Inner Healing Teaching Part 1

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  • 8/6/2019 Inner Healing Teaching Part 1



    God wants us to live life to the fullest. The devil is a destiny breaker. He attacks

    our body and mind to rob us of our destiny.

    Forgiveness is a tough issue for people. If we won t forgive then we won t have


    People these days are so abused and damaged that they can t even have kids.

    God can set us free from the consequences of sin, the evil done to them, and not


    Satan has tried to steal people s destiny. Jesus came to set the captives free.

    Free from darkness. Jesus saw hurting, broken people affected by evil. Jesus diddeliverance and healing for them. He gave back destiny to them. Just like book of

    Joel, restoring the years that the locust had eaten, the devil is known as a locust.

    God comes as a healer and restorer. He comes to release us from prison. After

    people are saved they still are in desperate need of healing and deliverance.

    Rejoice because your names are written in Heaven. Jesus overcame so we can

    have victory. Jesus teaches them to do what I taught you to do. Cast out demons,

    heal, preach the gospel. It is our commission.

    The Lord s prayer says Deliver us from evil.. or the evil one .

    A pattern a way to pray. thy kingdom come help me live in such a way to

    resist temptation. A life centered on God s purposes. daily bread God meet our

    essential needs. Forgive us those who have done us wrong. Help us forgive

    others. Jesus gave us His instructions and told us what to do.

    People s physical ailments can be healed by praying prayers of deliverance.

    Medical remedies and religious things are not the answer.

    We are really fighting a spiritual battle. We are not warring against flesh and

    blood. Our opponents are spiritual powers robbing us of our spiritual destiny.

  • 8/6/2019 Inner Healing Teaching Part 1


    We need to pray with our understanding not just with our faith. Our Deliverance

    ministry needs to be with gentleness and compassion but with authority. People

    in church are struggling with lots of physical ailments including myself too.

    Issues we have from childhood, people are sobbing quietly as they are forgivingtheir father.

    I have seen asthma healed by deliverance where they can breathe freely after.

    There was a man who would constantly beat his wife all the time, he has such

    anger, he had grown up involved in the occult. Deliverance set him free. Our fight

    is not against flesh and blood. God showed him steps to take for people for

    deliverance. Slaying Goliaths. 1 Samuel 17 about David and Goliath. Goliath lost.

    Israel was fearing Goliath. Goliath was so tall and big and his armor and weaponrywas so giant, who could beat him? He taunted Israel s army. Goliath would say

    Send me someone to fight me . King Saul was not even big enough to fight him.

    Israel was feeling down, hopeless, and in despair. Dismayed, terrified to death. If

    Israel would send someone to fight him and lose the other army would win.

    David was only a young boy, the youngest in his family, but he was not impressed

    with what he saw in Goliath. David heard Goliath and he felt he could do the job.

    David told them not to lose heart. David spoke to Saul. Saul provided his heavyand large armor, but David couldn t fight in it. David was going to fight the way he

    knew how. All David had was a sling and some smooth stones. David had a lot of

    practice using his sling and even killed a Lion and a Bear. David didn t even need

    to get close to Goliath. His stone went straight into the forehead of Goliath. Killing

    him. David said we can t have this Goliath stand in the way of Israel s army. He

    was right and God prevailed using David. We need to fight the battle like David

    did in God s way. Goliath is a symbol of many of the things people face in life.

    There may be many Goliaths in our lives. Sickness, disease, death, divorce,unemployment, poverty, depression, unable to cope one day to the next. Like a

    Giant looking at us. We get so frozen in fear we are unable to function in day to

    day life. God gave David a solution and put in his hand the weapon to use. 1 st is

    relationship with God in prayer. He had to hear the voice of God and know how to

  • 8/6/2019 Inner Healing Teaching Part 1


    overcome. Business deals he had gone into and it was all bad news and not of


    Weapon of prayer used by Him. God used it and saved his life literally someone

    wanted to kill him. He knew he had been delivered. It was really God who did thisdeliverance and not a coincidence. Isaiah 14: the oppressor has now ceased! It is

    all over finally. God has set him free. Warning: Listen to God s voice, and many

    times it is His still small voice. People are seeking help from their own Goliaths.

    God said work for I am with you. God works sometimes last minute in our time

    frame. God removes some people out of our lives if they would have hurt us badly

    if left near us. This is what happened with the man he had done a business deal

    with that was out to kill him since the business venture failed. The man died, who

    was trying to threaten his life.

    God is the God of all comfort. 1 Cor 1: Nothing is beyond His comforting power.

    The Giant of childlessness has been destroyed in many couples in his

    congregation. People who had no chance of conceiving children, healed. Now

    they have kids. A miracle has happened. God is the only answer for this. Some

    people are in Bankrupcy , how can God help them? New opportunities may come

    along. Use what we got. God has the answer. Fight with the weapons God gave
