Information Briefing Nursery - Primary School

Information Briefing Nursery St Luke’s RC Primary School 2020 Welcome to any new families to the school. At the end of the briefing please come and speak to one of us!

Transcript of Information Briefing Nursery - Primary School

Information BriefingNursery

St Luke’s RC Primary School 2020

Welcome to any new families to the school. At the end of the briefing please come and speak to one of us!

Building Fund

PA Connect

Please keep an eye out for an invite to our communication system. Once you’ve registered forms will be sent out. Please complete them

We communicate via Facebook.

We also have a school website where you will find lots of information and be able to see what’s going on in your child’s class.

In the EYFS we share your child’s progress with you using an online ‘Learning Journal’ called Evidence Me. Please complete the form sent out on Parent App if you would like us to share this with you.

Our promise to you is that we will create a happy, safe and secure learning environment where all children can achieve


School Expectations • Uniform

• Black leather shoes

• No trainers

• Dark bobbles

• No large bows

• No earrings

• Long hair tied back

• Book bags

No rucksacks

Spare clothes and wipes in a draw

string bag!

Nursery Team (FS1)

The Nursery team are always happy to help. Please speak to us throughout the year if you have any questions.

Teachers Miss Simpson (EYFS Manager)

Teaching Assistants Miss HayesAnd another TBC

Please see the school website for photographs and videos of the staff and classrooms.

Typical Day

• Children enter each morning via the Nursery classroom door. The door opens at 08.30am and closes at 08.55am The gates will be locked at this time.

• Staff are always available on the Nursery door or inside the classroom each morning.

• Every day the children will participate in four carpet sessions - Literacy, Maths, Phonics and another area of learning e.g. RE.

• They will then do a mixture of focussed activities and free play.

• A curriculum meeting will be arranged in September.

• Nursery finishes at 3.00pm, please be prompt. If somebody different is going to pick up your child please inform school.


EYFS Fund 50p per week. This goes towards:

• Special snacks• Cooking ingredients• Birthdays• Playdough ingredients etc.


• All children receive a free fruit snack daily • All children receive free milk• Water freely available throughout the day


All Nursery children need a packed lunch. This just needs to be enough for your child to eat during lunch time. Please consider any choking hazards e.g. grapes and be mindful that we are a healthy school so no sweets, crisps, chocolate or fizzy drinks. Please also teach your child to feed themselves with a spoon, drink from a cup and wash and dry their own hands.

Transition September 2020

At this time of year, we usually would of already started transition work with visits etc.. Due to the unprecedented circumstance we are in we have been

unable to do this.

Please see the school website for photographs and videos of the classrooms and staff. Please show these to your child and talk to them about starting school.

We are awaiting guidance from the Local Authority on what transition will be like in September. Please be prepared that children will not start full time from day one, as we have a legal duty to transition children in a staggered way to

ensure that they feel happy, safe and secure. We will be in touch via ParentAppas soon as we receive this guidance.

In the meantime here are some things that you can do to help your child transition:

• Enjoy their company and spend time with them. Get down on their level, encourage eye contact, explain things to them.

• Share books with your children, talking in detail about the illustrations.• Have clear boundaries, encourage them to listen and follow instructions and tidy up. • Encourage your child to speak in full sentences.• Ditch the dummy! – they affect children’s speech.• Help them learn to put on / take off and fasten their own coat and shoes,

wipe their nose and use the toilet independently.

Together we can make a difference.

Please ring or email school if have any questions if you need to!