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1 pack Rice sticks (Bihon noodles)For the Sauce:

1/2 to 3/4 lb ground pork 3 cups pork broth + 1/4 cup for cornstarch + 1/4 cup for atsuete 1 piece shrimp cube 4 tbsp of cornstarch dissolved in 1/4 cup pork broth 1 tbsp anatto powder (atsuete) dissolved in 1/4 cup pork broth 3 cloves garlic 1 small onion chopped 3 tbsp fish sauce 2 tbsp cooking oil

For the Toppings:

cooked shrimps (shelled) smoked fish (Tinapa) flakes pork chicharon (grounded) hard boiled eggs fried minced garlic spring onions lemon or calamansi extract


Heat cooking oil in a saucepan and saute' garlic and onion. Add the ground pork and cook for 5 minutes or until the pork turns brown. Add the pork broth (3 cups) and the dissolved annato (atsuete) Let it boil. Add a piece of shrimp cube and fish sauce then add the dissolved cornstarch. Cook until sauce becomes thick. Set aside.

Rice Sticks / Bihon Noodles

Place the noodles in a strainer and submerge in boiling water for about 2 minutes or until the noodles are cooked. Drain the noodles and transfer to a serving plate. Pour the palabok sauce and garnish with the toppings. Squeeze some lemon or calamansi. Serve hot and Enjoy!