Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening - Soul Conditioning Reengineering Ourselves The choices we make in life, as well as the opportunities that we missed have a profound impact on our happiness and well being. Our life is full of regrets about our actions and inactions affecting our behavior. Understanding that regret is a product of our behavior, has direct impact on how we make decisions. Basically we have regrets because we are prisoners of our habits and circumstances and often take people for granted. In other words we tend to become self obsessed, judgmental and get detached from our innate goodness. In the present day lifestyle, many attend classes in stress management, anger management etc. to cope with controlling the mind. Stress seems to be a common theme and almost everyone believes that it is normal to be stressed out. It doesn’t matter whether you are running a business or have a family of two to manage, stress is a common experience. When the body is under so much pressure and stress, the body creates its own diseases. Doctors today are saying that most chronic illnesses are psychosomatic, meaning the cause is you. Whenever there is agitation or stress at the level of the mind, the body is going through its own stressful reaction also. That is how it generates blood pressure, asthma and diabetes. The Inner Awakening or Soul Conditioning is an intellectual concept of looking at the very basics of life. It deals with the four dimensions of what we are right now – the body, mind, emotions and energy. Consider these four dimensions as the four wheels of a car. If they are aligned properly we will be able to go where we want in life. We will be able to reach our target in life, whatever we want to reach, whether in terms of career development or personal development. It sounds very simple, yet it’s a very powerful way of approaching the human system as a whole. It is very important for us to align these four dimensions to live our life to the fullest potential. Right now, for most of us, our mind is not really in control. Hence life becomes a struggle and that is where stress comes in. Today, most of us are focused 100% on the outside for our well being. What most people do not realize is that well being comes from within. It does not matter whether you are in the most amazing palace in the world, if on the inside you are not stable or steady it does not make any sense. We all need deep inner transformation so that we can create the right kind of inner chemistry not only to be healthy, but to be peaceful and joyful by our own nature. One of the very integral parts of Inner Awakening is Yoga, which means union that is experiencing the universality of who we are. Modern science proves to us beyond any doubt that the whole Existence is just one energy manifesting itself in various forms. If this scientific fact becomes a living reality for us, then we begin to experience everything as one, then we can say that we are in yoga.


Inner Awakening - Soul Conditioning Reengineering Ourselves The choices we make in life, as well as the opportunities that we missed have a profound impact on our happiness and well being. Our life is full of regrets about our actions and in actions affecting our behavior. Understanding that regret is a product of our behavior, has direct impact on how we make decisions.

Transcript of Inner Awakening

Page 1: Inner Awakening

Inner Awakening - Soul Conditioning

Reengineering Ourselves

The choices we make in life, as well as the opportunities that we missed have a profound impact on

our happiness and well being. Our life is full of regrets about our actions and inactions affecting our

behavior. Understanding that regret is a product of our behavior, has direct impact on how we make


Basically we have regrets because we are prisoners of our habits and circumstances and often take

people for granted. In other words we tend to become self obsessed, judgmental and get detached

from our innate goodness.

In the present day lifestyle, many attend classes in stress management, anger management etc. to cope with controlling the mind. Stress seems to be a common theme and almost everyone believes that it is normal to be stressed out. It doesn’t matter whether you are running a business or have a family of two to manage, stress is a common experience. When the body is under so much pressure and stress, the body creates its own diseases. Doctors today are saying that most chronic illnesses are psychosomatic, meaning the cause is you.

Whenever there is agitation or stress at the level of the mind, the body is going through its own stressful reaction also. That is how it generates blood pressure, asthma and diabetes.

The Inner Awakening or Soul Conditioning is an intellectual concept of looking at the very

basics of life. It deals with the four dimensions of what we are right now – the body, mind, emotions and energy. Consider these four dimensions as the four wheels of a car. If they are

aligned properly we will be able to go where we want in life. We will be able to reach our target in life, whatever we want to reach, whether in terms of career development or

personal development.

It sounds very simple, yet it’s a very powerful way of approaching the human system as a whole. It is very important for us to align these four dimensions to live our life to the fullest potential. Right now, for most of us, our mind is not really in control. Hence life becomes a struggle and that is where stress comes in.

Today, most of us are focused 100% on the outside for our well being. What most people do not realize is that well being comes from within. It does not matter whether you are in

the most amazing palace in the world, if on the inside you are not stable or steady it does not make any sense.

We all need deep inner transformation so that we can create the right kind of inner

chemistry not only to be healthy, but to be peaceful and joyful by our own nature. One of the very integral parts of Inner Awakening is Yoga, which means union that is experiencing

the universality of who we are. Modern science proves to us beyond any doubt that the whole Existence is just one energy manifesting itself in various forms. If this scientific fact

becomes a living reality for us, then we begin to experience everything as one, then we can say that we are in yoga.

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Once we experience our self as everything, or everything as our self, after that nobody has to tell us how to be in this world. If we experience all the people here as our self, does anybody have to teach us the morals as to how to be? Does anybody have to tell us “don’t

harm this person, don’t kill this person?” So when we are in yoga, we experience everything as a part of our self and that is liberation, which is MUKTI (ultimate freedom)

When we experience everything as a part of our self, then there is no conflict within our self

and outside. We are in a state of absolute ease within our self and for this to happen, all aspects of a human being have to be addressed. Just working in one direction will not help

because a human being is a combination of many things.

Every experience we go through is just an expression of our energy. If we're angry, it's a certain expression of our energy. When we're happy, it's another expression of the same

energy. When we are in love, it's another expression of the same energy. If we have some control

over our own energies, then we can express our energy as we wish. When our energies find a conscious expression we naturally become a joyous being. Energy is contagious – POSITIVE or NEGATIVE. Life begets life and energy creates energy. It is by spending on self that one becomes rich. Energy flows in more than one currency however we always associate energy with physical endurance. We need to develop awareness towards energy currencies only then we can understand as to which energy currency we are running short and accordingly can top up. Basically we have 4 different types of energies

1. Physical Energy 2. Mental Energy 3. Emotional Energy 4. Spiritual Energy

Physical Energy has to with our stamina, strength and speed Mental Energy has to do with our alertness, concentration, learning and above all Intuition

Emotional Energy has to do with our relationships, associations, teamwork and

collaboration. Spiritual Energy has to do with our aspiration, enthusiasm, optimism and joy.

Sustaining all energy currencies requires that we must find workable and enjoyable ways to

work and understand that all the energy currencies are connected. If we understand that we all are made up of different levels of energies then we increase or top up different energy

currencies as and when required, provided we know how to do so. Top up strategies for different energies Physical Energy – Sleep well / Relaxation / Good Nutrition / Exercise Mental Energy – Disciplined / Focused / Creative Exercise Emotional Energy – Self awareness / Self Confidence / Self Control / Empathetic / Inspiring Spiritual Energy – Developing perspective on life / Values / Forgiveness

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We as human being needs to work on our self because whatever we do in our ignorance, we are only harming our self and the world around us. The first and most fundamental responsibility for us as a human being is to become a joyous human being, because no matter

what we do, it doesn't matter what we pursue in our life, whether it's business, money, power, education, service or whatever we are doing it because somewhere deep inside we know that

this will bring us happiness. Every single action that we perform is springing from an aspiration to be happy. In fact today we are seeking happiness so vigorously that the very life of the planet

is being threatened.

We need to be aware, and in touch with ourselves only then we can make most of our life even if we are placed in hell. Otherwise, even if we are placed in heaven, we can only make a mess

out of it.

Majority of us believe that there is HEAVEN and HELL. Yes if so be the case then is there any confirmation that we are not already in heaven? Or can we prove that we are not there? The answer is No.

Why do we all think that there is another place which is better than this? This horrible idea that there is another place better than this has been created by people who have made a hell out of

themselves, believe me. So be it place where we reside, or the organization we work for are the best places in the whole world, however we still have this notion that living in another house at

different location and working for another organization would be HEAVEN , thereby making a hell out of ourselves so now we want to go to heaven. If we make a heaven out of ourselves,

and if we are really happy, then why would we want to go anywhere? Wherever we stay wherever we go, and whatever we work it doesn’t matter.

The BIG question is how to make a heaven out of ourselves. Otherwise, even if we are living in

heaven, we will only suffer. Especially if everybody is happy, if all our competitors, our enemies, our neighbours are having a good time, and then we may suffer a lot.

Majority of us suffer because somebody else is having a good time.

If we are walking on the street and somebody is driving a car, we suffer. If everybody was walking, then we would be okay. If everybody was poor, then we would be okay, because somebody is rich that is a problem.

We all are suffering somebody’s joy and somebody’s well being simply because there is no joy

within us. Most of us think that pulling that man down or getting on top of him is going to bring us the joy. In fact No, that is not going to happen.

So, imagine if we don’t know whether the place where we are really heaven or not. What if it is

heaven and we missed it? Suppose this is heaven and we never realised it—what a horrible way to live and is all because the basis of our experience is within us and not in the outside world.

More specifically our attitude towards life defines the real quality of life we want to live, a matter of CHOICE.

So if we take charge of our life and be responsible for what we do and are accountable then we can make our life (heaven) right now.

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Each one of us is a unique combination of BODY, MIND EMOTIONS and ENERGY Take a few moments and imagine living with a person exactly like you… how do you feel …Horrible!

Fortunately nobody is like us else our lives would have been really miserable! Time for Introspection and we need to sit back and think. Is that what we are complaining that

people are different? In fact different people add colour and new dimensions to our way of being and we are complaining for that difference. In fact we are complaining about what is

good for us and why we are complaining because deep down inside we have a sense of incompleteness or we don’t have a sense of inclusiveness.

If we include every other person the way they are with all the differences then we can in fact

enjoy these differences that can add vigour to our lives. The very basis of man women relationship is the difference between them at all the 4 levels, BODY, MIND, EMOTIONS and

ENERGY. Men seek women because they are different, if they happen to be the same at all levels then things would have been different. It is the way of life and we are very fortunate that

none of us lives completely up to the expectations of others, and if it ever happens than we are finished. Every human being when HAPPY is a wonderful person, so when we meet a happy person he seems to be wonderful human being, but if we meet the same person when he is not happy the same person could really be very nasty . Same goes for us also when someone meets us when we are happy he feels great and hold us high and wants to be with us -JOYFUL, on the contrary when someone meets us when we are not happy he feels the other way round and wants to move away from us NOT JOYFUL. So a person becomes UGLY or BEAUTIFUL not because he happens to be UGLY or BEAUTIFUL but because they are JOYFUL or NOT JOYFUL. When we are JOYFUL everybody and everything is BEAUTIFUL. When we are NOT JOYFUL then everybody and everything is UGLY Relationship should not be used as a medium to fulfil our expectations rather should be used to express happiness and feeling of joyfulness which means when we make our life an expression of joy and not in pursuit of happiness then relationships naturally become wonderful, because

when we become an expression of joy then we are not expecting anything from anybody , in

fact our needs are gone and now our happiness is on self start since we’re at the giving end of the continuum so every other person would seek our company and thus we can now hold

thousands of very beautiful relationships

Inner Awakening / Soul Conditioning Sutras 1. Stop doing what isn’t working so you can start doing what works.

Free yourself from regrets and take a new direction 2. Make peace with yourself and set yourself free from past

Give yourself permission to be imperfect, and don’t force yourself over the situations you can’t control

3. Recognize that each one of us has the power to change the way we react to the situations we face in life. Refrain yourself from blaming others, making excuses and feeling helpless. Take personal responsibility for your situation and also for the solution. When we stop

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feeling sorry for ourselves, then our feelings of regret about our circumstances in life subsides

4. Clear yourself from TOXIC people and put yourself in the presence of the people

who bring out the best in you. Hanging around with the toxic people is a recipe for regrets. Surround yourself with

positive people, their presence make you feel more energetic, motivated, confident inspired happy and alive.

5. Take nothing for Granted Live your life the way you want to be remembered. Don’t wait for tomorrow to live

your life the way you want to be remembered today. Life can change in an instant so cherish each day and work at being the best version of you.

6. Greet the day and see how it impresses your outlook on life. Life is too short to wake up with frown. If greeting the day is a formula for happiness

and if happiness is essentially the state of having no regrets then it really makes sense to greet the day a priority.

7. Stay in touch, nurture your relationship and see how they blossom. Reach out regularly to people who matter in your life and try to strengthen the lines of communication. Make conscious effort to stay in touch

8. Freeze the moment so you can always revisit the best times of your life. Make a conscious effort to imprint yours life most amazing moments forever in your mind. We can’t turn back the clock but we can always revisit the best times of our life.

9. Measure your Happiness by how you have lived your life not by the material possessions you have accumulated

10. Listen to your heart and see where it leads you Be open to possibilities you have yet to discover so you don’t regret missing an opportunity that could change your life.

11. Be true to what you value most in life 12. Take the risk of failing and give yourself the chance to succeed.

Believe in yourself and trust your instincts and abilities. Put your best foot forward every time. Give yourself credit for trying out something and see what happens.

13. Trust your Inner Strength – Anything and everything is possible.

14. Get out of your comfort zone and move on to effort zone and see a new side of you

Getting out of your comfort zone gives you the opportunity to gain greater self awareness and work through your past regrets. Realize that dealing with your fears

is the key to producing behavioural changes. 15. Learn to overcome the obstacles

Obstacles test our Determination / Endurance / Perseverance and Will. Learn to be strategic, tenacious and resilient.

16. Broaden your perspective and appreciate the beauty of being different. Take time to see others from a different point of view

17. Give people a chance to shine – they just may surprise you and do great things Set aside your preconceived notions and assumptions about others. Think how would you like to be treated if you were in their shoes and then treat them accordingly.

18. Love unconditionally and experience the beauty of loving someone without limitations or regrets.

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Challenge with unconditional love is to develop the ability to with hold the urge to judge people or trying to force them to change. Unconditional love is all about accepting people as they are.

19. Give people the gift of forgiveness and a second chance to make things right. Acknowledge that people are fallible and you have the compassion to forgive them.

We can only hope that others will return the favour the next time we make mistakes 20. Strive to be selfless don’t think less of yourself, just think about yourself less.

Set yourself interest aside so that you can better understand and focus on the interest of others. Shift your focus OUTWARDS instead INWARDS.

You will never find time for anything. If you want time you must make it. Time is now let’s

make this world a better place and be the change. We are not disturbed by things but the view we take of things.

CA Vinod Kr Sharma
