Inland Norway Energy Agency · Jelgava, 23.09.2015 . Inland Norway Energy Agency ... • Ung@miljø...

Inland Norway Energy Agency Presentation for Jelgava City Council Benoit Dugers, Energy Advisor Jelgava, 23.09.2015

Transcript of Inland Norway Energy Agency · Jelgava, 23.09.2015 . Inland Norway Energy Agency ... • Ung@miljø...

Inland Norway Energy Agency

Presentation for Jelgava City Council

Benoit Dugers, Energy Advisor

Jelgava, 23.09.2015

Inland Norway Energy Agency

• Create interest and committment on energy and climate issues in Inland region (46 municipalities/ 385 000 inhab.)

• Independent and non-commercial

• Owned by Hedmark og Oppland County Councils and Eidsiva Energy (regional energy company)

• INEA contributes to reducing greenhouse gas emissions through awareness raising and dissemination on energy efficiency and use of renewable energies


Who are we?

Inger Lise Willerud - Communications adviser

- Been at INEA since establishment in 2009

Ingrid Nytun Christie - Managing director - Experience: Climate advisory and power sector

Benoit Dugers - Energy Advisor - Energy Engineer - Specialist on energy efficiency

in buildings

Prioritised topics & target groups



Transport Children/youth




Why climate?

• Because the human impact on the global climate is clear (IPCC, 5th assessment report, 2014)

• Because the effects are here already: The atmosphere and ocean have warmed, the amounts of snow and ice have diminished, and sea level has risen (IPCC, 2014)

Why energy?

• Because the transition from fossil-fuelled energy sources to low-carbon and renewable energy sources is essential to move towards a safer, cleaner, more equitable and climate-friendly future

• Because promoting energy efficiency is the most rapid and cost-effective way to reduce greenhouse gases (GHG)

Why communication?

– 97,1 % of climatologists: People have an effect on climate, and we notice the changes already now

– 44 % of Norwegians worry for the consequences of climate change. This percentage is now declining.

– We are concerned with reducing our impact on climate, but we do not always follow up with concrete actions.

– We have to spread the word that this challenge is real and urgent, yet solutions already exists!

Energy Agencies in Europe

Our projects and involvment

• «From Words to Action!»

• 3 year project financed by the Ministry of Local Government and Modernisation

• More effective implementation of measures in local government energy and climate plans

• Inland as national pilot model, experience for other regions/counties

• 13 pilot municipalities in Inland

• 6 guides (passive house, EPC, EMS, CPS, ...)

• Ung@miljø – Climate Conference for Teenagers

Our projects and involvment

• Purpose: Sensitize youngsters and teachers to the climate issue and give them the tools to be climate friendly through exciting activities

• Free 2-day conference/workshop for youngsters age 15 to 19 years in the Inland region

• Theme: Climate change and sustainability

• Workshops, presentations, social activities

• ByggEnergi Inland – Energy and Building Conference

Our projects and involvment

• Purpose: Increase interest and knowledge for sustainable energy use in the building sector

• 1 day conference for public and private stakeholders in Inland: Networking + inspiration

• Theme: Ambitious sustainable buildings and «green» financing solutions

• KOSIBO - Pilot project about experiences with combined heating solutions

Our projects and involvment

• Purpose: Gather experiences about combined heating solutions from house-holds in planning and operating phases

• Financed by The Norwegian State Housing Bank (Husbanken)

• Follow and guide two households, collect data, guidelines report for the public

• Waterborne system: Combination of solar water heater and wood stove with water jacket

• Fossil heat-free Hedmark - Information campaign for phasing out fossil fuels for heating in residential buildings

Our Projects and Involvment

• Purpose: Replace fossil fuel oil with renewable and more effective heating solutions for households

• Background: 3-5% use of fuel oil in Norway. Will be prohibited for households in 2020.

• Information material, guidelines presentation from a neutral HVAC expert, three municipalities involved

• Grønn vei («Green Road»): Three-year pilot project in climate friendly transport

Our projects and involvment

• Purpose: Reduce GHG emissions from transport in the region’s municipalities

• Areas highlighted:

Acquisition of environmentally friendly vehicles (mainly electric)

Climate friendly transport in rural areas

Good and quantified targets in municipal energy and climate plans

Increase interest for biogas solutions

Our projects and involvment

• Two INTERREG projects - Green Drive Region and ecoINSIDE


• Partners in Norway and Sweden, promoting cross-border activities

• Green Drive Region:

Leading WP on electric vehicles

Biofuels and hydrogen

• ecoINSIDE:

Sustainable buildings

Recycling services and solar energy, developing interregional clusters

Our contribution for Jelgava City Council

Energy effective measures for sustainable buildings in Jelgava

• Questionnaire for information gathering

• Information gathering in Latvia

• Recommendations for exploitation and monitoring of new building + use of alternative energy sources for boarding school

• Participation in final conference in 2016

SIAT - Center for Sports Facilities and Technology

NTNU/SIAT – essential expert on the project

• Fields of activities

Virtual Center at Norwegian University of Science and Technology

PhD-, MSc-, BSc-programs

R&D-projects, research consultancy

Knowledge transfer

4 staff + 4 research assistants

NTNU/SIAT – essential expert on the project

Other subjects of interest from SIAT

• Energy use

Pool facilities, sports halls, ice rinks

• Indoor climate

The athletes demand

Air flow in large volumes

Demand control

• Sanitation

System analysis, water treatment

• Automation and control systems
