Ing-Simple Past or Present Perfect

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Transcript of Ing-Simple Past or Present Perfect

Simple Past or Present Perfect - ExerciseExplanation: Present Perfect vs. Simple Past

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Choose the correct words or phrases.

1) Peter _____________ football yesterday.

2) They ____________the car. It looks new again.

3) Last year we _____________to Italy.

4) John and Peggy _____________the book. Now they can watch the film.

5) I ___________my friend two days ago.

6) We ___________another country before.

7) She ____________a new car in 2011.

8) I'm sorry, but I ____________my homework.

9) __________the game of chess?

10) The girls ____________their lunch yet.

Put in the phrases in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Past or Present Perfect. Example: I ______________ tennis since I ___ at school. (not/to play - to be)

Answer: I have not played tennis since I was at school.

1) I ____________my keys, so I can't open that door. (to lose)

2) Columbus ___________in the New World in 1492. (to arrive)

3) Nina ____________her leg. She is still in hospital. (to break)

4) He ____________here all his life. (to live)

5) Colin _____________for Brazil this morning. (to leave)

6) Last winter Robin ___________with his father in the Alps for three days. (to stay)

7) Ellen ____________with her left hand. (always/to write)

8) She ____________a language course in Paris last summer. (to do)

9) ___________anyone __________yet? (to phone)

10) I ____________Paul today, but I ____________him last Sunday. (not/to see - to see)

Put in the phrases in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Past or Present Perfect.Example: I ______________ tennis since I ___ at school. (not/to play - to be)

Answer: I have not played tennis since I was at school.

1) They ___________all the new words. They needn't worry about the test. (to learn)

2) Three people ___________him in hospital last Friday. (to visit)

3) Martin ___________for 50 miles on scenic routes three weeks ago. (to cycle)

4) We __________chicken Tandoori before. (never/to try)

5) _________a job yet? (you/to find)

6) Emily and Molly _________each other for more than 10 years now. (to know)

7) First he ____________to the announcement, then he _____________to a caf for a drink. (to listen - to go)

8) She ___________late four times this week. (to be)

9) What's that lovely smell in here? - Jasmin __________a yummy cake. (to bake)

10) The Titanic ___________an iceberg in 1912 and ____________within three hours. (to hit - to sink)

Put in the phrases in brackets into the gaps. Use Simple Past or Present Perfect. Example: I ______________ tennis since I ___ at school. (not/to play - to be)

Answer: I have not played tennis since I was at school.

Toggle example

1) The police ___________two people early this morning. (to arrest)

2) She ___________to Japan but now she ___________back. (to go - to come)

3) Dan ____________two tablets this year. (already/to buy)

4) How many games _____________so far this season? (your team/to win)

5) ____________the CN Tower when you ____________in Toronto? (you/to visit - to stay)

6) ____________your homework yet? Yes, I ___________it an hour ago. (you/to do - to finish)

7) There ____________an accident in High Street, so we have to use King Street to get to your school. (to be)

8) I _____________Peter since I ____________last Tuesday. (not/to see - to arrive)

9) Frank ___________his bike last May. So he ___________it for 4 months. (to get - to have)

10) I'm sorry, I ____________earlier, but I ___________a lot lately. (not/to write - to work)

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