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Transcript of ING_SMA_B30

  • 8/10/2019 ING_SMA_B30


    1 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS


    In this section of the test, you will have the chance how well you understand spoken English. There

    are four parts to this section with special directions for each part..

    Part I

    Questions 1 4


    In this part of the test you will hear some dialogues and questions spoken in English. The questions

    and the dialogues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you must

    listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue and the

    question about it, read the five possible answers, and decide which one would be the best answer to

    the question you have heard.

    ow listen to a sample question.

    !ou will hear"

    Man " #o you use internet very often$

    Woman " !es, I do. I use it for communication.

    Man " %ow do you communicate with it$

    Woman " I send and receive emails, and I speak with my friends using voice mail.

    Narrator : &hat is the main topic of the conversation$

    A. %ow to use email.

    '. Internet usage.

    (. )eceiving emails.

    #. *oice mail.

    E. (ommunication.

    +ample Answer

    The best answer to this question is internet usage- therefore you should choose answer '/..

    1. A. )etrieving emails

    '. Internet connection problem

    (. 0( problem

    #. The internet isnt down

    E. The 0( isnt connecting

    2. A. The woman doesnt have money to buy the ticket.

    '. The woman lost her ticket.

    (. The music festival ticket has been already sold out.

    #. The woman doesnt know where to get the ticket.

    E. The woman will ask the man to buy the ticket.

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    2 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    3. A. %e lost his car key.

    '. %e had flat tire.

    (. %is new car is still in pro4ect.

    #. %is car is being repaired.

    E. %is car broke down.

    5. A. 6onas.

    '. Taman 6ini.

    (. +eribu Islands.

    #. +ea world

    E. 7ld town of 8akarta

    Part II

    Questions 5 7


    In this part of the test, you will hear some incomplete dialogues spoken in English, followed by four

    responses, also spoken in English. The dialogues and the responses will be spoken twice. They will

    not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are

    saying. !ou have to choose the best response to each question.

    ow listen to a sample question.

    !ou will hear"

    Man " &here are we going to stay$

    Woman " At the +un %otel, near the beach.

    Man " &hy there$

    Woman " 9 .

    Narrator : &hat will the woman most likely reply$

    A. +tay there.

    '. It provides e:cellent service.

    (. Theres a hotel there.

    #. Its on the beach.

    The best answer to the question is choice ' It provides e:cellent service.- Therefore you should

    choose answer '/.

    ;. 6ark your answer on your answer sheet.

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    3 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    Part III

    Questions 11


    In this part of the test, you will hear some dialogues or monologues spoken in English. Thedialogues or monologues will be spoken twice. They will not be printed in your test book, so you

    must listen carefully to understand what the speakers are saying. After you listen to the dialogue or

    monologue, look at the five pictures provided in your test book, and decide which one would be the

    most suitable with the dialogue or monologue you have heard.


    A #

    ' E


    ?. A





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    5 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS


    A #

    ' E



    A #

    ' E


    Part I!

    Questions 1" 15


    In this part of the test, you will hear several monologues. Each monologue will be spoken twice.

    They will not be printed in your test book, so you must listen carefully to understand what the

    speakers are saying. After you hear the monologue and the question about it, read the five possible

    answers and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.

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    ; L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS


    A. They imitate like ghost

    '. Their faces are bad

    (. They usually come out at night

    #. They live in treesE. They sometimes frighten people


    A. sing their paws

    '. They swallow it

    (. They catch their prey

    #. sing their hooked beaks

    E. sing their wings


    A. 0ress the button'. +elect the speed of the fan

    (. En4oy the breeBe of the wind

    #. 0lug the cord

    E. Turn off the fan


    A. %ow to operate the fan

    '. The function of the fan

    (. The use of air conditioner

    #. %ot weather in a dry season

    E. 0ress the button

    This is the end of listening section

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    < L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    Text 1. The following text is for questions 16 to 17

    Dear Lynn,

    I ust wanted to chec! that you ha"e recei"ed the landsca#ing #ro#osal I e$ailed to you last wee!. I

    ha"en%t heard &ac! and wanted to $a!e sure it went through.'an you #lease call $e &y Thursday so we can discuss( This is when our discount offer ex#ires,

    and I want to $a!e sure you don%t $iss it)

    The quic!est way to contact $e is &y cell #hone.


    *eter +chuell, wner

    -elia&le Landsca#ing, Inc.

    .1/.02 3office4

    .1/.55 3cell4

    16. Crom the te:t above we know that ....

    A. Dynn does not know how to communicate with 0eter'. Dynn has already called 0eter by Thusday

    (. 0eter sent his proposal on Thusday

    #. 0eter is the owner of )eliable Dnadscaping, Inc

    E. 0eters discount is unlimited

    17. ... that you ha"e recei"ed the landsca#ing #ro#osal....

    The underlined word is closest in the meaning to 9

    A. refused

    '. attended

    (. denied

    #. declined

    E. accepted

    Text 5. for question nu$&er 12 to 5

    #$B AD!%&'IS%M%N'

    Teaching 0ositions 2@12

    +6A aruda

    +6A aruda seeks applications from suitably qualified teachers for positions commencing April

    2@12. Applicants are invited to visit the website for more details, including a full position

    description, of the position advertised below.

    Teachers of English and 6athematics.CullFtime permanent position.

    Applications including (* and the names of three referees should be sent to" The 0rincipalGs

    Assistant, +6A aruda, 22 7rchid street, 6edan, 3;521.

    Applications closed &ednesday @1 April 2@12

    12. &hat is the te:t about$

    A. 4ob vacancy for teachers

    '. announcement of 8ob

    (. +6A aruda

    #. application letter

    E. fullFtime teacher

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    = L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    1. %ow can the readers know the requirements to apply the positions$

    A. +ee the newspaper

    '. browse the internet

    (. call +6A aruda

    #. send application letterE. see the 0rincipals Assistant

    5. ##lications including '8 and the na$es of ...

    The word (* has the same meaning with ...

    A. letter

    '. resume

    (. photo

    #. identity card

    E. letter of recommendation

    Text /. for question nu$&er 5195/

    Adam +andler plays the roles of both 8ackand 8ill. I had doubts before going to see the film

    as to whether the dualFrole would distract you from the film, but it didnGt and that aspect of it was

    performed quite well.

    The actual film was good and quite funny although sometimes the plot lines were not as clear

    as they could have been. 8ill was a very amusing character and she is everything that you would

    e:pect a sister who is known for being annoying. +he was embarrassing, annoying, rude and funny.

    I think that this film is suitable for most audiences although some of scenes could upset

    people who are easily offended. There are a couple of adult 4okes thrown in here and there but they

    are not too rude and would probably pass over young childrenGs heads.

    The film is quite interesting although it can get slightly boring at some points when a similar

    4oke is used again.

    7verall this film is good if you want a laugh and trip out but I would not choose it over

    another film. This film is quite good, but it is not as good as it had potential to be.

    +ource: htt#:;;"$;'o$edy9

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    > L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    5/. +he was embarrassing, annoying, rude and funny. paragraph 2/

    The word she- refers to ...

    A. The writer

    '. 8ack

    (. 8ill#. Adam +andler

    E. The reviewer

    Text 0. for question nu$&er 50957

    It was +unday, the end of my holiday indeed, when friends of mine suddenly came to my

    home and picked me up. They told me that we were going to go out of town. That was

    unpredictable and really surprised me because there was no any confirmation before.

    At ? oclock in the morning, we departed from my home and realiBed that the road was

    very crowded. Then, we decided to take freeway to save the time. Cor about thirty minutes later,

    we were out. 'ut not arrived yet. &e tried to find a store to buy some food and drink as our

    provisions. After we got them, we continued our trip to 'oyolali. &ell, it took appro:imately twohours to get there.

    In the afternoon, we arrived and came in to one of my friends house first. There, we could

    take some rest and had lunch together. After that, according to the plan, we had to continue our

    trip to go to Tlatar. 'ut, my friends mother asked us to take some fruit as gift. The fruit such as

    mangoes, rambutans and guava. It was out of our meant, but we accepted it. 7f course, moreover,

    they could complete our provisions, right$.

    After we got a lot of gift, we went to Tlatar, a special nature park and pond in 'oyolali. The

    way to get there was really nice, we could see the fields and woods around us with the beautiful

    mountain behind them. Curthermore, we could feel the fresh air which was difficult to be found in

    +emarang. In Tlatar, we could swim and fishing. &hile some of us were swimming, the others

    were fishing or 4ust en4oyed the view. &e also ordered some food and drink.

    The other and the last place we visited was 'adhe #am. It was big dam in 'oyolali. &e got

    there when it was getting afternoon around at five oclock. &ell, the situation there was really

    amaBing. It was the right place to calm our self and mind. The beautiful dam with the blue sky

    were really a wonderful mi:ture of nature. &e rela:ed and felt calm. And did not forget to take

    pictures together.

    At si:, we realiBed that it was getting to dark, we had to back to +emarang. +o, we decided

    to depart right away. &e were very glad and en4oyed our trip together. &e would never forget it

    50. &hat did they do before arriving in 'oyolali$

    A. It took appro:imately two hours to get there.'. They looked for a store to buy some food and drink.

    (. They went to their friends house.

    #. They took a rest and had lunch together.

    E. They went to Tlatar.

    5. %ow did they get the provisions before going to a special nature park and pond$

    A. They tried to find a store to get some food.

    '. They had lunch together in their friends house.

    (. They took some fruits from their friends mother.

    #. They bought some food at minimarket.

    E. They brought provisions from home.

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    ? L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    56. The followings are what they could get to the way to Tlatar, %()%P'...

    A. The way to get there was really nice.

    '. They could see the fields and woods around with the beautiful mountain behind them.

    (. They could feel the fresh air which was difficult to be found in +emarang.

    #. They could swim and fishing.E. They en4oy the view along the street.

    57. &hich place did the writer and her friends not visit in their holiday$

    A. +emarang

    '. Tlatar

    (. A special nature park

    #. A beautiful pond

    E. 'adhe #am

    Text . for the questions nu$&er 5295

    *o+ to ,-. a *ot Air Ba--oon

    A hot air balloon consists of a basket, four big gas tanks, a burner and the balloon or Henvelope.

    Cirst, the pilot puts four nylon poles into sockets on top of the basket. Then she puts the burner on

    top of the poles. e:t, she connects the cables to the burner frame. The cables also go under the

    basket in order to hold everything together.

    After this, she connects the hoses from the full gas tanks to the burner so that she can test it.

    e:t, two people hold the mouth of the balloon open while it is filled with cold air from the fan

    until it is quite fat and tight.

    ow for the difficult bit. The pilot lies on the ground, half in the basket. +he turns on the gas

    burner and points the flame into the Hmouth of the balloon. This is so that the balloon slowly

    stands up.

    &hen the pilot is ready to go, she heats up the air in the balloon a bit more. This results in the air in

    the balloon to be hot enough to get the balloon to rise off the ground.

    52. %ow many activity does she do before she connects the hoses from the full gas tanks to the


    A. 3

    '. 2

    (. 5

    #. 1E. ;

    5. The pilot turns on the gas burner and points the flame into the Hmouth of the balloon hoping

    that the baloon will ... .

    A. 'e filled with cold air from fan

    '. +lowly stands up

    (. 'e hot enough to get the ballon

    #. 'e heat up the air in the balloon a bit more

    E. )ise off the ground

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    1@ L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    /. The cables also go under the basket in order to hold everything together.

    The antonym of the underlined word is ... .

    A. rip

    '. #ischarge

    (. &ithstand#. eep

    E. )estrain

    Text 6. for the questions nu$&er /19/5

    An e:pectant mother has to avoid alcohol during her pregnancy. Too much alcohol in her blood can

    prevent the fetus from receiving necessary nutritional supply, and the baby will be born under the

    normal weight. There is also mounting evidence that smoking during pregnancy can do permanent

    damage to a childs health, and children of smokers tend to have higher incidence of respiratory

    infection throughout their lives. (learly, motherFtoFbe who smokes should think about quitting.

    Dikewise, e:pectant mothers have to be careful about the kind of e:ercise they do, and all veryvigorous e:ercise should be avoided. #uring pregnancy, medication must be carefully monitored as

    well. Too often drugs not harmful to mother can do serious, even irreparable, damage to the child.

    /1. &hat is the topic of paragraph above$

    A. The pregnant woman.

    '. %ow to get a healthy baby.

    (. %ow to save pregnant mother.

    #. The e:ercise for the pregnant woman.

    E. The suggestion for the pregnant woman.

    /5. The main idea of the above paragraph is JJJ .

    A. The pregnant woman must not consume alcohol.

    '. The pregnant woman must do vigorous e:ercises.

    (. The pregnant woman must take special precautions.

    #. The pregnant woman must not smoke cigarettes.

    E. The pregnant woman must save her baby.

    Text 7. for the questions nu$&er //9/

    If you like a war film, K&e &ere +oldiersK is the film to see. It is starred by 6el ibson and

    directed by )andall &allace. 6el ibson plays the leading role as Dieutenant (olonel %al 6oore.This film is about American heroism in *ietnam war. Dt. (ol. %al 6oore leads a battalion of +

    army in *ietnam. 6ost of his troops are young men that are innocent to war. %is mission is to seiBe

    a strategic valley named Da #rang or the valley of death. To motivate his young troops, he said, KI

    swear 9 when we go into the battle I will be the first to step on the field and I will be the last to

    step off. I will leave no one behind9dead or alive. &e will come home togetherK. All the troops go

    to the battle with braveness. The 5@@ + army fight with 2@@@ *ietnamese soldiers. Even though he

    fails to take control the valley, he can show his loyalty to his country and to each other. This multiF

    million production has some breathtaking scenes. It is a film full of suspense. The special effects

    and stunts are spectacular and create an atmosphere of tension. #ont miss watching it.

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    11 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    //. &hat does the te:t tell you about$

    A. A war film

    '. A critique to a movie

    (. A story about American soldiers

    #. A movie entitled &e &ere +oldiers-E. A battle of American soldiers and *ietnamese soldiers

    /0. &hich statement is not true according to the film$

    A. The film starred by 6el ibson and )andall &allace.

    '. 6el ibson is the main actor.

    (. The setting of the film is in *ietnam.

    #. Dieutenant (olonel %al 6oore gives his great motivation to his young troops.

    E. Dt. (ol. %al 6oore and his troops fail to take control the valley of death.

    /. %is mission is to seiBe a strategic valley named Da #rang or the valley of death.

    &hat does the underlined word refer to$A. 6el ibson

    '. )andall &allace

    (. Dt. (ol. %al 6oore

    #. American soldiers

    E. *ietnamese soldiers

    Text 2. for questions nu$&er /69/

    +moking is a bad habit that is very hard o break. +mokers are everywhere. 6any people

    smoke 4ust to socialiBe, but many others are too addicted to quit

    A cigarette is like a to:in hypermarket. !ou can find many kinds of to:in in it" acetone,

    carbon mono:ide, tar, arsenic, ammonia, hydrogen cyanide, and toluene. The tar itself contains

    more than 53 substances that can cause cancer. +cientists say that when we are smoking, we put

    more than 5,@@@ kinds of to:ic materials into our body.

    %owever, many smokers believe that a cigarette with low tar is less dangerous. And so is a

    filtered cigarette. 'ut the problem is one cigarette is never enough for addicted smokers.

    Another myth about smoking is that it cannot only make them awake but also raise their

    inspiration. This is contrary to the findings of a research in (alifornia which show that smokers

    ability to thinks is lower that of nonFsmokers.

    +moking is indeed a serious social problem in our country. The government keeps reminding

    that smoking is dangerous, not only for smokers themselves, but also for other people in thesurroundings passive smokers/. 'ut the warnings do not seem to get any response.

    /6. The te:t discusses about JJJ .

    A. Addicted smokers

    '. The kinds of cigarettes

    (. The danger of smoking

    #. The benefit of cigarette

    E. The chemical substances in a cigarette

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    12 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    /7. 7ne myth about smoking is JJJ .

    A. (igarette consist of to:ic

    '. It decreases the thinking ability

    (. +moking makes people stronger

    #. Inspiration comes after smoking cigarettesE. +moking disturbs blood circulation to brain

    /2. The te:t suggests that JJJ .

    A. A cigarette with low tar is healthier

    '. +moking is dangerous for peoples health

    (. There is not any nicotine in low tar cigarette

    #. Dow tar cigarettes are free from carbon mono:ide

    E. +moking many cigarettes with low tar is economical

    /. ... but many others are too addicted to quit- 0aragraph 1/

    The word addicted means JJJ .A. DaBy to do something

    '. &orried to do something

    (. nable to stop something

    #. )eluctant to do something

    E. &illing to stop something

    Text . for questions nu$&er 0905

    As with many insects, the glowFworms life is divided into four distinct stages" the egg, the larva

    equivalent to the caterpillar of a butterfly/, the pupa and the adult. The glowFworm begins its life in

    the autumn as a pale yellow egg. The freshly laid egg is e:tremely fragile but within a day its

    surface has hardened into a shell. The egg usually takes about 3; days to hatch, but the e:act time

    varies according to the temperature, from about 2= days in hot weather to more than 5; days in cold

    weather. 'y the time it is due to hatch, the glowFworms light organ is fully developed, and its glow

    signals that the egg will soon hatch.

    After it has left the egg, the larva slowly grows from a few millimetres into the siBe and shape

    of the match stick. The larva stage is the only time the insect can feed. The larva devotes much of

    its life to feeding and building up its food reserves so that as an adult it will be able to concentrate

    all its efforts on the task of finding a mate and reproducing. Throughout its time as a larva,

    appro:imately 1; months, the glowFworm emits a bright light. The larvas light is much fainter than

    the adult females but it can still be seen more than five meters away.In the final stage of glowFworms life, the larva encases itself in a pupal skin while it changes

    from the simple larva to the more comple: adult fly. &hen the adult fly emerges from the pupa the

    male seeks a female with whom it can mate. After mating, the female lays about 12@ eggs. The

    adult flies have no mouth parts, can not eat and therefore only live a few days. &hen people talk of

    seeing a glowFworm they normally mean the brightly glowing adult female.

    0. %ow long does the glowFworms egg normally take to hatch$

    A. appro:imately 1; months

    '. About 3; days

    (. About 2= days

    #. About 5; daysE. As long as autumn period

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    13 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    01. &hat does the larva do during the most of its life$

    A. concentrates all its efforts on the task of finding a mate and reproducing

    '. seeks a female with whom it can mate

    (. feeds and builds up its food reserves

    #. collects its food reservesE. encases itself in a pupal skin

    05. &hy cant adult glowFworm live longer$

    A. It has no mouth parts

    '. It leaves its pupa

    (. It cant concentrate all its efforts on the task of finding a mate

    #. It cant fulfill the shape of fully grown larva

    E. Its light is much fainter than the adult females

    Text 1. for questions nu$&er 0/900

    +6A Englishindo will be having a rand Alumni %omecoming on 6arch 1@, 2@13 at >"@@ pm at

    a4ah 6ungkur %otel and )estaurant as the celebration of 1@th Coundation Anniversary of +6A


    7n this regard, we are cordially inviting you to attend the said affair to meet your old friends,

    classmates, acquaintances and teachers, reminiscing memorable e:periences and sharing stories of

    success and most specially to renew our commitment to the noble ideals of our beloved Alma


    The registration charges are )p. 2;@.@@@,F per person payable at the venue. These charges include

    Alumni TFshirt, Alumni I#, Alumni souvenir, dinner, live band and raffle draws.

    Cor further inquiries, please contact our Alumni +ecretariat at @21/ 23=F23>3 or te:t us at


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    15 L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    Text 11. for questions nu$&er 0906

    The sugar glider is a marsupial, 4ust like the other Australia animals L the angaroo, the koala

    and the wombat for instant. The sugar glider is a possum L very similar to the tupai in Indonesia. It

    basically lives in trees. It eats leaves and fruit. %owever, the Australia sugar glider has a veryspecial skill. It can 4ump from tree to tree like a tupai but it can also Hsort of fly as well. In fact, it

    glides or terbang laying in 'ahasa Indonesia. &hen it 4umps from one tree to another it spreads its

    four legs out wideM and its e:tra skin also spreads out and function like a parachute.

    0. &hat does the te:t mainly tell us about$

    A. The oala.

    '. The sugar glider.

    (. The angaroo.

    #. The wombat.

    E. Australia animals

    06. 9 it spreads its four legs out wide 9

    The underlined word means 9

    A. E:ecute

    '. E:pand

    (. E:ceeds

    #. E:amines

    E. e:tends

    Text 15. for question nu$&er 07

    07. The paragraph below is not complete yet. Arrange the 4umble sentences phrases in order to

    complete it.

    'itchu 6atsuyma 7dori is one of the big three 'on dances in 7koyama 0refecture 9.

    1. +ome 8apanese welcome these spirits

    2. Ancestral spirits return to earth on the first night and leave on the last night

    3. It is commonly held during the 'on season

    5. 'y visiting and cleaning their family graves

    ;. Then they put the offerings of fruit and cake which bring in their butsudan on the graves

    The right arrangements9

    A. 1 L 5 L ; L 3 L 2'. 1 L 2 L 3 L 5 L ;

    (. 3 L 2 L 1 L 5 L ;

    #. 3 L 1 L 5 L ; L 2

    E. 3 L 5 L ; L 2 L 1

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    1; L30 Bahasa Inggris SMA/MA IPS

    Text 1/. for the questions nu$&er 029

    Earthquakes are one of the most deadly natural. &hat causes them$ eologists JJJ5>JJJ/ them in

    terms of a theory known as plate tectonics. (ontinents are floating apart from each otherM this is

    referred to as the continental drift. About si:ty miles JJJ5?JJJ/ the surface of the sea, there is a

    emimolten bed of the rock over which plates, or slabs, carry continents and sea floors at a rate ofseveral inches a year. As the plates separate from each other, a new sea floor is formed by the

    molten matter that was JJJ ;@ JJJ/ beneath. *olcanic islands and large mountain ranges are

    created by this type of movement.

    5>. A. e:plained

    '. e:plains

    (. e:plaining

    #. e:plain

    E. to e:plain

    5?. A. above

    '. besides

    (. below

    #. on

    E. within

    ;@. A. last

    '. formerly

    (. finally

    #. clearly

    E. definitely