Innovative workplaces

Innovative workplaces Your workplace can give you backpain; considering the hours you put in. Make sure that innovation at the workplace; is not at the cost of giving your people, a pain in the back!

Transcript of Innovative workplaces

Innovative workplaces

Your workplace can give you backpain; considering the hours you put in. Make sure that innovation at the workplace; is not at the

cost of giving your people, a pain in the back!

Backpain@workIs all innovation, good?The idea of a workplace is changing rapidly. A number of studies have suggested that sitting at a workstation for hours together can not only cause back problems but also other health problems. To keep their employees healthy a number of companies are choosing to step away from the traditional route and create offices that more people friendly. Here are a few of the most innovative work places around the world. With world spine day coming up on 16th Oct, we let you decide which workplace is best for your back.

Google has one of the most innovative work places in the entire world. It’s offices are known to be quirky and non- traditional.Google allows employees to lounge at comfortable chairs and loungers instead of sitting at their desks all day. The headquarters boasts of 11 on site gourmet cafeterias, on-site oil changes and car washes for employees and free laundry too.


Pixar’s offices are designed with the kind of work they do in mind. The workplaces are suck that they bring out the creativity of the employees and hence they can come up with ideas like The Incredibles, Toy Story and so on.The employees have small cottages, instead of cabins and lounges for writers to think more freely.



This sportswear company’s headquarters consists of an Olympic size swimming pool, two gymnasiums, a walking trail, indoor and outdoor tracks and a soccer field.This setup aims at improving the productivity and health of the employees.


The Linkedin office in India is a far cry from the grey walled, cubicle offices that every office goer is used to. This office allows it’s employees to leave their desks and work in hole-in-the wall seating or chairs that are far more comfortable.

Standing work places

A lot of CEOs are making the shift from sitting at their desks to standing and working. Offices of Uday Shankar, the CEO of Star, Daniell Carroll, director and head of the CSR division of the British Business Group and Rajan Anandan managing director and vice-president, sales and operations, of Google South-East Asia and India, all have standing desks. They made the change from sitting to standing when they realized what a toll it was taking o their health.

It is found that work places that deviate from the traditional style of working produce more efficient and happy workers.Sitting for long hours does not only harm your back but also increases the risk of various other diseases like colon, lung and endometrial cancer, according to a recent review by Time.These work places while deviating from the traditional style of working are also ensuring that their employees leave their desks at appropriate intervals and do not sit in one place for hours at a stretch.

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