reminds me of a lady who lived in a cold and bleak land, maybe it really was not cold and bleak but she felt it was on the inside. She put on layer after layer to keep warm or maybe to keep the outside out and the feelings in, or maybe it was to protect her from the bumps and bruises of the world. Maybe it was to add layers to keep pain away. One day she noticed she did not like these layers that they were more pain than good. A stranger approached and told her she would take her to a place where she could be happy and be the person she truly wanted to be. They started on a journey as they started, she shed a layer, she felt better, her arms felt better, she moved more freely, she had more energy so she shed layer after layer, she let them go, they were no longer appropriate for her, maybe at one moment in time they were OK, but not now. So she shed all the extra layers. She felt great, she saw herself, her true self, she was thin, healthy and attractive. She faced the stranger and saw it was her higher self, her angles, she knew with her help she could be this thin, healthy, happy person. She could be who and what she wanted to be.


This is what I want, this is what I desire, I have made a decision, an intelligent decision that will benefit me and because it is what I want, what I desire, I will find that nothing can stand in the way of me achieving what I want.

I have made the decision to eat correctly. No outside, negative individuals or situations can influence me to eat when I truly don't want to do's easy, it's simple... I am in control of my behavior...if I eat I make that decision to eat. No one forces me to...but now, I have made the decision to stop... I have made a decision to improve myself...and because I control what I think... I decide what my thoughts are.

I have made that very important decision...that negative thoughts, negative thinking wil l no longer clutter my mind...that my mind wil l no longer think of eating incorrectly... I will guard my mind like a soldier guarding a fortress...any intruding, limiting, negative thoughts will be beaten back...defeated... I ask myself this - if I don't think of eating incorrectly how can I desire it? How could I possibly want, crave or desire anything my mind wasn't thinking about, and that's the secret... I control what I think and I have decided not to think about eating incorrectly so I have insured my success.

My mind from time to time may begin to think about the old unwanted habits… but I am on my toes... I recognize these thoughts immediately...and because I now recognize that the problem is what I think, I immediately think of what I wish to think about, after all, it is my mind!

My body is where I live, I protect it, I take care of it, I wouldn't burn or flood my home, I wouldn't destroy my home, so it's logical not to destroy my body, I protect my body, it's where I live!

I decide what I think, in reality, we are what we think. I decide what I think and I choose only to think good, positive thoughts, thoughts that will help me!

I now focus on being positive in this program - I focus on what's going great!

New Weight Loss Program – Audio Tracks for Clients - Homework

(This is an outline of the self-hypnosis tracks they will be listening to, their homework. They should listen at least 3 times. You do live session 1, then they listen to track 1. You do live session 2, they listen to track 2.)

Tracks Below

- INSTRUCTIONS – How to use this product

- WL 1 – Begin Program – (No deepener used)o High road / Low roado Table NLPo Lady who lived in a cold bleak land

- WL 2 – Self-Esteem – (No deepener used)o Labelso There’s only 1 of youo DS + Fork in the road

- WL 3 – Portion Size, Body 2 Earth – (Deepener Leaf Falling SHORT)o Portion size, 3 bite rule, false hunger munchieso Your body thru time has acclimated to earth

- WL 4 – Food = Fuel – (Deepener #s in Sand)o Food = Fuel, no longer comfort with food, DS womb, baby, child pacifier, go to source of

feelings and do not distract or comfort with foodo Respect

10 billion animals in US, you kill them & they kill you, constipate you, largely unnatural, and they make you fat (grease, cholesterol)

97% are dehydratedo Holidays – 12 months a year

- WL 5 – Exercise – (Deepener Non-Visual)o NLP Swish patterns of positive to workout, negative to skip ito DS imagery of exercising, toning, drinking water and the water going inside the fat cell and with

exercise you heat up the fat cells sweat and the sweat leaves the body.o Listen to your body, push yourself in a healthy manner

- WL 6 – Maintenance Tracks + Hypno-Sleepo Track 1

Weight Loss DS

o Track 2 – Sleep Hypnosis Specialty Track The entire program overviewed

Best Smoking Cessation Program Ever!

*** Before they come in, tell them the following:

1. When you smoke, do not hold the cigarette. Put it down, then pick it up to smoke, and then put it down again.

2. Only smoke. Don’t drive, don’t talk to anyone… when you smoke only smoke nothing more.3. Have them calculate how much money they have spent on cigarettes thus far… have them write it

down to show you.4. Tell them they can keep the habit if they want. The habit is holding something between their fingers

and taking a break to go out and inhaul deeply for 5 minutes. They can cut a straw, keep it in their pocket, and go take a break using it. No one inhauls like you do when you smoke, so they can keep the habit until they get sick of it if they would like.

The 2 Session Program

1. 1st Session should be a regression session. Use the Bartley Age Regression to identify the part that wants to quit, and the part that is forcing you to smoke. Resolve these parts first.

2. The second session is a direct suggestion (DS) session that is very powerful… see below.

*** Your Fee – Remember that most smokers are smoking a pack a day. That’s around $210 dollars per month! Explain this to them. Tell the you’ll charge them 3 months of cigarettes, the money they would have spent anyway! You are saving them 9 months of smoking fees this year, which is $1,890 and you’re saving their health, their life. (You could charge them 6 months of cigarettes if you want… just wanted to make a point to you to earn what you should. This is a big problem for people.)

Intake Questions

- So you’re interested in becoming a non-smoker, is this correct?- Tell me a little bit about yourself and your relationship with cigarettes.

o When did you first get introduced to them?o Do you remember exactly how you got started, with friends or what?

- There is no such thing as 1 cig, because 1 leads to 2 and 2 leads to 6…- How many packs a day do you currently smoke?- What is it that you like about it.

- What is your typical smoking pattern every day, walk me through it.o In the morning, car on the way to work…

- INPUT FROM HOW MUCH THEY SMOKE: “So you smoke about a pack and a half a day, which is 30 cigarettes a day. Any idea how long it takes you to smoke a cigarette? [4 minutes] (Calculate Here) So it’s looking like you spend about 120 minutes, 2 hours a day smoking cigarettes. So that’s a lot of time you spend inhaling smoke… so you’re going to have a lot of free time. Any idea how you’re going to use this new time… going to the gym, hanging out with kids? Why don’t you give that some thought, you have 2 extra hours a day so you can consciously decide how you’re going to use that time.”

- What time a day do you want a cigarette the most?- Who or what is the number 1 trigger for smoking? To make sure you smoke.- Are there any times when cigarettes really gross you out?- When you’re a non-smoker the smell of cigarettes is really going to hit you so you may want to buy some

Fra breeze and spray your cloths, your car, maybe get your dress cloths dry cleaned – you could do that later today… This would be a great opportunity to get things cleaned.

- What do you want to replace cigarettes with? Simple breathing, exercise, water…- They actually put sugar in cigarettes as an additional addictive, I’m not sure you’re aware of that or not, so

when people smoke they are actually getting hits of sugar all day long and when some people quit they can begin to start eating candy or sugary gum so instead of that if you need something in your mouth there is a great sugar free gum out there called Xylitol. It’s anti-fungal, fantastic for your teeth, fantastic for your gums so if you’re feeling that you’re needing a little something this would do the trick for you. The brand of the gum is called X Clear.

- So anytime you would have had a cigarette I would breathe as if you’re smoking, taking a long breathe in. So take breaks, breaks are absolutely necessary but when you take breaks breathe as if you were smoking. The cigarette is not what is relaxing you it’s the breathing pattern that you’re using while you’re smoking, so do that it works.

- So what’ motivated you to quit, how do you know that you’re ready?- [Use this latter in session] What grosses you out the most about cigarettes or anything in life for that

matter? Mine is eating beats, some peoples gross out factor is runny egg whites… what is it for you? Anything else, bugs, personal habits, medical conditions on people, anything else that turns your stomach?

- Who or what do you feel the most love for?- Is there anyone you know who is a smoker? And when you hang out with them do you notice any effects

smoking has on them, it’s sometimes easier to notice the effects on others more than you even notice on yourself.

- Any questions for me before we get started?- I’ve worked with thousands of clients and today, if you want, you are done with cigarettes, you’ve had

your last one… how does that feel for you?- If you’re like many smokers you’ve failed at quitting many times in the past, it’s almost like an expectation

for failure. The great news is that with smokers the more times you’ve tried to quit the more successful you will actually be at quitting. So those weren’t failures they were just lessons, you learned a little bit here, you learned a little bit there and you’re here because hypnosis is actually the most effective method to help people quit smoking of anything that is available out there. All the other methods combined out there only have a 17% success rate; hypnosis has over a 90% success rate. So you’ve learned what doesn’t work and today you’ll learn what does work.


Session 2

1st Suggestions before the Road

- I’m a non-smoker, a fresh air breather - (15 times in a row…), a health and fitness expert whatever you choose… And there is an old tattered label on your chest that says smoker and you peel that label off piece by piece.

- Now you have a marker in hand and you write a new label that you’re going to wear that you will have from this day forward – could be simply non-smoker, could be fresh air breather, could be athlete, whatever you choose and let me know… (talk to them about their label briefly)

- See yourself going forward, day by day, week by week……. Non-smoker, fresh air breather, healthy. Take all the time that you need, let me know how that feels for you.

- So out loud with me, I am a non-smoker, I am a fresh air breather, from this moment forward, I am healthy. (Have them repeat it back to you)

Find yourself outside, standing at a fork in the road. The road to the left looks very different that the road to the right. The road on the left slops downward, you can tell that it’s a little bit of a slippery slope. Not many signs of life, things are shriveled and dead… it’s barren. The trees are barren of leaves and the grass has been replaced with cold, hard, rock. A cold wind blows the mist and drizzle. It’s a dead place. The road to the right is the polar opposite, it’s absolutely beautiful. The trees are alive, the grass is lush and green, and a warm friendly breeze gently moves on this road. This road is teaming with life.

Just let me know when you’re at that fork by giving me a nod or moving your right hand… Now I want you to face the road on the left knowing that, that road would lead to your personal future if you chose to remain in a relationship with cigarettes. You’re really going to know today where smoking would have led you. You’re going to see it, you’re going to feel it, you’re going to experience it, exactly what your future would hold if you chose to remain in a relationship with cigarettes.

So face the road to the left and when you’re ready to face that journey you’ll just give me a little nod… Good, now I’m going to have your SC carry you down the road on the left. Your SC knows everything about you, it knows your past therefore it will know exactly what your future would hold. So 1, SC please take CLIENT down the road to the left, the road that would be true if he continued to have a relationship with cigarettes. Now 2, take him just 3 months forward down that path so he can see, feel, and know exactly what his future would hold if he chose to remain in a relationship with cigarettes and a smoker. And now 3, now CLIENT you’ll find yourself now indoors or outdoors – certainly smoking let me know where you land… And how are you feeling as a smoker 3 months forward in your future? … Bad how, bad about yourself, physically, low energy, sick, sore throat? … Are you feeling unsuccessful, or feeling a little bit like a failure or different? … So I want you to just be there in that moment, I want you to feel what it’s like to have chosen to remain a smoker. You take all the time you need and tell me when you’re ready to continue, give me a nod, lift a finger or tell me I’m ready…

So now SC take CLIENT 6 months down that road allowing him/her see, feel, know exactly what his/her future would hold if he/she chose to remain in a relationship with cigarettes… 1, 2, and 3. And let me know

where you land, indoors or outdoors? Smoking? [Find out what’s going on, have them associate into the scene] And how is this making you feel? Take all of the time that you need, exploring that aspect of what your future would hold if you chose to continue a relationship with cigarettes. Let me know whenever you’re ready to continue.

Okay now SC take CLIENT a year forward down that road into what his future would hold if he/she chose to continue with this relationship with cigarettes, 1, 2, 3. And here we are a year forward, are you indoors or outdoors? How are you feeling now? Are you in love with this feeling? How are your energy levels? How is your mood? Emotions? … That does not sound like fun. You take your time in that moment and let me know when you’re ready to continue.

Now I want you to fasten your seatbelt because as we move forward this is going to get a little more challenging. I’m not doing this to torture you but it is important that all parts of your mind knows exactly what your future would hold if you remained in a relationship with cigarettes. So when I snap my fingers SC let’s take him 3 years forward, SNAP. … Let’s take him 5 years forward, SNAP. … Let’s take him 10 years forward if he’s/she’s got 10 years as a smoker, SNAP. … SC take him/her all the way forward or as far forward as you know he/she needs to go to understand, experience exactly what his/her personal future would hold if he/she chose to remain in a relationship with smoking and cigarettes. You take all the time you need exploring that path … and when that’s complete SC please bring CLIENT back to the fork in the road, I’ll know that you’re back when you breathe a huge sigh of relief. …

And what did you find that road CLIENT? … Not so fun huh? So what I want you to do is ask yourself do I even want that road on the map of my future? … So what I’d like you to do is literally wipe it off the map of your future. You can use a bulldozer, you can use dynamite, you can drop it off the side of a cliff into the ocean, I don’t care what you do with it but I want that road to the left, that slippery slope, heading towards disease and death, I want it gone… You can put whatever you want in its place, you can place flowers there, a beach, anything healthy that you choose, a garden, fruit trees… let me know when that path is completely gone, it is literally wiped off the map of your future, no longer an option even if you want it to be …. [Wait for their response] And how does it feel knowing that it’s gone? It’s nice isn’t it? It’s like your entire body has taken a sigh of relief. Now what I’d like you to do is a little construction. I’d like you to build a billboard in the exact location where that old deadly road used to be. And on that billboard on the left hand side of that billboard I’d like you to put a big pack of your cigarettes, a big oversize pack. Then a nice equals sign. Then I’d like you to place everything that you found down that path on the right hand side of that billboard in a colleague. Cigarettes equal… bricks on my shoulders, stench, disease, death; see your own funeral up there lying in a coffin. You work on that billboard until you have it exactly the way you want it, let me know when that’s done by saying “It’s done.”

Good, now I want you to stand back from that billboard and ask yourself one simple question, is that true, do cigarettes equal disease and death, let me know what resounding answer comes back. … So that is the truth? So what I want you to do is put a single cigarette at the base of that billboard to remind all parts of your mind that there is no such thing as one. There’s no such thing as one puff, one cigarette, whether you buy the cigarette or mooch the cigarette, there is no such thing as one because one leads to two, which leads to four, which leads to eight, which leads to ten, which leads right back to where you were at twenty or thirty cigarettes a day. Place that cigarette there, announce that truth to every part, every facet of you, let me know

when all parts of you are in agreement, that cigarettes do in fact equal disease and death and there is no such thing as one. … So now when you’re ready and only when you’re ready to turn your back on cigarettes, turn your back on the habit, I want you to turn your back on cigarettes and face the road to the right, the road of the happy, healthy, non-smoker, fresh air breather, let me know when your facing that road to the right…

And you ask yourself this all important question, am I ready to be and forever remain a non-smoker… Wait for the answer and let me know… and I want you to take your very first step on that path and as you take that first step you’re going to say these ideas out loud with me. First step, I’m a non-smoker… next step, I’m a fresh air breather… next step, I am healthy… and CLIENT this is the most important part of this process so I want you to put your 110% effort into this. I want you to shift to screaming and shouting those truths, in the privacy of your mind so you can scream them as loud as you want. You can announce your decision to every cell, every muscle, every bone, every facet of you. The next step you take you scream it in the privacy of your mind, top of your lungs… I’m a non-smoker… next step I’m a fresh air breather… next step I am healthy… next step I’m totally in control… and you keep going, you keep screaming, you keep shouting it. Every decision that you have made in this process today, I’m a non-smoker, a fresh air breather, I am an athlete, I’m healthy, I’m totally in control, I’ve taken all of my power back from cigarettes. You scream it, and you shout it, if you pass anyone on that path you will now shake their hand air breather, I make a promise to you just as you make yourself promise me. If anyone or anything crosses and look them in the eye, I’m a non-smoker a fresh air breather. I’m a non-smoker, I’m a fresh your path that you like or love you look them in the eye and you tell them that I am a non-smoker. And they smile because they are no longer being subjected to your smoke. This is a loving act that you’re doing for yourself, your body, your mind, (list things that they like from intake) – you keep screaming it, you keep shouting it until you feel it. And I’m talking 30, 50, even 100 times. As many times as it takes, I’m a non-smoker, a fresh air breather, and totally in control… a non-smoker, a fresh air breather, I am healthy. As a non-smoker a fresh air breather only healthy things are going to be around me. I’m a non-smoker, I am a fresh air breather and totally in control. And you get healthier than you have ever been, healthier than ever. You’re screaming, you’re shouting until you feel it, and when you feel it, it will feel as though a key is turning in the center of your chest and has unlocked the door to the prison cell cigarettes have kept you in all these years. That door swings open, you can just stand in the threshold if you want, or you can step out. Non-smoker, fresh air breather. When you are free of cigarettes, you know it in your heart of hearts. Say it out loud now… I’m a non-smoker… a fresh air breather… I am totally healthy… I am in control now… And you walk out that door if you want you can throw cigarettes in that cell, you can close the door, you can throw away the key, you can take the cell down if you want. And then you make your way forward on your path of non-smoker fresh air breather. You’re experiencing all of the benefits of being a non-smoker; it’s amazing how good the air smells. You can smell the flowers, you can smell the plants, you can smell the trees… there’s a bounce in your step, your spine is straighter, your chin is held high, you feel proud and confident. You feel like a winner! Those fears or feelings of failure, like your leaving them behind. Every step you take you’re moving farther and farther and farther away from them. And those feelings feel complete foreign to you. You can walk, you can jog, you can run. I’m a non-smoker, a fresh air breather, experiencing every benefit of being a non-smoker a healthy fresh air breather.

You experience as many benefits as are available to you today so you come across a little path, a stone path that will lead you into a clearing. In that clearing you’re going to notice there is two chairs setup on either side of a fireplace. You take all the time you need. Whenever you’ve found that path, found that clearing, you

walk in and take a seat, sitting tall and proud and strong in your decision to be a non-smoker, forever a non-smoker, you let me know when you’re there…

Now as you sit you’ll notice that you start to relax even more, it’s almost as if your mind is completely relaxed in your decision to be a non-smoker, a fresh air breather. Your body is relaxed, your lungs are relaxing, your hands are relaxed; you feel yourself just relaxing more and more. As you relax in this decision, this final decision that you make, and I invite your SC your higher self to come in and join you… your SC your higher self, let me know when your higher self is there by giving me a nod… Does it look like you or different? How so? … How do you feel his/her presence? … So tell him/her thanks for coming… And tell him/her that I really need your help… I need to be free of those disease bearing deadly cigarettes… Tell him/her that you have my permission. You have my permission to help me in any way… And with every number I say your CM, your physical body is going to relax even more… as your higher self begins to shift to the front of the line. So 10 and 9 the CM and body begin to drift away, 8 and 7 the higher self is coming forward now, 6, 5, 4, higher self can borrow your voice to say I’m here, 3, 2, and 1… (they respond I’m here) Now higher self you’ve been with CLIENT forever, is that correct? And you understand why he’s here and why he’s called you forward? Are you in agreement with the objective of what you are to achieve today? And confident that you have the power to help him/her. Now higher self-knowing CLIENT as you do, far better than I do, is there anything you know that I need to know to guarantee our success here today? [Reason with whatever they give you here… So cigarettes to CLIENT = that?] So higher self could you find that little boy/girl, let’s bring him/her into this process. And is that little boy/girl smoking? How would you feel if that little child was smoking? So higher self if you and CLIENT can take a moment with that boy/girl and acknowledge the thought that he/she had about this connection, how that little boy/girl could think that way… and then let that child know the truth, what you know the truth to be. Take all the time you need to educate that little boy/girl.

And now higher self if you and CLIENT could forgive that child for this misperception, this misunderstanding that would help and be wonderful… Now higher self I don’t know about you but I’d like to make this process as easy as possible, are you in agreement? So if you would please take ownership of one of CLIENTS hands, let me know which hand you’ve taken ownership of by lifting it gently.


Can you make it as though CLIENT has gone to the doctor or dentist, the doctor or dentist has put a shot of Lidocaine which is 200 times more powerful than Novocain in the tip of each one of the fingers of CLIENTS hand. Let me know when that’s made just the tips of the fingers numb by saying the word numb for me. Okay could you let that flow up into the hand into the knuckles that connects the fingers to the hand and when that’s happen just say the word numb. And up to the line of the wrist. (VIDEO 3) Now up to the elbow it’s almost as if numb is being pumped into the fingers like helium being pumped into a balloon… let me know when that numbness is all the way up to the elbow by saying the word numb for me… and then up to the shoulder… right across the chest to the other shoulder and down the arm to the fingers of the other hand… and all the way down the body to the tips of the toes… Fantastic, and now what I’d like you to do is increase that numbness until CLIENTS body is so numb that he can’t even feel that body lying in that chair, it’s almost as if his/her body has become invisible, let me know when you’ve done that by saying totally numb. Higher self I have asked you to create numbness in his/her body so you can then move it up into his/her mind.

Allowing his/her mind, all facets of his/her mind to become totally, thoroughly, completely, permanently forever numb to every single thought, idea, craving, desire, or withdrawal from cigarettes… Let me know if you feel comfortable in doing that for him/her knowing that it is part of the process, allowing this move away from cigarettes easy, effortless, and permanent…

Now condense that numbness, make it ultra-powerful and move it up into his/her mind all parts of his/her mind to become right now and forever remain and I mean for the rest of his/her days numb, 24/7 numb, mornings, afternoons, and evening’s, middle of the night, whether he/she is having coffee or a beer, alone or with others, good days, bad days, all days in between, being totally numb, permanently numb to every single thought, idea, craving, desire, or withdrawal from cigarettes. Please let me know when you’ve done that, take all the time that you need to do a super through job by saying permanently numb…

Fantastic, now higher self if you would please move CLIENT forward into the future allowing him/her to experience this gift you’ve just given him/her – the mind is permanently numb to every single thought, idea, craving, desire, or withdrawal for nicotine in any form. Take him/her through the rest of today, his/her mind is totally numb to every thought, idea, craving, desire, or withdrawal for cigarettes or nicotine in any form. Every second that passes, every minute that passes, every hour that passes his/her mind grows more and more numb, as he/she moves farther and farther and farther away from cigarettes. Move him/her into tonight and tomorrow, his/her mind remains numb grows even more numb to every single thought, idea, craving, desire, or withdrawal from cigarettes. Day by day he/she moves forward a non-smoker a fresh air breather. Experiencing all of the benefits, it’s an easy and effortless transition. It feels better and better every day in every way as a non-smoker. His/her body is relaxed, his/her lungs feel fantastic, his/her energy is higher, his/her mind is sharper, he/she feels tremendously successful. Take all the time that you need, you can move him/her all the way forward and then let me know when you’re back in the clearing to continue…

Now higher self could you look inside of CLIENT, you’ve already done fantastic I want you to find some very important connections his/her mind has made around cigarettes starting even before he/she even smoked himself/herself. Connections around [list what they told you] dad, mom, friends, success. Let’s find every single old connection his/her mind has ever made around cigarettes, those connections looks like a bundle of wiring… let me know when you’ve found those connections by saying I’ve found them… Cigarettes equal the morning, around coffee, in the car, breaks, in the car, trust, company, my friend… all those false… and dangerous connections… It’s like going into an old house and pulling out all of the old dangerous wiring. Let me know when you’ve found those connections by saying I’ve found them… Nicely done. Did you pull them out, either one by one or all in a bundle, let me know when he’s/she’s completely cleared, cleaned every single old connection his/her mind ever made around cigarettes by saying that’s done… Fantastic, now I need you to sort those connections into two piles, a true pile if there is such a thing, and a false pile, the false pile is actually going to go directly into the fire pit and any connection you believe to be true will remain on the side of the fire pit. Let me know when you’ve done that by saying that’s done…


Now higher self what connections are in the true pile, what connections has the mind made around cigarettes that CLIENT feels to be true? [Prove or regress to cause on these OR find the biggest one and regress on that to clear] Higher self are these really true, valid, authentic connections or should we just throw these in the fire as well? … Now higher self, what emotional connections are there, if any, to cigarettes, what emotional

connections has the mind made around cigarettes, for example do cigarettes = love, comfort, control, happiness, etc.? … Are these true connections really or false? [Break false connections and make authentic connections around feelings … cigarettes can’t change feelings, whether you have a bad day and come home and smoke 5 packs of cigarettes or have a bad day and come home and remain a non-smoker, fresh air breather…]


Now SC I now invite CLIENTS healer into the clearing with us now. Your inner healer is with us now… I invite your healer to release all of the toxins out of your body now… I invite your healer to repair any damage that cigarettes have done over the years in such a way that CIENT experiences not so much as a single withdrawal. CLIENT as your healer does this work now you will feel this process, this transition taking place, the transition into a healthy mind and body. When your healers work is complete, when you know that it has been done and successful just let me know by saying I’m healed now…

Simple chapel with black casket – Undertaker

And now you continue down the path… you come upon an opening and in this opening you see a simple small stone chapel… you find yourself right in the entryway, the doorway of this chapel now. In the front of this small chapel you see a casket, a black casket there. You walk in and up to this casket… you open the lid but it’s empty. Looking inside this casket now, I want you to fill this empty casket with the habit, with the dirty disgusting smoking habit. I want you to fill this casket with cigarette butts… empty cigarette packs… ashes… fill this casket with blackish, yellow smoke… fill it with cellophane wrappers… that’s right……..

While you’re at it, why not throw in some cancerous tumors… black lungs that were pulled out of a dead smoker… you can hear coughing and weezing coming out of the casket… you can smell the disease, the death… the smoking habit in this casket now…

It’s full now, you close the lid. You look up and just behind this black casket is the undertaker. He is wearing a tattered suit, a top hat. His face has deep creases, bags under his eyes. He looks like death, he is death for he is the smoking habit. The undertaker represents this deadly smoking habit…… Look at his hands. His fingers yellowed from the smoke. His veins bulging out due to the lack of oxygen in his blood. He looks like a ghost… he looks dead.

He is weak and needs your help, so you wheel the casket out of the chapel thru the side door… There is an open grave there. You place the casket on this open grave and it is now being lowered into the earth… There is a shovel there… You begin shoveling earth into the grave, on top of this casket as the undertaker stands close by watching. With each shovel full of dirt you realize something. You realize that it isn’t you in that casket. You realize that you are a non-smoker, a healthy air breather. You’ve quit smoking and your body isn’t lying in that casket!

You’re done now. Patting down the earth over this newly dug grave. You look up and the undertaker raises his hand towards you. The habit, the smoking habit wants you, it wants to kill you! You look into his eyes one more time… you throw down the shovel, you turn and you run and you run and you run!

You run away from the habit. You are running away from death! You have made a decision, a final decision that you are a non-smoker, a fresh air breather. Nothing in the world could change your mind now!!!

You run and you run… (Compound – I am a non-smoker, a fresh air breather. I am healthy. I am alive. I hate cigarettes. I hate smoking. I am a non-smoker………..)

Library Smoking Patter

Hypnotize and deepen…

Have them imagine an elevator taking them down to floor A, floor B, and floor C…

Now that the door is open, step out of the elevator on Floor C and enjoy the pleasant surroundings and the feeling of wellbeing and satisfaction that comes over you. Walk around on Floor C. Not far away is an area that looks like a library. There are many, many bookshelves. Rows and rows of them. The shelves are lined with books. Look around until you find the bookshelves and nod your head when you see them, or feel their presence.

Great. In a moment, I’ll ask you to walk over and look down the aisles. When you look down the aisles, you’ll notice that the books on the right side are nice books. Books that look inviting. Books that appear well-worn and recently read. On the other side, the books don’t look so nice. Walk over to the bookshelves now and select an aisle. Walk over it and look down the aisle. When you are there, nod your head. Good. Notice that on the right side are nice books. Pleasant books. And on the other side are books that are not so nice. Not so pleasant.

As you look down the aisle, read the titles and the author. You see that all of these books are by you and about you. These books hold and record all of the things that you have done in your lifetime thus far. Not just your experiences, but all your thoughts, all your emotions and feelings; all your hopes and dreams and fantasies as well. Everything you’ve heard and everything you’ve said and read.

The books on the right side hold all of your good experiences, your pleasant thoughts, your nice feelings and emotions and all your wonderful dreams. The books on the other side hold those feelings, emotions and dreams that for you weren’t so nice.

Walk down the aisle. Glance from side to side. Notice how many books there are on the right side, the good side, the pleasant side. Now notice how few books there are on the other side. Run your hand across the spines of the books as you walk down the aisle. Feel the power they have. Feel the peace they offer. Feel their energy as you touch them. Walk farther down the aisle and choose a book. Open it and tell me what you see here.

Hold onto those good feelings. Put the book back on the shelf. Walk farther down the aisle and choose another book. Take the first book on the shelf. This one has baby pictures. Some of the things you did when you were little. Open the book to a picture of you doing something pleasant, something fun when you were a

baby. What are you doing? How old are you here? How are you dressed? Are you alone? Hold onto the good feelings and put the book back.

Now look at the books on the other side, the not-so-nice side. Some of these books are problem books. Every problem that you have had in your entire life has its own book. Every problem book has its own title. Each book holds all of your experiences, feelings, thoughts, fantasies and dreams as they relate to the problem that led you here. You came today because you have said, I have a smoking problem. So there is a book on the not so nice side entitled Smoking.

This book contains every experience, thought and feeling that you have ever had about smoking. Look around. Walk down the aisle until you find the book, take it off the shelf, and then nod your head. Hold your smoking problem in your hands. Hold all your thoughts about smoking, all your feelings, symptoms and emotions about smoking.

You said to me, I want to be rid of my smoking problem. So look around, find the trash can, a large container that will hold quite a bit. Look around and tell me when you find it. When you find it, nod your head so I will know you have located the trash barrel.

Take your smoking problem to the container and drop you smoking problem into the container. Get rid of your smoking problem. Throw it away. Throw away all the problems, all the emotions, all the feelings, all the symptoms. When you have thrown it all away, nod you head.

Now go back to the problem side and search for another problem book there with the title “I Can’t” When you find the “I Can’t” book nod your head so I know you have found the “I Can’t” book. Good. Now take your I Can’t book to the container but don’t throw it away.

Sit on the floor beside the container and put your I Can’t Book in your lap. Open the cover and tear out the first page. Now tear that page into small pieces and throw each piece into the container. Nod when you are finished.

Good. Now tear out the next I Can’t. Rip it up and throw the pieces away. Do that for every I Can’t in the book. As you tear up each and every I Can’t you are freeing yourself and your subconscious mind of each and every limitation. All your restrictions. All your inhibitions.

You are taking back control of the things that you do. The things that you think about. The things you fear. The things you hate. The things that cause you misery. You don’t need these “I Cant’s”. You don’t want them. So rid yourself of them. Rip them up one by one and when you are through, nod so I will know.

Is there nothing left but the cover? Good. Throw it away also.

Excellent. You are doing great. Now go back to the not so nice side again. This time, look for the book entitled Excuses. Find your Excuses Problem Book, take it off the shelf. When you have it in your hands, nod so I will know.

Take the Excuse Problem book to the container but don’t throw it away just yet. Sit on the floor, put the book in your lap and open the cover and tear out the first page the first Excuse. Rip it into small pieces and throw each piece away. Nod when you are finished.

That feels really good doesn’t it? Now rip out the second Excuse. Rip it up and throw it away too. Do that for every Excuse in the book. As you rip and tear every excuse this causes you to free yourself and all of your self-imposed limitations, restrictions and inhibitions. By doing so, you free yourself and your subconscious mind of each and every limitation, restriction and inhibition.

You are taking control of all the things you do. All the things you think about and how you feel. When all of your Excuses have been torn up and thrown away, throw the cover into the container. You are never going to need it again. When you have completed this, nod you head.

Now you have destroyed three of your problems. You have rid yourself of Smoking, I Can’t and Excuses. Walk back to the other side, the not so nice side. Walk down the aisle. Look for any other problems that you desire to remove from your memory bank. All of your problems are here and it is time to rid yourself of all of them. As long as you are in your library, your memory bank, search for these problems that represent each and every one of the things that have been subconsciously bothering you. These problems may have titles such as Hate, Fear, Sex, Nervousness or Depression. I can’t see the titles. But you can. You can see all of them.

Look for the problems that have given you so much concern in the past. The Problems are right there. Find them. You can see them. You can see them clearly. I’m not going to ask you about any of your Problem Books. Just take them from the shelf and throw them in the container. If you need to, rip each page out, or just throw the entire book away. You know what is best for you. Keep going back to the other side, the not so nice side until you have rid yourself of all the problems you need to address. Take them to the container and throw them away. When you are finished, tell me how many problems you have eliminated.

Excellent. Good work. Now let’s fix those problems so they can never bother you again. Give the container a good shove. Watch it move away from you. It moves toward a doorway on the far side of your library. The door opens and the container goes through the doorway. When it stops, fire begins to consume the container. The fire is very fierce and very hot. But from this safe distance, you can watch without being harmed. As the heat intensifies, the container begins to melt and the problems turn to ash.

Now all that is left is a small pile of ashes. All of your problems, all you I Cant’s, all your Excuses, all your problems have been reduced to a small pile of ashes. As you watch, a fan begins to blow. The ashes fly up and up and up. They are given to the four winds. Scattered across the four corners of the earth. Then the door closes. Those problems, those restrictions, those inhibitions, those limitations are forever gone! When the door has closed, nod.

Now rest and go deeper. You have done great work. You have worked hard and deserve a rest. Listen to the sound of my voice and let it carry you deeper and deeper. Enjoy this feeling of comfort and relaxation. Enjoy this new lighter feeling. Reward yourself for all the hard work you have done in removing and tearing up all your problems. Let that feeling of comfort settle deep within you.

Congratulate yourself for recognizing your difficulties and eliminating them. Recognize that as you sit in this chair, you are in charge. You are in control. You are the reason all of these problems were in your library, your memory bank. You put each and every one of them there.

Now you have taken charge; you have taken the responsible of riding yourself of all that excess baggage. You are the one who found all the problems that you needed to remove. You found the books holding all of those

problems. You reached up and took them off the shelves. You tore them up and threw them in the container. You pushed the container away. You sent all the problems through the door and into the fire. Those problems are gone now. They can never bother you again.

Understand that each day you live, you do add more and more pages and books to your memory bank, your library. Select only those thoughts and events that meet your new needs and desires. You are in charge. You are the only one that can get into your memory bank, your library.

The Smoking Book held all of those thoughts events and impressions that you used to consider beneficial about smoking. All those impressions and thoughts and events that implied that smoking a cigarette did something good for you. But you know that smoking is dangerous to your health. It makes you ill. It breaks down your immune system. Now you have no need to smoke. No desire to smoke. All of your past needs and desires to smoke have disappeared, gone up in smoke. You have removed them and sent them into the fiery hell they deserve. All you past needs and desires to smoke are gone. You have removed them.

Each and every Excuse you used to continue to smoke is gone. You destroyed each of them. You rid your library of all those pages in all those books. You reached up to the shelf, took the Problems down and destroyed them. You. All by yourself. You destroyed each and every excuse. Now you have no excuses left to smoke.

You have rid yourself of the excuse of I’ll gain weight if I stop smoking. You know better. You know that isn’t necessary. You will continue to eat normally. Continue to eat those nutritious foods necessary to sustain you’re in your daily activities. You may even cut back. But you will never increase your food intake.

You never missed an opportunity to smoke a cigarette before. Now you are perfectly comfortable and satisfied in mind and body without that poison wrapped in white paper. They aren’t cigarettes. They are poison wrapped in white paper. Over the years, you’ve been telling yourself that you can’t quit smoking. Each time you repeat these “I Can’t” you have compounded the negative suggestion that you COULDN’T quit. So, your subconscious mind wouldn’t quit. You didn’t have the choice. Your subconscious mind had to follow your previous instructions that you couldn’t quit.

Now you have retaken control. Now you have given new instructions to your subconscious. Now you are smoke free. Now you are a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker the rest of your life. You are FINALLY FREE!

Now you are fee to do anything you have the desire to do. And your desire is to be smoke free. You have succeeded. No longer will you allow the old instructions of I Can’t to control your actions. You are in control. You are in charge. You make the choices now. And your choice is to be a non-smoker and remain a non-smoker the rest of your life. You know now that you are in charge of all your actions and conduct. No longer are you a slave to cigarettes, the poison wrapped in white paper. You are a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker the rest of your life.

Now walk down the aisle in the library again. But this time, since there are no books left on the other side; turn your attention to the right side, the good side. There on the bottom shelf are books that are as yet unwrapped. These books you haven’t noticed before. So look on the bottom shelf and find the wrapped up

books. When you see them, nod you head. Good. Pick up a book that is wrapped and hold it in your hands. As you unwrap this book you’ll notice the title is My Health and Happiness . Feel the fine texture of the cover. Feel the smooth, silken gold trimmed pages. Put it up on the right side. The good side. The pleasant side. Nod when it is there. Good. Now pick up another unwrapped book. Hold it in your hands. Notice how heavy it is. Unwrap it. It has a title too. The title of Success, It too has a fine textured cover. And it has gold trimmed pages. And it is heavy. So very heavy. Flip briefly through the book. Notice how many pages have already been written on. There is much success in your life. Each and every success should be celebrated no matter how small or how large. Celebrate every success. Put this book on the right side of your library.

There is one more book to be unwrapped. Pick up the last book. This is a very important book. Hold it close. Hug it tight. This book you are holding is all the fulfillment of all the desires you’ve had or ever will have in your lifetime. The title of this book is Desires. Unwrap your desires. Place them on the shelf next to the others.

Now you have three new books on the shelf. Health & Happiness, Success, and Desires. By unwrapping these books and placing them on the shelf you make three total, absolute and complete commitments. First - to live a life that for you is entirely happy and healthy. Second- that everything you do from this moment forth and for the rest of your life, you will do with complete success and ease. Third and most important commitment is this one that you make to yourself. To fulfill each and every one of your desires. Whether that desire is physical, spiritual or material. The first desire you are committed to fulfilling is to be a nonsmoker and to remain a nonsmoker the rest of your life.

Do you see where the container used to be? There is a chair there now. A large comfortable chair. Sit in it. Notice that everything seems clearer, in sharper focus. Each and every time you return to your library, and you can come here anytime you chose - Each and every time you return the picture will be clearer. The book shelves more distinct and the books in sharper focus. Just like someone turned on some lights. Each and every time you return to your library you will feel more and more comfortable.

Sink deeper into the chair. Listen to the sound of my voice. Each and every time I suggest relaxation, you relax pleasant and comfortably. Whenever I suggest relaxation, this causes your eyes to grow more and more tired, your eyelids to grow more and more heavy with relaxation and the heavier they get the tighter closed they seem to be. Each and every time you relax, you relax more deeply than before, each and every time feeling comfortable.

Every page in every book in this library and each and every book that you add to this library from today forward contains good and positive thoughts. You are in control of what goes into your library. From this day forth, only good positive thoughts will come here. The right side, the good side the pleasant side of the library will become overflowing with books. The other side, the not so nice side the not so pleasant side will remain barren. Devoid of books and problems and excuses and limitation and restrictions and inhibitions.

All your thoughts are good ones, pleasant ones, comforting ones, and satisfying ones. Life can AND WILL be happy for you. Wonderful and worthwhile. Each thought that you plant causes your body to responds, so I want you to think of those things that are pleasant and satisfying and your body will respond in a pleasant and satisfying manner. Remember, the thought comes first, and then the body responds. The thought is the energy the impulse, the instruction to the brain to state in motion the conduct you wish to follow. Upon

receiving this impulse the brain causes the nerves to transmit the messages to that portion of part of the body to be affected. Positive thoughts result in positive actions, positive feelings.

You are now in charge, in control of your body, your thoughts, your actions, your feelings. You create the messages, the impulses that meet your new desires and needs. By removing all the Problem books, you have removed all the old instructions. You have cleared your brain of old behavioral patterns and you are ready to give it new instructions. No one else can enter your library. No one else can put books in your library. Only you can do that. Only you are in charge.

Recognize that you have removed all of the old problems, all the old I Can’s, all the old Excuses. All the old limitations, all the old restrictions all the old inhibitions. You are now ready to recite to your subconscious mind he knew instructions contained in your new Health and Happiness Books and your new Success Book.

The first new instructions you will give your subconscious is this: I am a nonsmoker and will remain a nonsmoker the rest of my life. I want you to repeat it again and again until I tell you to stop. I will leave the room for a moment, but keep repeating it to yourself until I tell you to stop. I am a non-smoker and will remain a non-smoker the rest of my life.

Now the second new instruction is this: I am successful in all I do. I want you to repeat it again and again until I tell you to stop. I will leave the room for a moment, but keep repeating it to yourself until I tell you to stop. I am successful in all I do.

The third new instruction is this: I am free of the old. I embrace the new. I want you to repeat it again and again until I tell you to stop. I will leave the room for a moment, but keep repeating it to yourself until I tell you to stop. I am free of the old. I embrace the new.

Excellent. You’ve worked very hard today. There is just one more thing I want you to do. Remember Life is a journey. Not a prison. You are neither a warden nor a jailer. Be kind, be gentle, be forgiving, be calm, be patient, be tolerant, be loving, surround yourself with beauty, and always, ALWAYS speak positive words to yourself. This is so important. So critical. Always, ALWAYS speak positive words to yourself. Negative words put books back on the not so nice side of your library. Speak only kind words to yourself. Speak only loving words to yourself. Speak only good things to yourself. Give yourself the gift of kindness. Give yourself the gift of tolerance. Give yourself the gift of patience. Give yourself the gift of forgiveness. Give yourself the gift of gentleness. Give yourself the gift of tranquility. Give yourself Health and Happiness and Success and all that you Desire.

In a moment I will count from 1 to 5 . . .at the count of five open your eyes wide awake completely refreshed 1 feeling great 2 suggestions doubling 3 4 on the next count wide awake 5

Raft of Security Deepener

“Take a deep, relaxing breath… and as you exhale all tension, close your eyes. Your body automatically relaxes with each breath as your mind relaxes now. Sometimes we imagine, visualize.., as if we were watching a movie or seeing pictures… behind our eyes… but… you know we can imagine even if it is dark and comfortable behind our eyes… as you are now. Maybe you are imagining what I am saying… or not…or imagining what

it would be like to let your mind wander to a place now… a special and private place that you have found. I’d like you to imagine what it would be like to be at a beautiful river.., the air warm… the sky blue.., the scenery is how you would create it. Now… imagine at this never ending river.., calm and peaceful… there is a rubber raft at the shore. You may even see the color of this raft.

Now… this rubber raft has been sitting by the shore for a while and has been warmed by the sun. And this raft has been made for you… the most comfortable, soft, warm feeling you can imagine. And as you now get inside and sit.., you feel how strong yet soft the raft is under your body…how safe and secure it is… as you allow yourself to float… gently… slowly… drifting down this never ending river. And at all times how the raft stays in the center of the river.., slow.., and can go on for days and days… allowing you to enjoy having your eyes close as you drift.., feeling the warm air… maybe hearing the soft, gentle breeze through the trees…, birds soaring through the sky… that’s right… and the water is so clean and clear.., like the thoughts you have each moment.., of health… confidence.., and calm.

Now imagine what it would be like.., as each relaxing breath allows you to feel even more secure.., safe.., calm… inside your raft of security and peace. And how you settle down deeper into the warm rubber… floating safely… as changes of healthy behavior continue.., becoming more balanced like the Nature around you for we are Nature and Nature is us. And you may notice… as you continue to drift along this beautiful… private… personal place… how much more deeply relaxed you are… with each passing moment… as you continue to drift.., that’s right…drifting… floating.. .changing thoughts, ideas.., behaviors and actions… to feel more balanced like all the life around you… balanced… natural… and healthier with every breath.”

(Continue with a deepener if necessary)


1 Balloon

Let the client see their pain as an object, i.e., a red balloon. Then have them to make the balloon grow larger and just as it got larger, their pain became worse. Now have them make the balloon back to its original size when we started and their pain will also be back to the original level. Instruct them that just as they were able to make their pain grow and return, they can also make it decrease. Now make the balloon grow smaller, with each breath the balloon gets smaller and smaller, the pain smaller and smaller until the balloon just goes away (or becomes a manageable size (pain wise). As the balloon goes away, so does the pain.

2 Control Room

Guide them into the control room.

Now “NAME”, remaining comfortable, well, safe, deeply relaxed and hypnotized, with your relaxation, sleep and hypnosis growing constantly deeper and more complete, simply find yourself in a comfortable, small and very pleasant grey-walled room. You are totally free of any claustrophobic feelings you, just feel welcome, right at home, here.

This room is small, round, grey-walled and it has a domed ceiling...the way an igloo might be inside; and you now sense that this grey-walled room is actually your own subconscious mind the core of your being... the very center of you.

In the center of the room is a console, a control panel. It has various knobs, sliders, and buttons. This control panel connects the neuro pathway between your brain, the room that you’re in right now, and you “PROBLEM AREA.”

Moving to the control panel now become of where you are right now. Does this control panel give off any sounds? … Touch some of the controls, the knob… the slider… feel the button…… notice what that feels like. (Have them see, hear and feel being inside of the control room. A well rounded sensory experience is generally more effective. Control Panel)

Find the controls that are connected between the PROBLEM AREA and the pathway to the brain. The brain senses the inputs when it arrives. All this is, is a pathway of senses to the brain like a road. The PROBLEM AREA has been sending a signal down this road or pathway and you are now at the control panel and in control of the signal being sent. Discomfort signals – Discomfort is just a signal

Test the controls: First turn up the pain………… then turn down the discomfort… and then off.


- Comfort, relaxation, desired temperatures, etc., based on what the client tells you makes them feel better. These calibrations are not limited for physical sensations but can be extended to emotions and beliefs, too!

1) Have a control that sends DIFFERENT signals – Instead of discomfort you can send warmth, send joy, send piece, send calm, send a good feeling of physical relaxation and wellbeing

2) Discomfort signals – Discomfort is just a signal… THERE IS THE “BODY PART” discomfort button, if you press it, it will end the signal to the brain that has been sending the discomfort – IF YOU’D LIKE PRESS THAT BUTTON NOW AND WHEN YOU DO THE PATHWAY FROM “BODY PART” DISCOMFORT WILL CLOSE DOWN LIKE WHEN A ROAD IS CLOSED, AND THE SIGNAL SIMPLY WON’T BE SENT TO THE BRAIN -------- GO AHEAD AND PRESS THAT BUTTON NOW

Have a control that sends DIFFERENT signals – Instead of discomfort you can send warmth, send joy, send piece, send calm, send a good feeling of physical relaxation and wellbeing.