Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning...

Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners. This powerpoint is based on a presentation by Kath Murdoch in 2007. If you ever have the change to listen to Kath do go - it will change the way you teach!

Transcript of Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning...

Page 1: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Inquiry Learning.

Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come

to understand and manage themselves as learners.

This powerpoint is based on a presentation by Kath Murdoch in 2007. If you ever have the change to listen to Kath do go - it will change

the way you teach!

Page 2: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Inquiry Learning – Kath Murdoch

This planning model follows a sequence of activities and experiences to build on and challenge students perceptions. The sequence is inquiry based – it begins with student’s prior knowledge and experience and moves through a deliberate process that helps the knowledge to be extended, challenged and refined.

Sequence of activities

• Tuning in • Finding out• Sorting out• Going further• Making connections • Taking action.

Learning is something I do – not

something that is done to me

Page 3: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Why use an inquiry based approach?• It helps children take responsibility for their learning• Provides for new learning – extends on prior – helps to find new• Students evaluate their learning and each others• Detailed approach – working through the sequence of activities • Allows students to use a variety of great thinking tools • Caters for a range of learning styles – multiple intelligences • Allows for deeper understanding – students make connections• Gives students a real purpose for learning • Allows success for all – collaborative learning • Students see teacher as a learner also • Students own it! – their work their ideas. • High engagement – ownership, authenticity, relevance• Deeper independent learning skills• Vehicle for integration of the curriculum • Fosters connected learning – a sense of journey • Taps into student’s CURIOSITY

Page 4: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Inquiry Learning

• Makes the process obvious to students – Learning intentions clearSay to the children we are tuning in… we are gathering data… we are sorting out..

• Talk about and display BIG UNDERSTANDINGS (related to your learning outcomes) link activities to these understandings.

• Big understandings should not be answered in one session • Instead of a title for your unit why not use a question?

What is the role of technology in theatre? Year 5 and 6 prop making for a school production

How can we create a healthy garden? Big understandings: different types of gardens, different conditions needed to grow, different roles and responsibilities in the group…

How can I be the best that I can be? Commonwealth games/Gold medal -Olympic games

What, why and how do we buy? Leading up to a school market day. How could/can we create a fitness circuit at school?What makes things move?New Zealand how has it changed and why?

Page 5: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

• How do people tell their stories?• How can we care for animals?• What makes good constructions?• Why is Asia so important to us? • Fashion – who decides and how? • How does TV influence us?• How can we keep ourselves safe?• How do living things change as they grow? • How do people overcome challenges in their lives?

The question must develop the big picture idea – ask as you work through the unit

What is it, through this inquiry will they come to understand? eg: what makes a good leader?

Understandings recorded this is what they will learn.

Page 6: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Topic considerations for inquiry learning…


• Children need to see a connection between the topic and their lives.

• Developmentally appropriate, does it really matter to the students?

Potential for inquiry

• Can you “frame” this topic up as an investigation? Is there a leading question that will ignite this topic?

Authenticity – Resources

• Are you able to use real people, places, events in your investigation? Will students be able to gather information about this themselves?

Authenticity – Action

• Will the topic allow students to do something as a result of the inquiry – what will it work towards or be driven by – could it be linked to a real project or problem?


• Will it take students beyond the known? Does the topic have the potential for developing creative, critical, ethical and reflective thinking?

Page 7: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Inquiry units can be related to: an action, an event, an issue, essential questions linked to the curriculum or an

investigation of a problem.

• Project oriented inquiry – driven by action

How can we create a healthy garden?• Inquiries to accompany key events in the local school, community

or global setting –e.g: How can I be the best I can be (Olympics) what, why and how do we buy?

• Inquiries driven by essential questions (curriculum based questions) e.g: What makes something move?

• Problem oriented inquires eg: What do kids really want? (toys, new school library) What can we do to look after our river?

Page 8: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Teachers need to be clear …

Understandings – what it is we want our students to UNDERSTAND.

Do – What it is we want them to be able to DO with their learning/skills

Be – What it is we want them to BE

Understandings – transferable concept - developmentally appropriate - demonstrated by students- Learned in a number of ways- Generally agreed by all - Are not facts or low level knowledge- Are generated by the team- Are refined after tuning in

Page 9: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Display understandings in the classroom

Record your understandings in “kid talk”. Put on the wall and keep referring to them as the unit unfolds.

Under your understandings you will also be able to record the skills children need to use or have used during the process of understanding. (Venn diagram, interview, PMI sort)

Three to four weeks into the unit stand by the understandings and ask students to explain each understanding – the one/two they don’t understand is the understanding you need to teach to or guide students through.

Referring to the understandings helps you and the children connect to the BIG picture all the time.

Page 10: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Tuning In Let’s find out what we already know about this topicLet’s find out what we already know about this topic

The purpose of tuning intuning in

• To find out what students already know, think and feel about a topic• To provide students with a focus for the forthcoming experiences• To provide students with opportunities to become engaged in the topic• To ascertain the students’ questions about and interest in the topic• To allow students to share their personal experience of the topic• To help plan further experiences and activities

Page 11: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Tuning in examples

Brainstorm Post box - post a statement or a question about the unit

Look at the big questions – write understandings with students

Inspiration - mind mapping software

More false, more true – statements children categorise F/T

KWL chart Mind mappingPaired interviews - students interview each other about their understandings of topic

Think pair share – Think individually – pair with someone and share

Rocket writing - children write everything they know within a very short time frame

People Bingo - Treaty of Waitangi example

Placemat visual organiser – excellent strategy see hand out

Page 12: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Finding outLet’s find out about our topic… we could do this by … Let’s find out about our topic… we could do this by …

The purpose of finding outfinding out

• To further stimulate students’ curiosity• To provide new information which may answer some of the

students’ earlier questions• To raise other questions for students to explore in the future• To challenge students’ prior knowledge, beliefs and values• To provide a shared experience for all students to process and

reflect upon • To develop research / information skills

Page 13: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Finding out examples

Going on visits/trips



Listening to experts – Ask an expert

Asking people

Doing surveys

Looking at pictures and objects

CD Roms, internet, film, video, DVDLetter writing / Emails – to ask organisations or individuals for information

Newspapers and magazines

Paintings, photographs, drawings, visual images

Picture books and novels

Phone calls

Page 14: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Sorting out Let’s sort out what we have found out so far…Let’s sort out what we have found out so far…

The purpose of sorting out sorting out• To provide students with various means of processing and

representing information and ideas arising from the finding out stage• To allow for a diverse range of outcomes• To encourage students to begin to apply and transfer some of the

information they have gained to an range of tasks or contexts• To develop skills in the arts, mathematics, language and technology• To assist students to explore some of the feelings, values and

attitudes associated with the topic• To create concrete records of experience and information gathered

through the arts, mathematics, language and technology• To encourage students to review what they know as a group

Page 15: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Sorting out examples

Cutting up survey results

Reflective thinkingVisual organisers – KWL, PMI, Y chart

Sorting photosDance and drama – freeze frame, mime, puppet plays, role-play, talk shows, simulations

Media and visual arts – collage, dioramas, models, diagrams, making videos

Maths – classifying, fact finding (world’s tallest building), graphs, problem-solving, timelines

Music – chants, raps, soundscapes, compositions

English – recording in a range of text styles, Build a story, compare and contrast, data charts, oral presentations, wall stories and charts, Puzzle cards (Who/what am I?)

Page 16: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Going further Let’s find out more about something in our topic. Let’s find out more about something in our topic.

What do we still need to find out about?What do we still need to find out about?

What would we like to know even more about?What would we like to know even more about?

What new questions do we have?What new questions do we have?

• The purpose of going furthergoing further• To extend and challenge students’ understandings about the topic• To provide more information in order to broaden the range of

understandings held by students • To meet the particular interests that have emerged during the unit • To revise, where necessary, some of the key understandings

relevant to the topic • To develop independent research skills

Page 17: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Going further examples

Individual projects


Scaffolding, booklets with procedure


Learning Contracts

Information skills and sources

Co-operative group tasks

Expert groups

Multiple Intelligence work stations

Page 18: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Making ConclusionsLet’s share what we have learnt …Let’s share what we have learnt …

The purpose of Making ConclusionsMaking Conclusions• To assist students to make conclusions and generalisations about the

topic• To assess and demonstrate students’ progress towards the planned

understandings, skills and values throughout the unit• To inform further planning• To encourage students to reflect on their learning• To foster each student’s ability to synthesise their learning and to see the

‘big picture’ ideas behind a topic• To help students explore and justify their feelings and values related to a

topic• To provide a point of comparison for students between the ideas

generated at the beginning of the unit and those evident now• To develop metacognitive abilities

Page 19: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Making Conclusion examples

Puppet shows



Web 2.0 toolsMaking board games – excellent way for students to bring together the knowledge they have

gained during the unit of work and to pass it on to others. Useful “performance” based assessment task.

Bloom’s Taxonomy

Concept maps

Crossword puzzles

De Bono’s 6 thinking hats

PMITime Capsules – choose 5 items to put in a container that would represent the important things

we know about…the topic…what would they be?

KWL – students fill in what they have learnt.

Page 20: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Reflecting and Taking Action

Let’s think about how things went and what we could do with what Let’s think about how things went and what we could do with what we have learnt…we have learnt…

• The purpose of reflecting and taking actionreflecting and taking action

• To assist students to make links between their understandings and their experience in the real world

• To enable students to make choices and develop the belief that they can be effective participants in society

• To provide further insight into students’ understandings for future unit planning

• To reinforce the link between school, home and the wider community

• To provide further opportunities and contexts for ongoing learning about the topic

Page 21: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Reflecting and taking action examples

Teaching someone else

Reflect on our learningAdvertising campaigns – students use persuasive techniques of advertising to encourage

others to take action

Exhibition – students work in groups select key pieces of their learning write explanations set up the classroom like an exhibition and invite other students to come and view.

Design self-guided walks – particularly appropriate for environmental topics

Develop an action plan for the school – examples; improving access for people with disabilities, reducing bullying in the school playground, reducing packaging/glad wrap in school lunches, improving an area of the school ground.

Global links – internet allows students to make links around the world with others that are involved in action plans

Hear all about it – involves creating a news program for ‘radio’ or ‘television’

Letter writing – students register a protest against or their support of ...

Personal pledge – students consider one thing they will do in their own life as a result of what they have learned

Read all about it – students create a class newspaper devoted to the topic

Page 22: Inquiry Learning. Inquiry learning helps students to learn HOW to learn. Through Inquiry learning they come to understand and manage themselves as learners.

Information for this presentation came from a two day workshop presented by Kath Murdoch in 2007


“Classroom Connections – Strategies for Integrated Learning”

Kath Murdoch

ISBN: 1 – 875327-48-7

“Learning for Themselves” Jeni Wilson and Kath Murdoch

ISBN: 978 11 863666657