Initial ideas

Initial Ideas The music video will be based on the genre known as ‘Indie Rock’ as this is the given genre to the song of choice. The video will follow a young man stuck in a troubling time of his life while reminiscing of the past he once had. The video will show his struggles in present time while highlighting the happiest times in his life that he once experienced in the past. The past will be of his childhood when he was free of mind and able to have fun. The present shots will be of his current situation being stuck into doing something he doesn’t want, growing up and living in the city. Setting: The video will be placed in two locations, one of his hometown; a small sub-urban town, and his current placement; a large city shown at night. His hometown will be shown in the duration of the day, as this will give the message across that it was a more pleasant time for him. While the city will be shown at night helping portray the dark embodiment of the city itself and how drastic its affects can be. Plot: A young man moves from the suburbs to the city taking a huge step in his life; however things aren’t as optimistic as expected as the city is taking a huge toll on his physical and mental healthy crippling him from the inside, draining him of his inner youth. In his time of struggle the young man reminisces of the times well spent when he was young before everything changed. Characters: Protagonist: young male, growing ever so fragile as he spends his time in the city trying to live. Small roles: Friends of the main characters past life, shown in a constant happiness, emphasizing how times were better then. Lighting: City: will be of dark lighting relying on the city lights, helping shown the harsh and dark environment the city is. Town: a mellow lighting emphasizing positive colours, helping show that it was a better time. Camera shots: Establishing shot, ECU, CU, MCU, Handheld, Tracking, Pull Focus, Shallow Focus, LS, ELS, MS; with these shots we are able to portray the environment around him, as it affects him greatly, while also maintaining close perspective of how its affecting him personally. Editing: Match on Action, 180 Rule, Eye Line match, Shot Rev Shot, Elliptical. Props: chair, glass bottle and camping fire.

Transcript of Initial ideas

Page 1: Initial ideas

Initial Ideas The music video will be based on the genre known as ‘Indie Rock’ as this is the given genre to the song of choice. The video will follow a young man stuck in a troubling time of his life while reminiscing of the past he once had. The video will show his struggles in present time while highlighting the happiest times in his life that he once experienced in the past. The past will be of his childhood when he was free of mind and able to have fun. The present shots will be of his current situation being stuck into doing something he doesn’t want, growing up and living in the city. Setting: The video will be placed in two locations, one of his hometown; a small sub-urban town, and his current placement; a large city shown at night. His hometown will be shown in the duration of the day, as this will give the message across that it was a more pleasant time for him. While the city will be shown at night helping portray the dark embodiment of the city itself and how drastic its affects can be. Plot: A young man moves from the suburbs to the city taking a huge step in his life; however things aren’t as optimistic as expected as the city is taking a huge toll on his physical and mental healthy crippling him from the inside, draining him of his inner youth. In his time of struggle the young man reminisces of the times well spent when he was young before everything changed. Characters: Protagonist: young male, growing ever so fragile as he spends his time in the city trying to live. Small roles: Friends of the main characters past life, shown in a constant happiness, emphasizing how times were better then. Lighting: City: will be of dark lighting relying on the city lights, helping shown the harsh and dark environment the city is. Town: a mellow lighting emphasizing positive colours, helping show that it was a better time. Camera shots: Establishing shot, ECU, CU, MCU, Handheld, Tracking, Pull Focus, Shallow Focus, LS, ELS, MS; with these shots we are able to portray the environment around him, as it affects him greatly, while also maintaining close perspective of how its affecting him personally. Editing: Match on Action, 180 Rule, Eye Line match, Shot Rev Shot, Elliptical. Props: chair, glass bottle and camping fire.

Page 2: Initial ideas

Costumes: Main character: (Adult) Smart Casual Clothes consisting of shirt, trousers, blazer and smart shoes. (Young):jacket, t-shirt and jeans, waxed hair (Based off our audience profile research). Friends: casual clothes based off our audience profile. Consisting of t-shirt, jeans helping show their age.