INFORMATION ON AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF 5.1 Recruitment and ... · PDF fileDuring the period of...

INFORMATION ON AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF 5.1 Recruitment and Management 5.1.1 Provide the HEP policies on staff recruitment to include the requirements related to the qualifications for appointment. Indicate how frequent the HEP reviews its recruitment policy. Generally, the recruitment of staff is based on the nature and types of programmes offered (e.g. diploma, bachelor). The number of staff recruited will co-relate with the number of students in the programme. According to MOHE requirement, the ratio of staff to students is 1:15. UiTM’s staff recruitment policy is aligned with MOHE guidelines. With reference to the 9th Malaysia Plan, UiTM (2006-2010), UiTM has come up with its 21 Strategies. According to Strategy 2 of the 9th Malaysia Plan UiTM (Pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia ke-9 UiTM) 2006-2010, the University will recruit more staff with PhD and will encourage its staff to pursue PhD so that it will move in line with its aspiration to be a premier university. Under Strategy 19, the University will improve its programmes of staff training. UiTM Pahang’s Strategic Planning Unit was established in part, to monitor staff recruitment, amongst other responsibilities. Each programme will forward data on the enrolment of students, academic and non-academic staff to the unit to assist the branch campus in working out its budget allocation and creation of academic posts (DM 45; DM 52; DM 54) respectively. The staff recruitment will depend on the programme needs and requirements, whereas staff qualifications will be based on the programme level offered.

Transcript of INFORMATION ON AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF 5.1 Recruitment and ... · PDF fileDuring the period of...

Page 1: INFORMATION ON AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF 5.1 Recruitment and ... · PDF fileDuring the period of service, UiTM academic staff is governed by the Government General Order, Service Circular


5.1 Recruitment and Management

5.1.1 Provide the HEP policies on staff recruitment to include the requirements

related to the qualifications for appointment. Indicate how frequent the

HEP reviews its recruitment policy.

Generally, the recruitment of staff is based on the nature and types of

programmes offered (e.g. diploma, bachelor). The number of staff

recruited will co-relate with the number of students in the programme.

According to MOHE requirement, the ratio of staff to students is 1:15.

UiTM’s staff recruitment policy is aligned with MOHE guidelines. With

reference to the 9th Malaysia Plan, UiTM (2006-2010), UiTM has come up

with its 21 Strategies. According to Strategy 2 of the 9th Malaysia Plan

UiTM (Pelaksanaan Rancangan Malaysia ke-9 UiTM) 2006-2010, the

University will recruit more staff with PhD and will encourage its staff to

pursue PhD so that it will move in line with its aspiration to be a premier

university. Under Strategy 19, the University will improve its programmes

of staff training.

UiTM Pahang’s Strategic Planning Unit was established in part, to monitor

staff recruitment, amongst other responsibilities. Each programme will

forward data on the enrolment of students, academic and non-academic

staff to the unit to assist the branch campus in working out its budget

allocation and creation of academic posts (DM 45; DM 52; DM 54)

respectively. The staff recruitment will depend on the programme needs

and requirements, whereas staff qualifications will be based on the

programme level offered.

Page 2: INFORMATION ON AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF 5.1 Recruitment and ... · PDF fileDuring the period of service, UiTM academic staff is governed by the Government General Order, Service Circular

5.1.2 Describe the HEP’s criteria and administrative procedures for initial

appointment, promotion and tenure. Provide written guidelines. If there are

multiple tracks for academic staff, describe these and the criteria for


The selection and recruitment of new academic staff is carried out at the

branch campus level based on the terms and conditions of service of

Sistem Saraan Malaysia (SSM) provided by Public Service Department.

This is to ensure that the faculty recruits qualified and quality staff.

Nevertheless, there are specific processes that the various faculties

practice as mentioned in Prosedur Pengambilan Staf Akademik.

The process starts when Jawatankuasa Pengurusan Pejabat Pendaftar

identifies the need for academic staff at a particular time. It is normally

based on teaching manpower requirement and budget and Management

Meetings. This is followed by advertisements in newspapers and UiTM

web-site. All qualified applicants are first short-listed and called for mock-

teaching session. The suitable candidates are then called for an interview

after which the successful candidates are given Letters of Intent (LOI) as

lecturers for the campus while awaiting the official Letter of Offer from

JPbSM. A ‘report for duty’ date will be mentioned in the offer letter based

on the Prosedur Perolehan Staf Akademik.

The recruitment of academic staff is based on these guidelines:

Terms of Appointment :

i) A government recognised masters degree in the relevant fields from

local institutions of higher education; or ii) A government recognised Doctor of Philosphy degree (Ph.D) in

relevant field from local institutions of higher education.

Page 3: INFORMATION ON AREA 5: ACADEMIC STAFF 5.1 Recruitment and ... · PDF fileDuring the period of service, UiTM academic staff is governed by the Government General Order, Service Circular

During the period of service, UiTM academic staff is governed by the

Government General Order, Service Circular and other guidelines set by

the HEP from time to time with regards to the service, behavior, discipline

and conditions of service.

Conditions to be fulfilled as a new academic staff are:

• Fulfill the three (3) years probation period

• Attend and pass the induction course

• Attend and pass the Kursus Asas Pengajaran (KAP) conducted by

Institute of Leadership and Quality Management (ILQaM)

• Complete one (1) research project registered with Research

Management Institute (RMI)

A conditional offer as a lecturer is well documented in Syarat-syarat

Perkhidmatan Sebagai Pensyarah which is given to the lecturers during

their initial appointment. An academic staff will be confirmed in the service

once all the condtions stipulated above are fulfilled.

Other guidelines would be specified by Human Resource Dept, UiTM

(JPbSM) and Registrar Office UiTM.

5.1.3 Describe the mentoring and guidance system for new academic staff.

Provide information for the recent intake of new staff.

New members of the staff are provided with a service requirement

guideline as a lecturer and a New Lecturers‘ Kit. Among the information

included in the kit are:


-Service scheme

-Probation period

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-Competency Level Evaluation (PTK)

-Termination of Service/Resignation

-Medical Leave

-Medical Incentives

A Breaking the Ice form (Pecah Belon) is given to the new lecturers as an

initiative for them to introduce themselves to the Management Team of the

branch campus. A mentoring system is implemented by appointing a

senior lecturer to a group of new lecturers, where the mentor is

responsible to guide them in the various aspects of academic and non-

academic matters.

Table 5.1: New Academic Staff Intake, UiTM Pahang (2008-2010)

Year Academic Staff Intake

2008 54

2009 46

2010 11 (until 1 June 2010)

Academic staff can serve the University until retirement age. According to

the Pension Act 1980 (Akta Pencen 1980 (Akta 227), Statutory Authorities

Pension Act 1980 (Akta Pencen Pihak-pihak Berkuasa Berkanun dan

Tempatan 1980 (Akta 239) and Service Circular No. 6/2008 (Pekeliling

Perkhidmatan Bil.6 Tahun 2008), the age of retirement for academic staff

is either 56 or 58 years.

Branch campus can request the retired lecturers to apply to become

contract lecturers for a specified period of time if their expertise is still

needed by the respective faculties.

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Contract lecturers are appointed according to Service Circular 2/2005—

Guideline on Appointment of Contract Officers (Pekeliling Perkhidmatan

Bil 2/2005—Panduan Perlantikan Pegawai Kontrak).

5.2 Staff Profile

5.2.1 Provide data to show that the staffing profile matches the range and

balance of teaching skills, specializations and qualifications required to

deliver each programme. Identify any problem areas and describe

corrective actions needed and planned.

The branch campus will ensure that qualified lecturers are selected to

teach the courses in the programmes offered. The various faculties will

generally map out all the courses in the programme and the type of

qualified lecturers. Basically, academic staff with Ph.D and professional

qualifications will be assigned to teach post-graduate, degree courses and

professional programmes while those with Masters’ qualifications will be

assigned to teach diploma and degree courses.

Table 5.2: Number and Qualifications of Academic Staff by Faculty (UiTM Pahang, 2009).

Faculty Status Academic Qualification

Local Total

FT PT Contract FTPT

CITU 11 - - - Masters 11

3 - - 1 Bachelors 4

APB 2 - - - PhD 2

23 - 1 - Masters 24

- - 4 - Bachelors 4

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FSG 5 - - - PhD 5

56 - 1 - Masters 57

- 1 10 2 Bachelors 13

1 - - - Others 1

FPTP 18 - - - Masters 18

2 - 1 3 Bachelors 6

FPP 1 - - - PhD 1

35 1 1 - Masters 37

- - - 10 Bachelors 10

FKA 1 - - - PhD 1

19 1 - - Masters 20

1 1 - - Bachelors 2

1 - - - Others 1

FSKM 48 - - - Masters 48

- - 3 2 Bachelors 5

FP 22 - 1 - Masters 23

2 3 - 3 Bachelors 8

FSR 2 - - - Masters 2

- - 1 - Bachelors 1

Kuantan 1 - - - PhD 1

13 - 1 - Masters 14

- - 2 - Bachelors 2

Raub 1 - - - Masters 1

TOTAL 268 7 26 21 - 322

** until 31/12/2009

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Table 5.3: Designation of Permanent Academic Staff

Designation Number of Permanent Academic Staff


Professor 2 2

Assoc. Prof 11 11

Senior Lecturer 44 44

Lecturer 167 167

Junior Lecturer 14 14

Assistant Lecturer 2 2

Total 240

** until 31/12/2009

5.3 Staff Functions and Responsibilities

5.3.1 Describe the teaching responsibility, research and scholarly activities,

consultancy, community services and administrative functions of academic

staff to show a balance of function and responsibility in line with academic


Academic staff must be wholesome. They are to teach, conduct research,

participate in seminars and conferences, write articles and publish them in

refereed journals, conduct consultancy works where possible, and

participate in community service whenever possible.

UiTM’s academic staffs have a workload of 16-18 hours per week. The

workload and academic responsibilities may comprise lectures, tutorial,

laboratory work, the supervision of project papers, theses and fieldwork.

Lecturers are normally given two (2) or three (3) course codes only to

make it easier for them to focus and consolidate their work. Each lecturer

may also choose a field of interest he/she could specialise in and carry out

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research on. In allocating courses for lecturer to teach, the Programme

Coordinators must ensure that the contents of some of the codes are

similar or related

Refer to :

• Perlaksanaan Dasar Dan Polisi Amanah Tugasan Akademik

(reference – Bahagian Hal Ehwal Akademik)

• Sasaran Kerja Tahunan (SKT)

• Buku Nilai dan Etika Pensyarah UiTM

ATA: Equitable work distribution and meritorious academic roles are

recognised and appropriately rewarded through promotion, salary

increment and other remuneration practices.

With reference to the Pekeliling Timbalan Naib Canselor (Akademik) Bil

10/2002, academic staff holding administrative posts will be given

teaching hours as follows:

Table 5.4: Workload for Academic Administrators

Adminstrative Posts Teaching Hours

Director of Campus 4

Head of Centres 4-6

Deputy Directors 6-8

Head of Programme/Programme



Others (with official appointments) 12-14

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5.3.2. Describe how the University balances its recruitment between all levels of

academic and non academic staff and between local and international

academic staff with multi-disciplinary backgrounds.

UiTM is consistently on track in its continuous improvement effort on staff

recruitment to reach the following ratio of lecturers to students, namely:

Table 5.5: Ratio of Lecturer to Student as per Programme Level

Ratio Programme Level

1:20 Diploma

1:10 Bachelor

The current ratio of lecturers to students in UiTM Pahang is presented in

Table 5.6.

Table 5.6: Current Ratio of Lecturers to Students by Faculty, UiTM Pahang

Faculties No. of Academic Staffs

No. of Full-Time Students


Perakaunan 34 653 1:19

Sains Gunaan 84 1561 1:18

Kejuruteraan Awan 25 555 1:22

Pengurusan Perniagaan 50 1141 1:23

Pengurusan & Teknologi


24 667 1:28

Sains Komputer &


54 266 1:5

Akademi Pengajian


79 - -

Pusat Pemikiran &

Kefahaman Islam

15 - -

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Sains Sukan & Rekreasi 7 104 1:15

Total 372 4947 1:13

Table 5.7: Statistics on UiTM Pahang Staff for the period 2008-2010

Year Academic Administrative Total

2008 283 360 643

2009 322 373 695

2010 334 383 717

** until 1 June 2010

5.4 Staff Promotion

5.4.1 State the HEP’s policy for ensuring that teaching, research and service

contributions are appropriately recognized and rewarded.

UiTM Pahang supports the endeavors of the Career Development and

Performance Management Division under the Registrar’s Office to

establish a system of recognition and reward for academic staff through

teaching, research and service contributions. Recognition and Award for

Long Service are given to academic staffs who serve the University for a

term of 20, 25 and 30 years.

The Sasaran Kerja Tahunan (SKT) form, which details the academic staff

year-long work target, is to be submitted to the Programme Coordinators,

who will then evaluate and have it forwarded to the Campus Director for

Excellence Award (Anugerah Cemerlang) which will be given to deserving

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academic staff who have contributed at all levels (faculty, university and


Academic staff who have undergone and completed their PTK

successfully will be awarded salary increment. The names of the

successful candidates will be forwarded by JPbSM to the Campus Director

for salary increment endorsement.

5.4.2 Describe the policies, criteria and processes in the appointment and

promotion to academic positions particularly that of professorship and

associate professorship.

Senior Lecturership and Associate Professorship are awarded to lectures

that fulfill the conditions as required. A Committee known as

Jawatankuasa Kesepakaran UiTM Pahang is set-up at the branch campus

level to process the applications. Applications for promotion can be

submitted to this Committee by academic staff, and those who are

successful will be upgraded to DM 52 or DM 54.

There are seven criteria for promotion to associate professorship and

these are:

• Teaching and/or Supervision

• Research and Publication

• Consultancy and/or Expertise

• Conferences

• University Service/Social Service

• Appraisal and Academic Awards

• Academic Leadership and Personal Qualities.

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The policy, criteria and process of promotion are outlined in the Guideline

on Promotion Matters of UiTM Lecturers (Amended 1/2008) (Garis

Panduan Urusan Kenaikan Pangkat Pensyarah UiTM (Pindaan 1/2008)

Refer to Jadual Pemberat Setiap Kriteria Umum Mengikut Gred Jawatan,

dan Garis Panduan Urusan Kenaikan Pangkat Pensyarah UiTM ( Pindaan



Sistem Saraan Malaysia – Pekeliling PerKhidmatan –JPA. Bil.4 Tahun


Pekeliling Perkhidmatan – JPA Bil. 14 Tahun 2000 – Skim Perkhidmatan

Pensyarah UiTM

Skim Perkidmatan Penolong Pensyarah UiTM

Panduan Pengambilan Staf Akademik UiTM

5.4.3 Provide information on institutional policy on service, development and

appraisal of the academic staff. Describe the HEP policy to retain the

academic staff. Give information on the academic staff leaving the

institution in the last five years.

Performance of academic staff is evaluated once a year where they are

required to fill in the Performance Appraisal Form and Sasaran Kerja

Tahunan (SKT) form. Awards in the form of Anugerah Perkhidmatan

Cemerlang or a salary increment will be given based on performance.

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Career Advancement and Performance Management Division (Bah.

Pengurusan Prestasi dan Peningkatan Kerjaya (BPPPK), the Registrar’s

Office manages the evaluation of academic staff performance. BPPPK

sends out letters to all Branch Campuses for preparation of the Evaluation

Performance Report (Laporan Penilaian Prestasi). This takes place in

October for that particular evaluation year.

Academic staffs leave the institution for a variety of reasons, which

include, retirement, medical reasons or transferred. The reasons and the

numbers of staff who have left the institution are listed below.

Table 5.8: Number of Academic Staff who Left UiTM Pahang (2006-2010)

Reasons 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010

Optional Retirement - - 1 - -

Compulsory/Obligatory Retirement 1 3 - - 1

Transferred to Public/Private


1 2 1 3 -

Transferred to other campuses 8 6 8 12 5

Passed Away 1 1 - - -

Medical Reasons - - - - -

Personal Reasons 14 2 5 1 3

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5.5 Staff Training and Development Programmes

5.5.1 Show evidence of, and state the mechanisms and procedures for

professional development and career advancement of the academic staff

(including study leave, sabbatical, advanced training, specialized courses,

re-tooling, etc)

To assist academic staff at the branch level, UiTM Pahang has

established various institutions such as iLQaM, UPENA, PJI and Unit

Kualiti. SIGs at faculty level and centers of excellence at the university

level have also been established to encourage lecturers develop their


Training programmes for academic staff is determined by iLQaM and

training programme for non-academic staff is provided by JPbSM. The

Training Needs Analysis (TNA) which is filled up by the academic staff

each year aims to help iLOaM UiTM Pahang identify and determine

training programmes required for their professional development.

According to Service Circular No. 2/2005—Public Sector Human

Resource Training Implementation Plan (Pekeliling Perkhidmatan Bil

2/2005—Pelaksanaan Pelan Latihan Sumber Manusia Sektor Awam),

training for academic staff amounts to 56 hours per year comprising of:

• 20 hours for general competence

• 20 hours for special competence

• 16 hours for ICT training

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Table 5.9: Number of Staff Participation in Programmes Conducted by

iLQaM, UiTM Pahang

Programme 2008 2009 2010

Induction Pensyarah Baru

Wacana Perkongsian Ilmu (Bersiri)

Bengkel IT

5.5.2 Describe how participation in staff development programmes is


Information on Staff Development Programmes by iLQaM Shah Alam and

iLQaM UiTM Pahang are made available through their websites and via

email to all staff. Interested academic staff can make online application.

Among the programmes offered are induction programmes, computer

software training workshops and teaching methodology.

Members of the academia who are interested in enhancing their career

development can log on to iLQaM Portal, browse through the training

categories of courses offered, select the desired course and register

online. Academic staffs are also encouraged to attend training in areas

which could benefit the University but organized and conducted externally

by other private or public institutions/organizations.

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5.5.3 Describe the support available to assist academic staff to develop

teaching skills in line with current trends in pedagogy, curriculum design,

instructional materials and assessment.

At the branch campus level, iLQaM, PJI and i-Learn are among the

entities which provide the necessary support to develop and enhance

teaching and learning as well as other skills relevant to ensure that UiTM’s

academic staff will always benefit from the system which has been put in

place in the University as a means of providing satisfactory academic

career for its academia.

5.5.4 Show evidence that academic staff are provided with the necessary

training, tools and technology.

iLQaM is responsible for the training of academic staff to improve their

teaching skills and enhance their career development opportunities.

Members of the academia are also given ample opportunity to advance

their career through participation in other academic activities conducted

outside of the University.

5.5.5 Describe how the student appraisal of the academic staff is conducted.

Indicate its frequency.

Currently student appraisal of the academic staff is conducted online and

is known as Student Feedback Online (SuFo). This appraisal method is

implemented in the December-April 2010 semester and replaces the

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Lecturer Evaluation Online (LEO) appraisal method which was practised

before. Appraisal of academic staff by students takes place every


5.6 Staff Research and Consultancy

The Research Manage Institute (RMI), formerly known as the Institute of

Research and Development Centre (IRDC) is established to manage, monitor

and implement research, consultancy, intellectual property protection and

commercialization. At UiTM Pahang, the Research and Industrial Linkages

Division (PJI) also conducts seminars, workshops, road shows and exhibitions to

motivate and train the academics and non-academic staff on research and

consultancy, innovation and designs, securing research grants and projects,

managing their research funds accordingly and publishing research work in a

manner that is responsible and ethical. Academic staff can apply for research

grants from RMI, E-SCIENCE, FRGS, MOHE, MOSTI and other agencies.

Lecturers are also encouraged to participate in research and publication since

both aspects will be taken into account for confirmation and promotion. Research

can be conducted individually or jointly with academic staff within the campus or

collaboratively with staff of other HEPs or agencies.

(refer to RMU Pahang Annual Report)

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5.6.1. Show evidence of the existence of or academic staff access to institutions,

centres or activities (e.g. centres of excellence, research institutes,

professional bodies, learned societies, academic forums) that support

academic staff development.

The Research and Industrial Linkages (PJI) Division is responsible for

managing, monitoring and implementing research, consultancy work,

innovation and publication involving academic staff. PJI conducts

seminars, workshops and road shows to encourage motivate and train the

academics and non-academic staff on research and consultancy, securing

research grants and projects, managing their finances well and publishing

research work in a manner that is responsible and ethical. PJI also

organizes competitions to encourage innovations and inventions within the

University’s environment.

The involvement/recognition of academic staff at the national and

international level was reported in RMU Pahang Annual Report.

(refer to RMU Pahang Annual Report)

5.6.2 Describe the policy on consultancy and private practice

Lecturers who carry out consultancy works are required to register with

PJI, UiTM Pahang. Consultancy includes the following:

• Contract research

• Services/evaluation

• Seminar/conference

• Expert panel

• Professional service

• Testing, maintenance and training

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All registered consultancy works are required to return to the University a

total of 30% from the project cost.

The total Cost of Projects for Consultancy and Major Clients of PJI, UiTM

Pahang reported in RMU Pahang Annual Report.

(refer to RMU Pahang Annual Report)

5.6.3 List and describe the major conferences organised by the HEP in the last

five years.

The major conferences that were organised by UiTM Pahang in the last

five years shown in the Directory of Expertise UiTM Pahang.

(refer to Directory of Expertise UiTM Pahang)

5.6.4 List and describe the major conferences attended and actively participated

by members of the academic staff in the last five years. Describe how the

academic staff are given the opportunity to participate in professional,

academic and other relevant activities at national and international levels.

How is this participation appraised and its results utilised for purposes of

enhancing the student experience.

Participation of academic staff in academic activities is appraised in their

promotion exercise.

(refer to RMU Pahang Annual Report)

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5.6.5 List and describe involvement of academic staff in national and

international activities.

(refer to RMU Pahang Annual Report)

5.6.6 Give evidence of national and international recognition of staff members

(e.g. journal editorship, service as peer reviewers, study and expert-

groups, and national committee membership).

(refer to UPENA UiTM Pahang Report)

5.6.7 Show the research activities of the academic staff in the last five years.

(refer to RMU Pahang Annual Report)

5.7 Staff Discipline

5.7.1 Describe the processes and procedures in handling disciplinary cases

involving academic staff.

On receiving information or complaint of misconduct, the appointed officer

in charge would set up a committee to investigate the validity of the

complaint received. The committee would call upon the alleged individual

to defend him/herself, after which further investigation is carried out before

deciding on the course of action.

On receiving information of continuous absence of staff, the Deputy

Director for Academic Affairs with the Senior Deputy Registrar would have

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to summon the alleged person, to advise and issue a verbal reprimand. If

there were no improvement within seven days, a written reminder would

be issued. Should there be no improvement even after a further lapse of

seven days, the Disciplinary Management Unit/Pension and Service

Division/ JPbSM would be informed to withhold any disbursement of

salary. Report of continuous misconduct would be sent to the Disciplinary

Management Unit and the Registrar’s Office for disciplinary action.

On receiving information of the arrest of a staff involved in the commitment

of crime from the police headquarters/court, the appointed officer in

charge would have to request for details/information on the arrest or

mention of case/charge sheet from the police headquarters/court within

seven days, in accordance with the requirements of Section 27 (2)

Statutory Bodies (Discipline and Surcharge) Act 2000. At the end of the

seven-day grace period, the appointed officer in charge would have to

forward a report with all the information obtained from the police

headquarters/court to the Disciplinary Management Unit of the Registrar’s

Office for further disciplinary action.


• Refer to Service Circular No. 32/2008 – Guidelines on Handling Staff

• Disciplinary Cases at the level of the Office in Charge (Pekeliling

Pendaftar Bil 32/2008 – Garis Panduan Pengendalian Salah Laku Staf

di Peringkat Pusat Tanggungjawab)