Information, Decision Support…

ucceeding with Technology Information, Decision Support… Decision Making and Problem Solving Management Information Systems Decision Support Systems Group Decision Support Systems Hybrid and Special-Purpose Systems Please discontinue use of cell phone and turn off ringer Chapter 9


Information, Decision Support…. Decision Making and Problem Solving Management Information Systems Decision Support Systems Group Decision Support Systems Hybrid and Special-Purpose Systems. Please discontinue use of cell phone and turn off ringer. Chapter 9. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

Transcript of Information, Decision Support…

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Succeeding with Technology

Information, Decision Support…

Decision Making and Problem Solving Management Information Systems Decision Support Systems Group Decision Support Systems Hybrid and Special-Purpose Systems

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Chapter 9

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Succeeding with Technology


Decision Making and Problem Solving

• Decision making• Problem solving• Programmed decisions• Nonprogrammed decisions• Optimization model• Heuristics

Key Terms

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Succeeding with Technology

Decision Making & Problem Solving Process

Intelligence Stage

Design Stage

Choice Stage



Potential Problems and opportunities are identified and defined

Alternative solutions to the problem are developed

Select a course of action

Solution put into effect

Evaluate the implementation

Decision Making

Problem Solving

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Succeeding with Technology


Decision Types

Programmed decisionsStructured situations with well defined


Non-programmed decisionsIll-structured situations with vague or changing

relationships between variablesNot easily quantifiable in advance


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Succeeding with Technology


A MIS sheds light on a wide-range of common, day-to-day business decisions.

A DSS supports decision making for specific unique and difficult decisions.

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Succeeding with Technology

Optimization and Heuristic Approaches

An optimization model finds the best solution, usually the one that will best help individuals or organizations meet their goals.

Heuristics, often referred to as “rules of thumb”—commonly accepted guidelines or procedures that usually find a good solution, but not necessarily the optimal solution—are often used in the decision-making process.

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Succeeding with Technology


Management Information Systems

• Management Information System (MIS)• Business Intelligence• Scheduled report• Demand report• Exception report• Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) System

Key Terms

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Succeeding with Technology

Management Information Systems (MIS)

MIS: an information system designed to provide routine information to managers and decision makers

Business intelligence (BI): Technologies that are used to gather and report information that supports intelligent business decision making.

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Succeeding with Technology

MIS Input and Output


Corporate Databases






in out

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Reports, Reports, Reports

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Scheduled Reports are produced periodically on a schedule; daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, annualy, ect.

Demand Reports are developed to get certain information at a person’s request.

Exception Reports are automatically produced when a situation is unusual or requires action.


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Succeeding with Technology

ERP: integrates all data processing in an enterprise into one unified systemthat draws from a common database system.

Enterprise Resource Planning


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Decision Support Systems

• Decision Support System• What-if analysis• Goal-seeking analysis

Key Terms

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ExpertSystem (ES)

Transaction Processing System (TPS)

Management Information System (MIS)

DecisionSupport System (DSS)

greatercomplexityand intelligence,lessactivity

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Decision Support Systems

A decision support system (DSS) is an information system used to support problem-specific decision making.

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What-if analysis is the process of making hypothetical changes to problem data and observing the impact on the results.

What-if is used in projecting paths of hurricanes

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Goal-seeking analysis is the process of determining what problem data is required for a given result.

What must be done in order to safely withdraw troops within a year?

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Succeeding with Technology


Group Decision Support Systems

• Group decision support system (GDSS)• Groupware

Key Terms

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Succeeding with Technology

Group Decision Support Systems (GDSS)

A GDSS or computerized collaborative work system is designed to provide effective support in group decision-making settings.

A GDSS is flexible, supports anonymous input, and reduces negative group dynamics

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GDSS software, called groupware, helps with joint work group scheduling, communication, and management.

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Hybrid and Special-Purpose Systems

• Knowledge Management System• Geographic information system (GIS)• Informatics

Key Terms

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Succeeding with Technology

Knowledge Management System

A knowledge management (KM) system assists an organization in capturing, storing, and distributing knowledge for use and reuse by the organization and sometimes by its partners and customers.

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Specialized Systems

A geographic information system (GIS) is capable of storing, manipulating, and displaying geographic or spatial information including maps of locations or regions around the world.

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Informatics combines traditional disciplines, like science and medicine, with computer systems and technology.

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Succeeding with Technology

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