Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students...

The Chinese University of Hong Kong CUHK Business School Undergraduate Office Integrated BBA Programme Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 For All IBBA Students (4-Year Curriculum) A. Content B. Enquiry Please call (852) 3943-7746 or email [email protected]. Appendix Title 1 Guidelines on Concentration Selection 2 Recommended Course Patterns 3 (a) Concentration Areas (b) Concentration Area Requirements 4 Information on Concentration Application for 2020-2021 5 Available Major Elective Courses coded DSME/ FINA/ MGNT/ MKTG in 2020-2021 (tentative)

Transcript of Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students...

Page 1: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CUHK Business School

Undergraduate Office

Integrated BBA Programme

Information on Concentration Selection

in 2020-21

For All IBBA Students

(4-Year Curriculum)

A. Content

B. Enquiry

Please call (852) 3943-7746 or email [email protected].

Appendix Title


Guidelines on Concentration Selection

2 Recommended Course Patterns

3 (a) Concentration Areas

(b) Concentration Area Requirements

4 Information on Concentration Application for 2020-2021

5 Available Major Elective Courses coded DSME/ FINA/ MGNT/

MKTG in 2020-2021 (tentative)

Page 2: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CUHK Business School

Undergraduate Office

Integrated BBA Programme

Guidelines on Concentration Selection

A. About double concentrations

The BA Faculty encourages its most capable students to take two concentrations. This helps to

differentiate an individual by providing them with a wider scope of knowledge and information. It

also highlights one’s time management and ability to comprehend different fields of expertise.

Students who do double concentrations come out with a highly competitive edge.

To successfully manage double concentrations, you should note several critical considerations.

Planning your coming years of study carefully will help you make sure that are maximizing the

time you spend here. The following guidelines will help you in your decision-making.

B. Selecting a concentration

1. Interest – Are you eager to acquire more knowledge in this concentration?

2. Ability – Are you confident in your abilities to excel in this concentration?

3. Career aspirations – Are you planning to pursue a career related to this concentration?

4. Future development – Does this concentration align with your future career and personal

development plans?

5. Personal commitment/responsibility –Will you be able to commit the effort to excel in this

concentration? Will you be able to face problems that you may encounter?

C. Reasons to take a single concentration

1. You do not find a second subject that interests you.

2. You plan to spend a significant portion of your time in various extracurricular activities.

3. You are heavily engaged in a personal commitment.

4. You are doing a minor programme.

5. You have been admitted to or plan to participate in the Leadership Development


6. You would find it too challenging to manage your time.

App. 1 (4-Year Curriculum)

Page 3: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

D. Who should take double concentrations?

1. You are highly competitive.

2. You plan and organize your time well.

3. You have a strong interest in learning about another field.

4. You have clear personal study objectives/plan and are very sure of the path that you want

to take.

5. You are not having difficulty in handling your current course load.

6. You previous term(s) academic results are strong.

E. Important notes and advice for choosing double concentrations

1. A course cannot be used to simultaneously fulfill the requirements of two different

concentration areas except for specific courses as stipulated in the explanatory notes.

2. If students are unable to fulfill the requirements of any concentration within the normal

study period, the Associate Dean (Undergraduate Studies) reserves the right to assign

“General Business” as the concentration upon graduation.

3. Prerequisites required for advanced courses should be carefully identified.

4. Keep track of your progress.

F. Planning for success

1. Due to the limitations of timetable scheduling, there may be a higher possibility of

clashing schedules between courses across different concentration areas. Enrollment

in courses for any concentration areas will NOT be guaranteed. Taking concentration

courses starting from Year 2 is highly recommended.

2. Students are strongly advised to take courses in the Summer Session / International

Summer Programme so that workload during normal terms is more manageable.

3. Students are allowed to claim exemption of up to two courses within each declared

concentration area based on those course(s) completed during overseas exchange.

Page 4: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CUHK Business School

Undergraduate Office

Integrated BBA Programme

Recommended Course Patterns

Applicable for Major Students admitted from 2019-20 (for reference only)

Opting for Single Concentration

Year 1: DSME1030, DSME1040, MGNT1020 and MGNT2511.

10 units

Year 2: ACCT2111, DSME2011, IBBA3040, MKTG2010, ACCT2121, FINA2010 and one

concentration course. 20 units

Year 3: ACCT2151 or 3151, DSME2030, DSME2051, MGNT2611 and two concentration courses. 16-17 units

Year 4: MGNT2512, MGNT4010 and two to three concentration courses. 10-13 units

Total: 56-60 units

Opting for Double Concentrations

Year 1: DSME1030, DSME1040, MGNT1020 and MGNT2511. 10 units

Year 2: ACCT2111, DSME2011, IBBA3040, MKTG2010, ACCT2121, FINA2010 and two

concentration courses. 23 units

Year 3: ACCT2151 or 3151, DSME2030, DSME2051, MGNT2611 and three concentration courses. 19-20 units

Year 4: MGNT2512, MGNT4010 and five to seven concentration courses. 19-25 units

Total: 71-78 units

App. 2 (4-Year Curriculum)

Page 5: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

Department of Decision Sciences and Managerial Economics 決策科學與企業經濟學系

Business Analytics (BAN) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Prof. GONG Xiting, DSME Department]

Modern businesses need to make managerial decisions in the presence of vast amount of information

generated through technology-based transactions in various business processes. These organizations

use data management, statistical methods and quantitative modeling skills to analyze their internal and

external business environments and gain strategic advantages over their competitors. This

concentration will equip students with knowledge and tools that can help them derive useful

information from business data and utilize the information intelligently in making faster and more

effective business decisions.

商務分析 (BAN)


Business Economics (BEC) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Dr. YUEN Chi Lok Andrew, DSME


In order to maintain a competitive edge, business leaders are required to have an in-depth understanding

of the dynamic environment in which it operates and the ability to quickly come up with insights and

solutions. The structured programme of this concentration is designed for those seeking to apply

managerial economics to solving problems and understanding real-world business environments.

Courses in this concentration provide an economic perspective on how enterprises operate in a market

environment, particularly in corporate strategy formulation and decision-making. Emphasis will be on

the application of economic principles and theories to major business decisions. Advanced

macroeconomics and its applications on global economy will also be discussed.

商業經濟學 (BEC)


Department of Finance 金融學系

Finance (FIN) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Prof. FONG Wai Ming, FINA Department]

The Finance concentration consists of a comprehensive curriculum in finance, which covers

mainstream subjects such as corporate finance, financial engineering, and financial institutions, and




App. 3a (4-Year Curriculum)

Page 6: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

related subjects such as insurance and real estate. To meet the need of different students, the Finance

Department offers a long list of courses for this concentration. In response to the needs of Hong Kong

and Mainland China's financial markets, course coverage is very much biased towards the Hong Kong

and Mainland institutional environment. However, students will also be exposed to international issues

and practices. Graduates with this concentration can work in business and finance areas or pursue

advanced studies in finance.

金融學 (FIN)


Department of Management 管理學系

Human Resource Management (HRM) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Mr. CHIU Chi Ming Jimmy,,

MGNT Department]

The Human Resource Management Concentration instills in students a systematic approach to

managing organizations through the functions of planning, organizing, leading, communicating and

controlling. Students also learn to appreciate the importance of innovation and change management in

enhancing organizational performance. Besides the core understanding of organizational behavior,

several professional human resource management courses, such as Human Resource Planning and

Staffing, Human Capital Training and Development, Managing Employment Relations, Leadership

Development and Global Strategic Human Resource Management, are offered.

人力資源管理學 (HRM)


Management of International Business (MIB) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Dr. NG Wing Fung

Frank, MGNT Department]

With a team of top ranked international business faculty and continuous commitment in offering

unparalleled international business education, the MIB concentration has been welcome by students who

desire to work overseas or in a globally-connected organization, develop a global and

culturally-sensitive business mindset, as well as leverage business opportunities and mitigate problems

arising from differences in countries and cultures. The MIB concentration holds a vision to prepare

students for a career capitalizing on a global business worldview and opportunities spanning across

borders. The unprecedented curriculum is composed of progressive and transformative learning with

courses that are designed to engage students in understanding global business environments, solving

strategic and management issues related to multi-cultural businesses or multinational corporations, as

well as keeping updated about current thematic global management concerns. In addition, MIB

students will have vast inter-cultural interactions and networking opportunities via various experiential

learning initiatives throughout the curriculum. Students graduating from the concentration are adroit at

leading teams and organizations in the global economy.

國際企業管理學 (MIB) 擁有著一支領導國際商業研究及不斷致力提供優質國際商業教育的團隊,國際企業管理學 (MIB)深受一群希望在海外或國際性企業工作、培養全球和文化敏感度高的商業思維、及借助國家和文化差異營造商機和解決問題的學生歡迎。MIB 課程為學生建立一個從跨越國界的全球商業世界觀和機遇中獲益的事業作準備。這與別不同的課程是由漸進性和變革性的學習組成,課程旨在讓學生瞭解全球商業環境、解決與多元文化業務或跨國企業相關的策略和管理問題、以及探討當前全球管理的最

Page 7: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,


Entrepreneurship (ENT) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Dr. NG Wing Fung Frank, MGNT


The Entrepreneurship Concentration (or the DING programme) centers on the mission “to put a ding in

the universe.” The concentration aims to equip students with a mindset and competence to create

and/or lead an innovative organization around the world. The curriculum kicks off by entrepreneurial

"D"iscovery with courses for the development of entrepreneurial mindset and strategic opportunity

recognition and exploitation. The second stage focuses on “Innovativeness”, “Newness”, and “Growth”:

how new business ideas and products can be developed to take advantage of multiple sources of

innovation such that new or existing organizations can grow and sustain in dynamic and competitive

environments. The curriculum will wrap up by a capstone course that aims at providing experiential

learning to students to have real entrepreneurship practice and opportunities for networking. This

concentration prepares students for the success of exciting career in professions (in technology sector,

business consultancy, global and digital economy, and social enterprises or non-profit organizations),

and life-goal pursuit that requires solid knowledge of entrepreneurship complemented by concrete skills

and experiences.

創業學 (ENT)

創業學 (或 DING 課程 ) 圍繞著“為世界帶來改變”這中心使命。本範疇的目的是使學生具備在世界各地創建和領導創新組織的心態和能力。課程由創業 "發現 "


"創新 " ("I"nnovativeness)、"嶄新 " ("N"ewness) 和 "增新 " ("G"rowth): 如何開發新的商業理念和產品,以利用多種創新來源,使初創或現有的企業能夠在不斷變化和充滿競爭的環境下成長和持續。課程將以一個頂峰項目課程完結。該課程旨在為學生提供體驗式學習,使他們有真正的創業實踐和建立網路的機會。本課程為學生成功在科技領域、諮詢服務、全球和數據經濟及社會企業或非營利組織的事業上作好準備,並輔助他們在人生目標追求上,獲得紮實的創業知識,以及具體的技能和經驗。

Department of Marketing市場學系

Marketing (MKT) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Prof. SHEN Luxi, MKTG Department]

This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing

communications, advertising, brand management, service marketing, strategic marketing, etc. This

marketing concentration emphasizes the balance between marketing theories and real world practices.

Students will be given opportunities to expose to the dynamic marketing world through activities

outside classroom such as joint-projects with international corporations; seminars delivered by

renowned business executives; company visits and so on. This concentration will nurture students to

realize their potential and become successful future marketers.

市場學 (MKT)


Big Data and Quantitative Marketing (BQM) [Academic Advisor for 2019-20: Prof. HU Mantian

Mandy, MKTG Department]

In the big data era, many organizations collect and maintain huge amount of customer data which can be

analyzed and applied to support marketing decisions. There is a strong demand in Hong Kong and China

Page 8: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

for quantitative marketers who are well-versed in data analytics, statistic modeling and computer science

knowledge while they speak the language of marketing. In view of this new marketing trend, the

Department of Marketing has offered a new concentration focused on big data and quantitative

marketing to BBA students since Fall 2010. This concentration prepares students an exciting career to

work as quantitative marketers, business analysts, internet marketers, managers of BIU (Business

Intelligence Unit) in various industries.

大數據與計量營銷學 (BQM)

在現今資訊年代,很多機構都擁有海量顧客數據,並分析及應用數據攺進營銷策略。不論在香港或國內,量化營銷人員的需求日増。量化營銷人員不單了解大數據,掌握數據分折技術,更重要的是要懂得如何應用數據與科技於營銷。市場學系於2010-2011 年度開始提供大數據與計量營銷範疇課程。同學畢業後可在不同行業從事量化營銷,互聯網營銷,「商業智能」經理等專業。

Integrated BBA Programme 工商管理學士綜合課程

General Business (GEB)

(i) 3 units of DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG courses at 2000 or above level; and


12 units of DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG courses at 3000 or above level, excluding the courses

taken for fulfillment of requirement (i), with no more than three 1-unit FINA courses

綜合商務 (GEB)

( i) 從 DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG 2000 或以上程度的科目選修 3 學分;及

( i i )

從 DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG 3000 或以上程度的科目選修 12 學分,已用作

符合 ( i)之選修科目除外,當中不可選修多於三科 1 學分的 FINA 科目

* For details, please refer to the “Requirements of Concentration Area” in Appendix 3b.

* 詳情請參考附件 3b“專修範圍之規定”.

Note: The following combination of concentrations is impermissible:

(1) Marketing + Big Data and Quantitative Marketing

Page 9: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CUHK Business School

Undergraduate Office

Integrated BBA Programme

Requirements of Concentration Area

(Applicable for students admitted in 2019-20)*

a Business Economics (BEC)

(i) DSME2021, 4110;

(ii) 2 courses selected from: DSME3000, 3011, 3030, 3050, 3080, 3090, 4040, 4080; and

(iii) 1 DSME course at 3000 or above level, excluding the courses taken for fulfillment of requirement

(i) or (ii)

b Business Analytics (BAN)

(i) DSME2021, 2040, 4020;

(ii) 1 course selected from: DSME4070, 4240, 4260; and

(iii) 1 course selected from: DSME3030, 4030, 4110, 4220, 4280, MKTG4120

c Finance (FIN)

(i) DSME2021 or FINA2020; and

(ii) 15 units of FINA courses at 3000 or above level, with no more than three 1-unit FINA courses

d Entrepreneurship (ENT)

(i) MGNT1070, 2070, 3070, 4170; and

(ii) 2 courses selected from: MGNT4070, 4090, 4130, 4270, 4570

e Management of International Business (MIB)

(i) MGNT3080, 3580, 4150; and

(ii) 3 courses selected from: MGNT3010, 4080, 4090, 4130, 4140, 4510, 4530, 4540, 4550, 4570, 4600,


f Human Resource Management (HRM)

(i) MGNT2040, 3010, 3090; and

(ii) 3 courses selected from: MGNT3040, 3060, 4050, 4060, 4080, 4110, 4130, 4140, 4620

g Marketing (MKT)

(i) MKTG3010, 3020, 3030, 4040; and

(ii) 2 courses selected from: MKTG3040, 3050, 4010, 4020, 4030, 4050, 4070, 4080, 4090, 4110

h Big Data and Quantitative Marketing (BQM)

(i) MKTG3010, 3060, 4080, 4120; and

(ii) 2 courses selected from: MKTG3020, 4030, 4050, 4070, 4090, 4150, 4160

i General Business (GEB)

(i) 3 units of DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG courses at 2000 or above level; and

(ii) 12 units of DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG courses at 3000 or above level, excluding the courses taken

for fulfillment of requirement (i), with no more than three 1-unit FINA courses

App. 3b (4-Year Curriculum)

Page 10: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

Explanatory Notes:

1. ACCT/DSME/FINA/IBBA/MGNT/MKTG courses at 2000 and above level (excluding

ACCT2111, 2121, IBBA3040, MGNT2511 and 2512) will be included in the calculation of

Major GPA for honours classification.

2. Double concentrations in Marketing and Big Data and Quantitative Marketing are not allowed.

3. DSME2021 and the associated units can be used to satisfy concentration requirements of double

concentrations within (a) to (c).

MGNT3010 and the associated units can be used to satisfy concentration requirements of double

concentrations within (e) and (f).

4. Courses taken for the concentration requirements of General Business Concentration cannot be

counted towards the requirements of concentrations (a) to (h).

5. Students claiming Entrepreneurship Concentration are not allowed to declare Minor in

Entrepreneurship and Innovation.

[a] ACCT2151 and 3151 are mutually exclusive. Students who would like to pursue a career in

accounting profession are advised to take ACCT3151 instead of ACCT2151.

* For students admitted in other years, please refer to the study scheme at

Page 11: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CUHK Business School

Undergraduate Office

Integrated BBA Programme

Information on Concentration Application for 2020-21

A. Important notes

1. All IBBA students admitted in 2019-20 are required to submit an Online “Study Plan for

Proposed Concentration Area in 2020-21” to the Undergraduate Office through the following

web site: <> from Monday, 2 March

2020, 9:00 a.m. onwards. The deadline for submission is Monday, 9 March 2020, 3:00 p.m.

2. All the information is of vital importance to departments for planning the course offerings for

2020-21 and beyond. It will be reflected in the planning of the course offerings by

departments for 2020-21 and thereafter.

3. Students may manage or declare their concentration under CUSIS with effect from 2011-12.

Students should declare the concentration when they have already registered ALL the

concentration courses. The application period for the declaration of concentration will be

announced by the Registration and Examination Section (RES) afterwards.

B. Timelines

C. Enquiry

Please call (852) 3943-7746 or email to [email protected].

Date (in 2020) Event Remarks

24 Feb Email for the Arrangement for IBBA

Concentration Briefing Sessions

From 2 Mar Information for 2020-21 is available

on the website


9:00 am, 2 Mar (Mon) to

3:00 pm, 9 Mar (Mon)

Online submission of “Study Plan for

Proposed Concentration Area in


plan/start.asp (The password is different from OnePass.

For new users, please click "Get or Forget


After 9 Mar

Your submission will be proceeded for

planning the course offering for

2020-21 and thereafter


App. 4 (4-Year Curriculum)

Page 12: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

The Chinese University of Hong Kong

CUHK Business School

Undergraduate Office

Available Major Elective Courses coded DSME/FINA/MGNT/MKTG

in 2020-2021 (tentative) All courses below are 3 units each.



Code Title Prerequisite


Code Title Prerequisite

DSME2040 Business Analytics --- FINA3010 Financial Markets FINA2010 or 2110 or 2310 or

permission from instructor

DSME3030 Business Forecasting DSME2010 or 2011 and

2020 or 2021 FINA3020 International Finance

FINA2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor

DSME3050 Global Economics DSME1030 and 1040 FINA3030 Management of Financial Institutions FINA2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor

DSME3080 Macroeconomics for Managers DSME1030 and 1040 or

equivalent courses FINA3040

Central Banking and Regulation of

Financial Institutions

FINA2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor

DSME4020 Decision Modeling and Analytics --- FINA3060 Real Estate Finance and Investment FINA2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor DSME4040

Managerial Economics in the

Information Age DSME1030 and 1040 FINA3070

Corporate Finance: Theory and


FINA2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor

DSME4070 Data Management and Big Data

Analytics --- FINA3080

Investment Analysis and Portfolio


FINA2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor

DSME4110 Economic Analytics DSME1030 and 1040 FINA3210 Risk Management and Insurance FINA2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor

DSME4220 Data Mining for Business


DSME2011 and 2021

or permission of instructor FINA3220 Life Contingencies I FINA2210 or 2200

DSME4240 Supply Chain and Logistics

Analytics --- FINA3230 Life and Health Insurance FINA3210

DSME4260 Business Process Analytics --- FINA3240 Corporate Property and Liability

Insurance FINA3210

DSME4280 Network and Security --- FINA3250 Derivatives for Actuaries I ---

FINA3290 Linear Models for Actuaries FINA2230 or STAT2006 or

permission from instructor

FINA3295 Advanced Statistical Modeling for

Insurance and Finance

DSME2021 or FINA2230 or

STAT2006 or permission from


FINA4040 Cases in Corporate Finance FINA3070 or

permission from instructor

FINA4050 Mergers and Acquisitions FINA3070 or permission from


FINA4060 China Finance FINA 2010 or 2011 or 2110 or


or permission from instructor

FINA4110 Options and Futures FINA3080 or

permission from instructor

FINA4120 Fixed Income Securities Analysis FINA3080 or

permission from instructor

FINA4130 Empirical Finance FINA3080 or

permission from instructor

FINA4140 Computational Finance FINA3080 or

permission from instructor

FINA4150 Quantitative Methods for Financial


FINA3080 or

permission from instructor

FINA4160 Intermediate Financial Theory FINA3080 or

permission from instructor

FINA4210 Life Contingencies II FINA3220 or

permission from instructor

FINA4220 Non-life Actuarial Models FINA2220 or STAT2001 or

permission from instructor

FINA4250 Applications of Risk Models FINA3220

FINA4280 Derivatives for Actuaries II FINA2210, 2220 and 3250

FINA4370 Derivatives Trading: Analysis and

Strategies FINA4110

FINA4380 Algorithmic Trading Strategies,

Arbitrage and HFT FINA4110

FINA4390 Banking and Finance Practicum

At least 3 FINA courses at

3000-level or above, and

permission from instructor

FINA4400 Behavioral Finance FINA3080 or

permission from instructor

App. 5 (4-Year Curriculum)

Page 13: Information on Concentration Selection in 2020-21 · This concentration is designed for students with interest in marketing such as integrated marketing communications, advertising,

All courses below are 3 units each.


Course Code Title Prerequisite Course Code Title Prerequisite

MGNT2040 Managing Human Capital HTMG1010 or

MGNT1010 or

MGNT1020 MKTG3010 Marketing Research

DSME2010 or

DSME2011 or STAT2006

MGNT3010 Organizational Behaviour HTMG1010 or

MGNT1020 MKTG3020 Consumer Behaviour MKTG2010

MGNT3040 Human Resource Planning and Staffing MGNT2040 MKTG3030 Integrated Marketing Communication MKTG2010

MGNT3060 Human Capital Training and Development MGNT 2040 or

permission from instructor MKTG3040 Salesmanship and Sales Management MKTG2010

MGNT3580 Global Enterprise Management --- MKTG3050 Global Marketing Management MGNT2510 and


MGNT4050 Talent Performance Management Systems

and Strategies

MGNT2040 or

permission of instructor MKTG3060 Big Data Strategy in Marketing MKTG2010

MGNT4060 Managing Employment Relations MGNT2040 MKTG4010 Organizational Marketing MKTG2010

MGNT4080 Leadership Development HTMG1010 or

MGNT1020 MKTG4020 Retail and Channel Management MKTG2010

MGNT4090 Technology and Innovation Management HTMG1010 or

MGNT1020 MKTG4030 Service Marketing MKTG2010

MGNT4130 Management Consulting and Change


HTMG1010 or

MGNT1020 MKTG4040 Strategic Marketing MKTG2010

MGNT4140 Global Strategic Human Resource


MGNT2040 or approval

from instructor MKTG4050 Seminar in Marketing MKTG2010

MGNT4150 Global Strategy MGNT1020 MKTG4070 Marketing in China MKTG2010

MGNT4510 China Business MGNT1020 MKTG4080 Digital Marketing MKTG2010

MGNT4540 Asian Business MGNT1020 MKTG4090 Marketing Analytics MKTG2010

MGNT4570 Global Entrepreneurship

At least 2 2000-level or

above courses in Faculty

of Business

Administration or

Department of Economics

MKTG4110 Strategic Brand Management MKTG2010

MKTG4120 Marketing Engineering MKTG2010 and 3010

MKTG4150 New Product Management MKTG2010

MTKG4160 Pricing MKTG2010 and3010