Innovent Oncology Program Sheets

* Level I evidence is obtained from meta-analysis of multiple, well-designed, controlled studies or from randomized trials with low false-positive and low false-negative errors (high power). Integrated Cancer Solutions Drug Cost is Only the Ground Floor Level I Pathways Oncology care is evolving faster than ever. Emerging drugs and technologies are driving new treatment options for oncologists and their patients. Some are promising yet some are not. Knowing which ones offer true clinical benefit is critical to optimizing outcomes and managing costs. The focus on drug reimbursement is one important and necessary way of addressing costs. But this approach does not prevent “jumping to the next drug” and does little to address the vast treatment variation seen in oncology. The real clinical and cost opportunity is in using the right treatments in the first place. Clinical oncology is increasingly complex. Level I Pathways are developed and updated by a National Policy Board from a network of more than 1,000 practicing community oncologists. Their work is an ongoing, exhaustive review of documented clinical evidence from an array of sources including medical journals, outcomes data and network experience. The result of this process is a national treatment standard rooted in evidence and supported by more than 18 industry accepted outcomes measures. The result for payers is local application by community oncologists working to limit the treatment variation that drives substandard quality and unnecessary costs. Innovent Oncology provides options that enable payers and oncologists to use Level I Pathways for oncology drug selection within the oncologist’s practice. These technologies allow access to decision support tools for treatment selection and data sharing essential to compliance documentation. Direct Electronic Medical Records (EMR) access EMR connectivity Oncology 837: Interactive Web Portal Adherence report engine Level I Pathways from Innovent Oncology are the next step in managing quality and cost. Moving beyond broad label listings and public domain guidelines, Level I Pathways narrow the options to those with proven clinical effectiveness and the least possible toxicity. When Level I evidence* points to a superior drug that is the one that is used. If there is no clear evidence of clinical superiority, then drug toxicity and cost are factored into the pathway. Level I Pathways: The Next Step Community Oncologists Agree: Consensus Means Adoption Technology Options: Compliance Drives Value

Transcript of Innovent Oncology Program Sheets

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* Level I evidence is obtained from meta-analysis of multiple, well-designed, controlled studies or from randomized trials with low false-positive and low false-negative errors (high power).

Integrated Cancer Solutions

Drug Cost is Only the Ground Floor

Level I Pathways

Oncology care is evolving faster than ever. Emerging drugs and technologies are driving new treatment options for oncologists and their patients. Some are promising yet some are not. Knowing which ones offer true clinical benefit is critical to optimizing outcomes and managing costs. The focus on drug reimbursement is one important and necessary way of addressing costs. But this approach does not prevent “jumping to the next drug” and does little to address the vast treatment variation seen in oncology. The real clinical and cost opportunity is in using the right treatments in the first place.

Clinical oncology is increasingly complex. Level I Pathways are developed and updated by a National Policy Board from a network of more than 1,000 practicing community oncologists. Their work is an ongoing, exhaustive review of documented clinical evidence from an array of sources including medical journals, outcomes data and network experience.

The result of this process is a national treatment standard rooted in evidence and supported by more than 18 industry accepted outcomes measures. The result for payers is local application by community oncologists working to limit the treatment variation that drives substandard quality and unnecessary costs.

Innovent Oncology provides options that enable payers and oncologists to use Level I Pathways for oncology drug selection within the oncologist’s practice. These technologies allow access to decision support tools for treatment selection and data sharing essential to compliance documentation. • Direct Electronic Medical Records (EMR) access • EMR connectivity • Oncology 837: Interactive Web Portal • Adherence report engine

Level I Pathways from Innovent Oncology are the next step in managing quality and cost. Moving beyond broad label listings and public domain guidelines, Level I Pathways narrow the options to those with proven clinical effectiveness and the least possible toxicity. When Level I evidence* points to a superior drug that is the one that is used. If there is no clear evidence of clinical superiority, then drug toxicity and cost are factored into the pathway.

Level I Pathways: The Next Step

Community Oncologists Agree: Consensus Means Adoption

Technology Options: Compliance Drives Value

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Integrated Cancer Solutions

Convenient, easy-to-use web portal captures additional diagnosis and treatment information at the point of care.

For more information about theIntegrated Cancer Solutions available from Innovent Oncology:

Call: (866) 214-2194Email: [email protected] •

Features• Physician-led, expert driven


• Broad, deep and ongoing evidence review

• Narrowed subset of label listings and public guidelines

• Defines line of therapy based on cancer stage, current patient status

• Effectiveness and toxicity first, cost second

Benefits• Refined guidelines limit variance

• Oncologist-derived consensus promotes physician adoption

• Clear, credible clinical standards inform utilization policy

• Documented treatment comparisons identify physician compliance

Expected Results• Value-based therapy choices

• Reduced diagnostic testing utilization and costs

• Reduced overall treatment costs

• Reduced drug testing utilization and costs

Level I Pathways

Evidence-based Oncology: A New Level of Refinement

"We’ve worked with oncologists and payers nationwide to develop this program,” says Marcus A. Neubauer, MD, Chairman of US Oncology’s Level I Pathways committee and medical oncologist with Kansas City Cancer Centers. “The physicians affiliated with US Oncology developed evidence-based treatment pathways several years ago to reduce the high variability of drug utilization during treatment, but this program goes well beyond drug utilization in its quest for improved quality and reduced costs."

Marcus A. Neubauer, MD

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* Alexi A. Wright, MD et al

Integrated Cancer Solutions

Informing Transitions: The Direct Path

Advance Care Planning

The cancer path is paved with many frightening twists and turns. Do I understand the possible course of events? As each unfolds, do I know the choices I will make? Am I ready to face my personal circumstances? Advance Care Planning helps patients explore these questions within the context of their specific disease, understand their options and document their preferences for end-of-life care. Along with their caregivers and family members, patients specify the treatments they do and do not desire and select a healthcare agent to speak on their behalf when necessary.

In the same recent end-of-life study, early findings show the promise of open, objective communication and documentation of patient preferences for care. Those patients who had end-of-life talks were three times less likely to spend their final week in intensive care, four times less likely to be on breathing machines and six times less likely to be resuscitated.

Innovent Oncology Advance Care Planning is designed to equip oncologists with the tools to guide patients and their loved ones along a path of discovery near the end-of-life.

Only one-third of terminally ill cancer patients in a recent, federally funded study said their doctors had discussed end-of-life care.* Trained to help patients fight their disease, oncologists are routinely confronted by the end-of-life issues of patients and their loved ones. Some oncologists do it with ease. Others can’t do it at all. It’s one of the most difficult things for everyone involved. Yet, doing so has clear benefits that go far beyond the associated costs of eliminating futile treatment during the last months of life.

Innovent Oncology Advance Care Planning is designed to facilitate timely, sensitive discussions with patients and loved ones as they confront transition from active/curative treatment to palliative care. The very same care team that guides patients through their fight to overcome their cancer introduces end-of-life concepts to patients. They review treatment options, discuss Advance Directives, and prepare for palliative care and hospice. These discussions empower patients, increase their satisfaction with care and give everyone peace of mind.

Beyond Costs, Peace of Mind for Everyone

Practical Guidance for End-of-Life Care

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Integrated Cancer Solutions

Patients and their care team have tools to facilitate preparation for advanced disease state.

For more information about theIntegrated Cancer Solutions available from Innovent Oncology:

Call: (866) 214-2194Email: [email protected] •

Features• Introduce end of life (EOL)

concepts early

• Introduce and review Advance Directives

• Involve physician and qualified non-physician professionals

• Hold specific EOL discussions

• Implement Palliative Care Plan and hospice care as appropriate

Benefits• Introduce and review Advance


• Reinforce best standards of care

• Prepare patient, family and care team for advanced disease state

• Open option of clinical trials

• Ease patient EOL distress

• Ensure appropriate services delivery

• Empower patients and increase satisfaction with care

Expected Results• Reduced overall costs associated

with EOL care

• Increased hospice utilization

• Increased use of Advance Directives

• Increased patient and family comfort, peace of mind and satisfaction with care

• Avoidance of costly, futile care

Advance Care Planning

“We recognize we will not be able to cure all of our cancer patients. We can, however, provide care that helps them live life as well as they can,” says Russell Hoverman, MD, Medical Director of Managed Care with US Oncology and medical oncologist with Texas Oncology. “The tools provided by Innovent Oncology enhance our ability to help our patients by supporting a team-based approach to the delivery of our goal of compassionate care.”

Russell Hoverman, MD

Team-based, Compassionate Care.

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Integrated Cancer Solutions

Touch the Patient, Heal the System

Patient Support Services

During their treatment, cancer patients are often confronted with more than they can handle. Managing the physical impacts of the disease, its impact on their lives and those around them, and their treatment plan—potentially including potent, home-administered oral chemotherapy—is daunting.

What will happen next? Can I really handle chemotherapy? How will I know what side effects to watch for and how to manage them? What if something goes wrong?

The inability to manage through these issues can result in unnecessary patient and family distress, unplanned, frightening trips to the emergency room, or worse, a hospitalization. These events are hard on patients and costly to our healthcare system. Proactive management to limit patient fear and anxiety while ensuring efficient resource utilization is the purpose of Innovent Oncology Patient Support Services.

Innovent Oncology provides technologies to better connect the oncology care team with their patients. The resulting interactive decision support and data sharing drives proactive patient monitoring, care team interventions, and patient compliance documentation. • Direct Electronic Medical Records (EMR) views by registered nurse care manager • CRM connectivity, alerts and patient status views • Call center support • Print and web patient education content

The full promise of disease management is realized when informed by the oncologist’s plan of care. Patients need clear information that reinforces what they have already heard from their trusted oncologist. Innovent Oncology Patient Support Services are integrated with and initiated by the oncology care team. Focused education specific to the patient’s disease is delivered by oncology certified registered nurses using evidence-based, standardized education materials. Patients receive regular outreach and support tailored to their disease, their specific drug regimen and potential side effects.

Physician-Directed Disease Management

Technology Enabled: Practice-Integrated and Call Center Supported

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Integrated Cancer Solutions

Patients receive standardized education materials that increase their confidence in at-home management of their disease.

For more information about theIntegrated Cancer Solutions available from Innovent Oncology:

Call: (866) 214-2194Email: [email protected] •

Benefits• Extend proactive engagement to

members between office visits

• Increased member confidence in at-home management

• Ensure most appropriate services utilization

• Consolidate excessive care management contacts

• Broader program participation

Expected Results• Increased adherence and

compliance to treatment plan

• Improved health status

• Reduced unplanned office visits

• Reduced ER visits, hospitalizations and hospital days

• Increased patient and physician satisfaction

Patient Support Services

“We all want the same thing—the most effective, compassionate care possible for cancer patients and their families as they go through what can be a very frightening experience,” says Michael A. Kolodziej, MD, Medical Director for US Oncology and medical oncologist with New York Oncology Hematology. “This comprehensive approach helps providers and payers work together to focus on patient services in a way that will improve patient care and manage costs at the same time.”

Michael A. Kolodziej, MD

Features• Physician directed and integrated

with care plan

• Focused education and intervention by cancer specialist

• Practice-based and/or call center-supported

• Patient-specific disease and treatment counseling

• Evidence-based, standardized education materials

• Drug specific information

• Side effect profile and plan

• Nutrition education

Improving Care. Managing Costs.