Inscape Disc Catalog Cic

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  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    C a t a l o

    What if People Had Their Needs

    Written All Over Them?

    For more information or to place an order contact us at (877) 311-3472.

    Visit or www.OnlineDISCProfile.comEmail us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic





    Oe 30 eas ago, Inscape Publishing pioneeed the

    DiSC assessmentbinging it out of the textbook and

    into the wokplace. Toda, Inscapes solution-focusedpoducts ae used woldwide in thousands of oganizations

    of all sizes including majo goenment agencies and

    Fotune 500 companies.

    Our extensively researched and time-tested products help organizations unlock the potential

    o their teams and individuals. Every year, more than a mil lion people worldwide learn how to

    work more eectively with others using our products. Translated into 30 dierent languages

    and used in 70 countries, Inscape solutions oer consistent, research-based training across

    organizationsregardless o geography.

    E v E r y T H I N G D i S C

    Our newest and astest-growing training solutions,Everything DiSCprograms help

    people connect better. With programs or leadership, sales, management, and workplace

    development, Everything DiSC programs are in-depth, specialized, and easily customizable

    to t your needs.

    D i S C C L A S S I C

    Versatile and fexible, the DiSC Classic amily o products helps you meet a wide variety

    o training goals. The DiSC Classic Facilitation Systemis an all-in-one training toolkit

    that acilitates DiSC Classic 2.0, DiSC PPSS, DiSC Classic paper, and more. Designed to

    complement existing training programs or create all-new custom programs to meet your needs.

    B E y O N D D i S C

    Our popular sel-discovery tools help organizations explore and address specic challenges,

    including teambuilding, work expectations, listening skills, and stress. Each prole can be

    used as a stand alone product, together in various combinations, or in conjunction with our

    DiSC tools.

    For more inormation, contact your Inscape Publishing Authorized Distributor.

    For more information or to place an order contact us at (877) 311-3472.

    Visit or www.OnlineDISCProfile.comEmail us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    What if people had thei needs witten all oe them?

    Then ou wouldnt need DiSC to undestand the people

    aound ou.

    But since need-tags arent really an option, theres Everything DiSCthe new

    learning tools based on the third generation o the research-validated DiSC


    Everything DiSC is the astest, easiest way to go rom assessment to action, with tips

    and strategies to connect better with your coworkers and improve your workplace.


    Application-ocused programs improve critical people-skills in the areas o

    management, sales, leadership, communication, and more.


    Engaging video, scripted acilitation, and ollow-up tools create a complete learning

    experience that takes you rom assessment to actionast!


    Meet your organizations needs with easy-to-use eatures that help you make the

    program your own.


    Online assessments provide individualized proles with tips and strategies or


    E x C L U S I v E L y F O r E v E r y T H I N G D i S C P r O F I L E S

    Eething DiSC Compaison repot: Follow-up reports that can be created or

    any two participants to illustrate their similarities and dierences. Unlimited access

    available at no additional charge with all Everything DiSC proles.

    Eething DiSC Facilitato repot: Provides a composite o your groups DiSC styles

    and inormation on how DiSC styles can impact your organizations culture. Includes the

    names and styles o each participant. Sold separately.

    Eething DiSC Goup Cultue repot: Helps you determine the groups DiSC

    culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its eect on group members,

    and examine its infuence on decision making and risk taking. Sold separately.

    Eething DiSC Team view: Provides an at-a-glance view o any group o respondents

    and their individual Everything DiSC maps. No limit to the number o people that can be

    included in the report. Unlimited access available with all Everything DiSC proles.

    Eething DiSC Supplement fo Facilitatos: Provides more detailed data about

    an Everything DiSC assessment and helps acilitate a richer discussion about a

    respondents DiSC style, including unexpected items. Unlimited access available with

    all Everything DiSC proles, excluding Everything DiSC 363 for Leaders.



    EvEryTHING DiSCFor more information or to place an order contact us at (877) 311-3472.Visit or

    Email us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    This is the leadeship pogam Ie been waiting fo!

    Leadership Development Consultant

    The paticipants aed about the pogam. The wee deading

    coming to anothe taining pogam but to thei delight the wee

    totall engaged!

    Independent Trainer and Consultant

    Based on best pactices, Everything DiSCWork of Leaders

    connects to eal-wold demands, geneating poweful

    conesations that poide a clea path fo action.

    E v E r y T H I N G D i S C W O r k O F L E A D E r S P r O F I L E

    Using the ramework o Vision, Alignment, and Execution, the Everything DiSC Work o

    Leaders Profleencourages leaders to understand their own leadership behaviors and

    how they impact their eectiveness. With strong visuals to illustrate key messages,

    the 23-page personalized leadership-specifc report includes 18 behavioral continua,

    context-specifc eedback, and strategies or improving leadership eectiveness.

    E v E r y T H I N G D i S C WO r k O F L E A D E r S F A C I L I T A T I O N k I T

    Modulardesignletsyoucreateanend-to-endleadershipdevelopmentprogramorconcentrate on specifc areas. Five 60-90 minute modules ocus on:

    IntroductiontotheWork o Leaders







    E v E r y T H I N G D i S C W O r k O F L E A D E r S v I D E OIntoduction to Wo of Leades

    DiSC and Leadeship

    vision: Approaches to Exploration, Boldness, and Testing Assumptions, PLUS bonus

    split-screen video

    Alignment: Beore and ater in adapting leader/group interactions

    Execution: One Work Group and Approaches to Feedback



    EvEryTHING DiSCmore information or to place an order contact us at (877) or www.OnlineDISCProfile.comil us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    Everything DiSCWorkplace can be used with eeone

    in an oganization, egadless o title o ole, to build moe

    eectie elationshipsone elationship at a timeand

    impoe the qualit o the woplace.

    E v E r y T H I N G D i S C W O r k P L A C E P r O F I L E

    The 20-page personalized profle explores the priorities that drive learners at work.

    Participants understand their DiSC style and how to increase their eectiveness with

    all our DiSC styles. The profle includes an in-depth, personalized style indexan

    at-a-glance overview o the other styles and how the individual interacts with them.

    E v E r y T H I N G D i S C W O r k P L A C E F A C I L I T A T I O N k I T

    Three 90-minute modules ocus on:





    E v E r y T H I N G D i S C W O r k P L A C E v I D E O

    The Woplace: Introduces the DiSC Model

    Choose you Cowoe: Four coworkers representing the our DiSC Styles discuss

    how they like to work

    Woplace Stategies: Strategies to overcome challenges when working with

    people with dierent DiSC styles

    Optional People-reading Module: Participants learn how to identiy peoples

    DiSC styles based on behavioral cues


    What I loe about the Everything DiSC Workplacepogam

    is that paticipants immediatel get engaged with thei

    DiSC stleand the pofle is spot on!

    President, Training Consulting Firm

    The new Everything DiSC Comparison Reportswill mae it much

    easie to eep conesations going ate the initial taining. Its a

    eal beathough, paticulal o woing with teams.

    International Leadership Training Consultant

    EvEryTHING DiSCFor more information or to place an order contact us at (877) 311-3472.Visit or www.OnlineDISCProfile.comEmail us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    E x C L U S I v E L y F O r D i S C C L A S S I C A N D D i S C P P S S

    DiSC CLASSIC FACILITATOr rEPOrT: Provides individual data, a composite o

    your groups DiSC styles, and inormation on how DiSC styles can aect your

    organizations culture.

    DiSC CLASSIC GrOUP CULTUrE rEPOrT: Helps you determine the groups DiSC

    culture, explore its advantages and disadvantages, discuss its eect on group

    members, and examine its infuence on decision making and risk taking.

    DiSC CLASSIC TEAM vIEW rEPOrT: Provides at-a-glance comparisons o

    individual proles.

    SUPPLEMENTAL rEPOrTS: Six additional reports that extend the insights o DiSC

    Classic 2.0and DiSC PPSS.








    DiSCClassic 2.0on EPIC: Personalized eedback in a conversational style that

    even our paper prole cant match. Plus, an expanded narrative that brings theIntensity Index to lie.

    DiSC PPSSon EPIC: Bulleted, succinct eedback thats all about the individual. DiSC

    PPSSprovides personalized inormation to help people apply DiSC learning in a

    variety o business applications.

    DiSC Classicpape pofle: The original hand-scored paper DiSC prole used with

    organizations across the globe or over thirty years, this fagship instrument helps

    individuals improve communication and reduce confict.

    Proles are sold separately and can be used on their own, with your own acilitation, or with the DiSC Classic

    Facilitation System.



    DiSC CLASSICFor more information or to place an order contact us at (877) 311-3472.Visit or www.OnlineDISCProfile.comEmail us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    A v A I L A B L E I N E P I C F O r M

    Oganizations equie fexible, ceatie, sustainable

    peomancethe kind that comes om people who

    know how to balance wok lie and pesonal lie, withoutsacicing eithe.

    The Coping & Stress Profle is a unique assessment that provides people with

    valuable eedback on coping with stress in their personal and work lives. The profle

    provides critical insight into how stress in one area o lie aects other areas and

    examines how coping resources in one area can be used to decrease stress in another.

    This 22-page pole coes ou coping esouces:





    The Coping & Stress Proflehelps people in oganizations:


    to manage stress.






    The Coping & Stress Profleis also available in paper orm and is hand scored. It also

    includes eedback on stress in the areas o Family and Couple.


    BEyOND DiSCmore information or to place an order contact us at (877) or www.OnlineDISCProfile.coml us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    Successul oganizations undestand that the cultual

    bacgounds and expeiences o thei emploees and

    customes ae aluable esouces and can enich the

    oganization. In ode to eap the benefts o diesit,

    oganizations must meet the challenges though

    sel-awaeness, undestanding, and commitment.

    The Discovering Diversity Profle helps employees learn how they respond to workorce

    diversity and where they need to develop understanding. It allows employees to explore

    the complex issues surrounding diversity in our key areas:

    knowledge. Explores diversity and where that knowledge comes rom

    Undestanding. Examines empathy and the willingness to consider

    anothers position

    Acceptance. Looks at receptiveness and respect o diverse behaviors

    and backgrounds

    Behaio. Explores sel-awareness o attitudes and behavior toward others

    The 20-page EPIC Discovering Diversity Proflecontains eedback about those items that

    need attention, suggestions or improvement, and a detailed action plan.

    Aailable exclusiel o Discovering Diversityon EPIC:

    The Discovering Diversity Group Reportprovides a snapshot o the group in our key

    areas o diversity development. Facilitators can use it to ocus on the needs o the

    participants, the group, and the organization. The inormation is anonymous, so the

    report can be used as a acilitation tool while saeguarding the confdentiality o

    the respondents.

    The Discovering Diversitypaper profle includes the assessment, scoring,

    and interpretation.


    A v A I L A B L E I N E P I C F O r M A T

    BEyOND DiSCFor more information or to place an order contact us at (877) 311-3472.Visit or www.OnlineDISCProfile.comEmail us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    As oganizations stie o efcienc, teams ae

    expected to innoate, poblem sole, and executeon

    a dime. Undestanding and capitalizing on indiidual

    appoaches to goup pocesses is ital to ceating

    high-peomance teams.

    The Team Dimensions Proflehelps individuals work rom their strengths by identiying


    the Team Dimensions model, team members understand the importance o each role,

    increasing their appreciation o each individuals contribution.

    The Team Dimensions Proflehelps teams in ou oganization:






    The 21-page EPIC Team Dimensions Proflegives personalized eedback on strengths

    and challenges when working as part o a team, and it provides an overview o the

    contributions o the various team roles.

    Aailable exclusiel o Team Dimensionson EPIC:

    The Team DimensionsProfle Group Reporthelps build a more productive and

    satisying team environment. In addition to supplying a snapshot o team members


    distribution o team members, a graphic summary o the groups priorities, a discussion

    o the groups strengths and limitations in the context o the Z Process, and individual

    data tables listing the name o each team member and his or her primary role and

    secondary tendency.

    The Team Dimensionspaper profle includes the assessment, eedback on team roles,

    and an action plan or continued application.


    A v A I L A B L E I N E P I C F O r M A T

    BEyOND DiSCFor more information or to place an order contact us at (877) 311-3472.Visit or

    Email us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


    Setting pioities and managing time ae ital to

    enhancing indiidual and oganizational peomance.

    I ou could educe ou stas wasted time b just fe

    minutes ee hou, poductiit would jump 8.3 pecent.

    Efcienc leels would also ise as emploees deoted

    moe time to completing citical tasks.

    The Time Mastery Profle is a unique tool that provides people with a complete

    sel-directed assessment o their current time-management eectiveness.

    The instument helps people exploe time-elated behaio

    in 12 categoies:

    Attitudes Interruptions

    Goals Meetings

    Priorities WrittenCommunications

    Analyzing Delegation

    Planning Procrastination

    Scheduling TeamTime

    The 32-page EPIC Time Mastery Profleincludes the Skills Gap Analysis. This eature

    shows how respondents rate their skill in each category, as well as its importance

    to their jobs. This data helps determine where to ocus time-management eorts orgreater personal and proessional success.

    Aailable exclusiel o Time Masteryon EPIC:

    The Time Mastery Facilitator Reportcan be used to customize Time Mastery Profle

    training or coaching sessions based on the job importance and sel-assessed skill level

    o participants. The Group Skills Gap Analysis shows group data, pinpointing those

    categories that need the most attention. Participant data is presented anonymously or

    discussion purposes as well as by name or acilitator use.

    New! Time Mastery Profle Facilitator Kit

    The Time Mastery Profle Facilitator Kitincludes everything you need to conduct an

    engaging classroom training program: 15 classroom training lessons complete with

    Leaders Guides, PowerPoint, and participant handouts that support EPIC and paper

    versions o the Time Mastery Profle.

    The Time Masterypaper profle includes the assessment, inormation, and action

    planning or each category.


    A v A I L A B L E I N E P I C F O r M

    BEyOND DiSCmore information or to place an order contact us at (877) or www.OnlineDISCProfile.comil us at [email protected]
  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic


  • 7/28/2019 Inscape Disc Catalog Cic
