Insanity - Elite Nutrition

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  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition



  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    ()eeacHBoDY'INSANITY is an extreme and physically demanding workout. This is NOT for beginners or indivjduals with any medical condition which maybe compromised by extreme cardio and strength exercise. Consult your physician and read the enclosed materials before beginning this program-O 2009 Beachbody. All righb reserued. Disfibuted by Prcdud PatueB, LLC, Santa i,,lonie, CA 90404. Prcdud Padners, LLC, is the ownor of lnsanity, Beachbody, TeamBoachbody, and all relabd designs, copyrighb,tudema*s,and proprietary dghb..lf you are a memtEr ofthe Team Beadbodf @mmunity,@nlad yow Coach for infomatonand supFd or log in at ForBeachbdy6and Team Bchbody CusbmrServie,please @ll 1(800)818-5174 or go to 101

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition



  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    L*',1{-*VtLteln this plan, you'll learn ab0ut healthy food basics and theproper balance of nutrients you need each day. Your bodydoesn? require refined sugars, processed foods, sodas,0r artificial sweeteners. ln fact, they can be harmful.When you eliminate them, you'll actually feel better Andguess what? Food that's good for you tastes great, t0o.Here are the tools to help you iigure out what and howmuch to eat for the next 60 days and beyond. This guidegives you meal options and food lists to choose from.As you get in better shape and your metabolism soars,you'll also learn how to increase your calories to fuelyour changing body.This plan will work for you whether you've been dietingfor yea rs or don't know what a calorie is. Whether you'remale or female, and whether you want to lose weightor bulk up. lt will give you the energy to maximize yourworkouts and become a healthier oerson. lt's not about

    quick fixes or fads. lt's about eating and using food {orits intended purpose. Fuel.,#LryffiP#"1::*Yffi*'*X?YLffiThis Elite Nutriti0n guide is designed to power your bodythrough the most intense workouts oi your life. Whenyou're digging into this 0ltra-extreme fitness regimen,you can't go low-calorie or low-carb. You need to fuelyour system with balanced and nutritious meals andsnacks. Your body is literally going to burn through thefood you eat, whetherthey're carbs, fats, or protein. Thisis N0T the time to diet. But if you want t0 lose weight,yol]'ll eat the right foods in the right proportions. Thebalanced meal plans will provide your body with the fuelthat it needs t0 get through these INSANE workouts.This isn't a diet, it's a plan that will leach you howto eathealthy for the duration of INSANITY and for the rest ofyour life. Elite Nutrition focuses on eating 5 meals aday, none too large or too small. All the meals contain

    : --- ithe samenumberof calories.Thisfrequenteattng: ::::ral for your metabolism and provrdes stamina for: -' :iense work0uts.I :-,:ne has different ealoric needs, so this guide:- : /, s you how to increase the calories oi all the meals' ,:- still need more calories, add the "Food Blocks"':- ,:-r meals, or enjoy them as snacks, to reach your:l:': requirements.i::- neal listed is around 40% protein.40% carb, and:l-r: 'at. It's important to balance protein, carbs, and": - :c pr0mote optimal blood sugar control, resulting in-: :est possible state foryourworkouts'There is a full:,:-iiew 0n protein, carbs, and fat in this guide, as well:: ',1rchi's Ladder, a Beachbody tool to help you create': -' own meals.--: recommended foods have a low glycemic index,,^ :h has less impact on blood sugar. High glycemic-:::s, such as white bread and candy, cause a-:: d rise and subsequent rapid drop in blood sugar,


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    calories.Thisfrequenteating: cptimal for your metabolism and provides stamina for, : Jr intense workouts.,eryone has different caloric needs, so this guide

    . -lws you how t0 increase the calories of all the meals.' iou still need more calories, add the "Food Blocks"your meals, or enjoy them as snacks, to reach yolr:: onc requtrements.:ch meal listed is around 40% protein,40% carb, andfat. lt's important to balance protein, carbs, and

    t0 promote optimal blood sugar control, resulting inbest possible state for your workouts. There is a iull,,erview on protein, carbs, and fat in this guide, as wells Michi's Ladder, a Beachbody tool to help you create

    our own meals.recommended foods have a low glycemic index,

    has less impact on blood sugar. High glycemicsuch as white bread and candy, cause arise and subsequent rapid drop in blood sugar,


    draining your energy. Low glycemic foods provideyotl with steady energy throughout the day andoptimal fuel for your workouts. The plan also avoidsadditives, overly processed foods, sugar substitutes,and alcohol.n_i iYl I { y,r;9:2 _?:. ry_ry_{}Y:W*mMonth One:Your Daily Mealsln the "Start Eating" section {pages 1}-b5) you'll find5 separate meal lists. Each day you'll pick one meal fromeach 0f the {ive meal lists, totaling E meals a day. Try notto skip any meals.Each meal list has 10 options to choose from. Keepselecting different meals to give yourself healthyvariety.Each meal contains approximately 300 calories, and hasinstructions about how to scale it up to either 400 or 500calories depending on your individual caloric needs.



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    Therefore, these five meals a day will provide anyvvherefrom 1,500 calories to 2,500 calories per day. You canalso use the 100-calorie and 20o-calorie food blocks tomeet your daily ealoric requirements. Add them to yourmeals, or eat them as snacks.

    Month Two: Eat MoreAs you enter ihe second rronih of this Eiiie l.luiritionprogram, y0u'll find that your body burns calories muchfaster than it did a month ago. Plus, your Month Twoworkouts get harder and longer, so you'll need more luel.To meet your increased fuel needs, this plan includesa list of l0o-calorie complex carbohydrates. Based onyour weight loss or weight gain goals, you can add theseto meet your increased caloric needs, or continue withyour basic meal lists from Month 0ne. lf you do addthese complex carbs, choose from one to three ol themper day, adding them to your earlier meals.

    $E? 2$ilri,,, :3Ke your number {rom above and multiply by ther*, : -i exercise listed below.To figure out your needs ior the Elite Nutrition program

    use this three-step formula. While it may seem lengthy i -:: ,'ou re doing INSANITY, the "moderately active"it's the best way to estimate your energy needs 1o r:',:nactive"factorshouldapply.your individual fitness objective, whether thats t0 gairmuscle, lose fat, 0r lust maintain your weight while yorget in the best shape ever.Step 1First, use the Harris Benedict Equation to calculat(your caloric needs. This formula determines your basaenrirgy requirements, which is the energy required ttmaintain your current weight without exercise. Afte,completing this step, y0u'll add in your exercise level.For Women: 655 + {4.35 x weight in pounds) + {4,7 rheight in inchesl - 14.7 x age in years)For Men: 66 + (6.23 x weight in pounds) + {12.7 x height irinches) - {6.8 x age in years)

    Sep 3-'- - -mber you now have will tell you your'0r weight maintenance. ln step 3, you'll adjustr" : ---nber up or down, depending on y0ur weight loss: :: - goals..::' ,',erght loss, subtract 500 calories per day from

    : -' - rmber in step 2.::'".,erght maintenance, do nothing, just use the---::r from step 2. ::' ,,. eight gain, add 250 to 300 calories per day to your' .-::r from step 2

    .,,':., i,,.: ; I ;,: ; : :.,tt. i :: t :, : t t,,...i r,.; : :..,.,' : \ampie rs a 40-year-old woman who rs 5'5':- :-:nds, doing the INSANITY workouts 5 days peri ;:, 3nd who would like to lose weight.I . r - her age, weight and height to the equation:fr - l35x 150pounds)+{4.7x65inches}-{4.7x40yearsli:r - 652.5) + 1305.5) - {188) = 1.425

    1 i:?-. i {-ft 74172'r-'l ii'r:? ti,; Ziti: ?.2-"i:i7411"': r4v:".;:",":l::

    Sedenlarv Liltle or no exerciaer3r5 Liohtly Aciivg Light exerci$e('i to 3 days/re6k1

    Moderately Adive Modra e exercise{3 to 5 davslweek)Hbrd rercise

    16 Io ? daysirBek)Extremely Activ Hard dailV exercise and/or a physical job

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    take your number from above ilnd multiply by theof exercise listed're doing lNSANlTy, the ',moderately active,,-very active" factor should apply.

    number that you now have will tell you your caloriefor weight mainteflance. ln step 3. you,ll adjustnumber up or down, depending on your weight lossgain goalsbelow:weight loss, subtract 500 calories per day fromyour number in step 2weight maintenance, do nothing, iust use thenumber from step 2

    weight gain, add 250 to 300 calories per day to yournumber from step 2

    : * e\*r wixi x g Y *wr * -*1 * r i * sexample is a 40-year-olii woman who is 5,5,.,pounds, doing the INSANITy workouts 5 days perand who would like to lose weight

    in her age, weight and height to the equation:+ {4.35 x 150 pounds} + {4.7 x 65 inches} - {4.7 x 40 years)+ {652.5} + {305.5} - {188} = 1,42s

    Itup_l _So 1,425 calories is f.,er Uasaf energy ;il;fu;,that is, her calorie needs lor weight maintenance if shewere inactive.Multiply 1,425 by 1.7 for a ,,Very Active,. activity factorand you get approximately 2,400 calories per day.?3::pL - -_Now add or deduer ;;r*;;;.,sh,;;r-;weight gain.The number from step 2 is 2,400 calories. However,since this woman would like to lose weight, deduct500 calorres per day from her caiorie needs. So, 2,400calories MINUS 500 calories E0UALS 1,900 caloriesper day.While this equation may seem confusing, it,s thesimplest scientific way of truly estimating your needs.Keep in mind that after starting the Elite Nutritionprogram, you may want to alter your calories up ordown based on lhe feedback you are getting from yourbody, i.e., too much food, not enough, losing or gainingweight, etc.

    wll{w {fi {_&,T WEat your meals every few hours. for example:Meal l:breakfasttimeMeal 2: mid-morning snackMeal 3: lunch timeMeal 4: afternoon snackMeal 5: dinnerTiming your meais while doing INSANITy is important.For most people, eating a very small meal about one hourbefore exercising is ideal. lf you exercise immediatelyafter eating, you may lack the energy you need t0complete your workout because your body,s {ocused

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    0n digesti0n. Generally, you can eat three hours beforea workout and be fine, but the small meals or overallintensity of INSANITY may require you to eat morefrequently than you've gotten away with while doingan easier pr0gram. Keep in mtnd that everyone'sdifferent, so you should experiment and see whatworks best {or you.Now that y0u know your calorie requirements, Y0ucan start choosing your meals. lf you followed thebase plan, you'd eat 1,500 calories a day 15 meals x 300calories). You can add the food blocks as needed tomeet your daily caloric requirements. A few exampleslor illustration:lf your body requires 1,900 calories a day, your dailyintake would look like this:Meal 1: 40O-calorie mealMeal 2: 400-calorie mealMeal 3: 400-calorie meal

    Meal 4: 400-calorie mealMeal 5: 300-calorie mealYou could also choose to keep a few of the meals to 300' t 5 meals a day' one from each of the lists in thecalories and add the other calories using the food block -:r l#rr19 secti0n Use the food blocks. if needed, tolists. Here's another 1,900-calorie meal plan:

    Meal 1: 400-calorie mealMeal 2: 300-calorie mealMeal 3: 400-calorie mealMeal 4: 3O0-calorie meal + 200 calories*Meal 5: 300-calorie meal

    "Add food blocks: two 100-calorie blocks 0R200-calorie block.

    S-r,?i ieir?Hfi

    .:::t your additional calorie needs.. i::: week, assess y0ur calories and your

    -r:su rements. You may need to increase or decrease{.'calories based on the inlormation you are getting.hf-scle tissue is denser than fat tissue, so your scale::- mislead you. Use measuremefits to gauge yourlr:;ress, instead of weight.

    . rE-ember, everything counts. Milk and sugarforyourone ::-ee or tea, the glass of wine with dinner. the littles;::k from a bowl at work, it all counts

    ffi ..



    you get to choose how to divide up your calories..:flsomethingeveryfewhourstokeepyourmetabolismas lonq as you are eating at least 5 times per day r,-Ting steadily.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    -ART TATIru{]5 meals a day, one from each 0i the lists in theowing section. Use the food blocks. if needed, toyour additional calorie nesds.

    week, assess your calories and your:asurements. you may need to increase or decreasecalories based on the inlormation you are getting.

    tissue is denser than fat tissue, so your scaleyou. Use measurements to gauge your

    instead of weight.

    everything counts. Milk and sugarforyouror tea, the glass of wine with dinner. the littlefrom a bowl atwork, it all countslsomething everyfew hours to keep your metabolism


    .0rink water. Not only will it keep you hydrated, it willease your hunger. 0ne of the primary causes of hungerpangs is dehydration. g-10 glasses 0f water per day isnot excessive when you,re doing INSANE workouts.. Be sure to drink your Results and Recovery Forrnularight before, during or immediately iollowing yourworkout. lf you'r trying to iose weight, be sure toaccount for these calories. And if you,re not workinghard enough to burn through your glycogen stores,then you don't need these calories. 0{ course, if you,rebringin' it to an INSANE level, you will.. Remember, nothing comes easy. you iust have todig deeperlFUN FACTS: OUB TEST GROUP FOUND THAT THEIRMETABOLISM WAS KICKED INTO HIOH GEAR ANDTHEY WERE LOSING WEIGHT SO FAST THEY HADTO ADD CALORIES EACH WEEK TO JUST MAINTAINI

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    pffinTilrq f;ffiilfiThiiI' I scoops protein powderI :-p iresh or frozen berries: -: s

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    BERI?Y PRI]TIIN SI-1t]IJTHIE ffiI-1,{ scoops protein powderl'2 cup fresh or frozen berriesI cup skim, almond, rice, or soy milk and ice

    in blender until smooth.X"trition-Srea[Jo*;

    eloriesgrams proteinI gnms carbohydEtet inms fatgEms fibot

    F r a 400-calorie me al: add 112d a medium banana' Frr a 5oo.calorie m eal: add llld a medium banana and I Tbsp.:f all-nalural peanut butter

    SAGIL AruD Li]X1/2 whole wheat bagel1 Tbsp. whipped cream cheese2 oz. smoked salmon (lox)2 slices tomato1/2 large grapelruitToast half of a whole wheat bagel, scoop out the innards,and fill the bagel with I Tbsp. whipped cream cheese,salmon (lox), and 2 slices of tomato. Serve bagel withgrapefruit.N;i;iti;B;;;kd;;i291 calories23 grams protein35 grams Erbohydrate8 grams fat5.5 grams fiber



  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    r"w wryr q w YP,uf w:F,. ffi3 hard-hoiled eggs, whites onlY1/3 cantaloupe, sliced4 pieces whole wheat melba toastI slice reducedjat Swiss cheesePeel 3 hard-boiled eggs and slice the whites onto a saladplate. (Discard or save the yolks for another pulpose )To the plate, add sliced cantaloupe, 4 whole wheatmelba toasts and 1 slice o{ reduced-fat Swiss cheese.Nutrition Breakdown:293 slories23 grams protein35 grams carbohydrate7 grams rat3.5 Itams fib,er' For a 400-calorie mea : add an egg yolk and increase thecantaloupe to 1/2 of the melon'For a 500-calorie meal: add an egg yolk and increasethe cantaloupe 10 112 0f the melon and add I cup oflow-fat, skim, almond, rice, oI soy milk {You may use themilk in a coflee drink. such as a fal-{ree latte). ,1..:/z/4

    4 egg1 whoU2 cuSliced1/2 culn a negg wandmelonrlrii296 32 gm3.t gE5.5 g19* For' For top

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    '#},:#ffiyffix{ffimtrffffi4 egg whites1 whole.grain tortilla1/2 cup part-skim mozzarella cheeseSliced tomato to taste1/2 cup melon, cubedln a non-stick skillet coated with cooking spray, scrambleegg whites. Pile egg whites into a whole-grain tonillaand top with cheese and sliced tomato. Serve withmelon cubes.f,luiritlon Br"akio*n' -296 ealodes32 grams protein34 grams carbohydmta5.5 grams fat3 grams libar* For a 40o-calorie meal: add ?3 cup o, nonfat yogurt* For a 5oo-calorie meal: add 1 cug 0f nonfat yogurttopped with l-1l2 Tbsp. chopped walnuts

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    portion out 1 cup cereal and top with fraxseeds,foE :-: slice of wh'le-grain toast with nut butterskim, almond, rice, or soy milk, and sliced bananas. t'lrr :-:sgrves Serve with cottage cheese

    {:LftLEL ffi*WII cup high-protein whole-grain cereal,such as Kashi Goleanit or Hi-LoTM1 Tbsp. flaxseeds73 cup skim, almond, rice, or soy milk1/2 cup bananas, sliced

    Nutrition Breakdown:299 calories22 grams protein55 grams carbohydrate{.5 grams Iat13 grams {iber' For a 400-calorie meal: jncrease flaxseeds t0 2 Tbsp.and increase bananas 1o 1 cup' For a 500-cal0rie meal: increase cereal t0 l.l/2 cups,increase milk io 1 cup, increase flaxseeds to 2 Tbsp.

    and increase banana to 1 cup

    :TNUT BI]TTIre T[]&ST, :: .,,.hole-grain toast-i:: 3ll-natural peanut or almond butterlii: " -fruit preserves{: : -: :ottage cheese, 1% milk lat

    In,r-: :e Breakdown:I aoriesC Iffis proteintr Iffis rbohydratem Iffis fata tmru fiber':'" ' 1.1.:-ca c: e neei: ncrease cottage cheese to 3/4 cupr:'::i :ir I cupof siicedfruit':r" : -',ii-:alorie meal: lncrease cottage cheese to 3/4 cup:-: ':: rr':h 1 cup oi sliced fruit AN0 use an extra piece o{

    urr : : r,-:ai toast to make it into a sandwich.

    ,::?a P.%r1"ii*-ii{:'i 7:iz- &.?/" ffiMix two scoops with water or blend with water and ice{double the normal serving}.f'.r"ti t "" Ai".r,J"*r'280 calories34 grams protin34 grams carbohydrate2 grams tat6 grams fiber

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition



    0r almond butter

    cheese, 1 % milk fatslice of whole-grain toast with nut butter

    serv with cottage cheese.Breakdown:


    meal: increase cottage cheese t0 3/4 cupwith 1 cup of sliced fruitmeal: increase cottage cheese to 3/4 cupwith 1 cup o{ sliced fruit AND use an enra piece oftoast to make it into a sandwich.

    v[G[ir[ ilntLET2 whole eggs2 egg whitesMushrooms and onions to taste1 slice whole-grain wheat toast1 Tbsp. all-fruit preservesln a non-stick skillet coated with c00king spray, makean egg omelet with 2 whole eggs plus 2 egg whites,saut6ed mushrooms, and onions, and serve with 1slice of whole-grain wheat t0ast topped with 1 Tbsp. ofall-fruit preserves.N,iiiii",-' a,;;kJ;;",30'l calories24 grams protein25 grams carbohydrate11 grams fat3 grams libor* For a 400-calorie meal: add a large orange or 1 cup oforange juicer For a 500'calorie meal: add a large orange or I cup 0f orangejuice and 1 slice of reduced,fat cheese to the omelet.


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  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    -::-RT BilwL A

    flt::i,lltiir,;: .

    ": :r-: ;: -::fat plain yogurt{look for Greekmq:.rr r::ssible)1 m'* : cedI -ltrr-J r: :uts, chopped[,,mrnl ,:g,rrt with apple, walnuts, and h0ney.

    : - 3reakdownffi

    11@ trrc proreinqbotrydratetd35gmfibsr 4I-:: :": -ea: Siir I scoop o{whey-based protein@erir -:; ae i: u( bowlr iltl-:: :re neal: lncrease yogurt t0 1-U2 cupsmm;i-:: r,a,ruis to 3 Tbsp. and slir in 2 Tbsp. driednrffi:*r:s :: raisins.

    ,-).:- , :... : ....-,."''",,.'' "',,*,''.,', -,.,, - ;,I whole egg3 egg whites2 oz. deli-style turkey breast, sliced1/2 cup sliced mushrooms and onrons1 slice whole-grain bread1 cup melon ballsln a non-stick skillet coated with cooking spray, makean omelet with egg and egg whites and fill omelet wkhturkey, mushrooms, and onions. Serve 0melet wkh 1slice of whole wheat toast and melon balls.Nutrition Breakdown:298 c6lorios2l grams protein40 grams carbohydrate7.5 grams fat5.5 grams fiber* For a 400-calorie meal: Add 1 oz. of crumbled feta or goatcheese to the omelet.* For a 500-calorie meal: Add I oz. ol crumbld fela or goatcheese to the omelet and have 2 slices of whole wheat toast.

    .a ,, ,...: 1 , I z: - ?.:.. 7' ??. 4.. ,?-aa. a , a: ,,'Z :'.7-r7aVt-,

    i cup skim milk, alm0nd milk. or rice milk1 scoop whey protein powder1 cup frozen berries1 tsp. vanilla extract1/2 bananalceAdd ingredients to blender Add ice to thickenNutrition Breakdown:296 calories13 grams protsin50 grams carbohydrate2 grams fat5.5 grams fibar* For a 400-calorie meal: Add i Tbsp. all-natural peanulbulter or aimond butteri For a 500'calorie meal: Add 1 Tbsp. all-natural peanulbutter or almond butter and increase the proteinpowder to 2 scoops.


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    ,:GURI *ilWL ffi'' : -: rf nonfat plain yogurt (look for Greekr : ; ." -l if possible)" ::: e. diced: -:si. walnuts, chopped::: ijoney1: -: ne yogurt with apple, walnuts, and honeyr -:-riion Breakdown:

    -lories-:: lEms protein3Gms carbohydratelEms tat: icms tiber

    -: - a 4{0-calorie meal: Stir I scoop 0f whey-based protein:.:r,der into the yogurt bowl.::':500-calorie meal: lncrease yogurtt0 l-112 cups,-:'.ase the walnuts to 3 Tbsp. and stir in 2 Tbsp. dried: -: -:erries or raisins.

    NTJTRITII]N BAR ffi1 nutrition bar112 cup 1% coftage cheeseChoose a nutrition bar urith approximately 200 calories,fewer than 25 grams of sugar and at least 10 grams ofprotein llike the P90X Peak performance Bar). Havenutrition bar and cottage cheese.Nutrition Breakdown:280 calories29 grams protsin26 grams carbohydrate7.5 grams fat2 g(ams ,iber'* For a 400-calorie meal: Add a small banana or alarge navel orange." For a 500"calorie meal: Add e small banana or a larqenavel orange and add Z Tbsp. chopped walnuts tothe cottage cheese.

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    *xLt *eru*w,** ffi1/2 whole wheat bagel or 1 slice toast2 oz. deli-style turkey breast, sliced'I slice reduced{at cheeseSliced tomato, to taste1 cup tomato or vegetable juiceScoop out half of s whole wheat bagel, toast it andlill with turkey, cheese, and sliced tomato. Serve withtomato or vegetable juice.Nutrition Breakdown297 calories26 grams protain38 grams carbohydrate7 grams fat5.5 grams tiber* For a 400-calorie meal: lncrease turkey to 4 oz. of turkeyand leavs the bagel "un-scooped."n For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease the turkey t0 4 oz.,leave the bagel "un-scooped" and add another slice o{reduced-fat cheese.

    I",jww{? '*J2 slices whole wheat bread3 slices turkey baconSliced tomato, to tasteLettuce, to taste'l {resh pearMake a sandwich of bread, turkey bacon, tomato. andlettuce. Serve with a Iresh pearNutrition Breakdown293 calodes13 grams p.otoin46 grams ca(bohydrateI grams fatI grams fiber* For a 400-calorie meal: Add 2 oz. of sliced deli turkey

    to the sandwich and 'l Tbsp. light mayonnaise.* For a S00-calorie meal: Add 2 oz. of sliced deli turkeyand 1 Tbsp. light mayoflnaise to the sandwich and useregular whole wheat bread, not light-style.


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    "t#i}.. *- li*ri,[ty -tr 14 l] #3 oz. grilled chrcken breast3 cups mrxed dark greens1/2 apple, chopped1 Tbsp. pecans, choppedCucumber, sliced, to tastePile mixed greens on a large salad plate. Top with chickenbreast, chopped apple, chopped pecans and slicedcucumber. Dress salad with fresh lemon juice.Nutriiion Breakdown:283 calories30 grams protein25 grams carbohydrate8.5 grams fat6 grams fibert For a 400,calorie meal; Arjd t whole whu.if ngtirh *uffin o,1 slice o{ whole-grain bread.* For a 500-calorie meal: Add 1 whote wheat English muffirr or 1 slice0f wh0le-grain bread and add 1 Tbsp. oiive oil onto the salad.

    fii ;r;r.:Lr:jj: W*-***..*,-***,^.ffiI tuna or salmon roll. made w,th brown rrce it possibleSide salad of mixed greens2 Tbsp. of Asian ginger dressingHave one sushi roll sliced. with side salad served withAsi a n ginger dressi ng. {Use the tork tec hnique of di ppin gthe tines of your fork in the dressing before spearing thelettuce t0 avoid overdoing it on the dressine.)Nutrition BreakJown:3'11 calories26 grams protein32 grams carbohydrate12 grams lat5.5 grams fiber' For a 400 Lalor,e neal Add 1 cup 0l stpanreri edar.ane* For a 500-calorie rreali Add I cup 0f steamed edamameand I cup of miso soup.

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    *l*e{lH ffi[Atv StJr;[: ANI-: WlA*?9y w:{;Y- *"ffi1 cup of canned black bean soup1 slice whole-grain bread2 oz. deli-style turkey breast, sliced2 very thin slices of avocadoDijon mustardMake 0ne half of a turkey sandwich made with 1 slicewhole-grain bread, turkey, avocado and Di]on mustard.Serve with cup ol soup.Nutrition Breakdown:299 calories20 grams protein,tl grams carbohydrate6 grams lat12 grams fiber* For a 400-calorie meal: Use regular wholewheat bread, not light'

    style, and increase the turkey on the sandwicht0 3 oz.* For a 500-calorie meal: Use regular whole wheat bread, not light-style, increase the turkey on fie sandwich to 4 oz., and use 4thinslices of avocado-about U4 oI an avocado.

    Y:iffi3-PEL }"ffi##i[x*ffi4 oz. lean roast beef1/2 6-inch whole wheat pita pocketSliced cherry tomatoesBomaine lettuceDark salad greensSIiced bell peppersSliced cucumbersSliced mushroomsPile roast beef into pita pocket and top with slicedcherry tomatoes and romaine lettuce leaves. servepita with a side salad composed of dark greens, slicedpeppers, cucumbers and mushrooms, dressed with aIresh squeeze of lemon or lime juice.Nutrition Breakdown:292 calories30 grams protein37 grams carbohydrate5 grams fat8 grams fiber* For a 400-calorie meal: Use the whole 6-inch pita pocketand add 1 tsp. olive oil to the salad.* For a 500'calorie meal: Use the whole 6-inch pita pocket andadd 1 tsp. olive oil and 2 Tbsp. slivered almonds t0 the salad.

    l:|fi:Jffi3tr:*#- 3"Y*--"-A4 oz. tuna steak2 Tbsp. teriyaki sauce {low-fat, bottled)Fresh spinach1 tsp. olive oill/3 cup brown riceMarinate tuna in teriYaki sauce or other low{'bottled marinade. 6 rill, broil, or se ar tuna on both sidesldesired degree of doneness. Serve tuna with spinacsaut6ed in olive oil and 1/3 cup brown rice.Nutrition Breakdown:295 caloriGs36 grams protein25 grams carbohydrate7 grams fat7.5 grams fiber* For a 400-cal0rie meal: lncrease rice to 3/4 cup.* For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease rice t0 1 cup anduse 2 tsp. olive oil in the spinach.

    fl?i&r,tilt*i.i{:;v1 scoop Shakeology1 whole banana1/2 cup skim, almond, rice, or soY milk1/2 cup waterlceBlend inqredients with ice to desired consistency.Nutrition Breakdown:299 calories22 grams protein50 grams carbohydrate3 grams lat5.5 grams libet* For a 400-calorie meal: Add 1 Tbsp. of peanul bufter

    to the shake.* For a 500-calorie meal: Add 1 Tbsp. of peanut butterto the shake. increase Shakeology to 1-1/2 scoopsand increase milk to 'l full cup.


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    d*ffi"**$r":#%ff"***ffi1 6-inch whole-grain toltilla3 oz. grilled chicken breastSliced tomatoLettuceRed bell pepper, slicedCelery sticksI Tbsp. ranch dressing, reduced-fatFill tortilla with 3 oz. o{ grilled chicken breast, slicedtomato, lettuce leaves and ranch dressing' Serve withred pepper slices anC celery sticks.f.tutrltion Breakdown:307 calorios31 grams protein33 grams carbohydrate8 grams fut5 grams fiber* For a 4s-calorie meat Add l,a oi a imattavocado intothe wrap* For a 5oo-calorie meal: Add 1/3 of a small av0cado into thewrap and serue with a sliced aPPle

    '.r;.. ?.7'4 *i i:l{,:}r::*.4 oz. extra-lean ground beefMixed greens1/2 cup mixed berries and/or melonGrill or broil a 4 oz. lean hamburger patty Serve wia bun over a large green salad, with a side of 'll2mixed berries or melon balis.Nutrition Breakdown:302 calorios27 grams protein17 grams carbohydrate14 grams fat4 grams liber' For a 400-catorie meal: Serue namburger on a whole

    English muffin with the salad 0n the side.* For a 500-calorie meal: Serve hamburger on a wholeEnglish muffin with I slice of reduced-fat cheese andsalad on the side.

    l-: *F'--AT PASTA Wli*::-T'-IS AN,'- TITAillf ir:lE A':31 :3S1a s:-a;-?: i e;El3bleS

    ftr:: -r:r=i s'-?alred vegetables and crumbled


    & d0I*:a,:,-e rai: Add 2-3 oz. of diced:1llrr5 :.e3St10 the pasta bowlu M-:a,:re neal: Add 2-3 oz. of diced:+rxs- :reast io the oasta bowl, and

    mmilro wflr x *Es: igar

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    *].-E WHIAT PASTA WIT}I:irABt_[$ Atqfi r[TA:r,a Atole wheat pasta

    t:r:red, steamed vegetablescrc ':ia cheese. crumbled

    /2 us; rrith mixed steamed vegetables and crumbled

    $ALI.4ON NICOISI PLATE ^IE_-,_3 oz. salmon2 cups mixed salad greensI cup green beans, steamed1 small red potato, boiled5 black olivesFresh lemon, salt, pepper, to tasteGrill, poach, bake, or broil salmon. pile 2 cups of mixedsalad greens onto a large dinner plate, top the greenswith beans, potato, olives and the cooked salmon_S:f-oryI -lf :.1 1em-on,,s.a tt_-and pepper.Nutrition Breakdown:301 calories28 grams protein30 grams carbohydrato8.5 grams fat7.5 grams fib6r;i;;'; 4os;ilil;;;tAil ;il. *ilil;;, ;;ii;;; -slice of whole wheat bread.* For a 500-calorie meal: Add a whole wheat dinner r0ll or a sliceol whole wheat bread and top the salad wift 2Bp ;trv; ;ii --



    I W-:alorie meal: Add 2-3 oz. o{ diced:. rien breast to the pasta bowl.r iI ':alone meal: Add 2.3 oz. of diced::il;ten breast to the pasta bowl, andut' e fresh pear

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    r"1&,**lmt3 oz. {about 6 pieces} of sashimii/2 cup brown rice, steamedSide salad of mixed greens2 Tbsp. Asian ginger dressingHave any variety of sashimi with a side of rice, and aside salad of mixed greens topped with Asian dressing.Nutrition Breakdown319 calorieszil grams protein27 grams carbohydrste12 grams fat3.5 grams fiber* For a 400-calorie meali Add 1 cup of steamed edamame.n For a 50o-calorie meal: Add 1 cup of steamed edamame,

    increase fish to 4 oz. and increase rice to 3/4 cup.

    'iu"i"'t4"H'i I i',;'ii'.:&j. t";A1at j'721}"'.4 ffiY:3* il :, H):x-:- -. -- -ffi1 slice whole-grain bread'l Tbsp. all-natural peanut or almond butter'l Tbsp. all-fruit preserves 0B 1/4 sliced banana112 cup cottage cheese, 1%Make half of a nut butter and jelly sandwich with bread,peanut 0r almond butter, preserves or banana. servewith cottage cheese.

    ffi fjill_ il ilLJT pL&Tr[ft )2 oz. deli-style turkey breast, sliced2 oz. ham, sliced1 oz. reduced-fat swiss cheese, thinly slicedSliced tomatoWhole-grain crackers {100 calories wonh)It's like grown-up Lunchableso Make your own cracksandwiches with the ingredients.Nutrition Breakdown289 calories27 grams protein20 grams carbohydratg12 grams fat3.5 grams fiber* For a 400"calorie meal: Serue with 1 cup of freshgreen or purple grapes.* For a 500-calorie meal: Serve with I cup 0f freshgreen or purple grapes and increase turkeY t0

    3 oz. and the ham to 2 oz.

    'T'Li?,4A';.t AL- A* ir:a a fffi./j;))4 oz. water-packed tuna1/4 cup celery, chopped1/4 cup red onion, chopped'i Tbsp. reduced-fat mayonnaise1 tsp. Dijon mustard1 large tomato, hollowed out3 pieces whole-grain melba toast :l/2 whole-grain English muftinCombine, tuna, celery, onion, mayonnaise, and mustaand stuff into hollowed out t0mato. Serve with mell

    * For a 500-calorie meal: Serve with 1 medium tresh apple,increase tuna t0 6 oz. and increase to 5 pieces of wheatmelba toast 0R a full whole-grain English muffin.

    Nutrition Breakdown:289 caloriss Nutrition Breakdown22 grams protein 289 calories2e srams carbohydrate il|]lill jili[,,","11 grams rat 9 giams fat* For a 40o-calorie meal: Make sandwich with 2 slices * For a 400-cal0rie meal: Serve with 1 medium fresh apple.

    toast or EEnglish muffin.

    of bread.* For a 500-c0l0rie meal: Make sandwich with 2 sliceso{ bread and increase cottage cheese t0 1 full cup.

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  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    TIJItXEY LITTLJCI WRAP il4r.{ FEAN $ALAD * tr2 oz. deli-style turkey breast, slicedTomato, sliced1 Tbsp. reduced-fat Russian dressingLarge romaine or Boston lettuce leaves1/4 cup chickpeasl/4 cup kidney beans114 cup celery, chopped'l14 cup tomato, chopped1 tsp. olive oilLemon juice, salt, and pepper, to tasteWrap turkey, sliced tomato and Russian dressing insidelarge lettuce leaves. Serve lettuce wrap with a bean.1f9 ,r,49gl9maj{U in"gr"r9ta1$._ _Nutrition Breakdown:308 caloiles20 grams protein34 grams carbohydrate'11 grams fat7 g-rams fibs* For a 400-calorie meal: lncrease turkey to 4 oz., increase

    both the chickpeas and the kidney beans to i/3 cup.* For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease turkey to 5 oz. lncreaseboth the chickpeas and the kidney beans t0 113 cup andserve with 1 cup 0f fresh fruit salad.


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    Ttil?t([Y tHll_tI cup turkey or veggie chili {homemade orstore-boughtlMixed greens2 egg whites, hard-boiledHed wine vinegar1 tsp. olive oilServe chili with a mixed green salad toppedwith 2 hard boiled egg whites and dressedwith oil and vinegar.Nutrition Breakdown:310 calories23 grams protein30 grams carbohydrate10 grams tat7 grams liber* For a 400-calorie meal: lncrease chili to 1'1/2 cups.* For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease chili to l -112 cupsand serue with 1 whole-grain dinner roll or slice ofwhole wheat bread.

    ryL0lql{.,,rr44,r'ru,rriry ",,,#1 whole-grain English muffini/4 cup tomato sauce1/4 cup mozzarella cheese, part-skim2 oz. grilled chicken breast, sliced1 cup broccoli, steamedTop English muffin with tomato sauce, cheese, andchicken breast. Bake at 350 degrees for 10 minutes andserve with 1 cup steamed broccoli.Nutrition Breakdown:313 calories31 grams protein33 grams carbohydrataI grams lat8 grams tiber


    * For a 40O-calorie meal: lncrease chicken to 3 ozand the mozzarella cheese to U3 cup.n For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease chicken to 3 oz,and the mozarella cheese to 'l13 cup and servewith a large navel orange.

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    $y lryr itil$i&i r $r (#4 oz. shrimp, boiled and cooled2 Tbsp. cocktail sauceFresh lemon wedges1 whole wheat dinner roll or slice ofwhole wheat breadI cup mixed raw vegetables, such as carrots,peppers and cucumbersServe shrimp with cocktail sauce and/or lemon.Have roll or bread and raw veggies on the side.Nutrition Breakdown286 calories28 grams protein33 grams carbohydrate4 grams lat3-5 grams fiber

    *t3Tt*fr{1p"lfl {]HiilK[ru&2t] $&t_&u1 4-oz. skinless roiissene chicken breastMixed greensI tsp. olive oilLemon juice1 Granny Smith apple, slicedSei've chicken withwith lemon juice andsliced apple.

    a mixed green saladI tsp. olive oil. Finish mealNutrition Breakdown:31,1 calories38 grams protein20 grams carbohydrate10 grams lal4.5 grams fiber;F*, 4oo";;;;;l' Ad;;rr b.k"d prt.t;*,th" For a 500-calorie meal: Add a small baked potato withtopped with 'l oz. of reducedJat shrsdded cheese.

    ffiEF IIRAP

    M@rtror{fifi@],r o6lrrss

    d rdmmrm iln Mtila- Serve withhfifEr

    rEi Affi i cul& d p*afl mrfdtYogw'tt3mr A& i:u8 d dffi 'lonftdt lo$rrtlExld@ il@I 2lbse raogped ffiikt'B'

    * For a 400-calorie meal: Dip raw veggies into ll4 cup hummus.. For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease shrimp to 6 oz., increasec0cktal sauce to 4 Tbsp. and dip raw veggies into 1/4 cup

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    'a:: : ': l: :. :: :i:,i:t..i:jlt::l.rir,:ii

    : - ). .q-ii,) t l"i 3d,' Y7 r:'2" "- '4ffi.*.*.--ffi-':ast beef

    :: i avocad0. -: e-grain torttlla- , a: fresh or frozen berries

    - : , ocado, and t0rnato in t0rtilia. Serve with- '=: berries.f;toppl

    meal wr l'

    with skirwith skir

    l':akdown:- ------ lllll , r -es'- lt r' -; 5.r'"1na[]t L- : ::-bohydratell r - ::' i,r_:r:?.

    - : : :. e meal: Add 1 cup of plain nonfat yogun to.:::. :;. : : :' e meal: Add 1 cup of plain nonlat yogurt to' - ': :.":s and top with 2 Tbsp. ch0pped walnuts.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    - :-::ariiflowerrfilffl u t:. : r,E r :'::: :- -:s :-' a airch of salt1.. . :: a -l :::-:i:':-'2:: 15 -irutesI :rirr:: i:.r :- : -:., :-.: ::c t,rtl 1 cup of

    fl|l,-i.--" " -'' - :- ::-::: ::.- a:a CaJiiilolYel

    mmmn {ilh#{0mr llL I : r":i _::::':::f,orn r,.; --:: _: iji::::::a:: :;::.udiwN il : - :: i-: ,:: a .\^--: i':. : ^-e'rifilnllll il I i -:a 'a,a:'aa:

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition



    rsasoned bread crumbspepper to tastemedley o{ carrots, corn, and cauliflowerdh olive oil, bread crumbs, and a pinch of salt

    Bake cod at 375 degrees for 12 to l5 minutes,ffies easily with a fork Serve cod with I cup ofmedley of carrots, corn and cauliflower.

    Breakdown:,GinGrtohydntecahie meal: Add a whole-grain dinner r0lldr$|ole wheat bread. -crbrie meal: lncrease cod to 6 oz., increaseal 2Bp.. and add a whole-grain dinneri rlce of whole wheat bread.

    1 whole egg2 egg whites1/4 cup feta cheese, crumbled1 cup baby spinach leaves1 slice of whole wheat bread 0r whole-grain English muffinln a non-stick skillet c0ated with cooking spray, make anomelet with egg, egg whites, feta cheese, and spinach.Serve omelet with 1 slice of whole wheat bread orEnglish muffin.Nutrition Breakdown302 6lodes23 grams protein20 grams carbohydrate14 grams fat3.5 grams fibr* For a 4oo-calorie meal: Srve omelt with a fresh pear* For a 5O0-calorie meal: Serve omeletwith a {resh peartopped with 2/3 cup of noniat vanilla yogurt.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    F _tb

    srrAx wllH BRnq,ljjl,u * I3 to 4 oz. flank steak, filet mignon, or sirloin0tive oilSea salt and pepper totaste1 small baked potato0ijon mustardi cup steamed broccoliLemon juice to tasteBrush steak with olive oil and sprinkle with sea salt andfreshly ground pepper. Grill or broil steak on both sides{or 5-7 minutes, or until degree of doneness is achieved.Serve steak with a small baked potato topped withcountry Diion mustard and steamed broccoli toppedwith fresh lemon juice.Nutrition Breakdown304 calories30 grams protein33 grsms carbohydrata6 grams fut7.5 grams fib6r* For a 400-calorie meal: lncrease steak to 5-6 oz-n fur a 5ffi-calorie meal: lncrease steak to S6oz. and finish mealwilh 12 cup o{fat-free pudding 0R 1 cup of skim or 1% milk.

    B*'1-.ti,:r..l;:,:l&:.:r.:r, ... &ir'il:i..:$li'

    I]HI[]K[ru HIAT*ALLS3 oz. lean ground chicken1 egg white1 Tbsp. seasoned bread crumbsl/2 cup whole-grain pasta, cooked1/2 cup tomato sauce1 cup green beans, steamed

    296 calorios28 grams protein40 grams carbohydrate3 grams fat7 Orams {ib6r

    )m[ umtlmu, ;.ftl&tr]l rrrttn,+, - :ilmuilnilltilulln, i:", :,, - iilS,tuttutt ,,'t,,::,t* ;l l - --:::': :-::riii or broil--: :::r,a:10 desired:.:-:- ia Steamei

    Mix ground chicken with egg white and seasoned br1crumbs. Form mixture into small meatballs, place #m iJiLllrlrflrl 'r J r(': ":li'bakingsheet,andbakeat3T5degreesfor15to20minr+ .,nrn,Lr " :: : - ---::oruntil cookedthrough.Servechickenmeatballsfrilttrnrrur fl, :lr,:,.,r-t:::.i.-:whole-grain pasta and toss with tomato sauce. Stu*^*,*,fl, :,if;?with steamed string beansNutritionBreakdown: -*----"--*-"----1fllrnrililflLlil' lrr)ri::nrfue*umfttrgnrmr mmmtlilfimmr ,mmlmmmlmilrm ]lllx*'Fora400-cal0riemeal: lncreasecnic@1 toSoz. - -hi *" ;, --, :...: -:r ,* ,", ;1.-s ,-r=,..,breadcrumbslo2Tbsp.andpastatoz3cup. -'- _ -':- lilhn' , {i0-.:t,r :.-.ii '-: :::::: -:"::;:Fora500-caloriemeal:lncreasechickento5oz.,|m[,'ruu.,'',.,.l|".breadcrumbsto2TbsD.andDastato2,/3cuoandfinish {nrmr'urftr'.rluri:': - : : r-: -':'' -i: a: :-:meal with 1/2 cup fruit sorbet. ml*Tnffir I I r"

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    " __[D fi&t*m*w-- A$p&ff&fitjs:: -on filet-:-eymustard

    : .:;-s. steamed.: /,role-grain pasta, cooked:: -on filet with honey mustard and grill or broil,::-:'i2 to 15 minutes until cooked to desired:.i :f doneness. Serve salmon with steamed:; -s and pasta." " :r Breakdown:aolEIrrro proteinil"lE arbohydrate$rms bltpms fter

    " ir i 4I-.alorie meal: Finish meal with I cup ot fresh grapes.:i : iT'calorie meal: lncrease salmon to 5 02.,I r r i;.: pasta to ?3 cup and finish meal with 1 cupr ';:: :.apes.


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    l"itxw:3wi*fi**--*"-ffi4 oz. lean ground turkey2 Tbsp. salsa2 Tbsp. red onion, chopped1 whole-qrain hamburger bun or English muffinGreen beans, steamedCombine turkey, salsa and onion. Form into a burgerand grill or broil until cooked through. Serve on bun orEnglish muffin with green beans on the side.Nutrition Breakdown3oI calories25 Erams protein24 grams carbohydrata9 grams fut5 grams fibern For a 40O-calorie meal: Add 1 slice of reducedjat cheese

    to the burger.* For a 500-calorie meal: Add 1 slice 0i reducedJat cheeseto the burger and iinish the meal with 'l cup of fruit salad.

    *w{:wru w{;{_ ffi:{:}wL112 cup cooked brown rice2 oz. grilled chicken breast, diced1i3 cup corn niblets113 cup cooked peasCombine rice with chicken, corn, and peasNutrition Breakdown:318 calodes25 grams protein,15 grams carbohydrate3.5 grams lat7 grams fiber* For a 400-calorie meal: lncrease rice to

    2/3 cup and increase chicken to 3 02." For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease rice to 2J3 crp,increase chicken to 4 oz. and increase

    both corn and peas to 1/2 cop.

    t:17 Qi. i* * &Y,{..{} r":?4lt:Y"*zuw zT'* {lt*&.ZL{} t: ft{iT. *4 oz. boneless, skinless chicken breast112 Tbsp. olive oil2 Tbsp. lemon juice112 tsp. paprikaSea salt and pepper1 cup carrots, sliced and cooked2 sp. honeyPlace chicken breast in an ovenprooi dish and topolive oil, lemon juice, paprika, sea salt, and pepper'at 375 ior 1 5 t0 20 minutes, or until cooked throughchicken breast with cooked carrots glazed with INutrition Breakdown297 calodes24 grams protein28 grams carbohydrateg grams fat5 grams tiber+ For a 400-calorie meal: Add 1/2 cup of cooked brown* For a 500-cal0rie meal: lncrease chicken to 0 oz. and

    2,/3 cup ot cooked brown rice.

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  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    {:fri{:gtw *T tft-rwY w 1T frffi*{3{:t}{3t*t, mL}*****m*,AruD Sr4[]W pLeS4 oz. boneiess, skinless chicken breast,cut into 1-inch cubes1 cup broccoli florelsl12 cup sliced mushrooms112 cup snow peas2 tsp. reduced-sodium soy sauce2 Tbsp. chicken brotb1 lsp. sesame oil'll3 cup brown rice, cookedln a la rge skillet coated with c0oking spray. cook chickenbreast pieces over medium heat until cooked through.about 7 to 10 minutes. Remove ctricken from pan andcook broccoli, mushroorns. and snow peas in the samepan. Cook until vegetables begin to soften, about 6 t0I minutes. Add the chicken back t0 the pan, with theuegetabies, and season with soy sauce. chicken broth,and sesame oil. Serve over 1/3 cup cooked brown rice.Nutrition Breakdown:307 calori6s31 grams protein27 grams carbohydrate9 gmms fat6.5 gramr fiber" tor a 400-calorie meal: lncrease chicken to 5 oz.ond increase rice to 2/3 cup-* For a 500-calsrie meal: lncrease chlckefi to 5 oz.increase rlce to 2/3 cup, and finish meal wiiltl13 cup nonfat vanilla yogurt topped with a handfulof lresh or frozen berries.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    p&riTA WtTt4 w"rf*r**p_**ryry+ry* _ ,#l/2 cup whole-grain pasta, cooked3 oz. shrimp, boiled1i2 cup tomato sauce1 Tbsp. Parmesan cheese, grated1 cup spinach, sleamedFresh lemon juice to tasteCombine pasta with shrimp and tomato sauce. Top withParmesan cheese and serve with steamed spinach,topped with fresh lemon.Nutrition Breakdown:287 calories31 grams protein33 grams carbohydrate4 grams fatI grams tiber;f, . q00 ,J..i. ,r.i f".*r* prrt, ,. il;.;; -and increase shrimp to 5 oz.* For a 500-calorie meal: lncrease pasta to 3/4 cup,rncrease shrimp to 5 oz., and finish meal with l/2 cupnonfat pudding or 1 cup ol skim, almond, rice, or soy milk.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    ;. i ' i" i-: ;j:' - -i- :i', ll::;These food blocks can be added t0 help You meet yourindividual calorie needs. Below you will find a list of100-calorie and 200-calorie 0ptions to ch0ose irom, Justadd these as needed t0 any of your five meals, or eat asa snack. to reach your daily total caloric allowance1 i.|ij - r.; ;"2 1 t: z i *. 2 ;: * * t i 1 ;.: i;'2.. :;1. 1/2 cup cottaqe cheese with 1/4 cup berries2. 112 cup n0nfat vaniila yogurt with 'i Tbsp.

    Grape Nuts'r' 0r other highJiber cereal3. l12art apple with 1/2 oz. of reduced-fat cheese4. t hard-boiled egg with baby carrots5. 1 banana6. 12 raw almonds7. 1 cup of skim, almond, rice, or soy milk8. 2 02. 0i sliced turkey on 1 slice of light-style whole

    wheat bread9. 1/2 of a whole-grain English muff in topped with 1 slice

    of tomato and a thin slice o{ reduced-fat cheese10. 1/2 cup nonfat puddinq

    1/2 cup of oatmeal {measured dry and then cooke.with water) topped with 1 Tbsp. of slivered almond,or chopped walnuts1 banana with 1 Tbsp. peanut butter1 slice of wheat t0ast t0pped with 'l 02. of turkey an:1 oz. of reduced-fat cheesel whole-grain rice cake topped with l Tbspall-natural peanut butter or almond butter and ha'of a sliced apple1 cup of nonfat vanilla y0gurt with 2 TbstGrape Nutse or other high-fiber cereal1 cup of whole-grain high-fiber breakfast cerea{ wir3/4 cup skim or low-fat milk1 large navel orange with 12 raw almonds3 02. 0f water-packed tuna mixed with 1 Tbsp. liglmavonnaise served on a whole-grarn rice cake

    9. 1 Shakeology shake with 1/2 o{ a small banana10. Egg salad made with 2 whites and 1 yolk and i Tbsp

    lioht mayonnaise served on 1/2 of a whole-graiiEnglish muffin


    )- *.ffS

    -: sscoItl month of the Eliie Nutritlon pr0g]'ar'-elebolisnr shoLild he Iagrlrg As y0ur f,0:\c '::

    - arder anLj longer, yoLr'll probably need t0 eat n0re:,.: is a list o{ complex carbohydrales You can ad'. -.ur daily food intake. Your metabolism can llke "r e this a{iditionai energY at this stage 0f the game'.:ver, i{ you would like t0 see youl weight css' rE at 3 lnore 'apld pace v0u may choose tr. r d these addili0nal lo0ds altogether'-: choose t0 adC these complex carbs, staii l\'ih i:av and add on as needed, Lip ts 3 0f them per l3'; you can add ihese carbs to any ol your 5 r:e:ls:est to tuei your body with them earlier in the c:'': r possible.;.rall baked potaio with skinr:rall haked sweet Potato' i0-calorie whole-grain dinner roll


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition





    .t ...: 1 V"ri _: : h; ,4." f.- ffi./.24e*@_*-^4ffi- the second month 0f the Elite Nulrition program,: r metabolism should be raging. As your workouts:.i harder and longer, you,li probably need t0 eat m0re.:=low is a list of complex carb0hydrates you can add: your daiiy food intake, your metab0lrsm can likely:ndle this additional energy at this stage of the game.-iwever, if you would like to see your weight lossI lrtinue at a more rapid pace, you may choose to iimit:' avoid these additional toods altogether.' you choose 10 add these complex carbs, start wkh l,:r l5y sp add 0n as needed. up to 3 o{ them per day.', i.ile you can add these carbs to any 0{ your S meals,- s best to fuei your body with them earlier in the day,', ren possible.

    ' I small baked potato with skin. : small baked sweet potato' I 100-calorie whole-grain dinner roll

    .112 cup brown rice, measured after it,s been cooked. l/2 cup barley, measured after it.s been cooked. i small banana or large orange. U3 cup c00ked oatmeal, cooked in water. 1/2 cup canned beans, rinsed of brine. ?3 cup whole-grain high{iber breakfast cereal. 12 cup whole wheat pasta, measured after it's been cooked. l/2 cup whole wheat couscorrs.1 slice oiwh0le-grain bread or Ezekiel bread. i whole wheat English muffin.3/4 cup cooked cornP,a;:'.i,it rij*'f;q{rt{qy,4y.q:; ffiln case you are new t0 sound nutrition, this sectionprovides a quick summary of the basic building blocks.You may have heard the terms beiore, but here,s anexplanation of their importance.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    Made up of amino acids, it's responsible for building the world s healthiest f.ods, ,r.t' * trri", ,.g.;1., - :lv voyr body with a slow' steady stream of b oc'lean muscle tissue, When you are engaging in intense and whole grains, are primarily carbohydratels. Carbr ':'' giving you constant energy to get You tn'o-g-physical activity, such as the lNSANlry workouts, are your bodys preferred fuel source.'Tne, .r. ,rl --dailyactivitiesandfuelyourlNSANEworkouts'

    Pr*tei* tar**lxydrat**

    getting adequate protein is critical. Your body simply stored in body tissue, only by your blood and liver in ewill not be able to recover from these workouts without limited amount. So the rnore you exercise, the more y.rit,asampleproteinisessentialformusclerecoveryand need to take in. Without enough carbohydrates, yo'.growth. This muscle growth is what will transform your body will shut down during hard physical exertions. Tocbody into a metabolic machine. The best sources of many carbohydrates, however, and they get stored asiean, high-quality protein include: body fat. lf you skimp on carbs, you will simply not be. Whole eggs and egg whites able to complete your INSANITY workouts in style. Elite. Skinless white-meat poultry Nutrition will teach you how to choose the right amoun:. Fish and seaiood of carbs to iuel your workouts, without going overboard'Low-iatdairy Befined {or white} carbs and sugars have a higi'Lean red meat glycemic index, which can be like poison to your bodl. Lean center-cut pork chops They cause an insulin response that can send your blooc. Beans and legumes sugar levels soaring, then rapidly dropping. This ,,suga.'Certain veggies rush" will leave you feeling lethargic, and definitely ir

    :hape for an intense workout session. HeallhY carrs

    :rre to choose "good carbs" each day The major:r':althy carbs will come f rom:-ole frurts (an occasional iuice is 0K as vuei: whole f ruit is preferable).ole vegetables- ole grarns: ry (some dairy products contain a decent amolnl' : arbs),

    - 3li fats are bad for you. ln tact, they are iusi as::iant as proteins and carbs, and play a key rcl::st every bodily function. ManY {ats, such as:;a-3, -6 and -9 fattY acids, are central to the healif.''.: on ofyour metabolism, immune system. a-d orar'i , ey is to avoid too much saturated fat {fornd ros:''"r:.y cuts of meat and highJat dairy) and trans fals-^d in some baked goods, stick margarrnes, cookies: :rackers). When in doubt, check the food label anr

    . the f ollowing in mtnd:, ; d any food with trans f ats, which are no requ l'ec: re listed on the label. Thankfully, most prodrc:s:.e since eliminated these.

    . - t fatty cuts o{ meat. The more "white" you see c'-,31, the m0re saturated fatthere is. Saturated fa1:s: : d at room temperature, so while the fat appears:c: :solve when cooked, it will harden up when it coo s:- The samething occurs in your arteries-not goocl- . . d all poultry skin; it's best to remove '1 p' :': :ooking to avoid the saturated fat from leaking rni:'. poultry..-:ose fatty fish, such as salmon. to optinize Yc-'':rke of healthy oils.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition



    notin ayouyourToo



    -c shape for an intense workout session. Healthy carbs;enerally have a low glycemic index, meaning that they:i.:pply your body with a slow, steady stream of blood:ugaq giving you constant energy to get you through. rur darly activities and fuel your INSANE workouts.le sure to choose "good carbs,, each day. The majority:r healthy carbs will come from:.Whole fruits (an occasional juice is 0K as well,5ut whole fruit is preferable). Whole vegetables.Whole grains'Dairy (some dairy products contain a decent amountcf carbs)rats;ot all fats are bad for you. ln fact, they are lust asrportant as proteins and earbs, and play a key role: most every bodily function. Many fats, such as

    : rega-3, -6 and -9 faw acids, are central to the healthy' jnction of your metabolism, immune system, and brain.-Ie key is to avoid too much saturated fat (found mostly: fatty cuts of meat and highjat dairy) and trans fats'cund in some baked goods, stick margarines, cookies,red crackers). When in doubt, check the lood label and, eep the following in mind:' Avoid any food with trans fats, which are now requiredto be listed on the label. Thankfully, most productshave since eliminated these.' Limit fatty cuts of meat. The more ,,white,, you see onmeat, the more saturated fat there is. Saturated fat issolid at room temperature, so while the fat appears todissolve when cooked, it will harden up when it coolsoff. The same thing occurs in your arteries_not goodl. Avoid all poultry skin; it's best to remove it pr;orto cooking to avoid the saturated fat from leaking intothe poultry.

    . Choose fatty fish, such as salmon, to optimize yourintake of healthy oils.

    . Choose natural cooking oils, like olive oil andcanola. They're an excellent source of desirablemonounsaturated fats.. Choose all-natural nuts and nut butters.. Choose low-fat dairy 10 decrease saturated fat.NIJTRITIT]N TROUB|-TSHOOTING IBelow you will find answers to the many questions thatmay come to mind as you begin the Elite Nutrition plan.lf you donl find the information that you need here, login to the message boards at

    lf some of the meal items are not appealing to you, youcan use the substitution lists, found at the end of theElite Nutrition guide, to heip you to swap out some ofyour less preferred foods for other items that you prefer.You can also use Michi's Ladder to create meals thatmeet your personal preferences.

    0bviously, water is best. Drink at least g glasses a day.Your body will need it. Jazz it up with lemon or lime. Avoidsoda, fruit juices, sweetened beverages, diet sodas,artificial sweeteners or energy drinks. Unsweetenedherbal teas and iced teas are fine. you can sweetenwith stevia. lf you drink tea or coffee, try to avoid orlimit cream and sugar.

    Eating every few hours is the backbone of the EliteNutrition philosophy, and it is critical to getting theresults that you desire. lf need be, you can choose lesslabor-intensive meals, such as Shakeology, to makefood preparation easier.Itt natural to feel tired and sore as your body adaptst0 the program, but this should subside over time, lfit doesn't, or if you feel its beyond what it should be,here are a few things to check. First 0ff, how are yousleeping? Are you getting 7 to g hours of sleep eachnight? You really should be llthis is not possible, you can


  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    v14"a1jrj2re.?rT:*_r{;t}:",;'{_?,,'.17{}".t17:42.}L?..We highly recommend ysu use our Results and Recoveryformula to supporl your body while doing lNSANlTy. Durinqin'tense exercise, your body burns its limited stores 0l lllo0dglycogen {sugar that it gets irom breaking down carbs) forenergy. The quickest wa\/ t0 replenish glycogen is t0 usesugar t0 creaie an insulin response to quickly restore yOUrblood sugar levels. The quicker the response, the lessdamage you'll d6 to your muscle tissue. Slow digesting iood,thats best at a8y other time, woB't wcrk quickly enoughduring exercise. Your body wili bonk (run out of energy| onceits glycogen is gone, and continuing t0 exercise will darnagemuscle lissue. So this is the sne time when sugar can play aninroortanl r0le,n imprcving your pe(0rmance.

    Resul6 and Recovery Formula is specifically designed torestBre yout' blood sugar levels quickly. ln the 1990s, it was

    supplement your night 0f sleep with a power napduring the day. Also be sure to get adequate water.Drinking water is vital t0 your energy levels. lf you've Qotthat covered, try adding Results and Becovery Formulato your nutrition regimen if you are not already drinkingit. If ncthing works, you may need to back off a littleuntil your energy returns. While it's important to pushthrough barriers, y0u won't make progress if your bodycan't recover.What if lfeel hungryTIt's natural t0 be a little hungry, especially at first. lf y0uare finding yourseif continually hungry, you may wantt0 re-caiculate your cal0rie needs and double checkyour portrons t0 make sure that you are eating thea ppropriate amount. lf all that c hecks out, and y0u a re stiilhungry, try adding more calories, about 100 to 'lb0cal0ries per day, t0 see if that helps. Drinkrng Resultsand Hecovery Formula can help greatly. Post-exercisecal0ries are used efficiently and will limit the musculardamage that sends signals t0 your brain to eat more.

    l: ::alculate Your calorlesfound that a small amount of protein could be "piggybacked' i::luce your calories by 100 to 150 calories per day,by sugar and furtlrer enhance the effects 0f glycoger :-:NEVEHgobelow'l,300caloriesperdayrecharge. T00 much protein or tat at this time slows anc r -'ack your portions and acc0unt for evennhing thatdiminishes sugar's effects. The optimal ratio, approxjmale\ - :3rs your mouth'

    dlerl showerl pe0ple wh0 regularly drank diet sodac0mposed acc0rding t0 this raljo :.e 40% more fikelyto be 0bese and atvery high riskshould be taken withtn 0ne h0ur 0 -etabolic Sy.ldr0me

    4partscarbohydratet0 lpartprotein,withverylttllet0notar f'- =youeatingevery'ewhours?showeda260/oimprovementoversugaratone,andupto4000/: '- syoudrinkingstd' j"':t::l:ll"]:)::::11:t*tt', *"0 a r.rrr, .,"rr" , :ries c0unt, they are generally bad caiories'*"''"';;';;';;;' : You drinkins':l':i':"1::":?::::]::i:;:'i:

    finishing a rrard work.u. Furtherm,Ie f, nat if l am not gaining the weight/if you haver't palen enougn r0 ge: _--'r "tnaii'want?'throughaw.rkout,sippingResultsanc icrease your muscle mass, you must be gettingRecovery Formula during exercise cai . . :,gh protein and calories. you may want to considei-alleviate the bonk without causing : rg 100 to 150 calories per day. Be sure that thesestomachuoset .:iies inciucie high-quality protein' such as eggs'. .:y, chlcken, beans, or fish

    What if I get headaches?Headaches are comncr ilrex v.u begin an ultra^toug'exercise program_ aic aei,,0.aion is generally tl:culprit. l\4ake sure y0t'i-e iri.

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    late you'r caloriesleduce your calories by 100 to 150 calories per day,:ut NEVER go below 1,300 calories per dayJheck your portions and account for everything that:nters your mouth..lre you eating every feh, hours?ire you drinking soda, iuice, alc0hol? Not only do these:alories c0unt, they are generally bad calories.ire you drinking diet soda? Two recent latge-scale:tudied showed people who regularly drank diet sodatere 400/o more likely to be obese and at very high risk:l metabolic syndrome.

    if I am not gaining the weight/that I wantT: increase your muscle mass. you must be getting^ough protein and calories. You may want to considerr:ding 100 to 150 ealories per day. Be sure that these::lories include high-quality prolein, such as eggs,

    :rkey, chicken, beans, or fish.

    1/2 cup of cottage cheese


    'I cup of nonfat yogurt

    Can I drink alcohol?Try to avoid alcohol. lf you do drink, consider thatalcohol has 7 calories per gram, almost twice that ofprotein and carbs. with n0 0utrient value. lf you're tryingto streamline your diet, alcohol is not the way to go.Should I take a multivitaminTTake a multivitamin. As you increase the workload onyour body, you increase its nutrient needs. The R0A isn'tgoing to keep up with INSANITY. Furthermore, if you'rereducing caioric consumption to lose weight, you maybe cutting out necessary nutrients as well. A multi-vitamin is like insurance for your diet.

    ryy,rqr$ffiuql*_ *,_._ &Here's a list of substitutions so you can furthercustomize the Elite Nutrition plan to your personalfood preferences.

    ..lilBpsaebg e1b.$l$l. 1& s&$.fi, l0.f'f.'i94/.i;tt :.,.;' :?.|'otnt theese or 1,4 6i:al:raw-lr\ *ee*Q

    .1 cup of skim, almond, rice, or soy milk' 1/2 cup low-tat yogurt. 1 egg or 3 egg whites.'l Tbsp. peanut butter. 1 oz. of cheese or 1.5 02. oi low-lat cheese

    . I cup of cottsge cheese'2 eggs or 4 egq whites. 2 TbsD. of oeanut buuer

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    1 oz. of chicken breast, turkey bteast orcanned tuna ifl watgr

    Hatf ot a 6-inch Pita

    1 oz. of fresh or canned salmon

    I slice of light-stYle bread{about 45 to 55 calories Psr slice}

    I oz. of shrimp or other whit fish{tilapia, cod, Ilounder, orange roughy}

    I oz. of rsd meat

    113 cup of cooked rice

    . 1 oz. 0f tuna, turkey, tofu, chicken breast, or shrimpo 314 oz. lean red meat, such as sirloin. I oz- of lean pork teoderloifl. I egg or 3 egg whites.113 cup 1-20/o cottage cheese.112 oz. ol auts.1/4 cup beans

    . L5 oz. of tuna, turkey, tofu, or shrimp.1 oz. of lean red meat, such as sirloin. 1.5 oz. of lean pork tenderloin.1/2 cup of cottage cheese. 1 egg or 3 egg whites.1/3 cup beans. 1 oz. of tuta, turkey, tofu, or chicken breast.3/4 oz. lsaB red meat, such as sirloin. 1 oz. of lean pork tenderloin. I egg or 3 egg whites. U3 cup cottage cheese. 1/2 oz. of nuts.114 cup beans

    . L5 oz. of tuna, turkey, tofu, or shrimp.1 oz. of salmon, or other "fatty" fish,1.5 oz. of lean pork tenderloin. l/2 cup of cottage cheese.3 egg whites.1/3 cup beans

    .1.5 02. oftuna, urkey, tofu, or shrimp. 1 oz. of salmon, or other 'fatty" fishr 1.5 oz.0f lean porktenderloin. 112 cup of cottage cheese.'l egg or 3 egg whites' 1/3 cup beans

    1 slice oi whole wheat bread(about 100 calories Per slice)

    1 cup oi oatmeal {cooked)

    Smali baked Potato

    112 cup pasta

    . I s.1 E. I S

    o lE,1/2. lr'. l8.18

    . 1.1. Z.l.1




    .1 st.-

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    1 slics of whole wheatbread(about l@ calories per slicel

    .l smalldinner roll. 1 English muffin. U3 cup of rice. t/2 cup of whole-grain cereal, no sugar added. l/2 of a 6-inch pita

    1 cup of oatmeal (cooked). 1 cup whole-grain cereal, no sugar added. 1.5 slices of wheat bread.l English muffin.l cupof Creamof WheaP

    . I baked sweet potato. l/3 cup of brown rice. U2 cup of whole wheat pssta or couscous. l/3 cup cooked barley. I piece of whole-grain bread or whole wheat English muffin

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    I cup of herries lblueberry strawberry, blackberry or raspberry)

    15-20 grapes

    i cLrp 0t melon (cantaloupe, h0nevdew 0r uJatermel0n)

    l5-20 cheries

    I cup ot cooked soinach or 2 cups raw I2 asparagus speais

    I cup steamed Erusseis scrcrls

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition



  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    MICHI'S LADDER cABBt FATa PRorErN -::lesauce tl: ioels a.:ii, eye oi round A I::ei, London I Ir:ef. top round A I- riola oil l, - eese. Iow-fal A I'- cken. dark meat Il- cken sandwtch, brotled O I- cken taco. baked I I-'l {no tard/0, sugar added) O I, :ms':b''eam cheese' low-fat a I'-:nch fries, baked

    Frurt drred OGranoLa, (No:Lga- :::'Honey tlJam ot marmalaa: ': : _tprkJ turIeY Ir"tliro tno sL '' :::::Lamb, lean l ILenuce, icebe'g oI ^hqtpr I'nil"i,.oL.,tt.-t t'' rl\4ilk, 2o1o ' tMuesli a t'0atmeal, ila','c'?: 'ovsters IPin.aket..-,'''-t' I


    Apples, with skin aArtichokes a IArugula aAsparagus aAvocadosBeans a IBeets aBlueberries IBok choy IBoysenberries aBran eBroccoli a lBroccoli sprouts a IBrussels sprouts aBufralo A ICabbage aCarrots tlCauliflower a ICelery aCereal. whole-grain lAlChard I ICherries aCitrus {ruits aC0conut oil, unrefinedCollard greens a ICottage cheese, nonfat ICucumbers I

    Eggs, whole A IEndive Itish, cold water lsalmon, mackerel,sardines) A lFish, {reshwater IFlaxseedGarlic, lresh aGranola. raw, no suga. a IHemp seed AHummus a IKale a IKiwitruit aLettuce, romaine, green or red leal IMeloo, honeydew oMilk, nontat a IMuesli, raw, no sugar a lMushrooms aMustard ONectarines aoatmeal a I0live oil0lives0nions o0strich l. IPapayas OPears, with skiB aPeasa I

    Peppers OPineapplePlantains OPrunes aRadishes ORaspberries oBefried beans,nonfata I8ice, brown aSalsa, natural, no sugar aSpinach a ISquash a IStrawberries aString beans aSweet potatoes aTea, green or black, no sugarTempeh a ITomato sauce, no sugar aTomatoes aTurkey breast (free range) IVenison, iree-range IVinegar (raw apple cider vinegarlWatefmelon aYans aYogun, noniat, no sugar a IZucchin O

    Baisris OBicona aheese. norfat ISetana ISoy Mirk a ISouid ISunilower seeds O IToiu O ITctiiias. rvhole wheal a IVegelabej rcea IVegg,e Drfgf a I\4negafYog rl, rc s gar O I

    :l Steak Sauce a:1qel food cake a:nlmal crackers {taeef Strogano{j I-ieer i: reacl. reftned tlour OI resai salad, wi chictr'en o I-anadian bacon A Iheese lrncluding bleu and goat) alninese food 3 I-" ^- r^,--{,r hekFd at.rii. ",ar"in. w nonfat mrlk o I;.rf ... Ln" *t *nore milk o I:oftee cake o airackers I

    .lelt-0 OJu,ce i,c-::- ;- ::Jurce, sv,'ee:;-:: OLamb cfc s a aLasaQra ,', -:': lM:caror :'::-;::: tMargar rel,4ayonna,se l11.31 1e2r A It\4exican iocc ' Ii,'1ilk whole ' IMrffins O ANuts, salle'i ;'':a11"Pancakes tPeanlt bufie' -:: ':iPepPer slll'eEPizza. meariess :--:iPopcorn, w s3 i:-: :Pork chop IPoiato salaa a' - 1:)-

    raham crackers '.irrlled cheese sandwich Orlam A I["J ::"x';]"i[],il or rat-{ree .

    Apples, skinless aBananas llBeef, filet mignon IBeef, lean ground A IBeef, sirloin IBread. whole"grain aButter {lf not salted and from grass ledcows, it could even be l]er 1 l)Cantaloupe aCheese, nonfat IChicken, skinless {free range/ grain ted)white meatlCoconut l.Coffee.blackorcappuccino Unonfatmilka I

    Corn OCottage cheese, low-fat a ICream cheese, nonfat IDuck, Iree-range IEgg whites IEggplanl aFish, farmed IGrapes aJuice, lresh-squeezed w/ pulp, no sugar oMangoes tlMilk, l7o O IWalfluts, raw aPeaches oPlums o

    Alcohol, hard liquorBacon A IRaked beans a Igt.i, qrouno, Iegular a Ia"or racn lfled ^ I"gr.ukiJ'runo*'tl', {asl iood a ICakes eCandv OCereal, suqared OChicken a Ia Krng a Iil',,l*t .',',lg:*:fi J;']x::T .^'Chips, Potato or corn o rChocolate a ACinnamon bun I A

    Coiiee,mocfa -:lt-:trrPlecarire 't '-Cookies aCream cheese aCreameci reg3:: oCreamer, ncrc: -' aoouohnuts a aFrenih lries t rGravv Aiurbu,qa, """-::Hot dogs llre cream ' a;_'-..,."". -... .lllil '"i,'-.,.'lobstttt."=-';I

  • 8/13/2019 Insanity - Elite Nutrition


    lpplesauce a3agels a3eef, eye of round I I3eef, London A l3eef, top round A Ilanola oil Alheese, low-fat A flhicken, dark meat A Ilhicken sandwich, broiled rl Ilhicken taco, baked I IJhili {no lard/or sugar added) a Illa msCrablream cheese, low,fat I I'rench fries. baked O

    Fruit, dried OGranola, {No sugar added) a l.Honey aJam or marmalade (No sugar added)aJerky, turkey lKetchup (no sugar added) OLamb. lean a -Lettuce, iceberg aLobster IMeal replacement bar a It1itk,2% o IMuesli O A0atmeal, flavored a0ysters IPancakes. buckwheat a I

    Pasta, whole-grain OPopcorn, plain aPeanut butter, raw IPork tenderloin IPotatoes, baked or boiled aRefried beans, low-fat a lEice cakes Oflice. white aSauerkraut tlSoup. canned broth. low sodium aSoy nuts a ISteak, lean IVeal cutlet ^. IYogurt, frozen, nonfat a f

    Al Steak Sauce aAngel lood cake OAnimal crackers tlEeef Stroganolf A IBeer OBread. re{ined flour OCaesar salad, w/ chicken a ICanadian bacon A ICheese {including bleu and goat) l,Chinese food I IChips, low{at, baked OCoffee, iced mocha latte w/ nonlat milk a ICotfee. latte w/ whole milk a ICoffee cake I ACrackers IGraham crackers aGrilled cheese sandwich aHam^IHot dogs, turkey A :lce cream, sugar-lree or fat-free 0

    Jell-0 OJuice, from concentrate aJuice, sweetened aLamb chops l. Ilasagna, M meat A:Macaroni and cheese aMarqarine l,Mayonnaise AMeat loaf IMexican lood OMilk, whole a aMuffins a ..'Nuts, salted or roasted APancakes aPeanut butter, not raw aPeppeL stuffedPizza, meatless or Hawaiian style a IPopcorn, U salt and butter aPork chop ^ IPotato salad or macaroni salad a A

    Prelzels aPudding, w/ low-fat milk O IReuben sandwich l ISherbet aShrimp ISloppy Joe, Iean beef or turkey A ;Soft drinks, diet {Notei artificial sweetenerscan be as bad for you as sugar itself)Soup, canned creamy aSoy sauce tlSpaghetti, w/ meatballs a ISub sandwich O ISweet-and-sour sauce aTaco salad. w/ chicken a ITortilla, refined tlour or corn a l.Tuna salad or chicken salad IWine, red IWine, white aYogun, frozen O I

    Alcohol, hard liquorBacon I IBaked beans I I8eef, ground, regular a IBeef taco, fried l. IBreakfast sandwich, fast tood A ICakes aCandy aCereal, sugared aChicken a la King A IChicken, buffalo wings or nuggets I IChicken or lish sandwich, lried l. IChips, potato or corn aChocolate a ACinnamon bun i I

    Coffee, mocha. macchiato. ice blended, frapp6,triple caramelvanilla buzbomb, etc. aCookies O LCream cheese ACreamed veggies a l,Creamer, nondairyDoughnuts a AFrench fries I l,6ravy a,Hamburger, fast food A IHot dogs Alce cream O LJerky, beef, pork. venison IJuice, sugar added OLobster Newburg ^ I

    Nachos al0nion rings lAPastries ttAPies OAPotato skins, fried l.Potatoes, fried Oa.Potpie ^. Ifiefried beans. w/ lard O ISalad dressing, creamy ASausage A ISoft drinks, sugared aTater tots al,Toaster pastries l.Vegetable oil