· i-.uveval weeks at her...

' SrECMLTV OF FLUFF RUG , RAG CARPET COLONIAL RAG RUGS PORTIERRE WEAVING Save >our old Carpets . Have them woven into beautiful reversible. Huff rugs "WE BUY OI-D CARPETS MORICHES SUG & GARPET CO. r EAST MOIUCHPS , h. I. Mil ¦ ¦ ¦ " r*' . ' ? . . ' ¦ ijV-T T* 5 r '-¦ •< r 'T*' " '?* - -^ CENTE R MORICHES Mis. Ab^am De\Vick. of Port .)?f- l, .i-s- .on , wntr a recent guest of friends ;,i„i relatives here. - Mrs. E. -H, - Martens hits been ente r- , |.i i ' iiinj{ her mother , Mrs. . William " lireer , of fctew York City, for several tlays. V ' ' ¦ ;> , Mrs. David H. Goldsmith has been >cWou») . v ill of gastritis , but at the lime oi" , ¦ writing 'is somewhat un- proved. ' ¦ . . . - .. - , William F. Contlit , of the .Seventy- lirsl Regiment , returned home last week , ;being, relieved of further; du ty ul this time, "' , , ;; - ... Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins/and Mis?, Leila,; ' Hawkins, of Brooklyn , were guests' of Miss Emma- . 'Raynor. :iii<l her father last week. . ' . . ' ,., . ,. ' , 31 r. and (Mrs. Henry -Alataclt<and family motored to Brooklyn on Suri- il ' iiy to ' take-Mr. Alstadt's f aUier , who litis spent">i few weeks here. ,lohn Benjamin , brother of Mrs . K, R. YVilner, * . entered upon his duties usi a member of the coast guard crew lit Forge . River Station recently. Mr. and-; Mrs, Henry Alstndt and family and , Mrs. Roscoe Robinson motored . , to Oyster . Bay Thursday to attend -th e firemen ' s tournament. Mis. Roscoe Robinson entertained mi Sunday . her mother , Mrs. Alon/.o Win ner , Miss , Mildred Chapman ami Kveretl Warner , all of Greenport. Sidney "A. Hawkins has /rone to West Hurley for ' a visi t .with his daughter , Mrs. Matthew Williams. Mis. D. T-.\Havens accompanied him. .1. L. Havens and J. R. Robert ' at- tended the ' meeting of the Suffolk County Volunteer Firemen ' s Conven- tion held; ' at Southampton yesterday. A surprise party was tendered Miss Antra , Havens on Friday night with I'licf.ts to the number of .twenty-twp. (lames were " played and refreshments :. , 'l'VUti , ' V ' ' School , has been 'closed lor a time , tis one ease of infantile paralysis has I liceti reported. The one afflicted, is; i.uuis Havens, the , sort of Percy Havens,, ' . .. . ' i Mrs . Joseph Lavelle has returned torWaterbury, Conn.* after, spending j i -.uveval weeks at her home here. Her i bi •titer , . Wfjlard Loper , returned with ] her for a visit.— , .. The bdhgalow of B. T. Ross was ! moved this .week to Chichester avenue j hy .1. A , .Robinson. Everett Brown j will continije ' to occupy the cottage ! when it is definitely placed. I Mr. and Mrs, E. S. Robinson have i returned from a delightful tri p to j Connecticut They made stops at. Hartford , South Manchester , Glaston- ] buiy, Gonn., and Hotyoke and Mount Tom, Mags. ' ' - . - " ; Silva Rebekah Lodge has received j an invitation to visit Dorothea R ,e-; bcliali Lodge on Monday evening, Oc- j tober 10 , at which time the president J of the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. Min- ; nic Leonard , " will be...present,. ; The | work of the. eyehinff.rwjll be the in- ' j .stnllation , . of officers. . /... ,; ,..,, . ., . ' ,.. , j .Mrs. E. R. Pearse was the guest of, Mrs. Susan N. -White, of Babylon , on i .Monday and -Tuesday. . - "' On Monday j night Mrs. White, who is district dep- | uty president of Suffolk No. 2 , -in- i stalled the officers of Gbiden Glow Re- 1 bekah Lodge, with - Mrs. pearse. -a s] deputy grand marshal. A large num- } her of visitors were present from lodges of both districts.; --. . - - _ v j Mr. and Mrs; John[Redlin returned last week from a delightful trip t-> . (lettysburgh with Mr. and Mrs : . i Wil ; \ liam Lukert in their auto ' ,, ' Stops, were also made at Elizabeth arid Deniarest , N , J.. Hatboro, Valley Forge, Coats- ville and Philadelphia , Pa. An inter- esting feature of their trip was a visit to an Indian hut known as Ye Olil Vallev Inn , A D. 1097 Hei e they took Iunch\and spent an enjoy- able time viewing antiques. BROOKHAVEN M ^^ H^l Hl M ^^^ M ^w_M^«ri>a ^" l<1 '' Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Miller wefe in , town last week. Mi, William Murdock , J- , and cliiklien spent Sunday in Patchogue Mi Michelson is spending a three , weeks ' vacation with his family here I Columbus Day will be observed here in Hit school on Thursday, Octobej VI. | L. D. Albin has returned . to his home after spending the summei in Bellport Mrs. C. h. Newey is entertaining her daughtei , Mrs. Shei' man Hawkins, f and two children, oi Southampton Mi.s Beatrice Swetftsy, who teaches , in E. it Hampton , spent the week-end with hu paients , Mi and Mis Wal- ). ':cf Swee/.v ' M- » g AUjm will lead the Ep- worlh League next Sunday evening. The top,c is , "Missions Among thej Women ol India " , 1 lOlish i L.imb and daughtoi , Mis S | W, Newey, attended a birthday party in honor of Mrs. E. F. Penny, of Cen- if!- Moriches, on Monday. A farmers ' ;danee Will be held in tht li.e Place studio on Friday eve- ' , 'ting Mrs B Lane arid'Mrs A Al- hni ue on the committee Mi m ill Mc Aicm, Alb.n, oi Ly- pruok , and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Al- ' in of Centie Moriches , visited thei. nothei , Mrs Lucinda Albm , on Sun- '"1 \lis> S.u ah Van Valen , who spent hi sim.mei with hei daughtei , - Mis 1 Ittpai tl Newev , has I eturntd to maut hu home with Mis. Robtrt Biow n ioi tht wintei Mrs. Samuel Newey entertained the Social Chain on -Wednesday. About 'Oilv pounds of carpet ugi won. i wed ¦ Quite an accident occurred on .Sun- '" n oening, when a large touring car i n into Mrs. Chase, .editoi of the i ogue , in hd small car We no glad o « •!> no one lcceivcd any senoiio injuiies Miss Aveiy, who was with Mis Chase, receiv ed a few scratches ot he\ face / - ~ Vi -h Grass Made Into P-vcr nt tlni --jiut toni c i i i ' > i^ eil i n T.ulltt r-> ^ii ii i ' ¦¦ " ; ¦ ; /- "* ; ¦ -¦ Y :-'>T-V^ ¦ . '•-%- \. -- r- : . ¦ ¦ - ¦ ¦ ¦ ' ¦ %: *'«- 'S- ~ "i- MORICHES Albert G. Randall , of East Quogue , was a guest on Sunday of Mrs. W. H. Morrison, Mrs. Charles Ross , of Mastic , enter- tained, her niece, Miss Jessie Homnn , or. Saturday. , . , Mrs. Josephine Davis , of East Wil- listori , is stopping this week with Mrs. WiUjam Ross; ; Mrs. A. J. Dpbeauchamp is enjoy- in gf iv ( ,.two weeks' visit among rela- tive in the metropolis. William Lukert has raised this year upwartl of 75, 000 ducks , a higher ' rec- ord tlian . on any previous year. ' ¦ - . : , ; Mra ' wEgbcrt . Ross , returned tho last of , the .week from a week' s visit with ner ,, , daughter, Mrs. Giles DeGroot, in RoiiU6n)<oma. ' - . " . "Th q:,V; P. S. proposes this winter to install a new heater in the church , also to increase their contribution toward the pastor ' s salary. The Misses Mildred anil Lucille. Ran- dall; of East Quogue , have been spend- ing ' the week as the guests of their cousin , Mrs. H. A. Schenck. Mrs. Oreii Hawkins ami- little son , o/ Cedarhurst, have been visiting Mr. and Mrs. Will Hawkins. When she returned this week; to her home Mrs. Will Hawkins accompanied her for * :i short visit. - The Ladies ' Aid Society at their last business meeting elected the fol- lowing officers: President , Mrs . John Marquis; secretary, Mrs. William Bowen ; treasurer, Mrs. Nat Hulse. On Sunday evening the Y. P. S. C. E. was led by Mrs. William Bowen. Miss Lucille Randall rendered ri solo very pleasingly/and the chorus sung by all the members of the choir was much appreciated. But for. th e . timely .arrival of a few of our eiti;:eiis upon the scone of action one day last week the station at Mastic might have been destroyed , the roof having caught fire from the chimney. AF it was, comparatively littl e damage was done. Mrs. Carrie Debcauchamp and friends were pleasantly surprised on Sunday by an : automobile party of friends. - The, party included Air. ' and Mrs. Samuel-Turner, of Bath Beach ; Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson , of Brooklyn, and Mrs. Frank Boekleman , of Babylon. Mr. and Mrs. William Lukert , the Misses Mabel and Louise Lukert and Mrs. Lukert' s 'father, . ' John Redlin , have recently returned from an auto- mobile trip tb the hist ' oric . Jield of Get- tysburgh" . ' Mr. Redlin , being a Civil War veteran , was especially pleased with his trip. Mrs. George Hunter returned on Sunday from Southampton Hospital , where she went some three weeks since for treatment. ' A. R. Baxter very courteously gave the use of his fine 'car to bring her home. We all congratulate Mrs. ilunter.oiv the . 'suc' cessful : outcom e , of her operation. ' r . At jtheir regular monthly business meeting the Y. P. " S. elected ihe fol- lowing officers for the year : Presi- dent , - Miss Carrie Debeauchamp; vice- president, Mrs. Hilda Hawkins; sec- retary, Miss Laura Penney; treasurer, Miss " Mabel Lukert; committee on Wprk , Miss Emma Lukert (chairman), Miss Laura Penney, Miss Nettie That- tie; Mrs. Joseph Munsell; entertain- ment committee . Miss . Carrie Debeau- champ, Mrs, William Bowen. Mrs. H. A. Schenck, Mrs. Clifford Hawkins; refreshment committee , Miss Mabel Lukert , Miss Ajmie Lilly, Mrs . Harold Lukert. ' The last quarterly conference for the current year was held in the M. P. church on the evening of September 30, and . a very satisfactory resume of the peat ' s woik , both spirituafand setubi , "was shown . 'The Sunday school has mcieased from thirty to III ty momoers. oeverat persons nave been received into the church and seen received on probation. All ex- penses for the ve<u have been met in full , and the outlook for the coming conference \eai -s very "bright. The pastor will have an excellent report to submit to the conference at its coming session. At the quarterly conference a special vote of thanks was tendered the Y. P. S, for its .help toward the church expenses. The following pupils of the local school , ha\ing passed the sixth grade aie attending school in Cen- tre Moriches- Ella M. Debeauchamp, Edith Walkman , Isabel Lukert, Loret- ta Scheor and Mane Hulse. Henry Bowen , who also attended, last year , has passed successfully , two subjects for enti ince to the high school de- partment—a good showing J or. . one of hii age ,,, - ., It seems a pity tnat some * of our ta\paycis are not willing to pay the leathti a sslfi:. " 1 "' gp enoufeh to war- rant hei in letainmg all hor pupils thiough the grades It is ^certainly ( more mteiestmg and satisfactory to ( a competent teaJici to instruct a. sev- enth or eighth grade class than those of the intermediate gra d es. ' 77~ t ., \ x 1 Saved Her Baby s Life. ' Mis E M Whitney, Ut-ta , N Y writes, Lust 3 ^r ~y b >hy h .d crour !and I believe his life was saved bj immediately giving him Ch.imbei Iain ' s Cough RenWv I have the ut most confidence in thi-, ptcpai ation as it has ptoved \eiy leli.ible as . i cure ior colds and ticup " , Fur ^>ale by all dealeis—Advt lo ^BBTHIBaMliM M^^!! ^W"»HBMMW PfWinM«H«HRfn>nil EAST ' MQRiCHEJS-\' Mrs 1 . Augusta Raynor was a vis- itor at Patchogue on Monday. We tire sorry to report Maltby G. Sanfqrd on the , sick list, during the nust week ' . Mrs. Frank Albin has been spend. - ing a short time recently with friends at Westhampton. Mi3s Vera Howell visited at the home of Miss . EJort'iiee Biggs , of Pat- chogue, last week, - On Saturday evening utfeight o' clock the , choir \p f the Methotlist ' church will meet for rehearsal . ;, The Boy Scouts will meet at the Methodist church , basement on Satur- day evening ut_ 8 o' clock. Egbert ' O. Howell is the assigned leader lor the meeting of the Chris- tian Endeavor on Sunday evening. v Miss Anita Chapman is spending some time at the home ot hei' : aunt , M rs. Joseph Turner , at Brooklyn. Mrs. Frank Robinson and Miss Elizabeth Tooker were visitors last week with relatives at Patchogue. Mrs. Edward Henderson has been visiting at the home of her sister , Mrs. Raynor , at East Orange , N. J. Edward Ryder and brother , of Shecpshead Bay. were in , the village last week and' enjoyed duck shooting. Mr. anil Mrs. George Winans were week-end visitors at tine homcT'of Mrs. Winans ' parents, ' Mr. anil Mrs. J. J. Kidgeway, at Home Acres. .. Jameil P. Brady, ; of Brooklyn , spent a couple of days last week at the home of Mv. atuj. Mrs. Joseph Chap- man. . ' "' , ' " . Jacob H.\ Miller and family have moved from their bungalow to their home on Atlantic avenue for the win- ter. Mrs. vJ phj i . -D. Howell ' . has. been spending 6. ' couple of days at Pat- chogue in making out the (school tax list -; " _ ' ; ¦ ' . " - ¦¦ ¦ ¦ Kev . . George A. Fowler conducted services at the Coast Guard station opposite this village on Sunday after- noon. ' 1 ¦ - . : ' , - Capt. J. Herbert Benjamin has been spending a * number of days with his daughter , Mrs. William Hall , of Val- ley - Stream. ~ " . ~ " - " 7"~:— : Walter D. Tallman , of Clintondale, N. Y., has been spending ft number ot days at the home of -" M l", and Mrs. C. D. Terry. At the time of writing Henry R. Brevoort was.making preparations . for an auto trip to Massachusetts and various other points. Miss Gussie Miller has returned to her home in Hempstead after spend- ing four weeks with her grandmother, Mrs. Augusta Raynor. The Ladies ' Aid society of the Meth- odist church met at theAome of the president, Mrs. George S. Journeay, on Wednesday, afternoon. Please , bear in mind , that this Fri- day ;evening 13 tho appointed time for the regular meeting of the Village lmprQyen3 , eht, ass . ociatiofi , ; , ' : , 7 , V; , 7 V\, : On Tuesday of this week C. D. Terry and family " aiid-Walter D. Tall- man were visitors at the. home of Mrs. Terry ' s-brother , John Young, of Laurel. ~ . "' .. ' . ' ¦ ' ¦ - I Miss Alice W'nes has been spend- 1 ing the past week at the home of her sister , ^rs. Thomas Roe , of Pat- chogue. Mrs: O. B. Smith was a guest pf Mrs. Roe on Monday. . . . Miss Maynard ,-qf- New York City, was a guest at thelhome of Rov. and Mrs. Geo. A. Fowler over . Sunday. Miss Maynard gay e a .very interest- ing, address at the service on Sunday j morning. . ; -- ,, f V - * Mr. ' and Mrs. Everett, Benjamin en- joyed , a short time on the Great South I Bay last week in their motor boat. I On Friday evening Roland Howell 1 joified Mr. Benjamin and they spent I the week-end off Ftfe Island. j Mrs. Thomas McCran and Mr. and 1 Mrs. Fred Burch and ; daughter , I Maude , of New' York City, motored j here and were recent visitors for . a 1 short time at the home, of Mr . s , . - Mc- ! Gran ' s mother , Mrs. Frank . Albin. Mr. and Mrs. ,C. N. Edwards left Tuesday for a shor t * visit with rela- tives at Sag.. Harbor. ; While- there they will attend the wedding of Mr. Edv/ards ' niece , Miss Florence Ed- wards, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. Otis Edwards; . '"" - "*'' " ' "" " '; ' " - Miss .Theresa Anton had a , narrow escape one. clay last week; while riding i through the ' village of Centre Mor- I iches while on her ^ ^ay- home from school. . An autp, struck . hej- . bicycle, which threw her to * the ground. It is fortunate that Miss Anton only 1 met ! with a, few-bruises. . "', ' . . I On Sunday evening Rev. J. .Dyke pre f tehed, Jiis fanj ivell sermon at the I First Eresbyterian ch,urc^. A union [ service was held. Special music was rendered b,v,.. R, ev. Ccarge. A;; Fowler and the Misses Katherine and Mar- garet, Dyke, Mr. Dyke and family ex- pect to le;vye on, Saturday for- thei r new home at Cold Spring, N. J. , We wish them success in their now field Swedish Shipyards Busy. Most of tho shipbuilding yards in ,[ Sweden liavo eiiQUgh woik on li md to Keep i^iicm otisy um.i t!. u c. i "' "">-t j oai Most of the shipa .uc foi Swfd I'll firms , Danish and Norwegian builders are also busy on boatu for I I Swedish owners 1 hit , Sweden s mer chant marine will be greatly, lu- ' Cl cased •r . > \ . iiie 111. '¦ . .?" - /;^vv " MIDDLE ISLANff v * >¦ r ' " ' The lust of the peaches are being gathered. ' ' ¦ ¦ ;¦ . - . . Dr. b\ IV. Owen paid a visit 'Vh urs- day, of last week . to friends about here. Miss Anderson, of New Suffolk, is teaching the Ridge School, District No. lib Mrs. C. S. 'Miller is shippin g cut flowers from her luxuriant dahlia field to the city. ii Rev. Mr. Ellis occupied tho Pres- byterian- pulpit again last Sunday, morning and evening, having at each meeting very, encouraging audiences . -, Mrs, JCenyon, the nurse who has been > with the Thompson family through tht; sickness of Mrs" . Vhomp- son nnd )mico her death , returned t'> the city Tuesday morning. ¦ . . . .. ' . V Services'ion " .Sunday, October 22; in the . Presbyterian - -church will have relerence to the suffering people of Syria and Armenia, and eontribu|ions for their relief will be madjj ' at;. 'that time. , I ' . ' ' . ' ' " ' : '' , -. . .' - j Stunts e lf the weather as well,;as: - of the German submarines were favorite topics ' of the gossips early jn the week. The thermometer was kept busy -jumping from S2 Monday afternoon to 35 Tuesday morning. , , Thomas R. Baylcs of tliis place; and Miss-Gertrude Benjamin , of Lphy;- wood , were quietly, married last Sat- urday afternoon at tho parsbhajjc; in Brook-haven by Rev . F. E. AU pn of the Presbyterian church of that place. ; CARD OF THANKS ' My father anil I wish to express our appreciation of tho tpkens - of sympathy and kindness given by pu " . many- friends during' the days err?-bur anxiety and grief in the sickness and death of my mother, Mrs. Smith Thompson . , MISS CAROLINE THOMPSON. Middle Island, October . HI , iSlfl. ' ¦ CORAM i ' ' ' ' . ' . - Mrs, Halliday and son visited Mrs. John Elseboug h last week. - v The L. T. L. held its first ^meeting this fall at the home of their ' leader. Alphorise Kets , of ! New York ,, spent the week-end at the home of.D.; R. Davis. , - ; - W." L. Davis spent some days at Riverhead last week on court busi- ness. . .. ., •' Dr. Oliver , of Morristown , Ni . J., visited at > the home- of D. Ry Davis last week. . J. G. Smith was drawn on. the; jury last week , but was excused on account, of illness. Mr. and Mrs. Harold entertained the Rev.JIaroId Ellis over Sunday, when he' ~ preached" - ¦ : in the Presbyterian church..,: ' . '' ¦ . ;' ., ' ~ ' _ ' Mr. and, Mrs. John Lee ,, .of Con-, hecticiit, were recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. T. B. Lee. Mr. Lee had not beeti here ' in 'ten years, but lboks;;ds young qs ever. ... " > . ' » " - ¦ Constipation Dulls - Your Brain J >That dull , lfstless, oppressed feeling is due to -impurities, in your system, sluggish livei- j clogged-inte ' stines. Dr. fing ' s New Life Pills give prompt re- ef. . A mild, easy, non-griping bowel movement will tone up your system and'help to clear youv muddy, pimply complexion. Get a bottl e of Dr, King' s New Life Pills to'day at ypiir Druggist ,, 25c. A dose to-night will make you cheerful at breakfast. ' ¦ Adyt. .;. " ,_ ' . . ' ""' . . "" '/" ' ¦ " ¦ - . - " Had No Belief In Balloons. Di-. Samuel' Johnson heard so much talk-about-ballo- - -ns in the , last year hls . iifn ' :07S-l) . that he became . un. - Epeahably bcrcd,. and ca ri tioijed Iiis friends about brinclns; up that, si|b; ject , of cpnvcrsatioir when in his , coin; jiany. He . was contident f i hat the . bal- loon could : serve ho good, purppse but that of furnishing a rather foolish and decidedly dangerous, aiausement to the wealthy few, " ¦ ' ¦ ' ,: ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ' .... ^msit^MM ^ WHY YOU ARE NERVOUS Tbe nervous s^ stmi is theialarm system of tbe human body. In perfect health we hardly realize that we have a network of ueives, but when health is ebbing, when strength is declin- ing, the same nervous system gives th» alarm in headaches, tiredness ,: dreamful sleep, irritability and unless corrected , leads straight to a breakdown. -To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul- niou is exactl y what you should take , its nth nutriment gets into the blood pnd rich blood feeds the tiny uerye-cells while the whole systfin rtsponds to its refresh- ing loutc force It is free from alcohol. -Scott & ilawue, Stoouificlcl , W. /. ' ": , .; I* .EA STgORT^^WFr: , i Clifford Tuttfe ' speiit^tVio ' weok-ond at home. ' ¦ ' , . - * Mrs. Ernstllff Tttttle spent Saturday; in the city. ¦ ' * - ¦ . Vernon Tuttle spent tlie week-end 1 at r?loral.Pai'k. ' | A large number are suffering front I an epidemic of hard colds. Mrs. i.eotiii . rd Tultle i . s , malting iin extondefl . visit; in Philadelphia. Mrs. Cherry, of Maspeth , L. 1., in; visiting Mr, and Mrs, Sperling. 1 Mr. and Mrs. IS. \V. Tuttle enter- tained a party of~frieiids. Tuesday evc- ning. . " " Vernon . Tuttle is lettilei; ' far the Christian Eiuleavor nex t Siinda y eve- ninp' ' Miss Elsie Howland lmr. a position in the graded school at East Pat- chogue. Miss G. Harriott Spholish spent the week-end at her home in \Vest Ho- bnkt-n , N. .1, "Rev . , W. B. , Petfet. .!eft, W^ ' Jnc.s((«. v to allend the annual conference belli at C' pmO t M. J. . . , ,., . Mv s. .. Goovgc C- . Tuftie arid ' twp. daughters, .Veclln. and Eflie , ' spent . Fri- day in tlie city. Capt, G. ' H. ' , Seiiman- ' and: , Egbert Raynor r . tteryded the rally at River- head" Saturday night ' . Di-; L.. P. Hoole spent.McKlay last with his mother in Brooklyn , it being the- ' occasion of her birthday. ' Mrs. Orpha ' Raynor anil Charles ; Albin aro having their residences im- : t preyed with new coats of paint . ! V Frc PPierson , sergeant in, the; army ; iin Middi. etjijvvn, speni' the. week rend at ' th p hpm.q of Miss Beatrice Penney. 1 Mfc -rjiittertield , . of Lake ,Ronko ' n r . ¦ kpma , visited his dauglrter;, Miss But- i terfitjltl, ' , at ' Darius " Ruynpr ' s recently. j -Ms s - ttorlicrt . C. Tuttle , of Remsvn- ' buvgiVahd . Miss .Beatrice ' Penney Itave 1 . Moijd ' ay, for Dab ' neyl ' . Nprth ' . Caroihiii. ! Mrs, ' Claude Landers antf - Misses ! : Ka. thev.ine Raynor ,.;i.nd Margaret Allen: : spent Thursday with " Mrs . George ' , Tuttle. ' " " - ' ' - " ¦ ' " ' " ' ; Mrs. Egbert Raynor enti'rta ' iiK'il her ; i mother , Mrs. Iloldeii , also Mr . . and: ; Mr . s. ' VViliis Tuttle, of Reinsenljiirg, I Sunday-; ' .-_ " .... . ' .: ; ' ¦ ' _ ' . ' „:. . ; __ - _ ' : j Mrs. Florence Zenxazc is home from ! ! Westhampton Beach for the winter, ; . Mr . . Zenzaze has entered the Coast 1 j Guard seryice. , ' - ¦ ; ' " ! , Quito a; crowd attended the Demo- j cratic rally Saturday afternoon and 1 enjoyed the. speeches. Now we want _ 1 to hear the other side. | " . ' " A, regular. 7 ,me * eti pg. of ,. Southsuie. : Giahge will , bo held ' Monday evening,; ! October 16. The serving committee : j consists of Mrs. .7. W. Tuthill , "chair- ' 1 nfiihr- Mrs. ' L. 1- ". ' Hocilti, Robert; J Kotcham , Alfred Hedger and E. ' W. i Penney. ~ The county, convention of the I. O. G. T. lodge will be held at Westhamp- ton Friday, afternoon and evening. Thq delegates from this lodge are Mrs . E. P- . Barrabre and Miss Delia Ketcham. "It is expected that quite r\ .euciiuiii. 11, 15 GAUcsLCi, 1,1.0,*. IjUlVC a number from here will , attend. . The ' following; "" officers ' were, elected for the Christia n , Endeavor at ' the: Suh . dax. ovenirig session: " President , Vernon Tuttle; vice president , Olive Smith ; secretary, Miss Veella Tuttle; corresponding secretary , Mrs. Egbert Raynor;.. treasurer; Miss ; ' Margaret Bell; organist, Mrs. E. P. Barmor . e; A business meeting,of the Ladies ' Industrial, society was held Monday evening at" the home of Mrs. Orpha Raynor. It was decided to hold their annual banquet at the parsonage rjri- day evening, October 27., At this "tim e ;the husbands of' the ' members, are ' guests . They also decided to put: a floor in the small room of the church as soon as the roof is repaired. The ladies are. also purchasing, a carpet for the main auditorium. It was also decided to hold a Thanksgiving supr perVbut 'the details wefe ' no, t arrahged. It certainly ' takes , the ladies , to ' make thing's . move. , ' ' ; . . . "^" " ¦¦ ¦ ' ¦¦' YAPHANK Mrs. F. P. Marchant has been vis- iting., her., sister , v Mrs. A. W. Phillips , in Patchogue. , ' .- Mrs. .Anna, Warren , of SoutJiamp- ton , ;hss .be . ftrt spending a few days at her f prrrier residence here. , Mrs. Geprge BJydenburgh, of: Port Jefferson, is spending a f ew days, with her . parents, Mi-. ' and Mrs. S. E. . Ho, - rnan/ , : ' . ; .. . ; i - :, W, Uliarja ' Ma. hler ,, a boy. whg was riih !. . , ov ,ev) fey an . a.ut6hiobile last , week and' . breaking his leg, is reported doing 1 , well at the '^Brentwood sahatorium. ; [ : Rey. A. J. Hines, u young. man who j has bcerf. iii cha.rge of the Episcopal ; churches in Moricheg anil ' Yhphank ,! has resigned his charges and sailed! for Eiismii". hi- native , f. oiitiiry^ ' . ' on i Saturday, where he expects to remain permahenllji. ; ; .:, Mr. and. Mrs. John Rogers and daughters, of Southampton , made a motor call on old friends here on Sunr day Ml Rogcis and wife staited i mairietl life neie wim. th.ilj years ago, bvjt lemoved to Southampton ai few yeais aftci At the Civic Association meptingi un KaturJay "V: , ¦ ,^ ' ir«nlulior wab 1 Pd'ssetl to be piesmtetl to the Town Bo\rd asking that tht unhm«hul woiki of the Mill Bam load bv building out , the slmtewavs and other netts-.,ii \ work bo done thi< . month if pos-| sible , instead of dtfeirir.g until " -pnnu, and it is the genertl \ws!i of the ul- , l.ige that thw improvement U ati the present time Adam Mahlti wus leceivcd as .\ ntw meinbtr of the js - j sociation Membei^ -hip is open to iny l desident of tht \ill.igo and vicimti of cithci se\ by \otc of the society ' Membership fie ^0 cents i veai , with i lcgular meltings once \ month in , Grange hall | i ——— | Strict Truth "He said he was a hank cashier , ' gnd ui 1'itenigated- diid loimd rhai Ibe w. Wat bank ' A ell , Un a I ' I . H '1 ¦ ii. l' ami li"s pa>aiustei of | lb Miovtl ZL _,£ ll.twlittii a "M^ia liLL. ' MANORVILLE ' ' " ""' " ' * ' ' I *' - ' ¦ '* "" Miss Mae Raynor has been visiting Miss Agnes Itowiuil at ,Babylon. Francis X Gastiger spent Tuesday with his mother at South Manor. \ I Mrs. William Smith visited her sis- j tcr in Long Island City on Saturday. I' Mrs. Alfred Steel is very ill. Dr . I Warner , of Moriches , is attending her. I Miss Goldie R. Lipotz spent Salur- ! clay and Sunday with friends in Riv ' er- | head. ' We understand that Frank Wiedtn- i hoff has sceui-ed a position in Mhhhnt- ! tan. ' f Mrs. William Case, of Brooklyn , is visiting her mother , Mrs. Alida Riiy- no ' r. , - ~ ' Mi*s Agnes Howa rd , of Babylon, made a short visit with relatives here ¦ recently. Mr. ' , and Mrs. Edward Dittmicr ; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam LcMion. ' Mrs . 0. E. Whito yir.itcd her sisters , ; Mrs. M. J. Lane and Mrs. A. H. Kay- iioi,, on Friday. Don 't forget registration days on Saturday, October ii and October 21, at ' Raynor ' s hall. . Our local roadmasters have been iuaknig some decided improvements to our Jiighways recently. , ' . Mrs. Edward Melia , of Jamaica , spent Sunday with her parents, Mr. and Mrs, Charles Bauer. Miss Mabel . Edeson has returned, to her home in Manoryillc after spending tlie summer in Wading River. The Misses Grace .Meyers , Agnes Becken and Viol a Lane are again at- tending High school at Riverhead. Mrs. Walter King and childre n , of Centre Moriches, visited . Airs. King ' s mqther , Mrs. A ' l ' . ' E. Terry, on Sunday. , Mr. and Mrs. Max Hoar have re- turned to, fJnookiyu after: spending some weeks ' -at their farm in South Manor. Charles Walken the popular second tri . ck operator at the railroad cabin here , spent Saturday and Sunday with iriendn at Flushing. Mi. and Mrs. Philip Ditlmier and daughter , Eleanor , visited Mrs. Ditt- mier ' s parents , Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Donovan; on Sunday. Miss Goldie I J. Lipetz , ot Jiiverhwul , is again in charge of the West " Manor school. We ar , e pleased to . welcome Miss Lipetz to our midst. Miss Oelite Movver , of .Herkimer, N. Y.,, , is in. charge pf thu South Street school. Miss Mower is stopping with Mi.' and Mrs. Gilbert Carter. - The school in Districl . 2, North Manor, opened on Monday, October ' .) , with F. ^ J. Overton in charge. Mr. Overton is stopping at the Manorvllle House. ' S Wild ducks are quite p\entiful here- in the Peconic " ' river and adjacent ponds. Our local sportsmen have been successful , in bagging a number ' of fine birds. Alfred W. Hawkins , of East Sc- : tauket , Democratic candidate for ' sher- iff , visited friends here one day last ; week. Mr. Hawkins is well known in ' this section. 1 , , ! ¦ ' IVIrs. John Barge and son , William , ; have returned to their home in Brook- i lyn after spending the summer with : Mr. and Mrs. William B. = Walters at j Locust Grove farm. ' The cranberry harvest is in full I swing, at the time of. writing.. Supt. ' Gordon of the Davis Bog has a large ' : force of pickers at work. J.j R. Eay- i nor also has quite a number ' of pick- ' ¦ ers. The yield is somewhat short tliis . season. ' ¦ > Our farmers are _ bnsiiy engaged ( these days in shipping potatoes and j cauliflowers. With the present high I prices for these , commodities, aiid a j fairl y good crop, fanners generally I have no reason to be . otherwise than j optimistic. . . - ' . . ' - . i . .i •<« i The members of Brookfield Grange i 'flo. 1280 held their regular meeting [in Raynor ' s Hall on Saturday-evening, , October 7 , Al?ou t twenty members i were present , including members from ; Calverton and other places. Bro. A. L. Downs , ot Mattituck, the county deputy, accompanied by Mrs. Downs, was present , and gave a very interest- ing and . instructive talk, on matter? of'interest to the Grange. Brother Reeves, entertained the ' company with j sorne banjo and vocal selections. All lenses promptly duplicated ; ex- ; aipinati ons made. R. C. " Brown, Op- ! tometrist , Riverhea, d. —^Advt. Gentereach and Lake Grove Miss Gi!acp Overton , of Coram , ! spent the week-end.-with- Mrs . Scud- dei- Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins, of Coram , spent one day last week With Mrs. S. T. Smith . ' Charjes Bruine and family, of the Bronx , 7 spent Sunday with Mi. and Mrs. J: S. Coleman. . ,,,., -, ' . ,. - . . . Mr . and- Mrs . Frank Newton , of Ronkonkoma , spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. W. W. Ruland. Mr. and Mrs. George Peabocly and tamilv , of Pattri ogue, spent Suiida ^ j with Mi and Mis Joins Coleman Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Pos t and daughter , of Fsr Rockaway, spent! Sunday " t w ^ r - > "•' \ti> . W L Blv- ' l denbuigh. i Can Bilious Utacio Bt l' ie\tntt'l 7 Pel ions who .ue sub jei t lo bilious attack's will bt inteitsttd i\ the e\ penente of Mis Louise bhunkeV Frankfort , N Y "About five \e.u -, j ago I suffc-eii a gie.i t deal fiom in- digestion and billon tni-b , " she srv i "I began taking C' i mbcilains Tab lets and they relieved me at, Since taking two bottles of them 1 have had no return of the trouble." I Chambtilain's lahitts only cost 23 cents pei bottle Whj not give them i a tual get well and stay will Foi sale by all dealer* —Ad\t. I At 'Least Once. Every married woman gives her hus- band tiedit * oi possessing \.nod JuiU meut. at least ouco.ln bis . li:_ . . . . . ,. . CALVERTON " John Reeve is spending Home time at his home here. ¦ Miss Rose Hoscoki in spending the winter in New York. William Reeve has sold his grocery business to Henry Waetcrling. The Ladies ' Sewing Society of tho M. E. church met with Mrs. Egbert Smith last week. Cranberry picking is about over on Brown ' s marsh. Mr. Brown has a quantity of (inq berries. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickor.son ate visiting their dau-ghter, Mrs. Churlos Creightqn , of Riverhead. Mrs. Romnine . Stevens , Jr., spent one . duy last week as the guest of. her parents , Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Beach , ot Riverhead . School opened here October ft-with Mrs. Austin Luce , of Baiting Hollow , principal, and Miss Anna Case, of Cut- chogue, primary teacher. Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Karlein , of Pat- chogue , are the guests of Mrs. Kar- lein ' s sister , Miss Nellie Reeve. Mrs. Austin Luee is stopping for the winter with Mr. and Mrs. Obadiali Smith. ft looks now as though the farmers here were going to do well this season. 'It was so wet the first part of the summer that many feared there would be no crops at all , but with potatoes S1.3R per bushel and cauliflowers $2.7 " i and S3 a crate , a rnueh brig hter pros- pect is enjoyed. Kev. 'William B. Schwcimle:' will preach in the M. E.. church on Sun- day morning at 10.30 A. M„ taking for his subject , "The Saeraincus uf Labor. " Sunday school will reopen after being closed for some time to abide by the health* rules. All are invited to attend, " " Epwoi-th Leiigue will meet at 7 P . M. Topic , '•Missions Among the Women of " ' India. " Lead- er, . Mrs. E. E. Voting. Evening preach- 'ng / hy the pastor, '8 P. M. This will be u seasonable topic—"Lessons from the Harvest. " A cordial welcome awnits you at all se-rviees . Come , help uiiil- . be- hel ped. . . . . , , All lenses'promptly duplicated ; ex- aminations made. It. 0. Brow n , Op- tbmetriiit , Rivei-he ' ad. —-Advt. . ' I^ or any iteliinc-ss of the skin , for skin*rashes , chap, pimples , etc., try Doan ' s Ointment. fiOe at all drug stores,—Advt. WADING RIVER S, M. Carter has purchased a new horse, v- .^, - ^ _,. .. . . -. Miss J. E. Fay made a trip to the city one day latst week. Miss Caroline!A. Hartougli is visit- ing 'Miss C. C. Tuthill. ' Miss Grace . Hudson has returned to her home ' in Brooklyn: Miss Ada Wells visited friends in Brooklyn a few days last . week . . Miss Nellie Phillips spent-several tlayf^ ' .af her home. here the past week. Mrs. L. - .A. Major has returned home af . ter spending some time with rela- tives in the ejty. ¦ " ¦' Robert S. Guy has returned home from a two weeks ' stay in New York and -New " Jersey. Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Hawkins, of . Port Jefferson ^Station , were the guests of Mr... and Mrs. D. S. Hawkins last Sunday. ; Mr-; and,, Mrs. A. M. Howell , Jr., returned Friday evening of last week from their wedding trip, and wilf soon be settled in their new " home. William Miller and family, Mrs. N. J. Brucn , of Eatonville, Wash., and E.-S. . Miller spent Sunday at the home of Henry Hallock at Lake Grove. - . Dr. Fleming and daughter , Flor- ence, and Mjrs. . Gilson spent the .;week- end,here< returning to the city Sun- day, having, cl osed "thsir "x houses for tho season, i " ' . - "¦ "" - Miss. . Ruth Hawkins is spendi ng- her vacation with Mrs. Otto: De-Friest at Green ' s Farms, Gonn . .Before i rctii rii - ittg she expects to visit;in Bridgepoi^ and: New Haven. ' Miss; Sue Hawkins is performing hei- duties at the post cftice. ' - . - ;.. :, ; ' ., : . , -. . . - .. iUl lenses promptly du.plicat»d; ex- aminations " niacle. R. C. Brow n , Op- tometrist , Riverhead.T-Advt. . Feel " ¦ ' languid , weak , run down ? Headache.?- : , Stomach " off"? A good remedy is Burdock ,, Blood Bitters. Ask; your, drugg ist ' . ' ' ¦ Prie« Si .110. —- Advt. " " - "' ; " ".v" '"" "" : c^^ y «L ^^ 3UK/ ^^ Y 9^^BIK^ TvuflSw B^^^- ^fegMBHC^L^^ B^rSd^^^KlSr That seal, " with all it rriean3 to the public, Tfnighr well be put on every bottle that contains PERUNA * No other remed/ e/er offered the American pco ' ulc has more friends after two rjenerations of success, no qtli»r remedy is moresienerally used in thehomes of the people noothei has been ^o enthwastically endors- ed by the thousands. i, Th« Tcasr,n is found ia real merit. Fnr B congl 9 colili ca ar " i whe-her local orp s>sEemic and tit lcraidcoilny followinitauy H Ioftht- .abovo PLruaa% ill tic found CHLCUVC. ¦ reliable and safe for nrr^ut&r appetite, ¦ in-paired dmcstion aid rue down system it I is kqiuvaluablc tome, ¦ Peruna may be obtained in I tablet f crm for convenience. I Thm ftiruha Company, Cofumbut , Ohio I Why <' Anurlo " an i 1 Again^v Su^d^n/IJe^lrs. j Befoxa aix Insgrancef Cojnr ipatiy, *will | take ' a risk on your life the examining physician will test . the urine and report, whether you are £' good risk: T 'When j'bur kidneyS get slugg ish . and clb& you snlfer from, backache,: sick-Keail- ablie, dri$y. spells, or the . tw | inae3' and : pu ' ius ' ti-f . 'lu " pib?.g'>:-- rheumatism, . and gout. The urihe ia ofteh cloudy, mil of sediment;^channels often got soro and sleep is disturbed tw:o or three times a night. This . :'is the; time jraa ,Ehould" consult some physician of wide r.->-pnri<.Tir-p—such as TDr. Pierce of the invalids ' " Hotel and Surgical institute: ,, Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents for namplo package of his new discovery, "Anuric " Write him ycur symptoma and send a sample of u-me for test, r.tnerisnce lias taught Dr , Piercu that "Alinnt" is tne uiuei, pcT.crfj ! csnr¥ in dissolving uric acid , as hot -witter | moils sugar; besides being absolufely I harmless ii> is endowed with other pioperties , for it preserves the kidneys in "a healthy condition by thoroughly cleansing them. Being so many times more active tlrui hthia , it ^ clears the hia.1, Mlves t-f any sandy substances which may clog them and , checks tho degeneration of the blood-vebtelf , as well as regulating blood pressure. '•Amino " is ft regular " insurance and j li fe saver for allbigmeat eiters and thoso w iic deposit hme-=arts in their joirte. A=k the druggist for "Anunc " put up ! hi Pr. T erce, in 50-cent, packages. 1 BnrMvton , N. Y. "I have- taken ono foot o. " Dr. Pior-o' * Anuric Tabli ts for j larao baclt and wuk kidnpys and %% is 1 m,i<.u " rj encfitcd. My hack commenced I it/ got beitcr soon after starting to use I tiio Tablets I do net have to v/allc j doubled t ver as I did before taking them. 5, Anur.o "i3 tho best remedy I Mvo cros I taken for what it is Intended fcc " i Ma. A. a. VuAiih , Brusbtoiit W. . S.

Transcript of · i-.uveval weeks at her...

Page 1: · i-.uveval weeks at her home here. Her i bi ••titer ,. Wfjlard Loper, returned with ] her for a visit.—



PORTIERRE WEAVINGSave >our old Carpets

. Have them woven into beautifulreversible. Huff rugs



Mil ¦¦¦ " r*'. '? . . '¦ ijV-T T* 5 r '-¦ •< r'T*'"'?* - -^


Mis. Ab^am De\Vick. of Port .)?f-l, .i-s-.on , wntr a recent guest of friends;,i„i relatives here. -

Mrs. E.-H,- Martens hits been enter-,|.i i'iiinj{ her mother, Mrs. . William"

lireer , of fctew York City, for severaltlays. V '' ¦;>,

Mrs. David H. Goldsmith has been>cWou») .v ill of gastritis ,but at thelime oi", ¦ writing 'is somewhat un-proved. ' ¦. .. - ..-,

Will iam F. Contlit, of the .Seventy-lirsl Regiment , returned home lastweek , ;being, relieved of further; dutyul this time, "', ,;; - ...

Mr. and Mrs. William Hawkins/andMis?, Leila,;' Hawkins, of Brooklyn ,were guests' of Miss Emma-.'Raynor.:iii<l her father last week. • . ' .. ',., .,. ',

31 r. and (Mrs. Henry -Alataclt<andfamily motored to Brooklyn on Suri-il'iiy to' take-Mr. Alstadt's f aUier, wholitis spent">i few weeks here.

,lohn Benjamin , brother of Mrs.K, R. YVilner,* .entered upon his dutiesusi a member of the coast guard crewlit Forge .River Station recently.

Mr. and-; Mrs, Henry Alstndt andfamily and , Mrs. Roscoe Robinsonmotored ., to Oyster . Bay Thursday toattend -the firemen 's tournament.

Mis. Roscoe Robinson entertainedmi Sunday . her mother, Mrs. Alon/.oWin ner, Miss , Mildred Chapman amiKveretl Warner , all of Greenport.

Sidney "A. Hawkins has /rone toWest Hurley for' a visit .with hisdaughter , Mrs. Matthew Williams.Mis. D. T-.\Havens accompanied him.

.1. L. Havens and J. R. Robert ' at-tended the ' meeting of the SuffolkCounty Volunteer Firemen's Conven-tion held;' at Southampton yesterday.

A surprise party was tendered MissAntra , Havens on Friday night withI'licf.ts to the number of .twenty-twp.(lames were" played and refreshments:.,'l'VUti , ' V ' '

School , has been 'closed lor a time ,tis one ease of infantile paralysis has Iliceti reported. The one afflicted, i s ;i.uuis Havens, the , sort of PercyHavens, ,' . . . .' i

Mrs . Joseph Lavelle has returnedtorWaterbury, Conn.* after, spending ji -.uveval weeks at her home here. Her ibi ••titer ,. Wfj lard Loper, returned with ]her for a visit.— , ..

The bdhgalow of B. T. Ross was !moved this .week to Chichester avenue jhy .1. A, .Robinson. Everett Brown jwill continije' to occupy the cottage !

when it is definitely placed. IMr. and Mrs, E. S. Robinson have i

returned from a delightful trip to jConnecticut They made stops at.Hartford , South Manchester, Glaston- ]buiy, Gonn., and Hotyoke and MountTom, Mags.' ' - . - " ;

Silva Rebekah Lodge has received jan invitation to visit Dorothea R,e-;bcliali Lodge on Monday evening, Oc- jtober 10 ,at which time the president Jof the Rebekah Assembly, Mrs. Min- ;nic Leonard, "will be...present,. ; The |work of the. eyehinff.rwjll be the in-'j.stnllation,.of officers. . / . . . , ; ,..,, . . , .' ,.. , j

.Mrs. E. R. Pearse was the guest o f ,Mrs. Susan N. -White, of Babylon, on i.Monday and -Tuesday..- "' On Monday jnight Mrs. White, who is district dep- |uty president of Suffolk No. 2, -in- istalled the officers of Gbiden Glow Re- 1bekah Lodge, with - Mrs. pearse.-as]deputy grand marshal. A large num- }her of visitors were present fromlodges of both districts.; - -. . --_ v j

Mr. and Mrs; John[Redlin returnedlast week from a delightful trip t-> .(lettysburgh with Mr. and Mrs:.i Wil; \liam Lukert in their auto',,'Stops, werealso made at Elizabeth arid Deniarest,N , J.. Hatboro, Valley Forge, Coats-ville and Philadelphia, Pa. An inter-esting feature of their trip was avisit to an Indian hut known as YeOlil Vallev Inn , A D. 1097 Heiethey took Iunch\and spent an enjoy-able time viewing antiques.

BROOKHAVENM^ H lHlM^^ M w_M «ri>a "l<1''

Mr. and Mrs. B. R. Miller wefe in ,town last week.

M i , William Murdock , J- , andcliiklien spent Sunday in Patchogue

Mi Michelson is spending a three ,weeks ' vacation with his family here I

Columbus Day will be observed herein Hit school on Thursday, OctobejVI. |

L. D. Albin has returned . tohis home after spending the summeiin Bellport

Mrs. C. h. Newey is entertainingher daughtei , Mrs. Shei'man Hawkins, fand two children, oi Southampton

Mi.s Beatrice Swetftsy, who teaches,in E. it Hampton , spent the week-endwi th hu paients, Mi and Mis Wal-).':cf Swee/.v '

M- » g AUjm will lead the Ep-worlh League next Sunday evening.The top,c is , "Missions Among the jWomen ol India " , 1

lOlish i L.imb and daughtoi , Mis S |W, Newey, attended a birthday partyin honor of Mrs. E. F. Penny, of Cen-if!- Moriches, on Monday.

A farmers ' ;danee Will be held intht l i .e Place studio on Friday eve-','t ing Mrs B Lane arid'Mrs A Al-hni u e on the committee

Mi m ill Mc Aicm, Alb.n, oi Ly-pruok , and Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Al-' in of Centie Moriches, visited thei.nothei , Mrs Lucinda Albm, on Sun-

'"1\lis > S.uah Van Valen , who spent

hi sim.mei w i th hei daughtei , -Mis1 Ittpai tl Newev, has I eturntd to mauthu home with Mis. Robtrt Biow nio i tht wintei

Mrs. Samuel Newey entertained theSocial Chain on -Wednesday. About'Oi l v pounds of carpet ugi won.

i wed — ¦

Quite an accident occurred on .Sun-'" n oening, when a large touring cari n into Mrs. Chase, .editoi of thei ogue , in hd small car We no glado «•!> no one lcceivcd any senoiio

injui ies Miss Aveiy, who was withMis Chase, receiv ed a few scratchesot he\ face / -~

Vi -h Grass Made Into P-vcrn t t lni --ji ut toni c i i i '

> i^ eil i n T.ulltt r-> ^ii i i i

'¦ ¦";¦;/-"*;¦•-¦ Y:-'>T-V^ ¦.'•-%-\.-- r - : .¦¦- ¦ ¦¦'¦%: *'«- 'S- ~


Albert G. Randall , of East Quogue,was a guest on Sunday of Mrs. W. H.Morrison,

Mrs. Charles Ross, of Mastic , enter-tained, her niece, Miss Jessie Homnn ,or. Saturday., . ,

Mrs. Josephine Davis , of East Wil-listori, is stopping this week with Mrs.WiUjam Ross; ;

Mrs. A. J. Dpbeauchamp is enjoy-ingf iv(,.two weeks' visit among rela-tive in the metropolis.

William Lukert has raised this yearupwartl of 75,000 ducks, a higher 'rec-ord tlian.on any previous year. •' ¦-.: ,;Mra'wEgbcrt .Ross , returned tho last

of , the .week from a week's visit withner,,, daughter, Mrs. Giles DeGroot, inRoiiU6n)<oma.'-. "."Th q:,V; P. S. proposes this winterto install a new heater in the church ,also to increase their contributiontoward the pastor's salary.

The Misses Mildred anil Lucille. Ran-dall; of East Quogue, have been spend-ing ' the week as the guests of theircousin , Mrs. H. A. Schenck.

Mrs. Oreii Hawkins ami- little son ,o/ Cedarhurst, have been visiting Mr.and Mrs. Will Hawkins. When shereturned this week; to her home Mrs.Will Hawkins accompanied her for *:ishort visit. -

The Ladies' Aid Society at theirlast business meeting elected the fol-lowing officers: President, Mrs . JohnMarquis; secretary, Mrs. WilliamBowen ; treasurer, Mrs. Nat Hulse.

On Sunday evening the Y. P. S. C. E.was led by Mrs. William Bowen. MissLucille Randall rendered ri solo verypleasingly/ and the chorus sung by allthe members of the choir was muchappreciated.

But for. the. timely .arrival of a fewof our eiti;:eiis upon the scone ofaction one day last week the stationat Mastic might have been destroyed ,the roof having caught fire from thechimney. AF it was, comparativelylittle damage was done.

Mrs. Carrie Debcauchamp andfriends were pleasantly surprised onSunday by an : automobile party offriends. - The, party included Air.' andMrs. Samuel-Turner, of Bath Beach ;Mr. and Mrs. George Johnson , ofBrooklyn, and Mrs. Frank Boekleman,of Babylon.

Mr. and Mrs. William Lukert, theMisses Mabel and Louise Lukert andMrs. Lukert's 'father, . ' John Redlin ,have recently returned from an auto-mobile trip tb the hist'oric .Jield of Get-tysburgh" .' Mr. Redlin , being a CivilWar veteran, was especially pleasedwith his trip.

Mrs. George Hunter returned onSunday from Southampton Hospital ,where she went some three weekssince for treatment. ' A. R. Baxtervery courteously gave the use of hisfine 'car to bring her home. We allcongratulate Mrs. ilunter.oiv the.'suc'cessful: outcome, of her operation.'

r. At j their regular monthly businessmeeting the Y. P." S. elected ihe fol-lowing officers for the year : Presi-dent,- Miss Carrie Debeauchamp; vice-president, Mrs. Hilda Hawkins; sec-retary, Miss Laura Penney; treasurer,Miss" Mabel Lukert; committee onWprk, Miss Emma Lukert (chairman),Miss Laura Penney, Miss Nettie That-tie; Mrs. Joseph Munsell; entertain-ment committee. Miss. Carrie Debeau-champ, Mrs, William Bowen. Mrs. H.A. Schenck, Mrs. Clifford Hawkins;refreshment committee, Miss MabelLukert, Miss Ajmie Lilly, Mrs. HaroldLukert. '

The last quarterly conference forthe current year was held in the M. on the evening of September30, and . a very satisfactory resumeof the peat 's woik, both spirituafandsetubi , "was shown . 'The Sundayschool has mcieased from thirty toIII ty momoers. oeverat persons navebeen received into the church andseen received on probation. All ex-penses for the ve<u have been met infull , and the outlook for the comingconference \eai -s very "bright. Thepastor will have an excellent reportto submit to the conference at itscoming session. At the quarterlyconference a special vote of thankswas tendered the Y. P. S, for its .helptoward the church expenses.

The following pupils of the localschool , ha\ ing passed the sixthgrade aie attending school in Cen-tre Moriches- Ella M. Debeauchamp,Edith Walkman , Isabel Lukert, Loret-ta Scheor and Mane Hulse. HenryBowen, who also attended, last year,has passed successfully , two subjectsfor enti ince to the high school de-partment—a good showing J ofhii age , , , - .,

It seems a pity tnat some *of ourta\paycis are not willing to pay theleathti a sslfi:." 1"' gp enoufeh to war-rant hei in letainmg all hor pupilsthiough the grades It is ^certainly

( more mteiestmg and satisfactory to( a competent teaJici to instruct a. sev-enth or eighth grade class than thoseof the intermediate grades.

' 77~t ., \ x1 Saved Her Baby s Life.' Mis E M Whitney, Ut-ta , N Ywrites, Lust 3^r ~y b >hy h .d crour

!and I believe his life was saved bjimmediately giving him Ch.imbeiIain 's Cough RenWv I have the utmost confidence in thi-, ptcpai ationas it has ptoved \ e iy leli.ible as .

i cure ior colds and ticup ", Fur ^>ale by all dealeis—Advtlo BBTHIBaMliM M^ !!

^W"»HBMMW PfWinM«H«HRfn>nil

EAST' MQRiCHEJS-\'Mrs1. Augusta Raynor was a vis-

itor at Patchogue on Monday.We tire sorry to report Maltby G.

Sanfqrd on the, sick list, during thenust week'.

Mrs. Frank Albin has been spend.-ing a short time recently with friendsat Westhampton.

Mi3s Vera Howell visited at thehome of Miss.EJort'iiee Biggs, of Pat-chogue, last week, -

On Saturday evening utfeight o'clockthe ,choir \pf the Methotlist 'church willmeet for rehearsal. ;,

The Boy Scouts will meet at theMethodist church , basement on Satur-day evening ut_8 o'clock.

Egbert 'O. Howell is the assignedleader lor the meeting of the Chris-tian Endeavor on Sunday evening. v

Miss Anita Chapman is spendingsome time at the home ot hei': aunt ,M rs. Joseph Turner, at Brooklyn.

Mrs. Frank Robinson and MissElizabeth Tooker were visitors lastweek with relatives at Patchogue.

Mrs. Edward Henderson has beenvisiting at the home of her sister ,Mrs. Raynor, at East Orange, N. J.

Edward Ryder and brother , ofShecpshead Bay. were in , the villagelast week and' enjoyed duck shooting.

Mr. anil Mrs. George Winans wereweek-end visitors at tine homcT'of Mrs.Winans ' parents,' Mr. anil Mrs. J. J.Kidgeway, at Home Acres...

Jameil P. Brady,; of Brooklyn, spenta couple of days last week at thehome of Mv. atuj. Mrs. Joseph Chap-man. . ' "',' " .

Jacob H.\ Miller and family havemoved from their bungalow to theirhome on Atlantic avenue for the win-ter.

Mrs. vJphj i .-D. Howell '.has. beenspending 6. ' couple of days at Pat-chogue in making out the (school taxlist -;" _ ' ; ¦' ."- ¦¦¦¦

Kev. .George A. Fowler conductedservices at the Coast Guard stationopposite this village on Sunday after-noon. ' 1 ¦ • - . :' , -

Capt. J. Herbert Benjamin has beenspending a* number of days with hisdaughter, Mrs. William Hall, of Val-ley - Stream. ~ ".

~ "-" 7"~:— :Walter D. Tallman, of Clintondale,

N. Y., has been spending ft numberot days at the home of -" M l", and Mrs.C. D. Terry.

At the time of writing Henry R.Brevoort was.making preparations.foran auto trip to Massachusetts andvarious other points.

Miss Gussie Miller has returned toher home in Hempstead after spend-ing four weeks with her grandmother,Mrs. Augusta Raynor.

The Ladies' Aid society of the Meth-odist church met at theAome of thepresident, Mrs. George S. Journeay,on Wednesday, afternoon.

Please, bear in mind , that this Fri-day ;evening 13 tho appointed time forthe regular meeting of the VillagelmprQyen3,eht,ass.ociatiofi,;,':,7, V ; ,7 V\,: On Tuesday of this week C. D.Terry and family "aiid-Walter D. Tall-man were visitors at the. home ofMrs. Terry's-brother, John Young, ofLaurel. ~ . "'

..'. ' ¦'¦-

I Miss Alice W'nes has been spend-1 ing the past week at the home of hersister, ^rs. Thomas Roe, of Pat-chogue. Mrs: O. B. Smith was a guestpf Mrs. Roe on Monday... . •

Miss Maynard ,-qf- New York City,was a guest at thelhome of Rov. andMrs. Geo. A. Fowler over . Sunday.Miss Maynard gaye a .very interest-ing, address at the service on Sunday

j morning.. ; -- , , fV -*Mr. 'and Mrs. Everett, Benjamin en-joyed , a short time on the Great South

I Bay last week in their motor boat.I On Friday evening Roland Howell1 joified Mr. Benjamin and they spentI the week-end off Ftfe Island.j Mrs. Thomas McCran and Mr. and1 Mrs. Fred Burch and ; daughter,I Maude, of New' York City, motoredj here and were recent visitors for . a1 short time at the home, of Mr.s,.- Mc-! Gran 's mother, Mrs. Frank .Albin.

Mr. and Mrs. ,C. N. Edwards leftTuesday for a shor t * visit with rela-tives at Sag.. Harbor. ;While- therethey will attend the wedding of Mr.Edv/ards' niece, Miss Florence Ed-wards, daughter; of Mr. and Mrs. OtisEdwards; . '"" - "*'' "'"" " ';' " -

Miss .Theresa Anton had a, narrowescape one.clay last week; while riding

i through the' village of Centre Mor-


iches while on her^ ^ay- home fromschool... An autp, struck . hej- . bicycle,which threw her to*the ground. It isfortunate that Miss Anton only1 met

! with a, few-bruises. ."',' ..I On Sunday evening Rev. J. .Dykepreftehed,Jiis fanjivell sermon at the

I First Eresbyterian ch,urc^. A union[ service was held. Special music wasrendered b,v,..R,ev. Ccarge. A;; Fowlerand the Misses Katherine and Mar-garet, Dyke, Mr. Dyke and family ex-pect to le;vye on, Saturday for- theirnew home at Cold Spring, N. J. , Wewish them success in their now field

Swedish Shipyards Busy.Most of tho shipbuilding yards in

,[ Sweden liavo eiiQUgh woik on li md toKeep i^iicm otisy um.i t!.u

c. i

"' "">-t

• j oai Most of the shipa .uc foi S wf dI'll firms, Danish and Norwegian

• builders are also busy on boatu forI I Swedish owners 1 hit , Sweden s mer

chant marine will be greatly, lu-' Cl cased

•r. >\. iiie 111. '¦ . .?"- /; vv • "

MIDDLE ISLANff v *> ¦ r

' " '

The lust of the peaches are beinggathered. ' '¦ ¦;¦ . - . .

Dr. b\ IV. Owen paid a visit 'Vh urs-day, of last week .to friends about here.

Miss Anderson, of New Suffolk, isteaching the Ridge School, DistrictNo. lib

Mrs. C. S. 'Miller is shippin g cutflowers from her luxuriant dahliafield to the city.ii Rev. Mr. Ellis occupied tho Pres-byterian- pulpit again last Sunday,morning and evening, having at eachmeeting very, encouraging audiences.- , • Mrs, JCenyon, the nurse who hasbeen > • with the Thompson familythrough tht; sickness of Mrs". Vhomp-son nnd )mico her death , returned t '>the city Tuesday morning. ¦..... ' .

V Services'ion".Sunday, October 22; inthe .Presbyterian - -church will haverelerence to the suffering people ofSyria and Armenia, and eontribu|ionsfor their relief will be madjj' at;.'thattime., I ' . ''. ' '"':'' ,• - . . .' - j

Stunts elf the weather as well,;as:- ofthe German submarines were favoritetopics' of the gossips early jn theweek. The thermometer was kept busy-jumping from S2 Monday afternoonto 35 Tuesday morning. ,, Thomas R. Baylcs of tliis place; andMiss-Gertrude Benjamin , of Lphy;-wood, were quietly, married last Sat-urday afternoon at tho parsbhajjc; inBrook-haven by Rev. F. E. AU pn of thePresbyterian church of that place. ;

CARD OF THANKS 'My father anil I wish to express

our appreciation of tho tpkens - ofsympathy and kindness given by pu".many- friends during' the days err?-buranxiety and grief in the sickness anddeath of my mother, Mrs. SmithThompson., MISS CAROLINE THOMPSON.Middle Island, October. HI , iSlfl.'

• ¦ • CORAM i ' ' ' '.' .

- Mrs, Halliday and son visited Mrs.John Elsebough last week. -v The L. T. L. held its first meetingthis fall at the home of their ' leader.

Alphorise Kets, of !New York ,, spentthe week-end at the home of.D.; R.Davis. , -;-

W." L. Davis spent some days atRiverhead last week on court busi-ness. . .. ., • '

Dr. Oliver, of Morristown, Ni . J.,visited at > the home- of D. Ry Davislast week. .

J. G. Smith was drawn on. the; jurylast week, but was excused on account,of illness.

Mr. and Mrs. Harold entertained theRev.JIaroId Ellis over Sunday, whenhe'~ preached"-¦: in the Presbyterianchurch..,:'. ''¦. ; ' .,' ~ '_ '

Mr. and, Mrs. John Lee,, .of Con-,hecticiit, were recent guests of Mr.and Mrs. T. B. Lee. Mr. Lee had notbeeti here' in 'ten years, but lboks;;dsyoung qs ever. . . .

"> . '»

" - ¦

Constipation Dulls - Your BrainJ >That dull, lfstless, oppressed feelingis due to -impurities, in your system,sluggish livei-j clogged-inte'stines. Dr.fing's New Life Pills give prompt re-

ef. . A mild, easy, non-griping bowelmovement will tone up your systemand'help to clear youv muddy, pimplycomplexion. Get a bottle of Dr,King's New Life Pills to'day at ypiirDruggist,, 25c. A dose to-night willmake you cheerful at breakfast.— '¦Adyt. .;. " ,_ ' ..

' ""'. . "" ' / " •

'¦"¦ - .-"

Had No Belief In Balloons.Di-. Samuel' Johnson heard so much

talk-about-ballo---ns in the , last yearo£ hls . iifn ':07S-l) . that he became .un.-Epeahably bcrcd,. and ca ri tioijed Iiisfriends about brinclns; up that, si|b;ject , of cpnvcrsatioir when in his , coin;jiany. He. was contident fihat the .bal-loon could : serve ho good, purppse butthat of furnishing a rather foolish anddecidedly dangerous, aiausement to thewealthy few, "¦ '¦' ,:¦¦¦¦ ' ....

msit MM^

WHY YOU ARE NERVOUSTbe nervous s stmi is theialarm system

of tbe human body.In perfect health we hardly realize that

we have a network of ueives, but whenhealth is ebbing, when strength is declin-ing, the same nervous system gives th»alarm in headaches, tiredness,: dreamfulsleep, irritability and unless corrected ,leads straight to a breakdown.

-To correct nervousness, Scott's Emul-niou is exactly what you should take, itsnth nutriment gets into the blood pndrich blood feeds the tiny uerye-cells whilethe whole systfin rtsponds to its refresh-ing loutc force It is free from alcohol.

-Scott & ilawue, Stoouificlcl, W. /.

'": ,.; I * .EA STgORT^^WFr: ,i

Clifford Tuttfe'speiit^tVio 'weok-ondat home. '¦ ' ,. - *

Mrs. Ernstllff Tttttle spent Saturday;in the city. • ¦' * - ¦ .

Vernon Tuttle spent tlie week-end 1at r?loral.Pai'k. ' |

A large number are suffering front Ian epidemic of hard colds.

Mrs. i.eotiii.rd Tultle i.s, malting iinextondefl .visit; in Philadelphia.

Mrs. Cherry, of Maspeth , L. 1., in ;visiting Mr, and Mrs, Sperling. 1

Mr. and Mrs. IS. \V. Tuttle enter-tained a party of~frieiids. Tuesday evc-ning. . " "

Vernon . Tuttle is lettilei; ' far theChristian Eiuleavor nex t Siinda y eve-ninp''

Miss Elsie Howland lmr. a positionin the graded school at East Pat-chogue.

Miss G. Harriott Spholish spent theweek-end at her home in \Vest Ho-bnkt-n, N. .1, •

"Rev . ,W. B. , Petfet. .!eft, W^'Jnc.s((«.v

to allend the annual conference belliat C'pmOt M. J. . . , ,., .

Mvs... Goovgc C- . Tuftie arid' twp.daughters, .Veclln. and Eflie , 'spent . Fri-day in tlie city.

Capt, G. 'H.' , Seiiman- 'and: , EgbertRaynor r.tteryded the rally at River-head" Saturday night'.

Di-; L.. P. Hoole spent.McKlay lastwith his mother in Brooklyn , it beingthe- 'occasion of her birthday. '

Mrs. Orpha' Raynor anil Charles; Albin aro having their residences im- :t preyed with new coats of paint . !V Frc PPierson, sergeant in, the; army ;i i n Middi.etjijvvn, speni' the. week rend at' th p hpm.q of Miss Beatrice Penney.1 Mfc -rjiittertield , .of Lake ,Ronko'nr.¦ kpma, visited his dauglrter;, Miss But-i terfitjltl,', at ' Darius" Ruynpr 's recently.j -Mss- ttorlicrt . C. Tuttle , of Remsvn- '

buvgiVahd . Miss .Beatrice 'Penney Itave 1. Moijd'ay, for Dab'neyl '.Nprth' . Caroihiii. !

Mrs, 'Claude Landers antf - Misses !: Ka.thev.ine Raynor,.;i.nd Margaret Allen :: spent Thursday with" Mrs. George ', Tuttle. ' " " - ''-"¦'" '"'• ;

Mrs. Egbert Raynor enti'rta 'iiK'il her ;i mother, Mrs. Iloldeii , also Mr . . and:; Mr.s.' VViliis Tuttle, of Reinsenlj iirg,I Sunday-;'— .-_ "

.... .'.: ; '¦'_' .' „:. . ;_ _ - _ ':j Mrs. Florence Zenxazc is home from !! Westhampton Beach for the winter, ;. Mr.. Zenzaze has entered the Coast 1

j Guard seryice. , '- ¦; '"!, Quito a; crowd attended the Demo-j cratic rally Saturday afternoon and1 enjoyed the. speeches. Now we want _1 to hear the other side. | ". '"

A, regular.7,me*etipg . of,. Southsuie.: Giahge will , bo held ' Monday evening,;! October 16. The serving committee :j consists of Mrs. .7. W. Tuthill ,"chair- '1 nfiihr- Mrs. ' L. 1-". ' Hocilti, Robert;J Kotcham , Alfred Hedger and E.' W. i

Penney. ~

The county, convention of the I. O.G. T. lodge will be held at Westhamp-ton Friday, afternoon and evening.Thq delegates from this lodge areMrs. E. P-. Barrabre and Miss DeliaKetcham. "It is expected that quiter\.euciiuiii. 11, 15 GAUcsLCi, 1,1.0,*. IjUlVCa number from here will , attend.. The ' following;"" officers ' were, electedfor the Christian , Endeavor at ' the:Suh.dax. ovenirig session:" President,Vernon Tuttle; vice president, OliveSmith ; secretary, Miss Veella Tuttle;corresponding secretary , Mrs. EgbertRaynor;.. treasurer; Miss ;' MargaretBell; organist, Mrs. E. P. Barmor.e;

A business meeting,of the Ladies'Industrial, society was held Mondayevening at" the home of Mrs. OrphaRaynor. It was decided to hold theirannual banquet at the parsonage rjri-day evening, October 27., At this "tim e;the husbands of' the ' members, are'guests. They also decided to put: afloor in the small room of the churchas soon as the roof is repaired. Theladies are. also purchasing, a carpetfor the main auditorium. It was alsodecided to hold a Thanksgiving suprperVbut'the details wefe'no,t arrahged.It certainly' takes, the ladies , to 'makething's .move. ,' ' ; . . .

" " " ¦¦ ¦'¦¦' YAPHANK

Mrs. F. P. Marchant has been vis-iting., her., sister, vMrs. A. W. Phillips,in Patchogue.

, ' .- Mrs. .Anna, Warren, of SoutJiamp-ton, ;hss .be.ftrt spending a few days ather fprrrier residence here., Mrs. Geprge BJydenburgh, of: PortJefferson, is spending a f ew days, withher. parents, Mi-.' and Mrs. S. E. . Ho,-rnan/ , :' . ;.. . ; i -:, W,Uliarja'Ma.hler ,, a boy.whg was riih!..,ov,ev) fey an. a.ut6hiobile last , week and '.breaking his leg, is reported doing 1,well at the'^Brentwood sahatorium. ; [: Rey. A. J. Hines, u young. man who jhas bcerf.iii cha.rge of the Episcopal ;churches in Moricheg anil ' Yhphank ,!has resigned his charges and sailed!for Eiismii". hi- native , f.oiitiiry '. 'on iSaturday, where he expects to remainpermahenllji. ; ;

.:, Mr. and. Mrs. John Rogers anddaughters, of Southampton, made amotor call on old friends here on Sunrday Ml Rogcis and w i f e staited imairietl life neie wim. th . i l j yearsago, bvjt lemoved to Southampton aifew yeais aftci

At the Civic Association meptingiun KaturJay "V:,¦, ' ir«nlulior wab 1

Pd'ssetl to be piesmtetl to the TownBo\rd asking that tht unhm«hul w o i k iof the Mill Bam load bv building out ,the slmtewavs and other netts-.,ii \work bo done thi < . month if pos-|sible , instead of dtfeirir.g until "-pnnu,and it is the genertl \ws!i of the ul- ,l.ige that thw improvement U a t ithe present time Adam Mahlti wusleceivcd as .\ ntw meinbtr of the js -jsociation Membei^ -hip is open to iny l

desident of tht \ill.igo and vicimtiof cithci se\ by \otc of the society 'Membership fie ^0 cents i veai , with ilcgular melt ings once \ month in

, Grange hall |i ———

| Strict Truth"He said he was a hank cashier ,

' gnd u i 1'itenigated- diid loimd rhaiIb e w. W a t bank ' A ell , U na I'I .H '1 • ¦ii.l' ami li"s pa>aiustei of| lb • M i o v t l ZL _, £ — ll . twli t t ii a "M^ia


' MANORVILLE''" ""' " '*

''I*' - ' ¦ '* ""

Miss Mae Raynor has been visitingMiss Agnes Itowiuil at ,Babylon.

Francis X Gastiger spent Tuesdaywith his mother at South Manor. \

I Mrs. William Smith visited her sis-j tcr in Long Island City on Saturday.I' Mrs. Alfred Steel is very ill. Dr .I Warner , of Moriches, is at tending her.I Miss Goldie R. Lipotz spent Salur-! clay and Sunday with friends in Riv 'er-| head.' We understand that Frank Wiedtn-i hoff has sceui-ed a position in Mhhhnt-! tan. ' f

Mrs. William Case, of Brooklyn , isvisiting her mother , Mrs. Alida Riiy-no'r. , - ~ '

Mi*s Agnes Howa rd , of Babylon,made a short visit with relatives here¦ recently.

Mr.' , and Mrs. Edward Dittmicr; spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Wil-liam LcMion.

' Mrs. 0. E. Whito yir.itcd her sisters,; Mrs. M. J. Lane and Mrs. A. H. Kay-

iioi,, on Friday.Don't forget registration days on

Saturday, October ii and October 21,at ' Raynor 's hall.. Our local roadmasters have beeniuaknig some decided improvements toour Jiighways recently. ,

'. Mrs. Edward Melia, of Jamaica ,spent Sunday with her parents, Mr.and Mrs, Charles Bauer.

Miss Mabel. Edeson has returned, toher home in Manoryillc after spendingtlie summer in Wading River.

The Misses Grace .Meyers, AgnesBecken and Viola Lane are again at-tending High school at Riverhead.

Mrs. Walter King and childre n , ofCentre Moriches, visited . Airs. King'smqther, Mrs. A'l '.' E. Terry, on Sunday., Mr. and Mrs. Max Hoar have re-turned to, fJnookiyu after: spendingsome weeks '-at their farm in SouthManor.

Charles Walken the popular operator at the railroad cabinhere, spent Saturday and Sunday withiriendn at Flushing.

Mi. and Mrs. Philip Ditlmier anddaughter , Eleanor , visited Mrs. Ditt-mier's parents, Mr. and Mrs. PatrickDonovan; on Sunday.

Miss Goldie I J. Lipetz, ot Jiiverhwul,is again in charge of the West" Manorschool. We ar,e pleased to. welcomeMiss Lipetz to our midst.

Miss Oelite Movver, of .Herkimer, N.Y.,, ,is in. charge pf thu South Streetschool. Miss Mower is stopping withMi.' and Mrs. Gilbert Carter.- The school in Districl . 2, NorthManor, opened on Monday, October '.),with F.^ J. Overton in charge. Mr.Overton is stopping at the Manorvllle

House. ' SWild ducks are quite p\entiful here-

in the Peconic " 'river and adjacentponds. Our local sportsmen have beensuccessful, in bagging a number ' offine birds.

Alfred W. Hawkins, of East Sc-: tauket, Democratic candidate for 'sher-iff , visited friends here one day last; week. Mr. Hawkins is well known in' this section.1, ,!¦ ' IVIrs. John Barge and son , William,; have returned to their home in Brook-i lyn after spending the summer with: Mr. and Mrs. William B. = Walters atj Locust Grove farm.' The cranberry harvest is in fullI swing, at the time of. writing.. Supt.' Gordon of the Davis Bog has a large': force of pickers at work. J.j R. Eay-i nor also has quite a number' of pick-'¦ ers. The yield is somewhat short tliis. season.'¦> Our farmers are _ bnsiiy engaged( these days in shipping potatoes andj cauliflowers. With the present highI prices for these , commodities, aiid aj fairly good crop, fanners generallyI have no reason to be. otherwise thanj optimistic. . . - '. . '- . i . .i •<«i The members of Brookfield Grangei'flo. 1280 held their regular meeting[in Raynor's Hall on Saturday-evening,, October 7, Al?out twenty membersi were present, including members from; Calverton and other places. Bro. A.L. Downs, ot Mattituck, the countydeputy, accompanied by Mrs. Downs,was present, and gave a very interest-ing and . instructive talk, on matter?of ' interest to the Grange. BrotherReeves, entertained the' company with

j sorne banjo and vocal selections.All lenses promptly duplicated ; ex-

; aipinations made. R. C." Brown, Op-! tometrist, Riverhea,d.—^Advt.

Gentereach and Lake Grove

Miss Gi!acp Overton, of Coram, !spent the week-end.-with- Mrs. Scud-dei- Smith.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hawkins, ofCoram , spent one day last week WithMrs. S. T. Smith . '

Charj es Bruine and family, of theBronx,7 spent Sunday with Mi. andMrs. J: S. Coleman. . , , , . , -, ' . ,. - . ..

Mr. and- Mrs. Frank Newton , ofRonkonkoma, spent Sunday with Mr.and Mrs. W. W. Ruland.

Mr. and Mrs. George Peabocly andtamilv ,of Pattri ogue, spent Suiida ^ jwi th Mi and Mis Joins Coleman

Mr. and Mrs. J. Albert Post anddaughter, of Fsr Rockaway, spent!Sunday " tw ^r - > "•' \ t i> . W L Blv- 'ldenbuigh. i

Can Bilious Utacio Bt l'i e \ t n t t ' l 7

Pel ions who .ue subjei t lo bil iousattack's will bt inteitsttd i \ the e\penente of Mis Louise bhunkeVFrankfort, N Y "About five \e.u -, jago I suffc-eii a deal f iom in-digestion and billon tni-b," she srv i"I began taking C'i m b c i l a i n s Tablets and they relieved me at, taking two bottles of them 1have had no return of the trouble."

I Chambtilain's lahitts only cost 23cents pei bottle Whj not give them

i a tual get well and stay willFoi sale by all dealer* —Ad\t.

I At 'Least Once.Every married woman gives her hus-

band tiedit *oi possessing \.nod least ouco.ln bis .li:_

. . ... ,. .CALVERTON

" John Reeve is spending Home timeat his home here. ¦

Miss Rose Hoscoki in spending thewinter in New York.

William Reeve has sold his grocerybusiness to Henry Waetcrling.

The Ladies' Sewing Society of thoM. E. church met wi th Mrs. EgbertSmith last week.

Cranberry picking is about over onBrown 's marsh. Mr. Brown has aquantity of (inq berries.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Dickor.son a t evisiting their dau-ghter, Mrs. ChurlosCreightqn , of Riverhead.

Mrs. Romnine . Stevens, Jr., spentone.duy last week as the guest of. herparents, Mr. anil Mrs. Charles Beach ,ot Riverhead .

School opened here October f t - w i t hMrs. Austin Luce ,of Baiting Hollow ,principal, and Miss Anna Case, of Cut-chogue, primary teacher.

Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Karlein , of Pat-chogue, are the guests of Mrs. Kar-lein 's sister, Miss Nellie Reeve.

Mrs. Aust in Luee is stopping forthe winter wi th Mr. and Mrs. ObadialiSmith.

f t looks now as though the farmershere were going to do well this season.'It was so wet the first part of thesummer that many feared there wouldbe no crops at all , but with potatoesS1.3R per bushel and cauliflowers $2.7"iand S3 a crate, a rnueh brighter pros-pect is enjoyed.

Kev. 'William B. Schwcimle:' willpreach in the M. E.. church on Sun-day morning at 10.30 A. M„ takingfor his subject , "The Saeraincus ufLabor." Sunday school will reopenafter being closed for some time toabide by the health* rules. All areinvited to attend," " Epwoi-th Leiiguewill meet at 7 P. M. Topic , '•MissionsAmong the Women of "'India." Lead-er,.Mrs. E. E. Voting. Evening preach-'ng/ hy the pastor,'8 P. M. This willbe u seasonable topic—"Lessons fromthe Harvest." A cordial welcomeawnits you at all se-rviees. Come,help uiiil- . be- helped. . . . . , ,

Al l lenses'promptly duplicated ; ex-aminations made. It. 0. Brow n, Op-tbmetriiit , Rivei-he'ad.—-Advt. .'

I^or any iteliinc-ss of the skin , forskin*rashes , chap, pimples , etc., tryDoan 's Ointment. fiOe at all drugstores,—Advt.


S, M. Carter has purchased a newhorse, v -. , - _,. .. .. -.

Miss J. E. Fay made a trip to thecity one day latst week.

Miss Caroline!A. Hartougli is visit-ing 'Miss C. C. Tuthill. '

Miss Grace. Hudson has returnedto her home ' in Brooklyn:

Miss Ada Wells visited friends inBrooklyn a few days last .week. .

Miss Nellie Phillips spent-severaltlayf^ '.af her the past week.

Mrs. L.-.A. Major has returned homeaf.ter spending some time with rela-tives in the ejty. ¦"¦• '

Robert S. Guy has returned homefrom a two weeks' stay in New Yorkand -New " Jersey.

Mr. and Mrs. Sherwood Hawkins,of . Port Jefferson ^Station , were theguests of Mr... and Mrs. D. S. Hawkinslast Sunday. ;

Mr-; and,, Mrs. A. M. Howell, Jr.,returned Friday evening of last weekfrom their wedding trip, and wilf soonbe settled in their new" home.

William Miller and family, Mrs. N.J. Brucn , of Eatonville, Wash., andE.-S. .Miller spent Sunday at the homeof Henry Hallock at Lake Grove.-. Dr. Fleming and daughter, Flor-ence, and Mjrs. .Gilson spent the.;week-end,here< returning to the city Sun-day, having, closed "thsir "x houses fortho season, i " • '.-"¦"" •- Miss..Ruth Hawkins is spending- hervacation with Mrs. Otto: De-Friest atGreen's Farms, Gonn . .Before i rctii rii -ittg she expects to visit;in Bridgepoi^and: New Haven. ' Miss; Sue Hawkinsis performing hei- duties at the postcftice. ' -.- ;.. :, ; '., :. ,-. . . - ..

iUl lenses promptly du.plicat»d; ex-aminations" niacle. R. C. Brow n , Op-tometrist, Riverhead.T-Advt. .

Feel "¦' languid , weak, run down ?Headache.?-:, Stomach "off"? A goodremedy is Burdock,, Blood Bitters.Ask; your, druggist'.' '¦ Prie« Si .110.—-Advt. ""- "' ; "".v" '"" ""

: c^

y «L 3UK/ ^ Y9^ BIK TvuflSwB^^^- fegMBHC^L^^ B rSd^^^KlSr

That seal,"with all it rriean3 tothe public, Tfnighr well be puton every bottle that contains

PERUNA* No other remed/ e/er offered the

American pco'ulc has more friendsafter two rjenerations of success, noqtli»r remedy is moresienerally usedin thehomes of the people nootheihas been o enthwastically endors-ed by the thousands. i,

Th« Tcasr,n is found ia real merit. Fnr Bcongl 9 colili ca ar "i whe-her local orps>sEemic and tit lcraidcoilny followinitauy H

Ioftht-.abovo PLruaa% ill tic found CHLCUVC. ¦reliable and safe for nrr^ut&r appetite, ¦in-paired dmcstion aid rue down system it I

is kqiuvaluablc tome, ¦Peruna may be obtained in Itablet f crm for convenience. IThm ftiruha Company, Cofumbut, Ohio I

Why <'Anurlo" 1« an i1 Again^v Su d n/IJe lrs. j

Befoxa aix Insgrancef Cojnr ipatiy,*will |take 'a risk on your life the examiningphysician will test.the urine and report,whether you are £' good risk: T 'Whenj'bur kidneyS get sluggish . and clb&you snlfer from, backache,: sick-Keail-ablie, dri$y. spells, or|inae3' and :pu'ius 'ti-f .'lu"pib?.g'>:-- rheumatism, .andgout. The urihe ia ofteh cloudy, milof sediment; channels often got soroand sleep is disturbed tw:o or threetimes a night. This.:'is the; time jraa,Ehould" consult some physician of wide

r.->-pnri<.Tir-p—such as TDr. Pierce of theinvalids'"Hotel and Surgical institute:,,Buffalo, N. Y. Send him 10 cents fornamplo package of his new discovery,"Anuric " Write him ycur symptomaand send a sample of u-me for test,r.tnerisnce lias taught Dr, Piercu that"Alinnt" is tne uiuei, pcT.crfj ! csnr¥in dissolving uric acid, as hot -witter |moils sugar; besides being absolufely Iharmless ii> is endowed with otherpioperties, for it preserves the kidneysin "a healthy condition by thoroughlycleansing them. Being so many timesmore active tlrui hthia, it ^ clears thehia.1, Mlves t-f any sandy substanceswhich may clog them and ,checks thodegeneration of the blood-vebtelf , aswell as regulating blood pressure.'•Amino" is ft regular" insurance and

j li fe saver for allbigmeat eiters and thosow iic deposit hme-=arts in their joirte.A=k the druggist for "Anunc " put up

! hi Pr. T erce, in 50-cent, packages.

1 BnrMvton, N. Y.—"I have- taken onofoot o." Dr. Pior-o'* Anuric Tabli ts for

j larao baclt and wuk kidnpys and %% is1 m,i<.u "rjencfitcd. My hack commencedI it/ got beitcr soon after starting to useI tiio Tablets I do net have to v/allcj doubled t ver as I did before taking them.

5,Anur.o "i3 tho best remedy I Mvo crosI taken for what it is Intended fcc"—i Ma. A. a. VuAiih, Brusbtoiit W..S.