Initial ideas for preliminary task


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Transcript of Initial ideas for preliminary task

Page 1: Initial ideas for preliminary task

Initial Ideas

Evaluation of given brief

Ideas for Cover & Contents pages

Page 2: Initial ideas for preliminary task


The preliminary task I have been given is to create a school based magazine. Before starting my planning for my I will now research various other school based magazines to find their conventions.

Page 3: Initial ideas for preliminary task

Ideas for Cover & Contents pages

The photograph which I will use for the cover of my magazine will be taken by me in a photo shoot and chosen by looking at the following criteria- Lighting- Model interaction with camera & audience- Camera angle- Position & body language of model/s- How well the photo fits in with themes/stories- Overall feel of the photo

I have decided that I will use three female sixth form students who take English Literature at A-level to promote the incline in the amount of students choosing to study the course this year. I thought this would be a good idea as the story is relevant to school life and the shoot for the cover photograph would allow me to experiment with different angles and positioning within the school library. I also thought that the school library was a great place for the photo shoot to take place as it is the heart of the school as it is always busy with students and is full of books which ties in with the main cover story (splash).

Page 4: Initial ideas for preliminary task

Ideas for Cover & Contents pages

I like the idea of having a purple theme for my magazine as it is associated as neither a “girly” or “boyish” colour therefore would appeal to all students of all genders and ages.

I have decided that the title of my magazine will be “Rumour has it…”. I thought that this would be effective for a school magazine as the idea of a “rumour” has connotations of gossip and would attract students massively as they would wonder what they would find inside.

Having “Student Voice of Titus Salt School” as the strap-line would also encourage students to read the magazine as they would feel as if they have played a part in the ideas inside the magazine as it would be a time when they could have their say and input.

The stories I will include on the front of my magazine will be interesting and will make readers who glance at the cover want to know more.