Innovative Exploration and Extraction - MIN-GUIDE Report on... · mineral exploration and...

This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 689527 Minerals Policy Guidance for Europe Innovative Exploration and Extraction Deliverable 3.2 Innovation evaluation criteria and best case practices in exploration and extraction– Version 1, October 2016

Transcript of Innovative Exploration and Extraction - MIN-GUIDE Report on... · mineral exploration and...

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This project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No. 689527

Minerals Policy Guidance for Europe

Innovative Exploration and Extraction Deliverable 3.2

Innovation evaluation criteria and best case

practices in exploration and extraction–

Version 1, October 2016

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Michael Tost, Peter Moser, Radoslaw Misiak, Montanuniversitaet Leoben

With contributions by:

Gerald Berger and Andreas Endl (Vienna University of Economics and Business), Luiz Mello (Vale SA) and Benedikt Steiner (xplORE Global Ltd).

With thanks to those who provided input and commented on draft versions:

Peter Barbrook-Johnson, Martha Bicket, Veronika Cerna, Teresa Fidelis, Jon Hobbs, Robert Holnsteiner, Filomena Martins, Jim O’Brien, Luis Pinheiro, Anders Sand, Aurela Shtiza, Roberto Tomasi, Darko Vrkljan.

Front page photo: ©

Manuscript completed in October, 2016.


This publication is part of a project that has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689527.

This publication reflects only the author’s view. Neither the European Commission nor any person acting on behalf of the Commission is responsible for the use which might be made of the information contained in this publication.

Reproduction and translation for non-commercial purposes are authorized, provided the source is

acknowledged and the publisher is given prior notice and sent a copy.

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MIN-GUIDE Project partners

Institute for Managing Sustainability, Vienna University of Economics

and Business (Coordinator)

Vienna, Austria

Policy Studies Institute, University of Westminster

London, United Kingdom

Montanuniversität Leoben

Leoben, Austria

Luleå University of Technology, Department of Civil, Environmental

and Natural Resources Engineering

Luleå, Sweden

National Technical University of Athens

Athens, Greece

Instituto Geológico y Minero de España

Madrid, Spain

University of Aveiro

Aveiro, Portugal


Brussels, Belgium

University of Zagreb – Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum


Zagreb, Croatia

Ministry of the Employment and the Economy

Helsinki, Finland

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Table of Contents

1. BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES ............................................................................................... 5

MIN-GUIDE: A BRIEF INTRODUCTION ........................................................................................................ 5

WHAT IS EXPECTED OF THIS WORK PACKAGE? ............................................................................................... 6

THE PROCESS .......................................................................................................................................... 6

THIS DELIVERABLE .................................................................................................................................... 7


DESKTOP RESEARCH: REVIEW OF EXISTING INNOVATION RELATED REPORTS ....................................................... 8

RESULTS FROM INTERVIEWS AND QUESTIONNAIRE ....................................................................................... 13


4. INNOVATION CASES ............................................................................................................... 20

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1. Background and objectives

MIN-GUIDE: a brief introduction

The Horizon 2020-funded MIN-GUIDE project aims to support the secure and sustainable supply of

minerals in Europe through the development of a major new online repository outlining guidance

and the latest in good practice for minerals policy decision makers. The project’s key objectives are

(1) to provide guidance for EU and EU Member States minerals policy, (2) to facilitate minerals policy

decision making through knowledge co-production for transferability of best practice minerals

policy, and (3) to foster community and network building for the co-management of an innovation-

catalysing minerals policy framework. MIN-GUIDE will profile relevant policy in Europe, identifying

innovation-friendly good practice through quantitative indicators, qualitative analysis of country-

specific framework conditions, and the compilation of minerals statistics and reporting systems.

These insights will form the basis for the project’s key output, an online Minerals Policy Guide

(referred to in this document as ‘the Policy Guide’).

The project is split across 8 work packages (WPs) (see Table 1 unterhalb). The content-rich work

packages are WPs 2-6: WP2 will produce a comprehensive and well-structured knowledge repository

of EU level and EU Member States’ mineral policies and governance frameworks; WPs 3-5 will

identify, benchmark, and elaborate good practice on policy innovation capacity according to the

different activities along the whole mining value chain (permitting, exploration, extraction, cross-

border exploitation, processing, waste management, recycling, remediation and mine closure); and

WP6 will review the mineral data base and recommend standardisation and systematic reporting

requirements for EU Member States.

Common approach WP1 Minerals policy guide development and conceptual basis

Core content

WP2 Stock-taking of EU and EU MS mineral policy and legislation

WP3 Innovative exploration and extraction

WP4 Innovative processing

WP5 Innovative waste management and mine closure

WP6 Raw materials knowledge and information base

Cross-cutting management and


WP7 Stakeholder management, communication and dissemination

WP8 Project management

Table 1: The MIN-GUIDE work packages

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What is expected of this work package?

It is the aim of WP3 “Innovative exploration and extraction” to investigate how innovative

exploration and extraction methods are taken up in different EU Member States and on EU level,

and how this is supported or inhibited by national and European policy.

The work of WP3 will be split into 4 tasks:

Identification of EU MS mineral policies and legislation relevant to innovation in minerals

exploration and extraction (based on findings provided by WP2)

Identification of catalysing and inhibiting elements for the implementation of innovative

mineral exploration and extractive methods (non-technological as well as technological

elements) and, following this, an identification of best practice cases (elaborated in this


Assessment of needs and gaps analysis for aligning future policy developments/directions

with inclusion of all relevant stakeholders.

Exploration of the feasibility of innovative mining legislation and legal framework for

exploitation of sub-surface and deep sea resources.

The process

At the beginning of WP3, a challenge driven approach - related to real-world problems of

exploration and mining – was chosen as the approach to follow:

Identify key innovation challenges and / or outcomes and investigate if and how they are

influenced by policies.

This approach was chosen since it delivered more tangible and practical results for industry

stakeholders as well as policymakers.

Based on this, we followed a four step process (see graph 1 below):

1. Desktop research

2. Stakeholder interviews and questionnaire

3. Analysis of policy impact on innovations (scope of next report)

4. Second round of interviews for the case studies chosen and the situation in other EU

countries (scope of next report)

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Graph 1: WP 3 four step approach

This deliverable

With the procedure as described above, we changed the order of the deliverables in WP3; hence this

MIN-GUIDE deliverable (D3.2) represents the first report of WP3.

The remainder of this report:

1. Provides the key findings of the desktop research, interviews and questionnaires with

regards to innovation in exploration and mining

2. Identifies a list of key innovations and their drivers

3. Describes innovation cases which will be described in more detail and for which we will look

at the policy framework in key EU member states later on in D3.1.

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2. Findings from desktop research, interviews and


Desktop research: Review of existing innovation related


A review of existing innovation related literature was undertaken at the start of WP 3 to identify the

key drivers or challenges, as well as areas of current focus for innovation in exploration and

extraction, mainly on the European context. The tables below show the results of this review.

Report Innovation challenge / driver

Minerals 4 EU, Foresight Study- Thematic Report V: Developments on the raw

material markets


Prices (mentioned as “the most important driver for exploration by far”)

Geological potential / data

Political stability

Suitable mineral policy

Tenure of rights

Repatriation of profits

Management control

Equity control

Tax regime

Public and government perception towards exploration and mining

Fraser Institute, Survey of mining companies 2015

Geological attractiveness (60%)

Policy perception index (40%), consisting of:

Uncertainty concerning administration, interpretation and enforcement of existing regulations

Uncertainty concerning environmental regulations

Regulatory duplications and inconsistencies

Legal system

Tax regime

Uncertainty concerning disputed land claims

Uncertainty concerning protected areas

Quality of infrastructure

Socioeconomic agreements/ community development conditions

Trade barriers

Political stability

Labour regulations, employment agreements and labour militancy, work disruptions

Geological database


Availability of labour / skills

Table 2: Innovation challenges and drivers for exploration

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Source Innovation challenge / driver

Minerals 4 EU, Foresight Study- Thematic Report V: Developments on the raw

material markets


Remote locations

Lower grades and more complicated orebodies


Increase productivity and reduce costs

Reduce energy and water use

Reduce environmental impact and footprint (reduce waste by developing by-products)

Improve safety and health

Increase socio-economic development opportunities

Reduce macho-culture

Conservative culture towards innovation, low R&D spending


Long term policies – planning certainty

Minerals 4 EU, Foresight Study- Thematic Report II:

Legislative and governmental challenges with regard to

European mineral raw material deposits

Accessibility of mineral deposits



Fees and taxes

Right of access to land

Nature (environment) protection requirements

Spatial planning


2009-2010 (Underground mining only)

Strive for zero accidents through the development of technology and promotion of innovations in organisation and safety culture

Contribute to sustainable mining by cutting energy consumption, CO2 emissions and ore losses by more than 30% compared to the current baseline and striving to prevent harmful emissions from the operations

Stay competitive by means of vigorous efforts in research, development and innovation whereby the mining industry is moving in stages from full mechanisation to a fully controlled process industry

Rio Tinto´s Mine of the Future (





The need to keep employees safe

MinLex, 2nd Interim Report regarding Innovation, page 2

Innovation and development of extraction technologies generate new issues for resource permitting. New technologies, such as enhanced leaching, or in situ solution extraction method generate questions whether permitting of the extraction with these technologies would always be rejected due to uncertainties of long-term environmental effects. BAT (Best Available Techniques) guidelines and standards shall be elaborated and implemented in this line.

Table 3: Innovation challenges and drivers for extraction

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For exploration, many of the drivers and challenges described in table 2 above, directly or indirectly

influence or require innovation. For example, the Minerals 4 EU report considers commodity prices

as the most important driver or challenge for expenditure on exploration itself. This is indirectly

important for innovation because if overall exploration expenditure is low, so is expenditure (and

the need) for innovation.

Geological potential and data, with its theoretical and technical aspects, is considered the most

relevant direct driver for innovation. Data availability may be an important exploration driver and

innovative ways of data access are essential. Also suitable mining policy is an important driver with

scope for innovation.

For extraction, costs and productivity, orebody geology (incl. remote, lower grade or more

complicated orebodies), legislation (i.e. environmental) and the health and safety of employees are

considered key drivers and challenges for innovation.

Responding to the above mentioned challenges or drivers, the reviewed sources identify a number

of innovation areas which are shown in Table 4 (exploration) and Table 5 (mining) below.

Better geological data, mapping and modelling to increase geological attractiveness and new

exploration technologies such as new drilling techniques, integrated drilling and analytical

technologies, down-hole and cross-hole sensing, 3D geophysical (seismic, gravimetric, magnetic,

electrical and electromagnetic) are considered key innovation areas for exploration. All of these can

be considered process innovations in response to the challenge/driver “geological potential and

data”, as described above.

For extraction, process innovation is also considered key. The top areas are autonomous and

automated, continuous, including mechanical cutting or in-situ leaching, safer and greener mining,

also applied in more remote operations (deeper underground, deep sea). All of these relate to the

challenges/ drivers described above.

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Source Innovation needs

Minerals 4 EU, Foresight Study- Thematic Report V: Developments on the raw

material markets

Increase geological attractiveness

Better geological data / mapping

Role of state / companies


R&D for better technologies

Increase exploration (expenditure)

Explore in remote locations

Explore inhospitable locations (extreme weather, arctic, deserts, high altitude, deep sea)

Handle high country risk

Manage increased depth of deposits

Manage lower concentrations

Manage more complicated chemistry

Manage dependence on juniors

Manage transparency and higher information demands from society

Overcome that less land is available for exploration

Overcome that there are less trained geologists

Manage new technologies

Develop new models for ore genesis

Government policy incentives (tax deductions)

Reduce business risks (stability)

Strategic Implementation Plan of the EIP Raw Materials

New exploration technologies: Developing new or improved highly efficient and cost-effective exploration technologies, such as new drilling techniques, integrated drilling and analytical technologies, down-hole and cross-hole sensing, 3D geophysical (seismic, gravimetric, magnetic, electrical and electromagnetic) and other relevant tools.

Geo-models: Developing new geo-models of mineral deposits or belts formation interpreting in a useful form the data and information obtained from integrated geological, geophysical, geochemical and other methods. Models would increase knowledge on mineral deposit / belt types, including in the controls conditioning the deposition of rare metals as by-products in carrier “main” ore minerals, and also decrease the exploration costs (such as the number of needed expensive deep drills).

Table 4: Innovation areas for exploration

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Source Innovation needs

Minerals 4 EU, Foresight Study- Thematic Report V: Developments on the raw

material markets

Scale up equipment

Automatization of processes

Continuous processes

New technology

Mechanical cutting to replace drilling, blasting and loading

In-situ leaching

Deep sea, deeper underground, space

Increase R&D

Better data at EU level (Technology tracking, R&D spending in the industry, etc)


2009-2010 (Underground mining only)

Technology (Technology will also be a strong driver for change in the future, from development within the sector, but mostly from the transfer of technology from other sectors such as IT, biotechnology and advanced materials)

Safer mining

Safety management

No human exposure in the active mining area

Ground control

Resource characterisation

Safer equipment/plants

Leaner mining (assessed mining`s readiness for Toyota Production System and found that it isn`t ready yet; 2 requisites are listed below:)

Improving the reliability of the mining equipment

Creating a continuous mining process

Greener mining

Energy efficiency and CO2-reduction

Increased ore recovery

Reduction of emissions

Reduced impacts of the waste generated - waste into products

Resource characterisation

The attractive workplace


Physical work environment

Psycho-social work environment

Social responsibility

Rio Tinto´s Mine of the Future (


Fully integrated, automated mining

Improve employee safety

Increase productivity

Lower energy consumption

Reduce environmental impact

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Strategic Implementation Plan of the EIP Raw Materials

Automated mining: Developing cost-effective highly automated mining operations to reach deeper seated deposits and to avoid exposure of workers underground with in-situ minerals winning, pre-processing and backfill to reduce the amount of waste rock to be transported to the surface.

Mining of small deposits: Developing cost-effective and environmentally sound concepts and solutions for exploitation of small or low-grade mineral deposits with pre-processing and refining capacities in their vicinity, using the assets of a larger mine or flexible and mobile mining technologies.

Alternative mining: Developing safe and environmentally sound alternative techniques to extract the ores, such as “in-situ” leaching, solution mining or applying biotechnologies substantially reducing generation of mining waste and large tailings.

Deep-sea mining: Developing new concepts and working cost-effective and environmentally-responsible deep-sea mining technological solutions a cost-efficient and pilot for minerals production, with a test-site at which technologies and methods for deep-sea mining can be tested and evaluated under real-world conditions.

Table 5: Innovation areas for extraction

Results from interviews and questionnaire

Following the initial desktop research, between July and September 2016 we interviewed twelve

experts with various backgrounds (industry, academia, consultancy, government, NGOs) about their

views on

what they consider the most important innovations in exploration and extraction in the past

20 years, currently underway or on the horizon in the next ten years

their drivers or barriers

their impact, and

their link to policy

In addition to these interviews and in order to get a larger number of inputs we designed a

questionnaire (see annex), also based on the points described above used in the interviews.

In early August 2016, we emailed the questionnaire to about 200 stakeholders from our MIN-GUIDE

stakeholder database, did a follow up in early September, emailed it to an additional 20 stakeholders

(mainly from industry) and included the questionnaire in the MIN-GUIDE newsletter Nr.2, giving all

recipients of the newsletter a chance to contribute.

By 17th October 2016 (the cut-off date for the first version of this report) we received 30 responses,

which we considered together with the interviews as described above.

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The following tables show the geographical and stakeholder group distributions of the questionnaire


Table 6: Responses by geography (n=30)

Table 7: Responses by stakeholder group (n=30)

In addition we got three responses that were not considered for further analysis since they did not

deliver any usable or supportive results.

Austria GermanyFinland PolandSweden UKBrasil NetherlandsUSA SwitzerlandCyprus UkraineSlovenia IrelandSpain HungaryCanada

Geological Survey

Industry (exploration)

Industry (mining)




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For exploration, the following innovations were mentioned by the experts as either having taken

place in the last 10 years, currently being implemented or will be taking place in the next 5-10 years.

They are listed below in descending order, with the most often mentioned innovations listed first.

Exploration innovations

New geo-models, i.e. 3D modelling using multiple geological, geophysical and geochemical datasets

Airborne geophysical methods

Use of commercially available drones and other small aircraft in surveying tenure or high precision mapping

In-situ analysis using portable XRF analysers

In-situ analysis using multispectral core logging

Trace-element lithogeochemical & mineral systems mapping

Use of MMI (mobile metal ion) theory in geochemical exploration

Advanced field work, including better sample processing and analysis techniques, data analysis and processes for environment-friendlier exploration

Advanced geological and geophysical data processing and interpretation, e.g. SOM (self-organising maps) method, prospectivity analysis

Advanced surficial geochemical and biogeochemical methods based on weak and selective leaching

Mobile GIS/GNSS applications and improved field mapping workflows, plus availability of cloud-based server storage

Deep drilling technologies, including accurate down-hole surveying and directional drilling, downhole geophysical and structural analysis (but NOT yet including downhole chemical analyses)

Deep penetrating geophysical technologies, in particular magneto-tellurics and electromagnetics (including SQUID development)

New drilling technologies

Improved online access to existing exploration and geological data

All geological data published

Faster technology to scan larger areas

Overarching mining code

Development of innovative near-mine and deep exploration technologies

Multi-layered information and integrated geological, geochemical and geophysical services and products

Integration of ancillary data to 3D models (e.g., remote sensing, geochemical, geophysical, and spectral data, etc.) adds an essential, holistic, multidisciplinary approach that further enhances the process.

New geo-models of mineral deposits interpreting in a useful form the data obtained from integrated geological, geophysical, geochemical and other methods to facilitate finding of new mineral deposits on the continent and at and below the sea-bed. Better understand ore genesis and direct exploration at deeper(down to 150-4000 meters), unexploited levels of the bedrock

Table 8: Exploration innovations

Overall however, experts in the interviews mentioned that there haven`t been any breakthrough

innovations in exploration in the last 20 years, with the above listed innovations mainly building

incrementally on previous innovations. Some also mentioned that “the most important thing in

exploration is still the skills of the geologist”. This reveals the need to adapt and update present

University curricula so that a new generation of professionals is prepared to face the challenges

posed by mining in the 21st century.

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For extraction, the innovations shown in table 9 below were brought up. The first two, autonomous

equipment and process control &data management stand out, as they were mentioned more than

twice as often as the innovations next down the list.

Extraction innovations

Autonomous equipment/operations including use of robotics, smart sensors and 3D printing

Process control & (big) data management („real time information and mass flows“)

Continuous processes and automation

Resource characterisation

New models for financing of mining

Lower environmental footprint (ie biodiversity, ore recovery, energy and CO2, water, waste)

New /Alternative mining methods (in-situ leaching, mechanical cutting to replace DLB, etc)

Digitally enabled worker including remote operation centres, virtual and augmented reality, virtual collaboration

Transparency and traceability including open platform databases, block chain usage

Surveying methodology and mine design

Scale up of production equipment

Resource characterisation for better structural control

Integrated platforms, enterprise ecosystems incl. IT/OT convergence, asset cybersecurity

Next generation analytics and decision making including Artificial Intelligence, simulation modelling

Land use planning governance (site level vs. Cumulative impact at regional level) - data will allow models/analysis as part of regional development plans

New business models and customer relations (collaborative business models, customer responsibility)

Dealing with extreme environments (deep sea mining, extreme depths, arctic…)

Various safety innovations including cultural change

Better skills base

Better infrastructure, i.e. electricity and “mine to market”

Electronic detonators in blasting

Renewable sources of energy

Electrification of haul trucks

Flexible (i.e. train-less) haulage

Table 9: Extraction innovations

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What is also worth mentioning for extraction is that there is a difference in the input from the two

NGO representatives. Whilst the other stakeholders’ focus is to a large extent on (mining) process

related innovations, they only brought up future innovation needs (“will happen in the next 5-10

years”) around transparency, land use planning governance and better environmental management.


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3. Key Innovations in exploration and extraction

and their drivers

The vast majority of the exploration innovations mentioned above are process innovations as per

MIN-GUIDE´s definition of innovation. Only one, the “overarching mining code”, can be considered a

system innovation and it could be argued that some of the process innovations also include

elements of organisational and systemic changes.

Similarly, the vast majority of the extraction innovations mentioned are process innovations, with

some of them including some organisational elements. “Land use planning governance” and “new

business models” can be considered system innovations and “better skills base” an organisational


Comparing the innovation areas considered key in the desktop research (better geological data,

mapping and modelling and new exploration technologies for exploration and autonomous and

automated, continuous, safer and greener mining, also applied in more remote operations for

mining) with the actual innovations mentioned in the interviews and questionnaires one can see that

there is a perfect overlap, with “new models for financing of mining”, “transparency and

traceability” and “land use governance” being mentioned additionally.

The above mentioned innovations from tables 8 and 9 are listed as key examples and will all be

considered for transfer to the MIN-GUIDE online Minerals Policy Guide over the next couple of


Innovation drivers

In the interviews and questionnaires we also asked for the underlying drivers behind the actual

innovations mentioned. Table 10 and 11 below describe them in descending order.

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Exploration drivers

Geological potential and data, incl. more complex, deep underground (blind), deep sea orebodies

Public and government perception towards exploration and mining

Costs (faster, more efficient)

Improved technology from other application

Quality of infrastructure

Suitable mineral policy - management control

Environmental / Nature protection requirements

New, easier application of a method

Spatial planning

Suitable mineral policy - tenure of rights

Suitable mineral policy - tax regime

Table 10: Drivers for innovation in exploration

For exploration, geological potential and data was mentioned for most of the innovations and more

than three times as often as the following drivers thus representing the key driver. This is consistent

with the results of the desktop research as shown in section 2 of this report.

Extraction drivers

Productivity improvements

Improve safety and health

Cost reductions

Reduce environmental impact and footprint

Easier, faster permitting

Long term policy - planning certainty

Remote locations

Suitable mineral policy - tenure of rights

Lower grades & more complicated orebodies

Data interpretation and integration

Labour/ skills availability

Labour regulations and union agreements

Quality of infrastructure

Political stability

Suitable mineral policy - equity control

Transparency (better monitoring)

Civil society demands


Business opportunity

Table 11: Drivers for innovation in extraction

Productivity improvements, health & safety improvements and cost reductions were the drivers

mentioned most often as key for innovation in extraction. Once again, this is consistent with the

results of the desktop research.

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4. Innovation Cases

Based on the approach described in section one of this report and on the clear trend in the number

of how often innovations were brought up by respondents in section two, we will further develop

the top five innovations for both exploration and extraction into case studies, following the process

described in section 3.3 of MIN-GUIDE’s D1.1 report.

Innovation cases

New geo-models, i.e. 3D modelling using multiple geological, geophysical and geochemical datasets

Airborne geophysical methods

Use of commercially available drones and other small aircraft in surveying tenure or high precision mapping

In-situ analysis using portable XRF analysers

In-situ analysis using multispectral core logging

Autonomous equipment/operations including use of robotics, smart sensors and 3D printing

Process control & (big) data management („real time information and mass flows“)

Continuous processes and automation

Resource characterisation

New models for financing of mining

Table 12: Innovations chosen for case study development

These cases will be developed by March 2017, using also input from MIN-GUIDE’s policy lab 2, and

then included in the MIN-GUIDE online Minerals Policy Guide.

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5. ANNEX: WP3 Questionnaire

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Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

Innovation 4

Innovation 5

If you chose "Other", please describe:

Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

Driver 1

Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

Driver 2 Driver 3

If you chose "Other", please


E3 Please choose up to 3 key drivers leading to this innovation.



E1 Please rank the top 5 innovations in exploration that either took place in the last 10 years, are currently being implemented or will, in your opinion, take place in the next 5-10 years.

E2 For the top 3 of these innovations, please name the institution (company, research organisation, government agency, etc), person and/or country, who you think played/plays a leading role in implementing this innovation


List of innovations (please choose from the drop down list (and add as needed), starting with the most important)

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Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

Innovation 1 Impact:

Innovation 2 Impact:

Innovation 3 Impact:Name of policy: Aspects:

E4 Please describe the impact of these innovations, i.e. what is the difference to before and why you consider this to be a top 3 innovation.

E5 Please list up to 5 key policies/legislations directly or indirectly influencing this innovation, their impact (+/0/-) and the aspects relevant to this innovation.

Name of policy: Aspects:

Name of policy: Aspects:

Page 24: Innovative Exploration and Extraction - MIN-GUIDE Report on... · mineral exploration and extractive methods (non-technological as well as technological elements) ... mining companies

MIN-GUIDE – Innovative Exploration and Extraction 24

Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3


Country 1:

Country 2:

Country 3:

Country 4:

Country 5:

Name of policy: Owner: Relevant aspects:

Description of impact:

E7 Moving away from the above described examples, can you generally think of policies/legislations that drove/ are driving innovation in exploration?

E8 Please rank the top 5 member states of the EU that you think should be most concerned about the above mentioned innovations and policies.

E6 Does this innovation also have a significant impact on other parts of the mining value chain? Please select and describe the impact.

Mining Processing Waste management Manufacturing

Mining Processing Waste management Manufacturing

Mining Processing Waste management Manufacturing

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MIN-GUIDE – Innovative Exploration and Extraction 25

Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

Innovation 4

Innovation 5

If you chose "Other", please describe:

Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

Driver 1

Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

M2 For the top 3 of these innovations, please name the institution (company, research organisation, government agency, etc), person and/or country, who you think played/plays a leading role in implementing this

innovation first.


M1 Please rank the top 5 innovations in exploration that either took place in the last 10 years, are currently being implemented or will, in your opinion, take place in the next 5-10 years.

Institution Person Country

M3 Please choose up to 3 key drivers leading to this innovation.

Driver 2 Driver 3

If you chose "Other", please


List of innovations (please choose from the drop down list (and add as needed), starting with the most important)

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MIN-GUIDE – Innovative Exploration and Extraction 26

Innovation 1

Innovation 2

Innovation 3

Innovation 1 Impact:

Innovation 2 Impact:

Innovation 3 Impact:

M4 Please describe the impact of these innovations, i.e. what is the difference to before and why you consider this to be a top 3 innovation.

M5 Please list up to 5 key policies/legislations directly or indirectly influencing this innovation, their impact (+/0/-) and the aspects relevant to this innovation.

Name of policy: Aspects:

Name of policy: Aspects:

Name of policy: Aspects:

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Country 1:

Country 2:

Country 3:

Country 4:

Country 5:

M7 Moving away from the above described examples, can you generally think of policies/legislations that drove/ are driving innovation in exploration?

Name of policy: Owner: Relevant aspects:

M8 Please rank the top 5 member states of the EU that you think should be most concerned about the above mentioned innovations and policies.